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Bioelectrical properties of human body. Impedance analysis of acupuncture points

  • VUJE, a.s. Trnava, Slovakia


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Bioelectrical properties of human body
Impedance analysis of acupuncture points
Michal Teplan
Marek Kukučka
Alena Ondrejkovičová
Institute of Measurement Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava
Department of radio electronics, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava
Center for Advanced Human Studies, Bratislava
Liming Acupuncture Center, Bratislava
2Department of Animal Physiology and Ethology, Faculty of Natural Sciences,
Comenius University Bratislava
Bioelectrical properties of human body
Impedance analysis of acupuncture points
active properties: bio-oscillations
passive properties: impedance analysis, applied to acupuncture
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
novel ways of measuring bioelectrical properties of human body with strong
diagnostic and therapeutic potential
unknown principles touching foundations of natural sciences and our -
human operation
gate to different paradigm-changing realms: information and energy
medicine, composition and nature of human beings, fundamental physics
(new electromagnetics)
prove or disprove electrical detection of acupuncture points while staying
independent from acupuncture theory
reveal principles of operation of variety of related devices (bioresonant,
reveal principles of operation of variety of related devices (bioresonant,
20th October 2012 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
living cells contain both free and bound electric charges in the form of ions and
polar molecules there are sensitive to electric fields and currents
generation of endogenous EM fields has been observed in a wide frequency
range (0 - 10 15 Hz) [Cifra, 2010]
the intensity of these fields is usually extremely low, it makes sense to talk
rather about the transmission of information than energy
qualitative and quantitative characteristics of these fields may reflect the
condition of the organism and its various pathologies
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Electrical biopotentials: In conventional medicine, the electrical
measurements of useful biopotentials are limited to frequency range not
exceeding 1 kHz.
Hunt developed in 1970’s a high frequency AuraMeter which recorded the
bioelectrical activity from the body’s surface with frequencies from 0 -
250,000 Hz [Hunt, '70s].
Reflecting health, emotional, and spiritual status:
healthy: diseased:
time time
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
A method for computerized recording and analysis of
high frequency biopotentials (oscillometry) [Mendanha, 2008], 0-45 kHz
low-cost solution: PC audio card + surface ECG electrodes for conductive
and inductive (contactless) signal pick up
alterations during yoga and meditation
observation of natural dynamics
information contend in spectral domain
spectral dynamics: wavelet analysis
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Therapeutic frequencies
Amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields for the treatment of cancer:
Discovery of tumor-specific frequencies and assessment of a novel
therapeutic approach [Barbault, 2009]
"Law Energy Emission Therapy“
modulated EM frequencies ranged from 0 to 114 kHz with carrier frequency
lying in the RF band
contactless application through the mouth
biofeedback detection of tissue response: measurements of variations in
skin electrical resistance, pulse amplitude and blood pressure
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Therapeutic frequencies
160 patients with 15 types of tumors: 1500 frequencies were identified, of which
77% tumor-specific and 22% were common to two or more types of tumors
the treatment was applied with 10 to 300 frequencies simultaneousely
partial or complete response was observed in terms of long-term stabilization
of the state
the method is tailored to the individual patient and with the absence of side
"Trigger Effect“: low energy but highly targeted stimulus may cause a trigger
effect on biological subsystems [Vorst, 2006]. Impact not just on local
destination but on the whole organism
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
There is an invisible dissipative structure of EM field which in mainly
composed of an interference patterns of standing waves in the resonance
cavity of human body under the condition of permanent support of energy
in an open system. To some extent the invisible structure is corresponding
to the mysterious acupuncture system and is closely related to different
modalities of energetic medicine [Zhang, 2003].
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
acupuncture is one of the oldest healing practices of the world and is one of
the key components of traditional Chinese medicine
google scholar finds the keyword acupuncture in 260 000 items and
Pubmed in 17 000 items
in Germany, every year has been recorded several million records of patients
who use the method derived from acupuncture and in the country operates
30 000 doctors organized in medical acupuncture societies
it is fully accepted by medical establishment, also by academic medicine,
health insurance companies reimburse the selected tasks
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
In acupuncture and related fields it is assumed that there are special
pathways in the body called meridians which are connected to main body
systems, such as cardio-vascular, respiratory, digestive, etc. In this concept
the pathways are exposed to the surface of human body in so called
acupuncture points localized on skin surface.
