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The Greenhouse Gas Accounting of A Public Organization: The Case of A Public University in Thailand.


Abstract and Figures

The Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) accounting of the organizations is on the public focus in recent years since it reflects the contribution of the organization to the climate change. In this study, the emissions due to the energy related activities of a University in Thailand is assessed and reported as the performance measurement of the organization in term of the GHG emissions. The study covers two categories of emissions, scope 1 and 2, which are related to the energy use. For scope 1 source, the emission is mainly from the direct emissions of the fuel combustion by the University car fleet. On the other hand, scope 2 emissions are caused by the electricity consumption which is considered the indirect emissions. According to the study, the assessment results show that the emission due to the electricity use is significantly higher than that from the transportation. The time frame of study period covers the second semester of the academic year 2016 (January to May 2017) and the functional unit is the number of student, both full-time and part-time, who enrolled in the semester. The Carbon footprint of the University is illustrated as the total amount of GHG emission divided by the number of student and it is equal to 64.02 kgCO2/student.
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Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
1876-6102 © 2017The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling.
The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and Cooling
Assessing the feasibility of using the heat demand-outdoor
temperature function for a long-term district heat demand forecast
I. Andrića,b,c*, A. Pinaa, P. Ferrãoa, J. Fournierb., B. Lacarrièrec, O. Le Correc
aIN+ Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research -Instituto Superior Técnico,Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal
bVeolia Recherche & Innovation,291 Avenue Dreyfous Daniel, 78520 Limay, France
cDépartement Systèmes Énergétiques et Environnement -IMT Atlantique, 4 rue Alfred Kastler, 44300 Nantes, France
District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the
greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned through the heat
sales. Due to the changed climate conditions and building renovation policies, heat demand in the future could decrease,
prolonging the investment return period.
The main scope of this paper is to assess the feasibility of using the heat demand outdoor temperature function for heat demand
forecast. The district of Alvalade, located in Lisbon (Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665
buildings that vary in both construction period and typology. Three weather scenarios (low, medium, high) and three district
renovation scenarios were developed (shallow, intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were
compared with results from a dynamic heat demand model, previously developed and validated by the authors.
The results showed that when only weather change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications
(the error in annual demand was lower than 20% for all weather scenarios considered). However, after introducing renovation
scenarios, the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered).
The value of slope coefficient increased on average within the range of 3.8% up to 8% per decade, that corresponds to the
decrease in the number of heating hours of 22-139h during the heating season (depending on the combination of weather and
renovation scenarios considered). On the other hand, function intercept increased for 7.8-12.7% per decade (depending on the
coupled scenarios). The values suggested could be used to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and
improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific Committee of The 15th International Symposium on District Heating and
Keywords: Heat demand; Forecast; Climate change
Energy Procedia 141 (2017) 672–676
1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 4th International Conference on Power and Energy
Systems Engineering.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientic committee of the 4th International Conference on Power and Energy
Systems Engineering.
Available online at
Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CPESE 2017.
4th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering, CPESE 2017, 25-29
September 2017, Berlin, Germany
The Greenhouse Gas Accounting of A Public Organization: The
Case of A Public University in Thailand.
Karin Kandananond*
Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University, Prathumthani, Thailand 13180
The Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) accounting of the organizations is on the public focus in recent years since it reflects the
contribution of the organization to the climate change. In this study, the emissions due to the energy related activities of a
University in Thailand is assessed and reported as the performance measurement of the organization in term of the GHG
emissions. The study covers two categories of emissions, scope 1 and 2, which are related to the energy use. For scope 1 source,
the emission is mainly from the direct emissions of the fuel combustion by the University car fleet. On the other hand, scope 2
emissions are caused by the electricity consumption which is considered the indirect emissions. According to the study, the
assessment results show that the emission due to the electricity use is significantly higher than that from the transportation. The
time frame of study period covers the second semester of the academic year 2016 (January to May 2017) and the functional unit
is the number of student, both full-time and part-time, who enrolled in the semester. The Carbon footprint of the University is
illustrated as the total amount of GHG emission divided by the number of student and it is equal to 64.02 kgCO2/student.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CPESE 2017.
Keywords: Carbon footprint; Electricity; Fuel; University.
1. Introduction
The Carbon footprint has come into the focus at the international level in the past 10 years and it is proved to be
an important piece of puzzles assisting to create the awareness among people of how the greenhouse gas (GHG)
affects the climate change. At the beginning, the Carbon footprint focuses only on the GHG released for the whole
life cycle of individual, a product or an event and it leads to the introduction of Carbon footprint label. However,
currently, the footprint is also extended to the activities of the organization because many organizations play have
contributed a significant amount of the GHG emissions. Obviously, there are many cases that the GHG of
organizations is higher than the emission of a whole country. As a result, the issue regarding the disclosure of GHG
emissions among the organizations is extensively discussed since it also reflects the corporate responsibility towards
the environmental protection and climate change as well.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +66-81-8077706;.
E-mail address:
Available online at
Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CPESE 2017.
4th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering, CPESE 2017, 25-29
September 2017, Berlin, Germany
The Greenhouse Gas Accounting of A Public Organization: The
Case of A Public University in Thailand.
Karin Kandananond*
Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University, Prathumthani, Thailand 13180
The Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) accounting of the organizations is on the public focus in recent years since it reflects the
contribution of the organization to the climate change. In this study, the emissions due to the energy related activities of a
University in Thailand is assessed and reported as the performance measurement of the organization in term of the GHG
emissions. The study covers two categories of emissions, scope 1 and 2, which are related to the energy use. For scope 1 source,
the emission is mainly from the direct emissions of the fuel combustion by the University car fleet. On the other hand, scope 2
emissions are caused by the electricity consumption which is considered the indirect emissions. According to the study, the
assessment results show that the emission due to the electricity use is significantly higher than that from the transportation. The
time frame of study period covers the second semester of the academic year 2016 (January to May 2017) and the functional unit
is the number of student, both full-time and part-time, who enrolled in the semester. The Carbon footprint of the University is
illustrated as the total amount of GHG emission divided by the number of student and it is equal to 64.02 kgCO2/student.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CPESE 2017.
Keywords: Carbon footprint; Electricity; Fuel; University.
