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OGLE-2016-BLG-1190Lb: The First Spitzer Bulge Planet Lies
Near the Planet/Brown-dwarf Boundary
Y.-H. Ryu
, J. C. Yee
, A. Udalski
, I. A. Bond
, Y. Shvartzvald
, W. Zang
, R. Figuera Jaimes
, U. G. Jørgensen
W. Zhu
, C. X. Huang
, Y. K. Jung
M. D. Albrow
, S.-J. Chung
, A. Gould
, C. Han
, K.-H. Hwang
, I.-G. Shin
, S.-M. Cha
, D.-J. Kim
H.-W. Kim
, S.-L. Kim
, C.-U. Lee
, D.-J. Lee
, Y. Lee
, B.-G. Park
, R. W. Pogge
(KMTNet Collaboration),
S. Calchi Novati
, S. Carey
, C. B. Henderson
, C. Beichman
, B. S. Gaudi
(Spitzer team),
P. Mróz
, R. Poleski
, J. Skowron
, M. K. Szymański
, I. Soszyński
, S. Kozłowski
, P. Pietrukowicz
, K. Ulaczyk
M. Pawlak
(OGLE Collaboration),
F. Abe
, Y. Asakura
, R. Barry
, D. P. Bennett
, A. Bhattacharya
, M. Donachie
, P. Evans
, A. Fukui
, Y. Hirao
Y. Itow
, K. Kawasaki
, N. Koshimoto
, C. H. Ling
, K. Masuda
, Y. Matsubara
, S. Miyazaki
Y. Muraki
, M. Nagakane
, K. Ohnishi
, C. Ranc
, N. J. Rattenbury
, To. Saito
, A. Sharan
, D. J. Sullivan
, T. Sumi
D. Suzuki
, P. J. Tristram
, T. Yamada
, T. Yamada
, A. Yonehara
(MOA Collaboration),
G. Bryden
, S. B. Howell
, S. Jacklin
(UKIRT Microlensing Team),
M. T. Penny
, S. Mao
, Pascal Fouqué
, T. Wang
(CFHT-K2C9 Microlensing Survey group),
R. A. Street
, Y. Tsapras
, M. Hundertmark
, E. Bachelet
, M. Dominik
, S. Cross
, A. Cassan
K. Horne
, R. Schmidt
, J. Wambsganss
, S. K. Ment
, D. Maoz
, C. Snodgrass
, I. A. Steele
(RoboNet Team),
V. Bozza
, M. J. Burgdorf
, S. Ciceri
, D. F. Evans
, T. C. Hinse
, E. Kerins
, R. Kokotanekova
P. Longa
, J. MacKenzie
, A. Popovas
, M. Rabus
, S. Rahvar
, S. Sajadian
, J. Skottfelt
, J. Southworth
, and
C. von Essen
(MiNDSTEp Team)
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute, Daejon 34055, Korea
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
Warsaw University Observatory, Al. Ujazdowskie 4, 00-478 Warszawa, Poland
Institute of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Massey University, Auckland 0745, New Zealand
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA
Physics Department and Tsinghua Centre for Astrophysics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Department of Physics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310058, China
Centre for Exoplanet Science, SUPA School of Physics & Astronomy, University of St Andrews, North Haugh, St Andrews KY16 9SS, UK
European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2, D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany
Niels Bohr Institute & Centre for Star and Planet Formation, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 5, DK-1350—Copenhagen K, Denmark
Department of Astronomy, Ohio State University, 140 W. 18th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
Department of Physics and Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Dunlap Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON M5S 3H4, Canada
Centre of Planetary Science, University of Toronto, Scarborough Campus Physical & Environmental Sciences, Toronto, M1C 1A4, Canada
University of Canterbury, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8020, New Zealand
Korea University of Science and Technology, 217 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34113, Republic of Korea
Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy, Königstuhl 17, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Department of Physics, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju 28644, Korea
School of Space Research, Kyung Hee University, Yongin, Kyeonggi 17104, Korea
IPAC, Mail Code 100-22, Caltech, 1200 E. California Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
Dipartimento di Fisica “E. R. Caianiello,”Università di Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II, I-84084 Fisciano (SA), Italy
Spitzer Science Center, MS 220-6, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
NASA Exoplanet Science Institute, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
Code 667, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA;
Department of Physics, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand
Okayama Astrophysical Observatory, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 3037-5 Honjo, Kamogata, Asakuchi, Okayama 719-0232, Japan
Department of Earth and Space Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan
Nagano National College of Technology, Nagano 381-8550, Japan
Tokyo Metropolitan College of Aeronautics, Tokyo 116-8523, Japan
School of Chemical and Physical Sciences, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand
The Astronomical Journal, 155:40 (24pp), 2018 January
© 2017. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Kanagawa 252-5210, Japan
University of Canterbury Mt. John Observatory, P.O. Box 56, Lake Tekapo 8770, New Zealand
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto Sangyo University, 603-8555 Kyoto, Japan
Kepler & K2 Missions, NASA Ames Research Center, PO Box 1, M/S 244-30, Moffett Field, CA 94035, USA
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235, USA
National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, A20 Datun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100012, China
Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Alan Turing Building, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK
CFHT Corporation, 65-1238 Mamalahoa Highway, Kamuela, Hawaii 96743, USA
Université de Toulouse, UPS-OMP, IRAP, Toulouse, France
Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network, 6740 Cortona Drive, Suite 102, Goleta, CA 93117, USA
Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg, Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Mönchhofstr. 12-14, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany
Sorbonne Universités, UPMC Univ Paris 6 et CNRS, UMR 7095, Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris, 98 bis bd Arago, F-75014 Paris, France
School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel
Planetary and Space Sciences, Department of Physical Sciences,The Open University, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK
Astrophysics Research Institute, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool CH41 1LD, UK
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Napoli, Napoli, Italy
Universität Hamburg, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department of Earth Sciences,
Meteorological Institute, Bundesstraße 55, 20146 Hamburg, Germany
Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University, AlbaNova University Center, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden
INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Salita Moiariello 16, I-80131, Napoli, Italy
Astrophysics Group, Keele University, Staffordshire, ST5 5BG, UK
Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 3, D-37077 Göttingen, Germany
School of Physical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics,
The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK
Unidad de Astronomía, Fac. de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad de Antofagasta, Avda. U. de Antofagasta 02800, Antofagasta, Chile
Instituto de Astrofísica, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Av. Vicuña Mackenna 4860, 7820436 Macul, Santiago, Chile
Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, PO Box 11155-9161 Tehran, Iran
Department of Physics, Isfahan University of Technology, 841568311 Isfahan, Iran
Centre for Electronic Imaging, Department of Physical Sciences, The Open University, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK
Stellar Astrophysics Centre, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Ny Munkegade 120, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Received 2017 August 22; revised 2017 November 15; accepted 2017 November 17; published 2017 December 28
We report the discovery of OGLE-2016-BLG-1190Lb, which is likely to be the first Spitzer microlensing planet in
the Galactic bulge/bar, an assignation that can be confirmed by two epochs of high-resolution imaging of the
combined source–lens baseline object. The planet’s mass, M
=13.4±0.9 M
, places it right at the deuterium-
burning limit, i.e., the conventional boundary between “planets”and “brown dwarfs.”Its existence raises the
question of whether such objects are really “planets”(formed within the disks of their hosts)or “failed stars”(low-
mass objects formed by gas fragmentation). This question may ultimately be addressed by comparing disk and
bulge/bar planets, which is a goal of the Spitzer microlens program. The host is a G dwarf,
=0.89±0.07 M
, and the planet has a semimajor axis a∼2.0 au. We use Kepler K2 Campaign 9
microlensing data to break the lens-mass degeneracy that generically impacts parallax solutions from Earth–Spitzer
observations alone, which is the first successful application of this approach. The microlensing data, derived
primarily from near-continuous, ultradense survey observations from OGLE, MOA, and three KMTNet telescopes,
contain more orbital information than for any previous microlensing planet, but not quite enough to accurately
specify the full orbit. However, these data do permit the first rigorous test of microlensing orbital-motion
measurements, which are typically derived from data taken over <1% of an orbital period.
