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Vegetation of the Auas-Oanob Conservancy in the Khomas Hochland of Namibia


Abstract and Figures

The Auas-Oanob Conservancy is situated in the very rugged, botanically highly diverse Khomas Hochland in central Namibia. A number of vegetation-related studies have been undertaken in this highland before, but none covering the full extent of the conservancy, and with different interpretations of the syntaxonomy of the vegetation. The current study aimed to describe and map the vegetation of the conservancy for practical management purposes. A total of 229 relevés were compiled within the conservancy, and 72 relevés from other studies (falling either within the conservancy, or the nearby Auas Mountain range) were added. The data was classified with a Modified TWINSPAN. Three large groups were identified: (a) the high-altitude veld of the Auas Mountain range, with three associations being recognised on the basis of altitude and aspect; (b) the lowlands and valley veld with five associations, and (c) the Khomas Hochland veld with five associations. These 13 associations are described, mapped and compared to descriptions of the vegetation in the vicinity of the conservancy. A suggested higher-order syntaxonomy, with three orders, one subdivided into two alliances, is suggested. This higher-order syntaxonomy needs to be further investigated, taking into account vegetation descriptions of the greater Khomas Hochland. The high-altitude veld of the Auas Mountain range has a unique composition with high degree of endemisim and a sub-alpine character. Due to it's restricted range, there is a n urgent need for formal protetction. Two associations within the lowland and valley veld are under threat, being the Platycarphella carlinoides—Chloris virgata association of the omiramba (erosion) and the Schmidtia kalahariensis—Acacia erioloba association in the bottom lands at Omeya (development). Bush encroachment is a general threat to various upland associations.
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The Namibian Journal of Environment is a scientific e-journal published by the
Environmental Information Service, Namibia for the Ministry of Environment
and Tourism, the Namibian Chamber of Environment and the Namibia
University of Science and Technology.
The Namibian Journal of Environment (NJE) covers broad environmental areas of ecology, agriculture, forestry,
agro-forestry, social science, economics, water and energy, climate change, planning, land use, pollution, strategic
and environmental assessments and related fields. The journal addresses the sustainable development agenda of
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includes primary research findings, syntheses and reviews, testing of hypotheses, in basic, applied and theoretical
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ISSN: 2026-8327 (online). Articles in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
SECTION A: Peer-reviewed papers
Recommended citation format:
Strohbach BJ (2017) Vegetation of the Auas-Oanob
Conservancy in the Khomas Hochland of Namibia.
Namibian Journal of Environment 1 A: 19-42.
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
Vegetation of the Auas-Oanob Conservancy in the Khomas Hochland of
BJ Strohbach
Published online: (to be completed by editor)
Faculty of Natural Resources and Spatial Sciences, Namibia University of Science and Technology,
P/Bag 13388, Windhoek, Namibia.
Date received: 30th June 2017; Date accepted 24th October 2017.
The Auas-Oanob Conservancy is situated in the very rugged, botanically highly diverse Khomas Hochland in
central Namibia. A number of vegetation-related studies have been undertaken in this highland before, but none
covering the full extent of the conservancy, and with different interpretations of the syntaxonomy of the vegetation.
The current study aimed to describe and map the vegetation of the conservancy for practical management
purposes. A total of 229 relevés was compiled within the conservancy, and 72 relevés from other studies (falling
either within the conservancy, or the nearby Auas Mountain range) were added. The data were classified with a
Modified TWINSPAN. Three large groups were identified: (a) the high-altitude veld of the Auas Mountain range,
with three associations being recognised on the basis of altitude and aspect; (b) the lowlands and valley veld with
five associations, and (c) the Khomas Hochland veld with five associations. These 13 associations are described,
mapped and compared to descriptions of the vegetation in the vicinity of the conservancy. A higher-order
syntaxonomy, with three orders, one subdivided into two alliances, is suggested. This higher-order syntaxonomy
needs to be further investigated, taking into account vegetation descriptions of the greater Khomas Hochland. The
high-altitude veld of the Auas Mountain range has a unique composition with a high degree of endemisim and a
sub-alpine character. Due to its restricted range, there is an urgent need for formal protection. Two associations
within the lowland and valley veld are under threat, being the Platycarphella carlinoides - Chloris virgata association
of the omiramba (erosion) and the Schmidtia kalahariensis - Acacia erioloba association in the bottom lands at
Omeya (development). Bush encroachment is a general threat to various upland associations.
Keywords: Auas Mountains; freehold conservancies; Highland Savannah; Khomas Hochland; phytosociology;
vegetation classification; Namibia
The Auas-Oanob Conservancy consists of a cluster of freehold (commercial) farms south and
south-west of Windhoek (Figure 1a), with a total area of 105 644 ha (Shaw & Marker 2010).
The farms are used mainly for cattle farming, but horse breeding, game farming, hunting and
ecotourism are also practised. In forming a freehold conservancy, the owners subscribe to the
principle of "... a legally protected area of a group of land-occupiers practicing co-operative
management based on a sustainable utilisation strategy, promotion of the conservation of
natural resources and wildlife, and the desire to reinstate the original biodiversity with the basic
goal of sharing resources amongst all members" (Shaw & Marker 2010). With more than 88%
of all wildlife in Namibia occurring outside national parks, it was deemed necessary to form
such conservancies to aid in the protection and sustainable utilisation of this renewable natural
resource (NACSO 2010, Shaw & Marker 2010).
The Auas-Oanob Conservancy is situated in the Khomas Hochland (‘Khomas Highland’, often
referred to as the ‘Central Highlands’) in central Namibia. This very rugged, high altitude
(reaching 2,000 m asl) landscape was formed through extensive faulting and erosion of the
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
soft schists of the Damara Sequence, and forms a broad south-west to north-east oriented
band through central Namibia (Swart & Marais 2009). The ruggedness of the landscape gives
rise to a plethora of habitats, which, in turn, result in a high diversity of plant and animal species
(Craven 2001, Mendelsohn et al. 2002). Giess (1998) referred to the vegetation of this
landscape as the 'Highland savannah'.
To date, three studies have been undertaken to describe portions of this Highland savannah
vegetation type: (a) Volk and Leippert (1971) studied the farms Binsenheim and Voigtland to
the south-east and east of Windhoek; (b) Kellner (1986) reported on the Daan Viljoen Game
Reserve, as well as portions of the farms Claratal and Bergvlug (west, south-west and east of
Windhoek) and (c) Burke and Wittneben (2007) investigated the Auas Mountain range south
of Windhoek. Burke and Wittneben (2007) give an overview of composition and structure of
the high-altitude Auas Mountain range vegetation, but provide no formal classification. Both
Volk and Leippert (1971) and Kellner (1986) provide phytosociological descriptions of the
vegetation at lower elevations in similar habitats, however, they differ in interpretation and
syntaxonomy of the vegetation. Kellner (1986) describes the vegetation of the northern part of
the farm Claratal as dominated by the Acacia hereroensis - Brachiaria nigropedata
This is the only part of the Auas-Oanob Conservancy that has an existing description of the
This study aims at describing and mapping the vegetation of the entire Auas-Oanob
Conservancy in order to serve as baseline information for the management of this important
Topography and geology
The Lichtenstein Mountains, which form a southern extension of the Auas Mountain range,
dominate the landscape of the central-eastern part of the conservancy. The highest peaks of
the Lichtenstein mountains rise to 2 400 m, whereas the Molkteblick, as highest peak in the
Auas Mountains, rises to 2 450 m (Jarvis et al. 2008). To the east, these taper out into the
Omeya valley, which is closed in the far south-east of the study area by the Oamites Mountain.
To the west of the Lichtenstein Mountains, an undulating plateau forms the upper catchment
of the Oanob River. This catchment is characterised by a number of omiramba (flat
watercourses without discernable gradients - King 1963, Strohbach 2008), which feed into the
endoreic Oanob river. The Oanob plateau ends in the north-west along the watershed to the
Kuiseb valley, which forms the typical moderately steep to steep mountainous highland of the
Khomas Hochland. To the south and south-west of the Oanob plateau, the mountainous
highland of the Khomas Hochland sets in again, less steeply, forming a rolling landscape.
The geology is dominated by various formations of the Damara Sequence. The Oanob plateau
and adjacent Kuiseb catchment are formed by highly erodible quartz-biotite ('mica') schists of
the Kuiseb Formation (Geological Survey 1980, South African Committee for Stratgraphy
1980). The Auas Mountains and Lichtenstein Mountains form a band of the Auas Formation,
which consists of interbedded layers of quartzite. To the south of the Auas Formation is an
extensive band of the Chuos Formation, bounded by a narrow band of the Kudis Subgroup.
Both these formations are also characterised by schists, whilst the Chuos Formation contains
a variety of other lithological layers (South African Committee for Stratigraphy 1980). The Aris
/ Omeya valley is underlain by gneisses and schists of the Hohewarte Complex, which is to
Recent name changes to the genus Acacia (Kyalangalilwa et al. 2013) have not been recognised by prevailing
taxonomic literature in Namibia (Klaassen & Kwembeya 2013). To avoid confusion, also in reference to older
vegetation descriptions, the name Acacia is thus used throughout this paper. Alternative names are provided in
the appendices.
