Writing and Publishing a Scientific Research Paper
This book covers all essential aspects of writing scientific research articles, presenting eighteen carefully selected titles that offer essential, “must-know” content on how to write high-quality articles. The book also addresses other, rarely discussed areas of scientific writing including dealing with rejected manuscripts, the reviewer’s perspective as to what they expect in a scientific article, plagiarism, copyright issues, and ethical standards in publishing scientific papers. Simplicity is the book’s hallmark, and it aims to provide an accessible, comprehensive and essential resource for those seeking guidance on how to publish their research work.
The importance of publishing research work cannot be overemphasized. However, a major limitation in publishing work in a scientific journal is the lack of information on or experience with scientific writing and publishing. Young faculty and trainees who are starting their research career are in need of a comprehensive guide that provides all essential components of scientific writing and aids them in getting their research work published.
Chapters (17)
Research work published as a scientific research paper disseminates the knowledge and information to a larger audience.Dissertation and thesis have a different meaning although both are used synonymously.Publication of research paper enhances fellowship and job opportunities for young researchers.Publication of research paper gives funding and leadership opportunity for senior researchers.Publication of both positive and negative results contributes to future research.Research papers provide reliable information about a disease and the available treatment options for patients.
Writing a manuscript is an art and science which helps disseminate the researcher’s work to the scientific community.The majority of original articles are written in a structured manner following the Introduction, Methodology, Results, and Discussion (IMRaD) format with the addition of conclusion and acknowledgment section.Guidelines for reporting various study designs are available to help authors address specific and pertinent issues in the manuscript.Reviewing the “Instructions to the Authors” page to which the manuscript is intended for submission increases the possibility of acceptance.
The title, abstract, and keywords often hold the key to publication success.The title of an article should be simple, precise, and catchy.The title should contain pertinent, descriptive words pertaining to the research.The three most commonly used types of titles are declarative, descriptive, and interrogative titles.Running title is an abbreviated form of the main title, usually cited at the top of each published page or left-hand text pages.Running title serves to guide a reader while scanning through a journal or toggling through multiple pages of the journal online.Title page is the first page of the manuscript which contains general information about the article and the authors.Title page generally consists of 11 main components mainly the title, running title, author names, affiliations, number of pages of the manuscript, no. of figures, tables, references, conflict of interest, source of funding, acknowledgments, and disclaimers.The covering letter is a vital document, which serves to create an important first impression on the editor.The goal of a covering letter is to convey to the editor how the manuscript meets the criteria of the journal to which it is submitted.
An abstract of a scientific article is a precise, clear, and stand-alone statement that provides an overview of the work to the reader and plays an important role in increasing the visibility.An effective abstract should encapsulate the essence of the article and give all essential information about the study/paper, as it’s often only the abstract that’s scrutinized by potential readers and reviewers.An abstract can be descriptive or informative. Informative abstracts can again be divided as structured and unstructured abstracts.The components of an abstract are introduction/background, methods, results, and conclusion. The discussion is not necessarily a part of the abstract unless specified. Results followed by methods should be the main emphasis of the abstract.The title of an article is keyed and hence the specific words/phrases that are used repeatedly in the manuscript can be used as keywords.
The methods section should be written in a simple and vivid manner avoiding repetitions and unrelated information.The design of the study has to be mentioned at the commencement of the methods section.Description of the population and how participants were selected for the study has to be stated.Clear research protocol followed must be mentioned along with all the reagents and instruments used for the study.Methods employed for data collection and statistical analysis have to be stated clearly.To ensure quality and accuracy of reporting, standard reporting guidelines have to be followed according to the type of study.A clear mention of the ethical clearance and funding information has to be made.All clinical trials which involve human subjects are expected to be registered at the clinical trials public registry.
Sequential steps for writing results:Summarize the objectives that you have investigated.State the specific hypothesis being evaluated.Describe the analysis that you have performed to test the hypothesis.Organize your data in chronological order according to that listed in the objectives.Determine whether the data can be presented in the form of tables or charts.First present the descriptive statistics.Present the results of inferential statistics and explain what these tests mean in relation to your aims and objectives.
