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The impact of food preservation on food waste



Purpose The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the relationship between food preservation and reducing consumer waste is of value in developing sustainable meal options. The research reports insights into Austrian marketplace for frozen and fresh foods that have been obtained from a consumer survey. Design/methodology/approach The consumer survey methodologies indicate how preservation can change meal planning and lower food waste across frozen and fresh and ambient food purchases using freezing preservation methods. Findings The results show food waste can be reduced by six-fold when frozen foods are compared with fresh foods. Research limitations/implications This study highlights the requirement for a greater understanding of the probability that specific foods will be wasted with respect to the frequency of purchase. This is a limitation of the current study that has been investigated by other researchers. Practical implications This research has enabled the identification of different food waste amounts for different food product categories. The data presented could be used to guide food product development so that less consumer waste is produced. Social implications The research suggests a decision matrix approach can be used to can guide new product development and a model of this matrix is presented so that it may provide fit-for-purpose food preservation options for consumers. Originality/value This paper will continue to highlight the overlooked value of food preservation during processing and manufacturing of foods and their preparation in households.
The impact of food preservation
on food waste
Wayne Martindale
National Centre for Food Manufacturing,
Food Insights and Sustainability Service, University of Lincoln, Holbeach, UK, and
Walter Schiebel
Institute for Marketing and Innovation,
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna, Austria
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the relationship between food preservation and
reducing consumer waste is of value in developing sustainable meal options. The research reports insights
into Austrian marketplace for frozen and fresh foods that have been obtained from a consumer survey.
Design/methodology/approach The consumer survey methodologies indicate how preservation can
change meal planning and lower food waste across frozen and fresh and ambient food purchases using
freezing preservation methods.
Findings The results show food waste can be reduced by six-fold when frozen foods are compared with
fresh foods.
Research limitations/implications This study highlights the requirement for a greater understanding
of the probability that specific foods will be wasted with respect to the frequency of purchase. This is a
limitation of the current study that has been investigated by other researchers.
Practical implications This research has enabled the identification of different food waste amounts for
different food product categories. The data presented could be used to guide food product development so
that less consumer waste is produced.
Social implications The research suggests a decision matrix approach can be used to can guide new
product development and a model of this matrix is presented so that it may provide fit-for-purpose food
preservation options for consumers.
Originality/value This paper will continue to highlight the overlooked value of food preservation during
processing and manufacturing of foods and their preparation in households.
Keywords Consumers, Sustainability, Food waste, Frozen foods, Food preservation, Food value
Paper type Research paper
Consumers produce the greatest amount of food waste and loss in the food supply chains of
developing and developed economies (Gustavsson et al., 2011). A recent pan-European food
waste programme has identified consumer food waste as a major challenge (COST Action
TD1203, EUBIS). The COST Network, EU network on food waste valorisation has given
attention to solving the amount of consumer food waste produced through technological
and policy interventions (Morone et al., 2017; Privett et al., 2016). Reducing all food losses
will result in a more secure global food system and it is important for us to show how
consumers can reduce food waste in households. This is where food preservation has an
important role in facilitating this waste reducing action because it improves the utilisation of
food. It has also been identified that understanding why food is wasted by consumers
British Food Journal
Vol. 119 No. 12, 2017
pp. 2510-2518
Emerald Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/BFJ-02-2017-0114
Received 24 February 2017
Revised 17 August 2017
Accepted 22 August 2017
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available on Emerald Insight at:
© Wayne Martindale and Walter Schiebel. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is
published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce,
distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial &
non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full
terms of this licence may be seen at
The APC has been sponsored by MPC Research Ltd.
during meal occasions develops of waste reduction strategies that can be used for different
foods and preservation methods (Martindale, 2014).
Previous food waste reduction initiatives have typically focussed outside of this consumer
arena and they have focussed on manufacturing and retail food losses. They have been
successful at designing out food waste using the right-weighting of food products
(portion control) and light-weighting of packaging (material resource efficiency). Their success
has been made possible through cooperative actions across the food industry that have
developed joint responsibility for food waste. It is essential that these initiatives now act to
reduce the food that consumers purchase but do not eat (Mena et al., 2011). Furthermore, FAO
reported Food Balance statistics show supply chain losses for food groups such as meat,
fruit and vegetables to be below 5 per cent of production or domestic supply quantities
(Martindale, 2017). While these food losses remain incredibly important it is reported by
national agencies and government departments that consumersfood waste regularly reaches
20 per cent or more of food purchased (Defra, 2017).
There has been an emergence of re-distribution schemes and community focussed actions
that have been successful at removing food waste from supply chains. Redistribution of foods
that are close to shelf-life limits and schemes that facilitate providing food to consumers such
as community fridgeshave an exceptionally important role to play in waste reduction
particularly where communities experience limited accessibility and affordability of foods.
