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Abstract and Figures

The seismic activities and hazards in People’s Democratic Republic Laos were analyzed using the most up-to-date seismicity data. Both the a- and b-values of the frequency-magnitude distribution model, including the return period of earthquake magnitude in the range of 5.0 - 6.0 Mw, were evaluated spatially in a region that ex­tends 300 km from Laos. Six seismic source zones with different seismic activities were found. Based on these seismic source zones and a suitable attenuation model, seismic hazards were then analyzed in both deterministic and probabilistic scenarios. The deterministic map showed a possible maximum ground shaking up to 0.4 g in Northern Laos, whereas the ground shaking calculated from the probabilistic ap­proach was < 0.32 g for 2% probability of exceedance in the next 50 yr. The prob­ability of exceedance of an earthquake with a Modified Mercalli intensity scale of level IV - V, VI and VII in Laos in the next 50 yr was > 90, 70 - 90, and 20 - 40%, respectively, and was higher in the northern part. From these seismic activities and hazard analyses, Laos can be clearly separated into the three hazard zones of north­western, northeastern and southern Laos with a high, medium and low earthquake hazard, respectively. Therefore, effective mitigation plans to reduce the impact of seismic hazards should be formulated and in particular for a number of major prov­inces located in the northern part of Laos.
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doi: 10.3319/TAO.2017.03.23.01
* Corresponding author
Analyses of seismic activities and hazards in Laos: A seismicity approach
Santi Pailoplee * and Punya Charusiri
Morphology of Earth Surface and Advanced Geohazards in Southeast Asia Research Unit (MESA RU), Department of Geology,
Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
The seismic activities and hazards in People’s Democratic Republic Laos were
analyzed using the most up-to-date seismicity data. Both the a- and b-values of the
frequency-magnitude distribution model, including the return period of earthquake
magnitude in the range of 5.0 - 6.0 Mw, were evaluated spatially in a region that ex-
tends 300 km from Laos. Six seismic source zones with different seismic activities
were found. Based on these seismic source zones and a suitable attenuation model,
seismic hazards were then analyzed in both deterministic and probabilistic scenarios.
The deterministic map showed a possible maximum ground shaking up to 0.4 g in
Northern Laos, whereas the ground shaking calculated from the probabilistic ap-
proach was < 0.32 g for 2% probability of exceedance in the next 50 yr. The prob-
ability of exceedance of an earthquake with a Modified Mercalli intensity scale of
level IV - V, VI and VII in Laos in the next 50 yr was > 90, 70 - 90, and 20 - 40%,
respectively, and was higher in the northern part. From these seismic activities and
hazard analyses, Laos can be clearly separated into the three hazard zones of north-
western, northeastern and southern Laos with a high, medium and low earthquake
hazard, respectively. Therefore, effective mitigation plans to reduce the impact of
seismic hazards should be formulated and in particular for a number of major prov-
inces located in the northern part of Laos.
Article history:
Received 31 August 2016
Revised 23 March 2017
Accepted 23 March 2017
Seismicity, Frequency-magnitude
distribution model, Seismic hazard
analysis, Laos
Pailoplee, S. and P. Charusiri,
2017: Analyses of seismic activities
and hazards in Laos: A seismic-
ity approach. Terr. Atmos. Ocean.
Sci., 28, 843-853, doi: 10.3319/
Although People’s Democratic Republic Laos (hereaf-
ter called Laos) is far away from the major tectonic plate
boundary (the Sumatra-Andaman Subduction Zone), the
tectonic stress caused by the present-day Indian-Eurasian
plate collision influences areas within the plate (Vergnolle
et al. 2007). As a result, Laos and the adjacent areas are
dominated by some inland seismogenic fault zones, such as
the Dien Bien Phu (Zuchiewicz et al. 2004), Mae Ing (Fen-
ton et al. 2003), Nam Ma (Morley et al. 2007), and the Red
River (Duong and Feigl 1999) fault zones. Based mainly on
instrumental earthquake records, a number of shallow crust-
al earthquakes have been recorded in the vicinity of Laos,
and in particular in the northern part, during the last three
decades of 1980 - 2015 (Fig. 1). Among these earthquake
records, at least 17 large earthquakes with a Mw ≥ 6.0, plus
the three major earthquakes of the Mw-7.0 and Mw-7.7 in
1988 and the latest Mw-7.1 earthquake posed in 2011, have
been reported. Accordingly, Laos has experienced recent
hazardous earthquake ground shaking.
Up to the present, the only seismic hazard map of Laos
was a preliminary one developed by the United Nations
Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA; This map, however, depicts the
severity of earthquakes in terms of the Modified Mercalli
Intensity (MMI) scale for a 250-yr return period. In order
to serve the infrastructure and utility advancements in Laos
according to the upcoming ASEAN Economics Community
(AEC), seismic hazard maps showing the ground shaking
distribution should be proposed, and so this was the main
aim of this study.
Within seismic hazard analysis (SHA), seismogenic
faults are recognized as the major sources of earthquakes
and local paleoseismological evidence is required for the
determination of earthquake activities and in particular for
Terr. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., Vol. 28, No. 6, 843-853, December 2017
Santi Pailoplee & Punya Charusiri
the major-to-great earthquakes (Mw ≥ 7.0). However, ac-
cording to the lack of paleoseismological investigations in
Laos and the neighborhood areas, this SHA of Laos was
focused on the accessible seismicity data.
