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Research on Pulsed Jet Flow Control without External Energy in a Blade Cascade


Abstract and Figures

To control the flow separation in the compressors, a novel pulsed jet concept without external energy injection is proposed. The new concept designs a slot in the middle of the blade and sets a micro device to switch the slot periodically. Such a structure is expected to generate a pulsed jet by the pressure difference between the pressure side and the suction side of the blade. In order to analyze the interaction between the pulsed jet and unsteady separated flow, our numerical and experimental study is based on a specific cascade (with a flow separation inside) and a pulsed jet (one of the unsteady flow control method). The experimental and numerical results both show that when the frequency of pulsed jet is approximate to that of the separation vortex, then the control tends to be more effective. Based on the numerical simulations, the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is then used to reveal the control mechanism, extracting the different time-space structures from the original field. The results with the aid of POD show that the pulsed jet can redistribute the kinetic energy of each mode, and strengthen or weaken certain modes, particularly, while the steady jet reduces the kinetic energy of high-order modes in whole. Also, pulsed jet with proper parameters can transfer the energy from higher modes to the first flow mode (averaged flow), which is due to the conversion of the spatial vortical structures and the time evolution of the modes.
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Research on Pulsed Jet Flow Control without External
Energy in a Blade Cascade
Jie Chen ID , Weiyu Lu *, Guoping Huang, Jianfeng Zhu and Jinchun Wang
Jiangsu Province Key Laboratory of Aerospace Power System, College of Energy and Power Engineering,
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China; (J.C.); (G.H.); (J.Z.); (J.W.)
Received: 15 October 2017; Accepted: 22 November 2017; Published: 1 December 2017
To control the flow separation in the compressors, a novel pulsed jet concept without
external energy injection is proposed. The new concept designs a slot in the middle of the blade and
sets a micro device to switch the slot periodically. Such a structure is expected to generate a pulsed
jet by the pressure difference between the pressure side and the suction side of the blade. In order
to analyze the interaction between the pulsed jet and unsteady separated flow, our numerical and
experimental study is based on a specific cascade (with a flow separation inside) and a pulsed jet
(one of the unsteady flow control method). The experimental and numerical results both show that
when the frequency of pulsed jet is approximate to that of the separation vortex, then the control
tends to be more effective. Based on the numerical simulations, the proper orthogonal decomposition
(POD) is then used to reveal the control mechanism, extracting the different time-space structures
from the original field. The results with the aid of POD show that the pulsed jet can redistribute the
kinetic energy of each mode, and strengthen or weaken certain modes, particularly, while the steady
jet reduces the kinetic energy of high-order modes in whole. Also, pulsed jet with proper parameters
can transfer the energy from higher modes to the first flow mode (averaged flow), which is due to the
conversion of the spatial vortical structures and the time evolution of the modes.
Keywords: compressor; pulsed jet; flow separation; flow control
1. Introduction
Flow separations are always related to drag increase, lift, and kinetic energy losses, and so on.
Many researchers have long been preoccupied with finding the solutions with the declining flow
separation. Some are even avoiding this issue entirely. The flow control techniques have been mainly
focused on the optimizing design of compressors. The passive flow control has been widely used
in most studies for convenient application [
], but it is not flexible during the off-design conditions
and may suffer from poor performance in some statuses. Meanwhile, the active flow control can be
adjusted with the change of the actual flow condition.
Two typical active flow control methods, aspirated control (steady) and synthetic jet (unsteady),
are promising to apply for compressors. Kerrebrock et al. from MIT firstly brought up the concept
of aspirated compressor [
], which introduces an additional low-pressure air supply to aspirate
low-energy fluid, in order to suppress the separation and improve the pressure ratio of a single stage.
After this concept was put forward, MIT, NASA, GE, and P & W have done a lot of researches on
aspirated compressor. It is worth mentioning that GE employs the aspirated compressor technique
on high bypass ratio turbofan, and this helps to increase about 30% of the aerodynamic load [
According to both experiments and numerical simulations, flow separations are shown to be unsteady
in a wide range of Reynolds number. Using the unsteadiness potential, the unsteady flow control
Energies 2017,10, 2004; doi:10.3390/en10122004
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or periodic excitement methods were seen as more effective than the traditional steady flow control
methods, and could save one or two orders of magnitude of the momentum injection that is necessary
to achieve the same improvement of performance [
]. Similar results had also been validated in
the compressors [
]. Unlike aspirated control, synthetic jet control that uses periodic excitation to
interact with the unsteady vortices, is a typical kind of unsteady flow control method. Culley et al. [
from NASA Glenn research centre, and Hecklau [
] from Germany, have done a representative
research on the introduction of synthetic jet to compressors. Culley’s study shows that the using only
0.1% mass flow rate of the compressor, the synthetic jet can reduce 4% total pressure loss of the stator.
Moreover, the characteristics of the pulsed jet actuator are focused on [
] and LEM (lumped-element
model) evolved to help the design and the performance evaluation of synthetic jet actuators [
]. Thus,
it turns out that synthetic jet is an effective unsteady flow control technique.
However, active flow control is usually related to the complex structure, increased weight,
and external air supply, making it more practical in external flow, while being barely used in the
internal flow of the compressor. With such drawbacks, its current technical development cannot satisfy
the requirements of high load compressors. That means the active flow control method is necessary to
improve the performance and to avoid the shortcomings when using the passive flow control of the
compressors. So, MIT and NASA presented the researches of the aspirated compressors, which control
the flow separation by steady suction if needs to work [
]. But, the steady active control methods
need external energy and devices, such as: steady suction and blowing.
Thus, this paper presents a novel implementation to control the flow separation in the high load
compressors, using the unsteady control method in order to decrease the energy cost for flow control.
As a preliminary work, this idea is aimed at stators and guide vanes. In comparison to the aspirated
compressor [
] and synthetic jet [
], micro pulsed jet has the advantages of no external energy
injection, lightweight, simple structure, and the potential of better control.
To attain the remarkable control effects with this new implementation, it is important to analyze
the unsteady control features and mechanism initially. Although some studies were seen of its potential
and many applications in recent years, the essential understanding of its mechanism and the true
optimization of the control strategy seem not to match with its growth [
]. Currently, there is no
unifying in-depth background on the unsteady control mechanism; for example, some interpreted it as
an influence between the separation vortex and vortex pair that is induced by the pulsed jet [
]. Some
attribute it to reasonably organizing different coupling vortices in the flow field [
]. The complex
coupling of trans-scale vortical structures makes the unsteady control mechanism difficult to reveal,
so it is necessary to establish a reduced-order model [
] or to employ a method to extract the useful
information from the flow field, such as proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) method. A number
of methods are suitable for extracting the essential dynamical features from data describing fluid
flows, but general techniques are not as well developed for nonlinear systems [
]. So, a nonlinear
reduced-order model was established by us in order to partially deal with this issue [
]. POD can
help us to decouple the time-space structures in the complex field, so it is introduced in this paper.
Initially, POD was brought up by Lumley (1967) [
] to evaluate the coherency of the turbulent
structures. Due to the function of the dimension reduction and feature extraction, POD was firstly
used to analyze the features of the simple flow, such as the flat plate boundary layer [
] and circular
cylinder flow [
]. In recent years, POD was extended to deal with the hidden structures of the complex
flow, for example, the multi-element airfoil [
] and rotor-stator interaction in turbines [
]. POD
can be used to produce a certain amount of patterns from the original unsteady flow field during a
certain period, and then these patterns will be expressed mathematically as a series of expansions.
Due to that the sorting of these patterns is based on its kinetic energy, the main characteristics of
the original flow field can be approximately described by several high energy or low-order modes.
The change of a certain flow structure with different control parameters can then be analyzed by
comparing the corresponding modes, making it easier and more efficient to obtain the mechanism of
unsteady flow control.
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In this paper, a novel pulsed jet concept without external energy injection is proposed initially.
With this concept, the micro pulsed jet is driven by the pressure difference between the suction
side and pressure side of a blade. The unsteady flow control (employing pulsed jet) based on it is
evaluated experimentally and numerically to get its characteristics with and without the external
control. Also, in analyzing the mechanism of the unsteady flow control, POD is used to illustrate our
main conclusions accordingly.
2. The Novel Concept of Pulsed Jet without External Energy Injection
2.1. Analysis of Typical Unsteady Flow Control Schemes
In this paper, several possible and practical unsteady flow control schemes, including synthetic
jet, unsteady aspiration, pulsed jet, and the combination of unsteady aspiration and pulsed jet, are
analyzed. The schematic diagram of these schemes is shown in Figure 1.
