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Fertile Prototaxites taiti: A basal ascomycete with inoperculate, polysporous asci lacking croziers

The Royal Society
Philosophical Transactions B

Abstract and Figures

 The affinities of Prototaxites have been debated ever since its fossils, some attaining tree-trunk proportions, were discovered in Canadian Lower Devonian rocks in 1859. Putative assignations include conifers, red and brown algae, liver- worts and fungi (some lichenised). Detailed anatomical investigation led to the reconstruction of the type species, P. logani, as a giant sporophore (basidioma) of an agaricomycete (1⁄4 holobasidiomycete), but evidence for its reproduction remained elusive. Tissues associated with P. taiti in the Rhynie chert plus charcoalified fragments from southern Britain are investigated here to describe the reproductive characters and hence affinities of Prototaxites. Thin sections and peels (Pragian Rhynie chert, Aberdeenshire) were examined using light and confocal microscopy; Pridoli and Lochkovian charcoalified samples (Welsh Borderland) were liberated from the rock and examined with scanning electron microscopy. Prototaxites taiti possessed a superficial hymenium comprising an epihymenial layer, delicate septate paraphyses, inoperculate polysporic asci lacking croziers and a subhymenial layer composed predomi- nantly of thin-walled hyphae and occasional larger hyphae. Prototaxites taiti combines features of extant Taphrinomycotina (Neolectomycetes lacking cro- ziers) and Pezizomycotina (epihymenial layer secreted by paraphyses) but is not an ancestor of the latter. Brief consideration is given to its nutrition and potential position in the phylogeny of the Ascomycota. 
Content may be subject to copyright.
Cite this article: Honegger R, Edwards D, Axe
L, Strullu-Derrien C. 2017 Fertile Prototaxites
taiti: a basal ascomycete with inoperculate,
polysporous asci lacking croziers. Phil.
Trans. R. Soc. B 373: 20170146.
Accepted: 15 August 2017
One contribution of 18 to a discussion meeting
issue ‘The Rhynie cherts: our earliest terrestrial
ecosystem revisited’.
Subject Areas:
palaeontology, evolution
dispersed cuticle, epihymenial layer,
hymenium, septate paraphyses, polyspory,
Author for correspondence:
Rosmarie Honegger
Fertile Prototaxites taiti: a basal
ascomycete with inoperculate,
polysporous asci lacking croziers
Rosmarie Honegger1, Dianne Edwards2, Lindsey Axe2
and Christine Strullu-Derrien3
Institute of Plant and Microbiology, University of Zu¨rich, Zollikerstrasse 107, 8008 Zu¨rich, Switzerland
School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Cardiff University, Park Place, Cardiff CF10 3AT, UK
Department of Earth Sciences, The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, UK
RH, 0000-0001-5430-2408; CS-D, 0000-0003-1131-9546
The affinities of Prototaxites have been debated ever since its fossils, some
attaining tree-trunk proportions, were discovered in Canadian Lower Devonian
rocks in 1859. Putative assignations include conifers, red and brown algae, liver-
worts and fungi (some lichenised). Detailed anatomicalinvestigationled to the
reconstruction ofthe type species, P. logani, as a giant sporophore (basidioma) of
an agaricomycete (¼holobasidiomycete), but evidence for its reproduction
remained elusive. Tissues associated with P. taiti in the Rhynie chert plus
charcoalified fragments from southern Britain are investigated here to describe
the reproductive characters and hence affinities of Prototaxites. Thin sections and
peels (Pragian Rhynie chert, Aberdeenshire) were examined using light
and confocal microscopy; Pr
´and Lochkovian charcoalified samples
(Welsh Borderland) were liberated from the rock and examined with scanning
electron microscopy. Prototaxites taiti possessed a superficial hymenium
comprising an epihymenial layer, delicate septate paraphyses, inoperculate
polysporic asci lacking croziers and a subhymenial layer composed predomi-
nantly of thin-walled hyphae and occasional larger hyphae. Prototaxites taiti
combines features of extant Taphrinomycotina (Neolectomycetes lacking cro-
ziers) and Pezizomycotina (epihymenial layer secreted by paraphyses) but is
not an ancestor of the latter. Brief consideration is given to its nutrition and
potential position in the phylogeny of the Ascomycota.
This article is part of a discussion meeting issue ‘The Rhynie cherts: our
earliest terrestrial ecosystem revisited’.
1. Introduction
The genus Prototaxites, whose fossils extend from Silurian (Ludlow) to Upper
Devonian strata (Famennian) [1,2], remains one of the most debated conundra
in the Palaeozoic record. Some Prototaxites ‘logs’ reached more than 1 m in
diameter and several metres in height, the maximum being 8.8 m; they were
the largest terrestrial organisms of their time [1]. Some, but not all Prototaxites
axes reveal irregular growth rings. Its habitat has been much debated [3,4],
but based on sedimentological studies Prototaxites was found to be truly terres-
trial [5]. Being part of terrestrial food chains, its axes have been invaded by
boring terrestrial arthropods [6].
Approximately 14 species have so far been described. These have been col-
lected in North America [1,7– 10], northern Europe (UK [3,11,12], Germany
[1,13– 17]), North Africa (Libya [18,19]), western Asia (Saudi Arabia [20,21]) and
Australia [1]. Prototaxites spp. were locally abundant, asconcluded from allochtho-
nous charcoalified fragments in Lower Devonian fluvial rocks in the Welsh
Borderland, where Prototaxites often makes up a high percentage of fossil remains.
Eroded, fragmented silicified samples have been found as pebbles in fluvial
deposits, e.g. in gravel quarries (Middle Eocene [22] from the Eifel area to coastal
Belgium and Netherlands [23]). However, only very rarely were Prototaxites
&2017 The Author(s) Published by the Royal Society. All rights reserved.
on December 18, 2017 from
samples found with an intact surface layer, exceptions being a
few permineralized fossils in the Rhynie chert palaeoecosystem,
and fertile parts have been largely missing [10].
As the etymology of the name suggests, its originator
Dawson [7] initially identified the large ‘trunks’ of Prototaxites
as a conifer with anatomy superficially similar to that in the
wood of the extant genus Taxus (yew) with its tertiary spirals.
Such assignation was subsequently challenged by the phycol-
ogist Carruthers [24] who, illegitimately based on precedence,
renamed the Lower Devonian Gaspe
´fossils as Nematophycus,
here with connotations to brown algal affinity and resemblance
to the laminarialean genus Lessonia. Subsequent authors
(e.g. Penhallow) [25] supported an algal affinity, while
Dawson [26] changed the name to Nematophyton, a name,
although again illegitimate, which was used by a number of
authors, including Kidston & Lang [3] (N. taiti). Later a red
algal affinity was postulated [27], and recently Prototaxites
axes have beeninterpreted as rolled mats of liverworts (march-
antiophytes), which had rolled down a slope and stabilized
themselves with their own rhizinae [28,29]; this interpretation
has been rejected [30,31].
An early dissenting voice had been that of Church [32]
who saw resemblances with fungi, a relationship reinforced
by Hueber [1]. In a very detailed reinvestigation of Dawson’s
type, P. logani, and more recently acquired material, Hueber
described the organism as possessing three forms of interac-
tive hyphae (plectenchyma as opposed to embryophyte
parenchyma) with similarities to other Prototaxites species.
Definitive evidence for the fungal status of Prototaxites and
then its position in the fungal clades requires information on
its reproduction. Hueber [1] described structures on the
margin of a growth increment in P. logani, which he interpreted
as remnants of a hymenium on a previous outer surface in which
dendritically branching hyphae (dendrophyses) were associated
with ‘apparent remnants of primitive basidia in theform of a clo-
sely linear or clustered individually inflated sterigmata, each
with a prominent speculum’ (p. 145; Plate VII). Neither spores
nor basal metabasidia were preserved. On such somewhat
equivocal evidence, Hueber concluded that a hymenium orig-
inally present on the outermost surface of the presumed
sporophore (trunk) supported basidiomycete affinity.
Here we describe a different type of hymenium associated
with Prototaxites taiti in the Rhynie chert [3], which offers an
alternative solution to relationships within the fungi. Although
the hymenial layer of the type specimen is not in organic con-
tinuity with the axis, we are convinced, as were Kidston &
Lang [3], that it was neither a parasite nor a saprotorophic
degrader, but part of P. taiti. The new material studied here
shows a similar juxtapositioning with P. taiti and contains
medullary spots. Peels of P. taiti comprise detached fragments
of the hymenial layer and a larger fragment whose entire sur-
face is covered by a hymenium. Similar organization detected
in charcoalified fragments from the Welsh Borderland leads
to the inference that some members of the Nematothallus com-
plex, which were common elements of terrestrial ground
covers in the Late Silurian– Early Devonian [33], also belong
to Prototaxites.
2. Material and methods
Anatomy was studied using petrographic thin sections and
cellulose acetate peels of the silicified matrix from Rhynie chert:
(1) Figured specimen, i.e. thin section no. 2525 from the Hunter-
ian Museum, is part of the original Kidston’s collection (Plate
X, figs 113, 115, 116, 118 in [3]); this section was made by
W Hemingway. Courtesy Dr Neil Clark.
