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Co-designing energy landscapes: Application of participatory mapping and Geographic Information Systems in the exploration of low carbon futures



Renewable energy initiatives face opposition by local citizens, nature managers and others due to concerns over trade-offs between two groups of ecosystem services: provisioning (renewable energy supply) and cultural services (the right to the landscape). In order for any energy landscape to be considered sustainable, interventions must not cause critical trade-offs between the provision of renewable energy and the supply of other ecosystem services. Participative design processes are a promising strategy for facilitating a sustainable energy transition, especially in communities seeking self-sufficiency...
26. Co-designing energy landscapes: application
of participatory mapping and Geographic
Information Systems in the exploration of
low carbon futures
Sven Stremke and Paolo Picchi
Renewable energy initiatives face opposition by local citizens, nature managers and
others due to concerns over tradeoffs between two groups of ecosystem services: pro-
visioning (renewable energy supply) and cultural services (the right to the landscape)
(Nadaï and van der Horst, 2010). In order for any energy landscape to be considered sus-
tainable, interventions must not cause critical tradeoffs between the provision of renew-
able energy and the supply of other ecosystem services (Stremke, 2015). Participative
design processes are a promising strategy for facilitating a sustainable energy transition,
especially in communities seeking self-sufficiency (De Waal and Stremke, 2014; Picchi,
2015). In addition to conjoining quantitative research methods with qualitative design
inquiry, Von Haaren et al. (2014, p. 167) stress that a design approach to planning
has added values: ‘making invisible or hidden ecological processes “visible”; reconcil-
ing people with a “new” landscape, for instance with unaccustomed features such as
wind turbines; or raising consciousness about land degradation problems’. Despite the
increasing popularity of participatory approaches, only few inquiries include tradeoff
analysis between the provision of renewable energy (RE) and other ecosystem services
Participatory mapping (PM) is a key technique to conduct tradeoff analysis while co-
designing sustainable energy landscapes (SELs) with local communities. Stakeholders,
among others, participate in the mapping of ES ‘hot spots’ (Raymond et al., 2009).
Geographic Information System (GIS) software can be used to analyse the existing land-
scape and renewable energy potentials as well as to process stakeholder values and prefer-
ences with regard to landscape quality/ES supply (Brown and Reed, 2012; Fagerholm et
al., 2012), and renewable energy technologies, respectively. In this chapter, a framework
for co-designing SELs is introduced, departing from prior research on energy potential
mapping (EPM) (Van Den Dobbelsteen et al., 2011) and strategic design at the regional
scale (Stremke et al., 2012a, 2012b).
The chapter is structured as following. The second section presents a literature
review of EPM, ES assessment and PM. The third section introduces a framework for
co-designing a SEL with special attention to the use of PM and ES, and discusses key
opportunities and challenges associated with the approach. The final section concludes
this chapter.Throughout, we will make use of the abbreviations and definitions shown
in Table 26.1.
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landscape analysis
12 34 5
map illustrate
& compare
& compare
& compare
& compare
long-term interventions
ES hot spots
Energy potential maps workshop with stakeholders
green/blue network
historical landscape
energy vision 1
(large scale/
strong policies)
energy vision 2
(large scale/
few policies)
energy vision 3
(small scale/
few policies)
RET sites
tradeoffs ES/RE
present energy system
workshop with stakeholders
workshop with stakeholder
design principles
energy vision 4
(small scale/
strong policies)
near-future interventionsimmediate interventions
Figure 26.1 Introducing ES assessment and stakeholder preferences (orange boxes) into the Five-Step Approach
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374 Handbook on the geographies of energy
Mapping Near-future Developments
The guiding question of the second step is ‘How will the region change in the near-future?’
In order to answer that question, one must analyse current trends and policies, identify
planned developments and consult key decision-makers in the study region. Near-future
developments can be illustrated by means of a so-called ‘near-future base-map’. Many of
the near-future developments shown on such a map may not have left any marks in the
physical environment, yet will influence the spatial development of the landscape. The
second step is not affected by the inclusion of ES assessment; see Stremke et al. (2012a)
for a more detailed description.