1. Introduction
The Carbon footprint has come into the focus at the international level in the past 10 years and it is proved to be
an important piece of puzzles assisting to create the awareness among people of how the greenhouse gas (GHG)
affects the climate change. At the beginning, the Carbon footprint focuses only on the GHG released for the whole
life cycle of individual, a product or an event and it leads to the introduction of Carbon footprint label. However,
currently, the footprint is also extended to the activities of the organization because many organizations play have
contributed a significant amount of the GHG emissions. Obviously, there are many cases that the GHG of
organizations is higher than the emission of a whole country. As a result, the issue regarding the disclosure of GHG
emissions among the organizations is extensively discussed since it also reflects the corporate responsibility towards
the environmental protection and climate change as well.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +66-81-8077706;.
E-mail address:
Available online at
Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CPESE 2017.
4th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering, CPESE 2017, 25-29
September 2017, Berlin, Germany
The Greenhouse Gas Accounting of A Public Organization: The
Case of A Public University in Thailand.
Karin Kandananond*
Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University, Prathumthani, Thailand 13180
The Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) accounting of the organizations is on the public focus in recent years since it reflects the
contribution of the organization to the climate change. In this study, the emissions due to the energy related activities of a
University in Thailand is assessed and reported as the performance measurement of the organization in term of the GHG
emissions. The study covers two categories of emissions, scope 1 and 2, which are related to the energy use. For scope 1 source,
the emission is mainly from the direct emissions of the fuel combustion by the University car fleet. On the other hand, scope 2
emissions are caused by the electricity consumption which is considered the indirect emissions. According to the study, the
assessment results show that the emission due to the electricity use is significantly higher than that from the transportation. The
time frame of study period covers the second semester of the academic year 2016 (January to May 2017) and the functional unit
is the number of student, both full-time and part-time, who enrolled in the semester. The Carbon footprint of the University is
illustrated as the total amount of GHG emission divided by the number of student and it is equal to 64.02 kgCO2/student.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CPESE 2017.
Keywords: Carbon footprint; Electricity; Fuel; University.
1. Introduction
The Carbon footprint has come into the focus at the international level in the past 10 years and it is proved to be
an important piece of puzzles assisting to create the awareness among people of how the greenhouse gas (GHG)
affects the climate change. At the beginning, the Carbon footprint focuses only on the GHG released for the whole
life cycle of individual, a product or an event and it leads to the introduction of Carbon footprint label. However,
currently, the footprint is also extended to the activities of the organization because many organizations play have
contributed a significant amount of the GHG emissions. Obviously, there are many cases that the GHG of
organizations is higher than the emission of a whole country. As a result, the issue regarding the disclosure of GHG
emissions among the organizations is extensively discussed since it also reflects the corporate responsibility towards
the environmental protection and climate change as well.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +66-81-8077706;.
E-mail address:
Available online at
Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CPESE 2017.
4th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering, CPESE 2017, 25-29
September 2017, Berlin, Germany
The Greenhouse Gas Accounting of A Public Organization: The
Case of A Public University in Thailand.
Karin Kandananond*
Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University, Prathumthani, Thailand 13180
The Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) accounting of the organizations is on the public focus in recent years since it reflects the
contribution of the organization to the climate change. In this study, the emissions due to the energy related activities of a
University in Thailand is assessed and reported as the performance measurement of the organization in term of the GHG
emissions. The study covers two categories of emissions, scope 1 and 2, which are related to the energy use. For scope 1 source,
the emission is mainly from the direct emissions of the fuel combustion by the University car fleet. On the other hand, scope 2
emissions are caused by the electricity consumption which is considered the indirect emissions. According to the study, the
assessment results show that the emission due to the electricity use is significantly higher than that from the transportation. The
time frame of study period covers the second semester of the academic year 2016 (January to May 2017) and the functional unit
is the number of student, both full-time and part-time, who enrolled in the semester. The Carbon footprint of the University is
illustrated as the total amount of GHG emission divided by the number of student and it is equal to 64.02 kgCO2/student.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CPESE 2017.
Keywords: Carbon footprint; Electricity; Fuel; University.
1. Introduction
The Carbon footprint has come into the focus at the international level in the past 10 years and it is proved to be
an important piece of puzzles assisting to create the awareness among people of how the greenhouse gas (GHG)
affects the climate change. At the beginning, the Carbon footprint focuses only on the GHG released for the whole
life cycle of individual, a product or an event and it leads to the introduction of Carbon footprint label. However,
currently, the footprint is also extended to the activities of the organization because many organizations play have
contributed a significant amount of the GHG emissions. Obviously, there are many cases that the GHG of
organizations is higher than the emission of a whole country. As a result, the issue regarding the disclosure of GHG
emissions among the organizations is extensively discussed since it also reflects the corporate responsibility towards
the environmental protection and climate change as well.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +66-81-8077706;.
E-mail address:
Available online at
Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
1876-6102 © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CPESE 2017.
4th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering, CPESE 2017, 25-29
September 2017, Berlin, Germany
The Greenhouse Gas Accounting of A Public Organization: The
Case of A Public University in Thailand.
Karin Kandananond*
Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University, Prathumthani, Thailand 13180
The Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) accounting of the organizations is on the public focus in recent years since it reflects the
contribution of the organization to the climate change. In this study, the emissions due to the energy related activities of a
University in Thailand is assessed and reported as the performance measurement of the organization in term of the GHG
emissions. The study covers two categories of emissions, scope 1 and 2, which are related to the energy use. For scope 1 source,
the emission is mainly from the direct emissions of the fuel combustion by the University car fleet. On the other hand, scope 2
emissions are caused by the electricity consumption which is considered the indirect emissions. According to the study, the
assessment results show that the emission due to the electricity use is significantly higher than that from the transportation. The
time frame of study period covers the second semester of the academic year 2016 (January to May 2017) and the functional unit
is the number of student, both full-time and part-time, who enrolled in the semester. The Carbon footprint of the University is
illustrated as the total amount of GHG emission divided by the number of student and it is equal to 64.02 kgCO2/student.
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of CPESE 2017.
Keywords: Carbon footprint; Electricity; Fuel; University.
1. Introduction
The Carbon footprint has come into the focus at the international level in the past 10 years and it is proved to be
an important piece of puzzles assisting to create the awareness among people of how the greenhouse gas (GHG)
affects the climate change. At the beginning, the Carbon footprint focuses only on the GHG released for the whole
life cycle of individual, a product or an event and it leads to the introduction of Carbon footprint label. However,
currently, the footprint is also extended to the activities of the organization because many organizations play have
contributed a significant amount of the GHG emissions. Obviously, there are many cases that the GHG of
organizations is higher than the emission of a whole country. As a result, the issue regarding the disclosure of GHG
emissions among the organizations is extensively discussed since it also reflects the corporate responsibility towards
the environmental protection and climate change as well.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +66-81-8077706;.
