
Larger fungi from Turkey, Iran and neighbouring countries

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... s. lat. [ 094,132,133,135,139,140,141,152,142,149,165,167,171,175,179,182,199,200,208,214,215,216,222,227,233,234,244,246,249,251,254,255,261,265,267,268,295,319,323,325,329,331,335,338,342,348,350,352,354,362,373,374,376,378,381,383], M. esculenta var. rigida (Krombh.) ...
... Orton [295,351,374], A. pseudopratensis (Bohus) Wasser var. pseudopratensis [180,218,314,320], A. semotus Fr. [297,324,362], A. subfloccosus (J.E. Lange) Hlaváček [036, 038, 039, 104a], A. subperonatus (J.E. ...
... pediades (Fr. : Fr.) Fayod [018,029,065,078,081,084,093,162,163,205,213,227,230,271,274,297,362,390], A. praecox (Pers. : Fr.) Fayod [011,012,016,029,038,039,063,093,094,140,200,202,265,348,358,374,375], A. putaminum (Maire) Singer [098], A. semiorbicularis (Bull. ...
... In addition to this recently described new species, only Clitocella fallax (Quél.) Kluting (Watling and Gregory, 1977;Sesli and Baydar, 1996;Kaya, 2001;Solak et al., 2015). ...
... We prepared a simple key including the newly described Rhodocybe species and the other rhodocyboid taxa known from Turkey to date. The key is in accordance with Baroni (1981), Bas et al. (1988), Hansen and Knudsen (1992), Breitenbach and Kränzlin (1995), and Knudsen and Vesterholt (2008 (Solak et al., 2015) 4* Cheilocystidia aseptate to uniseptate, pileus and lamellae salmon pink, reddish brown, pileus not depressed, margin not crenulated, spores on average shorter than 7 (Watling and Gregory, 1977;Sesli and Baydar, 1996) 7*Pileus gray to beige, taste mild, basidiospores subglobose to broadly ellipsoid, not distinctly pustulate but sometimes obscurely bumpy, caulocystidia absent ............................. Rhodocybe tugrulii (Vizzini et al, 2016a) ...
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Two new species of Rhodocybe, R. asanii and R. asyae (Entolomataceae), are described and illustrated from the East Black Sea coast of Turkey. The new species are known from two different localities in Trabzon Province. Diagnostic morphological and molecular (nrITS and nrLSU sequences) characters between the new species and their allies are compared and discussed. Rhodocybe asanii is easily distinguished from related species by its small, reddish beige, convex to plate, or irregular, fragile pileus; adnexed to sinuate lamellae; a pruinose stipe; small basidiospores; and unique sequences. Rhodocybe asyae is recognized well by a rather small, thin, salmon pink, smooth, dish or slightly cup-shaped pileus; decurrent lamellae; a small, pruinose stipe; and different sequences from R. asanii and allied taxa. Some notes on the ecology of the newly described species, a key to the thus far known Turkish Rhodocybe taxa, and phylogenetic trees are provided.
... When our results are compared with other studies carried out near the research area, the similarity between the mycota of Türkmenbaba mountain and neighbouring regions is not significant. Only 10 species determined in the present study were previously reported from Ankara (Watling & Gregory, 1977;Özdal & ‹lbay, 2000;Güler & Mutlu, 2002) and 12 species from Bolu (Lohwag & Ünligil, 1957;Niemela & Uotila, 1977;Watling & Gregory, 1977;Sümer, 1982). This could be because of differences in vegetation, climate and flora. ...
... When our results are compared with other studies carried out near the research area, the similarity between the mycota of Türkmenbaba mountain and neighbouring regions is not significant. Only 10 species determined in the present study were previously reported from Ankara (Watling & Gregory, 1977;Özdal & ‹lbay, 2000;Güler & Mutlu, 2002) and 12 species from Bolu (Lohwag & Ünligil, 1957;Niemela & Uotila, 1977;Watling & Gregory, 1977;Sümer, 1982). This could be because of differences in vegetation, climate and flora. ...
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The macrofungi collected from the Türkmenbaba mountain area in 2001-2003 were investigated. As a result of field and laboratory studies, 84 taxa belonging to 30 families were identified. Seven species belong to the class Ascomycetes and 77 species to Basidiomycetes. Seven of these taxa are new records for the Turkish macromycota.
... However, a few studies have been carried out on the other desert mushroom Podaxis pistallaris. P. pistillaris has been reported from a number of countries including: Afghanistan [14], Africa [15], Argentina [16], ...
... Australia [17], Brazil [18], Congo [19], Iran [14], Israel [20,21], South Africa [22] and USA [23]. In Sindh, preliminary experiments have been conducted on the artificial cultivation of Desert mushroom, Podaxis pistillaris, at Sindh Agriculture University Tandojam [4,5,24]. ...
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Phellorinia species is most commonly observed wild edible mushroom in the desert and have been very well reported from Rajasthan states. Forays have been made to collect, identify, catalogue and molecularly characterize this important mushroom of the desert region of Rajasthan state during August and September month of the year 2010 and 13. In total 85 specimens of the mushroom were collected from 12 different sites of Jodhpur, Jaisalmer districts. The Longitude and latitude of the sites ranged between N 26-27º, EO 71-72º and MSL 105-295m. The dominant vegetation at different sites was Leptadenia pyrotechnica, Calligonum polygonoides, Haloxylon recurvum, Lasirus sindicus and other desert grasses. All the samples were initially screened on the basis of colony characteristics and growth rate (3-7mm per day), which formed 29 groups. On the basis of DNA analysis using 10 random primers, the isolates have been categorized into 10 different groups. Nucleotide sequence comparisons of ITS 5.8S rDNA against NCBI databases showed 90 per cent identity with Phellorinia herculea. However, maximum likelyhood analysis of sequences using Mega 6 and Mr. Bayes software suggested the presence of at least three species of Phellorinia amongst the collections. Physiological studies have been made in order to domesticate the mushroom and results indicated, as malt extract medium to be the best while pH of 7.5 and temperature of 40°C are the optimal for the mycelial growth the mushroom. Preferred carbon and nitrogen sources for the growth of the mushroom were found to be dextrose and nitrates. Some success is achieved in domestication of this species.
