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Effect of raw materials nomenclature and their temperature upon safety and quality parameters of mechanically separated poultry meat

  • Institute of Food Resources of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


Introduction. The research was conducted to determine the influence of technological factors and basic properties of different types of raw materials on the determinants of quality and food safety of poultry meat mechanically separated. Materials and methods. To fulfill the research most practical and widely spread raw materials for manufacturing mechanically separated poultry meat were used, namely these: whole carcasses of broilers and hens, hen necks and broiler backs. Temperature ranged from minus 4 єС to 6 єС. Research was fulfilled using screw type press-separator «Lima» and band type press-separator «Вaader». Results and discussion. A certain range of the most proper temperature parameters corresponds to each of the types of raw materials studied thus enabling producing mechanically separated poultry meat of the safe content of bone inclusions by significantly high output of end product. During the hard separation using screw separator machines the said range is from 0 єС to 2 єС for almost all the types of the raw materials processed. Decline in bone inclusions content is detected from the temperature threshold of minus 2 єС. In some way lower product output is offset with the quality of the staff obtained – namely the content of bone inclusions. The most proper range for broilers and hen necks is from 4 єС to 6 єС. Rather a similar effect is found for soft separation with the use of band machines. The surface-frozen raw materials are usually known not to be processed with separators of the said type – mainly, because of rapid wear of the pressing band of the separation unit and lower, comparing to screw separator machines, pressure effecting the raw materials. When raw materials are surface-frozen by minus 2 єС and are to be processed with the use of band separators, the said raw materials shall be preliminary ground with the use of meat grinders (meat wolves) equipped with the plates with big diameter orifices. In average by 9–10% lower output of mechanically separated poultry meat is characteristic for soft separation comparing to hard separation, while the average content of bone inclusions in the case of hard separation is by 40% higher. The most proper, considering technology and food safety issues, temperature range of raw materials is from 2 єС to 6 єС. The use of raw materials their temperature being lower than minus 2 єС is not applicable. The said is especially true for hen necks, as with the decline in temperature the raise in bone inclusions content in end product is drastic. Conclusion. The research making it possible to obtain mechanically separated poultry meat of minimal bone inclusions content while output values of end products being significant.
─── Food Technologies ──
─── Ukrainian Journal of Food Science. 2017. Volume 5. Issue 1 ───
Effect of raw materials nomenclature and their
temperature upon safety and quality parameters of
mechanically separated poultry meat
Georgiy Yeresko1, Galina Cherednichenko2,
Svitlana Bondar1, Sergii Verbytskyi1
1 – Іnstitute of Food Resource of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv
2 – National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine
Article history:
Received in
revised form
Svitlana Bondar
Introduction. The research was conducted to determine the
influence of technological factors and basic properties of different types
of raw materials on the determinants of quality and food safety of
poultry meat mechanically separated.
Materials and methods. To fulfill the research most practical and
widely spread raw materials for manufacturing mechanically separated
poultry meat were used, namely these: whole carcasses of broilers and
hens, hen necks and broiler backs. Temperature ranged from minus 4 ºС
to 6 ºС. Research was fulfilled using screw type press-separator «Lima»
and band type press-separator «Вaader».
Results and discussion. A certain range of the most proper
temperature parameters corresponds to each of the types of raw
materials studied thus enabling producing mechanically separated
poultry meat of the safe content of bone inclusions by significantly high
output of end product. During the hard separation using screw separator
machines the said range is from 0 ºС to 2 ºС for almost all the types of
the raw materials processed. Decline in bone inclusions content is
detected from the temperature threshold of minus 2 ºС. In some way
lower product output is offset with the quality of the staff obtained –
namely the content of bone inclusions. The most proper range for
broilers and hen necks is from 4 ºС to 6 ºС. Rather a similar effect is
found for soft separation with the use of band machines. The surface-
frozen raw materials are usually known not to be processed with
separators of the said type – mainly, because of rapid wear of the
pressing band of the separation unit and lower, comparing to screw
separator machines, pressure effecting the raw materials. When raw
materials are surface-frozen by minus 2 ºС and are to be processed with
the use of band separators, the said raw materials shall be preliminary
ground with the use of meat grinders (meat wolves) equipped with the
plates with big diameter orifices.
In average by 9–10% lower output of mechanically separated
poultry meat is characteristic for soft separation comparing to hard
separation, while the average content of bone inclusions in the case of
hard separation is by 40% higher. The most proper, considering
technology and food safety issues, temperature range of raw materials is
from 2 ºС to 6 ºС. The use of raw materials their temperature being
lower than minus 2 ºС is not applicable. The said is especially true for
hen necks, as with the decline in temperature the raise in bone inclusions
content in end product is drastic.
Conclusion. The research making it possible to obtain mechanically
separated poultry meat of minimal bone inclusions content while output
values of end products being significant.
