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Calculation of Aerodynamic Drag of Human Being in Various Positions



This paper studies the aerodynamic drag of human being in different positions through numerical simulation using CFD with different turbulence models. The investigation considers 4 positions namely (standing, sitting, supine and squatting) which affect aerodynamic drag. Standing has the highest drag value while supine has the lowest value. The numerical simulation was carried out using ANSYS FLUENT and compared with published experimental results. Aerodynamic drag studies can be applied into sports field related applications like cycling and running where positions optimising are carried out to reduce drag and hence to perform better during the competition.
EURECA 2013 - Calculation of Aerodynamic Drag of Human Being in Various Positions
Calculation of Aerodynamic Drag of Human Being in
Various Positions
Mun Hon Koo*, Abdulkareem Sh. Mahdi Al-Obaidi
Department of Mechanical Engineering, school of Engineering, Taylor’s University, Malaysia,
*Corresponding author:
AbstractThis paper studies the aerodynamic drag of human
being in different positions through numerical simulation using
CFD with different turbulence models. The investigation
considers 4 positions namely (standing, sitting, supine and
squatting) which affect aerodynamic drag. Standing has the
highest drag value while supine has the lowest value. The
numerical simulation was carried out using ANSYS FLUENT
and compared with published experimental results.
Aerodynamic drag studies can be applied into sports field related
applications like cycling and running where positions optimising
are carried out to reduce drag and hence to perform better
during the competition.
KeywordsTurbulence Models, Drag Coefficient, Human Being,
Different Positions, CFD
1. Introduction
The performance of human being in various positions is strongly
affected by the resistance they experience in which the resistance
consists of aerodynamic drag. Aerodynamic drag, a resistance force
that acts upon a body moving through fluid like air and that is
opposite to the direction of motion of the body [1, 2]. In sports field
that competing with speed, aerodynamic drag is one of the important
factors. The lower the value of drag coeffi cient, the lower the
aerodynamic drag of the positions.
The main idea of this paper is to investigate the effects of
aerodynamic drag of human in different position theoretically and
numerically. The total drag is majorly formed by pressure drag and
friction drag due to the skin friction of the human body. In speed
performing sports like cycling, cyclist often optimize the positions to
reduce their drag by conducting experiment using wind tunnel. The
measurement of human body flow can be said is time consuming and
field tests are very difficult to set up. Even the experts in the related
field can only optimize the positions to reduce drag by trial and error
Therefore, computational fluid dynamic (CFD) is one of the
alternative techniques to be carried out to investigate the
aerodynamic drag. However, since the accuracy of numerical
simul ation method needs to be verified, published experimental data
are used to compare and to justify the CFD results. Usually the
maximum allowable errors in predicting the drag can range
between10-12%. The wind tunnel experiment investigation of
various positions of human was published by Schmitt [3]. The results
can be used to validate the values obtain from CFD simulation. Fig.
1 shows the 4 body positions to be studies during the research.
Fig.1 (a) Standing (b) Sitting (c) Squatting (d) Supine. [4]
2. Methods
2.1. Theoretical Analysis
According to Hoerner [4], the total aerodynamic drag of human
body can be classified into 2 components whi ch are:
Where  is pressure drag coeffici ent and  is friction
drag coefficient. Pressure drag is formed from the distribution of
forces normal .to the human body surface [5]. The effects of
viscosity of the moving fluid (air) may contribute to the rising value
of pressure drag. Drag that is directly due to wall shear stress can be
knows as friction drag as it is formed due to the frictional effect. The
friction drag is the component of the wall shear force in the direction
towar d the flow, and it depends on the body surface area and the
magnitude of the wall shear stress.
2.2. Numerical Simulation
The numerical simulation in the present work is carried out using
ANSYS FLUENT 14.0. According to Chowdhurry [6], the human
body parts can be simplified due to the configuration and size of
human body is way too complex. Therefore, a simplified model of
human body with the average height and frontal area was drawn
using SolidWorks as shown in Fig. 2 (a). The model is then imported
into the virtual wind tunnel for computational studies as shown in Fig.
