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Yoga training modulates adipokines in adults with high-normal blood pressure and metabolic syndrome



Objectives: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is associated with diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases. Our previous study indicated that people with MetS showed a decrease in waist circumference and a decreasing trend in blood pressure after 1 year of yoga. This study investigated the effect of yoga on MetS people with high-normal blood pressure by exploring modulations in pro-inflammatory adipokines (leptin, chemerin, visfatin and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 or PAI-1) and an anti-inflammatory adipokine (adiponectin). Design & methods: A total of 97 Hong Kong Chinese individuals aged 57.6 ± 9.1 years with MetS and high-normal blood pressure were randomly assigned to control (n = 45) and yoga groups (n = 52). Participants in the control group were not given any intervention but were contacted monthly to monitor their health status. Participants in the yoga group underwent a yoga training programme with three 1-hour yoga sessions weekly for 1 year. The participants' sera were harvested and assessed for adipokines. Generalized estimating equation (GEE) was used to examine the interaction effect between 1 year of time (pre vs. post) and intervention (control vs. yoga). Results: GEE analyses revealed significant interaction effects between 1-year of time and yoga intervention for the decreases in leptin and chemerin and the increase in adiponectin concentration in the sera examined. Conclusion: These results demonstrated that 1 year of yoga training decreased pro-inflammatory adipokines and increased anti-inflammatory adipokine in adults with MetS and high-normal blood pressure. These findings support the beneficial role of yoga in managing MetS by favourably modulating adipokines. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
| Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2018;28:1130–1138.
© 2017 John Wiley & Sons A/S.
Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Accepted: 28 November 2017
DOI: 10.1111/sms.13029
Yoga training modulates adipokines in adults with high- normal
blood pressure and metabolic syndrome
Rashmi Supriya1
Angus P. Yu2
Paul H. Lee3
Christopher W. Lai1
Kenneth K. Cheng1
Sonata Y. Yau4
Lawrence W. Chan1
Benjamin Y. Yung1
Parco M. Siu2
1Department of Health Technology and
Informatics,Faculty of Health and Social
Sciences,The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
2School of Public Health,Li Ka Shing
Faculty of Medicine,The University of
Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong, China
3School of Nursing,Faculty of Health
and Social Sciences,The Hong Kong
Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong
Kong, China
4Department of Rehabilitation
Sciences,Faculty of Health and Social
Sciences,The Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China
Parco M. Siu, School of Public Health, The
University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong
Kong, China.
Funding information
Hong Kong Research Grants Council Hong
Kong Ph.D. Fellowship Scheme, Grant/
Award Number: RTVX PF13-11753; Hong
Kong Polytechnic University Research
Fund, Grant/Award Number: 1-ZE17; The
University of Hong Kong Seed Fund for
Basic Research
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is associated with diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular
diseases. Our previous study indicated that people with MetS showed a decrease in
waist circumference and a decreasing trend in blood pressure after 1- year yoga. This
study investigated the effect of yoga on MetS people with high- normal blood pres-
sure by exploring modulations in proinflammatory adipokines (leptin, chemerin, vis-
fatin, and plasminogen activator inhibitor- 1 or PAI- 1) and an anti- inflammatory
adipokine (adiponectin). A total of 97 Hong Kong Chinese individuals aged
57.6 ± 9.1 years with MetS and high- normal blood pressure were randomly assigned
to control (n = 45) and yoga groups (n = 52). Participants in the control group were
not given any intervention but were contacted monthly to monitor their health status.
Participants in the yoga group underwent a yoga training program with three 1- hour
yoga sessions weekly for 1 year. The participants’ sera were harvested and assessed
for adipokines. Generalized estimating equation (GEE) was used to examine the in-
teraction effect between 1- year time (pre vs post), and intervention (control vs yoga).
GEE analyses revealed significant interaction effects between 1- year time and yoga
intervention for the decreases in leptin and chemerin and the increase in adiponectin
concentration in the sera examined. These results demonstrated that 1- year yoga
training decreased proinflammatory adipokines and increased anti- inflammatory adi-
pokine in adults with MetS and high- normal blood pressure. These findings support
the beneficial role of yoga in managing MetS by favorably modulating adipokines.
adipokine, high blood pressure, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, mind-body exercise
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a clinically significant predic-
tor of all- cause and cardiovascular mortality. MetS represents
a cluster of metabolic abnormalities including central obe-
sity, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia, hypertriglyceridemia,
and hyperglycemia. Central obesity and insulin resistance
are considered important underlying contributors to MetS.1
Furthermore, some researchers believe that hypertension
might be another chief contributor to MetS as hyperten-
sion increases the risk for obesity and insulin resistance.2,3
Approximately 65%- 75% of hypertensive individuals are
obese, and 50% of hypertensive individuals are insulin-
resistant.4 Notably, it has been shown that the prevalence of
elevated blood pressure or hypertension among people with
MetS could be as high as 85%.3 Thus, it has been proposed
that blood pressure control might be an important strategy in
reducing the risk of MetS in healthy individuals.
Lifestyle modification has been suggested to be the key-
stone for successful management of MetS.5,6 Yoga is a blend
of physical exercise, controlled breathing, and relaxation prac-
tice. Hatha yoga, a commonly practised yoga stream, consists
of asana (control of postures) and pranayama (manipulation
of respiration). Yoga appears to have an antihypertensive ef-
fect as well as a positive impact on self- rated quality of life.
Improvements of MetS risk factors in middle- aged and older
adults have been demonstrated to be associated with yoga in-
tervention7. One- year yoga training was shown to exert ben-
eficial effect on reducing abdominal obesity and tended to
decrease blood pressure in MetS people.7 Moreover, a short-
term intensive yoga program (90 minutes/day for 15 consec-
utive days) has also been demonstrated to cause favorable
changes in body mass index, waist and hip circumference,
total cholesterol, postural stability, and handgrip strength.8
Indeed, yoga exercise has been shown to decrease stress,
reduce depression and anxiety, and increase perceived self-
efficacy in healthy individuals. The reduction in stress has
been proposed as one of the potential underlying mechanisms
explaining the benefits of yoga exercise.9 Intriguingly, a
cross- sectional study comparing the stress hormones between
novice and expert yoga practitioners demonstrated that leptin
was lowered and the ratio of adiponectin- to- leptin was dou-
bled in experts when compared to novice yoga practitioners.9
An epidemiological link between adiposity and hyperten-
sion has been illustrated. Adipose tissue is a heterogeneous
organ comprised of subcutaneous and visceral adipose tis-
sue. The incidence of hypertension has been reported to
be strongly associated with increased visceral adiposity.10
Compared to subcutaneous adipose tissue, visceral fat is more
sensitive to lipolysis and secretes higher amounts of inflam-
matory cytokines such as PAI- 1,11 visfatin,12 and chemerin.13
In addition to visceral adipokines, subcutaneous adipokines
have been correlated with hypertension. Subcutaneous ad-
ipose depot secretions of leptin and adiponectin might be
useful in the prediction of hypertension.14 The progressive
interaction between proinflammatory and anti- inflammatory
adipokines is commonly thought to play a significant role in
the developmental process of systemic metabolic abnormali-
ties. Therefore, the understanding of the equilibrium and bal-
ance of adipokines (ie, pro- vs anti- inflammatory adipokines)
in response to lifestyle components such as physical exercise
are critically needed for the new development of regimens to
combat MetS and other metabolic disorders.