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─── Ukrainian Journal of Food Science. 2017. Volume 5. Issue 1 ───
A significant part of meat protein raw materials in the formulations of the said foods
belongs to such poultry raw meats as ground meat after manual deboning and meat of
mechanical deboning. More significant part of mechanically deboned meat is often
considered to be a beneficial factor for enriching a product with fat, vitamins, mineral
substances etc. [1]. It is proven [2], that the nutritional value of poultry meat (namely
broiler chickens and turkeys meats) being mechanically deboned is almost equal to the
values of the said parameters measured in canned sardines, anchovy and mackerel
overwhelming the values measured in plant oils and beef products, while PER (Protein
Efficiency Ratio) value in mechanically deboned poultry meat was greater than PER values
measured in all the foods mentioned above. However the significant content of bone
inclusions confines the use of mechanically deboned poultry meat these inclusions being
difficult for detection and proper assessment 3, 4. A number of studies have been held to
determine content of this raw food, namely quality parameters, proteins, lipids and minerals
content, bone rests together with stability of proteins and lipids, the presence of pathogen
and other microorganisms. Mechanically deboned poultry meat has proven its nutritional
and functional traits while being safe for human life and health. The mechanical deboning
technology allows preserving useful minerals, lipids and proteins, so that the product
obtained as a result of fulfillment of the said technological process can be used for
formulating a range of meat foods [5, 6]. At the same time, the mechanical process of
removing meat from the bone causes cell breakage, protein denaturation (with deterioration
of mechanical properties) and an increase in lipids and free heme groups, which implies
several disadvantages, such as color, flavor, palatability (attenuation of characteristic taste)
and microbial load, making mechanically separated poultry meat a highly perishable raw
material [7]. When the effect of adding chicken breast (5, 15 or 25%) or mechanically
deboned chicken meat (5, 15, 25 or 35%) on quality characteristics of emulsion-type
sausage was evaluated [8], it was determined that addition of chicken breast sausages
caused increased moisture and protein content (%), but decreased fat content of the
sausages. Addition of mechanically deboned chicken meat to sausages caused decrease in
the moisture and protein content (%), but increase in the fat content (%) of the sausages.
Addition of chicken breast to sausages caused raise in P, Na and Cu contents. Addition of
mechanically deboned chicken meat sausages caused increase in Ca and Fe contents. The
addition of chicken breast sausages increased the hardness, springiness, gumminess and
chewiness values, but the addition of mechanically deboned chicken meat to sausages
decreased the hardness, springiness, gumminess and chewiness values, so that addition of
mechanically deboned chicken meat was the best choice concerning the quality of the
Materials and methods
To fulfill the research, the most practical and widely spread raw materials for
manufacturing mechanically separated poultry meat were used, namely these: whole
carcasses of broilers and hens, hen necks and broiler backs. Temperature ranged from
minus 4 ºС to 6 ºС.
Research was fulfilled using screw type press-separator «Lima» and band type press-
separator «Вaader».
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─── Ukrainian Journal of Food Science. 2017. Volume 5. Issue 1 ───
Temperature of the assayed ground meats was determined with the digital thermometer
«Checktemp» HI 98509. Determination range is from -50 to 150 °С. Resolution is 0.1 °С.
Accuracy is ± 0.3 °С (within temperature range from -20 to 90 °С).
Weight of samples was determined with the use of digital laboratory scale «OHAUS
RU 313». Determination range is from 0 to 310 g. Accuracy of measurement ± 0.001 g.
Parameters of raw materials and mechanically separated poultry meat were determined
with the use of following methods.
Content (by mass) of bone inclusions in mechanically separated poultry meat was
determined with the use of the specially developed method, implying separation of the said
particles from other components of the product. Muscle, connective and adipose tissues of a
sample are removed by boiling in alkaline solution. Not dissolved particles of the probe are
separated from bone inclusions by means of concentrated solution of zinc chloride.
Measurement of weight of bone inclusions is done after removing the excess zinc
chloride solution and drying in air oven.
Content of bone inclusion (by mass) is calculated with taking probe weight into
account. The range of bone inclusion (by mass) content by gravimetric method is from
0.05% to 1.5%.
The procedure of bone inclusion (by mass) content determination is following.
Potassium hydroxide solution (mass fraction 2%) shall be prepared by dissolving a
(20.0 ± 0.5) g probe of potassium hydroxide in 980 cm3 of distilled water.
Concentrated solution of zinc chloride shall be prepared. For the purpose saturated
solution of zinc chloride shall preliminary be prepared – a probe of zinc chloride of weight
of (280–300) g shall be dissolved in 100 cm3 of distilled water. For a probe of a sample
analyzed about 70 см3 of concentrated solution of density from 1.65 g/cm3 to 1.8 g/cm3 is
necessary. Incinerated calcium chloride is placed at the bottom of clean and dry desiccators.
A sample of mechanically separated poultry meat shall be comminuted to pasty body and
refrigerated by temperature not exceeding 4 °С.
A (50.00±0.05) g probe of sample is weighed in a 250 cm3 beaker, then 100 cm3 of
water solution of potassium hydroxide of mass fraction 2% shall be added and mixed
thoroughly. The beaker with the sample probe shall be placed on water-bath its temperature
not being less than 80 °С. The content of beaker shall be stirred occasionally from 1 h to
1.5 h to dissolve fragments of muscle tissue till a layer of not dissolved connective and
adipose tissues is formed at the surface of the solution.