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 3 of 18
In this paper, a novel pulsed jet concept without external energy injection is proposed initially.
With this concept, the micro pulsed jet is driven by the pressure difference between the suction side
and pressure side of a blade. The unsteady flow control (employing pulsed jet) based on it is
evaluated experimentally and numerically to get its characteristics with and without the external
control. Also, in analyzing the mechanism of the unsteady flow control, POD is used to illustrate our
main conclusions accordingly.
2. The Novel Concept of Pulsed Jet without External Energy Injection
2.1. Analysis of Typical Unsteady Flow Control Schemes
In this paper, several possible and practical unsteady flow control schemes, including synthetic
jet, unsteady aspiration, pulsed jet, and the combination of unsteady aspiration and pulsed jet, are
analyzed. The schematic diagram of these schemes is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Schematic diagram of typical unsteady flow control schemes (a. synthetic jet; b. unsteady
aspiration; c. pulsed jet; and, d. the combination of unsteady aspiration and pulsed jet).
With regard to synthetic jet, the large kinetic energy for creating high-velocity synthetic jet is
extracted from the electrical energy, which is a kind of external energy supply. Also, the additional
circuit tends to make the structure more complex. For unsteady aspiration, pressurized air may be
released into the ambient atmosphere or a low-pressure stage, creating additional thrust loss or
energy loss. Moreover, for pulsed jet and the combination of unsteady aspiration and pulsed jet, the
energy supply is within the engine itself, and no pressurized air is released into the ambient
atmosphere, however, the air bleeding pipe will make the structure of the compression system very
complex and induce additional losses due to long pipes.
The practical unsteady flow control scheme demands simple structure and small energy losses.
By comparing these schemes, we tend to use an unsteady flow control scheme with a nearby internal
energy supply. Thus, in this paper, we introduce a novel concept of pulsed jet, which makes no use
of external energy supply.
2.2. Introduction of the Novel Concept of Pulsed Jet without External Energy Injection
To suppress the flow separation on the suction side of the compressor blade, a novel concept of
pulsed jet is presented, including a suction and a jet slot on each side of the blade, a fixed and a
moveble slot gate, and an actuating device, as shown in Figure 2. The key parts of this idea are the
two slot gates that are close to each other. One is fixed and the other is movable, drawn by the driving
device at a certain frequency, thus, resulting in an unsteady throttling action, which matters mostly
in the pulsed jet. When the slotted gate is opened and closed repeatedly, because of the pressure
difference between the two slots, the pulsed jet of a certain frequency and velocity will then be
generated. Using this frequency controllable pulsed jet, the flow separation over the suction side may
be suppressed or even eliminated.
Figure 1.
Schematic diagram of typical unsteady flow control schemes (
. synthetic jet;
. unsteady
aspiration; c. pulsed jet; and, d. the combination of unsteady aspiration and pulsed jet).
With regard to synthetic jet, the large kinetic energy for creating high-velocity synthetic jet is
extracted from the electrical energy, which is a kind of external energy supply. Also, the additional
circuit tends to make the structure more complex. For unsteady aspiration, pressurized air may be
released into the ambient atmosphere or a low-pressure stage, creating additional thrust loss or energy
loss. Moreover, for pulsed jet and the combination of unsteady aspiration and pulsed jet, the energy
supply is within the engine itself, and no pressurized air is released into the ambient atmosphere,
however, the air bleeding pipe will make the structure of the compression system very complex and
induce additional losses due to long pipes.
The practical unsteady flow control scheme demands simple structure and small energy losses.
By comparing these schemes, we tend to use an unsteady flow control scheme with a nearby internal
energy supply. Thus, in this paper, we introduce a novel concept of pulsed jet, which makes no use of
external energy supply.
2.2. Introduction of the Novel Concept of Pulsed Jet without External Energy Injection
To suppress the flow separation on the suction side of the compressor blade, a novel concept of
pulsed jet is presented, including a suction and a jet slot on each side of the blade, a fixed and a moveble
slot gate, and an actuating device, as shown in Figure 2. The key parts of this idea are the two slot
gates that are close to each other. One is fixed and the other is movable, drawn by the driving device
at a certain frequency, thus, resulting in an unsteady throttling action, which matters mostly in the
pulsed jet. When the slotted gate is opened and closed repeatedly, because of the pressure difference
between the two slots, the pulsed jet of a certain frequency and velocity will then be generated. Using
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this frequency controllable pulsed jet, the flow separation over the suction side may be suppressed or
even eliminated.
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Figure 2. Schematic diagram of micro pulsed jet concept.
To verify the feasibility of this concept, an effective and practical electromagnetic driving device
is designed as a preliminary work. A rotating slotted hollow cylinder was designed as the movable
slot gate, which was driven by a micro motor. It is the key part of this easy-to-implement pulsed jet
device, serving as the periodically on-off valve. When the slotted hollow cylinder rotates, sometimes
the air circuit is connected to form the jet, while sometimes it is blocked and stops the jet. Through
changing the oscillation mode to the rotation mode, the inertia of the movable slot gate can be
weakened remarkably, saving energy for driving this switch. The schematic diagram of an
electromagnetic pulsed jet device is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of electromagnetic pulsed jet.
Prior to using this pulsed jet device, some characteristics of the pulsed jet are investigated first,
as shown in Figure 4. In this figure, we can see the blade with static pressure holes for us to measure
the static pressure on its surface. The dynamic pressure transducer helps us to measure the dynamic
pressure in the flow field. The inlet pressure cubage helps to stabilize the pressure at the inlet of the
pulsed jet. To produce pulsed jet, the jet slot is controlled by a rotation slot gate, which is driven by
an electromotor. An annular magnet is installed on the rotation slot gate, thus we can use a speed
transducer to measure its rotating speed by monitoring the change of magnetic field. Based on the
experimental data, the pulsed jet can be developed by this device, and then the pulsed jet frequency
is proportional to the rotation speed of the hollow cylinder or electromotor. In this case, the frequency
of the pulsed jet could reach a maximum of 800 Hz and continuously be adjusted by controlling the
rotation speed of the micro electromotor, while the velocity waveform of the pulsed jet is close to a
sine curve and its maximum velocity is about 35 m/s. All of the measured characteristics were used
in setting the boundary conditions in the numerical simulation.
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of micro pulsed jet concept.
To verify the feasibility of this concept, an effective and practical electromagnetic driving device is
designed as a preliminary work. A rotating slotted hollow cylinder was designed as the movable slot
gate, which was driven by a micro motor. It is the key part of this easy-to-implement pulsed jet device,
serving as the periodically on-off valve. When the slotted hollow cylinder rotates, sometimes the air
circuit is connected to form the jet, while sometimes it is blocked and stops the jet. Through changing
the oscillation mode to the rotation mode, the inertia of the movable slot gate can be weakened
remarkably, saving energy for driving this switch. The schematic diagram of an electromagnetic pulsed
jet device is shown in Figure 3.
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Figure 2. Schematic diagram of micro pulsed jet concept.
To verify the feasibility of this concept, an effective and practical electromagnetic driving device
is designed as a preliminary work. A rotating slotted hollow cylinder was designed as the movable
slot gate, which was driven by a micro motor. It is the key part of this easy-to-implement pulsed jet
device, serving as the periodically on-off valve. When the slotted hollow cylinder rotates, sometimes
the air circuit is connected to form the jet, while sometimes it is blocked and stops the jet. Through
changing the oscillation mode to the rotation mode, the inertia of the movable slot gate can be
weakened remarkably, saving energy for driving this switch. The schematic diagram of an
electromagnetic pulsed jet device is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of electromagnetic pulsed jet.
Prior to using this pulsed jet device, some characteristics of the pulsed jet are investigated first,
as shown in Figure 4. In this figure, we can see the blade with static pressure holes for us to measure
the static pressure on its surface. The dynamic pressure transducer helps us to measure the dynamic
pressure in the flow field. The inlet pressure cubage helps to stabilize the pressure at the inlet of the
pulsed jet. To produce pulsed jet, the jet slot is controlled by a rotation slot gate, which is driven by
an electromotor. An annular magnet is installed on the rotation slot gate, thus we can use a speed
transducer to measure its rotating speed by monitoring the change of magnetic field. Based on the
experimental data, the pulsed jet can be developed by this device, and then the pulsed jet frequency
is proportional to the rotation speed of the hollow cylinder or electromotor. In this case, the frequency
of the pulsed jet could reach a maximum of 800 Hz and continuously be adjusted by controlling the
rotation speed of the micro electromotor, while the velocity waveform of the pulsed jet is close to a
sine curve and its maximum velocity is about 35 m/s. All of the measured characteristics were used
in setting the boundary conditions in the numerical simulation.