Specific anatomic points are stimulated by various techniques, mostly by
injecting thin metal needles for the purpose of therapeutic action. These
points may be seen as poly-modal structures positioned on the skin in areas
with higher density of neuro-vascular structures. Tracks create their
interconnection and should be composed of liquid systems, respectively by
sparse connective tissue unrelated by blood or lymph vessels.
Although use of acupuncture is relatively well established in Western
medicine as a complementary diagnostic and therapeutic tool, its physical
and medical characterization is still largely unknown.
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
general mechanisms of action include stimulation of
the nervous, immune, lymphatic and endocrine
biological response is local and distant - guided by
sensory neurons in the CNS
excretion of endogenous opioids during acupuncture
analgesia in the CNS
activation of the hypothalamus
secretion of neurotransmitters and neurohormones,
regulation of blood flow, changes in immune
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Acupuncture evidence
fMRI and PET studies
Ultrasonic Acupuncture and the Correlation Between Acupuncture
Stimulation and the Activation of Associated Brain Cortices Using Functional
Magnetic Resonance Imaging [Jones, 2002]
visual cortex activation by ultrasound stimulation applied to acupuncture
point on the foot, which is known as a therapeutic point for visual
visual input test control
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Governing biophysical principles: hypothesized existence of dissipative
structure of electromagnetic field interference patterns formed by standing
waves in resonant cavities of the human body under conditions of constant
supply of energy in the physical open system [Zhang, 2003].
Acupuncture points and pathways can be imagined as structures with
different physical and physiological properties that are created in 3D space
by multiple interference of standing electromagnetic waves [Han, 2011].
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
needle have to be insert into a point with the highest body conductivity,
the highest conductivity point is on some peak of standing wave,
a needle has biggest influence there in order to destroy the ill-standing
wave as introducing a new boundary condition [Zhang, 2012].
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
acupuncture system as well as the electromagnetic phenomenon can be
seen through network approach
meridians are dynamic systems based on scale-free fractal structures [Szasz,
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Electrical properties of acupuncture points
Electrophysiological correlates of acupuncture points and meridians
[Becker, 1976]:
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Electrical properties of acupuncture points
Electrical properties of acupuncture points and meridians, a systematic
review: some preliminary evidence; however it is still impossible to
determine whether acupuncture structures possess distinct electrical
characteristics until better quality studies are performed [Ahn, 2008].
acupuncture points have not lower impedance [Pearson, 2007].
63% not electrically distinct, 26% lower while 11% higher electrical skin
resistance [Kramer, 2009].
call to precisely replicate Becker study from 1976 [Colbert, 2009].
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Electrical properties of acupuncture points
some experimental evidence: DC - lower resistance, AC - lower impedance
while higher capacity
controversial outcomes: some studies found no distinction from surrounding
results are heavily dependant on measurement characteristics: skin surface,
presence of sweat glands, electrode geometry and polarizability, contact
pressure, etc.
fluctuation of electrical properties in time (and 24 h cycles)
AC frequency of measurement determines depth of penetration into the
skin: majority of research deals only with low-frequency or direct current
hence only the epidermis dominated by the dead stratum corneum is
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Aim of the study
localization of acupuncture points
Impedance analysis:
in acoustic frequency range
in radiofrequency range
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Secret life of acupuncture points
space: localized not in singularities, typically oval sized 10 x 7 mm
time: drifting spots
mind: determined/influenced by state of the person, variety of
psychophysiological, emotional and other factors
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
choice of biologically active points: LI-4, TW-3, HT-7, PC-6, LU-7, HT-3,
PC-3, LU-5, LI-11, TW-8,TW-9
Large intestine meridian
Lung meridian
Heart meridian
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
grid of 8 x 8 telescopic needle electrodes constant pressure guaranteed
monopolar arrangement with clamp reference electrode on the opposite
arm (~6 cm2)
frequency: 1 kHz
covered area: 17.5 mm x 17.5 mm
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Can it be measured and observed?
