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Modeling of Smoke Control in Underground Parking-garage Fires


Abstract and Figures

Smoke is the real threat in a fire in an enclosed, underground parking garage, and is a significant issue and very critical for firefighters dealing with fire. Special attention should be paid to fire safety, especially for those with multiple floors underground. A model of the smoke movement in a basement was established using Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) 6.0 software. In this paper, the study undertaken used a basement model of 60 m (length) × 30 m (width) × 3 m (height) and has three typical floors. Smoke ventilation shafts were provided for the basement. A well-controlled liquid pool fire with a heat release rate (HRR) of 2 MW was used as an input parameter. The ventilation strategy was achieved through a mechanical exhaust fans and make-up air fans. The required ventilation was based on the air changing ten times per hour. The following parameters were varied: the location of the fire, the presence or absence of sprinklers, the presence or absence of a smoke-extraction system, the presence or absence of openings for incoming air, and the presence or absence of a jet fan and ducting. The impact of jet fans (induction type) was also addressed in several simulations. Smoke modeling was investigated under different fire scenarios. Simulations were conducted for smoke and heat control using forced, mechanical, horizontal ventilation. When the combination of a jet fan and ducting was applied, the fastest time for smoke removal was achieved compared to the other scenarios.
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International Journal of Technology (2017) 7: 1296-1305
ISSN 2086-9614 © IJTech 2017
Beline Alianto1, Nabilla Astari1, Darendra Nareshwara1, Yulianto Sulistyo Nugroho1*
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia, Kampus UI
Depok, Depok 16424, Indonesia
(Received: February 2017 / Revised: July 2017 / Accepted: December 2017)
Smoke is the real threat in a fire in an enclosed, underground parking garage, and is a
significant issue and very critical for firefighters dealing with fire. Special attention should be
paid to fire safety, especially for those with multiple floors underground. A model of the smoke
movement in a basement was established using Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) 6.0 software. In
this paper, the study undertaken used a basement model of 60 m (length) × 30 m (width) × 3 m
(height) and has three typical floors. Smoke ventilation shafts were provided for the basement.
A well-controlled liquid pool fire with a heat release rate (HRR) of 2 MW was used as an input
parameter. The ventilation strategy was achieved through a mechanical exhaust fans and make-
up air fans. The required ventilation was based on the air changing ten times per hour. The
following parameters were varied: the location of the fire, the presence or absence of sprinklers,
the presence or absence of a smoke-extraction system, the presence or absence of openings for
incoming air, and the presence or absence of a jet fan and ducting. The impact of jet fans
(induction type) was also addressed in several simulations. Smoke modeling was investigated
under different fire scenarios. Simulations were conducted for smoke and heat control using
forced, mechanical, horizontal ventilation. When the combination of a jet fan and ducting was
applied, the fastest time for smoke removal was achieved compared to the other scenarios.
Keywords: Basement ventilation; Fire; Jet fan; Mechanical fan; Smoke exhaust
Underground parking garages generally provide enclosed conditions. While the effectiveness of
fire protection systems is commonly associated with active water-based sprinkler and hydrant
protection systems, smoke movement is critical and is subject to failure because most design
engineers do not have a proper understanding of what happens when a fire breaks out. As
smoke flows through the building, it is restricted by the frictional forces that inevitably exist
due to the construction of the building. A large amount of smoke is generated, which leads to
unpredictable smoke movement and poor conditions for evacuation. Chow (1998) divides
underground fire protection systems into mechanical ventilation systems and fire protection
Various past experimental studies of single vehicle fires was done by Mangs and Keski-
Rahkonen (1994), Shipp and Spearpoint (1995), and Cheng and John (2002), for which the
main objective was to determine heat release rate (HRR) of vehicle fires. Further investigations
have been carried out in enclosed-basement fires, which focus on smoke movement (Hwang &
*Corresponding author’s email:, Tel. +62-21-7270032, Fax. +62-21-7270033
Nugroho et al. 1297
Edwards, 2005; Vauquelin & Telle, 2005) and fire development (Ingason & Lonnermark,
2005). Moreover, the full-scale experiments on modern cars reveal high HRR values for fires,
which exceed 16 MW when three cars are on fire (Horvath et al., 2013). Most of the building’s
utilities are located in the basement. Electrical cables are also categorized as a fire hazard.
Pangaribuan et al. (2016) concludes that the spread of fire in polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
insulated cables can be eliminated by reducing the oxygen concentration.
Engineering standards, regulations, and codes are always used; they are briefly explained in the
framework of prescriptive codes. However, different practices are carried out. Performance-
based fire safety will be applied in the near future; for example, a study on performance-based
fire safety was conducted by Sujatmiko et al. (2014).
