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Cell Biology
2017; 5(4): 38-44
doi: 10.11648/j.cb.20170504.12
ISSN: 2330-0175 (Print); ISSN: 2330-0183 (Online)
D-Riboce-L-Cystein Maintained Testicular Integrity in Rats
Model (Rattus Novergicus) Exposed to X-Ray
Dare Babatunde Joseph1, *, Olayemi Olamide Samuel1, Falana Benedict Abiola1,
Duri Francis I. Ogueri2, Osinubi Abraham A. A.2
1Anatomy Department, Osun State University, Osogbo, Nigeria
2Anatomy Department, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
Email address: (D. B. Joseph)
*Corresponding author
To cite this article:
Dare Babatunde Joseph, Olayemi Olamide Samuel, Falana Benedict Abiola, Duri Francis I. Ogueri, Osinubi Abraham A. A. D-Riboce-L-
Cystein Maintained Testicular Integrity in Rats Model (Rattus Novergicus) Exposed to X-Ray. Cell Biology. Vol. 5, No. 4, 2017, pp. 38-44.
doi: 10.11648/j.cb.20170504.12
Received: March 12, 2017; Accepted: May 27, 2017; Published: July 18, 2017
Abstract: Oxidative stress mechanisms are involved in xenobiotic-induced testicular dysfunctions which consequently lead
to male infertility, however, antioxidants work like a defense system, disarming free radicals. Therefore, this study is aimed at
investigating the maintenance of testicular integrity using D-Riboce-L-cysteine on X–ray induced testicular damage in adult
wistar rats (Rattus Novergicus). A total of 20 male rats were randomly selected into Five (5) groups of Four (4) animal each.
Control animals received only water while treated animals include: animals induced with X–ray only; around the pelvic and
perineum region at about 95 kv, 12.5 milliampere-seconds (mA.s), 50 focal field distance (FFD), animals treated with D-
Riboce-L-cysteine at 30 mg/kg body weight of D-Riboce-L-cysteine before exposed to 95 kv, 12.5 milliampere-seconds
(mA.s), 50 focal field distance (FFD) of X-ray, animals treated with 95kv, 12.5 milliampere-seconds (mA.s), 50 focal field
distance (FFD) of X-ray per animal before receiving 30 mg/kg body weight of D-Riboce-L-cysteine and animals treated with
30 mg/kg body weight of D-Riboce-L-cysteine only. After 21 days of treatments, the animals were sacrificed, and the testes
were excised following abdominal incision, fixed in Bouin’s fluids for histological observations and right testis was
homogenized in 5% sucrose solution for determination of enzymes of carbohydrates metabolism. Sperm was obtained from the
caudal part of the epididymis for analysis of sperm characteristics. Reduced sperm count, abnormal morphology and
significant (p<0.05) higher non motile sperm characterized the animals expose to X-ray. However, sperm characteristics was
maintained in control animals (p < 0.05) and animals treated with D-Riboce-L-cysteine only. Reduced activities in enzyme of
carbohydrate metabolism (G-6-PDH) and significant increase in the level of lipid peroxidation shown by the activities of MDA
in the X-ray treated groups compared to animals treated with D-Riboce-L-cysteine (p < 0.05) and the control animals.
Abnormal widening of the interstitial space, loss of the basal laminal, degeneration in spermatogonia with vacuolation. Loss of
germinal epithelium of the seminiferous tubules were also observed in animals expose to X-ray. Exposure to X-ray disrupts
spermatogenesis by disruption and depletion of the spermatids and spermatogonia population, which caused increase in
testicular tissue damage and consequently, altered the sperm characteristics. D-Riboce-L-cysteine clearly demonstrated
maintenance of testicular integrity and enhance sperm characteristics; indication of fertility enhancing ability.
