
The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law



A great deal of economics is about law - the functioning of markets, property rights and their enforcement, financial obligations, and so forth - yet these legal aspects are almost never addressed in the academic study of economics. Conversely, the study and practice of law entails a significant understanding of economics, yet the drafting and administration of laws often ignore economic principle. The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law is uniquely placed by the quality, breadth and depth of its coverage to address this need for building bridges. Drawn from the ranks of academics, professional lawyers, and economists in eight countries, the 340 contributors include world experts in their fields. Among them are Nobel laureates in economics and eminent legal scholars. First published in 1998 and now available in paperback for the first time, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law has established itself as a classic reference work in this important field.

Chapters (100)

... De acuerdo con la teoría de la elección racional, la emergencia de la confianza en los sistemas sociales se sostiene en la estructura de incentivos de largo plazo que las relaciones económicas involucran. Más aún, autores como Hardin (1998Hardin ( : 2001 argumentan que la confianza (la confiabilidad para ser más precisos) y la reputación individual son conceptos inextricablemente unidos. En las palabras de Hardin, "En las relaciones arquetípicas de confianza, la parte interesada tiene un incentivo para ser confiable, el incentivo se funda en la valoración que se le adjudica a mantener la relación en el futuro, "...[es que] mis expectativas están fundadas en una comprensión de tus intereses específicos respecto a mí" (Hardin, 2001: 3). ...
... De acuerdo con la teoría de la elección racional, la emergencia de la confianza en los sistemas sociales se sostiene en la estructura de incentivos de largo plazo que las relaciones económicas involucran. Más aún, autores como Hardin (1998Hardin ( : 2001 argumentan que la confianza (la confiabilidad para ser más precisos) y la reputación individual son conceptos inextricablemente unidos. En las palabras de Hardin, "En las relaciones arquetípicas de confianza, la parte interesada tiene un incentivo para ser confiable, el incentivo se funda en la valoración que se le adjudica a mantener la relación en el futuro, "...[es que] mis expectativas están fundadas en una comprensión de tus intereses específicos respecto a mí" (Hardin, 2001: 3). ...
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When investment in individual reputation cannot solve contract incompleteness, group reputation becomes crucial to achieve social cooperation. In this article we develop a formal model in which the link between social pressure, group reputation formation and between groups trust is studied. Specifically, we model a transaction which involves trust as an asymmetric game. Additionally, we consider the operation of community-enforced sanctions within the group whose trustworthiness is required. We show that for a proportion high enough of honourable agents willing to sanction non-honourable peers, the optimal strategy of a selfish rational agent is to honour trust when placed in him and, therefore, the perfect Bayesian equilibrium is one in which inter-group trust emerges. The required proportion of sanctioning agents depends negatively on the efficacy of the sanctioning technology and positively on the size of the opportunistic incentives faced by the agents whose trustworthiness is required. Even if the deterrence effect of social pressure is not strong enough, trust can emerge if the potential benefits from cooperation compensate the eventual harm associated with abused trust.
... However, not every commodity is profitable, which is true of the Olympic Games. For some time, the Olympics have been an economic gamble for a host country, with high investment and huge costs involved in producing such a product [2]. Some goods have a huge profit, while others have a loss. ...
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... Originally proposed in Bengio et al. (1992); Runarsson and Jonsson (2000) In an effort to understand computational costs, we look to Pareto frontiers of computation and memory vs performance. The concept of Pareto optimally was originally proposed in economics to understand how individuals can prosper with finite resources (Newman, 1998) and has since become a useful tool in computer science. Studying trade-offs in this way is common in computer vision and natural language processing, where performance as a function of model size is often explored (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014;He et al., 2016;Vaswani et al., 2017). ...
Optimization plays a costly and crucial role in developing machine learning systems. In learned optimizers, the few hyperparameters of commonly used hand-designed optimizers, e.g. Adam or SGD, are replaced with flexible parametric functions. The parameters of these functions are then optimized so that the resulting learned optimizer minimizes a target loss on a chosen class of models. Learned optimizers can both reduce the number of required training steps and improve the final test loss. However, they can be expensive to train, and once trained can be expensive to use due to computational and memory overhead for the optimizer itself. In this work, we identify and quantify the design features governing the memory, compute, and performance trade-offs for many learned and hand-designed optimizers. We further leverage our analysis to construct a learned optimizer that is both faster and more memory efficient than previous work.
... Law and Economics brought, for example, a new understanding of the structure of the common law, and Public Choice influenced Law and Economics in offering a better understanding of statute law and the theory and practice of government regulation (Newman 1998). However, it is often still the case that published papers and excellent textbooks in Law and Economics such as Cooter and Ulen's (2014) Law & Economics do not build a strong link between Public Choice and Law and Economics. ...
