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Abstract and Figures

This study examines the relationship between educational values and educational goals, student motivation and study processes, and how values attached to educational goals predict motivation and student study processes. 181 randomly selected graduate and undergraduate students from a Midwestern university in the United States were recruited to participate in an online survey. The results demonstrated that values attached to educational goals and perceived educational outcomes have a weak but significant positive correlation with student study processes. In addition, values for educational goals significantly predict student study processes and educational motivation. Thus, it is suggested that educators should enhance personal values for education and develop strategies aimed at building and enhancing students’ values for education. Further studies on the values for educational goals and perceived educational outcomes will contribute to the understanding of concepts and theories related to motivation in education and possibly influence student outcomes, such as dropout rates. Teachers and people working in higher education need to understand that students’ values of perceived outcomes and goals are relevant components to their motivation in education. Because there are few studies on students’ values for educational goals and outcomes, more empirical evidence is imperative to help teachers assist students sustain their motivation in their educational pursuit and improve their study processes.
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Journal of Education and Development; Vol. 1, No. 1; December, 2017
ISSN 2529-7996
Published by July Press
Values Attached to Educational Goals, Study Processes, and
Educational Motivation
Marie Elomba Adebiyi
, Younis Al-Hassan
, Carole Hansbourgh
& Christopher Edginton
Institute for Youth Leaders, School of Kinesiology, Allied Health and Human Services, University of Northern
Correspondence: Marie Elomba Adebiyi, Institute for Youth Leaders, School of Kinesiology, Allied Health and
Human Services, University of Northern IOWA, USA.
Received: December 9, 2017 Accepted: December 12, 2017 Online Published: December 16, 2017
doi:10.20849/jed.v1i1.252 URL:
This study examines the relationship between educational values and educational goals, student motivation and
study processes, and how values attached to educational goals predict motivation and student study processes. 181
randomly selected graduate and undergraduate students from a Midwestern university in the United States were
recruited to participate in an online survey. The results demonstrated that values attached to educational goals and
perceived educational outcomes have a weak but significant positive correlation with student study processes. In
addition, values for educational goals significantly predict student study processes and educational motivation.
Thus, it is suggested that educators should enhance personal values for education and develop strategies aimed at
building and enhancing students’ values for education. Further studies on the values for educational goals and
perceived educational outcomes will contribute to the understanding of concepts and theories related to motivation
in education and possibly influence student outcomes, such as dropout rates. Teachers and people working in
higher education need to understand that students values of perceived outcomes and goals are relevant
components to their motivation in education. Because there are few studies on students’ values for educational
goals and outcomes, more empirical evidence is imperative to help teachers assist students sustain their motivation
in their educational pursuit and improve their study processes.
Keywords: values, education goals, motivation, study processes
1. Introduction
Motivation consists of energy, discreet directions, persistence, and activation of intention (Ryan & Deci, 2000).
Motivation is an internal or external impetus that promotes an individual to act toward a goal (Shang-Chang Ting,
Wang, & Chou., 2014; Dyer & Parker, 1975). Lack of motivation is known as amotivation (Legault, Green-Demers,
& Pelletier, 2006). One factor for amotivation is a lack of values for one goal. However, humans are known to have
an inherent propensity to intrinsically motivate themselves towards realization of their goals (Ryan & Deci, 2000).