Illustrating Possible Far-future Developments
The guiding question of step three is ‘What kinds of possible long-term developments are
expected in the study region, and at which locations?’ A selection of possible far-futures
can be studied by means of existing scenario studies.
In order to conduct a detailed inquiry on the relationships between RE and ES in
situations with limited resources and time, it is recommended to select the most likely
long-term socioeconomic scenario. This way, the effects of exogenous forces on the energy
system as well as ES can be examined. In any event, potential changes in energy use, both
in quality and quantity, have to be studied. The selected scenario storyline(s) can be illus-
trated by means of a scenario base-map(s). Note that more explicit scenario studies are
easier to concretize and illustrate. The analysis of existing context scenarios and mapping
of possible far-future developments can be conducted by experts and should be verified
by stakeholders. This is especially crucial if the resolution of the existing context scenario
study is coarse.
Composing Energy Visions and Assessing ES Tradeoffs
The objective of step four is to compose a set of energy visions. Each vision should reveal
‘How to turn a possible future into a desired future?’ This question needs to be further
specified to meet the objective of the respective study, in our case, exploring possible
pathways for the development of a SEL with special consideration of ES. It is important
to stress that the goal of this ‘exercise’ is not to render the ideal future, but to reveal dif-
ferent pathways of reaching a desired future. In order to identify a wide range of possible
interventions, while maintaining a sense of realism, we suggest conducting this normative
step in a trans-disciplinary manner. Workshops and design charettes can facilitate the col-
laboration between experts, decision-makers and stakeholders (Figure 26.2). The use of
SMCA can facilitate the process of producing energy visions.
In order to select and locate RET considering ES, a second PM exercise is needed.
Participants are now asked where RET should be sited, in order to reach a desired future
via multiple pathways (i.e. set of energy visions). The RET are represented by stickers of
different colors, each one representing a certain amount of RE supply. Each team is sup-
plied with different stickers representing a different mix of RES and relevant RET. The
objective is to locate all the stickers on a map to satisfy the targeted total energy supply.
This activity can be facilitated through the use of digital map tables (Figure 26.2).
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Co-designing energy landscapes 375
The RET stickers located by each group of stakeholders are geo-referenced in GIS by
means of dots. Through a grid representing a land use base unit, it is possible to evaluate
the level of density of all the dots (Bryan et al., 2010; Fagerholm et al., 2012). Dots are
then grouped as vertices of polygons according to the following criteria: (a) dots should
be in adjacent cells of the grid, and (b) dots should represent 50 percent +1 of the pref-
erences. It is then possible to individuate the centroids of the polygons. The centroid is
used as the center of a circular buffer corresponding to the approximated area needed for
the spatial installation of RET per targeted amount of energy. The buffers represent the
preferred areas where RET should be located.
Then the tradeoff between the RE and the ES supplies are evaluated through an expert
panel (Figure 26.4). The spatial reference systems for the tradeoff assessment are LU/LC
classes and features of the landscape infrastructure. By overlaying the RET buffers and
the ES hot spots areas from step 1 (the matrix approach; see Burkhard et al., 2012) it is
possible to detect potential spatial tradeoff or synergies between RET and ES in coin-
cidence with specific LU/LC classes and features of the landscape infrastructure. The
matrix is built with LU/LC and landscape infrastructure elements on the y-axis and the
ES on the x-axis. Each cell of the matrix expresses the spatial tradeoff or synergy between
a particular ES and a RET on a specific LU/LC or in relation to a specific landscape
Source: Authors.
Figure 26.2 Photograph of a workshop session with a so-called map table, a large touch
screen that is used by the participants to select and site RET
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376 Handbook on the geographies of energy
infrastructure feature. Tradeoffs or synergies are expressed by a range of five values
(Jackson et al., 2013) (Figure 26.3).