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In this paper I discuss how Law and Economics can benefit from incorporating some insights from Public Choice into their analyses. Within this argument, I examine the evolution of experimental methods by looking at laboratory, field, and natural experiments; and conducting a very simple scientometrics analysis on the relative frequency of experimental studies in journals such as Public Choice, Journal of Law and Economics, and Journal of Law, Economics and Organization in comparison to top economics journals such as American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Political Economy, Econometrica, or Review of Economic Studies. I also refer to the connectivity of Behavioral Law and Economics and Behavioral Public Choice. The paper then finishes with a discussion of a selected number of topics covering areas such as corruption, tax compliance, shitstorms/firestorms, constitutional choices, globalization and international organizations; all of which present scientific challenges when applying pure Law and Economics approaches without also implementing a Public Choice analysis.
... Specialized dictionary of Palgrave economics, defines swaps as contracts in which some cash flows are transferred with hypothetical or principal amounts [4]. Collins Dictionary determines Swap as exchange of products, interest rate, currency or financial debt. ...
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Every year, large volumes of oil products flow through the transportation network to meet the demand for these products. Optimal distribution of products in the transportation network can reduce production costs, increase energy efficiency, reduce air pollution, prevent faster depletion of these non-renewable energy sources and use them in cases that are more urgent. Also, given that the transportation of oil products by heavy or semi-heavy vehicles increases the likelihood of road accidents and usually leads to heavier damage; Therefore, reducing the transportation of oil products is also useful in this regard. On the other hand, Iran is the center of world energy and the link between the two major oil and gas reserves _ the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf. For the reason that one of the most important characteristics of energy reserves in this area is that access to the high seas for most of these countries is possible only through intermediary countries such as Iran, and this connection is the shortest, fastest, safest and most economical route in the region. Therefore, Iran's participation in the transit of oil products can, in addition, lead to the mentioned domestic benefits, cause the economy dependence of neighboring countries on Iran, attract foreign investment, provide a suitable platform for expanding regional cooperation, achieve political and cultural goals among neighbors and regional peace and stability. In this article, during two scenarios, we examined the impact of swapping oil products through Iran specifically on Diesel Fuel product and found that swapping reduces the volume and costs of transportation. In the first scenario, we calculated the transportation costs in the case of swaps in the country and in the second scenario, we calculated these costs in the case of non-swaps and meeting the demand of the northern provinces by increasing the domestic production of refineries. Considering the information related to supply and demand and transportation costs of Diesel Fuel product and providing a linear planning model for this transportation issue, we calculated the costs by Tora software and specified that by performing swap transactions in Iran for Diesel Fuel product, saves 38.5% per year in transportation costs of this product. Keywords— transportation, product swap, exchange transaction, Diesel Fuel.
... In the specialized dictionary of Palgrave economics, swaps are introduced as contracts in which some cash flows are transferred and the amount of these flows is determined based on hypothetical or principal amounts [4]. In the Collins Dictionary, Swap is determined as exchange of products, interest rate, currency, or financial debt, and is a transaction in which a cash transaction and a futures transaction occur simultaneously, with the goal of securing from adverse exchange rate fluctuations. ...
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Transportation is amongst a country’s infrastructure sectors. Since petroleum and its products have an undeniable role in Iran’s economy, therefore, the transportation of petroleum products is crucial to economy. A decrease in traffic load leads to significant reduction in depreciation of infrastructure, traffic hazards and accidents, air pollution, transport costs and thus promoting the government’s ability to spend the resulted savings in other sectors and export surplus products to neighboring countries. Therefore, in this article with the help of a linear planning model, by comparing the costs of transporting petroleum products using the concept of Swap trades in two scenarios, we showed that the amount and costs of mentioned transportation would decrease. In the first scenario, the transport costs in the country were calculated in the case of using Swap. While, in the second scenario, these costs were examined in the case of lack of doing swap with a consideration on supplying consumptions of Northern provinces by increasing productions of internal refineries. According to the information of supply and demand and transportation costs of Mazut product, we calculated the transport costs using TORA software and illustrated that implementing the Swap transactions in the country leads to 2% saving annually for the product. Its significant figure shows the necessity of doing Swap transitions. Keywords: Transportation, Product Swap, Swap deal, Swap trade, Mazut.
... For example, O Donovan (2003) defines corporate governance as "an internal system encompassing policies, processes and people, which serve the needs of shareholders and other stakeholders, by directing and controlling management activities with good business confidence, objectivity, accountability and integrity". Miles (1987) cited in Newman (1998) define corporate governance as a complex set of constraints that shape the ex post bargaining over the quasi-rents generated by a firm. Hussey (1999), describes corporate governance as the way in which organisations are supervised and the nature of accountability of the managers to the proprietors. ...