(2) One section and numerous peels from Block 149 in the Lyon
Collection at Aberdeen University; thin section 149/CT/B
had been prepared by AG Lyon in Cardiff and is now in
the Aberdeen collection. Courtesy Prof. Nigel Trewin.
Sections had been prepared by standard petrographic tech-
niques. Peels had been prepared by AG Lyon by etching
smooth surfaces of chert with HF before washing and applying
a superficial sheet of cellulose acetate moistened with acetone.
Peels and thin sections were examined in transmitted light
using a LEICA DMR microscope fitted with LEICA LAS software,
and a Nikon Eclipse LV100ND compound microscope. Confocal
images from the thin sections were acquired with a Nikon A1-Si
laser-scanning confocal microscope. Autofluorescence of the
sample was excited with four laser lines. Autofluorescence signal
was collected with four photomultiplier detectors with the follow-
ing wavelength emission windows: 425 475 nm for the 405 nm
laser, 500–550 nm for the 488 nm laser, 570– 620 nm for the
561 nm laser and 675725 nm for the 640 nm laser. Samples
were visualized using a 29.9 mm (1.2 airy units) confocal pinhole
and a number of z-stacks (typically between 100 and 400) with
optical thickness between 200 and 300 nm each were acquired.
The fluorescence signal from each z-stack was then projected
onto a maximum projection image.
For SEM investigations coalified material collected at Ludford
Corner (Pr
´) and North Brown Clee Hill (Lochkovian) in the
Welsh borderland was isolated from the matrix using HCl and
HF (protocol in [33,34]). Selected specimens were mounted on
stubs and examined using an environmental scanning electron
microscope (ESEM-FEG, Philips XL 30, with field emission gun;
3. Results
(a) Light microscopy preparations from Rhynie chert
(i) Figured specimens in same block as the type specimens of
Prototaxites taiti
Slide no. 2525 of the Kidston collection, the petrographic thin
section with the type specimen of P. taiti Kidston & Lang 1921
[3], contains an isolated fragment interpreted by Kidston and
Lang as its peripheral layer (figure 1a). This was based on the
presence of medullary spots (figure 1bd) noted in P. taiti and
common in other Prototaxites species; the presence of ‘tubes’
within this region thought equivalent to those in the tissues of
Prototaxites, although with smaller diameter in the peripheral
tissue (figures 1aand 2e); and the close proximity to P. taiti in
the same block. Accordingto Kidston & Lang [3] the peripheral
layer, which ‘has a thickness of about 1 mm’ ( p. 888), is built up
by ‘tubes’ arranged in parallel at right angles to the surface with
homogeneous brown contents and fine hyphae in between
these (p. 886). They describe a narrow outer zone above the
summits of the vertical tubes as a ‘structureless, and perhaps
mucilaginous, layer during life. It has no sharply defined
outer limit, though it is marked as a dark line owing to a gran-
ular deposit’.
We interpret this peripheral zone of P. taiti as the hyme-
nial layer of an apothecium-bearing ascomycete, the section
plane being slightly tangential, the tubes with granular Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 373: 20170146
on December 18, 2017 from
contents being asci with large numbers of small ascospores
and the fine hyphae between them as paraphyses. The thin,
amorphous and pigmented outermost layer is presumably
an amorphous epihymenial layer; the granular deposits
therein might have been secondary metabolites, as secreted
by the tip cells of the paraphyses prior to crystallization.
Such gelatinous, often brightly pigmented epihymenial
layers are common and widespread in the apothecia of
extant non-lichenized and lichenized Pezizomycotina.
(ii) Slide no. 149/CT/B, petrographic thin section
In this section (figures 2aand 3 –5), several detached fragments
of the presumed hymenial layer of P. taiti are preserved. Most
of them are tangentially sectioned, but a comparatively large
fragment of a median section can be explored (marked in
figure 3, white arrow). The hymenial layer is approximately
1100 mm thick. Moreover, there are two dark areas contained
in this slide with hundreds of sporangia and resting sporangia
of a zoosporic fungus [35]. This large assembly probably devel-
oped on detritus, as accumulated in the chert palaeoecosystem.
In the thinner part of the median section of the hymeniumof
P. taiti, the asci, paraphyses and epihymenial layers were
resolved (figures 4 and 5a,b). At maturity the ascus tip reached
the surface of the hymenium. The delicate paraphyses
(approx. 5– 6 mm thick) are septate (figure 4) and end with a
globose to pyriform tip cell (figure 4a,d); anastomoses occur
(figure 4e). The asci contained more than 100, at presumed
maturity, well-defined spores with thin, translucent walls
measuring approximately 6 mm in diameter (figure 4ac);
these are best visible in confocal micrographs (figure 5a,b), the
chemical composition of the autofluorescent material being
unknown, fluorescence resulting either from mineral or organic
preservation. Some of the asci had already released their spores.
The amorphous epihymenial layer of P. taiti, with wall
fragments of tip cells of the paraphyses and granular deposits
embedded therein, was locally peeling off the hymenial
surface and detached fragments were found in the surround-
ings of the hymenia (figure 5d,e). The apical region of
asci after spore release appears as holes in these detached
epihymenial layers.
Various hyphae of fungal and bacterial invaders are seen
below and partly within the hymenial layer of P. taiti
(figure 5c). They might have grown into the detached hymenial
fragments post-mortem. Moreover, there are manysilicate crys-
tals, often rosette-like, around and within the fossils (figure 1a).
(iii) Slides 149/B 2, 3, 5, 8 & 9 with peels of P. taiti
Serial peels of a block containing P. taiti (figure 2ad) con-
tained several detached fragments of hymenial layers in
various section planes (marked with pen in figure 2a), and a
medullary spots
7 µm 15 µm
1 mm1 mm
1 mm1 mm
medullary spots
Figure 1. Petrographic thin section of Prototaxites taiti in bright field (a) and confocal laser microscopy (b,c), and peel in bright field microscopy (d). (ac) The type
specimen of P.taiti from the Rhynie cherts, new photograph of slide no. 2525 of the Kidston Collection. (a) This fragment is depicted in black and white in
Kidston & Lang [3] in fig. 113, with the following legend: ‘View of one of the sections of the second fragment which shows the peripheral tissues’. Here
these peripheral tissues are interpreted as the hymenial layer of the ascoma of an ascomycete, the section plane being slightly tangential. Note the innumerable
silicate crystals, best visible outside the tissues. (bd) Medullary spots: in confocal laser microscopy (b,c), (slide no. 2525), intense wefts of hyphae in close contact
with a population of minute cells visible in bright field microscopy (d), (slide 149 B 3). Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 373: 20170146
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near-median section of the hymenial layer covering the surface
of an axis (figure 2b,d). A cross-section of presumed cords are
seen (figure 2b,c), but not in conjunction with the axes.
In these serial peels of P. taiti two large, dark fragments and
a distinctly brighter one are seen (figure 2a,b). The dark frag-
ments lack a peripheral layer, whereas the surface of the
bright fragment is covered by an extensive hymenium, the
latter being tangentially sectioned. Although this fertile frag-
ment reveals the anatomy characteristic of Prototaxites it
seems to be more ‘fleshy’. With high probability the detached
hymenial fragments had peeled off such fertile parts when
these were either senescent or otherwise damaged. The large
number of detached hymenial fragments, as found in these
Rhynie chert specimens, infers an abundance of fertile parts.
60 µm
Figure 2. Slides of a petrographic thin section and a series of peels of Prototaxites taiti, from Rhynie chert as prepared by Prof. AG Lyon. (a) Overview of petrographic
thin section 149 CT B (see details in figures 35) and serial peels in slides 149/B 2, 3, 8 & 9. (b) Detail of slide 149/B 8, the position of figures (c)and(d)being
marked. (c) Cross-section of a cord (or a very young axis?) with a somewhat denser peripheral zone. (d) Slightly tangential section of the peripheral layer of a ‘fleshy’
axis which, in the present study, is interpreted as the hymenial layer of an apothecium-bearing ascomycete. (e) Confocal laser micrograph of the hymenial layer of the
type specimen of P. ta it i (slide no. 2525 of the Kidston and Lang collection; see figure 1a), showing the tubes, i.e. asci with ascospores, in the hymenial layer.
0.2 cm
30 µm
Figure 3. Petrographic thin section of Prototaxites taiti from Rhynie chert specimen no. 149 CT B shown in figure 2a. The white arrow points to a median-long-
itudinally sectioned fragment of the presumed hymenial layer, black arrows to additional hymenial fragments; framed is a thin area of which photographs in figures
4 and 5 had been taken. The asterisk refers to part of a thin, cross-sectioned axis of Prototaxites with a simple peripheral zone. White circles refer to areas with
hundreds of sporangia of a zoosporic fungus (insert: resting sporangium; see [35]). Photo: Thomas Honegger. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 373: 20170146
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(b) Scanning electron micrographs of charcoalified
fragments from the Lochkovian Welsh Borderland
(i) Prototaxites sp. (HD(L)171/03), figures 6 and 7
This small Lochkovian fragment reveals an intact, hummocky
surface of the hymenial layer (figure 6a,b) comprising well-
spaced structures interpreted as asci. Various developmental
stages of asci embedded in the amorphous epihymenial layer
indicate that they were ripening at different times (figure 6b).