The redistribution of foods from retailers and manufacturers that are close to shelf life limits
or charitable donations has also seen the impact of using on-line communication technologies
that connect providers with consumers of redistributed foods (Aschemann-Witzel et al., 2017;
Aschemann-Witzel et al., 2015). What has become evident in this arena is the reduction of
food wastes from the food supply chain to the point of consumer sale is dependent on the
application of many actions. That is, there is no single solution here and many actions that
redistribute, involve communities and use on-line technologies will help to reduce food
waste and create awareness of responsible use of foods. The study reported here highlights
the value of preservation technologies and the need for food category models that take
account of differing shelf life and quality considerations because these will help to guide
food policy. Previous studies of fresh and frozen shelf life of foods have shown a reduction in
household waste associated with frozen food use (Martindale, 2014). A more recent study in
the Netherlands has developed a stochastic model to show the influence of ambient, frozen
and fresh preservation on household food waste (Janssen et al., 2017). This study is critically
important because it shows how food preservation methods that extend shelf life of foods
in the home can reduce food waste over annual time periods. These studies also suggest
that knowledge of food preparation and the best use of foods in households are critical in
waste reduction.
Schemes that engage and redistribute resources to reduce food waste do not fully
address the issue of food and drink products being wasted by consumers because they are
not designed to reduce food waste. They redistribute food that would otherwise be waste;
the study reported here focusses on reducing the wastage of food that is purchased with the
intention of using it. The preservation of foods and types of food preservation methods
available to consumers can facilitate this because it reduces food degradation and improves
the utilisation of food in the domestic environment. This is a principle that has remained
largely unconsidered even though the production of food waste increases greenhouse gas
emissions or the carbon footprint of food consumption (Garnett, 2013; ORourke, 2014).
It is crucial to consider food waste reduction as an outcome of using preserved foods
because research carried out previously demonstrated it can help us to define the
sustainability of meals that consumers prepare (Martindale, 2017).
In this study, it is demonstrated how frozen preservation can provide greater utilisation
of food by consumers and reduce household food waste. It is not intended to show frozen is
Impact of food
the only option for reducing consumer food waste. It is hoped that the research will highlight
the use of preservation methods in reducing consumer food waste and that there are
several factors that must work together in food waste reduction is to be successful.
Previous research carried out in the UK market compared fresh and frozen food use in
households and the amount of consumer food waste was dependent on food preservation
method. The study showed a 47 per cent reduction in household food waste for frozen
products compared to fresh products (Martindale, 2014).
Frozen food in this study is defined by all food that is frozen via quick freezing; this
ensures the cell intactness and preserves the nutritional value of the food. The process of
freezing food in this household focussed study is defined as non-frozen food which gets frozen
via a standard freezer (at home), as such this is slow freezing where cell structure is not
maintained and it is less beneficial than quick freezing but adds to shelf life significantly.
The definition of fresh food in this study is all non-frozen and non-freezing food.
Working with frozen foods not only gives us an opportunity to consider the value of food
preservation in households but we must also consider manufacturing factories providing
efficient use of resources and continual availability (Tukker, 2015). This provides us with
the opportunity to develop models of food preservation that identify control points in the
supply chain that can maximise food waste reduction. Frozen and freezing foods define this
requirement more effectively than many other food supply chains that do not preserve
foods. The consideration of frozen or freezing foods in this study has provided an
opportunity to investigate these wider impacts on food resource use by consumers.
For example, freezing foods provides availability of out-of-season produce which can be
included in the sustainability assessments of frozen and fresh produce (Foster et al., 2014).
While these benefits of food preservation are important it is the impact on consumer food
waste that is investigated here. The value of localising food supply is important in the
sustainability arena if it can provide what consumers demand and increased resilience.
There are studies that show localising food supply can achieve this, particularly where
there are strong regional food identities and a cultural preference of using food service
(Caputo et al., 2017). Localisation and the value of it to the food system are not within the
scope of this current study even though it is important to consider food preservation has
enabled the supply of foods that are out of season to consumers. Indeed, this was why
preservation of fruits and vegetables using pickling and osmotic preserving emerged
traditionally (Martindale, 2017).
Frozen foods have played a pivotal role in enabling the global food supply chain to
evolve and without that food losses would be increased in agriculture and processing.
Many of the food supply chain issues highlighted in current food loss and food waste
research do not exist with frozen foods because quick freezing leads to the extended shelf
life gains that many waste reduction initiatives seek (Parfitt et al., 2010). Furthermore,
freezing keeps within the conditions of clean labellabelled trends and often provides
greater portion control in the home (Shove and Southerton, 2000). The clean labeltrend is
now clearly identified in retail environments where there are demands for ingredient
labelling that clarifies ingredients and communicates any potential allergens introduced in
processing and manufacturing (Asioli et al., 2017).
The Austrian market research reported in this paper allows us to extend current
understanding of the utilisation of frozen foods. It also leads us to consider the broader issue of
what incentivises consumers to eat a more sustainable diet. Austrian households currently
produce around 369,000 tons of packed and unpacked food waste each year and there is
over 23.4 million tonnes of food waste produced by households across the EC member
nations (Bräutigam et al., 2014; Stenmarck et al., 2016). A sustainable diet must eliminate
this food waste, the Austrian food waste volume is equivalent to 300of food thrown
away per household year (Lebersorger and Schneider, 2011; Penker and Wytrzens, 2005).
