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Electron‐Precise Actinide‐Pnictide (An‐Pn) Bonds Spanning Non‐Metal, Metalloid, and Metal Combinations (An = U, Th; Pn = P, As, Sb, Bi)


Abstract and Figures

We report the synthesis and characterisation of the compounds [An(TrenDMBS){Pn(SiMe3)2}] and [An(TrenTIPS){Pn(SiMe3)2}] [TrenDMBS = N(CH2CH2NSiMe2But)3, An = U, Pn = P, As, Sb, Bi; An = Th, Pn = P, As; TrenTIPS = N(CH2CH2NSiPri3)3, An = U, Pn = P, As, Sb; An = Th, Pn = P, As, Sb]. The U-Sb and Th-Sb moieties are unprecedented examples of any kind of An-Sb molecular bond, and the U-Bi bond is the first electron-precise one. The Th-Bi combination was too unstable to isolate, underscoring the fragility of these linkages. However, the U-Bi complex is the heaviest electron-precise pairing of two elements involving an actinide on a macroscopic scale under ambient conditions, and this is exceeded only by An-An pairings prepared under cryogenic matrix isolation conditions. Thermolysis and photolysis experiments suggest that the U-Pn bonds degrade by hemolytic bond cleavage, whereas the more redox robust thorium compounds engage in an acid-base/dehydrocoupling route.
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Internationale Ausgabe:DOI:10.1002/anie.201711824
Metal–Metal Bonding Deutsche Ausgabe:DOI:10.1002/ange.201711824
Actinide–Pnictide (An@Pn) Bonds Spanning Non-Metal, Metalloid,
and Metal Combinations (An =U, Th;Pn=P, As,Sb, Bi)
Thomas M. Rookes+,Elizabeth P. Wildman+,G#bor Bal#zs,Benedict M. Gardner,
Ashley J. Wooles,Matthew Gregson, Floriana Tuna, Manfred Scheer,* and Stephen T. Liddle*
Dedicated to Professor William J. Evans on the occasion of his 70th birthday
Abstract: The synthesis and characterisation is presented of the
compounds [An(TrenDMBS){Pn(SiMe3)2}] and [An(TrenTIPS)-
{Pn(SiMe3)2}] [TrenDMBS =N(CH2CH2NSiMe2But)3,An=U,
Pn =P, As,Sb, Bi;An=Th, Pn =P, As;TrenTIPS =
N(CH2CH2NSiPri3)3,An=U, Pn =P, As,Sb; An =Th, Pn =
P, As,Sb] .The U@Sb and Th@Sb moieties are unprecedented
examples of any kind of An@Sb molecular bond, and the U@Bi
bond is the first two-centre-two-electron (2c–2e) one.The Th@
Bi combination was too unstable to isolate,underscoring the
fragility of these linkages.However,the U@Bi complex is the
heaviest 2c–2e pairing of two elements involving an actinide on
amacroscopic scale under ambient conditions,and this is
exceeded only by An@An pairings prepared under cryogenic
matrix isolation conditions.Thermolysis and photolysis experi-
ments suggest that the U@Pn bonds degrade by homolytic bond
cleavage,whereas the more redox-robust thorium compounds
engage in an acid–base/dehydrocoupling route.
The preparation, isolation, and study of new molecular
element–element bonds remains afundamentally important
endeavour because it informs us about chemical character-
istics and reactivity,allows us to probe and refine periodic
trends,and provides vital benchmarking for structural and
theoretical predictions and modelling. Reflecting much
progress over decades of synthetic effort, there are now few
places left in the Periodic Table where new element–element
bonds can be regularly discovered. However,the actinides,
where progress has generally lagged owing to their radio-
activity and the inherent challenges involved in stabilizing
chemical bonds to some of the largest metal ions in existence,
remains arich seam from which to mine new chemical bonds.
Forexample,only very recently have the first Am@S, Pu@C,
and Bk@Obonds been crystallographically authenticated.[1]
Theaforementioned examples all involve synthetic trans-
uranic examples with unique associated challenges;studies
have in particular been impeded by their radioactive nature,
need for specialist handling facilities,and limited availabil-
ven for naturally occurring neighbour
elements like uranium and thorium, which can be handled
in normal laboratories,there are chemical bond combinations
yet to be realised. Forexample,regarding An@Pn bonds
(An =U, Th;Pn=N, P, As,Sb, Bi), although covalent An@N,
An@P, and An@As bonds are known,[2–4] somewhat remark-
ably given the burgeoning nature of non-aqueous actinide
chemistry,[5] An@Sb and An@Bi derivatives are conspicuous
by their absence even though analogous examples are known
in transition-metal[6] and even in lanthanide chemistry.[7]
Indeed, there are no structurally characterized U@Sb,Th
@Bi bonds and there is only one report of U@Bi
bonds,[8] which involves open-shell, delocalised radical Zintl
clusters that reside at the molecular–periodic interface.
Seeking to remedy this situation, we sought to extend our
previous work on early metal@PnH2complexes.[3c,4,9] Since
discrete (PnH2)@anions are not available for Sb and Bi, and
noting that many heavy PnHxR3@xreagents are prone to facile
Pn@Cbond homolysis,weutilised the more sterically
demanding pnictides {Pn(SiMe3)2}@for P, As,Sb, and Bi,
though even these reagents are prone to easy decomposi-
tion.[10,11] We reasoned that this would present the opportunity
to prepare astructurally homologous series of An@Pn
covalent bond benchmarks,whilst enabling meaningful com-
parison of the Pn geometries (that is,development of trigonal
pyramidal from trigonal planar) as the pnictide group is
Herein, we report the synthesis and characterisation of
molecular compounds containing new An@Pn bonds that
include the first structurally authenticated U@Sb and Th@Sb
bonds of any kind and the first two-centre-two-electron (2c–
2e) U@Bi bond. Thecorresponding Th@Bi bond was too
unstable to isolate,highlighting the major challenges of
preparing these ill-suited hard–soft linkages generally.These
complexes present chemical bond benchmarks,and the U@Bi
bond is the heaviest 2c–2e pairing of two elements involving
[*] T. M. Rookes,[+] Dr.E.P.Wildman,[+] Dr.B.M.Gardner,
Dr.A.J.Wooles, Dr.M.Gregson, Dr.F.Tuna, Prof. Dr.S.T.Liddle
School of Chemistry,The University of Manchester
Oxford Road, Manchester,M13 9PL (UK)
Dr.G.Bal#zs, Prof. Dr.M.Scheer
Institute of Inorganic Chemistry,University of Regensburg
Universit-tsstr.31, 93053 Regensburg (Germany)
[++]These authors contributed equally to this work.