Keywords: X-Ray, Testes, Free Radicals, Antioxidants and Wistar Rats
1. Introduction
With the development of nuclear technique, human beings
are facing more dangerous effects of using ionizing radiation
in different aspects of modern life than before [1]. Ionizing
radiation inflicts its adverse effects through the generation of
oxidative stress that unleash large-scale destruction or damage
of various biomolecules. Oxidative stress mechanisms are
Cell Biology 2017; 5(4): 38-44 39
involved in xenobiotic-induced testicular dysfunctions which
consequently lead to male infertility [2]. Under normal
conditions, the testis is afforded with antioxidants protection as
an elaborate array of antioxidants enzymes, free radical
scavengers, and low oxygen tension in order to support the
wellbeing of the testes and leydig cells steroidogenic function
[2]. However, a wide variety of endogenous and exogenous
factors are known to compromise male fertility by generating
free radicals in testes [3]. In order to prevent and relieve the
hazard to human reproductive health induced by ionizing
radiation exposure, avoid the toxicity and the side effects and
for the labialization of anti-radiation drugs [4]; Radio-
protectors derived from traditional foods and medicinal plant
sources, is worthy to receive great attention and special
consideration. Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms with
an odd (unpaired) number of electrons and can be formed
when oxygen interacts with certain molecules, which once
formed these highly reactive radicals initiate chain reaction.
Radiation react with important cellular components such as
DNA, or the cell membrane and alter cells functions leading to
cell death. Therefore, to prevent free radical damage, the body
has a defense system of antioxidants. It is known that free
radicals play a fundamental role in several diseases [5].
Ionizing radiation carries more than 10 eV, which is enough to
ionize atoms and molecules, and break chemical bonds. X-rays
are electromagnetic waves with a wavelength less than about
10−9 m (greater than 31017 Hz and 1,240 eV). Reactive
oxygen species (ROS) are chemically reactive chemical
species containing oxygen. However, during times of
environmental stress (UV or heat exposure), ROS levels can
increase dramatically result in significant damage to cell
structures [6] known as oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is
associated with increased production of oxidizing species or a
significant decrease in the effectiveness of antioxidants
defense, such as glutathione [7]. The testes have several
protective mechanisms that minimize the toxic potential of
these reactive oxygen species to ensure that the twin processes
spermatogenic and steroidogenic functions of this organ are
not impacted by oxidative stress [8].
D-Riboce-L-cysteine is one of the most important
components to having healthy fertility that every woman and
man needs to focus on. Antioxidants are a family of vitamins,
minerals and other nutrients that protect the body from the
damage caused by free radicals [8]. Antioxidants work like a
defense system, disarming free radicals. They are a kind of
police force within the body. Antioxidants “quench” free
radicals and prevent the spread of ROS that cause damage to
cells [9]. Radiations have been shown to exert carcinogenic
effect in humans and experimental animals [10]. Generation of
reactive oxygen species (ROS) and its interference with
cellular antioxidants system is one of the major mechanisms
by which carcinogenic effect is mediated [11]. As a result of its
high natural vitamin C content, D-Riboce-L-cysteine has a
well remarkable antioxidants capability [12]. Radiation acts as
a catalyst in forming reactive oxygen species. It increases lipid
peroxidation; in addition it depletes glutathione and protein-
bound sulfhydryl groups. It also promotes the production of
inflammatory cytokines [13]. Riboceine is a unique molecule
that combines ribose and cysteine, nutrients that occur
naturally in the body [14]. Riboceine once ingested will be
absorbed, enters the bloodstream and delivers cysteine and
ribose to the cells, supporting glutathione production as well as
providing ribose, an integral part of ATP, cells natural fuel and
source of energy. Riboceine significantly out formed other
means of glutathione enhancement [14]. This research project
is aimed to study the effect of D-Riboce-L-cysteine on
radiation (X-ray)-induced oxidative stress in rat testes.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Animal Source and Handling
Twenty [20] adult male wistar albino rats each weighing
between 50 – 80 g were procured from Jumorak Vetinary
Center (JVC) Iwo, Osun State. The rats were kept in the
animal control room of Osun State University and
acclimatized for 2 weeks till they attained weight of 100 –
150 g. The rats were fed on starter mash (Vital Feeds Grand
Cereals Ltd. Ibadan); water was given ad libitum and
maintained under standard conditions. The animal room was
well ventilated with a temperature range of 25-27 under
day/night 12-12hour photoperiodicity. The rats were
randomly selected into five (5) groups of four (4) rats each;
Group One (Control), Two (radiation only), Three
(antioxidants before radiation), Four (radiation before
antioxidants) and Five (antioxidants only).