Still closed ascus apices appear near others, which slightly
bulge above the surface prior to opening with a slit. After ascos-
pore release the wall of the empty ascus sunk back into the
hymenial layer (figure 6b), leaving a roundish slit before get-
ting covered by mucilage. Groups of ovoid, somewhat
shrivelled presumed ascospores were repeatedly seen lying
on the hymenial surface (figure 6d); their size (approx.
5.5 mm long) corresponds to those seen in the silicified speci-
mens (figure 4). Some of these presumed ascospores seemed
to germinate (figure 6e), but cannot be distinguished from con-
taminant fungal spores. Both landing of ascospores and their
germination on the hymenial surface occur frequently in
extant ascomycetes. However, crystals of the same size and
shape as the presumed ascospores are frequently found on
this type of material.
On the lower surface of this fragment are medullary spots
embedded within hyphae (figure 6c). The epihymenial layer
has locally peeled off (figure 7a), revealing a reticulum charac-
teristic of cuticles of the Nematothallus complex. The probably
largely immature asci are well preserved (figure 7ac), but
most of the delicate paraphyses were lost, probably during
charcoalification, leaving some impressions on the surface of
the asci (figure 7c). Presumed paraphyses are seen in
figure 7c. The amorphous epihymenial layer is well preserved,
revealing impressions of tip cells of paraphyses on its inner sur-
face; these are visible at sites where the epihymenial layer
detaches (figure 7a). A subhymenial layer with crozier for-
mation was not seen here nor in the silicified material
examined by light microscopy. As described by Kidston &
Lang [3] for the latter ‘the tubes bend outwards and branch,
and in the superficial layer ... stand parallel at right angles to
the surface’ (p. 888). This specimen was invaded by either
fungal or bacterial contaminants (figure 7b).
(c) A charcoalified apothecial fragment of a presumed
pezizomycete from the Late Silurian Shropshire
The unnamed specimen LL03/02 from Ludford Lane, Shrop-
shire (figure 8), is interpreted as a fragment of at least two
apothecia, which had been growing side by side
100 µm
tip cells of paraphyses
tip cells of
Figure 4. (ae)Prototaxites aff. taiti from Rhynie chert, details from the longitudinal section in slide no. 149 CT B (figure 3). Polysporous asci and thin-walled, delicate
paraphyses. The darkly pigmented epihymenial layer is best visible in (d). The arrow in (e) points to anastomosing paraphyses. Same magnification in (ae). Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 373: 20170146
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(figure 8a,b,e). In contrast to the hymenium of P. taiti, a dense
subhymenial layer is seen with presumed crozier formation
(figure 8c). The apothecia have a thin margin built up by
only one cell layer (figure 8b,e). The apex of the polysporous
ascus reached the hymenial surface at maturity (figure 8e,f).
Some of the tip cells of the septate paraphyses bend and
branch (figure 8f,g), a feature which is seen also among some
extant ascomycetes. This specimen, which was unfortunately
lost while being turned over for additional fracturing and
investigations, represents the first apothecium-bearing
member of the Pezizomycotina so far found.
4. Discussion
(a) Prototaxites taiti: an ascomycete with extensive
hymenial layer
A striking structural similarity of the ascomata of Prototaxites
taiti with the sori (meiosporangia-bearing zones) of the
large sporophytes of marine brown algae (kelps) of the order
Laminariales (Phaeophyceae, Heterokonta) is evident. Sori of
Laminariales are formed as patches on the surface of the
phylloids (‘blades’); they are built up by sterile filaments
(paraphyses) interspersed with elongate, ascus-shaped meio-
sporangia comprising large numbers of biflagellate zoospores.
The morphological similarity of Prototaxites stems with cauloids
and of their basal part with holdfasts of Laminariales was
reported by earlier investigators [13,17,18,24,25]. However,
the meristem-derived tissues of laminarialean sporophytes
differ anatomically from the plectenchyma of Prototoaxites
spp. Fossilrecords are largely missing. Based on multigene phy-
logenetic analyses the branching time of Laminariales from
Ectocarpales (filamentous brown algae) is estimated around
100– 90 Ma [36]. Thus a laminarialean affiliation of the genus
Prototaxites can be excluded.
Based on the present findings P. taiti is interpreted as a
basal ascomycete; in the fertile state a hymenial layer com-
prising polysporous asci and delicate, septate paraphyses
covered the surface of either part of its axis or of fertile, pre-
sumably lateral and/or terminal outgrowths. It is not clear
how the hymenial fragment of the type specimen of P. taiti
(figure 1a) was connected to the axis; the ‘fleshy’ fertile frag-
ment in the peels (figure 2a,b) might represent a fruit body as
a lateral outgrowth of the axis. Further material is needed to
answer these questions.
The oldest ascoma of an ascomycete so far described are
the beautifully preserved perithecia of Palaeopyrenomycites
devonicus [37,38], a presumed sordariomycete, parasite or epi-
biont of Asteroxylon mackiei. However, the most basal taxa
100 µm
fungal hyphae
200 µm
100 µm
tip cells of
ascus tips
30 µm 4 µm
Figure 5. Prototaxites aff. taiti from Rhynie chert, details from slide no. 149 CT B; (a,b) confocal laser microscopy, (ce) bright field light microscopy. (a) Detail of
the hymenial layer with asci, paraphyses and invasive, contaminating fungal filaments. (b) Spores inside an ascus. (c) Contaminating fungal and bacterial filaments
growing below the hymenial layer. (d) Laminal view, and (e) tangential (left) and cross-section (right) of detached fragments of the epihymenial layer, with tip cells
of paraphyses and open ascus tips, the interspace being filled with dark pigments. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 373: 20170146
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500 µm
50 µm
500 µm
20 µm 10 µm
medullary spots
Figure 6. SEM micrographs of a charcoalified fragment of the hymenial layer of Prototaxites sp. (HD(L)171/03) from Welsh Borderland. (a,b,d,e) Laminal view of the
surface. (a) Overview; (b) detail of the hymenial surface. The asterisks mark an ascus apex prior to dehiscence. Thick arrows point to asci shortly after ascospore
release, the inoperculate ascus tips having slightly expanded and opened with a slit. Thin arrows point to empty asci whose wall sank back into the hymenial layer.
(c) Lower surface of the specimen. (d) Arrows point to shrivelled, presumed ascospores after landing on the hymenial surface. (e) Presumed ascospores having
germinated next to the apex of the empty ascus.
20 µm20 µm
200 µm
200 µm 20 µm
tip cells of
Figure 7. SEM micrographs of the charcoalified fragment of the hymenial layer of Prototaxites sp. (HD(L)171/03) from Welsh Borderland, lateral view. (a) The dense
epihymenial layer is partly peeling off (figure 5a,b). (b). Detail of the hymenial layer with immature asci. Arrows point to presumed paraphyses and/or fungal or
bacterial invaders. (c) Arrows point to remains of a few thin-walled paraphyses. The asterisk points to an ascus with superficial impressions of lost paraphyses. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 373: 20170146
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among the extant Pezizomycotina (i.e. the Peziomycetes and
Orbiliomycetes; [39,40]) produce neither ostiolate peri- or
pseudothecia, nor closed cleisto- or gymnothecia, but apothe-
cia, the former ascomal types having evolved independently
in diverse taxa [41–44].
The dimensions of the hymenial layer of P. taiti differ con-
siderably from extant ascomycetes, both in circumference and
height. Very large apothecial surfaces are found, e.g. among
the earth tongues (Geoglossaceae, Geoglossomycetes;
figure 9b), the elfin saddles (Helvellaceae, Pezizomycetes) and
the morels (Morchellaceae, Pezizomycetes). Their comparatively
soft, large ascomata are relatively short-lived (few weeks) and
die off after ascospore release, all asci reaching maturity at
almost the same time. In contrast, the tough, club-shaped dead
moll’s finger (Xylaria longipes) and related taxa among the Xylar-
iaceae as well as caterpillar fungi (Cordiceps spp.,
Sordariomycetes) have no superficial hymenial layer, but large
numbers of minute perithecia peripherally inserted in their
robust sclerotia. Long-living hymenial layers are found in the
apothecia of the majority of lichen-forming ascomycetes,
especially in the Lecanoromycetes (e.g. Cladonia spp., Cladonia-
ceae, or Baeomyces spp., Baeomycetaceae; figure 9c,d), their fruit
bodies producing asci over many months to a few years. How-
ever, their apothecia are minute compared with the
aforementioned taxa.
