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Variation in Plant Litter Decomposition Rates across Extreme Dry Environments in Qatar


Abstract and Figures

Decomposition of plant litter is a key process for transfer of carbon and nutrients in ecosystems. Carbon contained in decaying biomass is released to the atmosphere as respired CO 2 , a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. To our knowledge , there have been no studies on litter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems in the Arabian peninsula. Here we used commercial teabags (green tea, rooibos tea) as standard substrates to study decomposition rates across contrasting ecosystems in Qatar. Teabags were buried under and beside Acacia tortilis trees, in depressions with abundant grass vegetation, in saltmarsh without and with vegetation, under Zygophyllum qatarense in drylands, in natural mangrove and in planted mangrove. There were significant site effects across ecosystems on decomposition rate (k), litter stabilisation factor (S), final weight of green tea and final weight of rooibos tea. Mangrove and depressions with grassland had the smallest amounts of remaining green and rooibos tea after the incubation period (69-82 days), while teabags buried under A. tortilis and in saltmarsh without vegetation had the largest amounts. Thus decomposition rates differ among ecosystems in the desert environment. Further multi-year and site studies are needed to identify factors that influence decomposition rates across sites in extreme environments.
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Research Note / Note de recherche
Variation in Plant Litter Decomposition Rates
across Extreme Dry Environments in Qatar
Mohammed H.S.A. Alsafran1, Judith Sarneel2, 3
and Juha M. Alatalo1
1Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, College of Arts
and Sciences, Qatar University, P.O. Box: 2713 Doha Qatar
2Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Umeå University,
SE-901 87 Umeå Sweden
3Ecology & Biodiversity Group and Plant Ecophysiology Group, Utrecht
University, Padualaan 8, 3584 CH Utrecht The Netherlands
Decomposition of plant litter is a key process for transfer of carbon and nutrients in
ecosystems. Carbon contained in decaying biomass is released to the atmosphere as
respired CO2, a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. To our knowl-
edge, there have been no studies on litter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems in
the Arabian peninsula. Here we used commercial teabags (green tea, rooibos tea)
as standard substrates to study decomposition rates across contrasting ecosystems
in Qatar.
Teabags were buried under and beside Acacia tortilis trees, in depressions with
abundant grass vegetation, in saltmarsh without and with vegetation, under
Zygophyllum qatarense in drylands, in natural mangrove and in planted mangrove.
There were signicant site effects across ecosystems on decomposition rate (k),
litter stabilisation factor (S), nal weight of green tea and nal weight of rooibos
tea. Mangrove and depressions with grassland had the smallest amounts of
remaining green and rooibos tea after the incubation period (69-82 days), while
teabags buried under A. tortilis and in saltmarsh without vegetation had the largest
amounts. Thus decomposition rates differ among ecosystems in the desert environ-
ment. Further multi-year and site studies are needed to identify factors that inuence
decomposition rates across sites in extreme environments.
Keywords: Arabian Peninsula, carbon turnover, climate change, litter bags, green
tea, rooibos tea, teabag index, plant litter decomposition rates
Plant litter decomposition plays an important role in the global carbon
cycle (Aerts 1997; Aerts 2006). It is estimated that more than 50% of net
primary production ends up in the soil (Wardle et al. 2004), while a large
The Arab World Geographer / Le Géographe du monde arabe Vol 20, no 2-3 (2017) 252-260
© 2017 Geo Publishing, Toronto Canada
Variation in Plant Litter Decomposition Rates across in Qatar 253
proportion is emitted to the atmosphere (Houghton 2007).
Decomposition rates of soil organic matter increase with temperature
and are more sensitive to changes at lower temperatures than at higher
temperatures (Kirschbaum 1995). This affects soil carbon content glob-
ally, with values typically being highest in cold regions (Lal 2004). Other
important factors affecting decomposition of plant litter are precipita-
tion, substrate, the quality of the plant litter and the organism performing
the decomposition (Cornelissen et al. 2007; Gavazov 2010). Models
suggest that climate and litter quality explain roughly 60-70% of global
litter decomposition rates (Parton et al. 2007). A global study has indi-
cated that in cold, dry regions, climate conditions are more important for
decomposition, while in warm, wet regions soil fauna are the main
controller (García-Palacios et al. 2013). However, that study did not
include any sites from the Arabian Peninsula with its extreme weather
conditions. Similarly, another global study (that also lacked data from
the Arabian peninsula) showed that climate (actual evapotranspiration)
was the best predictor of the decomposition constant (k-value) for litter
(Aerts 1997). Mean k-value was positively correlated with actual evapo-
transpiration, both being highest in the humid tropics (Aerts 1997). On a
global scale, climate change is likely to affect decomposition processes, as
increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide are likely to affect the
nitrogen content of litter and as warming will most likely increase decom-
position rates (Couteaux et al. 1995; Kirschbaum 1995; Cornelissen et al.