... Se distribuye en los departamentos de La Guajira (Villalobos et al., 2017) y Magdalena (Barrios y Abaunza, 2020). Además, en América se ha registrado en Argentina y Brasil (Wright y Albertó, 2002), y en México y Estados Unidos (Watling y Gregory, 1977). Características del hábitat y sustrato� Hongo humícola, disperso o gregario. ...
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Los Agaricales son un grupo amplio y complejo de hongos del Phylum Basidiomycota, que se caracterizan por formar estructuras sexuales macroscópicas llamadas cuerpos fructíferos o basidiocarpos y estructuras microscópicas con valor taxonómico. Estas fases sexuales pueden tener diversas formas y tamaños, tipo «sombreros», que en su mayoría rodean un himenio laminar. Los Agaricales habitan en sustratos leñosos, en asociaciones con plantas, materia orgánica y suelo. Son relevantes para el ecosistema por su rol como descomponedores de la materia orgánica. Además, por sus múltiples usos, tienen importancia económica para la sociedad. Su taxonomía está determinada por sus características morfológicas, ecológicas y moleculares. En este catálogo se describen 35 ejemplares de macrohongos Agaricales recolectados en el campus de la Universidad del Magdalena, de los cuales 14 fueron identificados hasta el nivel de especie, y 21, hasta género. La información expuesta está al alcance de la comunidad académica y los aficionados a los hongos, acompañada con excelentes fotografías a color e ilustraciones detalladas que permiten identificar sus características morfológicas, esenciales para reconocer a las especies. A su vez, este trabajo de investigación ha contribuido con la Colección Micológica del Centro de Colecciones Científicas de la Universidad del Magdalena.
... Hallenberg (1979) Saber (2002) Saber (2000) Soleimani ( Golestan Watling and Gregory (1977) Tricholoma orirubens ...
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Although West Asia potentially represents one of the diversity hotspots for several groups of fungi, our knowledge of the funga in this region is fragmentary. Here, we provide a list of macrofungal species from Iran and performed a comparative analysis of macrofungal diversity in 12 regions worldwide. The list was compiled from relevant national/international conference letters, GenBank submissions, and published literature in Persian, English, and other languages. In total, 1333 species of macrofungal Asco- and Basidiomycota are listed which were reported from 31 provinces of Iran. We have classified the reported fungi into 12 predefined morphogroups, with most of them being agaricoid species (60%). The Hyrcanian forests that stretch along the Caspian Sea coast in northern Iran are the most species-rich region. Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) was used to check the number of worldwide occurrences of the reported species which revealed a total of 17 species were exclusively reported from Iran. We suggest that globally rare or low-occurrence species from Iran require global attention and potentially can contribute to the IUCN list of endangered species. Based on comparisons between the macrofungi of Iran and that of various countries, the Iranian species composition is found to be similar to those of the Mediterranean regions.
... Morchella esculenta (L.) Pers.: Adana (Işıloğlu and Öder, 1995b;Doğan and Kurt, 2016); Adıyaman Kaya, 2005Kaya, , 2009a; Afyonkarahisar (Oskay and Kalyoncu, 2006); Ağrı (Demirel et al., 2002); Aksaray (Doğan and Türkoğlu, 2006;; Ankara (Akata et al., 2009); Antalya (Gezer, 2000;Öztürk et al., 2003;Solak et al., 2014b); Ardahan (Uzun, 2010); Artvin (Demirel, 1994(Demirel, , 1997Demirel et al., 2010); Aydın (Allı et al., 2006; Balıkesir Altuntaş et al., 2017); Batman (Demir et al., 2007); Bayburt (Keleş et al., 2016); Bingöl ; Bolu (Yağız et al., 2006a); Burdur (Solak et al., 2013); Bursa ; Çanakkale (Solak et al., 2003); Çankırı (Öztürk et al., 2010); Çorum (Alkan et al., 2016); Denizli (Köse et al., 2006;Gezer et al., 2007aGezer et al., ,b, 2008Gezer et al., , 2011Türkoğlu, 2008;; Diyarbakır (Acar et al., 2015); Edirne (Watling and Gregory, 1977;Stojchev et al., 1998); Erzincan (Keleş and Demirel, 2010;Allı, 2011); Erzurum (Demirel et al., 2003;Sadullahoğlu et al., 2021); Gaziantep Kaya et al., 2012;Uzun et al., 2015); Iğdır (Uzun, 2010); Isparta (Afyon, 1994;; İzmir (Solak et al., 1999); Kahramanmaraş (Kaya, 2006Kaya et al., 2009); Karabük (Yağız et al., 2005); Karabük, Bolu (Afyon and Konuk, 2001a); Karaman Öztürk et al., 2001;Doğan and Öztürk, 2006); Kars (Demirel and Uzun, 1996); Kastamonu (Yağız et al., 2006b); Kastamonu, Bolu (Afyon and Konuk, 2001a); Kayseri (Kaşık et al., , 2003Türkoğlu and Gezer, 2006); Konya (Aktaş et al., 2003;Alkan et al., 2010;Kaşık et al., 2010;Çevik et al., 2021); Kütahya (Allı et al., 2017); Malatya (Gücin, 1987;Işıloğlu and Öder, 1995a); Manisa (Gücin and Öner, 1982); Mersin (Işıloğlu and Watling, 1992;Doğan et al., 2007Doğan et al., , 2012; Muğla (Işıloğlu, 2001;; Niğde (Kaşık et al., 2001a,b;Berber et al., 2022); Osmaniye (Günay and Demirel, 2006;Solak et al., 2012); Sakarya ; Samsun (Pekşen and Karaca, 2003); Sinop (Afyon et al., 2004); Şanlıurfa (Kaya, 2015); Tokat (Türkekul, 2003(Türkekul, , 2008Türkekul and Zülfükaroğlu, 2010;Yıldız et al., 2019); Trabzon (Baydar and Sesli, 1994;Sesli, 2007;Akata et al., 2014;Akata and Uzun, 2017); Tunceli (Demirel and Nacar, 2000); Uşak ; Van (Demirel et al., 2015;Şelem et al., 2019); Yalova (Allı et al., 2017); Yozgat (Kırış et al., 2012;Türkekul and Işık, 2016). Morchella eximia Boud.: Antalya (Solak et al., 2014b); Muğla ; Osmaniye (Solak et al., 2012). ...