The hymenial layer of P. taiti is approximately 1100 mm
high and thus more than twice the size as reached by extant
apothecia-bearing ascomycetes. The length of the mature
ascus, as recorded in the taxonomic literature, does not necess-
arily reflect the full height of the hymenium; the apex of the
mature ascus may be below the hymenial surface and the epi-
hymenial layer often accounts for additional micrometres. In
extant pezizomycetes, ascus lengths around 300 380 mmare
found in morels (Morchella spp.), up to 390 mm in cedar cup
200 µm 200 µm 2 apothecia
hymenial surface
hymenial surface
hymenial surface
100 µm
polysporous polysporous
hymenial hymenial
50 µm
polysporous asci
apothecial margins
ascus apex
ascus apices
tip cells of
10 µm
septa in
septa in
20 µm
2 µm
Figure 8. SEM micrographs of a charcoalified apothecial fragment from the Late Silurian (LL03/02) from Ludford Lane, Shropshire. (a) Upside-up, and (b,e) upside-
down positional views of the specimen. (c) Presumed crozier in the basal part of the hymenial layer. (d) The longitudinally fractured hymenial layer is built up by
slim, unbranched paraphyses. The numerous ascospores within the fractured, polysporous ascus reveal irregular outlines, i.e. are deformed. Arrows point to bacterial
contaminants which had grown post-mortem over the fragment. (e) Detail of surface in (b): the thin apothecial margin is built up by parallel hyphae. ( f) The
rounded tip cells of paraphyses are grouped around presumed ascus apices. (g) Septa are visible in fractured paraphyses. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 373: 20170146
on December 18, 2017 from
(Sepultaria sumneriana), and up to 450 mm in midnight disco
(Pachyella violaceonigra), all representatives of the Pezizales/
Pezizomycetes (data from [45]).
(b) The oldest fossil apothecia
This is the first report on fossil apothecia, the characteristic
ascomata as formed by numerous taxa within the subphylum
Pezizomycotina, which are considerably older than those
found in Cenozoic amber. So far a striking discrepancy
between the presumed age of the earliest apothecia-bearing
ascomycetes (Ordovician), as concluded from molecular data-
sets [38,39], and the fossil record was evident. So-called
calicioid ascomata (a paraphyletic assemblage of taxa with
stalked apothecia and superficial mazaedium, i.e. a powdery
spore mass, as released by deliquescent asci [46,47]), were
found in Cenozoic amber [48–51].
Extant representatives of the Pezizomycotina have a hap-
loid vegetative mycelium. Ascoma formation is initiated by
dikaryon formation, either via spermatisation of ascogonia
(the contact sites being thin-walled trichogynes, which grow
out of the ascogonia) or via fusionof non-differentiated vegeta-
tive hyphae (somatogamy). Upon successful dikaryotisation a
system of dikaryotic hyphae grows towards the future hyme-
nial layer of the ascoma. The haploid hyphal system in close
contact with the ascomal primordium builds up the ascoma
with characteristic margin and the hymenial layer with para-
physes, which, in many groups, secrete the hydrophilic
hymenial gelatin and the epihymenial layer plus the pigments
located therein. In the majority of Pezizomycotina, crozier for-
mation with nuclear migration into the penultimate cell along
the dikaryotic ascogenous hyphae, precedes karyogamy; this
allows the maintenance of the dikaryotic state with nuclei of
opposite mating types.
(c) Neolectomycetes (Taphrinomycotina): basal
Ascomycota with club-shaped ascomata
The Taphrinomycotina, formerly termed Archaeascomycetes,
is the most basal out of three subphyla of the Ascomycota;
it comprises the classes Taphrinomycetes (plant pathogens),
Schizosaccharomycetes (fission yeasts), and the monotypic
class Neolectomycetes (with one order, one family and one
genus, Neolecta Speg., comprising four presumably sapro-
trophic species) [52]; these are the only extant representatives
of the Taphrinomycotina which form ascomata.
The stipitate, clavate ascomata of Neolecta spp. are covered
by a coloured hymenial layer (figure 9a), no ascomal margin
being differentiated. The vegetative hyphae are binucleate,
the ascogenous hyphae multinucleate, the nuclei being haploid
[53]. When asci are to be formed in Neolecta spp. pairs of nuclei,
presumably of opposite mating types, are formed and segre-
gated via septum formation from the rest of the hypha [53]; a
dense subhymenial layer is missing and no croziers are
formed. The mating system of Neolecta spp. has not yet been
genetically analysed, and it is not known how the pairing of
nuclei is achieved prior to karyogamy and meiosis. In the
more advanced, plant pathogenic Taphrinomycetes (Taphrina
spp.) the dikaryon is formed soon after ascospore germination
via fusion of budding cells, only the dikaryotic (bi-nucleate)
mycelium being infective. Based on molecular datasets
[54,55] Neolecta (i.e. the Neolectomycetes) was referred to as
‘a fungal dinosaur’ [56].
(d) Prototaxites taiti: a basal ascomycete
According to the present findings P. taiti represents a basal
ascomycete which combines characteristic features of Neolec-
tomycetes/Taphrinomycotina, such as asci without crozier
formation (in addition to the SEM specimen several millimetres
of hymenial length were studied in petrographic thin sections),
their inoperculate apex opening with a slit, and of Pezizomyco-
tina, i.e. a system of paraphyses which secrete mucilage into the
hymenial and epihymenial layer. However, Upper Silurian
and Lower Devonian Prototaxites spp. were unlikely ancestors
of the Pezizomycotina since they were contemporaries of
apothecia-bearing ascomycetes with more advanced character
traits. The unnamed Upper Silurian apothecial fragment
(LL03/02) with a thin apothecial margin (figure 8b,e), distinct
paraphyses and polysporous asci, reveals a dense subhymenial
layer (figure 8d) and presumed croziers (figure 8c), both being
characteristic features of Pezizomycotina. No croziers could be
resolved in Palaeopyrenomycites devonicus [37,38].
How does our interpretation of P. taiti as a basal ascomy-
cete correlate with Francis Hueber’s [1] emendation of the
genus Prototaxites as a representative of the class
Geoglossomycetes Lecanoromycetes (lichenized)
Figure 9. Extant ascomycetes with clavate to roundish sporophores (ascomata). (a) The presumably saprotrophic Neolecta vitellina, one out of four species of
Neolectomycetes, the only Taphrinomycotina with ascomata. The extensive hymenial layer is bright yellow. Photo courtesy of Raymond McNeil. (b) The saprotrophic
dark-purple earth tongue (Geoglossum atropurpureum, syn. Thuemenidium a.). Photo courtesy of Knud Knudsen. (c) The stalked, non-lichenized ascomata of Dibaeis
baeomyces (syn. Baeomyces roseus) growing out of the crustose lichen thallus. (d) Convex ascomata of Cladonia bellidiflora with red coloration (due to crystals of the
anthraquinone bellidiflorin in the epihymenial layer) on an erect podetium whose surface is covered by dorsiventrally organized, lichenized squamules. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 373: 20170146
on December 18, 2017 from
Agaricomycetes (¼Holobasidiomycetes)? Based on detailed
investigations of P. loganii samples, Hueber interpreted the
tangentially sectioned peripheral layer as a hymenial layer
and some of the structures therein as sterigmata of presumed
basidia. Neither basidia proper nor basidiospores were seen
in this sample. The presumed sterigmata could be remains
of ascus walls in the tip region after spore discharge.
Median sections are required to solve this problem.
In the neotype of P. loganii Hueber [1] described a cluster
of very thin, finely branched presumed dendrophyses (¼
dendrohyphidia), a type of sterile hyphae as found in the
hymenia of some basidiomycetes. No comparable structures
were found in P. taiti. Since the hymenium, as the peripheral
layer, is also easily accessible to fungal and bacterial coloni-
zers during lifetime and post-mortem (figure 5c) and
crystallization products of minerals may have developed
during the fossilization process on or near the hymenial sur-
face, a more detailed analysis of the cellular structure of the
dendrophyses would be of interest.
The septal pore apparatus, a phylogenetically informative
character trait, has been investigated in Prototaxites southworthi
with TEM techniques [57]. It shows a quite complex central
pore with surrounding material, but not a dolipore as typically
found in extant Agaricomycetes. A surprisingly similar situ-
ation was observed in Neolecta vitellina [58], whose septal
pore apparatus differs structurally and biochemically from
the one as typically found in Pezizomycotina. The HEX-1
protein, as contained in the membrane-bound Woronin
bodies which are plugging the septal pore of Pezizomycotina
[59], is missing in Neolecta [60], but a unique type of material
is present. Healy et al. [58] conclude that the septal pore-occlud-
ing structure in Neolecta might have evolved independently.
(e) Polyspory
With regard to the current discussion about the evolution of
polyspory among the Pezizomycotina [61] it is particula-
rly interesting to see polysporous asci in the perithecia of
Palaeopyrenomycites devonicus (up to approx. 16 ascospores
per ascus; [37,38]), in the earliest yet found apothecium
from the Upper Silurian (present study) and in P. taiti (pre-
sent study).