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of electromagnetic pulsed jet.
Prior to using this pulsed jet device, some characteristics of the pulsed jet are investigated first,
as shown in Figure 4. In this figure, we can see the blade with static pressure holes for us to measure
the static pressure on its surface. The dynamic pressure transducer helps us to measure the dynamic
pressure in the flow field. The inlet pressure cubage helps to stabilize the pressure at the inlet of the
pulsed jet. To produce pulsed jet, the jet slot is controlled by a rotation slot gate, which is driven by
an electromotor. An annular magnet is installed on the rotation slot gate, thus we can use a speed
transducer to measure its rotating speed by monitoring the change of magnetic field. Based on the
experimental data, the pulsed jet can be developed by this device, and then the pulsed jet frequency is
proportional to the rotation speed of the hollow cylinder or electromotor. In this case, the frequency
of the pulsed jet could reach a maximum of 800 Hz and continuously be adjusted by controlling the
rotation speed of the micro electromotor, while the velocity waveform of the pulsed jet is close to a
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sine curve and its maximum velocity is about 35 m/s. All of the measured characteristics were used in
setting the boundary conditions in the numerical simulation.
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Figure 4. Measurement system of pulsed jet.
3. Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Flow Control in Cascade by a Pulsed Jet without
External Energy Injection
3.1. Numerical and Flow Field Analysis (POD) Method
3.1.1. Numerical Method
The main parameters of the adopted cascade are listed in Table 1. The model for numerical
simulation is shown in Figure 5, along with some essential details about the simulation. The
commercial software Fluent is used for computing the three-dimensional (3D) Large eddy simulation
(LES), with the influence of the small vortices added by Smagorinsky-Lilly subgrid model and the
initial field comes from the steady results using the turbulence mode of SST. The computational
domain streamwise extends from 1.5 chord lengths upstream to four chord lengths downstream,
while spanwise extends 1 pitch and periodic boundary condition is then applied. To reduce computer
time, only 1/6 blade height is taken into consideration for the simulation. The periodic boundary
condition is also applied for the top and bottom boundaries. About 0.75 million grids are used, with
refined mesh near walls, leading edges, and trailing edges (satisfying the needs of LES that 1y+
near walls). According our grid resolution study, the total pressure loss of the cascade will be almost
constant when the grid points are over 0.75 million. The boundary conditions of inlet and exit are set
to keep the inlet Mach number equal to 0.1. The dual-time stepping is used to achieve the time
marching computation, and the physical time step is 105 s. As discussed, the velocity waveform of
the pulsed jet is approximate to the sinusoidal curve, and is identified by the difference of pressure
and suction surface near the slot. Based on the experimental results, the periodic pulsed jet is set by
a given sinusoidal time-dependent mass flow with the maximum velocity of the jet about 20 m/s, and
the corresponding momentum coefficient (see definition in ref [4]) about 0.1%. As the mass flow of
pulsed jet comes from the periodic suction of air, the jet slot and the suction slot are both set to the
periodic mass flow boundary conditions. However, the mass flow of the jet slot is equal, but in
opposite direction, to that of the suction slot.
Table 1. Main parameters of the adopted cascasde.
Chord Length c
mm Height
mm Solidity
60 80 1.333
inlet blade angle/° outlet blade angle/° angle of attack /°
46 10 +9
inlet mach number inlet Reynolds number -
0.1 1.36 × 105 -
positon of jet x/c width of jet/mm angle of jet/°
69% 0.2 20
Figure 4. Measurement system of pulsed jet.
3. Numerical Simulation and Analysis of Flow Control in Cascade by a Pulsed Jet without
External Energy Injection
3.1. Numerical and Flow Field Analysis (POD) Method
3.1.1. Numerical Method
The main parameters of the adopted cascade are listed in Table 1. The model for numerical
simulation is shown in Figure 5, along with some essential details about the simulation. The commercial
software Fluent is used for computing the three-dimensional (3D) Large eddy simulation (LES), with
the influence of the small vortices added by Smagorinsky-Lilly subgrid model and the initial field
comes from the steady results using the turbulence mode of SST. The computational domain streamwise
extends from 1.5 chord lengths upstream to four chord lengths downstream, while spanwise extends
1 pitch and periodic boundary condition is then applied. To reduce computer time, only 1/6 blade
height is taken into consideration for the simulation. The periodic boundary condition is also applied
for the top and bottom boundaries. About 0.75 million grids are used, with refined mesh near walls,
leading edges, and trailing edges (satisfying the needs of LES that
1 near walls). According our
grid resolution study, the total pressure loss of the cascade will be almost constant when the grid points
are over 0.75 million. The boundary conditions of inlet and exit are set to keep the inlet Mach number
equal to 0.1. The dual-time stepping is used to achieve the time marching computation, and the
physical time step is 10
s. As discussed, the velocity waveform of the pulsed jet is approximate to the
sinusoidal curve, and is identified by the difference of pressure and suction surface near the slot. Based
on the experimental results, the periodic pulsed jet is set by a given sinusoidal time-dependent mass
flow with the maximum velocity of the jet about 20 m/s, and the corresponding momentum coefficient
(see definition in ref [
]) about 0.1%. As the mass flow of pulsed jet comes from the periodic suction
of air, the jet slot and the suction slot are both set to the periodic mass flow boundary conditions.
However, the mass flow of the jet slot is equal, but in opposite direction, to that of the suction slot.
Table 1. Main parameters of the adopted cascasde.
Chord Length c/mm Height/mm Solidity
60 80 1.333
inlet blade angle/outlet blade angle/angle of attack/
46 10 +9
inlet mach number inlet Reynolds number -
0.1 1.36 ×105-
positon of jet x/c width of jet/mm angle of jet/
69% 0.2 20
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Figure 5. Three-dimensional (3D) grid and computation information of the cascade.
3.1.2. Flow Field Analysis Method (POD)
The unsteady flow simulation generates huge information about the dynamic flow field, which
is extremely hard to display the characteristics and laws of the coherent flow. The POD, a flow field
analysis method, is a tool that is used to overcome this difficulty. Based on this POD and its analysis
of the spatiotemporal characteristics [23,27], it will be more effective to extract the coherent vortical
structures and understand the mechanism of the unsteady flow control. The POD method is briefly
A parameter in the time-dependent flow field (,)zxt (x represents the space coordinates and t
represents the time coordinate) can be approximately treated as a finite sum in the form of the
separable variables.
(,) () ()
ik k
zxt a t x
The time basis functions ()
at and space basis functions ()
are not unique, while the POD
method provides an algorithm employing singular value decomposition (SVD) to determine them
and to make them have a certain physical meaning. From the mathematical view, the core of the POD
method is calculating the best orthogonal basis functions or modes {(), 1,2,,}
=, which
ensures that the original function (,)zxt can be precisely described with least terms or modes,
meaning having the best fitting [28]. Different POD modes represent different flow structures in the
flow field, and the magnitude of modes (or modal value, singular values computed by SVD) i
presents the magnitude of energy. Thus, the dominant modes have higher modal values, representing
a large-scale or the main part of the flow structures, while others with smaller modal values are only
reflecting small-scale ones or trifle parts. To summarize, the POD method can be used to decouple
the spatial and temporal structure of the unsteady flow field, treat the actual unsteady flow field as
the composition of the various modes with different amplitudes, for processing convenience.
3.2. Numerical Simulation and POD Analysis of Unsteady Flow in the Cascade without Flow Control
In Figure 6, the flow separation occurs in the flow field of the cascade by numerical simulation,
and its origin is at about 70% chord length (x/c = 70%), in agreement with the subsequent experimental
results (x/c = 69%). The unsteady flow field, characterized by transient vorticity, is complex and
chaotic. However, the obvious discrete separation vortices exist, composed of the large-scale coherent
structures in the flow field. With the frequency spectrum of the static pressure by Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) analysis, the dominant frequency of separation vortices is about 439 Hz (Figure 7),
which is also consistent with the experimental results (478 Hz). Briefly, the numerical method used
shows good credibility, both in time-averaged and unsteady characteristics, attaining the need for
numerical analysis.
Figure 5. Three-dimensional (3D) grid and computation information of the cascade.
