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  • Ilia State University Tbilisi Georgia


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IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, Vol. III, Issue 9, December 2017
Madona Giorgdze1*, Marine Dgebuadze2
1Dr., Ilia State University, GEORGIA,
2Dr., Ilia State University, GEORGIA,
*Corresponding author
Georgian educational system has gone through the traditional methods of teaching. One of the main forms of
teaching in high school was a lecture, during which the lecturer was a transmitter and the student was a
recipient of knowledge.
Integration with modern Euro-Atlantic educational space requires modernization of existing learning methods
and the introduction of modern activities in the process of learning that will facilitate the establishment of an
active, independent and free person with critical thinking. Western education system became the main focus
of the Georgian educational policy.
The educational strategy has been changed and its main purpose has become bringing up of free, active,
informed and responsible citizens, equipped with the skills of critical thinking and loyal to the modern
democratic community in order to meet the demands of present-day democratic society.
The analysis of the research results shows that interactive teaching best helps students to get maximum
involvement in the lecturing process. The student is not only a passive recipient of knowledge, who is
constantly in the position of the listener but is actively involved in the lecturing process and gets maximum
knowledge. As a result, the information received is remembered for a longer time.
Recent studies show that interactive learning helps the learner not only to easily acquire new material but to
memorize it for a longer period of time.
The article does not attempt to contrast interactive and traditional methods but rather to highlight advantages
of the interactive method and underline its effectiveness to activate creative thinking, analytic and
argumentation skills in students.
Keywords: Interactive Teaching, traditional methods, teacher’s role
A teaching method is formed in the teaching process through the interaction between the teacher and
learner. Within the existing learning conditions, the learning process is considered as an interaction between
the teacher and student, aiming to transfer common knowledge, skills, and values to the student.
IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, Vol. III, Issue 9, December 2017
From the very first day when the teaching situation emerged up today there have been formed only three
widely spread forms of the interaction between a teacher and student:
1. Passive methods;
2. Active methods;
3. Interactive methods.
A passive method of instruction is a form of interaction between the teacher and students with the teacher
being the center of the lesson while the learner remains to be a passive listener. Feedback on such lessons
is conducted through surveys, independent tasks, tests and so on. The passive method is considered as
the most inefficient method in terms of material use, but the advantages of this method include the ability to
prepare less labor-intensive lessons in advance and present a large amount of information in a short time.
For many years the passive method of instruction had been the most popular and the single approach used
in Georgian learning situation. This can be regarded as a defect of that educational period and can be
explained by the logic of totalitarian system - the Soviet school did not aim at bringing up an active, critical
and independent citizen. The role of the pupil in the Soviet school was extremely weakened and this
attitude was obvious at different levels as well the structure of lessons and the nature of the pedagogical
methods used in the course of the lesson (an active teacher: a passive learner /a teacher presenting: a
learner listening).
After the fall of the Soviet Union, significant changes were made to the Georgian educational system.
Western education system became the main focus of the Georgian educational policy. The educational
strategy has been changed and its main purpose became bringing up of free, active, informed and
responsible citizens, equipped with the skills of critical thinking and loyal to the modern democratic
community in order to meet the demands of present-day democratic society. For Georgia, with its short
tradition of democracy, it has become important to increase citizens' democratic awareness and to actively
engage them in the public life. For this purpose, reform and modernization of the education system have
been initiated, which envisages facilitating the establishment of a genuine knowledge-based society.
An active approach is a form of a teacher-student interaction equally involving both a teacher and students.
In this form of learning, students are not passive listeners anymore but they are active participants in the
learning process. Because of these advantages, a lot of teachers choose this method of instruction. In some
cases, this method is effective if employed by experienced teachers with the learners who have clearly
defined learning objective. If passive lessons represent an authoritative style of instruction, the active
approach is a democratic style (see Fig.1 and Fig 2) Active and interactive approaches have a lot in
common. In general, an interactive method can be considered as a modern version of active methods. In
contrast to the passive approach, active learning is focused on a closer relationship between learners and a
teacher, and students are more active in the learning process (see Fig. 3). The main difference between
active and interactive approach is that, in contrast to active approach, interactive learning involves students
interaction not only with the teacher but with each other as well.