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This study presents a checklist of the species belonging to order Pezizales, determined in Türkiye. The list includes 264 species belonging to 81 genera and 15 families. In the list, the current name of the species, distributions in Türkiye (at province level), and the literature related to obtained data are provided.
... Morchella esculenta (L.) Pers.: Adana (Işıloğlu and Öder, 1995b;Doğan and Kurt, 2016); Adıyaman Kaya, 2005Kaya, , 2009a; Afyonkarahisar (Oskay and Kalyoncu, 2006); Ağrı (Demirel et al., 2002); Aksaray (Doğan and Türkoğlu, 2006;; Ankara (Akata et al., 2009); Antalya (Gezer, 2000;Öztürk et al., 2003;Solak et al., 2014b); Ardahan (Uzun, 2010); Artvin (Demirel, 1994(Demirel, , 1997Demirel et al., 2010); Aydın (Allı et al., 2006; Balıkesir Altuntaş et al., 2017); Batman (Demir et al., 2007); Bayburt (Keleş et al., 2016); Bingöl ; Bolu (Yağız et al., 2006a); Burdur (Solak et al., 2013); Bursa ; Çanakkale (Solak et al., 2003); Çankırı (Öztürk et al., 2010); Çorum (Alkan et al., 2016); Denizli (Köse et al., 2006;Gezer et al., 2007aGezer et al., ,b, 2008Gezer et al., , 2011Türkoğlu, 2008;; Diyarbakır (Acar et al., 2015); Edirne (Watling and Gregory, 1977;Stojchev et al., 1998); Erzincan (Keleş and Demirel, 2010;Allı, 2011); Erzurum (Demirel et al., 2003;Sadullahoğlu et al., 2021); Gaziantep Kaya et al., 2012;Uzun et al., 2015); Iğdır (Uzun, 2010); Isparta (Afyon, 1994;; İzmir (Solak et al., 1999); Kahramanmaraş (Kaya, 2006Kaya et al., 2009); Karabük (Yağız et al., 2005); Karabük, Bolu (Afyon and Konuk, 2001a); Karaman Öztürk et al., 2001;Doğan and Öztürk, 2006); Kars (Demirel and Uzun, 1996); Kastamonu (Yağız et al., 2006b); Kastamonu, Bolu (Afyon and Konuk, 2001a); Kayseri (Kaşık et al., , 2003Türkoğlu and Gezer, 2006); Konya (Aktaş et al., 2003;Alkan et al., 2010;Kaşık et al., 2010;Çevik et al., 2021); Kütahya (Allı et al., 2017); Malatya (Gücin, 1987;Işıloğlu and Öder, 1995a); Manisa (Gücin and Öner, 1982); Mersin (Işıloğlu and Watling, 1992;Doğan et al., 2007Doğan et al., , 2012; Muğla (Işıloğlu, 2001;; Niğde (Kaşık et al., 2001a,b;Berber et al., 2022); Osmaniye (Günay and Demirel, 2006;Solak et al., 2012); Sakarya ; Samsun (Pekşen and Karaca, 2003); Sinop (Afyon et al., 2004); Şanlıurfa (Kaya, 2015); Tokat (Türkekul, 2003(Türkekul, , 2008Türkekul and Zülfükaroğlu, 2010;Yıldız et al., 2019); Trabzon (Baydar and Sesli, 1994;Sesli, 2007;Akata et al., 2014;Akata and Uzun, 2017); Tunceli (Demirel and Nacar, 2000); Uşak ; Van (Demirel et al., 2015;Şelem et al., 2019); Yalova (Allı et al., 2017); Yozgat (Kırış et al., 2012;Türkekul and Işık, 2016). Morchella eximia Boud.: Antalya (Solak et al., 2014b); Muğla ; Osmaniye (Solak et al., 2012). ...
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This study presents a checklist of the Turkish Pezizales. The list includes 264 species belonging to 81 genera and 15 families. In the list, the current name of the species, distributions in Türkiye (at province level), and the literature related to obtained data are provided.
... Each sample collected was individually placed in an aluminum foil and brought to the laboratory. Species were identified by the obtained data obtained from mushroom samples with the help of available literature (Watling, 1973;Watling and Gregory, 1977;Dennis, 1981;Phillips, 1981;Watling, 1982;Breitenbach and Kranzlin, 1983;Moser, 1983;Grünert and Grünert, 1984;Breitenbach and Kranzlin, 1986;Hennig and Kreisel, 1987;Dahncke, 1988, Svreck, 1988Trudell and Ammirati, 1989;Watling and Gregory, 1989;Webster, 1989;Bresinsky and Besl, 1990;Ellis and Ellis, 1990;Breitenbach and Kranzlin, 1991;Dahncke, 1993;Pacioni, 1993;Breitenbach and Kranzlin, 1995;Jordan, 1996;Smith and Smith, 1996;Winkler, 1996;Pace, 1998;Riva, 2003;Jordan, 2004;Kranzlin, 2005;Medardi, 2006;Cannon and Kirk, 2007;Trudell and Ammirati, 2009 The numbers of mushrooms collected from each locality are given in Table 1. ...