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T he focus of this research is the modeling of corporate governance for the attainment of sustainable business practices in Nigeria. T he importance of corporate governance on achieving sustainable business practices especially in a developing country like Nigeria can not be overemphasized. T he research design used in this study was the cross-sectional survey design, associated with the deductive approach used for descriptive research purpose, which was used to model the impact of corporate governance on sustainable business practices in Nigeria.
... The theory of discounted utility is the most widely used framework for analysing intertemporal choices. This framework has been used to describe actual behaviour and it has been used to prescribe socially optimal behaviour (Newman, 1998). ...
Conference Paper
Keynote presentation: Futurization of Thinking and Behaviour Part of the 4th International Conference on Time Perspective, 27 - 31 August, 2018, Nantes, France Thinking in the present is what has gotten us here — now it’s time to start thinking about the future. Most of us may not realize that the decisions we are making on a daily basis can have far-reaching consequences for individuals, societies, and ecosystems into the future. The reason we have survived so far as a biological species is that we act in the here-and-now: when we saw danger — we ran, when we saw food — we ate. However, if we want to make sure we can survive further on in time, we will have to incorporate future thinking in our behaviours. How can we do that? How can we expand our temporal horizon and develop new cognitive abilities? How can we learn to deal with the massive amount of uncertainty and anxiety that this perspective brings? And, more generally, does such time awareness lead to more sustainable behaviors, decisions, policy-making?
... The theory of discounted utility is the most widely used framework for analysing intertemporal choices. This framework has been used to describe actual behaviour and it has been used to prescribe socially optimal behaviour (Newman, 1998). ...
This chapter is looking into the emerging concept of “futurization,” which is being used in the context of policy making; however, without clear definition, it creates ambiguous reactions. What does “futurization of politics,” “futurization of thinking,” or “futurization of behavior” actually mean? This chapter looked into the associations citizens or laypeople have with terms “future” and “futurization,” and what were their expressed and unexpressed hopes, dreams, fears, and anxieties. The study, using surveys and focus-groups, revealed a rather lifeless image, future without photosynthesis, without female presence, and overall a wasteland scenario. However, when speaking about “futurization” in comparison to “future,” there is much less inevitability, more personal agency, and both believe in and fear the technological advancement. The working definition of “futurization” is offered in the chapter as well as a comparative analysis of “future” vs. “futurization.” The implications for sustainability policymaking and curriculum development in education are discussed.
... Antes de abordar este asunto, conviene clarificar algunos conceptos relativos a la noción de consumo de agua, que han sido fuente de no pocos malentendidos a la hora de valorarla económicamente. Cerraré el artículo con un breve resumen de las principales conclusiones que se derivan de lo expuesto, especialmente en lo que se refiere a la pregunta con que hemos comenzado: ¿cuánto vale el agua en el río? 1 USOS CONSUNTIVOS Y "NO CONSUNTIVOS" De acuerdo con Ahijado (1985) o Newman (1998), el consumo es el "acto de utilizar los bienes y servicios para la satisfacción de necesidades (humanas)". Esta utilización, para ser considerada consumo, debe llevar aparejada la anulación de la utilidad de ese bien para el fin al que se destina. ...
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Instream Water Values
... According to Keynesian economics, see e.g. Newman (1998), the ideal walk on Fig. 2 should be from I. and III. quadrant. ...
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The main goal of this paper is to analyse whether the fiscal policy of the Czech Republic is anti-cyclical. This analysis is carried out through decomposing the government’s balance into its cyclical and structural part. The first differences of the structural part are then put in relation to the output gap to determine whether the fiscal policy is pro- or anti-cyclical. Moreover, the correlation of government expenditures and revenues with the business cycle is also subject of our analysis. We also examine whether the fiscal rules which the Czech Republic would have to adhere to once it enters the euro area limit fiscal policy as a stabilizing mechanism. The paper concludes that the fiscal policy in the Czech Republic was for the most part rather of a random character than anti-cyclical during the examined period 1998–2013. This conclusion has two implications. Firstly, there is still room for improvement in fully and consistently utilizing fiscal policy to stabilise the Czech economy throughout economic cycles. Secondly, fiscal rules would not limit the Czech government to practice anti-cyclical fiscal policy if they have been implemented since 1998.