In order to consider effectively the seismicity affecting
to Laos, the earthquake data were collected in a region that
extends 300 km from Laos (Gupta 2002). In the vicinity of
Laos (latitude 10.8 - 25.7°N and longitude 96.7 - 111.0°E),
7540 earthquakes with a magnitude range of 1.0 - 7.7 have
been reported during 1964 - 2015 by (1) the International
Seismological Centre and (2) the US National Earthquake
Information Center. For this study, all the earthquakes re-
ported in the mb or Ms scales were converted directly to the
Mw scale using the relationships contributed empirically by
the available earthquake data (Figs. 2a and b). Meanwhile,
ML scale was converted to mb according to the relationship
in Fig. 2c. After that, the obtained mb was re-converted to
Mw scale using the relationship as shown in Fig. 2a. Thereaf-
ter, the dependent foreshocks and aftershocks were screened
for using the Gardner and Knopoff (1974)’s assumption and
deleted. As a result, 1906 main shocks, representing the
seismotectonic activities remained. The GENAS algorithm
(Habermann 1987) was used to check for man-made arti-
facts in the earthquake records, as reported previously (Wyss
1991; Zuniga and Wiemer 1999). According to the GENAS
algorithm, 1216 events of mainshocks with a Mw 3.3 re-
corded during 1980 - 2014 conformed to a linear cumulative
pattern (Fig. 2d), which implied that these data are complete
and meaningful for seismicity investigations, and so were
used as the complete dataset in this study.
Characterization of the seismic activities at a particular
region is commonly expressed in seismic hazard parameters.
Based on Kramer (1996), the three parameters that represent
the seismic activity and are considered in SHA are the maxi-
mum credible earthquake (MCE) and the frequency-magni-
tude distribution model (FMD) a- and b-coefficient values
(Gutenberg and Richter 1944), as expressed in Eq. (1);
()log NabM=-
where N is the number of earthquakes with magnitude M
generated per year. The a- and b-values are positive con-
stants that vary in both time and space windows.
From Eq. (1) and the plot of the complete earth-
quake data as the magnitude versus the cumulative number
(Fig. 2e), based on the entire-magnitude-range technique
(Woessner and Wiemer 2005), the straight line showing the
best regression fit indicated FMD a- and b-values of 4.38
and 0.75 ± 0.03, respectively. The magnitude of complete-
ness (Mc), which represents the recording capability of the
seismic network, was limited at Mw ≥ 4.2.
For spatial investigation of the FMD, the study area
was divided into 0.25° × 0.25° cells and earthquakes located
within a 200-km radius from each cell were plotted using the
Fig. 1. Map of mainland Southeast Asia showing the epicentral distributions of the completeness earthquake data (grey circles). Earthquakes with a
Mw6.0 and ≥ 7.0 are illustrated as blue circles and red stars, respectively. The red lines delineated in the maps are the seismogenic faults previously
proposed by Pailoplee et al. (2009). (1) Red River, (2) Nam Ma, (3) Mae Ing, and (4) Dien Bien Phu fault zones. (Color online only)
Seismic Activities and Hazards in Laos 845
ZMAP program (Wiemer 2001) as applied successfully by
a number of seismicity analysis (i.e., Gambino et al. 2014;
Meng and Peng 2014; Özmen et al. 2014). The FMD a- and
b-values were then estimated and mapped (Figs. 3a and b).
Due to the lack of earthquake data, the FMD plot at North-
eastern Thailand, Southern Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia
were not available.
Two regions showing prominent high a-values (3.0 -
5.0), were found at Northern Laos and the Vietnam-South-
ern China border (Fig. 3a), whereas the areas surrounding
Western Thailand and the Thailand-Laos border revealed
comparatively low a-values (0.5 - 1.0). Since the FMD
a-value implies seismically the entire rate of seismicity,
Northern Laos and the Vietnam-Southern China border area
was interpreted as a high seismic activity region (Fig. 3a).
The calculated FMD b-values ranged from 0.4 - 1.4
and showed a spatial distribution that was quite similar to
that for the FMD a-value (Fig. 3a). In contrast to the FMD
a-value, higher FMD b-values imply seismically a lower
chance of generating a large earthquake. Thus, the areas
conforming to high or low FMD a- and b-values are not
congruent and prevent a more exact determination of their
seismic hazard status. In order to clarify the earthquake ac-
tivities, the return period of Mw-5.0 and Mw-6.0 earthquakes
were estimated after weighting of both the a- and b-values
(Yadav et al. 2011; Figs. 3c and d).
For the return period of a Mw-5.0 earthquake, most of
the areas had a short recurrence interval of 0 - 10 yr, although
the northeastern part of the study area had a return period of
a Mw-5.0 earthquake in the range of 10 - 25 yr and up to 50 yr
in the eastern part of the Southern China (Fig. 3c).
For the return period of a Mw-6.0 earthquake, the differ-
ent hazardous zones were more clearly illustrated. The first
zone, with regionally high seismic activities, was the Myan-
mar-Southern China border with an estimated return period
of < 10 yr. The second area is a small stripe of moderate
seismic activity that delineates NE-SW along the northern
parts of Vietnam, Laos and Thailand and has a return period
of around 10 - 30 yr. The third area, with a low seismic ac-
tivity, was the eastern part of the Vietnam-Southern China
(a) (b)
Fig. 2. Relationship of the magnitude scales between (a) Mw-mb, (b) Mw-MS, and (c) mb-ML (d) Cumulative number of earthquakes with Mw ≥ 3.3 re-
corded during 1980 - 2014. (e) The FMD plot of the completeness earthquake data, where the straight line depicts the best fit of the earthquake data.