The data presented here shows both frozen food purchases and household freezing decrease
food waste significantly and this has important implications for providing sustainable
meals and diets.
Research method
The Austrian market data was collected via an online survey carried out by the Institute of
Marketing & Innovation, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU)
and Gesellschaft für Konsumforschung (GfK SE) during July 2015 (GfK, 2016). The survey
questionnaire obtained data from 2,800 participants on the frequency of their food
purchases for fresh and frozen foods.
The survey participants were selected to represent the typical Austrian population with
regard to age and educational level. The selection made for geographic distribution across the
Federal States was proportional to the population in each Federal State. The selection to the
panel of 2,800 was made using the GfK market survey methods used for market research.
GfK are a commercial and international company that provided the survey panel of
2,800 households. GfKs services are routinely used by the food sector by manufacturers and
retailers to develop business activitiesandidentifyfoodanddrink trends. The participants used
in this survey bought food and drink for their household and were asked how much food they
wasted across six food groups as a percentage of the total amount of the food they purchased.
The six food groups were selected because they were important food categories in Austria that
have both frozen and fresh options. Notably this included bread where the offer and purchasing
of frozen bread rolls is typical for Austrian consumers.
The participants of the survey were asked to consider their household food waste in a
week from the food they purchased, partly utilised food, leftovers (plate waste) and
preparation residues. The core questions of the survey that asked participants to report
their proportion of food purchased that was wasted as a percentage were as follows:
(1) What percentage of fresh food from your household purchases do you throw away?
(2) What percentage of the frozen food from your household purchases do you throw away?
(3) What percentage of fresh food from your household purchases do you throw away
per following product groups?
(4) What percentage of frozen food from your household purchases do you throw away
per following product groups?
The food groups were fruit; vegetables (including specific questions for potatoes and
spinach); bread ( fresh only); pasta; meat; and, fish ( fish sticks also known as fish fingers for
frozen foods). The core questions were developed in terms of what food product groups were
wasted in households. The survey also collected demographic information so that the 2,800
participants reflected a typical sample of the Austrian population and this was determined
using GfKs demographic methods.
Research results
The amount of food waste produced in the sample of 2,800 Austrian households is shown
in Figure 1. The data show that participants reported wasted 9.3 per cent of total fresh food
purchased and 1.6 per cent of total frozen food purchased. Thus, the amount of reported
food waste derived from the fresh foods is 5.8-fold greater than that of frozen foods in the
2,800 households assessed. This means that the six fresh food groups have a reported food
waste that is 5.8-fold greater than comparable frozen food groups (see, Figure 1).
Figure 2, shows the food waste for fresh and comparable frozen food groups assessed in
the Austrian study of 2,800 households. The food groups are fruits, vegetables, bread, pasta,
Impact of food
meat and fish. Data obtained for the vegetable group were also specifically obtained for
potatoes and spinach because of the importance of these products in the frozen categories.
A similar approach was taken for fish products where fish sticks (also known as
fish fingers) are an important frozen product category.
Figure 2, shows the amount of food waste derived from fresh food purchases is greater
than frozen food purchases across the six food groups assessed apart from fish which is
assessed as other fishin the reported frozen products here. These data are summarised
in Table I where the ratio of fresh to frozen food waste is provided.
Total household fresh
food wasted
Total household frozen
food wasted
Percentage of total food
purchased that is wasted
n= 2,800
Figure 1.
The amount of
food waste associated
with the total
purchases of fresh
and frozen foods in
Austrian households
Fresh foods
n= 2,800
Frozen foods
Frui t
Frui t
Other vegetables
Other fish
Fish sticks
% of total food purchased
that is wasted
5.5 5.5
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.5 0.5
0.7 0.3
Figure 2.
The percentage
of food purchases
wasted for the
fresh and frozen
food product
categories assessed
Percentage of fresh food
purchase wasted
Percentage of frozen food
purchase wasted
Fresh to frozen
food waste ratio
Fruit 6.2 0.6 10.3
Vegetables 5.5 1.4 3.9
Potatoes 3.9 0.5 7.8
Pasta 1.7 0.5 3.4
Meat 2.8 1.4 2.0
Fish 0.6 0.7 0.9
Table I.
The ratio of fresh to
frozen food group
waste for 2,800
Austrian households
for the food product
groups assessed
Research analysis
The goal of the research reported is to show how food waste behaviours connect many
sustainability issues across the complex food choices consumers make when meals are
prepared. Our research shows food manufacturers and food retailers occupy critical points
in supply that can determine how these food consumption behaviours can be transformed
into more sustainable ones. An important way of achieving this is through reducing the food
waste associated with every meal.