Karabük İli Yenice İlçesi ve çevresindeki farklı lokalitelerden 2012-2014 yılları arasında yapılan çalışmalarda 215 takson belirlenmiştir. Arazi ve laboratuar çalışmaları sonucunda; Ascomycota bölümünden 11 familya, 22 cinse ait 32 takson, Basidiomycota bölümünden 44 familya, 101 cinse ait 183 takson tespit edilmiştir. Literatür çalışmaları sonucunda Hygrocybe substrangulata (P.D. Orton) P.D. Orton & Watling ve Hygrophorus atramentosus (Alb. & Schwein.) H. Haas & R. Haller Aar. ex Bon türleri Türkiye için yeni kayıt olarak belirlenmiştir.
... & Gregory 1977, Esfandiari 1951, Saber 1986and 2002b, Saber & Esmaeili Taheri 2004, this study Montagnea haussknechtii Rabenh. ...
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A first annotated checklist of agarics and boletes in Iran is presented based on literature and new collections. A total number of 128 new DNA sequences, obtained from the nrDNA ITS region as well as the nrLSU, is provided. Based on vouchered specimens, 19 species are newly recorded from Iran, all provided with nrDNA data from basidiomata. Overall, 585 species (comprising 556 agarics and 29 bolete species) are recorded from Iran, representing 147 genera and 34 families. The order Agaricales encompasses 82% of the species. Twenty-eight species are excluded from the Iranian mycobiota. The Hyrcanian forests harbor 79% of the species, with Mazandaran being the most species-rich province in the country. The three largest genera are Russula, Cortinarius, and Inocybe. We also scrutinized the available DNA sequences of Iranian agarics and boletes deposited in public databases. It is shown that 64 species of agarics and boletes in Iran are from environmental sequences, and nine species have been retrieved as plant endophytes. In total, only 24% of Iranian species are shown to have at least one nrITS sequence in GenBank or UNITE. Our analyses reveal that 42% of records in Iran arise merely from abstracts presented at various conferences, most of which lack sufficient characterization and are suggested to be considered tentatively. General recommendations are given to avoid dissemination of low quality and ambiguous species records. This study fills in some of the gaps in our knowledge of agarics and boletes in Iran and provides a framework for biodiversity and phylogenetic studies. Key words: Agaricomycetes, checklists, Hyrcanian forests, macrobasidiomycetes, mushrooms, Zagros forests
... Panaeolus fimicola Arasbaran (Asef, 2007) P. sphinctrinus Ahar (Watling and Sweeney, 1974) P. papilionaceus Tonekabon, (Saber, 1995) P. phalaenarum Chalus (Watling and Sweeney, 1974) P. rickenii Mashhad (Zokaei, 2001) P. serotinus - (Saber, 1994) P. stipticus - (Saber, 1994) P.subbalteatus Golestan (Arefipour et al., 2006) P. subfirmus - (Saber, 1994) P. teutonicus Amol (Watling and Gregory, 1977) ‫روش‬ ...
... C. cystidiatus'u topladığımız Trabzon il sınırları içerisinde C. prunulus oldukça yaygın olarak bulunmaktadır ve daha önce çeşitli araştırmacılar tarafından ülkemizin çeşitli yörelerinde kaydedilmiştir (Sesli ve Baydar, 1996;Pekşen ve Karaca, 2003;Keleş ve ark., 2014). C. geminus ise ülkemizde ilk olarak Watling ve Gregory (1977) tarafından tespit edilmiştir. Yeni kaydın toplandığı alan tipik bir ladin ormanı olup, yer yer kayın, yabani fındık, sarı ve mor çiçekli orman gülleri de içermektedir. ...
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z: Clitopilus cystidiatus Hauskn. & Noordel.'a ait bazidiyomalar Türkiye'den ilk kez rapor edilmiş, ilgili resimler ve kısa bir tartışma ile birlikte verilmiştir. Mevcut çalışma ile Türkiye'de yayılış gösteren Clitopilus (Fr. ex Rabenh.) P. Kumm. türlerinin sayısı üçe çıkmıştır. Abstract: Basidiomata belonging to Clitopilus cystidiatus Hauskn. & Noordel. were reported for the first time from Turkey, provided with related pictures and a brief discussion. The number of Clitopilus (Fr. ex Rabenh.) P. Kumm. species distributed in Turkey increased to three with the present study.
... The first report about the distribution of mushrooms in the territory of Iran was written by Boissier and Buhse in 1860 [8]. Further studies of Iranian mycoflora were published by several local and international researchers [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18]. ...
... from Europe, Algeria, Morocco and Turkey differs considerably in having broadly adnate to subdecurrent lamellae, subglobose to broadly ellipsoid, 5-6.5(-7) × 4-5(-5.5) μm basidiospores and mainly growing in montane coniferous forests (above all Picea spp.) (Maire 1924, Malençon and Bertault 1975, Watling and Gregory 1977, Baroni 1981, Breitenbach and Kränzlin 1995, Noordeloos 1988, 2012, Sesli and Vizzini 2017. Rhodocybe gemina var. ...
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Rhodocybe fumanellii is described from Italy as a new species based both on morphological and molecular nrITS/nrLSU data. It belongs in sect. Rufobrunnea and is characterised by massive tricholomatoid basidiomata with reddish-brown tinges, adnate and crowded lamellae, an enlarged stipe base with long rhizomorphs, long sinuose slender cheilocystidia, ellipsoid basidiospores and the presence of caulocystidia. Drawings of the main micromorphological features as well as a colour photograph of fresh basidiomata in situ are provided and its morphological relationships with allied species are discussed
... During our routine field studies, carried out to determine the macrofungal diversity of Ardeşen (Rize) district, within the scope of a university research fund project, some white coprinoid fungi samples were collected and identified as Leucocoprinus cepistipes (Sowerby) Pat. [3,4,5,6,7,8] have been recorded from Turkey, and the current checklists on the macromycota of Turkey [7,8] and some latest contributory studies [9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25] indicate that L. cepistipes had not been recorded from Turkey yet. ...