Literature on motivation suggests that “internal impetus” or intrinsic motivation must always be ignited to enhance
realization of goals (Dyer & Parker, 1975; Ryan & Deci, 2000; Legault, Green-Demers, & Pelletier, 2006). Ryan
and Deci (2000) argued that motivation needs maintenance and a sustainable support system to guard against
In studies related to education, motivation towards goals has been researched and conceptualized over the years
into two categories: achievement motivation and performance motivation (Ames & Archer, 1988). Empirically,
types of goals, such as ability-linked goals, outcome goals, learning goals, mastery goals, task goals, normative
performance and performance goal, have different effects on behaviors associated with motivation (Grant &
Dweck, 2003). According to Grant and Dweck, learning goals exert a positive influence on intrinsic motivation
and performance when individuals encounter prolonged challenges or setbacks. Kaplan and Maehr (1999) suggest
that ego goals and task goals trigger one’s behavioral patterns. In addition, such goals reflect diverse emotive and
coping processes in an individual’s life endeavors. However, this study argues that individual’s goals are different
and can have different levels or kinds of values attached to them. This may further determine an individual’s level
of motivation to pursue their goals. Thus, this study seeks to examine the values attached to educational goals and
perceived outcomes, motivation in education, and study processes of students in higher education. Vol. 1, No. 1; December, 2017
Zimmerman, Bandura, and Martinez-pons (1992) argue that “goals specify the requirement for personal success”.
Students often set educational goals. These goals trigger motivation for pursing an education (Kaplan & Maehr,
1999). “Goal setting theory suggests that people are motivated to achieve goals, and their intention drives their
behavior” (Locke, 1968). Therefore, it is not wrong to say that students’ attitudes and behaviors in pursuing their
goals, as well as the values they attach to their goals and perceived outcomes, would have a role in shaping their
behaviors, such as study processes. Predominantly, realizing goals is as a result of incorporated motivation (Phalet,
Andriessen, & Lens, 2004; Ryan & Deci, 2000). Goals are inherent cognitive representations of what an individual
is trying to accomplish as well as their purposes, reasons or values for doing a task. Wringe (1998) suggested that
“young people are unlikely to integrate themselves positively into adult life—to adopt its values, responsibilities
and opportunities—unless life is made more morally acceptable in their terms”. In other words, for an individual to
pursue a goal, such goals would need to be internally valued. Values attached to goals are internal and are
accessible by an individual’s concern. Consciously or unconsciously, an individual assesses their goals but the
extent to which a goal is evaluated would differ per individual.
1.1 Values Attached to Education and Educational Motivation
Very few studies in education literature have provided evidence between the values students attach to education
and motivation in education. One of the few studies has revealed that students are more interested in doing
activities for which they value and think they have the necessary competence (Ceballo, McLoyd, & Toyokawa,
2004). Students who value new skills established favorable motivational beliefs (Boekaerts, 2002). According to
Ceballo, McLoyd, and Toyokawa (2004), self-perceived academic abilities were significantly linked to
adolescents’ educational values, which were, in turn, related to school effort. Other researchers observed that
students’ academic achievement required coordinated interactions between different aspects of motivation (Amrai,
Motlagh, Zalani, & Parhon, 2011) and the present study argues that such motivation would be values. Ames and
Archer (1988) suggested that motivational structure and instructional strategies should ignite students toward their
educational achievement (e.g., high grades, GPA, best in national test, etc.) and their educational goals and values
(e.g., professionalism and other core competencies); they also suggested that motivation strategies help develop
skills that are self-credited and valued even after schooling.
Unfortunately, the motivation strategies that teachers have utilized over the years do not explore students’ original
values for education or establish values for education as a foundational motivational tool. The inherent values for
education can be an important foundation to successfully motivate students (Shang-Chang Ting, Wang, & Chou.,
2014). Ames (1990, 1992) argued that teachers should not lose sight of students’ inherent values for education; he
emphasized that if educators lose such sight, then students lose sight of other educational goals and other values
they may or may not be achieving. Ames further argued that if schools and classrooms are strictly evaluated by
how much grade points students achieve, then how students value the process of learning and the improvement of
their skills will not be relevant. Educators want students to willingly put forth the necessary effort to develop and
apply their skills and knowledge and want them to develop a long-term commitment to learning, even after their
schooling (Ames, 1990, 1992; Ames & Archer, 1988).