Figure 1, shows fresh foods purchased have a reported 5.8-fold greater food waste
compared to frozen food purchases in a survey of 2,800 Austrian households. The assessment
of waste from different food groups provides important insights into how households utilise
fresh and frozen foods (Figure 2). Table I, shows the ratio of fresh to frozen food waste across
the food groups shown in Figure 2. It can be seen that fresh food is wasted in greater amounts
than frozen food in every category except fish where fresh food waste is 0.9 of frozen food
waste. The ratios show that the greatest differences between fresh and frozen food groups are
seen for fruit where fresh is 10.3-fold greater than frozen and potatoes where fresh is 7.8-fold
greater than frozen.
Notably, the fresh to frozen ratio of specific food products (Figure 2), include fresh
vegetables and frozen spinach which is 13.8; and, for fresh fish and frozen fish sticks
(also known as fish fingers) it is 2.0 in Austrian households. Spinach and fish sticks are
specifically tested here because theyare extremely popular for meal purchases in the Austrian
and other European marketplaces. The 13.8-fold greater fresh vegetable waste than frozen
spinach waste; and 2.0-fold greater fresh fish waste than fish stick waste is important because
these products are developed to be directly placed into meals. They emphasise the impact of
food product development when it is aligned to the portioning of food in meal preparation
and if this is made to be optimal there is less food waste. This relationship between method of
food preservation and portioning is also apparent with other food groups such as potatoes
and pasta (Table I).
The reduction of food waste and correct meal portioning of specific food products are
important because when they align and work together they can reduce food waste.
This means data collected from consumers regarding what they consider to be the correct
portion size in a meal is exceptionally valuable in waste reduction actions and it is rarely
done. Obtaining such data is a challenge future research into food waste will need to
address so that it can be transferred to food product development operations for
maximum impact. The data collected here does not consider correct portion size data
specifically but it does indicate its importance. The Austrian research reported here has
shown that the fresh food thrown away per household per person for this sample was
37.48 kg each year while the frozen food thrown away per household per person
was 6.46 kg and per year. The nutritional losses associated with food waste have yet to be
fully characterised but they are an important component of food waste projections
(Halloran et al., 2014).
While we can determine the environmental impact of consuming foods in terms of their
carbon footprint, it is the impact of wasting foods as an outcome of consumption that
concerns us here. This is important because assessment of the environmental value of foods
requires considerable investment of finance, knowledge and skills. It seems futile to make
this investment if the assessed foods are wasted downstream in the food supply chain as
they are prepared and consumed. New supply chain models are required to promote the
value of reducing food waste and guide processes such as freezing that can reduce food
waste. The data presented in Figure 1, clearly demonstrate a means to reduce the
environmental impact of the food we choose to eat by reducing waste if frozen and
freezing options are considered. The difficulty is that consumers choose foods based on
what they like and this frequently changes, the choices made will rarely consider the
Impact of food
impact of high level issues such as climate change but food waste reduction will be
considered. This is because there is a very clear financial benefit to eliminating household
food waste.
Current carbon footprinting methods show us that agri-production and global distribution
can be the least of our problems because food wastage can be up to 20 per cent of food purchases
and food losses across the supply chain can be far greater than this (Foster et al., 2014).
It is difficult to communicate such sustainability trade-offs in consumer arenas because debates
aretoocomplextobemadeatthepointofpurchase. This is partly because carbon footprinting
results are extremely variable due to the diversity of different food production systems and this
has been tackled by developing certifications that target many sustainability goals. These have
changed consumption of food by highlighting specific issues so that more ethical purchases are
made such as those concerned with sustainable fishing, rainforest produce and so on. But it is
day-to-day food waste at home and in supply chains that can make any diet unsustainable
regardless of food certification used. Different preservation formats can reduce food waste and
in the case of frozen food we know it can be reduced with respect to fresh foods because less of it
is thrown away. There is no evidence that the nutritional values of frozen foods are any different
to fresh foods if robust quality standards are in place from farm to fork. The nutritional losses
resulting from food waste are significant and it is important to develop a food supply chain that
is not losing these resources through wastage. There is not currently a certification that shows
food produced with less waste or the use of food products that result in less waste and it is
evident that there is a requirement to at least highlight the value of reducing consumer food
waste. Food certification schemes that take household food waste reduction into account must
be a future consideration in food and drink fast-moving consumer goods.
These ideas lead us to summarise the research presented here as a decision matrix model
(Table II). The decision matrix highlights the major themes of consumer food waste
reduction using frozen foods or freezing foods in households. It is proposed that such a
matrix can be used to help food technologists guide the development of products with
respect to preservation format and household food waste reduction. What is evident from
the decision matrix analysis is a requirement to highlight the value of food preservation in
reducing household food waste in the consumer space. This can be achieved by
communicating through food companiesCorporate Social Responsibility programmes as
Defining issues
Intervention issues identified by
alternate and specific terms Qualifier and outcome identifiers
Is frozen or freezing suitable
for the food
Is the food material is suitable?
Is the frozen market realistic
(requiring market research)?