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Though the history of macrofungal studies on Turkish macromycota goes back to almost 100 years and the number of them have increased particularly in the last 3 decades, the accumulated data presents about 2400 taxa. Compared to the 15.000 assumed macrofungi of Europe and the macrofungal diversity estimates of Mueller et al. regarding the plant/macrofungus ratios of temperate regions, there is still much to be done to obtain the overall macrofungal data of Turkey. To contribute to the macrofungal biodiversity of Turkey, this study was carried out, and a new coprinoid species, Leucocoprinus cepistipes (Sowerby) Pat. belonging to the family Agaricaceae, is given as new record for the macromycota of Turkey from Ardeşen district of Rize province. The taxon is desribed briafly and photographs related to its macro and micromorphologies are given.
... Gray cinsi dünya genelinde geniş bir yayılış alanına sahip olup, 300 civarında tür içerir (Antonin et al. 2013). Ülkemizde ise bu cinse ait 13 tür bulunmaktadır (Akata and Uzun 2017; Akata 2017; Afyon and Konuk 2002; Baba et al. 2012;Gücin et al. 1995;Işıloğlu et al. 1998;Kaşık et al. 2005;Kaya 2000;Öztürk et al. 2010;Öztürk and Kaşık 1996;Sesli and Denchev 2014;Solak et al. 2015;Pilat 1933;Watling and Gregory 1977). Cinse, yakın zamanda Türkiye' ye endemik olan Gymnopus trabzonensis Vizzini, Antonin, E. Sesli & Contu türü eklenmiş ve toplam sayı 14'e çıkmıştır (Vizzini et al. 2015). ...
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Morfolojik ve mikroskobik karakterlerinin benzerliği nedeniyle, Gymnopus (Pers.) Gray (Basidiomycota, Omphalotaceae) cinsine ait Gymnopus dryophilus (Bull.) Murrill ve Gymnopus ocior (Pers.) Antonín & Noordel türlerinin klasik yöntemlerle ayrımı oldukça zordur. Bu yüzden bu çalışmada, Muğla ve Kütahya’dan toplanan bu iki türe ait örneklerin teşhisinde yardımcı olmak üzere, moleküler sistematik yaklaşımdan yararlanılmıştır. Bunun için, makrofunguslarda evrensel barkod geni olan ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer) bölgesi tercih edilmiştir. Ülkemizden toplanan söz konusu mantar örneklerinin ITS gen dizileri veri tabanla rına kazandırılmış ve biyoinformatik analizler sonucu filogenetik ağaç oluşturulmuştur. Sonuç olarak, G. ocior ve G. dryophilus örneklerinin ayrımında ITS gen dizi analizinin, tür teşhisinde destekleyici olabileceği gösterilmiştir.
... Gray cinsi dünya genelinde geniş bir yayılış alanına sahip olup, 300 civarında tür içerir (Antonin et al. 2013). Ülkemizde ise bu cinse ait 13 tür bulunmaktadır (Akata and Uzun 2017; Akata 2017; Afyon and Konuk 2002; Baba et al. 2012;Gücin et al. 1995;Işıloğlu et al. 1998;Kaşık et al. 2005;Kaya 2000;Öztürk et al. 2010;Öztürk and Kaşık 1996;Sesli and Denchev 2014;Solak et al. 2015;Pilat 1933;Watling and Gregory 1977). Cinse, yakın zamanda Türkiye' ye endemik olan Gymnopus trabzonensis Vizzini, Antonin, E. Sesli & Contu türü eklenmiş ve toplam sayı 14'e çıkmıştır (Vizzini et al. 2015). ...
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Due to the similarities in morphological and microscopic characters, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish the species of Gymnopus dryophilus (Bull.) Murrill and Gymnopus ocior (Pers.) Antonín & Noordel belonging to the genus of Gymnopus (Pers.) Gray (Basidiomycota, Omphalotaceae by using only classical approaches. Therefore, in this study, the approach of molecular systematic was utilized in order to be used as an aid to identifying the two –mentioned- species collected from Muğla and Kütahya. For this purpose, the universal barcode gene for the mancrofungi world, ITS (Internal Transcribed Spacer) was preferred. As a result of this study, ITS gene sequences of the macrofungi samples collected from our country have been added to the gene databases and following some bioinformatics analyzes, the phylogenetic tree were constructed. In conclusion, we report that ITS gene sequence analysis can contribute to the identification of G. ocior and G. dryophilus species.
... Distribución: Argentina (Wright y Albertó, 2002), Australia (Hilton y Kenneally, 1981), Brasil (Wright y Albertó, 2002), Irán, Israel Sud África, Estados Unidos (Watling y Gregory, 1977). ...
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This study describes aspects of the biology, uses and cultural practices of Gasteromycetes used by the Wayuu aboriginal peoples in the upper Colombian Guajira. We performed semi-structured interviews to Wayuu peoples and conducted field trips in both dry and wet season to record Gasteromycetes fruiting bodies. We found and described the macro and microscopic features of three species of Gasteromycetes, identified as Podaxis pistillaris, Inonotus rickii and Phellorinia herculeana. The spores of these species are used as makeup for women and skin protector in religious rituals and dances. The use of the spores and the inclusion of other elements, such as bait sheep and metamorphic rocks, varied with the geographical location of communities. RESUMEN Este trabajo describe aspectos relativos a la biología, el uso y las prácticas culturales en la comunidad aborigen Wayuu alrededor de los hongos Gasteromycetes de la Alta Guajira en el Caribe colombiano. Se realizaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas a miembros de la comunidad Wayuu y se efectuaron recorridos en campo para colecta y registro de cuerpos fructíferos. Se describieron los rasgos macroscópicos y microscópicos de tres especies identificados como Podaxis pistillaris, Inonotus rickii y Phellorinia herculeana. Las esporas de estas especies son utilizadas como cosmético entre las mujeres de la comunidad y como protector de la piel en rituales religiosos y danzas. El tratamiento de uso de las esporas y la inclusión de otros elementos, tales como cebo de oveja y piedras metamórficas, con variación en la ubicación geográfica de las comunidades.
