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About the intrinsic suicidal effects of neuroleptics: Towards breaking the taboo and fighting therapeutical recklessness


Abstract and Figures

Suicide is a frequent cause of death in people diagnosed with “schizophrenia.” These patients generally receive neuroleptics, which have an intrinsic suicidal effect. There are placebo studies, epidemiological surveys, first-hand reports, test subject experience and clinical research providing evidence about neuroleptic-caused depression and suicidality. Publications about the suicidal effects of neuroleptics – currently taboo – and suicide registers might reduce suicidality in “schizophrenics.” Current suicide registers have been shown to have limited effectiveness, and meaningful programs to prevent suicide due to psychiatric treatment are needed. Effective suicide registers involving users and survivors of psychiatry would gather findings that could be used to warn the public, consumers, and caregivers. As long as there are so few alternatives beyond neuroleptic-based psychiatry, people have to protect themselves with advance directives and demands for penalties.
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About the Intrinsic Suicidal Eects
of Neuroleptics: Towards breaking the taboo
and ghting therapeutic recklessness
P L
Suicide is a frequent cause of death in people diagnosed with “schizophrenia.” ese patients
generally receive neuroleptics, which have an intrinsic suicidal eect. ere are placebo
studies, epidemiological surveys, rst-hand reports, self-experiments and clinical research
providing evidence about neuroleptic-caused depression and suicidality. Publications about
the suicidal eects of neuroleptics – currently taboo – and suicide registers might reduce
suicidality in “schizophrenics.
Current suicide registers have been shown to have limited eectiveness, and meaningful
programs to prevent suicide due to psychiatric treatment are needed. Eective suicide
registers involving users and survivors of psychiatry would gather ndings that could be used
to warn the public, consumers, and caregivers. As long as there are so few alternatives beyond
neuroleptic-based psychiatry, people have to protect themselves with advance directives and
criminal charges.
Key Words: neuroleptic, antipsychotic, depression, schizophrenia, intrinsic eect, side-
eect, suicide, suicidality
Über die suizidale Eigenwirkung von Neuroleptika – Das Tabu brechen,
therapeutische Rücksichtslosigkeit bekämpfen
Suizid ist eine häuge Todesursache bei Menschen mit der Diagnose “Schizophrenie”.
Diese Patienten erhalten in der Regel Neuroleptika, welche eine suizidale Eigenwirkung
haben. Es gibt Placebo- und epidemiologische Studien, Erfahrungsberichte, Selbstversuche
und klinische Forschungen, die neuroleptikdabedingte Depressionen und Suizidalität
nachweisen. Veröentlichungen zur suizidalen Wirkung von Neuroleptika, derzeit ein Tabu,
könnten die Suizidalität bei “Schizophrenen” verringern.
Wie sich zeigt, haben gegenwärtige Suizidregister eine begrenzte Wirkung. Man braucht
wirkungsvolle Programme, um behandlungsbedingten Suiziden vorzubeugen. Wirksame
Suizidregister unter Beteiligung von Psychiatriebetroenen würden Erkenntnisse sammeln,
mit denen man die Öentlichkeit, die Betroenen und ihre Betreuer warnen könnte.
Solange es so wenige Alternativen jenseits der neuroleptikabasierten Psychiatrie gibt,
müssen die Betroenen selbst für ihren Schutz sorgen, und zwar mit Vorausverfügungen
und Strafanträgen.
Schlüsselwörter: Neuroleptika, Eigenwirkung, Nebenwirkung, Depression, Suizid,
Le rapport entre le suicide et la prise de neuroleptiques : faire tomber les tabous
et contrer la ‘légèreté thérapeutique
Les suicides sont fréquents chez les personnes qui ont reçu un diagnostic de « schizophrénie ».
En règle générale, on prescrit à ces patients des neuroleptiques qui ont un eet suicidaire
intrinsèque. Diérentes études de type placébo ou épidémiologique, des témoignages directs,
des tests auto-expérimentaux entrepris, ainsi que la recherche clinique ont mis en évidence
la manière dont les neuroleptiques peuvent provoquer des dépressions et des tendances
suicidaires. Les publications sur les eets des neuroleptiques demeurent tabou alors que
des registres détaillant les suicides permettraient de diminuer le taux de suicides chez les
personnes dites ‘schizophrènes.
Les registres actuels ne sont cependant pas très eectifs et il vaudrait mieux mettre en place
des programmes adéquats de prévention du suicide du à un traitement psychiatrique. Pour
que les registres soient eectifs, il faudrait inclure dans le processus les usagers et rescapés
de la psychiatrie ; ils collecteraient des données qui pourraient être utilisées pour mettre
en garde la collectivité, les usagers et les soignants. Tant que les traitements psychiatriques
seront centrés essentiellement sur la prise de neuroleptiques, les usagers devront se protéger
à l’aide de directives anticipées et d’actions en justice.
Mots-clés: neuroleptiques, antipsychotiques, schizophrénie, eet intrinsèque, eets
secondaires, suicide, tendances suicidaires.
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 : ,  , ,
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“In patients with one or more lled prescription for an antipsychotic drug, an inverse relation
between mortality and duration of cumulative use was noted…” (Tiihonen et al., 2009, p. 1).
“Our results suggest that usage of antipsychotic medication has a benecial eect on all-
cause mortality, and also to some degree on suicide mortality.” (Haukka et al., 2008, pp.
In a long-term Finish study, Tiihonen and colleagues write that the poor life expectancy
of psychiatric patients (22.5 to 25 years less than the general population) is not caused by
the toxicity of psychiatric drugs. Other authors argue that the cumulative administration of
neuroleptic drugs1 could even have a benecial eect on mortality (Tiihonen et al., 2009),
including suicide prevention (Haukka et al., 2008).
Neuroleptics, also known as “major tranquilizers” and “antipsychotic drugs,” are synthetic
drugs capable of aecting the brain, especially by reducing the intensity of nerve functioning,
mainly the transmission of nerve impulses with dopamine. e main eect is the pharmaco-
dynamic blockade of the autonomous nerve system and the state of a “retarded life,” as
described by Meyer (1953).
Neuroleptics are used in the general medicine, in psychiatry and in veterinary medicine.
In some totalitarian countries, political prisoners have been both tortured and calmed down
with these substances.
Typical indications for use in psychiatric medicine are diagnoses like psychoses,
schizophrenia, schizoaective disorders, Tourette’s syndrome, psychosomatic disorders
(like allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, profuse hyperemesis gravidarum), etc. In humans
and animals, neuroleptics are used for anaesthesia preparation and for tranquillisation in
case of aggressivity. By medical denition, a drug can only be called “neuroleptic” when
it has the power to cross the neuroleptic threshold; that is, to trigger (more or less subtle)
Parkinsonian symptoms. e potency of a neuroleptic is measured in its quantitative relation
to the neuroleptic prototype chlorpromazine (marketed as Largactil, etc.), which has the
potency “1.
Sometimes neuroleptics are combined with anti-Parkinsonian drugs to mask the
Parkinsonian symptoms. Newer neuroleptics, the so-called atypical ones, have a broadband
eect and work like the combination of neuroleptic and anti-Parkinsonian drugs: they make
these substances at least, in the short run, subjectively more bearable, but they also have
1 Neuroleptics developed over the years include amisulpride (marketed as Solian, etc.), aripiprazole (marketed as
Abilify), asenapine (marketed as Saphris, etc.), clozapine (marketed as Clozaril, etc.), haloperidol (marketed as
Haldol, etc.), olanzapine (marketed as Zyprexa, etc.), paliperidone (marketed as Invega), risperidone (marketed as
Risperdal, etc.), sertindole (marketed as Serdolect), sulpiride (marketed as Dolmatil, etc.), thioridazine (marketed as
Mellaril, etc.), ziprasidone (marketed as Geodon, etc.), zuclopenthixol (marketed as Clopixol, etc.) and many more.
dangerous risks (Ebner, 2003; Saha et al., 2007). Some psychiatric research shows that the
life expectancy of psychiatric patients is lowered by two to three decades, compared with the
general population (Ösby et al., 2000; Colton & Manderscheid, 2006). Some psychiatrists
surely doubt the connection of this outcome with the eects of the administered drugs, and
some may see even a reduced mortality, especially as a result of drug treatment.