The sample shall be removed from water-bath and let settle for about 2 min. The upper
layer of solution with the fragments of not dissolved connective and melted adipose tissues
shall be decanted with care. After decanting the side walls of the beakers shall be wiped
with a cotton or gauze wad rinsed with hot water in the case when the rests of adipose have
adhered to. The wad shall be discharged. A portion of 2% potassium hydroxide solution
shall be added to the rest of the sample in such a way that the level of solution in beaker
was about the same as the solution level before decanting, the solution shall be placed on
water-bath again. Adding of potassium hydroxide solution, heating, retention and decanting
shall be fulfilled repeatedly before the full dissolving of muscle tissue and removing of
adipose and connective tissues. Bone inclusions and other not dissolved particles, separated
from the sample, settle at the bottom of the beaker.
The potassium hydroxide solution with settled bone inclusions and other not dissolved
particles is decanted with care to prevent from their settling at the walls of the beaker. Then
bone inclusions and other not dissolved particles shall be washed in beaker with distilled
water 3–4 times by portions of 100–150 cm3.
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After washing bone inclusions and other not dissolved particles shall be carried to
dried and weighed to constant mass beakers by rinsing with distilled water, the result of
weight measurement shall be recorded with the accuracy of 0.001 g. Then bone inclusions
and other not dissolved particles shall be separated with the use of concentrated zinc
chloride solution, for the purpose the precipitate with bone inclusions and other not
dissolved particles is carried to the beaker by rinsing. The rest of the precipitate is diluted
with concentrated zinc chloride solution to fill about 3/4 of the beaker volume. The content
of the beaker is mixed by a glass stick and let settle for 1–2 min. Not dissolved particles
float at the surface of concentrated zinc chloride solution, as the density of the said solution
is higher than the density of not dissolved particles but lower than the density of bone
inclusions. The concentrated zinc chloride solution together with not dissolved particles
shall be decanted through a strainer to a separate glass in such a way that bone inclusions
are still at the bottom of the beaker. When some of not dissolved and not yet separated from
the bone inclusions particles are still in the precipitate, the separation process fulfill
repeatedly with the use of concentrated zinc chloride solution of higher density before the
full separation of bone inclusions from other not dissolved particles. Thus separated bone
inclusions are washed by distilled water to remove zinc chloride solution completely.
During the washing a cloudy solution of light gray color and heterogeneous density is
formed, the sludge gradually precipitates at the bottom of the beaker and gets white. The
most light-weighted bone inclusions retain in the solution so they can be decanted with the
solution when washed without care. To prevent this, the content of the beaker shall be
mixed with a glass stick to let the bone inclusions precipitate, then the upper transparent
layer of the solution shall be decanted with care. By gradual adding and decanting distilled
water, complete washing out of zinc chloride shall be achieved. The washing process with
distilled water is considered to be complete when the liquid above the bone inclusions
becomes transparent.
Beakers with completely separated, washed bone inclusions shall be dried by the
temperature (103±2) °С during 1 h, inserted from the air oven, sealed and placed to
desiccator completely filled with the incinerated calcium chloride and cool to the ambient
temperature. The duplicate sample shall be prepared in similar way.
After cooling to ambient temperature in desiccator the beakers shall be weighed on the
balance. Results shall be recorded with the accuracy of 0.001 g. The beakers shall be placed
into drying oven again, allowed to stay for 30 min, cooled and weighed again. When
decrease of weight from the first to the second weighing does not exceed 0.005 g, drying
shall be finished, but when decrease of weight exceeds 0.005 g, the beakers shall be placed
into drying oven again. Drying periods of 30 min shall be successively repeated till
difference of weight between successive dryings does not exceed 0.005 g. The results of
weighing shall be recorded to three decimal places.
Results of determination of bone inclusions content (by mass) in mechanically
separated poultry meat ω,%, in i parallel is calculated by formula:
1 2
( )
i i
m m
weight of a beaker with bone inclusions, g;
weight of a beaker, g;
weight of test portion, g;
– number of a parallel sample (
= 1, 2).
Arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations is recorded as the end
result of measurements of bone inclusions content in mechanically separated poultry meat
when the results of repeatability control are positive.
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Outcome of mechanically separated poultry meat is determined as the relation of the
mass of meat processed with the use of an appliance to the mass of the raw materials used
for processing,%.
1 2
( )
100 ,
m m
where А – mass of meat processed with the use of an appliance, g; C – the mass of the raw
materials used for processing, g;
Statistical analysis of the results obtained was fulfilled on the base of calculation of
arithmetic mean values and quadratic mean. All the experimental data are the results of 5
parallel determinations.