E-mail address:
Karin Kandananond / Energy Procedia 141 (2017) 672–676 673
© 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientic committee of the 4th International Conference on Power and Energy
Systems Engineering.
Karin Kandananond et al. / Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
2. Literature Review
At the city level, the GHG accounting was studied by Dubinsky and Karunanithi [1] who assessed the GHG
emissions of the San Luis Valley and indicated that the sources of emissions were electricity, liquid fuel/ propane/
natural gas combustion and fertilizer use. Similarly, Hillman and Ramaswami [2] compared the Carbon footprint of
eight cities in the United States based on the energy within city boundaries, cross-boundary demand for
airline/freight transport and energy of four key urban materials, i.e., food, water, energy (fuels), and shelter (cement).
Hu, Lin, Cui and Khanna [3] had measured the total amount of Carbon flows in the global supply chain in term of
Carbon footprint in eight Chinese cities and the study found that the main sources of Carbon are from the production
based and consumption based accounting. For the corporate level, a study by Dragomir [4] pointed out the
disclosure of industrial GHG emissions of top five largest European oil and gas companies, e.g., BP, Total, Shell,
BG Group and Eni. The GHG emissions of the service industry were also assessed in the research work of Xuchao,
Priyadarsini and Eang [5] who studied the sources of emissions including energy consumption of waste water
discharge. The group study is about the hotel industry in Singapore. As an example of deploying Carbon footprint in
the automobile industry, Lee [6] conducted a study on how Hyundai motor company had integrated the Carbon
footprint scheme into supply chain management. Plambeck [7] suggested the effective way for the companies both
at the startup and large scale to reduce GHG emissions through the existing operating and supply chain system.
Hoffman and Busch [8] and Busch [9] introduced the idea of using Carbon footprint as the performance
indicators of the companies and they were classified as four sub-indicators as follows: Carbon intensity representing
a company's Carbon use related to business activities, Carbon dependency illustrating the change in physical Carbon
performance, Carbon exposure indicating the finance and Carbon risk estimating the change in financial
implications of Carbon usage.
3. Background
Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University is a public University established under the Rajabhat Unversity Act, B.E.
2547 (A.D. 2004), and the main campus is located in Prathumthani province, Thailand. The University offers both
undergraduate and graduate degrees to part-time and full-time students and it is operated daily from Monday to
Sunday except the national holidays. The campus map is shown in Fig. 1 and there are forty buildings (listed as
number 1-40) in the campus area.
Fig. 1. Buildings Layout of the University.
The energy consumption involved in educational activities includes the electricity use in buildings and the fuel used
in the University car fleet. The electricity usage (kWh) of all buildings in the campus is listed in Table 1.
674 Karin Kandananond / Energy Procedia 141 (2017) 672–676
Karin Kandananond et al. / Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
Table 1. Electricity Use (listed by Buildings).
Building Monthly Electricity Usage (kWh)
January February March April May
Office of Learning Promotion and Provision Academic Services 12,432 18,084 23,289 12,820 27,237
Language and Computer Center 12,055 20,024 27,380 21,409 22,346
Demonstration School 1 80 240 0 0 0
Demonstration School 2 16,320 17,360 17,680 16,160 1,360
Demonstration School 3 23,212 27,911 33,458 12,250 17,834
Green House 16 25 29 25 32
Plant Genetics Preservation 245 378 543 579 643
Student Affairs Division 640 720 960 960 1,040
Faculty of Science and Technology (Office and lecture hall/rooms) 17,120 9,360 11,520 10,560 10,800
Faculty of Science and Technology (Home economics lecture
2,160 1,350 2,430 2,130 5,370
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (Office and lecture hall/rooms) 8,000 10,560 13,440 11,680 13,600
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (Student government office) 3,120 4,800 5,600 5,240 5,240
Faculty of Industrial Technology 21,959 23,402 32,877 25,941 32,363
Faculty of Agriculture Technology (Office and lecture rooms) 2,320 2,320 3,280 2,800 3,520
Faculty of Agriculture Technology (Laboratories) 17,600 17,120 98,080 15,280 16,800
Faculty of Education 1 5,160 8,280 11,040 7,080 8,160
Faculty of Education 2 2,560 5,280 7,440 5,440 6,480
Faculty of Management Science 1 11,800 15,800 19,300 17,500 19,500
Faculty of Management Science 2 6,500 8,900 10,300 9,000 10,300
Faculty of Management Science 3 1,360 3,440 3,200 3,200 4,160
The University car fleet is composed of nine full-size commuter vans, two 4-wheel pickup trucks, one 6-wheel light
truck and two 45-seat coaches. The total number of fleet is fourteen. Five vans, out of nine, were assigned to be
operated by each faculty separately. The total traveling distance of the whole fleet (from January to May 2017) is
concluded in Table 2.
Table 2. Total Traveling Distance.
Vehicle Distance (km) Vehicle Distance (km)
Van#1 962 Van#8 1,850
Van#2 2,104 Van#9 2,002
Van#3 678 Pickup truck#1 882
Van#4 1,364 Pickup truck#2 1,042
Van#5 1,560 Light truck 170
Van#6 2,114 Coach#1 4,502
Van#7 1,714 Coach#2 3,498
According to the registrar office, the total number of students enrolled in the second semester (January to May 2017)
of the 2016 academic year is 10,365 as itemized in Table 3.
Table 3. Number of Students at Each Academic Level.
Level Number Level Number
Undergraduate (full-time) 7,823 Master 274
Undergraduate (part-time) 1,944 Doctoral 173
Extension 151 Total 10,365
4. Carbon Footprint Computation
The study framework in this research is limited to only the second semester of the 2016 academic year which is
ranged from January to May 2017. Moreover, the scope of GHG calculation in this study focuses only on two
categories of emissions, i.e., scope 1 and 2. For scope 1, it is the direct GHG emissions from sources that are owned
or controlled by the organization. At the University, the scope 1 emission is the mobile combustion which is the
combustion of fossil fuels used in the operation of vehicles. On the other hand, scope 2 emissions are the energy
indirect GHG which is the emissions due to the consumption of electricity. However, GHG emissions due to the
scope 3 source is neglected from the study since it is another indirect GHG emission source.
As a result, the GHG emissions sources used in this period are the electricity and the fossil fuel. The electricity is
100% supplied by the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) and the electrical loads are the air conditioning and
lighting system. On the other hand, the fossil fuel is for the transportation. As a result, the calculation of Carbon
Karin Kandananond et al. / Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
Table 1. Electricity Use (listed by Buildings).