An interactive approach involves interaction in dialogue mode (“intеr” - reciprocally, “act” do, perform). In
other words, an interactive teaching method is a form of learning and communicative activity in which
students are involved in the learning process and reflect on what they know and what they are thinking.
Unlike a traditional teaching method oriented on the teacher whose main function is to assist learners and
facilitate, interactive learning focuses on students 'needs, abilities, interests. While in a traditional approach
teacher is a center of the learning process and learners are passive and only receive information, in a
learner-oriented system the teacher and the learner swap their traditional roles enabling the learner to
actively engage in the learning process and be the center of the classroom (Fig. 1.). Based on his knowledge
and experience, learners categorize, analyze, assume opinions, acquire new skills, and develop their
attitudes towards facts and events.
IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, Vol. III, Issue 9, December 2017
Fig. 1. Passive methods
The teacher’s role in interactive learning is directed towards achieving the goals of students in the process of
teaching. The teacher makes a lesson plan - interactive activities and assignments, through the working of
which students acquire new information and an individual task is transformed into a group task. Each
member of the group contributes to the whole group's success (Fig. 2.). Interactive exercises and tasks that
students perform are the basic components of interactive lessons. The use of interactive teaching methods
ensures full participation of students in the learning process, and which is a major source of learning. The
fundamental difference between traditional and interactive activities is that the student does not only revise
and strengthen his knowledge but also constructs and completes it with new material.
Fig. 2. Active methods
IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, Vol. III, Issue 9, December 2017
Fig. 3. Interactive method
Among widely spread and popular interactive approaches, we can single out the following:
1. Creative tasks;
2. Games (role-plays, imitations, business and development games);
3. Use of human resources (excursions, inviting experts);
4. Social Projects;
5. Use of new material (interactive lectures, video-audio materials, student in the role of a "teacher",
Socratic dialogue, asking questions);
6. Solving tasks (associative maps, brain storming, case analysis).
Practice proves that using the above-mentioned interactive methods helps to achieve the results of modern
education. They help learning process to be conducted in such a way that all students are equally involved in
the cognitive process, each individual contributes to the teaching process, students exchange information
and ideas. This relationship allows students not only to acquire knowledge but also develop communicative
skills: the ability to listen to others, evaluate different points of view, participate in discussions, make joint
decisions, develop tolerance, etc.
Recent studies show that interactive learning helps the learner not only to easily acquire new material but to
memorize it for a longer period of time. The diagram below shows clearly that through passive learning, the
learner can memorize only 30% of the material, while the interactive learning enables us to memorize 90% of
the received information (Fig. 3.).
Fig. 4. Passive and active learning diagram (Edgar Dale’s cone of experience )
As a conclusion we can say that the article does not attempt to contrast interactive and traditional methods
but rather to highlight advantages of the interactive method and underline its effectiveness to activate
creative thinking, analytic and argumentation skills in students; to develop conversation, discussion, team-
working and effective communication skills as emotional contacts created through interactive learning make
students listen to peers. Interactive methods in multicultural education allow students to have not only
knowledge and compassion for others but also be able to make rational decisions in any situation in order to
develop the most acceptable models of thinking, action, and communication.
IJAEDU- International E-Journal of Advances in Education, Vol. III, Issue 9, December 2017
Atanasescu, C., Dumitru, F. Interactive teaching-learning methods in the interdisciplinary approach of natural
sciences from the mentor-teacher’s perspective. Available at: (03.09.2017)
Dumitru, Ion Al. (2000) .Developing the critical thinking and efficient learning. Timișoara: West.Pp. 93-95
Edgar Dale’s cone of experience Available
at: (07.09.2017)
Interactive Teaching Styles Used in the Classroom. Available at: (07.09.2017)
Macarie, C. (2005). Modern methodological alternatives a challenge for the teaching activity. Târgu- Jiu
:Măiastra. Pp. 22-25
Yakovleva, N., Yakovlev E. (2014). Interactive teaching methods in contemporary higher education. Pacific
Science Review 16. Pp. 75-80
... The interactive teaching method is just giving students opportunity to do himself or to think to find the solution. Giorgdze and Dgebuadze (2017) found that in interactive teaching approach teacher gives students something to do and get back what they have done that in order to decide what would be best to give them next. ...