The majority of extant representatives of the Pezizomyco-
tina contain eight ascospores per ascus (octospory), these
being the result of one mitosis following meiosis. However,
polyspory is widespread, some taxa containing more than
100 spores per ascus. Examples are more than 500, as in
Melanophloea (lichenized ascomycete incertae sedis; [62]), or
more than 1000 as in Brigantiaea (Lecanorales) and Gyalidea
(Ostropales; both Lecanoromycetes). Among extant Pezizomy-
cotina polyspory occurs in Eurotiomycetes, Dothideomycetes,
Lecanoromycetes, Leotiomycetes, Lichinomycetes, Orbiliomy-
cetes, Sordariomycetes, often punctually (one or few
polysporous among many octosporous species per genus),
but sometimes prominent, with the majority of species per
genus or even family being polysporous. Polyspory is also
widespread within the Taphrinomycotina, the most basal of
all subphyla of Ascomycota.
Some authors distinguish between true polyspory, when
asci contain more than 100 spores, and non-true polyspory
for taxa with more than eight and less than 100 spores per
ascus [61]. Polyspory results from either several mitoses follow-
ing meiosis (probably the most common case), from multiple
budding (e.g. in various Taphrina sp., sometimes also in
Neolecta spp; [53,63]), from conidium formation by ascospores
within the ascus (e.g. in Rhamphoria [Sordariomycetes],
Brigantiaea and Gyalidea [Lecanoromycetes]), or from break-
ing apart of multicellular ascospores within the ascus (e.g.
various species in the genera Claussenomyces, Tympanis [Leo-
tiomycetes] or Cordyceps [Sordariomycetes]).
Among the lichen-forming Pezizomycotina polyspory is
widespread [61,62]. Few families such as the Ascosporaceae,
Biatorellaceae (Lecanoromycetes) and Thelocarpaceae (incer-
tae sedis) and at least 16 genera therein are largely
polysporous, while 38 (unrelated) genera comprise only few
polysporous species (representatives of Lecanoromycetes,
Lichinomycetes, Eurotiomycetes). Polyspory was assumed
to have evolved independently at least 57 times among
extant lichen-forming ascomycetes [62]. However, the possi-
bility of polyspory being an ancestral trait and repeatedly
lost during evolution cannot be excluded. Larger sets of mol-
ecular data and distinctly more fossil records are required.
(f) The detached epihymenial layer of apothecia: a type
of ‘dispersed cuticle’
In the palaeobotanical literature the term cuticle is used
for (usually fragmented) surface layers of various origins:
arthropods, plants or thalli of presumably lichenized fungi.
Dispersed cuticles of nematophytes had so far been interpreted
as the top layer of vegetative thalli [64,65]. Here we present the
first examples of dispersed cuticles as a detached epihymenial
layer of apothecia in permineralized Prototaxites aff. taiti from
Rhynie chert material and from charcoalified Prototaxites sp.
from the Lochkovian of the Welsh Borderland. Apothecia
might be more common in the fossil record than previously
assumed, e.g. among nematophytes with distinct palisade
zone below the peripheral layer. Asci differ in their cell-wall
structure, composition and function from paraphyses and
50 µm
Figure 10. Light micrographs of iodine-stained free-hand sections of the
ascoma (apothecium) of extant Peltigera spp. (lichenized ascomycetes) whose
ascus wall differs structurally and chemically from ascospores, paraphyses and
vegetative hyphae. (a) Detail of the hymenial layer of P. canina and (b)
mature ascus with eight spindle-shaped, three-septate ascospores, both stained
with Lugol’s solution (IKI). (c) Detail of the hymenial layer and adjacent margin
of P. venosa subjected to the van Wisselingh test for chitin (red coloration of
chitosan after hydrolytic transformation of chitin). Red coloration, indicative of
chitin, is discernible in the walls of vegetative hyphae of the apothecial
margin, of paraphyses and of the ascospores. In both preparations, the ascus
wall stains blue with iodine due to amyloid compounds (presumably liche-
nin-like glucans with b-1,3 and b-1,4 linkage bonds). Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 373: 20170146
on December 18, 2017 from
vegetative hyphae (figure 10ac) and thus might often have
been lost during fossilization.
Looking at extant apothecia-bearing ascomycetes one
should keep in mind that their vegetative mycelium is either
hidden in the substrate (saprotrophs) or in a host tissue (para-
sites) or ensheathing plant root systems (mycorrhizae), only
their ascomata being visible above ground. On suitable sub-
strates, apothecia are locally abundant and appear in large
and often colourful clusters (e.g. in the genera Sepultaria,
Peziza,Helotium,Hymenoscyphus, etc., examples in [45]).
Upon suitable fossilization, fragments of apothecial discs
should be detectable in the fossil record. Exceptions are the
lichenized taxa; these have to expose their photobiont cell
population to adequate illumination and therefore differentiate
their vegetative thallus at or above ground (rock, soil, bark,
etc.), fossilized remains of their vegetative thallus having
been found from the mid-Palaeozoic onwards [33,34], but fer-
tile fragments remain to be found.
(g) Nutritional aspects
Assignation to the heterotrophic fungi of organisms with such
enormous body mass (‘trunks’ of Saudi Arabian Prototaxites
attained a length of 8.8 m and a diameter of 1.2 m, fig. 14 in
[1]) raises questions on sources of nutrients which Hueber
suggested were acquired via a hypothetical extensive soil
mycelium exploiting decaying organic material. Our present
data do not contribute substantially to our understanding of
its nutritional strategies. There is no evidence for underground
structures in Prototaxites, although the basal part of P. hefteri
resembles the basal part of Laminaria sp. whence rhizoids
derive [17]. Edwards and coworkers described putative cords
or rhizomorphs of Nematosketum, closely allied to Prototaxites
[66], and presumed rooting structures of Prototaxites sp. in
rocks of the Early Devonian Anglo-Welsh Basin [67]; similar
structures likely occur alongside sections of P. taiti (this inves-
tigation, figure 2c). The authors speculated that such organs
might have translocated soluble carbohydrate produced by
leakage from biofilms or their decay. A similar source has
been suggested from d
CdatafromPrototaxites and coeval
vascular plants [68]. The former showed a considerable range
in values (215.6% to 226.6%) allowing the inference of hetero-
trophic nutrition involving a number of isotopically distinct
substrates. The values determined by Graham et al. [29] were
more consistent with those obtained experimentally from
Marchantia, but no allowance was made for differences in
atmospheric d
C in Devonian times. They used such data to
support their hypothesis that Prototaxites represented accumu-
lations of concentric layers of thalloid hepatic mats, bound
together by rhizoids, produced on rolling down a slope. Both
isotopic data and marchantialean affinity have subsequently
been questioned and concluded unlikely on sedimentological,
anatomical and geochemical grounds (e.g. [30,31,68,69]).
(h) Saprotrophic, lichenised or mixed nutritional
Based solely on energy relationships, Selosse [70,71] had
suggested a lichen-type association in Prototaxites,anaffinity
reinforced on very tenuous anatomical grounds by Retallack &
Landing [10], but a sufficiently large and productive photobiont
cell population has not yet been convincingly demonstrated.
However, as in the other genera of nematophytes [33], the
photobiont cell population might not have been preserved
during fossilization. Almost all green algal and cyanobacterial
cells in the Lower Devonian lichens Chlorolichenomycites salopen-
sis and Cyanolichenomycites devonicus were missing, but
mucilaginous cyanobacterial sheaths were well preserved [34].
When part of the Prototaxites axes were covered by a hyme-
nial layer, as concluded from the present findings, lichenized
zones might have been either interspersed with fertile areas,
or restricted to either the surface proper or lateral outgrowths
of a non-fertile basal part, as in podetia of cup lichens
(Cladonia spp., figure 9d). Alternatively the basal cords of
Prototaxites might have connected the fertile stems with the
common and widespread, possibly lichenized nematophytes
with dorsiventrally organized thalli, common and widespread
organisms in the groundcover of terrestrial ecosystems of the
Mid-Palaeozoic [33,66]. This situation, although in miniature
format, is found in extant Dibaeis and Baeomyces spp.
(figure 9c), but also in lichenized basidiomycetes (Agaricomy-
cotina) with non-lichenized basidiomata (e.g. Lichenomphalia
spp. [72]). However, a superficial hymenial layer and an under-
lying, photosynthetically active photobiont cell population are
not mutually exclusive; this situation occurs in innumerable
representatives of Lecanoromycetes with a lichenized, so-
called thallus margin around the apothecial disc (e.g. Parmelia-
ceae, Xanthoriaceae), photobiont cells living not only in the
lateral margin, but also underneath the hymenium, the latter
allowing sufficient light transmission in the hydrated state,
especially when ascospores are hyaline. If originally present
below the hymenial layer, traces of green algae or cyanobac-
teria should have been fossilized in the Rhynie chert material
of P. taiti.