Results and discussion
Important parameters of mechanically separated poultry meat are the linear dimensions
of its particles and fractional content of bone inclusions. The said parameters are influenced
by machinery design and wear degree of working surfaces of separating units [9]. The
fractional content of bone inclusions and their linear dimensions are sufficiently influenced
by the diameter of filter orifices of a separating unit. With the decrease of orifices the
dimensions of bone inclusions also decrease and the part of fine fraction increases. By the
equal perforation dimensions, product safety level is sufficiently influenced by pressure
determining the output of the product. Thus, very fine bone inclusions are characteristic for
the perforation of 0.8 mm orifices, moreover, with the decrease of output the part of fine
inclusions increases. With the decrease of output, part of fine fraction decreases and part of
big fraction increases. Так, when output exceeds 68.7% rather big bone inclusions of 526.4
μm dimensions can be observed in the staff processed, however the part of the said
inclusions is not sufficient counting up to 0.27%. When a separating cylinder of 1.0 mm
orifices is used, the part of fine fraction with dimensions up to 300 μm decreases, but the
quantity of bone fragments with bigger dimensions increases. Such pattern is also true for
perforation orifices with 1.1 mm diameter, but the part of 300.1 to 500 μm fraction
increases from 0.3 to 5.75%. When 1.2 mm perforation is used, the part of the fraction with
bone fragments dimensions from 300.1 to 500 μm decreases 3.8 times, but bone inclusions
of 576.9 μm dimension can already be observed in the quantity of 1.5%. When a cylinder of
1.4 mm separation orifices is used, the part of 300.1 to 500 μm bone inclusion increases
from 0.99 to 2.63% with simultaneous increase of particles dimensions within the fraction
from 350.9 to 401.4 μm. To this, bone inclusions can be detected in mechanically separated
poultry meat: those of 621 μm in the quantity of 2.64%, and those of the dimensions from
954.1 to 1053.0 μm in the quantity from 0.5 to 2.26% [10].
The manufacturing process of mechanically separated poultry meat can be fulfilled
with the use of high pressure. Such technological solution is simpler when its technical
performance is considered, but the structure of the staff obtained is destroyed its slime
profile being not proper from the technologists’ point of view. However, low pressure
allows obtaining the profile characteristic for the ground meats of manual deboning, but
high output of the produce cannot be achieved. More valuable parts of carcasses, namely
filets, legs and drumsticks are used in great amounts, correspondingly the amounts of the
raw materials available for manufacturing mechanically separated poultry meat also rise, its
range of possible use in meat industry becoming wider [11]. However, the terminology
used to determine objects and processes connected with mechanical deboning of poultry
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carcasses and their pats cannot be considered to have become of common use. According to
[12], the term «mechanically separated meat» is used, this defining the product, obtained by
removing meat from bones or poultry carcasses with the use of mechanical tools, when
muscle fibers are destroyed or modified in some other way. The authors of [12] classify
mechanically separated meat obtained with low pressure (type І), and with high pressure
thus causing loss or modification of muscle fibers (type ІІ). In the first case meat staff is
obtained with the use of the methods not leading the modification of the raw materials used.
Mechanically separated meat obtained in any other way than that specified for type I
pertains to type II. Other authors [13–16] noticing significant dependence of quality
parameters of mechanically separated poultry meat upon the separation method applied use
the term «hard separation» for the separation process with high pressure and the term «soft
separation» for the separation process with low pressure. Processing with the latter method
not modifying the structure of raw materials can be fulfilled, for example, by the separators
of «Baader» company [13–16]. According to [17], up to 77% of all mechanically separated
poultry meats produced in EU are separated with high pressure. Market costs of such staff
are from 0.3 до 0.6 Euro/kg, however the meat staffs of the soft separation are from 0.6 to
1.5 Euro/kg. Mechanically separated poultry meat obtained with low pressure not only
possesses such trait as not destroyed structure, it also contains less calcium and phosphorus,
its characteristic microbial contamination is also lower. That is why possibility and
necessity of introducing a new term for such raw materials is considered, this differing from
«mechanically deboned poultry meat» [13–15, 17].
To carry out the technological process of mechanical separation of poultry meat piston,
screw and band methods are the most practical to remove muscle tissue from bones. The
diversity of the technical solutions is certain not to be confined neither with three above
mentioned technological schemes nor with some wider nomenclature presented at Figure 1.
Screw presses are very practical the principle of their action basing at the pressing of raw
materials with high pressure in the orifices of perforation. In the working areas of these
machines muscle tissue is separated with the flights of working screw and edges of orifices
thus enabling separation of raw material into fluid fraction (muscle tissue) and hard fraction
(bone rests). From the other side, the action of the mechanical appliances of the said type
causes excessive heating of the staff processed, this, in its turn, being the reason for the
significant worsening of its technological properties. Sensorial properties are not proper
either as the staff obtained has the smack of burnt bones. According to the second, of the
three mentioned, technological scheme piston separators work, these belonging to batch
action machines and equipped with powerful hydraulic drive. Meat and bone raw materials
are loaded into the hopper and pressed with the use of piston, the pieces of muscle tissue
being forced through the orifices of perforated cylinder and hard fraction being compressed
and removed when a cycle is finished. Force intensive action of piston type appliances may
cause smashing the muscle tissue and modifying of its structure, thus being the reason of
undesirable paste like profile of the staff obtained. A gentler mode, considering meat
structure, is the mode of the operation of the band separating machines, this mode is often
called soft as the muscle tissue being processed with the use of the said appliances
undergoes short time depression only thus promoting production of ground meat like staff
without excessive heating. Band separation after the first manufacturer of such equipment is
often called «baadering». The principal structural member of the machines of the said type
is endless band made of nonmetal material. The surface of the band has adhesive properties
promoting soft removing of meat from bones, meat staff being led out of working area of
machine through perforated drum. For band separators uniform content of bone inclusions
is characteristic, the most part of them, about 85% of overall number, pertaining fine
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fraction – up to 500 μm and middle size fraction – from 500 μm to 750 μm, these
distributed almost in equal parts by 40 45% each. The rest (about 15 – 20%) is the
fraction of big bone inclusions with the dimensions exceeding 750 μm. 18–20.
