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Impact of salinity and nutrients on salt marsh stability

  • Stony Brook Unversity

Abstract and Figures

Belowground growth in coastal plants is critical for marsh stability and the ability of coastal wetlands to keep pace with sea-level rise. Quantifying the effects of nutrient loading on belowground plant growth is an ongoing controversy in wetland research, with previous experiments demonstrating both positive and negative impacts. Moreover, salinity may also decrease belowground growth through sulfide toxicity, or plants may increase root growth to oxidize sediments and respond to sulfide stress. Because salinity influences plant nitrogen assimilation and sediment nitrogen retention, salinity and nitrogen may interact to influence belowground plant growth. We sampled an urban-to-rural land-use gradient of 11 Spartina alterniflora marshes on Long Island, New York, to look for correlates of belowground biomass. We found that belowground biomass was related positively to salinity and negatively to extractable nitrogen content in sediments. Total belowground plant biomass was reduced by 60–70% in high-nitrogen marshes and enhanced by as much as 70% in high-salinity marshes. Further, we found no evidence of interaction between salinity and nitrogen, indicating that these factors were independently related to belowground plant growth. Our results indicate that chronic eutrophication and increasing salinity resulting from sea-level rise are likely to have opposing effects on future marsh stability.
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Impact of salinity and nutrients on salt marsh stability
Department of Ecology and Evolution, Stony Brook University, 650 Life Sciences Building, Stony Brook, New York 11794 USA
Citation: Alldred, M., A. Liberti, and S. B. Baines. 2017. Impact of salinity and nutrients on salt marsh stability.
Ecosphere 8(11):e02010. 10.1002/ecs2.2010
Abstract. Belowground growth in coastal plants is critical for marsh stability and the ability of coastal wet-
lands to keep pace with sea-level rise. Quantifying the effectsofnutrientloadingonbelowgroundplantgrowth
is an ongoing controversy in wetland research, with previous experiments demonstrating both positive and neg-
ative impacts. Moreover, salinity may also decrease belowground growth through sulde toxicity, or plants may
increase root growth to oxidize sediments and respond to sulde stress. Because salinity inuences plant nitro-
gen assimilation and sediment nitrogen retention, salinity and nitrogen may interact to inuence belowground
plant growth. We sampled an urban-to-rural land-use gradient of 11 Spartina alterniora marshes on Long Island,
New York, to look for correlates of belowground biomass. We found that belowground biomass was related
positively to salinity and negatively to extractable nitrogen content in sediments. Total belowground plant bio-
mass was reduced by 6070% in high-nitrogen marshes and enhanced by as much as 70% in high-salinity
marshes. Further, we found no evidence of interaction between salinity and nitrogen, indicating that these fac-
tors were independently related to belowground plant growth. Our results indicate that chronic eutrophication
and increasing salinity resulting from sea-level rise are likely to have opposing effects on future marsh stability.
Key words: belowground biomass; eutrophication; multiple stressors; sea-level rise; shoreline stability; Spartina
Received 2 October 2017; accepted 5 October 2017. Corresponding Editor: Debra P. C. Peters.
Copyright: ©2017 Alldred et al. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Present address: Center for Earth and Environmental Science, SUNY Plattsburgh, 101 Broad Street, Hudson Hall 132,
Plattsburgh, New York 12901 USA.
Present address: Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, 600 East Main Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219 USA.
The future resilience of many ecosystems
depends on their response to a range of stressors
that vary simultaneously over space and time
(Staudt et al. 2013). Models that account for the
concurrent impacts of these stressors will be
essential to maintain services provided by these
ecosystems. This fact is especially true for coastal
salt marshes that will face multiple spatially
heterogeneous stressors going forward, includ-
ing coastal eutrophication and sea-level rise
(Crain et al. 2008). Salt marshes provide services
such as shoreline stabilization, ood and storm
surge protection, and maintenance of coastal
water quality (Zedler 2003, Costanza et al. 2008,
Gedan et al. 2011). Consequently, understanding
how marshes respond to multiple stressors is
critical for the health and economic well-being of
coastal communities worldwide (Millennium
Ecosystem Assessment 2005). To keep pace with
sea-level rise, marshes must accumulate sedi-
ment and organic matter, while resisting erosion
from waves and storm surges. Both features of
resilient marshes depend on well-developed root
systems (Nyman et al. 2006, Perillo et al. 2009,
Pratolongo et al. 2009). Despite a long history of
study (Valiela et al. 1976, Mendelssohn and Mor-
ris 2000, Wigand et al. 2009, Graham and Men-
delssohn 2014), the relationships between abiotic 1November 2017 Volume 8(11) Article e02010
factors and root-mass production and accumula-
tion remain poorly understood.
One of the abiotic factors inuencing root
growth in coastal marsh vegetation is the availabil-
ity of inorganic nitrogen. Relative to preindustrial
levels, human activities have doubled the global
inputs of xed nitrogen, a limiting nutrient in
many coastal marshes (Vitousek et al. 1997, Men-
delssohn and Morris 2000, Bertness et al. 2002,
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005). Marshes
receive excess nitrogen as acid precipitation, sew-
age waste, and fertilizer runoff (Seitzinger et al.