Common practice concerns the use of mechanical, horizontal ventilation, which extracts hot
smoke from certain points in the parking garage and keeps it clear from smoke. This is similar
to longitudinal ventilation in tunnels (Gao et al., 2012). Parking garages, however, have a
substantially different height-to-width aspect ratio compared to tunnels. Consequently, the
principles longitudinal ventilation, which have been developed and predicted for tunnels,
becomes questionable for parking garages because of the complex flow patterns that might
Full-scale experiments are the best way to obtain valuable information. For instance, Horvarth
et al. (2013) performed a full-scale test and a reduced-scale test of parking garages on fire using
different heat release values (5004,000 kW) with different inlet air velocities (0.32 m/s), and
derived the empirical critical velocity based on the heat rate. However, the huge costs and the
limited number of tests mean the study of this topic is challenging.
While most of the aforementioned investigations were done experimentally, Tilley et al. (2012)
conducted a large set (more than 350) of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations have
been used as “numerical experiments.” In addition, Deckers et al. (2013a) also presents CFD
simulations for large parking garages and full-scale experiments for car-park fires. Wu et al.
(2017) applies natural underground ventilation in a study, and concludes that the total
ventilation area and the height of the shafts are the key factors influencing smoke control, and
that multistage shafts can be used for smoke control in the platform layer due to the formation
of the stack effect.
Common practice for ventilation is having a mechanical exhaust at each level with make-up air
provided by a fan and transported via the impulse ventilation from jet fans. An advantage of jet
fans is that they eliminate air-distribution ductwork within the parking garages, and thus reduce
supply and exhaust air-flow resistance. Various studies have been done on jet fans; for example,
Viegas (2010) ran a numerical CFD simulation involving the ventilation for covered parking
garages to investigate the control the smoke in the event of a fire, and to determine the
interaction between the fire ceiling jet and the flow driven by the jet fans.
A full-scale experiment on car-park fires with jet-fan ventilation was done by Deckers et al.
(2013b) reveals that the impact of the exact position of the extraction fans on the smoke pattern
is small when the extraction fans are not close to the fire source. This study also suggests that
the primary effect of jet fans (induction type, 50 N) does not have a significant impact on the
global flow pattern, and, for the cooling effect to be observed, the jet fans must not be in a
smoke-filled region. Other numerical simulations include the research conducted by Lu et al.
(2011) on impulse ventilation systems, the study on the impact of jet fans during the activation
of sprinklers in basement fires performed by Enright (2014), and an investigation of smoke
movement in basement structures by Arini (2017), which uses a reduced-scale model and FDS
1298 Modeling of Smoke Control in Underground Parking-garage Fires
Most of the studies discussed previously include a model for a single-story underground
parking garage. It is also important to consider multi-story basements. Furthermore, only
limited fire scenarios were investigated. This paper discusses a case study undertaken on a
three-story underground parking-garage building of approximately 1800 m2, with each floor of
the underground car-park building being approximately 60 m (length) × 30 m (width) × 3 m
(height). Different locations of fires breaking out are studied. This paper focuses on smoke
modeling and the prediction of smoke movement in several fire scenarios. The time required to
clear the smoke from the basement is also discussed. The characteristics and prediction of
smoke movement when fires break out on different floors are elaborated.
Automobile parking garages can be either enclosed or partially opened. Partially open parking
garages are generally above ground with open sides. A combination of natural and forced
ventilation can be used for partially open parking garages. Ventilation in enclosed underground
spaces presents many concerns. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) / American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (AHSRAE) 62.1
recommends that a flat ventilation rate of 0.0075 m3/(s.m2) equal to 6 ACH is used for enclosed
parking garages (ASHRAE Handbook, 2015).
The use of mechanical intake fans can cause problems with mechanical extraction. This is
because the exhaust air that is extracted has a greater volume than the inlet air. As the fire
grows and declines, there is mismatch in volume between the inlet air and the extracted,
warmed air. A moving airstream that has a lower pressure than the still air will attract the
stationary air toward itself. The force of attraction increases as the velocity of the airstream
increases. The system should be designed to run in two parts; commonly, each part is arranged
so that 50% of the outlets are at high levels and 50% are at low levels, according to many
smoke ventilation codes (Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Guide B
[CIBSE], 2005) and BS 7346-7:2006 (British Standards Institute, 2006). Ramps can also serve
as natural ventilation openings.
In the simulations, a basic configuration was chosen for the parking garage. In this
configuration, as shown in Figure 1, the underground parking garage has three floors below
ground containing the fire source and an array of sprinklers. The model’s size is 64 m (length) ×
30 m (width) × 13 m (height). Intake and exhaust ventilation shafts that are 2 m wide are
provided at the left and right sides of the basement. For expedience of calculation, the model’s
domain is deliberately set to discrete cells of size 50 cm × 50 cm × 25 cm in all simulations,
which results in 199,680 cells in this case. The simulation is performed using Fire Dynamics
Simulator (FDS) V.6.