Continuity of supply is required
(e.g. to allow eating out-of-season)
LCA metrics can be used to improve the
communication of environmental impact
(e.g. the Carbon Footprint of a product)
How do you know it will
reduce food waste
There is a fresh equivalent
Current volumes of food waste need
to be reduced
Supply format provides convenience
There is currently a lack of tools to
provide consumer advice. The research
presented here helps to identify the
benefits of preserving foods by freezing
How are consumption
trends identified
Consumers must be familiar with
product format. They may not
typically use frozen formats
Peer review research studies must be
How do we change
behaviours when more
sustainable ones are
Feedback from consumers will
determine efficacy of using freezing
as a preservation method
There is currently a lack of tools to
provide consumer guidance
A need for more robust methods to
demonstrate specific food preparations
can result in less waste
Table II.
The decision matrix
used to define the use
of food preservation
to reduce consumer
food waste
well as interventions that improve culinary knowledge in households. There are several
emerging methods for achieving these interventions including digital applications that aim
to reduce food waste and social media communications by creating consumer interest
movements. It is important that food waste reduction initiatives integrate with these
communication methods that consumers use (Martindale, 2017).
Research conclusion
The research reported here shows purchased fresh foods have a six-fold greater food waste
compared to purchased frozen food in a survey of 2,800 Austrian households. The research
supports previous research conducted in the UK where a 47 per cent food waste reduction
was demonstrated for frozen foods compared to fresh foods. This relationship shows
maximal resource use is achieved for frozen food products that are manufactured for the
convenience of being included in meals. The conclusion is that food manufacturers, food
retailers and policy makers must consider the role of food preservation in delivering a
sustainable diet. The decision matrix approach here provides initial guidance in new
product development a basis for doing this and it is supported by data sets that have
now been obtained in the Austrian and UK markets.
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About the authors
Dr Wayne Martindale is a Project Director for the Food Insights and Sustainability Service at the
National Centre for Food Manufacturing, University of Lincoln. He is CSIRO McMaster and OECD
Fellow directing a diverse folio of consumer focussed research in food and drink. Dr Wayne Martindale
is the corresponding author and can be contacted at:
Professor Walter Schiebel is a University Professor of Agricultural Marketing and Nutritional
Economics with extensive experience in International Academic and Consulting Projects in Western and
Eastern Europe.
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... Therefore, this review will give an overview about the use of active packaging and natural antioxidants, the active film development techniques, as well as the use of biopolymers as substitutes for synthetic polymers and their direct application in the meat industry. Martindale and Schiebel (2017) aim to show how the link between food preservation and reducing consumer waste is essential for creating sustainable meal choices. The study provides insights from a consumer survey conducted in the Austrian market on frozen and fresh foods. ...
This review explores the biochemical processes involved in three primary food preservation techniques: fermentation, canning, and freezing. Each method employs distinct mechanisms that enhance food safety and extend shelf life. Fermentation utilizes microorganisms to produce acids and alcohols, creating an environment that inhibits spoilage. Canning involves heating food to eliminate pathogens and sealing it to prevent contamination, while freezing slows enzymatic activity and microbial growth through low temperatures. This review highlights the advantages and challenges associated with each technique, emphasizing their significance in modern food preservation practices and the importance of adhering to safety standards to ensure consumer health.
... Preservation methods include physical techniques such as heat treatments, irradiation, drying, and curing, as well as the addition of preservatives like nitrites (Al-Juhaimi et al., 2018). Preservation extends product shelf life and reduces waste (Martindale & Schiebel, 2017). Preservatives are compounds of different nature with shared characteristics, they must: be stable, not interfere with the original ingredients of the product, have antimicrobiological activity at low concentration and be suitable for general consumption (Thompson & Davidow, 2009). ...
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The use of preservatives such as nitrite and salt is a widespread practice in meat industry. For many years it has resulted in benefits like extending the shelf life of cured meat products. The EU has published new regulations to reduce the content of preservatives in foods as recent investigations have concluded that its excessive usage is related to health issues, so new alternatives are needed. Debaryomyces hansenii is a non-conventional yeast with known biocontrol possibilities. It can be found in many of environments and is the most frequent yeast isolated from sausages and dry meat products. The LRC2 strain used in this work is an isolate from Iberian Pork Loin, characterized biochemically and molecularly. The potential of D. hansenii LRC2 strain was evaluated following a volatile compounds inhibition assay. Then a scale-up trial was performed by inoculating a battery of Iberian Pork loins followed by a quality study of the final product. This was carried out through physical and microbial analysis as the identification of volatile compound profiles with GC-IMS. Finally, sensory tests were performed by a group of trained panellists and regular consumers. Results in our research show that the production of volatile compounds from LRC2 inhibited the activity of unwanted molds in all the conditions studied. The inhibition rates surpassed 75% in all cases, strengthening the hypothesis of its potential preservative effect in cured meat products. When testing the yeast inoculation effect and the reduction of preservatives in Iberian Pork Loins, a loss of sensory quality is observed when preservatives are drastically reduced reducing the panellists’ grades by more than 3 points on a 1–9 scale in overall quality. In all conditions, the LRC2 inoculated loins showed significant fewer mold populations than the non-inoculated ones, improving the safety food level of the final product. This study confirms that the application of natural yeast-based alternatives is a feasible option for the new meat industry needs.