2005). In response to fertilization, plants generally
allocate a lower proportion of their growth to
belowground biomass because they require fewer
roots to acquire the nutrients needed to support
growth of photosynthetic tissues aboveground
(Ericsson 1995). Reductions in living root mass
have been observed in nutrient enrichment studies
and were often accompanied by a decrease in sedi-
ment stability (Turner et al. 2009, Kearney et al.
2011, Deegan et al. 2012, Watson et al. 2014).
However, physiological models of marsh vegeta-
tion and other enrichment studies have suggested
that nitrogen additions can result in greater
growth of belowground biomass and can also lead
to increased sediment capture due to enhanced
aboveground biomass and stem density (Howes
et al. 1986, Morris et al. 2002, Darby and Turner
2008, Anisfeld and Hill 2012, Fox et al. 2012, Gra-
ham and Mendelssohn 2014). An increase in
belowground biomass with nitrogen fertilization
is expected if the increase in total growth compen-
sates for lower relative allocation of growth to
roots and rhizomes (Morris et al. 2013). Alterna-
tively, nitrogen fertilization could result in limita-
tion by another nutrient, such as phosphorus,
which would require that extensive root systems
be maintained (Turner 2011).
In the future, responses to nitrogen will occur
against a backdrop of changing porewater salin-
ity. Salinity may increase with increasing sea
levels as seawater intrudes into brackish marshes.
Alternatively, it may decrease as greater precipita-
tion increases freshwater discharge from ground-
water and rivers (Craft et al. 2008). The impacts of
such changes on wetlands are potentially com-
plex. Increasing salinity correlates with a higher
concentration of sulfate ions, which can be
reduced to hydrogen sulde in low redox marsh
sediments (Mendelssohn and Morris 2000).
Because sulde is toxic to plants, root production
is generally expected to decline as salinity
increases in anoxic marsh sediments (Linthurst
and Seneca 1981, Mendelssohn and Morris 2000).
However, marsh plants may also increase root
density in the presence of sulde to introduce
more oxygen into sediments, thereby facilitating
oxidation of sulde to non-toxic sulfate (Arm-
strong et al. 1994). Salinity and nitrogen may also
interact to affect marsh plants (Mendelssohn and
Morris 2000). Salinity is known to directly inhibit
ammonium assimilation by plants (Bradley and
Morris 1990) while increasing ammonium uxes
to porewater from sediments (Giblin et al. 2010).
Field evidence for effects of salinity on below-
ground growth is sparse and does not clearly sup-
port a positive or negative relationship between
the variables, nor is it sufcient to address poten-
tial interactions with nutrient availability (Drake
and Gallagher 1984, Howes et al. 2010).
We examined the simultaneous inuences of
salinity and sediment nutrient availability on
belowground growth of Spartina alterniora across
11 coastal salt marshes that span an urban-to-
rural land-use gradient from western to eastern
Long Island, New York (Fig. 1). The study sites
represent a 50- to 100-yr chronosequence of devel-
opment from forested to agricultural-to-urban
land-use types, a series of land-use transitions that
reects development patterns occurring world-
wide (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment 2005).
Using 430 observations of total belowground bio-
mass collected in June and August over two years,
we constructed linear models to assess the ability
of salinity and inorganic nutrients to explain site-
level variation in belowground biomass. Because
aboveground plant growth has the potential to
offset marsh loss by enhancing sediment capture,
we also examined the inuence of salinity and
nutrients on aboveground plant biomass. The pri-
mary goal of our study was to identify the major
correlates of marsh stability, in the hopes of identi-
fying those factors that have most affected marsh
development over multidecadal scales.
Long Island, New York, represents a well-
established gradient ranging from high-intensity
land use in urban areas of western Long
Island near New York City to comparatively 2November 2017 Volume 8(11) Article e02010
Fig. 1. (A) Research locations on Long Island, New York, ranging from high human population density in 3November 2017 Volume 8(11) Article e02010
low-intensity land use in agricultural and
forested areas of eastern Long Island (OShea
and Brosnan 2000, Scorca and Monti 2001, Monti
and Scorca 2003, Benotti et al. 2007). Whereas
pre-development nitrogen uxes to Long Island
marshes originated almost entirely from ground-
water, post-development uxes are dominated
by overows from sewage treatment and drai-
nage from septic systems and cesspools (Ayers
et al. 2000, Benotti et al. 2007, Gobler 2016). Fer-
tilization of golf courses, parks, agricultural
areas, and lawns also contributes a small amount
to total nitrogen loads, including legacy effects
from historically extensive duck farms in eastern
Long Island (Ayers et al. 2000, Benotti et al.
2007, Gobler 2016). Because wastewater is the
largest source of nitrogen (at least 70%), total
nitrogen inputs are generally found to be greatest
in areas of highest human population density
(United States Geological Survey [USGS] 2010).
Additionally, variation in tidal range and stream
discharge among the various Long Island em-
bayments offered a high probability that average
salinity would vary among sites independently
of variation in nitrogen (Scorca and Monti 2001,
Monti and Scorca 2003).
Eleven salt marshes on Long Island, each domi-
nated by a near monoculture of Spartina alterniora,
were selected for sampling (Fig. 1) to examine the
effects of nutrient availability and salinity on
aboveground and belowground plant biomass.