Specifying Spatial Interventions
The final question that needs to be answered in the envisioning process is ‘Which possible
intervention should be implemented?’ Possible energy-conscious interventions should be
identified and illustrated in a comprehensive manner. Maps, tables and reference images
are helpful in the discussion with decision-makers.
In order to further examine stakeholder preferences regarding ES and RET, expressed
during the PM, landscape design principles must be sketched, visually represented
and discussed with stakeholders. One design principle for photovoltaic (PV) parks, for
example, can be that these should not be located along dikes in order to preserve the
cultural value of this landscape feature. Instead, PV parks should be located on arable
land with low soil quality where it does not afflict the cultural value and the landscape
connectivity. Design principles can afflict or enhance the ES supply, or convert a potential
tradeoff between RE and ES into a synergy.
It is important to stress that it might be necessary to limit the number of energy visions
examined on the basis of stakeholder preferences in step 5 in order to allow a thorough
study of ES/RE relations. Once stakeholder preferences with regards to landscape design
principles are known, additional visions can be assessed (Figure 26.4).
The argumentations made in this chapter show how the introduction of ES assessment
is beneficial to the co-designing of SELs. Mutual benefits emerge once the domains of
ES and RE are approached in a concerted manner. Our proposed modified Five-Step
Approach continues to allow for the inclusion of uncertain developments while accom-
modating stakeholder values and preferences in the envisioning process. The chapter
illustrates that co-designing energy landscapes together with the stakeholder can help to
better understand and manage tradeoffs between ES. Reciprocally, the adoption of an
ES approach in the design process enhances the formulation of stakeholder-supported
visions and identification of robust spatial interventions that, together, can foster the
transition to a low carbon future.
Recently conducted analysis shows how relevant cultural ES are for many stakeholders
Strong tracle-o light tracle-o neutral light synergy strong synergy
Figure 26.3 The range of five values representing possible relationship between RET and
ES (tradeoff or synergy)
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Co-designing energy landscapes 377
(e.g. Picchi, 2015). This is exactly why future research should examine whether PM and
valuation of landscape views by stakeholders can further advance co-design processes. A
second challenge that deserves attention is the potential use of SMCA software during the
envisioning process. Several existing tools make use of GIS (Resch et al., 2014) but appli-
cation is somewhat limited. Interactive and real-time tradeoff analysis, employed during
participatory workshops, might further advance the understanding and, ultimately, the
appreciation of ecosystem services by stakeholders. A third effort relates to the communi-
cation of potential landscape changes. Easy-to-use, intuitive and photorealistic visualiza-
tion tools that can illustrate the effects of alternative design principles in the landscape
are needed. Fortunately, we are witnessing great technological advancements and a much
needed paradigm shift from static 3D visualization to animated pictures accompanied
by sound. How else can we be sure that envisioned energy-conscious interventions in the
physical landscape do not cause critical tradeoffs between provisioning and cultural ES
or, to put it simply, that we are indeed developing the appreciated cultural landscapes of
the future?
energy vision
expert panel
sustainable energy landscape
planning and design
RET buffers
participatory mapping
participatory design principles
spatial interventions
ES hot spots
Figure 26.4 In step 4, experts analyse the spatial tradeoff between RET and ES. In
step 5, the energy visions are further specified by means of spatially explicit
design principles and concrete spatial interventions.
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378 Handbook on the geographies of energy
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... (Boomen et al, 2014, p.128-129;Psarra et al, 2021). For citations to the four steps see text below and (Davoudi et al., 2009;Costanza et al., 2017;Hallegatte, 2009;Helmrich & Chester, 2020;Grimm et al., 1997;Wilson & Piper, 2010;Porter & de Roo, 2012;Stremke & Picchi, 2017). ...
... Specifically, in the divergence phase, a systematic spatial analysis takes place, aiming at the ecosystem services identification. Ecosystem services are defined as the benefits people obtain from ecosystems (Costanza et al., 2017;Stremke & Picchi, 2017), consisting of the provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural ecosystem services. Specifically, examples of provisioning services are food and water; supporting services refer to soil formation and nutrient cycling; regulating services are related to regulation of floods, drought and land degradation; while cultural services correspond to recreational, spiritual and other non-material benefits. ...
