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Harmful mining activities, environmental impacts and effects in the mining communities in South Africa: a critical perspective



In South Africa, the right to a clean environment is constitutionally guaranteed. However, this right is being violated on a daily basis by the mining companies who degrade and harm the environment in the communities they operate. Even though laws have been put in place to regulate, protect and deter degradation, the reality is that the mining companies have been found wanting several times in discharging their constitutional obligations not to degrade and harm the environment. This paper examines impacts and effects of the mining activities. It also looks at the legislative interventions that have been put in place to serve as checks against the mining companies and provides insights on how they are being used to regulate harmful mining practices.
“Harmful mining activities, environmental impacts and
effects in the mining communities in South Africa: a
critical perspective”
AUTHORS Makua M. Pretty, Kola O. Odeku
Makua M. Pretty and Kola O. Odeku (2017). Harmful
mining activities, environmental impacts and effects in
the mining communities in South Africa: a critical
Environmental Economics (open-access)
(4), 14-24. doi:10.21511/ee.08(4).2017.02
RELEASED ON Tuesday, 05 December 2017
RECEIVED ON Sunday, 10 September 2017
ACCEPTED ON Friday, 20 October 2017
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
JOURNAL "Environmental Economics (open-access)"
ISSN PRINT 1998-6041
PUBLISHER LLC “Consulting Publishing Company “Business
© The author(s) 2017. This publication is an open access article.
Environmental Economics, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2017
Makua M. Pretty (South Africa), Kola O. Odeku (South Africa)
Harmful mining activities, environmental impacts and effects
in the mining communities in South Africa: a critical perspective
In South Africa, the right to a clean environment is constitutionally guaranteed. However, this right is being violated on
a daily basis by the mining companies who degrade and harm the environment in the communities they operate. Even
though laws have been put in place to regulate, protect and deter degradation, the reality is that the mining companies
have been found wanting several times in discharging their constitutional obligations not to degrade and harm the
environment. This paper examines impacts and effects of the mining activities. It also looks at the legislative
interventions that have been put in place to serve as checks against the mining companies and provides insights on how
they are being used to regulate harmful mining practices.
Keywords: harmful mining, environmental degradation, mining community, sustainability, regulations, South Africa.
JEL Classification: Q56, Q58, L71.
Received on: 10th of September, 2017.
Accepted on: 20th of October, 2017.
Introduction 2
In South Africa, the mining industry plays a vital
role in the economic growth and development of the
country (Hamann, 2003). There are different types
of natural mineral resources in South Africa and
they serve as a key driver of the country’s social
economic growth and development (Hamann,
2004). Undoubtedly, mining provides jobs, grows
the economy and builds trading relations with the
rest of the world. However, when mining is done
irresponsibly, it will definitely impact the
environment and cause harm and irreparable
damages (Bolong, 2016). In South Africa, poor
mining operations are costing the country its major
asset and resource which is the environment
(Downing, 2002). Mining operations usually result
in environmental degradation in the mining
communities if mine owners do not adhere to
regulations that have been put in place to ensure that
the environment is not harmed and degraded during
these activities (White, 2013). The harm and
degradation affect the health and wellbeing of
individuals, groups and communities as a result of
the toxic environments created by the mining
companies. Furthermore, if mining is done
irresponsibly, it can devastate local ecosystems and
destroy traditional cultures and livelihoods and these
are common in many communities in South Africa
(Duri, 2016).
Makua M. Pretty, Kola O. Odeku, 2017.
Makua M. Pretty, Faculty of Management and Law, University of
Limpopo, Turfloop, South Africa.
Kola O. Odeku, Faculty of Management and Law, University of
Limpopo, Turfloop, South Africa.
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
license, which permits re-use, distribution, and reproduction, provided
the materials aren’t used for commercial purposes and the original work
is properly cited.
Sometimes, the impacts are so sever to the extent
that a whole community could be deserted thereby
creating a ‘ghost towns’ after the departure of
mining company and this is usually the enduring
image and legacy of extractive industry (Haney &
Shkaratan, 2003). Therefore, mining has significant
social and environmental ramifications directly
related to ecological wellbeing and human health
(Cullen-Unsworth, 2014). It is against the backdrop
of this that the mining companies need to pursue
actions that mitigate harmful impacts on the
environment while conducting extractive activities
(Owen & Kemp, 2013). There is a need to be
mindful of the fact that protection of the natural
environment will sustain long-term economic
growth. This paper accentuates that the extractions
of natural minerals should be done responsibly and
sensibly (Mannion, 2014). Against the backdrop of
these harmful mining activities resulting in
environmental harm, degradation and
contamination, this paper discusses the impact of
poor mining activities and legislation in place to
ensure that mining is done responsibly and sensibly.
This is critically imperative in order to protect
vulnerable population groups and the communities
from environmental harm, degradation and
contamination being what resource extraction leave
behind and their devastating impacts upon local
areas now and into the future (White, 2013).
1. Problem statement
Since the late 19th century, South Africa has
exploited its mineral wealth with little or no regard
for the environment (Death & Politikon, 2014).