On anybody at any acupuncture point, and without assistance of acupuncture
choice of the most suitable points
skin and electrode preparation
limited reproducibility, sensitive biosystem, interference by measurement
avoiding disturbance of human organism
shifted impedance: decreased - inflammation, increased attenuation
observing dynamics: how do they live long term biomesurements
time evolution of maps: points may drift, as they might not be strictly locked
to anatomical substrate, rather reflecting inner EM intereference patterns and
standing waves
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Impedance maps
in most of the cases distinctive minima surrounded by circular patterns
were not found
considerable variations within mm distance: up to the 1 order of magnitude
reproducibility only under restricted conditions
3D plot:
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Visualization procedure
development of a new procedure for visualization of acupuncture points
sensibilization and contrast enhancement
protocol: measurement before, during, and after stimulation
subtraction into a form of differential maps
time windows: latency and fading of the stimulation effect
EM frequencies for stimulation: excitation with lower (>100 Hz) while
inhibition with higher (>10 kHz) frequencies
respecting hours of day activity for each meridian when organs are supposed
to be more active
utilizing of supposed natural resonance frequencies for each meridian and
acupuncture point
proper point localization and manipulation by experienced acupuncturists:
morphological distances + feedback sensations of subject = art of complex
task with combination of objective and CAM approaches
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Impedance maps
Successfully localized points:
Procedure for enhanced visualization:
3/7 2011 Michal Teplan EDALC 2011 Praha
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Impedance in acoustic frequency
TESLA impedance analyzer, 100 Hz 20 kHz
needles and ECG electrodes
pseudo-4-wire method
control points: medial, lateral
sample result: lower impedance, higher capacity
large intestian meridian LI4-LI11:
impedance Z: reactance XC:
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Impedance in radio frequency range
Tomco RF Impedance analyzer, 200 kHz 1 MHz
needles + cylinder reference electrode
electromagnetically shielded room
sample result: lower impedance, higher capacity
large intestian meridian LI4-LI11:
impedance Z: reactance XC:
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Circuit models
Simple models [Reichmanis, 1977] and [Johng, 2002]:
elements based on skin layers: epidermis on surface with dry tissue of stratum
corneum parallel R with C. Serial R: other skin compartments dermis
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Implications and lessons learnt
caution is warranted when developing, using, and interpreting results from
electrodermal screening devices
acupuncture impedance pens: example of applied technology when solid
research is delayed - results in misleading simplifying truth
opinion correction: shift from naive believe from semi-popular literature
towards focus on original resources and first hand experiments
CAM electro-acupuncture: attributes of training, art and intuition
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Conclusions and visions
it is possible to measure electrical properties of acupuncture points
task is complex, with many factors involved
expected results are nonuniform
strong diagnostic and therapeutic potential of both approaches: impedance
and biopotential measurements
from neurofeedback to higher frequency biopotential and acupuncture
impedance biofeedback
bioelectrocity devices (bioresonance): hidden know-how open source
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
Thank you for your attention!
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
[Cifra, 2010]: Cifra M et al.: Electromagnetic cellular interactions. Progress in Biophysics Molecular
Biology 105: 223-246, 2011.
[Hunt, '70s]: (no paper).
[Mendanha, 2008]: Mendanha RE: A method for computerised recording and analysis of high
frequency biopotentials (oscillometry). Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 52 (4): 398-402, 2008.
[Barbault, 2009]: Barbault A et al.: Amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields for the treatment
of cancer: Discovery of tumor-specific frequencies and assessment of a novel therapeutic
approach. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research 28:51, 2009.
[Vorst, 2006]: Vorst A et al.: RF / Microwave Interaction with Biological Tissues. Wiley-IEEE Press,
[Zhang, 2003]: Zhang ChL: Dissipative structure of electromagnetic field in living systems, Siegen
University, Germany, 2003.