All data are available from the authors on request. Supporting
informationand the ORCID identification number(s) for the
author(s) of this article can be found under:
T2018 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.
KGaA. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative
Commons AttributionLicense, which permits use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
1346 T2018 Die Autoren. Verçffentlicht von Wiley-VCH Ve rlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew.Chem. 2018,130,1346 –1350
an actinide under macroscopic,ambient conditions,exceeded
experimentally only by An@An pairings in matrix isolation
experiments.[12] Preparing homologues spanning non-metal,
metalloid, and metal within asingle element group has
permitted elucidation of aformal periodic break-point;DFT
calculations suggest that Pand As adopt formal @3oxidation
states whereas Sb and Bi are more appropriately assigned as
To assemble the desired An@Pn linkages we utilised asalt
elimination strategy with separated ion pair An precursors to
avoid complications with installation of soft Pn centres at
hard An ions since the outer-sphere borate is an excellent
leaving group.[3c,4, 9] Thus,treatment of [An(TrenDMBS)(L)]-
[BPh4](An =U, L =THF, 1U;An=Th,L=DME, 1Th)or
[An(TrenTIPS)(L)][BPh4](An =U, L =THF, 2U;An=Th,
L=DME, 2Th)[3c,4,9] with KPn(SiMe3)2(Pn =P, As,Sb, Bi)[10]
afforded [An(TrenDMBS){Pn(SiMe3)2}] (3AnPn)and [An-
(TrenTIPS){Pn(SiMe3)2}] (4AnPn).[11] Most combinations
proved accessible,and 3UP,3UAs,3USb,3UBi,3ThP,
3ThAs,4UP,4UAs,4USb,4ThP,4ThAs,and 4ThSb were
isolable (Scheme 1). Forcompleteness,weexamined installa-
tion of the analogous amide {N(SiMe3)2}@,but found only the
formation of Tren-cyclometallates,which seems to be steri-
cally driven, since for example the dicyclohexylamide com-
plex [U(TrenDMBS){N(C6H11)2}] is isolable.[13] Thecharacter-
isation data for the isolable complexes are consistent with
their formulations,and for uranium the variable temperature
magnetisation data (Supporting Information, Figures S1–
S7)[11] corroborate the uranium(IV) assignments,but other-
wise are not particularly informative so we determined their
molecular structures to gain further insight.
Thesolid-state molecular structures of 3UP,3UAs,3USb,
4ThSb were all determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction.
Thestructures of 3UP,3UAs,3USb,and 3UBi are illustrated
in Figure 1and key metrical parameters are compiled in
Table 1. Theother structurally determined compounds in this
study are in the Supporting Information, Figures S10–S20.[11]
Forthe sake of brevity our discussion will largely focus on the
3UPn series since this constitutes acomplete actinide–heavy-
pnictide family.
@Pn distances of 2.8646(14), 2.9423(9), 3.2437(8),
and 3.3208(4) cfor 3UP,3UAs,3USb,3UBi,respectively,can
be compared to the respective sums of single-bond covalent
radii of 2.81, 2.91, 3.10, and 3.21 c,[14] and for 3UP to the U@P
distance of 2.789(4) cin sterically less encumbered [U(h5-
Scheme 1. Synthesis of the An@Pn complexes reported in this study:
a) utilising the triamidoamine TrenDMBS ancillary ligand ;b)utilising the
triamidoamine TrenTIPS ancillary ligand. Reagents and conditionsfor
(a) and (b): i) THF, KPn(SiMe3)2,@7888Ctoroom temperature.
Figure 1. a)–d) Solid-state molecular crystal structures of 3UP,3UAs,3USb,and 3UBi,respectively,measured at 120 K. Ellipsoids set at 40%
probability;hydrogen atoms, minor disorder components, and any lattice solvent removed for clarity.[23] e)–h) Ball-and-stick representations of the
core U-Pn(SiMe3)2units from the same side-on perspectiveineach case, where one Si perfectly obscures the other,toshow the increasing
deviation from trigonal planar to trigonal pyramidal geometry as the pnictide series is descended;all other atoms in these depictions are omitted
for clarity.Ugreen, Pn magenta, Nblue, Si orange, Cgray.
Table 1: An@Pn bond lengths [b]and sum of Pn angles [88]for the
structurally authenticatedmolecules in this study.
Combination 3UPn 4UPn 3ThPn 4ThPn
Pn=As 2.9423(9)/
Pn=Sb 3.2437(8)/
Pn=Bi 3.3208(4)/
1347Angew.Chem. 2018,130,1346 –1350 T2018 Die Autoren. Verçffentlicht von Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim
C5Me5)2(Cl){P(SiMe3)2}];[3h] these data essentially divide into
two groups where the experimental U@Pand U@As pairs are
within 0.05 cof those predicted, but the discrepancies for the
U@Sb and U@Bi distances are >0.1 c.This suggests aperiodic
break between As and Sb,but also perhaps reflects the
changing sum of angles at each Pn (P,354.06(8) ;As, 349.71-
(9);Sb, 325.96(11);Bi, 315.98(9)88); although respective s–p
energy gaps decrease as Group 15 is descended, rehybridisa-
tion promotion energies conversely increase owing to pro-
gressively inefficient s–p orbital overlap from increasingly
diffuse orbitals.
Interestingly,for 3ThP and 3ThAs the Th@Pn distances
are 0.08–0.1 clonger than the uranium analogues even
though the single bond covalent radius of Th is only 0.05 c
larger than that of U.[14] Conversely,however, the U@Pn
distances for 4UP,4UAs,and 4USb,are all shorter than the
respective corresponding U@Pn distances in the 3UPn series.
Also,the sum of angles at Pn varies far less for the 4UPn than
3UPn series,which can be related to the sterically more
demanding nature of TrenTIPS compared to TrenDMBS restrict-
ing the tendencytowards orthogonal bonding for the heavier
pnictides.This suggests that the trigonal planar bonding mode
of these pnictides is stronger than amore trigonal pyramidal
mode.This trend is overall repeated when comparing the
3ThPn and 4ThPn series together,though we note that the
differences for 4ThPn vs. 4UPn are smaller than those of
3ThPn vs. 3UPn,reflecting the greater constraints imposed by
the more sterically demanding TrenTIPS compared to TrenDMBS.
