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Effect of glass temperature before cooling and cooling rate on residual stresses in tempering

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Abstract and Figures

Understanding of heat transfer and development of the temperature field in a glass during tempering is very important because it affects the quality. By numerical modeling, it is possible to study the effect of glass temperature before cooling and the values of heat transfer coefficients which determine the cooling rate and material properties on transient and residual stresses during cooling. Also, the effect of thermal and mechanical properties of glass, which are obtained experimentally, can be easily observed. In the present study, the tempering process of glass sheets with different glass thicknesses has been simulated. The paper presents modeling results, which explain the effect of the initial temperature before cooling and cooling rate on the residual and transient stresses of glass sheets of different thicknesses. The paper also shows that results can be presented independent of glass thickness by using two variables: the maximum temperature difference between surface and mid-plane during the cooling and the difference between glass transition and glass initial temperature. Because the mechanical properties of glass are experimental and are not very accurately known, the effect of their variation on residual stresses is also shown.
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Glass Struct. Eng. (2018) 3:3–15
Effect of glass temperature before cooling and cooling rate
on residual stresses in tempering
Antti Aronen ·Reijo Karvinen
Received: 12 February 2017 / Accepted: 14 November 2017 / Published online: 5 December 2017
© Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2017
Abstract Understanding of heat transfer and devel-
opment of the temperature field in a glass during tem-
pering is very important because it affects the quality.
By numerical modeling, it is possible to study the effect
of glass temperature before cooling and the values of
heat transfer coefficients which determine the cool-
ing rate and material properties on transient and resid-
ual stresses during cooling. Also, the effect of thermal
and mechanical properties of glass, which are obtained
experimentally, can be easily observed. In the present
study, the tempering process of glass sheets with dif-
ferent glass thicknesses has been simulated. The paper
presents modeling results, which explain the effect of
the initial temperature before cooling and cooling rate
on the residual and transient stresses of glass sheets of
different thicknesses. The paper also shows that results
can be presented independent of glass thickness by
using two variables: the maximum temperature differ-
ence between surface and mid-plane during the cooling
and the difference between glass transition and glass
initial temperature. Because the mechanical properties
of glass are experimental and are not very accurately
A. Aronen (B)
School of Physics, University of Sydney, Sydney,
NSW 2006, Australia
R. Karvinen
Tampere University of Technology, 33101 Tampere,
known, the effect of their variation on residual stresses
is also shown.
Keywords Glass tempering ·Numerical modeling ·
Residual stresses
1 Introduction
Windows are commonly made of annealed soda-lime
glass. This type of glass is strong under compres-
sion, but relatively weak under tension. The low tensile
strength is due to small surface flaws that tend to grow
under tension. However, the strength of glass can be
increased by tempering, which results in compressive
stress in the surface region. In a tempering process,
these compressive stresses are produced by a process
involving heating of the glass to above 600 C, followed
by rapid cooling. Good-quality tempered glass requires
precise control of heat transfer during the tempering
process. In a thermal tempering process, the heating
occurs due to simultaneous radiation and forced con-
vection (Karvinen 1998). In the traditional tempering
process, in order to temper the glass uniformly and to
reduce visual faults like roller waves, the glass is moved
while quenching (Rantala 2015).
Cooling is also important part of the tempering pro-
cess for achieving well-defined residual stresses in the
glass. To form the residual stress distribution through
the glass thickness, the glass is rapidly cooled to below
the glass transition temperature. During the cooling, the
Content courtesy of Springer Nature, terms of use apply. Rights reserved.
... Likewise, Pourmoghaddam et al. performed a paramet-ric study to analyse the behaviour of residual stresses near holes in glass components (Pourmoghaddam and Schneider 2018). Aronen et al. developed an efficient one-dimensional methodology to analyse the influence of several parameters on the temperature and residual stresses of glass (Aronen and Karvinen 2018). ...
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In recent decades, there has been a perceptible transformation in how glass is perceived, evolving from being used for its aesthetic appeal to being acknowledged for its structural capabilities. Structural glass components are most often heat treated to increase their ultimate strength. For this purpose, the tempering process is applied. In this context, air is the quintessential cooling technique employed to rapidly cool and fortify the material due to its associated low cost. Nevertheless, it may encounter certain limitations when quenching low thickness components, making other techniques, such as spray mist cooling, to gain traction. Additionally, glass is a very brittle and sensitive material to local stress concentrations. Thus, depending on how the tempering process is performed, an excessive and/or non-homogeneous cooling might result in local transient stresses, which may exceed the allowable strength and cause premature fracture of the material. To this end, the non-uniform transient stress development during glass tempering is studied based on fluid–structure interaction modelling. In this way, the risk of in-process breakage considering the local phenomena during the glass cooling process is assessed. Water mist cooling is able to temper thin glass but, at the same time, large tensile stresses might develop during the cooling down process. This fact fosters the adoption of an interrupt tempering technique. The obtained numerical results are consistent with previous experimental investigations available in the literature.