The major assumption that was applied in this case is that the flow of smoke throughout the
building occurs steadily. It was also assumed that there was also negligible migration of smoke
between floors through the floor slabs compared to the amount of smoke that travels vertically.
The entire front and back wall were considered to be adiabatic, meaning there would be no
additional heat loss from the structure, while the two walls were modeled to have smoke
extraction on one side and air entering on the opposite side. The ventilation air-flow pattern was
essentially unidirectional.
The dimensions of the pool fire were 1 m × 1 m. The Heat Release Rate (HRR) of the fire is q =
2.000 kW/m2. In this case, a fast t2 growth rate was assumed. The CO yield (YCO) was taken to
be 0.006 and the soot yield (Ys) was 0.015. The fuel chosen was heptane is selected as a fuel.
Nugroho et al. 1299
Three locations of fire sources were simulated among those fire scenarios. A few sprinklers
were added above the fire source and separated to such a distance that each sprinkler covered a
protection area of 12 m2. Each sprinkler also operated at 0.5 bar pressure and had a K-value of
80, which met the conditions for the category of ordinary hazard (National Fire Protection
Agency [NFPA], 2013). Three sprinklers are then separated from each other by 4 m in groups
as indicated by the blue color dots in Figure 1. Table 1 shows the configuration of the
mechanical fans designed for use in the basement.
Figure 1 Building model and position of mechanical fans
The sizing of every fan is based on the air changing ten times per hour for the basement during
the fire, resulting in an air-flow quantity of 7.5 m3/s per unit for the exhaust and intake fans.
Moreover, the jet fans are necessary because of the advantages they provide through
eliminating the air-distribution ductwork within the parking garages. Therefore, in order to push
air from air the intake side to the negative-pressure smoke-extract side, the parking-garage
models contain three rows of jet fans. Each row consists of five jet-fan units, each with a
capacity of 2.0 m3/s.
The simulation was run for ten fire scenarios (FS). There were neither sprinklers nor
mechanical exhaust fans for FS1 and FS2, but both existed in FS3. Mechanical fans were
provided in FS4. Two units of make-up air fans were installed to deliver make-up air from the
atmosphere to the parking garages.
1300 Modeling of Smoke Control in Underground Parking-garage Fires
Table 1 Mechanical fans specification
Without ductwork (Fire Scenarios 49)
Capacity of each fan
Basement 3: SMF-B3/1,2; SMF-B2/1,2; SMF-B1/1,2
@7.5 m3/s
Basement 2: MAF-B3/1,2; MAF-B2/1,2; MAF-B1/1,2
@7.5 m3/s
Basement 1: Jet fans, 15 units, three rows with five fans/row
@2 m3/s
With ductwork (Fire Scenario 10)
Basement 3
Capacity of each fan
MAF-B3/1,2; MAF-B2/1,2
@7.5 m3/s
EF-B3/H-1; EF-B3/H-2
@3.75 m3/s
EF-B3/L-1; EF-B3/L2
@2.5 m3/s
Jet fans, five units/row, three rows
@2 m3/s
Half of the basement was treated as an extraction zone and the other was the make-up air zone.
The position of the mechanical fans can be seen in Figure 2.
Figure 2 Setup simulation for FS10
Table 2 Availability of the fire protection devices
Nugroho et al. 1301
Furthermore, the inclusion of jet fans was simulated in FS5 to FS9. Make-up air was delivered
by make-up air fans and then induced to the extraction zone by the jet fans. FS10 included the
advantage of having ducting, as illustrated in Figure 2; in the extraction zone, the jet fans were
removed and ducting was applied as the media of smoke extraction. The operation mode,
equipment specification, and simulation scenarios are shown in Table 2. Figure 3 illustrates the
variations in the location of the fire.
Figure 3 Location of the fire and sprinklers above fire source (red dots)
When the fires were ignited at each location, they were located a significant distance below the
ceiling sprinkler heads. There were three sprinklers in a row, each separated from each other by
4 m. The sprinkler in the middle was located 2.5 m above the fire source. The sprinklers are
generally assumed to activate immediately for a fire sizes of 2 MW. When the heat spreads in to
the adjacent areas, numerous sprinkler heads may activate due to the elevated ambient ceiling
temperatures. When too many sprinkler heads activate, the water pressure is significantly
reduced and the delivered water density decreases. This could result in ineffective sprinkler
operation and an inability to control the fire. In this experiment, the sprinklers operated quickly
for all intentional fire scenarios. The approximate sprinkler activation temperature after ignition
was 57°C
FS1: Neither sprinklers nor mechanical ventilation systems were provided. The simulation
shows smoke movement within a period of less than 1,400 sec. Smoke filled the volume of
basement 3 (B3) within less than 150 sec, and then rose upward through the ramp opening.