From an environmental perspective, South Africa
faces several crucial environmental challenges,
such as environmental harm, degradation and
Environmental Economics, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2017
contamination caused by the failure of the mining
companies to act responsibly while conducting their
business. Yet, to a large extent, the accountability
and sanctions of the extractive industry for the
impact and consequences of environmental
degradation in mining communities has been very
poor. Against the backdrop of this irresponsible
mining business, communities, ecosystems and the
people in the areas they operate are being negatively
impacted on a daily basis. Consequently, there is
need to understand the extent of damage poor
mining operations impacts on the environment and
to strengthen compliance and implementation by
using the existing laws to hold perpetrators
2. Literature review
Virtually all mining literature attest to the fact that
mining should be done in a sustainable way and
manner (Danielson, 2006). However, the concern is
that “the socio-economic upliftment that should
logically follow the implementation of ensuring that
mining operation is conduct responsibly is not
visible in many mining areas and communities
where the mining companies operate” (Ololade &
Annegarn, 2003). The study of Ololade and
Annegarn (2003) found out that the environmental
and social costs associated with mining were high,
while economic benefits to surrounding
communities were low”. Ololade and Annegarn
(2003) also documented that “the perceptions of
community and corporations were found to contrast
sharply: the reality experienced by community
members fell well short of the optimistic scenarios
presented in the corporate social responsibility
reports of the mining companies, which has
implications for the mining industry in the area”.
Accordingly, for there to be a sustainable mining
path, the companies need to change their mind set
and stop the business as usual syndrome by altering
their operations onto a genuine sustainable path
(Ololade & Annegarn, 2003).
More importantly, Abuya’s (2006) work identified
mine-related conflicts prevalent in the mining
communities such as “land ownership; unfair
compensation; inequitable resource distribution;
environmental degradation; mine-induced poverty;
and conflict over human rights abuses”. Conflicts
usually occur in the mining communities because
the people tend to believe that mine developers will
finance tangible projects and services such as
schools, hospitals, roads, water and so on but, in
most cases, mine companies usually renege on their
promises and failed to honor the promises made to
the members of the communities (Nkadimeng,
2016). The product of this is the incessant vicious
protests which sometimes result to the disruption of
mining activities in the community. For there to be a
suitable mining, companies must ensure that they
fulfill their social responsibility to the community
and the environment in order to minimize conflicts
(Tello, 2015).
South Africa government has introduced pieces of
legislation on the issue of responsible and sensible
mining and the protection of the integrity of the
environment, however there seems to be poor
implementation hence the act of degradation
continues (Amechi, 2009). All organs of state must
cooperate and work together with regard to ensuring
that the environment is protected from harm and
degradation. Conversely, for instance, instead of
cooperating with the other department to protect the
environment from being harmed, the Department of
Mineral Resources (DMR) in Mpumalanga, granted
prospecting and mining rights even in the face of
vehement opposition from other organs of state like
conservation and tourism authorities. Mpumalanga
is experiencing the worst environmental degradation
caused by mining activities in the whole of South
Africa as most of its land is no longer conducive for
farming, living and there are water pollution and
shortage, as well as a result of destructive mining
activities. The DMR is also responsible for
monitoring the environmental impacts of mining but
it is failing dismally at this task. The Department of
Environmental and Water Affairs, and local and the
district municipalities that have integral role to play
in regulation that effectively balances the province’s
different priorities, are either unwilling or incapable
of making a dent in this onslaught (Davies, 2014).
The DMR in Mpumalanga generally accepts
applications for rights, no matter how sensitive or
protected the area in which mining is proposed. For
example, Mabola protected environment in the
Wakkerstroom is one of the five important water
source in Mpumalanga and it was proclaimed
protected environment, however Atha-Africa
Ventures (Pty) Ltd group, was granted the right to
mine coal from the area by DMR despite the
opposition of the environmental and water
authorities (Cullinan, 2015). This means that the so-
called protected area does not enjoy the benefits of
being protected. The Minister of Mineral Resources
has the power to declare the operation invalid, but
has so far refused to do so without a valid reason or
communication to the communities affected by the
The permission to mine which was granted to Atha-
Africa Ventures (Pty) Ltds a demonstration of the
failure of parties involved working together.
Environmental Economics, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2017
Organizations such as Centre for Environmental
Rights and The Mpumalanga Tourism and Parks
agency (an organ of state) have called on
government to undertake an assessment of the
cumulative impacts of mining on the environment.
Relevant government departments are also implored
to agree to restrictmining in areas which contain
critical water sources and biodiversity, or which are
important for South Africa’s future food security
(Davies, 2014).
According to Hassan (2001), “good environmental
governance is an important pillar in the global
partnership for sustainable development”.
Environmental governance may be described “as the
manner in which people exercise authority over
nature (Hassan, 2001)”. It is pertinent to mention
that “natural resource management was
internationalized by the 1972 Stockholm
Declaration 2004, echoing the earlier
internationalization of human rights by the 1948
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)
UN General Assembly in Paris 10 December 1948”
(Hassan, 2001). The concept of human right to a
healthy environment developed from the first
principle of the Stockholm Declaration which states
that “man has the fundamental right to freedom,
equality and permits a life of dignity and well-being,
and he bears a solemn responsibility to protect and
improve the environment for present and future
generations” (Stockholm Declaration Principle 1).
The Stockholm Declaration does not specify the
right to a healthy environment, as such, but it does
claim the right to adequate conditions of life in a
temporal perspective to safeguard the environment
for future generations (Hiskes, 2012). It follows that
a healthy environment is necessary for the
appreciation of other human rights (Lewis, 2013).
Section 24 of the South African Constitution
embodies the right to a healthy environment and to
conservation of the environment.