... It's important to mention that the average size of the fragments represents the rough measure of the quenching quality or the quality of the temper (Fig. 3). More details about the fragmentation process can be found in the literature [1,2,8,9,14,18,19,22]. ...
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This study explores the application of machine learning algorithms for supporting complex product manufacturing quality through a focus on quality assurance and control. We aim to take advantage of ML technics to solve one of the complex manufacturing problems of the tempered glass manufacturing industry as a first attempt to automate product quality prediction and optimization in this industrial field as an alternative to destructive testing methodologies. The choice of this application field was motivated by the lack of a robust engineering technique to assess the production quality in real time; this arises the need of using advanced smart manufacturing solution as AI to save the extremely high cost of destructive tests. As methodology, this paper investigates the performance of machine learning techniques including Ridge Regression, Linear Regression, Light Gradient Boosting Machine, and Lasso Regression, for predicting the product thermal treatment quality within the selected type of industry. In the first part, we applied the selected machine learning models to a dataset collected manually and made up of the more relevant process parameters of the heating and the quenching process. Evaluating the results of the applied models, based on several performance indicators such as mean absolute error, mean squared error, and r-squared, declared that Ridge Regression was the most accurate model with a mean error of 14.33 which is significantly acceptable in a business point of view and not reachable by any human level experience of prediction. The second part consists of developing a digitalized device connected to the manufacturing process to provide predictions in real time. This device operates as an error-proofing system that sends a reverse signal to the machine in case the prediction shows a non-compliant quality of the current processed product. This study can be expanded to predict the optimal process parameters to use when the predicted values do not meet the desired quality and can advantageously replace the trial-and-error approach that is generally adopted for defining those parameters. The contribution of our work relies on the introduction of a clear methodology (from idea to industrialization) for the design and deployment of an industrial-grade predictive solution within a new field which is the glass transformation.
... TA B L E 1 Material properties for the calculation of heat transfer in the annealing lehr TA B L E 3 Characteristics of shear and bulk relaxation times and response function for ultrathin glass (UTG) structural relaxation (T ref = 869 K)[11][12][13][14][15][16] ...
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Accurate simulation and measurement of the residual stress are pressing needs in ultrathin glass (UTG) industrial stable production. Herein, the heat transfer in an annealing lehr and the residual stresses at different positions along the width of the UTG ribbon were simulated by the finite element method and measured via the Vickers indentation. The residual stresses at 400 and 600 mm to the edge were large, which caused serious production loss. Besides, we conducted molecular dynamics (MD) simulation to reveal the mechanism for residual stress formation. During UTG cooling, the cooling rate of the core is slower than that of the surface. Due to the influence of the relaxation process, the latter would hinder the former's R–O (where R is Na, Mg, Ca, Al, or Si) length contraction, implying that the surface would generate residual compressive stress. The temperature difference between them increases as the cooling rate grows, leading to the residual stress increase. Finally, based on revealing the formation principle of residual stress by MD, the edge electric heatings were set in zone B, and the residual stresses at 400 and 600 mm to the edge are reduced.
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Heat exchangers are present in our daily living and industrial applications. The size scale of heat exchangers is very large ranging from very small chips in electronics to huge equipment in process and energy industry. In the paper optimization approaches of some industrial examples are given. The goal is to present how analytical results can and must be used in multi-objective optimization of applications. The details of equations are not given due to page limits but they are found in the literature. The main goal is to show how numerical, analytical and optimization methods can be and must be combined in optimization of exchanger design and performance. The performance depends on very many factors and contradictory requirements must take into account such as maximization of heat transfer and simultaneously minimize for example the weight and size. Modifications of four existing applications are component placement on a wiring board, optimization of heat sink in power electronics, quality control in a glass tempering and optimization of a very huge heat exchanger called economizer in a recovery boiler.
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This study introduce the application of machine learning algorithms for supporting the manufacturing quality control of a complex process as an alternative for the destructive testing methodologies. The choice of this application field was motivated by the lack of a robust engineering technique to assess the production quality in real time, this arise the need of using advanced smart manufacturing solution as AI in order to save the extremely high cost of destructive tests. In concrete, this paper investigates the performance of machine learning techniques including Ridge regression, Linear Regression, Light Gradient Boosting Machine, Lasso Regression and more, for predicting the flat glass tempering quality within the building glass industry. In the first part, we applied the selected machine learning models to a dataset collected manually and made up by the more relevant process parameters of the heating and the quenching process. Evaluating the results of the applied models, based on several performance indicators such as Mean Absolute Error, Mean Squared Error, R Squared, declared that Ridge Regression was the most accurate model. The second part consist of developing a digitalized device connected with the manufacturing process in order to provide predictions in real time. This device operates as an error-proofing system that send a reverse signal to the machine in case the prediction shows a non-compliant quality of the current processed product. This study can be expanded to predict the optimal process parameters to use when the predicted values does not meet the desired quality, and can advantageously replace the trial and error approach that is generally adopted for defining those parameters. The contribution of our work relies on the introduction of a clear methodology (from idea to industrialization) for the design and deployment of an industrial-grad predictive solution within a new field which is the glass manufacturing.