TheUV/Vis/NIR spectroscopic data for 3UPn (Support-
ing Information, Figure S8)[11] show acharacteristic absorp-
tion maxima that bathochromically shifts (3UP,19,420; UAs,
18,280; USb,15,820; UBi 14,245 cm@1); this can be related to
the increasing pyramidalisation of the Pn centres as the Pn
group is descended and adecreasing pnictide–uranium charge
transfer energy.The same trend is observed for 4UPn
(Supporting Information, Figure S9).[11]
To further probe the An@Pn linkages,weexamined them
using DFT,NBO,and QTAIM methods (Table 2; Supporting
Information, Figures S21–S32).[11] Computed structures com-
pare well with the solid-state structures,soweconclude that
these models represent qualitative pictures of the electronic
structures of these complexes.The An@Pn Mayer bond
orders,considering these linkages are expected to be polar,
are surprisingly high, suggest Pn p-donation in addition to the
anticipated s-bonds.[15]
Thecomputed An charges,and spin densities for uranium,
are overall consistent with their +4oxidation states,[2a] but the
computed charges of the Pn centres fall into two clear groups;
for P/As computed charges are about @1to@1.3 whereas for
Sb/Bi they are lower at about @0.3 to @0.4 and this does not
appear to be related in any way to the geometry of the Pn
centre as an explanation. This suggests aperiodic break where
the former pair are best described formally as being in the @3
oxidation state whereas the latter two are better formulated
as being +1.
When the Pn centre remains essentially trigonal planar, as
is the case for the 4UPn and 4ThPn series,the An charge
follows the trend An@As >An@P>An@Sb,which suggests
that As is the weakest donor ion. Interestingly,for the 3UPn
series the An charges increases from 3UP to 3UAs,but then
falls away for 3USb and 3UBi,sothat the same,but extended,
series of An charges of An@As >An@P@An@Sb &An@Bi
emerges.This is counterintuitive,because the expected trend
would be for the An charges to be ordered An@Bi >An@Sb >
An@As >An@Passuggested by the Mayer bond order data.
However,inspection of the DFT Kohn Sham and NBO
descriptions of 3UP,3UAs,3USb,3UBi,3ThP,3ThAs,4UP,
4UAs,4USb,4ThP,4ThAs,and 4ThSb reveals that whilst the
An@Pn s-bonds are largely ionic, surprisingly,since the Pn
np-orbitals (n=3–6) become increasingly diffuse,there are
significant p-bonding combinations in these complexes,and,
using series 3UPn,asthe pnictide becomes more pyramidal-
ised although one lobe of the p-orbital moves increasingly
away from the metal the other lobe approaches much more
closely and so may actually engage more effectively overall
with one orbital lobe than two.Thus,linkages that would be
Table 2: Selected computed DFT,NBO, and QTAIM data.
Bond length and index[b,c] Charges[d] Spin density[e] NBO
Entry[a] An@Pn BI qAn qPn mAn An[%] Pn[%] An[%] Pn[%] An 7s/7p/6d/5f 1(r) 521(r) H(r) e(r)
3UP 2.898 0.92 2.24 @1.02 2.33 0100 14 87 1:1:16:82 0.03 0.04 @0.01 0.27
3UAs 2.988 0.94 2.33 @1.32 2.37 0100 17 83 1:1:17:81 0.02 0.03 @0.01 0.29
3USb 3.265 0.87 1.85 @0.39 2.38 0100 17 83 5:1:19:75 0.02 0.02 @0.01 0.29
3UBi 3.385 0.78 1.86 @0.40 2.38 0100 18 82 9:2:22:67 0.02 0.01 @0.01 0.15
4UP 2.854 1.00 2.43 @0.97 2.37 0100 14 86 0:1:29:70 0.03 0.04 @0.01 0.22
4UAs 2.944 0.98 2.69 @1.31 2.39 0100 17 83 0:1:29:70 0.02 0.03 @0.01 0.26
4USb 3.222 1.03 2.13 @0.33 2.48 0100 89236:1:14:49 0.02 0.03 @0.01 0.13
3ThP 2.981 0.81 2.17 @1.05 –0100 6942:1:23:74 0.04 0.06 @0.01 0.22
3ThAs 3.072 0.86 2.29 @1.32 –0100 6946:1:32:61 0.04 0.05 @0.01 0.26
4ThP 2.955 0.87 2.44 @0.99 –0100 59517:1:33:49 0.04 0.07 @0.01 0.31
4ThAs 2.996 0.94 2.58 @1.33 –0100 6940:2:36:62 0.04 0.07 @0.01 0.37
4ThSb 3.315 0.92 2.14 @0.36 –0100 79319:2:36:43 0.03 0.05 @0.01 0.25
[a] All molecules geometry optimised without symmetry constraints using the BP86 GGA functional and abasis set derived from TZP/ZORA all-
electron ADF database ;calculations were unrestricted for uranium and restricted for thorium. [b] Computational An@Pn distances [b]. [c] Mayer bond
indices. [d] MDC-q charges on An. [e] MDC-m a-spin densities on An. [f ]MDC-q charges on Pn. [g] Natural bond orbital (NBO) analyses;the electron
occupancies of these orbitals are +97 %. [h] QTAIM topologicalelectron density [1(r)],Laplacian [521(r)],electronic energy density [H(r)],and
ellipticity [e(r)]bond critical point data.
1348 T2018 Die Autoren. Verçffentlicht von Wiley-VCH VerlagGmbH &Co. KGaA,Weinheim Angew.Chem. 2018,130,1346 –1350
expected to be weaker may actually be stronger,with respect
to donor strength, which in this context is not synonymous
with thermodynamic enthalpic bond strength.
Theasymmetry of the An@Pn bonding,assuggested by
DFT and NBO methods,isfurther supported by analysis of
the QTAIM data;although highly polar bonds are certainly
found, the bond critical point ellipticity values are consis-
tently greater than zero and of the magnitude found for the
C@Cbonds in benzene tending to ethene.[16]
Although 4UBi,3ThSb,3ThBi,and 4ThBi have eluded
isolation, attempts to prepare them along with studies on the
subsequent reactivity of the isolable An@Pn complexes has
proven informative with respect to unravelling the under-
pinning chemistry of these An@Pn linkages.Attempts to
prepare 4UBi from 2U and KBi(SiMe3)2resulted in batch-
variable quantities of green crystals,that could not be cleanly
isolated, of (Me3Si)2Bi@Bi(SiMe3)2(Bi2)[11,17] as verified by
single-crystal X-ray diffraction. This implies that 4UBi is
transiently formed, but decomposes by homolytic U@Pn bond
cleavage to give [U(TrenTIPS)],[18] which was indeed identified
in reaction mixtures by 1HNMR spectroscopy.Interestingly,
attempts to prepare 3ThSb,3ThBi,and 4ThBi resulted in the
isolation, respectively,ofvariable levels of red (Me3Si)2Sb@
Sb(SiMe3)2(Sb2),[11,19] and green Bi2,verified by single-crystal
X-ray diffraction. Since the Th4+/Th3+reduction potential is
very negative,[20] homolytic Th@Pn bond cleavage seems
unlikely,but on one occasion, from otherwise intractable,
complex reaction mixtures,crystals of the cyclometallate
complex [Th{N(CH2CH2NSiMe2But)2(CH2CH2NSiMeBut-
CH2)}(DME)] (5)were isolated from an attempted prepara-
tion of 3ThSb.[11] This suggests that aconcerted or step-wise
deprotonation/cyclometallation–dehydrocoupling of HPn-
(SiMe3)2reaction occurs for thorium.