[Jones, 2002]: Jones JP et al.: Ultrasonic Acupuncture and the Correlation Between Acupuncture
Stimulation and the Activation of Associated Brain Cortices Using Functional Magnetic Resonance
Imaging. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 22: 362, 2002.
[Han, 20011]: Han J: Meridian is a Three-Dimensional Network from BioElectromagnetic Radiation
Interference: An Interference Hypothesis of Meridian. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2011.
[Zhang, 2012]: Zhang ChL: Scientific research into internal aura and coherence, 2012 (personal
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
[Szasz, 2008]: Szasz A: Electromagnetic considerations of meridian network, ICMART World
congress, Budapest, 2008.
[Becker, 1976]: Becker R et al.: Electrophysiological correlates of acupuncture points and
meridians. Psychoenergetic Systems 1: 195-212, 1976.
[Ahn, 2008]: Ahn AC et al.: Electrical properties of acupuncture points and meridians: a systematic
review. Bioelectromagnetics 29: 245-256, 2008.
[Pearson, 2007]: Pearson S et al.: Electrical Skin Impedance at Acupuncture Points. The Journal of
Alternative and Complementary Medicine 13 (4): 409-418, 2007.
[Kramer, 2009]: Kramer S et al.: Characteristics of Electrical Skin Resistance at Acupuncture Points
in Healthy Humans. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 15 (5): 495-500, 2009.
[Colbert, 2009]: Colbert A: The Ongoing Debate: Do Acupuncture Points Have Lower Skin
Resistance Than Nonacupuncture Sites? The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
15 (10): 1059-1059, 2009.
[Reichmanis, 1977]: Reichmanis M, Marino AA and Becker: Laplace plane analysis of transient
impedance between acupuncture points Li-4 and Li-12. IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering 4: 402-
405, 1977.
[Johng, 2002]: Johng HM et al: Frequency dependence of impedances at the acupuncture point
Quze (PC3). Eng. Medicine and Biology Magazine IEEE 21: 33-36, 2002.
October 20 Michal Teplan SMN SSE meeting 2012 Termonfechin
Introduction Bio-oscillations Acupuncture Impedance analysis Conclusions
... Some researchers have questioned whether measurements of electrical resistance of the skin can be used to localize an AP for diagnostic/ therapeutic purposes [12]. From a technical standpoint, the present commercial electrodiagnostic devices are inadequate, and different methods are needed to appropriately assess the electrical characteristics of AP's [13][14][15][16][17][18]. A recent non-distractive study of AZ showed that an AP may be associated with increased variability in potential compared with adjacent control sites [19]. ...
Full-text available
Background: So far there is no confidence in the basics of acupoint/meridian phenomena, specifically in spatial and temporal electrical manifestations in the skin. Methods: Using the skin electrodynamic introscopy, the skin areas of 32 × 64 mm 2 were monitored for spectral electrical impedance landscape with spatial resolution of 1 mm, at 2 kHz and 1 MHz frequencies. The detailed baseline and 2D test-induced 2 kHz-impedance phase dynamics and the 4-parameter time plots of dozens of individual points in the St32-34 regions were examined in a healthy participant and a patient with mild gastritis. Non-thermal stimuli were used: (1) (for the sick subject), microwaves and ultraviolet radiation applied alternately from opposite directions of the meridian; and (2) (for the healthy one) microwaves to St17, and cathodic/anodic stimulation of the outermost St45, alternately. Results: In both cases, the following phenomena have been observed: emergence of in-phase and/or antiphase coherent structures, exceeding the acupoint conditional size of 1 cm; collective movement along the meridian; reversible with a reversed stimulus; counter-directional dynamics of both whole structures and adjacent points; local abnormalities in sensitivity and dynamics of the 1 MHz and 2 kHz parameters indicating existence of different waveguide paths. Conclusion: It is assumed that these findings necessitate reconsideration of some basic methodological issues regarding neurogenic/acupuncture points as spatial and temporal phenomena; this requires development of an appropriate approach for identifying the acuzones patterns. These findings may be used for developing new approaches to personalized/controlled therapy/treatment. ABSTRACT Journal of Acupuncture Research Journal homepage:
Full-text available