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This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of interactive teaching methods in fostering ethical and social skills in students at secondary-level schools for implementing standards-based education in Sindh, Pakistan. Non-participation observation was adopted by using an observation inventory of ethical and social development as the research instrument for data collection. Students enrolled in grade X were targeted for the data collection and randomized into two groups of classroom size. One was taught through the currently practicing teaching methods and the other was taught through the interactive teaching methods. The obtained numerical data was analysed using statistical tools to compare the groups’ mean values to measure the effectiveness of teaching methods in students’ ethical and social development. The findings determined that interactive teaching methods were significantly effective in fostering students’ ethical and social skills and values while teaching them the English language. The findings of the study suggest that using interactive teaching methods possesses more opportunities to follow ethics and interact socially to be groomed while learning the English language.
... The implementation of the proposed model will enable the development of the graduate's core skills such as "knowledge," "know-how," and "know-being", that have to be personally and professionally significant, forming the fundamental basis for effective professional activity, as outlined in the expected learning outcomes (Clandinin, 1985). Updating the analysis of interactive learning methods used, is linked to the need to identify the challenges in their application within the skills development process (Giorgdze & Dgebuadze, 2017). The theoretical basis of the analysis relies on one of the principles of modern didactics, the principle of activity and independence in learning. ...
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Interactive learning methods as fundamental tools of the competency-based educational approach, usher in a dynamic learner-centred educational experience. By transcending the traditional barriers of instruction, they encourage the acquisition and development of skills, while stimulating engagement and understanding. A literature review, grounded in modern didactics and cognitive psychology, underscores the efficacy of interactive learning methods in cultivating learners' transversal and professional skills. Focusing on nursing students, the research aims to explore their perceptions of these methods, utilizing a quantitative, cross-sectional, and descriptive model during the 2022-2023 academic year. The survey involved 10 students enrolled in the "Caregiver-care receiver relationship" course, assessing their overall perception, assimilation, and interest. Notably, a teaching scenario was devised for evaluation purposes. Results indicated a high satisfaction rate, with 60% of participants rating the interactive learning methods as excellent and 30% as good. Concerning assimilation, workshop sessions received the highest preference score at 43/50, followed by diagramming and case studies at 30/50. Interactive presentations scored 27/50, while role plays scored 20/50. In terms of interest, workshops led with a score of 41/50, indicating substantial participant engagement. Case studies and role-playing activities closely followed with scores of 38/50 and 34/50 respectively, demonstrating a noteworthy level of interest. Interactive presentations and diagrams, with scores of 19/50 and 18/50 respectively, showed a moderate level of interest. In conclusion, our work emphasizes on the one hand, the importance of teacher flexibility and dynamism, advocating for ongoing refinement of methods to align with evolving student preferences, on the other hand, the positive reception, particularly for workshops and case studies, suggests strong support for their integration into learning programs.
... Це форма навчально-комунікативної діяльності, при якій учні залучаються до процесу навчання і розмірковують над тим, що вони знають і про що думають. На відміну від традиційного методу навчання, орієнтованого на вчителя, основна функція якого полягає в тому, щоб допомагати учням і передавати знання, інтерактивне навчання фокусується на потребах, здібностях, інтересах здобувачів освіти [2]. ...
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У статті проаналізовано інтерактивне навчання як сучасну педагогічну технологію. Виокремлено основні сильні та слабкі сторони застосування такого підходу. Розглянуто конкретні інтерактивні методи навчання хімії, де студенти мають вибір дій і можуть проявляти ініціативу. Застосування інтерактивних методів дозволяє не тільки поглиблювати предметні знання та вміння, але й розвивати комунікативні навички та вирішувати завдання у команді.
... Pada peran tutor sebagai transmitter, kesimpulan dari hasil pengamatan atau observasi yang dilakukan di LKP Elmuna pada pembelajaran komputer dapat diperoleh informasi bahwa LKP Elmuna melalui pengelola telah merumuskan metode pembelajaran komputer sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh pemerintah dan juga sesuai dengan kebutuhan peserta didik. Penggunaan metode belajar interaktif dalam pendidikan dan pelatihan mendorong peserta didik mampu membuat keputusan rasional dalam situasi apapun untuk mengembangkan pemikiran, tindakan, dan komunikasi yang paling dapat diterima (Giorgdze & Dgebuadze, 2017). Hal tersebut selaras dengan pernyataan tutor yang menerangkan bahwa tutor memiliki kemampuan untuk membuat silabus pembelajaran komputer, agar dapat dijadikan acuan dalam pembelajaran komputer. ...
