As a consequence of its somewhat difficult access (limited road network) and a flora considered to be poorly diversified, eastern Morocco remains little attractive for botanists, and consequently its flora is poorly known. As a part of a research program on natural habitats and flora of this area, led by the Emirates Center for Wildlife Propagation, botanical surveys were performed in 2011 and 2012 in the Lamrija plain and northern slopes of the Debdou mountains. This article presents the most remarkable floristic observations resulting from these surveys (around 150 taxa): regionally new taxa (Africa, eastern Morocco) and rare taxa in Morocco. Numerous discoveries have been made in this area (15% of observed taxa are new or confirmed for eastern Morocco), in particular:
- 3 taxa new to science
- 1 taxon new to Africa
- 119 taxa new or confirmed from at least one biogeographical sector of eastern Morocco
- 4 endemic taxa recorded for the first time outside of their known distribution area of endemism.