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
the south, overlain by quaternary alluvial deposits (South African Committee for Stratigraphy
1980). In the far south, the Oamites mountain forms part of the Billstein Formation,
characterised by grey quartzites and acidic igneous rocks (South African Committee for
Stratigraphy 1980).
Figure 1a (above): Altitude and topography of the study area. 1b (below): Geological formations of the study area.
Data sources: background image: LandSat TM scene path 178 row 076 band 7, dated 4 May 2001; Auas-Oanob
Conservancy boundaries: “Environmental Information Service Namibia” (2014); DEM for altitude map: Jarvis et al.
(2008); rainfall isohyets and rivers: (NARIS 2001); geological information: Geological Survey (1980).
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
The climate of the Auas-Oanob Conservancy can best be described as a subtropical steppe
climate (BS), following Köppen (1936). The mean annual rainfall ranges from below 300 mm
in the far south-west to about 350 mm in the north-east (Figure 1a). No information is available
on the orographic effect of the high mountain ranges on the precipitation, but it is expected to
be considerable. Temperatures can rise to about 36° C in summer, whilst frost can be
expected during the winter months from May till as late as October (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Climate diagram following the convention of Walter et al. (1975) and wind rose of Claratal within the
Auas-Oanob Conservancy. Data source: SASSCAL (2014).
Field survey
Surveying followed the general method employed for the Vegetation Survey of Namibia project
(Strohbach 2001, 2014). Sampling of 229 plots throughout the study area took place during
April 2000 and again in April 2002. At each survey plot of 20 x 50 m, a Braun-Blanquet type
relevé was compiled. All vascular plant species occurring were noted down, as well as their
typical growth forms and estimated crown cover. Habitat descriptors included: the position, by
way of a GPS-reading (referenced to Schwarzeck), the landscape, local topography, slope
and aspect, lithology, degradation indicators, as well as a photograph. Unknown species and
reference specimens were collected, identified and deposited at the National Herbarium of
Namibia (WIND). The relevé data were captured on TurboVeg (Hennekens & Schaminée
2001). The data form part of GIVD AF-NA-001 (Dengler et al. 2011, Strohbach & Kangombe
2012). Two further sets of data were available for the northern part of the conservancy: 19
relevés compiled by Kellner (1986) on the farm Claratal (also part of GIVD AF-NA-001), as
well as 19 relevés from the Claratal BIOTA observatory (Jürgens et al. 2010, forming part of
AF-00-003 - Muche et al. 2012), collected in 2005 by the author of this paper. As the high
Lichtenstein mountains form a southern extension of the Auas mountain range, 34 relevés
available as part of GIVD AF-NA-001 from Burke and Wittneben (2007), collected in 2004 in
the Auas mountains, were also included in the extended data set.
Essential differences in data collecting were as follows: Kellner (1986) collected his relevés
on a 625 m2 plot (25 x 25 m). His original field notes were not available: the data were captured
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
from phytosociological tables. No GPSs were available at the time of collecting, meaning that
the exact location of his sample plots is unknown. Burke and Wittneben (2007) collected their
relevés on undefined plots, essentially a short transect, along an altitudinal gradient (Burke
2017, pers. com.). This was necessary due to the extremely steep and rough terrain. GPS
positions for the start of each transect are known, and the habitat descriptions followed largely
the standards of the Vegetation Survey. Missing habitat data (e.g. geology) could be extracted
from GPS sources based on the GPS position. The Claratal BIOTA observatory relevés were
collected on 20 x 50 m plots, following the standards of the Vegetation Survey of Namibia
project. The only difference is that their position was predetermined, and the plots strictly
oriented in an east-west direction. This results in an occasional mixture of habitats. In this way
one of the original 20 relevés from the observatory had to be excluded. To avoid observer
bias, data were cleaned before processing following methods described by Strohbach (2014).
The final, extended data set consists of 301 relevés, with 514 species.
Data analysis
Modified TWINSPAN (Roleček et al. 2009), using average Sørensen dissimilarity as diversity
measure, was used for classification. For the first classification, pseudospecies cut levels were
set at 0 and 10% since many species occurred widely spread, but abundance was low outside
their typical niche habitats. Crispness values (Botta-Dukát et al. 2005) for this first
classification indicated a highly reliable subdivision into three clusters. Due to highly varying
internal diversity within each cluster, it was necessary to split the data set into three subsets,
and classify each subset separately. These three subsets represent (a) the high-altitude
mountain veld of the Auas range, (b) the lowlands and valley habitats and (c) the upland
Khomas Hochland veld.
The three subsets were further classified as follows: For the first cluster (high mountain veld
of the Auas range), best results were achieved without the use of pseudospecies.
Classification procedures were stopped with four subdivisions based on crispness values
(Botta-Dukát et al. 2005). Pseudospecies (set at 0 and 10%) were utilised in the classification
of the subsequent two data sets. Classification of the second subset was stopped, again based
on crispness values, after five subdivisions. However, especially the riparian vegetation
proved to be ill-defined. For this reason, Cocktail (Bruelheide & Flintrop 1994) was utilised to
select relevés with a combination of Ziziphus mucronata, Searsia lancea, Cynodon dactylon
and a high abundance of Acacia karroo, based on a description by Kellner (1986).
Classification of the third subset was stopped after three subdivisions, as these represented
the best ecologically interpretable results. However, rocky outcrops, highlighted by both Volk
and Leippert (1972) and Kellner (1986) as distinctly different from the vegetation of the rolling
hills of the Khomas Hochland, were not defined at all. Cocktail (Bruelheide & Flintrop 1994)
was thus employed to select 11 relevés from cluster 2 to define a new group based on the
occurrence of Manuleopsis dinteri, Triraphis rammosissioma, Pennisetum foermeranum and
Ozoroa crassinervia. Furthermore, during field work it was observed that the vegetation of the
far south-western uplands subtly changed to a more xeric form, with Panicum arbusculum
replacing Brachiaria nigropedata. This trend was subsequently confirmed with further field
work to the west and south of the present study area, but did not reflect in the present
classification of the third data subset (uplands of the Khomas Hochland). Therefore, Cocktail
(Bruelheide & Flintrop 1994) was again employed to define a new group based on the
presence of Aizoon schellenbergii, Aptosimum albomarginatum, Panicum arbusculum and
Hibiscus discophorus. Seven relevés were selected this way from group four and made into
an additional group five.
Diagnostic species were determined using the phi co-efficient of association (Chytrý et al.
2002). For this calculation the numbers of relevés were standardised following Tichý and
Chytrý (2006). Species with phi ≥ 40 were considered as diagnostic and with phi ≥ 60 as highly
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
diagnostic; however, species with a non-significant fidelity at α = 0.05 using Fisher’s exact test
were omitted. Species occurring with at least a 60% frequency were regarded as constant and
with at least an 80% frequency as highly constant.
The average structure for each grouping (i.e. average tree, shrub, dwarf shrub, perennial
grass, annual grass and herb cover) was calculated using the available growth form data. The
Shannon Index (as an index of evenness) (H' = -Σ pi ln pi) and Simpson's Index (as an index
of dominance) (D = Σ(n/N)2 (Peet 1974) were calculated for each relevé using Juice (Tichý et
al. 2011). For the species density (number of species per 1,000 m2), the relevé data from
Kellner (1986) were excluded, as these were sampled on 625 m2 plots (25 x 25 m), not 1,000
m2 plots as all other relevés.
A Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling ordination (NMS) (Kruskal 1964) was calculated with
PC-ORD version 6.08 (McCune et al. 2002). The data set was reduced by removing the data
from Kellner (1986), as these had the most incomplete habitat data, and no lat/long localities
to derive data from GIS sources (e.g. altitude, annual precipitation, slope, etc.) The resulting
database had 282 relevés with 14 environmental factors, in addition to the classification
results. Average Sørensen dissimilarity was used as distance measure, and the ordination
was calculated in three dimensions (i.e. three resulting axes), based on an initial scree plot of
stress versus dimensions (McCune et al. 2002, Peck 2010). The solutions were calculated
with 250 iterations using real data. To aid the interpretation of the resulting scatter plots of the
ordination results, the environmental parameters were overlain in a joint plot.
Mapping was performed using a Landsat 7 ETM satellite scene path 178 row 076, dated 4
May 2001. The satellite image was clipped to an area slightly larger than the study area before
further processing. This clip was imported into the Definiens software package (Definiens
2006) and segmented into relatively homogenous areas. The segments were classified using
the classified sample sites as ground truth data. In a final step, the resulting shape file was
clipped according to the farm boundaries and areas for each landscape calculated using the
QGIS 2.4.0 Chugiak software package (QGIS 2014).
Classification results
The classification results are depicted in Figure 3 as a dendrogram.