2.2. Drug Preparation
D-Riboce-L-cysteine was obtain from Lagos State
Teaching Hospital, Lagos State. Ten capsule of D-Riboce-L-
cysteine (1250mg) was dissolved in 125ml of distilled water
for 24 hours. It was refrigerated throughout the experimental
period of 21 days.
2.3. Administration
Administration of D-Riboce-L-cysteine was done by oral
using oral cannula. The animals (Group two and four) were
exposed once to X-ray around the pelvic and perineum
region at about 95kv, 12.5 milliampere-seconds (mA.s), 50
focal field distance (FFD) per animal. The animals (group
three and five) received 30mg/kg D-Riboce-L-cysteine per
body weight each in the first day. Administration of 30mg/kg
D-Riboce-L-cysteine per body weight were done daily for
21days at 9:00a.m.
Group A (control group) received water and starter mash
only, Group B (radiation only) received 95kv, 12.5
milliampere-seconds (mA.s), 50 focal field distance (FFD) of
X-ray per animal. Group C received 30mg/kg body weight of
D-Riboce-L-cysteine before receiving 95kv, 12.5
milliampere-seconds (mA.s), 50 focal field distance (FFD) of
X-ray per animal. Group D received 95kv, 12.5 milliampere-
seconds (mA.s), 50 focal field distance (FFD) of X-ray per
animal before receiving 30mg/kg body weight of D-Riboce-
L-cysteine, Group E received 30mg/kg body weight of D-
40 Dare Babatunde Joseph et al.: D-Riboce-L-Cystein Maintained Testicular Integrity in
Rats Model (Rattus Novergicus) Exposed to X-Ray
Riboce-L-cysteine only.
2.4. Animal Sacrifice
The animals were sacrifice 24 hours after last
administration. Blood was taken from the heart. Animals
were sacrificed by ethyl ether and the testes were excised
following abdominal incision and fixed in 10% formal-saline
for histology analysis. The epididymis was fixed in normal
saline for sperm count, motility and morphology. The testes
were homogenized in 5% sucrose solution for enzymes assay.
2.5. Routine Histological Preparation
2.5.1. Sperm Characteristics
a). Sperm count
The concentration of spermatozoa was determined using
the haemocytometer method [15]. In this procedure a 1:20
dilution from each well-mixed sample was prepared by
diluting 50µl of liquefied semen with 950µl diluents. The
diluents was prepared by adding 50g of sodium carbonate
(NaHCO3), 10ml of 35% (v/v) formalin and 0.25 g of trypan
blue to distilled water and making up the solution to a final
volume of 1000ml. A fixed volume of the sample was
withdrawn with micro-pipette and delivered onto the edges of
Neubauer chamber of the heamocytometer and covered with
a 2222mm cover slip. The weight of the cover slip spread the
sample which made the semen to move to the center of the
Neubauer center by capillary action and standardized so that
the analyses were carried out in a preparation with fixed
Both chambers of the heamatocytometer were scored and
the average count was calculated, provided that the difference
between the two counts did not exceed 1/20 of their sum (less
than 10% difference). If the two counts were not within 10%,
they were discarded, the sample dilution re-mixed and
another haemocytometer prepared and counted.
b) Analysis of the Sperm morphological characteristics
Sperm cell represent a unique population in which up to
50% (up to 70% according to WHO criteria 1992 and up to
86% according to strict criteria) of the cells can have
morphological defects in normal fertile individuals. The
normal head should be oval in shape.
Thus the sperm morphological characteristics were graded
based on the following parameters;
a. Slight shrinkage that fixation induce, the length of the
head about 4.0-5.5µm, and the width 2.5-3.510µm. the
length-to-width ratio about 1.50 to 1.75.
b. There should be a well-defined acrosomal region
comprising 40-70% of the head area.
c. There must be no neck, mid-piece or tail defects and no
cytoplasm droplet more than one-third the size of a
normal sperm head. These classification schemes
require that all borderline forms be considered abnormal
The following categories of defects were scored.
a. Head shape/size defects, including large, small,
tapering, pyriform, amorphous, vacuolated (>20% of
the head are occupied by unstained vacuolar areas), or
double heads, or any combination of these.