Writing about the inuence of neuroleptics on mortality in “schizophrenics,” Weinmann
and colleagues (2009) present compelling evidence that counters Tiihonens argument that
neuroleptics enhance life expectancy. Aderhold discusses many drug-related causes of death
(cardio- and cerebrovascular, digestive, endocrine, respiratory, infectious, genitourinary,
neoplastic and nervous diseases including tardive dyskinesia and malign neuroleptic
syndrome). is contradictory information is echoed in the authors’ declarations of conicts
of interest. Aderhold and colleagues deny any conict, whereas Tiihonen – like Haukka –
have connections to major pharmaceutical companies (like Lundbeck, Organon, Janssen-
Cilag, Eli Lilly, AstraZeneca, Homan-La Roche, and Bristol-Myers Squibb) and deliver
expert opinions” and lectures for them (Tiihonen et al., 2011).
“erapeutic” Diseases and Mortality Registers
Since the 1950s, the standard biological psychiatric treatment for people with diagnoses
like “schizophrenia” is a range of neuroleptic drugs, the so-called antipsychotics. ese
psychotropic drugs intervene in the patients’ (natural) metabolic systems and produce
a “secondary illness” (Haddenbrock, 1964, p. 63) by administering these neuroleptics to
cover the supposed primary illness. Dörner, a “progressive” German psychiatrist, and
the psychologist Plog explain the modern treatment principle of trying to make “mental
diseases” disappear:
“We temporarily turn the mentally suering patient into a person with an organic brain
disease, with ECT it happens in a more global way, but for a substantially shorter period of
time than with pharmacological therapy.” (1992, p. 545).
e newer generation of neuroleptics, the so-called atypicals, are widely suspected of causing
increased circulatory problems, abnormal blood cell counts, obesity, diabetes and receptor
changes that can, in time, also lead to chronic illnesses, including psychoses: so the problem
is not cured, it is compounded. In 2003, Ebner admitted that there were severe risks and
injuries caused by “atypical” neuroleptics:
“It is not a case of fewer side-eects, but of dierent ones which can be just as debilitating
even if the patient isn’t immediately aware of them. erefore, patients can be more easily
motivated to take these drugs because they no longer suer instantly and as much from the
excruciating dyskinesias/extrapyramidal side-eects.” (p. 30).
Beside the high risk of being damaged physically, oen with chronic consequences, users
and survivors of psychiatry in Europe generally are systematically discriminated against in
the medical and psychiatric sector. is was documented by an action project: “Harassment
and Discrimination Faced by People with Psycho-Social Disability in Health Services – A
European Survey,2 with support from the European Union. ere is no reason to believe that
psychiatric patients outside of Europe are treated any better.
One of many proposed measures to combat discrimination was the recommendation
2 For further information: Accessed 03/12/11.
that laws espousing equality of treatment should be adopted and funds provided to enforce
these protections. ese laws should guarantee respect for human rights in a proactive
way, and focus on the protection of human dignity, the right not to be violated, the right to
self-determination, the right to privacy and the right to respect – for example, through the
legal protection of advance directives, or through the introduction of a suicide register (see
ENUSP, 2005).
Mortality registers are not unusual in the medical eld to identify connections between
reduced life-expectancy, lethal outcomes of medical treatments, and risk factors. Barreira,
for example, wrote about patterns in the causes of suicides, mortality and reduced life
expectancy of psychiatric patients:
“From the standpoint of public policy, it is essential to conduct further research with
databases from across mental health systems and dierent states to explain the dierences
in life expectancy and causes of death.” (1999).
According to Müller (1989), suicide in people diagnosed as “schizophrenics” is about 50
times more frequent than in the general population. New psychiatric data show a consensus
on the lifetime risk of suicide in people diagnosed as “schizophrenics,” a rate of approximately
5%, which is ten times higher than in the general population (Hor & Taylor, 2010; Nordento
et al., 2004; Heilä et al., 2005; Qin & Nordento, 2005). Schneider calls suicide the most
frequent cause of premature death in “schizophrenics” (2003). But while mainstream
“neuromythological psychiatry”3 has a biochemical explanation for all human emotions,
even for love or being moved by looking into the sunset (“Alles,” 2000), when it comes to the
explanation of suicides of “schizophrenics,” psychiatry explains this only by emotional and
socio-economical factors. In a review of the literature about mortality and causes of death in
“schizophrenics,” Tabbane and colleagues refer to many possible causes of suicide, but do not
mention any pharmacological factors:
“Premature death is highly linked to suicide ... Suicide risk factors are numerous. Some of
them are accepted as valid and others are still discussed. e former are: male, young and at
least ten years since onset, associated depressive symptoms, past history of suicide attempts,
iterative relapses and post-hospital discharge period. e latter are: social isolation, celibacy,
unemployment, high level of education, delusional and hallucinatory activity, and familial
rejection.” (Tabbane et al., 1993).
Hor and Taylor (2010) undertook a systematic review of all original studies concerning
suicide in people diagnosed as “schizophrenics” published since 2004. To the causes reported
by Tabbane and colleagues, they add that comorbid substance misuse is associated with later
suicide. But, of course, by “substance misuse” they do not mean neuroleptics prescribed by
a doctor.
And all these studies hold that the delivery of the “best available treatment for psychotic
symptoms” is the only consistent protective factor for suicide: By this, they mean treatment
with “atypical” neuroleptics. So it is no surprise that Tiihonen and colleagues’ study of “rst
episode” patients found that the suicide risk of those not currently taking neuroleptics was
37 times higher than in compliant patients (Tiihonen et al., 2006). e database of the U.S.
3 For many years, Rufer has criticized the insolence and scientic almightiness of modern psychiatry:
“Neurobiology is booming, governments and industry are investing billions. e media have blown up the
ndings of brain research into a huge success – brain research, the ‘science of the century,’ is in the process of
becoming the new social science. A new mythology has emerged – neuro-mythology” (Rufer, 2007, p. 383).
Food and Drug Administration, evaluated by Khan and colleagues, showed no dierence in
the suicide risk of people taking placebos or modern neuroleptics (Khan et al., 2001).4
Risk Factors for Depression and Suicidality
ere are many well-known factors that can trigger depression and suicidal behaviour:
political, social and economic, emotional and physical factors (Lehmann, 2010b).
ere can be psychiatric factors: Unhappiness, depression, and suicidal ideation can
each arbitrarily be called a psychiatric disease; fear of forced admission (“Angst,” 1988), or
desperation about the stigmatisation and discrimination that goes along with diagnoses
like “schizophrenia” (Rufer, 1988). Desperation about an “incurable” psychiatric diagnosis
can trigger suicide, especially combined with discrimination, self-stigmatisation and social
decline (Hentschel et al., 1987), or traumatization by inhumane treatment (e.g. by combined
insulin- and electroshock, plus administration of all kind of psychiatric drugs [see Kempker,
2000 and Lehmann, 2010a]).
ere can be medical diseases and disorders: Neurological diseases like cerebrovascular
diseases, tumours, Parkinsons disease; infections like AIDS or hepatitis; endocrinological
diseases like morbus Cushing; metabolic disorders like dehydration; cancer; alcohol
dependence; or genetic abnormalities in the serotonin system – have all been found to trigger
depression (Härter et al., 2007).
Depression, leading to suicidality, can be caused by illegal drugs like mephedrone (Rehfeld,
2011) and by prescribed drugs (Jain, 2012, p. 62) including psychiatric drugs like tranquilizers
(i.e., benzodiazepines [Hall & Joe, 1972; Remschmidt, 1980; Van der Kroef, 1979; Lydiard
et al., 1987; Lehmann, 1996b, p. 361]; mood stabilizers [Patorno et al., 2010]; antidepressants
[Arzneimittelkommission, 2004; Fergusson et al., 2005; Olfson et al., 2006; U.S. Food and
Drug Administration, 2007]5; and neuroleptics (see below). “Suicidality can evidently also
have chemical-biological causes in the brain (cited in Schmalenberg, 2010, p. 21), Müller-
Oerlinghausen says about the possibility of brain malfunction, which can also trigger
suicidality. Compared to warnings about the suicide risks of medical and other psychiatric
drugs, the amount of warning about suicide risks of neuroleptics is signicantly silent.