Observer bias could not be detected, with relevés from various data sources being classified
in eight of 13 associations (Table 1). No outlying groups (which is a tell-tale indication of
observer bias) could be detected (Figure 6a) (Edwards 2000, Strohbach 2014). It needs to be
remembered that Burke and Wittneben (2007) focused specifically on the High Mountain Veld,
and their relevés thus dominate the classification results of those associations. Conversely,
two of their relevés classified into the Khomas Hochland Veld, representing the foothills to the
High Mountain Veld. Also, Kellner's focus (1986) was specifically on the Khomas Hochland
part of Claratal, and his relevés were accordingly classified into the associations of the
Khomas Hochland Veld.
The full phytosociological table is presented as downloadable online Appendix 1, the synoptic
table as downloadable online Appendix 2. The classification yielded 13 associations in three
higher-order syntaxa, one with two subassociations. The associations are not described
formally according to the International Code for Phytosociological Nomenclature (ICPN)
(Weber et al. 2000), pending further descriptions of the vegetation of the greater Khomas
Hochland as well as a review of the syntaxonomy of these. Within the description, highly
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
diagnostic species (with phi coefficient >60) and highly constant species (occurring in more
than 80% or relevés) are indicated in bold.
Table 1: Overview of classification results, indicating the source of relevé data on which the description of
associations is based.
Veld type
(no of relevés)
Data source
Kellner (1986)
Burke &
(Jürgens et al.
1. High Mountain
1.1 (8)
1.2 (10)
1.3 (19)
2. Lowlands and
valley habitats
2.1 (12)
2.2 (6)
2.3 (9)
2.4 (8)
2.5 (16)
3. Khomas
Hochland Veld
3.1 (12)
3.2 (13)
3.3 (99)
3.4 (80)
3.5 (9)
1 Digitaria eriantha - Osyris lanceolata high mountain veld
Provisionally recognised at the level of an alliance, the high mountain veld (above 2,000 m
asl) represents a unique cluster of associations related to high altitudes. Three associations,
one with two subassociations related to aspect, were recognised.
1.1 Eriocephalus dinteri - Danthoniopsis ramosa high altitude mountain veld of the
south-facing slopes
A total of eight relevés has been classified into this association. It is characterised by the
diagnostic species Eriocephalus dinteri, Jamesbrittenia pallida, Cheilanthes hirta,
Selago alopecuroides, Frankenia pomonensis, Leucas glabrata, Senecio inaequidens,
Namacodon schinzianum, Eragrostis rigidior and Tagetes minuta. These are constantly
associated with Hypoestes forskaolii, Digitaria eriantha, Danthoniopsis ramosa, Oxalis
purpurascens, Tarchonanthus camphoratus, Eragrostis scopelophila and Eragrostis
nindensis. A total of 47 species has been observed in this association, with, on average, 27
species per 1,000 m2.
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
Figure 3: Dendrograms depicting the classification results. (a) subset 1, representing the high Auas mountain
vegetation; (b) subset 2, representing the vegetation of the lowlands and valleys, and (c) subset 3, representing
vegetation of the uplands of the Khomas Hochland.
This association occurs on the upper southern slopes of the Auas mountain range, from about
2,150 m upwards. The southern slopes are extremely steep (> 50°), often with steep cliff faces.
The relatively high shrub cover, mostly confined to rock crevices, and the virtual lack of annual
grass species are conspicuous (Figure 4a).
1.2 Danthoniopsis ramosa - Olea europaea high altitude mountain veld of the north-
facing slopes
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
Ten relevés have been classified into this association. It is characterised by the diagnostic
species Selago angustibractea, Lopholaena cneorifolia, Cheilanthes multifida,
Adromischus species, Jamesbrittenia lyperioides, Eriocephalus scariosus, Babiana
hypogea, Anthospermum species, Cineraria canescens, Calostephane marlothiana,
Hypoxis iridifolia, Felicia muricata, Wahlenbergia denticulata, Tristachya superba, Silene
burchellii var. burchellii, Helichrysum obtusum, Gladiolus saccatus, Crassula capitella subsp.
nodulosa, Monsonia burkeana, Euphorbia spartaria, Thesium lacinulatum, Brachiaria serrata,
Ebracteola montis-moltkei and Cotyledon orbiculata. These are constantly associated with
Tarchonanthus camphoratus, Acacia hereroensis, Hypoestes forskaolii, Digitaria eriantha,
Danthoniopsis ramosa and Chascanum pinnatifidum. A total of 88 species has been observed
in this association, with an average of 48 species per 1,000 m2.
This association occurs on the upper northern slopes of the Auas mountain range, again from
2,200 m upwards. The slopes are very steep, flattening off near the mountain peak (but never
forming a 'flat' plateau). The soil surface is rock-strewn, with a 50 80% cover of blocky rock
boulders. With increasing altitude, the shrub layer (up to 3 m high) recedes and the vegetation
becomes dominated by grasses (Burke & Wittneben 2007) (Figures 4b and 5a).
1.3 Acacia hereroensis - Tarchonanthus camphoratus mid-altitude mountain veld
A total of 19 relevés has been classified into this association. It is characterised by the
diagnostic species Anthephora pubescens, Kyphocarpa angustifolia, Heteropogon
contortus, Combretum apiculatum subsp. apiculatum subsp. apiculatum, Ziziphus
mucronata, Andropogon chinensis, Brachiaria nigropedata, Schmidtia pappophoroides,
Microchloa caffra, Phyllanthus pentandrus, Hibiscus sulfuranthus, Dombeya rotundifolia,
Talinum caffrum, Cenchrus ciliaris, Geigeria ornativa, Hibiscus pusillus, Fingerhuthia africana,
Dyschoriste pseuderecta, Oxygonum species and Eragrostis echinochloidea. These are
constantly associated with Tarchonanthus camphoratus, Acacia hereroensis, Pellaea
calomelanos, Hypoestes forskaolii, Eragrostis scopelophila, Eragrostis nindensis,
Searsia marlothii, Digitaria eriantha and Commelina africana. A total of 125 species has been
observed in this association, with, on average, 47 species per 1,000 m2.
The Acacia hereroensis - Tarchonanthus camphoratus association occurs on the mid-slopes
of the Auas mountain range, at a mean altitude from 2,000 - 2,250 m asl. The slopes are steep
to very steep (up to 50°), but less rock-strewn than at higher altitudes (rock and large stone
cover each up to 40%). Gravel cover on these slopes becomes more prominent, also up to
40%. The association can be subdivided into two subassociations based on aspect.
1.3.1 Acacia hereroensis - Tarchonanthus camphoratus - elephanthorrhiza suffruticosa
mountain veld of the northern slopes
A total of seven relevés has been classified into this subassociation. It is characterised by the
diagnostic species Elephantorrhiza suffruticosa, Vigna frutescens, Eragrostis porosa,
Elephantorrhiza elephantina, Trochomeria macrocarpa, Solanum delagoense, Albuca
species, Cyperus margaritaceus, Tephrosia rhodesica, Sida chrysantha, Evolvulus
alsinoides, Ipomoea holubii, Lantana dinteri, Montinia caryophyllacea, Lycium eenii,
Dicoma macrocephala, Stipagrostis uniplumis var. uniplumis, Dipcadi glaucum and Ipomoea
obscura var. obscura. These are constantly associated with Tarchonanthus camphoratus,
Searsia marlothii, Pellaea calomelanos, Melinis repens subsp. repens, Hypoestes
forskaolii, Heteropogon contortus, Eragrostis scopelophila, Eragrostis nindensis,
Commelina africana, Brachiaria nigropedata, Acacia hereroensis, Digitaria eriantha and
Chascanum pinnatifidum. A total of 105 species has been observed in this subassociation,
with, on average, 58 species per 1,000 m2.
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
This subassociation occurs on the northern slopes of the Auas Mountain range. Shrub cover
is relatively low, forming an open shrubland between 2 - 3 m high. The perennial grass cover
is variable, but can reach more than 50% (Burke & Wittneben 2007) (Figure 4c).
1.3.2 Acacia hereroensis - Tarchonanthus camphoratus - Monelytrum luederitzianum
mountain veld of the southern slopes
A total of 12 relevés has been classified into this subassociation. It is characterised by the
diagnostic species Monelytrum luederitzianum, Thesium xerophyticum, Bidens
biternata, Raphionacme velutina, Phyllanthus species, Melinis repens subsp. grandiflora,
Eragrostis lehmanniana, Solanum capense, Pogonarthria squarrosa, Hermannia affinis,
Drimia sanguinea and Aristida effusa. These are constantly associated with Tarchonanthus
camphoratus, Acacia hereroensis, Pellaea calomelanos, Melinis repens subsp. repens,
Hypoestes forskaolii, Eragrostis scopelophila, Eragrostis nindensis, Digitaria eriantha,
Searsia marlothii, Solanum lichtensteinii and Anthephora pubescens. A total of 104 species
has been observed in this subassociation, with, on average, 40 species per 1,000 m2.
This subassociation occurs on the southern and western mid-slopes of the Auas Mountain
range including the Lichtenstein mountains. Shrub cover is denser than on the upper reaches,
forming a moderately closed, tall shrubland. Grass cover is less variable, from 50 to 60%
cover, but occasionally even reaching 70% cover (Figures 4d and 5b).
