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Personal Costs and Benefits of Employee Intrapreneurship: Disentangling the Employee Intrapreneurship, Well-Being, and Job Performance Relationship



Ample studies have confirmed the benefits of intrapreneurship (i.e., employee behaviors that contribute to new venture creation and strategic renewal activities) for firm performance, but research on the personal costs and benefits of engaging in intrapreneurial activities for employees is lacking. Building on job demands–resources and reinforcement sensitivity theories, we examined how employees’ reinforcement sensitivity qualified the relationship among their intrapreneurial behavior, subjective well-being, and other-rated job performance. Using a sample of 241 employee dyads, the results of moderated mediation analyses confirmed that employee intrapreneurship related positively to work engagement for employees high (vs. low) in sensitivity to rewards (behavioral approach system), which subsequently related positively to innovativeness and in-role performance and negatively to work avoidance. In contrast, employee intrapreneurship related positively to exhaustion for employees high (vs. low) in sensitivity to punishments (behavioral inhibition system), which subsequently related positively to work avoidance and negatively to in-role performance (but not to innovativeness). Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
Journal of Occupational Health
Personal Costs and Benefits of Employee
Intrapreneurship: Disentangling the Employee
Intrapreneurship, Well-Being, and Job Performance
Jason C. Gawke, Marjan J. Gorgievski, and Arnold B. Bakker
Online First Publication, December 28, 2017.
Gawke, J. C., Gorgievski, M. J., & Bakker, A. B. (2017, December 28). Personal Costs and Benefits
of Employee Intrapreneurship: Disentangling the Employee Intrapreneurship, Well-Being, and Job
Performance Relationship. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. Advance online
Personal Costs and Benefits of Employee Intrapreneurship: Disentangling
the Employee Intrapreneurship, Well-Being, and Job
Performance Relationship
Jason C. Gawke and Marjan J. Gorgievski
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Arnold B. Bakker
Erasmus University Rotterdam and University of Johannesburg
Ample studies have confirmed the benefits of intrapreneurship (i.e., employee behaviors that contribute
to new venture creation and strategic renewal activities) for firm performance, but research on the
personal costs and benefits of engaging in intrapreneurial activities for employees is lacking. Building on
job demands–resources and reinforcement sensitivity theories, we examined how employees’ reinforce-
ment sensitivity qualified the relationship among their intrapreneurial behavior, subjective well-being,
and other-rated job performance. Using a sample of 241 employee dyads, the results of moderated
mediation analyses confirmed that employee intrapreneurship related positively to work engagement for
employees high (vs. low) in sensitivity to rewards (behavioral approach system), which subsequently
related positively to innovativeness and in-role performance and negatively to work avoidance. In
contrast, employee intrapreneurship related positively to exhaustion for employees high (vs. low) in
sensitivity to punishments (behavioral inhibition system), which subsequently related positively to work
avoidance and negatively to in-role performance (but not to innovativeness). Theoretical and practical
implications are discussed.
Keywords: BIS–BAS, job performance, moderated mediation, proactive work behavior, work engagement
Modern organizations increasingly depend on the entrepreneur-
ial activities of their employees (i.e., intrapreneurship) to maintain
and maximize organizational effectiveness and competitiveness
(Antoncic & Hisrich, 2003; Ireland, Kuratko, & Morris, 2006a,
2006b). Indeed, ample studies have shown that organizations with
a strong emphasis on intrapreneurship are more profitable and
have a better return on sales and assets (Bierwerth, Schwens,
Isidor, & Kabst, 2015). In contrast, studies seeking to understand
the potential implications of an employee’s intrapreneurial behav-
ior for employee well-being and job performance are lacking. Yet,
because employee intrapreneurial activities are the microfounda-
tion of intrapreneurship, the costs and benefits of such behavior for
employee well-being and job performance are important to address
(Belousova & Gailly, 2013; Ireland, Covin, & Kuratko, 2009). Our
study aims to expand the current intrapreneurship literature to the
individual level by providing theoretical and empirical insights
into how an employee’s intrapreneurial behavior, a phenomenon
we coin employee intrapreneurship (EI),
relates to employee
well-being and job performance.
The contribution of this study to the literature is threefold. First,
this article adds to the current literature by providing empirical
insights into how EI relates to positive and negative facets of
employee well-being, namely, work engagement and exhaustion,
and different types of indicators of employee job performance
(Fineman, 2006), namely, innovativeness, in-role performance,
and work avoidance. Second, we contribute to the theoretical
development of the job demands–resources (JD-R) theory by test-
ing the generalizability of the motivational process and the health
impairment process in the context of EI (Bakker & Demerouti,
2014, 2017). Specifically, we test and expand its core predictions
regarding two separate pathways relating employee behavior at
work, employee well-being, and job performance. Insights into
these processes are important for management and employees
themselves (Grant & Ashford, 2008). Third, empirical research on
how employee characteristics and behavior interact is scarce. Yet,
such research is needed to advance our understanding of anteced-
ents of well-being and performance at work (Barrick & Mount,
2005). We use reinforcement sensitivity theory (Corr, 2004) to
examine how dispositions (i.e., sensitivity toward rewards and
punishment) qualify the impact of EI on well-being and perfor-
mance. In addition, we show the incremental value of this neuro-
To avoid semantic confusion with the firm-level concept of intrapre-
neurship, we use the term employee intrapreneurship when referring to the
intrapreneurial activity of an individual employee.
Jason C. Gawke and Marjan J. Gorgievski, Department of Work and
Organizational Psychology, Erasmus University Rotterdam; Arnold B.
Bakker, Department of Work and Organizational Psychology, Erasmus
University Rotterdam, and Department of Industrial Psychology and Peo-
ple Management, University of Johannesburg.
This research was supported by the Foundation for Labor Market and
Education of the Dutch Central Public Administration.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Jason C.
Gawke, Department of Work and Organizational Psychology, Erasmus
University Rotterdam, Woudestein, Mandeville Building, Room T16-16,
P.O. Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands. E-mail: gawke@
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology © 2017 American Psychological Association
2017, Vol. 1, No. 2, 000 1076-8998/17/$12.00
biological rooted theory for research in the field of occupational
health psychology.
Theoretical Background
Employee Intrapreneurship
Employees’ intrapreneurial behaviors have been a topic of in-
terest since the 1980s (Pinchot, 1985) because of their potential to
contribute to two important organizational outcomes, namely, new
venture creation (i.e., the creation of new business for the organi-
zation) and strategic renewal (i.e., the renewal or alteration of
processes to enhance an organization’s ability to react to internal
and market developments; Guth & Ginsberg, 1990; Morris, Ku-
ratko, & Covin, 2011). To date, intrapreneurship has most often
been discussed in relation to the benefits for the organization.
Research on intrapreneurship at the employee level (i.e., EI) has
been less extensively studied. Moreover, employee intrapreneurial
behaviors have often been defined rather broadly as employee
activities characterized by showing initiative, taking risks, and
developing novel ideas (Bolton & Lane, 2012; De Jong, Parker,
Wennekers, & Wu, 2013). Although such a conceptualization
provides us with an understanding of the degree to which employ-
ees have an intrapreneurial orientation, this conceptualization is
too broad to enable a clear distinction from other proactive work
behaviors (for a review, see Parker & Collins, 2010).
Recently, Gawke, Gorgievski, and Bakker (2017) proposed a
conceptualization of EI that better articulates its defining features
and more clearly differentiates it from other proactive work be-
haviors. Taking Guth and Ginsberg’s (1990) firm-level definition
of intrapreneurship as a starting point (see also Morris et al., 2011),
they conceptualized EI as an individual employee’s agentic and
anticipatory behavior aimed at creating new businesses for the
organization (i.e., venture behavior) and enhancing an organiza-
tion’s ability to react to internal and market advancements (i.e.,
strategic renewal behavior). Following this conceptualization, we
position EI as a specific type of proactive behavior that is related
to organizational change and improvement (similar to, for in-
stance, innovative work behaviors) and differentiate it from pro-
active concepts that focus on achieving compatibility between
one’s own attributes and the organizational environment (e.g., job
Moreover, EI can be differentiated from related proactive be-
haviors, such as innovative work behaviors (i.e., the creation of
new and useful products, services, and processes; Janssen, 2000),
because EI is not always innovation-related (Antoncic & Hisrich,
2003). For example, intrapreneurial activity may enhance an or-
ganization’s ability to take risks and seize opportunities (e.g.,
scanning for environments with no fast-food services to establish
a prime new outlet for a fast-food chain). Although such activity is
central to intrapreneurship, it is not considered innovative, as no
novel processes, services, or products are created. In addition, EI
can be distinguished from organizational citizenship behavior (i.e.,
a type of extrarole work behavior promoting effective functioning
of the organization; Organ, 1988) in its specific emphasis on new
venture creation and strategic renewal.