To test whether electrical skin impedance at each of three acupuncture points (APs) is significantly lower than at nearby sites on the meridian (MP) and off the meridian (NP). Two instruments - Prognos (MedPrevent GmbH, Waldershof, Germany), a constant-current (DC) device, and PT Probe (designed for this study), a 100-Hz sinusoidal-current (AC) device-were used to record electrical impedance at three APs (right Gallbladder 14, right Pericardium 8, and left Triple Energizer 1), and two control sites for each AP. Each AP, MP, and NP was measured four times in random order with each device. The study was conducted over a period of 4 days at the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine (OCOM). Subjects: Twenty (20) healthy adults (14 women and 6 men), all recruited from the OCOM student body and faculty, participated in the study. The Prognos measurements had an intraclass correlation (ICC) = 0.84 and coefficient of variation (CV) = 0.43. The PT Probe had ICC = 0.81 and CV = 0.31. Impedance values at APs were not significantly less than at MPs or NPs. Impedance values at MPs were also not significantly less than NPs, although their individual p values were <0.05 in 4 of 6 cases. There was a significant trend of increasing impedance with repeated measurements with both the Prognos (p =0.003) and the PT Probe (p= 0.003). Within the reliability limits of our study methods, none of the three APs tested has lower skin impedance than at either of the nearby control points. These results are not consistent with previous studies that detected lower skin impedance at APs than nearby sites. Further study is necessary to determine whether MPs have lower skin impedance than nearby NPs. Our study suggests caution is warranted when developing, using, and interpreting results from electrodermal screening devices. Further studies are needed to clarify the clinically important and controversial hypothesis that APs are sites of lower impedance.
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According to conventional wisdom within the acupuncture community, acupuncture points and meridians are special conduits for electrical signals. This view gained popularity after anecdotal reports and clinical studies asserted that these anatomical structures are characterized by lower electrical impedance compared to adjacent controls. To ascertain whether evidence exists to support or refute this claim, we conducted a systematic review of studies directly evaluating the electrical characteristics of acupuncture structures and appropriate controls. We searched seven electronic databases until August 2007, hand-searched references, and consulted technical experts. We limited the review to primary data human studies published in English. A quality scoring system was created and employed for this review. A total of 16 articles representing 18 studies met inclusion criteria: 9 examining acupuncture points and 9 examining meridians. Five out of 9 point studies showed positive association between acupuncture points and lower electrical resistance and impedance, while 7 out of 9 meridian studies showed positive association between acupuncture meridians and lower electrical impedance and higher capacitance. The studies were generally poor in quality and limited by small sample size and multiple confounders. Based on this review, the evidence does not conclusively support the claim that acupuncture points or meridians are electrically distinguishable. However, the preliminary findings are suggestive and offer future directions for research based on in-depth interpretation of the data.
Using medical imaging techniques, such as fMRI, the stimulation of certain acupuncture points can be shown to correlate with activity in corresponding regions of the brain. Identical activity is also seen if the acupoint is stimulated with a pulse of ultrasound rather than a needle. This article reviews the advantages offered by ultrasonic acupuncture and the impact on the practice of acupuncture.
An electromagnetic radiation field within a biological organism is characterized by non-local interference. The interfering beams form a unitary tridimensional network with beams of varying intensity, also called striae, which are distributed on the organism surface. These striae are equivalent to semi-reflectors. The striae carry bio-information of corresponding organs and, thus, integrate all tissues, and organs of the organism. The longitudinal striae are classified as channels, while the transverse striae are collaterals. The acupoints are seen as the points where electromagnetic interfering striae intersect or converge. This hypothesis builds a foundation to understand the traditional Chinese medicine, including acupuncture, from the perspective of scientific knowledge.
Chemical and electrical interaction within and between cells is well established. Just the opposite is true about cellular interactions via other physical fields. The most probable candidate for an other form of cellular interaction is the electromagnetic field. We review theories and experiments on how cells can generate and detect electromagnetic fields generally, and if the cell-generated electromagnetic field can mediate cellular interactions. We do not limit here ourselves to specialized electro-excitable cells. Rather we describe physical processes that are of a more general nature and probably present in almost every type of living cell. The spectral range included is broad; from kHz to the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. We show that there is a rather large number of theories on how cells can generate and detect electromagnetic fields and discuss experimental evidence on electromagnetic cellular interactions in the modern scientific literature. Although small, it is continuously accumulating.