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With the rapid development of smart grids, the strategic behavior evolution in user-side electricity market transactions has become increasingly complex. To explore the dynamic evolution mechanisms in this area, this paper systematically reviews the application of evolutionary game theory in user-side electricity markets, focusing on its unique advantages in modeling multi-agent interactions and dynamic strategy optimization. While evolutionary game theory excels in explaining the formation of long-term stable strategies, it faces limitations when dealing with real-time dynamic changes and high-dimensional state spaces. Thus, this paper further investigates the integration of deep reinforcement learning, particularly the deep Q-learning network (DQN), with evolutionary game theory, aiming to enhance its adaptability in electricity market applications. The introduction of the DQN enables market participants to perform adaptive strategy optimization in rapidly changing environments, thereby more effectively responding to supply–demand fluctuations in electricity markets. Through simulations based on a multi-agent model, this study reveals the dynamic characteristics of strategy evolution under different market conditions, highlighting the changing interaction patterns among participants in complex market environments. In summary, this comprehensive review not only demonstrates the broad applicability of evolutionary game theory in user-side electricity markets but also extends its potential in real-time decision making through the integration of modern algorithms, providing new theoretical foundations and practical insights for future market optimization and policy formulation.
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Inference of biological network structures is often performed on high-dimensional data, yet is hindered by the limited sample size of high throughput “omics” data typically available. To overcome this challenge, often referred to as the “small n, large p problem,” we exploit known organizing principles of biological networks that are sparse, modular, and likely share a large portion of their underlying architecture. We present SHINE—Structure Learning for Hierarchical Networks—a framework for defining data-driven structural constraints and incorporating a shared learning paradigm for efficiently learning multiple Markov networks from high-dimensional data at large p/n ratios not previously feasible. We evaluated SHINE on Pan-Cancer data comprising 23 tumor types, and found that learned tumor-specific networks exhibit expected graph properties of real biological networks, recapture previously validated interactions, and recapitulate findings in literature. Application of SHINE to the analysis of subtype-specific breast cancer networks identified key genes and biological processes for tumor maintenance and survival as well as potential therapeutic targets for modulating known breast cancer disease genes.
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Cities are at the front line of combating environmental pollution and climate change, thus support from cities is crucial for successful enforcement of environmental policy. To mitigate environmental problems, China introduced at provincial level the Environmental Protection Tax Law in 2018. Yet the resulting economic burden on households in different cities with significantly different affluence levels remains unknown. The extent of the economic impacts is likely to affect cities’ support and public acceptability. This study quantifies the economic burden of urban households from taxation of fine particle pollution (PM2.5) for 200 cities nationwide from a “consumer” perspective, accounting for PM2.5 and precursor emissions along the national supply chain. Calculations are based on a Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) analysis, the official tax calculation method and urban household consumption data from China’s statistical yearbooks. We find that the current taxation method intensifies economic inequality between cities nationally and within each province, with some of the richest cities having lower tax intensities than some of the poorest. This is due to the fact that taxes are collected based on tax rates of producing regions rather than consuming regions, that cities with very different affluence levels within a province bear the same tax rate, and that emission intensities in several less affluent cities are relatively high. If the tax could be levied based on tax rates of each city where the consumer lives, with tax rates determined based on cities’ affluence levels and with tax revenues used to support emission control, inter-city economic inequality could be reduced. Our work provides quantitative evidence to improve the environmental tax and can serve as the knowledge base for coordinated inter-city policy.
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The real estate sector has emerged as the bedrock of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) economies, and it has remained resilient despite the various unprecedented micro- and macro-economic shocks devouring the world’s economies. However, wavering investor attitudes and minimal exposure to real estate investment vehicles, coupled with weak regulatory frameworks, have led to dramatic downturns in the sector. Transparency about what is happening in real estate is imperative if the success of high-profile initiatives is to continue and much depends on good corporate governance (CG) in the sector. Using the most recent data from 2019, the current study applies the CG Index (CGI) and CG Deviation Index (CGDI) constructs to the real estate (RE) sector in the GCC in an effort to develop vital indicators for future RE investment decisions in the GCC region. The results indicate that the highest CG adherence levels are being achieved in Dubai, followed by Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia. The authors attribute these countries’ success in CG adherence to the entrepreneurial identity of them RE firms as well as to their governance capacity, their socio-cognitive capability, and the level of regulatory enforcement within the context of their dominant governance logic. It should be noted that there are variations in adherence levels throughout each region. The results also agree with prior literature that a higher CGS leads to a lower CGD score, and vice versa. At this point, encouraging more real estate investment trust (REIT) formations in the GCC could ensure value propositions, such as liquidity, to both investors and RE companies as well as solid governance fundamentals. This is strongly recommended for increasing the RE presence and its contribution to the GDP of each country.