The discussion section should be a concise analysis and explanation of your results that convinces the reader of the importance of your findings.The first paragraph should summarize the results of the study while reminding the reader of the question that the study is trying to answer.The knowledge gap filled by the manuscript should be thoroughly and explicitly outlined and addressed.Place your manuscript in the context of other studies of the same topic to both highlight relevant differences and bolster similar findings.Investigate unexpected findings rigorously.Highlight how your study may be used to influence the design of future studies, change clinical practice, and/or lead to guideline or policy development or change.All studies have limitations. Be sure to acknowledge them and suggest how they can be addressed.The conclusion should be your final paragraph, which provides a well-thought-out, take-home message for the reader.Avoid repeating your introduction section, reporting new data, and/or exaggerating your findings.
The accuracy of cited references is the prime responsibility of the authors of the manuscript.Authors must check journal guidelines for style before preparing the reference list.Original source must be referred to while preparing references.Do not rely on the accuracy of cross-references.Remember to revise the reference citation style in the text and reference list before submitting a rejected manuscript to another journal.Avoid duplication of references.
Tables, illustrations, and graphs represent data in a format that is easy to understand and grasp at a glance.They are a substitute for, and not an addition to, voluminous descriptions in the body of the article.They can be used in all sections of the article, not just for results.All tables, illustrations, and graphs must be appropriately labeled and referenced in the text.Tables are best when there is more text to display and the data is qualitative. They organize data into understandable classifications.The commonest used charts are bar charts, pie charts, histograms, line charts, and scatter diagrams.Charts are especially useful when the relationship between data sets is more important than the actual numbers.Flow charts help to depict the overall scheme of methodology.Illustrations may take the form of photographs or line diagrams and are usually used to support clinical presentations, operative findings, or investigation findings.
Submitting the manuscript to the most appropriate journal increases the likelihood of getting it published in a shorter time frame and avoids multiple rejections.Indexing in recognized database gives assertion of quality, reputation and reliability of journal and has more potential to reach the researchers and clinicians.Publishing in high-impact journal and open access extends the readership beyond the subspecialty and increases citations for the article.Digital object identifier (DOI) makes the article more stable and easy to find in the search engines, and publishing in journals that provide DOI increases visibility.Submission to potential, possible, or probable predatory scholarly open-access journals from questionable open-access standalone publishers is to be avoided.Preparing manuscript as per instruction to author and familiarizing with Manuscript Submission Process and Manuscript Tracking System will help in publishing the research work in a shorter time frame.
Not following the instructions to authors of a journal is a fundamental mistake and one of the common reasons for revision of the submitted manuscript.It is important not to disagree with the reviewer’s comments unless the change suggested by the reviewer can negatively influence the content of your manuscript.Never forget to incorporate relevant responses to reviewer’s comments in the revised manuscript.Resubmission of the rejected manuscript to the same journal is the least favored option and should be used only in exceptional circumstances.Choosing a correct journal and incorporating the changes suggested by the reviewers will improve the chance of acceptance of rejected manuscript in a different journal.
Authorship should be considered if one has made substantial contributions to the conception, acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data, drafted or revised the work, approved the final manuscript, and willingness to take responsibility (ICMJE criteria).Authorship is attractive as it helps in professional growth and leads to respect from the peers. It also makes people susceptible to potential malpractices to get authorship.Authorship comes with important responsibilities like honesty, transparency, and ensuring originality of work.The sequence of authors is decided by quantum and importance of their contributions.An individual having a role in the research is eligible to be considered as a contributor. The role of all contributors must be mentioned in the publication.People helping only in data collection, performing statistics, technical contributions, and data entry, or those who have obtained grants or head of the department should be all acknowledged but cannot be considered as authors unless they fulfill the ICMJE criteria.Gift authorship or honorary authorship is to bestow authorship upon an individual when that individual does not fulfill the criteria for authorship.Ghost authorship is the absence of the name of an individual as an author, despite making a substantial contribution to the article and fulfilling ICMJE criteria. It is especially prevalent in industry-initiated or industry-sponsored trials.Plagiarism is an act of using another person’s words or ideas without giving credit to that person and is common in medical literature. Anti-plagiarism software are now available to check this menace at least partially.
It is important for budding medical writers to familiarize themselves with the various types of medical manuscripts.Brief correspondences or letters to editors are usually about a published article, a letter about a point of view or a description of a surgical technique.Case reports are descriptions of a rare case or a new treatment method with a brief review of literature.Case series are a series of similar cases, which are either, are of where a new treatment method has been used.Original articles or scientific papers are either a lab-based experiment, a case-controlled study, a randomized controlled trial or a cohort study.The CONSORT (CONsolidated Reporting of Clinical trials) statement consists of a 25-point checklist and a flow diagram which authors can use to ensure that the article is in keeping with the guidelines for publishing clinical trials.It is important to register clinical trials in a registry. Most countries have their own trials registry.The Helsinki declaration gives guidelines about the ethical principles to be adhered to whilst conducting trials.Review articles provide comprehensive knowledge about a topic and range from descriptive reviews, qualitative reviews and quantitative reviews (meta-analyses).