Job Demands–Resources Theory
To investigate how EI may relate to employee well-being and
job performance, we build on JD-R theory (Bakker & Demerouti,
2014, 2017). JD-R theory, which is a recent extension of the JD-R
model (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007), proposes that well-being and
performance at work are explained by two independent pathways,
namely, the motivational process and the health impairment pro-
cess. Central to the motivational process is that employees need to
have sufficient resources to thrive at work. Resources are physical,
psychological, social, or organizational aspects of work that help
employees achieve work goals, reduce job demands, and stimulate
personal growth, learning, and development (Bakker & Demerouti,
2007). As such, when employees have sufficient resources avail-
able at work, they will experience a motivational reaction toward
their job that is characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption
(i.e., work engagement; Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004), which in turn
fosters job performance (Christian, Garza, & Slaughter, 2011). In
contrast, the health impairment process is set into motion by job
demands. Job demands are aspects of the job that require sustained
physical, emotional, or cognitive effort (Demerouti, Bakker, Nach-
reiner, & Schaufeli, 2001). Subsequently, job demands are asso-
ciated with psychological costs, such as exhaustion at work (i.e.,
an extreme form of fatigue at work), which in turn hampers job
performance (Demerouti, Bakker, & Leiter, 2014).
The present study focuses on in-role performance, innovative-
ness, and work avoidance as criteria of both the motivational
process and the health impairment process. We argue that these
performance indicators are particularly relevant to examine the
costs and benefits of EI. Specifically, in-role performance reflects
how an employee accomplishes core job tasks and is often used to
evaluate employee performance (Griffin, Neal, & Parker, 2007);
innovativeness captures the creation of new ideas for an organi-
zation (Janssen, 2000) and is considered an important outcome of
EI for an organization (McFadzean, O’Louhglin, & Shaw, 2005);
and work avoidance is a form of workplace deviance and reflects
poor attendance without a legitimate reason (Gruys & Sackett,
2003). The latter indicator may provide us with direct insights into
the possible negative effect of EI for performance (Fineman,
Building on JD-R theory, we propose that EI can trigger both the
motivational and health impairment processes and can thus have
both benefits and costs for employees. According to JD-R theory,
employee work behaviors can increase employee work engage-
ment through personal goal achievement at work (i.e., increasing
personal resources such as self-efficacy) and through proactively
crafting a more resourceful work environment (i.e., increasing job
resources such as task variety). Although scarce, recent quasi-
experimental studies support the premises of JD-R theory on how
work behaviors can affect well-being at work. For instance, the
intervention study of Van Wingerden, Bakker, and Derks (2017)
showed that participants who had learned how to proactively craft
their job demands and resources reported significantly higher
levels of work engagement after the intervention compared with
before the intervention, whereas the control group showed no
change over time. However, work behaviors may simultaneously
result in exhaustion, through increasing work demands. For exam-
ple, going beyond the line of duty to expand an organization’s
business or volunteering to take on additional responsibilities may
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
increase work stress and workload. For instance, Bolino, Hsiung,
Harvey, and LePine (2015) showed that citizenship behaviors
(e.g., helping others) increased workload to such an extent that
employees felt worn out and tired.
The Motivational Pathway
In line with the JD-R premise regarding the motivational pro-
cess, we argue that EI may relate to increased performance and
decreased work avoidance, through high levels of work engage-
ment (i.e., the experiences of absorption, dedication, and vigor).
Drawing from the work of Bakker and Demerouti (2014) and
Baumeister, Vohs, DeWall, and Zhang (2007), we argue that EI
may foster experiences of absorption, dedication, and vigor at
work because it contributes to personal goal achievement and a
more resourceful work context. For instance, engaging in EI may
entail proactively conceptualizing a new service to reach a new
market (McFadzean et al., 2005). The subsequent appraisal that
one’s self-initiated effort may have contributed to the achievement
of such a goal may result in increased positive affect (Bandura,
1997) and energy at work (i.e., vigor). Such experiences may
increase employees’ capability to handle job requirements more
effectively (Kanfer, 1990). In addition, involvement in new proj-
ects, which is characteristic of EI, will presumably offer ample
opportunities for task and skill variety, which is known to posi-
tively increase employees’ immersion (i.e., absorption) and enthu-
siasm at work (i.e., dedication; Bakker & Demerouti, 2014). As a
result, employees’ innovative output may be increased, as high
levels of immersion and dedication allow them to expend more
discretionary effort and capitalize on created opportunities.
Although ample research has confirmed the positive relationship
between work engagement and in-role performance and innova-
tiveness (Hakanen, Perhoniemi, & Toppinen-Tanner, 2008; Chris-
tian et al., 2011) and has shown that work engagement negatively
relates to counterproductive work behaviors (Sulea et al., 2012),
only a few studies tentatively supported the notion that EI may
foster work engagement. A qualitative study by Marvel, Griffin,
Hebda, and Vojak (2007) based on 24 in-depth interviews with
employees in the technical sector showed that engaging in intra-
preneurship enriched employees’ work by being part of challeng-
ing projects. Subsequently, employees experienced motivation and
enthusiasm in their work—two central indicators of work engage-
ment (Bakker, 2011). Research on other proactive work behaviors
that share some conceptual overlap with EI concurs with these
findings. For instance, a longitudinal study by Simbula and Gug-
lielmi (2013) among school teachers showed that organizational
citizenship behavior related positively to work engagement mea-
sured 5 months later. Based on this argumentation, we formulated
the following hypothesis:
Hypothesis 1: Work engagement mediates the relationships
between EI and (a) in-role performance, (b) innovativeness,
and (c) work avoidance.
The Health Impairment Pathway
In addition to the theorized beneficial effect of EI for work
engagement and job performance, we argue that EI may also have
a negative relationship with employee well-being and job perfor-
mance. Building on the health impairment process (Bakker &
Demerouti, 2014, 2017), we reason that EI may be related to more
exhaustion at work, because employee intrapreneurial behaviors
require additional energy, time, and resources that may not directly
contribute to formal work goals. For instance, EI often requires
that employees “go the extra mile” (e.g., come in early for work or
stay late) to meet the requirements of the job and the additional
challenges that come with EI (Birkinshaw, 1997). As a result,
employees may experience an increased sense of time pressure,
anxiety, and worry at work (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004). Further-
more, entrepreneurial projects often need to be terminated due to
falling short of their goals (Clancy & Stone, 2005), evoking
negative reactions in employees (Shepherd, Patzelt, & Wolfe,
2011). Subsequently, employees’ increased exhaustion may neg-
atively influence their job performance (Demerouti et al., 2014), as
exhausted employees may no longer be able to handle core job
tasks well (i.e., decreased in-role performance) and may, for ex-
ample, decide to leave work early without a legitimate reason (i.e.,
increased work avoidance).
Although the negative relationship between exhaustion and job
performance has been established in the literature, to our knowl-
edge, research on the relationship between EI and exhaustion is
lacking. Some empirical research exists on related proactive work
behavior, which has shown possible implications for job strain. For
instance, in their study among 98 couples, Bolino and Turnley
(2005) found employee initiative (i.e., task-related behavior that
goes beyond what is required or generally expected) to be posi-
tively associated with employee role overload, job stress, and
work–family conflict. Furthermore, in their longitudinal study
among 273 employees and their peers, Bolino and colleagues
(2015) showed that engaging in organizational citizenship behav-
ior is related to higher levels of fatigue over time. Thus, building
on JD-R theory’s health impairment process and the discussed
literature on EI, exhaustion, and performance, we formulated the
following hypothesis:
Hypothesis 2: Work exhaustion mediates the relationships
between EI and (a) in-role performance, (b) innovativeness,
and (c) work avoidance.