Depression, Suicidality and Neuroleptics
As previously stated, when psychiatrists give the diagnosis “schizophrenia” or similar ones
like “psychosis,” the standard treatment is the administration of neuroleptic drugs. Discussing
studies on suicides in patients with the diagnosis “schizophrenia” and comparing suicide
rates in dierent time periods, Healy and colleagues plead for an explanation of the “excess of
suicides among patients receiving treatment” (2006, p. 227). For people with a little medical
knowledge, the reason seems obvious: Neuroleptics have a blockading eect, primarily
against the transmitter dopamine, resulting in subtle Parkinsonian-type syndromes. is is a
complex of symptoms, characterized by walking with a stoop, muscle tremor, blurred speech
4 Taking Tiihonen and colleagues’ data seriously, you could argue that the authors ignore the fact, that, in general,
people who refuse psychiatric drugs are punished by denial of all forms of psychotherapeutic and social support.
In the cited study, this denial, which might enhance the suicide risk, is totally ignored, as are all kinds of social-
economical factors, although the authors admit the latter decit in their study. Conversely, Khan and colleagues’
study could be interpreted as proof that the eects of psychotherapeutic and social support that people receive–
together with placebos, prevent suicide.
5 See also the many reports on the anonymous website SSRI Stories – Antidepressant Nightmares –
and – on the mental level – the “Parkinson psyche” (a dened personality change specic
to Parkinson disease: which includes the development of apathy, depression, desperation,
hopelessness, suicidality, and disturbances up to psychoses). Parkinsons disease seems to
have a very close connection with dopamine blockage (Gerlach et al., 2003).6 e potency
of neuroleptics was dened by their power to create Parkinsonian symptoms. is is not an
unwanted side eect; this is the therapeutic main eect as dened by psychiatrists.
Neuroleptics can produce akathisia (increased motor activity), an akinetic syndrome
(muscle rigidity, bradykinesia [diminished movement of body musculature] or akinesia
[loss of normal motor function]). Both are forms of Parkinsons disease, which in turn can
produce torturing sleeplessness and promote suicide (Wolfersdorf & Etzersberger, 2011, pp.
150/173). Parkinsons disease involves mental and emotional alterations, too. Neurologists
dene this as Parkinson personality. e symptomatology includes apathy, loss of willpower,
depression and suicidality and states of confusion and delirium (Fünfgeld, 1967, pp. 3-25). In
1955, aer the rst administrations of Megaphen (chlorpromazine) the German psychiatrist
Von Ditfurth pointed to the parallels between the emotional Parkinsonian deadening aer a
brain disease and the emotional deadening aer neuroleptic treatment:
As we may believe, it looks like as if the psychic alterations provoked by Megaphen especially
on the emotional level are from the same nature as the ‘aective deadening and restriction,
which is registered so oen at post-encephalitic parkinsonists.” (p. 56).
Depression and suicidality are common eects of neuroleptics, as shown above, and thus
psychiatrists accept them seemingly without question. Ayd wrote in 1975:
“ere is now general agreement that mild to severe depressions that may lead to suicide may
happen during treatment with any depot neuroleptic, just as they may occur during treatment
with any oral neuroleptic. ese depressive mood changes may transpire at any time during
depot neuroleptic therapy. Some clinicians have noted depressions shortly aer the initiation
of treatment; others have observed this months or years aer treatment was started.” (p. 497).
Benkert and Hippius (1980) found that:
“Depression, suicidality, states of excitement and delirium under the inuence of drugs
generally occur during doses prescribed by the treating physician.” (p. 258).
De Alarcon and Carney studied depressive mood changes aer administration of neuroleptics
with other variables staying the same. ey reported on suicides under the inuence of
uphenazine and described a uphenazine trial with a 39 year-old man who already had
tried to kill himself under the inuence of this drug. When the psychiatrists realized that
this man had regularly developed suicidal intentions some days aer the two-week depot-
injections, they wanted to witness the mood-worsening eect of the neuroleptic with their
own eyes. In the psychiatric institution, the man was observed over four weeks, without being
treated with neuroleptics, and without displaying anything remarkable mood uctuations.
ey then injected him intramuscularly with 25 mg of uphenazine:
“He was given the trial injection on a Wednesday at 3 p.m.; by mid-aernoon on the following
day he felt low, wanted to be le on his own, and had no desire to talk to anyone, read, or
6 In Parkinsons disease, the dopamine-transmitting neurons in that area of the mid-brain called the substantia negra
die o. As a result, the brains of people with Parkinson’s disease contain almost no dopamine. Dopamine-agonist
drugs, like L-DOPA, a drug that can be converted to simulate dopamine (in that it binds to dopamine receptors in
place of dopamine) are thus oen used for Parkinson’s disease to relieve the symptoms. Adapted from University of
Texas website:, accessed on 4th Dec, 2011.
watch television. He took to his bed at about 4 p.m. In the opinion of the charge nurse he
was a suicidal risk. When interviewed on the Friday the change in external appearance
was striking – he looked gloomy, he did not respond with a smile to a joke, and there was
no spontaneous conversation. His answers were limited to what was strictly necessary. He
denied any paranoid of hypochondriacal ideas or any feelings of guilt. He simply said that
he felt very low and if he were alone in digs he would take his life. By Friday evening there
was some improvement, and when he was interviewed again on Saturday he had returned
to his usual normal self.” (1969, pp. 565-566).
In a placebo-controlled study, Müller (1981) found that a much higher percentage of people
treated with neuroleptics had depressive symptoms than people treated with placebos.
“From 47 cases, the depressive mood lied in 41 cases, in only two cases there was no change,
and in four cases the eect was dubious. It was very surprising to see that in the predominant
number of cases the reduction of the doses alone (normally to half of the former dose) lead
to an improvement of the depressive symptoms. Oen it was only a partial improvement,
but even this brought clear relief to the patient. On the other hand, in other patients, or in
the same ones whose situation improved only slightly when taking lower doses, complete
withdrawal made them feel much better. Some patients reported that only now did they feel
completely healthy again, as they had long before their depressions. e depressive symptoms,
which were seen to be unchangeable by some psychiatrists, and which could possibly have
been taken to be a start of organic disorder, vanished completely. e possible argument that
these could be psycho-reactive eects caused by the patients’ relief about the withdrawal of
the psychiatric drug is refutable, because nearly all patients received depot-injections and
were not informed about their doses or got placebo-injections. (...) eir change was quite
impressive to themselves, their relatives and their medical examiners in some cases. e
patients reported that now they felt completely healthy again. In the group of people still
treated with psychiatric drugs, this was mostly not the case. ese results quite denitely
speak for pharmacogenic inuences and against psychiatric morbidity developments.” (pp.
52-53 / 64).
Müller continued:
“Depressive syndromes aer the remission of the psychoses and under treatment with
psychiatric drugs are not rare, but occur in about two-thirds of the patients, and sometimes
even more frequently, especially when depot-drugs are given. Without treatment with
psychiatric drugs, depressive syndromes aer a complete remission are only found in
exceptional cases.” (p. 72).
Müller’s reports are supported by many of his colleagues (Lehmann, 1996, pp. 57-87, 109-
115). Battegay and Gehring (1968) warned aer a comparison of treatment courses before
and aer the era of psychiatric drugs:
“During the last years, a shiing of the schizophrenic syndromes to a depressive syndrome
was repeatedly described. More and more schizophrenias show a depressive-apathetic course.
It became clear that oen exactly what develops under psychiatric drugs, what should be
avoided with their help and what is called a defect.” (pp. 107-108).
Pöldinger and Siebern wrote:
“It is not unusual that depressions caused by medication are marked by a frequent occurrence
of suicidal ideation” (1983, p. 131).
According to Scharfetter, who emphasized the eective time of the maximal neuroleptic eect
at the point of suicide (1986, p. 89), Rufer warned: “Schizophrenics, who receive neuroleptics
in high dosages, kill themselves in increased numbers” (1988). In 1976, Haase reported that the
number of perilous depressive occurrences aer treatment with psychiatric drugs increased
at least ten times (Haase, 1976). e increase in the suicide rate is “alarming and worrying,
said Armbruster in 1986 Nervenarzt – without, nevertheless, alerting psychiatric patients,
their relatives and carers, or even the public. Hessö wrote, in 1977, that it seemed to be clear:
…that the increased incidence of suicide, both absolutely and relatively, started in the year
1955. is was the year that neuroleptics were introduced in Scandinavian psychiatric
hospitals.” (p. 122).