Building Monthly Electricity Usage (kWh)
January February March April May
Office of Learning Promotion and Provision Academic Services 12,432 18,084 23,289 12,820 27,237
Language and Computer Center 12,055 20,024 27,380 21,409 22,346
Demonstration School 1 80 240 0 0 0
Demonstration School 2 16,320 17,360 17,680 16,160 1,360
Demonstration School 3 23,212 27,911 33,458 12,250 17,834
Green House 16 25 29 25 32
Plant Genetics Preservation 245 378 543 579 643
Student Affairs Division 640 720 960 960 1,040
Faculty of Science and Technology (Office and lecture hall/rooms) 17,120 9,360 11,520 10,560 10,800
Faculty of Science and Technology (Home economics lecture
2,160 1,350 2,430 2,130 5,370
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (Office and lecture hall/rooms) 8,000 10,560 13,440 11,680 13,600
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (Student government office) 3,120 4,800 5,600 5,240 5,240
Faculty of Industrial Technology 21,959 23,402 32,877 25,941 32,363
Faculty of Agriculture Technology (Office and lecture rooms) 2,320 2,320 3,280 2,800 3,520
Faculty of Agriculture Technology (Laboratories) 17,600 17,120 98,080 15,280 16,800
Faculty of Education 1 5,160 8,280 11,040 7,080 8,160
Faculty of Education 2 2,560 5,280 7,440 5,440 6,480
Faculty of Management Science 1 11,800 15,800 19,300 17,500 19,500
Faculty of Management Science 2 6,500 8,900 10,300 9,000 10,300
Faculty of Management Science 3 1,360 3,440 3,200 3,200 4,160
The University car fleet is composed of nine full-size commuter vans, two 4-wheel pickup trucks, one 6-wheel light
truck and two 45-seat coaches. The total number of fleet is fourteen. Five vans, out of nine, were assigned to be
operated by each faculty separately. The total traveling distance of the whole fleet (from January to May 2017) is
concluded in Table 2.
Table 2. Total Traveling Distance.
Vehicle Distance (km) Vehicle Distance (km)
Van#1 962 Van#8 1,850
Van#2 2,104 Van#9 2,002
Van#3 678 Pickup truck#1 882
Van#4 1,364 Pickup truck#2 1,042
Van#5 1,560 Light truck 170
Van#6 2,114 Coach#1 4,502
Van#7 1,714 Coach#2 3,498
According to the registrar office, the total number of students enrolled in the second semester (January to May 2017)
of the 2016 academic year is 10,365 as itemized in Table 3.
Table 3. Number of Students at Each Academic Level.
Level Number Level Number
Undergraduate (full-time) 7,823 Master 274
Undergraduate (part-time) 1,944 Doctoral 173
Extension 151 Total 10,365
4. Carbon Footprint Computation
The study framework in this research is limited to only the second semester of the 2016 academic year which is
ranged from January to May 2017. Moreover, the scope of GHG calculation in this study focuses only on two
categories of emissions, i.e., scope 1 and 2. For scope 1, it is the direct GHG emissions from sources that are owned
or controlled by the organization. At the University, the scope 1 emission is the mobile combustion which is the
combustion of fossil fuels used in the operation of vehicles. On the other hand, scope 2 emissions are the energy
indirect GHG which is the emissions due to the consumption of electricity. However, GHG emissions due to the
scope 3 source is neglected from the study since it is another indirect GHG emission source.
As a result, the GHG emissions sources used in this period are the electricity and the fossil fuel. The electricity is
100% supplied by the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) and the electrical loads are the air conditioning and
lighting system. On the other hand, the fossil fuel is for the transportation. As a result, the calculation of Carbon
Karin Kandananond et al. / Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
Table 1. Electricity Use (listed by Buildings).
Building Monthly Electricity Usage (kWh)
January February March April May
Office of Learning Promotion and Provision Academic Services 12,432 18,084 23,289 12,820 27,237
Language and Computer Center 12,055 20,024 27,380 21,409 22,346
Demonstration School 1 80 240 0 0 0
Demonstration School 2 16,320 17,360 17,680 16,160 1,360
Demonstration School 3 23,212 27,911 33,458 12,250 17,834
Green House 16 25 29 25 32
Plant Genetics Preservation 245 378 543 579 643
Student Affairs Division 640 720 960 960 1,040
Faculty of Science and Technology (Office and lecture hall/rooms) 17,120 9,360 11,520 10,560 10,800
Faculty of Science and Technology (Home economics lecture
2,160 1,350 2,430 2,130 5,370
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (Office and lecture hall/rooms) 8,000 10,560 13,440 11,680 13,600
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (Student government office) 3,120 4,800 5,600 5,240 5,240
Faculty of Industrial Technology 21,959 23,402 32,877 25,941 32,363
Faculty of Agriculture Technology (Office and lecture rooms) 2,320 2,320 3,280 2,800 3,520
Faculty of Agriculture Technology (Laboratories) 17,600 17,120 98,080 15,280 16,800
Faculty of Education 1 5,160 8,280 11,040 7,080 8,160
Faculty of Education 2 2,560 5,280 7,440 5,440 6,480
Faculty of Management Science 1 11,800 15,800 19,300 17,500 19,500
Faculty of Management Science 2 6,500 8,900 10,300 9,000 10,300
Faculty of Management Science 3 1,360 3,440 3,200 3,200 4,160
The University car fleet is composed of nine full-size commuter vans, two 4-wheel pickup trucks, one 6-wheel light
truck and two 45-seat coaches. The total number of fleet is fourteen. Five vans, out of nine, were assigned to be
operated by each faculty separately. The total traveling distance of the whole fleet (from January to May 2017) is
concluded in Table 2.
Table 2. Total Traveling Distance.
Vehicle Distance (km) Vehicle Distance (km)
Van#1 962 Van#8 1,850
Van#2 2,104 Van#9 2,002
Van#3 678 Pickup truck#1 882
Van#4 1,364 Pickup truck#2 1,042
Van#5 1,560 Light truck 170
Van#6 2,114 Coach#1 4,502
Van#7 1,714 Coach#2 3,498
According to the registrar office, the total number of students enrolled in the second semester (January to May 2017)
of the 2016 academic year is 10,365 as itemized in Table 3.
Table 3. Number of Students at Each Academic Level.