With such desires and expectations, educators should not forget that in an educational setting, students are the
consumers. Their consumption of knowledge through any form of institutional education is first assigned an
internal worth and value(s). The value (s) they hold in this regard can determine their abilities, desires and effort to
demonstrate or acquire new skills/knowledge. McNamee (1994) found that values bond with the idea of an
individual’s capacity to apprehend significance. It can be subjective and is the direct benefit of an activity and the
internal satisfaction associated with an activity. For students at the undergraduate and graduate level, valuing
educational goals, perceived outcomes, and long-term goals may be a strong tool to enhance and maintain
self-determination towards realization of set goals, since goals are cognitive representations one’s perceived
valued outcomes (Pintrich, 2000). Valued goals may influence a state of individual stability as well as contextual
sensitivity (Pintrich, 2000). Therefore, understanding the role of one’s values for goals in enhancing one’s interest
within an academic context would be necessarily, as it may affect students’ choices of study processes.
1.2 Educational Motivation and Study Processes
It is imperative that teachers motivate their students to realize their educational goals and perceived outcomes,
especially to motivate their immediate academic goal of succeeding in the program they are pursuing (Stipek,
1993). Study processes students utilize depend on the motivation they hold on. According to Biggs (1982),
instrumentally motivated students are more likely to use the reproductive strategy method. Biggs conceived study
processes under “three dimensions—utilizing, internalizing and achieving” and determined that each of these has
“cognitive (strategies) and an effective (motivational) component” (Biggs J., 1979). However, Choy, O’Grady, and Vol. 1, No. 1; December, 2017
Rotgans (2012) found that the relationship between academic achievement and study processes is weak. Other
researchers found that the goal of demonstrating high ability relative to others (ego motivation) was positively
related to perceived value of surface-level strategies. Also, task orientation, defined as the perceived ability or
knowledge of the value of deep processing strategies, predicts the spontaneous use of these motivation strategies
on different scale level (Biggs, 1982; Nolen, 1988). These are all exemplary findings in education literature
reflecting that one’s values for goals and outcomes may serve as motivation and influences study strategies.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
This study examines the relationship between values attached to educational goals, perceived outcomes,
educational motivation and the study processes of students. Using quantitative research methods, the present study
investigated two basic research questions: (1) What is the relationship between values attached to educational
goals and the study processes of students? (2) To what extent do values attached to educational goals predict
educational motivation and study processes?
1.4 Hypotheses
H1: Values attached for educational goal(s) and the perceived outcome(s) will be positively related with study
processes. The higher the values for goals and outcomes, the more likely one would choose deeper strategies of
study processes.
H2: Values attached to educational goal(s) and perceived outcome(s), would significantly predict motivation for
education as well as study processes.
2. Method
2.1 Participants and Characteristics
Data was collected from a Midwestern university in the United States using electronic surveys developed with
Qualtrics software. Only enrolled students of the university were eligible and allowed to participate in survey.
Thus, the participants were admonished not to share the survey linked to friends who are not enrolled students of
the research institutions.
2.2 Sample Procedure
After obtaining IRB approval for the study, 500 students were randomly selected from the university registration
data base, aggregated as an anonymous unified do-not-reply emails, and were used only for this study. The
selected students were contacted using this do-not-reply email to voluntarily participate in the online survey
designed using Qualtrics software. Participants only access the survey after providing an electronic signature
acknowledging their consent for participation. All registered students under university in question, were qualified
to be included in the random selection to participate in the study. The data was collected in the spring semester of
2.2.1 Sample Size
Out of 500 students who got the survey, 217 undergraduates and graduate students attempted the survey. 181
participants (31 graduate students and 150 undergraduate students) provided complete valid response for the
study (see demographic result table 1).
2.3 Survey Instrument, Measures and Scaling
2.3.1 The Motivation Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ)
Questionnaire instruments were adapted as an instrument in this study to measure motivation of students in
pursuing their goals and values in education. The original instrument was established with 31 items to assess
student’s goals and value belief for a course, and among other dimensions, the instrument measured self-efficacy,
intrinsic motivation and self-regulated learning (Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, & Mckeachie, 1993, 1991). This survey
has been adapted by many and has consistently been proven reliable with acceptable validity (Cronbach
alpha > .05). For the purpose of this study, the only relevant subscale of MSLQ was considered. The items that
determined education motivations were further cross-checked with other scholarly works, including that of
Karee, et al. (2012), Hsiao-Lin, Chin-Chin and Shyang-Horng (2005), to minimize inconsistency, clarify content,
and clarify sentence construction. Items were measured on a 7 point Likert scale (1 = strongly agree to 7 =
strongly disagree).