In 1982, Modestin reported his ndings at two Swiss institutions:
“Our results show a dramatic increase of the suicide frequency among the patients in Berne
and Münsingen in the last years.” (p. 258).
Firsthand Reports about Neuroleptic-caused Suicidality
In Coming o Psychiatric Drugs (Lehmann, 1998, 2004),7 a book about the possibilities
and experiences of coming o psychiatric drugs, Bellion gave a report about her psychic
condition under Haldol administered by a community psychiatrist:
“I vegetate behind my neuroleptic wall and I am locked out of the world and out of life. e
real world is further from me than Pluto is from the sun. My own secret world is also gone –
my last refuge and I had destroyed it with Haldol. is is not my life. is is not me. I may
as well be dead. An idea has begun to take shape. Before winter comes I will hang myself.
But before that I want to try and see if my life would be dierent without Haldol. I reduce the
number of drops. I take less and less until I arrive at zero. Aer one month I am clean. en
I begin to notice how unkempt I am. I wash my hair, make the bed, clean the apartment. I
prepare a warm meal. I even enjoy doing this. I can think again.” (2004, p. 280).
Another psychiatric patient was given a prescription of Haldol and the antidepressant doxepin.
Under the inuence of this combination, she tried to end her suering by committing suicide:
“When I got out again I would sit in my kitchen in front of the water-faucet, thirsty but yet
unable to pour myself a glass of water or to bite into the bread that had become stale and
hard. e supermarket was not far away, but I couldn’t manage to get up and so I wished
that I were simply dead so that I would have some peace at last. I was broken by my illness.
I saw it as a punishment for two dark points in my life. Worst of all was the vicious circle
of endlessly recurring psychotic patterns of thought. I tried again and again to think of
something else even just for a moment – but it didn’t work. My thoughts always revolved in
the same circles, a hundred times a day, sometimes at a time-loop tempo in slow motion,
other times constantly accelerating until my brain was spinning. And that was hell for me,
the devil’s game. I felt damned and abandoned by God with no hope of salvation. I could do
nothing but suer through this lm, my life, lying down. I knew that I had to learn to have
faith again, but I couldn’t, and so I tried to end my life.” (Marmotte, 2004, p. 114).
7 Lehmann, P. (Ed.), Coming o Psychiatric Drugs: Successful Withdrawal from Neuroleptics, Antidepressants,
Lithium, Carbamazepine and Tranquilizers [Psychopharmaka absetzen – Erfolgreiches Absetzen von Neuroleptika,
Antidepressiva, Phasenprophylaktika, Ritalin und Tranquilizern] (published in German in 1998, in English in
2004, in Greek in 2008): Berlin / Eugene / Shrewsbury: Peter Lehmann Publishing.
Fortunately, she decided to withdraw from her psychiatric drugs; she did not kill herself.
Leponex (clozapine), the prototype of “atypical” neuroleptics, seems to have suicidal eects,
too, as reported by Fröhlich:
“Since I began taking Leponex I do not want sex anymore, did not feel like moving and
had no joy in life. A life without joy is, however, worse than death. All that remained
with me is watching TV, where I have watched others living for seven years. I am still
alive biologically, but my senses are long since dead, everything that I former enjoyed I
am not able to do anymore. In a way, my life does not exist anymore, I feel so empty and
unimportant. In the morning, the feeling is the worst. Every day I intend to start a healthy
life the following day, to throw away the drugs, to drink many vitamins and fruit juices
and to start with a daily fitness routine. The psychiatric drugs cause a feeling as if it was
possible for me to start with a completely different, a new life the following day. But when
I wake up in the morning I feel like smashed, and I never come out of bed before 9 oclock,
my depressions are so extreme that I think of suicide every day.” (cited in Lehmann, 1996,
pp. 70-71).
Psychiatrists who have ingested these drugs have had similar experiences. In 1955,
Heimann and Witt published their experiences after once taking chlorpromazine. They
experimented with spiders and control subjects; they conducted three self-experiments
and nine with psychiatrists and pharmacologists. The marked feelings of inferiority and
powerlessness (typical elements of Parkinsonian symptoms), after taking the neuroleptic
became very clear:
“I felt physically and mentally ill. Suddenly my whole situation appeared hopeless and
dicult. Above all, the fact was torturing that one can be so miserable and exposed, so
empty and superuous, neither lled by wishes nor by something else ... (Aer nishing the
examinations, P.L.): e tasks of life grew immense in front of me: dinner, go to the other
building, come back – and all of that by foot. With that this state reached its maximum of
uncomfortable emotions: e experience of a passive existence with clear knowledge of the
other possibilities ...” (p. 113).
Heimann and Witt’s 1955 publication demonstrates the extreme depressive eect of
neuroleptics. While they are aware of the theoretic possibility of living an active life, the
experienced apathy caused by neuroleptics makes them feel as if they no longer have that
possibility (and will never again have that possibility), and they may react with depressive
desperation. Placebo studies, epidemiological surveys, rst-hand reports, self-experiments
and even clinical research show coinciding results. Benkert and Hippius demonstrated that
the problem, in general, is independent from the dose. ey wrote:
“But also small doses can trigger depressive moods, especially in elder patients. e danger
of suicide in a pharmacogene depression is just as big as in a depression of another genesis
and though has to be taken absolutely seriously” (1980, p. 257).
Newer studies show that there has been a trend over the years that people diagnosed
with schizophrenia who kill themselves shortly aer discharge from psychiatric inpatient
treatment are doing so at increasingly younger ages (Wolfersdorf, 1996). In general, this
immediate post-discharge period involves the intensive administration of neuroleptics, such
as in the context of the Assertive Community Treatment model.
Suicide Registers and Psychiatric Drugs
For dierent reasons, as we will see, suicide registers have shown limited eectiveness, whether
they are run by former psychiatric patients, by psychiatrists and by governmental administrations.
By Survivors of Psychiatry
In early 1983, a Berlin organisation of survivors of psychiatry publicly warned of suicides
caused by neuroleptics, aer they received information about people who had hung
themselves, gassed or poisoned themselves, jumped to death, or thrown themselves in front
of subway trains (“Psychopharmaka,” 1983). A public call to support the establishment and
funding of a suicide register bore no results, and the initiative eventually came to an end. But
the demand for a public suicide register was born.
By Psychiatrists
Another type of suicide register was developed in the form of the “Arzneimittelüberwachung
in der Psychiatrie” (AMÜP – a drug monitoring system in the psychiatric eld) in Germany,
founded in 1979 and supported by the National Health Administration. Since the 1990s,
psychiatric hospitals in this region have gathered data on complications that may have
resulted from treatment, including the registration of drug-triggered suicide attempts and
suicides by drugs, in order to make public information on risks and develop programs for
prevention and early detection (Haen et al., 1999, p. 93). “Findings are discussed within the
psychiatric community without prejudice...(ibid., p. 94). If a psychiatrist identies a drug as
potentially suicide-triggering, they report to the National Institute for the Safety of Drugs,
the Drug Commission of the German Medical Association and the Drug Producers. is
article did not include information on how many reports were sent aer the reported 89
registered suicide attempts and suicides prior to January 1998.
In a 2002 review, Bavarian psychiatrists reected on their results from 1991 through
1999 and the methodological problems that arose from registering suicides and identifying
the one exclusive cause that triggers suicidality. ey mention, for example, problems with
the denition of suicidality, if no overt suicidal act is committed, and plead for the further
development of questionnaires and registration cards (France et al., 2002).
Repeated oers by the author, as a board member of ENUSP. to discuss the possibility of
including users and survivors of psychiatry in the Bavarian suicide register and to help make
the registration criteria sharper and more eective, met with no response or result – like the
Bavarian suicide register itself.
By Governmental Administrations
Larsson described a Swedish suicide register in October 2009. Referring to regulations in e
Act on Professional Activity in Health and Medical Services, since February 2006, all suicides
committed in health care and within four weeks aer the last health care visit must be
reported for investigation to the National Board of Health and Welfare. Larsson’s data about
various neuroleptics (g. 1), antidepressants (g. 2) and tranquilizers (g. 3) administered
within four weeks of the suicide shows that:
according to the data received, 393 cases were reported to the six regional oces for 2007.
In 338 of the 393 cases – 86% of the cases – the persons were treated with psychiatric drugs
within one year before their suicide.