... In the following, we will unpack the theoretical framework for the development of scenarios for building carbon-neutral energy landscapes and expound on the conceptual and normative premises underlying our modelling. In scientific literature, land use systems that are primarily related to the energy sector are referred to as energy landscapes (Apostol et al., 2017;Calvert et al., 2019;Stremke and Picchi, 2017). If we want to delve deeper into the spatial dimensions of carbon-neutral energy landscapes, it is important to understand that this type of landscape can emerge from very different types of "human expression" (Berger and Luckmann, 2010, 36). ...
... Participation in the form of co-creation or co-designing is discussed by scholars (e.g. [8]) and policy makers (e.g. [9,10]) as an important ingredient for the development of renewable energy projects. ...
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Public participation in renewable energy projects is required in The Netherlands, as it is key to a socially just energy transition which embraces local and societal concerns. Participatory design processes can address the call for public participation and achieve qualitative aims stated in policy guidelines. However, todays permit procedures of local authorities focus on technical and economic factors, while other societal concerns seem to disappear in the development process of solar power plants (SPPs). In this study, we unravel the participatory design processes of three Dutch cases to explore their benefits and limitations, and implications for future policies. We find that local inhabitants have a strong position in these processes. Moreover, we find an imbalance of proposed measures materializing in the final design. Although there is attention for societal concerns beyond those of the local inhabitants, measures that address societal concerns are more frequently altered or removed. This is mainly due to economic factors and a conventional approach to SPP development as monofunctional land-use. Based on our research, we argue for redressing the balance between the concerns of local inhabitants, such as nuisance, and broader societal concerns, such as biodiversity and landscape quality. We recommend improving policy, or directly changing subsidy requirements, to ensure a better balance of involved stakeholder groups and their possibilities to participate and affect the decision-making in SPP design processes. This would foster trajectories towards more environmental sustainable and socially just deployment of renewable energy technologies for the energy transition.
... They argued that incorporating these factors into participatory design processes can increase local support for SPP development. Moreover, the manner of how an initiative is developed often matters in the sustainability of its development [27], which suggests the value in embracing local stakeholders as participants in the design process [30]. Previous research has shown that early participation can positively influence local acceptance of renewable energy projects [31][32][33], as this can lead to a more positive perception of outcomes by participants. ...
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The current approach to developing renewable energy projects often faces local opposition and has been said to increase injustice. One way of addressing procedural justice is to include local stakeholders in the design process. However, it can be difficult for lay audiences to understand the technical complexities of solar power plants. We built a full-scale prototype to support a participatory design process with local stakeholders and used engaged action research to examine the influence of this prototype on local acceptance in one real-life case in The Netherlands. The prototype helped to break the status quo bias. Furthermore, the study shows that well-designed participatory processes can aid understanding and help provide local stakeholders with possibilities to affect outcomes. Such processes can contribute to the legitimacy of the development of solar power plants and, in this case, increase local support for the development.
... They argued that incorporating these factors into participatory design processes can increase local support for SPP development. Moreover, the manner of how an initiative is developed often matters in the sustainability of its development [27], which suggests the value in embracing local stakeholders as participants in the design process [30]. Previous research has shown that early participation can positively influence local acceptance of renewable energy projects [31][32][33], as this can lead to a more positive perception of outcomes by participants. ...