3.1.2. Flow Field Analysis Method (POD)
The unsteady flow simulation generates huge information about the dynamic flow field, which
is extremely hard to display the characteristics and laws of the coherent flow. The POD, a flow
field analysis method, is a tool that is used to overcome this difficulty. Based on this POD and its
analysis of the spatiotemporal characteristics [
], it will be more effective to extract the coherent
vortical structures and understand the mechanism of the unsteady flow control. The POD method is
briefly discussed.
A parameter in the time-dependent flow field
(xrepresents the space coordinates and
trepresents the time coordinate) can be approximately treated as a finite sum in the form of the
separable variables.
The time basis functions
and space basis functions
are not unique, while the POD
method provides an algorithm employing singular value decomposition (SVD) to determine them
and to make them have a certain physical meaning. From the mathematical view, the core of the POD
method is calculating the best orthogonal basis functions or modes
{ϕk(x),k=1, 2, · · · ,M}
, which
ensures that the original function
can be precisely described with least terms or modes, meaning
having the best fitting [28]. Different POD modes represent different flow structures in the flow field,
and the magnitude of modes (or modal value, singular values computed by SVD)
presents the
magnitude of energy. Thus, the dominant modes have higher modal values, representing a large-scale
or the main part of the flow structures, while others with smaller modal values are only reflecting
small-scale ones or trifle parts. To summarize, the POD method can be used to decouple the spatial and
temporal structure of the unsteady flow field, treat the actual unsteady flow field as the composition of
the various modes with different amplitudes, for processing convenience.
3.2. Numerical Simulation and POD Analysis of Unsteady Flow in the Cascade without Flow Control
In Figure 6, the flow separation occurs in the flow field of the cascade by numerical simulation,
and its origin is at about 70% chord length (x/c = 70%), in agreement with the subsequent experimental
results (x/c = 69%). The unsteady flow field, characterized by transient vorticity, is complex and
chaotic. However, the obvious discrete separation vortices exist, composed of the large-scale coherent
structures in the flow field. With the frequency spectrum of the static pressure by Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) analysis, the dominant frequency of separation vortices is about 439 Hz (Figure 7),
which is also consistent with the experimental results (478 Hz). Briefly, the numerical method used
shows good credibility, both in time-averaged and unsteady characteristics, attaining the need for
numerical analysis.
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Figure 6. Steady and transient flow structures in the cascade.
Figure 7. Frequency spectrum of static pressure by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis.
In analyzing the influence of the pulsed jet to vortical structures in the cascade, the unsteady
flow field in the cascade without flow control is evaluated by the POD method initially. About 250
snapshots of the transient flow fields during 0.015 s, which are about 6.6 period of separation vortex
are analyzed during POD procedure. The POD analytic region is selected as parts of the surface in
the middle height, as shown in Figure 8, to greatly reduce the amount of computation.
Figure 8. The proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) analytic region of the cascade.
In Figure 9, the first mode of the flow field by the POD method is shown. By comparing with
Figure 6, it can be seen that the first mode represents the structure of the time-averaged flow. Also,
in Figures 9 and 10, when compared with the transient flow structures shown in Figure 6, both the
second and third modes are thought to reflect the structure of separation vortices, while the other
high-order modes represent the complex and small-scale vortices structures. Overall, as the order of
mode increases, the scale of coherent structures it represents becomes smaller and more chaotic (See
Figures 10 and 11).
Figure 6. Steady and transient flow structures in the cascade.
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 7 of 18
Figure 6. Steady and transient flow structures in the cascade.
Figure 7. Frequency spectrum of static pressure by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis.
In analyzing the influence of the pulsed jet to vortical structures in the cascade, the unsteady
flow field in the cascade without flow control is evaluated by the POD method initially. About 250
snapshots of the transient flow fields during 0.015 s, which are about 6.6 period of separation vortex
are analyzed during POD procedure. The POD analytic region is selected as parts of the surface in
the middle height, as shown in Figure 8, to greatly reduce the amount of computation.
Figure 8. The proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) analytic region of the cascade.
In Figure 9, the first mode of the flow field by the POD method is shown. By comparing with
Figure 6, it can be seen that the first mode represents the structure of the time-averaged flow. Also,
in Figures 9 and 10, when compared with the transient flow structures shown in Figure 6, both the
second and third modes are thought to reflect the structure of separation vortices, while the other
high-order modes represent the complex and small-scale vortices structures. Overall, as the order of
mode increases, the scale of coherent structures it represents becomes smaller and more chaotic (See
Figures 10 and 11).
Figure 7. Frequency spectrum of static pressure by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis.
In analyzing the influence of the pulsed jet to vortical structures in the cascade, the unsteady
flow field in the cascade without flow control is evaluated by the POD method initially. About 250
snapshots of the transient flow fields during 0.015 s, which are about 6.6 period of separation vortex
are analyzed during POD procedure. The POD analytic region is selected as parts of the surface in the
middle height, as shown in Figure 8, to greatly reduce the amount of computation.
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 7 of 18
Figure 6. Steady and transient flow structures in the cascade.
Figure 7. Frequency spectrum of static pressure by Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) analysis.
In analyzing the influence of the pulsed jet to vortical structures in the cascade, the unsteady
flow field in the cascade without flow control is evaluated by the POD method initially. About 250
snapshots of the transient flow fields during 0.015 s, which are about 6.6 period of separation vortex
are analyzed during POD procedure. The POD analytic region is selected as parts of the surface in
the middle height, as shown in Figure 8, to greatly reduce the amount of computation.
Figure 8. The proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) analytic region of the cascade.
In Figure 9, the first mode of the flow field by the POD method is shown. By comparing with
Figure 6, it can be seen that the first mode represents the structure of the time-averaged flow. Also,
in Figures 9 and 10, when compared with the transient flow structures shown in Figure 6, both the
second and third modes are thought to reflect the structure of separation vortices, while the other
high-order modes represent the complex and small-scale vortices structures. Overall, as the order of
mode increases, the scale of coherent structures it represents becomes smaller and more chaotic (See
Figures 10 and 11).
Figure 8. The proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) analytic region of the cascade.
In Figure 9, the first mode of the flow field by the POD method is shown. By comparing with
Figure 6, it can be seen that the first mode represents the structure of the time-averaged flow. Also,
in Figures 9and 10, when compared with the transient flow structures shown in Figure 6, both the
second and third modes are thought to reflect the structure of separation vortices, while the other
high-order modes represent the complex and small-scale vortices structures. Overall, as the order of
Energies 2017,10, 2004 8 of 18
mode increases, the scale of coherent structures it represents becomes smaller and more chaotic (See
Figures 10 and 11).
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 8 of 18
Figure 9. First mode of flow field by POD method.
Figure 10. Second and third modes of flow field by POD method.
Figure 11. 25th and 100th modes of flow field by POD method.
The modal value is an important index computed by the POD method, representing the
magnitude of the kinetic energy that one mode captures. In POD, a lower order mode has a higher
energy. The energy ratio is defined as /
kk i
, where k
is the kth modal value, reflecting the
weight of one mode. As illustrated in Figure 12, the energy ratio of the first mode is 42.23%, mostly
dominating, while the energy ratio of the other modes is at least one order of the magnitude less, for
example, the energy ratio of the 11th mode is less than 1%. Based on the energy ratio, the
corresponding accumulative energy ratio is defined as
shown in Figure 13. In this figure,
Figure 9. First mode of flow field by POD method.
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 8 of 18
Figure 9. First mode of flow field by POD method.
Figure 10. Second and third modes of flow field by POD method.
Figure 11. 25th and 100th modes of flow field by POD method.
The modal value is an important index computed by the POD method, representing the
magnitude of the kinetic energy that one mode captures. In POD, a lower order mode has a higher
energy. The energy ratio is defined as /
kk i
, where k
is the kth modal value, reflecting the
weight of one mode. As illustrated in Figure 12, the energy ratio of the first mode is 42.23%, mostly
dominating, while the energy ratio of the other modes is at least one order of the magnitude less, for
example, the energy ratio of the 11th mode is less than 1%. Based on the energy ratio, the
corresponding accumulative energy ratio is defined as
shown in Figure 13. In this figure,
Figure 10. Second and third modes of flow field by POD method.
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 8 of 18
Figure 9. First mode of flow field by POD method.
Figure 10. Second and third modes of flow field by POD method.
Figure 11. 25th and 100th modes of flow field by POD method.