Scientific integrity and consensus rely on the peer review process which is the cornerstone of scientific publicationsMajor areas of concern for the reviewers – relevance and importance of the scientific content with regard to the mission of the journal: novelty, originality, and external and internal validity of the study.Major causes of rejection – flawed study design and methodology, poor discussions and unsupported conclusions, unoriginal, predictable or trivial results, inappropriate data presentation, and poorly organized manuscript.Collective efforts and responsibility of all players of the system – authors, reviewers, and editors in improving the quality of submitted manuscripts.
Open access (OA) is the unrestricted online accessibility of articles published in scholarly journals to readers and libraries.Currently, available models of OA include immediate OA and delayed or hybrid access.The three principal charges associated with OA are submission/publication charge, fixed-price scheme and variable price scheme.Authors from developing countries included under the broad banner of the Research4Life initiative or countries classified by the World Bank as low-income economies or lower-middle-income economies may be automatically granted a waiver of fees linked to OA.Authors incapable of financing their OA publication have the option to seek a waiver of article processing charges from the editorial team before submission. The grant of such a waiver is at the discretion of the journal.Copyright ownership in OA journals may be either based on the application of a Creative Commons Attribution licence, which gives the author the right to use their own work (without plagiarism), or the US Fair Use guidelines, Title 17, section 107, US Code.Authors must be aware of predatory publishers OA journals wherein the publishers of such journals are solely after the economic gains associated with publishing with no regard for science or its advancement.Authors must be aware of the laws linked to self-archiving before making their publications available on their personal websites or websites facilitating authors making the PDFs of their publications available online.The gap in the scientific impact of OA as opposed to traditional non-OA journals is steadily being narrowed.The choice to publish in an OA or non-OA journal remains the prerogative of the researcher depending on the availability of funds to pay the fees associated with OA as well as what the author desires from the publication.
Plagiarism refers to the use of ideas, contents, or style of another person in your own manuscript and claiming it as your own.The quality of the content is as important as the quantity plagiarized. A single sentence describing the scientific implication of a significant finding is as important as a paragraph describing the epidemiology of the disease.Plagiarism is an ethical violation and involves rejection or retraction of the article. Copyright infringement is a violation of the law and involves penalty ranging from payment of fine to imprisonment.Fair use and fair dealing policies of the USA and India, respectively, allows the use of copyrighted content without the need to obtain copyright permission under specific conditions.It is always advisable to self-check the manuscript for unintentional plagiarism using softwares.Data fabrication and falsification are serious misconducts in the scientific community as they are both intentional.
Documentation of research findings is very important as they pave the way for future research and make the findings more comprehensive.The criteria of authorship include (1) substantial contribution to conception, design or collection, or analysis and interpretation of data, (2) drafting or revising critically a data, and (3) final approval of data for publication.Duplicate submission is the submission of the article to two or more journals simultaneously, resulting in unnecessary peer review, editing, and copyright issues.The “Ingelfinger rule” defines “sole contribution” which means an article submitted for publication is accepted by a journal only when it is not published/presented elsewhere to preserve novelty and prevent plagiarism.A similar form of duplication is the “salami” publication, where the author splits the research content into multiple publications to increase the number of publications.Plagiarism has been traditionally defined as stealing and publishing someone’s idea, thought, language, or expression as one’s own original work.International guidelines like COPE have provided checklists and flowcharts to guide editorial process and policies.The editorial and peer-review processes need to be void of potential conflicts of interest that may positively or negatively affect the decision-making.Newer measurements have been phased-in to measure the scholarly performance such as citation count, publication count in high-impact factor journals, Hirsch index (h-index), RG score, and AMiner.
... The academic biomedical literature can also include ancillary genres, such as conference proceedings (not even nearly relevant as in other areas such as computer science), which highlight the latest research shared at scientific gatherings, or case studies, which demonstrate how theoretical knowledge is applied in clinical situations, offering insights into patient care, treatment approaches, and diagnostic challenges encountered (Parija & Kate, 2017). ...
Key points
LLM has attained generative capabilities similar to human discourse and can effectively summarize documents and extract information from texts.