Figure 4 shows that smoke subsequently filled basement 1 (B1) and a small volume of smoke
started to fill basement 2 (B2). In a period of less than 1400 sec, B1 was completely filled with
smoke and most likely a large part of B2 was filled as well. Visibility in B3 was diminished to
less than 14 m. A total loss of visibility would be expected and would have been very unlikely
that any entry was available for firefighters to extinguish the fire since the basement was filled
with smoke.
FS2: When there is no sprinkler system activation, an intentional fire can grow out of control.
An HRR greater than 2 MW can occur. However, this study is limited to the spread of smoke,
the spread of flames is neglected, and the surface of the building structure is considered to be
inert and adiabatic. Smoke filled B3 within 157 sec after the ignition, and smoke subsequently
spread upstairs through the ramp opening. B1 was filled first before smoke started to fill B2 due
1302 Modeling of Smoke Control in Underground Parking-garage Fires
to the density of smoke, which is lighter than air. Unlike FS1, it took a longer time for the
smoke to fill the basement; for example, in t = 1800 sec the smoke density was less in B1, but
the room was completely filled with smoke at that time. Although less smoke was produced in
FS2 compared to FS1, there would have been limited ability to fight the fire that had occurred
due to reduced visibility and increased levels of toxicity caused by smoke, despite the fact that
the firefighters could enter the space. It is very unlikely that successful entry and aggressive
internal firefighting operations would be possible for such a fire.
Smoke spread at t = 565 sec
Smoke filled the basement at t = 1371 sec
Figure 4 Smoke spread over time and soot visibility for FS1
FS3: The smoke produced started to move upward to the outside through the ramp opening.
The activation of the sprinklers caused a reduction in HRR, meaning that the fire started to
decay. Without forced air circulation by mechanical fans, air rises naturally. At t = 412 sec, the
smoke was apparently cleared in B2. Because there was not a great amount of smoke produced
in the basement complete with sprinklers, the smoke is not likely to flow outdoor instead of
enter the above floors.
FS4: Fire occurred at the center of B3. Sprinklers and a central mechanical ventilation system
were provided. The air-flow pattern can be seen in Figure 5. The smoke was cleared by t = 250
sec, which is faster than in an unventilated basement.
Figure 5 Velocity profile for FS4
FS5: Fire occurred at the center of B3. The basement was provided with a complete, active fire
protection system, including sprinklers, jet fans, and similar configuration of mechanical fans to
FS4. Two smoke-extraction fans with a capacity of 7.5 m3/s each were provided at one side of
Nugroho et al. 1303
the basement. Two make-up air fans were provided at the opposite side, each with the same
capacity of 7.5 m3/s. Three rows of jet fans, with five fans in each row, distributed the make-up
air to the air-discharge zone. The flow rate of each jet fans was 2 m3/sec. The fire ignited for a
moment and was quickly extinguished approximately 20 sec after the growth of the flaming
fire. The simulation’s result shows that the smoke was apparently cleared within 216 sec, which
is faster than in the basement without jet fans. At the start of the fire, the smoke spread radially
in every direction. Because of the jet fans, the smoke-flow pattern then changed to be in one
direction, which was from the intake fan to the discharge zone.
FS6: This scenario is similar to FS5, except that the fire started in the center of B2. The first
sprinkler was located above the fire source, and the other two sprinklers were located to the left
and right sides of the first sprinkler. The distance between the sprinklers was 2 m, and they
were 2.5 m above floor level. The simulation shows that the smoke initially spread radially in
the first stage of the fire, but then finally changed to flow in one direction toward the extract
side. The smoke was cleared faster than in FS5, in a time of approximately 150 sec.
FS7: The fire was at the center of B1. The scenario is similar to both FS6 and FS5. The smoke
clearance time was longer than for the fire in the lower level. There was still a small amount of
smoke at t = 283 sec, and the smoke was finally cleared in a period of less than 5 min.
FS8: The same scenario as FS5 and FS6 was applied here, but the fire was set in a different
location: in B2 near the location of the smoke-extraction fan. The smoke was cleared faster, by t
= 283 sec.
FS9: The fire was in B3, located near the smoke-extraction fan, and consisted of a fire ignited
by a fuel pool of 1 m2 located near the side with the smoke extraction. The same scenario as
both FS5 and FS6 was also applied here. The smoke was cleared faster than for FS8, in
approximately 122 sec.
FS10: The fire broke out in the middle of B3. The jet fans in the exhaust zone were replaced
with high-level and low-level ductwork. The result of the simulation is shown in Figure 6. The
smoke was cleared within less than 90 sec, which is the fastest among the ten scenarios
discussed in this study.