2. Lowlands and valley habitats
The vegetation of the lowlands, particularly the riverine vegetation, alluvial plains of the Omeya
valley as well as the foot slopes of the Khomas Hochland form a mixture of vegetation types,
which cannot all logically be associated with a clear, single syntaxon. Five associations have
been identified here as follows:
2.1 Acacia karroo - Cynodon dactylon riparian vegetation
Twelve relevés have been classified into this association. It is characterised by the diagnostic
species Gomphocarpus fruticosus, Cynodon dactylon, Ziziphus mucronata, Achyranthes
aspera var. sicula, Searsia lancea, Felicia muricata and Acacia karroo. These are constantly
associated with Bidens biternata, Tagetes minuta, Chloris virgata, Cenchrus ciliaris and
Schkuhria pinnata. A total of 127 species has been observed in this association, with an
average of 39 species per 1,000 m2.
This association typically occurs as a moderately closed bushland to sub-continuous thicket
sensu Edwards (1983), dominated by Acacia karroo, Ziziphus mucronata and Searsia lancea
trees between 8 to 15 m high along the banks of ephemeral rivers both within the steeper
Khomas Hochland landscapes as well as the flatter plains landscapes (Figure 4e and 5c). The
herbaceous layer is often dominated by weedy (often annual) and/or shade-loving species. As
this association occurs along riverbeds, seeds and other propagules from other, nearby
associations are often washed in, resulting in a highly diverse species composition. In this
way, even typical sand bank species like Stipagrostis namaquensis and Schmidtia
kalahariensis (which are not known shade species) occur here occasionally.
2.2 Stipagrostis namaquensis sand banks
Six relevés have been classified into this association. It is characterised by the diagnostic
species Stipagrostis namaquensis, Felicia clavipilosa, Indigofera alternans,
Hermbstaedtia odorata and Melianthus comosus. These are constantly associated with
Acacia karroo, Pogonarthria fleckii, Bulbostylis hispidula, Bidens biternata and Acrotome
species. A total of 38 species has been observed in this association, with, on average, 21
species per 1,000 m2.
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
This association occurs within the river bed on sand banks that are stable enough to support
a fairly dense grass layer, but frequently threatened by flash floods, so that only a few trees
become established. Acacia karroo is thus a typical pioneer species in this community,
occurring mostly only as juvenile plants or small shrubs. The structure is typically a tall,
moderately-closed grassland sensu Edwards (1983) (Figure 4f and 5d).
2.3 Platycarphella carlinoides - Chloris virgata floodplains and omiramba
A total of nine relevés was classified into this association. It is characterised by the diagnostic
species Hypertelis salsoloides, Tragus berteronianus, Talinum caffrum, Oxalis
depressa, Tragus racemosus, Monsonia angustifolia, Eragrostis pilgeriana, Aptosimum
glandulosum, Platycarphella carlinoides, Talinum arnotii, Digitaria eriantha, Pentzia incana,
and Eragrostis nindensis. These are constantly associated with Kyllinga alata, Ursinia nana,
Pogonarthria fleckii, Eragrostis echinochloidea, Chloris virgata, Mollugo cerviana, Melinis
repens subsp. grandiflora, Geigeria pectidea, Eragrostis porosa, Commelina benghalensis
and Acacia karroo. A total of 109 species has been observed in this association, with, on
average, 43 species per 1,000 m2.
This association is found in the shallow drainage systems (omiramba) within the Oanob
plateau. These end in rivers and tributary streams of the Oanob River. Typically, they are
dominated by a dense, tall grass sward consisting of a combination of annual and perennial
species (Figure 4g and 5e). Occasional tree clumps (Acacia karroo and/or Acacia erioloba)
indicate the close relationship to the riverine system, in particular the Cynodon dactylon -
Acacia karroo riverine woodlands. The soils are fine-grained with virtually no stone cover.
2.4 Pupalia lappacea - Acacia mellifera bush-encroached lowlands
A total of eight relevés has been classified into this association. It is characterised by the
diagnostic species Boscia albitrunca, Gisekia africana, Phyllanthus pentandrus, Pupalia
lappacea, Senecio consanguineus, Citrullus lanatus, Acacia mellifera subsp. detinens,
Otoptera burchellii, Melolobium macrocalyx, Catophractes alexandri, Albizia anthelmintica and
Phaeoptilum spinosum. These are constantly associated with Pogonarthria fleckii, Mollugo
cerviana, Lycium bosciifolium, Schmidtia kalahariensis, Oxygonum species, Ocimum
americanum var. americanum, Nidorella resedifolia, Lycium eenii, Eragrostis porosa,
Commelina benghalensis, Acrotome species and Acacia erioloba. A total of 109 species has
been observed in this association, with, on average, 41 species per 1,000 m2.
This association occurs in various habitats, often on footslopes of the mountainous highland
of the Khomas Hochland, in patches on the Oanob plateau as well as in the undulating
landscape of the southern Khomas Hochland. Several large expanses of this vegetation type
are visible along the main road (B1) between Windhoek and Rehoboth near the Oamites
Mountain, as well as along the C26. These tall, moderately closed shrublands are dominated
by Acacia mellifera subsp. detinens and Catophractes alexandri, with Leucosphaera bainesii
conspicuous in the understorey. The grass layer is generally very weakly developed, with a
variety of herbaceous, often weedy, species (Figure 4h and 5f).
2.5 Schmidtia kalahariensis - Acacia erioloba woodlands of the Omeya valley
A total of 16 relevés has been classified into this association. It is characterised by the
diagnostic species Hypertelis bowkeriana, Nidorella resedifolia, Helichrysum
candolleanum, Ifloga glomerata, Geigeria ornativa, Eragrostis cylindriflora, Acacia erioloba,
Geigeria pectidea, Kyphocarpa angustifolia and Aptosimum albomarginatum. These are
constantly associated with Pogonarthria fleckii, Mollugo cerviana, Lycium bosciifolium,
Kyllinga species, Ursinia nana, Eragrostis lehmanniana, Commelina benghalensis, Chloris
virgata and Melinis repens subsp. grandiflora. A total of 111 species has been observed in
this association, with, on average, 40 species per 1,000 m2.
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
These tall, semi-open woodlands are dominated by Acacia erioloba (Figure 4i and 5g). The
grass layer is dominated by the annual Schmidtia kalahariensis in association with Aristida
congesta subsp. congesta and Anthephora schinzii. The poisonous species Geigeria pectidea
and Elephantorrhiza elephantina are conspicious in the herbaceous layer. The association
has a park-like appearance (resulting in the development of a golf-estate within this
association), but because of the highly unpalatable, annual grass sward and high abundance
of poisonous species (Geigeria pectidea and Elephantorrhiza elephantina) it has low potential
for livestock farming.
3. Acacia hereroensis veld of the Khomas Hochland
Acacia hereroensis is the characteristic species of the Highland savannah sensu Giess (1998).
This third group of associations all contain this characteristic species. The other unifying
feature is the undulating to steep hilly and mountainous landscape, generally with shallow,
stony soils.
3.1 Ornithoglossum calcicola - Fingerhuthia africana mountain veld of the Oamites
A total of 12 relevés has been classified into this association. It is characterised by the
diagnostic species Ornithoglossum calcicola, Melhania damarana, Crotalaria kurtii,
Thesium xerophyticum, Monechma genistifolium subsp. genistifolium, Enneapogon
scoparius, Cleome suffruticosa, Stipagrostis hirtigluma, Zygophyllum pubescens,
Sarcostemma viminale, Euphorbia lignosa, Polygala pallida, Pelargonium otaviense,
Stipagrostis ciliata, Peliostomum leucorrhizum and Euclea undulata. These are constantly
associated with Searsia marlothii, Fingerhuthia africana, Eragrostis nindensis, Acacia
hereroensis, Enneapogon cenchroides, Talinum caffrum, Otoptera burchellii, Cenchrus
ciliaris and Acacia mellifera subsp. detinens. A total of 101 species has been observed in this
association, with, on average, 37 species per 1,000 m2.
This tall, semi-open shrubland is typically dominated by Acacia mellifera subsp. detinens,
Combretum apiculatum subsp. apiculatum and Acacia hereroensis in the shrub layer, and
Fingerhuthia africana, Stipagrostis hirtigluma, Monelytrum luederitzianum and Enneapogon
desvauxii in the grass layer (Figures 4j and 5h). The association occupies very steep slopes
(> 60%) with stony soils. Up to 40% of the soil surface is covered with rocks, with smaller
fragments also covering up to 40% in total.
3.2 Triraphis ramosissima - Manuleopsis dinteri veld of the rocky outcrops
A total of 13 relevés has been classified into this association. It is characterised by the
diagnostic species Pennisetum foermeranum, Cheilanthes marlothii, Bidens biternata,
Manuleopsis dinteri, Pellaea calomelanos, Combretum apiculatum subsp. apiculatum subsp.
apiculatum, Ozoroa crassinervia, Triraphis ramosissima, Eragrostis scopelophila, Kalanchoe
lanceolata and Phyllanthus pentandrus. These are constantly associated with Searsia
marlothii, Cenchrus ciliaris, Melinis repens subsp. grandiflora, Anthephora pubescens,
Acacia hereroensis, Eragrostis nindensis, Stipagrostis uniplumis var. uniplumis,
Enneapogon cenchroides, Tarchonanthus camphoratus, Talinum caffrum and Digitaria
eriantha. A total of 110 species has been observed in this association, with, on average, 45
species per 1,000 m2.