Santi Pailoplee & Punya Charusiri
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 3. Maps showing the spatial distributions of the FMD (a) a-value and (b) b-value, and the return periods of earthquak es of (c) 5.0 Mw and (d)
6.0 Mw, respectively. (e) six potential seismic source zones (A - F) defined in this study. (Color online only)
Seismic Activities and Hazards in Laos 847
border with a return period of a Mw-6.0 earthquake of up to
40 yr (Fig. 3d).
In SHA, the theoretical identification of seismic source
zones needs a complete integration of the geological back-
ground, tectonic setting and paleoseismological evidence,
including the historical and instrumental earthquake records.
However, in practice this data cannot always be perfectly
compiled and this is the case here for Laos. Some models
of the seismic source zones within the study area have been
proposed previously (Nutalaya et al. 1985; Charusiri et al.
2005; Pailoplee and Choowong 2013), but these models
suggested that Laos and the adjacent areas were the same
seismic source. In order to gain more details in the SHA, in
this study the seismic source in Laos and the adjacent areas
were newly defined from the return period map of the Mw-
6.0 earthquake (Fig. 3d). As a result, six potential seismic
source zones (A - F) that represent different return periods
of 0 - 10, 10 - 20, 20 - 30, 30 - 40, 40 - 50, and > 50 yr, re-
spectively, were proposed (Fig. 3e and Table 1).
In order to provide the earthquake parameters needed
for the SHA, the completeness earthquake data located
within each defined seismic source zone were collected.
The bulk FMD was plotted and the a- and b-values were
evaluated for each seismic source (Fig. 4). Due to the lack of
paleoseismological data mentioned above, the MCE in each
source zone was alternatively estimated based on the maxi-
mum earthquake reported in the completeness earthquake
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
Fig. 4. The FMD plots of the six seismic source zones as illustrated in Fig. 3e.
Zone MCE FMD a-value FMD b-value Mc
A 7.7 3.91 0.71 4.2
B 7.1 3.96 0.73 4.3
C 6.5 3.58 0.75 4.0
D 6.8 2.46 0.55 3.4
E 6.8 2.94 0.75 3.8
F 6.8 3.34 0.74 3.8
Table 1. Seismic parameters representing the earth-
quake potential in each of six defined seismic source
zones (A - F).
Santi Pailoplee & Punya Charusiri
catalogue. The details of the seismic parameters evaluated
for the six seismic source zones are expressed in Table 1.
In the SHA computation, the six areal seismic source
zones (section 4) and the territory of Laos were converted
equally to 0.25° × 0.25° grid points. The seismic param-
eters expressed in Table 1 were then utilized to evaluate the
earthquake potential of each seismic source zone. The strong
ground-motion attenuation models of Sadigh et al. (1997)
[Eq. (2)] were applied as suggested by Chintanapakdee et
al. (2008) for Thailand, including the neighborhood areas.
Accordingly, the SHA was based on two well-known sce-
narios of the deterministic and probabilistic seismic hazard
analyses, as detailed in sections 5.1 and 5.2, respectively.
() (8.5 )
ln exp
CR 2
12 3
=+ +-
According to Eq. (2), the peak horizontal ground accel-
eration is in (g) for the rock site condition, M means the mo-
ment magnitude, Rrup denotes the distance measured from
the earthquake source to the site of interest (km), and C1 - C7
are constants of the relationship (Sadigh et al. 1997). In case
of rock site condition, C3 = 0, C4 = -2.1, and C7 = 0. For M
6.5, C1 = -0.624, C2 = 1.0, C5 = 1.297, and C6 = 0.250 mean-
while for M > 6.5, C1 = -1.274, C2 = 1.1, C5 = -0.485, and C6
= 0.524. The standard deviation (σ) = 1.39 - 0.14 M.
5.1 Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis (DSHA)
Conceptually, the DSHA aims at finding the maximum
ground shaking as possible at a given site. This assumption
ensures that a structure can withstand the MCE, it will au-
tomatically withstand all other (i.e., smaller earthquakes)
as well. As a result, according to Krinitzsky (2003), each
obtained MCE (Table 1) was assumed to occur within the
seismic source zone at the shortest distance from the source
to the investigation site. Utilizing the applied attenuation
model as expressed in Eq. (2), the seismic hazards were es-
timated in terms of peak ground acceleration (PGA) without
regard to the likelihood of earthquake occurrence.
The obtained DSHA maps of Laos illustrate that the
distribution of PGA ranged from 0 - 0.4 g (Fig. 5). Usu-
ally, the high hazard levels are found in the northern part
where a number of seismogenic faults have been defined
(Pailoplee et al. 2009). Among the significant provinces of
Laos, Louang Namtha province was the most earthquake-
prone area with a calculated PGA of up to 0.4 g from the
DSHA. Meanwhile, for Sam Neua, Luang Prabang, Vang
Vieng, and Paklay provinces, including the capital city of
Laos (Vientiane), the DSHA revealed a PGA in the range
of 0.27 - 0.32 g. In Southern Laos, the seismic hazard was
Fig. 5. Possible PGA map of Laos, as evaluated by DSHA. (Color online only)
Seismic Activities and Hazards in Laos 849
quite low and mostly less than 0.04 g. The low-hazard areas
were occupied by Thakhek, Savannakhet, Champasak, and
Khong provinces (Fig. 5).