2 (b)
Fig. 2 (a) Simplified Human Body (b) computational domain and
boundary condition.
Steady 3D Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) is used in
combination with turbulence models such as k-
and k-ω with the low-
Reynolds number modeling (LRNM) together is used. The four
turbulence model to be carried out in the study is standard k-
realizable k-ω model, standard k-ω model and lastly shear stress
transport (SST) k-ω model. There is no universally proved that which
turbulence model is the most accurate flow for every study case [7].
Only steady flow is performed as the studies of flow of transient can be
very complicated and hard to predict. In this study case, the velocity
inlet will be set at 10 m/s which is almost equivalent to 38 km/h as this
input boundary condition is the normal speed for a casual cycling speed.
2 (b)
2 (a)
EURECA 2013 - Calculation of Aerodynamic Drag of Human Being in Various Positions
3. Results
3.1 Comparison of Introductory Test
The value of drag coeffi cient is dimensionless. Fig. 3 shows the
values of drag coefficient of various positions using various
turbulence models.
Fig. 3 Drag coefficient of Various Positions with Turbulence Models.
4. Discussion
Figure 3 shows that the supine position gives the lowest drag
coefficient while the standing position gives the highest. The drag
coefficient of vari ous positions from lowest to highest value in
ascending: supine, squatting, sitting and standing. It also shows that
the lesser projected frontal area can greatly reduce the drag
coefficient. Since the input boundaries of velocity inlet, air viscosity,
air density and flow direction are the same for 4 positions; the only
factor to affect the changes in drag coefficient is the frontal area. In
others words, a less frontal area means the body expose lesser
external flow to the wind. As the standing position has the highest
projected frontal area, it exerts more forces due to the pressure and
skin friction drag on the frontal area on the human opposite the wind
direction. While the supine position has the lowest projected frontal
area because the exposed area in this position is less and thus the skin
friction drag is less as well.
In other hand, the research also carries out using different
turbulence models. For squatting and supine positions, the values
between the four turbulence models ar e very close. However, it has
huge differences between the experimental data and numerical
simulation data. This may due to the simplified human body model
as the projected frontal area is not the same as the real human sample
carry out by Schmitt [3]. The geometry of the upper body of the
simpl ified human body is too wide and therefore it has hi gher drag
coefficient. The difference of percentage errors for supine and
squatting is relatively high, from 35% to 67%. For standing and
sitting posi tions, the values between the experimental data and
numerical simulation data are very close, the maximum error
differences is only approximately 11%, which is still in the accepted
range. The difference values of each turbulence model may occur
due to the input method of the computational domain and boundary
condition at the set-up. Each turbulence model has the ir own
limitations when solving the same condition study; therefore, it may
produce the different final values.
Table 1 . Percentage Error between Published Experimental
Data and Numer ical Simulat ion Dat a
5. Conclusion and Recommendations
In conclusi on, the standing position gives the highest value of drag
coefficient while supine gives t he lowest drag coeffici ent. To
improve the accuracy, the modeling of the human body cannot be too
simpl ified as the sometimes the real body do not generate the same
projected frontal area as the simplified model. The input method and
meshing may affect the accuracy too. Further study on these options
need to be carried out more critically. However, although the
accuracy of the wind tunnel and CFD are not totally the same, CFD
still can be used to st udy in high speed appli cation sports like running,
swimming, etc. to optimize the body configuration as it gives
detailed flow for every single study. In the other hand, the results
presented in the current study are part of the ongoing study.
Investigation on apply velociti es are considered such as average of
walki ng speed, running, skiing and etc. Angle of attack is also one of
the parametric to be considered in the overall studies.
Appreciation to Taylor’s Universit y School of Engineering for the
funding and equipment support of this project.
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Percentage of Error (%)
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... Approximate values of the drag coefficient (c w ), according to [8], are obtained experimentally and shown in figure 10:  standing person ~0,78,  cyclist in an upright position 0,53÷0,69,  cyclist in bent position ~0,4. Based on the above mentioned, the relevant zipline calculation model is shown in figure 11.   is shown in figure 12. ...