Yoga reduces MetS risk factors15 as well as inflam-
matory adipokines.16,17 Our previous study indicated that
participants with MetS showed a significant decrease in
waist circumference and a decreasing trend in blood pres-
sure (P = .067) with moderate effect size after 1- year of
yoga intervention.7 Therefore, we hypothesized that yoga
training would induce a favorable modulation of the ad-
ipokine profile by reducing the circulatory abundance
of proinflammatory adipokines and increasing anti-
inflammatory adipokines in adults with MetS and high-
normal blood pressure.
Study design and subject recruitment
This study was a follow- up to our previous randomized
controlled trial in which Chinese participants aged between
30 and 80 years who were diagnosed with MetS accord-
ing to the diagnostic guidelines of the National Cholesterol
Education Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel (ATP
III) criteria underwent a 1- year yoga intervention program
in Hong Kong. Individuals with MetS were defined as
having three or more of the following characteristics: (a)
central obesity (waist circumference ≥ 90 cm for Asian
males or ≥ 80 cm for Asian females); (b) elevated blood
glucose (fasting glucose level ≥ 5.5 mmol/L); (c) elevated
blood pressure (systolic pressure ≥ 130 mm Hg or dias-
tolic pressure ≥ 85 mm Hg); (d) elevated plasma triglyc-
erides (triglyceride level ≥ 1.7 mmol/L); and (e) a low
level of high- density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL- C; level
≤ 1.03 mmol/L for males or ≤ 1.3 mmol/L for females).
Participants were randomly allocated into groups using a
computer program.
Participants having symptomatic heart or lung disease,
pulmonary illness, severe rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthri-
tis, dementia or mental disorder, previous stroke, severe car-
diovascular illness, major orthopedic problems in the lower
back, neuromusculo- skeletal illness, and pelvis or lower ex-
tremities were excluded. Participants who were on drug ther-
apy treating metabolic abnormalities, regular tobacco users,
wheelchair users, immobile, with physical conditions not
appropriate for yoga exercise were excluded. Additionally,
participants who exercised at moderate- to- vigorous inten-
sity at least 30 minutes per session regularly (3 or more
days a week) were also excluded. All the experimental pro-
cedures received human research ethics approval from The
Hong Kong Polytechnic University (ethics approval number:
HSEARS20090820001 and HSEARS20160810001).7
In this study, we specifically selected 97 blood samples of
participants (control n = 45, yoga n = 52) who had MetS spe-
cifically with high- normal blood pressure (systolic pressure
≥ 130 mm Hg or diastolic pressure ≥ 85 mm Hg) from the
pool of 182 archived blood samples from our previous study.
The samples from control and yoga intervention group were
selected from two time points: Pre (baseline measurement at
the beginning of the study) and Post (the measurement upon
accomplishment of the 1- year experimental period). Attrition
rate in the study was 4.4% as some participants quitted the
study due to personal reasons and some never showed up
after the recruitment.
Yoga intervention
Participants in the control group were not given any in-
tervention but were contacted monthly to monitor their
health status. Participants in the yoga group attended
three yoga sessions weekly for 1 year. Each 60- min ses-
sion consisted of a 10- min warm- up, 40 minutes of hatha
yoga practice, and a 10- min cool- down that consisted of
a breathing and relaxation exercise.7 Yoga classes were
conducted in a small group (~10 participants) by certified
yoga instructors. All participants were requested to adhere
to their usual daily dietary intake and physical activities
throughout the one- year experimental period. As an incen-
tive, participants were offered a supermarket coupon upon
completion of the study. Participants in the yoga group
who attended less than 70% of the classes were excluded.7
The training protocol of the yoga exercise program is
shown in Table 1.
Determination of MetS risk factors
Participants were assessed by trained research personnel
for MetS diagnostic parameters including blood pressure,
waist circumference, fasting glucose, triglycerides, and
HDL- C. The blood pressure measurement was performed
on the right arm of the subject after a 5- min rest in a sit-
ting position. Using an appropriate- sized cuff, systolic and
diastolic blood pressures were measured by an electronic
blood pressure monitor (Accutorr Plus, Datascope) over
the brachial artery region with the arm supported at heart
level. Waist circumference was measured on the bare skin,
midway between the lowest rib and the superior border of
the iliac crest, using an inelastic measuring tape. Venous
blood samples were harvested by certified phlebotomists
after participants fasted overnight. Blood glucose, triglyc-
erides, and HDL- C concentrations were measured by an
accredited medical laboratory using commercial test kit
Sanskrit name of
English name of
Sanskrit name of
English name of
Marjaryasana to
Cat to cow stretch Balasana Child pose
Adho muha
Downward dog Setu bandhasana Bridge pose
High lunge Supta
Reclining big toe
Uttanasana Standing forward
Ananda balsana Happy baby pose
Spinal twist Matsyendrasana Virasana Hero pose
Uradva hastasana Upward salute Padangusthasana Finger and toe
Ukatassanna Chair pose Centering In cross- legged
Virabhadrasana Warrior pose Paripurna navasana Knees bend version
of boat pose
Utthita parsva
Side angle pose Vajrasana Thunderbolt pose
Utthita trikonasana Extended triangle
Sukhasana). Easy pose
Vrksasana Tree pose Shavasana Corpse pose
Malasana Garland pose Eka pada bhekasana 1- leg frog pose
Eka pada
One- legged king
pigeon pose
Sputa baddha
Lying down bound
angle pose
Salambhasana Locust pose Uttitha hasta
Extended big toe
Dandasana Staff pose Sputa padangusthana Big toe lying down
Baddha konasana Bound angle pose Padangusthasana Big toe pose
Agnistambhasana Fire log pose Salabasana Locust pose
Gomukhasana Cow face pose Tadasana Mountain pose
TABLE 1 The yoga postures (in both
Sanskrit and English) practised in routine
training protocol for 1- year yoga
intervention group
methods and an automatic clinical chemistry analyzer
(Architect CI8200, Abbott Diagnostics, USA).7 Systolic
blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, fasting plasma
glucose, waist circumference, HDL- C, and triglycerides
were examined at baseline and at the end of the 1- year ex-
perimental period. Furthermore, the detailed explanations
about the methods used for the assessment of MetS risk
factors are described in our previous publication.7
Measurement of adipokines
Commercially available enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay
(ELISA) kits (Visfatin from BioVision; PAI- 1 and chemerin
from R&D; leptin and adiponectin from Thermo Fisher
Scientific, USA) were used to examine the concentrations of
adipokines in the serum samples according to the manufac-
turer’s instructions. The coefficients of variability (CV) for the
kit assays are as follows: visfatin (intra- assay: 4.4%- 8%, interas-
say: 8.2%), PAI- 1 (intra- assay: 6.8%, interassay: 7%), chemerin
(intra- assay: 3.9%, interassay: 7.3%), leptin (intra- assay: 3.9%,
interassay: 5.3%), and adiponectin (intra- assay: 3.8%, interas-
say: 5.5%). Measurements were performed in duplicates or trip-
licates by a single observer to minimize the observer variation.