Figure 1. Principal design schemes to separate poultry meat from bones with the use of
mechanical means
Therefore, current equipment for «soft» separating of meat and bone staff allows
obtaining of high quality mechanically separated poultry meat with necessity to apply
labor-intensive manual operations, foremost desinewing separating of connective tissue,
tendons, skin, small bones etc. An important raw material resource to produce mechanically
separated poultry meat is also a number of low value muscle cuts. «Soft» separation
equipment allows processing of meat and bone raw materials with the output of meat staff
from 85 to 95%, enhancing of processing quality and obtaining, as a result, granular ground
meat its destruction rate and waterholding capacity being optimal to manufacture high
grade pâté products. The separated hard particles can be used to manufacture pâté products
of lower price level thus providing their availability to the consumers of low income.
Raw materials to produce mechanically separated poultry meat shall have certain
technological requirements, these guaranteeing economically viable outputs of high quality
product and its successive storing. The principal technological parameter in the production
of mechanically separated poultry meat is the temperature of raw materials to be processed.
In the process of mechanical separation of whole poultry carcasses, halves together with
parts of carcasses abounding with soft tissues (both muscle and adipose) a separation
appliance operates in a normal regime when the temperature of raw materials to be
processed is from minus 2 ºС to minus 4 ºС. By lower temperature values the load upon
grinder (bone crusher) and deboning machine increases, the wear intensifies, the quality of
separation of meat and bone fractions worsens, thus making the output of muscle fraction
lower. When the temperature o raw materials is higher than minus 2 ºС, especially when
the temperature is no less than 0 ºС, by complete defrosting of meat technical and
economical parameters of the deboning process sufficiently decrease. However the most
part of the machines used for mechanical separation of poultry meat are intended to process
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the chilled raw materials but not the frozen ones. There is information yet, that modified
separators are being developed these also allowing processing frozen meats and thus
obtaining the product of perfect texture, longer shelf life and lower bacterial contamination
Results of the research of the effect of raw materials nomenclature and their
temperature upon the output of the poultry meat obtained by hard and soft separation and
bone inclusions content of the said meat are shown in Table 1.
Table 1
Effect of raw materials nomenclature and their temperature upon the output of the poultry
meat obtained by hard and soft separation and bone inclusions content
Separation mode
Hard (screw separator) Soft (band separator)
ºС Output,%
−4 80.1 0.36
−3 78.4 0.33
−2 75.3 0.22 64.1 0.18
from 0 to 2 75.7 0.09 73.4 0.08
from 3 to 4 80.3 0.25 57.2 0.03
4 76.2 0.28 72.2 0.10
Carcasses of
6 75.3 0.29 74.7 0.14
−4 69.3 0.30
−3 65.9 0.20
−2 64.4 0.15 59.8 0.15
from 0 to 2 60.2 0.08 60.2 0.10
from 3 to 4 69.1 0.13 60.1 0.14
4 69.5 0.25 59.5 0.16
Backs of
6 68.6 0.30 60.6 0.16
−4 77.2 0.35
−3 76.9 0.34
−2 76.4 0.21 68.4 0.15
from 0 to 2 74.7 0.10 65.7 0.09
from 3 to 4 76,3 0.11 66.3 0.10
4 75.2 0.23 68.2 0.13
Carcasses of
6 72.4 0.26 68.3 0.15
−4 67.7 0.34
−3 68.3 0.31
−2 71.4 0.12 60.4 0.36
from 0 to 2 70.2 0.10 60.2 0.22
from 3 to 4 71.0 0.20 58.3 0.17
4 71.4 0.23 61.4 0.18
Necks of
6 73.8 0.22 61.8 0.19
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Analyzing of the table data allows drawing the conclusion, that a certain range of the
most proper temperature parameters corresponds to each of the types of raw materials
studied thus enabling to produce mechanically separated poultry meat of the safe content of
bone inclusions by significantly high output of end product. During the hard separation
using screw separator machines, the said range is from 0 ºС to 2 ºС for almost all the types
of the raw materials processed. Decline in bone inclusions content is detected from the
temperature threshold of minus 2 ºС. In some way lower product output is offset with the
quality of the staff obtained namely by its content of bone inclusions. The most proper
range for broiler and hen necks is from 4 ºС to 6 ºС. Rather a similar effect is found for soft
separation with the use of band machines. The surface-frozen raw materials are usually
known not to be processed with separators of the said type – mainly, because of rapid wear
of the pressing band of separation unit and lower, comparing to screw separator machines,
pressure effecting the raw materials. When raw materials are surface-frozen by minus 2 ºС
and are to be processed with the use of band separators, the said raw materials shall be
preliminary ground with the use meat grinders (meat wolves) equipped with the plates with
big diameter orifices.