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“Mal canın yongasıdır”… Bu atasözümüz insanın sahip olduğu mal ve mülkün ne kadar kıymetli olduğunu fevkalade doğru ve güzel bir şekilde ortaya koymaktadır. İnsanın canı herşeyden kıymetlidir. İn-sanın kendi yaşamı üzerinde bir sahiplik hakkı vardır ve o insan için vazgeçilmez ve devredilmez bir özgürlüktür. İnsanın kendi canı kadar ve hatta ondan da kıymetli olan evlatlarıdır, ailesidir. Burada da bir “sahiplik” içgüdüsü sözkonusudur. Mal ise bir çok insan için can kadar değerlidir. Ne için çalışıyoruz? Neden yeterli bir gelir ve ser-vetimiz varken çok daha fazlası için habire mücadele edip duruyoruz? Bunun cevabı açıktır: Mülkiyet… İnsanoğlu, ölümün var olduğunu bile bile daha fazlasını elde etmek için çabalar, durur. Bu mülkiyet ya da sahiplik içgüdüsü neredeyse kontrol edilmesi güç ve hat-ta kimi insanlar için durdurulması mümkün olmayan bir ihtirastır. Evet, can her şeyden kıymetlidir, ama mal da onun kadar olmasa bile önemlidir ve değerlidir. Zira mal sahibi olmak emek ve zahmet ge-rektirir. Özetle, mal canın ayrılmaz bir parçası gibidir. Eğer mülkiyet ya da sahiplik denen bir şey olmazsa insanlar daha fazla çalışmak, çabalamak gereği duymazlar. Belki de sadece günlük ihtiyaçlarını karşılayacak kadar bir çaba gösterirler ve daha fazlasını yapmazlar. Hele ki, mülkiyet denen bir hakkın var olmadığı bir sis-tem mevcut ise o zaman insanları çalışmak için motive edecek bir faktör yok demektir. Devletin tüm üretim faktörlerine sahip olduğu ve özel mülkiyete izin verilmeyen her sistemde (sosyalist mülkiyet, komünist mülkiyet, kollektivist mülkiyet vs.) insanların çalışma gayret ve arzuları özel mülkiyetin mevcut olduğu bir sisteme oranla çok daha düşüktür. Durum böyle olunca da özel mülkiyetin var olmadığı bir ekonomide yoksulluk ve sefalet kaçınılmazdır. Tam tersine mülkiyet hakkının anayasal garanti altına alınmış olduğu, etkin biçimde korunduğu ve gözetildiği bir özgür toplumda ekonomik refah düzeyi sürekli artma eğiliminde olur ve bunun anlamı zenginliktir. Özetle, mülkiyet milletlerinin zenginliğini ve sefaletini belirleyen çok önemli bir hak ve özgürlüktür. Bu kitap içerisinde Hukuk ve İktisat Yaklaşımı adı verilen araştırma programının bir dalı olan Mülkiyet Hakları İktisadı üzerine muhtelif çalışmalar yer almaktadır.
The repeated prisoner’s dilemma is an essential game model which is widely applied in real-world economic situations such as price competition between similar products. Studies of the game have focused on the equilibrium strategies for rational players in simplified settings, which do not necessarily reflect the complexity of real-world applications. Therefore, this paper proposes an advanced model that mimics the real-world dynamics of the game, and uses both simulations and human-playing to study the robustness and applicability of different strategies in the game. The result indeed discovers certain weaknesses of the classical strategies. It further shows that well-known dominant strategies such as tit-for-tat are rarely played by human players (less than 5%5\% of the participants played dominant strategies) and instead they tend to use more involved strategies, which again demonstrates their bounded rationality. Our model also plays a crucial role in analyzing real-world multi-agent systems involving human players.