Key words: gravitational lensing: micro
1. Introduction
The discovery of the Spitzer microlensing planet OGLE-
2016-BLG-1190Lb is remarkable in five different respects.
First, it is the first planet in the Spitzer Galactic-distribution
sample that likely lies in the Galactic bulge, which would break
the trend from the three previous members of this sample.
Second, it is precisely measured to be right at the edge of the
brown-dwarf desert. Since the existence of the brown-dwarf
desert is the signature of different formation mechanisms for
stars and planets, the extremely close proximity of OGLE-
2016-BLG-1190Lb to this desert raises the question of whether
it is truly a “planet”(by formation mechanism)and therefore
reacts back upon its role tracing the Galactic distribution of
planets, just mentioned above. Third, it is the first planet to
enter the Spitzer “blind”sample whose existence was
recognized prior to its choice as a Spitzer target. This seeming
contradiction was clearly anticipated by Yee et al. (2015a)
when they established their protocols for the Galactic
distribution experiment. The discovery therefore tests the
well-defined, but intricate, procedures devised by Yee et al.
(2015a)to deal with this possibility. Fourth, it is the first planet
(and indeed the first microlensing event)for which the well-
known microlens-parallax degeneracy has been broken by
observations from two satellites. Finally, it is the first
microlensing planet for which a complete orbital solution has
been attempted. Although this attempt is not completely
successful in that a one-dimensional degeneracy remains, it is
an important benchmark on the road to such solutions.
In view of the diverse origins and implications of this
discovery, we therefore depart from the traditional form of
NASA Postdoctoral Program Fellow.
Sagan Fellow.
Royal Society University Research Fellow.
The Astronomical Journal, 155:40 (24pp), 2018 January Ryu et al.
introductions and begin by framing this discovery with four
semi-autonomous introductory subsections.
1.1. Microlens Parallax from One and Two Satellites
When Refsdal (1966)first proposed measuring microlens
parallaxes using a satellite in solar orbit, a quarter century
before the first microlensing event, he already realized that this
measurement would be subject to a fourfold degeneracy, and
further, that this degeneracy could be broken by observations
from a second satellite. See also Gould (1994b)and Calchi
Novati & Scarpetta (2016). The microlens parallax is a vector,
ºº ();, 1
whose amplitude is the ratio of the lens–source relative parallax
()DDau LS
rel 11
to the Einstein radius θ
, and whose
direction is that of the lens–source relative proper motion
As illustrated in Figure1 of Gould (1994b; compare to
Figure1 of Yee et al. 2015b)observers from Earth and a
satellite will see substantially different light curves. By
comparing the two light curves, one can infer the vector offset
within the Einstein ring of the source as seen from the two
observers. Combining this vector offset with the known
projected offset of the satellite and Earth, one can then infer
However, this determination is in general subject to a
fourfold degeneracy. Although the component of the vector
offset in the direction of the lens–source motion
rel gives rise
to an offset in peak times of the event and can therefore be
determined unambiguously, the component transverse to this
motion must be derived from a comparison of the impact
parameters, which leads to a fourfold ambiguity. That is, the
impact parameter is a signed quantity but only its magnitude
can be readily determined from the light curve.
By far, the most important aspect of this degeneracy is that the
source may be either on the same or opposite sides of the lens as
seen from the two observatories. The parallax amplitude π
be smaller in the first case than in the second, which will directly
affect the derived lens mass Mand π
(Gould 1992,2004),
kp ppqk==º
au 8.1 mas .2
rel E E 2
By contrast, the remaining twofold degeneracy only impacts
the inferred direction of motion, which is usually of little
physical interest.
The first such parallax measurement was made by Dong &
Udalski et al. (2007)by combining Spitzer and ground-based
observations of OGLE-2005-SMC-001 toward the Small
Magellanic Cloud. Subsequently, more than 200 events were
observed toward the Galactic bulge in 2014 and 2015 as part of
a multiyear Spitzer program (Gould et al. 2013,2014),of
which more than 70 have already been published. A key issue
in the analysis of these events has been to break this fourfold
degeneracy, in particular the twofold degeneracy that impacts
the mass and distance estimates. Although in some cases (Yee
et al. 2015b; Zhu et al. 2015)this degeneracy has been broken
by various fairly weak effects, in the great majority of cases,
the degeneracy was broken only statistically (Calchi Novati
et al. 2015a; Zhu et al. 2017b).
Although such statistical arguments are completely adequate
when the derived conclusions are themselves statistical, they
are less satisfactory for drawing conclusions about individual
objects. Hence, for the 2016 season, Gould et al. (2015b)
specifically proposed observing some events with Spitzer that
lie in the roughly 4 deg
observed by Kepler during its K2
Campaign 9, in addition to the regular Spitzer targets drawn
from a much larger ∼100 deg
area (Gould et al. 2015a).
Contrary to the expectations of Refsdal (1966)and Gould
(1994b),Spitzer,Kepler, Earth, and the microlensing fields all
lie very close to the ecliptic, so that the projected positions of
the sources as seen from the three observatories are almost
colinear. This means that it is almost impossible to use Kepler
to fully break the fourfold degeneracy. Nevertheless, this
configuration does not adversely impact Kepler’s ability to
break the key twofold degeneracy that impacts the mass and
distance determinations, which turns out to be quite important
in the present case. (See also Zhu et al. 2017c for the case of a
single-lens event.)