Assessment of the data adduced within the table makes a conclusion possible, that
lower (in average by 9–10%) output of mechanically separated poultry meat is
characteristic for soft separation comparing to hard separation, while the average content of
bone inclusions in the case of hard separation is by 40% higher. The most proper,
considering technology and food safety issues, temperature range of raw materials is from 2
ºС to 6 ºС. The use of raw materials their temperature being lower than minus 2 ºС is not
applicable. The above said is especially true for hen necks, as with the decline in
temperature the raise in bone inclusions content in end product is drastic. The latter regime
is less proper considering the longevity of the separating equipment used to perform the
process its effectors undergoing significant wear.
When producing mechanically separated poultry meat, the principal technological
parameter is the temperature of raw materials to be processed. The said implies raw
materials with different values of meat/bone index. For the raw materials with low values of
meat/bone index, e.g. broiler backs and hen necks, the most proper, considering output of
end product and its content of bone inclusions, temperature range is higher temperatures
area, namely from 2 ºС to 6 ºС. For the raw materials with higher meat/bone index the
technologically proper temperature range is from minus 2 ºС to plus 2 ºС, complying with
the said range making it possible to obtain mechanically separated poultry meat of minimal
bone inclusions content while output values of end products being significant.
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─── Food Technologies ──
─── Ukrainian Journal of Food Science. 2017. Volume 5. Issue 1 ───
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... According to the EU regulations [9], the requirements for mechanical separation of meat obtained using methods that do not change the structure of meat and bone, and methods that change the specified structure and, thus, significantly increase the calcium content in comparison with hand-deboned meat, significantly differ. The nature of this difference can be determined only through scientific research [10][11][12][13]. According to the norms in force in Ukraine [14], all meat of mechanical separation is called "meat separated by mechanical means". ...
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The initial stage in the production of poultry products is cutting of carcasses into parts, the separation of meat from the breast and legs, the deboning of low-value raw materials by the separation of muscle and bone tissue. Mechanical deboning of meat and bone residues is performed in order to obtain valuable protein-containing raw materials-mechanically deboned meat, in particular, mechanically separated poultry meat. Relevance of the topic-Introduction of advanced technologies in the domestic poultry processing industry. The subject of research is the parameters of safety and quality of mechanically separated poultry meat. The purpose of the work is to study the safety and quality parameters of mechanically separated poultry meat, to determine the most acceptable physical and chemical parameters, including the content of bone inclusions, calcium and total phosphorus. Research methods. Determination of physical and chemical parameters of mechanically separated poultry meat: mass fraction of moisture, mass fraction of fat, mass fraction of protein, as well as microbiological parameters was carried out according to standard methods. Statistical processing of the results obtained was carried out on the basis of calculating the arithmetic mean values and the mean square error. Research results Under the action of the separation pressure, bone tissue is destroyed, and the smallest particles necessarily enter the meat mass as a result. The number and size of bone inclusions are regulated by normative documents and, accordingly, affect the quality and safety of mechanically separated poultry meat and products made from it. The greater the separation pressure, and hence the yield, the greater the total mass fraction of fat in mechanically separated poultry meat at the outlet is obtained, the decrease in the fat content and the degree of grinding brings its quality parameters closer to the characteristics of manually deboned and then minced meat. The most acceptable values of physical and chemical parameters of mechanically separated poultry meat have been determined: mass fraction of protein-14%, mass fraction of fat-12%, mass fraction of moisture-73%; safety indicators: mass fraction of bone inclusions-0.3%, mass fraction of calcium-0.07%, mass fraction of total phosphorus-0.25%. In terms of microbiological parameters, mechanically separated poultry meat met the requirements of "Microbiological criteria for establishing safety parameters of food products".
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Mechanically deboned poultry meat is a valuable protein containing raw material widely used for the production of meat products. However, it does not have a high resistance to oxidation; therefore, various antioxidants including those of natural origin are used in its composition. The article provides information on the advisability of using rosemary extract and dihydroquercetin to stabilize lipids and interrupt hydrolytic and chain oxidative processes in mechanically deboned poultry meat. The permissible storage time for mechanically deboned poultry meat using the rosemary extract and dihydroquercetin in a chilled state is 96 hours. Research has been carried out on the oxidative processes of the fatty complex of mechanically deboned poultry meat during the refrigerated storage period. Antioxidants prevent the accumulation of peroxides: in the samples with their use, the peroxide number reaches critical values on 6-7 day of storage, without their use - on 3 day of storage. For all samples, a gradual increase in the acid number has been observed; however, for samples without antioxidants its values reach a critical level on the 4 day of storage, with the use of antioxidants - on the 7 day. The active formation of secondary oxidation products has begun from the second day of storage and reached the limit of permissible values in samples without antioxidants after 3 days of storage. In samples with antioxidants, the thiobarbituric number reaches a critical value on the 6 day. It has also been shown that the use of antioxidants contributes to the preservation of sensorial indicators (colour, odour) improving the quality of products. The efficiency of using the rosemary extract and dihydroquercetin as inhibitors of the oxidation of mechanically deboned poultry meat has been confirmed.