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Węgiersko-słowackie wydawnictwo Kalligram publikuje Dzieła wybrane Jánosa Kornaia w języku węgierskim. Rzadko zdarza się, by po upływie kilkudziesięciu lat od ukazania się pierwszych wydań ich autorom było dane uczestniczyć w pracach nad wznowieniem dorobku życia, opatrywać każdą z pozycji komentarzem, analizować ją oraz przedstawiać okoliczności, w jakich powstawała. Jako tom I omawianej serii ukazała się najbardziej znana książka ekonomisty pt. Economics of Shortage [Gospodarka niedoboru], pierwotnie wydana w języku węgierskim w 1980 r., a pięć lat później-po polsku (pt. Niedobór w gospo-darce). Następnie ukazał się The Socialist System [System socjalistyczny], pierwotnie w języku angielskim w 1992 r. Tom III, Központosítás és piaci reform [Centralizacja i reformy rynkowe] to zbiór 22 esejów i rozdziałów większych publikacji powstałych w latach 1956-2012 r. Na tom IV zatytułowany Püha költségvetési korlát [Miękkie ogranicze-nia budżetowe] składa się 13 esejów z lat 1978-2013. Autor, a zarazem redaktor, opatrzył każdy z tomów esejem wprowadzającym. W niniejszym numerze Zarządzania Publicznego zamieszczamy polski przekład pierwszej czę-ści wstępu do tomu IV dzieł Kornaia. Autor po raz pierwszy zajął stanowisko w sprawie miękkich ograniczeń budżetowych (soft budget constraint-SBC) w 1976 r. W ciągu kolejnych 40 lat poczyniono znaczne postępy na drodze do pełniejszego zrozumienia tego zagadnienia. Dlatego Kornai nie zgadza się z tymi, którzy zawężają zakres stosowania tego pojęcia do procesu rato-wania nierentownych przedsiębiorstw socjalistycznych. Wykazuje, że syndrom SBC może wystąpić w różnych or-ganizacjach i formach w wielu dziedzinach gospodarki, oraz wskazuje na różnorodność dostępnych środków, z któ-rych finansuje się udzielaną pomoc. Pojedyncze działania ratunkowe jako takie nie tworzą syndromu miękkich ograniczeń budżetowych. Powstaje on dopiero wtedy, gdy SBC pojawiają się wśród oczekiwań podmiotów gospo-darczych. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na następstwa syndromu odpowiednio dla organizacji ratujących oraz rato-wanych. W niniejszej pracy zawarto przegląd doniesień na temat rozprzestrzeniania się omawianego syndromu na różnych etapach funkcjonowania systemów socjalistycznego i kapitalistycznego, a także w ich różnych sektorach. Autor prezentuje własne poglądy w kwestiach normatywnych oraz proponuje metody zabezpieczające przed szkod-liwym wpływem ww. syndromu. Esej wprowadzający do węgierskiego wydania książki można podzielić na dwa podrozdziały. Pierwszy zajmuje się "światem realnym", a drugi-"światem myśli". Ze względu na ograniczoną ilość miejsca w naszym kwartalniku publikujemy tylko ten pierwszy. Autor rozpoczyna go od wyjaśnienia pojęcia syndromu miękkich ograniczeń bu-dżetowych, przedstawia definicję, analizę przyczynową oraz opisuje jego następstwa. Część druga koncentruje się na występowaniu i dyfuzji syndromu SBC w różnych systemach: w socjalizmie przed reformami i po, w kapitalizmie oraz w warunkach transformacji postsocjalistycznej. Część trzecia omawia formy przeciwdziałania temu syndro-mowi. W pierwszej i drugiej części zastosowano podejście pozytywne (opisowe), natomiast w trzeciej-normatywne. W drugim, niepublikowanym tutaj podrozdziale eseju autor omawia teorię SBC w kontekście idei i modeli, poka-zując jej związki z innymi nurtami teoretycznymi, w tym z ekonomią instytucjonalną i behawioralną oraz z pracami teoretycznymi poświęconymi pokusie nadużycia (moral hazard) i kwestii niespójności czasowej (time inconsistency). Rozważania te uzmysławiają, jak bardzo terminologia związana z miękkimi ograniczeniami budżetowymi rozpo-wszechniła się w literaturze teoretycznej, a nawet osiągnęła status pojęcia kanonicznego. Na koniec autor dokonuje przeglądu głównych zadań badawczych na przyszłość. Pełny tekst eseju wprowadzającego, zawierający drugi podrozdział, ukazał się także w języku angielskim (Acta Oeconomica, tom 64 (S1), 2014, s. 25-79). Kraków, 16 listopada 2014 r.
Die Effizienz des Hochschulmanagements ist in der politischen Diskussion in den letzten Jahren zu einem wichtigen Thema geworden. Neben dem Aufbrechen bestehender, oft als verknöchert bezeichneter Strukturen, starren Besoldungs- und Haushaltsvorschriften und Fremdbestimmung werden in der aktuellen Diskussion Selbstverantwortung, Hochschulautonomie bzw. dezentralisierte Entscheidungs- und Managementstrukturen als erfolgversprechende Ansatzpunkte gefordert, die sich an der Privatwirtschaft orientieren.
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El govern corporatiu d'una empresa és una de les peces clau per al bon desenvolupament de la seva activitat. Malgrat la seva importància, sorprèn que el govern corporatiu sigui un dels aspectes menys estudiats en la literatura sobre l'economia i gestió dels mitjans de comunicació. Més encara tenint en compte que les decisions dels seus directius poden afectar al contingut dels mitjans de comunicació i a la seva habilitat per exercir la seva responsabilitat social. Per això el present article pretén mostrar la importància del govern corporatiu de les empreses públiques de televisió i, especialment, observar la transcendència de l'elecció i composició que el govern corporatiu ha tingut per al funcionament, independència i gestió de RTVE en els últims trenta anys.