Data analyses
Data are expressed as the means ± standard deviation. The gen-
eralized estimating equation (GEE) was adopted to examine the
interaction effect between 1- year time and the intervention, the
main effect of time, and the main effect of intervention on adi-
pokines and MetS risk factors. GEE was also used to examine
the interaction effect between 1- year time and the yoga interven-
tion on MetS risk factors after adjusting the age as a covariate.
Normality of the data was verified by the Shapiro- Wilk test. The
Mann- Whitney U test was performed to examine the baseline
differences in MetS risk factors, age, sex and the changes (post-
pre) in the MetS risk factors and adipokines between control and
yoga groups. The Chi- square test was performed to examine the
baseline differences in the categorical data. All statistical analy-
ses were performed using the Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences (SPSS) version 22 for Windows. Statistical signifi-
cance was indicated by P < 0.05. Our power analyses indicated
that the statistical power was >80% for most of the outcome
measures performed in this study including adiponectin, leptin,
chemerin, visfatin, diastolic blood pressure, and systolic blood
MetS risk factors
No significant differences were observed in the MetS risk
factors, habitual physical activity level (as assessed by
international physical activity questionnaire or IPAQ), and
adipokines at the baseline assessment between control and
yoga groups (Table 2). Our analysis revealed that among all
the other MetS risk factors that were measured, the mean
change (ie, post- pre) in waist circumference was significantly
lower in the yoga group compared to the control group (−3.6
vs −1.4, P = .029) (Figure 1). The mean waist circumference
value was reduced by 4% in the yoga group and 2% in control
group (Figure 2F).
Further analysis revealed that there was no significant in-
teraction effect between time and intervention for diastolic
blood pressure, systolic blood pressure, high- density lipopro-
tein, triglycerides, fasting glucose, and waist circumference
in our examined MetS participants with high- normal blood
pressure (Figure 2). Of note, we also found no significant in-
teraction effect between time and intervention on MetS risk
factors in MetS participants with high- normal blood pressure
after adjusting for the age as a covariate. The main effect of
time was observed for systolic blood pressure (Wald Chi-
square test= 12.4, P < .001), diastolic blood pressure (Wald
Chi- square test= 6.3, P = .012), and waist circumference
(Wald Chi- square test= 4.4, P = .037) (Figure 2A,B and F).
Anti- and proinflammatory adipokines
Our results revealed significant differences in the mean
value of change (ie, post- pre) in adiponectin (−1.0 vs 1.3,
P < .001), PAI- 1 (0.9 vs 0.4, P = .03), chemerin (46.3 vs
−32.8, P < .001), and leptin (1.9 vs −6.7, P < .001) in the
control vs. yoga groups (Figure 3A- D). The mean value
of adiponectin levels in the yoga group was increased by
20.1% compared to a decrease of 15.5% in the control group
(Figure 4A). Moreover, the mean values of leptin, PAI- 1,
and chemerin were significantly decreased (26.5%, 6.5%, and
14.3%, respectively) in the yoga group compared to increases
in each variable (9%, 13.5%, and 21%, respectively) in the
control group (Figure 4B,C and D).
Our further analysis revealed the significant interaction
effects between time and intervention for adiponectin (Wald
Chi- square test= 16.2, P < .001), leptin (Wald Chi- square
test= 9.4, P = .002), and chemerin (Wald Chi- square test=
11.6, P = .001) (Figure 4A,B and D). The main effect of
yoga intervention was found for PAI- 1 (Wald Chi- square
test= 5.9, P = .015) (Figure 4C). However, the main effect of
time was observed for visfatin (Wald Chi- square test= 11.78,
P = .001) (Figure 4E).
MetS is a serious public health concern due to its intimate
link to the pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, stroke, and
cardiovascular diseases. In 2010- 2012, the prevalence rate
of MetS in Hong Kong was ~27% according to the NCEP
ATP III criteria.7 Central obesity and insulin resistance
have been proposed as the prominent underlying contribu-
tors to MetS. Remarkably, as high as 85% of MetS individ-
uals have been shown to have elevated blood pressure or
hypertension.3 Individuals with both MetS and hyperten-
sion are indeed considered to be significantly challenged
and at risk for additional morbidities.18 Adipocytes syn-
thesize and release adipokines such as adiponectin, leptin,
angiotensin, perivascular relaxation factors, and resistin,
which are all linked with blood pressure control. As adi-
pokines are considered regulators of MetS, the equilibrium
and balance of adipokines become an important topic to be
explored in studies of obesity, hypertension, and MetS. Our
present findings reveal that 1- year yoga training increases a
circulatory anti- inflammatory adipokine (adiponectin) and
decreases proinflammatory adipokines (leptin, chemerin,
and PAI- 1) in MetS participants with high- normal blood
pressure. These novel results support the beneficial com-
plementary role of yoga exercise in the management of
MetS by illustrating the favorable modulating effects of
yoga training on blood adipokines.
Reduction in waist circumference and blood pressure
has been shown to be positive health consequences of reg-
ular yoga training.7,19 Waist circumference and visceral fat
were decreased after 16 weeks of yoga training compared
to a control group of healthy post- menopausal women aged
54.5 ± 2.8 years.19 Overweight/obese women and breast
cancer survivors have also been shown to reduce waist cir-
cumference after receiving 6 months of yoga training when
compared to breast cancer survivors who did not receive yoga
intervention.20 Another study demonstrated that blood pres-
sure was significantly reduced by yoga exercise intervention
in patients with mild hypertension.21 Consistently, our previ-
ous investigation also demonstrated that 1- year yoga training
decreased waist circumference and tended to reduce systolic
blood pressure in middle- aged and older adults with MetS
compared to the control group who did not receive yoga in-
tervention.7 Our results are in accordance with the previous
findings that the average waist circumference was signifi-
cantly decreased; however, both systolic and diastolic blood
pressures were not decreased in participants with yoga inter-
vention compared to the control participants with MetS and
high- normal blood pressure. This study further explored the
effect of yoga on the specific subject group with MetS and
Control group
(n = 45)
Yoga group
(n = 52) P- value
Gender 17 M, 28 F 17 M, 35 F .60
Age (yrs) 56.5 ± 8.6 58.5 ± 9.5 .26
Diastolic blood pressure (mm Hg) 85.8 ± 8.8 84.5 ± 7.8 .35
Systolic blood pressure (mm Hg) 141.7 ± 13.8 140.3 ± 13.5 .35
Waist circumference (cm) 89.8 ± 7.1 90.4 ± 9.2 .78
Fasting glucose (mmol/L) 5.56 ± 0.9 5.58 ± 0.5 .23
Blood triglycerides (mmol/L) 2.1 ± 1.0 1.9 ± 0.9 .33
Blood high density lipoprotein- C
1.3 ± 0.3 1.2 ± 0.3 .52
IPAQ activity (min/week) 3888.78 ± 4204.1 2593.66 ± 2232.3 .16
IPAQ sitting (min/wk) 2532.78 ± 1774.1 2306.75 ± 1500.3 .99
Adiponectin (ng/mL) 6484 ± 1803 6409 ± 1753 .88
Plasminogen activator inhibitor- 1
6.4 ± 2.6 6.0 ± 2.6 .28
Visfatin (ng/mL) 3.5 ± 2.9 3.5 ± 2.0 .18
Chemerin (ng/mL) 221.4 ± 70.7 230.1 ± 90.4 .60
Leptin (ng/mL) 22.2 ± 9.8 25.4 ± 11.5 .18
TABLE 2 Baseline characteristics of
metabolic syndrome risk factors, IPAQ
activity and sitting, and adipokines in
control and yoga groups
FIGURE 1 Change in waist circumference in control and yoga
groups. The box plot represents the change (ie, post- pre) in waist
circumference after yoga training in subjects with MetS and high-
normal blood pressure. Statistical significance was set at P < .05
high- normal blood pressure by investigating the interaction
effect between yoga and the 1- year time period. Our results
indicated that there was no interaction effect between yoga
and the 1- year time period for any of the five risk factors of
MetS in our examined participants with high- normal blood
pressure. In accordance with our previous study assumptions
that the effects of yoga exercise on systolic blood pressure
might be dependent on the quantity of the intervention and/or
subject compliance to the intervention,7 we again suggested
that extra attention should be given to MetS participants
with high- normal blood pressure. The controversial results
might be explained by the complexities involved in defining
MetS. An equal number of MetS risk factors might not in-
dicate that the participants shared the same characteristics
and cardiometabolic risk factor profile. Indeed, the specific
outcomes/consequences of MetS are difficult to evaluate
without a solid definition and common criteria for diagnosis.
