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Ribana Roscher, Lukas Drees, Susanne Wenzel
University of Bonn, Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation
We propose sparse representation-based archetypal graphs as
input to spectral clustering for anomaly and change detec-
tion. The graph consists of vertices defined by data samples
and edges which weights are determines by sparse represen-
tation. Besides relationships between all data samples, the
graph also encodes the relationship to extremal points, so-
called archetypes, which leads to an easily interpretable clus-
tering result. We compare our approach to k-means cluster-
ing performed on the original feature representation and to k-
means clustering performed on the sparse representation acti-
vations. Experiments show that our approach is able to deliver
accurate and interpretable results for anomaly and change de-
Index Terms—Sparse representation, spectral clustering,
sparse graphs, anomaly detection, change detection
The task of finding clusters in data sets has been an active
research area for a long time. Especially if the cluster distri-
bution is complex and different clusters cannot be separated
linearly in input space, there is a demand for powerful clus-
tering techniques. Therefore, spectral clustering has become
a popular clustering approach (e.g., [1, 2]), since it often out-
performs conventional cluster algorithms such as k-means or
EM-algorithm. For spectral clustering, singular value decom-
position of a matrix, representing relationships between data
samples, is used to derive the clustering result. One of the key
factors, influencing the performance of spectral clustering,
is the construction of the relationship-encoding graph form
which the matrix is derived. Commonly used approaches
build dense graphs comprising pairwise distances between all
data samples. More efficient sparse graphs comprise pairwise
distances between each sample and its neighbors in a small
neighborhood (e.g., [3]). The authors of [4] propose an alter-
native based on sparse representation, which fulfill the desired
graph characteristics of high discriminating power, sparsity
and an adaptive neighborhood. They show that so-called L1-
sparse graphs achieve a higher accuracy for clustering and for
semi-supervised classification, and its success is also under-
lined by [5].
Our contribution is the introduction of a sparse represen-
tation-based graph as input to spectral clustering, which in-
cludes information about relationships between all data sam-
ples, but also information about the relation to archetypes
(i.e., extremal data samples). Archetypes has been proved
to be suitable representatives of data samples in e.g., [6] and
[7], which can be efficiently extracted using simplex volume
maximization (SiVM, [8]1). Due to the relation of all samples
to archetypes, the approach is able to find a suitable number
of clusters and provides a spectral information which can be
easily interpreted as anomaly in single images or change in
time-series data. In our experiments, we show the suitability
of sparse representation-based graphs for spectral clustering
by means of plant disease symptom detection in a hyperspec-
tral image and by means of a change detection task. These
tasks have already been addressed by approaches using sparse
representation, e.g., [9], [10]), but none of them uses sparse
representation-based graphs.
2.1. Spectral Clustering
Spectral clustering is the task of finding clusters using a spec-
tral decomposition of a matrix, interpretable as graph, de-
rived from the data. In order to represent relationships be-
tween the samples, a weight matrix Wis defined by weights
wnm >0being connections between two samples xnand
xmand wnm = 0, otherwise. We further define the normal-
ized graph Laplacian Lsym =D−
2with L=D−W.
The degree matrix is given by D= diag (Pmwm), where
wmis the m-th row of W. Since spectral decomposition of
the Graph Laplacian is intractable for large matrices, we use
Nystrm approximation[11] to derive a smaller matrix for de-
composition. We use the singular vectors to the smallest sin-
gular values as input to k-means clustering to obtain the final
clustering result.
2.2. Graph Construction with Sparse Representation
In our approach, we follow the work of [4] by designing
a sparse graph in which the estimated sparse coefficients,
computed by a nonnegative least squares optimization, are
used to characterize relationships between data samples
X= [x1,...,xn,...,xN]with Nbeing the number of
samples. We define a directed graph G={X,W}with the
samples Xbeing the vertices and the matrix Wbeing the
edge weights. The graph is constructed in an unsupervised
way using sparse representation, where the activations are
interpreted as weights in the graph.