... They have been found in the states of Baja California, Durango, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Oaxaca (Ruiz-Oronoz and Herrera 1948;Herrera 1950;Guzmán and Herrera 1973), Mexico City (Dennis 1960), Coahuila (Urista et al. 1985), Chihuahua and Sonora (Ellis 1893; Aparicio-Navarro et al. 1991). They have also been reported from the USA (Oregon, California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Hawaiian) (Brasfield 1937;Keirle et al. 2004), Jamaica (Dennis 1953), Galapagos islands (Reid et al. 1980), Argentina (Martínez 1971), Brazil (Baseia and Galvão 2002), Bolivia (Rocabado et al. 2007), Asia (Sinai Peninsula, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Kuwait, Qatar, India, China) (Morse 1941;Dring and Rayss 1963;Binyamini 1973;Watling and Gregory 1977;Patel and Tiwari 2012;Muhsin et al. 2012;Mahmoud and Al-Ghamdi 2014), Africa (Madagascar South, Congo, Nigeria, South Africa) (Dissing and Lange 1962;Bottomley 1948;Dring 1964;Alasoadura 1966;Conlon et al. 2016), and Australia (Hilton and Kenneally 1981;Priest and Lenz 1999;Young et al. 2002). ...
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Identification of Podaxis species to species-level based on morphology alone is problematic. Thus, species of the genus Podaxis are in dire need of taxonomic and phylogenetic evaluations using molecular data to develop a consensus between morphological taxonomy and more robust molecular analyses. In Mexico, most of the collected specimens of Podaxis have been morphologically identified as Podaxis pistillaris sensu lato and are locally used for its culinary value. In this study, the internal transcribed spacer region of Podaxis specimens from the MEXU fungarium collected between 1948 and 2014 from arid regions of Mexico were sequenced and these collections placed into a molecular phylogenetic framework using Maximum Likelihood analysis. In addition, the ethnomycological use of Podaxis in Mexico (utility, traditional handling, economic importance , etc.) is described by observations, interviews, and sampling of Podaxis species with local people from three areas of the region of the Cañada of Oaxaca, which belongs to the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve. These results indicate that the Mexican Podaxis were divided into two clades. Specimens collected in the northern region showed phylogenetic affinities to clade D, while specimens from the south of Mexico clustered within clade E. Morphological data, such as spore length and width, showed significant differences between the two phylogenetic clades, implying that these clades represent different species. None of the Mexican specimens were found in association with termite mounds, which might indicate an adaptation to desert-like regions. This study provides the first ethnomycological use of Podaxis from Mexico. A peer-reviewed open-access journal MycoKeys Launched to accelerate biodiversity research
... These scientists especially studied in Belgrad forest, Black Sea region, Marmara region, Ilgaz Mountain, Uludağ Mountain etc. Other scientists who studied the macrofungi flora of other regions are Abatay (1983Abatay ( , 1984Abatay ( , 1985Abatay ( , 1988Abatay ( a, 1988; Afyon (1996Afyon ( a, 1996Afyon ( b, 1996Afyon ( c, 1997Afyon ( , 2000; Afyon & Konuk (2002); Afyon et al., (2000); Allı & Işıloğlu (2000); Altan et al., (1986); Asan & Gücin (1990); Aşkun & Işıloğlu (1997); Baydar & Sesli (1994); Demirel (1994Demirel ( , 1996Demirel ( , 1998Demirel ( a, 1998Demirel ( b, 1999; Demirel & Işıloğlu (1993); Demirel & Nacar (2000); Demirel & Öztürk (1993Demirel & Öztürk ( , 1994; Demirel & Uzun (1996); Demirel et al., (2002Demirel et al., ( , 2003; Doğan et al., (2000); Ertan (1992); Gezer & Köse (1999); Gezer (2000); Gücin (1982Gücin ( , 1984Gücin ( , 1987Gücin ( , 1988Gücin ( , 1990Gücin ( , 1991; Gücin et al., (1990Gücin et al., ( , 1995Gücin et al., ( a, 1995; Işıloğlu (1992Işıloğlu ( , 1997Işıloğlu ( , 2001; Işıloğlu & Gücin (1995); Işıloğlu & Öder (1995aIşıloğlu & Öder ( , 1995b; Işıloğlu & Watling (1992); Karamanoğlu & Öder (1973); Kaşık (1994); Kaşık & Öztürk (1995); Kaşık et al., (2000); Kaşık et al., (2001); Kaya (2001); Kotlaba (1976); Niemala & Uotila (1977); Öder (1976, 1980, 1982, 1988a, 1988b); Öner (1972); Öztürk et al., (1990, 2000, 2003); ; Pekşen & Karaca Hatat (2000, 2003; Selik & Sümer (1982); Sesli (1993Sesli ( , 1998Sesli ( , 1999; Solak & Gücin (1990, 1992a; Solak et al., (1999Solak et al., ( , 2002; Stojchev et al., (1998); Sümer (1976Sümer ( , 1977Sümer ( , 1982Sümer ( , 1987; Turkekul (2003); Watling & Gregory (1977); Yıldız & Ertekin (1997); Yılmaz & Öder (1997); ...