The modal value is an important index computed by the POD method, representing the
magnitude of the kinetic energy that one mode captures. In POD, a lower order mode has a higher
energy. The energy ratio is defined as /
kk i
, where k
is the kth modal value, reflecting the
weight of one mode. As illustrated in Figure 12, the energy ratio of the first mode is 42.23%, mostly
dominating, while the energy ratio of the other modes is at least one order of the magnitude less, for
example, the energy ratio of the 11th mode is less than 1%. Based on the energy ratio, the
corresponding accumulative energy ratio is defined as
shown in Figure 13. In this figure,
Figure 11. 25th and 100th modes of flow field by POD method.
The modal value is an important index computed by the POD method, representing the magnitude
of the kinetic energy that one mode captures. In POD, a lower order mode has a higher energy.
The energy ratio is defined as
, where
is the kth modal value, reflecting the weight of
one mode. As illustrated in Figure 12, the energy ratio of the first mode is 42.23%, mostly dominating,
Energies 2017,10, 2004 9 of 18
while the energy ratio of the other modes is at least one order of the magnitude less, for example,
the energy ratio of the 11th mode is less than 1%. Based on the energy ratio, the corresponding
accumulative energy ratio is defined as
shown in Figure 13. In this figure, the first 25 modes
occupy 69.6% of the total energy, while the first 100 modes actually occupy 91.3% of the total energy.
This means that the main characteristic of the unsteady flow field is embedded in several specific
leading low-order modes, and the analysis can be greatly simplified when only these dominated modes
or vortical structures are focused.
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 9 of 18
the first 25 modes occupy 69.6% of the total energy, while the first 100 modes actually occupy 91.3%
of the total energy. This means that the main characteristic of the unsteady flow field is embedded in
several specific leading low-order modes, and the analysis can be greatly simplified when only these
dominated modes or vortical structures are focused.
Figure 12. Energy ratio spectrum (energy ratio vs. rank).
Figure 13. Accumulative energy ratio spectrum (accumulative energy ratio vs. rank).
Figure 14 shows the time-evolution of the typical modal coefficients, which reflect the
instantaneous proportion of the current mode to the original undecomposed flow field. It is defined
as ()
from Equation 1. It can be seen from Figure 14, and the second and third modes are more
periodic, regular, and low-frequency (the frequency equals that of separation vortices), as explained
previously, mainly reflecting the characteristics of the separation vortices. However, high-order
modal coefficients are more complex, small-amplitude, and high-frequency, because they are related
to the small-scale vortices to a certain extent.
Figure 12. Energy ratio spectrum (energy ratio vs. rank).
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 9 of 18
the first 25 modes occupy 69.6% of the total energy, while the first 100 modes actually occupy 91.3%
of the total energy. This means that the main characteristic of the unsteady flow field is embedded in
several specific leading low-order modes, and the analysis can be greatly simplified when only these
dominated modes or vortical structures are focused.
Figure 12. Energy ratio spectrum (energy ratio vs. rank).
Figure 13. Accumulative energy ratio spectrum (accumulative energy ratio vs. rank).
Figure 14 shows the time-evolution of the typical modal coefficients, which reflect the
instantaneous proportion of the current mode to the original undecomposed flow field. It is defined
as ()
from Equation 1. It can be seen from Figure 14, and the second and third modes are more
periodic, regular, and low-frequency (the frequency equals that of separation vortices), as explained
previously, mainly reflecting the characteristics of the separation vortices. However, high-order
modal coefficients are more complex, small-amplitude, and high-frequency, because they are related
to the small-scale vortices to a certain extent.
Figure 13. Accumulative energy ratio spectrum (accumulative energy ratio vs. rank).
Figure 14 shows the time-evolution of the typical modal coefficients, which reflect the
instantaneous proportion of the current mode to the original undecomposed flow field. It is defined as
from Equation (1). It can be seen from Figure 14, and the second and third modes are more
periodic, regular, and low-frequency (the frequency equals that of separation vortices), as explained
previously, mainly reflecting the characteristics of the separation vortices. However, high-order modal
coefficients are more complex, small-amplitude, and high-frequency, because they are related to the
small-scale vortices to a certain extent.
Energies 2017,10, 2004 10 of 18
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 10 of 18
Figure 14. Time-evolution of several typical modal coefficients (modal coefficients vs. normalized
time, tshed is the period of the separation vortices without control).
3.3. Numerical Simulation and POD Analysis of Unsteady Flow in the Cascade with Steady and Pulsed Jet
Flow Control
Based on the numerical results and POD analysis of the unsteady flow in the cascade without
flow control, the numerical simulation and POD analysis with pulsed jet control is analyzed in this
section. Most of the details on the numerical simulation method of the pulsed jet have already been
discussed in Section 3.1.
Figure 15 shows the relative loss coefficient of the cascade c
( 00
=− ×
, where
is the total pressure loss coefficient of the cascade without flow control and
is the total
pressure loss coefficient of the cascade with pulsed jet flow control), as reduced jet frequency F+
+=, where f is the jet frequency and fshed is the dominant frequency of the separation
vortices in the cascade without flow control) changes from 0.25 to 2. Shown in Figure 15, as the jet
frequency increases, the total pressure loss of the cascade first reduces gradually to a minimum, and
then increases. When the jet frequency equals to the dominant frequency of the separation vortices,
the control effect is the most significant, serving as a typical unsteady characteristic.
Figure 15. Relative loss coefficient vs. reduced jet frequency (numerical and experimental results).
Based on the unsteady flow field from the numerical simulation, the POD method is used to
analyze the flow field in the cascade with steady and pulsed jet flow control, and learn the changes
of the vortical structures because of the different flow controls. The energy ratio spectra without the
flow control, with steady and different frequency pulsed jet controls are shown in Figure 16.
Generally, the distribution of the energy ratio with the different control parameters is similar to that
Figure 14.
Time-evolution of several typical modal coefficients (modal coefficients vs. normalized time,
tshed is the period of the separation vortices without control).
3.3. Numerical Simulation and POD Analysis of Unsteady Flow in the Cascade with Steady and Pulsed Jet
Flow Control
Based on the numerical results and POD analysis of the unsteady flow in the cascade without
flow control, the numerical simulation and POD analysis with pulsed jet control is analyzed in this
section. Most of the details on the numerical simulation method of the pulsed jet have already been
discussed in Section 3.1.
Figure 15 shows the relative loss coefficient of the cascade
ωc= ( e
100%, where
is the total pressure loss coefficient of the cascade without flow control and
is the total pressure
loss coefficient of the cascade with pulsed jet flow control), as reduced jet frequency
where fis the jet frequency and f
is the dominant frequency of the separation vortices in the cascade
without flow control) changes from 0.25 to 2. Shown in Figure 15, as the jet frequency increases,
the total pressure loss of the cascade first reduces gradually to a minimum, and then increases. When
the jet frequency equals to the dominant frequency of the separation vortices, the control effect is the
most significant, serving as a typical unsteady characteristic.
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 10 of 18
Figure 14. Time-evolution of several typical modal coefficients (modal coefficients vs. normalized
time, tshed is the period of the separation vortices without control).
3.3. Numerical Simulation and POD Analysis of Unsteady Flow in the Cascade with Steady and Pulsed Jet
Flow Control
Based on the numerical results and POD analysis of the unsteady flow in the cascade without
flow control, the numerical simulation and POD analysis with pulsed jet control is analyzed in this
section. Most of the details on the numerical simulation method of the pulsed jet have already been
discussed in Section 3.1.
Figure 15 shows the relative loss coefficient of the cascade c
( 00
=− ×
, where
is the total pressure loss coefficient of the cascade without flow control and
is the total
pressure loss coefficient of the cascade with pulsed jet flow control), as reduced jet frequency F+
+=, where f is the jet frequency and fshed is the dominant frequency of the separation
vortices in the cascade without flow control) changes from 0.25 to 2. Shown in Figure 15, as the jet
frequency increases, the total pressure loss of the cascade first reduces gradually to a minimum, and
then increases. When the jet frequency equals to the dominant frequency of the separation vortices,
the control effect is the most significant, serving as a typical unsteady characteristic.
Figure 15. Relative loss coefficient vs. reduced jet frequency (numerical and experimental results).
Based on the unsteady flow field from the numerical simulation, the POD method is used to
analyze the flow field in the cascade with steady and pulsed jet flow control, and learn the changes
of the vortical structures because of the different flow controls. The energy ratio spectra without the
flow control, with steady and different frequency pulsed jet controls are shown in Figure 16.