Good environmental governance would begin with a
democratic dispensation that allows full
participation of civil society in the running and
administration of its affairs (Hassan, 2001). Such a
dispensation enables national and provincial
legislatures to respond to the emerging needs of
society for general and specific regimes and laws for
environmental protection and sustainable
development (Van Rensburg & Naude, 2007). In
order to protect the environment from being harmed
and degraded, there must be strong willingness to
ensure effective and efficient management and as
such, according to Hassan (2001), “legislation is a
major tool for achieving good environmental
management, rule of law, respect for human rights
and a free and independent judiciary are essential
for protecting and enforcing environmental
protection regimes” (Hassan, 2001). The question is
whether mining companies are adhering to the
elements of good environment governance with
respect to mitigation of the adverse effects of
mining activities on local communities (Truter,
2011). The court in South Africa had pronounced on
the need for ensuring the proper protection of the
environment while pursuing socio-economic
activities or mining as adumbrated in the case of
Fuel Retailers Association of Southern Africa v
Director-General: Environmental Management,
Department of Agriculture, Conservation and
Environment, Mpumalanga Province and Others
(CCT67/06) [2007] ZACC 13; 2007 (10) BCLR
1059 (CC); 2007 (6) SA 4 (CC) (7 June 2007)
where the constitutional court held that “the essence
of sustainable development is balanced integration
of socio-economic development and environmental
priorities and norms. Economic sustainability is thus
not part of a check-list that has to be ticked off as a
separate item in the sustainable development
enquiry. Rather, it is an element that takes on
significance to the extent that it implicates the
environment. When economic development
potentially threatens the environment it becomes
relevant to NEMA. Only then does it become a
material ingredient to be put in the scales of a
NEMA evaluation”. This paper seek to show that
some of the mining companies are not adhering to
good government in their operations and as such
they should be sanctioned using existing legislation
that talk to the issues of protection of the
environment even when conducting extractive
3. The impacts and effects of mining on the
community they operate
The awful living conditions of mine-affected
communities and the shocking failure of mining
companies to meaningfully or positively engage
with them are clear testimony to irresponsible
mining activities (Sarkar et al., 2010). The
devastating impact of mining on land; the impact of
air, water and soil pollution on farming activities
and human health; mining companies’ poor
compliance with legal and regulatory requirements
for environmental protection (Bridge, 2004). The
almost total lack of compliance monitoring and
enforcement by the Department of Mineral
resources and the “extremely cavalier attitude of the
South African mining industry towards the closure
of mines and the rehabilitation of the environment is
what causes these small communities to suffer the
Environmental Economics, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2017
fate imposed upon them by the mining companies”
(Bench Marks Foundation: Policy Gap 9 South
African coal mining, August 2014). The impacts
and effects of poor and harmful mining activities are
numerous and some are discussed below.
3.1. Impact and effect of harmful mining. Bad
mining practices can ignite fires which can burn for
decades, releasing fly ash and smoke laden with
greenhouse gasses and toxic chemicals (Dontala et
al., 2015). Harmful dust inhalation causes black
lung disease among miners and those who live
nearby, and mine accidents kill thousands every
year (Eisler, 2003). Harmful mining could displace
whole communities, forcing them off their land due
to expanding mines, fires, subsidence and
contaminated water supplies (Goswami, 2014).
In some cases, the environment will be toxic to the
extent that people in the communities are forced to
evacuate their homes as the conditions of the
degraded environment and land worsen (Warner et
al., 2010). Their livestocks die and they are not able
to grow crops on the land (Yu et al., 2011). Ground
water decreases and rivers dry up and the cloud of
black dust lingers in the chemically polluted air and
the noise from the huge trucks and the blasting
(Joseph, 2005). Sometimes, even relocating the
community to another location does not deter the
impact of mining, especially if the new location is
still in close proximity to the mining area (Gupta &
Lehal, 2009). For example, Mmadithlokwa village
located in Marikana was relocated by Tharisa
Minerals just a few kilometers from the mining
operations and now the community is negatively
impacted by these mining activities, some residents
are relocating from the chosen area as they no
longer feel safe (Tunatazama, 2017). Those who are
too poor to rebuild their homes have remained
because they have no other option, the mine requires
prove that indeed the dilapidation of the houses are
caused by the mining activities and the residents
have nothing to show except for their cracked
houses which are not enough for the company to
carry the responsibility of relocating them. This
problem can be avoided by proper communication
with the communities and relocation of the
community to newly developed areas distant from
the mining area.
3.2. Strip mining. There are two widely used ways
of mining: strip mining and underground mining.
Strip mining (also known as open cast, mountaintop
or surface mining) involves scraping away earth and
rocks to get to coal buried near the surface (Montrie,
2001). In many cases, mountains are literally blasted
apart to reach thin mineral seams within, leaving
permanent scars on the landscape (Dontala et al.,
2017). Even though it is highly destructive,
industries often prefers this methods it requires less
labour and yields more mineral-coal than
underground mining. Underground mining will
require the input of engineers to ensure that it is safe
for mineworkers to go underground to extract the
3.2.1. Impacts of strip mining. Strip mining destroys
landscapes, forests and wildlife habitats at the site of
the mine when trees, plants, and topsoil are cleared
from the mining area (Brennan et al., 2005). This in
turn leads to soil erosion and destruction of
agricultural land. Rain can wash the loosened top
soil into streams that becomes sediments polluting
waterways which can hurt fish and smother plant
life downstream. It also causes disfiguration of river
channels (Maya, 2014). There is also an increased
risk of chemical contamination of ground water
when minerals in upturned earth seep into the water
table, and watersheds are destroyed when disfigured
land loses the water it once held (Witze & Kanipe,
2015). Strip mining causes dust and noise pollution
when top soil is disrupted with heavy machinery and
coal dust is created in mines (Igoe, 2014). The result
of all this is barren land that stays contaminated
long after a mine shuts down (Rai, 2015).