b. Neck and midpiece defects, including absent tail, non
inserted or bent tail (the tail forms an angle of about to
the long axis of the head), distended/irregular/bent
midpiece, abnormally thin midpiece or any combination
of these.
c. Tail defects, including short, multiple, hairpin, broken,
irregular width, or coiled tails, tails with terminal
droplets, or any combination of these.
d. Cytoplasmic droplets greater than one-than area of a
normal sperm head.
c). Sperm Motility
A fixed volume of semen was collect from harvested
epididymis and put in normal saline. Not more than 10µl of
the semen was withdrawn with micro-pipette and delivered
onto a clean glass slide covered with a 2222mm cover slip
and standardized so that the analyses were carried out in a
preparation with fixed depth (i.e., 20µl). This depth allowed
full expression of the rotating movement of normal
spermatozoa (WHO, 1992). The weight of the cover slip
spread the sample for optimal viewing. The freshly made,
wet preparation was left to stabilize for approximately one
minute and the procedure was carried out at a room
temperature between 18 and in the laboratory.
The microscopic field was scanned systematically and the
motility of each spermatozoon was graded has been motile or
Spermatozoa graded motile were supposed to display rapid
progressive motility along a linear track, covering a distance
of at least half the length of a spermatozoon per second.
a. Visual field close to the border of the cover slip should
be avoided [15].
b. The animals blood were collected from the right
ventricle and immediately put inside heparinized bottles
for Serum-testosterone level analysis.
2.5.2. Enzyme Histo-Chemistry
Excised testicular tissues were put in homogenizer with
1ml of 5% sucrose solution and homogenized properly.
Tissue homogenates were collected in 5ml plain serum bottle
for enzyme assay; Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
(G6PD), Malondialdehyde (MDA) and Glutathione
Peroxidase levels.
3. Results
Table 1: Shown standard error of mean and P-value results
for Sperm analysis (Microscopic sperm count {cell/ml},
sperm morphology {Normal/Abnormal %} and sperm
motility {Motile/Non-motile %}).
Sperm count from table 1: showed that Sperm
characteristics were significantly altered in the animals
exposed to X-ray radiation; sperm counts was significantly
reduced in the animals that was exposed only to X-ray
radiation, morphology observation showed significant
percentage increase in the abnormal sperm morphology and
Cell Biology 2017; 5(4): 38-44 41
reduced or altered motility. However, control animals showed
higher sperm counts relative to the animals that were
exposed. Significant increase in sperm counts was observed
in the animals that were treated with antioxidant extracts.
Animals exposed to both radiation and the antioxidants
extracts showed marked improvement in the sperm
characteristics that were observed over the animals exposed
without administration of antioxidant. Increased sperm
counts, morphological and motility integrity was maintained
in the control animals, but significant increased in sperm
counts, motility and morphology was noticed as shown in
table 1 below
Table 1. Semen analysis.
Group One
Mean ± SEM
Group Two
(Radiation Only
Mean ± SEM
Group Three
(Antioxidant + Radiation)
Mean ± SEM
Group Four (Radiation+
Antioxidant) Mean ±
Group Five
(Antioxidant Only)
Mean ± SEM
Sperm Count (106 cell/ml) 690.0± 10.00 320.0± 20.00 470.0 ± 10.00 500.0± 20.00 710.0± 10.00
**0.0036 ** 0.0041 * 0.0136 ** 0.0033
Normal Morphology (%) 87.50 ± 2.500 47.50 ± 2.500 62.50 ± 2.500 72.50 ± 2.500 89.00 ± 1.000
** 0.0077 * 0.0194 ˢ 0.0194 ** 0.0042
Abnormal Morphology (%)
12.50 ± 2.500 52.50 ± 2.500 37.50 ± 2.500 27.50 ± 2.500 11.00 ± 1.000
**0.0077 * 0.0194 ˢ 0.0194 **0.0042
Sperm Motility (%) 82.50 ± 2.500 51.50 ± 6.500 37.50 ± 2.500 47.50 ± 2.500 86.00 ± 1.000
* 0.0111 ** 0.0061 * 0.0101 ** 0.0082
Non- motile (%) 17.50 ± 2.500 70.00 ± 5.000 62.50 ± 2.500 52.50 ± 2.500 14.00 ± 1.000
* 0.0111 0.0061 * 0.0101 ** 0.0082
*Significantly different at p < 0.05
Table 2. Serum level of enzymes of carbon hydrates metabolism (G-6-PDH), lipid peroxidation (MDA) and antioxidant enzymes (GPx) activities.