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Pentingnya peran seorang Tutor dalam Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan begitu penting sebab perannya dalam memberikan pembelajaran langsung bagi peserta didik. Hal yang demikian juga berlaku dalam pembelajaran komputer sebagai bagian dari kerangka kurikulum pendidikan yang memiliki peran penting, mengingat komputer merupakan kebutuhan fundamental dalam sektor kehidupan manusia diera serba digital seperti sekarang ini. Sebab itu penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan peran Tutor dalam memberikan Layanan Pembelajaran Komputer di Lembaga Kursus Pelatihan Elmuna Klirong. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Untuk teknik keabsahan data menggunakan triangulasi sumber, sedangkan teknik analisis data dengan reduksi data, penyajian data, serta verifikasi atau penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa Tutor di LKP Elmuna Klirong telah melaksanakan peran mereka diantaranya sebagai Informator, Organisator, Motivator, Pengarah/Director, Inisiator, Transmitter, Fasilitator, Mediator, dan Evaluator dengan cukup baik.
... Metode ini juga sudah aktif dan konkret sesuai dengan Edgar Dale's Cone of Experience. Turut berperan aktif dalam praktek yang nyata memiliki persentase paling besar dalam memahami informasi baru dan mengingatnya lebih lama dibandingkan metode lain di tingkatan kerucut yang lebih atas, seperti membaca, mendengar, dan melihat gambar (Giorgdze & Dgebuadze, 2017). ...
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Air bersih dan sanitasi layak merupakan hak asasi manusia yang esensial bagi kesehatan dan kesejahteraan manusia. Miliaran populasi di dunia masih belum mendapatkan akses yang memadai terhadap hal ini, terutama di daerah pedesaan dan negara-negara berkembang, termasuk Indonesia. Kontaminasi air yang digunakan baik untuk minum maupun keperluan hygiene sanitasi memiliki dampak negatif bagi kesehatan manusia, termasuk gangguan pernapasan, kulit, pencernaan, kanker, bahkan kematian. Pemulung merupakan salah satu profesi yang rentan mengalami gangguan akibat kontaminasi air karena lingkungan kerja yang terpapar langsung dan lama dengan sampah. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengedukasi mengenai air bersih, pentingnya penggunaan air bersih, dan menambah keterampilan dalam pembangunan filter air sederhana. Metode yang digunakan adalah penyuluhan dan workshop yang diadakan pada Sabtu, 26 Agustus 2023 pada 34 pemulung di Kampung Pemulung Pinang Ranti, Jakarta Timut. Evaluasi pemahaman para pemulung mengenai air bersih dan filter air sederhana akan diuji dengan pre-test dan post-test. Hasil dari kegiatan adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan mengenai air bersih dan pembuatan filter air sederhana, yaitu dari rata-rata 4,15±2,34 saat pre-test menjadi 7,23±2,32 saat post-test. Efektivitas penyampaian materi penyuluhan didapatkan hasil 58,88%, menunjukkan bahwa penyuluhan cukup efektif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman pemulung mengenai air bersih, sanitasi, dan filter air sederhana.
... According to Nafosat et al. (2019), the best way to improve learning and teaching effectiveness in our modern society is to implement interactive learning methods because they promote internal conversations and idea exchange. Giorgdze and Dgebuadze (2017) claim that in these cases learners may memorize 90% of the acquired knowledge, whereas, in a standard passive environment, only 30% of the learned materials are remembered. According to them, there are several interactive methods that improve learning efficiency, such as creative tasks, games, or the utilization of content, including interactive lectures or video/audio resources. ...
Conference Paper
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The importance of digital technologies, especially videos, increased over the course of the last few years. Whether they are used to watching the latest news or for entertainment purposes, one could say they have become almost omnipresent in everyday's life. This development has also influenced education. Therefore, we want to examine the effects of interactive overlays such as programming tasks in interactive learning videos. For this purpose, a MOOC course was created to gain information about participants` learning success. To evaluate whether the interactive elements have a positive effect, two test groups completed the course. The results revealed that the test group with overlays performed better on average than the group without. Some limitations had to be considered, such as the smaller peer group that watched the videos without interactive elements.