2.3.2 Study Processes
The Shorten Study Process Questionnaire (SPQ) put forward by (Fox, McManus, & Winder, 2001) was adapted
to measure goal oriented study processes of students. The 18 items were modified to direct respondent to provide Vol. 1, No. 1; December, 2017
score base on how they study with the reflect of their realizing their educational goals and perceived future goals.
All items listed in the research instrument were assigned a 7-Likert scale point (1 = strongly agree and 7 being
strongly disagree).
2.3.3 Statements
To measure the value for education goals and perceived outcomes, two statements were applied: (1) I think I will
be able to use what I learn in my program in the future; and (2) I always choose to write on topics, I know I will
learn something special and useful for my future, even if it requires more work. Participants were asked to rate
this statement on a scale of 7 (1= strongly agree and 7 = strongly disagree).
3. Results
3.1 Descriptive Data
Figure 1 and Table 1 present the demographic statistical description of the sample population in the study. Most
of the respondents were white students (85%). 9.9% of the study samples were international students. About 83%
were undergraduates and 17% were graduate students. Interestingly, the participants represented a vast range
academic majors (see Figure 1), although education leadership and communication made the majority of the
study sample.
Figure 1. Academy majors of participants in the study
Table 1. Demographic result
Race Frequency/Percentage
Student’s Status Frequency/Percentage
White 153/85.0 International Students 18/9.9
Black or African American 9/5.0 Domestic Students 163/90.1
Hispanic 4/2.2 Graduate Students 31/17.1
Asian 10/5.6 Undergraduate Students 150/82.9
Other 4/2.2
3.2 Reliability and Validity
Table 2 and 3 present the reliability and validity test for each subscale. This study observed that, except for
surface motive study process, which had a Cronbach alpha = 0.49, all other reliability values were > 0.6,
indicating a satisfactorily reliability level of the subscales. Although surface motive had a value below 0.49, this
value is considered satisfactory based on the hypothesis that a reduced item scale (from seven to three) will Vol. 1, No. 1; December, 2017
generally lead to reduction in a reliability score by 0.34 (Fox, McManus, & Winder, 2001).
Table 2. Factor analysis for measuring educational motivation
Educational Motivation
Items Factor Loading
Cronbach alpha
1 2 3
Compared with other students I expect to do
I think I will receive a good grade in my classes.
I know that I will be able to learn the material
for my classes.
I expect to do very well in my classes. .66
Compared with others in this class, I think I’m a
good student.
I’m certain I can understand the ideas taught. .60
I am sure I can do an excellent job on the
problems and tasks assigned in my classes.
Intrinsic Motivation
Understanding this subject is important to me. .75
I think that what we are learning is interesting. .75
I think I will be able to use what I learn, in other
I think that what I am learning is useful for me
to know.
I like what I am learning. .65
It is important for me to learn what is being
When I read material for this class, I say the
words repeatedly to myself to help me
I use what I have learned from old homework
assignments and the textbook to do new
When I study for a test I practice saying the
important facts over and over to myself.
I outline the chapters in my book to help me
When I study for a test I try to remember as
many facts as I can.
When I am studying a topic, I try to make
everything fit together.
When I study, I put important ideas into my own
When I do homework, I try to remember what
the teacher said in class, so I can answer the
Description: Extraction Method: Principal Axis Factoring. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
Overall, KMO and Barlette’s Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy (.86, p < 0.000). Vol. 1, No. 1; December, 2017
Table 3. Statistical presentation of study process
Description: Items were measured on a 7 point Likert scale (1 = strongly agree and 7 = strongly disagree).