The development of R.A.G. systems will soon make these systems capable to browse databases such as MEDLINE and extract knowledge, creating summaries of the literature.
These summaries may soon reach a point where they are equivalent to current reviews of the literature, possibly making them irrelevant.
The availability of automated summaries of the literature may raise the bar of what is still worth publishing.
Literature reviews may have to capitalize on human imagination, creativity and abstraction capabilities to survive the A.I. revolution.
... "Publish or perish" is the cliché often cited as a requirement for success in academia. General resources for scientific publishing are widely available in articles [1][2][3][4], books [5][6][7], and workshops. Previous articles have described the fundamentals of scientific publishing such as a clear abstract [3], a well-structured manuscript [1,4], and reasonable responses to reviewers' comments [2]. ...
While the structure and composition of the scientific manuscript is well known within scientific communities, insider knowledge such as the tricks of the trade and editorial viewpoints of scientific publishing are often less known to early-career research scientists. This article focuses on the key aspects of scientific publishing, including tips for success geared towards senior postdocs and junior faculty. It also highlights important considerations for getting manuscripts published in an efficient and successful manner.
... Dado que el texto científico tiene características convencionales aceptadas por la comunidad académica, quien realiza un documento como producto de una investigación debe seguir una serie de patrones para ofrecer los resultados y que estos sean aceptados por los evaluadores y el editor de una revista para su posterior publicación y que implica la presentación de unos marcos conceptuales, la explicación de la metodología empleada, los resultados o hallazgos y las conclusiones finales como parte de aporte al conocimiento. El proceso editorial exige adherirse a estas formas particulares para que el texto pueda ser ofrecido ante los lectores (Gastel & Day, 2016;O'Connor, 2003;Parija & Kate, 2017). ...
El desarrollo de competencias investigativas es el centro de la formación doctoral. La escritura de textos científicos es uno de los aspectos del desarrollo de dichas competencias. Esto abarca no solamente los aspectos lingüísticos o formales de la escritura del texto, sino también el proceso de publicación en una revista científica. Durante la formación doctoral los estudiantes deben aprender sobre esos procesos, a partir de distintas actividades o tareas, generalmente guiadas por sus maestros y tutores. El estudio tuvo el objetivo de identificar las estrategias adoptadas por los doctorandos en los procesos de escritura y pu-blicación de un artículo científico, y lo que esto significó para ellos en su proceso de forma-ción doctoral. Se eligió el estudio de caso, mediante el enfoque cualitativo narrativo, en el que dos doctorandos relataron la experiencia de escritura y publicación de uno de sus artículos. Como resultados principales destacan la investigación documental como estrategia importante para iniciar en la escritura científica, el acompañamiento de las tutoras de tesis, no solo como literacy brokers sino también como coautoras, el cuidado en el proceso editorial para lograr la publicación, la relevancia de la producción escrita como acto de construcción de conocimiento útil para los demás y la valoración que se da al proceso como parte esencial en la formación como doctores. Palabras clave: formación doctoral; escritura científica; proceso de escritura.
... applicable to any field (Bailey, 2015;Barros, 2016;Behrens & Rosen, 2018;Belcher, 2009;Butler, 2007;Claudio, 2016;Day & Gastel, 2016;Dollahite & Haun, 2011;EssayShark, 2017;Goodson, 2016;Graff & Birkenstein, 2016;Heard, 2016;Hofmann, 2016;Jensen, 2017;Katz, 2009;Miller-Cochran, Stamper, & Cochran, 2016;Oshima & Hogue, 2007;Parija & Kate, 2017;Rocco, Hatcher, & Associates, 2011;Savage & Mayer, 2012;Schimel, 2012;Silvia, 2007;Singh & Lukkarila, 2017;Stevens, 2018;Sword, 2012Sword, , 2017Thonney, 2015;Tulley, 2018). ...
... This is especially important when dealing with a novel or highly technical topic, advanced or confusing. 7 ...
The presentation sets out actions and recommendations for the preparation and writing of an original scientific paper. The content is focused primarily on researchers in the field of engineering. It presents a new method proposal for the preparation of the paper based on cyclical writing of N interactions focused on the results. The proposal facilitates the writing process and contributes more to the quality of the paper. The content of the presentation is based on the analysis of literature regarding the subject and the criteria of the author. The types of publishable research are reviewed, mainly in review papers and in more detail in original papers. The general elements to be taken into account for a scientific publication are exposed. The review process and the main elements that reviewers consider are mentioned. The parts of an original paper are described, detailing for each part the essential elements to take into account when writing. At the end, considerations are presented for the self-review of the paper, before subjecting it to specialized criticism.