Group One
(Control) Mean ±
Group Two
(Radiation Only
Mean ± SEM
Group Three
(Antioxidant +
Radiation) Mean ± SEM
Group Four (Radiation +
Antioxidant) Mean ±
Group Five (Antioxidant
Only) Mean ± SEM
G6PDH (IU/L) 3916 ± 26.00 2112 ± 104.0 2668 ± 208.0 3023 ± 61.00 4002 ± 16.50
** 0.0035 *0.0271 * 0.0055 ˢ **0.0031
MDA (µmol/L) 19.50 ± 0.5000 32.00 ± 1.000 29.50 ± 0.5000 28.00 ± 1.000 17.50 ± 0.5000
0.0079 ** 0.0050 * 0.0169 *0.0059
GP (IU/L) 3259 ± 104.5 2237 ± 157.0 * 2484 ± 366.0 2514 ± 38.00 * 3409 ± 82.50
*Significantly different at p < 0.05
SEM = Standard error of mean
MDA = Malondialdehyde
GPx = Glutathione peroxidase
The enzyme results obtained were analyzed at 0.05 level
of significance. Changes in tissue levels of Glutathione
peroxidase (GP) and the activity of the enzymes glucose -6-
phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) are presented in the
table 2. G6PDH activity was significantly higher in the
control group compared to all other groups. The enzyme
activity was also higher in control group compared to group
two (radiation only), the difference was significant. The
enzyme activity was also significantly lower in group two
(radiation only) compared to group four (radiation +
antioxidant) and group five (antioxidant only). MDA level
was lower in the control group compared to all other groups
except group five (antioxidant only) which was higher
although it was insignificant; other differences were only
significant to group two, three and four. MDA level was
higher in group two (radiation only) compared to all other
group, although insignificant, however, MDA level was
significant lower in group five (antioxidant only). GP level
was higher in the control group compared to all other
groups except group five which was higher although
insignificantly different.
The photomicrograph of the testis of the control animals
in group one showed basic histology arrangement of the
testis with the testicular lobules, seminiferous epithelium
and its constituent cells. Moreso, the testis of the animals in
group two (X-ray only) showed widening of the interstitial
space, loss of the basal laminal, degeneration in
spermatogonia with vacuolation observed. Losses of
germinal epithelium of the seminiferous tubules were also
observed in X-ray disrupts spermatogenesis by destroying
the spermatids and spermatogonia.
The photomicrograph of the testis of the animals in group
three (D-Riboce-L-cysteine+ X-ray) also showed abnormal
widening of the interstitial spaces, reduced leydig cells and
degeneration of the spermatogonial cells showing
Animals in group four (X-ray+ D-Riboce-L-cysteine)
also showed abnormal widening of the interstitial spaces,
reduced leydig cell and degeneration of the spermatogonial
The photomicrograph of the testis of the animals in group
five (D-Riboce-L-cysteine) showed an intact testicular
integrity maintained with interstitial space, spermatogonia
at different stages well expressed; an indication of fertility
enhancing ability of D-Riboce-L-cysteine.
42 Dare Babatunde Joseph et al.: D-Riboce-L-Cystein Maintained Testicular Integrity in
Rats Model (Rattus Novergicus) Exposed to X-Ray
Figure 1. Testicular section of rats in control group stain with H/E X400;
spermatogonia in the basal laminar, spermatogonia A and B are well
expressed. The interstitial space was with intact leydig cell.
Figure 2. Testicular section of rats expose to radiation only, stain H/E X
400, widening of the interstitial space, and loss of the basal laminal,
degeneration in spermatogonia with vacuolation.
Figure 3. Testicular section of rats treated with D-Riboce-L-cysteine + X-
ray stain with H/E X400; widening of the interstitial spaces, intact leydig
cells, spermatogonia population are well expressed with different stages
Figure 4. Testicular section of rats treated with X ray + D-Riboce-L-cysteine
stain with H/E X400; increased interstitial spaces, intact leydig cell and
regeneration in spermatogonia population.