People often oppose the implementation of flood mitigation measures based on concerns about “spatial quality” (SQ). SQ can be an ambiguous concept, which can function as boundary object that unites stakeholders from various backgrounds. Yet, the ambiguity of SQ can also be misused to justify particular interests, result in unmet expectations and lead to miscommunication. To contribute to the understanding, communication and implementation of SQ in flood risk management projects, this study systematically reviewed the use of SQ in the literature. The first part of this review resulted in the identification of 19 aspects categorized into four dimensions of SQ: experiential , use , ecological , and long‐term quality . Based on these dimensions , we found in the second part of this review that SQ is understood either as (1) experiential quality only, (2) the combination of experiential , use , and ecological quality , and (3) the combination of all four dimensions . The review illustrates that the understanding of SQ is related to several context characteristics, including the country of author affiliation and the prominent school of thought with regards to objectivity and subjectivity. For example, only authors affiliated with Dutch institutions take into account all four dimensions of SQ. To bridge between these different understandings of SQ, this study provides a framework with a set of terms that can be used for the development of a shared language for SQ, ultimately fostering the implementation of this concept in flood risk management projects. This article is categorized under: Engineering Water > Planning Water
... This aligns with what Bridge [9] refers to as material differentiation, where the spatial properties of an SPP serve as markers to 'specify certain qualities'. An overview of different spatial configurations of SPPs is needed to foster the inclusion of societal considerations in evidence-based and transparent decision making processes [37][38][39]. ...
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Development of ground-mounted solar power plants (SPP) is no longer limited to remote and low population density areas, but arrives in urban and rural landscapes where people live, work and recreate. Societal considerations are starting to change the physical appearance of SPPs, leading to so-called multifunctional SPPs. In addition to electricity production, multifunctional SPP produce food, deliver benefits for flora and fauna, mitigate visual impact or preserve cultural heritage. In this paper, we systematically examine the different spatial configurations of multifunctional SPPs that reflect a range of contemporary societal considerations. The purpose of this research is to create and test an SPP typology that can support evidence-based and transparent decision-making processes, from location finding to implementation. Comparative case analysis, expert interviews and questionnaires are used to distinguish different types of SPP. We propose a typology that consists of four dimensions: energy, economic, nature and landscape. These dimensions lead to three main types of multifunctional SPP: mixed-production, nature-inclusive, landscape-inclusive, and their combinations. This typology supports decision-making processes on solar power plants and adds to the existing (solar) energy landscape vocabulary. In doing so, the research supports the transformation of energy systems in a way that meets both the quantitative goals and qualitative considerations by society.
... Scognamiglio [32] stresses the importance of landscape design and the potential effect of design on the local support of in her case solar power plants. Additionally, Stremke & Picchi [65] address the possibilities of co-designing renewable energy landscapes and stress the importance of including all local stakeholders during this process. The limited literature and empirical research on the connection between landscape design and acceptance of renewable energy demonstrates a clear knowledge gap. ...
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The local implementation of renewable energy projects often faces opposition. The landscape transformation that comes with the transition to renewables is one of the key counter-arguments of local stakeholders. In this article, we examine the relation between research on ‘designing landscape transformations’ and ‘acceptance of renewable energy projects’; whether and how these bodies of knowledge may complement each other. The systematic literature review revealed that acceptance studies and landscape design studies describe 25 similar factors that influence acceptance. The majority of these factors are somewhat general in nature, such as economic benefits, visual impact, and aesthetics. Additionally, we found 45 unique factors in acceptance studies and sixteen unique factors in landscape design studies. Furthermore, we found differences in distribution of factors when categorizing and comparing them by means of two conceptual frameworks. Moreover, the emphasis in peer-reviewed literature differs significantly from laypersons, which is challenging the current research agenda on landscape transformation and acceptance of renewable energy. The findings and the knowledge lacunas provide clear avenues for a shared research agenda. Future research needs to examine the influence of involving landscape designers on the acceptance of renewable energy projects and the effects of more inclusive design processes on factors such as trust.
... To this end, a spatial categorization based on the ecosystem services approach is proposed. Ecosystem services are defined as the benefits people obtain from ecosystems [19,51,52]. This study focuses on three groups of ecosystem services that relate to the spatial-systemic sphere [53] (namely, provisioning, regulating, and supporting ecosystem services) and one ecosystem service (cultural) linked to the mental-social sphere [54]. ...