Reward and Punishment Sensitivity
Grounded in neurological research on brain activity in response to
stimuli (Gray, 1991), reward sensitivity theory postulates that indi-
vidual differences in reward sensitivity and punishment sensitivity
predispose individuals’ reactions to cues from the environment owing
to increased vigilance toward positive and negative stimuli (Corr,
2004). Reward sensitivity, which has a biological basis in the behav-
ioral approach system (BAS), refers to an individual’s sensitivity
toward potentially rewarding situations and positive outcomes. For
example, for BASindividuals (i.e., individuals with a heightened
sensitivity toward reward), monetary incentives have a stronger in-
fluence on task motivation and experiences of positive affect, as
compared with BASindividuals (Jackson, 2001). In contrast, pun-
ishment sensitivity, which has a biological basis in the behavioral
inhibition system (BIS), captures the responsiveness toward poten-
tially harmful or unpleasant stimuli. Accordingly, BISindividuals
will react more strongly when faced with situations that involve pain,
loss, or social disapproval as compared with BISindividuals (He-
poniemi, Keltikangas-Järvinen, Puttonen, & Ravaja, 2003).
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
In the context of our study, we propose that sensitivity toward
rewards (BAS) strengthens the relationship between EI and work
engagement. Specifically, because BASindividuals focus more on
positive outcomes and are more sensitive to positive stimuli (Corr,
2004), we argue that they will have a stronger positive reaction to
positive events that coincide with intrapreneurial behavior. For in-
stance, such individuals will be more sensitive to (personal) goal
achievement and enrichment of one’s work (Marvel et al., 2007).
Consequently, because personal goal achievement and job enrichment
are known factors that foster work engagement (Schaufeli & Bakker,
2004), BASindividuals will be more inclined to experience work
engagement as compared with BASindividuals when engaging in
EI. In contrast, we theorize that sensitivity toward punishment (BIS)
strengthens the relationship between EI and exhaustion. We argue so
because BISindividuals are more responsive to harmful and un-
pleasant stimuli (Corr, 2004) and may thus react more negatively to
negative events that relate to intrapreneurial behavior, such as set-
backs and increased work pressure (Shepherd et al., 2011). Subse-
quently, engaging in EI will be more exhausting for BISindividuals
relative to BISindividuals.
Although, to our knowledge, studies on the proposed moderating
effect of BIS and BAS in the context of EI are absent, the influence
of BIS and BAS on how tasks and events are experienced has been
investigated. For instance, the experimental study of Heponiemi and
colleagues (2003) showed that BASindividuals had higher levels of
positive affect after engaging in an appetitive task (i.e., a task that
positively reinforces participants’ correct behavior) compared with
BASindividuals. In contrast, BISindividuals had higher levels of
negative affect after completing an aversive task (i.e., a task that
negatively reinforces participants’ incorrect behavior) as compared
with BISindividuals. Furthermore, software developers with high
levels of trait positive affect, a personality trait associated with BAS
(Pickering & Corr, 2008), showed higher levels of work engagement
regardless of the positive or negative events that happened during the
day, as compared with individuals with low levels of positive affect
(Bledow, Schmitt, Frese, & Kühnel, 2011). Thus, building on the
discussed literature, we formulated two moderated mediation hypoth-
Hypothesis 3a: BAS moderates the strength of the mediated
relationship between EI and job performance (i.e., innovative-
ness, in-role performance, and exhaustion) via work engage-
ment; the higher individuals score on BAS, the stronger the
relationship between EI and work engagement.
Hypothesis 3b: BIS moderates the strength of the mediated
relationship between EI and job performance (i.e., innovative-
ness, in-role performance, and exhaustion) via exhaustion; the
higher individuals score on BIS, the stronger the relation-
ship between EI and exhaustion.
Data were gathered with an online questionnaire among em-
ployees working in various private organizations. These employ-
ees were part of a panel database and had agreed to participate in
research for pay. Firm size ranged from small (25– 49 employees;
5%) to large (250 employees; 58%). To receive data from the
employees and a significant peer, the data collection spanned two
phases. First, 1,000 employees within this database were randomly
selected and contacted via e-mail with a request to participate in
this research. The e-mail contained a brief summary of the research
and a link to the survey. Data were received from 535 respondents
(response rate 54%). Furthermore, the respondents were kindly
requested to provide contact details of a colleague with whom they
closely collaborated (i.e., with whom they had a work-related
contact at least 3 days a week).
In the second stage, the “close collaborator” of the respondent
was sent an e-mail containing a brief summary of the research, a
kind request from their colleague (the respondent) to fill in a
questionnaire about him or her, and a link to the online survey.
Data were received from 243 close collaborators (total response
rate 24%). The complete data set, therefore, consisted of 243
pairs. This data set was used for the analyses. A nonresponse
analysis showed that the participants who did not provide contact
details of a close collaborator had slightly lower scores on work
engagement and slightly higher scores on exhaustion, with abso-
lute mean differences of 0.24, t2.38, p.05, and 0.31,
t⫽⫺2.74, p.05.
Participants worked in a variety of sectors, namely, industry
(17%); property and construction (6%); sales (12%); retail (2%);
transport (9%); accountancy, banking, and finance (7%); business,
consulting, and management (11%); marketing, advertising, and
public relations (3%); health care (18%); culture (1%); environ-
ment and agriculture (1%); and other (13%). The mean age of the
participants was 41.5 years (SD 11.52), 34% was female, and
the majority of the participants had finished intermediate or higher
vocational education (76.1%). On average, the participants had
held their current job for 11 years (SD 9.31) and had a total of
21 years of work experience (SD 12.67). For the close collab-
orators, 40% were female, and the mean age was 41 years (SD
11.1). They had worked at their current job for 9.5 years (SD
7.8). The majority of the close collaborators had finished interme-
diate or higher vocational education (84.4%).
All measures were administered in Dutch. Measures that were
not available in Dutch were translated from English to Dutch using
the forward– backward translation method (Behling & Law, 2000).
EI was measured with the eight-item Employee Intrapreneurship
Scale of Gawke, Gorgievski, and Bakker (2015, 2017). Four items
Additionally, to examine to what extent the significant differences in mean
values between employees who received other ratings versus those who did
not may have influenced the results, we compared the interrelationship be-
tween employee intrapreneurship and work engagement/exhaustion between
groups. First, we calculated the correlations between these variables in each
group separately. Subsequently, we transformed the correlations in both
groups using Fisher’s r-to-zmethod to compare them (Weaver & Wuensch,
2013). The results showed that the correlations did not differ between groups;
thus, it can be argued that attrition did not have a substantial impact on either
the employee intrapreneurship–work engagement relationship, Z1.47 (not
significant), or the employee intrapreneurship– exhaustion relationship,
Z⫽⫺.46 (not significant).
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
measured the subdimension employee venture behavior (e.g., “I
undertake activities to set up new units for my organization”), and
four items assessed employee strategic renewal behavior (e.g., “I
undertake activities to realize change in my organization”). Re-
sponses were given on a 7-point scale (1 never,7always).
The Cronbach’s alpha of the total scale was .96. In their validity
study among four independent samples, Gawke et al. (2015)
showed that the Employee Intrapreneurship Scale has good facto-
rial validity (i.e., EI consists of employee strategic renewal and
employee venture behaviors). In addition, Gawke and colleagues
showed that the scale has convergent and discriminant validity
`-vis employee innovativeness (Janssen, 2000), employee risk-
taking behavior (Van den Brink, Koch, Ardts, & Van Lankveld,
2004), and employee personal initiative (Frese, Fay, Hilburger,
Leng, & Tag, 1997).
Work engagement was assessed with the nine-item version of
the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, including the three subdi-
mensions of vigor, dedication, and absorption (Schaufeli, Bakker,
& Salanova, 2006). Some example items are as follows: “At my
work, I feel bursting with energy” (vigor), “I am enthusiastic about
my job” (dedication), and “I am immersed in my work” (absorp-
tion). Responses were given on a 7-point frequency scale (1
never,7always). The Cronbach’s alpha of the combined scale
was .95.
Exhaustion was measured with the five-item exhaustion sub-
scale of the Maslach Burnout Inventory–General Survey (Schutte,
Toppinnen, Kalimo, & Schaufeli, 2000). A sample item is “I feel
used up at the end of the workday.” Items were scored on a 7-point
scale (1 never,7always), and the Cronbach’s alpha was .92.