There have been relatively few decomposition studies in arid envi-
ronments, despite the fact that these cover about 12% of the total soil
surface on earth (Goodall et al. 2009). This is a serious omission, as
existing models, which to a large extent focus on precipitation, cannot
account for the rapid turnover of organic material in these environments
(Vossbrinck et al. 1979; Montaña et al. 1988; Steinberger et al. 1990;
Austin and Vivanco 2006). Instead, in arid environments photodegrada-
tion (Austin and Vivanco 2006; Barnes et al. 2015; Liu et al. 2015; Huang
et al. 2017), soil-litter mixing (Lee et al. 2014; Barnes et al. 2015; Hewins
and Throop 2016; Joly et al. 2017) and precipitation pulses (Hamadi et al.
2000; Hewins and Throop 2016; Joly et al. 2017) have been suggested to
be important for decomposition. The extreme arid environments of the
Arabian Peninsula are particularly under-represented in litter decompo-
sition studies. Mangrove wetlands are somewhat better studied, e.g. a
study on litter decomposition in a mangrove in Qatar found an initial
mass loss of 68% within the rst 108 days, after which the decomposition
rate declined (Mahasneh 2001). This is in line with ndings by others that
early-stage decomposition is faster, with leaching of soluble compounds
The Arab World Geographer / Le Géographe du monde arabe Vol 20, no 2-3 (2017)
254 Mohammed H.S.A. Alsafran, Judith Sarneel & Juha M. Alatalo
and decomposition of non-lignied cellulose and hemicellulose (Berg and
McClaugherty 2003). However, to our knowledge there are no previous
studies on litter decomposition in the extreme arid environment of terres-
trial ecosystems in the Arabian Peninsula. Therefore, in the present study
we measured the initial mass loss of organic matter and calculated the
stabilisation factor Sand decomposition rate kacross different ecosys-
tems in Qatar, using commercial green tea and rooibos tea as model
litters. The teabag index that can be derived from these measurements
represent a uniform decomposition value can be compared across ecosys-
tems (Keuskamp et al. 2013; Didion et al. 2016). Our specic objective
was to determine whether decomposition rates vary across different
ecosystems in the extreme arid environment of Qatar, as warm dry envi-
ronments may not result in great differences in decomposition rates.
Methods and Study Sites
Study Sites
Qatar lies within the desert belt extending from North Africa to Central
Asia and is one of the most arid countries in the world, with average
annual rainfall of 78.1 mm, so water is a major limiting ecological factor.
The climate is classied in the Köppen system as BWhsn (hot desert
climate with winter rainfall and high relative humidity). Sporadic rainfall
events occur from October to May. Temperature ranges between 35°C
and 45°C in summer, and between 15°C and 30°C in winter (December-
The test teabags were buried at 10 sites (Table 1) that represent
common landscape and vegetation types in the Arabian Peninsula. These
were: Acacia tortilis (acacia) drylands (two sites), grassland, saltmarsh
without vegetation, saltmarsh with vegetation (two sites, dominated by
Salsola spp.), drylands with the succulent Zygophyllum qatarense, two
natural mangrove sites (Avicennia marina Forsk.) and planted mangrove
(A. marina) (Table 1). The Acacia tortilis drylands had sparse cover of A.
tortilis trees without undercover vegetation (which sprouts after sporadic
rainfall events), so teabags were buried under A. tortilis trees and in
patches of bare ground just beside the trees. The grassland site was
located in a landscape depression, where grasses are abundant after rain-
fall events, after which they wilt slowly as the soil dries out.
We followed the teabag index protocol (Keuskamp et al. 2013), and used
commercial Lipton green teabags (EAN: 87 22700 05552 5) and Lipton
rooibos teabags (EAN: 87 22700 18843 8), made from nylon with a mesh
The Arab World Geographer / Le Géographe du monde arabe Vol 20, no 2-3 (2017)
Variation in Plant Litter Decomposition Rates across in Qatar 255
size of 0.25 mm, which allows microorganisms and mesofauna access to
the tea but excludes macrofauna (Setälä et al. 1996). Green tea has a high
cellulose content and faster decomposition than rooibos tea, which has a
high lignin content (Keuskamp et al. 2013).