Study Processes Items Mean
SD Cronbach alpha
Surface Motive I chose my present courses largely with a view to the
job situation when I graduate rather than t...
2.72 1.556
I almost resent having to do further years studying
after leaving school, but feel that the end r...
3.20 1.556
Whether I like it or not, I can see that further
education is for me a good way to get a well-pai...
2.03 1.157
I think browsing around is a waste of time, so I only
study seriously, what is given out in class...
3.66 1.651
I generally restrict my study to what is specifically
set as I think it is unnecessary to do any...
3.79 1.574
I find it best to accept the statements and ideas of my
lecturers and question them only under sp...
3.47 1.512
Deep Motives I find that at times studying gives me a feeling of
deep personal satisfaction.
3.06 1.598
I find that studying academic topics can at times be
as exciting as a good novel or film.
3.84 1.937
I usually become increasingly absorbed in my work
the more I do.
3.02 1.481
Deep Strategies While I am studying, I often think of real life
situations to which the material that I am learni...
2.68 1.294
I find that I have to do enough work on a topic so
that I form my own point of view before I am s...
2.82 1.234
I try to relate new material, as I am reading it, to
what I already know on the topic.
2.23 1.070
I want top grades in most or all of my courses so that
I will be able to select from among the be...
2.19 1.214
I would see myself basically as an ambitious person
and want to get to the top, whatever I do.
2.20 1.178
I see getting high marks as a kind of competitive
game, and I play it to win.
3.05 1.812
I try to work consistently throughout the term and
review regularly when the exams are close.
2.60 1.375
I try to do all of my assignments as soon as possible
after they have been set.
3.08 1.581
I keep neat, well organized notes for most subjects. 2.46 1.377
Value(s)Attached to Educational Goal(s) and Perceived Outcome(s)
Value for
Outcome (s)
I think I will be able to use what I learn in my
program in the future.
1.82 .992
Value for
Goal (s)
I always choose to write and study topics, which I
know I will learn something special and it will be
useful for my future, even if it requires more work.
2.74 1.252 Vol. 1, No. 1; December, 2017
3.3 Findings
Using a Pearson correlation analysis, the result showed that there is a weak but positive and significant
correlation between values attached to perceived educational outcomes and educational motivation (r = .32, p
< .000). Likewise, there was a significant relationship between value for perceived outcome and study processes
(r = .36, p < 0.000). The results also revealed that there is a positive correlation between the value students attach
to their goals, educational motivation (r = .31, p < 0.000) and study processes (r = .36, p < 0.000). Student’s
perceived outcome value(s) were significantly correlated to the study goal values (p < 0.01). This implies that as
value for educational goals increases, the study processes also positively improve and as well as their motivation
for educational pursuit. This leads to the acceptance of Hypothesis 1. Table 4 below presents the relationship
between the various study processes student apply in pursuing their education, the value they attach to the
perceived educational outcome, and their educational goals and motivation. This study observed that value for
educational goals and perceived outcomes were significantly and positively corrected at a 95% confident interval
(r = .172) which implies that the higher the value for educational goal, the higher the value for perceived
outcome. It was revealed that the higher one’s Value for Perceived Outcomes (VPO) and Education Goal (VEG),
Deep Strategy (DS), Achievement Motive (AM), Achievement Strategy (AS), Education Motivation (EM) were
significantly positive with correlation scores range between (.302 to .317, p < 0.01) (see Table 4). Deep Motive
(DM) has negative but insignificant correlation score of -.043 with VPO but positive and significant correlation
score of .200 with VEG. This implies that students are more likely to apply deeper strategies and motives of
study processes. Although this correlation values is weak, there is a strongly significant relationship between
most of the variables as expected (see Table 4).
Table 4. Correlations between values attached to Educational Goals (VEG), Perceived Outcome and Study
Surface Strategy (SS) -.152
Surface Motive (SM) .174
Deep Motive (DM) -.043
Deep Strategy (DS) .336
Achievement Motive (AM)
Achievement Strategy (AS)
Education Motivation (EM)
Value for perceived outcome (s) (VPO) is measure with one item (I think I will be able to use what I learn in the
under my program in the future).