The BAS and the BIS were assessed with the validated Dutch
version of the BIS/BAS scales of Carver and White (1994), created
by Franken, Muris, and Rassin (2005). The BAS scale was as-
sessed with 12 items representing sensitivity for rewards (four
items, e.g., “When good things happen to me, it affects me
strongly”), drive (four items, e.g., “When I want something, I
usually go all-out to get it”), and fun (four items, e.g., “I’m always
willing to try something new if I think it will be fun”). BIS was
measured with five items, including “I worry about making mis-
takes.” Responses were given on a 4-point scale (1 totally
disagree,4totally agree). The Cronbach’s alpha of the com-
bined BAS scale was .79 and that of the BIS scale was .80.
Other-rated performance was operationalized using three scales
capturing two types of work performance, namely, innovativeness
and in-role performance, and one type of workplace deviance,
namely, work avoidance. Additionally, the items of the scales were
reformulated so that a colleague could rate the respondent.
Innovativeness was measured with nine items of Janssen (2000),
representing three dimensions (three items each), namely, idea
generation, idea promotion, and idea realization. The following are
example items: “[name of participant] creates new ideas for im-
provements” (idea generation), “[name of participant] mobilizes
support for innovative ideas” (idea promotion), and “[name of
participant] transforms innovative ideas into useful applications”
(idea realization). Responses were given on a 7-point frequency
scale (1 never,7always). The Cronbach’s alpha of the
combined scale was .95.
In-role performance was assessed with three items of Goodman
and Svyantek (1999). A sample item is “[name of participant]
achieves the objectives of the job.” Responses were given on a
5-point scale (1 totally disagree,5totally agree). The
Cronbach’s alpha was .85.
Work avoidance was measured with five items taken from
Gruys and Sackett (2003). A sample item is “[name of participant]
is often absent from work without a legitimate reason.” Responses
were given on a 6-point frequency scale (1 not characteristic for
[name of participant], 6 very characteristic for [name of par-
ticipant]). The Cronbach’s alpha was .92.
Data Analysis Strategy
Data were analyzed in R (Lavaan package; R Core Team, 2015).
We applied path analysis using manifest variables
to test our
hypotheses (Preacher, Rucker, & Hayes, 2007). Path analysis is an
adequate method to test our hypothesized conditional indirect
effects, because it allows for analyzing in one coherent model
whether a number of mediation effects hold under different con-
ditions, thus decreasing chance capitalization in comparison with
other methods that require separate analyses for each hypothesis
(e.g., multiple regression analyses). To further reduce bias, we
controlled for age, education, sex, and tenure of participants in all
our analyses. Given that we have mediation and moderation hy-
potheses in the current study, we used bootstrapping to increase the
accuracy of our analyses (k2,000; Preacher et al., 2007) and
mean-centered model variables to facilitate a straightforward in-
terpretation of the results of our moderation analyses (Shieh, 2011;
Dawson, 2014). Model fit was based on the normed chi-square
/df), standardized root mean square residuals, incremental fit
index, comparative fit index, Tucker–Lewis index, and root mean
square error of approximation (Marsh, Hau, & Wen, 2004).
Descriptive Statistics
Before testing our hypotheses, we created a “correlation model”
containing composite measures of each of the eight variables in the
study and the four control variables (i.e., age, education, sex, and
tenure). All measures were allowed to correlate. Table 1 presents
the descriptive statistics of all the study variables (means and
standard deviations) and the correlation coefficients between the
study variables and control variables. As can be seen in Table 1, all
correlations were in the expected direction. Given that the control
variables showed significant relations with our study variables, we
have included the control variables in our analyses to test our
Hypothesis Testing
To test the mediation effects (Hypotheses 1 and 2), we modeled
paths from EI to work engagement, exhaustion, innovativeness,
in-role performance, and work avoidance. Additionally, we added
We analyzed our moderated mediation hypotheses with manifest vari-
ables to optimize the ratio parameter estimates and observations, thus
increasing the power of our analyses (Jackson, 2003). We also tested our
moderated mediation hypotheses with latent moderated mediation struc-
tural equation modeling (Little, Card, Bovaird, Preacher, & Crandall, 2007)
and found similar results.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
paths from work engagement and exhaustion to innovativeness,
in-role performance, and work avoidance. This formed our “me-
diation model.” All relationships were controlled for age, sex,
education, and tenure. Correlations were allowed between the
exogenous variables (i.e., the variables that were not predicted by
any other variable) and between work engagement and exhaustion.
Because the mediation model was fully saturated, it showed a
perfect fit to the data.
To test Hypothesis 1, according to which EI has a positive
indirect relationship with innovativeness and in-role performance
and a negative indirect relationship with work avoidance, we first
examined the significance of the paths of the mediation model. The
results showed significant paths from EI to work engagement (␤⫽
.49, p.01) and, subsequently, from work engagement to inno-
vativeness (␤⫽.26, p.01), in-role performance (␤⫽.38, p
.01), and work avoidance (␤⫽⫺.19, p.01).
To examine the significance of the indirect pathways (i.e.,
) between EI and performance through work engagement,
we followed Shrout and Bolger (2002) and examined the strength
of the product of the pathway from EI to work engagement and the
pathway from work engagement to each of the performance mea-
sures (i.e., innovativeness, in-role performance, and work avoid-
ance). The results support Hypothesis 1: The indirect relationships
between EI and the criteria via work engagement were all signif-
icant, namely, for innovativeness,
.10, p.01, 95%
confidence interval (CI) [.05, .16], and for in-role performance,
.13, p.01, 95% CI [.07, .18]. For work avoidance,
there was a negative indirect relationship, as hypothesized,
⫽⫺.09, p.05, 95% CI [.15, .02]. Thus, engaging
in EI was positively related to work engagement, which in turn was
related to higher levels of innovativeness and in-role performance
and lower levels of work avoidance.
Before testing Hypothesis 2, in which we proposed that EI had
a negative indirect relationship with innovativeness and in-role
performance and a positive indirect relationship with work avoid-
ance via work exhaustion, we first examined the significance of the
paths in the mediation model between EI, exhaustion, and perfor-
mance. The results showed that EI was significantly related to
exhaustion, ␤⫽.41, p.01, and subsequently, exhaustion was
related to in-role performance, ␤⫽⫺.14, p.05, and work
avoidance, ␤⫽.35, p.01. The relationship between exhaustion
and innovativeness was nonsignificant, ␤⫽⫺.06, p.36.
To test whether the indirect relationships between EI and other-
rated performance via exhaustion are significant, we again fol-
lowed the method of Shrout and Bolger (2002). The results sup-
ported Hypotheses 2b and 2c. The strength of the indirect
relationship between EI and in-role performance through exhaus-
tion was
⫽⫺.04, p.05, 95% CI [.08, .00], and the
indirect relationship between EI and work avoidance was
.14, p.01, 95% CI [.07, .18]. Thus, the results
indicated that engaging in EI was positively related to exhaustion,
which in turn was related to lower levels of in-role performance
and higher levels of work avoidance. Hypothesis 2b was not
supported, because no relationship was found between exhaustion
and innovativeness; the indirect relationship was also not signifi-
⫽⫺.02, p.36, 95% CI [.06, .02]. In addition to
the reported indirect relationships in the mediation model, we also
found that EI was directly related to innovativeness, ␤⫽.34, p
.01, and to work avoidance, ␤⫽.27, p.01. Results of the
mediation analyses are presented in Figure 1.
To examine the moderating impact of sensitivity toward BAS
and BIS on the relationships between EI and work engagement
(Hypothesis 3a) and exhaustion (Hypothesis 3b), we created prod-
uct terms of EI and BAS (EI BAS) and of EI and BIS (EI
BIS). Subsequently, we included both interaction variables in the
mediation model and added paths from EI BAS to work en-
gagement and EI BIS to exhaustion. In addition, we added paths
from both EI BAS and EI BIS to innovativeness, in-role
performance, and work avoidance to address our moderated me-
diation hypotheses (Preacher et al., 2007). This formed the “mod-
Table 1
Correlations Between Self-Rated and Other-Rated Study Variables (N 243)
Construct MSD
Study variables
Study variables
1. Employee intrapreneurship (Employee Intrapreneurship Scale) 3.36 1.45
2. Work engagement 4.59 1.16 .50
3. Exhaustion 2.95 1.27 .38
.01 —
4. BAS (reward sensitivity) 2.82 0.34 .52
5. BIS (punishment sensitivity) 2.68 0.52 .04 .05 .41
6. In-role performance 4.76 1.00 .06 .36
7. Innovativeness 4.60 1.17 .47
.07 .33
.04 .38
8. Work avoidance 1.71 1.20 .30
.08 .50
.10 —
Control variables
Age 41.49 11.52 .04 .14
.05 .09 .13
.04 .27
Education 4.41 1.06 .17
.04 .02 .12 .08 .09 .21
Sex 1.33 1.34 .14
.04 .07 .19
.10 .11 .03
Tenure 20.66 11.67 .05 .13
.06 .08 .13
.04 .27
Note. BAS behavioral approach system; BIS behavioral inhibition system.