All teabags were weighed (air-dry, to 0.0001 accuracy) and 46 replicate
pairs of green and rooibos bags were buried 8 cm deep in holes at each
location, with each bag in a separate hole. The bags were buried between
12 and 20 March 2017 and retrieved between 28 May and 6 June 2017
(incubation duration 68-82 days).
The retrieved teabags were cleared of soil and roots and oven-dried
(70°C for 48 h). Due to the fact that the silty soil entered the bags, weight
loss of the teabags was then determined by deducting loss on ignition
(overnight at 550°C). Four bags had to be removed from the analysis due
to damage from invertebrates and foxes, leaving 42 tea bags for analysis.
Stabilisation factor S(i.e. the fraction of the labile material that is not
decomposed, but stabilises after three months) and decomposition rate,
k, were calculated according to Keuskamp et al. (2013) based on the
W(t)= ae-k1t +(1- a)*K2= ae-k1t +(1- a)
where W is weight, a is decomposable fraction (where S+ 1 - a), t is time
(days incubated), K1is decomposition rate of the labile fraction (steep
part of the curve) and K2 is decomposition rate of the recalcitrant frac-
tion, assumed to be 0 during short incubations of less than 3 months. a
was determined initially for green tea:
S= 1- agreen/Hgreen
and, assuming that stabilization was similar for green and rooibos
tea, aroo was calculated as:
aroo= Hroo (1 - S).
The Arab World Geographer / Le Géographe du monde arabe Vol 20, no 2-3 (2017)
List and location of sites in Qatar included in the litter decomposition study.
Location codes LAT LONG Soil type Vegetation type
Grassland depression 25.37446 51.51617 Sandy loam Grasses
Saltmarsh with vegetation 25.72942 51.57562 Silty loam Salsola spp.
Saltmarsh with vegetation 25.69819 51.55212 Silty loam Salsola spp.
Saltmarsh no vegetation 25.65812 51.54709 Silty loam No vegetation
Acacia vegetated 25.51005 51.41388 Sandy loam Acacia tortilis
Acacia bare ground 25.40923 51.45926 Sandy loam No vegetation
Mangrove 25.73607 51.57624 Marine alluvium Avicennia marina
Mangrove 25.69730 51.55065 Marine alluvium Avicennia marina
Planted mangrove 25.66118 51.54853 Marine alluvium Avicennia marina
Zygophyllum 25.37446 51.51617 Sandy loam Zygophyllum qatarense
256 Mohammed H.S.A. Alsafran, Judith Sarneel & Juha M. Alatalo
where Hgreen and Hroo are the hydrolysable fraction of green and
rooibos tea, respectively, determined in laboratory extractions
(Keuskamp et al, 2013).
Subsequently, kcan be calculated from:
W(roo) = aroo e-kt +(1- aroo)
Statistical Analyses
The data were not normally distributed, so we used the conservative non-
parametric Kruskal-Wallis test to analyse the effect of site on stabilisa-
tion factor S, decomposition rate k, mass loss of green tea and mass loss
of rooibos tea. All analyses were performed in IBM © SPSS © Statistics
Version 24.
Results and Discussion
Across ecosystems, we found a signicant site effect on decomposition
rate (p=0.011), litter stabilisation factor (p=0.001), nal weight of green
tea (p=0.001) and nal weight of rooibos tea (p0.001) (Figure 1). The
mangrove and grassland depression sites had the smallest amounts of
remaining green and rooibos tea after the incubation period in soil, while
teabags buried under A. tortilis and in saltmarsh without vegetation had
the largest amounts. Rapid litter turnover and high kvalues in mangrove
have also been reported in other studies (Tam et al. 1998; Li and Ye 2014).
As expected due to differences in the ‘litter’ quality, rooibos tea (high
lignin content) had higher remaining mass after the incubation period
than green tea at all sites. The faster decomposition of green tea (high
cellulose content) across all sites is in line with the suggestion that litter
quality is one the major controllers of litter decomposition (Cornwell et al.
2008; Zhang et al. 2008; Li et al. 2011; Bradford et al. 2016). Water avail-
ability has also been suggested to be an important controller of litter
decomposition on local scale in deserts and semi-arid regions (Couteaux
et al. 1995; Zhang et al. 2008; Joly et al. 2017), with drier sites having lower
kvalues (Gholz et al. 2000). A previous study in the Al Barriyya Desert
(Palestine) found that decomposition rates were signicantly higher
during the short rainy winter period than in the dry period (Hamadi et al.