In 304 cases – 77% of the cases – the persons were treated with antidepressant drugs and/
or neuroleptics.
In 261 cases – 66% of the cases – the persons were treated with tranquilizers and/or
hypnotics; drugs of the class benzodiazepines or similar newer compounds” (pp. 17-19).
Fig. 1: Atypical” neuroleptics administered to people who committed suicide in Sweden in
2007 four weeks before they committed suicide
In addition, many people were treated with other classes of psychiatric drugs, including
epileptic drugs used as mood stabilizers (pregabalin, lamotrigine), ADHD drugs
(methylphenidate, atomoxetine) and other types of psychiatric drugs like the pain-killer
buprenorphine or the sedative clomethiazole.
Fig. 2: Antidepressants administered to people who committed suicide in Sweden in 2007 four
weeks before they committed suicide
Fig. 3: Tranquilizers/hypnotics administered to people who committed suicide in Sweden in
2007 four weeks before they committed suicide
Larsson summarizes the results of the 2007 report:
“In 86% of the cases of suicide reported to the National Board of Health and Welfare for
2007 (chapter 4) – that is in 338 of 393 cases – the persons were treated with psychiatric
drugs. In 0% (!) of these cases was the matter reported as a drug adverse event to the registry
for drug adverse events at the Medical Products Agency (...). Instead of Eli Lilly claiming
that the drug Zyprexa (olanzapine; neuroleptic) was involved in 0 cases of suicide in Sweden
2007, the fact was that the drug was involved in 52 cases in this subgroup of 338 persons.
Instead of Wyeth claiming the same for Eexor (venlafaxine; serotonin/norepinephrine
reuptake inhibitor), the fact was that the drug was involved in 41 cases in this group” (ibid.,
pp. 23-25).
Larsson’s report also includes data about the total number of suicides in Sweden in 2007 and
the preceding psychopharmacological treatment in these cases, as well as autopsy data from
the Swedish National Board of Forensic Medicine. Larssons data discusses the percentage of
psychiatric drug classes found in autopsies of people who committed suicide (g. 4) as well
as the classes of psychiatric drugs found in the their blood (g. 5), and writes:
“e result shows that 1126 denite suicides were committed in Sweden in 2007 (325 women
and 801 men). Of these persons, 724 (64%) had lled a prescription for psychiatric drugs
within a year of the suicide. Of the 325 women, 250 (77%) had lled a prescription for
psychiatric drugs; for the 801 men the gure was 474 (59%). Of the women, 196 (60%) had
lled a prescription for antidepressants; for the men the gure was 306 (38%).
In the forensic toxicological analyses, traces of psychiatric drugs were found in 575 persons
(52%) of the 1109 analyses done. Traces of antidepressant drugs were found in 132 (41%) of
the women investigated.
e conclusion is that a large percentage of the persons who committed suicide in Sweden in
2007 had received extensive treatment with psychiatric drugs within a year of and close to
the suicide” (ibid., p. 2).
Fig. 4: Percentage of psychiatric drug classes found in autopsies at people who committed
suicide in Sweden in 2007
Fig. 5: Percentages of traces of psychiatric drugs found in autopsies at men and women who
committed suicide in Sweden in 2007
Consequences and Next Steps
Updated product labelling for neuroleptic drugs should include a warning about the increased
risk of suicidal thoughts or actions, in order to help patients, supporters and psychosocial
sta understand these risks. is must be done even if there is only a fairly low incidence
of this risk. Users of psychiatric drugs need to be informed so that they can make carefully
considered decisions about whether to take a recommended psychiatric drug. Practices in
psychiatric wards could be signicantly improved to ensure that patients (and their carers and
relatives) have much better information about the prescribed drugs – and their subjectively
unwanted eects – and actively consent or deny to taking these. If they so decide, they can
then opt for viable alternatives, either outside of pharmacological psychiatry or by using less
risky psychopharmacological treatments for their emotional problems.
Reports of (ex-) users and ‘survivors’ of psychiatry who have experienced suicide attempts
or suicidality aer treatments with psychiatric drugs, electro- and insulin coma shock that
have traumatizing eects in many people must no longer be ignored. ey must be – and
sometimes are – included as keynote speakers, experts and teachers in education programs,
conferences and in the public media.
ere is, however, a well-established tradition that the segregation of troubled (or
troublesome) people is not something that everyone agrees should be prevented. is refers to
people who usually have not violated any laws and thus cannot be criminally prosecuted and
imprisoned, but whose ideas and actions, values and life styles disrupt (or threaten to disrupt)
established relationships. Also psychiatrists can sympathize with population selection by
suicide. For example, in 1923, Lenz, one of the most inuential German eugenicists and an
advocate of racist population selection, praised suicide – with the support of Ernst Bleuler, a
leader of mainstream psychiatry (see Lehmann, 1994) – as a measure against “vulgarisation
of the race”:
“From this, the selection through suicide lies in the direction of the strengthening of the
population’s living will and its cheerful temper.” (p. 23).
As an urgent measure, individually, we must use and improve advance directives to protect
ourselves from unwanted treatment (Ziegler, 2007), in which we clearly should mention factors
like previous depressive states caused by psychiatric drugs, if we have had such experiences.
And, collectively, we could even demand the application of criminal law, not only to penalize
professional non-assistance to a person in danger (a breach of standard of care), but also to
penalize recklessness – particularly so in the prescription of neuroleptics. In US, German,
Swiss and other courts, a wrongdoer who recklessly causes harm can be held as liable as a
person who intentionally does so.8 If psychiatrists continue to administer psychiatric drugs
with suicidal eects to people who are known to have underlying risk factors, they should
know that laws espousing equality also demand equality in legal responsibility for damages
under criminal law. is could be true for the owners and management of drug companies
that produce drugs with ‘known’ suicidal eects.
A suicide register with meaningful participation of independent organisations of users
and survivors of psychiatry could enhance warnings of suicidal risks of psychiatric treatment
methods. It could work, if funds were provided by the authorities,9 and if it received the
8 You can nd out more information about this principle of law on the internet:
9 Six decades aer the end of World War II the European Union is now funding research about suicides of Jewish
people during the Nazi regime (“Freitod,” 2006).
authority to gather data, as well as the means to publish and publicize its ndings. It could
be organized nationally or regionally and be legally authorized; it should then be easily
accessible (anonymous upon request) and should operate independently of any medical and
psychiatric institutions. As indicated, suicide registers run in this way produce very valuable
data, though with perhaps somewhat embarrassing implications.
As a form of user-led or user-controlled research, delegates of independent organisations
of users and survivors of psychiatry, as well as competent and independent individuals, should
be included in prevention programs and monitoring bodies with adequate remuneration.10
Again, when this is done, the benets outweigh the fairly minimal costs.
e rate of suicide in people with emotional problems or those labelled “mentally ill”
could be lowered meaningfully with a functioning and independent suicide register. Where
the damage has already been done, there may, at least, be a possibility to apply for nancial
compensation. Enhanced knowledge about the suicidal eects of neuroleptics (as well as
other iatrogenic injuries in mental health) could help to protect people with diagnoses like
“schizophrenia” from additional burdens and risks from unpleasant eects of the drugs
prescribed. Individuals could be more protected from damage caused by toxic elements in
drugs. Enhanced knowledge about the suicidal eects of neuroleptics and other iatrogenic
injuries would enable mental health professionals, relatives, friends and other carers to
support people to live their lives in greater freedom and more peace of mind.
Peter Lehmann. Born in Calw, Black Forest (Germany). Education in social pedagogy.
Living in Berlin. Author and editor since 1986, then founded Peter Lehmann Publishing and
Mail-order Bookstore. 1989, co-founder of the Association for Protection against Psychiatric
Violence (running the Runaway-house Berlin). Since 1990, co-editor of the Journal of Critical
Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy (UK). In 1991, co-founder of the European
Network of (ex-) Users and Survivors of Psychiatry (ENUSP); from 1997 to 1999, Chair of
ENUSP; until 2010, board member. From 1997 to 2000, member of the Executive Committee
of Mental Health Europe, the European section of the World Federation for Mental Health.