1.2. Planets at the Desert’s Edge
The term “brown-dwarf desert”was originally coined by Marcy
&Butler(2000)to describe the low frequency of “brown dwarfs”
in Doppler (radial velocity, RV)studies relative to “planets”of
somewhat lower mass. Since the sensitivity of the surveys rises
with mass, this difference cannot be due to selection effects. Later,
Grether & Lineweaver (2006)quantified this desert as the
intersection of two divergent power laws, subsequently measured
as ~-
Nd M Mln 0.3 for “planets”and ~
Nd M Mln 1for
“stars.”We placed all these terms in quotation marks because they
are subject to three different definition systems that are not wholly
self-consistent. By one definition system, planets, brown dwarfs,
and stars are divided by mass at 13 M
and 0.08 M
. By a second,
they are divided at deuterium and hydrogen burning. And in a third
system, they are divided by formation mechanism: in-disk
formation for planets, gravitational collapse for stars, and [either
or both]for brown dwarfs.
The first definition has the advantage that mass is something
that can in principle be measured. The second system is
valuable because it permits a veneer of physical motivation on
what is actually an arbitrary boundary. In fact, no plausible
mechanism has ever been advanced as to how either deuterium
burning or hydrogen burning can have any impact on the mass
function of the objects being formed. In particular, hydrogen
burning commences in very low-mass stars long after they have
become isolated from their sources of mass accretion. The third
definition speaks to a central scientific question about these
various types of objects: where do they come from?
Unfortunately, for field objects, there is precious little
observational evidence that bears on this question. Up until
now, the key input from observations is statistical: far from the
boundaries, planets and stars follow divergent power laws,
which almost certainly reflect different formation mechanisms
(Grether & Lineweaver 2006). However, near the boundary, in
particular in the brown-dwarf desert and on its margins, there is
no present way to map individual objects onto a formation
mechanism even if their masses were known. Moreover, using
the RV technique, i.e., the traditional method for finding
brown-dwarf companions at few astronomical unit separations,
there is no way to precisely measure the masses (unless, by
extreme chance, the system happens to be eclipsing).
If the divergent power laws (as measured well away from
their boundaries)represent different formation mechanisms,
then most likely these power laws continue up to and past these
nominal boundaries, so that “brown dwarfs”as defined by mass
The Astronomical Journal, 155:40 (24pp), 2018 January Ryu et al.
represent a mixture of populations as defined by formation, and
high-mass “planets”do as well.
Microlensing opens several different laboratories for disen-
tangling formation mechanism from mass, at least statistically.
First, as pointed out by Ranc et al. (2015)and Ryu et al. (2017),
microlensing can probe to larger orbital radii than RV for both
massive planets and brown dwarfs and so determine whether
the independent mode of planet formation “dies off”at these
radii and, if so, how this correlates to the behavior of brown
dwarfs. Second, it can probe seamlessly to the lowest-mass
hosts of brown dwarfs, even into the brown-dwarf regime itself.
This is a regime that is progressively less capable of forming
brown dwarfs from disk material, although it may be proficient
at forming Earth-mass planets (Shvartzvald et al. 2017b).
Third, since microlensing is most directly sensitive to the
companion/host mass ratio q, it can precisely measure
the distribution of this parameter, even for samples for which
the individual masses are poorly known.
The minimum in
this distribution can then be regarded as the location of the
mean boundary between two formation mechanisms averaged
over the microlensing host-mass distribution. Shvartzvald et al.
(2016)found that this minimum was near q∼0.01, which
corresponds to M
for characteristic microlensing
hosts, which are typically in the M dwarf regime. This tends to
indicate that this boundary scales as a function of the host mass.
Another path open to microlensing is probing radically
different star-forming environments, in particular the Galactic
bulge. Thompson (2013), for example, has suggested that
massive-planet formation via the core-accretion scenario was
strongly suppressed in the Galactic bulge by the high-radiation
environment. This would not impact rocky planets but would
lead to a dearth of Jovian planets and super-Jupiters if these
indeed formed by this mechanism. Of particular note in this
regard is that adaptive optics observations by Batista et al.
(2014)indicated that MOA-2011-BLG-293Lb (Yee et al. 2012)
is a 5 M
object orbiting a solar-like host in the Galactic bulge.
This might be taken as evidence against Thompson’s
conjecture. However, another possibility is that MOA-2011-
BLG-293Lb formed at the low-mass end of the gravitational-
collapse mode that produces most stars, which was perhaps
more efficient in the high-density, high-radiation environment
that characterized early star formation in the bulge. In this case,
we would expect the companion mass function in the Galactic
bulge to be rising toward the deuterium-burning limit, in sharp
contrast to the mass function in the solar neighborhood, which
is falling in this range. That is, high-mass planets (near the
deuterium-burning limit)would be even more common than the
super-Jupiter found by Batista et al. (2014).
1.3. Construction of Blind Tests in the Face
of “Too Much”Knowledge
Yee et al. (2015a)proposed measuring the Galactic
distribution of planets by determining individual distances to
planetary (and non-planetary)microlenses from the combined
analysis of light curves obtained from ground-based and Spitzer
telescopes. Because the lenses are usually not directly detected,
such distance measurements are relatively rare in the absence of
space-based microlens parallax (Refsdal 1966; Gould 1994b)
and, what is more important, heavily biased toward nearby
As Yee et al. (2015a)discuss in considerable detail, it is by
no means trivial to assemble a Spitzer microlens parallax
sample (Gould et al. 2013,2014,2015a,2015b,2016)that is
unbiased with respect to the presence or absence of planets.
Calchi Novati et al. (2015a)showed how the cumulative
distribution of planetary events as a function of distance toward
the Galactic bulge could be compared to that of the parent
sample to determine whether planets are relatively more
frequent in the Galactic disk or bulge. However, this
comparison depends on the implicit assumption that there is
no bias toward the selection of planetary events. In fact, it
would not matter if the planetary sample were biased, provided
that this bias were equal for planets in both the Galactic disk
and bulge. However, particularly given the constraints on
Spitzer target-of-opportunity selection, it is essentially impos-
sible to ensure such a uniform bias without removing this bias
Hence, Yee et al. (2015a)developed highly articulated
protocols for selecting Spitzer microlens targets that would
ensure that the resulting sample was unbiased. We will review
these procedures in some detail in Section 5.1. However, from
the present standpoint, the key point is that however exactly the
sample is constructed, it must contain only events with
“adequately measured”microlens parallaxes. Yee et al.
(2015a)did not specify what was “adequate”because this
requires the study of real data. Zhu et al. (2017b)carried out
such a study based on a sample of 41 Spitzer microlensing
events without planets, which meant that these authors could
not be biased—even unconsciously—by a “desire”to get more
planets into the sample. In addition, they specifically did not
investigate how their criteria applied to the two Spitzer
microlens planets that were previously discovered (Udalski
et al. 2015b; Street et al. 2016)until after these criteria were
decided. The Zhu et al. (2017b)criteria, as they apply to non-
planetary events, are quite easy to state once the appropriate
definitions are in place (Section 5.2). A crucial point, however,
is that for planetary events, these same criteria must be applied
to the point-lens event that would have been observed in the
absence of planets.
Thus, although in some cases it may be quite obvious
whether a planetary event should or should not be included in
the sample, it is also possible that this assignment may require a
rather detailed analysis.