2000). Experimental water addition in semi-arid Inner Mongolia also
signicantly increased kvalues (Liu et al. 2006), while warming and exper-
imental rainfall reduction signicantly decreased litter decomposition in
dry Mediterranean grassland (Almagro et al. 2015). In Qatar, water avail-
ability is likely to be an important controller of decomposition, as the
country has an extreme arid environment with only sporadic rainfall
events and with no permanent freshwater bodies. This was reected in our
The Arab World Geographer / Le Géographe du monde arabe Vol 20, no 2-3 (2017)
Variation in Plant Litter Decomposition Rates across in Qatar 257
data, as drier acacia sites had lower kvalues than mangrove sites, which
were wetter. While sporadic local rainfall events could thus be expected to
temporarily increase the decomposition rate at drier sites in Qatar, global
warming accompanied with decreased rainfall could potentially decrease
litter decomposition in the longer term. Our study was conducted during
the dry spring-early summer period, so further long-term studies are
needed to capture sporadic rainfall events.
The initial study in which the teabag index was developed was able to
distinguish differences in decomposition rate (k) and stabilisation factor
(S) between ecosystems on a global scale after an incubation period of ca.
90 days (Keuskamp et al. 2013). Here we show that the method also
works well on a smaller regional scale, as we were able to distinguish
differences in both kand Sbetween different ecosystems in Qatar. In fact,
The Arab World Geographer / Le Géographe du monde arabe Vol 20, no 2-3 (2017)
Box plots of decomposition rate k, stabilisation factor S and mass loss of green and
rooibos tea for different ecosystems in Qatar, where k represents the short-term
dynamics of litter decomposition and S is indicative of long-term carbon storage.
Calculations were based on incubation periods of between 69 and 82 days. Labels indi-
cate ecosystems. Box plots show the 10th -90th percentiles of the data.
258 Mohammed H.S.A. Alsafran, Judith Sarneel & Juha M. Alatalo
our results show that there is considerable variation in k, Sand mass loss
of litter between local dryland ecosystems, and that the teabag index is
suitable for studies on litter decomposition in arid environments. The k
and Svalues for mangrove and the arid Acacia and Zygophyllum sites
were in line with values reported for mangrove in Florida and for desert
soils in China (Keuskamp et al. 2013). However, in order to gain a better
understanding, experimental multi-year and multi-site studies are needed
to identify factors that inuence decomposition rates across ecosystems
in the extreme environments of the Arabian peninsula.
The authors wish to thank Mara Abdelhameed Dafaalla and Mariana
Tavelin-Sjöberg for their assistance during laboratory work. The study
was partly funded by a grant from Qatar University to JMA (grant
QUUG-CAS-DBES-15/16-5). JS conducted her work within the
strategic theme Sustainability, sub-theme Water, Climate, and
Ecosystems, at Utrecht University and was funded by the Swedish
Research Council, Vetenskapsrådet.
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The Arab World Geographer / Le Géographe du monde arabe Vol 20, no 2-3 (2017)
... The rate of plant material decomposition is one of the main factors that qualifies the sustainability of nutrient cycles in agricultural ecosystems, especially in organic farming. Research studies have reported the rate of plant material decomposition in different biomes; however, most of them focus on natural ecosystems (Cleveland et al. 2014;Alsafran et al. 2017;Gao et al. 2019) and those in agricultural systems focus on a yearly basis (Cornwell Kriauciuniene et al. 2012;Didion et al. 2016) or only on crop growing season (Buchholz et al. 2017;Helsen et al. 2018;Mueller et al. 2018) and often are done in greenhouse and pot experiments (Frøseth & Bleken 2014;Van Hoesel et al. 2015). As a result, it is important to study the decomposition of organic material during the non-vegetation period in an agricultural ecosystem. ...
... On a global scale, the variability of decomposition rates among biomes depends on the regional climate and litter quality (Parton et al. 2007;Cornwell et al. 2008;Zhang et al. 2008;Cleveland et al. 2014). However, climate sets similar conditions for organic matter decomposition within biomes (Parton et al. 2007;Zhang et al. 2008Alsafran et al. 2017. Decomposition rate of plant litter in a specific location is determined by environmental factors such as temperature (Raich et al. 2006;Mikola et al. 2018) and precipitation (Salamanca et al. 2003;Vilkiene et al. 2016), biological factors such as composition of the decomposer organisms (Cleveland et al. 2014;Gao et al. 2019) and physicochemical factors such as soil texture and fertility (Zhang et al. 2008;Miatto & Batalha 2016;), as well as C : N, labile and recalcitrant fractions of litter (Køgel-Knabner 2002;Kriauciuniene et al. 2012;Keuskamp et al. 2013). ...