Nonetheless, our results support the notion that “MetS in hy-
pertension is an unholy alliance.”18
Evidence indicates that biomarkers might be valuable in
diagnosing and estimating the disease risk for a population
and managing many pathological states, especially when
clinical signs or obvious anatomic abnormalities are absent
or not evident.22 For example, insulin resistance is one of the
major risk factors of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Markers for indi-
cating insulin resistance might be useful for prevention of car-
diovascular disease, all- cause mortality, and T2D. Increased
concentrations of interleukin- 8 (IL- 8), monocyte chemotactic
protein- 1 (MCP- 1), and interferon γ- induced protein (IP- 10)
have been associated with the incidence of T2D by hazard
ratio risk assessment. One study suggested that chemokines
including MCP- 1, IL- 8, and IP- 10 were significantly higher
in participants who developed T2D during a follow- up of
10 years compared with those who did not develop T2D.23
An aerobic exercise (225 min/wk) intervention conducted on
post- menopausal inactive women resulted in decreases in in-
sulin resistance markers (leptin, adiponectin/leptin ratio, in-
sulin), whereas changes in glucose (one of the risk factors for
MetS) were not evident.24 Another study by the same group
suggested that adipokines and systemic inflammation may be
associated with the risk of breast cancer in post- menopausal
women independent of body mass index.25 They concluded
that after performing long- term aerobic exercise, previously
inactive post- menopausal women showed changes in insulin,
leptin, and adiponectin/leptin, which might reduce the risk
of post- menopausal breast cancer.24 Numerous studies sup-
port the idea that hypertensive patients with MetS will show
early signs of end- organ damage, which are recognized as
significant independent predictors of adverse cardiovascular
outcomes compared to those without MetS.26 Therefore, in-
dividuals with high- normal blood pressure and MetS should
receive special attention.
Researchers suggested that MetS identification should be
emphasized when treating patients with hypertension.27,28 In
this study, adipokines were observed to be favorably regulated
after yoga intervention in MetS subjects with high- normal
blood pressure. These results proposed that an adipokine
panel as a circulatory biomarker might be useful for identi-
fying the protective outcomes of interventions, especially in
worsening metabolic conditions in which changes in clinical
outcomes are not obvious. Biomarkers aid in the diagnosis
and management of many pathological states when there
FIGURE 2 Cardiometabolic risk
factors in control and yoga groups. Line
graphs represent the changes in systolic
blood pressure (A), diastolic blood pressure
(B), high- density lipoprotein cholesterol (C),
triglycerides (D), fasting glucose (E), and
waist circumference (F) before (Pre) and
after (Post) the 1- year experimental period
in MetS subjects with high- normal blood
pressure in control (n = 45) and yoga groups
(n = 52). Statistical significance was set at
P < .05. Data are expressed as the means ±
standard deviation
are no obvious clinical signs or anatomic abnormalities.13
Nonetheless, each adipokine has a particular role in maintain-
ing the delicate equilibrium between the pathophysiological
effect and protective impact. Although numerous effects of
adipocytokines have been reported in recent studies, further
investigation of their signalling pathways is still needed to
understand how they are eventually integrated.
The regular practice of yoga exercise has been demon-
strated to be effective in reducing stress and improving
physical and psychologic health. Yoga exercise has also
been proposed to reduce oxidative stress by at least two
mechanisms.29,30 The first mechanism is via the suppres-
sion of the overactivated sympathoadrenal system and the
hypothalamic- pituitary- adrenal (HPA) axis,29,30 which re-
duces the proinflammatory responses by decreasing the lev-
els of stress hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine.29,30
Yoga exercise has been shown to alleviate inflammatory
signalling by downregulating the regulatory molecule that
favors the proinflammatory microenvironment,31 namely,
the nuclear factor kappa- light- chain- enhancer of activated
B cells (NF- κB).32 Consistent with the role of NF- κB, the
downregulation of the regulatory molecules for the proin-
flammatory microenvironment reasonably explains the
principal behind the first mechanism. The second mecha-
nism is attributed to the reactivation of the parasympathetic
nervous system by consciously manipulating the breath
rhythm (ie, slow breathing and a long exhalation) during
yoga practice.25 The activities of adenosine monophosphate-
activated protein kinase (AMPK) in peripheral tissues and
organs are known to be facilitated by the specific regulation
of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.33
Intriguingly, AMPK is a regulatory molecule that favors
FIGURE 3 Changes in adipokines in
control and yoga groups. Box plots represent
the changes (ie, post- pre) in adipokines
including adiponectin (A), plasminogen
activator inhibitor- 1 (B), chemerin (C), and
leptin (D) after yoga training in subjects
with MetS and high- normal blood pressure.
Statistical significance was set at P < .05
FIGURE 4 Adipokines in control
and yoga groups. Line graphs represent the
concentrations of leptin (A), plasminogen
activator inhibitor- 1 (B), chemerin
(C), visfatin (D), and adiponectin (E)
before (Pre) and after (Post) the 1- year
experimental period in MetS subjects with
high- normal blood pressure in control
(n = 45) and yoga groups (n = 52).
Statistical significance was set at P < .05.
Data are expressed as the means ± standard
the anti- inflammatory microenvironment. AMPK functions
to mediate fat oxidation, reduce circulating fatty acids and
triacylglycerol, and increase glucose transport in muscle.