From engineering fundamentals to cutting-edge clinical applications This book examines the biological effects of RF/microwaves and their medical applications. Readers will discover new developments in therapeutic applications in such areas as cardiology, urology, surgery, ophthalmology, and oncology. The authors also present developing applications in such areas as cancer detection and organ imaging. Focusing on frequency ranges from 100 kHz to 10 GHz, RF/Microwave Interaction with Biological Tissues is divided into six chapters: Fundamentals in Electromagnetics—examines penetration of RF/microwaves into biological tissues; skin effect; relaxation effects in materials and the Cole-Cole model (display); the near field of an antenna; blackbody radiation and the various associated laws; and microwave measurements. RF/Microwave Interaction Mechanisms in Biological Materials—includes a section devoted to the fundamentals of thermodynamics and a discussion on energy and entropy. Biological Effects—investigates the effects of radio frequency fields on the nervous system, the brain and spinal cord, the blood-brain barrier, and cells and membranes. Thermal Therapy—includes a description of applicators and an extensive discussion on the foundation of dielectric heating and inductive heating. EM-Wave Absorbers Protecting the Biological and Medical Environment—investigates materials for EM-wave absorbers from both a theoretical and applications perspective. Special attention is given to ferrite absorbers. RF/Microwave Delivery Systems for Therapeutic Applications—begins with the fundamental features of major components used in RF/microwave delivery systems for therapeutic applications. New research towards the development of future measurement techniques is also presented. The book features problem sets at the end of each chapter, making it an excellent introduction for bioengineering and engineering students. Researchers, physicians, and technicians in the field will also find this an excellent reference that offers all the fundamentals, the most cutting-edge applications, and insight into future developments.
Mendanha RE: A method for computerised recording and analysis of high frequency biopotentials (oscillometry) Amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields for the treatment of cancer: Discovery of tumor-specific frequencies and assessment of a novel therapeutic approach
  • A Barbault
[Mendanha, 2008]: Mendanha RE: A method for computerised recording and analysis of high frequency biopotentials (oscillometry). Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. 52 (4): 398-402, 2008. [Barbault, 2009]: Barbault A et al.: Amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields for the treatment of cancer: Discovery of tumor-specific frequencies and assessment of a novel therapeutic approach. Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research 28:51, 2009.
Han J: Meridian is a Three-Dimensional Network from BioElectromagnetic Radiation Interference: An Interference Hypothesis of Meridian
[Han, 20011]: Han J: Meridian is a Three-Dimensional Network from BioElectromagnetic Radiation Interference: An Interference Hypothesis of Meridian. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2011. [Zhang, 2012]: Zhang ChL: Scientific research into internal aura and coherence, 2012 (personal communication).
Characteristics of Electrical Skin Resistance at Acupuncture Points in Healthy Humans Colbert A: The Ongoing Debate: Do Acupuncture Points Have Lower Skin Resistance Than Nonacupuncture Sites? Laplace plane analysis of transient impedance between acupuncture points Li-4 and Li-12
  • S Kramer
[Kramer, 2009]: Kramer S et al.: Characteristics of Electrical Skin Resistance at Acupuncture Points in Healthy Humans. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 15 (5): 495-500, 2009. [Colbert, 2009]: Colbert A: The Ongoing Debate: Do Acupuncture Points Have Lower Skin Resistance Than Nonacupuncture Sites? The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 15 (10): 1059-1059, 2009. [Reichmanis, 1977]: Reichmanis M, Marino AA and Becker: Laplace plane analysis of transient impedance between acupuncture points Li-4 and Li-12. IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering 4: 402405, 1977. [Johng, 2002]: Johng HM et al: Frequency dependence of impedances at the acupuncture point Quze (PC3). Eng. Medicine and Biology Magazine IEEE 21: 33-36, 2002.