Figure 5. A and B Testicular section of rats treated D-Riboce-L-cysteine stain with H/E X400 Intact testicular integrity was maintain with interstitial space,
spermatogonia at different stages were well expressed.
Cell Biology 2017; 5(4): 38-44 43
Figure 6. Testicular section of rats in control group stain with PAS X400,
spermatogonia in the basal laminal, spermatogonia A and B are well
expressed. The interstitial space was with intact leydig cell.
Figure 7. Testicular section of rats expose to radiation only, stain PAS X
400, widening of the interstitial space, loss of the basal laminal, reduced
Figure 8. Testicular section of rats treated with D-Riboce-L-cysteine + X ray
stain with PAS X400; reduced interstitial spaces, expression of
spermatogonia from the basal membrane to the ad-luminal area showing all
the stages.
Figure 9. Testicular section of rats treated with D-Riboce-L-cysteine + X ray
stain with PAS X400 reduced interstitial spaces, intact leydig cell and
regeneration of the spermatogonia.
Figure 10. Testicular section of rats treated D-Riboce-L-cysteine stain with
PAS X400 Intact testicular integrity was maintain with interstitial space,
spermatogonia at different stages were well expressed.
4. Discussion
The development of radioprotective agents is important for
protecting patients from the side-effects of radiotherapy, as
well as occupational workers in nuclear and radiation plants.
Natural compounds have been evaluated as radioprotectors
and seem that they exert their effect through antioxidants
content and immunostimulant activities.
In the present study, a decrease in testicular weight after
radiation exposure was noticed. This decrease may be due to
the actual loss in the germinal epithelial cells and not
reflected by changes in the interstitial tissue or Sertoli cells.
The present study demonstrated that administration of D-
Riboce-L-cysteine on X-ray induced testicular damage of
wistar rats caused moderation in the alteration in histological
and histochemical parameters. Analysis of carbohydrate
metabolic enzymes showed a highly significant decrease in
activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) in
44 Dare Babatunde Joseph et al.: D-Riboce-L-Cystein Maintained Testicular Integrity in
Rats Model (Rattus Novergicus) Exposed to X-Ray
X-ray only group as compared to control group; this reduction
may be attributed to a compensatory response to oxidative
stress where the consumption of G-6-PDH enzymes was to
maintain sufficient levels of NADPH in response to the
oxidative stress. However there was also a significant decrease
in activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH)
in X-ray only group as compared to D-Riboce-L-cysteine only
group and also significant decrease in activity of glucose-6-
phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PDH) was showed when
compared to X-ray + D-Riboce-L-cysteine or D-Riboce-L-
cysteine+ ray.
Estimation of end product of lipid peroxidation such as
Malondialdehyde (MDA) is an index of oxidative damage to
cellar structures [16]. Significant increase in MDA level in X-
ray group compared to control group showed are due to
production of free radicals which causes damage and loss of
functional properties. Tissue levels of Malondialdehyde (MDA)
and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-P) are proven indicators of
oxidative stress resulting from lipid peroxidation [17].
The decrease in sperm parameters in X-ray group
compared to control group may be due to damage caused by
oxidative stress in the tissue and also a significant increase in
sperm parameters observed in D-Riboce-L-cysteine group
may be as a result of antioxidant effect of D-Riboce-L-
cysteine. It is believed that taking certain vitamins may help
improve male fertility [18].
The exposure of rats to X-ray induces a biological and
histological effects in the testes which can be attributed to
increased oxidative stress resulting from radiation
intoxication. D-Riboce-L-cysteine produces a regenerative
effect against radiation damage and increase in G-6-PDH
level as well as normal architecture of the testes; particularly
in relation to the leydig cells and germinal epithelium, of the
testes of the rat treated with D-Riboce-L-cysteine.
5. Conclusion
D-Riboce-L-cysteine has ability to play a protective role
against radiation induced testicular damage. This study
further ascertain fertility enhancing effects of D-Riboce-L-
cysteine by maintaining the testicular functional and
structural integrity.
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