In mammals, AMPK has been demonstrated to contribute
to glucose homeostasis, appetite regulation, and exercise
adaptation.34 Thus, the upregulation of anti- inflammatory
responses by increasing fat oxidation, reducing circulatory
fatty acids, and promoting insulin sensitivity through the
AMPK pathway sensibly contributes to the principal behind
the second mechanism. Nevertheless, the precise underly-
ing mechanisms that explain how yoga practice causes the
observed alterations of circulatory adipokines are unclear,
and this topic warrants additional research to fully under-
stand the relationship between yoga exercise training and the
adipokine profile. Provided that MetS is a condition that is
characterized by chronic low- grade inf lammation, it is ratio-
nal that an equilibrium between the anti- inflammatory and
proinflammatory microenvironments plays a critical role in
preventing the development of MetS.
We aimed to provide an estimate of the true efficacy of the
intervention, that is, among those who completed the treat-
ment as planned (per protocol analysis). Nonetheless, the
convenience sampling with restricted inclusion criteria and
the use of per protocol analysis in our study design might
have limited the study generalizability and exaggerated the
treatment effect. Future research with the inclusion of both
intention to treat analysis and per protocol analysis in the
study design might be able to strengthen the present findings.
Furthermore, the inclusion of active control group might fur-
ther enhance the significance of the findings. It remains to be
elucidated whether the establishment of a regular gathering
group and regular exercise habit might contribute to the ben-
eficial effects of our observed outcome measures other than
the yoga intervention.
This study demonstrates that 1- year yoga training induces a
favorable modulation of circulatory adipokines. These find-
ings support the notion that yoga exercise might serve as an
effective lifestyle intervention to reduce chronic inflamma-
tion by downregulating the proinflammatory adipokines and
upregulating the anti- inflammatory adipokines in individuals
with high- normal blood pressure and MetS. A panel of adi-
pokines as circulatory biomarkers might be useful for moni-
toring the beneficial outcomes of prolonged yoga exercise
This study was supported by the Hong Kong Research Grants
Council Hong Kong Ph.D. Fellowship Scheme (RTVX
PF13- 11753), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Research Fund (1- ZE17), and The University of Hong Kong
Seed Fund for Basic Research.
All authors declare no conflict of interest.
R.S. contributed to design, conduct/data collection, analysis
of the paper, and writing of the paper. A.P.Y. contributed
to data collection. P.H.L. contributed to statistical analyses.
C.W.L., L.W.C., and B.Y.Y. contributed to design and analy-
sis of the paper. K.K.C. and S.Y.Y. contributed to analysis of
the paper. P.M.S. contributed to the design, analysis of the
paper, and writing of the paper.
Paul H. Lee
Parco M. Siu
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How to cite this article: Supriya R, Yu AP, Lee PH,
etal. Yoga training modulates adipokines in adults
with high- normal blood pressure and metabolic
syndrome. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2018;28:1130–
... Of these 66 full-text articles, 54 were excluded for the following reasons: review articles (n=42), editorials/posters/reports (n=5), observational studies (n=4), a cross-sectional study (n=1), a protocol paper (n=1), and combined interventions with other exercises (n=1). Ultimately, 12 studies [41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52] were included in the qualitative synthesis for this review ( The most frequently studied adipocytokine was adiponectin, assessed in nine studies, followed by leptin, examined in eight studies. Other adipocytokines, including IL-6, vaspin, visfatin, chemerin, and PAI-1, were also evaluated. ...
... These studies suggest that yoga significantly reduces leptin levels. Notably, Supriya et al. demonstrated sustained leptin reduction over a longer period [43], supporting the efficacy of long-term yoga practice in managing MetS and obesity. Conversely, a short-term intensive intervention by Telles et al. (five hours daily for six days) in patients with uncomplicated type 2 diabetes showed a remarkable 64.1% decrease [46], indicating the potential for powerful effects with intensive, short-term yoga practice. ...
... These studies demonstrate that yoga significantly increases adiponectin levels. Supriya et al. demonstrated a substantial 20.1% increase in adiponectin, suggesting the effectiveness of long-term yoga practice in managing MetS and high normal blood pressure [43]. Sarvottam et al. reported a notable 26.5% increase in adiponectin among overweight and obese men over just 10 days [51]. ...
... The review includes a total of twelve studies [27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38]. Of these, eight were RCT's and four studies without a control group. ...
... For the assessment of the risk of bias in RCTs, the Cochrane Collaboration's tool and for uncontrolled studies the Newcastle -Ottawa quality assessment scale were used [Tables 2a and 2b]. Among RCT's random sequence generation was adequate in seven studies [28][29][30][31][32][33][34] and an adequate concealment of allocation was done in six studies [28][29][30][31][32]34]. Blinding of the outcome assessment was mentioned in one study [34]. The attrition bias was low in five studies [27,29,31,33,34] and high in three studies, which reported more than 15 % of dropouts during the intervention period [28,30,31]. ...
... For the assessment of the risk of bias in RCTs, the Cochrane Collaboration's tool and for uncontrolled studies the Newcastle -Ottawa quality assessment scale were used [Tables 2a and 2b]. Among RCT's random sequence generation was adequate in seven studies [28][29][30][31][32][33][34] and an adequate concealment of allocation was done in six studies [28][29][30][31][32]34]. Blinding of the outcome assessment was mentioned in one study [34]. ...
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Background Adipokines have an important role in the pathophysiology of overweight and obesity and associated inflammatory diseases. Objective: The present review aims to evaluate the role of Yoga on adipokines among people with overweight and obesity. Methods Authors performed a systematic search for relevant research studies as per the PRISMA guidelines in Google Scholar, Medline/Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science, PsychInfo electronic databases. Two independent authors conducted the selection of articles, data extraction, assessment of the risk of bias for individual studies. Any disagreements were resolved by discussion with the third author. Results Eight randomized trials and four uncontrolled trials involving a total of 1054 participants were included. Yoga with varying frequencies was administered for different durations. The studied adipokines among overweight and obese were leptin, adiponectin, interleukin-6 (IL-6), Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), chemerin, visfatin, plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-β). The methodological quality of the included studies was low to moderate on the Cochrane risk of bias tool and Newcastle-Ottawa Quality Assessment Scale. The higher the frequency and duration of Yoga practice, the more significant changes in the adipokine levels were seen. Conclusion The present review indicates that Yoga practices positively impacts adipokines among people with overweight and obesity. However, the present study precludes the generalizability of results due to the methodological heterogeneity, the type of Yoga intervention, and settings.
... MetS is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and other conditions (3,4). It is also an important clinical indicator for predicting overall mortality and cardiovascular mortality (5). The prevalence of MetS is on the rise globally, with the prevalence in Chinese adults increasing from 8.8% in 1991 to 29.3% in 2015 (6). ...