To probe the mechanistic aspects further we investigated
thermal and photolytic U@Pn reactivity profiles ;analogous
thorium studies gave no different outcomes to the ones
described above.Complex 4USb,and putative 4UBi prepared
in situ, completely decompose at 8088Ctogive [U(TrenTIPS)]
and Sb2or Bi2,respectively,consistent with homolytic bond
cleavage.Under these conditions, 4UP and 4UAs and
surprisingly 3USb and 3UBi show little decomposition
(<5%). Photolysis (125 WUVlamp,2h) of 4USb and
putative 4UBi prepared in situ results in conversion into the
cyclometallate complex [U{N(CH2CH2NSiPri3)2(CH2CH2N-
SiPri2CHMeCH2)}][21] and elemental Sb or Bi. Interestingly,
photolysis of 3USb and 3UBi results in initial formation of Sb2
or Bi2,H
2,and the cyclometallate
but 3UP and 3UAs show little decomposition under photo-
lytic conditions.Extended photolysis of 3USb and 3UBi
resulted in Sb2/Bi2decomposition to elemental Sb/Bi, which
was verified by independent decomposition of Sb2/Bi2under
the same conditions.Under photolytic conditions,[U(TrenR)]
species slowly cyclometallate with elimination of H2.So, the
above data suggest that for U@Pn bonds homolysis is the
preferred decomposition route,which may proceed to pro-
duction of uranium–cyclometallate and elemental pnictide
deposition under photolytic but not thermal conditions,but
the Th@Pn linkages undergo acid–base/dehydrocoupling
reactions owing to the redox robustness of thorium. The
more facile decomposition of 4USb and 4UBi” compared to
3USb and 3UBi suggest that although sterically demanding
ligands are necessary to stabilise these polar U@Pn linkages
that TrenTIPS may be too bulky and actually destabilise the U@
Sb/U@Bi linkages;the isolation of 3UBi is thus remarkable
because this complex has the facile uranium redox bond
homolysis route open to it yet it is still isolable.This is clearly
adelicate balance of sterics,since for the larger thorium
neither TrenDMBS nor TrenTIPS can stabilise Th@Bi linkages.
Such afine balance of metal/ligand size ratio has been found
previously with respect to m-phosphido linkages where
thorium–TrenTIPS gives stable ThPThlinkages but uranium–
TrenTIPS results in UPU linkages that readily decompose.[9a,d]
To conclude,wehave reported the synthesis and charac-
terisation of new An@Pn bonds that include the first
structurally authenticated U@Sb and Th@Sb bonds of any
kind and the first 2c–2e U@Bi bond. Thecorresponding Th@Bi
bond was too unstable to isolate,highlighting the major
challenges of preparing these mismatched hard–soft linkages
generally.These complexes present chemical bond bench-
marks,and the U@Bi bond is the heaviest 2c–2e pairing of two
elements involving an actinide under macroscopic,ambient
conditions,exceeded only by An@An pairings in matrix
isolation experiments.Preparing homologues spanning non-
metal, metalloid, and metal within asingle element group has
permitted elucidation of aformal periodic break-point
between As and Sb.Reactivity studies suggest that the
heavier U@Pn bonds decompose by homolytic U@Pn bond
cleavage,and the resulting uranium(III) and di-pnictane
compounds react further to give uranium(IV)–cyclometallate,
hydrogen, and elemental pnictide,respectively,whereas the
more redox robust thorium complexes engage in an acid–
base/dehydrocoupling route to give thorium–cyclometallate
and di-pnictane.Thus,although the same product classes
emerge from these decomposition reactions overall they
proceed via different mechanistic routes,highlighting the
different redox chemistries of uranium and thorium actinide
We thank the Royal Society (grant UF110005), EPSRC (grant
EP/M027015/1), ERC (grant CoG612724), Universities of
Manchester and Regensburg,the Deutsche Forschungsge-
meinschaft, and COST Action CM1006 for generously
supporting this work. We thank the reviewers for their
constructive comments.
Conflict of interest
Theauthors declare no conflict of interest.
Keywords: metalloids ·metal–metal bonds ·pnictides ·
thorium ·uranium
1349Angew.Chem. 2018,130,1346 –1350 T2018 Die Autoren. Verçffentlicht von Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Howtocite: Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. 2018,57,1332 –1336
Angew.Chem. 2018,130,1346–1350
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graphic data for this paper.These data are provided free of
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Manuscript received:November17, 2017
Acceptedmanuscript online: December 12, 2017
Version of record online: December 29, 2017
1350 T2018 Die Autoren. Verçffentlicht von Wiley-VCH VerlagGmbH &Co. KGaA,Weinheim Angew.Chem. 2018,130,1346 –1350
... Other secondary Sb···Sb contacts are significantly shorter than in 9, for example 3.6446(11) Å in Me 2 SbSbMe 2 , 3.847(2) Å in Me 2 Sb(CN) or 3.8679(2) Å in (SiMe 3 ) 2 SbSb(SiMe 3 ) 2 . [30][31][32] Due to steric hindrance of the SbtBu 2 moieties the NÀ (As 2 N 2 )À N angle is widened and consequently the As 2 N 2 ring is strained. Its fold angle has a value of 145.9(2)°. ...
... [33] Other intermolecular short Bi···Bi contacts in the literature have values of in 3.740(4) Å in (Me 3 Si) 2 BiBi(SiMe 3 ) 2 , 3.834(3)-3.873(3) Å in Bi {Co(CO) 4 } 3 , 3.8988(9) Å in Me 3 Bi or 3.9654(4) Å in Dipp 2 BiI (Dipp = 2,6-di-iso-propyl phenyl) and thus are slightly shorter or as long as the one in 10. [32,[34][35][36] Also similar to 9 is the strain of the As 2 N 2 ring which leads to a fold angle of 143.8(3)°, but in contrast to 9 there is no evidence of different conformations of the molecule in solution, since the signals in the NMR spectra are quite sharp. We assume this difference compared to 9 results from the stronger BiÀ Bi interaction that leads to a stabilising effect of the conformation that is represented in the solid state structure of 10. ...