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... The components of the pressure and friction force perpendicular to flow's direction tend to move the body towards and the sum of these forces gives what is called the resistance force. The wind resistance force can be expressed by the following equation [5], [6]: ...
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In this paper, the impact of wind forces on human bodies is shown. Like many meteorological phenomena, the influence of wind energy applied to human bodies is inevitable which comes into the spotlight of the scientist only when the wind becomes violent and extremely disturbing. Based on weather and observations in February 2019, abnormal wind characteristics in Albania are evidenced. On February 23, 2019, a very special situation in the Northern part of Albania, the region of Puka, with extreme values of wind parameters causing the phenomenon of "wind gust", leading to a series of material damage and loss of human life, is evidenced. Researchers and predictors need scientific information on the impact of strong winds applied on the human body for specific conditions. Wind speed values in this region of the northern part of our country set records reaching extremely values (30 ÷ 35) ms-1 on the ground level. Taking a cue from this unprecedented situation, the effect of strong winds on the determination of aerodynamic forces acting on the human body using numerical simulations has been studied and so far, well investigated. For this study, we considered a human body with a height of 172cm. The investigation takes into account two different positions against the wind, frontal and lateral position traversed by wind speeds levels of 20m/s, 30m/s, and 40 m/s. The study concluded that strong winds can exhibit unimaginable and unaffordable forces, leading to fatal consequences for human life.
... The components of the pressure and friction force perpendicular to flow's direction tend to move the body towards and the sum of these forces gives what is called the resistance force. The wind resistance force can be expressed by the following equation [5], [6]: ...
Conference Paper
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In this paper, the impact of wind forces on human bodies is shown. Like many meteorological phenomena, the influence of wind energy applied to human bodies is inevitable which comes into the spotlight of the scientist only when the wind becomes violent and extremely disturbing. Based on weather and observations in February 2019, abnormal wind characteristics in Albania are evidenced. On February 23, 2019, a very special situation in the Northern part of Albania, the region of Puka, with extreme values of wind parameters causing the phenomenon of "wind gust", leading to a series of material damage and loss of human life, is evidenced. Researchers and predictors need scientific information on the impact of strong winds applied on the human body for specific conditions. Wind speed values in this region of the northern part of our country set records reaching extremely values (30 ÷ 35) ms-1 on the ground level. Taking a cue from this unprecedented situation, the effect of strong winds on the determination of aerodynamic forces acting on the human body using numerical simulations has been studied and so far, well investigated. For this study, we considered a human body with a height of 172cm. The investigation takes into account two different positions against the wind, frontal and lateral position traversed by wind speeds levels of 20m/s, 30m/s, and 40 m/s. The study concluded that strong winds can exhibit unimaginable and unaffordable forces, leading to fatal consequences for human life.
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Artykuł ma na celu zaprezentowanie przykładów osiedli, których struktury urbanistyczne i struktury zieleni stwarzają różne możliwości adaptacji do zmian klimatu. W artykule przedstawiono analizy jakościowe (metodą studium przypadku) dla dziesięciu wybranych osiedli mieszkaniowych miasta Poznania w aspekcie możliwości adaptacji do zmian klimatu. Wybrane przykłady scharakteryzowano z uwzględnieniem następujących cech: powierzchnia całkowita osiedla, powierzchnia zieleni, powierzchnia zabudowy, kubatura zabudowy, liczba mieszkańców, przeważające struktury zieleni w obrębie osiedli, liczba miejsc parkowania, rok powstania osiedla. Na podstawie tych cech opracowano wskaźniki natężenia zieleni. Następnie metodą porządkowania liniowego sporządzono ranking rozpatrywanych osiedli. Osiedla z połowy i końca XX w. charakteryzuje znacznie większy udział terenów zieleni oraz wysokie walory krajobrazowe, które są skutkiem stosowania dawnego normatywu urbanistycznego i obowiązującego wówczas reżimu funkcjonalnego, krajobrazowego i użytkowego dla osiedli mieszkaniowych. Wyniki wskazują, że osiedla te mają znacznie większy potencjał adaptacyjny do zmian klimatu w przeciwieństwie do osiedli współczesnych. W celu zobiektywizowania tej tezy dokonano jej częściowej weryfikacji, analizując wycinkowo zależność niektórych ilościowych parametrów użytkowych osiedli od natężenia zieleni: jej możliwości filtracyjnych i czystości powietrza, energochłonności ogrzewania budynków i komfortu ruchu pieszego w przestrzeniach między budynkami. Jak się okazuje, parametry te można w znacznym stopniu kształtować za pomocą odpowiednich układów zieleni.