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The purpose of this paper is to propose a research by design strategy, focusing on the generation of innovative climate adaptation solutions by utilizing the Design Thinking Process. The proposed strategy has been developed and tested in a research and design studio, which took place in 2020 at a Master of Architecture degree program in the Netherlands. The studios focused on the sparsely populated, high flood risk region of the Lake District, UK. The Lake District faces urgent climate change challenges that demand effective solutions. On the other hand, the area is a UNESCO heritage site, characterized by massive tourism and tending towards museumification (sic). Three indicative design research projects were selected to illustrate the proposed research by design strategy. The results reveal that this strategy facilitates the iterative research by design process and hence offers a systematic approach to convert the threats of climate change into opportunities by unraveling the potentials of the study area. The findings lay the groundwork for more systematic studies on research by design as an effective strategy for climate change adaptation design. Beyond the local case, the results contribute to the critical theories on climate adaptation design and research by design methodologies.
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With the Paris Agreement, it was decided to limit global warming to below two degrees. Hence, national governments are currently confronted with the challenge of implementing concrete climate protection measures. This poses a major challenge especially for Germany, as the phase-out of low-emission nuclear energy additionally increases the pressure to rapidly promote the expansion of renewable energies. Unfortunately, there is a great variety of potential regional energy strategies, which differ considerably in terms of landscape implications. Therefore, we analysed the spatial restructuring of energy supply and the associated social conflicts. To do so, we modelled potential regional energy landscapes that can be derived from the two-degree target and visualised them based on Geographical Information Systems by using five scenarios involving changes to the planning guidelines. The analyses reveal that the development of a carbon-neutral energy system is possible. Yet the potential spatial patterns of renewable energies differ considerably. Furthermore, it becomes obvious that spatial planning must take greater account of the perspectives of those social groups facing the installation of renewable energies in the very vicinity of their own living environment.
Competing land-use demands associated with planning for renewables is resulting in growing social and political challenges. Spatial decision-support tools are being developed and applied to tackle some of these challenges by facilitating systematic identification of suitable development sites based on technical, environmental and socio-economic criteria. Nevertheless, decision-support tools are often developed with limited input from stakeholders affecting participative and accountable planning and decision-making. This paper aims to address this shortcoming and foster greater transparency in the development of support tools for renewable energy planning, and thus in siting decisions. It present and discusses a stakeholder-driven approach to the co-creation of an online decision-support tool that attends to planning policy, technical considerations, environmental protection and social concerns influencing renewable energy planning decisions in Ireland. This bottom-up approach, easily transferable to other jurisdictions, fosters proactive expert input, awareness raising and greater comprehensibility and acceptance of siting decisions. It also enables developing an interface that responds to users’ needs. The paper contributes to advancing renewable energy planning practice through effective and meaningful stakeholder engagement that supports transparent and accountable decisions from the outset. It also highlights ongoing data and technological shortcomings affecting the integration and operationalisation of stakeholders demands and needs, which signal priority areas of action to further advance the development of renewable energy decision-support tools.
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While the transition towards more sustainable energy systems is a pursuit across all scales, Sven Stremke argues that the regional scale is the most appropriate for the planning and design of sustainable “energy landscapes”—in which infrastructure manifests as the physical artifacts of this transition...
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Since the beginning of the new millennium, the concept of “energy landscape” is being discussed by academia from the environmental design domain while more and more practitioners have been contributing to sustainable energy transition. Yet, there remains some ambiguity as to what exactly is meant with the notion of “energy landscape” and, most importantly, how to shape landscapes that do not merely accommodate renewable energy technologies but that can be considered sustainable. The main objective of this entry is to advance a conceptual framework that can inform a sustainable implementation of energy transition in the physical realm. To this end, the ecosystem services framework provides useful structure because many energy technologies can be associated with particular services. However, not every aspect of sustainable energy transition can be expressed by means of that framework (e.g., access to affordable energy). The conceptual framework for the planning and design of sustainable energy landscapes proposed here consists of four dimensions (sustainable technical, environmental, sociocultural, and economical). Each dimension, in turn, contains a number of “core” sustainability criteria that are non-negotiable and other criteria that have to be discussed, weighted, and prioritized by stakeholders and experts for each specific situation.