Generally, the distribution of the energy ratio with the different control parameters is similar to that
Figure 15. Relative loss coefficient vs. reduced jet frequency (numerical and experimental results).
Based on the unsteady flow field from the numerical simulation, the POD method is used to
analyze the flow field in the cascade with steady and pulsed jet flow control, and learn the changes
of the vortical structures because of the different flow controls. The energy ratio spectra without the
flow control, with steady and different frequency pulsed jet controls are shown in Figure 16. Generally,
the distribution of the energy ratio with the different control parameters is similar to that without
control. It is viewed that the energy of high-order modes with steady and
1 pulsed jet control
declines, indicating that small-scale vortices are suppressed. Also, the energy of the first order (rank 1)
Energies 2017,10, 2004 11 of 18
is the highest for the best-pulsed jet control (
1), so the energy of the small-scale vortices is
thought to be transferred to the time-averaged flow. But, the energy of second and third for the best
pulsed jet control (
1) are nearly the lowest, basically equivalent to that without control, while for
invalid control of (F+=0.25 and F+=2), these two modes are significantly increased. Because both
the second and third modes reflect the separation vortices, the POD analysis indicates that effective
unsteady control of
1 using the dominated separation vortex to transfer the energy of the
small-scale vortices to the time-averaged flow, while the invalid unsteady control simply has little
effect or even enhance the separation vortex. Thus, unlike the steady flow control, the main function
of pulsed jet reallocates the kinetic energy of each mode, and enhancing or weakening some particular
modes, using the existing unsteady vortices in the flow field.
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 11 of 18
without control. It is viewed that the energy of high-order modes with steady and 1F+= pulsed jet
control declines, indicating that small-scale vortices are suppressed. Also, the energy of the first order
(rank 1) is the highest for the best-pulsed jet control ( 1F+=), so the energy of the small-scale vortices
is thought to be transferred to the time-averaged flow. But, the energy of second and third for the
best pulsed jet control ( 1F+=) are nearly the lowest, basically equivalent to that without control,
while for invalid control of ( 0.25F+= and 2F+=), these two modes are significantly increased.
Because both the second and third modes reflect the separation vortices, the POD analysis indicates
that effective unsteady control of 1F+= using the dominated separation vortex to transfer the
energy of the small-scale vortices to the time-averaged flow, while the invalid unsteady control
simply has little effect or even enhance the separation vortex. Thus, unlike the steady flow control,
the main function of pulsed jet reallocates the kinetic energy of each mode, and enhancing or
weakening some particular modes, using the existing unsteady vortices in the flow field.
Figure 16. Energy ratio spectra without flow control, with steady and different frequency pulsed jet
Reflecting the transient characteristics, the evolution of modal coefficients of the second mode
without control and with different pulse frequencies is shown in Figure 17. The visible periodicity
can be seen in this figure. However, the modal coefficient without control seems a certain chaotic,
especially in the time domain of 3tshed to 6tshed , indicating that the vortex shedding frequency is not
strictly constant. When the reduced frequency 1F+=, the time-evolution pattern looks like that
without control, but with the effect of the pulsed jet, the curve is smoother, indicating that the flow
structures tend to be more simple and orderly. However, when 0.25F+= and 2F+=, the
evolution characteristics differ from that without control, suggesting that the periodicity of the
second mode is weakened by the pulsed jet, and that the flow fields are more complex with the
interaction of pulsed jet. In combination with Figure 15, it is reasonably deduced that the complexity
of the flow field caused by the invalid pulsed frequency may bring additional losses when compared
with more orderly flow field that is caused by effective pulsed frequency, so the pulsed frequency is
a fatal parameter to efficient unsteady flow control.
Figure 16.
Energy ratio spectra without flow control, with steady and different frequency pulsed
jet controls.
Reflecting the transient characteristics, the evolution of modal coefficients of the second mode
without control and with different pulse frequencies is shown in Figure 17. The visible periodicity
can be seen in this figure. However, the modal coefficient without control seems a certain chaotic,
especially in the time domain of 3t
to 6t
, indicating that the vortex shedding frequency is not
strictly constant. When the reduced frequency
1, the time-evolution pattern looks like that
without control, but with the effect of the pulsed jet, the curve is smoother, indicating that the flow
structures tend to be more simple and orderly. However, when
0.25 and
2, the evolution
characteristics differ from that without control, suggesting that the periodicity of the second mode is
weakened by the pulsed jet, and that the flow fields are more complex with the interaction of pulsed jet.
In combination with Figure 15, it is reasonably deduced that the complexity of the flow field caused by
the invalid pulsed frequency may bring additional losses when compared with more orderly flow field
that is caused by effective pulsed frequency, so the pulsed frequency is a fatal parameter to efficient
unsteady flow control.
Energies 2017,10, 2004 12 of 18
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 12 of 18
Figure 17. Evolution of the second modal coefficient with different pulsed jet frequencies.
4. Experimental Verification of Pulsed Jet Flow Control in Cascades
4.1. Test and Measurement System
In verifying the effectiveness of this novel pulsed jet flow control without external energy
injection, a test model of the cascade is established. This corresponds to the model that is used for the
numerical simulation. The test system mainly consists of inlet section, movable side plate, cascades,
displacement mechanism, pulsation damper, rectification section, flow valve, vacuum pump, and
pulsed jet control system, as shown in Figure 18.
Figure 18. Schematic diagram of the test system.
The measurement system involves the steady and dynamic pressure measurement system. With
these, the steady measurement parameters include the static pressure of the inlet and that distributed
along the blade surface, and the total pressure distributed spanwise of the outlet. The parameters
include the dynamic total pressure that is distributed streamwise and spanwise in the cascade and
measured by moving the position of the sensor. The sensors are installed on the displacement
mechanism, driven by a stepper motor and controlled by the computer. The locations of the
measuring points in the cascade are shown in Figure 19. The steady parameters are collected by
intelligent pressure scanners that are manufactured by Pressure System Inc, and dynamic pressure
Figure 17. Evolution of the second modal coefficient with different pulsed jet frequencies.
4. Experimental Verification of Pulsed Jet Flow Control in Cascades
4.1. Test and Measurement System
In verifying the effectiveness of this novel pulsed jet flow control without external energy injection,
a test model of the cascade is established. This corresponds to the model that is used for the numerical
simulation. The test system mainly consists of inlet section, movable side plate, cascades, displacement
mechanism, pulsation damper, rectification section, flow valve, vacuum pump, and pulsed jet control
system, as shown in Figure 18.
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 12 of 18
Figure 17. Evolution of the second modal coefficient with different pulsed jet frequencies.
4. Experimental Verification of Pulsed Jet Flow Control in Cascades
4.1. Test and Measurement System
In verifying the effectiveness of this novel pulsed jet flow control without external energy
injection, a test model of the cascade is established. This corresponds to the model that is used for the
numerical simulation. The test system mainly consists of inlet section, movable side plate, cascades,
displacement mechanism, pulsation damper, rectification section, flow valve, vacuum pump, and
pulsed jet control system, as shown in Figure 18.
Figure 18. Schematic diagram of the test system.
The measurement system involves the steady and dynamic pressure measurement system. With
these, the steady measurement parameters include the static pressure of the inlet and that distributed
along the blade surface, and the total pressure distributed spanwise of the outlet. The parameters
include the dynamic total pressure that is distributed streamwise and spanwise in the cascade and
measured by moving the position of the sensor. The sensors are installed on the displacement
mechanism, driven by a stepper motor and controlled by the computer. The locations of the
measuring points in the cascade are shown in Figure 19. The steady parameters are collected by
intelligent pressure scanners that are manufactured by Pressure System Inc, and dynamic pressure
Figure 18. Schematic diagram of the test system.
The measurement system involves the steady and dynamic pressure measurement system. With
these, the steady measurement parameters include the static pressure of the inlet and that distributed
along the blade surface, and the total pressure distributed spanwise of the outlet. The parameters
include the dynamic total pressure that is distributed streamwise and spanwise in the cascade and
measured by moving the position of the sensor. The sensors are installed on the displacement
mechanism, driven by a stepper motor and controlled by the computer. The locations of the measuring
Energies 2017,10, 2004 13 of 18
points in the cascade are shown in Figure 19. The steady parameters are collected by intelligent
pressure scanners that are manufactured by Pressure System Inc, and dynamic pressure sensor coded
CYG504GL, of which, the sampling frequency is 63,356 Hz, is qualified and selected to measure the
dynamic pressure.