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Objective To systematically evaluate the effects of mind-body exercise on risk factors of metabolic syndrome such as insulin resistance. Methods Web of Science, PubMed, The Cochrane Library, EBSCO host, Embase, China Knowledge Network, China Biomedical Literature Database, Wanfang, and VIP were searched for the period from the establishment of the database to 1 July 2023, and randomized controlled trials of mind-body exercise interventions in patients with metabolic syndrome were collected. We applied the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool RoB2 to evaluate the methodological quality of the included literature and used RevMan5.4 software and Stata15.1 for statistical analysis. Results A total of 14 randomized controlled trials with 1148 patients were included in this study. Meta-analysis showed that mind-body exercise significantly improved insulin resistance [SMD=-0.78, 95% CI: (-1.13, -0.43), P<0.0001], waist circumference [SMD=-2.20, 95% CI: (-3.34, -1.06), P=0.0001], body mass index (SMD=-1.50, 95% CI: [-2.03, -0.97), P<0.00001], systolic blood pressure [SMD=-3.65, 95% CI: 9-5.56, -1.74), P=0.0002], diastolic blood pressure [SMD=-3.32, 95% CI: (- 3.77, -2.87), P<0.00001], fasting blood glucose [SMD=-0.57, 95% CI: (-0.99, -0.15), P=0.008], triglycerides [SMD=-0.27, 95% CI: (-0.46, -0.08), P=0.004], high-density lipoprotein cholesterol [SMD=0.58, the 95% CI: (0.28, 0.87), P=0.0001]. Subgroup analysis showed that the intervention program with exercise form of fitness qigong, exercise cycle of 24-48 weeks, and exercise frequency of 6-7 times/week could significantly improve each risk factor. Conclusion Mind-body exercise is effective in improving risk factors in patients with metabolic syndrome. Current evidence recommends an intervention program of low to moderate intensity fitness qigong, with 6-7 sessions per week for 24-48 weeks in patients with metabolic syndrome. Systematic review registration, identifier CRD42023454135.
... Under the impetus of the country's rapid economic development, the nation's living standard has steadily improved, the general public has begun to pursue a healthier lifestyle, and the awareness and ability to participate in physical exercise have increased [1][2]. Yoga training is a physical activity that integrates the exercise of students' healthy bodies, the creation of students' excellent physiques, and the enhancement of their inner qualities, which is of great value to enhance the gracefulness of contemporary college students [3][4]. With its special attribute of improving human temperament, yoga teaching in colleges and universities can not only meet the needs of the times of college physical education reform but also realize the needs of contemporary college students for the innovative reform of college physical education curriculum teaching aesthetic body and aesthetic education [5][6]. ...
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This paper analyzes the practical strategy and significance of integrating form training in yoga training teaching and constructs an evaluation index system for yoga training teaching based on it. Secondly, a principal component analysis was used to introduce the covariance to calculate the comprehensive score of the indexes. Finally, an empirical analysis was conducted to verify the specific effects of yoga training on body shape. The research revealed that yoga asana teaching and breathing control method introduction were the primary components of yoga training, with factor loadings of 0.845 and 0.623, respectively. Yoga training significantly affected cardiorespiratory function, body fat and circumference, and flexibility, p<0.05. According to the statement, yoga training has the potential to enhance body shape and reduce body fat.
... Our present study depicted a statistically significant reduction (P < 0.01) in serum leptin levels and beneficially raised serum adiponectin levels after 6 months of yoga and pranayama practice. Similar results were demonstrated in a study involving a total of 97 Hong Kong Chinese individuals aged (57.6 ± 9.1) years with metabolic syndrome and highnormal BP randomly assigned to control (n = 45) and yoga groups (n = 52) with patients of yoga group subjected to a yoga training program with three 1-h yoga sessions weekly for 1 year, showed that 1-year yoga training decreased pro-inflammatory adipokines and increased anti-inflammatory adipokine among patients suffering from metabolic syndrome with high-normal BP. [21] Another study conducted among 16 healthy postmenopausal Korean women aged 54.50 ± 2.75 years with more than 36% of body fat, randomly assigned to either a yoga exercise group (n = 8) or to a "no exercise" control group (n = 8), after 16 weeks indicated that yoga exercise improved adiponectin levels, decreased serum lipids, and metabolic syndrome risk factors in obese postmenopausal women and consequently, concluded that yoga exercise would be effective in preventing cardiovascular disease caused by obesity in obese postmenopausal Korean women. [22] A comparative study involving 50 healthy women (mean age=41.32 ...
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Background: The trio of obesity, hypothyroidism, and hypertension can act as a strong synergistic risk factor through parameters, like elevated serum leptin and lipoprotein (a) and decreased adiponectin levels, for the development of atherosclerotic diseases. Very few studies have focused on the effects of yoga/pranayama on these parameters among obese hypothyroid patients with hypertension. Hence, the present research work was carried out to evaluate the effects of 6 months of yoga and pranayama practices on these parameters. Materials and Methods: The present interventional study was conducted involving 20 obese hypothyroid patients with hypertension, their baseline values of serum adipokines, lipoprotein (a), thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) levels, blood pressure (BP), and body mass index (BMI) were recorded and they were subjected to 6 months of yoga/ pranayama and the same were recorded at the end of 6 months, and data were statistically analyzed. Results: There was a statistically significant reduction (P < 0.01) between baseline versus after 6 months in parameters such as serum leptin (23.94 ± 12.96 vs. 11.88 ± 10.32 ng/mL); serum lipoprotein (a) (28.45 ± 3.12 vs. 12.98 ± 3.56 mg/dL); BMI (29.42 ± 3.01vs. 25.36 ± 2.41 kg/m 2); and significant improvement (P < 0.01) in serum adiponectin (3.44 ± 2.32 vs. 8.86 ± 4.88 ug/mL); systolic BP (147.24 ± 7.39 vs. 126.88 ± 6.34 mmHg); diastolic BP (95.76 ± 6.32 vs. 82.04 ± 4.56 mmHg); and TSH (13.41 ± 3.34 vs. 2.83± 2.62 mIU/L). Conclusion: Yoga and pranayama practice for 6 months resulted in beneficial effects such as reduction of serum leptin, lipoprotein (a) levels, BMI, BP, and improved adiponectin levels and thyroid functions among obese hypothyroid patients with hypertension.
... These changes preceded blood pressure changes and therefore might have a predictive function as a biomarker [56]. A more recent study of 52 patients with metabolic syndrome and highnormal blood pressure showed that yoga training with 3 1-h weekly sessions decreased pro-inflammatory adipokines and increased anti-inflammatory ones [57]. Consistent with this work, we showed that interval and continuous exercise training for 2 weeks in older adults with prediabetes who also have high-normal blood pressure lowered mean arterial pressure comparably in parallel with improved total adiponectin and lowered leptin [58]. ...
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Purpose of Review Strong evidence is evolving that physical exercise prevents hypertension and reduces blood pressure in patients with pre- and manifest HTN. Yet, identifying and confirming the effectiveness of exercise are challenging. Herein, we discuss conventional and novel biomarkers such as extracellular vesicles (EVs) which may track responses to HTN before and after exercise. Recent Findings Evolving data shows that improved aerobic fitness and vascular function as well as lowered oxidative stress, inflammation, and gluco-lipid toxicity are leading biomarkers considered to promote HTN, but they explain only about a half of the pathophysiology. Novel biomarkers such as EVs or microRNA are providing additional input to understand the complex mechanisms involved in exercise therapy for HTN patients. Summary Conventional and novel biomarkers are needed to fully understand the integrative “cross-talk” between tissues to regulate vasculature physiology for blood pressure control. These biomarker studies will lead to more specific disease markers and the development of even more personalized therapy in this field. However, more systematic approaches and randomized controlled trials in larger cohorts are needed to assess exercise effectiveness across the day and with different exercise types.