5.2 Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (PSHA)
In contrast to the DSHA, PSHA (Cornell 1968) esti-
mates the likelihood (λ) that a specific ground-shaking level
(A) of interest is equal to or exceeds the ground-shaking
level (A0), as expressed in Eq. (3);
() () () (,),AA vfmf rPAmrAmrdmdr
where fMi(m) is the probability density function of mag-
nitude (Youngs and Coppersmith 1985); fRi(r) is the
probability density function for source-to-site distance;
P[A(m, r) ≥ A0 | m, r] is the probability of exceedance (POE)
of a threshold value A0 depending on m, r, and the utilized
attenuation model. The term vi is the average rate of earth-
quake occurrence for an individual seismic source zone r
from the total Ns recognizing seismic source zones.
Utilizing the CU-PSHA software (Pailoplee and Palasri
2014), the fMi(m) was evaluated for each of the 10 magnitude
ranges subdivided between MCE (in Mw unit)-3.0 Mw. The
fRi(r) was estimated in each of the 50 case studies from the
longest to shortest distance from the source to site. From
each pair of fMi(m) and fRi(r) supplemented by the attenua-
tion model, 200 cases of POE were calculated for a PGA of
between 0.005 and 1.995. Then at each investigated site, the
hazard curve showing the relationship between the POE and
the PGA in the Y- and X-axis, respectively, was formed.
The hazard curves of some of the major provinces (11
in total) in Laos are shown in Fig. 6, where it is noticeable
that Luang Prabang, Louang Namtha, and Paklay provinces
are located in a high earthquake hazard region. Meanwhile,
Vientiane, and Sam Neua provinces are in a comparatively
low seismic hazard area.
With respect to the PSHA map, Kramer (1996) pro-
posed two useful methods for mapping the PSHA based on
the hazard curve of the ground shaking map and the prob-
ability map, and these are analyzed in turn in sections 5.2.1
and 5.2.2, respectively.
5.2.1 Ground Shaking Maps
A ground shaking map illustrates spatially the PGA
level (in units of g) that corresponds to a particular POE in
the time span of interest (Kramer 1996). In this PSHA, the
ground shaking maps for a 2 and 10% POE in 50 yr were
derived (Fig. 7), and were found to be roughly analogous
to that obtained from the DSHA (Fig. 5), except that the
hazard level was lower in the PSHA than in DSHA. For
instance, taking a 2% POE (Fig. 7a), a high hazard level of
0.24 - 0.27 g was found in the northwestern part of Laos,
where Louang Namtha, Luang Prabang, Vang Vieng, Pak-
lay, and Sam Neua provinces are located. Meanwhile, the
PGA in the northeastern part of Xieng Khouang and Vien-
tiane provinces was around 0.12 - 0.21 g, which is defined
as a comparatively moderate seismic hazard zone in Laos.
The lowest seismic hazard in Laos was in the southern part
at Thakhek, Savannakhet, Champasak, and Khong provinc-
es, where the calculated PGA was less than 0.04 g which
conforms to the result obtained from the DSHA (Fig. 5).
With regards to the PSHA map of the 10% POE in the
next 50 yr (Fig. 7b), two zones of a different seismic hazard
could be classified. The high hazard of PGA (0.12 - 0.20 g)
dominated the northern part of Laos, whereas the southern
part was less than 0.04 g (Fig. 7b).
5.2.2 Probability Maps
Although the ground shaking maps of the PGA levels
are more precise, they are not user friendly for informing the
public, but rather are typically used more for science and en-
gineering purposes. Therefore, based on Kramer (1996), the
probability maps representing simply the POE (%) of each
severity of earthquake hazard were formed. In this study ac-
cording to the hazard curve of each grid point, the PGA val-
ues were converted to the MMI levels based on the empiri-
cal PGA-MMI relationship proposed by Pailoplee (2012)
for Myanmar and the adjacent areas as shown in Eq. (4);
()..logPGA MMI025310=-
where PGA is in (cm s-2). Thereafter, the POE of MMI lev-
els IV to VII in the next 50 yr were evaluated and mapped
(Fig. 8). Two zones could clearly be separated in the proba-
bility maps of MMI levels IV and V (Figs. 8a and b), where a
high probability was found in the northern part, followed by
negligible hazard zones in the southern parts, respectively.
For MMI levels VI (Fig. 8c), the northwestern part still
had a POE of more than 70% in the next 50 yr, highlighting
the severe seismic hazard in this region. Meanwhile, for the
moderate hazard areas of the northeastern part, the POE in
the next 50 yr was 40 - 60%. For the rest of Southern Laos,
there was less than a 10% POE of a MMI level VI in the
next 50 yr (Fig. 8c). In addition, for the MMI level VII, the
whole country of Laos showed a POE of less than 40%, and
in the southern part this was < 10% (Fig. 8d).
In this study, the seismic activities and hazards were
analyzed for Laos. In order to clarify the earthquake sources
impacting upon Laos, the available seismicity data were
Santi Pailoplee & Punya Charusiri
analyzed statistically. The earthquake parameters (FMD a-
and b-values and the MCE), including the recurrence inter-
vals of 5.0-Mw and 6.0-Mw earthquakes were estimated spa-
tially. From this, six seismic source zones were defined for
Laos based on the different earthquake recurrence intervals.
Utilizing these seismic source zones and suitable at-
tenuation models, the seismic hazard in this area was ana-
lyzed using both deterministic and probabilistic scenarios,
and the obtained maps classified Laos into three seismic
hazard zones (Table 2).
Although this study is an important step in the earth-
quake hazard evaluation in Laos, more work is still neces-
sary. In order to constrain both the seismic activities and
hazards analyzed here, further studies on the paleoseismol-
ogy at sites specific to the active faults within and surround-
ing Laos should be performed.
Acknowledgements This research was supported by the
National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) Fund 2017.