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 13 of 18
sensor coded CYG504GL, of which, the sampling frequency is 63,356 Hz, is qualified and selected to
measure the dynamic pressure.
Figure 19. Schematic diagram of locations of measuring points in the cascade.
The geometry and aerodynamic parameters of the cascade are provided in Table 1, while the
experimental system and blades of the cascade with slots are shown in Figure 20. The pulsed jet
device adopted is already discussed in Section 2, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 20. Experimental system and blades with slots.
4.2. Experimental Analysis of Flow Characteristics in the Cascade without and with Flow Control
The driving force of the pulsed jet comes from the pressure difference between the pressure and
the suction surface of the blade, so there is no external energy injection. In the experiment, the static
pressure distribution is initially measured, as shown in Figure 21 (the numerical results are also
illustrated in this figure). In this figure, it is apparent that the static pressure keeps increasing
downstream, and remains unchanged from about x/c = 69% to the trailing edge of the blade. It
indicates a separation zone starting at x/c = 69%. When compared to static pressure distribution of
the suction surface, the static pressure distribution of the pressure surface remains unchanged, thus
the bleed location has a little effect on the bleed pressure, making it convenient to design the pulsed
jet device.
Figure 19. Schematic diagram of locations of measuring points in the cascade.
The geometry and aerodynamic parameters of the cascade are provided in Table 1, while the
experimental system and blades of the cascade with slots are shown in Figure 20. The pulsed jet device
adopted is already discussed in Section 2, as shown in Figure 4.
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 13 of 18
sensor coded CYG504GL, of which, the sampling frequency is 63,356 Hz, is qualified and selected to
measure the dynamic pressure.
Figure 19. Schematic diagram of locations of measuring points in the cascade.
The geometry and aerodynamic parameters of the cascade are provided in Table 1, while the
experimental system and blades of the cascade with slots are shown in Figure 20. The pulsed jet
device adopted is already discussed in Section 2, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 20. Experimental system and blades with slots.
4.2. Experimental Analysis of Flow Characteristics in the Cascade without and with Flow Control
The driving force of the pulsed jet comes from the pressure difference between the pressure and
the suction surface of the blade, so there is no external energy injection. In the experiment, the static
pressure distribution is initially measured, as shown in Figure 21 (the numerical results are also
illustrated in this figure). In this figure, it is apparent that the static pressure keeps increasing
downstream, and remains unchanged from about x/c = 69% to the trailing edge of the blade. It
indicates a separation zone starting at x/c = 69%. When compared to static pressure distribution of
the suction surface, the static pressure distribution of the pressure surface remains unchanged, thus
the bleed location has a little effect on the bleed pressure, making it convenient to design the pulsed
jet device.
Figure 20. Experimental system and blades with slots.
4.2. Experimental Analysis of Flow Characteristics in the Cascade without and with Flow Control
The driving force of the pulsed jet comes from the pressure difference between the pressure
and the suction surface of the blade, so there is no external energy injection. In the experiment,
the static pressure distribution is initially measured, as shown in Figure 21 (the numerical results are
also illustrated in this figure). In this figure, it is apparent that the static pressure keeps increasing
downstream, and remains unchanged from about x/c = 69% to the trailing edge of the blade. It indicates
a separation zone starting at x/c = 69%. When compared to static pressure distribution of the suction
surface, the static pressure distribution of the pressure surface remains unchanged, thus the bleed
location has a little effect on the bleed pressure, making it convenient to design the pulsed jet device.
Energies 2017,10, 2004 14 of 18
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 14 of 18
Figure 21. Static pressure distribution on the cascade blade surface.
To analyze the characteristic of the separation vortices, the average total pressure distribution is
measured, as shown in Figure 22, where *
P represents the average pressure, 2
1/2 V
shows the
dynamic pressure at the inlet. The pressure invariant zone at section L1 reflects the scale of the
separation zone. However, as the mixing occurs streamwise, the separation tends to decline, as shown
in sections L1 to L8. The standard deviation distribution of pressure (
) in the cascade is illustrated
in Figure 23. From Figures 22 and 23, the average pressure loss in Figure 22 generally corresponds to
the high standard deviation of pressure in Figure 22. The places, where the vortices pass by, are where
the total pressure loss and turbulent fluctuation occur. However, the two climaxes of pressure
distribution occur in Sections L2 and L3 in Figure 23 due to the effect of separation vortices and trailing
edge vortices, merge together and cannot be distinguished in the average pressure distribution
(Figure 22).
Figure 22. Total pressure of the sensors in the cascade.
Figure 23. Standard deviation of pressure of the sensors in the cascade.
Figure 21. Static pressure distribution on the cascade blade surface.
To analyze the characteristic of the separation vortices, the average total pressure distribution
is measured, as shown in Figure 22, where
represents the average pressure, 1
shows the
dynamic pressure at the inlet. The pressure invariant zone at section L
reflects the scale of the
separation zone. However, as the mixing occurs streamwise, the separation tends to decline, as shown
in sections L
to L
. The standard deviation distribution of pressure (
) in the cascade is illustrated in
Figure 23. From Figures 22 and 23, the average pressure loss in Figure 22 generally corresponds to the
high standard deviation of pressure in Figure 22. The places, where the vortices pass by, are where the
total pressure loss and turbulent fluctuation occur. However, the two climaxes of pressure distribution
occur in Sections L
and L
in Figure 23 due to the effect of separation vortices and trailing edge
vortices, merge together and cannot be distinguished in the average pressure distribution (Figure 22).
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 14 of 18
Figure 21. Static pressure distribution on the cascade blade surface.
To analyze the characteristic of the separation vortices, the average total pressure distribution is
measured, as shown in Figure 22, where *
P represents the average pressure, 2
1/2 V
shows the
dynamic pressure at the inlet. The pressure invariant zone at section L1 reflects the scale of the
separation zone. However, as the mixing occurs streamwise, the separation tends to decline, as shown
in sections L1 to L8. The standard deviation distribution of pressure (
) in the cascade is illustrated
in Figure 23. From Figures 22 and 23, the average pressure loss in Figure 22 generally corresponds to
the high standard deviation of pressure in Figure 22. The places, where the vortices pass by, are where
the total pressure loss and turbulent fluctuation occur. However, the two climaxes of pressure
distribution occur in Sections L2 and L3 in Figure 23 due to the effect of separation vortices and trailing
edge vortices, merge together and cannot be distinguished in the average pressure distribution
(Figure 22).
Figure 22. Total pressure of the sensors in the cascade.
Figure 23. Standard deviation of pressure of the sensors in the cascade.
Figure 22. Total pressure of the sensors in the cascade.
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 14 of 18
Figure 21. Static pressure distribution on the cascade blade surface.
To analyze the characteristic of the separation vortices, the average total pressure distribution is
measured, as shown in Figure 22, where *
P represents the average pressure, 2
1/2 V
shows the
dynamic pressure at the inlet. The pressure invariant zone at section L1 reflects the scale of the
separation zone. However, as the mixing occurs streamwise, the separation tends to decline, as shown
in sections L1 to L8. The standard deviation distribution of pressure (
) in the cascade is illustrated
in Figure 23. From Figures 22 and 23, the average pressure loss in Figure 22 generally corresponds to
the high standard deviation of pressure in Figure 22. The places, where the vortices pass by, are where
the total pressure loss and turbulent fluctuation occur. However, the two climaxes of pressure
distribution occur in Sections L2 and L3 in Figure 23 due to the effect of separation vortices and trailing
edge vortices, merge together and cannot be distinguished in the average pressure distribution
(Figure 22).
Figure 22. Total pressure of the sensors in the cascade.
Figure 23. Standard deviation of pressure of the sensors in the cascade.
Figure 23. Standard deviation of pressure of the sensors in the cascade.
To analyze the impact of the frequency on the control performance, it is essential to initially get the
characteristic frequency of the separation vortex in precision. Figure 24 shows the frequency spectra in
Energies 2017,10, 2004 15 of 18
the width direction of section L
(the section marked in Figures 19,22 and 23), where Yrepresents the
length between the sensor position to the lowest point, and Lrepresents the probe movement range,
which is equal to a pitch. Arepresents the amplitude of the frequency, which is normalized by A
the maximum amplitude of frequency in all of the sensor positions in the figure. There are peaks of the
amplitude of the frequency spectra. It is recognized that the dominant frequency of the separation
vertex is 478 Hz in the experiment, which is consistent with that obtained by numerical simulation
(439 Hz), verifying the reliability of the numerical method.