This association is found on the rocky outcrops scattered throughout the Khomas Hochland.
Although by definition a short, moderately closed bushland, the small sizes of these outcrops
(on average less than 0.25 ha) and patchy distribution in the landscape do not warrant this
description (Figures 4k and 5i). These rocky outcrops, due to the layered nature of the schists,
are well-fissured and provide habitats for smaller, shade-loving plants like ferns (Pellaea
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
calomelanos, Cheilanthes species). Although not exclusively, most of these rocky outcrops
are south facing.
3.3 Brachiaria nigropedata - Acacia hereroensis veld of the central Khomas Hochland
A total of 99 relevés has been classified into this association. It is characterised by Ziziphus
mucronata and Brachiaria nigropedata, which are constantly associated with Searsia
marlothii, Anthephora pubescens, Acacia hereroensis, Eragrostis nindensis, Melinis
repens subsp. grandiflora, Stipagrostis uniplumis var. uniplumis, Monelytrum luederitzianum,
Aristida meridionalis, Schmidtia pappophoroides, Kyphocarpa angustifolia and Cenchrus
ciliaris. A total of 152 species has been observed in this association, with, on average, 39
species per 1,000 m2.
These semi-open to moderately closed tall shrublands, or occasionally, low bushlands are
dominated by Acacia hereroensis in the tree and shrub layer, and Eragrostis nindensis,
Aristida adscensionis, Brachiaria nigropedata, Monelytrum luederitzianum, Aristida
meridionalis and Stipagrostis uniplumis in the grass layer (Figure 4l). The altitude ranges from
1,760 to 2,100 m asl, whilst slopes are moderately steep to steep (Figure 5j). No affinity to a
particular aspect could be detected. Stone and rock cover is variable, but a high cover of
quartz pebbles (40 - 80%) (referred to as pebble mulch) is conspicuous.
3.4 Panicum lanipes - Pentzia incana veld of the Oanob Plateau
A total of 80 relevés has been classified into this association. It is characterised by Panicum
lanipes, Plinthus sericeus, Pentzia incana, Tragus berteronianus, Blepharis integrifolia,
Barleria rigida and Ipomoea bolusiana. These are constantly associated with Acacia mellifera
subsp. detinens, Eragrostis nindensis, Kyphocarpa angustifolia, Aristida adscensionis,
Microchloa caffra, Talinum caffrum, Schmidtia pappophoroides, Melinis repens subsp.
grandiflora, Hirpicium gazanioides, Hermannia modesta, Eriocephalus luederitzianus,
Chascanum pinnatifidum, Leucosphaera bainesii, Pogonarthria fleckii, Phaeoptilum
spinosum, Stipagrostis uniplumis var. uniplumis, Monelytrum luederitzianum, Searsia marlothii
and Fingerhuthia africana. A total of 206 species has been observed in this association, with,
on average, 53 species per 1,000 m2.
The Oanob plateau has a very distinct karroid structure (Figure 4 m), with the dwarf shrub
species Leucosphaera bainesii, Eriocephalus luederitzianus and Pentzia incana dominating.
Larger shrubs are generally fairly sparse, with a tendency for species from the adjacent
Brachiaria nigropedata - Acacia hereroensis association to encroach. In patches, Acacia
mellifera subsp. detinens forms dense bushlands within this landscape. The altitude of the
Oanob plateau ranges from 1,680 - 2,040 m asl., with an undulating to rolling relief (< 10°
slopes) (Figure 5k). The lithology is similar to the adjacent association, dominated by schists
of the Kuiseb, Auas and Chuos Formations. Rock outcrops are generally absent, with relatively
few large stones. The pebble mulch typical of the Khomas Hochland is, however, present (40
- 80% cover). The plateau is interspersed with numerous omiramba, as described for
association 2.3 (Figure 8).
3.5 Panicum arbusculum - Acacia mellifera veld of the southern Khomas Hochland
A total of nine relevés has been classified into this association. It is characterised by the
diagnostic species Kohautia cynanchica, Aizoon schellenbergii, Aptosimum
albomarginatum, Panicum arbusculum, Justicia guerkeana, Catophractes alexandri,
Ipomoea obscura var. obscura, Heliotropium ciliatum, Aptosimum lineare, Pentzia
monocephala, Hibiscus discophorus, Phyllanthus maderaspatensis, Phaeoptilum spinosum,
Ptycholobium biflorum subsp. angolensis, Ocimum americanum var. americanum, Aptosimum
spinescens, Eriospermum flagelliforme, Asparagus exuvialis, Melhania virescens,
Leucosphaera bainesii, Eriocephalus luederitzianus and Pogonarthria fleckii. These are
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
constantly associated with Stipagrostis uniplumis var. uniplumis, Kyphocarpa
angustifolia, Fingerhuthia africana, Eragrostis nindensis, Acacia mellifera subsp.
detinens, Pogonarthria fleckii, Microchloa caffra, Melinis repens subsp. grandiflora,
and Hermannia modesta. A total of 118 species has been observed in this association, with,
on average, 60 species per 1,000 m2.
These moderately closed, high shrublands are dominated by Acacia mellifera subsp. detinens,
Catophractes alexandri and Phaeoptilum spinosum, with the occasional Rhigozum
trichotomum. The absence of Brachiaria nigropedata and the presence of Panicum
arbusculum, a grass species known as a climax grass in the rocky slopes of the Nama-Karoo
in southern Namibia, is conspicious (Figure 4n and 5l). The landscape is generally rolling (<
10°) and not as steep as the central Khomas Hochland. Stone cover, with the exception of
pebble mulch, is also lower than in similar landscapes within this cluster of vegetation
associations. The altitude ranges from 1,670 - 1,810 m asl.
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
Figure 4: Box-and-whisker plots of the typical structure of the various associations and subassociations. a)
Eriocephalus dinteri - Danthoniopsis ramosa association; b) Danthoniopsis ramosa - Olea europaea association;
c) Acacia hereroensis - Tarchonanthus camphoratus - elephanthorrhiza suffruticosa subassociation; d) Acacia
hereroensis - Tarchonanthus camphoratus - monelytrum luederitzianum subassociation; e) Acacia karroo -
Cynodon dactylon association; f) Stipagrostis namaquensis association; g) Platycarphella carlinoides - Chloris
virgata association; h) Pupalia lappacea - Acacia mellifera association; i) Schmidtia kalahariensis - Acacia erioloba
association; j) Ornithoglossum calcicola - Fingerhuthia africana association; k) Triraphis ramosissima -
Manuleopsis dinteri association; l) Brachiaria nigropedata - Acacia hereroensis association; m) Panicum lanipes -
Pentzia incana association; n) Panicum arbusculum - Acacia mellifera association.
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
Figure 5: Typical views of the various associations and subassociations. a) Danthoniopsis ramose - Olea europaea
association; b) Acacia hereroensis - Tarchonanthus camphoratus - Monelytrum luederitzianum subassociation; c)
Acacia karroo - Cynodon dactylon association; d) Stipagrostis namaquensis association; e) Platycarphella
carlinoides - Chloris virgata association; f) Pupalia lappacea - Acacia mellifera association; g) Schmidtia
kalahariensis - Acacia erioloba association; h) Ornithoglossum calcicole - Fingerhuthia africana association; i)
Triraphis ramosissima - Manuleopsis dinteri association; j) Brachiaria nigropedata - Acacia hereroensis association;
k) Panicum lanipes - Pentzia incana association; l) Panicum arbusculum - Acacia mellifera association. Source:
Photo 5a: Dr A. Burke, all others by the author.
Environmental Gradients
The NMS produced an ordination in three dimensions, with the final stress for the best solution
being 17.248, and an instability of 0.000, after 76 itterations. The high mountain veld is
distinctly separated from the remaining clusters along Axis 1, whilst the lowlands and valley
habitats are clearly separated from the Khomas Hochland veld along Axis 3 (Figure 6a). The
overlap between association 2.3 (Pupalia lappacea - Acacia mellifera bush-encroached
lowlands) and the Khomas Hochland veld indicates the close relationship between these two
groupings, with association 2.3 most likely being an encroached / degraded form of the
Khomas Hochland veld.
Axis 1 presents an altitudinal and precipitation gradient (Figure 6b and c). Altitude is correlated
to Axis 1 with r = 0.802, whilst precipitation is correlated to this axis with r = 0.632. Axis 2 and
3 represent gradients related to primarily geology, which also manifest themselves in slope
and stoniness gradients (Figure 6b and 6c). In Axis 2 a clear split between relevés compiled
on the Kuiseb - and the Chuos Formations is evident (Figure 6b), whilst relevés compiled on
the Auas Formation form a link between these two groupings. Axis 3 depicts a gradient
between metamorphic rock types (mostly schists and quarzites, but also marbles) and more
recent fluvial sedimentary deposits (Figure 6c). This could also be interpreted as a gradient
from more skeletal soils with a high stone or rock content to deeper soils with a high gravel
content, typical of alluvial deposits.