Thanks are also extended to T. Pailoplee for the preparation
of the draft manuscript. I thank the Publication Counseling
Unit (PCU), Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University,
for a critical review and improved English. I acknowledge
thoughtful comments and suggestions by the editors and
anonymous reviewers that enhanced the quality of this man-
uscript significantly.
Fig. 6. Hazard curves (PGA vs. POE plots) for the 11 major provinces in Laos, as evaluated by PSHA. (Color online only)
(a) (b)
Fig. 7. Probabilistic seismic hazard maps of Laos showing a ground shaking of (a) 2% and (b) 10% POE in the next 50 yr. (Color online only)
Seismic Activities and Hazards in Laos 851
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig. 8. Probabilistic seismic hazard maps of Laos showing the probabilities (%) that ground shaking will be equal to or greater than MMI levels of
(a) IV, (b) V, (c) VI, and (d) VII in the next 50 yr. (Color online only)
Northwestern Northeastern Southern
Louang Namtha
Luang Prabang Vang Vieng
Sam Neua
Xieng Khouang
Champasak Khong
DSHA 0.32 - 0.4 g 0.12 - 0.32 g < 0.12 g
PGA of 2% POE in 50 yr 0.24 - 0.32 g 0.12 - 0.20 g < 0.12 g
PGA of 10% POE in 50 yr 0.12 - 0.20 g 0.12 - 0.20 g < 0.08 g
POE of MMI IV in 50 yr > 90% > 80% < 10%
POE of MMI V in 50 yr > 90% > 80% < 10%
POE of MMI VI in 50 yr 70 - 90% 40 - 60% < 10%
POE of MMI VII in 50 yr 20 - 40% 10 - 20% < 10%
Table 2. Summarized SHA in Laos based on various conditions of interest.
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... However, in recent years, several lines of evidence support the concept that both Thai and Laos are also earthquakeprone areas. Tectonically, previous and recent paleoseismological investigations show that the two countries are, to some extent, controlled by inland active faults [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] as shown in Fig. 1. Pailoplee and Choowong [9] reported that several seismic source zones in mainland Southeast Asia are tectonically and seismically active. ...
... Therefore, Laos has also experienced hazardous ground shaking. Up to now, only two seismic hazard maps have been documented: one is the map developed by the United Nation Office for Human Affairs [43], and the other by Pailoplee and Charusiri [6]. The former is a preliminary map which illustrates the earthquake severity with modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale for 50-yr return period, and the latter is much more sophisticated, however both do not contain the new data on recent earthquake activities. ...
... Due to the appearance of 3 new active faults reported in this study area, both DHSA and PSHA maps are different from the previous maps reported by Pailoplee and Charusiri [6] for Thailand and these two kinds of SHA maps are almost similar to those of Pailoplee and Charusiri [6] for Laos. For instance, the high PGA from the DSHA map in western and northwestern Laos varies from 0.32 to 0.4g [6]. ...
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In both Thailand and Laos seismic hazards have been classified as the low-lying region of mainland Southeast Asia. Nevertheless in recent times few intermediate and large earthquakes have taken place until recently. Therefore our prime objective is to characterize seismic hazards in Thailand and Lao PDR (or Laos) by utilizing geologic fault and most update seismic data. We identified more than 60 active faults using remote sensing, morpho-tectonic, paleoseismic trenching, and quaternary dating information from the current and previous studies. At least six seismic source zones have been utilized based upon the most recent geologic, tectonic, and seismicity data. Earthquake catalogues from various sources have been determined, registered, and filtered. Strong ground motion attenuation model have been selected by comparing several well-accepted published models with strong ground motion recorded in both Thailand and Laos. Seismic hazard analysis (SHA) can be performeded by using 2 methods: deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA) and probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA). DHSA has been adopted for the designs of critical construction and PSHA has been acquired for the noncritical construction. The established SHA maps by this two methods can be carried out by applying past earthquake events and new active fault data.. The DSHA map displays possible ground shaking up to 0.35 g in northern and western Thailand and up to 0.4 g in northwestern Laos, whereas the ground shaking computed from the PSHA approach is <0.3 g in northern Thailand and <0.32 g in Laos for 2 % probability of exceedance in the next 50 yrs and roughly become higher in the northern part of both countries. The DSHA map reveals relatively high hazard level in areas of central and northwestern Laos as well as northern and western Thailand, medium hazard level in northeastern Laos and southern Thailand, and low hazard level in southern Laos as well as central and eastern Thailand. The PSHA map generally displays seismic hazard distribution almost similar to that of the DSHA map but with comparatively lower hazard levels. Paleoseismic investigations are quite essential for defining seismotectonic faults, new seismic source zones, and hazard level. It is also believed that several fault lines may have occurred within the weak and major crustal structures. Effective mitigation plan to reduce impact of seismic hazard is, therefore, formulated urgently and in many major cities located in northern and western Thailand as well as in northwestern and central Laos.
... The location of the post-impact scoria cones on the BVF, hence the area with the highest probability of future vent opening, seems related to the impact crater structure rather than to the local tectonic stress. From a regional tectonic perspective, several works report the current state of stress field for northern Southeast Asia, including Laos (Pailoplee et al. 2009;Pailoplee and Charusiri 2017;Meyers et al. 2018). Particularly, these works report seismogenic faults in central and northern Laos, which can be divided into two groups, SW-NE and SE-NW oriented faults (Pailoplee and Charusiri, 2017), mostly in a strike-slip regime driven by the Sagaing Fault and Red River Fault (Meyers et al. 2018). ...