Figure 6 Smoke spread over time and soot visibility for FF10 at t = 43.2 sec
1304 Modeling of Smoke Control in Underground Parking-garage Fires
Even though a fire in a basement is a rare event and such a fire may be initiated in numerous
ways, it is important to provide sprinklers and mechanical ventilation in underground parking
garages. Sprinklers are the vital components in an active fire protection system. When sprinkler
activation does not occur, such as in a space with no sprinklers, the ambient ceiling
temperatures are increased and the fire is allowed to continue to burn. In comparison, where
there are no sprinklers applied and proper ventilation, the production of smoke exceeds the
capacity for smoke extraction, which causes the whole basement to be filled by smoke. Even
when sprinklers are provided, the absence of a smoke exhaust fan might lead to smoke
remaining in the basement for a prolonged period of time, in spite of the fact that the fire is
completely extinguished by the sprinklers. The provision of jet fans may result in migration of
smoke that is faster than conventional ventilation without jet fans. This study showed that
having sprinklers, make-up air fans, smoke-extraction fans, jet fans, and ductwork gives the
fastest smoke-removal time in a basement fire.
The authors would like to thank Fire Safety Engineering Research Group and Thermodynamics
Laboratory of Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas Indonesia for providing
supports and great discussion.
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... Smoke is a real threat during a fire in a closed underground garage and is a significant problem for firefighters dealing with the fire [10]. A model of smoke movement in the basement was created using Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) 6.0 software. ...
... This does not differ from the practical data, well known from works [4,6], whose authors, by the way, also associate the effectiveness of smoke and heat release with the use of water. But, in contrast to the results of research reported in [10,11], our data on the influence of ventilation on the process of inhibiting smoke formation in adjacent rooms and temperature transfer allow us to state the following: ...
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An issue related to the application of portable smoke and heat removal devices for buildings and structures is to provide for their effectiveness when removing smoke and reducing temperature. That us why the object of this study was a change in the performance of a portable smoke and heat removal device when using finely sprayed water. Improved efficiency of the use of portable smoke and heat removal devices was based on experimental studies. It was proved that the reduction of smoke concentration and temperature in the room to the initial conditions was achieved for independent smoke dispersion in 5340 s, and cooling occurred in 3120 s. With the use of a smoke and heat removal agent during air supply, the smoke dissipated in 720 s, and cooling took 1560 s. And with the simultaneous supply of air and a sprayed jet of water, smoke dispersal occurred in 360 s, and cooling in 1020 s, respectively. To determine the efficiency of the smoke and heat release device, a calculation-experimental method has been devised that makes it possible to estimate the coefficient of the smoke and heat release agent when supplying air and water. According to experimental data, it was calculated that the coefficient of effectiveness of the smoke and heat removal devices when supplying air and water compared to the means when supplying only air increases by 2.1 times. The practical significance is that the results were taken into account when devising methodical recommendations for extinguishing fires. Thus, there are reasons to assert the possibility of targeted regulation of the processes of smoke reduction and temperature reduction through the use of a smoke and heat release device that simultaneously supplies air and finely sprayed water
... Studies have demonstrated that jet fans prevent smoke spread and enhance visibility for firefighters compared to other ventilation systems [65]. Additionally, combining jet fans with ducting has been shown to expedite smoke removal, underscoring the importance of proper system design and configuration for effective smoke control [66]. Moreover, the use of jet fans can help maintain permissible CO concentrations in exhaust shafts, contributing to a safer environment in underground parking facilities [67]. ...
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The proper design and installation of systems that enable the efficient control and removal of smoke and hot gases in underground parking facilities are necessary for protecting the public and property in the event of a fire. This paper discusses how studies using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) related to smoke venting have contributed to improving fire safety in underground parking facilities. As vehicle fire incidents continue to rise globally, particularly in regions with a high density of underground parking, the need for comprehensive measures to mitigate these incidents has become increasingly urgent. This paper examines the applicability of CFD as a tool to address the challenges of smoke control in underground car parks, including those caused by fires involving electric vehicles. CFD application under various fire scenarios and ventilation strategies allows for identifying more effective smoke removal solutions, improving the protection of occupants and property. However, despite the potential of CFD simulations to enhance fire safety and smoke exhaust efficiency in underground parking, it is important to recognize the limitations of these simulations, particularly in dealing with the complex challenges posed by electric vehicle fires.
... Both ventilation systems simultaneously provide fresh air inside the car park to increase the safety of evacuees and emergency crews during evacuation. [4], [8], [9], [18], [19] From a technical point of view, it is possible that the two ventilation systems, normal ventilation, and emergency ventilation, can be combined into a single physical system, taking into account that such a system must meet the requirements of both types of individual ventilation. This system will have two stages of airflow control, the first stage serving the normal ventilation system, and the second stage will be used in the event of a fire. ...
... A summary of the rotated parameters and emergent factors are presented in the table. (Akinpelu, 2002;Lekan et al., 2017;Alianto et al., 2017;Mohammadi & Mukhtar, 2018;Ogunsemi, 2002;Baby & Jebadurai, 2018). ...