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A complete list of 246 species belonging to 23 families of the order Aphyllophorales members which were identified by the authors and other scientists since 1932 in Turkey are presented of the 82 species identified by the authors, 22 species are recorded for the first time for macrofungi flora of Turkey. These are Athelia neuhoffii (Bres.) Donk, Hyphoderma praetermissum (Karst.) Erikss. & Strid, Membranomyces spurius (Bourd.) Jul., Phanerochaete calotrichia (Karst.) Erikss., P. sordida (Karst.) Erikss.& Ryv., Piloderma byssinum (Karst.) Jul., Inonotus tamaricus (Pat.) Maire, Phellinus laevigatus (Fr.) Bourd. & Galz., P. viticola (Schw. ex Fr.) Donk, Asterostroma ochroleucum Bres., Gloeophyllum odoratum (Wulf. ex Fr.) Imazeki, Ischnoderma benzoinum (Wahl. ex Fr.) Karst., Pachyktospora tuberculosa (Fr.) Kotl.& Pouz., Perenniporia medulla-panis (Fr.) Donk, Physisporinus vitreus (Pers. ex Fr.) Donk, Tyromyces placenta (Fr.) Ryv., Ramaria abietina (Pers. ex Fr.) Quel., R. flaccida (Fr.) Ricken, R. gracilis (Pers. ex Fr.) Quel., R. obtusissima (Peck.) Corner, Stereum subtomentosum Pouz. and Thelephora caryophyllea (Schaeff.) Fr. The distribution, localities and reference numbers are given for the listed species in the text. Also, distributions, localities, and collection numbers are given for new records and other identified species by the authors.
... In studies of the mycoflora of Turkey, Baydar and Sesli (1994), Demirel and I §iloglu (1993), Oder (1972), Oner (1972) Oztiirk et al., (1990), Selik (1965), Sesli (1993Sesli ( , 1994, Solak and Giicin (1992), and Watling and Gregory (1977) have collected Cantharellus cibarius Fr., C. ferruginascens Orton., C. infundibuliformis (Scop.) Fr., Craterellus cornucopioides (L.:Fr.) ...
Cantharellus lutescens and Gomphus clavatus are collected for the first time in Turkey. The members of Cantharelloid fungi recorded since the beginning of macrofungal studies in Turkey are given with the collection sites.
... Habitat: groups on litter. Distribution: South Africa (Bottomley 1948), Norway (Eckblad 1955), Panama (Garner 1956), Canada (Bowerman 1961), Ghana (Dring 1964), Belgium (Demoulin 1968, Moyersoen & Demoulin 1996, France (Demoulin 1983), China (Liu 1984), Spain (Calonge 1998), Turkey (Watling & Gregory 1977), Mexico (Guzmán-Dávalos & Guzmán 1979), Brazil (Bononi et al. 1981), Mongolia (Dörfelt & Bumžaa 1986), England (Pegler et al. 1995). ...
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Four species of Bovista and Lycoperdon occurring in Brazil are described: B. aestivalis, L. nigrescens (new record for South America), L. perlatum and L. pyriforme (new record for northeast Brazil). A key for these species and SEM images of spore ornamentation are provided.
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It is well-known that over-harvesting of timber threatens saproxylic fungal diversity. However, quantifying species loss is difficult due to the lack of spatial explicit baseline studies and related continuous temporal investigations. The first step to achieve basic information are systematic inventories in a given area. The Hyrcanian forest is among the most important forest biodiversity hotspots in Iran, which has been added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2019. Therefore, we collected 193 samples of wood-inhabiting fungi based on systematic surveys considering all seasons in Hyrcanian old-growth forests during five years (2016-2021). Species collected belonged to the fungal phylum Basidiomycota (169 species, 99 genera, 48 family and 1 incertae sedis family, 11 orders and 3 classes) and Ascomycota (24 species, 17 genera, 12 family, 6 orders and 4 classes). One collected species fall within the kingdom Protozoa, Lycogala epidendrum . 58 species and 16 genera were new for the Iranian funga; 11 and seven species were new for Gilan and Mazandaran province respectively; 20 species and one genus were new for Golestan province and one genus was a new record for the Hyrcanian forests funga. Our inventory highlights the need for documenting saproxylic fungi and to quantify the diversity in hotspot regions. This inventory might serve as a baseline for further studies to track diversity change due to forest management and climate change and to provide concepts to prevent fungal diversity from future loss.
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The members of Lycoperdaceae, commonly known as puffballs, are widely distributed as saprotrophic fungi. The current taxonomic system of this family has been extensively debated, primarily due to conflicts between morphological based system and the phylogenetics one. In this study, we reconstructed a comprehensive phylogeny of Lycoperdaceae, represented by 96 species across 19 genera, using multiple gene sequences; internal transcribed spacer (ITS), large ribosomal subunit (nrLSU), the second largest RNA polymerase subunit (rpb2), and translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1-α). Additionally, we estimated the divergence times for each taxon, considering it as an additional criterion for taxonomic ranking. Based on updated phylogenetic results and examination of morphological characters, Lycoperdaceae is divided into a total of 19 genera, with a divergence time range of 26.7-75.5 Ma. This includes the identification of five new genera: Fuscospina, Leptocaulis, Lycoperdiscus, Pseudoperdon, and Sinoperdon. Four previously known Lycoperdon s.l. subgenera (Bovistella, Morganella, Utraria and Vascellum) and Bovista subg. Globaria were elevated to the generic level. Moreover, we proposed and described 22 new species and 25 new combinations from the genera Bovista, Calvatia, Globaria and Lycoperdon s.l. Simultaneously, morphological examination revealed key features, such as capillitium types and paracapillitium, which could potentially be informative to delineate species at the generic level. This study enhances the understanding of the phylogeny and evolution of Lycoperdaceae, bridging diversity gaps within Asia and contributing to the global species diversity of Lycoperdaceae.