Value for educational goal (s) (VEG) is measure with one item (I always choose to write and study topics,
which I think I will learn something special and it will be useful for my future, even if it requires more work).
Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Using linear regression analysis, this study observed that value for perceived outcome and educational goal value
significantly contributes study processes (F
= 16.804, R
= .160, p < 0.000). This implies that the both
independent variables predicted 16% of the sample’s study process, with perceived outcome alone predicting
overall study processes by 28.6% (β = .286, p < 0.000, t = 4.082, mean = 2.94, SD = .739) and goal value
predicting overall study process by 23.4 % (β = .234, p < 0.001, t = 3.352, mean = 2.74, SD = 1.252). Therefore,
this study suggests that students’ value for perceived outcomes in education is significantly predicts their study
The study also revealed that the value attached to perceived outcomes and educational goals significantly Vol. 1, No. 1; December, 2017
contributed to motivation in education (R
= .166, F
= 17.573, p < 0.000) with the former influencing
motivation by 27.3% (β = .273, p < 0.000, t = 3.912, mean = 1.82, SD = .599) and the later by 25.9% (β = .259, p
< 0.000, t = 3.714, mean = 2.74, SD = 1.252). Overall, when comparing the mean score for both perceived value
for education outcomes and value for education goals, the result shows that the student’s value for their
perceived education outcome increases educational motivation more than the value for their educational goals.
Hypothesis 2, is accepted.
4. Discussion and Conclusion
This study was designed to examine the role of the value students attach to their educational goals and perceived
outcomes on study processes and educational motivation. The results showed that motivation and study process
are significantly related with students’ values of education and their perceived outcomes. These findings suggest
that educators should develop strategies that enhance students’ values in education. Boosting intrinsic and
personal values for education will be profitable to education institutional stakeholders and students. This study
agrees with Wringe (1998), who suggested that when a student’s values for education are stimulated, he/she will
develop a better profitable study processes which are self-regulated, clearly defined, and effective. Teachers have
the power to motivate their students to realize their educational goals and perceived outcomes (Stipek, 1993).
More saliently, teachers have the power motivate students’ immediate academic goals of succeeding in the
program they are pursuing. However, the present study suggests student success might be facilitated more deeply
by understanding the original values students’ attach to their education.
Further studies on the values student’s attach to their educational goals and their perceived outcomes will be of
great importance to the education field, providing additional understanding to the motivation concepts and
theories related to education. Teachers and people working in higher education need to understand that students’
values of perceived outcomes and goals are relevant components to their motivation in education. However, the
present study only showed a relationship and cannot make any decisive claims on how teachers and people
working in higher education should intervene.
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... They include questions about the reasons for studying, academic goals, personal interests, and any other factor that may influence the motivation to learn. From this, a study examines the relationship between educational values and goals, student motivation, and study processes, and how values attached to educational goals predict students' motivation and study processes [120]. ...
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This review examines the impact of future goals on motivation and learning in multicultural classrooms. Across cultures, schooling is a future-oriented investment. Studies of minority students' school achievement have advanced future goals as a crucial protective factor in the face of frequent school failure. At the same time, cultural discontinuities and limited opportunities in minority students' school careers may weaken the motivational force of the future. Our review of the seemingly contradictory evidence on the role of the future in minority students' school achievement calls for a more fine-grained motivational theory of the future. Specifically, converging findings support conceptual distinctions (a) between positive and negative perceptions of the instrumentality of school tasks for future goals, and (b) between internal and external regulation of classroom behaviour by future goals. Thus, positive instrumentality and internal regulation enhance intrinsic motivation and adaptive learning in multicultural classrooms. We conclude that the motivational force of future goals can be generalized to minority students and that it depends crucially on perceived instrumentality and internal regulation.