Although legal regulations can be used to ensure
that the land is rehabilitated and restored, as well to
enforce compliance of the other processes of
restoration of the land, undoing all the
environmental damages to water supplies, destroyed
habitats, and poor air quality is a long and
problematic task (Davies, 2014). Oftentimes the
land degraded is vast. For example, in Emalahleni,
Witbank, coal mining has degraded the quality of an
estimated 3.2 million hectares of land.The overall
restoration rate (the ratio of reclaimed land area to
the total degraded land area) of mine wasteland was
only about 10-12 percent (Johnson & Hallberg,
3.3. Underground mining. Underground
miningallows mining companies to extract deeper
deposits of mineral resource and this is viewed as
less destructive than strip mining. Nevertheless, it
still causes widespread damage to the environment.
In room-and-pillar mines, columns of coal used as
pillars are left to support the ground above during
the initial mining process, then they are often taken
out and the mine is left to collapse, which is known
as subsidence. For instance, Lannex mine in
Eerstegeluk, Steelpoort just outside of Burgersfortin
South Africa experienced one of the most
frightening moments in the area when a mountain
sunk in while the community watched in fear. This
according to reports was due to the collapse of
Environmental Economics, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2017
pillars that help to keep the table rock intact and
possible for mine workers to work underground
(Motseo, 2013).
3.4. Common health threats posed by mining.
Pneumoconiosis, also known as the black lung
disease or coal worker’s pneumoconiosis (CWP),
common in miners is caused by breathing in coal
dust and carbon, which harden the lungs (Dontala et
al., 2015). Cardiopulmonary disease, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, hypertension, lung
disease, and kidney disease have been found in
higher-than-normal rates among residents who live
near coal mines (Hendry & Ahem, 2008). In
Witbank, there have been reports that the residents
suffer from the black lung disease caused by
inhaling the air infested with the residue dust from
the coal.
4. Prohibition of environmental degradation in
the mining communities
South Africa has numerous environmental laws and
policies in place which are frequently amended for
effective and efficient management and protection
of the environment (Fuggle & Rabie, 2009). Some
of these are discussed below.
4.1. Mineral Act 50 of 1991. The Mineral Act 50 of
1991 (MA) came into force on 1 January 1992. The
goal of the MA was to achieve uniform regulation
of minerals. As opposed to the previous system of
regulatory control through conferral of rights. The
MA aimed to achieve the regulatory objectives of
the state by imposing a system of authorization. It
simplified the complex multiplicity of the
prospecting, mining and surface right forms that had
existed before its commencement. It also
consolidated the rules regarding the exercise of
mineral rights and those regarding the achievement
of prescribed health and safety standards.
Furthermore, it dealt with rehabilitation, surface use
and acquisition of land and payment of
compensation in respect to open-cast mining
operations, as well as underground mining
operations and prospecting or mineral recovery
operations in respect of tailings (Ashton et al.,
2001). All pre-existing classification of minerals
became irrelevant with the introduction of the MA.
The Act referred to minerals and land in uniform
fashion. The MA pursued a trinity of objectives,
namely (i) optimal utilization of country’s mineral
resources; (ii) mining safety and health; and (iii)
rehabilitation. It was the task of government to
regulate the prospecting, optimal exploitation,
processing and utilization of miners and to ensure
rehabilitation of the land and safe mining practices.
Its stated purpose was to ensure adherence to these
principles by imposing a system of authorizations.
Thereafter, only three different forms of
authorizations namely prospecting permits, mining
permits and mining licenses existed.
This constituted a significant reorientation of the
previous dispensation, which acknowledged about
40 types of permits, licenses, concessions and so on.
No person could prospect for minerals without
having been granted the necessary authorization in
accordance with the section 5(2) of MA. The
applicant had to provide proof of the right to the
mineral and had to comply with certain
environmental requirements pertaining to
rehabilitation of surface disturbances and the ability
to rehabilitate such disturbances. The applicant also
had to demonstrate the ability to prospect in a
healthy and safe manner to the satisfaction of the
Chief Inspector of Mines.
One of the aims of the MA was surface
rehabilitation. Accordingly, the Act placed a
particular focus on environmental regulation, and
the system of authorizations operated to support the
goal of surface rehabilitation in terms of subsection
38 to 42, read where appropriate with section 9 of
the MA. Initially these provisions were
supplemented by regulations in terms of Mines and
Works Act 27 of 1956 which remained intact until
more stringent and adequate programs were
promulgated to replace them in 1993. The ability to
rehabilitate is relevant for applications of mining
rights. Rehabilitation was a factor considered in
determining whether additional prospecting permits
on mining authorizations could be issued in respect
of land permits or authorizations that had already
been issued. Moreover, non-compliance with the
rehabilitation duties will result in the compulsory
suspension or cancellation of the prospecting permit
or authorization.
The rehabilitation provisions in the MA
exhaustively regulated the discretion of the officials
assigned with considering applications for
prospecting permits and mining authorizations to
make environmentally sound decisions.
4.2. The Constitution of the Republic of South
Africa, 1996. The Constitution of South Africa
supports the initiative to protect and preserve the
environment and life. It states that everyone has the
right- to an environment that is not harmful to their
health or wellbeing (section 24(a)). To have the
environment protected, for the benefit of present and
future generations, (section 24(b)(i)) of the
constitution promotes conservation; section
24(b)(ii)); secures ecologically sustainable
development and use of natural resources while
Environmental Economics, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2017
promoting justifiable economic and social
development. The Constitution is the supreme law
of the country and as such it promotes the right to
clean environment and the government and its
institutions have obligations to protect, prevent and
promote this right.