Sampling was conducted in June and August of
2012 and 2013, times chosen to correspond to the
period of active plant growth and the period just
after peak biomass was attained. This allowed us
to address potential seasonal differences in correla-
tions between abiotic variables and standing plant
biomass resulting from new plant growth. For each
marshsite,ten25925 cm quadrats were ran-
domly placed at least 1 m apart, ve within the
marsh platform where short-form S. alterniora are
typically found, and ve near a creek edge where
tall-form S. alterniora aremorecommon.Within
each quadrat, we clipped all aboveground
vegetation. Clippings were dried at 50°C for at least
48 h and weighed to determine aboveground bio-
mass. A sediment core (diameter 5cm, length
10 cm) was taken from the center of each quadrat
to determine total belowground plant biomass.
Total belowground biomass was determined by
wet sieving core samples through a 1000-lmsieve
and removing non-vegetative material by hand.
Because the living and dead fractions of below-
ground plant material were impossible to distin-
guish for all of our samples, our belowground
biomass measurements necessarily include the total
contribution of living and dead roots and rhizomes
to total belowground plant material in marsh
sediments. Hereafter, this variable is referred to as
belowground biomassfor simplicity.
We collected sediment porewater from each
quadrat using vacuum sippers (Kolker 2005).
Samples were transported on ice and frozen at
20°C until analysis of salinity with a refrac-
tometer and analysis of ammonium and nitrate
content using standard methods (Jones 1984, Par-
sons et al. 1984). Nitrate and ammonium were
summed and reported as dissolved inorganic
nitrogen (DIN). In 2013, an additional 5-g sedi-
ment sample from each plot was extracted with
10-mL 2N KCl and analyzed for ammonium,
nitrate, and phosphate contents (Jones 1984,
Parsons et al. 1984, Wetzel and Likens 2000).
Models were constructed to predict patterns in
aboveground and belowground biomass using
JMP 7.0 statistical software (JMP(R) 19892007).
Initial models were constructed as an ANCOVA,
with sampling time included as a categorical pre-
dictor and nutrients and salinity as continuous
predictors. All potential second-order interactions
among predictor variables were also included. A
step-wise linear regression was performed to
select nal models, with a threshold of P=0.10
for variables to enter or leave models. Interaction
terms were eliminated if main effects were not
signicant. Because all predictor variables were
not measured in all years, two separate sets of
models were constructed, one containing all
western Long Island to rural areas in eastern Long Island (United States Geological Survey [USGS] 2010).
Marshes varied in (B) extractable inorganic nitrogen and (C) salinity. Error bars show standard error for site-level
means (n=10); the moving averages (solid lines) and condence regions (shaded areas) were computed using a
loess smoothing function.
(Fig. 1.Continued) 4November 2017 Volume 8(11) Article e02010
predictor variables collected in 20122013 (salin-
ity, porewater DIN) and one containing all vari-
ables collected in 2013 (salinity, extractable DIN,
extractable phosphate). Extractable phosphate
and all porewater nutrient measurements were
-transformed to satisfy assumptions of nor-
mality. Measurements in tall- and short-form
S. alterniora were not found to differ systemati-
cally in total aboveground or belowground bio-
mass and were pooled such that analyses were
conducted on mean values for sites and sampling
times. Relationships between predictor variables
and biomass were calculated and plotted in R ver-
sion 3.0.3 (R Core Team 2012) as standard major
axis (SMA) regressions to account for appreciable
measurement error in both dependent and inde-
pendent variables. Details of analyses and R code
are provided in Appendix S1. All data and meta-
data are available in Data S1 and MetaData S1,
respectively. Tests with P-values <0.05 were con-
sidered statistically signicant, while values
between 0.1 and 0.05 were considered marginally
Among variables measured in June and August
2013, total belowground biomass was negatively
related to extractable DIN (P=0.013; Table 1,
Fig. 2A) and positively related to porewater salin-
ity (P=0.056; Table 1, Fig. 2B). Mean below-
ground biomass differed between sampling times
(P=0.015; Table 1). However, the slopes relating
belowground biomass to salinity or DIN did not
differ between sampling times (Fig. 2A, B), as the
interactions between these variables and sampling
time were not signicant (P=0.71 and 0.45,
respectively). Aboveground biomass was posi-
tively related to sampling time only (Table 1);
however, we did observe a trend in which above-
ground biomass increased with DIN availability
(Fig. 2C). Overall, for the 2013 data, we detected a
6070% reduction in belowground biomass and a
70% increase in aboveground biomass with
increasing DIN availability at the site level
(Fig. 2A, C). Additionally, belowground biomass
was found to increase with increasing salinity by
as much as 70%. No interactions between salinity
and DIN were retained in nal models, indicating
that the effects of salinity and DIN were additive
(Table 1). Overall, we were able to explain over
53% of the total variation in belowground biomass
with extractable DIN, salinity, and season. Not sur-
prisingly, the difference between the periods of
biomass accrual (June) and peak biomass (August)
explained 32% of the total variation in above-
ground biomass among marsh sites (Table 1).
For the full set of aboveground and below-
ground biomass measurements (20122013), only
sampling time, porewater DIN, and salinity were
available as independent variables. Salinity was
positively related to belowground biomass, and
although mean belowground biomass again dif-
fered signicantly among sampling times, the
slope of the relationship was similar among all
sampling times (Table 1, Fig. 2B). Differences
among sampling times alone explained 56% of
the variation in aboveground biomass (Table 1).
Table 1. Best model for predicting belowground and aboveground biomass (g/m
)ofSpartina alterniora at the
site level.