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Background: the purpose of this study was to explore the correlation between academic motivation and academic achievement among Tehran University students.Method In this cross-sectional correlation study, 252 Tehran University students were required to fill the academic motivation questionnaire. This 43-item questionnaire measured 8 aspects of motivation. Criterion for academic achievement was a mark which students themselves reported. Data were analyzed through using SPSS16 by means of Pearson Correlation coefficient.Results: Data analysis indicated positive and significant correlation between Academic Motivation and Academic Achievement. Furthermore subscales of task, effort, competition, social concern within eight subscales had a significant relationship with academic achievement.Conclusion: Regarding the results, students’ academic achievement requires coordination and interaction between different aspects of motivation.
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This paper reports on a new self-report, Likert-scaled instrument that was designed to assess motivation and use of learning strategies by college students. The motivation scales tap into three broad areas: (1) value (intrinsic and extrinsic goal orientation, task value), (2) expectancy (control beliefs about learning, self-efficacy); and (3) affect (test anxiety). The learning strategies section is comprised of nine scales which can be distinguished as cognitive, metacognitive, and resource management strategies. The cognitive strategies scales include (a) rehearsal, (b) elaboration, (c) organization, and (d) critical thinking. Metacognitive strategies are assessed by one large scale that includes planning, monitoring, and regulating strategies. Resource management strategies include (a) managing time and study environment; (b) effort management, (c) peer learning, and (d) help-seeking. Scale reliabilities are robust, and confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated good factor structure. In addition, the instrument shows reasonable predictive validity to the actual course performance of students.
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Examination of motivational dynamics in academic contexts within self-determination theory has centered primarily around both the motives (initially intrinsic vs. extrinsic, later autono- mous vs. controlled) that regulate learners' study behavior and the contexts that promote or hin- der these regulations. Less attention has been paid to the goal contents (intrinsic vs. extrinsic) that learners hold and to the different goal contents that are communicated in schools to in- crease the perceived relevance of the learning. Recent field experiments are reviewed showing that intrinsic goal framing (relative to extrinsic goal framing and no-goal framing) produces deeper engagement in learning activities, better conceptual learning, and higher persistence at learning activities. These effects occur for both intrinsically and extrinsically oriented individu- als. Results are discussed in terms of self-determination theory's concept of basic psychologi- cal needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness.
Studies have shown that the Study Process Questionnaire (SPQ)—which provides a measure of student approaches to learning—is a relatively weak predictor of academic achievement. The present study sought to explore whether students’ achievement-related classroom behaviours, as observed by teachers, can be used as a mediator between student approaches to learning and academic achievement. The SPQ was administered to 1,608 students enrolled in six different diploma programmes offered by a polytechnic in Singapore. Data were analysed by means of correlation and path analysis. In line with existing studies, the results revealed that student approaches to learning was a weak predictor of academic achievement. However, achievement-related classroom behaviours turned out to be a significant mediator between student approaches to learning and academic achievement, effectively doubling the explained variance in academic achievement. Implications of these findings for using the SPQ are discussed.
Motivation, one of the foremost problems in education, is often inadequately addressed in typical foundational (educational psychology) courses. In this article, Ames clarifies the complex construct of motivation as it relates to learning and offers a revamped curriculum that applies motivation theory and research to practice. She recommends instruction in how motivation constructs relate to each other, to developmental changes, to individual and culturally related differences, and to the classroom context.
Interview data from a sample of 262 poor African American single mothers and their 7th- and 8th-grade children were used to investigate the relations between neighborhood conditions and adolescents’educational values and school effort. The model tested incorporates both subjective and objective assessments of neighborhood quality and controls for several family- and school-related constructs. United States Census data on household incomes served as an objective measure of neighborhood quality. In the full sample, the findings revealed that the percentage of middle-class neighbors and self-perceived academic abilities were significantly linked to adolescents’educational values, which were, in turn, related to school effort. Several theories identifying the processes by which neighborhood characteristics influence adolescents’ educational values are discussed. Gender differences emerged when the model was tested separately for females and males. For African American females, but not for adolescent males, neighborhood conditions were associated with educational values.