Technical Report
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The aim of this report is twofold. Firstly, it illustrates the latest refinements applied to a food waste model based on material flow analysis, which performs yearly estimations of food waste generated by food category and stage of the food supply chain. Since 2019, the European Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC) has developed this harmonized model to estimate food waste generation as a tool to assess data reported by MSs on food waste generation. Earlier versions of the model are presented in De Laurentiis et al. (2021) and De Laurentiis et al. (2023). The refinement presented in this report involved updating underlying data sources used to estimate food losses at primary production and food waste across the supply chain, refining the modelling of certain food groups at manufacturing, distribution and consumption stages, and adding a new product (i.e. sugarcane) to the model. The resulting model estimated for year 2021 a generation of 73 million tonnes of solid food waste (fresh mass) across the food supply chain at EU level. Secondly, the report aims to present a methodology to estimate the generation of packaging waste linked to food and beverages consumption. The methodology is based on the use of Euromonitor International’s Packaging industry research, which provides annually updated information on consumer product sales by their packaging (differentiated by typology, size, and material) including food and beverage products. The total packaging materials associated to the retail sales of 27 food and beverage product categories, in 19 Member States (MSs) between 2008 and 2022 are estimated. The developed methodology will be used to support MSs in the mandatory reporting of packaging waste quantities, and will be used to benchmark the quantities reported, in the context of the monitoring of the attainment of the recycling targets set out in the Packaging Directive (EU 2018/825).
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Perishable foods are characterized by a short shelf life, which is an important challenge for the companies that commercialize them. For this reason, the food industry keeps searching for new technologies to preserve their freshness, such as electrolyzed water. This review focuses on near-neutral electrolyzed water (NNEW) with a pH of 5.0–7.5, which has no negative impact on organoleptic characteristics nor on the nutritional quality of foods. It also examines how NNEW can be used to preserve fresh and minimally processed foods, detailing the extension of shelf life after treatments, its effects on food quality (e.g., appearance, texture, and color), and its potential mechanisms for controlling autolytic activity and spoilage microorganisms. Evidence of the attributes of NNEW as a food preservative, besides its well-known sanitizing properties, to extend the shelf life of fresh and MP edible plants and animal products is offered. The review further highlights practical applications for different types of food, including meat, seafood, fruits, and vegetables, and explores how NNEW could be integrated into handling, packaging, and distribution processes. Lastly, the need for large-scale industrial studies is emphasized to determine the feasibility of implementing the use of NNEW to reduce losses in food production and processing facilities, food supply chains, and retail.
Purpose Freezing extends the shelf life of food. Home freezing of fresh foods and the purchase of frozen foods have been advocated as approaches to reduce food waste in US households. This paper discusses how commonly US households apply these practices, quantifies frozen food waste and relates these practices to food waste. Design/methodology/approach We add questions to the summer 2022 wave of the US Household Food Waste Tracking Survey. The novel survey data provide important baseline information and household behaviours, such as food waste, home freezing of fresh food and the purchase of frozen foods. We analyse the association among these behaviours from more than 1,000 US households. Findings We find that US household wastes about 26 g per person per week of food that was once frozen, which is about 6% of all household food waste. The finding indicates that a small portion of food waste in US households comes from frozen food. Vegetables and meats are the most commonly discarded frozen foods. Among the frozen items reported as discarded, about 30% were purchased as frozen rather than purchased fresh and then frozen at home by the consumer and about 30% more were reported as discarded from the refrigerator rather than directly from the freezer. The findings are important for informing strategies to reduce household food waste. Research limitations/implications While the data provide important baseline information and correlate the use of freezing with lower waste levels, more work is needed to understand if interventions encouraging frozen food purchase or home freezing would reduce household food waste. Originality/value We provide unique, detailed information about the quantity of frozen food waste in US households and the relationships between consumer food waste and the practices of frozen food purchasing and home freezing.
The advent of the domestic microwave oven in the 1950s revolutionized food preparation, leading to its widespread adoption in households around the world. Microwave technology offers unique advantages, including reduced cooking time and improved convenience, which have fueled its popularity in both domestic and industrial settings. This chapter explores the applications of microwave technology in cooking, pasteurization, and defrosting of chicken, poultry, and egg products. The microwave’s heating mechanism, which involves dipolar rotation and ion mobility, allows for efficient volumetric heating, resulting in evenly cooked products with enhanced nutritional value. In industrial poultry processing, microwaves are widely used for pre-cooking and pasteurization, offering significant time savings and improved cooking yields. Additionally, microwave pasteurization has proven effective in reducing microbial contamination, extending shelf life, and preserving the nutritional content of chicken, poultry, and egg products. Microwave defrosting has also emerged as a successful application, with rapid and uniform thawing of frozen products, minimizing damage and improving overall product quality. Overall, this chapter highlights the significant contributions of microwave technology to the food industry, enhancing food preparation efficiency, safety, and quality for chicken, poultry, and egg products.