Belowground biomass Aboveground biomass
Model R
df SS FP Model R
df SS FP
2013 data only 0.53 0.32
Time 1 2.40 910
7.29 0.015 1 3.22 910
9.59 0.006
Salinity (ppt) 1 1.37 910
4.16 0.056
DIN (lmol/L) 1 2.50 910
7.59 0.013
Residuals 18 5.94 910
20 6.72 910
2012 and 2013 data 0.31 0.56
Time 3 5.28 910
3.96 0.015 3 9.00 910
16.84 <0.0001
Salinity (ppt) 1 4.59 910
10.33 0.003
Residuals 38 1.69 910
39 1.59 910
Notes: Two sets of models were run, one set initially including all variables measured in 2013, and one including all variables
measured in 2012 and 2013. In all cases, interaction terms were non-signicant and were removed from nal models. df,
degrees of freedom; DIN, extractable dissolved inorganic nitrogen; SS, sum of squares. 5November 2017 Volume 8(11) Article e02010
Sampling time and salinity explained 31% of the
variation in belowground mass for the 20122013
dataset. In all cases, porewater nitrogen and
extractable phosphate measurements were found
to be poor predictors of aboveground and below-
ground biomass and were discarded from nal
models. Among all sampling times, above-
ground and belowground plant biomass mea-
surements were uncorrelated among sites and
sampling dates (n=43, r=0.06, P=0.72).
This work supports the hypothesis that eutro-
phication due to nitrogen loading exerts a
negative inuence on belowground biomass, and
thus marsh stability, in coastal marshes. This
result is consistent with a growing body of evi-
dence suggesting that increasing nutrient avail-
ability decreases the amount of growth allocated
to roots and rhizomes (Valiela et al. 1976, Deegan
et al. 2012, Watson et al. 2014). Notably, most pre-
vious studies have been based on relatively short-
term enrichment experiments and have witnessed
a response in only the living fraction of below-
ground biomass. This study is one of the few that
has detected a response in total belowground bio-
mass, including both living and dead root mate-
rial (Morris and Bradley 1999, Wigand et al.
2009). A reduction in total belowground biomass,
Fig. 2. (A) Among sites, total belowground plant biomass of Spartina alterniora, including living and dead
roots and rhizomes, was negatively associated with extractable inorganic nitrogen content of sediments in June
2013 (slopeSMA =9.02) and August 2013 (slopeSMA =8.94). (B) Belowground biomass was positively asso-
ciated with the salinity of sediment porewater in June 2012 (slopeSMA =145.6), August 2012
(slopeSMA =109.4), June 2013 (slopeSMA =90.11), and August 2013 (slopeSMA =101.4). (C) Total above-
ground biomass showed a positive but non-signicant trend with extractable inorganic nitrogen in August 2013
(slopeSMA =2.75) and June 2013 (slopeSMA =1.74). (D) Aboveground biomass was not related to salinity.
SMA, standard major axis. 6November 2017 Volume 8(11) Article e02010
from both the accumulation and decomposition
of dead root matter, is a slow-response variable
that is less likely to be detected in short- to moder-
ate-term (i.e., 515 yr) experiments. By compar-
ison, the variation in total belowground biomass
in Long Island marshes represents a long-term
response to 50100 yr of differences in enrichment
and thus reects the effects of chronic eutrophica-
tion on belowground biomass and marsh stability.
Notably, a negative relationship between total
belowground plant biomass and nitrogen inputs
was also observed in a previous study of extant
marshes in Narragansett Bay, RI, which were sub-
ject to chronic nutrient enrichment; however, this
relationship was observed only in higher eleva-
tion marshes dominated by Spartina patens
(Wigand et al. 2009). Together these ndings have
important implications for the long-term stability
of marshes that are believed to be currently stable
under nutrient enrichment.
Sediment capture by marsh plants is not likely
to be an important determinant of marsh stability
on Long Island and marshes along coastal barrier
islands generally, which typically receive lower
sediment loads than marshes with large riverine
inputs (Darby and Turner 2008, Wigand et al.
2009). Hypothetically, nitrogen fertilization could
stimulate aboveground plant growth and more
effectively trap suspended particles, offsetting
losses in organic matter accumulation (Morris
et al. 2002). Our lack of correlation between
aboveground and belowground production
(P=0.72) suggests that controls on these
responses may be decoupled, which may seem
counterintuitive as both are at least weakly asso-
ciated with DIN (Fig. 2). However, biomass
responds to variables other than DIN, such as
salinity in the case of belowground biomass
(Fig. 2B) or tidal range in the case of above-
ground biomass (Steever et al. 1976). Also, as
DIN increases, the opposing effects of increasing
aboveground and decreasing belowground bio-
mass on sediment retention may depend on a
range of variables, including rates of sediment
delivery via streams and the strength of tidal and
storm surges. In marshes with low sediment
deposition, such as in Long Island and other
northeastern marshes (Kim and Bokuniewicz
1991, Watson et al. 2014), factors controlling
belowground growth and organic matter accu-
mulation are likely to be more important
determinants of vertical marsh growth than sedi-
ment capture by aboveground biomass.