In terms of sparse coding a sample xnis represented
by a weighted linear combination of a few elements taken
from a (M×(N−1))-dimensional dictionary T, such that
xn=Tαn+γwith kγk2being the reconstruction error.
The dictionary T= [x1,...,xn−1,xn+1 . . . , xN]is embod-
ied by all other samples except xn. The coefficient vector,
comprising the activations, is given by αn, from which we
can derive wm= [α1,...,αn−1,0,αn+1,...,αN], being
the rows of W. The optimization problem for the determina-
tion of optimal ˆαnis given by
ˆαn= argmin kTαn−xnk2,subject to αn0(1)
where the first term is the reconstruction error and the second
term is the non-negativity constraint. Since non-negativity
alone leads to a sufficient sparsity, we do not introduce a fur-
ther sparsity enforcing prior.
Let us call the weight matrix comprising the relationships
between all samples WX. For spectral clustering, we con-
struct the weight matrix W=WXWAby extending WX
by an additional weight matrix WAbased on sparse repre-
sentation on archetypal dictionaries [6]. The weight matrix
WAincludes the independently computed result of (1) of all
samples with archetypes serving as dictionary. Therefore the
relationship between all samples is encoded, but also the rela-
tionship to archetypes leading to an easily interpretable clus-
tering result. More specifically, the cluster assignments of
the archetypes can be related to all samples in the same clus-
ter and thus, each cluster can be interpreted by an expert by
means of its assigned archetype.
3.1. Datasets
3.1.1. Hyperspectral Sugar Beet Plant
We use a hyperspectral image of a plant, cv. Pauletta (KWS,
Einbeck, Germany), which was cultivated for 8 weeks in
a controlled environment in a greenhouse. The plant was
inoculated with Cercospora beticola, the causal agent of
Cercospora leaf spot. We use the hyperspectral pushbroom
sensor unit VISNIR-camera ImSpector V10E (Specim, Oulu,
Finland) with 1600 pixel, observing a spectral signature with
211 spectral bands in the range of 400 −1000 nm. For eval-
uation purposes, we manually annotated disease symptoms.
Due to the error-prone labeling of the exact area of the symp-
toms, we decided to exclude this effect from the analysis by
relying only on the symptom centers which are labeled more
robust. This dataset is used to evaluate our proposed approach
for anomaly detection, where disease symptoms are defined
as anomalies.
3.1.2. The Bastrop Complex Wildfire
This dataset comprises 4 satellite images of size 1534 ×
808 pixel of different sensors acquired over the Bastrop
County, Texas (USA). In September 2011, most of the area
has been destroyed by wildfire. One image acquired by
Landsat 5 TM sensor depicts the area before the event and
three images acquired by Landsat 5 TM, Advanced Land
Imager (ALI) from the EO-1 mission, and Landsat 8 Oper-
ational Land Imager show the area after the event. The data
was collected by NASA Land Processes Distributed Active
Archive Center Program and ground truth is available indi-
cating changed areas [12]. We use this dataset to evaluate our
proposed approach for change detection. Here, it is common
to take the differences of images as input features for cluster-
ing. Instead, for our experiments, we stack all images and use
this as input to our clustering approach, because we found that
spectral clustering with sparse representation-based graphs is
more stable for high dimensional feature spaces. However,
for indicating change only Landsat 5 TM images can be
directly compared.
3.2. Experimental Setup
For our experiments, we construct an archetypal sparse graph
as explained in Section 2. In order to be efficient in deriv-
ing WX, we restrict the dictionary for sparse representation
to the 3000 spatially nearest neighbors. The extraction of
archetypes follows the idea of [13] by using multiple ini-
tial points in order to ensure a complete final set. The fi-
nal number of clusters is fixed to the number of extracted
archetypes for all tested algorithms. We compare our ap-
proach, using spectral clustering on a sparse representation-
based archetypal graph (SCASR), with k-means in original
data representation (k-meansO), and k-means on coeffi-
cients obtained from sparse representation with archetypal
dictionaries (k-meansASR).