Considering that the economic adjustment policies have been proposed by international institutions for achieving a sustainable economic growth in the developing countries, the latter adopted privatization trend in economy following the application of economic adjustment policies. In this study, we investigated the effects of privatization on the economic growth of developing countries in 2000-2008. We selected a suitable model based on the past experimental studies, use of qualitative and institutional variables in economy as well as use of controlling variables for different regions. Results of estimation in different areas show that privatization in the MENA region, Latin America and Caribbean region, and sub-Saharan Africa had not significant effects on economic growth (Similar results of previous research) but for west Asia and Pacific areas, Central Asia and Western Europe, and South Asia had significant positive effects on economic growth.
Villanueva de Gállego (Zaragoza) Resumen El gobierno corporativo de una empresa es una de las piezas clave para el buen desarrollo de su actividad. A pesar de su importancia, sorprende que el gobierno corporativo sea uno de los aspectos menos estudiados en la literatura sobre la economía y gestión de los medios de co-municación. Más aún teniendo en cuenta que las decisiones de sus directivos pueden afectar al contenido de los medios de comunicación y a su habilidad para desempeñar su responsabilidad social. Por ello el presente artículo pretende mostrar la importancia del gobierno corporativo de las empresas públicas de televisión y, en especial, observar la trascendencia de la elección y composición que el gobierno corporativo ha tenido para el funcionamiento, independencia y gestión de RTVE en los últimos treinta años. Abstract. Importance of corporate governance in state-owned television corporations: the case of RTVE The corporate governance of a company is a key factor in the performance of its activities. Despite its importance, however, corporate governance surprisingly remains one of the least studied aspects in the literature on media economics and management, more so taking into ac-count that the decisions adopted by company executives may affect the content of the media and its ability to fulfil its social responsibility. Accordingly, this article seeks to highlight the importance of corporate governance in state-owned television stations, and in particular, to study the implications that the selection and composition of the governing body of Spanish Public Television (RTVE) has had for the broadcaster's operation, independence and manage-ment over the last thirty years.
Past research on corruption, both prolific and with a long history, covers many fields. It is not the intention of this chapter to faithfully survey where research stands today or to give an objective and comprehensive view of the many paths such research could take in the future.1 Instead, I try to discuss areas of research emphasis for the next phase of corruption research in an admittedly selective fashion, explicitly recognizing the author’s bias as an operationally-oriented research economist. As such this chapter aims at putting some heretofore under-emphasized issues at the forefront of discussion, as well as furthering debate on unresolved issues.2
This paper examines the right of first offer signed between a seller and a buyer prior to the seller's bargaining with this buyer and sequential buyers. The right of first offer commits that the seller cannot sell his asset to subsequent buyers at a price below the price he offers to the first buyer. This contract may reduce the seller's trading opportunities in the subsequent market. Such effects make the seller less aggressive in bargaining with the first buyer who is privately informed about his valuation. Overall the right of first offer may increase the joint surplus for the contracting parties when the subsequent market is very likely to have high value on the asset and when the seller has high probabilities to learn about the subsequent market value. In addition, when the seller does not have full bargaining power in the subsequent market, the right of first offer has strategic effects to increase the price paid by the subsequent buyers. Such strategic effects may make the seller more aggressive in bargaining with the first buyer. The right of first offer more likely increases the joint surplus for the contracting parties when the subsequent buyers have larger bargaining power. Different from many other strategic contracts, the right of first offer may reduce the probability of trade but may also lead to more efficient allocation between the buyers. Accordingly, it may increase social welfare under certain conditions.
This article describes the trends in the size of aid flows and the structure of disbursement, focusing on the problems associated with aid proliferation and fragmentation, which undermine the value of aid. Ways of measuring proliferation and fragmentation are described demonstrating that some of the worst proliferators are countries with otherwise progressive aid policies. Climate funding benefits from having a centralised and highly coordinated funding mechanism under the direct political control of the Convention Parties, but large amounts of aid for climate activities flow outside the Convention's financial mechanism. Because climate change activities cover many sectors and the political economy of aid creates incentives for donors to proliferate, large, parallel flows will exist for some time. Further research documenting the effects of proliferation in the context of climate change is needed before policy options such as budgetary support, sector-wide approaches and other initiatives can be further considered.
A literature review undertaken for the EU Crime Proofing Steering Group identified a set of legislative crime risk indicators. These are intended to assist in scanning summaries of new legislative proposals to identify regulation that might contribute to fraud, corruption, illegal trade, or environmental crime. The case studies reviewed suggest that any regulation carries the risk of such unintended crime consequences, which: (1) introduces product disposal requirements or any other new or more burdensome fee or obligation; (2) introduces a concession on a tax, or a concession on any other fee or obligation; (3) introduces a grant, subsidy, or compensation scheme; (4) introduces or increases the tax on legal goods, or in any other way increases the costs of legal goods; (5) prohibits or restricts a demanded product or service, or in any other way decreases the availability of demanded goods and services; (6) introduces or removes a law enforcement capacity, increases or decreases funding for enforcement activity or in any other way impacts the intensity of law enforcement activity; and (7) provides officials with regulatory power.