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As photovoltaic (PV) systems have become less expensive, building rooftops have come to be attractive for local power production. Identifying rooftops suitable for solar energy systems over large geographic areas is needed for cities to obtain more accurate assessments of production potential and likely patterns of development. This paper presents a new method for extracting roof segments and locating suitable areas for PV systems using Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) data and building footprints. Rooftop segments are created using seven slope (tilt), five aspect (azimuth) classes and 6 different building types. Moreover, direct beam shading caused by nearby objects and the surrounding terrain is taken into account on a monthly basis. Finally, the method is implemented as an ArcGIS model in ModelBuilder and a tool is created. In order to show its validity, the method is applied to city of Philadelphia, PA, USA with the criteria of slope, aspect, shading and area used to locate suitable areas for PV system installation. The results show that 33.7% of the buildings footprints areas and 48.6% of the rooftop segments identified is suitable for PV systems. Overall, this study provides a replicable model using commercial software that is capable of extracting individual roof segments with more detailed criteria across an urban area.
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Governments adopt strategies to follow the objective Europe 2020 and focus on the development of Renewable Energy Technologies, RET, to improve the transition of the production of energy from fossil fuels sources to renewable energy sources, RES. More than decades before, the energy transition towards renewable energies emerges as a relevant objective of the European governments. The fluctuating prices of oil and the uncertainty on the future supply of fossil fuels open new challenges for communities to actuate an energy transition towards RES. The RET can afflict deeply the landscape structure and by this point of view the energy transition is one of the most relevant drivers in the landscape change of the last three decades. In several cases energy transition may face opposition from regions and communities because of the change that RET produce in local landscapes and related economic, cultural and ecological functions. This change has been defined as a conflict between the local narrative of the right to the landscape by local communities and the global narrative that aims at a low carbon future. Exploring the relationship between Ecosystem Services (ES) and Renewable Energy (RE), the conflict among a global perspective and a local perspective has been resumed by several authors as a trade-off among provisioning and regulating ES from one side and cultural ES from the other. The overcoming of this conflict can be based on bottom-up processes that enhance the energy transition starting by local organizations of communities that want to reach a self-sufficieny in renewable energy supply. Transition management is possible if we produce innovation at local scale. An ES approach supports the transition management and the envisioning future energy landscapes by offering transparent trade-offs, exposing risks and benefits. If societies produce clean energy it may happen that RET afflict other ES. The main paradigm for the sustainability of a energy landscape is that the introduction of RET should not cause crucial trade-offs among the other ES, this is why this research wants to study this relationship, as several authors have already stressed. By the literature review it is possible to state a general gap of knowledge in integrated approaches in the evaluation of RET, considering diverse RES and ES provided by the landscape and evaluating a trade-off through a participatory process. To fulfill such gap and produce an enhancement of knowledge, this research follows the main objective of introducing a trade-off analysis into a design approach to formulate long-term visions for sustainable energy landscapes. The results we got indicate that it is possible to plan and design with the ES sustainable energy landscape.This process facilitates a sustainable energy transition of communities through a participatory landscape design that reduce the trade-off between the Renewable Energy and the ES supplies.
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In the face of the broad political call for an “energy turnaround”, we are currently witnessing three essential trends with regard to energy infrastructure planning, energy generation and storage: from planned production towards fluctuating production on the basis of renewable energy sources, from centralized generation towards decentralized generation and from expensive energy carriers towards cost-free energy carriers. These changes necessitate considerable modifications of the energy infrastructure. Even though most of these modifications are inherently motivated by geospatial questions and challenges, the integration of energy system models and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is still in its infancy. This paper analyzes the shortcomings of previous approaches in using GIS in renewable energy-related projects, extracts distinct challenges from these previous efforts and, finally, defines a set of core future research avenues for GIS-based energy infrastructure planning with a focus on the use of renewable energy. These future research avenues comprise the availability base data and their “geospatial awareness”, the development of a generic and unified data model, the usage of volunteered geographic information (VGI) and crowdsourced data in analysis processes, the integration of 3D building models and 3D data analysis, the incorporation of network topologies into GIS, the harmonization of the heterogeneous views on aggregation issues in the fields of energy and GIS, fine-grained energy demand estimation from freely-available data sources, decentralized storage facility planning, the investigation of GIS-based public participation mechanisms, the transition from purely structural to operational planning, data privacy aspects and, finally, the development of a new dynamic power market design.