Level Number Level Number
Undergraduate (full-time) 7,823 Master 274
Undergraduate (part-time) 1,944 Doctoral 173
Extension 151 Total 10,365
4. Carbon Footprint Computation
The study framework in this research is limited to only the second semester of the 2016 academic year which is
ranged from January to May 2017. Moreover, the scope of GHG calculation in this study focuses only on two
categories of emissions, i.e., scope 1 and 2. For scope 1, it is the direct GHG emissions from sources that are owned
or controlled by the organization. At the University, the scope 1 emission is the mobile combustion which is the
combustion of fossil fuels used in the operation of vehicles. On the other hand, scope 2 emissions are the energy
indirect GHG which is the emissions due to the consumption of electricity. However, GHG emissions due to the
scope 3 source is neglected from the study since it is another indirect GHG emission source.
As a result, the GHG emissions sources used in this period are the electricity and the fossil fuel. The electricity is
100% supplied by the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) and the electrical loads are the air conditioning and
lighting system. On the other hand, the fossil fuel is for the transportation. As a result, the calculation of Carbon
Karin Kandananond et al. / Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
Table 1. Electricity Use (listed by Buildings).
Building Monthly Electricity Usage (kWh)
January February March April May
Office of Learning Promotion and Provision Academic Services 12,432 18,084 23,289 12,820 27,237
Language and Computer Center 12,055 20,024 27,380 21,409 22,346
Demonstration School 1 80 240 0 0 0
Demonstration School 2 16,320 17,360 17,680 16,160 1,360
Demonstration School 3 23,212 27,911 33,458 12,250 17,834
Green House 16 25 29 25 32
Plant Genetics Preservation 245 378 543 579 643
Student Affairs Division 640 720 960 960 1,040
Faculty of Science and Technology (Office and lecture hall/rooms) 17,120 9,360 11,520 10,560 10,800
Faculty of Science and Technology (Home economics lecture
2,160 1,350 2,430 2,130 5,370
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (Office and lecture hall/rooms) 8,000 10,560 13,440 11,680 13,600
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (Student government office) 3,120 4,800 5,600 5,240 5,240
Faculty of Industrial Technology 21,959 23,402 32,877 25,941 32,363
Faculty of Agriculture Technology (Office and lecture rooms) 2,320 2,320 3,280 2,800 3,520
Faculty of Agriculture Technology (Laboratories) 17,600 17,120 98,080 15,280 16,800
Faculty of Education 1 5,160 8,280 11,040 7,080 8,160
Faculty of Education 2 2,560 5,280 7,440 5,440 6,480
Faculty of Management Science 1 11,800 15,800 19,300 17,500 19,500
Faculty of Management Science 2 6,500 8,900 10,300 9,000 10,300
Faculty of Management Science 3 1,360 3,440 3,200 3,200 4,160
The University car fleet is composed of nine full-size commuter vans, two 4-wheel pickup trucks, one 6-wheel light
truck and two 45-seat coaches. The total number of fleet is fourteen. Five vans, out of nine, were assigned to be
operated by each faculty separately. The total traveling distance of the whole fleet (from January to May 2017) is
concluded in Table 2.
Table 2. Total Traveling Distance.
Vehicle Distance (km) Vehicle Distance (km)
Van#1 962 Van#8 1,850
Van#2 2,104 Van#9 2,002
Van#3 678 Pickup truck#1 882
Van#4 1,364 Pickup truck#2 1,042
Van#5 1,560 Light truck 170
Van#6 2,114 Coach#1 4,502
Van#7 1,714 Coach#2 3,498
According to the registrar office, the total number of students enrolled in the second semester (January to May 2017)
of the 2016 academic year is 10,365 as itemized in Table 3.
Table 3. Number of Students at Each Academic Level.
Level Number Level Number
Undergraduate (full-time) 7,823 Master 274
Undergraduate (part-time) 1,944 Doctoral 173
Extension 151 Total 10,365
4. Carbon Footprint Computation
The study framework in this research is limited to only the second semester of the 2016 academic year which is
ranged from January to May 2017. Moreover, the scope of GHG calculation in this study focuses only on two
categories of emissions, i.e., scope 1 and 2. For scope 1, it is the direct GHG emissions from sources that are owned
or controlled by the organization. At the University, the scope 1 emission is the mobile combustion which is the
combustion of fossil fuels used in the operation of vehicles. On the other hand, scope 2 emissions are the energy
indirect GHG which is the emissions due to the consumption of electricity. However, GHG emissions due to the
scope 3 source is neglected from the study since it is another indirect GHG emission source.
As a result, the GHG emissions sources used in this period are the electricity and the fossil fuel. The electricity is
100% supplied by the Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) and the electrical loads are the air conditioning and
lighting system. On the other hand, the fossil fuel is for the transportation. As a result, the calculation of Carbon
Karin Kandananond et al. / Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
footprint caused by the activities of this University is divided into two sources. The GHG emission due to the
electricity used at the University campus is shown in Table 4. The emission factor (EF) for generating electricity is
0.609 kgCO2/kWh.
Table 4. GHG Emission from the Electricity Use from January to May 2017.
Building kWh kgCO2
Office of Learning Promotion and Provision Academic Services 93,862 57,190
Language and Computer Center 103,214 62,888
Demonstration School 1 320 195
Demonstration School 2 68,880 41,969
Demonstration School 3 114,665 69,865
Green House 127 77
Plant Genetics Preservation 2,388 1,455
Student Affairs Division 4,320 2,632
Faculty of Science and Technology (Office and lecture hall/rooms) 59,360 36,168
Faculty of Science and Technology (Home economics lecture rooms/laboratory) 13,440 8,189
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (Office and lecture hall/rooms) 57,280 34,901
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (Student government office) 24,000 14,623
Faculty of Industrial Technology 136,542 83,195
Faculty of Agriculture Technology (Office and lecture rooms) 14,240 8,676
Faculty of Agriculture Technology (Laboratories) 164,880 100,461
Faculty of Education 1 39,720 24,201
Faculty of Education 2 27,200 16,573
Faculty of Management Science 1 83,900 51,120
Faculty of Management Science 2 45,000 27,419
Faculty of Management Science 3 15,360 9,359
Total 1,068,698 651,158
According to Table 4, the highest usage of electricity is at the faculty of agriculture technology followed by the
faculty of industrial technology. The total amount of electricity used from January to May 2017 is 1,068,698 kWh
which is equivalent to the GHG emission of 651,158 kgCO2. The calculation on Carbon footprint from the fossil
fuels used for transportation is shown in Table 5. The total emission according to the transportation from January to
May 2017 is 12,445 kgCO2. Since Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University is committed to educate student at the
undergraduate and graduate levels, the functional unit of this government agency is student. The total number of
students enrolled between January to May (functional unit) is 10,365. Therefore, the Carbon footprint of the
University is the total amount of GHG emission divided by the total number of student at the same period, i.e.,
Carbon footprint = (GHG emission from electricity use + GHG emission from the transportation)/number of student
= (651,158+12,445)/10,365 = 64.02 kgCO2/student.