... This approach uses a standardised plant matterfast-decomposing green tea and more recalcitrant rooibos tea, as representative organic material to measure decomposition and stabilization rates at the local, regional or global scales. The method facilitates data comparison between biomes, ecosystems and fields (Didion et al. 2016;Alsafran et al. 2017;Helsen et al. 2018). Its application alongside field decomposition experiments enables global comparison of decomposition efficiency in different soil types (Buchholz et al. 2017). ...
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The decomposition of plant organic materials in the soil during the non-vegetation period in a cool temperate climate is associated with nutrient loss and asynchrony in nutrient supply for subsequent crops. Therefore, it is important to select sustainable management tools to regulate the decomposition rate of organic material during the non-vegetation period. The aim of the present study was to assess the influence of soil type (loam vs. clay loam), green manuring (wheat straw vs. wheat straw + red clover), and incorporation depth of organic materials (4–7 vs. 14–17 cm) on mass loss, decomposition rate and stabilization of standardised organic material in the organically managed arable soils. A Tea Bag Index method was used in the field experiments with standardised organic plant materials of green and rooibos tea. In addition, litter-bags of locally grown red clover were investigated. The findings of this study suggested that of the three management factors investigated soil type had a significant and longest effect. The mass loss and decomposition rate of the standardised organic materials were significantly (P < 0.5) higher and stabilization significantly lower in the loam soil than in the clay loam soil. During the non-vegetation period, green tea lost 46.3% of its initial mass, rooibos tea lost 19.7% and red clover lost 66%. The study showed that decomposition of fast-decomposing materials could be slowed down during the non-vegetation period by choosing soils with a higher clay content, shallow organic material incorporation depth and manuring soil with N-rich plant residues.
... Past studies have monitored the decomposition of litterbags within ecosystems to determine the drivers of litter decomposition and estimate C storage efficiency (Alsafran et al., 2017;Benner et al., 1991;Didion et al., 2016;Djukic et al., 2018;Enríquez et al., 1993;Prescott, 2010). However, variations in the quantity and composition of the leaf litter used make intersite comparisons challenging (Djukic et al., 2018;Tiegs et al., 2007). ...
... There are only a few published examples of the TBI used in coastal habitats, with very few focusing solely on saltmarsh habitats. Studies attempting to fill this research gap have focused on the relationships between decomposition and climate, sea level, and vegetation cover (Alsafran et al., 2017;Djukic et al., 2018;Mueller et al., 2018). Although the TBI has been described as a potential method to understand C loss and storage (Djukic et al., 2018), it does not directly measure C degradation; rather, it uses OM mass loss as a qualitative proxy for C loss, a relationship which has not been tested in saltmarsh environments. ...
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Intertidal wetlands capture and store carbon (C) for long periods of time, helping to reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. Yet the processes, which govern the decomposition and subsequent long‐term storage of organic matter (OM) and C in these habitats, remain poorly understood. The Tea Bag Index (TBI) uses a standardized OM (green and Rooibos tea) and has the potential to shed light on OM decomposition across habitats, including saltmarshes. Here, we apply the TBI method at two saltmarshes within the same estuary with the aim of (i) reducing the influence of climatic variables and (ii) determining the role of the environment, including the soil characteristics, in the decomposition of OM. We extended the standard (3 months) incubation period over a full year in order to investigate the longer‐term decomposition processes at each site. The initial results partially support previous studies that the early stages of decomposition (leaching of the water‐soluble fraction) is governed by climatic conditions, but may be further enhanced by tidal flushing in saltmarshes. By extending the incubation period, we observed the initiation of midstage OM decomposition (cellulose degradation) upon which the soil characteristics appear to be the dominant control. These results highlight the importance of long‐term TBI incubations to understand early‐stage OM decomposition. The relationship between tea mass (OM) loss and C loss in these intertidal environments is not straightforward, and we would caution the use of the TBI as a direct universal proxy for soil C degradation in such intertidal wetlands.
... To test this, we compared our rates with those from 7 other salt marsh TBI studies that encompass 11 countries and span a latitudinal gradient of 93.7° (-37.7°-56°); Fig. 4, SI table 2) (Mueller et al., 2018, Puppin et al., 2023, Marley et al., 2019, Alsafran et al., 2017, Yousefi Lalimi et al., 2018, Sanderman and Eagle, unpub, Tang et al., 2023. North America accounted for 50% of the observations, and 485 only one observation came from the southern hemisphere. ...