The Spitzer microlens planetary event OGLE-2016-BLG-
1190 does in fact require quite detailed analysis to determine
whether it belongs in the Spitzer Galactic distribution of planets
sample. OGLE-2016-BLG-1190 was initially chosen for
Spitzer observations based solely on the fact that it had an
anomaly that was strongly suspected to be (and was finally
confirmed as)planetary in nature. At first sight, this would
seem to preclude its participation in an “unbiased sample.”
Nevertheless, Yee et al. (2015a)had anticipated this situation
and developed protocols that enable, under some circum-
stances, the inclusion of such planets without biasing the
sample. We show that OGLE-2016-BLG-1190 in fact should
be included under these protocols. This then sets the stage for
whether its parallax is “adequately measured”according to the
Zhu et al. (2017b)criteria, or rather whether the corresponding
As a result, in microlensing statistical studies, the planet/brown-dwarf
boundary is often defined by q. For example, Suzuki et al. (2016; following
Bond et al. 2004)and Shvartzvald et al. (2016)use q=0.03 and q=0.04,
respectively, which would correspond to the conventional 13 M
limit for
stars of mass M;0.4 M
and M;0.3 M
, respectively.
The Astronomical Journal, 155:40 (24pp), 2018 January Ryu et al.
point-lens event would have satisfied them. We address this
point for the first time here as well.
1.4. Full Kepler Orbits in Microlensing
When microlensing planet searches were first proposed (Mao
& Paczyński 1991; Gould & Loeb 1992), it was anticipated that
only the planet–star mass ratio qand projected separation
(scaled to the Einstein radius θ
)swould be measured. Even
the mass Mof the host was thought to be subject only to
statistical estimates, while orbital motion was not even
considered. It was quickly realized, however, that it was at
least in principle possible to measure both θ
(Gould 1994a)
and the microlens parallax π
(Gould 1992),
qkp p p
au 8.14 mas ,3
2rel E
and that this could then yield both the lens mass M=θ
and the lens–source relative parallax π
The fact that linearized orbital motion was measurable was
discovered by accident during the analysis of the binary
microlensing event MACHO-97-BLG-41 (Albrow et al. 2000).
In a case remarkably similar to the one we will be analyzing
here, the source first passed over an outlying caustic of a close
binary and later went over the central caustic. From the analysis
of the latter, one could determine (s,q)and “predict”the
positions of the two outlying caustics. These differed in both
coordinates from the caustic transit that had actually been
observed. The difference was explained in terms of binary
orbital motion, and the linearized orbital parameters were thus
measured. This was regarded at the time as requiring very
special geometry because the typical duration of caustic-
induced effects is a few days whereas the orbital period of
systems probed by microlensing is typically several years. In
fact, however, orbital motion began to be measured or
constrained in many planetary events, mostly with quite
generic geometries, including the second microlensing planet
OGLE-2005-BLG-071Lb (Udalski et al. 2005; Dong et al.
2009). A fundamental feature of microlensing that enables such
measurements is that the times of caustic transits can often be
measured with precisions of better than one minute. Still, it did
not seem possible to measure full orbits. Nevertheless,
Skowron et al. (2011)significantly constrained all seven
Kepler parameters for the binary system OGLE-2009-BLG-
020L, albeit with huge errors and strong correlations. These
measurements were later shown to be consistent with RV
follow-up observations by Yee et al. (2016). Subsequently,
Shin et al. (2011,2012)fully measured all Kepler parameters
for several different binaries.
To date, and with one notable exception, such complete
Kepler solutions have been more of interest in terms of
establishing the principles and methods of making the
measurements than anything they are telling us about nature.
The exception is OGLE-2006-BLG-109La,b, the first two-
planet system found by microlensing (Gaudi et al. 2008;
Bennett et al. 2010). Due to the very large caustic from one of
the planets, together with a data rate that was very high and
continuous for that time, Bennett et al. (2010)were able to
introduce one additional dynamical parameter relative to the
standard two-dynamical parameter approach of Albrow et al.
(2000). This allowed them to make RV predictions for the
system that could be tested with future 30 m class telescopes.
However, if the method for measuring complete Kepler
orbits can be extended from binaries to planets (as we begin to
do here), then it will permit much stricter comparison between
RV and microlensing samples, which has so far been possible
only statistically, (e.g., Gould et al. 2010; Clanton &
Gaudi 2014a,2014b,2016). In particular, we provide here
the first evidence for a non-circular orbit of a microlensing
2. Observations
2.1. Ground-based Observations
OGLE-2016-BLG-1190 is at (R.A., decl.)=(17:58:52.30,
−27:36:48.8), corresponding to (l,b)=(2.63, −1.84). It was
discovered and announced as a probable microlensing event by
the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE)Early
Warning System (Udalski et al. 1994; Udalski 2003)at UT
17:37 on 2016 June 27. OGLE observations were at a cadence
of Γ=3hr
using their 1.3 m telescope at Las Campanas,
The event was independently discovered on July 6 by the
Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA)collabora-
tion as MOA-2016-BLG-383 based on Γ=4hr
tions using their 1.8 m telescope at Mt. John, New Zealand.
The Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet; Kim
et al. 2016)observed this field from its three 1.6 m telescopes at
CTIO (Chile), SAAO (South Africa), and SSO (Australia),in
its two slightly offset fields BLG03 and BLG43, with a
combined cadence of Γ=4hr
The great majority of observations were in the Iband for
OGLE and KMTNet and a broad RI band for MOA, with
occasional V-band observations made solely to determine
source colors. All reductions for the light-curve analysis were
conducted using variants of difference image analysis (DIA;
Alard & Lupton 1998), specifically Woźniak (2000)and
Albrow et al. (2009).
In addition to these high-cadence, near-continuous survey
observations, OGLE-2016-BLG-1190 was observed in two
lower-cadence surveys that were specifically motivated to
support microlensing in the Kepler microlensing (K2 C9)field
(Henderson et al. 2016), in which it lies. These surveys,
respectively by the 3.6 m Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope
(CFHT)and the 3.8 m United Kingdom Infrared Telescope
(UKIRT)are both located at the Mauna Kea Observatory in
Hawaii. The CFHT observations were carried out equally in the
g,r, and ibands, but only the latter two are incorporated in the
fit because the gdata are too noisy. The UKIRT observations
were in the Hband; these are used here solely for the purpose
of measuring the H-band source flux, and so the (I−H)
Finally, two follow-up groups started to monitor the event
shortly after the public announcement (just before peak)of an
anomaly by the MOA group. These were RoboNet and
MiNDSTEp. Both observatories began observing immediately,
i.e., just after peak, from SAAO using the LCO 1 m and from
the Danish 1.5 m at La Silla, Chile, respectively.
In the latter case, the observations were triggered auto-
matically by the SIGNALMEN algorithm (Dominik et al.
2007)after it detected an anomaly at HJD′=7581.0, with the
observations themselves beginning 0.73 days later. The
observations were taken by the EMCCD camera at 10 Hz
The Astronomical Journal, 155:40 (24pp), 2018 January Ryu et al.