The nutrient-loading context of Long Island
marshes may explain why the responses of plant
root variables differed from those observed in
some other studies. While DIN had an effect on
belowground biomass, we found no evidence of
phosphate effects. This difference may result
from low N:P ratio in sediment porewater, which
never exceeded 15 for any of the sites included in
our study, making it extremely unlikely these
marshes are phosphorus limited (Verhoeven
et al. 1996). In marshes with lower phosphorus
availability, nitrogen enrichment may cause
plants to become phosphorus limited, and they
may allocate more growth to roots to scavenge
for phosphate (Turner 2011). The background
nutrient supply ratios should be taken into con-
text when comparing results of studies relating
eutrophication to marsh vegetation.
The consistently positive effect of salinity on
belowground biomass in Spartina alterniora
marshes was the most surprising result we
observed (Fig. 2B). This result supports the
hypothesis that plants allocate more growth to
roots and rhizomes as a stress response, aerating
sediments to increase sulde oxidation and allevi-
ate sulde stress (McKee et al. 1988). Our results
are consistent with one other eld study, which
found that high-salinity marshes produce more
roots and have a higher sediment shear strength
than nearby low-salinity marshes (Howes et al.
2010). These results suggest that increasing salin-
ity from sea-level rise may enhance stability of
brackish coastal marshes for a given amount of
sediment delivery and total production.
Though consistent with previous work showing
that nutrient loading negatively impacts root
mass, our ndings suggest a larger role for salinity
in determining total root and rhizome mass than
is commonly expected. Our results indicate that
eutrophication may reduce marsh stability and
that increasing salinity in inland marshes as sea
level rises may increase stability of those marshes.
Because high sulde concentrations inhibit nitro-
gen assimilation (Mendelssohn and Morris 2000),
we expected an interaction between the effects of
salinity and DIN on belowground biomass. How-
ever, our analysis determined that salinity and
DIN acted independently and that their combined
effects are therefore additive. Therefore, though 7November 2017 Volume 8(11) Article e02010
their effects on total belowground biomass are
likely to exhibit complex spatial signatures over
time, the fact that they act independently and con-
sistently means that we should be able to predict a
signicant proportion of the variation using rela-
tively simple biological relationships. Given suf-
cient knowledge of hydrology and sediment load,
a holistic management approach that accounts for
hydrological and chemical determinants of marsh
growth may well be within reach. Such an
approach would enhance our ability to assess the
stability of marshes under future scenarios of sea-
level rise and eutrophication.
This work was supported by New York Sea Grant
(R/CMC-10), a Tibor T. Polgar and a Graduate Research
Fellowship from the Hudson River Foundation, and a
Robert R. Sokal Award and Lawrence Slobodkin Award
from the Department of Ecology and Evolution, Stony
Brook University. Dianna Padilla, Jessica Gurevitch,
Stuart Findlay, and Alistair Rogers provided helpful
comments on earlier versions of this manuscript. We
also thank Stoycho Velkovsky, Matthew Sarubbi, and
many undergraduates for analytical assistance. Site
access was provided by the Nature Conservancy of
Long Island, Suffolk County Parks, U.S. Fish and Wild-
life, the Town of Hempstead, the Village of Sands Point,
and the Ward Melville Heritage Organization.
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2010/full 10 November 2017 Volume 8(11) Article e02010
... Additional studies examined the condition of marsh islands within NY's Jamaica Bay . Our network of SET stations spans a gradient of coastal development and nutrient loads from west to east across Long Island (Alldred et al. 2017;Watson et al. 2018;Krause et al. 2019). This design allows us to explore the processes responsible for elevation changes. ...
... We were not able to identify the primary drivers or eliminate any specific processes or environmental conditions responsible for the lack of elevation growth in the rootzone in this study of seven marshes with paired deep and shallow SETs. Many factors are known to influence peat formation within the actively growing rootzone: deposition of sediment on the marsh surface that stimulates belowground growth (Walters and Kirwan 2016), elevation of the marsh platform relative to mean sea level and the resultant flooding frequencies (Morris et al. 2002;Kirwan and Guntenspergen 2012;Watson et al. 2014Watson et al. , 2017, disruption of natural hydrology , elevated nutrient loads (Deegan et al. 2012;Alldred et al. 2017;Watson et al. 2017), and interactions among these factors. ...
... Other studies conducted on Long Island marshes have found conflicting relationships between nitrogen loads and belowground biomass (Alldred et al. 2017;Crosby et al. 2021;Watson et al. 2022a). Crosby et al. (2021) found no effect of nitrogen loading on total belowground biomass in Spartina alterniflora creek banks in Long Island Sound, Alldred et al. (2017) found decreased total belowground biomass (live and dead), and Watson et al. (2022a) found increased belowground biomass (live and dead material in ingrowth bags initially filled with local sand). ...
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Salt marsh habitat loss and conversion are well documented across the marine-coastal district of New York. Regionally, these losses are characterized by marsh edge erosion, ditch and creek widening, internal ponding, and conversion from irregularly flooded marsh to regularly flooded marsh and intertidal mudflats. These changes in horizontal extent and shifts in vegetation composition suggest that NY’s salt marshes may not be keeping pace with sea level rise. To evaluate elevation building processes, deep rod surface elevation tables, marker horizons, and shallow rod surface elevation tables (SET-MHs and shallow RSETs) were installed as a network across Long Island, NY. Contributions of surface, shallow subsurface, and deeper processes to overall elevation changes were observed from 2008 to 2022. Using a linear mixed model approach, surface accretion, shallow subsurface rootzone growth, and deeper below-ground processes were evaluated against regional sea level rise, nutrient loading, and marsh area trends. We found that marshes on Long Island are not keeping pace with sea level rise because they lack vertical elevation growth within the rootzone. Optimizing conditions for belowground growth of native salt marsh plants and preservation of organic matter within the peat matrix is key for restoring salt marshes to a positive elevation trajectory relative to sea level rise. Much like a retirement savings account, knowing whether our marshes are increasing in elevation is important, but understanding the full suite of deposits and withdrawals is critical for managing this valuable resource for the future.