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A series of alkaline metal functionalised tert‐butyl substituted bis(amido)diazadiarsetidinides [(μ‐N(tBu)As)2(N(tBu)M)2] (M=K (1), Rb (2), Cs (3), Na⋅thf (4), Na (5)) were prepared and their solid state structures investigated in detail. Further substitution reactions with tert‐butyl substituted element chlorides of P, As, Sb and Bi were performed. The conversion of two equivalents tBu2AsCl (II) with 1–3 unexpectedly leads to the introduction of only one arsine moiety ([(μ‐N(tBu)As)2(N(tBu)H)(N(tBu)AstBu2] (6)) while the other nitrogen atom gets protonated by ether cleavage. The reaction of one equivalent tBuECl2 (E=As (III), Sb (IV)) with 1, 2 or 3 yielded the intended cage compounds [(μ‐N(tBu)As)2(NtBu)2EtBu] (E=As (7), Sb (8)) in high yields. Reaction of 1–3 with two equivalents of tBu2E'Cl (E’=Sb (V), Bi (VI)) yields the twofold substituted bis(amido)diazadiarsetidines [(μ‐N(tBu)As)2(N(tBu)E’tBu2)2] (E’=Sb (9), Bi (10)), which show weak intramolecular E’–E’ interactions.
... U nexpected properties, structures, and reactivities emerge in heavy elements because their high nuclear charge accelerates surrounding electrons to relativistic speeds, altering orbital shapes and energies and the nature of chemical bonds 1 . This in turn, leads to abrupt changes in behavior between neighboring elements 2-8 and a breakdown of simple descriptions of electronic structure that can be used to explain emerging properties 1,[9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17] . Examples of these discontinuities include the large volume expansion between α-Pu and α-Am, and the corresponding localization of 5f electrons that leads to superconductivity in α-Am at low temperatures 18 , as well as the diminishment of redox activity that occurs at this same juncture in the actinide series 19 . ...
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Controlling the properties of heavy element complexes, such as those containing berkelium, is challenging because relativistic effects, spin-orbit and ligand-field splitting, and complex metal-ligand bonding, all dictate the final electronic states of the molecules. While the first two of these are currently beyond experimental control, covalent M‒L interactions could theoretically be boosted through the employment of chelators with large polarizabilities that substantially shift the electron density in the molecules. This theory is tested by ligating Bk III with 4’-(4-nitrophenyl)-2,2’:6’,2”-terpyridine (terpy*), a ligand with a large dipole. The resultant complex, Bk(terpy*)(NO 3 ) 3 (H 2 O)·THF, is benchmarked with its closest electrochemical analog, Ce(terpy*)(NO 3 ) 3 (H 2 O)·THF. Here, we show that enhanced Bk‒N interactions with terpy* are observed as predicted. Unexpectedly, induced polarization by terpy* also creates a plane in the molecules wherein the M‒L bonds trans to terpy* are shorter than anticipated. Moreover, these molecules are highly anisotropic and rhombic EPR spectra for the Ce III complex are reported.
... This latter species in turn likely then decomposes to 4 by activating the C À H bond of the methyl group with elimination of H 2 . This is in-line with our previous findings that 4 and its uranium analogue not only result from acid-base deprotonations, [13] but also from low-valent U III [U(Tren TIPS )] slowly liberating H 2 with concomitant oxidation to the U-analogue of 4; [22] the corresponding thorium complex would be anticipated to be even more active in this regard. , but unlike the stable and isolable uranium analogue, [5] this species is clearly unstable, so would then undergo CÀH bond activation to give 3. Experimentally, we find that 4 does not react with 2, ruling that out as a potential pathway to 3. Either way, the ultimate phosphinidiide is notable. ...
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A reaction with the overall appearance of (OCP)⁻ concerted cleavage is revealed to proceed through a [2+2+1]‐cycloaddition reaction intermediate, introducing an unprecedented example of (OCP)⁻ cycloaddition under reducing conditions to the established neutral and oxidative cycloaddition classes of (OCP)⁻ reactivity. Abstract The reduction chemistry of the newly emerging 2‐phosphaethynolate (OCP)⁻ is not well explored, and many unanswered questions remain about this ligand in this context. We report that reduction of [Th(TrenTIPS)(OCP)] (2, TrenTIPS=[N(CH2CH2NSiPrⁱ3)]³⁻), with RbC8 via [2+2+1] cycloaddition, produces an unprecedented hexathorium complex [{Th(TrenTIPS)}6(μ‐OC2P3)2(μ‐OC2P3H)2Rb4] (5) featuring four five‐membered [C2P3] phosphorus heterocycles, which can be converted to a rare oxo complex [{Th(TrenTIPS)(μ‐ORb)}2] (6) and the known cyclometallated complex [Th{N(CH2CH2NSiPrⁱ3)2(CH2CH2SiPrⁱ2CHMeCH2)}] (4) by thermolysis; thereby, providing an unprecedented example of reductive cycloaddition reactivity in the chemistry of 2‐phosphaethynolate. This has permitted us to isolate intermediates that might normally remain unseen. We have debunked an erroneous assumption of a concerted fragmentation process for (OCP)⁻, rather than cycloaddition products that then decompose with [Th(TrenTIPS)O]⁻ essentially acting as a protecting then leaving group. In contrast, when KC8 or CsC8 were used the phosphinidiide C−H bond activation product [{Th(TrenTIPS)}Th{N(CH2CH2NSiPrⁱ3)2[CH2CH2SiPrⁱ2CH(Me)CH2C(O)μ‐P]}] (3) and the oxo complex [{Th(TrenTIPS)(μ‐OCs)}2] (7) were isolated.
... This latter species in turn likely then decomposes to 4 by activating the C À H bond of the methyl group with elimination of H 2 . This is in-line with our previous findings that 4 and its uranium analogue not only result from acid-base deprotonations, [13] but also from low-valent U III [U(Tren TIPS )] slowly liberating H 2 with concomitant oxidation to the U-analogue of 4; [22] the corresponding thorium complex would be anticipated to be even more active in this regard. , but unlike the stable and isolable uranium analogue, [5] this species is clearly unstable, so would then undergo CÀH bond activation to give 3. Experimentally, we find that 4 does not react with 2, ruling that out as a potential pathway to 3. Either way, the ultimate phosphinidiide is notable. ...