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Environmental gradients can affect organic matter decay within and across wetlands and contribute to spatial heterogeneity in soil carbon stocks. We tested the sensitivity of decay rates to tidal flooding and soil depth in a minerogenic salt marsh using the tea bag index (TBI). Tea bags were buried at 10- and 50- cm along transects sited at lower, middle, and higher elevations that paralleled a headward eroding tidal creek. Plant and animal communities and soil properties were characterized once while replicate tea bags and porewaters were collected several times over one year. TBI decay rates were faster than prior litterbag studies in the same marsh, largely due to rapid green tea loss. Rooibos decay rates were comparable to natural marsh litter, potentially suggesting that is more useful as a standardized organic matter proxy than green tea. Decay was slowest at higher marsh elevations and not consistently related to other biotic (e.g., plants, crab burrows) and abiotic factors (e.g., porewater chemistry), indicating that local hydrology strongly affects organic matter loss rates. Tea BI rates were 32–118 % faster in the 10 cm horizon compared to 50 cm. Rates were fastest in the first three months and slowed 54–60 % at both depths between 3- and 6- months. Rates slowed further between 6- and 12- months but this was less dramatic at 10 cm (17 %) compared to 50 cm (50 %). Slower rates at depth and with time were unlikely due to the TBI stabilization factor, which was similar across depths and decreased from 6 to 12 months. Slower decay at 50 cm demonstrates that rates were constrained by the environmental conditions of this deeper horizon rather than the molecular composition of litter. Overall, these patterns suggest that hydrologic setting, which affects oxidant introduction and reactant removal and is often overlooked in marsh decomposition studies, may be a particularly important control on organic matter decay in the short term (3–12 months). transects sited at lower, middle, and higher elevations that paralleled a headward eroding tidal creek.
... The climate in Qatar is dry and warm, where the temperature ranges from 35 to 45°C in summer and from 15 to 30°C in winter (Alsafran et al. 2017). Sorokowska et al. (2017) found that people living in warmer regions, when communicating with others, tend to keep less personal space compared to those living in cold places. ...
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During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, people in Qatar—similar to most countries globally—were instructed by health authorities to adopt protective behaviors to avoid infection. One of these behaviors is social distancing, which is influenced by diverse variables. Using data from an online survey with 405 responses, this study performed multiple regression analysis to explore effects of personality, risk perception, and personal hygiene practices on social distancing among residents of Qatar. The results showed that 87.3% of participants reported that they preferred to stay at home and not go outside unless necessary, 60.3% said that they maintain an adequate distance when communicating with others, 68.6% reported that they do not allow relatives and friends to visit them at home, 73.5% believed that COVID-19 is a dangerous disease, and 95.8% reported that they embrace personal hygiene practices and washing hands. Furthermore, multiple regression analysis showed that conscientiousness, neuroticism, risk perception, and personal hygiene practices predicted social distancing, with moderate effect sizes. Gender differences were also found in social distancing practices, indicating that women reported higher engagement in social distancing practices than men. These results highlighted the importance of individual differences in reacting to the COVID-19 pandemic and provide important information about the predictors of social distancing practices.
... The climate in Qatar is dry and warm, where the temperature ranges from 35 to 45°C in summer and from 15 to 30°C in winter (Alsafran et al. 2017). Sorokowska et al. (2017) found that people living in warmer regions, when communicating with others, tend to keep less personal space compared to those living in cold places. ...
In the time of respiratory pandemic diseases such as COVID-19, people usually adopt protective behaviors to avoid the infection. One of these behaviors is social distancing which might be predicted by a variety of variables. Using an online survey of 405 responses, a multiple regression analysis was carried out to explore the predictors of social distancing among locals and Arab residents in Qatar. The results showed that conscientiousness, neuroticism, risk perception, and personal hygiene work as predictors of the social distances with moderate effect size. Gender differences were found in social distancing practices. These results shed light on the importance of these factors to predict the human’s protective behaviors to COVID-19
... Water is an important controller of the decomposition process, and environments in extreme conditions of drought or humidity generally have low decomposition rates (Ågren and Andersson 2012;Alsafran et al. 2017). A global study highlights that climatic conditions in dry and cold regions are the main controllers of decomposition, while in hot and humid regions, soil organisms are more important in the process (García-Palacios et al. 2013). ...