... From a regional tectonic perspective, several works report the current state of stress field for northern Southeast Asia, including Laos (Pailoplee et al. 2009;Pailoplee and Charusiri 2017;Meyers et al. 2018). Particularly, these works report seismogenic faults in central and northern Laos, which can be divided into two groups, SW-NE and SE-NW oriented faults (Pailoplee and Charusiri, 2017), mostly in a strike-slip regime driven by the Sagaing Fault and Red River Fault (Meyers et al. 2018). None of this work shows local faults and their orientation in southern Laos, where the BVF is located. ...
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Southeast Asia is home to a large number of active and well-studied volcanoes, the majority of which are located in Indonesia and the Philippines. Northern Southeast Asia (Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam) also hosts volcanoes that for several reasons (post-World War II conflicts, poor accessibility due to dense vegetation, no known historical activity) have been poorly studied. Systematic assessments of the threat these volcanoes pose to resident populations do not exist, despite evidence of numerous eruptions through the late Pleistocene and likely even during the Holocene. A recent study inferred the location of the Australasian meteorite impact to be beneath the Bolaven Volcanic Field in southern Laos; this study provided a wealth of data for the field: in particular, mapping of vents and flows, and their relative or absolute ages. The Bolaven Volcanic Field (16 Ma—< 40 ka) has a surface area of about 5000 km², contains nearly 100 scoria cones and more than 100 individual lava flows. Some lava flow systems are as long as 50 km, with thickness ranging from a few meters at the flow edges, up to > 50 m in some locations. Building upon this foundation, we used the Bolaven Volcanic Field as a case study for assessing the potential exposure of populations and infrastructure to lava flows during future effusive eruptions. Our study uses remote sensing to map past flows and vents (i.e. scoria cones), lava-flow simulations from new simulated vents, and open-access exposure data, to assess hazards and exposure. Our results show that future vents are most likely to occur in a N-S band atop the Bolaven plateau, with some flows channelling into canyons and spilling down the plateau flanks onto lower plains that support more populated areas such as the provincial centre, Pakse. Our exposure assessment suggests that around 300,000 people could experience socio-economic impacts from future lava flow inundations. The largest impacts would be on two of the main economic sectors in the region, agriculture and hydropower. The potential also exists for life-threatening explosions from interactions between magma and surface waters, which are abundant in the region. We estimate an average recurrence interval of approximately 10,400 years, based on information from lava flows and scoria cones.
... Most active faults in Thailand are located in the North and West, while those in the Northeast are mainly found along the plateau's edges [1,26]. Clear surface expressions of active faults are primarily visible along the plateau rim in Laos [27]. ...
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Identifying the movement of the branches of the hidden Thakhek fault in Thailand is challenging due to the absence of evident landforms indicating an active fault. In this study, we analyzed a digital elevation model (DEM) to identify potential landforms. A 2D Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) survey was conducted to locate the hidden Thakhek fault. The results reveal vivid images of resistivity contrast, interpreted as two reverse faults, with mudstone exhibiting low resistivity in the middle, flanked by thick sediment layers with higher resistivity. Three trenches were excavated perpendicular to the two interpreted reverse faults. The displacement of reverse faulting appears to have shifted mudstone over Quaternary sediments, with vertical offsets revealed in trenches NWY-1, NWY-2, and NWY-3. This movement could be identified as a positive flower structure. Additionally, lakes are identified as a negative flower structure along the traces. These features result from strike-slip strains under a locally appropriate compressional and extensional environment in a shearing strike-slip fault.
... In the eastern Gulf of Thailand, rifting began in the Eocene and ended at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary (Phoosongsee and Morely, 2019). Since the late Miocene, the coastal area of the eastern Gulf of Thailand is considered tectonically stable (Choowong, 2002a), and no seismic risk is expected for this region (Pailoplee and Choowong, 2013;Pailoplee and Charusiri, 2017), indicating the lack of active tectonics. ...
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Beach ridges are depositional features that allow reconstruction of past sea-level variations, sediment dynamics, and storm activity. However, there are still very few systematic studies focusing on beach ridges available from the Gulf of Thailand. Along the east coast, satellite images provide evidence of beach ridges in the Chanthaburi Province, extending as far as 6 km inland, oriented parallel to the current coastline. These can be divided into a set of landward ridges (5.3–6.0 km inland) and seaward ridges (0.4–1.8 km inland) that are separated by an arm of the Chanthaburi estuary. Optically stimulated luminescence dating of 26 sand samples from 12 pits of ridge profiles suggests that thelandward set of beach ridges formed ca. 3500 yr ago, while the seaward set of ridges formed between ca. 2100–1200 years ago, which also includes the modern active beach. It appears that the landward set of beach ridges developed during a period of relatively stable sea level followed by a rapid regression presently occupied by the arm of the Chanthaburi estuary. The seaward set of beach ridges apparently reflects a millennium of slowly retreating coastline until the modern beach ridge formed.
... These moderate to strong earthquakes have been detected along major fault traces in northern Thailand (Figure 1). Even though this region is located far away from the present-day plate boundary of Southeast Asia, the Andaman-Sumatra subduction zone (Subarya et al., 2006;McCaffrey, 2009;Roy et al., 2011), paleoseismological investigations reveal that Thailand is to some extent controlled by active indent-linked strike-slip faults due to the plate boundary (Fenton et al., 2003;Pailoplee et al., 2009;Wiwegwin et al., 2014;Pailoplee and Charusiri, 2017). The largest (Mw 6.2) instrumentally recorded earthquake in Thailand occurred on 5 May 2014, causing the greatest amount of damage in Thailand's history. ...