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The reduction chemistry of the newly emerging 2‐phosphaethynolate (OCP)⁻ is not well explored, and many unanswered questions remain about this ligand in this context. We report that reduction of [Th(TrenTIPS)(OCP)] (2, TrenTIPS=[N(CH2CH2NSiPrⁱ3)]³⁻), with RbC8 via [2+2+1] cycloaddition, produces an unprecedented hexathorium complex [{Th(TrenTIPS)}6(μ‐OC2P3)2(μ‐OC2P3H)2Rb4] (5) featuring four five‐membered [C2P3] phosphorus heterocycles, which can be converted to a rare oxo complex [{Th(TrenTIPS)(μ‐ORb)}2] (6) and the known cyclometallated complex [Th{N(CH2CH2NSiPrⁱ3)2(CH2CH2SiPrⁱ2CHMeCH2)}] (4) by thermolysis; thereby, providing an unprecedented example of reductive cycloaddition reactivity in the chemistry of 2‐phosphaethynolate. This has permitted us to isolate intermediates that might normally remain unseen. We have debunked an erroneous assumption of a concerted fragmentation process for (OCP)⁻, rather than cycloaddition products that then decompose with [Th(TrenTIPS)O]⁻ essentially acting as a protecting then leaving group. In contrast, when KC8 or CsC8 were used the phosphinidiide C−H bond activation product [{Th(TrenTIPS)}Th{N(CH2CH2NSiPrⁱ3)2[CH2CH2SiPrⁱ2CH(Me)CH2C(O)μ‐P]}] (3) and the oxo complex [{Th(TrenTIPS)(μ‐OCs)}2] (7) were isolated.
... For example, phosphaalkenes, P=C, have attracted interest for building blocks in organophosphorus chemistry [1][2][3], ligands to transition metal complexes [4,5], as well as potential applications as functional materials [6][7][8][9][10]. After nearly 20 years of dormancy [11][12][13][14][15], actinide-phosphorus has received greater attention recently [16][17][18][19] with researchers examining similarities and differences in the molecular and electronic structure of its more studied congener, nitrogen. Our interest in actinide-phosphido complexes has been on investigating small molecule reactivity. ...
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The synthesis of tetravalent thorium and uranium complexes with the phosphaazaallene moiety, [N(tBu)C=P(C6H5)]2−, is described. The reaction of the bis(phosphido) complexes, (C5Me5)2An[P(C6H5)(SiMe3)]2, An = Th, U, with two equivalents of tBuNC produces (C5Me5)2An(CNtBu)[η2-(N,C)-N(tBu)C=P(C6H5)] with concomitant formation of P(SiMe3)2(C6H5) via silyl migration. These complexes are characterized by NMR and IR spectroscopy, as well as structurally determined using X-ray crystallography.
... In recent years,wehave been investigating the coordination chemistry of triamidoamine complexes of uranium and thorium, [10] and in particular complexes of the type [U-(Tren TIPS )X] n or [{U(Tren TIPS )} 2 (m-X)] n [Tren TIPS = N(CH 2 CH 2 NSiPr i 3 ) 3 ;X = formally charged ligand; n = 0o r À1].T he list of main group X-ligands is extensive and growing, and includes:-NH 2 , = NH, N, -PH 2 , = PH, m-P(H), m-P, m-cyclo-P 5 ,-AsH 2 , = AsH, m-As(H), m-As, AsK 2 , m-h 2 :h 2 -As 2 , m-h 2 :h 2 As 2 H 2 , m-h 3 :h 3 As 3 ,-E(SiMe 3 ) 2 (E = P, As,Sb), = O, m-S, m-h 2 :h 2 S 2 , m-Se,a nd m-Te. [11] It is clear, therefore,t hat uranium-Tren TIPS in mono-or bi-metallic formulations is highly effective at trapping otherwise elusive,r eactive main group fragments,and this can involve unusual, highly reduced formal charge states that are stabilised by U-X p-o rdbonding. [11g,i] We therefore sought to determine if ah ighly reduced form of the OCP À anion could be prepared and trapped in auranium-Tren TIPS coordination environment. ...
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The chemistry of 2‐phosphaethynolate is burgeoning, but there remains much to learn about this ligand, for example its reduction chemistry is scarce as this promotes P‐C‐O fragmentations or couplings. Here, we report that reduction of [U(TrenTIPS)(OCP)] (TrenTIPS=N(CH2CH2NSiPrⁱ3)3) with KC8/2,2,2‐cryptand gives [{U(TrenTIPS)}2{μ‐η²(OP):η²(CP)‐OCP}][K(2,2,2‐cryptand)]. The coordination mode of this trapped 2‐phosphaethynolate is unique, and derives from an unprecedented highly reduced and highly bent form of this ligand with the most acute P‐C‐O angle in any complex to date (P‐C‐O ∡ ≈127°). The characterisation data support a mixed‐valence diuranium(III/IV) formulation, where backbonding from uranium gives a highly reduced form of the P‐C‐O unit that is perhaps best described as a uranium‐stabilised OCP2−. radical dianion. Quantum chemical calculations reveal that this gives unprecedented carbene character to the P‐C‐O unit, which engages in a weak donor–acceptor interaction with one of the uranium ions.
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There is continued burgeoning interest in metal–metal multiple bonding to further our understanding of chemical bonding across the periodic table. However, although polar covalent metal–metal multiple bonding is well known for the d and p blocks, it is relatively underdeveloped for actinides. Homometallic examples are found in spectroscopic or fullerene-confined species, and heterometallic variants exhibiting a polar covalent σ bond supplemented by up to two dative π bonds are more prevalent. Hence, securing polar covalent actinide double and triple metal–metal bonds under normal experimental conditions has been a fundamental target. Here we exploit the protonolysis and dehydrocoupling chemistry of the parent dihydrogen-antimonide anion, to report one-, two- and three-fold thorium–antimony bonds, thus introducing polar covalent actinide–metal multiple bonding under normal experimental conditions between some of the heaviest ions in the periodic table with little or no bulky-substituent protection at the antimony centre. This provides fundamental insights into heavy element multiple bonding, in particular the tension between orbital-energy-driven and overlap-driven covalency for the actinides in a relativistic regime.