Karin Kandananond / Energy Procedia 141 (2017) 672–676 675
footprint caused by the activities of this University is divided into two sources. The GHG emission due to the
electricity used at the University campus is shown in Table 4. The emission factor (EF) for generating electricity is
0.609 kgCO2/kWh.
Table 4. GHG Emission from the Electricity Use from January to May 2017.
Building kWh kgCO2
Office of Learning Promotion and Provision Academic Services 93,862 57,190
Language and Computer Center 103,214 62,888
Demonstration School 1 320 195
Demonstration School 2 68,880 41,969
Demonstration School 3 114,665 69,865
Green House 127 77
Plant Genetics Preservation 2,388 1,455
Student Affairs Division 4,320 2,632
Faculty of Science and Technology (Office and lecture hall/rooms) 59,360 36,168
Faculty of Science and Technology (Home economics lecture rooms/laboratory) 13,440 8,189
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (Office and lecture hall/rooms) 57,280 34,901
Faculty of Humanities and Social Science (Student government office) 24,000 14,623
Faculty of Industrial Technology 136,542 83,195
Faculty of Agriculture Technology (Office and lecture rooms) 14,240 8,676
Faculty of Agriculture Technology (Laboratories) 164,880 100,461
Faculty of Education 1 39,720 24,201
Faculty of Education 2 27,200 16,573
Faculty of Management Science 1 83,900 51,120
Faculty of Management Science 2 45,000 27,419
Faculty of Management Science 3 15,360 9,359
Total 1,068,698 651,158
According to Table 4, the highest usage of electricity is at the faculty of agriculture technology followed by the
faculty of industrial technology. The total amount of electricity used from January to May 2017 is 1,068,698 kWh
which is equivalent to the GHG emission of 651,158 kgCO2. The calculation on Carbon footprint from the fossil
fuels used for transportation is shown in Table 5. The total emission according to the transportation from January to
May 2017 is 12,445 kgCO2. Since Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University is committed to educate student at the
undergraduate and graduate levels, the functional unit of this government agency is student. The total number of
students enrolled between January to May (functional unit) is 10,365. Therefore, the Carbon footprint of the
University is the total amount of GHG emission divided by the total number of student at the same period, i.e.,
Carbon footprint = (GHG emission from electricity use + GHG emission from the transportation)/number of student
= (651,158+12,445)/10,365 = 64.02 kgCO2/student.
676 Karin Kandananond / Energy Procedia 141 (2017) 672–676
Karin Kandananond et al. / Energy Procedia 00 (2017) 000–000
Table 5. GHG Emission from the Transportation.
Vehicle Type Distance (km) Load (t) EF(kgCO2/tkm) kgCO2
Van#1 75% loading, normal terrain 962 1.5 0.239 345
Van#2 75% loading, normal terrain 2,104 1.5 0.239 754
Van#3 75% loading, normal terrain 678 1.5 0.239 243
Van#4 75% loading, normal terrain 1,364 1.5 0.239 489
Van#5 75% loading, normal terrain 1,560 1.5 0.239 559
Van#6 75% loading, normal terrain 2,114 1.5 0.239 758
Van#7 75% loading, normal terrain 1,714 1.5 0.239 614
Van#8 75% loading, normal terrain 1,850 1.5 0.239 663
Van#9 75% loading, normal terrain 2,002 1.5 0.239 718
Pickup truck#1 75% loading, normal terrain 882 4 0.1829 645
Pickup truck#2 75% loading, normal terrain 1,042 4 0.1829 762
Light truck 75% loading, normal terrain 170 8.5 0.0838 121
Coach#1 100% loading, normal terrain 4,502 16 0.0451 3,249
Coach#2 100% loading, normal terrain 3,498 16 0.0451 2,524
Total 12,445
5. Discussions
The GHG accounting of Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University is represented as the amount of emission per student.
This number depicts the amount of emission the University contributes for educating a student. However, in this
study, the researcher only focuses on the emissions related to the energy in the form of fuel and electricity
consumption, i.e., scope 1 and 2 category of emission. Therefore, other aspects of emissions due to the indirect
emissions, e.g., employee commuting, waste management, purchased goods and service, might be included in the
further study to get the complete picture of the GHG emission produced by the organization.
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... The quantity of waste generated from and energy utilised during construction activities have been on the increase in recent times. The increase in waste generated and energy used during construction have been attributed to the rise in urbanisation and population growth which has heightened the demand for the construction of buildings and other infrastructures (Kandananond 2017). In order to minimise the negative environmental effect construction activities have on the environment, sustainable waste management (SWM) and sustainable energy management (SEM) have become necessary. ...
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Schedule overrun is one of the greatest hindrances to construction project performance, thereby making schedule management an integral part of construction project management. The aim of this study is to examine how the effect of sustainable energy management (SEM) and sustainable waste management (SWM) on schedule performance (SP) is mediated by technological complexity (TC) and moderated by project size (PS). Data were obtained by means of a questionnaire survey of 168 completed construction projects in Nigeria. The partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) technique was adopted in analysing the collected data. The results show that TC partially mediates the relationship between SWM and SP, while TC fully mediates the relationship between SEM and SP. Also, the findings of the study indicate that the negative effect of SWM on SP will be greater with large PS. This study contributes to previous studies in the area of schedule management, by providing empirical proof to explain the means through which SWM and SEM could lead to SP through TC, and how this would vary depending on PS. The study proffers ways for contractors to improve the SP of their projects considering PS and TC.
... This may be due to the fact that HEI is more aware of environmental issues and also their commitment to contribute to their decarbonisation as a sustainability strategy. • Time period analysed Some studies calculated the carbon footprint for one academic year (29%), while others did so for a fiscal year (68%) and only one of them considered a single semester (Kandananond 2017). The results are lower when only one semester is calculated, so this study is not comparable with the rest. ...