Results are based on correlations in the correlation model.
Control variables represent age, education, sex, and tenure of the participants.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
erated mediation model.” The moderated mediation model showed
a good fit to the data (
/df 2.52, standardized root mean square
residual .02, comparative fit index .99, incremental fit in-
dex .99, Tucker–Lewis index .88, and the root mean square
error of approximation .08; Marsh et al., 2004).
Before testing Hypothesis 3a, in which we proposed that sensi-
tivity toward BAS strengthens the relationship between EI and
work engagement and, in turn, job performance, we first examined
whether the relationship between EI and work engagement was
enhanced by employees’ BAS. In line with our predictions, the
higher an individual’s BASscores, the stronger the relationship
between EI and work engagement; the of the interaction term
was .13 (p.05). The interaction effect is plotted in Figure 2. We
continued to examine whether the interaction effect between EI
and BAS was indirectly related to the performance outcomes via
work engagement using Shrout and Bolger’s (2002) method. Con-
sistent with Hypothesis 3a, we found significant indirect relation-
ships for the interaction term of EI and BAS and innovativeness,
.07, p.05, 95% CI [.00, .13], and in-role perfor-
.07, p.05, 95% CI [.00, .13], via work
Figure 1. The standardized regression weights of the significant paths between latent variables in the mediation
model. All paths in the model were tested simultaneously.
+1SD -1SD
Employee Intrapreneurship
Work Engagement
-1SD Reward
Sensitivity (BAS)
+1SD Reward
Sensitivity (BAS)
Figure 2. The interaction between reward sensitivity (behavioral approach system [BAS]) and employee
intrapreneurship for work engagement. The slope is .05 (SE .25, not significant) for the 1SD reward
sensitivity (BAS) group and .46 (SE .21, p.05) for the 1SD reward sensitivity (BAS) group.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
engagement. However, no indirect relation was found for work
⫽⫺.05, p.07, 95% CI [.08, .01]. Thus, in
line with Hypothesis 3a, the results indicated that employees’
reward sensitivity enhanced the indirect relationship between EI
and employee in-role performance and innovativeness via work
To test whether BIS strengthened the indirect relationship be-
tween EI and the performance measures via exhaustion (Hypoth-
esis 3b), we first examined whether BIS moderated the relationship
between EI and exhaustion. Consistent with our hypothesis, the
higher an individual’s BISscores, the stronger the relationship
between EI and exhaustion; the of the interaction term was .18
(p.01). The interaction effect is plotted in Figure 3. To examine
Hypothesis 3b, we again followed Shrout and Bolger (2002) and
tested the significance of the indirect relationship between the
interaction term and all three performance outcomes via exhaus-
tion. Consistent with Hypothesis 3b, we found that the indirect
relationship between EI and work avoidance via exhaustion was
positively moderated by BIS,
.09, p.01, 95% CI [.03,
.15]. However, no indirect relationship was found on innovative-
⫽⫺.01, p.56, 95% CI [.05, .03], or in-role
⫽⫺.02, p.24, 95% CI [.05, .01]. Thus,
the results indicated that only the indirect relationship of EI and
work avoidance via exhaustion was strengthened by employees’
The current study investigated the relationships among EI, em-
ployee well-being, and employee performance. In general, our
findings suggest that EI is part of two concurrent processes that
differentially relate to employee well-being and job performance.
Specifically, EI positively relates to employee innovativeness,
in-role performance, and decreased work avoidance via work
engagement (i.e., a motivational process). At the same time, EI
relates to exhaustion (i.e., an energy depletion process; cf. JD-R
theory; Bakker & Demerouti, 2014, 2017), which in turn relates to
impaired in-role performance and increased work avoidance. Thus,
our results indicate that EI can have both a beneficial and a
detrimental relationship with employees’ well-being and job per-
formance. Furthermore, our results show that employees’ reward
sensitivity and punishment sensitivity influence their emotional
and motivational responses to behavior in such a way that BAS
individuals are more likely to have higher levels of work engage-
ment when engaging in EI and BISindividuals are more likely
to feel exhausted when engaging in EI. These findings have several
important theoretical implications for literature on intrapreneur-
ship, employee work behavior, and employee well-being.
First, our study provides empirical evidence for the benefits of
EI for employee well-being and performance. Given that studies
addressing the relation among employees’ intrapreneurial behav-
ior, employee well-being, and job performance are lacking, our
results extend current studies of intrapreneurship to the individual
level. In addition, our finding that work engagement and exhaus-
tion are important explanatory factors in the EI–performance re-
lationship indicates that the dual-process model based on JD-R
theory provides a valid framework to explain how EI relates to job
performance (Bakker & Demerouti, 2014, 2017). Regarding the
motivational process, the consequences of work behaviors are
expected to result in heightened levels of positive affect and
motivation (such as work engagement), which in turn positively
influence performance. Accordingly, we reason that EI can in-
crease work engagement, because of its capacity to enrich working
conditions through (personal) goal attainment at work and crafting
beneficial job circumstances. For instance, when engaging in EI,
+1SD -1SD
Employee Intrapreneurship
-1SD Punishment
Sensitivity (BIS)
+1SD Punishment
Sensitivity (BIS)
Figure 3. The interaction between punishment sensitivity (behavioral inhibition system [BIS]) and employee
intrapreneurship for exhaustion. The slope is .03 (SE .16, not significant) for the 1SD punishment sensitivity
(behavioral approach system [BAS]) group and .56 (SE .14, p.01) for the 1SD punishment sensitivity
(BAS) group.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
employees initiate new projects, combine existing resources to
develop new and novel ideas (McFadzean et al., 2005), and ex-
change information and resources with both internal and external
stakeholders (Anderson & Jack, 2002). Such activities can result in
new knowledge, experience, and self-insights and can increase the
task variety and skill variety of work (Clegg & Spencer, 2007)—
factors that are known to foster work engagement (Bakker, 2011).
We encourage scholars to validate these premises by conducting
longitudinal research on the role of EI in the motivational process.
Second, regarding the health impairment process, we provide
new insights into the “dark side” of employee intrapreneurial
behavior for employee well-being and performance. Our results
indicate that EI may negatively influence job performance, that is,
it may decrease in-role performance and increase work avoidance
(no effect was found for innovativeness) through increased ex-
haustion. This implies that EI is simultaneously part of a motiva-
tional and an energy depletion process. In an energy depletion
process, some work behaviors are reasoned to increase levels of
exhaustion because they create obstacles at work (e.g., increased
time pressure, work role overload), which in turn result in de-
creased performance (Bakker & Demerouti, 2014, 2017). In the
context of our study, we reason that engaging in EI may coincide
with extra working hours and additional responsibilities that do not
always contribute to achieving formal work goals (Antoncic &
Hisrich, 2003). Furthermore, entrepreneurial projects within orga-
nizations are often terminated due to falling short of the intended
goals (Clancy & Stone, 2005), which evokes strong negative
emotions in employees (Shepherd et al., 2011). Such factors are
known to increase employee exhaustion, decrease in-role perfor-
mance (Demerouti et al., 2014), and, over time, even result in
chronic employee health impairment (e.g., burnout; Hobfoll &
Shirom, 1993; Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004). Hence, similar to recent
research that underlined negative effects of “positive” proactive
behaviors (Bolino et al., 2015), we argue that it is important to also
address the “dark side” of intrapreneurship. For instance, the
reciprocal process of how EI can negatively affect employee
well-being and employee performance over time (e.g., short-term
positive outcomes vs. long-term negative outcomes) may be of
heightened interest for further scholarly work.
Third, our results contribute to the theoretical development of
JD-R theory (Bakker & Demerouti, 2014, 2017) by providing
empirical evidence that the motivational and energy depletion
pathways from behavior to well-being occur concurrently. Specif-
ically, our results show that although EI is positively related to
beneficial performance outcomes due to higher levels of work
engagement, it may at the same time also hamper performance due
to higher levels of exhaustion. This apparent paradox may be of
heightened interest because it sheds new light on how work be-
haviors can simultaneously be beneficial and detrimental to em-
ployee well-being and performance. Thus, complementing the
assumption of JD-R theory that a specific type of proactive be-
havior either increases work engagement (e.g., job crafting; cf.