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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas produk, harga, promosi dan lokasi terhadap keputusan pembelian pada toko Budi Frozen di Balikpapan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di toko Budi Frozen di Balikpapan dengan responden 144 orang. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data penelitian dengan cara menyebarkan kuesioner secara langsung. Teknik analisi data yang digunakan untuk meneliti adalah analisi linier berganda dengan melakukan uji instrument, uji asumsi klasik dan uji hipotesis secara parsial (uji-t). Hasil analisis regresi linier berganda menunjukkan bahwa kualitas produk, harga, promosi, dan lokasi mempunyai pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian baik secara parsial ataupun simultan.
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While we state it seems unthinkable to throw away nearly a third of the food we produce, we still continue to overlook that we are all very much part of this problem because we all consume meals. The amount of food wasted clearly has an impact on our view of what we think a sustainable meal is and our research suggests food waste is a universal function that can help us determine the sustainability of diets. Achieving sustainability in food systems depends on the utilisation of both culinary skills and knowledge of how foods make meals. These are overlooked by the current food waste debate that is concerned with communicating the problem with food waste rather than solutions to it. We aim to change this oversight with the research presented here that demonstrates the need to consider the role of food preservation to reduce food waste and the requirement for new marketing terms associated with sustainability actions that can be used to stimulate changes in consumption behaviours. We have chosen frozen food to demonstrate this because our research has shown that the use of frozen foods results in 47 % less household food waste than fresh food categories. This has created a step-change in how we view food consumption and has stimulated consumer movements that act across different products and supply chains to enable the consumption of the sustainable meal.
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to define the sustainability attributes of frozen and fresh food consumption in a typical household. The reason for writing this paper is that food preservation is often overlooked when developing sustainability strategies. Design/methodology/approach – This study uses established carbon footprint data for specific food types and consumer survey data to determine how consumers use fresh and frozen products in the home. Consumption and waste data for 83 households was obtained using a combination of narrative and graphical association questions. Findings – The results show greenhouse gas emissions associated with a diets containing frozen food are reduced because 47 per cent less frozen foods is wasted as compared to fresh foods with a typical household wasting 10.4 per cent of fresh food and 5.9 per cent frozen food. Research limitations/implications – This research has highlighted the importance of understanding the waste impacts of catering and food service consumption outside the home. Practical implications – This research will guide future product development for frozen foods with regard to dietary planning and portion control. Social implications – The cost and sustainability benefits of meal planning are identified and these will inform policy making and education to improve dietary choices. Originality/value – This work extends the scope of current consumer surveys that assess quality, value and taste attributes to sustainability criteria and it will enable collaboration between fresh and frozen product categories to deliver sustainable dietary options.
Consumers in industrialized countries are nowadays much more interested in information about the production methods and components of the food products that they eat, than they had been 50 years ago. Some production methods are perceived as less “natural” (i.e. conventional agriculture) while some food components are seen as “unhealthy” and “unfamiliar” (i.e. artificial additives). This phenomenon, often referred to as the “clean label” trend, has driven the food industry to communicate whether a certain ingredient or additive is not present or if the food has been produced using a more “natural” production method (i.e. organic agriculture). However, so far there is no common and objective definition of clean label. This review paper aims to fill the gap via three main objectives, which are to a) develop and suggest a definition that integrates various understandings of clean label into one single definition, b) identify the factors that drive consumers' choices through a review of recent studies on consumer perception of various food categories understood as clean label with the focus on organic, natural and ‘free from’ artificial additives/ingredients food products and c) discuss implications of the consumer demand for clean label food products for food manufacturers as well as policy makers. We suggest to define clean label, both in a broad sense, where consumers evaluate the cleanliness of product by assumption and through inference looking at the front-of-pack label and in a strict sense, where consumers evaluate the cleanliness of product by inspection and through inference looking at the back-of-pack label. Results show that while ‘health’ is a major consumer motive, a broad diversity of drivers influence the clean label trend with particular relevance of intrinsic or extrinsic product characteristics and socio-cultural factors. However, ‘free from’ artificial additives/ingredients food products tend to differ from organic and natural products. Food manufacturers should take the diversity of these drivers into account in developing new products and communication about the latter. For policy makers, it is important to work towards a more homogenous understanding and application of the term of clean label and identify a uniform definition or regulation for ‘free from’ artificial additives/ingredients food products, as well as work towards decreasing consumer misconceptions. Finally, multiple future research avenues are discussed.
In Europe, it is estimated that more than 50% of total food waste – of which most is avoidable – is generated at household level. Little attention has been paid to the impact on food waste generation of consuming food products that differ in their method of food preservation. This exploratory study surveyed product-specific possible impacts of different methods of food preservation on food waste generation in Dutch households. To this end, a food waste index was calculated to enable relative comparisons of the amounts of food waste from the same type of foods with different preservation methods on an annual basis. The results show that, for the majority of frozen food equivalents, smaller amounts were wasted compared to their fresh or ambient equivalents. The waste index (WI) proposed in the current paper confirms the hypothesis that it may be possible to reduce the amount of food waste at household level by encouraging Dutch consumers to use (certain) foods more frequently in a frozen form (instead of fresh or ambient). However, before this approach can be scaled to population level, a more detailed understanding of the underlying behavioural causes with regard to food provisioning and handling and possible interactions is required.