4.3. National Environmental Management Act
107 of 1998 (NEMA). The purpose of this Act is to
provide for co-operative and environmental
governance by establishing principles for decision-
making on matters affecting the environment and
institutions that will promote co-operative
governance and procedures for co-coordinating
environmental functions exercised by organs of
state; and to provide for matters connected therewith
in terms of section 12 of NEMA. NEMA also
provides for implementation and management plans
and the purposes are to (a) co-ordinate and
harmonize the environmental policies, plans,
programmes and decisions of the various national
departments that exercise functions that may affect
the environment or are entrusted with powers and
duties aimed at the achievement and promotion of
clean environment in terms of section 12 (1) (a) of
NEMA. To protect the sustainable environment,
and the provincial and local spheres of government,
in order to (i) minimize the duplication of
procedures and functions; and (ii) promote
consistency in the exercise of functions that may
affect the environment (section 12 (1)(a)(i) &(ii));
(b) give effect to the principle of co-operative
government in Chapter 3 of the Constitution
(section 12 (1)(a)(ii)); (c) secure the protection of
the environment across the country as a whole
(section 12 (1)(a)(ii).): (d) prevent unreasonable
actions by provinces in respect of the environment
that are prejudicial to the economic or health
interests of other provinces orthe country as a whole
(section 12 (1)(a)); and (e) enable the Minister to
monitor the achievement, promotion, and protection
of a sustainable environment (section 12(1)(a)). The
South African Constitutional court has however
warned that the submission of environmental
management plan is not enough thus in the case of
Bengwenyama Minerals (Pty) Ltd and Others v
Genorah Resources (Pty) Ltd and Others (CCT
39/10) [2010] ZACC 26; 2011 (4) SA 113 (CC);
2011 (3) BCLR 229 (CC) (30 November 2010).
Para 77, the Constitutional court held that “…an
applicant who applies for the granting of a
prospecting right needs to submit an environmental
management plan(not a programme), and secondly
because the section explicitly states that the granting
of the prospecting right only becomes-effective on
approval of the program. It obviously relates to the
implementation of the prospecting operation, not its
approval. Approval of the prospecting operation is
dependent on an assessment that the operation will
not result in unacceptable pollution, ecological
degradation or damage to the environment”.
Many inhabitants in the mining communities in
South Africa live in an environment that is harmful
to their health and well-being (McDonald, 2004), as
a result of environmentally harmful practices. These
practices are contrary to section 24(1) (b) of the
Constitution which provides that everyone has the
right to an environment that is not harmful to his or
her health or well-being. Section 24 also talks about
sustainable development wherein development
should take into consideration the protection of the
environment. To this end, sustainable mining will
entail the integration of social, economic and
environmental factors in the planning,
implementation and evaluation of decisions to
ensure that development serves present and future
Sustainable development requires the consideration
of all relevant factors in the course of any business
particularly mining and the mining operators must
ensure that the disturbance of ecosystems and loss
of biological diversity are avoided, or, where they
cannot be altogether avoided, are minimized and
remedied (section 4(a) of NEMA). That pollution
and degradation of the environment are avoided, or,
where they cannot be altogether avoided, are
minimized and remedied; that the disturbance of
landscapes and sites that constitute the nation’s
cultural heritage is avoided, or where it cannot be
altogether avoided, is minimized and remedied.
Adhering to these principles will definitely
promote and produce sustainable mining business.
However if there is transgression of the principles
and the law, the law should be enforced by the
State against erring mining company. It is against
the backdrop of this that the court in the case of
Fuel Retailers Association of Southern Africa v
Director-General: Environmental Management,
Department of Agriculture, Conservation and
Environment, Mpumalanga Province and Others
(CCT67/06) [2007] ZACC 13; 2007 (10) BCLR
1059 (CC); 2007 (6) SA 4 (CC) (7 June 2007)
held that sustainable economic and mining
development are elements that take “on
significance to the extent that they implicate the
environment and that when economic
development such as harmful mining potentially
threatens the environment it becomes relevant to
NEMA and this threat will automatically become
a material ingredient to be put in the scales of a
NEMA evaluation in order to ascertain the extent
of contravention and the necessary sanctions to be
imposed accordingly.
Environmental Economics, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2017
4.4. Mineral and Petroleum Resources
Development Act 2002. One of the objectives of
this Act is to give effect to section 24 of the
Constitution by ensuring that the nation’s mineral
and petroleum resources are developed in an orderly
and ecologically sustainable manner while
promoting justifiable social and economic
development. A prospecting right, mining right,
exploration right or production right granted in
terms of this Act is a limited right in respect of the
mineral or petroleum and the land to which such
right relates.
No person may prospect for, mine, conduct
technical co-operation operations, reconnaissance
operations, explore for and produce any mineral or
petroleum or commence with any work incidental
thereto on any area without an approved
environmental management plan, as the case may be
and consulting with the land owner or lawful
occupier of the land in question.
If any prospecting, mining, reconnaissance or
production operations cause or results in ecological
degradation, pollution or environmental damage
which may be harmful to the health or well-being of
anyone and requires urgent remedial measures, the
Minister may direct the holder of the relevant right,
permit or permission to investigate, evaluate, assess
and report on the impact of any pollution or
ecological degradation.
If the holder fails to comply with the directive, the
Minister may take such measures as may be
necessary to protect the health and well-being of any
affected person or to remedy ecological degradation
and to stop pollution of the environment. If the
minister directs that measures contemplated in
section 45 must be taken to prevent pollution or
ecological degradation of the environment or to
rehabilitate dangerous occurrences but establishes
that the holder of the relevant reconnaissance
permission, prospecting right, mining right,
retention permit or mining permit, as the case may
be, or his or her successor in title, is deceased or
cannot be traced or, in the case of a juristic person,
has ceased to exist, has been liquidated or cannot
raced, the Minister may instruct the Regional
Manager concerned to take the necessary measures
to prevent further pollution or degradation, or make
the area safe.