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Higher Education Institutions (HEI) or universities, as organisations engaged in education, research and community services, play an important role in promoting sustainable development. Therefore, they are increasingly linked to the initiative of calculating their carbon footprint (CF), which is a tool to assess sustainability from the perspective of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The aim of this study is to carry out a systematic review of the current situation of CF assessment in academic institutions by analysing different key elements, such as the time period, methodologies and practises, calculation tools, emission sources, emission factors and reduction plans. The review protocol considered articles published until March 2021. Of the articles reviewed, 35 are aimed specifically at calculating the CF of HEI, while the remaining articles consist of review, activity-specific CF assessment or GHG emission reduction articles. Clear differences have been identified when results are compared for the normalised CF (average of 2.67 t CO2e/student, ranging from 0.06 to 10.94) or the percentage of carbon offsetting, only considered in 14% of the studies and ranging from 0.09 to 18%. The main reason for this is the lack of standardisation as regards the time metric (year, semester), functional unit (student, employee, area) and data collection boundary (scope 1, 2, 3), the emissions sources and emission factors, mainly for scope 3 (water consumption and treatment, waste treatment, office, ICT and laboratory consumables, commuting and travel, construction materials, canteens, etc.), and the inclusion or not of the effect of carbon offset projects to offset the CF (aim of the project and absorption sources and factors). However, despite the differences, a reduction over time is clearly observed. Therefore, CF in HEI requires further improvements and solutions to a number of challenges, including the definition of representative emission sources, the creation of a robust emission factor database and the development of tools/methodologies that cover all the needs of this type of organisation. Graphic abstract
... Buildings contribute as much as one-third of the annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and this figure is projected to increase further (United Nations Environment Programme Sustainable Buildings and Climate Initiative-UNEP-SBCI, 2009; Su and Wang, 2014). In addition, some extant studies have established a great connection between climate change and energy consumption, driven by economic growth and population increase (Hillman and Ramaswami, 2010;Xuchao et al., 2010;Kandananond, 2017). ...
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Purpose University campuses are one of the major consumers of electricity. Therefore, it is important to investigate factors related to electricity saving. This study aims to examine the key drivers in achieving efficient electricity management (EEM) practices in public universities. Design/methodology/approach To achieve the objective, 23 drivers of EEM practices were identified through a comprehensive literature review and an empirical questionnaire survey was performed with 1,386 electricity end-users of three public universities having staff and students’ halls of residences in Nigeria. The collected data were analyzed using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS version 21) to identify the number of components that could represent the 23 identified drivers. Findings The relative importance index ranking results indicated that 18 drivers were critical. The top five most critical drivers were understanding of the issues, understanding the vision and goal of an energy management programme, knowledge and skill, risk identification and good and effective communication among relevant stakeholders. An exploratory factor analysis revealed that the underlying grouped drivers were raising awareness, top management support and robust energy management team, risk management and stakeholders’ participation. This study also indicates that the most dominant of the four underlying groups was raising awareness, which highlights the role of increasing awareness and public consciousness as a significant catalyst in promoting EEM practices in public universities. Research limitations/implications Geographically, this study is limited to the opinion of respondents in public university campuses in Nigeria. Although this study could form the basis for future studies, its limitation must be considered carefully when interpreting and generalizing the results. Practical implications This paper has highlighted a few drivers of EEM practices in public universities. The results of this study present scientific evidence that can be used as a basis for formulating public policies that could be incorporated into the energy management regulations of university buildings. It is most important for policymakers to pay adequate attention to the most critical drivers especially those that are related to the “raising awareness” factor to promote sustainable campuses. Originality/value This study provides practical knowledge for university management to develop effective methods to implement the identified drivers of efficient and sustainable electricity management on the campus. This study also contributes to the body of knowledge in the field of energy management.
... Although numerous time series and panel studies have examined such associations (e.g. Lotfalipour et al., 2007., Ahmad and Du, 2017., Kandananond, 2017, to the best of the authors' knowledge, no study has yet been undertaken to determine such causal relationships in the context of Iran, which is potentially a very important country for such investigation. The current study is an attempt to fill this gap. ...
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The purpose of this paper is to examined the empirical effects of stocks traded-total value, foreign direct investment, number of students, and fossil fuel energy consumption on nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions in Iran using time series data for the period 1978-2012. To achieve this goal, we applied the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) bounds testing approach. Findings indicate that foreign direct investment, fossil fuel energy consumption, and number of students stimulate NO2 emissions in the long run. Based on these findings, the study recommends that Iran reduce emissions by expanding its existing Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage plants; capitalizing on its vast solar and wind energy; reducing high subsidies of the residential electricity scheme; and aggressively investing in energy research to build expertise for achieving electricity generation efficiency. It must be noted that greenhouse gas reduction policies cannot produce immediate results in changing wind and precipitation patterns and thus mitigating climate change effects.
Universities, as organisations engaged in education, research and community services, play an important role in promoting sustainability and should be an example of a sustainable organisation. The Carbon Footprint (CF) is a very useful decision-making tool that allows organisations to measure and communicate the effect of their activities on the environment. To do so, it is necessary to have tools capable of calculating, tracking and reporting their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as guiding the actions for reducing and offsetting them. The aim of this article is to present a tool specifically designed to calculate the carbon footprint of universities, called CO2UNV. This tool is able to quantify the CO2 equivalent (CO2e) emissions for scopes 1 (direct GHG emissions), 2 (electricity indirect GHG emissions) and 3 (other indirect GHG emissions), for a university as a whole and for the different buildings/units that it is made up of. It includes, by default, the typical emission sources of an education centre and their corresponding emission factors. However, it is totally adaptable to any other type of organisation thanks to the possibility of including new emission sources and of updating all the emission factors (by default and new). It is also capable of evaluating the evolution of the CF over time, and the CO2e offsets achieved by contributing to offset projects. The results report includes input data and the graphical representation of results. Finally, CO2UNV is applied to calculate and offset the CF of the Universitat Jaume I (Spain), and the study concludes with its validation according to applicability and accuracy criteria.
Rural regions, with a dominant agricultural economic base, have a vastly different greenhouse gas emissions profile than urban regions and hence require a unique accounting method. This paper presents a GHG inventorying methodology tailored specifically for rural agricultural regions. The methodology was applied to San Luis Valley in south central Colorado with an intent to establish a clear emissions baseline and to analyze, in fine detail, the regions emission profile. The results show that SLV has an annual per capita emission of 31.9 MT CO2e while the average for the United States is about 21 MT CO2e. The higher per capita emissions can be attributed to the production of agricultural goods and services that are exported rather than consumed. Since per capita emissions might not paint an accurate picture for export based economies we recalibrated the data on per dollar GDP basis. We find that, on this basis, SLV emissions are almost twice that of the national average indicating that, with all things being equal, agricultural activities contribute disproportionately more towards GHG emissions. Through a detailed quantitative analysis we show that SLV, with its significant solar resource, has the potential to offset much or all of their emissions. The findings from this paper offer useful insights for local stakeholders to develop plans and implement policies towards GHG mitigation.