Conference Paper
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Transport is one of the largest emitters of harmful substances that affect air quality. Each transport mode has different volume of passenger transport and at the same time has a differentiated negative impact on air quality. That is why in the European Union has been making special efforts for many years to create and implement strategies aimed at improving air quality. The main goal of this paper is to present a methodology that enables quantification and analysis of the impacts of each passenger transport mode on air quality using feed-forward neural networks. The developed model uses parameters for EU member states in the period from 2000 to 2014. In addition to the scientific and practical contribution, the development of model provides a good basic for the universal platform formation in order to create and develop strategies, i.e. measures to improve air quality on global level.
This study aims at assessing the accuracy of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for applications in sports aerodynamics, for example for drag predictions of swimmers, cyclists or skiers, by evaluating the applied numerical modelling techniques by means of detailed validation experiments. In this study, a wind-tunnel experiment on a scale model of a cyclist (scale 1:2) is presented. Apart from three-component forces and moments, also high-resolution surface pressure measurements on the scale model's surface, i.e. at 115 locations, are performed to provide detailed information on the flow field. These data are used to compare the performance of different turbulence-modelling techniques, such as steady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS), with several k-epsilon and k-omega turbulence models, and unsteady large-eddy simulation (LES), and also boundary-layer modelling techniques, namely wall functions and low-Reynolds number modelling (LRNM). The commercial CFD code Fluent 6.3 is used for the simulations. The RANS shear-stress transport (SST) k-omega model shows the best overall performance, followed by the more computationally expensive LES. Furthermore, LRNM is clearly preferred over wall functions to model the boundary layer. This study showed that there are more accurate alternatives for evaluating flow around bluff bodies with CFD than the standard k-epsilon model combined with wall functions, which is often used in CFD studies in sports.
Three different cyclist positions were evaluated with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and wind-tunnel experiments were used to provide reliable data to evaluate the accuracy of the CFD simulations. Specific features of this study are: (1) both steady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and unsteady flow modelling, with more advanced turbulence modelling techniques (Large-Eddy Simulation - LES), were evaluated; (2) the boundary layer on the cyclist's surface was resolved entirely with low-Reynolds number modelling, instead of modelling it with wall functions; (3) apart from drag measurements, also surface pressure measurements on the cyclist's body were performed in the wind-tunnel experiment, which provided the basis for a more detailed evaluation of the predicted flow field by CFD. The results show that the simulated and measured drag areas differed about 11% (RANS) and 7% (LES), which is considered to be a close agreement in CFD studies. A fair agreement with wind-tunnel data was obtained for the predicted surface pressures, especially with LES. Despite the higher accuracy of LES, its much higher computational cost could make RANS more attractive for practical use in some situations. CFD is found to be a valuable tool to evaluate the drag of different cyclist positions and to investigate the influence of small adjustments in the cyclist's position. A strong advantage of CFD is that detailed flow field information is obtained, which cannot easily be obtained from wind-tunnel tests. This detailed information allows more insight in the causes of the drag force and provides better guidance for position improvements.
Introduction to Flight. Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill Higher Education
  • John D Anderson
Anderson, John D. Jr. (2000). Introduction to Flight. Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill Higher Education, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.