The measures contemplated in subsection (1) must
be funded from the financial provisions made by the
holder of the relevant rights, where necessary
appropriate, or if there is no such provision or if it is
inadequate, from money appropriated by the
Parliament for the purpose. Upon completion of the
measures contemplated in subsection (1), the
Regional Manager must apply to the registrar
concerned that the title deed of the land in question
be endorsed to the effect that such land had been
remedied. The registrar concerned must, on receipt
of the application contemplated in paragraph (a)
make such endorsements as he or she may deem
necessary so as to give effect to provisions of that
paragraph, and no office fee or other charge is
payable to the registrar in respect of such
The MPRDA is the backbone of the mining
legislation as it provides for the negotiation stages,
prospecting stages, closure and rehabilitation and
restoration of the land prior, during and after the
mining activities. This Act gives the Minister the
power to intervene to prevent environmental
degradation and where necessary revoke a mining
right to protect and minimize environmental
The Environmental Management Program is a
section 39 requirement of the MPRDA and can be
used to address all the legal requirements (in short
referred to as the section 39 EMPR). Updates with
regards to the legal requirements are addressed
through the annual updates required under
Regulation 55 of the MPRDA. The changes made in
the statute will result in a change of this mechanism.
The statute deals with the responsibilities of holders
of mining rights, permits, or permissions and states
in section 38(1)(e) that such holder, whose mining
causes or results in ecological degradation,
pollution, or environmental damage that may be
harmful to the health or well-being of anyone”, is
responsible for any environmental damage,
pollution or ecological degradation as a result of his
or her operations and which may occur inside and
outside the boundaries of the area to which such
right, permit or permission relates”, and in terms of
section 43(1), “remain responsible for any
environmental liability, pollution or ecological
degradation and the management thereof until a
closure certificate has been issued”. The Minister
only issues the certificate after he is completely
satisfied that the holder of the right has adhered to
the regulations provided in the EMP and the EMPR.
If he is not satisfied then the holder of the right will
be held liable. If this regulation is stringently
enforced, it can reduce any further degradation to
the mining area as the holder will have to restore the
land to its state before the mining activities.
4.5. National Environmental Management:
Biodiversity Act No. 10 of 2004. The Biodiversity
Act is fundamental to the notion of sustainable
Environmental Economics, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2017
development. International guidelines and
commitments as well as national policies and
strategies are important in creating a shared vision
for sustainable development in South Africa
(MMSD, 2014).
The function of the South African National
Biodiversity Institute is established by this Act, The
institute may coordinate and implement
programmes for the rehabilitation of ecosystems and
the prevention, control or eradication of listed
invasive species. The institute may also coordinate
programmes to involve civil society in the
conservation and rehabilitation of the ecosystem.
This act protects areas where endangered species
can be found. It protects against environmental
degradation and promotes rehabilitation where
prevention cannot be possible. For example, if there
are minerals on a land where endangered species are
found and cannot be rescued or relocated, then such
mining right for that particular area will not be granted.
The extent of the effects of mining activities on the
communities in South Africa is appalling and as
such efforts must be made to protect the
environment from harmful mining operations that
degrade the communities where they operate. To
this end, the extractive companies should operate
responsibly and sensibly as this will promote
sustainable mining activities. However, if they do
not, there are ample legislation in South Africa that
could be used to make them accountable and
responsible as articulated in this paper. The court
should continue to play its judicial role to protect
the environment by interpreting salient provisions in
the legislation and apply them to sanction erring
mining companies.
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... However, the extraction of these minerals from the ground results in considerable environmental damages that pose risks to the communities and costly to clean up (International Financial Corporation, 2020). Some of these damages in sub-Saharan Africa include abandoned pits and shafts in artisanal mining areas in West Africa, dumps from previous mining activities in South Africa, pollution of ground and surface water, contamination of soil and loss of agricultural lands, air pollution, and risks of landslides (Pretty & Odeku, 2017). These problems have led to accidents, diseases, and various challenges to the local population. ...
... However, state and local authorities have been pushing for a more significant role in regulating mining activities within their areas. In a recent interview, the Eastern Equatorial State governor stated that the national government should only focus on policymaking and leave enforcement responsibilities to state and local governments (Pretty & Odeku, 2017). Similarly, in Rwanda, there is a robust legal and regulatory framework in place for the mining sector: guidance for environmental impact assessments (EIAs), environmental monitoring, a checklist for mine inspectors is in place and being used by regulators and industry, and revised mining standards focused on health and safety have been drafted for approval (Kuschminder et al., 2017). ...
... C In this regard, South Sudan people continue to be exposed to mining activities' adverse effects within their society. (Pretty & Odeku, 2017). However, one must acknowledge that both countries' violent clashes have complicated the governance processes and reduced their capabilities to invest in innovative strategies that can link resources to socio-economic development. ...
... The prominent cause of conflicts mentioned by the communities was broken promises on the part of the mining companies. This is in tandem with the study by Pretty and Odeku [43], whose study concluded that companies reneging on their promises was perceived as a major precipitant of conflicts. Another cause of conflict identified by the respondents was environmental pollution (or related issues). ...
... It becomes a challenge when mining is irresponsibly conducted and affects the environment. Several research works have been conducted to assess the cost associated with the social and environmental impacts of mining, as well as the regulatory frameworks in South Africa [2][3][4][5]. This includes almost ZAR 100 million, which is about USD 7.7 million (2017 Unted States dollars), spent by a mining company on a drainage, storage, and treatment system to improve water quantity and quality, plus an additional ZAR 300 million, which is about USD 23 million (2017 United States dollars), to realize a water reclamation plant that decontaminates water from three defunct mines and an active mine in order to adhere to drinking standards [2]. ...