Tims, Bakker, & Derks, 2013) or increases exhaustion (e.g., self-
undermining behaviors that harm performance; Bakker, 2015), we
argue that some proactive behaviors, such as EI, may simultane-
ously be part of both processes. As such, we encourage scholars to
address both processes of JD-R theory concurrently when exam-
ining the outcomes of work behavior for employees in future
research. We believe that such an approach will provide new
insights into the consequences of work behavior, such as EI, and
open up a new research agenda on factors influencing these pro-
cesses (e.g., personal characteristics; see also next paragraph).
Finally, by applying reward sensitivity theory (Corr, 2004) to
EI, we have shown first evidence for personal differences in the
way EI relates to employee well-being (and, indirectly, job per-
formance). Our findings indicate that employees who are more
sensitive to rewards (BAS) show higher levels of work engage-
ment when engaging in EI relative to employees who are less
sensitive. In contrast, for employees who are more sensitive to
punishment (BIS), EI relates more strongly to exhaustion. These
findings are in line with experimental studies showing that BAS
and BIS color the way individuals react to events (Heponiemi et
al., 2003). In the context of our study, the results may imply that
BASemployees are more responsive toward (personal) goal
achievement or the enrichment of one’s work, thus fostering work
engagement. In contrast, BISemployees may react more
strongly to setbacks and may be more easily distressed by resis-
tance when engaging in EI, resulting in higher levels of exhaus-
tion. Consequently, we argue that to adequately examine how
work behaviors affect employee outcomes, it is necessary to ad-
dress how employee personality characteristics interact with work
behavior. Hence, a fruitful avenue for future research would be to
focus on how employee sensitivity toward reward and punishment
may color the individual experience of work behaviors and the
perception of the work environment to increase our understanding
of the mechanisms that underlie employee well-being and perfor-
Despite its merits, this study also has some limitations. First,
although the use of multisource data and path analyses provides us
with insights into the costs and benefits of EI for employees, the
cross-sectional design does not allow us to make causal inferences.
For example, it is conceivable that EI is not only a predictor but
also a consequence of work engagement (i.e., the two variables are
reciprocal). Hakanen and colleagues (2008) showed that work
engagement at the baseline was positively related to personal
initiative and work unit innovativeness measured 3 years later.
Furthermore, recent studies (Simbula & Guglielmi, 2013) have
indicated that the relationship between motivation and behavior is
reciprocal (Bakker & Demerouti, 2014). Therefore, it may be of
heightened interest for future studies to examine the role of EI in
the motivational process with a longitudinal study design and in
more detail. Such studies should aim to incorporate at least three
repeated measurement moments (Ployhart & Ward, 2011).
Second, our participants are Dutch employees who worked in a
wide range of privately owned companies differing in firm size
and sector. Although the premises of JD-R theory have been
cross-culturally validated across a wide range of contexts (Bakker
& Demerouti, 2014, 2017), cultural differences have been shown
to affect individual appraisal of the consequences of EI (Hayton,
George, & Zahra, 2002; Turró, Urbano, & Peris-Ortiz, 2014).
Hayton and colleagues (2002) indicated in their review that the
motives, values, and beliefs of individuals regarding entrepreneur-
ial activity differ across cultures. Similarly, Turró and colleagues
(2014) reported that entrepreneurial culture (e.g., popularity of
entrepreneurial activities, funding for entrepreneurial activities
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
within a country) moderated entrepreneurial activity. Accordingly,
we reason that culture may influence an individual’s expectation of
whether EI yields beneficial or harmful consequences, thus im-
pacting the strength of the relationship between EI and work
engagement versus exhaustion. Future studies may address this
issue by conducting cross-cultural research and incorporating cul-
ture as a moderator.
Third, consistent with the motivational and health impairment
process of JD-R theory, we have shown that EI simultaneously
relates to positive and negative work outcomes via work engage-
ment and exhaustion. Investigating the role of job characteristics
was beyond the scope of our current study. Based on JD-R theory,
reciprocal relationships can be expected among job characteristics
(i.e., job demands and job resources), work behaviors (i.e., EI),
work engagement, and exhaustion (Bakker & Demerouti, 2014,
2017). Including job characteristics in future studies may yield
valuable insights into how intrapreneurial behavior may relate to
work engagement and exhaustion, for example, through crafting
more-resourceful versus more-demanding work environments.
Including job characteristics may also increase our understand-
ing of the role of job types. For instance, job type may relate to job
characteristics that affect employees’ intrapreneurial capability
and motivation (Bakker & Demerouti, 2014, 2017; Grant & Ash-
ford, 2008). When favorable (e.g., high on autonomy), EI may
boost innovative output or provide employees with leeway to
better combine intrapreneurship with in-role activities. Hence, it
can be expected that employees with favorable jobs are more likely
to enter a positive gain spiral, whereas the energy depletion pro-
cess would be buffered. This premise is supported in a study
among managers showing that higher-level managers more effec-
tively used organizational resources (i.e., managerial support,
work discretion) to implement intrapreneurial ideas (Hornsby,
Kuratko, Shepherd, & Bot, 2009). We encourage scholars to
investigate the generalizability of our findings across job contexts
in future studies.
Practical Implications and Conclusion
Besides theoretical implications, this study yields interesting
practical implications. As organizations are becoming increasingly
dependent on proactive employee behaviors, such as EI, to remain
competitive in a dynamic environment (Grant & Ashford, 2008), it
is important to understand the consequences intrapreneurial behav-
ior may have for employees. Our results show that EI is a double-
edged sword for employees, with the potential to boost motivation
and performance but increase exhaustion, which in turn hampers
performance. Top management should be aware that adopting and
encouraging intrapreneurial behavior may yield beneficial and
harmful consequences for employees.
Furthermore, we show that differences in employee dispositions
may be essential to determine what effect intrapreneurial behavior
may have on the employee. Specifically, our results show that
individuals who have higher reward sensitivity (i.e., sensitivity
toward potentially rewarding situations and positive outcomes)
will most likely reap the benefits of engaging in EI. In contrast,
individuals who are more sensitive to punishments (i.e., sensitivity
toward potentially harmful situations and negative outcomes) will
most likely experience detrimental effects of engaging in EI. Thus,
it may be advisable to specifically target individuals based on their
reward sensitivity when promoting intrapreneurship. Not only will
such a strategy potentially boost employees’ engagement but it
may also increase their innovative output for the organization and
in-role performance. In addition, we argue that organizations
should avoid motivating employees who are easily distressed to
contribute to strategic renewal or new venture creation, as such
activity may result in increased exhaustion and hamper perfor-
mance (i.e., work avoidance).
In sum, building upon JD-R theory (Bakker & Demerouti, 2014,
2017) and reinforcement sensitivity theory (Corr, 2004), we
showed that EI may have both beneficial and detrimental impli-
cations for employee well-being and performance. We also dem-
onstrated that employee characteristics may play a key role in
explaining when proactive behaviors can be expected to positively
or negatively affect well-being and performance. We hope that our
study will inspire future research on the personal costs and benefits
of EI, as proactive work behaviors seem crucial in ever-changing
modern organizations.
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Received December 15, 2016
Revision received September 7, 2017
Accepted September 15, 2017
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... Similarly, Huang, Yang Lin, and Hsieh (2021) depict entrepreneurs as employees who demonstrate innovative characteristics and spontaneous behaviors at work and thus achieve innovative outcomes for firms. Notwithstanding the similarities outlined, Gawke et al. (2018) argue that intrapreneurial activities differ from IWB as the latter are directed toward organizations' ability to take risks and seize opportunities. ...
... Drawing from the literature on intrapreneurship and innovative work behavior (Åmo and Kolvereid, 2005;Douglas and Fitzsimmons, 2013;Gawke et al., 2018), we include age, gender, education, level of management, and tenure as control variables. Gender was indicated with 0 (female) and 1 (male). ...
... This nuance can be explained by the difference between IWB and intrapreneurship, as the former is more task-oriented, while the latter is more organization-oriented. Intrapreneurship implies actions that enhance an organization's ability to take risks and seize opportunities (Gawke et al., 2018). Furthermore, our findings support the axiom that intentions are individual, and behaviors are influenced by variables outside the individual's control, as postulated by Shore et al. (1990). ...