Decomposition of plant litter is a crucial process in carbon and nutrient cycling in all ecosystems, but our understanding of drivers of this process in Brazilian Cerrado (savanna) ecosystems is limited. We determined the decomposition rate and the stabilisation factor in areas of cerrado sensu stricto and palm swamp (vereda) in Bonito de Minas, Minas Gerais, south-eastern Brazil. These two major Cerrado ecosystems differ markedly in environmental conditions, but primarily in water and soil conditions. We used the standardised Tea Bag Index method, characterised soil parameters, and microbial activity to evaluate the decomposition process between these ecosystems. We found higher decomposition rates in the palm swamp compared to cerrado sensu stricto, possibly due to higher soil temperature and humidity conditions and higher microbial biomass.
... Data from the sites with the red circles have been used in the present study. Data from Qatar come fromAlsafran et al., 2017. See ...
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Through litter decomposition enormous amounts of carbon is emitted to the atmosphere. Numerous large-scale decomposition experiments have been conducted focusing on this fundamental soil process in order to understand the controls on the terrestrial carbon transfer to the atmosphere. However, previous studies were mostly based on site-specific litter and methodologies, adding major uncertainty to syntheses, comparisons and meta-analyses across different experiments and sites. In the TeaComposition initiative, the potential litter decomposition is investigated by using standardized substrates (Rooibos and Green tea) for comparison of litter mass loss at 336 sites (ranging from −9 to +26 °C MAT and from 60 to 3113mm MAP) across different ecosystems. In this study we tested the effect of climate (temperature and moisture), litter type and land-use on early stage decomposition (3 months) across nine biomes. We show that litter quality was the predominant controlling factor in early stage litter decomposition, which explained about 65% of the variability in litter decomposition at a global scale. The effect of climate, on the other hand, was not litter specific and explained b0.5% of the variation for Green tea and 5% for Rooibos tea, and was of significance only under unfavorable decomposition conditions (i.e. xeric versus mesic environments). When the data were aggregated at the biome scale, climate played a significant role on decomposition of both litter types (explaining 64% of the variation for Green tea and 72% for Rooibos tea). No significant effect of land-use on early stage litter decomposition was noted within the temperate biome. Our results indicate that multiple drivers are affecting early stage litter mass loss with litter quality being dominant. In order to be able to quantify the relative importance of the different drivers over time, long-term studies combined with experimental trials are needed.
Early stage litter decomposition
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Decomposition of plant litter is a key process for the transfer of carbon and nutrients in ecosystems. Carbon contained in the decaying biomass is released to the atmosphere as respired CO 2 , and may contribute to global warming. Litterbag studies have been used to improve our knowledge of the drivers of litter decomposition, but they lack comparability because litter quality is plant species-specific. The use of commercial tea bags as a standard substrate was suggested in order to harmonize studies, where green tea and rooibos represent more labile and more recalcitrant C compounds as surrogates of local litter. Here we examine the potential of the use of standardized material for improving our understanding of litter decomposition across climate regions, and to further develop pertinent models. We measured the decomposition of incubated local and standard litters over two years along an elevation gradient in the Austrian Limestone Alps. The similar response to changes in temperature and precipitation of the pairs of local and standard litter—i.e., Fagus sylvatica and green tea, and Pinus nigra and rooibos tea, respectively—suggests the suitability of the standard litters for further examining the role of environmental drivers of decomposition. Harmonized data obtained from standardized litter experiments would provide a key prerequisite for further developing simulation models for the estimation of the C balance of ecosystem litter pools.
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Background and aims: Higher than expected litter decomposition rates have been observed in dry, sunny environments due to photochemical or physical degradation. However, our understanding of carbon and nutrient fluxes of standing and buried litters compared to surface litter in such areas is still scarce. Methods: We sampled leaf litters from 51 species in a semiarid dune ecosystem and incubated them in three positions: surface, sand-buried and simulated standing. Results: Decomposition was much faster in buried litter and somewhat faster in simulated standing litter than in surface litter. This pattern was independent of the incubation period, phylogenetic group or growth form. Litter position and incubation period significantly impacted litter nutrient dynamics. The nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) losses were faster in buried and simulated standing litters than in surface litter. The N loss was slower than P loss in 6-month decomposed litter but the former was relatively faster than the latter in the second phase up to 12 months of incubation. Conclusions: Our study shows that substantial mass and nutrient losses in simulated standing and buried litters can be a candidate explanation why drylands have higher carbon and nutrient fluxes than expected based on surface litter decomposition data alone.