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This article presents an assessment of the impact of mining activities in the Emalahleni municipality, using GIS and RS technologies. The random forest algorithm was used to classify the land use and land cover in the Emalahleni municipality over a three-decade period (1990–2020). The classifications are settlement, water, mining area, vegetation, and bare land. The majority of the study area was found to be rocky ground, accounting for approximately 60% of the total study area. Change detection maps were created for vegetation and mining to assess the extent of land degradation in the study area over the three-decade period. The findings in this study highlight the importance of understanding the changes in land use and vegetation cover in the study area and its impact on the environment, as well as the local community. It is crucial to develop sustainable land management strategies that ensure that a reasonable balance concerning the economic development activities is achieved, such as mining with environmental management for its long-term viability for future generations. The data presented in this study provides a useful baseline for further research and can inform land-use planning and decision-making processes in Emalahleni.
... Globally, countries endowed with rich mineral deposits have the mining industry playing a major role in economic growth and development (Makua and Kola, 2017). Within the same context, the mining industry exerts environmental degradation and social disorder (Fayiah, 2020). ...
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The artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector offers a supplementary livelihood strategy to agriculture in northern Ghana, acting as a source of capital to support agriculture. However, the sector has been associated with several adverse environmental and socioeconomic consequences, making its sustainability dimensions extremely complex and inconclusive across the literature. This study sought to investigate the dynamics of ASM operations in line with the Triple Bottom Line concept. Specifically, the paper explored the influence of the small-scale mining law and institutional framework on ASM operations, examined the relationship between the economic benefits of ASM and other livelihood activities, and assessed the adverse environmental effects of ASM in the host communities. The research design was a mixed method and cross-sectional survey. Household questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and non-participant observation were the main primary data collection techniques. Secondary data were provided by satellite images sourced from USGS Earth Explorer. They were analysed to determine the land cover types. The results indicate that the relevant regulatory state institutions lag behind their law enforcement duty. The ASM is a lucrative job that provides quick income to the youth. However, ASM activities affect food crop farming and decrease the quantity and quality of vegetation causing variations in land cover. Consequently, the host communities and ASM cooperatives have employed some land reclamation strategies. The study recommends increased government support to the relevant regulatory state institutions to constantly monitor and sanitize the ASM sector. To eradicate illegal mining, the study advocates for multi-stakeholder consultation and action.
... 44 The impact of brownfields on soil degradation in South Africa, is therefore uncertain. However, in a study conducted in the UK, it was found that the impact from brownfield development on soil properties is wide-ranging and in the extreme case where brownfield development results in a 41 Pretty and Odeku (2017), p. 17. 42 Schoeman and van Deventer (2004), pp. 369-373. ...
Iran is a vulnerable country to desertification and soil degradation and to respond to this problem, some laws and regulations such as Act on Soil Protection Act, as well as institutional arrangements for environmental protection and soil preservation, have been initiated. However, the efficiency of these instruments in building an effective soil governance system is disputable. This chapter intends to exercise the legal challenges of Iran in soil protection governance. To do so it firstly considers the state of soil degradation and protection in Iran and then examines the development of soil protection governance in its legal system. This chapter, emphasizing on the contribution of institutional efficiency and legal enforcement in soil governance, concludes that Iran’s legal system faces with a body of legal, institutional and social obstacles in development and improvement of soil protection governance pillars, i.e. integrated instruments and cross-sectoral collaboration in multilevel protection.
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Heavy metals pose a significant threat to public health and economic stability in Ethiopia, contaminating various environmental media, including water, soil, and air. This paper aimed to provide an overview of the public health and economic burden of heavy metals in Ethiopia. Exposure to heavy metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic has been linked to numerous adverse health effects, including neurological disorders, renal failure, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. In Ethiopia, populations are particularly vulnerable to heavy metal exposure due to various factors, such as artisanal mining, industrial activities, agricultural practices, and inadequate waste management systems. The economic burden of heavy metal contamination manifests through increased healthcare costs, loss of productivity, and environmental remediation expenses. Furthermore, the impact extends to sectors such as agriculture and tourism, affecting national development goals and exacerbating poverty levels. Efforts to mitigate the public health and economic burdens of heavy metals in Ethiopia require multidisciplinary approaches, including policy interventions, regulatory enforcement, public awareness campaigns, and investment in sustainable development practices. Strengthening monitoring systems, implementing pollution control measures, and promoting research on alternative technologies for waste management are essential steps toward addressing this pressing issue. In conclusion, addressing the public health and economic challenges posed by heavy metal contamination in Ethiopia necessitates concerted efforts from the government, industry, academia, and civil society to safeguard human health, preserve the environment, and promote sustainable development.
This research paper comprehensively reviews emerging contaminants in water, examining global trends and specific perspectives from the United States (USA) and Africa. Identifying contaminants originating from industrial, agricultural, and urban sources, the study explores regulatory frameworks, health, environmental impacts, and management strategies. Gaps and challenges are analyzed, including data limitations, regulatory gaps, and technological constraints. The paper recommends a holistic, adaptive approach, emphasizing research, regulatory adaptability, technological innovation, community empowerment, international collaboration, climate resilience, and equity. The proposed strategies aim to enhance water quality management, ensuring sustainable practices that safeguard human health, ecosystems, and equitable access to clean water on a global scale.