... Yet, interannual variation can be substantial: Pairwise comparisons did show that 2 years significantly differed from others, as 2017 and 2018 had more high BGB observations (Figure 3). A number of broad-scale phenomena could drive interannual variation, such as episodic storm events, variable freshwater inflow, and climate (Alber et al., 2008;Alldred et al., 2017;Walters & Kirwan, 2016). For instance, Hurricane Matthew caused extensive dune overwash along the GA coast in October 2016 (Birchler et al., 2019), potentially nourishing the salt marshes with sediment and stimulating belowground growth in the following years (Elsey-Quirk & Unger, 2018), which may have explained our observed high BGB during 2017 and 2018. ...
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The Belowground Ecosystem Resiliency Model (BERM) is a geoinformatics tool that was developed to predict belowground biomass (BGB) of Spartina alterniflora in salt marshes based on remote sensing of aboveground characteristics and other readily available hydrologic, climatic, and physical data. We sought to characterize variation in S. alterniflora BGB over both temporal and spatial gradients through extensive marsh field observations in coastal Georgia, USA, to quantify their relationship with a suite of predictor variables, and to use these results to improve performance and expand the parameter space of BERM. We conducted pairwise comparisons of S. alterniflora growth metrics measured at nine sites over 3–8 years and found that BGB grouped by site differed in 69% of comparisons, while only in 21% when grouped by year. This suggests that BGB varies more spatially than temporally. We used the BERM machine learning algorithms to evaluate how variables relating to biological, climatic, hydrologic, and physical attributes covaried with these BGB observations. Flooding frequency and intensity were most influential in predicting BGB, with predictor variables related to hydrology composing 61% of the total feature importance in the BERM framework. When we used this expanded calibration dataset and associated predictors to advance BERM, model error was reduced from a normalized root‐mean‐square error of 13.0%–9.4% in comparison with the original BERM formulation. This reflects both an improvement in predictive performance and an expansion in conditions for potential model application. Finally, we used regression commonality analysis to show that model estimates reflected the spatiotemporal structure of BGB variation observed in field measurements. These results can help guide future data collection efforts to describe landscape‐scale BGB trends. The advanced BERM is a robust tool that can characterize S. alterniflora productivity and resilience over broad spatial and temporal scales.
... As reported by Deegan et al. (2012), nutrient enrichment can be an important driver of marsh loss. Moreover, Alldred et al. (2017) indicated that total belowground plant biomass increases in high-salinity marshes but decreases in high-nitrogen marshes. Consequently, in tidal marsh aquifers, more attention should be paid to other effects of seawater intrusion in addition to increased salinity. ...
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Tidal freshwater marshes are threatened by seawater intrusion globally due to freshwater discharge reduction and sea‐level rise. However, terrestrial nitrate (NO3⁻) transport responding to seawater intrusion remains poorly understood in tidal marshes. After validation against laboratory experiments, numerical simulations were conducted to analyze seawater intrusion effects on terrestrial NO3⁻ transport and transformation in tidal marsh aquifers. Results reveal that seawater intrusion noticeably affects NO3⁻ transport from the marsh aquifer to the tidal creek. Seawater intrusion results in an upper saline plume and a saltwater wedge within the aquifer, which markedly narrows the discharge outlet width of the NO3⁻ plume and intensifies the peak NO3⁻ flux across the creek bank. Consequently, both the NO3⁻ removal efficiency and total nitrogen gas load to the creek decrease substantially after seawater intrusion. This is because the reduction of the transit time and the mixing zone width of the NO3⁻ plume after seawater intrusion weakens denitrification. Sensitivity analyses indicate that the difference of the NO3⁻ removal efficiency before and after seawater intrusion depends on soil properties. A larger unsaturated flow effect, saturated hydraulic conductivity or effective porosity leads to a greater difference of the NO3⁻ removal efficiency before and after seawater intrusion. The predicted decrease of the NO3⁻ removal efficiency after seawater intrusion is consistent with existing field data.
... Other biochemical factors may influence marsh vegetation growth, for example, insufficient drainage at low tide; in fact, low drainage can interfere with seedling establishment, especially in muddy systems (Cao et al., 2021). The presence or the absence of nutrients, such as nitrogen or phosphorus, can alter biomass accumulation and marsh evolution as well (Alldred et al., 2017;Turner, 2011;Turner et al., 2009). ...