Since 2002, member of MindFreedom International ( and its
designated representative to the United Nations. Since 2004, member of INTAR (International
Network Toward Alternatives and Recovery). In 2010, awarded with an Honorary Doctorate
in acknowledgement of “exceptional scientic and humanitarian contribution to the rights
of the people with psychiatric experience” by the School of Psychology of the Aristotle
University of essaloniki, Greece, Faculty of Philosophy. In August 2011, awarded with the
Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in acknowledgement of service to the
community by the German President. English publications include, Coming o Psychiatric
Drugs: Successful Withdrawal from Neuroleptics, Antidepressants, Lithium, Carbamazepine
and Tranquilizers (edited in 2004), and Alternatives beyond Psychiatry (edited in 2007 with
Peter Stastny). More at
Peter Lehmann does not have any connection to the pharmaceutical industry and to
organizations that are dependent on them, nor to Scientology, their subgroups or other sects
of whatever colour.
10 It would be counterproductive to include pharmaceutical companies in this research (see, for example, the
proposals of the Institute of Medicine, the health arm of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences [see Steinbrook,
2009]) or to include people and organisations which receive(d) funding and other benets from pharmaceutical
companies (Boseley, 2007; Lehmann, 2009, pp. 34-35).
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Wie aktuell ist eigentlich noch Franco Basaglia? Psychiater, Psychotherapeuten und die reduzierte Lebenserwartung psychiatrischer Patienten Zusammenfassung: Der Autor befasst sich mit der Aktualität des 1980 gestorbenen italienischen Reformpsychiaters Franco Basaglia. Trotz der massiv reduzierten Lebenserwartung Psychiatriebetroffener verabreicht man in aller Regel Psychopharmaka ohne informierte Zustimmung und ohne Aufklärung über Frühwarnzeichen, die bleibende oder tödliche Behandlungsschäden ankündigen. Kritiklos und gesponsert von der Pharmaindustrie plädieren Psychiater und Psychologen im Rahmen der Psychoedukation für die Dauereinnahme von Psychopharmaka und preisen neuere Substanzen wahrheitswidrig als nebenwirkungsarm an. Basaglias Aussage zu Befriedungsverbrechen Intellektueller ist hochaktuell. Es stellt sich nicht nur die Frage nach moralischer Schuld, sondern auch nach zivil-und strafrechtlichen Schritten. How relevant is Franco Basaglia currently? Psychiatrists, psychotherapists and the reduced life expectancy of psychiatric patients The author investigates the current relevance of the Italian reform psychiatrist Franco Basaglia who died in 1980. In spite of the massively reduced life expectancy of psychiatric patients, psychiatric drugs are administered without obtaining informed consent and without clarifying the early warning signs, which point to permanent or fatal treatment damage. By not taking a critical approach and sponsored by the pharmaceutical industry, psychiatrists and psychologists advocate within the framework of psycho-education the continuous intake of psychiatric drugs and praise new substances untruthfully as having only few side-effects. Basaglia's statement about intellectuals' "Crimini di Pace" (crimes of pacification) is currently very relevant. It asks the question not only about moral responsibility but also about civil and criminal steps to be taken. In: Psychotherapie-Wissenschaft / Science Psychothérapeutique (Zürich), 3. Jg. (2013), Nr. 2, S. 79-89
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Πολλά ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα καταστρατηγούνται στη συνήθη ψυχιατρική πρακτική, όπως, για παράδειγμα, το δικαίωμα στην αξιοπρέπεια, την ισότητα, την αδελφότητα και τη ζωή. Αυτά τα δικαιώματα θα έπρεπε να είναι εγγυημένα για όλους τους ανθρώπους, σύμφωνα με την Παγκόσμια Διακήρυξη για τα Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα του Οργανισμού Ηνωμένων Εθνών (Ο.Η.Ε.). Αυτή η διακήρυξη ισχύει για όλους τους πολίτες όλων των κρατών σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο. Τουλάχιστον, θα έπρεπε να ισχύει. Όμως η νομοθεσία σχετικά με την ψυχιατρική επιμέλεια, την αναγκαστική νοσηλεία ή τη νοσηλεία σε ψυχιατροδικαστικές μονάδες αποτελεί τη βάση της καταστρατήγησης των ανθρώπινων δικαιωμάτων. Σύμφωνα με τον Edmund Schönenberger (1993), και με αναφορά στην Ευρωπαϊκή Διακήρυξη για τα Ανθρώπινα Δικαιώματα από το 1950, η οποία έγινε δεκτή από την Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή, στο πεδίο της ψυχιατρικής η καταστρατήγηση των ανθρώπινων δικαιωμάτων είναι συστηματική. Ο Schönenberger είναι δικηγόρος και ιδρυτής του PSYCHEX, μιας οργάνωσης στην Ελβετία, που στελεχώνεται από δικηγόρους, κριτικούς ψυχιάτρους και επιζήσαντες της ψυχιατρικής, η οποία υποστηρίζει έγκλειστους ψυχιατρικούς ασθενείς στο να ανακτήσουν την ελευθερία τους και να λάβουν αποζημίωση για τις βλάβες που υπέστησαν από την ψυχιατρική αντιμετώπιση. Ο Schönenberger προσδιόρισε τους τομείς καταστρατήγησης των ανθρώπινων δικαιωμάτων στο πεδίο της ψυχιατρικής ως εξής: Απαγόρευση της απάνθρωπης και υποτιμητικής μεταχείρισης (άρθρο 3), δικαίωμα στην ελευθερία και την ασφάλεια (άρθρο 5), σε δίκαιη δίκη (άρθρο 6), στο σεβασμό της ιδιωτικής και της οικογενειακής ζωής, της κατοικίας και της αλληλογραφίας (άρθρο 8), στην ελευθερία της σκέψης (άρθρο 9), στην ελευθερία της έκφρασης, της γνώμης και της ανταλλαγής πληροφοριών και ιδεών (άρθρο 10), αποτελεσματική υπεράσπιση ενώπιον εθνικών αρχών ενάντια σε καταστρατηγήσεις των δικαιωμάτων της Διακήρυξης (άρθρο 13), και απαγόρευση των διακρίσεων που βασίζονται στο φύλο, τη φυλή, το χρώμα, τη γλώσσα, τη θρησκεία, πολιτικές ή άλλες πεποιθήσεις, εθνική ή κοινωνική καταγωγή, σχέση με εθνική μειονότητα, ιδιοκτησία, γέννηση ή άλλη υπόσταση (άρθρο 14). Εδώ θα επικεντρωθώ στο δικαίωμα στη ζωή και τη σωματική ακεραιότητα. Όταν κανείς πεθαίνει, τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματά του/της χάνουν κάθε νόημα. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι οι τοξικές και επικίνδυνες επιπτώσεις των ψυχιατρικών φαρμάκων θα είναι στο στόχαστρο πολλών από τις επισημάνσεις μου. Δεν πρέπει να αφήσουμε τη συζήτηση αυτού του ζητήματος στους ψυχιάτρους. Η επικέντρωση των κριτικών εναντίον της ψυχιατρικής στη χρήση άμεσης βίας και περιορισμών ενέχει τον κίνδυνο αποπροσανατολισμού από το βαθύτερο πρόβλημα της άρνησης των ψυχιάτρων να παρέχουν επαρκή και αποτελεσματική βοήθεια στους ανθρώπους που βιώνουν συναισθηματικές δυσκολίες, οι οποίες είναι σε μεγάλο βαθμό κοινωνικές. Ψυχιατρικά (ψυχοτρόπα) φάρμακα συνταγογραφούνται από ψυχιάτρους και γενικούς γιατρούς σε παιδιά, εφήβους, ηλικιωμένους, άνδρες και γυναίκες με ποικίλες διαγνώσεις. Οι επιπτώσεις τους συνδέονται με μειωμένη ποιότητα ζωής και μειωμένο προσδόκιμο ζωής. Θεωρώ ότι η εκπαίδευση αναφορικά με τους κινδύνους των ψυχιατρικών φαρμάκων και των προβλημάτων που σχετίζονται με τη μείωση και τη διακοπή τους, όπως επίσης και η παρακολούθηση της υγείας, μπορούν να μειώσουν τη θνησιμότητα των ψυχιατρικών ασθενών. Είναι σημαντική η υποστήριξη πρωτοβουλιών αυτοβοήθειας των ανθρώπων που βιώνουν έντονο ψυχικό πόνο, όπως επίσης και η συνεργασία με μέλη της οικογένειας, πολίτες και επαγγελματίες για την ανάπτυξη ανθρωπιστικά προσανατολισμένων υποστηρικτικών συστημάτων. Η διασφάλιση των δικαιωμάτων των ψυχιατρικά ασθενών θα πρέπει να αποτελεί προτεραιότητα για όλες τις χώρες. Η ανάπτυξη στρατηγικών διασφάλισης αυτών των δικαιωμάτων μπορεί να βοηθήσει τις χώρες να επιτύχουν την ισότητα έναντι του νόμου, όπως αυτή διατυπώνεται στη Διακήρυξη για τα Δικαιώματα των Προσώπων με Αναπηρίες του Ο.Η.Ε. από το 2006. Μπορεί επίσης να βοηθήσει στη συμμόρφωση με τον Στόχο Αειφόρας Ανάπτυξης Αρ. 3 της Διάταξης για την Αειφόρα Ανάπτυξη για το 2030 (SDG3) του Ο.Η.Ε.. Αυτή η Διάταξη τέθηκε επισήμως σε ισχύ στις αρχές του 2016, αφού υιοθετήθηκε από τους παγκόσμιους ηγέτες το Σεπτέμβριο του 2015. Published in: Τετράδια Ψυχιατρικής (Tetradia Psychiatrikis), Athens
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Eine ausführliche Stellungnahme mit Antworten auf diese Fragen: 1. Wie beschreiben Sie das Erleben von Zwangsmaßnahmen aus Sicht der Betroffenen? (Die verschiedenen Zwangsmaßnahmen / Behandeln unter Anwendung roher Gewalt oder nach Nötigung und Drohung / Beispiel für Zwangsunterbringung / Einsperren / Beispiel des Erlebens einer Fixierung / Berichte von der Einschränkung eines fairen Gerichtsverfahrens / Einschränkung des Besuchsrechts / Einschränkung des Rechts auf freien und unzensierten Postverkehr / Einschränkung des Rechts auf freien und vertraulichen Telefonverkehr / Traumatisierung als häufige Folge von Zwangsmaßnahmen) 2. Sind Zwangsmaßnahmen aus Ihrer Sicht verzichtbar? (Keine einheitliche Sicht der Betroffenen) 3. Wenn ja, in welchen Situationen und mit welchen Folgen? 4. In welchen Situationen sind Zwangsmaßnahmen unverzichtbar? 5. Wie lassen sich Ihre Erfahrungen mit Ärzten / Betreuern / Gerichten im Umgang mit Zwangsmaßnahmen beschreiben? 6. Welche Erfahrungen haben Sie mit Alternativen zu Zwangsmaßnahmen gemacht? 7. Wie beurteilen Sie die Versorgungsstrukturen bei der Betreuung von psychisch kranken Menschen generell? 8. Haben Sie weitere Anmerkungen? 9. Können Sie konkrete Empfehlungen geben? Publiziert in: Leuchtfeuer – Journal des Landesverband Psychiatrie-Erfahrene Rheinland-Pfalz e.V. (Trier), Sonderausgabe 2012, S. 9-24
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Die Interessen psychiatrischer Standesorganisationen stehen den Interessen Psychiatriebetroffener unversöhnlich gegenüber. Dennoch tragen erstere immer wieder vor, im Namen und im Interesse Psychiatriebetroffener zu handeln. Deutlich wird dies bei der Diskussion um das Recht auf gewaltsame Verabreichung psychiatrischer Anwendungen, die aktuell durch höchstrichterliche Urteile angefacht wurde. Psychiater blenden hierbei die um durchschnittlich zwei bis drei Jahrzehnte verringerte Lebenserwartung von Psychiatriepatientinnen und-patienten ebenso aus wie deren allgemeine Diskriminierung, mögliche Gesundheitsschäden durch psychiatrische Psychopharmaka und Elektroschocks und die traumatisierende Wirkung psychiatrischer Gewalt. Scheinbar unlösbare Interessenkonflikte lassen sich rechtlich einwandfrei mit Vorausverfügungen, medizinethischen Regeln für eine Notfallbehandlung oder Gefahrenabwehr für Dritte regeln. Der Verzicht auf psychiatrische Gewalt würde den Weg zu einem humanistisch orientierten psychosozialen Hilfesystem freimachen. Sollte im psychiatrischen Bereich - trotz der Forderung der UN-Konvention über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderungen nach rechtlicher Gleichstellung - weiterhin eine Behandlung ohne informierte Zustimmung allgemein erlaubt sein, müssten wenigstens deeskalierende Maßnahmen vorgeschrieben werden.
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Recovery ist ein relativ neuer Begriff im psychosozialen Bereich, den sowohl psychiatriekritische Kreise als auch Kreise der Mainstream-Psychiatrie einsetzen und sich dabei gegen den therapeutischen Pessimismus der vergangenen Jahrzehnte stellen. Die positive Konnotation der Hoffnung ist allen Verwendungstypen des Begriffs gemeinsam, kann aber in völlig unterschiedliche Richtungen zielen. Manche meinen mit Recovery die Erholung von einer psychischen Krankheit oder das Nachlassen oder Verschwinden der Symptome. Andere denken an die Erholung von unerwünschten Wirkungen der verabreichten Elektroschocks oder der Psychopharmaka nach deren Absetzen, die Wiedergewinnung von Freiheit nach Verlassen des psychiatrischen Systems oder die »Rettung aus dem psychiatrischen Sumpf« mit seinen Gefahren der (Selbst-) Stigmatisierung und der Diskriminierung« (Lehmann & Stastny 2007, S. 40 f.).
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In der Psychiatrie-Enquete von 1975 waren psychiatrische Menschenrechtsverletzungen kein Thema. Ungebrochen finden in der Psychiatrie fortwährend Menschenrechtsverletzungen statt, insbesondere psychiatrische Behandlung ohne informierte Zustimmung. Informiert wird auch nicht über Frühwarnsymptome, mit denen sich behandlungsbedingte Erkrankungen ankündigen. Die enorme Vulnerabilität psychiatrischer Patientinnen und Patienten, die sich in einer um durchschnittlich zwei bis drei Jahrzehnte verminderten Lebenserwartung widerspiegelt, wird bei der Verabreichung potenziell riskanter Psychopharmaka nicht berücksichtigt. Die Betroffenen erhalten keine Hilfe, wenn sie nach ihrer Entscheidung, die Einnahme von Psychopharmaka zu beenden, unter Entzugsproblemen leiden. Neuroleptikabedingte Suizidalität wird ebenso ignoriert wie das Nichtvorhandensein therapeutischer Angebote für Menschen, die durch psychiatrische Zwangsbehandlung traumatisiert sind. Die Psychiatrie als medizinisch-naturwissenschaftliche Disziplin kann dem Anspruch, psychische Probleme überwiegend sozialer Natur zu lösen, nicht gerecht werden. Es ist dringend nötig, evaluierte humanistische Alternativen für Menschen in psychosozialen Notlagen einzuführen. Die in der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention enthaltene Forderung nach Gleichheit psychiatrischer Patientinnen und Patienten vor dem Recht beinhaltet auch die Forderung nach Gleichheit von Psychiatern vor dem Recht, insbesondere dem Strafrecht. Die Aktion Psychisch Kranke e. V. ist aufgefordert, sich gemäß § 230 Absatz 1 StGB für die Strafverfolgung wegen der systematischen und ohne informierte Zustimmung begangenen psychiatrischen Körperverletzungen einzusetzen.