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The Mae Hong Son Fault (MHSF) is a north-trending active fault in northern Thailand. The largest earthquake ever recorded in Thailand occurred in February 1975 with a magnitude of 5.6 and was associated with the southern end of the MHSF. Paleoearthquake magnitudes, recurrence intervals, and slip rates for the MHSF are evaluated using the morphological characteristics of the MHSF aided with a 12.5-m-resolution digital elevation model (DEM) and using fault trenching. Morphotectonic analysis, including studies of offset streams, linear valleys, triangular facets, and fault scarps, helps illustrate dextral fault movements within the MHSF zone. Two separated N–S trending basins, the Mae Hong Son to the north and the Mae Sariang to the south, are present along the MHSF. Between these basins, fault displacements decrease toward the Khun Yuam area. Surface rupture length investigation from fault segments in both basins indicates maximum credible earthquake magnitudes between 5.8 and 6.3. Fault trenching and road-cut studies show that nine earthquakes occurred along the MHSF over the past ∼43 ka. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating help define the timing of the earthquakes to ∼43, ∼38, ∼33, ∼28, ∼23, ∼18, ∼13, ∼8, and ∼3 ka. The recurrence interval of earthquakes on the Mae Hong Son Fault is ∼5,000 years and the fault has a slip rate of ∼0.04–0.15 mm/a.
We conducted a preliminary paleoseismological study at the branches of the Thakhek fault zone in Northeast Thailand. Locating the fault in Thailand is challenging as there are no evident morphotectonic landforms indicative of an active fault. We utilized remote sensing to delineate fault traces, supplemented by geological and geophysical ground-based surveys. We identified a suitable site for trenching through a 2D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) survey. Trenches were excavated to determine the succession of sedimentary units. The trench-log stratigraphy was compiled and sedimentary samples were dated by optically-stimulated luminescence (OSL) for determining the age sedimentary layers, thereby inferring the putative seismic events. Analysis of the digital elevation model revealed three minor faults extending from Laos into Northeast Thailand with lengths of 138, 159, and 35 km. The ERT survey indicated a clear resistivity contrast, which was interpreted as mudstone with low resistivity juxtaposing sediment layers with higher resistivity. Subsequently, two trenches were excavated. Displacement resulting from reverse faulting appeared to have moved older mudstone over the Quaternary sediment layers with vertical offsets of >3.5 m in the first trench; thrust faulting resulted in a transition fold to fault-bend fold with mudstone ramping over the sediment layers in the second trench. The sediment units cut by the fault plane were dated by the OSL method between 18,120 ± 1,920 and 36,960 ± 2,780 years in the Pleistocene. Results indicated a single paleoearthquake in the trench with greater than M 7.1 moment magnitude and 0.009 mm/a average slip rate. This fault is potentially active based on the inferred age of the displacement events.
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Southeast Asia hosts a large number of active and well-studied volcanoes, the majority of which are located in Indonesia and the Philippines. Northern Southeast Asia (Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam) also hosts volcanoes that for several reasons (post-World War II conflicts, poor accessibility due to dense vegetation, no known historical activity) have been little studied. Systematic assessments of the threat these volcanoes pose to resident populations do not exist, despite evidence of numerous eruptions through the late Pleistocene and likely even during the Holocene. A recent study that inferred the location of the Australasian meteorite impact (which produced the largest known tektite strewn field on Earth) beneath the Bolaven Volcanic Field in southern Laos provided a wealth of data for that volcanic field, in particular, mapping of vents and flows, and their absolute ages. Building upon this foundation, we used the Bolaven Volcanic Field as a case study for assessing the potential exposure of populations and infrastructure to lava flows during future eruptions there. Our study uses remote sensing of past flows, lava-flow simulations and open-access exposure data, to assess hazards and exposure. Our results show that future vents are most likely to occur in a N-S band atop the Bolaven Plateau, with some flows channelled into canyons that spill down the plateau flanks onto lower plains that support more populated areas such as the provincial centre, Pakse. Our exposure assessment suggests that around 300,000 people could experience socio-economic impacts from future eruptions. The largest impacts would be on two of the main economic sectors in the region, agriculture and hydropower. The potential also exists for life-threatening explosions from interactions between magma and surface waters, which are abundant in the region. We estimate an Average Recurrence Interval of approximately 10,400 years.
Laos is a mountainous country with a road network that is prone to the impact of landslides. The development and maintenance of the transport sector are seen as imperatives in the country's socio-economic growth, and landslides pose a potential constraint on this development. This paper describes a landslide vulnerability assessment undertaken for a significant proportion of the country's mountain road network for maintenance management and investment decision-making purposes. Limited desk study data meant that the focus of the study was on the collection of landslide location and impact data in the field and was able to benefit from the effects of the 2018 wet season during which record rainfalls were recorded in some locations. A simple index of vulnerability was developed and combined with engineering geological observation to yield a composite output that comprised tabular data and maps, along with broad recommendations for risk and engineering management.