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The addition of PPh2H, PPhMeH, PPhH2, P(para‐Tol)H2, PMesH2 and PH3 to the two‐coordinate Ni⁰ N‐heterocyclic carbene species [Ni(NHC)2] (NHC=IiPr2, IMe4, IEt2Me2) affords a series of mononuclear, terminal phosphido nickel complexes. Structural characterisation of nine of these compounds shows that they have unusual trans [H−Ni−PR2] or novel trans [R2P−Ni−PR2] geometries. The bis‐phosphido complexes are more accessible when smaller NHCs (IMe4>IEt2Me2>IiPr2) and phosphines are employed. P−P activation of the diphosphines R2P−PR2 (R2=Ph2, PhMe) provides an alternative route to some of the [Ni(NHC)2(PR2)2] complexes. DFT calculations capture these trends with P−H bond activation proceeding from unconventional phosphine adducts in which the H substituent bridges the Ni−P bond. P−P bond activation from [Ni(NHC)2(Ph2P−PPh2)] adducts proceeds with computed barriers below 10 kcal mol⁻¹. The ability of the [Ni(NHC)2] moiety to afford isolable terminal phosphido products reflects the stability of the Ni−NHC bond that prevents ligand dissociation and onward reaction.
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Little is known about the chemistry of the 2‐arsaethynolate anion, but to date it has exclusively undergone fragmentation reactions when reduced. Herein, we report the synthesis of [U(TrenTIPS)(OCAs)] (2, TrenTIPS=N(CH2CH2NSiiPr3)3), which is the first isolable actinide‐2‐arsaethynolate linkage. UV‐photolysis of 2 results in decarbonylation, but the putative [U(TrenTIPS)(As)] product was not isolated and instead only [{U(TrenTIPS)}2(μ‐η²:η²‐As2H2)] (3) was formed. In contrast, reduction of 2 with [U(TrenTIPS)] gave the mixed‐valence arsenido [{U(TrenTIPS)}2(μ‐As)] (4) in very low yield. Complex 4 is unstable which precluded full characterisation, but these photolytic and reductive reactions testify to the tendency of 2‐arsaethynolate to fragment with CO release and As transfer. However, addition of 2 to an electride mixture of potassium‐graphite and 2,2,2‐cryptand gives [{U(TrenTIPS)}2{μ‐η²(OAs):η²(CAs)‐OCAs}][K(2,2,2‐cryptand)] (5). The coordination mode of the trapped 2‐arsaethynolate in 5 is unique, and derives from a new highly reduced and bent form of this ligand with the most acute O‐C‐As angle in any complex to date (O‐C‐As ∠ ≈128°). The trapping rather than fragmentation of this highly reduced O‐C‐As unit is unprecedented, and quantum chemical calculations reveal that reduction confers donor–acceptor character to the O‐C‐As unit.
The chemistry of 2‐phosphaethynolate is burgeoning, but there remains much to learn about this ligand, for example its reduction chemistry is scarce as this promotes P‐C‐O fragmentations or couplings. Here, we report that reduction of [U(TrenTIPS)(OCP)] (TrenTIPS = N(CH2CH2NSiPri3)3) with KC8/2,2,2‐cryptand gives [{U(TrenTIPS)}2{μ‐η2(OP):η2(CP)‐OCP}][K(2,2,2‐cryptand)]. The coordination mode of this trapped 2‐phosphaethynolate is unique, and derives from an unprecedented highly‐reduced and ‐bent form of this ligand with the most acute P‐C‐O angle in any complex to date (P‐C‐O ∠ ~127°). The characterisation data support a mixed‐valence diuranium(III/IV) formulation, where backbonding from uranium gives a highly reduced form of the P‐C‐O unit that is perhaps best described as a uranium‐stabilised OCP2‐• radical dianion. Quantum chemical calculations reveal that this gives unprecedented carbene character to the P‐C‐O unit, which engages in a weak donor‐acceptor interaction with one of the uranium ions.
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Reaction of [U(TrenTIPS)(PH2)] (1, TrenTIPS = N(CH2CH2NSiPri3)3) with C6H5CH2K and [U(TrenTIPS)(THF)][BPh4] (2) afforded a rare diuranium-parent-phosphinidiide complex [{U(TrenTIPS)}2(μ-PH)] (3). Treatment of 3 with C6H5CH2K and two equivalents of benzo-15-crown-5 ether (B15C5) gave the diuranium-μ-phosphido complex [{U(TrenTIPS)}2(μ-P)][K(B15C5)2] (4). Alternatively, reaction of [U(TrenTIPS)(PH)][Na(12C4)2] (5, 12C4 = 12-crown-4 ether) with [U{N(CH2CH2NSiMe2But)2CH2CH2NSi(Me)(CH2)(But)}] (6) produced the diuranium-μ-phosphido complex [{U(TrenTIPS)}(μ-P){U(TrenDMBS)}][Na(12C4)2] [7, TrenDMBS = N(CH2CH2NSiMe2But)3]. Compounds 4 and 7 are unprecedented examples (outside of matrix isolation studies) of uranium-phosphido complexes that can be prepared and isolated, but they rapidly decompose in solution underscoring the paucity of uranium-phosphido complexes. Interestingly, 4 and 7 feature symmetric and asymmetric UPU cores, respectively, reflecting their differing steric profiles.
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Reaction of [U(TrenTIPS)(PH2)] (1, TrenTIPS = N(CH2CH2NSiPri3)3) with C6H5CH2K and [U(TrenTIPS)(THF)][BPh4] (2) afforded a rare diuranium-parent-phosphinidiide complex [{U(TrenTIPS)}2(μ-PH)] (3). Treatment of 3 with C6H5CH2K and two equivalents of benzo-15-crown-5 ether (B15C5) gave the diuranium-μ-phosphido complex [{U(TrenTIPS)}2(μ-P)][K(B15C5)2] (4). Alternatively, reaction of [U(TrenTIPS)(PH)][Na(12C4)2] (5, 12C4 = 12-crown-4 ether) with [U{N(CH2CH2NSiMe2But)2CH2CH2NSi(Me)(CH2)(But)}] (6) produced the diuranium-μ-phosphido complex [{U(TrenTIPS)}(μ-P){U(TrenDMBS)}][Na(12C4)2] [7, TrenDMBS = N(CH2CH2NSiMe2But)3]. Compounds 4 and 7 are unprecedented examples (outside of matrix isolation studies) of uranium-phosphido complexes that can be prepared and isolated, but they rapidly decompose in solution underscoring the paucity of uranium-phosphido complexes. Interestingly, 4 and 7 feature symmetric and asymmetric UPU cores, respectively, reflecting their differing steric profiles.