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Purpose The manager is to innovation what innovation is to organizations. Driven by this axiom, researchers and practitioners have turned their attention to the drivers of innovative work behavior of managers. In this study, we investigate whether organizational-based job attitudes (workplace belongingness and management support) are related to the innovative work behavior of managers directly or through the underlying mechanism of intrapreneurial intention. Design/methodology/approach Data were gathered from 201 managers working in various industries in Kosovo. Using structural equation modeling, we tested how management support (MS) and workplace belongingness (WB) are related to innovative work behavior (IWB) as a direct relationship and mediated by intrapreneurial intentions (INI). Findings The study's findings reveal that the relationship between workplace belongingness and innovative work behavior is positive and significant. The relationship between management support and innovative work behavior is insignificant, but intrapreneurial intention fully mediates this relationship. The strongest relationship attested is between intrapreneurial intention and innovative work behavior, supporting the attitude-intention-behavior nexus. Research limitations/implications Our study is limited to a single-country, cross-sectional study, which hinders generalization and is susceptible to reverse causation. Originality/value Our study sheds light on the attitude-intention-behavior chain and provides insights for fostering innovative work behavior among managers. This is the first study to test the influence of management support and workplace belongingness as attitudes on innovative work behavior of managers from the lens of place attachment theory and perceived organizational support theory.
... In an ultra-competitive economic environment where innovation is vital, many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are trying to unlock the intrapreneurial potential of their employees. Intrapreneurship can enhance the organization's competitiveness and act as a source of motivation and commitment for employees (Gawke et al., 2018). However, implementing intrapreneurship in SMEs presents unique challenges and impacts on employee motivation. ...
... However, the scarcity of material and human resources could threaten employee success. For Gawke et al. (2018), the positive impact of intrapreneurial behavior on work engagement results from the match between the challenges of intrapreneurship and the rewards. In cases where employees are highly sensitive to punishment caused by the discrepancy between the demands and sufficient resources, intrapreneurship has been linked Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: ...
... Thus, educational level is intrinsically linked to satisfying psychological needs that are essential to work motivation ( Van den Broeck et al., 2016). Moreover, the inclusion of education is reinforced by literature highlighting its pivotal role in fostering creative problem-solving and strategic thinking, which are essential for intrapreneurial behavior (Gawke et al., 2018;De Jong et al., 2015). For example, studies such as Chouchane and St-Jean (2022) have underscored the significant impact of education level on intrapreneurship compared to other sociodemographic variables. ...
Purpose Based on self-determination theory and the perspective of person-job fit, this study aims to determine the configurations of situations in which the person-intrapreneurship fit and psychosocial factors that lead to different types of motivation. Design/methodology/approach The data were collected from 199 employees of four Quebec small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and analyzed by a configurational approach using the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) method. Findings The results indicate that for intrapreneurs to operate autonomously, it is crucial that they do not experience job anxiety. Intrapreneurial self-efficacy is required when intrapreneurship is voluntary (strong fit) but not when forced (poor fit). In forced intrapreneurship, organizational support is central to self-determination. Thus, regardless of self-efficacy, the model suggests autonomous motivation is possible in forced intrapreneurship if the employee has organizational support and lacks anxiety. Practical implications These findings underscore the imperative for organizations to prioritize the psychological well-being of their employees, particularly when engaging them in intrapreneurial projects. Additionally, managers can foster autonomous motivation by encouraging favorable behaviors such as intrapreneurial behavior (IB) and providing essential support, particularly when these projects may not align with employees' ambitions and intentions. Originality/value This study offers a novel perspective on the role of person-job fit in the specific context of intrapreneurship, based on a new categorization of fit based on the disparity between employees' intrapreneurial intention and actual intrapreneurial behavior. It provides unique theoretical and practical insights into fostering autonomous motivation through the lens of person-intrapreneurship fit.
... Most prior research has adopted the organizational perspective, applying the corporate entrepreneurship concept; hence, there is a paucity of studies on individual-level intrapreneurship (Blanka, 2019;Gawke, Gorgievski, & Bakker, 2018). In this study, we take the latter approach and study intrapreneurship from an individual perspective. ...
... However, recent conceptualizations of intrapreneurship consider proactiveness as part of the innovation domain and operationalize INI as a two-dimensional construct comprised of innovation and risk-taking (e.g., Baena-Luna, Sánchez-Torné, Pérez-Suárez, & García-Río, 2022; González-Serrano et al., 2019; Lara-Bocanegra, García-Fernández, Bohórquez, & González-Serrano, 2022). Although the two concepts are positively linked (Amo, 2006), it is imperative to recognize that proactivity is a specific dimension and is not always innovation-related (Gawke et al., 2018). Rather, proactivity primarily denotes the inclination to anticipate changes, characterized by its temporal component (Crant & Bateman, 2000). ...
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Drawing on job-demands resources and self-consistency theories, this study investigates individual and contextual factors influencing managers’ intrapreneurial intention (INI). We focus on the role of personal resources (organization-based self-esteem and proactivity) related to INI. Further, we analyze job resources (top management support and role clarity) shaping INI, and their interaction with proactivity. Our data comprises 193 Kosovan managers employed in companies varying in size and industry. The results show that organization-based self-esteem and proactivity are positively related to INI. Additionally, proactivity serves as the underlying mechanism, mediating organization-based self-esteem-INI relationship. Furthermore, job resources – top management support and role clarity – strengthen the likelihood of INI among proactive employees, suggesting a moderated mediation model. By jointly examining individual and contextual antecedents of INI, this study contributes to the debate of who the intrapreneur is and what nurtures his/her inclinations. Furthermore, this is among the few studies to examine INI using a managerial sample and in an emerging economy context.
... I focused on the entrepreneurship domain, where self-promotion is often necessary, and uncertainties may amplify its benefits (Ashford & Cummings, 1983). My findings are particularly relevant for those navigating feedback-seeking environments, with potential applicability to gig workers (Cameron et al., 2021), intrapreneurs (Gawke et al., 2018), and consultants (Bourgoin & Harvey, 2018). However, they may not be universally generalizable. ...
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Research in impression management has primarily examined how self-promotion affects one’s image, neglecting the potential benefits of feedback on the underlying image that is being impression managed. This study bridges this gap by integrating impression management with social–cognitive theory to explore how self-promotion can enhance feedback from targets, thereby stimulating initiative-taking and proactive adaptation in the actor. Analyzing five-wave monthly survey data from 574 entrepreneurs, I find a positive relationship between self-promotion and experimentation, which positively associates with business-model adaptation. This indirect effect is observed exclusively among entrepreneurs confident in their capabilities, highlighting the critical role of self-efficacy. Furthermore, results from three scenario-based experiments demonstrate that higher levels of self-promotion elicit greater engagement from targets, with responses containing more constructive elements, such as ideas or concerns, thereby supporting my theory. My findings underscore the richer feedback generated from self-promotion, suggesting it plays a critical role in facilitating agentic behavior. This contributes to a more nuanced understanding of self-promotion’s impact, proposing new avenues for future studies in impression management and entrepreneurship.
... Intrapreneurship can result in several benefits for the business, such as an increase in process efficiencies, an increase in market share or increased profits. Gawke et al. (2017) found that intrapreneurship is positively linked to in-role performance. Similarly, Asiaei et al. (2020) found that intrapreneurship mediates the link between intellectual capital and performance. ...
Purpose The study aims to analyze the evolution of intrapreneurship in terms of its productivity and impact while identifying major themes in the literature. It also seeks to suggest future research directions. Design/methodology/approach This study employs bibliometric analysis utilizing the Scopus database. The study used the number of publications and citations to measure the productivity and impact. In addition, bibliographic coupling was used to map intellectual networking. A content analysis was also performed to identify the antecedents and outcomes of intrapreneurship. Findings The study identifies the trends and trajectories of intrapreneurship research in terms of performance and impact. Based on the content analysis of intrapreneurship literature, the study finds outcomes and major domains of antecedents. Originality/value This research contributes to the evolving intrapreneurship field by comprehensively analyzing its changing landscape. It offers valuable insights and recommendations for future research, highlighting potential areas for further exploration and deepening the understanding of intrapreneurship within the organizational context.