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Recovery is a relatively new concept within the psychosocial arena which is used by those critical of psychiatry as well as by mainstream psychiatry itself, and turns against the therapeutic pessimism of the past decades. “Recovery” can mean, among others things, rediscovery, healing, improvement, salvation or the regaining of independence. A positive connotation of hope is common to all uses of this term, but it has many different implications, especially in combination with the administration or intake of psychiatric drugs. For some, recovery means recovering from a mental illness, a reduction of symptoms, or a cure. Others use it to signify an abatement of unwanted effects of psychiatric drugs after their discontinuation, or the regaining of freedom after leaving the mental health system, or “being rescued from the swamp of psychiatry” (see Stastny & Lehmann, 2007a, p. 41). Members of mainstream psychiatry base their hope on the conviction that mental problems are largely of a brain/organic nature, not of a social nature, and that psychiatry as a scientific discipline can do justice to the expectation of solving mental problems. They believe that its diagnostic methods do not obstruct the view of the real problems of individuals in society and that their propensity and practice of using force are completely justified and compatible with human rights declarations and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. They believe that electroshock does not harm the brain and that synthetic psychodrugs are helpful in principle and – apart from benzodiazepines – do not cause bodily dependence. What psychiatric workers do with their patients – the objects of their treatment – has taken many names with different facets and nuances over years: psychiatric custodianship, therapy, empowerment, psycho-education, recovery. Apart form psychiatric mass murders during the time of Hitler’s fascism, which were also called “treatment,” the goal was to manage the treated ones’ diagnosed illness by psychiatric measures, to release them from their symptoms, or to alleviate them and to re-establish the condition before the outbreak of the illness. Progressive psychiatric workers would probably understand psychological symptoms as a part of a change of the personality (although fragile) that contains the chance for advancement and stabilization. In: Journal of Critical Psychology, Counselling and Psychotherapy (Ross-on-Wye, Wales), Vol. 13 (2013), No. 3, pp. 167-187
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Derzeit werden in einigen deutschen Bundesländern, unter anderem in Berlin, Unterbringungsgesetze der sich wandelnden Rechtsprechung und der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention angepasst. Nicht nur in Berlin zeigen sich weiterhin gravierende Mängel, was die beanstandeten Menschenrechtsfragen betrifft. Dabei erlauben die durch BGB und StGB normierten Hilfspflichten im medizinischen einschließlich psychiatrischen Bereich bei Lebensgefahr Notfallmaßnahmen bei ernstlicher Gefährdung von Gesundheit oder Leben der Patienten und erübrigen psychiatrische Sonderrechte. Mit Vorausverfügungen ließe sich ein Großteil darüber hinaus entstehender Konfliktfälle rechtzeitig entschärfen. Übrig bleibende Konfliktfälle erlauben jedoch nicht, den Schutz von Menschenrechten unterschiedlicher Menschen gegeneinander abzuwägen. Medizinische Ethik gebietet, dass die Behandlung Patienten direkt nutzt und ihre Menschenrechte beachtet, auch wenn keine informierte Zustimmung vorliegt. Psychiatrische Zwangsbehandlung kann mit Traumatisierung und unkalkulierbaren bleibenden körperlichen und psychischen Schäden einhergehen. Sogenannte Einwilligungsunfähigkeit, die in Krisenfällen die vorübergehende Außerkraftsetzung eines Teils der Menschenrechte erlauben soll, ist jedoch eher als subjektiv geprägtes Urteile denn als valide, Rechtssicherheit gewährende Entität zu betrachten. Befürworter eines psychiatrischen Sonderrechts auf zwangsweise Verabreichung insbesondere von Neuroleptika ignorieren deren lebensbedrohliche Gefahrenpotenziale ebenso wie bewährte Alternativen zur Psychiatrie.
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Who is familiar with the role played by J. F. Lehmann and his publishing house in the emergence of biologically orientated social psychiatry during German fascism and its further development in today's psychiatric system? What kind of ideology did this man stand for? Who were his friends? Which ideologies are still at work today? Many readers will not understand the significance of these questions. This is largely due to the work of most medical historians – the German psychologist Hans L. Siemen or the US-American psychiatrist Peter Breggin are exceptions; normal historians placed the responsibility for the psychiatric horrors in Germany primarily in the lap of Adolf Hitler and his Nazis. In doing so they contributed little to expose the origins of biologically orientated social psychiatry and its catalytic effect and perhaps decisive precondition of the possibility for the Holocaust.
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Data on the effectiveness of antipsychotics in the early phase of schizophrenia are limited. The authors examined the risk of rehospitalization and drug discontinuation in a nationwide cohort of 2,588 consecutive patients hospitalized for the first time with a diagnosis of schizophrenia between 2000 and 2007 in Finland. The authors linked national databases of hospitalization, mortality, and antipsychotic prescriptions and computed hazard ratios, adjusting for the effects of sociodemographic and clinical variables, the temporal sequence of the antipsychotics used, and the choice of the initial antipsychotic for each patient. Of 2,588 patients, 1,507 (58.2%) collected a prescription for an antipsychotic during the first 30 days after hospital discharge, and 1,182 (45.7%, 95% confidence interval [CI]=43.7-47.6) continued their initial treatment for 30 days or longer. In a pairwise comparison between depot injections and their equivalent oral formulations, the risk of rehospitalization for patients receiving depot medications was about one-third of that for patients receiving oral medications (adjusted hazard ratio=0.36, 95% CI=0.17-0.75). Compared with oral risperidone, clozapine (adjusted hazard ratio=0.48, 95% CI=0.31-0.76) and olanzapine (adjusted hazard ratio=0.54, 95% CI=0.40-0.73) were each associated with a significantly lower rehospitalization risk. Use of any antipsychotic compared with no antipsychotic was associated with lower mortality (adjusted hazard ratio=0.45, 95% CI=0.31-0.67). In Finland, only a minority of patients adhere to their initial antipsychotic during the first 60 days after discharge from their first hospitalization for schizophrenia. Use of depot antipsychotics was associated with a significantly lower risk of rehospitalization than use of oral formulations of the same compounds. Among oral antipsychotics, clozapine and olanzapine were associated with more favorable outcomes. Use of any antipsychotic was associated with lower mortality.
In der Versorgung von Patienten mit einer chronischen körperlichen Erkrankung wird die Hälfte der Patienten mit einer komorbiden psychischen Störung nicht erkannt und wiederum die Hälfte der erkannten Störungen nicht adäquat behandelt. Die negativen Effekte einer solchen Komorbidität: Erhöhtes Mortalitätsrisiko, steigende Gesundheitskosten, sinkende Lebensqualität der Patienten. Erforderlich ist daher eine interdisziplinäre Behandlung chronisch somatisch und psychisch erkrankter Patienten in der primär somatischen, in der psychotherapeutischen, psychiatrischen und psychosomatischen Versorgung. Voraussetzung ist das hier zusammengestellte Wissen über Auftretenshäufigkeit, Diagnostik und Ätiologie komorbider psychischer Störungen bei chronisch somatisch erkrankten Patienten. Neben Symptomatologie und Diagnostik psychischer Störungen bei körperlichen Erkrankungen werden auch Behandlungsansätze für verschiedene Erkrankungsbereiche und ein Fortbildungsansatz für Mediziner und Psychologen vorgestellt.
Zusammenfassung Suizidprävention bei stationären psychiatrischen Patienten ist traditionelle Aufgabe psychiatrischer Versorgung. In den 70er und 80er Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts war es zu einem echten Zuwachs der sog. Kliniksuizide gekommen, der insbesondere zulasten schizophren Kranker ging. Aktuell hat die Kliniksuizidrate wieder deutlich abgenommen und ein Diagnosenwechsel zu mehr depressiven Störungen bei den Kliniksuiziden stattgefunden. Eindrücke aus Gerichtsverfahren werden ergänzt.
PurposeMortality among schizophrenia patients is substantially higher than in the general population. The aim of this study was to investigate, in a nationwide cohort of suicidal schizophrenic individuals, how the risks of suicide, severe suicide attempts and death are associated with usage of antidepressant or antipsychotic treatment.Methods The study population included all individuals in Finland who were hospitalised with a diagnosis of attempted suicide between 1 January 1997 and 31 December 2003, who also had at least one hospitalisation due to schizophrenia diagnosis (ICD-10 F20), and were at least 16 years old when the index hospitalisation began. Cox's proportional hazards modelling and Bayesian intensity estimation were used in the analysis.ResultsThere were 1611 patients with a mean follow-up time of 4.3 years. Current use of antipsychotics was associated with decreased mortality due to suicide (HR 0.52, 95% CI 0.34–0.81, p = 0.004), but no significant decrease in mortality was observed during current use of antidepressants (0.66, 0.41–1.08, p = 0.099), when compared to past use. In more detailed analysis when current users were compared to non-users, olanzapine, and mixed use of antipsychotics, were associated with reduced all-cause mortality, and mixed use also with reduced risk of suicide mortality. Current use of citalopram was associated with decreased all-cause and suicide mortality.Conclusions In a population of suicidal schizophrenic individuals antipsychotic medication, treatment was associated with lower mortality from suicide and all-causes. Antidepressive medication was associated with lower all-cause mortality when used in combination with antipsychotics. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.