It is also possible that Prototaxites had a mixed nutritional
lifestyle with simultaneous saprotrophic and symbiotic acqui-
sition of fixed carbon. The majority of extant lichen-forming
ascomycetes are physiologically facultatively biotrophic and
thus can be axenically cultured in the aposymbiotic state. In
nature many lichenized taxa likely derive nutrients not only
as soluble, mobile photosynthates from their photoautotrophic
partner, but also saprotrophically, e.g. by enzymatic degra-
dation of organic matter, such as the cellulosic mother cell
walls of green algal photobionts after autospore formation
or decaying plant material in the substratum. Hyphae of
Icmadophila ericetorum, a lichen-forming lecanoromycete grow-
ing on rotten wood (lignin having largely been removed by
white rot fungi), were shown to grow through the cell walls
of woody tissues which had been partially degraded [73];
quantitative data are missing. The large axes of Prototaxites
spp. certainly carried a diverse and probably at least partly
beneficial microbiome which remains to be circumscribed,
epi- and endolichenic bacteria and fungi having been found
in the Lower Devonian Chlorolichenomycites salopensis [74].
(i) Fossil records and the calibration of the molecular
Prior to the advent of molecular genetic tools, the shape and
ontogeny of the fruiting bodies, together with ascus types,
were prime characters in ascomycete classification. However,
in molecular phylogenies both character sets turned out to be
homoplaseous; thus, groupings such as discomycetes (com-
prising apothecia-bearing taxa), pyrenomycetes (comprising
perithecia-bearing taxa), etc., as found in the older literature,
became obsolete [41– 44]. Phylogenetic datasets indicate Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 373: 20170146
on December 18, 2017 from
that ascomycetes derived from other fungal lineages in the
Proterozoic, estimates ranging between 1490 and 600 Ma,
depending on calibration [40,46,75–81]. Unfortunately the
fruiting bodies of the majority of ascomycetes lack robust struc-
tures capable of withstanding microbial degradation and thus
are very rarely found in fossil records. Well-preserved, fertile
fungal fossils are urgently needed for calibrating the molecular
clock. To conclude: the beautifully preserved Rhynie chert
material and the charcoalified specimens from siltstone of the
Welsh Borderland, as investigated in this study, give new
insights into the taxonomic affiliation of the genus Prototaxites.
Data accessibility. This article has no additional data.
Authors’ contributions. R.H. did the light and most of the scanning elec-
tron microscopy and mycological interpretation, and wrote most of
the manuscript; D.E. was initially investigating specimens of Prototax-
ites with intact surface layer from various slide collections, wrote part
of the manuscript, provided the material and infrastructure,
organized financial support and helped draft the manuscript. L.A.
prepared the specimens for SEM analysis, helped with LM and
SEM investigations and contributed to the manuscript. C.S.-D. did
the confocal microscopy and contributed to the manuscript. All
authors gave final approval for publication.
Competing interests. We declare we have no competing interests.
Funding. D.E. is grateful for financial support from the Leverthulme
Trust and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. C.S.-D. thanks the Euro-
pean Commission, Programme FP7-People-2011(SYMBIONTS 298735)
and the Paleontological Association, UK (grant no. PA-RG201602) for
financial support.
Acknowledgements. Our sincere thanks are due to Dr Neil Clark (Hunter-
ian Museum, Glasgow) and to Prof. Nigel Trewin (Aberdeen
University) for providing specimens for investigation. We gratefully
acknowledge the technical support by Dr Tomasz Goral (confocal
microscopy; NHM London) and by Peter Fisher (SEM; Cardiff
University). Raymond McNeil and Knud Knudsen provided
images of extant ascomycetes. We thank Marc-Andre
´Selosse and
an anonymous reviewer for their comments on the manuscript.
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... Hueber (2001) interpreted Prototaxites as a giant sporomorph of basidiomycote affinities, whereas Retallack and Landing (2014) favoured a provisional assignment to Glomeromycota. Honegger et al. (2018) described P. loganii as a giant sporophore (basidioma) and identified fertile Prototaxites taiti in Rhynie cherts. Boyce et al. (2007) obtained variable δ 13 C isotope values from Prototaxites, suggesting heterotrophic nutrition on isotopically distinct substrates consistent with a fungal affinity. ...
... The enigmatic fossil Prototaxites loganii Dawson encountered from Silurian to Upper Devonian successions was in the early days of its discovery interpreted as a conifer trunk, and although that hypothesis has been disregarded (Retallack and Landing 2014;Honegger et al. 2018, and references therein), there is still an ongoing debate concerning their affinity with groups such as red and brown algae, liverworts, fungi, and lichens put forward as the most possible parent organisms. ...
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The enigmatic fossil Prototaxites found in successions ranging from the Middle Ordovician to the Upper Devonian was originally described as having conifer affinity. The current debate, however, suggests that they probably represent gigantic algal–fungal symbioses. Our re-investigation of permineralized Prototaxites specimens from two localities, the Heider quarry in Germany and the Bordeaux quarry in Canada, reveals striking anatomical similarities with modern fungal rhizomorphs Armillaria mellea. We analysed extant fungal rhizomorphs and fossil Prototaxites through light microscopy of their anatomy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, X-ray microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy. Based on these comparisons, we interpret the Prototaxites as fungi. The detailed preservation of cell walls and possible organelles seen in transverse sections of Prototaxites reveal that fossilization initiated while the organism was alive, inhibiting the collapse of delicate cellular structures. Prototaxites has been interpreted to grow vertically by many previous workers. Here we propose an alternative view that Prototaxites represents a complex hyphal aggregation (rhizomorph) that may have grown horizontally similar to modern complex aggregated mycelial growth forms, such as cords and rhizomorphs. Their main function was possibly to redistribute water and nutrition from nutrient-rich to nutrient-poor areas facilitating the expansion for early land plant communities.
... Putative fungal and macroalgal remains Plate IV, 7-8 An enigmatic specimen noticed within the assemblage could potentially represent the taxon Prototaxites (Plate IV, 7), an organism with presumed fungal affinities from the Silurian-Devonian interval (Hueber, 2001;Morris and Edwards, 2014;Honegger et al., 2018). The specimen is 4.2 cm long and 1.5 cm wide, longitudinally striated with seemingly several superimposed layers of this material, that impart to it a different surface texture than the other plant macrofossils. ...
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The Early Devonian plant fossil record provides evidence of large vegetation turnover events in addition to rapid morphological and anatomical changes among vascular plants. The Ardenno-Rhenish Massif has historically yielded a vast number of these plant fossils allowing us to obtain a nearly unparalleled snapshot of Early Devonian vegetation. Nonetheless, the interest for describing or redescribing fossil floras from this region has waned in recent years despite their inherent value to understand Early Devonian plant diversity dynamics. Here, we describe a newly collected macrofossil flora from the middle Emsian Schuttbourg Formation at Consthum Quarry (Luxembourg). Six different plant macrofossil taxa were identified, including Drepanophycus spinaeformis and Psilophyton cf. princeps, in addition to putative macroalgal and fungal remains. The flora also includes other equivocal specimens resembling Sawdonia, Huvenia and Zosterophyllum. The composition of the assemblage is extremely similar, at generic level, to older Pragian-early Emsian and coeval floras from nearby localities, which indicates that there was no major floral turnover until the latter part of the Emsian in this region. Taxonomic descriptions also highlight many of the underlying issues in identifying Early Devonian sterile specimens. Inconsistencies in plant fossil identifications from this region call for a thorough revision of Belgian and German floras that together could provide a high-resolution picture of plant diversity changes in the Early Devonian.
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Leaf-associated fungi, the fungi that depend on leaves to sporulate, have a rich Cenozoic record, however their earlier diversity is poorly characterized. Here we describe Harristroma eboracense gen. et sp. nov., a Middle Jurassic leaf-associated fungus colonizing the leaf cuticle of Nilssonia tenuicaulis (cycadophyte). To place our newly described species into a picture of the diversification of Mesozoic fungi, we reassess fossils with leaf-associated stromata in the context of fungal molecular phylogeny. Being melanized, with radiate stromata, and on leaves, H. eboracense and other fossils from the Jurassic and earlier periods are probably related to filamentous Ascomycota in the superclass Leotiomyceta. Characters needed for further resolution of leaf-associated fungal biology and classification, such as the presence of an ostiole for spore discharge and appressoria for entry into leaf tissue first appear in the Mesozoic fossil record. Among Early Cretaceous fossils, Spataporthe taylorii represents the oldest unambiguous evidence of perithecial Sordariomycetes while Protographum luttrellii and Bleximothyrium ostiolatum are the oldest Dothideomycetes thyriothe-cia. Environmental observations show that broad leaved gymnosperms (especially cycadophytes) growing in warm temperate wet forests might have been the first environment for the radiation of Leotiomyceta.