Introduction: The modality of scholarly written communication offers verbal and visual modes that are supposedly to be interrelated. The verbal component is thoroughly studied whereas the visual, including tables, charts, graphs and others are mainly described from a technical perspective. The editorial review aims to synthesize research on data commentary as a comparatively new rhetorical genre. Method: The review adhered to the PRISMA extension for scoping reviews, and the PPC framework. The eligibility criteria include problem, concept, context, language, types of sources, Results: The searches and consequent screening by titles, abstracts, keywords and full texts identified 19 relevant publications – articles and books – mainly indexed in the Scopus and SpringerLink databases. The books on academic writing focused on the three themes: general guidelines on data commentary, functions, and rhetorical structure of such commentaries, figure legends and notes to tables. The functional analysis of the publications singled out a prevailing framework, including rhetorical, ontological, epistemological, and argumentative functions. The rhetorical steps in data commentaries follow patterns suitable for the type of a visual. The review outlines generic steps described and proved by the research publications included in the review. Conclusion: Though the research field is scattered, and no definite trends were specified, the potential of the field is rising as the implications of such studies are significant. A constant trend towards more visualization of the new knowledge requires more research on the interrelations between the verbal and the visual, with a special accent on data commentary.
O Manual de Investigação Científica do INCT é, tal como o nome indica, um manual que contém as grandes áreas Temáticas da ciência, as linhas de investigação, um modelo de projetos de investigação científica, um guião para elaboração de relatórios Finais de Investigação Científica, bem como os instrumentos de avaliação do modelo de proposta de investigação e dos relatórios finais de investigação. Esperamos que seja útil para as universidades, professores e investigadores em Timor-Leste e não só. Para este ano de 2023, haverá uma edição atualizada.
Buku ini mencoba mengajak Anda memulai diri untuk menulis dengan
beberapa strategi yang ditawarkan. Apa pentingnya publikasi?Seberapa penting hubungan penelitian dan publikasi? Beberapa istilah penting yang dimaknai terkait isu etika juga ditawarkan, seperti fabrikasi, falsifikasi, self-plagiarism, salami publishing (salami slicing), publikasi ganda, dan isu etika lain.
Anda juga dapat menemukan contoh-contoh konkret menulis setiap bagian artikel, contoh berkomunikasi dengan editor, contoh cover letter, contoh tittle page, dan beberapa contoh lampiran yang harus dipersiapkan. Anda juga dapat menemukan visualisasi algoritma dari pengiriman manuskrip hingga siap terbit. Anda juga dapat menemukan beberapa sampel jurnal bereputasi pilihan dan beberapa sampel jurnal yang patut untuk dipikirkan kembali sebelum mengirim ke jurnal-jurnal tersebut. Dengan demikian, diharapkan dengan buku ini dapat memperluas dan memperdalam wawasan, pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam menulis artikel dan mempublikasikannya.
La innovación educativa se genera a partir de procesos de investigación que se dirigen al mejoramiento de las condiciones para la educación. Entre la generación de la innovación y la adopción e impacto de esta, hay un elemento sin el cual la conexión no sería posible: la comunicación científica. Esta se da cuando los investigadores entregan los hallazgos a través de distintas formas, entre las que destaca el texto escrito. En las últimas décadas, las dinámicas en torno a la escritura, publicación y difusión de la producción científica se han transformado. En primer lugar, las instituciones generan políticas, lineamientos o normas en torno a la producción académica, acordes con las necesidades de reconocimiento e impacto. En segundo lugar, la llegada de la ciencia abierta que propone nuevas formas de difusión y de medición del impacto.
El presente estudio tiene por objetivo examinar los procesos de escritura, publicación y difusión del texto científico en comunidades de práctica de investigadores educativos y su relación con las nuevas dinámicas que estos procesos adoptan por las exigencias de las instituciones de investigación y la llegada de la ciencia abierta. Desde esta exploración se busca identificar aspectos para fortalecer la producción científica. A partir de un enfoque cualitativo etnográfico se aplican entrevistas y se realiza análisis documental, así como de políticas y/o lineamientos sobre producción académica de la institución a la que pertenecen.