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
NMS all releves sorensen_reduced
Axis 1
Axis 3
NMS all releves sorensen_reduced
Axis 1
Axis 2
Recent alluvial deposits
Gamsberg Suite
Kuiseb Formation
Auas Formation
Chuos Formation
Hohewarte Complex
Kamtsas Formation
Kudis Subgroup
Billstein Formation
Duruchaus Formation
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
Figure 6: Scatter plots of the NMS ordination: (a) with the classification results indicated as convex hulls; (b)
indicating the geological stratification as well as environmental factors as biplots; and (c) indicating the lithology of
the substrate as well as environmental factors as biplots.
Biodiversity indicators
The species richness per 1,000 m2, Shannon Index and Simpson's Index are depicted in
Figure 7.
small stones
medium stones
NMS all releves sorensen_reduced
Axis 1
Axis 3
Quartz gravel on schists
Metamorphic limestone
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
Figure 7: Diversity indicators for the various associations described. a) Species richness; b) Shannon index and
c) Simpson's Index.
Vegetation map
It was not possible to map all individual vegetation associations separately, especially as a
number of these occur as small patches, embedded within larger associations (Figure 8). The
roughness of the terrain, coupled with numerous shade areas complicated mapping further.
For this reason, larger landscape units were mapped, incorporating the major (dominating)
vegetation associations, with included smaller associations (Table 2). This follows the SOTER
approach of landscape mapping (FAO 1995). A similar approach has been followed by,
amongst others, van Rooyen et al. (2008) and Hüttich et al. (2009).
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
Table 2: Vegetation associations included in the various mapping units depicted in Figure 8, as well as their
measured area.
Major vegetation association
Included vegetation
Area within
High Auas
Eriocephalus dinteri - Danthoniopsis ramosa (1.1);
Danthoniopsis ramosa - Olea europaea (1.2);
Acacia hereroensis - Tarchonanthus camphoratus
Cynodon dactylon - Acacia karroo (2.1)
namaquensis (2.2)
Platycarphella carlinoides - Chloris virgata (2.3)
Pupalia lappacea - Acacia mellifera (2.4)
Panicum arbusculum -
Acacia mellifera (3.5)
Schmidtia kalahariensis - Acacia erioloba (2.5)
Pupalia lappacea -
Acacia mellifera (2.4)
Ornithoglossum calcicola - Fingerhuthia africana
Brachiaria nigropedata - Acacia hereroensis (3.3)
Triraphis ramosissima -
Manuleopsis dinteri (3.2);
Pupalia lappacea -
Acacia mellifera (2.4)
Panicum lanipes - Pentzia incana (3.4)
Pupalia lappacea -
Acacia mellifera (2.4)
Panicum arbusculum - Acacia mellifera (3.5)
Pupalia lappacea -
Acacia mellifera (2.4)
* The full extent of this unit is unclear.
Figure 8: Map of the landscapes associated with dominant vegetation types listed in Table 1 within the Auas-
Oanob Conservancy and Auas Mountain range.
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
Species Diversity
The low species richness of association 2.2 (Stipagrostis namaquensis sandbank vegetation),
coupled with low Shannon and Simpson's indices, is conspicuous (Figure 7). These are
indicative of the absolute dominance of the vegetation by this hard, reed-like grass (Figure
5d). The often- observed dominance by Acacia karroo in association 2.1 (riparian vegetation),
and Acacia erioloba and Schmidtia kalahariensis for the Omeya valley veld (association 2.5),
is also reflected in these Simpson's index ranges.
More diverse, but equally dominated by a single species, is association 2.4, the Pupalia
lappacea - Acacia mellifera lowlands, according to the Simpson's Index (Figure 7c). The
generally wide ranges in low Simpson index values for many associations are also
conspicuous, specifically the Khomas Hochland mountain veld (associations 3.1 to 3.5). This
is indicative of a tendency of these vegetation types to become bush-encroached (mostly by
Acacia mellifera), in this way showing a high degree of dominance and less diversity. This is
contrary to findings of De Klerk (2004), which indicate that the Khomas Hochland is largely
unaffected by bush encroachment.
Degradation trends
Bush encroachment is the biggest threat to the vegetation (and thus grazing resources) in
central and northern Namibia (Bester 1998, De Klerk 2004). This problem was observed in
the Brachiaria nigropedata - Acacia hereroensis, the Panicum lanipes - Pentzia incana and
the Panicum arbusculum - Acacia mellifera associations. A large number of plots from these
three associations are encroached by dense stands of Acacia mellifera and would fit, from a
structural point of view, into the Pupalia lappacea - Acacia mellifera association. For this
reason, the definition of this association is to be regarded as incomplete, and the mapping of
it questionable.
The omiramba, in their original state, formed extensive seasonal wetlands with extremely high
soil moisture, supporting dense perennial grassland. However, already in the early 1970s,
Volk and Leippert (1971) commented that the vegetation of the omiramba (their Themeda
triandra association) was badly degraded, with the only example of the original vegetation
remaining in an exclosure on the farm Voigtland. Within the study area, the Platycarphella
carlinoides - Chloris virgata association is also dominated by grasses, albeit a mixture of
perennial and annual grasses, with a strong component of pioneer grasses (e.g. Aristida
congesta, Tragus racemosus, Eragrostis pilgeriana, Pogonarthria fleckii, Anthephora schinzii,
Chloris virgata, Melinis repens subsp. grandiflora and Eragrostis porosa) (Müller 2007).
Climax grasses like Eragrostis superba, Digitaria eriantha, Cymbopogon pospischilii and
Themeda triandra only occur occasionally in protected niches. The soils are highly erodible,
forming extensive gullies (Volk & Leippert 1971, Shamathe et al. 2008). In this way, the rivers
are extending steadily uphill into this association. A similar situation has been described for
western Australian, where erosion is leading to extensive landscape desiccation (Pringle &
Tinley 2003). This means that erosion of the omiramba will not only lead to further degradation
of this ecosystem, but will be likely to also have a detrimental effect on the adjacent upstream
landscapes by drying these up.
Species conservation
The Auas Mountain range has been identified as a botanically important area in need of
protection, because it supports rare, endemic plant species as well as relicts of Grassland and
Succulent Karoo vegetation within high altitude habitats (Hofmeyr 2004). Within the three
vegetation associations on this mountain range 217 species occur, of which 15 (or 6.9%) are
endemic to Namibia. The Khomas Hochland vegetation contains 23 species endemic to
Namibian Journal of Environment 2017 Vol 1. Section A: 19-42
Namibia, which is proportionally less (5.8% of 399 species), but also nine exotic species (or
2.3%). Two of these, Opuntia stricta and Prosopis glandulosa, have been classified as the
most aggressive invaders in Namibia ( Brown et al. 1985, Bethune et al. 2004,). Neither has
reached problematic proportions within the conservancy yet, but the danger of spreading is
In conclusion, the Auas-Oanob Conservancy contains several unique landscapes, which can
be characterised by high species diversity, a high number of endemic species, high-altitude
mountainous habitats, but also arid wetland habitats in the form of the omiramba. Current land
use is no direct threat to the species richness, but, through various forms of land degradation
like erosion, bush encroachment and/or the threat of alien invasive species, will be likely to
cause a change of habitat, which in turn, will threaten the plant species diversity and
consequently also the habitat of wild and domesticated animal species. The presented
description, as well as the original relevé data with associated photographs, will serve as a
valuable resource in monitoring changes in the vegetation within this conservancy.
Thanks are due to the farmers and members of the Auas-Oanob Conservancy for their friendly support during the
fieldwork. The assistance of the staff of the National Herbarium of Namibia for the identification of plant specimens
is gratefully acknowledged. Data and photos from the Auas Mountain range were generously contributed by Dr
Antje Burke and Mr. Martin Wittneben. This project was funded by the Government of Namibia through the recurrent
budget of the Directorate Agriculture Research and Training, Subdivision National Botanical Research Institute.
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... Although the Khomas Hochland has been identified as an area of high botanical diversity (Hofmeyr 2004;Craven & Vorster 2006), only a few localised descriptions of the vegetation of this landscape exists. Of note here are a study by Volk and Leippert (1971) on a few farms southeast of Windhoek, using data from the 1950s and 1960s; an unpublished study by Kellner (1986) focusing on the Daan Viljoen Game Reserve west of Windhoek as well as portions of two farms southwest and east of Windhoek; a preliminary description of the vegetation of the Auas Mountain Range south of Windhoek (Burke & Wittneben 2007); as well as an account of the vegetation of the Auas-Oanob Conservancy southwest of Windhoek (Strohbach 2017). None of these studies provide a comprehensive overview of the entire landscape. ...
... This prompted a refinement of the classification results using Cocktail procedures (Bruelheide & Flintrop 1994;Bruelheide 1997), based on existing descriptions (e.g. Kellner 1986;Strohbach 2017), or on field observations. A detailed account of these Cocktail refinements is presented in the Results section of this paper. ...