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The reaction of [Zr(TrenDMBS)(Cl)] [Zr1, TrenDMBS = N(CH2CH2NSiMe2But)3] with NaPH2 gave the terminal parent phosphanide complex [Zr(TrenDMBS)(PH2)] [Zr2, Zr-P = 2.685(2) Å]. Treatment of Zr2 with one equivalent of KCH2C6H5 and two equivalents of benzo-15-crown-5 ether (B15C5) afforded an unprecedented example outside of matrix isolation of a structurally authenticated transition metal terminal parent phosphinidene complex [Zr(TrenDMBS)(PH)][K(B15C5)2] [Zr3, Zr=P = 2.469(2) Å]. DFT calculations reveal a polarized-covalent Zr=P double bond, with a Mayer bond order of 1.48, and together with NMR and IR spectroscopic data also suggest an agostic-type Zr···HP interaction [∠ZrPH = 66.7°] which is unexpectedly similar to that found in cryogenic spectroscopically observed phosphinidene species. Surprisingly, computational data suggest that the Zr=P linkage reported here is as polarized, and thus as covalent, as essentially isostructural U=P and Th=P analogues.
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The reaction of [Zr(TrenDMBS)(Cl)] [Zr1, TrenDMBS = N(CH2CH2NSiMe2But)3] with NaPH2 gave the terminal parent phosphanide complex [Zr(TrenDMBS)(PH2)] [Zr2, Zr-P = 2.685(2) Å]. Treatment of Zr2 with one equivalent of KCH2C6H5 and two equivalents of benzo-15-crown-5 ether (B15C5) afforded an unprecedented example outside of matrix isolation of a structurally authenticated transition metal terminal parent phosphinidene complex [Zr(TrenDMBS)(PH)][K(B15C5)2] [Zr3, Zr=P = 2.469(2) Å]. DFT calculations reveal a polarized-covalent Zr=P double bond, with a Mayer bond order of 1.48, and together with NMR and IR spectroscopic data also suggest an agostic-type Zr···HP interaction [∠ZrPH = 66.7°] which is unexpectedly similar to that found in cryogenic spectroscopically observed phosphinidene species. Surprisingly, computational data suggest that the Zr=P linkage reported here is as polarized, and thus as covalent, as essentially isostructural U=P and Th=P analogues.
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The blood-red plutonocene complex Pu(1,3-COT'')(1,4-COT'') (4; COT''=?(8) -bis(trimethylsilyl)cyclooctatetraenyl) has been synthesized by oxidation of the anionic sandwich complex Li[Pu(1,4-COT'')2 ] (3) with anhydrous cobalt(II) chloride. The first crystal structure determination of an organoplutonium(IV) complex revealed an asymmetric sandwich structure for 4 where one COT'' ring is 1,3-substituted while the other retains the original 1,4-substitution pattern. The electronic structure of 4 has been elucidated by a computational study, revealing a probable cause for the unexpected silyl group migration.
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The blood-red plutonocene complex Pu(1,3-COT′′)(1,4-COT′′) (4; COT′′=η8-bis(trimethylsilyl)cyclooctatetraenyl) has been synthesized by oxidation of the anionic sandwich complex Li[Pu(1,4-COT′′)2] (3) with anhydrous cobalt(II) chloride. The first crystal structure determination of an organoplutonium(IV) complex revealed an asymmetric sandwich structure for 4 where one COT′′ ring is 1,3-substituted while the other retains the original 1,4-substitution pattern. The electronic structure of 4 has been elucidated by a computational study, revealing a probable cause for the unexpected silyl group migration.
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Despite a major expansion of uranium–ligand multiple bond chemistry in recent years, analogous complexes involving other actinides (An) remain scarce. For thorium, under ambient conditions only a few multiple bonds to carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and chalcogenides are reported, and none to arsenic are known; indeed only two complexes with thorium–arsenic single bonds have been structurally authenticated, reflecting the challenges of stabilizing polar linkages at the large thorium ion. Here, we report thorium parent–arsenide (ThAsH2), –arsinidiides (ThAs(H)K and ThAs(H)Th) and arsenido (ThAsTh) linkages stabilized by a bulky triamidoamine ligand. The ThAs(H)K and ThAsTh linkages exhibit polarized-covalent thorium–arsenic multiple bonding interactions, hitherto restricted to cryogenic matrix isolation experiments, and the AnAs(H)An and AnAsAn linkages reported here have no precedent in f-block chemistry. 7s, 6d and 5f orbital contributions to the Th–As bonds are suggested by quantum chemical calculations, and their compositions unexpectedly appear to be tensioned differently compared to phosphorus congeners.
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Determining the electronic structure of actinide complexes is intrinsically challenging because inter-electronic repulsion, crystal field, and spin–orbit coupling effects can be of similar magnitude. Moreover, such efforts have been hampered by the lack of structurally analogous families of complexes to study. Here we report an improved method to U≡N triple bonds, and assemble a family of uranium(V) nitrides. Along with an isoelectronic oxo, we quantify the electronic structure of this 5f¹ family by magnetometry, optical and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies and modelling. Thus, we define the relative importance of the spin–orbit and crystal field interactions, and explain the experimentally observed different ground states. We find optical absorption linewidths give a potential tool to identify spin–orbit coupled states, and show measurement of UV···UV super-exchange coupling in dimers by EPR. We show that observed slow magnetic relaxation occurs via two-phonon processes, with no obvious correlation to the crystal field.
The complexes (C5Me5)2Th(EHTipp)2, (E = P or As, Tipp = 2,4,6-triisopropylphenyl), provide a ligand framework that results in facile access to rare Th-E multiple bonds. The reaction of (C5Me5)2Th(EHTipp)2 with KN(SiMe3)2, proceeds cleanly to the desired bridging phosphinidiide or arsinidiide complex, [{(C5Me5)2Th(μ2-ETipp(μ2-EHTipp)}K]2 under ambient conditions. In the absence of a chelating agent, the potassium cation of one monomeric unit interacts with the aryl ring of a second monomer to form a bridged dimer. In the presence of 2,2,2-cryptand, the terminal phosphinidene complex, [(C5Me5)2Th=PTipp(PHTipp)][K(2,2,2-cryptand)] is isolated. Using X-ray crystallographic analysis, we have determined these complexes display the shortest Th-P and Th-As bond distances reported to date.
Over seventy years of chemical investigations have shown that plutonium exhibits some of the most complicated chemical behavior in the periodic table. Six plutonium oxidation states have been unambiguously confirmed (0, +3 to +7), and five different oxidation states can exist simultaneously in solution. Herein, we report a new formal oxidation state for plutonium, namely Pu2+ in [K(crypt)][PuIICp′′3]. (Cp" = C5H3(SiMe3)2). The synthetic precursor, PuIIICp"3 is also reported here, comprising the first structural characterization of a Pu-C bond. Electronic absorption spectroscopy and DFT calculations indicate that the Pu²⁺ ion has predominantly a 5f⁶ electron configuration with some 6d-mixing also present.