The transition from fossil fuel to renewable energy sources is one of the greatest challenges of the 21st Century. Landscape and energy is a book about the effect of this transition on our environment. The options and choices for an emerging 'post-fossiel energy landscape' are elaborated in a variety of case study designs on the level of scales of Europe, four regions and the individual household.The challenges receive due attention in a series of essays on mobility, the economic transition, the role of politics, technical developments and constraints and the psychology of the transition. Ultimately, the transition from fossil fuels to renewable sources proves to be much more than a technical task for professionals. On closer consideration, the energy transition above all is a cultural task that affects everyone.
The paper introduces and discusses an open-source spatial-based model (called able to quantify the energy production from solar photovoltaic (PV) ground-mounted panels. Socio-economic and environmental impacts can be evaluated by the model. The model starts from the theoretical quantity of solar PV potential energy and estimates a reduction of total amount of energy based on legal, technical, recommended and economic constraints. Model outputs were used for a trade-off analysis between energy production and traditional crops for food/feed cultivation on not irrigated arable land. The model was tested at regional level for a Mediterranean context (Italy). The results confirm that the economic profitability of PV systems follows a north-south gradient, but the main impacts are related to local peculiarities – such as the disposal of not irrigated arable land and the presence of constraints, in particular the landscape maintenance, the morphological variables and the specialization index – and crop yields.
Renewable energy sources (RES) can undoubtedly contribute to protecting the environment and conserving fossil fuels, as well as enhancing regional and rural development opportunities. However, every energy production process affects the environment and involves the use of land resources. The risks linked to intensified RES use should be adequately taken into consideration in any planning process, as ill-conceived energy policies may adversely impact land and local ecosystems, and lead to increases in public spending. Therefore, before designing any instruments for the regulation of both RES and land-use, the most essential step is to explore investment possibilities in different contexts. This paper intends to locate and quantify the potentials of biomass, wind and solar as well as to explore some of the potential planning issues associated with their development. The methods and findings presented in this paper may help to build a vision for the development of an optimal RES portfolio and to highlight emerging problems associated with RES deployment.
The article presents a multicriteria assessment framework for the qualitative estimation of regional potentials to provide ecosystem services as a prerequisite to support regional development planning. We applied this approach to a model region in Saxony, Eastern Germany. For the estimation of the potentials of the model region to provide ecosystem services, we used a modified approach compared to the Millenium Ecosystem Assessment (2005). We then employed a benefit transfer and a purely expert driven approach to assess contribution of the land cover classes in our model region to the provision of ecosystem services. In a subsequent step, the services in our set were combined to ecosystem services groups that were designed together with regional actors, while considering their ideas, concerns and experiences in regional decision making. The latter was analyzed in a weighting experiment, in which different weighting approaches were tested. Based upon this, we analyzed the performance of the model region to provide ecosystem services and generated ecosystem services distribution maps. We could show that the different data gathering methods “benefit transfer” and “expert-based assessment” have a considerable impact on the evaluation outcomes. The results of our study show that the combination of selected services and land cover data can contribute to regional planning by communicating the effect of land cover change on ecosystem services groups, especially when applied as an evaluation basis in the tool Pimp Your Landscape (PYL). The approach supports also the assessment of the performance of a region to provide ecosystem services and the comparison of regions towards this aspect. Finally, we discuss the limitations of our approach that are related to coarse land cover data, lacking knowledge on the provision of ecosystem services at a landscape scale, and the difficulty to make relevant the ecosystem services concept in regional planning processes.