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It is increasingly recognised that nature‐based solutions in coastal ecosystems provide significant services compared to hard engineering measures. Several restoration projects are now being conducted worldwide to protect coastlines against flood risk and improve the ecosystems' quality. In the case of river deltas, managed realignment through levee breaching is becoming a recognised strategy for coastal wetland restoration. This study focusses on the formation of new wetlands in the Po River Delta after several natural dyke failures that occurred during the last century, when a large part of the land was abandoned and became wetlands. An historical review was performed to quantify the variation of the marsh extent in time developed after natural levee breaching in the easternmost lagoons of the delta and to understand the processes that determined their evolution. The analyses were based on orthophotos from the 1950s to the present‐day integrated with tidal records, water and sediment discharge records, and GPS survey for vegetation distribution. The review indicated that, between the 1950s and 1980s, anthropisation and natural processes caused a strong decline in marsh extent, thus leading to the recent shape of the lagoons. Several breaches and inlets were developed because of a combination of human intervention and erosive processes, and new tidal systems were born. Three main depositional areas connecting the main river branches were identified in three separated lagoons of the delta. These lagoons presented a ‘crevasse splay’ type of deposition which allowed the development of new tidal flats and, in certain cases, of large freshwater marsh systems within less than 8 years after the breach. The newly formed wetland systems (>100 ha) demonstrate the ability of the Po River Delta to build new wetlands, also during periods of human‐induced sediment starvation and high rates of subsidence, suggesting that further levee breaching should be exploited to favour marsh recovery.
... Plants in coastal wetlands are controlled by the bottom-up effect of environmental factors and the top-down effect of consumers. Factors such as flooding (Buffington et al. 2020), sea level rise (Xue et al. 2018), salinity (Alldred et al. 2017), elevated CO 2 (Rozema et al. 1991), and nutrient enrichment (Anisfeld and Hill 2012) are often considered. Consumers rely on the food web to influence biomass through top-down effects. ...
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Understanding carbon cycling in blue carbon ecosystems is key to sequestrating more carbon in these ecosystems to mitigate climate change. However, limited information is available on the basic characteristics of publications, research hotspots, research frontiers, and the evolution of topics related to carbon cycling in different blue carbon ecosystems. Here, we conducted bibliometric analysis on carbon cycling in salt marsh, mangrove, and seagrass ecosystems. The results showed that interest in this field has dramatically increased with time, particularly for mangroves. The USA has substantially contributed to the research on all ecosystems. Research hotspots for salt marshes were sedimentation process, carbon sequestration, carbon emissions, lateral carbon exchange, litter decomposition, plant carbon fixation, and carbon sources. In addition, biomass estimation by allometric equations was a hotspot for mangroves, and carbonate cycling and ocean acidification were hotspots for seagrasses. Topics involving energy flow, such as productivity, food webs, and decomposition, were the predominant areas a decade ago. Current research frontiers mainly concentrated on climate change and carbon sequestration for all ecosystems, while methane emission was a common frontier for mangroves and salt marshes. Ecosystem-specific research frontiers included mangrove encroachment for salt marshes, ocean acidification for seagrasses, and aboveground biomass estimation and restoration for mangroves. Future research should expand estimates of lateral carbon exchange and carbonate burial and strengthen the exploration of the impacts of climate change and restoration on blue carbon. Overall, this study provides the research status of carbon cycling in vegetated blue carbon ecosystems, which favors knowledge exchanges for future research.
Coastal marshes vulnerable to sea‐level rise may benefit from sediment amendments to increase elevation. However, nutrient‐loading to estuaries may counter elevation gain through reduced root production and/or increased decomposition. Here, we test if belowground plant productivity, root decomposition, and marsh accretion response to nutrient‐loading differs with sediment addition in three marsh types: a healthy intermediate salinity marsh, a deteriorating brackish marsh, and a created marsh in Barataria Basin, Louisiana, United States. In this region, wetland loss is rapid, and a major restoration project is underway to introduce Mississippi River water, sediment, and nutrients to offset marsh loss. Porewater nutrient concentrations, vegetation structure, belowground productivity and decomposition, and accretion rates were measured over 450 days. Experimental nitrate additions yielded high porewater ammonium‐N concentrations in the Deteriorating marsh but had a smaller effect in Healthy and Created marshes. Belowground productivity in the Deteriorating marsh was neutral to negatively affected by nutrient and sediment treatments, whereas positive effects occurred in Healthy and Created marshes. Despite elevation increase from sediment treatments, and substantial effects of nutrient treatments on porewater nutrient concentrations, belowground decomposition and surface accretion rates were not affected by treatments. Sediment deposition increased species richness in the Healthy marsh and added sediment and added nutrients with sediment increased plant height in the Created and Deteriorating marshes, respectively. Over the timescale measured, experimental sedimentation and pulsed nutrient input had few consistent effects on belowground ingrowth, decomposition, or surface accretion. Our findings highlight that response to nutrient pulses are complex and depend on baseline marsh conditions.
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Sea-level rise and adverse environmental conditions (e.g., drought, herbivory, and altered sedimentation and hydrology) stress coastal salt marsh vegetation, leading to reduced productivity, die-off, and subsequent marsh loss. Potential for loss may vary spatially within a single marsh creek system, as well as at the larger landscape-scale level across creek systems. Spatial patterns of plant stress that may signal future loss could inform management and conservation strategies. To inform predictions of marsh loss, in a field study in 12 Juncus roemerianus marshes on Florida’s Big Bend, we observed spatial patterns of plant stress and potential environmental drivers 1) within individual creek systems and 2) across a region of multiple creek systems. Juncus stress was higher at the creek margin (lower belowground biomass production and higher proline concentrations, K ⁺ and Na ⁺ ion levels, and relative stem water content) where soil salinity was higher and soil nutrients were lower. Patterns were not predicted by elevation alone, and other indicators did not similarly vary within creeks, but differed between creek systems, which often was explained by proximity to large freshwater inputs. Management strategies that account for these observed within- and between-creek patterns of stress, which represent symptoms that likely precede die-off and marsh loss, may best increase marsh persistence. This uniquely comprehensive data set (15 Juncus responses and 8 environmental variables across 12 marshes) highlights the challenge of determining stress patterns across a broad region and the necessary monitoring to generate information needed to spatially prioritize management efforts to ameliorate marsh loss.