For our approach, we define the archetypes as indicator
for change. Please note, that an archetype represents a pixel
in the stacked image at four points in time. An archetype is
supposed to indicate change, if its RMS difference between
the two Landsat 5 TM images, before and after the event, is
higher than a threshold. The threshold is given as the 0.9
quantile value obtained from all archetypes’ Landsat 5 TM
RMS differences. For k-meansO we use the obtained cluster
centers in the same way, as indicators for change.
3.3. Results
Fig. 2 shows the obtained results for the hyperspectral plant
dataset. By visual inspection, it can be seen that our approach
SCASR is able to find different clusters for healthy plant parts,
specular reflections, leaf veins and disease symptoms. More
precisely, it is able to cluster two types of disease symptoms
(blue and red areas in Fig. 2 (d) and (h)), which are assigned
to two disease archetypes, illustrated in Fig. 1. However, also
the leaf borders are assigned to disease symptom, resulting
from erroneous measurements similar to the spectra of dis-
ease symptoms. In contrast to this, k-meansO is not able
Fig. 1. Left: Spectrum of healthy plant; Middle and right:
Two spectra of disease symptoms, which were identified by
archetypal analysis.
to cluster disease symptoms. The approach k-meansASR
detects disease symptoms, however it assigns only one clus-
ter to all of them. Moreover, it gives less smooth results and
noisy detections for some disease symptoms in comparison
to SCASR. After a visual inspection of the archetypes and a
manual assignment to specific archetypes to disease symp-
toms, a comparison with our annotation yield 163 out of 173
(94.2%) detected disease symptoms for SCASR and 137 out
of 173 (79.2%) for k-meansASR.
Fig. 3 shows the result for the Bastrop fire dataset. By
visual inspection, all three approaches are able to distin-
guish most of the areas affected and not affected by fire by
assigning different cluster sets to both areas. That means,
that the cluster centers detected by k-means as well as the
obtained archetypes are able to describe clusters for change.
However, a comparison of change gives significant differ-
ences. Although k-meansO delivers multiple clusters which
could be assigned to change, some parts are missing and
are thus, assigned to clusters defined by no change. For
SCASR, the region affected by fire is clearly visible and less
effected by noise. A qualitative comparison to the ground
truth yielded a kappa coefficient of 0.61 for k-meansO,
0.49 for k-meansASR and 0.80 for SCASR, which under-
lines that our approach is suitable for change detection with
limited manual input. We tested various quantile values to
decide on indicators for change, but for k-meansO as well
as k-meansASR a decrease of the quantile value led to an
increase of falsely detected change.
We propose a novel design for a directed graph as input to
spectral clustering. The graph is designed using sparse repre-
sentation, which includes information about relationships be-
tween all data samples, but also information about the relation
to archetypes. Our experiments confirm that the clustering re-
sult yield discriminative and interpretable clusters for the task
of change detection and anomaly detection. Our approach can
also be used for multi-sensoral datasets, since the archetypes
are interpretable by experts.
The authors would like to thank Jan Behmann and Anne-
Katrin Mahlein for providing the hyperspectral image data
and helpful conversations. The Bastrop data is available from
the U.S. Geological Survey (
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(a) (b) (c) (d)
(e) (f) (g) (h)
Fig. 2. Results obtained for hyperspectral plant dataset. (a) Image data, (e) Image data, detail, (b) and (f) Clustering result with
k-means on original representation, (c) and (g) Clustering result with k-means on sparse representation coefficients, (d) and (h)
Spectral clustering result on a sparse representation-based archetypal graph. Colors are arbitrary and indicate assignment to
clusters. Therefore, they are not related between the images.
(a) (b) (c)
(d) (e) (f)
(g) (h) (i)
Fig. 3. Results obtained for the Bastrop fire dataset. (a) Image data pre-event, (b) Image data post-event, (c) Ground-truth
information for change, (d) Clustering result with k-means on original representation, (e) Clustering result with k-means on
sparse representation coefficients, (f) Spectral clustering result on a sparse representation-based archetypal graph, (g) Detected
change using k-means on original representation, (h) Detected change using k-means on sparse representation coefficients, (i)
Detected change using spectral clustering result.