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List of fungi reported from Golestan National Park located in the easternmost parts of the Iranian Caspian forests is provided in table format. The park is characterized for being a transition zone among the juniper woodlands, the montane, the Hyrcanian forests, and the Artemisia steppes and covers an area of 2750 hectares. In table one list of 79 rust taxa (Uredinales) is provided. These taxt belong to 6 genera and one form-genus. The table also contains host species, locality and related reference(s). Second table (table 2) provide information about other groups of fungi, excluding rusts. This table contains information of 254 fungal taxa mainly belong to Homobasidiomycetes (Basidiomycota), there are also other records about fungi belong to miscellaneous groups of Ascomycota including Erysiphales, Pyrenomycetes, Discomycetes and Loculoascomycetes. The table also contain records of smut fungi and anamorphic ascomycetes. For each taxon, fungal group (Phylum/Class or Order), fungal species, host/substratum and related references is provided. ABBASI, M. 2005. Fungus flora of Golestan National Park. pp. 74-75 & 342-354. In: H. Akhani (ed). The illustrated flora of Golestan National Park, Tehran University Press. Tehran.
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Abstract: The species of Morchella genus can not be collected from nature in every period of the year. Therefore, obtain to this type is not always possible. The fact that the species of the genus is nutritionally tasty makes it very valuable in our country and in the world. In Turkey, it was determined 25 species belonging to the genus of Morchella according to the literature to date. In this study, Morchella steppicola Zerova, which was collected from Kırşehir Province during the field study in March 2018, was identified, and that this fungus, was in the red list for world mushrooms, was detected from a different locality from Turkey for the second time.
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This study was conducted to determine the macrofungal diversity of the gireniz Valley. From 2010 to 2013, 674 samples of macrofungi were collected during field surveys conducted periodically in appropriate ecological conditions. As a result of macroscopic and microscopic studies, a total of 114 macrofungal taxa from the classes Pezizomycetes, Agaricomy-cetes and Tremellomycetes, distributed in 12 orders and 39 families, were determined. Five families, 10 genera and 20 taxa belonging to one order of Pezizomycetes class, 33 families, 57 genera and 93 taxa belonging to 10 orders of Agaricomycetes class and one family, one genus and one taxon belonging to one order of the class Tremellomycetes were identified. it was determined that among 114 macrofungal taxa identified in the study area, 45 were edible, 60 inedible, and nine were poisonous.
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In recent years, food shortage became a major problem due to increase inworld population. Therefore, humanity is looking for faster and easier food productionmethods. In this sense, mushrooms gain importance, due to ease and diversity of recentlycultivated mushrooms. Meanwhile, systematic and physiological studies on fungi, will alsocontribute the production of different fungal species.During field trips, performed between 2006 and 2009, fungi samples, collected fromKefe Hihg Plateau (Denizli) and its environs, were brought to the laboratory after they werephotographed in their habitats. After identification process, samples are kept as fungariummaterials.As a result of the study, 51 taxa belonging to four orders and 15 families withinand, were found to be edible, according to the current literature.
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Bovista (Lycoperdaceae): two new records from Brazil). Two Bovista species occurring in cerrado and caatinga biomes are described: B. Pila Berk. & Curt and B. plumbea Pers. SEM-photographs of spore ornamentation and a key for Brazilian species are provided.
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The desert gastroid mushroom Podaxis pistillaris (L. ex Pers.) Fr. collected from sandy desert habitat in southern Iraq was identified for the first time from this region. A detailed description and photographs are provided in addition to some information on its world distribution and traditional medicinal significances are discussed based on the available literature.
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Eighty one species of larger fungi are recorded from Mediterranean Turkey, many of which are noted for the first time either for Turkey as a whole or the southern region. Notes on the distribution, where appropriate, are added especially for the most significant collections. All the major families of agarics are included in addition to some gasteromycetes, members of the Polyporales, and a few ascomycetes.
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A total of 169 species of macrofungi were determined in Samsun province between 1997 and 2001, of which 19 belonged to the Ascomycota, 149 to the Basidiomycota and one to the Myxomycota. Among these, 51 species were edible, 67 inedible, 28 edible but not worthwhile or best avoided because of possible confusion with poisonous species, and 12 species were poisonous. The edibility of 11 species was unkown.
On the basis of studies of about 100 collections of the groupConocybe mesospora and after comparison of extra-European material we conclude that, within the European representatives of this complex, it is necessary to distinguish nine species and two varieties. Three new species are described:Conocybe subxerophytica Sing. & Hauskn.,C. minima Sing. & Hauskn. andC. roberti Sing. & Hauskn. C. mesospora var.subalpina Sing. is now recognized as an autonomous species, butC. brunneola (Khn. ex)Khn. & Watling is understood as variety ofC. microspora (Velen.)Dennis. C. excedens var.pseudomesospora Sing. & Hauskn. is described as a new variety.C. affinis Sing. is indicated for Europe.C. microsperma Sing. is the new name ofC. microspora (Vel.)Dennis ss.Dennis. A full description of nine taxa of this group is given and a key to 11 taxa occurring in Europe added. Seven taxa are illustrated for the first time with colored photographs. All taxa known to us from other continents and belonging to theC. mesospora group have been compared with the most similar European species or varieties.
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This xerophilic species is recorded for the first time from Brazil, found on sandy soil from cerrado of the State of São Paulo. A description of the macro and microscopic features from mature basidiomata is given. Pictures of the spores under the scanning electron microscope are added.Esta espécie xerófila é registrada pela primeira vez para o Brasil, encontrada em solo arenoso de cerrado do Estado de São Paulo. São fornecidas descrições das características macro e microscópicas a partir de basidiocarpos maduros e adicionalmente, microscopia eletrônica de varredura dos esporos.
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Some xerophyles gasteroid fungi from 'caatinga' vegetation are joined here. Several specimens belonging to four species were identified: Astraeus hygrometricus (Pers.: Pers.) Morg., Myriostoma coliforme (With.: Pers.) Corda, Podaxis pistillaris (L.: Pers.) Fr. emend. Morse and Tulostoma exasperatum Mont. All of these species, except P. pistillaris, represent first records from the caatinga region. Descriptions of macro and microscopic features are given including taxonomic and ecological considerations.
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