... Interactive learning is a hands-on, immersive method of teaching and learning where students take an active role in their education (Giorgdze & Dgebuadze, 2017). The interactive learning method has provided the theoretical basis for the application of pedagogical agents in learning. ...
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With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, many applications have emerged, sparking heated discussions across various social sectors, particularly in education. This study aims to delve into the impact of pedagogical agents on learning through a combined use of VOSviewer and CitNetExplorer. Specifically, VOSviewer will facilitate a quantitative analysis, identifying top-cited authors, organizations, countries, co-cited authors, and frequently occurring keywords within the citation network. Meanwhile, CitNetExplorer will undertake a qualitative exploration, anticipated to reveal how visual stereotypes and emotional factors of pedagogical agents substantially impact learners’ outcomes. This study lays the groundwork for further investigations into optimizing pedagogical agents’ parameters to align with educational goals and promote their integration into instructional practices.
... Thus, the findings supported the following hypotheses: 1) EFL students lack sufficient linguistic competence and are unable to use appropriate language structures to display various facts and attitudes toward them in professional communication until they are given a special ESP communicative course using the virtual education space; 2) The interactive approach to language teaching is more effective than the traditional one in the context of language acquisition, especially in the context of stressful situations and helps students overcome language and psychological barriers and motivate them for lifelong learning [9]. ...
Conference Paper
Higher education has moved to various online platforms in recent years, with virtual classes established following national norms during the COVID-19 pandemic and wartimes in Ukraine. Early engineering education, namely teaching ESP, is directly related to the development of soft skills like time management, teamwork, creative thinking, and digital literacy as well as practical talents like sketching, computer graphics, mechanism projecting, etc. This study examines qualitative data collected from second-year engineering students at the Higher Educational Institution “Podillia State University”, Ukraine. The paper is based on instructors’ thoughtful observations of instruction in both times of war and the COVID-19 pandemic. The research conclusions offer some important things to think about when assessing the virtual classroom long-term effects on language education and second-year study techniques. The results of this study showed that the use of technology in second-year engineering education, namely the TED Talks application, promoted creative teaching strategies, increased digital literacy, and improved teamwork. Even if online learning achieved its learning goals, there were drawbacks, such as social isolation and low motivation. The study highlights the value of looking at virtual language studios and integrating technology in early engineering education, providing chances for future research and curriculum development. These results are pertinent to educators worldwide who instruct second-year mechanical engineering students in ESP.
... The planning in Cycle 1 was informed by identified challenges impeding children's ability to focus and absorb information effectively, thus making it imperative to devise strategies that enhance engagement and attention. This interative approach, as noted by Giorgdze & Dgebuadze (2017) in their study on the impact of interactive learning methods, highlights the importance of dynamic teaching techniques in fostering sustained focus and active participation among learners. ...
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Background: Children may face a difficulty in maintaining concentration during learning sessions, a factor that varies among individuals. At TPA (Quranic Education Center) Uswatun Khasanah Banyusidi, Pakis, Magelang, students also encounter issues with concentration and focus in their studies. Objective: This study aims to achieve several objectives: (1) assess the level of a child's learning concentration, (2) explore how psychoeducation, using storytelling, movement games, and songs, can improve a child’s concentration, and and (3) evaluate the effectiveness of psychoeducation in enhancing a child’s learning concentration. Method: The research adopts a classroom action research design, comprising two cycles. The process involves planning, implementing interventions, observing outcomes, and reflecting on results. Results: After Cycle 1, 41.02% of children met the expected development criteria, increasing to 79.48% in Cycle 2, with 53.84% meeting expected development and 25.64% demonstrating excellent progress. Conclusion: The use of psychoeducation through storytelling, movement, and songs at TPA (Quranic Education Center) Uswatun Khasanah Dayugo has successfully improved children’s learning concentration in each session.Abstrak Latar Belakang: Anak mungkin mengalami kesulitan dalam menjaga konsentrasi saat pembelajaran, faktor yang berbeda-beda pada setiap individu. Di TPA (Pusat Pendidikan Al-Quran) Uswatun Khasanah Banyusidi, Pakis, Magelang, siswa juga mengalami kendala konsentrasi dan fokus dalam belajar. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencapai beberapa tujuan: (1) menilai tingkat konsentrasi belajar anak, (2) mengeksplorasi bagaimana psikoedukasi, dengan menggunakan bercerita, permainan gerak, dan lagu, dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi anak, dan (3) mengevaluasi efektivitas psikoedukasi dalam meningkatkan konsentrasi belajar anak. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian tindakan kelas, yang terdiri dari dua siklus. Prosesnya meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan intervensi, pengamatan hasil, dan refleksi hasil. Hasil: Setelah Siklus 1, 41,02% anak memenuhi kriteria perkembangan yang diharapkan, meningkat menjadi 79,48% pada Siklus 2, dengan 53,84% memenuhi perkembangan yang diharapkan dan 25,64% menunjukkan kemajuan sangat baik. Kesimpulan: Penggunaan psikoedukasi melalui bercerita, gerak, dan lagu di TPA (Pusat Pendidikan Quran) Uswatun Khasanah Dayugo berhasil meningkatkan konsentrasi belajar anak pada setiap sesinya.