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Fungi are integral to well-functioning ecosystems, and their broader impact on Earth systems is widely acknowledged. Fossil evidence from the Rhynie Chert (Scotland, UK) shows that Fungi were already diverse in terrestrial ecosystems over 407-million-years-ago, yet evidence for the occurrence of Dikarya ( the subkingdom of Fungi that includes the phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota ) in this site is scant. Here we describe a particularly well-preserved asexual fungus from the Rhynie Chert which we examined using brightfield and confocal microscopy. We document Potteromyces asteroxylicola gen. et sp. nov. that we attribute to Ascomycota incertae sedis (Dikarya) . The fungus forms a stroma-like structure with conidiophores arising in tufts outside the cuticle on aerial axes and leaf-like appendages of the lycopsid plant Asteroxylon mackiei . It causes a reaction in the plant that gives rise to dome-shaped surface projections. This suite of features in the fungus together with the plant reaction tissues provides evidence of it being a plant pathogenic fungus. The fungus evidently belongs to an extinct lineage of ascomycetes that could serve as a minimum node age calibration point for the Ascomycota as a whole, or even the Dikarya crown group, along with some other Ascomycota previously documented in the Rhynie Chert.
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Nowadays Fungi are recognized as integral to well-functioning ecosystems, and their broader impact on earth systems is widely acknowledged. Remarkable early fossil evidence from the Rhynie chert (Scotland, UK) shows that Fungi were already diverse in terrestrial ecosystems over 407-million-years-ago, yet evidence for the occurrence of Dikarya (the subkingdom of Fungi that includes the phyla Ascomycota and Basidiomycota) in this fossilised geothermal site is scant. Here we used high resolution white light microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy to re-examine historic petrographic thin sections of exceptionally well-preserved fossils from the Rhynie chert site. 3D visualizations obtained by confocal laser scanning microscopy were created from the image stacks; this method proved effective for plant tissues and associated fungal remains. We document a new fungus, Potteromyces asteroxylicola that we attribute to Ascomycota incertae sedis (Dikarya). This fungus colonized the aerial axes and leaf-like appendages of the plant Asteroxylon mackiei (Lycopsida). The fungus is represented by a stroma-like structure and by conidiophores originating in tufts from beneath the cuticle. We show that these caused a reaction in the plant that gave rise to dome-shaped surface projections. This suite of features in the fungus together with the plant reaction tissues provides the earliest unequivocal fossil evidence of a plant pathogenic fungus. The newly described fungus belongs to an extinct lineage that could serve as a minimum node age calibration point for the Ascomycota as a whole or perhaps for the Dikarya crown group. This also might apply to Paleopyrenomycites devonicus, and to the hymenial layer bearing polysporus asci that was attributed to Prototaxites taiti, both previously documented in the Rhynie chert. Our finding also supports an affiliation to Ascomycota rather than to Basidiomycota for the origin of fungal plant pathogenicity.
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This chapter gives an overview on (1) lichen-forming fungi, lichen photobionts and peculiarities of lichen symbiosis such as gains and losses of lichenization, species concepts, specificity, morphodemes and morphotype pairs, non-lichen mutualistic fungal interactions with unicellular algae and cyanobacteria and mycophycobioses; (2) the mycobiont–photobiont interface, water relations and gas exchange, mycobiont-derived secondary metabolites and the accumulation of heavy metals or radionuclides; (3) the microbiome of lichen thalli, i.e. the bacteriome (epi- and endolichenic bacteria), lichenicolous and endolichenic fungi, lichenicolous lichens and the virome of lichens and their allies; (4) fossil lichens and their microbiome; (5) lichen–animal interactions such as the micro- and mesofauna of lichen thalli, lichenivory in invertebrates and vertebrates, endo-and epizoochory; (6) lichenomimesis in animals and flowering plants.
During Late Devonian Voronezh Land was one of the main volcanic centers of Central Devonian Field. Earlier eruptions on the given territory have not been documented. This paper presents the detailed multidisciplinary study of the Pre-Eifelian paleosol developed from rhyolite lava deposited on the contact with the Proterozoic basement in Shkurlat granite quarry (Voronezh region, Russia). Discovered paleosol includes abundant coalified and partly substituted by pyrite allochthonous remnants of Nematasketum and Prototaxites. Main part of them had an outstanding preservation of tissues. Along with typical for rhyolite a quartz dominance, paleosol contains in situ developed kaolinite, gypsum, goethite, jarosite. Abundant Fe-nodules concentrated in the second half part of the shallow (∼50 cm) paleosol profile are composed of gypsum, goethite and metastable Fe-sulfates - jarosite and voltaite. Based on a complex of analytical characteristics, the discovered paleosol was attributed to acidic sulfate soil. The development of paleosol was initiated by pyrite oxidation which played the role of trigger. Being gypseous, paleosol bears the characteristics which are typical for paleosol of humid type. Based on geochemical data (CIA, CIA-K, PWI indexes) the obtained climatic parameters correspond to a subtropical climate with MAP 1200–1300 mm and MAT ∼ 17 °C. Keywords: Acid sulfate paleosol;Central Devonian Field; Coal;Geochemistry;Nematophyte;Paleoclimate;Pre-Eifelian; Volcanism
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Charred fossils from the Wenlock (Wales) and Ludlow (Poland) are evidence of the earliest wildfires to date, showing this phenomenon was contemporaneous with the earliest records of land plant macrofossils. These data indicate fires began to influence Earth system processes alongside those wrought by the advent of an embryophytic terrestrial flora. By the mid-Silurian, fires affected atmospheric composition, sedimentary systems, carbon-and-nutrient cycling, landscape diversity, community composition, and species interactions. As global-heating alters wildfire regimes, greater recognition is being given to fires and their ecosystem impacts, a relationship we now know extends back >430 million years. Here we document the taxonomic composition of charred phytoclasts, evidence of wildfire activity, from two discrete Silurian localities–the Pen-y-lan Mudstone, Rumney, Wales, and the Winnica Formation, Holy Cross Mountains, Poland. Nematophytes dominate each mesofossil assemblage and quantitative reflectance data indicate generally low-temperature fires at both sites, but with locally intense conditions. These and other Silurian assemblages, herein documented as bearing-charcoal, are used to evaluate the systematics, fuel load, and burn temperatures of these earliest wildfires. We propose a diagrammatic reconstruction to explain the seeming disparity between the diminutive size of the embryophytic biota and the highest temperatures (>700˚ C) recorded in these charcoals. Supplementary material: [Raw Mean Random Reflectance (R o %) data from Rumney Borehole, Winnica, Ludford Lane and North Brown Clee Hill sorted by both Locality and Morphotype] is available at:
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This contribution reviews the evidence for terrestrial organisms during the Ordovician (microbial, land plant, fungal, animal) and for the nature of the terrestrial biota. The evidence regarding the origin and early diversification of land plants combines information from both fossils and living organisms. Extant plants can be utilised in: (i) phylogenetic analyses to provide evidence for the nature of the algal-land plant transition and the characteristics of the most basal land plants; (ii) Evo-Devo studies of the characters that enabled the invasion of the land; (iii) molecular clock analysis to provide evidence regarding timing of the origin and diversification of land plants. We conclude that the Ordovician was a critical period during the terrestrialization of planet Earth that witnessed the transition from a microbial terrestrial biota to one dominated by a vegetation of the most basal land plants.
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Zoosporic fungi are key saprotrophs and parasites of plants, animals and other fungi, playing important roles in ecosystems. They comprise at least three phyla, of which two, Chytridiomycota and Blastocladiomycota, developed a range of thallus morphologies including branching hyphae. Here we describe Retesporangicus lyonii gen. et sp. nov., an exceptionally well preserved fossil, which is the earliest known to produce multiple sporangia on an expanded hyphal network. To better characterize the fungus we develop a new method to render surfaces from image stacks generated by confocal laser scanning microscopy. Here, the method helps to reveal thallus structure. Comparisons with cultures of living species and character state reconstructions analysed against recent molecular phylogenies of 24 modern zoosporic fungi indicate an affinity with Blastocladiomycota. We argue that in zoosporic fungi, kinds of filaments such as hyphae, rhizoids and rhizomycelium are developmentally similar structures adapted for varied functions including nutrient absorption and anchorage. The fossil is the earliest known type to develop hyphae which likely served as a saprotrophic adaptation to patchy resource availability. Evidence from the Rhynie chert provides our earliest insights into the biology of fungi and their roles in the environment. It demonstrates that zoosporic fungi were already diverse in 407 million-year-old terrestrial ecosystems. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue ‘The Rhynie cherts: our earliest terrestrial ecosystem revisited’.
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Land phototrophs need to exploit both atmosphere (providing gas and light) and substrate (furnishing water and minerals). Yet, their algal ancestors were poorly pre-adapted to such a life at the interface. We review the paleontological evidence that fungal symbioses which can exploit substrate resources, helped adaptation to land constraints. Diverse structures dating back to the Devonian present convincing evidence for lichens, (symbioses between fungi and microscopic algae) but fossils remain scarce, so that early lichen abundance and ecological relevance remain questionable. Several enigmatic but abundant fossils from the Siluro-Devonian, such as Spongiophytonor the giant Prototaxites (Nematophytes), likely represent fungus-algal symbioses, which shaped early terrestrial ecosystems. Yet, these taxa are fully extinct, and do not have clear affinities with extant groups. Finally, terrestrialization of Embryophyta (land plants), which currently dominate land ecosystems, is linked to a symbiosis with Glomeromycetes. Today, these fungi form arbuscular mycorrhizae, which help most Embryophyta to exploit soil, and molecular data combined with paleontological evidence support the idea that this type of association is ancestral. The role of symbiotic Mucoromycetes during terrestrialization is not fully understood and mycorrhizal association diversified later in the evolution of Embryophyta. Fungal-algal symbioses thus recurrently contributed to terrestrialization of phototrophs.