(Skottfelt et al. 2015)in Vand I, but only the I-band data were
used in the analysis.
2.2. Spitzer Observations
At UT 02:44, June 29, Y.H.R. sent a message to the Spitzer
team reporting his “by eye”detection of an anomaly at HJD′
(≡HJD−2450000)∼7500, which he had tentatively mod-
eled as being due to a brown-dwarf (BD)or planetary
companion. That is, the putative anomaly had occurred about
69 days previously, and indeed 67 days before the OGLE alert.
Since this anomaly alert was also 12 days before peak, when
the event was only 0.3 mag above baseline, it was impossible at
that time to accurately estimate the basic parameters of the
event. Based on this alert (and subsequent additional modeling
using KMTNet data), the Spitzer team initiated regular cadence
(Γ∼1 day
)observations at the next upload, leading to a total
of 19 observations during 7578<HJD′<7596. The data
were reduced using specially designed software for microlen-
sing (Calchi Novati et al. 2015b). We note that it was the
promptness of the OGLE alert that enabled the recognition of
the much earlier anomaly in time to trigger Spitzer observations
over the peak of the event.
Table 1specifies the number of data points and filter(s)of
each observatory, as well as its contribution to the total χ
the best model (described in Section 3.4).
3. Analysis
Figures 1and 2show the light curve of all the data together
with a best-fitting model. Ignoring the model for the moment,
the data show two clear isolated deviations from a smooth
point-lens model: an irregular bump at HJD′∼7500 and an
asymmetric peak at HJD′∼7581. Figure 1shows the overall
light curve together with two zooms featuring the regions
around the these two anomalies, while Figure 2shows a further
zoom of the first anomaly. In addition, the data from the Spitzer
spacecraft show a clear parallax effect, i.e., although the data
are taken contemporaneously with the ground-based data, the
light curves observed from the two locations are clearly
different. The final model for the light curve must account for
all of these effects: the two deviations from the point lens and
the parallax effect seen from Spitzer.
The nature of the two deviations can be understood through
the ground-based data alone. The two deviations could be
caused by the same planet or, in principle, by two different
companions to the host star. As we will show in Section 3.1,a
single planet that explains the central-caustic perturbation at
HJD′∼7581 actually predicts the existence of the planetary-
caustic perturbation at HJD′∼7500 if the source trajectory is
slightly curved. Such a curvature implies that we observe the
orbital motion of the planet, and since orbital motion is
partially degenerate with the parallax effect, in Section 3.2 we
proceed with fitting the ground-based and Spitzer data together
with both effects. In that section, we show that the prediction of
the planetary-caustic crossing is remarkably precise. Thus, for
our final fits in Section 3.4, we model the light curve using a
full Keplerian prescription for the orbit.
3.1. Ground-based Model
The simplest explanation for the ground-based light curve is
that both deviations could be due to a single companion. All
companions that are sufficiently far from the Einstein ring
produce two such sets of caustics, one set of outlying
“planetary”caustic(s)and one “central”caustic. For wide-
separation companions (s>1), the second caustic lies directly
on the binary axis. For close companions (s<1), there are two
caustics that are symmetric about this axis, but for low-mass
companions, (q=1), these caustics lie close to the binary
axis. Thus, a planetary companion can generate two well-
separated deviations provided that the angle of the source
trajectory relative to the binary axis satisfies α∼0orα∼π.If
this is the true explanation, then the central-caustic crossing
should be consistent with a source traveling approximately
along the binary axis of that caustic. If the central-caustic
crossing is not consistent with such a configuration, e.g., it
would require a source traveling perpendicular to the binary
axis, that would be evidence that the two deviations were due
to two separate companions. To test whether there is any
evidence for the latter hypothesis, we begin by excising the
data from the isolated, first anomaly and fitting the rest of the
ground-based light curve.
Such binary lens fits require a minimum of six parameters
,s,q,α). The first three are the standard point-lens
parameters (Paczyński 1986), i.e., the time of lens–source
closest approach, the impact parameter normalized to the
angular Einstein radius θ
, and the Einstein crossing time,
rel is the lens–source relative proper motion and
rel rel . While for point lenses the natural reference point
for (t
)is the (single)lens, for binary lenses it must be
specified. We choose the so-called center of magnification
(Dong et al. 2006,2009). The remaining three parameters are
the companion–star separation s(normalized to θ
), their mass
ratio q, and the angle αof their orientation on the sky relative
rel. If the source comes close to or passes over the caustics,
then one also needs to specify ρ≡θ
, where θ
is the
source angular radius. We note that for s<1, the center of
magnification is conveniently the same as the center of mass.
We model the light curve using inverse ray shooting (Kayser
et al. 1986; Schneider & Weiss 1988; Wambsganss 1997)when
the source is close to a caustic, and multipole approximations
(Pejcha & Heyrovský 2009; Gould 2008)otherwise. We
initially consider an (s,q,α)grid of starting points for Markov
Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)searches, with the remaining
Table 1
Data set Number χ
OGLE 3293 3290.161 I
KMTC (BLG03)1510 1508.821 I
KMTC (BLG43)1437 1435.652 I
KMTS (BLG03)1770 1768.444 I
KMTS (BLG43)1713 1712.087 I
KMTA (BLG03)1108 1107.140 I
KMTA (BLG43)1136 1135.246 I
MOA 2089 2088.061 RI
MiNDSTEp 37 36.908 I
RoboNet 40 40.068 i
CFHT 67 66.870 i
CFHT 74 73.962 r
Spitzer 14 10.453 L
The Astronomical Journal, 155:40 (24pp), 2018 January Ryu et al.
parameters starting at values consistent with a point-lens
model. Then, (s,q)are held fixed while the remaining
parameters are allowed to vary in the chain. We then start
new chains at each of the local minima in the (s,q)χ
with all parameters allowed to vary.
We find that the light curve excluding the early caustic-
crossing data can be explained by a planet with parameters:
a=-()( ) ()sq, , 0.60, 0.016, 0.01 . 5
As expected for a light curve generated by a single, low-mass
companion, αis indeed close to zero. For such central-caustic
events, we usually expect two solutions related by the well-
known close-wide «-
1degeneracy (Griest & Safiza-
deh 1998; Dominik 1999). Thus, we might also expect a
second solution with parameters (s,q,α)=(1.67, 0.016,
−0.01). However, although the central caustics of both the
s<1 and s>1 solutions are quite similar, the planetary
caustic lies on the opposite side of the host as the planet for
s<1 and on the same side for s>1. As a result, because
α∼0, the s>1 solution would produce a large planetary-
caustic crossing after the central-caustic crossing, which we do
not observe. Therefore, the s<1 solution is the only one that
can explain the light curve.