... Segundo Bierwerth et al. (2015), o intraempreendedorismo esta� associado ao bom desempenho das organizaço� es. Ha� estudos que apontam o intraempreendedorismo como um fator relevante para a rentabilidade dos nego� cios e a competitividade das organizaço� es (Felí� cio et al., 2012;Gawke et al., 2017;Kamil & Nasurdin, 2016). Partindo do pressuposto que o comportamento intraempreendedor contribui com o sucesso das organizaço� es, da mesma forma, pode o intraempreendedorismo firmar-se como um fator relacionado ao sucesso dos projetos. ...
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Objetivo: apesar do grande interesse acadêmico e prático sobre o intraempreendedorismo, são poucos os estudos que o relacionam ao sucesso de projetos. O objetivo deste estudo é determinar a influência moderadora da cultura organizacional intraempreendedora sobre o comportamento intraempreendedor e suas relações com o sucesso do projeto. O estudo objetiva ainda estabelecer os perfis heterogêneos de intraempreendedorismo e seus diferentes efeitos sobre o sucesso de projetos. Método: utilizou-se como abordagem um survey, com análise dos dados por modelagem de equações estruturais, regressão linear para os testes de moderação, e análise de classes latentes para a classificação heterogênea da amostra de 284 participantes de projetos em termos de intraempreendedorismo. Contribuições teóricas: os resultados demonstram que há influência do intraempreendedorismo dos profissionais no sucesso de projetos. Por outro lado, uma cultura organizacional intraempreendedora fraca ou mediana, reduz a força da relação do intraempreendedorismo com o sucesso de projetos. O estudo identifica ainda três perfis heterogêneos de intraempreendedores, e que a cultura organizacional eleva a possibilidade de sucesso do projeto, mesmo para indivíduos com baixo perfil para intraempreendedorismo. Originalidade: este estudo analisa pioneiramente a relação entre intraempreendedorismo individual e organizacional, como cultura, para o sucesso de projetos, direta e indiretamente, com uma metodologia diversificada. Contribuições para a gestão: o estudo sugere, para a prática, a importância do comportamento intraempreendedor para o sucesso dos projetos, e a relevância do estímulo à cultura organizacional intraempreendedora, capaz de mobilizar até mesmo indivíduos pouco empreendedores, na medida em que indivíduos naturalmente intraempreendedores são escassos.
... According to Bierwerth et al. (2015), intrapreneurship is associated with strong organizational performance. Research has identified intrapreneurship as a significant factor for business profitability and competitiveness (Felício et al., 2012;Gawke et al., 2017;Kamil & Nasurdin, 2016). When intrapreneurial behavior contributes to organizational success, it can also be considered a factor related to project success. ...
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Objectives: Despite the great academic and practical interest in intrapreneurship, there are few studies that relate it to project success. The objective of this study is to determine the moderating influence of intrapreneurial organizational culture on intrapreneurial behavior and its relationships with project success. The study also aims to establish the heterogeneous profiles of intrapreneurship, and their different effects on the success of projects. Method: A survey approach was used, with data analysis by structural equation modeling, linear regression for moderation tests, and latent class analysis for the heterogeneous classification of the sample of 284 project participants in terms of intrapreneurship. Main results: The results show that there is influence of intrapreneurship of professionals on project success. On the other hand, a weak or average intrapreneurial organizational culture reduces the strength of the relationship between intrapreneurship and project success. Theoretical contributions: The study also identifies three heterogeneous profiles of intrapreneurs, and that organizational culture increases the possibility of project success, even for individuals with a low profile for intrapreneurship. Originality: This study pioneerly analyzes the relationship between individual and organizational intrapreneurship, as culture, for project success, directly and indirectly, with a diversified methodology. Contributions to management: The study suggests for practice the importance of intrapreneurial behavior for the success of projects, and the relevance of stimulating an intrapreneurial organizational culture, capable of mobilizing even less entrepreneurial individuals, to the extent that naturally intrapreneurial individuals are scarce.
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This study explores the role of organizational aspects of intrapreneurship in family businesses in Morocco, focusing on corporate culture, business policies and practices, and organizational structures. The results highlight their importance in fostering intrapreneurship. Through a case study involving five participants, conducted within a family business characterized by a propensity for innovation and strong support for entrepreneurship, the importance of a corporate culture that encourages creativity and risk-taking, policies and practices that foster intrapreneurship, and organizational structures that facilitate collaboration and communication, is highlighted. These results indicate significant implications for Moroccan family businesses wishing to promote intrapreneurship, highlighting the need to put in place policies and practices supporting innovation and fostering a corporate culture valuing creativity and risk-taking. Résumé Cette étude explore le rôle des aspects organisationnels dans l'intrapreneuriat des entreprises familiales au Maroc, en se concentrant sur la culture d'entreprise, les politiques et pratiques d'entreprise, ainsi que les structures organisationnelles. Les résultats soulignent leur importance pour favoriser l'intrapreneuriat. À travers une étude de cas impliquant cinq participants, menée au sein d'une entreprise familiale caractérisée par une propension à l'innovation et un fort soutien à l'entrepreneuriat, l'importance d'une culture d'entreprise encourageant la créativité et la prise de risque, de politiques et pratiques favorisant l'intrapreneuriat, ainsi que de structures organisationnelles facilitant la collaboration et la communication, est mise en évidence. Ces résultats indiquent des implications significatives pour les entreprises familiales marocaines souhaitant promouvoir l'intrapreneuriat, en soulignant la nécessité de mettre en place des politiques et pratiques soutenant l'innovation et en favorisant une culture d'entreprise valorisant la créativité et la prise de risque.
In this study of burnout and engagement, we address three major themes. First, we offer a review of prior studies of burnout among IT professionals and link these studies to the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model. Informed by the JD-R model, we identify three factors that are organizational job resources, and posit that these (a) increase engagement, and (b) decrease burnout. Second, we extend the JD-R by considering software professionals’ intention to stay as a consequence of these two affective states, burnout and engagement. Third, we focus on the importance of factors for intention to stay, and actual retention behavior. We use a unique dataset of over 13,000 respondents at one global IT organization, enriched with employment status 90 days after the initial survey. Leveraging partial least squares structural equation modeling and machine learning, we find that the data mostly support our theoretical model, with some variation across different subgroups of respondents. An importance-performance map analysis suggests that managers may wish to focus on interventions regarding burnout as a predictor of intention to leave. The Machine Learning model suggests that engagement and opportunities to learn are the top two most important factors that explain whether software professionals leave an organization.
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The job demands−resources (JD-R) model was introduced in the international literature 15 years ago (Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner, & Schaufeli, 2001). The model has been applied in thousands of organizations and has inspired hundreds of empirical articles, including 1 of the most downloaded articles of the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology (Bakker, Demerouti, & Euwema, 2005). This article provides evidence for the buffering role of various job resources on the impact of various job demands on burnout. In the present article, we look back on the first 10 years of the JD-R model (2001–2010), and discuss how the model matured into JD-R theory (2011–2016). Moreover, we look at the future of the theory and outline which new issues in JD-R theory are worthwhile of investigation. We also discuss practical applications. It is our hope that JD-R theory will continue to inspire researchers and practitioners who want to promote employee well-being and effective organizational functioning.
This study examined the impact of an intervention based on Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) theory. We hypothesized that the intervention would influence participants' job crafting behaviors, as well as their basic need satisfaction. Further, we hypothesized a positive impact on participants work engagement. In addition to the proposed intervention effects, we expected that job crafting would have a positive relationship with work engagement, through basic need satisfaction. The study used a quasi-experimental design with an experimental group and a control group. Teachers completed measures pre- and post-intervention. Results of analyses of variance were largely in line with our predictions. In the intervention group, job crafting, basic need satisfaction, and work engagement increased over time. In the control group, no significant changes were found on all variables. In addition, the results of the analysis confirmed the hypothesized mediation. We discuss the implications of these findings for both JD-R theory and practice.
The domain of corporate entrepreneurship is comprised of two categories of phenomena: corporate venturing and strategic entrepreneurship. Corporate venturing consists of entrepreneurial phenomena through which new businesses are created by, added to, or invested in by an existing organization. Its forms include internal, cooperative, and external corporate venturing. By contrast, strategic entrepreneurship consists of a broad array of entrepreneurial initiatives that do not necessarily involve new businesses being added to the firm. Strategic entrepreneurship involves the exhibition of organizationally consequential innovations that are adopted in pursuit of competitive advantage. The forms of strategic entrepreneurship include strategic renewal, sustained regeneration, domain redefinition, organizational rejuvenation, and business model reconstruction.