... Shrubs also occur only on the lower reaches, whilst the mountain tops are distinctly grass covered ( Figures 6D and 7C). It occurs on the northern face of the Auas Mountain range at an altitudinal range of 2 200 m asl and above (Burke & Wittneben 2007;Strohbach 2017 Figures 6E and 7D). This association occurs on the Auas Mountain and Lichtenstein ranges at mid-altitude, between 2 000 and 2 300 m asl. ...
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Background: The Great Escarpment of southern Africa takes the form of an extended mountainous highland in central-western Namibia, commonly referred to as the ‘Khomas Hochland’. It is regarded as an area of high botanical diversity. Yet only few localised studies on the vegetation composition are available. The Khomas Hochland is formed on the southern part of the Damara Orogen and dominated by metamorphosed sediments. Climatically it forms a transition between the hot desert of the Namib and the slightly cooler hot steppe in the inland.Objectives: To classify and provide syntaxonomical descriptions of the vegetation of the Khomas Hochland.Methods: A dataset comprising 1151 relevés and 914 species was compiled from various surveys, mostly collected under, and to the standards of, the umbrella project ‘Vegetation Survey of Namibia’. For first classifications, the data set was reduced to a synusial set consisting of trees, shrubs, dwarf shrubs and grasses only.Results: The classification resulted in four major landscape units, being the Pre-Namib and Escarpment zone, the Khomas Hochland proper, riverine habitats as well as surrounding lowlands. The classification was further refined using Cocktail procedures to produce 30 associations, one with four sub-associations. These are described in this paper.Conclusion: A classification of synoptic data grouped the associations into five orders and one undefined cluster of associations on specialised desert habitats. Four of these orders correspond to the habitat types identified in the first classification. The fifth order, the Senegalio hereroensis–Tarchonanthoetalia camphorathi, represents high mountains of the central Khomas Hochland, which link biogeographically to the grassland biome in South Africa.
... In this sense, the AEZ project produced an initial Agro-ecological Zones (AEZ) and later a soils map for Namibia , ICC et al. 2000, whilst at a local scale the soils of several research stations of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry were mapped , Kutuahupira et al. 2001a. Likewise, for the Vegetation Survey of Namibia project, regional descriptions and maps were completed for the Omusati and Oshana regions, the Central Namib, the Eastern Communal Areas and Namaland (Kangombe 2010, Jürgens et al. 2013, Strohbach 2014a, Strohbach & Kutuahupira 2014, Mbeeli 2018, whilst several large-scale studies have been published for Alex Muranda Livestock Development Center (Kavango West), Haribes (Hardap), Auas-Oanob Conservancy (Khomas) and Erichsfelde (Otjozondjupa) (Strohbach & Petersen 2007, Strohbach & Jankowitz 2012, Strohbach 2017, Strohbach 2019). ...
... A comparison of the presently described associations to other similar associations helps understanding the biogeographical relationships of the vegetation, as well as assisting with the extrapolation about knowledge of the dynamics of the system. In particular, the southern Kalahari ecosystem has been well-studied in South Africa (Van Rooyen et al. 1984, 1990, 1991a, 1991b, Skarpe 1986, Jeltsch et al. 1997a, b, Dougill et al. 1999, 2016 With the occurrence of Combretum apiculatum and Cheilanthes dinteri, a clear affinity exists between the Triraphis ramossisima-Acacia senegal association and the Bergdornweide (mountain thorn pastures) described by Volk & Leippert (1971), or the Acacia hereroensis veld described by Strohbach (2017). The dominance of Acacia senegal (to the apparent exclusion of all other Acacia species) however indicates a separate higher syntaxonomy than the Acacia hereroensis veld of the Khomas Hochland. ...
... For the KGNP, van Rooyen et al. (2008) describe an Acacia erioloba-Schmidtia kalahariensis low duneveld for similar habitats as the Acacia mellifera-Acacia erioloba-schmidtia kalahariensis subassociation at Klein Boesman. This subassociation is also very similar to the Acacia erioloba-Schmidtia kalahariensis woodlands of the Omeya plains south of Windhoek (Strohbach 2017). It is thus likely that what is presently only recognised as a subassociation, should be elevated to a full association occurring widespread in deep sandy plains habitats from central Namibia to the northern Cape in RSA. ...
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The Farm Klein Boesman, south of Dordabis in the Khomas Region of Central Namibia, is situated on the ecotone between the Central Highlands/Central Plateau and the southern Kalahari. Whereas a considerable amount of information is available for the Kalahari Duneveld in South Africa, little is known of the same ecosystem in Namibia, specifically the northern extent of this ecosystem. We stratified the farm according to visible terrain features identified on aerial images, aided by a Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) digital terrain model. Based on these initial stratification units, 35 minipits and/or soil augerings were done to sample the typical soil units. From these, soil samples were analysed for soil chemical and physical properties. In addition, 158 relevés were compiled across all initial stratification units. These were classified with modified Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) using a synusial approach. From the results we described and mapped twelve landform and ten soil units, as well as six vegetation associations, of which two were subdivided into two and three subassociations each. We compare these associations with related vegetation types described in the Khomas Hochland as well as in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park (KGNP) in South Africa. Although several similarities to units described for the KGNP were identified, several discrepancies were also identified, necessitating a thorough revision of the vegetation descriptions for the greater southern Kalahari.
... The Khomas Hochland forms part of the escarpment and ranges between 1,600 to well over 1,800 m a.s.l. It is a rolling to steep mountainous highland overlaid by lithic Leptosols that are generally shallow and often covered by quarz pebbles (Joubert et al. 2008;Strohbach 2017). The Nama-Karoo forms part of the Central Plateau, however with a distinctly arid climate. ...
... Central Plateau and Khomas highlands, at a mean altitude of 2,000-2,500 m (Strohbach 2017(Strohbach , 2019. Figure 2b shows a typical example of this unit which consists of diagnostic species of grasses such as Monelytrum luederitzianum, Eragrostis nindensis, Pogonarthria fleckii, and bushes such as Monechma genistifolium, Catophractes alexandrii and Searsia marlothii (Table 3) ...
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Objectives: Climate change is expected to have major impacts on plant species distribution worldwide. These changes can affect plant species in three ways: the timing of seasonal activities (phenology), physiology and distribution. This study aims to predict the effect of shifting climatic conditions on the major vegetation units along an aridity gradient through Namibia. Study area: Namibia’s vegetation is characterised by open woodland in the northeast to low open shrubland in the southern part of the country. These differences are a result of increasing aridity from north to south with a rainfall gradient from 100 mm to 600 mm. Namibia is projected to have an increase in annual mean temperature of 2°C by the end of the 21st century. Methods: A vegetation classification was done for 1,986 relevés using cluster analysis, a Multi-Response Permutation Procedure and indicator species analysis. The current distribution of the vegetation classes was modelled with Random Forest. Future projections for the most important climate variables were used to model the potential distribution of the vegetation units in 2080. This modelling approach used two scenarios of Representative Concentration Pathways (4.5 and 8.5) from two Global Climate Models – the IPSL–CM5A–LR and HAdGEM2–ES. Results: The predicted distribution shows a high expansion potential of Eragrostis rigidior­­-Peltophorum africanum mesic thornbush savannas, Combretum africanum-Terminalia sericea broad-leafed savannas and Senegalia mellifera-Dichrostachys cinerea degraded thornbush savannas towards the south under both scenarios. Conclusions: The model indicated the ability to classify and predict vegetation units to future climatic conditions. Half of the vegetation units are expected to undergo significant contraction. Overall, RCP8.5 conditions favour the proliferation of certain vegetation types, particularly Combretum collinum-Terminalia sericea broad-leafed savannas and Senegalia mellifera-Dichrostachys cinerea degraded thornbush savannas, potentially displacing other vegetation types. Taxonomic reference: Klaassen and Kwembeya (2013) for vascular plants, except Kyalangalilwa et al. (2013) for the genera Senegalia and Vachellia s.l. (Fabaceae). Abbreviations: CDM = Community Distribution Model; CMIP5 = Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project Phase 5; EVI = Enhanced Vegetation Index; GCM = General Circulation Model; IV = Indicator Value; ISA = Indicator Species Analysis; MAP = mean annual precipitation; MAT = mean annual temperature; MRPP = Multi-Response Permutation Procedure; NMS = Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling; RF = Random Forest; RCPs = Representative Concentration Pathways; SDM = species distribution model.
... Southern Africa. The plant occur in South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Angola, Malawi and Botswana in montane grasslands, afromontane evergreen forests, high rainfall miombo woodland, secondary scrub savanna, caves and subterranean habitats, dry forest margins, evergreen bushland, grasslands composites of bushveld of O. europaea and strand veld, temperate and tropical thickets, incipient forests at lower altitudes, riparian vegetations, and Karoo riviere vegetation types (Weiersbye et al., 2006;Burke and Wittneben, 2008;Clark et al., 2009;van Staden and Bredenkamp, 2005;Clark et al., 2011;Strohbach, 2012;Strohbach, 2013;du Toit and Cilliers, 2015;Frisby et al., 2015;Nyahangare et al., 2015;Clark et al., 2017;Strohbach, 2017;Timberlake et al., 2018;Clark et al., 2019;Rasethe et al., 2019;Semenya and Maroyi, 2019;Timberlake et al., 2020;Strohbach, 2021;Jauro, 2022). ...