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Building collapses have become a global phenomenon and continue to occur unabated, with properties and lives being lost on a daily basis all over the world. This study addresses important issues that have been identified to be the major causes of the problem of building collapses. The study aims to develop parameters that could be used to assure quality processes in building construction using building informatics, with the intention to prevent building structure collapse on construction sites. In order to achieve this, a random survey technique was used based on the purposive method, in the form of a structured questionnaire distributed to 100 respondents. 100 structured questionnaires, designed using a Likert scale from 1 to 5, were employed in the data collection. The random sampling technique was used for the sample selection. The data collected were analysed using a relative agreement index and subjected to factor rotation, from which factors with high eigenvalues were extracted and used to create a model aimed at supplying information on building collapse prevention. The study reveals that the construction industry is filled with many unqualified personnel, poor supervision; non-compliance with designs (i.e. a structural issue) as a result of the addition of under designed or over designed components which can cause excessive loading; lack of regard for environmental issues; inappropriate planning of construction activities; poor maintenance; and, most importantly, the use of inferior materials in other to save costs, All these issues affect the construction industry and contribute to building failure.
The issues related to modeling the cascade development of emergency situations, in particular, fires in parking lots, are considered. It is shown that when a car catches fire, both it and neighboring cars can suffer. It is shown that the damage from the fire can be of a cascading nature and will be determined by how soon the extinguishing and restoration of the normal functioning of the parking lot will begin – how quickly repair and restoration work will be carried out. The assessment of the probabilities of the parking lot conditions «normal functioning – fires – extinguishing – restoration» was carried out in two ways – using the methods of the theory of Markov processes (with discrete time) and adapted queuing systems (with continuous time). Analytical expressions are obtained and examples and comparison of the results of estimating the probabilities of states obtained in two ways are given.
The purpose of this report is to perform a two-part analysis of Tucson Student Housing’s fire protection design components. The two-part analysis consists of a prescriptive analysis, and a performance-based analysis. The purpose of the prescriptive-based analysis is to verify Tucson Student Housing meets or exceeds applicable construction standards. The prescriptive based analysis reviews the fire resistance of building elements, flammability of interior finishes, wet suppression system, fire alarm system, voice evacuation system, and occupant egress requirements. The performance-based analysis evaluates the performance of Tucson Student Housing’s fire protection systems when subjected to specified design fires. The design fire scenarios used in the analysis use design guidelines from the NFPA Life Safety Handbook. The focus of the performance-based analysis is to apply fire scenarios to ensure that fire protection systems and features meet the demands of the fire scenarios. Tucson Student Housing is a new multi-use residential high rise in Tucson, AZ. Tucson Student Housing is composed of the following major sections: The enclosed garage provides parking spaces for 143 vehicles over two below grade floors. The parking garage has elevator access, and two stairwell exits that discharge to the public right of way. The Enclosed Garage floors are classified as Storage Occupancy Low Hazard Storage S-2 (IBC 311.3). The first floor consists of multiple occupancies with Retail Shops and Assembly Areas for Residents. The first floor consists of social lounges, study lounges, Office Administration areas, an exercise room, residential space, retail space, and mechanical/electrical area. The 1st floor consists of mostly of Assembly space, and residential space. A portion of the 1st floor dedicated to commercial retail is currently built as a shell only for future use. The occupancy types on the first floor include: Business Occupancy (IBC 304.1), Assembly Occupancy A-2 (IBC 303.3), Residential Occupancy R-2 (IBC 30.4), Mercantile (IBC 309.1), and Storage Low Hazard S-2 (IBC 311.3). The Residential Units span all above grade floors. Residential units are concentrated between floors 2 through 8. Each floor has approximately 18 units. The Residential floors have elevator access, and access to two stairwells that discharge to grade level. The occupancy type for residential floors is Residential Occupancy R-2 (IBC 30.4). The rooftop is used in Tucson Student Housing as an Assembly space. The Pool is an Assembly Occupancy A-4 (IBC 303.5), with a calculated roof top occupant load of 447 occupants. There is one area of interest in the prescriptive design, the roof of the Tucson student housing building met egress requirements. However, the calculated occupant load of the Roof is 447 occupants, at the calculated load only two exit stairs are required. If the occupant load exceeds 501 occupants, the requirement increases to three exit stairs. It is recommended occupant entry is managed using a card access system to ensure occupant load does not exceed 500 occupants. The performance analysis determined prescriptive fire protection measures performed as designed during the vehicle fire scenario in design fire scenario 1. Design fire scenario 1 for the Tucson Student Housing was based on a vehicular accident occurring in the parking garage. The accident would result in one of the two cars igniting. The location of the accident in the parking garage is important because the purpose of the design fire is to reduce the available exits. When the number of exits is reduced from two to one, will occupants still be able to egress the floor to grade level. This design fire scenario follows the design criteria of NFPA 101 design fire scenario #2. The first step in designing the fire was to determine the heat release rate of a burning vehicle. The performance analysis determined prescriptive fire protection measures performed as designed during the vehicle fire scenario in the parking garage. Available safe egress time (ASET) exceeded required safe egress time (RSET). The required safe egress time was established using two methods. The first method was a hydraulic first order analysis, and the second method was a computer-generated egress simulation. The hand calculations determined RSET for the parking garage fire to be 1.29 minutes or 77.4 seconds. The computer-based simulation model determined an RSET value of 4.18 minutes or 251 seconds. Available Safe Egress Time was determined using smoke detectors to measure the spread of smoke at a height of 2.5 meters above the floor. Using this criterion, it was determined that the first smoke detector activated at approximately time 8.1 minutes or 486 seconds. This analysis showed that occupants can exit before tenability criteria failed and the model in the performance-based design showed sprinkler activation at 215 seconds. The egress model determined all occupants were able to egress into the exit stairwell at 251 seconds, well before the smoke layer descended below 2m above the floor within 30 meters of the nearest queued occupant.