... 3 Interactive learning methodologies promote better communication and interaction skills in students and are effective techniques of learning. 4 One important aspect in improving the quality of education is to improve the techniques designed for learning. Educators must adopt up-to-date teaching methods to reach this goal. ...
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Objective: To assess the effect of activity-based learning on students’ drive to acquire knowledge of the subject and enhance their academic performance.Methodology: A cross-sectional observational study was conducted among the students of a private medical college in Faisalabad, Pakistan. A total of 101 students of 3rd year MBBS of Aziz Fatimah Medical and Dental College were selected using non-probability sampling after informed consent. Data was collected after approval from Institutional Ethical Review Committee of AFMDC using a pretested self-structured questionnaire. Data analysis was done by the Statistical package for social sciences version 25.Results: Majority of the participants (56.4%) chose the Activity Based Learning (ABL) in small groups as their favorite learning methodology, followed by 18.8% (19 out of 101) who opted for ABL as a whole class. Approximately 59% students found ABL very interesting and useful while 41.5% of the participants considered ABL as a source of good understanding of the basic items/topics in forensic medicine. Similarly, majority of the participants were found completely motivated and satisfied with ABL and gained a lot, while 17.5% of the participants liked the traditional lecture-based system. Participants when asked about their opinion regarding implementing ABL in forensic medicine lecture, 80.5% supported ABL and responded that it should be continued. Conclusions: Our study showed that Activity Based Learning proved very helpful for the students in improving their academic knowledge.
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The main strategy of modern education should focus on the student's independent activity, the organization of self-learning environments and experimental and practical training, where students have a choice of actions and can use initiative—as well as flexible training programs where students can work in a comfortable rhythm. Today, we should talk about the use of interactive methods of training, which encourage interest in the profession; promote the efficient acquisition of training material; form patterns of conduct; provide high motivation, strength, knowledge, team spirit and freedom of expression; and most importantly, contribute to the complex competences of future specialists. We will give an overview of the modern teaching methods that are most widespread in the scientific and methodological literature and have the potential to form the competences of future professionals. The training, case study, behavioural modelling, peer feedback, play project, metaphor game, storytelling, basket and action learning methods—and their potential in professional training—are briefly described.
Interactive teaching-learning methods in the interdisciplinary approach of natural sciences from the mentor-teacher's perspective
  • C Atanasescu
  • F Dumitru
Atanasescu, C., Dumitru, F. Interactive teaching-learning methods in the interdisciplinary approach of natural sciences from the mentor-teacher's perspective. Available at: (03.09.2017)
Developing the critical thinking and efficient learning
  • Ion Dumitru
  • Al
Dumitru, Ion Al. (2000).Developing the critical thinking and efficient learning. Timișoara: West.Pp. 93-95
Modern methodological alternatives a challenge for the teaching activity
  • C Macarie
Macarie, C. (2005). Modern methodological alternatives a challenge for the teaching activity. Târgu-Jiu :Măiastra. Pp. 22-25
Modern methodological alternatives a challenge for the teaching activity
  • C Atanasescu
  • F Dumitru