A global multiregional input-output (MRIO) model was built for eight Chinese cities to track their carbon flows. For in-depth understanding of urban carbon footprint from the perspectives of production, consumption, and trade balance, four kinds of footprints and four redefined measurement indicators were calculated. From the global supply chain, urban carbon inflows from Mainland China were larger than outflows, while the carbon outflows to European, principal North American countries and East Asia were much larger than inflows. With the rapid urbanization of China, Construction was the largest consumer and Utilities was the largest producer. Cities with higher consumption (such as Dalian, Tianjin, Shanghai, and Beijing) should change their consumption patterns, while cities with lower production efficiency (such as Dalian, Shanghai, Ningbo, and Chongqing) should improve their technology. The cities of net carbon consumption tended to transfer carbon emissions out of them by trading in carbon-intensive products, while the cities of net carbon production tended to produce carbon-intensive products for non-local consumers. Our results indicated that urban carbon abatement requires not only rational consumption and industrial symbiosis at the city level, but also tighter collaboration along all stages of the global supply chain.
The European body of research on corporate environmental performance has not yet reached maturity. That is mainly due to the limited access researchers have to raw environmental performance data, in conjunction with an often sterile approach to developing proxies and indicators for this type of corporate performance. Moreover, annual sustainability reports are often neglected in spite of their capacity to produce a compelling longitudinal research perspective. The present article offers a critical reading of the last decade's sustainability reports from the top five largest European oil and gas companies. On account of their significant contribution to global warming, the sample companies (i.e. BP, Total, Shell, BG Group and Eni) have been scrutinized for their ability to provide high-quality environmental disclosures at group-level. Given the sophistication of emissions data collection and estimation tools such as the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, it comes as a surprise that these five industry leaders have issued reports containing unexplained figures and methodological inconsistencies. Finally, the reader is persuaded that empirical research in the field of corporate environmental performance should mostly be about creating a context for discussing a firm's commitment to sustainability, rather than modelling irrelevant cross-sectional data to find similarities between incomparable cases.
The experiences of the largest corporation in the world and those of a start-up company show how companies can profitably reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their supply chains. The operations management literature suggests additional opportunities to profitably reduce emissions in existing supply chains, and provides guidance for expanding the capacity of new “zero emission” supply chains. The potential for companies to profitably reduce emissions is substantial but (without effective climate policy) likely insufficient to avert dangerous climate change.
The purpose of this paper is to improve our understanding of carbon footprint within the context of automobile supply chain management. The case study approach is employed as a research method. Primary data were collected through site visits and extensive interviews with HMC’s corporate and plant management. First, identification and measurement of direct and indirect carbon footprint is critical for mitigating supply chain risks. Second, setting the system boundary of measurement is another important issue to integrate the issue of carbon footprint into supply chain management. Third, developing a map of product carbon footprint facilitates identification and measurement of carbon emissions across the supply chain. Companies today operate in a carbon-constrained world. In particular, the automobile industry is under pressure to take a close look at its product carbon footprint. Managing the downstream consequences of the use of its products and inputs from upstream suppliers is critical for developing carbon risk-mitigated supply chain management. This paper is of benefit to academics and managers by providing a new way to integrate carbon emissions in supply chain management. Since climate change and carbon footprint present challenges to many industries, increasing our understanding of how to integrate carbon footprint in supply chain management is necessary, but has seen little research in the automobile industry.
The dependency on carbon-based materials and energy sources and the emission of greenhouse gases have been recognized as major problems of the 21st century. Companies are central to the effort to grapple with these issues due to the large material flows they process and their capabilities for technological innovation. It is important, on the one hand, to determine the individual stake companies have in these issues and, on the other, to measure companies' performance. Since the results of studies thus far have been ambiguous, we define four comprehensive and systematic corporate carbon performance indicators: (1) Carbon intensity is physically oriented and represents a company's carbon use in relation to a business metric. (2) Carbon dependency illustrates the change in physical carbon performance within a given time period. (3) Carbon exposure reveals the financial implications of using and emitting carbon. (4) Carbon risk estimates the change in financial implications of carbon usage within a given time period. On the basis of these general definitions, we specify the indicators for a standardized application that can support two important stakeholders in their decision making: policy makers, who can include such information when evaluating current climate policies and formulating future ones, and investors and financial institutions, which can compare companies with respect to their carbon performance and corresponding financial effects.
Hotel buildings are reported in many countries as one of the most energy intensive building sectors. Besides the pressure posed on energy supply, they also have adverse impact on the environment through greenhouse gas emissions, wastewater discharge and so on. This study was intended to shed some light on the energy and environment related issues in hotel industry. Energy consumption data and relevant information collected from hotels were subjected to rigorous statistical analysis. A regression-based benchmarking model was established, which takes into account, the difference in functional and operational features when hotels are compared with regard to their energy performance. In addition, CO2 emissions from the surveyed hotels were estimated based on a standard procedure for corporate GHG emission accounting. It was found that a hotel’s carbon intensity ranking is rather sensitive to the normalizing denominator chosen. Therefore, carbon intensity estimated for the hotels must not be interpreted arbitrarily, and industry specific normalizing denominator should be sought in future studies.
A hybrid life cycle-based trans-boundary greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions footprint is elucidated at the city-scale and evaluated for 8 US cities. The method incorporates end-uses of energy within city boundaries, plus cross-boundary demand for airline/freight transport and embodied energy of four key urban materials [food, water, energy (fuels), and shelter (cement)], essential for life in all cities. These cross-boundary activities contributed 47% on average more than the in-boundary GHG contributions traditionally reported for cities, indicating significant truncation at city boundaries of GHG emissions associated with urban activities. Incorporating cross-boundary contributions created convergence in per capita GHG emissions from the city-scale (average 23.7 mt-CO(2)e/capita) to the national-scale (24.5 mt-CO(2)e/capita), suggesting that six key cross-boundary activities may suffice to yield a holistic GHG emission footprint for cities, with important policy ramifications. Average GHG contributions from various human activity sectors include buildings/facilities energy use (47.1%), regional surface transport (20.8%), food production (14.7%), transport fuel production (6.4%), airline transport (4.8%), long-distance freight trucking (2.8%), cement production (2.2%), and water/wastewater/waste processing (1.3%). Energy-, travel-, and key materials-consumption efficiency metrics are elucidated in these sectors; these consumption metrics are observed to be largely similar across the eight U.S. cities and consistent with national/regional averages.