Nevertheless, at first sight, it does not appear that the s<1
solution can explain the planetary-caustic crossing at
HJD′∼7500. The s<1 caustic geometry is characterized
by two caustics on opposite sides of this axis. For (s,q)=(0.6,
0.016), the angle between each caustic and the binary axis is
f∼16°(see Equation (12)). Thus, given that the source
trajectory is very close to the planet–star axis (a
would appear that the source would pass between the two
caustics (e.g., the source travels along the x-axis between the
Figure 1. Light curve of OGLE-2016-BLG-1190. The data points are colored as indicated by observatory in the top panel, which shows the full light curve. Fluxes f
from observatory i(including Spitzer)are aligned to the OGLE scale by ¢=- +()()ffffff
,obs ,obs , ,ogle , ,ogle . Models are shown for ground-based and Spitzer
data in black and green, respectively. Vertical dashed and solid lines indicate the subjective and objective selection dates for Spitzer observations, respectively. Open
and filled circles for Spitzer data (green)show observations initiated by the subjective and objective selection, respectively. Lower panels show zooms of the
planetary-caustic crossing (left)and central-caustic cusp approach (right).
The Astronomical Journal, 155:40 (24pp), 2018 January Ryu et al.
red caustics in Figure 3), whereas we clearly see in the data
(Figure 1)that the source must pass over a caustic at HJD′
However, this apparent contradiction can be resolved if the
planet (and so caustics)moved during the ∼80 days between
the times of the first perturbation and the second (when this
geometry is determined). Naively, we expect motion of order
dα/dt∼17°/(80 days)∼0°.2 day
. This kind of motion was
indeed the resolution of the first such puzzle for MACHO-97-
BLG-41 (Bennett et al. 1999; Albrow et al. 2000; Jung
et al. 2013).
Hence, we conclude that the two perturbations are likely
caused by a single companion, with the proviso that we must
still check that the form of the planetary-caustic perturbation
“predicted”by the central-caustic crossing is consistent with
the observed perturbation and that the amplitude of internal
motion is consistent with a gravitationally bound system.
3.2. Linearized Orbital Motion and the Microlens Parallax
Given our basic understanding of the anomaly from the
ground-based data, we can proceed with modeling the full data
set including Spitzer data. The ground-based modeling implies
that the orbital-motion effect plays a prominent role, so we
allow for linearized motion of the lens system, i.e., we add two
variables corresponding to the velocity of the lens projected
onto the plane of the sky, dα/dt and ds/dt. Including the
Spitzer data requires also including the parallax effect. The
combination of these two effects implies the possibility of up to
eight degenerate solutions: two solutions because with orbital
motion the source can pass through either planetary caustic,
multiplied by four solutions due to the well-known satellite
parallax degeneracy (Refsdal 1966; Gould 1994b).
We begin by describing the color–magnitude diagram (CMD)
analysis in Section 3.2.1 because it is used to derive the color–
color relation needed to combine the Spitzer and ground-based
data. Then, we give a qualitative evaluation of the Spitzer
parallax in Section 3.2.2. In this section, we show that the color–
color constraint plays an important role in measuring the parallax
even though the Spitzer light curve partially captures the peak of
the event. In Section 3.2.3, we present the full model of the event
including linearized orbital motion and parallax. This modeling
demonstrates that the orbital-motion parameters that are derived
after excluding the ±10 days of data around the planetary-caustic
crossing are very similar to those derived from the full data set.
Furthermore, the information from this restricted data set
eliminates one of the two possible directions of orbital motion.
Finally, in Section 3.3, we show that two of the parallax solutions
can be eliminated by two separate arguments. First, they are
inconsistent with Kepler K2 Campaign 9 microlensing observa-
tions. Second, they imply physical effects that are not observed.
This leaves us with only two solutions, both of which carry the
same physical implications for interpreting the light curve.
3.2.1. CMD and Spitzer–Ground Color–Color Relation
In order to derive the VIL color–color relations needed to
incorporate the Spitzer data, we must place the source on a
CMD. We conduct this analysis by first using the OGLE V/I
CMD and then confirm and refine the result using H-band data
from UKIRT.
The middle panel of Figure 4shows an instrumental CMD
based on OGLE-IV data. The clump centroid is at
)()VII, 2.89, 16.35
clump,O IV . The source is shown at
VII, 2.57 0.06, 21.35 0.01
s,O IV , with the
color derived by regression (i.e., independent of model)and
the magnitude obtained from the (final)modeling. Also shown
in this figure are two points related to the blended light, which
are not relevant to the present discussion but will be important
later. The key point here is that the source lies 0.32 mag
Figure 2. Further zoom of the lower-left panel of Figure 1, focusing on the data
approaching and within the planetary caustic. The caustic entrance is well-
defined by the KMTA and MOA data, with residuals that are consistent with
the errors and that show no significant systematic trends.
Figure 3. Geometry of the source and lens system based on ground-based data
modeled with linearized orbital motion. The caustic structure is shown at two
epochs, HJD′=7500 (blue)and 7582 (red)when, according to Figure 1, the
source has just entered the planetary caustic and just passed the central caustic,
respectively. A model that failed to include orbital motion and whose trajectory
angle αwas determined solely by modeling the source passage over the central
caustic, would miss the (red)caustics.
The Astronomical Journal, 155:40 (24pp), 2018 January Ryu et al.
blueward of the clump in the instrumental OGLE-IV system,
which corresponds to 0.30 mag in the standard Johnson–
Cousins system (Udalski et al. 2015a).
The top panel of Figure 4shows an Iversus (I−H)CMD,
which is formed by cross-matching OGLE-IV I-band to UKIRT
H-band aperture photometry. The magnitude of the clump is the
same as in the middle panel, I
=16.35±0.05. To ensure
that the (I−H)color of the clump is on the same system as the
(V−I)color, we make a VIH color–color diagram in the lower
panel based on cross-matched stars and then identify the
intersection of the resulting track with the measured (V−I)
color to obtain (I−H)
=2.78±0.02. Also shown is the
position of the source. Its magnitude is the same as that in the
middle panel. We determine (I−H)
=2.29±0.03 from a
point-lens model that excludes all data within three days of the
anomalies. This permits a proper estimate of the error bars and is
appropriate because the UKIRT data end 3.5 days before the
anomaly at peak. Hence, the source lies 0.49 mag blueward of the
clump in (I−H). To derive the inferred offset in (V−I),
we consult the color–color relations of Bessell & Brett (1988).
We adopt (V−I)
=1.08 from Bensby et al. (2013),which
implies (I−H)
=1.32 based on Table3 of Bessell & Brett
(1988), and hence (I−H)
=0.83±0.03. Then, using Table2
of Bessell & Brett (1988),weobtain(V−I)
i.e., 0.33 mag blueward of the clump. (Note that while we made
specific use of the color of the clump in this calculation, the final
result, i.e., the offset from the clump in (V−I), is basically
independent of the choice of clump color.)Thus, the results of the
two determinations are consistent. Although the formal error of
the I/H-based determination is smaller than the one derived
qfrom OGLE-IV V/Idata, there are more steps. Hence, we assign
equal weight to the two determinations and adopt (V−I)
To infer the I−Lsource color from the measured
)VI 2.57
s,O IV , we employ the method of Shvartzvald
et al. (2017b). In brief, this approach applies the VIL color–
color relations of Bessell & Brett (1988)to a VIL cross-
matched catalog of giant stars to derive an offset (including
both instrumental zero point and extinction)between the
intrinsic and observed (I−L)color. Note that in this approach,
explicit account is taken of the fact that the source is a dwarf
while the calibrating stars are giants. We thereby derive
=1.82±0.06, where here Lis the Spitzer instru-
mental magnitude.