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Estuarine salt marshes globally face numerous threats, not least of which include changing hydrological conditions from human alteration and climate change impact to river flows, sea levels and coastal processes. While changing inundation is evident in many systems, often, the detail of which estuarine processes are changing and to what extent they contribute to flooding and habitat distribution remains unknown. Water levels in the microtidal Swan River Estuary (Derbarl Yerrigan), Western Australia, which has experienced significant climate drying since the 1970's, were disaggregated to assess contributions from tides, mean sea level, barometric effects, river flows and river-tide interactions. These contributions were mapped to the habitat of a salt marsh community. The effect of declining river flows on tides were further assessed by wavelet and harmonic analyses. We found that tides and barometric effects presently dominate flooding events of relevance to the salt marsh community. Declining winter runoff resulted in an increase in the tidal amplitude in the upper estuary. There was also a positive winter mean sea level pressure trend, associated with the winter rainfall decline. Altogether, there was zero net change to flooding of a salt marsh in the estuary from these processes. Therefore, steady sea level rise masked changes in the relative contribution of flooding mechanisms in the estuary which have implications for the stability of the marsh ecosystem. Disaggregating process contributions to salt marsh water levels offers a means to better assess the hydrodynamic processes presently sustaining salt marsh communities and to inform how they might change in the future. These results show that numerous hydrological processes can interact to mask non-stationary changes to estuarine hydrology supporting salt marsh habitat.
Soil redox potentials and pore water sulfide concentrations on a mangrove island in the Belizean barrier reef system were significantly correlated with the presence of the aerial roots of mangrove trees. Sulfide concentrations were three to five times lower near the prop roots of Rhizophora mangle (red mangrove) and the pneumatophores of Avicennia germinans (black mangrove) than in adjacent (≤ 1 meter away) unvegetated sediment. Soil redox potentials were also significantly higher near the aerial roots. A comparison of the two species revealed that sulfide concentrations in the rhizosphere of R. mangle were as low as that of A. germinans. However, sulfide concentrations in areas occupied by the black mangrove were variable and a function of pneumatophore density. The occurrence of an oxidized rhizosphere around the roots of both species suggests that the adult trees are equally capable of exploiting reduced sediments as long as their respective pathways for root aeration are functional.
Compounds of nitrogen, and especially those of phosphorus, are major cellular components of organisms. Since the availability of these elements may be less than the biological demand, environmental sources can regulate or limit the productivity of organisms in freshwater ecosystems. Other elements such as iron and sulfur are essential cellular constituents but are required in relatively low concentrations in relation to availability in fresh waters. The major base cations, calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium, usually are required in very low quantities, but their concentrations in fresh water can influence the osmoregulation of organisms.
Significant improvements in water quality have been observed for several decades throughout much of the Hudson-Raritan Estuary, primarily as a result of regional abatement of municipal and industrial discharges. These improvements include area-wide, order-of-magnitude reductions in ambient coliform concentrations and significant increases in dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations. In contrast to these improvements, DO in bottom waters of the western Long Island Sound (WLIS) appears to have decreased in the last two decades. Although there is no consensus as to why hypoxia in WLIS may have recently become more severe, several related hypotheses have been suggested, including an increase in eutrophication, increased density stratification, and changes in wastewater loads. To determine if eutrophication has increased in WLIS, trends in several indicators of eutrophication were examined from a long-term water quality data set. Since the mid-1980s surface DO supersaturation has increased, bottom minimum DO has decreased, and vertical DO stratification has increased in WLIS. Other areas of the Hudson-Raritan Estuary, such as Jamaica Bay and Raritan Bay, exhibit similar evidence of declining water quality and may be experiencing increasing eutrophication. Temporal changes in vertical density stratification indicate that surface to bottom temperature differences have increased to a greater extent and have had a more significant impact on bottom DO depletion in WLIS than in the shallower Jamaica Bay and Raritan Bay. Additional factors contributing to the observed decline in water quality include recent changes in wastewater loads and possible increases in upstream and nonpoint source loads.
In the Upper Midwestern region of the US, three ecosystem services (flood abatement, water quality improvement, and biodiversity support) declined when about 60% of the region's historical wetland area was drained, mostly for agriculture. Some of the lost services could potentially be regained through wetland restoration measures authorized in the 2002 Farm Bill. Because no single wetland can provide all ecosystem services indefinitely, ecologists can help to identify combinations of projects that will best restore ecosystem services within watersheds. "Strategic" restoration would use an adaptive management approach, targeting former wetlands with marginal crop production, and prioritizing the location, size, and type of wetland needed for a watershed to provide optimal levels of all three services. Given that the Farm Bill includes over $1 billion per year to conserve natural resources on agricultural lands, we are in an excellent position to increase the effectiveness of wetland restoration.