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Asteroid mining is a proposed solution for mining the elements commonly obtained from conventional mining that we know today. However, there are no Indonesian laws and regulations, nor international agreements that directly regulate what rights will be owned by miners of space resources thus far. Without certainty about what property rights exist in the extracted resource, the incentive to extract this resource will be greatly reduced. The research method in this journal uses a statutory approach, that examines the regulations related to the legal issues raised, and conceptual approach, which is an approach method based on legal concepts related to the legal issues involved. at issue. Based on the facts found, it can be concluded that the concept of property rights exists and is recognized in the space law regime, even in the absence of territorial rights over celestial bodies, although its application to resource extraction remains a contentious issue. Keywords: Mining, Asteroid, Property Rights, Outer Space. Abstrak Penambangan asteroid adalah solusi yang diusulkan untuk menambang elemen-elemen yang biasa didapatkan dari penambangan konvensional yang kita kenal saat ini. Namun sampai saat ini belum ada peraturan perundang-undangan Indonesia, maupun perjanjian internasional yang secara langsung mengatur mengenai hak apa yang akan dimiliki oleh penambang sumber daya ruang angkasa. Tanpa kepastian tentang hak milik apa yang ada dalam sumber daya yang diekstraksi, insentif untuk mengekstraksi sumber daya ini akan sangat berkurang. Metode penelitian dalam jurnal ini menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan, menelaah peraturan perundang-undangan yang bersangkutan dengan isu hukum yang diangkat, dan pendekatan konseptual, yaitu metode pendekatan berdasarkan konsep-konsep hukum yang berkaitan dengan isu hukum yang dipermasalahkan. Berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang ditemukan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa konsep atas hak milik ada dan diakui dalam rezim hukum luar angkasa, bahkan tanpa adanya hak teritorial atas benda-benda angkasa, meskipun penerapannya pada ekstraksi sumber daya tetap menjadi isu yang diperdebatkan. Kata Kunci: Penambangan, Asteroid, Kepemilikan, Ruang Angkasa.
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Insects are key components of urban ecological networks and are greatly impacted by anthropogenic activities. Yet, few studies have examined how insect functional groups respond to changes to urban vegetation associated with different management actions. We investigated the response of herbivorous and predatory heteropteran bugs to differences in vegetation structure and diversity in golf courses, gardens and parks. We assessed how the species richness of these groups varied amongst green space types, and the effect of vegetation volume and plant diversity on trophic- and species-specific occupancy. We found that golf courses sustain higher species richness of herbivores and predators than parks and gardens. At the trophic- and species-specific levels, herbivores and predators show strong positive responses to vegetation volume. The effect of plant diversity, however, is distinctly species-specific, with species showing both positive and negative responses. Our findings further suggest that high occupancy of bugs is obtained in green spaces with specific combinations of vegetation structure and diversity. The challenge for managers is to boost green space conservation value through actions promoting synergistic combinations of vegetation structure and diversity. Tackling this conservation challenge could provide enormous benefits for other elements of urban ecological networks and people that live in cities.
Presents a broad-based synopsis of how natural and cultural agents have transformed the Earth's surface over the past 3 million years. Two main parts cover firstly temporal aspects of environmental change: the Quaternary, the evolution of modern humans, animal domestication and the spread of agriculture; and secondly, changes over the last 200 years due to industrial development and agriculture and more recently, changes due to tourism, recreation and biotechnology. There are 9 chapters: environmental change: agents, processes and the Quaternary; environmental change in the late- and post-glacial periods; prehistoric communities as agents of environmental change; environmental change in the historic period; post-1700 industrialisation; impact of agriculture in the developed world; impact of agriculture in the developing world; forestry, recreation, tourism, sport and biotechnology; and conclusion and prospects. -M.Dean
This book addresses most of the environmental impacts of sand mining from small rivers. The problems and solutions addressed in this book are applicable to all rivers that drain through densely populated tropical coasts undergoing rapid economic growth. Many rivers in the world are drastically being altered to levels often beyond their natural resilience capability. Among the different types of human interventions, mining of sand and gravel is the most disastrous one, as the activity threatens the very existence of river ecosystems. A better understanding of sand budgets is necessary if the problems of river and coastal environments are to be solved.
Phytophthora cinnamomi continues to cause devastating disease in Australian native vegetation and consequently the disease is listed by the Federal Government as a process that is threatening Australia’s biodiversity. Although several advances have been made in our understanding of how this soil-borne pathogen interacts with plants and of how we may tackle it in natural systems, our ability to control the disease is limited. The pathogen occurs widely across Australia but the severity of its impact is most evident within ecological communities of the south-west and south-east of the country. A regional impact summary for all states and territories shows the pathogen to be the cause of serious disease in numerous species, a significant number of which are rare and threatened. Many genera of endemic taxa have a high proportion of susceptible species including the iconic genera Banksia, Epacris and Xanthorrhoea. Long-term studies in Victoria have shown limited but probably unsustainable recovery of susceptible vegetation, given current management practices. Management of the disease in conservation reserves is reliant on hygiene, the use of chemicals and restriction of access, and has had only limited effectiveness and not provided complete control. The deleterious impacts of the disease on faunal habitat are reasonably well documented and demonstrate loss of individual animal species and changes in population structure and species abundance. Few plant species are known to be resistant to P. cinnamomi; however, investigations over several years have discovered the mechanisms by which some plants are able to survive infection, including the activation of defence-related genes and signalling pathways, the reinforcement of cell walls and accumulation of toxic metabolites. Manipulation of resistance and resistance-related mechanisms may provide avenues for protection against disease in otherwise susceptible species. Despite the advances made in Phytophthora research in Australia during the past 40 years, there is still much to be done to give land managers the resources to combat this disease. Recent State and Federal initiatives offer the prospect of a growing and broader awareness of the disease and its associated impacts. However, awareness must be translated into action as time is running out for the large number of susceptible, and potentially susceptible, species within vulnerable Australian ecological communities.