From the CMD, we can also derive the angular source size
(required to determine the Einstein radius θ
adopt a dereddened clump magnitude I
=14.35 (Nataf
et al. 2013). Using this and the measurements reported above,
we derive [(V−I),I]
=(0.77±0.04, 19.35±0.05). Using
the VIK color–color relations of Bessell & Brett (1988)and the
color/surface-brightness relations of Kervella et al. (2004), this
yields (e.g., Yoo et al. 2004)
*() ()0.455 0.030 as, 6
where the error is dominated by scatter in the surface brightness
at fixed color (as estimated from the scatter of spectroscopic
color at fixed photometric color; Bensby et al. 2013).By
combining this with the ρmeasured from the final model
(Section 3.4), we derive
*() ()0.49 0.04 mas. 7
3.2.2. Spitzer Parallax
Heuristically, space-based microlens parallaxes are derived
from the difference in (t
)as seen by observers on Earth and
in space, separated in projection by ^
D(Refsdal 1966;
Gould 1994b). The vector microlens parallax
Eis defined
(Gould 1992,2000; Gould & Horne 2013)as
Observers separated by ^
Dwill detect lens–source separations
in the Einstein ring ptb
ºD D = ^
E, where
tbDº -Dº -
0,sat 0,
0,sat 0,
and where the subscripts indicate parameters as determined
from the satellite and ground. Hence, from a series of such
measurements (which of course are individually sensitive to the
Figure 4. Instrumental color–magnitude diagrams in (I−H,I)(top)and
(V−I,I)(middle), together with the VIH color–color diagram (bottom), which
are derived by matching OGLE-IV instrumental Vand Iwith UKIRT H
(aligned to 2MASS). The clump centroid is marked in red, while the source is
marked in magenta. For the (V−I,I)(middle)panel, the blended light is
shown in green. Because the blend is displaced from the source by 0 5, only
6% of its light can be due to the lens. This flux upper limit shown, in blue (with
arbitrary (V−I)color), restricts the lens mass to M
To avoid ambiguity and possible confusion by cursory readers, we quote the
finally adopted values of the θ
and θ
in Equations (6)and (7), rather than the
values derived from the intermediate modeling described thus far, which differ
very slightly.
The Astronomical Journal, 155:40 (24pp), 2018 January Ryu et al.
magnification and not to (t
)directly), one can infer the
vector microlens parallax
() ()
au ,, 10
where Δβis generally subject to a fourfold degeneracy,
bD= -
∣∣ ∣∣ ()uu,11
due to the fact that in most cases microlensing is sensitive only
to the absolute value of u
, whereas u
is actually a signed
This heuristic picture is somewhat oversimplified because ^
is changing with time, which also means that t
is not identical
for the two observers. Hence, in practice, one fits directly for
E, taking account of both the orbital motion of the satellite and
Earth (and hence, automatically, the time variable ^
Nevertheless, in most cases (including the present one), the
changes in ^
Dare quite small, p
EE , which
means that this simplified picture yields a good understanding
of the information flow.
This qualitative picture can be used to show that the color
constraints play an important role in this event, despite the fact
that the peak is nearly captured in the Spitzer observations. As
can be seen from Figure 1, in this case Spitzer observations
begin roughly at peak. In general, it is quite rare that Spitzer
observes a full microlensing light curve. This is partly because
the maximum observing window is only 38 days, but mainly
because the events are only uploaded to Spitzer three to nine
days after they are recognized as interesting (Figure1of
Udalski et al. 2015b), which is generally after they are well on
their way toward peak. Yee et al. (2015a)argue that with color
constraints, even a fragmentary light curve can give a good
parallax measurement. In this case, we have much more than a
fragment, but as we show below, including the color
constraints leads to a much stronger constraint on the parallax
If, as in the present case for Spitzer data, the peak of the light
curve is not very well-defined, a free, five-parameter (t
), point-lens fit would not constrain these parameters very
well. However, in a parallax fit, we effectively know t
, which
we approximate here as identical to the ground, t
=94 days.
After applying this constraint on t
,fitting the Spitzer data
alone yields t
=7579.5±1.4 days and u
0.021, which would lead to a parallax error of σ(π
0.021 au/D
∼0.016, and so a fractional parallax error of
∼40% for the small parallax solutions. Note that this
would not imply that the parallax is “unmeasured”: the fact that
the parallax is measured to be small (0.06 and with relatively
small errors)would securely place the lens in or near the bulge,
which is significant information on its location.
However, by including the color constraint, we can reduce
this uncertainty to <10%, giving a solid measurement of the
parallax. First, one should note that the above fit to the Spitzer
light curve yields a Spitzer source flux of f
=0.22±0.11 (in
the instrumental Spitzer flux system). On the one hand, this is
perfectly consistent with the prediction based on the ground
solution and the VIL color–color relation f
0.015, which is an important check on possible systematic
errors. On the other hand, the errors on the fit value of f
an order of magnitude larger than the one derived from the VIL
relation. This means that the color–color relation can significantly
constrain the fit. Imposing this additional constraint, we then find
=7579.3±0.8 days and u
=0.0635±0.0029, sub-
stantially improving the constraints on u
. This reduces the
parallax error to about 6% for the Δβ
and Δβ
solutions and
to about 4% for the Δβ
and Δβ
solutions. See Section 3.3.
3.2.3. Modeling Orbital Motion
We now proceed with a simultaneous, 11 geometric-
fit to the ground- and space-based data. The first nine
parameters have been described above. The last two are a
linearized parameterization of orbital motion, with α(t)≡α
As discussed above, we expect a total of eight solutions: four
from the satellite parallax degeneracy (Equation (11)) and two
from the two planetary caustics. However, we found to our
surprise that only one direction of angular orbital motion was
permitted for each of the four parallax-degenerate solutions,
i.e., the source trajectory could pass through one of the
planetary caustics but not the other. These solutions are given
in Table 2.
To understand why only one direction of angular orbital
motion is permitted, we stepped back and performed a series of
tests. In the first test, we fit for the above 11 parameters but, as
in Section 3.1, with the data surrounding the planetary
perturbation at t
=HJD′∼7500 removed (specifically
7490 <HJD′<7510). That is, we removed the information
that we had previously believed was responsible for the
measurement of orbital motion. Thus, we are testing whether
information from the immediate neighborhood of the planetary
caustic is required to predict the time and position of the
planetary-caustic crossing.