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Decomposition of grass leaf litter was studied on a shortgrass prairie using chemicals (HgCl"2 and CuSO"4) to prevent microbial activity (abiotic treatment), 53-@mm nylon mesh to exclude mesofauna (microbial treatment), and l-mm nylon mesh to allow the access of mesofauna. After 9 months, 15.2% of the blue grama grass litter was decomposed in the microbial treatment, and 29.4% was decomposed in the microbial plus mesofaunal treatment. After 7 months, 6.2% of the litter had disappeared from the abiotic treatment. There was a general decrease in C:N ratios with the microbial treatment lowest at the end of the experiment. Total available carbohydrates generally decreased with time. Certain mite families fluctuated with seasons. The tydeids were most active in winter and tetranychids were most active in summer. A correlation between abiotic factors and mite families was also observed.
Macroclimate has traditionally been considered the predominant driver of litter decomposition. However, in drylands, cumulative monthly or annual precipitation typically fails to predict decomposition. In these systems, the windows of opportunity for decomposer activity may rather depend on the precipitation frequency and local factors affecting litter desiccation, such as soil-litter mixing. We used a full-factorial microcosm experiment to disentangle the relative importance of cumulative precipitation, pulse frequency, and soil-litter mixing on litter decomposition. Decomposition, measured as litter carbon loss, saturated with increasing cumulative precipitation when pulses were large and infrequent, suggesting that litter moisture no longer increased and/or microbial activity was no longer limited by water availability above a certain pulse size. More frequent precipitation pulses led to increased decomposition at high levels of cumulative precipitation. Soil-litter mixing consistently increased decomposition, with greatest relative increase (+194%) under the driest conditions. Collectively, our results highlight the need to consider precipitation at finer temporal scale and incorporate soil-litter mixing as key driver of decomposition in drylands. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
Photodegradation due to litter exposure to solar UV radiation is presumed to contribute to the surprisingly fast decomposition in some arid and semi-arid regions; however, few studies have directly examined photodegradation effects in hyper-arid regions (annual precipitation < 150 mm) and its dependence on precipitation. Three litters with different initial qualities (low vs high C:N) were decomposed under full spectrum sunlight (UV radiation) and UV filtering from solar radiation at three sites with contrasting precipitation amounts (144 mm, 76 mm and 16 mm) for 2.5 years. UV radiation increased mass loss and litter decomposition rates by 23–70%. UV photodegradation effects (UVE) on litter decomposition rate differed among experimental sites, with significantly stronger effects in less arid sites (144 mm and 76 mm) than more arid site (16 mm). High-quality litter (low C:N ratio) showed the fastest decomposition rate, and UVE was also affected by litter quality, but no consistent trend was observed. Litter N loss was greatest in full sunlight and the linear relationships between C and N contents was not changed by UV filtering over time. UV radiation increased C loss of all fractions, and hemicellulose and cell solubles showed significant contributions to litter mass loss. Our findings suggest that UV photodegradation can increase mass loss and nutrient release by the positive priming effects on microbial decomposition in hyper-arid regions, although UVE differed among three sites with contrasting precipitation amounts.
Rates of in-situ decomposition and nutrient (organic C, N and P) release of leaf litter were seasonally compared among three planted Kandelia obovata mangrove forests (K12, K24 and K48 with forest ages of 12, 24 and 48 years, respectively) and one natural mature K. obovata forest (KM) in Jiulongjiang Estuary, China. The average values of half-time (T50) of leaf litter decomposition in spring, summer, autumn and winter were 29.8, 18.7, 23.9 and 47.4d, respectively. Decomposition rates were lower in the older forests (with T50 values of 30.1 and 31.1d averaged by all seasons in K48 and KM, respectively) than in the younger ones (with T50 values 29.8 and 28.8d averaged by all seasons in K12 and K24, respectively), especially in summer and autumn. The annual mean T50 of nutrient release of leaf litter during decomposition followed an order of KM > K48 > K24 > K12. During leaf litter decomposition, C releases were very similar to dry weight losses, while N releases were slower and P releases were much faster than dry weight losses. With the development of restored mangrove forests, decomposition and nutrient release of leaf litter became slow, which may increase the chance of leaf litter being exported into the surrounding waters.
This fully revised and updated 2nd edition of Plant Litter focuses on decomposition processes in natural terrestrial systems such as boreal and temperate forests. The availability of several long-term studies from these forest types allows a more in-depth approach to the later stages of decomposition as well as to humus formation. It further briefly explores how processes are modified due to anthropogenic influences. Earlier findings are re-evaluated in light of recent research.