Smoke is the real threat in a fire in an enclosed, underground parking garage. A model of the smoke movement in a basement was simulated using Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) 6.0 software. In this paper, the study used a basement model of 60 m (length) × 30 m (width) × 13 m (height) and has three typical floors. Smoke ventilation shafts were provided for the basement. The required ventilation was based on the air changing ten times per hour. Smoke modeling was investigated under different fire scenarios. Well-controlled liquid pool fire with a heat release rate (HRR) of 5, 10, 15, and 20 MW was used as an input parameter. The following parameters were varied: the location of the fire, the presence or absence of sprinklers, the presence or absence of a smoke extraction system, the variation of the quantity of makeup air to be introduced to basement, and the presence or absence of a jet fan and ducting. Simulation shows that the provision of sprinklers is very important to reduce the heat release rate. The ventilation strategy through a mechanical exhaust fans and makeup air fans can be applied to make the time for smoke removal faster. When makeup air is less, the heat release rates from the design fire more than 5 MW cause high temperature in the fire compartment which may cause fatal injury when exposed to human skin. Combination of ventilation fan and jet fan shows good performance to make smoke removal time shorter.
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Serious consideration of fire phenomena has become mandatory as many strict requirements in fire safety have been implemented in design, construction, management of building, and firefighting strategy. One of the most important features of building nowadays is basement which in fire condition imposes severe threat as smoke and heat movement tend to move upside going through means of egress. Aside from threat to the tenant and building structure, fire – induced smoke is also extremely dangerous to the firefighter during fire fighting operation involving enclosure conditions such as a building fire or even a basement fire situations. One way to study smoke movement and design effective measures in mitigating fire hazard is to conduct experimental fire test by using smaller geometry represent actual real building. This paper study fire – induced smoke movement in 1:8 scale of basement structure represent actual basement facility used for firefighter training. By assuming that smoke movement and temperature distribution is mainly caused by buoyant force from combustion of fire source, Froude number is maintained in the non – dimensional analysis for scaling purpose to hold temperature constant while leaving Reynold number differs from the real scale phenomena. This approach is considered sufficient and acceptable as long as the flow in the small scale model is turbulent enough. Further, result from the fire test in this study was compared with result from fire simulation built using Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS) of NIST. Thus, aside from assessing fire phenomena by using Froude modeling and planning effective firefighting strategy in basement fire, this study can also be used as validation study of FDS which is widely used by fire safety engineering community.
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Jet fans are increasingly preferred over traditional ducted systems as a means of ventilating pollutants from large spaces such as car parking buildings. Outside of tunnel applications jet fans are considered to have limitations as means of smoke control. This is because their effectiveness is limited without side walls and they de-stratify the smoke layer. Jet fans can however, aid post-event in smoke clearance under the control of the attending fire brigade. The prudent fire mode strategy in those jurisdictions where jet fans are not used for smoke control is for the ventilation system to shut down on a fire alarm signal. The problem lies in the jet fans receiving that signal. A fire has three basic signatures; heat, smoke, and light. Large car parking buildings may be sprinkler-protected. Sprinklers operate on the heat signature. A jet fan is assumed to disrupt this signature by forcing the plume of heat downstream and diluting that plume with cool air. This may delay sprinkler activation. In terms of the smoke signature, the presence of pollutants such as carbon monoxide that could be detected by a specialised detector, are the same signals that would cause a jet fan to increase its flow in normal mode. The response to a smoke signature is contradictory between the desired normal-mode reaction to speed up and the fire-mode reaction to shut down. This leaves light. Fires are very rich across the non-visible light spectra and flame detectors are an effective way to provide a fire signal independent of the normal-mode operation of the jet fans. However, the cost-benefit of installing flame detectors in addition to sprinklers is questionable. A series of detailed computational analyses are therefore undertaken to quantify the impact of the jet fans on delaying sprinkler activation on a typical car park sprinkler arrangement. This article assumes the perspective of a jurisdiction where the fire mode strategy is for the fans to shut down. However, the sprinkler delay will also be of interest where the fire mode strategy is to continue operating. Once sprinkler activation had occurred a fire signal is assumed to have been generated to shut down the jet fans. Separate evaluations can then be made as to whether the delay was acceptable or not, dependent upon to the specific building geometry. The results indicate that for a fast-growing design fire, sprinkler activation occurred at ∼180 s with the jet fans off and at ∼210 s with them on: an increase of ⩽30 s. A separate analysis was undertaken for the case-specific egress safety margin. Comparing the two, it was concluded, that the impact of jet fans upon sprinkler activation was not significant. It was further established that the smoke disturbance due to the jet fan flow did not adversely affect the visibility for those escaping.