Durante el siglo XX, el marxismo y el liberalismo no igualitario o clásico discutieron las propiedades del cálculo económico, es decir, la forma en que las instituciones económicas asignan valores a los diversos fines. Este debate produjo un consenso implícito entre socialistas de mercado y liberales no igualitarios, acerca de la democracia. En este consenso, la voluntad general de Rousseau fue sustituida por voluntades individuales convenientemente jerarquizadas y la soberanía popular reflejada en la soberanía del consumidor. El ensayo adopta una perspectiva rawlsiana para explorar los límites de la eficiencia económica en una sociedad democrática.
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Using store-level and aggregated Consumer Price Index data, we show that restaurant prices rise in response to minimum wage increases under several sources of identifying variation. We introduce a general model of employment determination that implies minimum wage hikes cause prices to rise in competitive labor markets but potentially fall in monopsonistic environments. Furthermore, the model implies employment and prices are always negatively related. Therefore, our empirical results provide evidence against the importance of monopsony power for understanding small observed employment responses to minimum wage changes. Our estimated price responses challenge other explanations of the small employment response, too.
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This paper seeks to provide a systematized framework for the main ideas that have been developed by ECLAC concerning the effects that market-led reforms have had on labour, financial and technology markets. In order to explore these questions further, a research project has been undertaken by ECLAC with the sponsorship of the German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ). The project deals with the institutional requirements for properly functioning financial, technology and labour markets. Particular attention is being devoted to the institutional forces affecting market access by traditionally excluded actors, such as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the case of long-term financial and technology markets, poor households in the case of housing finance, and female workers in the case of the labour market. As a consequence of the market-led reforms, Latin America has transformed its pattern of development and the way in which its brand of capitalism is configured. At the same time, the reform process is shown to have yielded unsatisfactory results when the performance level achieved in each factor market is evaluated. Labour markets exhibit a range of difficulties in reducing unemployment and informal employment. Financial markets are characterized by concentration and by the increasing difficulties encountered by the weaker agents in accessing resources. And, in most of the economies in the region, the role played by technology markets in creating and diffusing technology domestically is being downgraded. This poor performance has co-evolved along with a reduction in the State’s participation in the economy and an increasing power asymmetry in favour of private agents. The above difficulties seem to be related to the persistence of various types of market failures and the lack of non-market institutions capable of strengthening and supporting the operation of factor markets. The persistence of imperfect information, the lack of initial entitlements an
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The framework of public decisions, and particularly the provision of law, is seen here as an agency contract. What distinguishes this contract is the nature of the right delegated to the agent: The capacity to make law gives the opportunity to take advantage of the incompleteness of the constitutional contract. The agency relationship may be loosened or even reversed. This article tries to draw some lessons from the English and American history in that matter and applies them to the making of the future European State.
This paper analyzes the relationship between economic fundamentals and balance-ofpayments crises for the three Nordic countries, Norway, Sweden, and Finland, during 1971-1992. To identify periods of balance-of-payments crisis a method first introduced by Eichengreen, Rose, and Wyplosz (1996) was used. They did not report specific results for the three Nordic countries, but compared a group of ERM countries with a control-group of non- ERM countries (including Norway, Sweden and Finland) during 1967-1992. The results here verify theirs more generally, in that the three Nordic non-ERM countries in particular also followed the so-called first-generation of balance-of-payments-crisis models (Paul Krugman,1979). A second finding was that balance-of-payments crises for the three Nordic countries mainly took place during recessions, typically when governments tried to stimulate their way out by holding government spending constant in spite of decreased tax revenues, which led to budget deficits and speculative attacks. This result is consistent with Krugman’s firstgeneration model, based on constant revenue and increased spending, which led to the same result.
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Economists approach the behaviour of potential criminals, litigants and law enforcement agencies in terms of rational choice: the actors choose the best alternatives in terms of costs and benefits within the choices open to them. The prime focus of economists is on the general factors in society affecting the crime and litigation level and on the interaction between the crime and litigation level and the legal system. In doing so they have to study the interaction between the micro level of individual decision making and the macro level of the law enforcement system reacting on these decisions. Data are often only available at aggregate (macro) level. Econometric studies at the macro level, especially time series, have the problem that many effects have to be estimated from a limited number of data. Various types of studies and some empirical results regarding crime, litigation and the workload of judicial services are discussed.
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