The standard tempering process for architectural flat glass creates minor fluctuations in the lateral stress distribution resulting in birefringence and undesired optical iridescence, also known as anisotropy effects, in modern glass applications. Recent advances in full-field digital photoelasticity have made it possible to measure retardation in glass panes in-line at the end of the furnace and evaluate the optical quality of tempered glass on the square-meter scale. Depending on the application, various techniques can be used to analyze stresses or measure retardation levels ranging from zero to about 1000 nm. A brief introduction to the creation of stress differences and their effect on the optical anisotropy effects of facade glazing is given to illustrate the benefits of these novel techniques. The purpose of this paper is to provide a general overview of the different full-field methods for measuring retardations in tempered glass and their current state of development and usage. Finally, a comparison based on recent literature is presented.
In this paper a novel numerical methodology for calculating non-uniform residual stress distributions during the glass tempering process is presented. Tempering techniques lead to non-uniform heat transfer rates causing residual stress inhomogeneities, which consequently have a direct impact on the structural behaviour of components. Nevertheless, most works in the literature do not consider the influence of local flow phenomena during thermal calculations, resulting in non-representative residual stress distributions. In this context, a novel generalised methodology based on a fluid–structure interaction one-way approach to sequentially couple the thermal and mechanical fields is presented. In this way, the unsteady and non-uniform heat transfer rate is coupled with the Narayanaswamy model to predict the non-homogeneous residual stress pattern. The obtained numerical results for the analysed impinging jet array case are in good agreement both quantitatively and qualitatively, exhibiting an average error below 10% with respect to previous experimental investigations. Finally, efforts are made to reduce the computational time. Therefore, the proposed methodology proves to be an efficient tool for understanding the underlying mechanisms and predicting the residual stress distributions during glass tempering.
The stress relaxation of epoxy and polystyrene filled with various percentages of glass microspheres was investigated over a wide range of temperatures. The effect of the second phase in thermosetting matrices is to increase the glass transition temperature of the system. In the region of linear viscoelastic response, the presence of the filler in all cases has no effect on the shift factors used for constructing the master curves according to the time temperature superposition principle.
Conference Paper
Tempered glass must have good strength and visual quality. This is achieved with proper heat transfer control during tempering. Measurement of stresses in tempered glass and temperature measurement during the process are difficult but with simulation the effect of the different process parameters which affect the tempering results and deformations can be studied. A detailed understanding of the process helps to increase the quality of the tempered glass and to decrease the energy consumption of the process. In order to understand the tempering process a theoretical knowledge of heat transfer, mechanics and glass behavior is needed. In the paper the theory of residual stresses is presented and its suitability for use in improvement of the process is discussed.
Thermal stresses of tempered glass in the area of typical boreholes were estimated using Narayanaswamy's structural relaxation model implemented in a Finite-Element-Code (ANSYS 5.5.2). Surface stresses were measured for samples with holes of different float glasses (soda-lime-silica-glass, borosilicate glass) from different commercial tempering processes. The bending strength in the borehole area of the samples and of annealed (float) glass samples was determined using a modified coaxial double-ring bending test. Results are compared and evaluated on a statistical basis. It is shown that the characteristic glass strength of tempered glass in the borehole area is not lower than in the "infinite area" given in European standards. From the results it is also assumed that crack healing plays an important role for the bending strength of tempered float glass.
In this paper, numerical schemes are developed to evaluate the integrals produced by the temporal discretization of the hereditary constitutive equations for a viscoelastic model of glass. Such schemes can be implemented in a material module of a finite element code to provide a general capability for analyzing residual stresses in complicated glass components subjected to nonuniform cooling histories. The robustness of the integration strategy increases the accuracy of a finite element stress analysis, lessens the need for discriminating time step controls, and can reduce the number of time steps required to generate accurate transient solutions incrementally.
Toughened glass is often used in load carrying elements due to the relatively high tensile strength compared with float glass. The apparent tensile strength of toughened glass is a combination of the pure material strength and the residual stresses imposed by the toughening process. This paper is concerned with an experimental characterization of the residual stress state for toughened glass. Results for the variation of residual stresses within 32 square specimens with a side length of 300 mm are investigated. The specimens varied in thickness and one group was glass with low iron content. The photoelastic constant was estimated from a four-point bending test. The experimental results revealed large variations in the residual stress state within each specimen and between groups of different thicknesses. The results are compared with a nonstandard fragmentation test, showing that the fragment size does not seem to be dependent on the local variations of the residual stress state in a specimen.