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This paper presented assessment of performance-based fire safety evacuation in RUSUNAMI (Prosperous Ownership Flats) with case studies BB RUSUNAMI Bandung (21 floors), which rely on natural ventilation. This concept is incompatible with the smoke-tight as stated in the life safety standard. The method used was a field study of evacuation experiment with 33 occupants and compare them with the results of the computer simulation model that compare the ASET(the available safe egress time) and RSET(the required safe egress time). The finding showed that to fulfill of life safety, the building needs additional appropriate fire protection systems.
Compared with the mechanical ventilation, natural ventilation is an effective, low cost and low maintenance way for smoke control in many buildings. In this paper, a new method of setting shafts was proposed to realise the natural ventilation in a common subway station. The theoretical analysis and the numerical method were used to assist the design strategy. Results show that when setting shafts for the hall layer, the total ventilation area and the height of the shafts are the key factors influencing the smoke control efficiency. The multistage shafts can be used for smoke control in the platform layer and the strong stack effect formed in this layer can bring many benefits on improving the smoke control efficiency. To strengthen the stack effect and form the optimal smoke flow paths, the most effective ways are increasing the smoke screen height and closing all the platform screen doors.
Safety systems including ventilation systems and fire protection systems for an underground car park to be constructed in Hong Kong, are discussed and their design illustrated, The thermal environment at the occupied zone was assessed by using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The predicted air speed was used to calculate the mean age of the air and the percentage of people dissatisfied with the air quality. The probable fire environment was studied by using a fire zone model. Designs for smoke control and the thermal sensitivity of the sprinkler heads were evaluated. Based on the investigations, designs on the fire protection and ventilation systems are recommended for providing a healthy and safety environment in this underground car park. A field survey of 27 enclosed car parks was carried out, and correlation equations fitted from this paper were used to assess the fire safety aspects of those car parks.
A series of laboratory tests for electrical fires have been carried out by researchers, and some of the results have confirmed and been adopted as standard. However, the studies focus on electrical fires in PVC insulation material and the melting temperature and toxicity of PVC insulation. By focusing on heat conductors, the growth and spread of a fire can be eliminated by reducing the oxygen concentration, especially inside the compartment. Electrical fires are the most common cause of compartment and building fires both internationally and nationally, according to statistics (Liu & Benichou, 2008). Whatever the triggers are inside the electrical compartment on the connection, termination, or cable, this research looks into electrical fires caused by 1.0–1.5 mmsq electrical cables. Electrical fires in cables are normally started by increasing temperatures inside the cable conductor. By controlling and adjusting the oxygen concentration inside the electrical compartment under atmospheric concentration, one can hamper a fire’s start, trigger, propagation, and growth. This study investigates the effectiveness of oxygen concentration on preventing the growth of fires triggered by electrical cabling. A series of studies were created in laboratory scale in a horizontal compartment with oxygen levels of 19%, 17%, and 15%. This paper presents the results of this experiment by studying the effects of reducing oxygen concentration on the fire growth in cable network in a horizontal orientation. The results show that controlling the oxygen concentration at levels lower than atmospheric concentrations can effectively reduce the propensity for cable ignition and lower the fire propagation rate.
Temperature measurements are presented as obtained in a full-scale experimental campaign on large closed car park fires. Since the main objective of the study is the investigation of the impact of a smoke and heat control (SHC) system with forced mechanical horizontal ventilation on the smoke pattern in case of a car park fire, the desired fire heat release rate (HRR) is imposed by means of well-controlled liquid pool fires. Different parameters are varied: the fire HRR; the smoke extraction flow rate; the flow patterns (through modification of inlet air opening); and the presence (or not) of a transversal beam. Not surprisingly, less smoke back-layering is observed for lower fire HRR and higher smoke extraction rate, the effect of the latter being more important. The exact position of the extraction fans is not essential, when they are not close to the fire source. The impact of the flow pattern is substantial: when smoke is trapped inside a recirculation region, the smoke and heat are not removed effectively. A transversal beam can block the smoke, even for high HRR. The primary effect of jet fans (induction type, 50 N) in the study at hand is a local cooling effect, not a significant impact on the global flow pattern. For the cooling effect to be observed, the jet fans must not be in a smoke filled region.