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Recent paleoseismic investigations have identified a number of active faults in Northern and Western Thailand. Northern Thailand is an intraplate basin and range province, comprised of north-south-trending Cenozoic intermontane grabens and half grabens, bounded by north- to northwest-striking normal to normal-oblique faults and northeast-striking left-lateral strike-slip faults. The basin-bounding normal faults are marked by steep, linear range fronts with triangular facets and wineglass canyons and have slip rates of 0.1 to 0.8 mm/yr. Based on limited data, the average vertical displacement-per-event is about 1.0 to 1.5 m. These faults are characterized by recurrence intervals of thousands to tens of thousands of years and are capable of generating earthquakes up to moment magnitude (M) 7, and larger. The northeast-striking strike-slip faults are marked by shutter ridges, and deflected drainages. Slip rates are 3 mm/yr or less. Western Thailand is dissected by a number of northwest- and north-northwest-striking, right-lateral strike-slip faults related to the Sagaing Fault in Myanmar. Although showing much less activity than the faults in neighboring Myanmar, these faults display abundant evidence for late Quaternary movement, including shutter ridges, sag ponds, and laterally offset streams. The slip rate on these faults is estimated to be 0.5 to 2.0 mm/yr. These faults are considered capable of generating maximum earthquakes of up to M 71/2.
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In this study, the previously reported isoseismal maps are compiled and used to carefully investigate the macroseismic intensity in terms of the Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) scale, based on the engineering ground-motion parameter, as the peak ground acceleration (PGA), inferred from the ground-motion attenuation characteristic of Myanmar. The preliminary relationship between the MMI and PGA is reported to be a function of log10(PGA) = 0.2526MMI – 3.1006. The strongly correlated MMI-PGA relationship obtained in this study, if confirmed, will be particularly useful in real-time applications for damage prediction or engineering parameter determination when an earthquake occurs in or nearby to Myanmar. Compared with the previously proposed MMI-PGA relationships for other regions, the standard of building construction in Myanmar is not high enough to withstand the hazards from earthquakes, particularly at higher levels of ground motion. Therefore, the standard building code for Myanmar should be modified in order to reduce future hazards arising from earthquakes.
The c. 500-km-long Mae Ping fault zone trends NW–SE across Thailand into eastern Myanmar and has probably undergone in excess of 150 km sinistral motion during the Cenozoic. A large, c. 150-km-long, restraining bend in this fault zone lies on the western margin of the Chainat duplex. The duplex is a low-lying region dominated by north–south-trending ridges of Mesozoic and Palaeozoic sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks, flanked by flat, post-rift basins of Pliocene–Recent age to the north and south. A review of published cooling-age data, plus new apatite and zircon fission-track results indicates that significant changes in patterns of exhumation occurred along the fault zone with time. Oldest uplift and erosion (Eocene) occurred in the Umphang Gneiss region, west of an inferred thrust-dominated restraining-bend setting. From 36 Ma to 30 Ma, exhumation was strongest north of the duplex, along the NW–SE-trending segment of the fault zone at the (northern) exiting bend of the Chainat duplex. This region of the fault zone is characterized by a mid-crustal level shear zone 5–6 km wide (Lan Sang Gneisses), that passes to the NW into an apparent strike-slip duplex geometry. The deformation is interpreted to have occurred during passage around the northern restraining bend, which resulted in vertical thickening, uplift, erosion and extensional collapse of the northern side of the shear zone. This concentration of deformation at the bends at the ends of the restraining bend is thought to be a characteristic of strike-slip-dominated restraining bends. Following Late Oligocene–Early Miocene extension, there is apatite fission-track evidence for 22–18 Ma exhumation in the Chainat duplex, that coincides with a phase of inversion in the Phitsanulok Basin to the north. The Miocene–Recent history of the Chainat duplex is one of minor sinistral and dextral displacements, related to a rapidly evolving stress field, influenced by the numerous tectonic reorganizations that affected SE Asia during that time.
Seismicity catalogs contain important information about processes which occur in seismically active regions of the earth. Many authors have examined these catalogs for patterns and variations in patterns which might reflect changes in these processes. We have found that these catalogs include a complex mixture of real and man-made changes. One must identify and account for the man-made changes before the real ones can be identified and understood. Many man-made changes in seismicity catalogs are manifested as changes in seismicity rates and can, therefore, be identified through careful examination of these rates. Obvious effects include increases of decreases in the detection and reporting of smaller events which accompany the installation or closure of seismic stations. Systematic changes in the magnitudes assigned to events can also be identified by examining seismicity rates because they cause apparent changes in rates of data sets with magnitude cutoffs. The sign of the apparent rate change depends on the sign of the magnitude change and the type of cutoff used.
Attenuation relationships are presented for peak acceleration and response spectral accelerations from shallow crustal earthquakes. The relationships are based on strong motion data primarily from California earthquakes. Relationships are presented for strike-slip and reverse-faulting earthquakes, rock and deep firm soil deposits, earthquakes of moment magnitude M 4 to 8+, and distances up to 100 km.
Whether static or dynamic stress changes play the most important role in triggering earthquakes in the near field is still in debate. Here, we examine the seismicity rate changes in southern California following the 2010 Mw 7.2 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake. We focus on the Salton Sea Geothermal Field (SSGF) and the San Jacinto Fault Zone (SJFZ) because of high-sensitivity continuous borehole recordings and ample background seismicity. A significant increase in seismic activity is found in both study regions immediately following the main shock. However, near the SSGF where the static Coulomb stress decreased, the seismicity rate dropped below the pre-main-shock rate after ̃1 month. In comparison, along the SJFZ with an increase in the static Coulomb stress, the seismicity rate remained higher than the background rate with several moderate-size earthquakes occurring in the subsequent months. While we cannot completely rule out other mechanisms, these observations are best consistent with a widespread increase in seismicity from dynamic stress changes immediately after the main shock, and longer term seismicity rate changes from static stress changes. Our observation, together with other recent studies, suggests that both static and dynamic stress changes are important in triggering near-field earthquakes, but their affected regions and timescales are different.