Conference Paper
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The current situation at the Ukrainian market of raw materials for meat industry is such, that more than 75 % of the raw meats used are the poultry meats. The above said is fully true for pâté products-comminuted meat and meat containing products of wide consumers' demand. For production of pâtés such poultry raw materials as ground meat after hand deboning and mechanically separated meat (MSM) are used together with gizzards, livers, hearts, heads and legs [1]. Sometimes the considerable content of MSM is considered to be a positive factor as products are told to be enriched by fat, vitamins and mineral substances. Other authors, to the contrary, stress on the significant content of bone fragments being an obstacle for MSM to be widely used. To this, the said fragments cannot be detected and described in a proper way 3, 4. A research of rheological parameters of MSM [5] according to Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) method gave the following results: fracturability 20.1 Н; hardness 23.8 Н, springiness 0.67, cohesion 0.24, gumminess 6.24, chewiness 4.0 Н, these parameters not to differ significantly from those characteristic for ground meats obtained by hand deboning. Scientific and special sources have been still using an overall term MSM for all the stuffs obtained by additional mechanical separation of meat and bone materials, but according to the Instruction of Ministry of Health of Ukraine «On adopting hygiene demands to poultry meat and particular parameters of its quality» of 06 August 2013 N 694, more detailed classification was introduced this harmonized with EU norms in force. The term «poultry meat separated with the use of mechanical means-MSMM» applies to all mechanically separated meats. Mechanically separated meat-МSM term is to be used to define the stuff obtained as the result of separation of flesh from bones, the calcium content of the said stuff being not allowed to differ significantly from the calcium content in ground meat after deboning by hand. Mechanically deboned meat-МDM-defines the stuff with calcium content significantly exceeding that of ground meat after deboning by hand. Analysis of several typical pâtés of poultry meat showed the significant contents of ground meat after deboning by hand: «Hen pâté» 42, 50 or 57 % (according to different sources) and «Hen pâté for schoolchildren» [6] 42 %. According to the Standard of Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine SOU 15.1-37-263-2005 «Canned meats. Pâtés of poultry meat and by-products. Technical specification», «Pâté of hen meat» contains 55.6 % of the said raw material originating from hens and broilers, «Duck pâté»-57.16 % of ground duck flesh, «Hen fancy pâté»-55.52 % of ground meat after deboning by hand and 13.88 % of MDM. Thus the use of MSMM in pâté formulations has its proper prospects allowing for the absence of significant differences between the physical and chemical parameters of the said raw stuff and the ground meats obtained as the result of deboning by hand, so that when a MSMM specimen complies with the demands for MSM.
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Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) is the most widely used method for determining protein quality. The studies involved a few category of products as raw materials namely poultry products, beef burger products, fish and fish products, soy products and palm kernel cake in animal diet preparation were compiled to compare the data. Data from the proximate analysis showed that protein content in soy protein isolate (SPI) was the highest (95.00%) followed by meat such as mackerel fish (89.09%) and beef (88.60%). Results from feed consumption and total protein consumed showed that the rats fed with mechanically deboned poultry meat (MDPM) products (excluding broiler back) consumed more feed, ranging from 469.2g to 422.3g during the study while the lowest total feed consumed (157.7g) was recorded in the rat fed a diet of fermented palm kernel cake (fPKC). The total protein consumed by rat for diets of fish and fish products such as canned sardine was 62.36g, mackerel 61.76g and anchovy at 58.91g, followed by MDPM products. Tempeh (14.72g) and fPKC diet (16.3g) were among the lowest total protein consumed by the rats. Growth and PER data for rats fed a diet of canned sardine, anchovy and mackerel, as well as mechanically deboned turkey meat (MDTM) and mechanically deboned chicken meat (MDCM) had higher mean body weight (154.80g, 145.20g, 144.81g, 148.7g and 142.5g respectively) compared to rats fed with plant protein diet such as SPI, tempeh and PKC (34.79g, 16.34g and 16.60g respectively) whereas rats fed diets containing fPKC had a mean body weight loss of 24.4g. MDPM showed higher PER value (ranging from 3.01 to 3.34) compared to hamburger group, pure beef and fish group. Tempeh and SPI had lower PER of 1.02 and 1.52 respectively while the lowest PER of 0.50 and -1.50 were shown in PKC and fPKC. The highest digestibility was shown in mackerel (96.99%), followed by canned sardine (96.88%), tempeh (91.41%), meat (90.79%) and pure beef burger (90.04%) while digestibility of PKC and fPKC were much lower (45.70% and 22.60%). Lipid profile of rats fed with palm based fat beef burger showed that palm fat(PF) and red PF did not affect the total cholestrol concentration but resulted in higher high density lipoprotein (HDL)cholesterol concentration in their blood serum. In summary, the utilization of PF and red PF in beef burger increased the HDL-cholesterol and has no effect on the concentration of total cholesterol in rat blood serum.