... Dashed line indicates equal grass-to-. pachycarpa are otherwise mainly found at sites with better water supply, such as dry riverbeds or topographic depressions (personal observation,Strohbach, 2017).Annual forbs represent the main component of species diversity in savanna ecosystems. Annual forbs contribute substantially to various ecosystem functions and provide forage and shelter for numerous arthropod species(Siebert & Dreber, 2019). ...
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Microsites created by soil- disturbing animals are important landscape elements in arid environments. In the Pre- Namib, dust- bathing behavior of the near- endemic Hartmann's mountain zebra creates unique rolling pits that persist in the landscape. However, the ecohydrological characteristics and the effects of those microsites on the egetation and on organisms of higher trophic levels are still unknown. In our study, we characterized the soil grain size composition and infiltration properties of rolling pits and reference sites and recorded vegetation and arthropod assemblages during the rainy season of five consecutive years with different amounts of seasonal rainfall. We further used the excess green vegetation index derived from drone imagery to demonstrate the different green up and wilting of pits and references after a rainfall event. In contrast to the surrounding grassland, rolling pits had finer soil with higher nutrient content, collected runoff, showed a higher infiltration, and kept soil moisture longer. Vegetation in the rolling pits was denser, dominated by annual forbs and remained green for longer periods. The denser vegetation resulted in a slightly higher activity density of herbivorous arthropods, which in turn increased the activity density of omnivorous and predatory arthropods. In times of drought, the rolling pits could act as safe sites and refuges for forbs and arthropods. With their rolling pits, Hartmann's mountain zebras act as ecosystem engineers, contributing to the diversity of forb communities and heterogeneity of the landscape in the Pre- Namib.
... Also, several regional descriptions have been published in this country over the past few years, or are in the process of being published (e.g. Strohbach, 2013Strohbach, , 2014Strohbach, , 2017d. Here, the work is advancing from making pure C A Biodiversity baseline descriptions to developing a tool for land use planning (Strohbach, 2017c). ...
The SASSCAL region is home to a very rich biodiversity, which provides significant economic and intrinsic value to human society. This biodiversity, however, is subject to multiple stresses emerging from human land use and climate change, which leads to biodiversity loss at substantial scale. To assess the current state and changes in biodiversity in the SASSCAL region, a standardised biodiversity observation network has been established. The network comprises 47 biodiversity observatories and 10 auxiliary observatories, where biodiversity change is monitored according to a standardised approach. The network currently covers the countries of Angola, Namibia, Zambia, and South Africa. The newly established observatories in Angola and Zambia provided urgently needed baseline inventory data on flora and faunal species for the study areas. The observatories in Namibia and South Africa already extend up to 17 or even 30 years and provide important insights into the complexity of the biodiverse systems and their drivers. We provide an overview of the outcomes of the biodiversity assessment and monitoring work at the observatories. We discuss the contribution of these findings for the understanding of the systems and their changes over time. We also outline new approaches (e.g. experiments, monitoring of key ecological processes like the water pathways in the vegetation, as well as automatised monitoring) to be applied in the ongoing monitoring activities.
... Also, several regional descriptions have been published in this country over the past few years, or are in the process of being published (e.g. Strohbach, 2013Strohbach, , 2014Strohbach, , 2017d. Here, the work is advancing from making pure C A Biodiversity baseline descriptions to developing a tool for land use planning (Strohbach, 2017c). ...
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The SASSCAL region is home to a very rich biodiversity, which provides signifi cant economic and intrinsic value to human society. Th is biodiversity, however, is subject to multiple stresses emerging from human land use and climate change, which leads to biodiversity loss at substantial scale. To assess the current state and changes in biodiversity in the SASSCAL region, a standardised biodiversity observation network has been established. Th e network comprises 47 biodiversity observatories and 10 auxiliary observatories, where biodiversity change is monitored according to a standardised approach. Th e network currently covers the countries of Angola, Namibia, Zambia, and South Africa. The newly established observatories in Angola and Zambia provided urgently needed baseline inventory data on fl ora and faunal species for the study areas. The observatories in Namibia and South Africa already extend up to 17 or even 30 years and provide important insights into the complexity of the biodiverse systems and their drivers. We provide an overview of the outcomes of the biodiversity assessment and monitoring work at the observatories. We discuss the contribution of these fi ndings for the understanding of the systems and their changes over time. We also outline new approaches (e.g. experiments, monitoring of key ecological processes like the water pathways in the vegetation, as well as automatised monitoring) to be applied in the ongoing monitoring activities.
The biomes of the zonobiome E2 Tropical Seasonal Zone occupy the largest portion of the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. This zone is also the dominant zonobiome of the studied MBSA. Physiognomically, the biomes of this zone are represented by savanna grasslands and woodlands, as well as Tropical Dry Forests (TDF). In bioclimatic terms, these biomes are characterised by alternation of prolonged dry and wet periods. In the study region we recognise Mesic and Arid Savanna at the rank of global biome, each comprising 25 and 9 regional biomes, respectively. While the savanna units are functionally underpinned by the domination of highly productive C4 grasslands, the TDF is characterised by an overall lack of grassy (or shrubby) understorey beneath a (semi)closed canopy of trees of predominantly low stature. There are two regional biomes of TDF recognised within the study area, namely Southern African Dry Forest and Southern African Dry Thicket. This chapter presents descriptions of all regional biomes of the zonobiome E2.
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Automatic weather stations (AWSs) serve a number of goals in the SASSCAL context and beyond. A sufficient cover and density in geographical space is needed to record spatial climatic variability and to feed climate models and forecast services. In addition, research projects using an ecosystem approach require robust information on local weather. In response to these goals and under consideration of the low density of climate stations in the SASSCAL region (Angola, Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, and Zambia), the establishment of a network of weather stations was initiated in 2009–2010. The SASSCAL network, meanwhile, includes 154 AWSs and has achieved a reputation for providing unprecedented progress in terms of coverage and access to climatic data for the SASSCAL region. This paper presents the most important strategic and technical steps, from setting up the station network for data transmission and data quality controls to the Internet publication of the SASSCAL WeatherNet climatic data.
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Aim: Concentration of species occurrences in groups of classified sites can be quantified with statistical measures of fidelity, which can be used for the determination of diagnostic species. However, for most available measures fidelity depends on the number of sites within individual groups. As the classified data sets typically contain site groups of unequal size, such measures do not enable a comparison of numerical fidelity values of species between different site groups. We therefore propose a new method of measuring fidelity with presence/absence data after equalization of the size of the site groups. We compare the properties of this new method with other measures of statistical fidelity, in particular with the Dufrêne-Legendre Indicator Value (IndVal) index. Methods: The size of site groups in the data set is equalized, while relative frequencies of species occurrence within and outside of these groups are kept constant. Then fidelity is calculated using the phi coefficient of association. Results: Fidelity values after equalization are independent of site group size, but their numerical values vary independently of the statistical significance of fidelity. By changing the size of the target site group relative to the size of the entire data set, the fidelity measure can be made more sensitive to either common or rare species. We show that there are two modifications of the IndVal index for presence/absence data, one of which is also independent of the size of site groups. Conclusion: The phi coefficient applied to site groups of equalized size has advantages over other statistical measures of fidelity based on presence/absence data. Its properties are close to an intuitive understanding of fidelity and diagnostic species in vegetation science. Statistical significance can be checked by calculation of another fidelity measure that is a function of statistical significance, or by direct calculation of the probability of observed species concentrations by Fisher's exact test. An advantage of the new method over IndVal is its ability to distinguish between positive and negative fidelity. One can also weight the relative importance of common and rare species by changing the equalized size of the site groups. Nomenclature: Ehrendorfer (1973).
Information on the extent of bush encroachment is largely based on estimates which are not always reliable and are often conflicting. The original estimated area affected by bush encroachment within the commercial farming sector is in the order of 8 million hectares. lt can however be accepted that in the commercial farming sector the area north of 23o latitude is to a greater or lesser extent affected by bush encroachment. The total area concerned is therefore in the order of 17,5 million hectares. Various maps have been compiled indicating the encroacher species and numerous estimates have been made of bush densities in the different areas. Field surveys indicated that within a vegetation type, bush densities can vary from 2900 bush per hectare to 21 400 bush per hectare. In order to compile an accurate map of the extent of bush encroachment, extensive surveys will have to be conducted in the field.
. The computer software package TURBOVEG (for Microsoft® Windows®) was developed in The Netherlands for the processing of phytosociological data. This package comprises an easy-to-use data base management system. The data bank to be managed can be divided into several data bases which may consist of up to 100 000 relevés each. The program provides methods for input, import, selection, and export of relevés. In 1994, TURBOVEG was accepted as the standard computer package for the European Vegetation Survey. Currently it has been installed in more than 25 countries throughout Europe and overseas.