Los resultados del estudio piloto y del estudio principal revelan distintos elementos notables en el proceso de producción académica. Se encuentra que los procesos de escritura, publicación y difusión del conocimiento científico están influidos por factores institucionales como valores y normas que los dirigen. Se identifica que las comunidades de investigadores educativos están institucionalizadas, y es en función de esta institucionalización que ellos producen los textos científicos. De igual manera, los factores institucionales también son manifiestos en el reconocimiento a la trayectoria y la identidad de los investigadores. Finalmente, se analizan distintas formas en la que las instituciones pueden aportar para cultivar las comunidades de práctica de investigadores educativos. Por último, se concluye el trabajo identificando los aportes, las limitaciones y potenciales líneas para futuros estudios.
To succeed, a scientist must write well. Substantial guidance exists on writing papers that follow the classic Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion (IMRaD) structure. Here, we fill a critical gap in this pedagogical canon. We offer guidance on developing a good scientific story . This valuable—yet often poorly achieved—skill can increase the impact of a study and its likelihood of acceptance. A scientific story goes beyond presenting information. It is a cohesive narrative that engages the reader by presenting and solving a problem, with a beginning, middle, and end. To create this narrative structure, we urge writers to consider starting at the end of their study, starting with writing their main conclusions, which provide the basis of the Discussion, and then work backwards: Results → Methods → refine the Discussion → Introduction → Abstract → Title. In this brief and informal editorial, we offer guidance to a wide audience, ranging from upper-level undergraduates (who have just conducted their first research project) to senior scientists (who may benefit from re-thinking their approach to writing). To do so, we provide specific instruction, examples, and a guide to the literature on how to “write backwards”, linking scientific storytelling to the IMRaD structure.
La presentación expone acciones y recomendaciones para la preparación y escritura de un artículo científico original. El contenido está enfocado fundamentalmente para investigadores en el campo de la ingeniería. Presenta una nueva propuesta de método para confección del artículo basado en escritura cíclica de N interacciones centradas en los resultados. La propuesta facilita el proceso de escritura y contribuye en mayor medida a la calidad del artículo. El contenido de la presentación se basa en el análisis de literatura referente al tema y el criterio del autor. Se reseña los tipos de investigaciones publicables, fundamentalmente en los artículos de revisión y más detalladamente en los originales. Se exponen los elementos generales a tener en cuenta para una publicación científica. Se menciona el proceso de revisión y los elementos principales que tienen en cuenta los revisores. Se describe las partes de un artículo original, detallando para cada parte los elementos esenciales a tener en cuenta para su escritura. Al final se exponen consideraciones para la auto revisión del artículo, antes de someterlo a una crítica especializada.
The research process consists of stages such as setting the questions, literature survey, experiment design, data collection, data analysis and data visualization, research analysis, writing publication, storing the research documents and conclusion. This process is complex due to certain tasks and their repetition and several small activities which require proper management and sequencing. In some of the studies, it has been established that researchers lose a significant amount of time in such research processes and activities which results into stress and frustration due to the pressure of novelty in the given time frame. There is a need to develop efficient and productive processes with the integration of research process management (RPM) tools and software. Indian researchers efficiency and productivity are not at the appreciable level in terms of quality and quantity. A thorough There assessment and quantification of patterns of use of RPM software by Indian academics and researchers in need of the hour. This research uncovers the scenarios and patterns of the RPM in researchers, region-wise, university wise, subject wise and according to their skills set knowledge etc and gives insights and future course of action to improve the productivity and efficiency of Indian academicians and researchers.
A detailed read on safe use of energy source
Do and don't
Scientific writing is an essential part of a research scientist’s career and is usually the end process of many years’ hard bench work generating the data for publication. Clear communication of your research findings, the aims and potential importance of your work are the foundation of all good scientific manuscripts. Writing a scientific manuscript in English, especially if English is not your first language, can make an already challenging task even more difficult. The purpose of this article is to assist authors in the preparation of manuscripts intended for submission to peerreviewed journals. The article mainly focusses on the biomedical sciences, but researchers of other scientific disciplines can also benefit from the content. We provide useful advice on all the main subsections of a standard research manuscript, from selecting an appropriate title, through to preparing a properly organized discussion. Advice on how each section should be arranged as well as points to be avoided can be found in the guide. As a general guide the most important point of a manuscript is that the research findings contained are presented clearly and accurately without excessive repetition or embellishment. Finally, this article closes with a section which contains language mistakes which are frequently made by authors whose first language is not English.
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