From the light curve (Figure 1), we can see that the midpoint
of the two caustic crossings of the planetary caustic is
∼7500.375. From the modeling with the full data set, we
know the ylocation of the caustic η
(Han 2006). Therefore, if
the orbital motion is constrained by the restricted data set, it
should predict a planetary caustic close to this location. We
conduct this test in a rotated frame for clarity. For each MCMC
sample in the fit to the restricted data set, we predict the
position of the center of the planetary caustic, first in the
unrotated frame according to Han (2006),
xh =-
() ()ss
We then rotate by an angle f=dα/dt(t
)to obtain
),, and finally convert this result to the observational
()()( ) ()tt t t,,0,. 13
xy 0E
The result is shown in Figure 5along with the “observed”
position of the caustic (t
)=(7500.375, 1.0)derived from
There are two main points to note about this figure. The first
is that the fit to the main light curve alone, primarily the
central-caustic approach, measures the orbital-motion para-
meters well enough to “predict”the position of the caustic to
Together with, as always, two flux parameters (f
)for each observatory,
for the source flux and blended flux, respectively.
The Astronomical Journal, 155:40 (24pp), 2018 January Ryu et al.
within a few σ. Second, this error bar is quite small, about two
days in one direction (roughly aligned with time)and 0.5 days
in the transverse direction. From the inset, which zooms out to
the scale of Figure 3, one can see that the offset between the
predicted and observed planetary-caustic crossing is tiny
compared to the movement of the caustics that is illustrated in
Figure 3.
This test demonstrates that the orbital motion can be
determined quite precisely without data from the planetary
caustic, but it does not in itself tell us what part of the light
curve this information is coming from. In principle, it could be
coming from the cusp approach at the peak of the light curve or
it could be coming from subtle features in the light curve that
lie 10 or more days from the planetary crossing and that are
induced by the planetary caustic itself. Or, it could be some
combination. In particular, one suspects that a significant
amount of information must come from the central caustic
because information from the “extended neighborhood”of the
planetary caustic would not distinguish between the positive
and negative values of dα/dt that are required for the source to
cross, respectively, the lower and upper planetary caustics
shown in Figure 3.
Hence, for our second test, we remove all data
7240<HJD′<7567. Here we are directly testing what
information is available from the central-caustic region. As
shown in Table 3(bottom row), the measurement of the orbital
parameters ds/dt and dα/dt is quite crude compared to either
the previous test or the full data set (first two rows).
Nevertheless, dα/dt is detected at 4σ. Moreover, in order for
the direction of revolution to be in the opposite sense, so that
the source would transit the other caustic in Figure 3,dα/dt
should have the negative of its actual value, i.e.,
dt 1.4
. Hence, the value measured after excluding
all data 7240<HJD′<7567 differs from the one required for
opposite revolution by 7.4σ. That is, it is the source passage by
the central caustic that fixes the direction of the planet’s
revolution about the host. Then, as can be seen by comparison
of the second and fifth lines of Table 3, it is the light curve in
the general vicinity of the planetary caustic that permits a
precise prediction of the orbital motion when the data
immediately surrounding the caustic are removed.
To further explore the origin of the orbital information, we
show in Table 3two additional cases, with data deleted in the
intervals 7495<HJD′<7567 and 7490<HJD′<7567.
Comparing the last three lines of Table 3, one sees that the
light curve from more than 10 days before the crossing
contributes greatly to the measurement of transverse motion,
and that the light curve from the following five days contributes
Table 2
Best-fit Solutions for Parallax+Orbital Motion (Two-parameter)Models
Parameters (−,+)(+,−)(+,+)(−,−)
/dof 14283.479/14252 14292.586/14252 14296.670/14252 14302.523/14252
)7582.161±0.007 7582.160±0.007 7582.167±0.007 7582.167±0.007
)−1.747±0.023 1.717±0.023 1.667±0.021 −1.667±0.022
(days)95.747±0.958 97.354±1.006 100.161±0.952 100.192±0.983
s0.604±0.002 0.603±0.002 0.603±0.002 0.604±0.002
)1.414±0.019 1.393±0.019 1.360±0.017 1.354±0.018
α(rad)0.033±0.005 −0.033±0.005 −0.028±0.005 0.030±0.005
)0.908±0.050 0.873±0.050 0.860±0.045 0.868±0.046
0.065±0.003 −0.063±0.002 0.038±0.002 −0.037±0.002
0.004±0.006 0.011±0.007 0.008±0.006 0.011±0.007
ds/dt (yr
)−0.278±0.018 −0.286±0.019 −0.332±0.018 −0.320±0.018
dα/dt (yr
)−1.417±0.030 1.402±0.030 1.394±0.030 −1.385±0.030
Figure 5. “Predicted”(small circles)vs. “observed”(large blue circle)position
of source crossing of planetary caustic within the Einstein ring. The predictions
are from an MCMC chain created by fitting both ground-based and Spitzer data
to a model with linearized orbital motion, but with the data points in the
neighborhood of the observed planetary-caustic crossing omitted. Points are
colored by (black, red, green)for Δχ
<(1, 4, 9). The abscissa of the
prediction for each chain element is the time that the source should have
crossed the center of the planetary caustic. The ordinate is that of the center of
the caustic at this time, multiplied by t
. The abscissa of the “observed”
position is the midtime of the two caustic crossings shown in the lower-left
panel of Figure 1. The ordinate is that of the source position at this time,
multiplied by t
. Even without any “knowledge”of the source crossing, the
model predicts its position very accurately. Inset shows zoom-out on the same
scale as Figure 3.
Table 3
Orbital Motion with Deleted Data
Deleted Data ds/dt dα/dt
None −0.278±0.018 −1.417±0.030
7490–7510 −0.211±0.056 −1.548±0.056
7495–7567 −0.234±0.102 −1.156±0.115
7490–7567 −0.195±0.210 −1.192±0.282
7240–7567 −0.361±0.224 −1.720±0.423
The Astronomical Journal, 155:40 (24pp), 2018 January Ryu et al.
even more. On the other hand, it is mostly the data after the
crossing that contributes to the measurement of ds/dt.
A very important implication of Table 3is that the orbital
motion that is predicted based on the the subtle light curve
features away from the planetary-caustic crossings yield
accurate results. That is, of the eight hypothetical cases,
(2 parameters)×(4 tests), the predictions of orbital motion are
within 1σof the true value for six cases, and at 2.0σand 2.3σin
the remaining two. This provides evidence that such measure-
ments are believable within their own errors in other events
(i.e., the overwhelming majority)for which there is no way of
confirming the results.
These results have important implications for microlensing
observations with WFIRST (Spergel et al. 2013)and,
potentially, Euclid (Penny et al. 2013)because their Sun-angle
constraints will very often restrict the light-curve coverage
much more severely compared to those obtained from the
3.3. Only the Two “Large Parallax”Solutions Are Allowed
The high precision of the two-parameter orbital-motion
measurement motivates us to attempt to model full Keplerian
motion. However, before moving on to this added level of
complexity, we first note that only two of the four solutions
permitted by the parallax degeneracy are allowed. We present