Food supply chain waste (FSCW) is causing environmental and financial issues across the world, but if considered as a resource rather than a waste, it is possible to derive significant value through its exploitation to chemicals, materials, and fuels. Researchers across Europe and the world are trying to find innovative solutions to the food waste problem through valorization, and interdisciplinary collaborative approaches are key for creating a viable set of solutions. The COST Action TD1203 (EUBIS) aids the networking of food waste researchers across a range of disciplines to advance FSCW valorization to provide for an emerging European bioeconomy.
Food waste accounts for a considerable share of the environmental impact of the food sector. Therefore, strategies that aim to reduce food waste have great potential to improve sustainability of the agricultural and food supply chains. Consumer-related food waste is a complex issue that needs collaboration between various supply chain actors and sector stakeholders. Although a range of initiatives from various actors already exists internationally, there is still a lack of knowledge on which lessons can be derived from such cases. The current multiple case study provides insights into how to successfully design future actions, by analysing common and distinct key success factors in 26 existing initiatives to reduce consumer-related food waste. The findings reveal that collaboration between stakeholders, timing and sequence of initiatives, competencies that the initiative is built on, and a large scale of operations are key success factors. Success factors are identified for the primary design, for the development and maintenance phase, and for reaching out to consumers. There are three general types of initiatives that differ in their aims and characteristics: information and capacity building, redistribution, and retail and supply chain alteration. The first type focuses most strongly on motivating consumer food waste avoidance behaviour and strengthening consumer abilities, while the second and third focus primarily on altering consumer food choice context, but combine this with aspects of raising awareness. Recommendations are derived for future initiatives which should take inspiration from existing initiatives, especially considering the right partners, competencies involved, timing the start of the initiative right, and aim to soon achieve a large scale.
A method was developed and applied to evaluate the impacts of food production for improving institutional catering in Lombardy (northern Italy) and to outline possible improved scenarios. The research takes into account different crop managements (i.e. organic agriculture and adoption of local products) and different dietary choices able to guaranty the same nutritional contents. The non-renewable energy consumed for the production of foods managed by the institutional catering system is proposed as indicator to compare different policies together with other indicators as productive land and productive cost. A case of study is presented to test the overall method. The outcomes of the work could support a reorientation of both the production and consumption systems. In general, the shift towards local and organic products implies a reduction of the impacts evaluated. Further, the important impacts of beef consumption, in particular in terms of energy and land consumption are demonstrated.
In the past decade, food waste has received increased attention on both academic and societal levels. As a cause of negative economic, environmental and social effects, food waste is considered to be one of the sustainability issues that needs to be addressed. In developed countries, consumers are one of the biggest sources of food waste. To successfully reduce consumer-related food waste, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the factors influencing food waste-related consumer perceptions and behaviors. The present paper presents the results of a literature review and expert interviews on factors causing consumer-related food waste in households and supply chains. Results show that consumers' motivation to avoid food waste, their management skills of food provisioning and food handling and their trade-offs between priorities have an extensive influence on their food waste behaviors. We identify actions that governments, societal stakeholders and retailers can undertake to reduce consumer-related food waste, highlighting that synergistic actions between all parties are most promising. Further research should focus on exploring specific food waste contexts and interactions more in-depth. Experiments and interventions in particular can contribute to a shift from analysis to solutions.
Since the 1990s, Product Service Systems (PSS) have been heralded as one of the most effective instruments for moving society towards a resource-efficient, circular economy and creating a much-needed ‘resource revolution’. This paper reviews the literature on PSS in the last decade and compares the findings with those from an earlier review in this journal in 2006. Close to 300 relevant papers were identified, over 140 of which have been referenced in this review. Research in the field of PSS has become more prolific, with the output of refereed papers quadrupling since 2000, while on average scientific output has only doubled. PSS has also become embedded in a wider range of science fields (such as manufacturing, ICT, business management, and design) and geographical regions (Asia now produces more papers than Europe). The literature of the last seven years has refined insights with regard to the design of PSS, as well as their business and environmental benefits, and confirmed the definitions and PSS concepts already available in 2006. A major contribution of the recent literature is research into how firms have implemented PSS in their organization and what the key success factors and issues that require special attention are (such as a focus on product availability for clients; an emphasis on diversity in terms of services provided rather than the range of products; and the need for staff to possess both knowledge of the product and relationship management skills). The reasons why PSS have nonetheless still not been widely implemented, particularly in the B2C context, seem to have already been explained fairly well in the literature available in 2006. For consumers, having control over things, artifacts, and life itself is one of the most valued attributes. PSS are often less accessible, or have less intangible value, than the competing product, in part because PSS usually do not allow consumers as much behavioral freedom or even leave them with the impression that the PSS provider could prescribe how they should behave.