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Selected parameters of quality (hydroxyproline, calci-um, bone particles content, and histological determination of bone particles) of mechanically deboned poultry meat (MDPM -"firm separation" and soft separation "Baader meat") were compared. Comparison of results with com-position (except bone particles) of fresh poultry meat (breast and thigh muscles) was performed. Hydroxypro-line content was significantly different and the mean value of hydroxyproline content was in mechanically deboned meat more than two-fold higher in comparison with Baader meat (333.17 mg.100g -1 , 152.90 mg.100g -1 respectively). Similar results were achieved in calcium content (1.94g. kg -1 , 1.05 -1 respectively). The mean content of bone particles was 0.27 % (MDPM) and 0.034 % (Baader). Finally, histological determination of bone particles in MDPM and Baader meat was carried out.
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The belt and drum type meat-bone separator was developed for small-scale fish processing and evaluated using Tilapia fish (Oreochromis mossambicus) in terms of capacity, yield, percentage yield, bone content, colour and power consumption. It consists of a perforated drum (3 mm), single phase electric motor, speed reduction gear box and drive system. The machine was evaluated using two food grade belt viz., natural rubber (Belt A-35 shore) and canvas belt (Belt B-65 shore) for three drum speeds. The machine capacity was in the range of 45.59 to 68.54 kg h(-1) for belt A with a yield of 1.148, 1.069 and 1.066 kg, and 49.13 to 78.13 kg h(-1) for belt B with a yield of 1.253, 1.312 and 1.269 kg at drum speeds of 14, 20 and 24 rpm, respectively. For belt A, the highest yield (1.148 kg) was obtained at 14 rpm drum speed which was 63.78% on dressed weight basis and for belt B, the highest yield (1.312 kg) was obtained at 20 rpm drum speed which was 72.89% on dressed weight basis. The increased number of passes for meat recovery increased the chances of insertion of bone fragments into minced meat and decreased the colour values (L-a-b). The total energy consumption did not vary significantly.
The objective of this research was to compare some chemical and physical characteristics of mechanically deboned and hand deboned turkey meat and beef. Samples were analyzed for proximate composition, cholesterol, TBA, calcium and iron contents, hunter colour parameters and fatty acid composition. Deboning method affected chemical composition of beef and turkey meat. Mechanical deboning resulted higher cholesterol values and calcium and iron content. In hand deboned turkey meat the most abundant fatty acids were C16:0, C18:1 and C18:2. Mechanical deboning process was increased the percent of C18:1, C18:2 and C18:3 in turkey meat. C16:0, C18:0 and C18:1 were the major fatty acids in mechanically deboned and hand deboned beef.
The biochemical composition and histological characteristics of meat recovered mechanically by the auger/sieve (a/s) and the hollow drum/belt (hd/b) principles from two different chicken carcass parts were compared with meat recovered manually. The quality of meat recovered mechanically by the hollow drum/belt principle was equal to or higher than the quality of manually recovered meat. The degradation of muscle structure was highest in the meat recovered by the a/s principle and lowest in the manually recovered meat. For the biochemical measurements with the exception of collagen, determinations of a single sample were sufficient to achieve a repeatability of 0.9, whereas for the histological measurements at least 8 samples were necessary. It is suggested that a quality-grading scale based on biochemical composition and level of degradation of muscle fibre structure should be established for all types of minced meat regardless of whether the meat is obtained by mechanical or manual procedures and that legislation concerning the use of MRM should be based on such a scale.
The calcium content of mechanically separated meat (MSM) is a common indicator of elevated bone contents due to the separation process, e.g. as applied in EU regulations. But a direct morphological proof of bone material is needed, especially to identify undeclared MSM additives to meat products. We present a new morphological method for the detection of both bone and cartilage particles, because elevated cartilage contents may be indicative of MSM additives also. The method is based on simultaneous staining with Alizarin Red and Alcian Blue. We investigated MSM, commercially produced from breast of veal, for elevated particle contents. In addition, we determined the rate of recovery for minced pork mixed with 0-5% bone or cartilage. The results show that staining with Alizarin Red and Alcian Blue is suited to the efficient and simultaneous detection of bone and cartilage material in meat mixtures. The morphological staining is simpler than previously applied methods. Preparations can be assessed macroscopically, and they can be quantified gravimetrically. Manual sorting and weighing of particles appears to underestimate MSM contents if particles are ground very finely.
The effects of mechanically deboned poultry meat (MDPM) and levels of collagen fibers on comminuted, cooked sausage quality characteristics were investigated using the central composite rotatable design of response surface methodology (RSM). Use of collagen fiber as an additive affected the sausage characteristics, but the effect depended on the amount of the MDPM used. While MDPM additions resulted in higher cooking loss and darker and redder frankfurters, the addition of collagen fibers improved cooking yields and contributed to the lightness of the final product. Higher collagen fiber content was also accompanied by a significant increase in frankfurter hardness regardless of the MDPM content. Use of collagen fibers countered the negative effects of MDPM on sausage quality attributes, especially on cooking yields and final product color.