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Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a growing public health problem and is defined by the presence of at least three of five diagnostic criteria, which include impaired glucose metabolism, abdominal obesity, hypertension, high levels of triglycerides and low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) levels. MetS increases the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D), cardiovascular disease (CVD), non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), cancer and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). In this narrative review, we describe the effects of diet, physical activity and natural remedies on the prevention and treatment of MetS, performing a literature search using PubMed and Google Scholar. The results of this work show that the Mediterranean diet, the energy-restricted Mediterranean diet and the healthy diet are promising dietary strategies for treating and preventing MetS. Other diets include the fat-modified diet, the carbohydrate-modified diet, the high-protein diet, intermittent fasting and the plant-based diet. Physical activity has beneficial effects on MetS, alone or in combination with a proper diet and natural remedies. Finally, natural remedies, such as unsaturated fatty acids, resveratrol, artichoke, berberine, probiotics and prebiotics, garlic, curcumin, pomegranate and olive polyphenols, may be helpful for the prevention and treatment of this condition. The results of many scientific studies described in this work should be confirmed. This narrative review shows that diet, physical activity and natural remedies are effective in preventing and treating MetS. Impact statement Diet, physical activity and natural remedies are promising strategies for preventing and treating metabolic syndrome (MetS).
Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is increasing at an alarming rate around the globe. MetS consists of a cluster of comorbid diseases, viz., type 2 diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, abnormal lipid levels, and obesity. Lifestyle modification tools are suggested for the prevention and management of MetS. In addition to standard treatment, Yoga and mind-body interventions are seen as promising ways to treat MetS symptoms through a combination of therapies. Yoga is a wholesome complementary and alternative therapy comprising physical postures, breathing practices, meditation, and relaxation techniques that have an overall soothing impact on the contributory risk factors related to MetS. Based on the available published literature, this chapter investigates the potential role of Yoga and mindfulness-based interventions in the treatment of metabolic diseases. For this purpose, various research databases such as Web of Science, Google Scholar, MEDLINE, and PubMed were searched using the terms Yoga, mindfulness, mind-body therapies, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular illnesses, and obesity, from inception to December 2021. The effectiveness of Yoga and mindfulness in preventing metabolic illnesses was investigated using RCTs, non-RCTs, narrative reviews, systematic reviews, and meta-analysis. This chapter summarizes and elucidates the mitigating role of Yoga and mindfulness for the symptoms and risks associated with MetS and investigates the ameliorating aspects of Yoga and meditation as a preventive measure to mitigate the onset of metabolic diseases. It also highlights some potential Yoga practices appropriate for MetS patients while informing them of their psycho-physiological benefits.
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Background: High blood pressure also known as hypertension, is a chronic non-communicable disease condition, in which the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the blood vessels is consistently too high. The World Health Organization has termed hypertension as the "silent killer" as it is an asymptomatic condition and the health related complications of high blood pressure are life-threatening. In recent times, there has been an exponential increase, in hypertension related incidence and prevalence rates in India. However, a lack of knowledge about the condition among the general population and poor treatment and control rates among the hypertensive patients calls for the implementation of health education and promotion programs. Method: The present study aimed to understand the level of knowledge, conceptualization, health beliefs and misconceptions among the hypertensive and normotensive participants regarding the condition of hypertension using a qualitative approach. Semi-structured interviews using an open-ended interview schedule comprising of 17 open-ended questions were conducted among 96 hypertensive and 103 normotensive participants in the age-group of 22-66 years. Content analysis was used to analyze the transcripts using the thematic analysis method. Results: The analysis of participant's responses brought out several sub-themes that were categorized into themes and the themes were further integrated to develop four superordinate themes of theoretical, essential, lifestyle-related, and functional knowledge regarding hypertension. Overall the level of knowledge about hypertension among the study participants was found to be inadequate. The hypertensive participants in our study were found to possess better knowledge and a lower number of misconceptions about their condition as compared to the normotensive participants.
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Background Exerkines are all peptides, metabolites, and nucleic acids released into the bloodstream during and after physical exercise. Exerkines liberated from skeletal muscle (myokines), the heart (cardiokines), liver (hepatokines), white adipose tissue (adipokines), brown adipose tissue (batokines), and neurons (neurokines) may benefit health and wellbeing. Cancer-related cachexia is a highly prevalent disorder characterized by weight loss with specific skeletal muscle and adipose tissue loss. Many studies have sought to provide exercise strategies for managing cachexia, focusing on musculoskeletal tissue changes. Therefore, understanding the responses of musculoskeletal and other tissue exerkines to acute and chronic exercise may provide novel insight and recommendations for physical training to counteract cancer-related cachexia. Methods For the purpose of conducting this study review, we made efforts to gather relevant studies and thoroughly discuss them to create a comprehensive overview. To achieve this, we conducted searches using appropriate keywords in various databases. Studies that were deemed irrelevant to the current research, not available in English, or lacking full-text access were excluded. Nevertheless, it is important to acknowledge the limited amount of research conducted in this specific field. Results In order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the findings, we prioritized human studies in order to obtain results that closely align with the scope of the present study. However, in instances where human studies were limited or additional analysis was required to draw more robust conclusions, we also incorporated animal studies. Finally, 295 studies, discussed in this review. Conclusion Our understanding of the underlying physiological mechanisms related to the significance of investigating exerkines in cancer cachexia is currently quite basic. Nonetheless, this demonstrated that resistance and aerobic exercise can contribute to the reduction and control of the disease in individuals with cancer cachexia, as well as in survivors, by inducing changes in exerkines.
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Background Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a clustering of cardiovascular risk factors, which is associated with diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease. Lifestyle interventions applied to people with MetS has considerable beneficial effects on disease preventive outcomes. This study aimed to examine the effects of 1-year of yoga exercise on the cardiovascular risk factors including central obesity, hypertension, dyslipidemia and hyperglycemia in middle-aged and older Hong Kong Chinese adults with MetS. Methods Adults diagnosed with MetS using National Cholesterol Education Program criteria (n = 182; mean ± SD age = 56 ± 9.1) were randomly assigned to a 1-year yoga intervention group or control group. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, waist circumference, fasting plasma glucose, triglycerides, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol were examined at baseline, midway, and on completion of the study. Physical activity level and caloric intake were assessed and included in the covariate analyses. Results A reduction of the number of diagnostic components for MetS was found to be associated with the yoga intervention. Waist circumference was significantly improved after the 1-year yoga intervention. A trend towards a decrease in systolic blood pressure was observed following yoga intervention. Conclusion These results suggest that yoga exercise improves the cardiovascular risk factors including central obesity and blood pressure in middle-aged and older adults with MetS. These findings support the complementary beneficial role of yoga in managing MetS.