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The book provides an overview of research on the remarkable diversity, adaptive genetic differentiation, and evolutionary complexity of intertidal macroalgae species. Through incorporating molecular data, ecological niche and model-based phylogeographic inference, this book presents the latest findings and hypotheses on the spatial distribution and evolution of seaweeds in the context of historical climate change (e.g. the Quaternary ice ages), contemporary global warming, and increased anthropogenic influences. The chapters in this book highlight past and current research on seaweed phylogeography and predict the future trends and directions. This book frames a number of research cases to review how biogeographic processes and interactive eco-genetic dynamics shaped the demographic histories of seaweeds, which furthermore enhances our understanding of speciation and diversification in the sea.
The phylogenetic relationships of many lichen-forming perithecioid ascomycetes are unknown. We generated nuLSU and mtSSU rDNA sequences of members of seven families of pyrenocarpous lichens and used a Bayesian framework to infer a phylogenetic estimate. Members of the perithecioid Protothelenellaceae, Thelenellaceae and Thrombiaceae surprisingly cluster within the mainly discocarpous Lecanoromycetes, while Strigulaceae, Verrucariaceae and Pyrenulaceae are related to the ascolocular Chaetothyriomycetes. Micromorphological studies of the ascomata showed that the two main groups of pyrenocarpous lichen-forming fungi differ in their ascus types. The Strigulaceae, Verrucariaceae and Pyrenulaceae have apically and laterally thick-walled asci, whereas the Thelenellaceae, Protothelenellaceae and Thrombiaceae have only apically thickened asci. The latter two show ring-shaped amyloid apical structures. Based on morphological and molecular evidence we propose to reduce Thrombiaceae to synonymy with Protothelenellaceae.
The collection of papers in this issue of Mycologia documents considerable improvements in taxon sampling and phylogenetic resolution regarding the Fungal Tree of Life. The new data will stimulate new attempts to date divergences and correlate events in fungal evolution with those of other organisms. Here, we review the history of dating fungal divergences by nucleic acid variation and then use a dataset of 50 genes for 25 selected fungi, plants and animals to investigate divergence times in kingdom Fungi. In particular, we test the choice of fossil calibration points on dating divergences in fungi. At the scale of our analysis, substitution rates varied without showing significant within-lineage correlation, so we used the Langley-Fitch method in the r8s package of computer programs to estimate node ages. Different calibration points had a dramatic effect on estimated divergence dates. The estimate for the age of the Ascomycota/Basidiomycota split was 1 808 000 000 y ago when calibrated assuming that mammals and birds diverged 300 000 000 y ago, 1 489 000 000 y ago when calibrated assuming that the 400 000 000 y old fungal fossil Paleopyrenomycites devonicus represents Sordariomycetes and ~400 000 000 y ago when calibrated assuming 206 000 000 y ago for the plant eudicot/monocot divergence. An advantage of a date of ~400 000 000 y ago for the Ascomycota/Basidiomycota divergence is that the radiation of fungi associated with land plants would not greatly precede the earliest land plant fossils. Acceptance of ~400 000 000 y ago for the Ascomycota /Basidiomycota split would require that P. devonicus be considered a deeply branching Ascomycota. To improve on current estimates of divergence times, mycologists will require calibration points from within groups of fungi that share similar substitution rates. The most useful calibration is likely to depend on the discovery and description of continuous records of fossil fungi, or their spores, that show recognizable shifts in morphology.
Were the first ascomycetes yeast-like (unicellular) or filamentous with complex multicellular growth? Molecular studies have indicated that the earliest lineages of ascomycetes were mostly yeast-like and without complex, multicellular fruit bodies. The genus Neolecta stands out as an exception. Neolecta spp. have filamentous growth and discomycete-type of fruit bodies, but constitute one of the basal lineages both in rRNA and RPB2 gene trees. In this paper, we have used 10 previously unpublished and 30 GenBank β-tubulin genes to test the phylogenetic position of Neolecta spp. We compared the phylogenetic information from the amino acid sequences (485 characters) with the phylogenetic information content of 33 characters from intron gains and losses. Due to gene duplications, two paralogous versions of β-tubulin genes occurred in four species included in our analysis. Although phylogenetic interpretation of β-tubulin gene trees was complicated by a history of gene duplications, intron gains and losses, and by unequal rates of amino acid substitution, Neolecta species never formed a monophyletic group with any of the sequences from the filamentous ascomycetes in the Pezizomycotina (euascomycetes) in parsimony or distance analyses. Like the RPB2 and rRNA genes, the β-tubulin genes support the hypotheses of an early divergence of Neolecta from superficially similar filamentous ascomycetes. Neolecta could become a key taxon particularly in comparative studies between the fungal model organisms in the mainly unicellular (=yeast-like) taxa Saccharomyces and Schizosaccharomyces and the filamentous fruit-body forming taxa Neurospora and Aspergillus.
Two species of calicioid lichens (Ascomycota) are reported from Baltic amber dating back 55–35 million years ago. The fossils are very similar to some modern Calicium and Chaenotheca species, but because ascus characteristics and photobiont identities cannot be determined they are not assigned to any extant species. Calicioid lichens seem to show a conservative maintenance of morphological adaptations to successful ecological niches, as do several other groups of ascomycetes. The fossils demonstrate that distinguishing features in the morphology of both genera have remained unchanged for at least tens of millions of years. The palaeohabitat of the fossil lichens, viz. that of conifer trunks in a humid, mixed forest, is consistent with the habitat preferences of many modern Calicium and Chaenotheca species.
We describe a perithecial, pleomorphic ascomycetous fungus from the Early Devonian (400 mya) Rhynie chert; the fungus occurs in the cortex just beneath the epidermis of aerial stems and rhizomes of the vascular plant Asteroxylon. Perithecia are nearly spherical with a short, ostiolate neck that extends into a substomatal chamber of the host plant; periphyses line the inner surface of the ostiole. The ascocarp wall is multilayered and formed of septate hyphae; extending from the inner surface are elongate asci interspersed with delicate paraphyses. Asci appear to be unitunicate and contain up to 16 smooth, uniseriate-biseriate ascospores. The method of ascospore liberation is unknown; however, the tip of the ascus is characterized by a narrow, slightly elevated circular collar. Ascospores appear 1–5 celled, and germination is from one end of the spore. Also present along the stems and interspersed among the perithecia are acervuli of conidiophores that are interpreted as the anamorph of the fungus. Conidiogenesis is thallic, basipetal and probably of the holoarthric-type; arthrospores are cube-shaped. Some perithecia contain mycoparasites in the form of hyphae and thick-walled spores of various sizes. The structure and morphology of the fossil fungus is compared with modern ascomycetes that produce perithecial ascocarps, and characters that define the fungus are considered in the context of ascomycete phylogeny.
The early diverging Ascomycota lineage, detected primarily from nSSU rDNA sequence-based phylogenetic analyses, includes enigmatic key taxa important to an understanding of the phylogeny and evolution of higher fungi. At the moment six representative genera of early diverging ascomycetes (i.e. Taphrina, Protomyces, Saitoella, Schizosaccharomyces, Pneumocystis and Neolecta) have been assigned to “Archiascomycetes” sensu Nishida and Sugiyama (1994) ———, ———. 1994a. Phylogeny and molecular evolution among higher fungi. Nippon Nogeikagaku Kaishi 68:54–57. (In Japanese.) or the subphylum “Taphrinomycotina” sensu Eriksson and Winka (1997) ———, Winka K. 1997. Supraordinal taxa of the Ascomycota. Myconet 1:1–16. . The group includes fungi that are ecologically and morphologically diverse, and it is difficult therefore to define the group based on common phenotypic characters. Bayesian analyses of nSSU rDNA or combined nSSU and nLSU rDNA sequences supported previously published Ascomycota frameworks that consist of three major lineages (i.e. a group of early diverging Ascomycota [Taphrinomycotina], Saccharomycotina and Pezizomycotina); Taphrinomycotina is the sister group of Saccharomycotina and Pezizomycotina. The 50% majority rule consensus of 18 000 Bayesian MCMCMC-generated trees from multilocus gene sequences of nSSU rDNA, nLSU rDNA (D1/D2), RPB2 and β-tubulin also showed the monophyly of the three subphyla and the basal position of Taphrinomycotina in Ascomycota with significantly higher statistical support. However to answer controversial questions on the origin, monophyly and evolution of the Taphrinomycotina, additional integrated phylogenetic analyses might be necessary using sequences of more genes with broader taxon sampling from the early diverging Ascomycota.