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For many years, it has been recognized that hypertension tends to cluster with various anthropometric and metabolic abnormalities including abdominal obesity, elevated triglycerides, reduced high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, glucose intolerance, insulin resistance and hyperuricemia. This constellation of various conditions has been transformed from a pathophysiological concept to a clinical entity, which has been defined metabolic syndrome (MetS). The consequences of the MetS have been difficult to assess without commonly accepted criteria to diagnose it. For this reason, on 2009 the International Diabetes Federation, the American Heart Association and other scientific organizations proposed a unified MetS definition. The incidence of the MetS has been increasing worldwide in parallel with an increase in overweight and obesity. The epidemic proportion reached by the MetS represents a major public health challenge, because several lines of evidence showed that the MetS, even without type 2 diabetes, confers an increased risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in different populations including also hypertensive patients. It is likely that the enhanced cardiovascular risk associated with MetS in patients with high blood pressure may be largely mediated through an increased prevalence of preclinical cardiovascular and renal changes, such as left ventricular hypertrophy, early carotid atherosclerosis, impaired aortic elasticity, hypertensive retinopathy and microalbuminuria. Indeed, many reports support this notion, showing that hypertensive patients with MetS exhibit, more often than those without it, these early signs of end organ damage, most of which are recognized as significant independent predictors of adverse cardiovascular outcomes.
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Background: Obesity has been linked to the development of hypertension, but whether total adiposity or site-specific fat accumulation underpins this relationship is unclear. Objectives: This study sought to determine the relationship between adipose tissue distribution and incident hypertension. Methods: Normotensive participants enrolled in the Dallas Heart Study were followed for a median of 7 years for the development of hypertension (systolic blood pressure [SBP] ≥140 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mm Hg, or initiation of blood pressure medications). Visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) was quantified by magnetic resonance imaging and proton-spectroscopic imaging, and lower body fat (LBF) was imaged by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. Multivariable relative risk regression was performed to test the association between individual fat depots and incident hypertension, adjusting for age, sex, race/ethnicity, diabetes, smoking, SBP, and body mass index (BMI). Results: Among 903 participants (median age, 40 years; 57% women; 60% nonwhite; median BMI 27.5 kg/m(2)), 230 (25%) developed incident hypertension. In multivariable analyses, higher BMI was significantly associated with incident hypertension (relative risk: 1.24; 95% confidence interval: 1.12 to 1.36, per 1-SD increase). However, when VAT, SAT, and LBF were added to the model, only VAT remained independently associated with incident hypertension (relative risk: 1.22; 95% confidence interval: 1.06 to 1.39, per 1-SD increase). Conclusions: Increased visceral adiposity, but not total or subcutaneous adiposity, was robustly associated with incident hypertension. Additional studies will be needed to elucidate the mechanisms behind this association.
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Background Walking and yoga have been independently evaluated for weight control; however, there are very few studies comparing the 2 with randomization. Material/Methods The present study compared the effects of 90 minutes/day for 15 days of supervised yoga or supervised walking on: (i) related biochemistry, (ii) anthropometric variables, (iii) body composition, (iv) postural stability, and (v) bilateral hand grip strength in overweight and obese persons. Sixty-eight participants, of whom 5 were overweight (BMI ≥25 kg/m2) and 63 were obese (BMI ≥30 kg/m2; group mean age ±S.D., 36.4±11.2 years; 35 females), were randomized as 2 groups – (i) a yoga group and (ii) a walking group – given the same diet. Results All differences were pre-post changes within each group. Both groups showed a significant (p<0.05; repeated measures ANOVA, post-hoc analyses) decrease in: BMI, waist circumference, hip circumference, lean mass, body water, and total cholesterol. The yoga group increased serum leptin (p<0.01) and decreased LDL cholesterol (p<0.05). The walking group decreased serum adiponectin (p<0.05) and triglycerides (p<0.05). Conclusions Both yoga and walking improved anthropometric variables and serum lipid profile in overweight and obese persons. The possible implications are discussed.
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) has a major role in the modulation of energy balance. AMPK is activated in conditions of low energy, increasing energy production and reducing energy consumption. The AMPK pathway is a canonical route regulating energy homeostasis by integrating peripheral signals, such as hormones and metabolites, with neuronal networks. Current evidence has implicated AMPK in the hypothalamus and hindbrain with feeding, brown adipose tissue thermogenesis and browning of white adipose tissue, through modulation of the sympathetic nervous system, as well as glucose homeostasis. Interestingly, several potential antiobesity and/or antidiabetic agents, some of which are currently in clinical use such as metformin and liraglutide, exert some of their actions by acting on AMPK. Furthermore, the orexigenic and weight-gain effects of commonly used antipsychotic drugs are also mediated by hypothalamic AMPK. Overall, this evidence suggests that hypothalamic AMPK signalling is an interesting target for drug development, but is this approach feasible? In this Review we discuss the current understanding of hypothalamic AMPK and its role in the central regulation of energy balance and metabolism.
The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of yoga with an active control (nonaerobic exercise) in individuals with prehypertension and stage 1 hypertension. A randomized clinical trial was performed using two arms: (1) yoga and (2) active control. Primary outcomes were 24-hour day and night ambulatory systolic and diastolic blood pressures. Within-group and between-group analyses were performed using paired t tests and repeated-measures analysis of variance (time × group), respectively. Eighty-four participants enrolled, with 68 participants completing the trial. Within-group analyses found 24-hour diastolic, night diastolic, and mean arterial pressure all significantly reduced in the yoga group (-3.93, -4.7, -4.23 mm Hg, respectively) but no significant within-group changes in the active control group. Direct comparisons of the yoga intervention with the control group found a single blood pressure variable (diastolic night) to be significantly different (P=.038). This study has demonstrated that a yoga intervention can lower blood pressure in patients with mild hypertension. Although this study was not adequately powered to show between-group differences, the size of the yoga-induced blood pressure reduction appears to justify performing a definitive trial of this intervention to test whether it can provide meaningful therapeutic value for the management of hypertension.
To study the effectiveness of yoga intervention on oxidative stress, glycemic status, blood pressure and anthropometry in prediabetes. Randomized-controlled trial. Twenty nine prediabetes subjects aged 30-75 years. Yoga was conducted at 4 different community diabetes clinics in Mangalore, India. Participants were randomized to either 3-month yoga or wait-list control groups. Malondialdehyde, glutathione, vitamin C, vitamin E, superoxide dismutase, plasma glucose, glycated haemoglobin, BMI, waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio and blood pressure. Yoga intervention resulted in a significant decline in malondialdehyde (p<0.001), relative to the control group. In comparison with the control, there was a significant improvement in BMI, waist circumference, systolic blood pressure and fasting glucose levels at follow-up. No significant improvement in glycated haemoglobin, waist-to-hip ratio or any of the antioxidants was observed. Yoga intervention may be helpful in control of oxidative stress in prediabetes subjects. Yoga can also be beneficial in reduction in BMI, waist circumference, systolic blood pressure and fasting glucose. Effect of yoga on antioxidant parameters was not evident in this study. The findings of this study need to be confirmed in larger trials involving active control groups.