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 15 of 18
To analyze the impact of the frequency on the control performance, it is essential to initially get
the characteristic frequency of the separation vortex in precision. Figure 24 shows the frequency
spectra in the width direction of section L2 (the section marked in Figures 19, 22 and 23), where Y
represents the length between the sensor position to the lowest point, and L represents the probe
movement range, which is equal to a pitch. A represents the amplitude of the frequency, which is
normalized by Amax, the maximum amplitude of frequency in all of the sensor positions in the figure.
There are peaks of the amplitude of the frequency spectra. It is recognized that the dominant
frequency of the separation vertex is 478 Hz in the experiment, which is consistent with that obtained
by numerical simulation (439 Hz), verifying the reliability of the numerical method.
Figure 24. Frequency spectrum distribution in width direction.
Based on the unsteady cascade characteristics, the experiments with the pulsed jet control are
carried out. For the convenience of the research, while highlighting the main unsteady factor, location,
angle, and width of the pulsed jet are fixed. In this case, because of the ability of the pulsed jet device,
jet frequency is adjustable from 148 Hz to 840 Hz. In Figure 15, it is also shown the influence of the
reduced jet frequency on the relative loss coefficient in the experiment. The experiment stress that
when the frequency of pulsed jet is approximate to that of the separation vortex, the loss coefficient
of average total pressure decreases about 5.5% to its minimum. Otherwise, when the frequency of the
pulsed jet is far from the separation vortex frequency, the control effect becomes weaker gradually,
indicating that the optimum frequency of pulsed jet equals that of the separation vortex. The results
both with pulsed jet and the steady jet control correspond with that by numerical simulation,
verifying the validity of this novel pulsed jet flow control without the external energy injection.
Figure 25 shows the total pressure loss coefficient distribution at the outlet of the cascade
without, with steady and with 1F+= control. With the jet injected from the suction side, both
steady and 1F+= control remarkably reduce the total pressure loss at the outlet near the suction
side. It is worth emphasizing that the pulsed jet control of 1F+= reduces the loss the most. Due to
the small quantity of mass flow required and a great reduction of the flow loss, the pulsed jet without
external energy injection is a promising flow control method for cascades.
Figure 24. Frequency spectrum distribution in width direction.
Based on the unsteady cascade characteristics, the experiments with the pulsed jet control are
carried out. For the convenience of the research, while highlighting the main unsteady factor, location,
angle, and width of the pulsed jet are fixed. In this case, because of the ability of the pulsed jet device,
jet frequency is adjustable from 148 Hz to 840 Hz. In Figure 15, it is also shown the influence of the
reduced jet frequency on the relative loss coefficient in the experiment. The experiment stress that
when the frequency of pulsed jet is approximate to that of the separation vortex, the loss coefficient of
average total pressure decreases about 5.5% to its minimum. Otherwise, when the frequency of the
pulsed jet is far from the separation vortex frequency, the control effect becomes weaker gradually,
indicating that the optimum frequency of pulsed jet equals that of the separation vortex. The results
both with pulsed jet and the steady jet control correspond with that by numerical simulation, verifying
the validity of this novel pulsed jet flow control without the external energy injection.
Figure 25 shows the total pressure loss coefficient distribution at the outlet of the cascade without,
with steady and with
1 control. With the jet injected from the suction side, both steady and
1 control remarkably reduce the total pressure loss at the outlet near the suction side. It is worth
emphasizing that the pulsed jet control of
1 reduces the loss the most. Due to the small quantity
of mass flow required and a great reduction of the flow loss, the pulsed jet without external energy
injection is a promising flow control method for cascades.
Energies 2017,10, 2004 16 of 18
Energies 2017, 10, 2004 16 of 18
Figure 25. Total pressure loss coefficient distribution at the outlet of the cascade (experimental
5. Conclusions
(1) A novel pulsed jet flow control method without external energy injection is brought up in this
paper. The new concept employs a micro switch to control the slot in the blade on and off to
generate the pulsed jet of a certain frequency by the pressure difference between the pressure
side and suction side of the blade. The corresponding cascade model is established for numerical
and experimental studies.
(2) Large eddy simulation is held referring to this cascade with and without pulsed jet flow control
on it. The numerical simulations show that when the frequency of pulsed jet is approximate to
that of separation vortex, the control effect is more visible.
(3) The POD method is used to analyze the complex unsteady flow field. The different POD modes
represent the different scale flow structures. Based on conducted research, the first mode
represents the structure of time-averaged flow, and the second and third modes together
represent the separation vortices. Other modes represent other more small-scale and complex
vortex structures.
(4) Through the POD method, the main function of the unsteady pulsed jet control is seen to
reallocate the kinetic energy of each mode, and enhancing or weakening certain modes. Based
on the valid parameters of the pulsed jet, the kinetic energy of the higher modes will be
transferred to first mode (time-averaged flow), using second and third modes (separation
vortices), making flow field more simple and orderly.
(5) The corresponding experiment results show that when the frequency of the pulsed jet is
approximate to that of separation vortex, the loss coefficient of the average total pressure
decreases to a minimum (about 5.5% in the experiment). This verifies the numerical simulation
and the feasibility of this novel pulsed jet control without external energy injection.
Acknowledgments: This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (No.
2014CB239602) and National Natural Science Foundations of China (No. 51206078 and No. 51176072).
Author Contributions: Guoping Huang proprosed the concept of pulsed jet flow control without external
energy; Jie Chen applied this to blade cascades and designed the experiment. Jianfeng Zhu performed the
simulations and experiments; Weiyu Lu and Jinchun Wang analyzed the data, including using POD; Weiyu Lu
and Jie Chen together wrote the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Figure 25.
Total pressure loss coefficient distribution at the outlet of the cascade (experimental results).
5. Conclusions
A novel pulsed jet flow control method without external energy injection is brought up in this
paper. The new concept employs a micro switch to control the slot in the blade on and off to
generate the pulsed jet of a certain frequency by the pressure difference between the pressure
side and suction side of the blade. The corresponding cascade model is established for numerical
and experimental studies.
Large eddy simulation is held referring to this cascade with and without pulsed jet flow control
on it. The numerical simulations show that when the frequency of pulsed jet is approximate to
that of separation vortex, the control effect is more visible.
The POD method is used to analyze the complex unsteady flow field. The different POD
modes represent the different scale flow structures. Based on conducted research, the first
mode represents the structure of time-averaged flow, and the second and third modes together
represent the separation vortices. Other modes represent other more small-scale and complex
vortex structures.
(4) Through the POD method, the main function of the unsteady pulsed jet control is seen to reallocate
the kinetic energy of each mode, and enhancing or weakening certain modes. Based on the valid
parameters of the pulsed jet, the kinetic energy of the higher modes will be transferred to first
mode (time-averaged flow), using second and third modes (separation vortices), making flow
field more simple and orderly.
The corresponding experiment results show that when the frequency of the pulsed jet is
approximate to that of separation vortex, the loss coefficient of the average total pressure decreases
to a minimum (about 5.5% in the experiment). This verifies the numerical simulation and the
feasibility of this novel pulsed jet control without external energy injection.
This work was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (No.
2014CB239602) and National Natural Science Foundations of China (No. 51206078 and No. 51176072).
Author Contributions:
Guoping Huang proprosed the concept of pulsed jet flow control without external energy;
Jie Chen applied this to blade cascades and designed the experiment. Jianfeng Zhu performed the simulations
and experiments; Weiyu Lu and Jinchun Wang analyzed the data, including using POD; Weiyu Lu and Jie Chen
together wrote the paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Energies 2017,10, 2004 17 of 18
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... The proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is a powerful and elegant method of data analysis focused on obtaining low-dimensional approximate descriptions of high-dimensional processes [20,21]. Since Lumley [22] first introduced the POD method into turbulence research, it has been successfully applied in various areas of fluid mechanics, such as coherent structures in a turbulent boundary layer [23], laminar separation boundary layer [24], flow around circular cylinder [25], Couette flow [26], wake flow downstream of a half-cylinder under the passive control [27], turbulent jet [28,29], vortex under synthetic jet control [30], pulsed jet in a blade cascade [31]. They all demonstrated that the POD method is a mature and promising tool to explore the essence of the complicated unsteady spatiotemporal flow field. ...
... As shown in Figure 19, the control effects in the cases of 180 Hz and 540 Hz are both extremely insensitive to the variation of phase and close to the uncontrolled state. The CFD result of the frequency characteristic basically coincides with what is predicted by Equation (31) and further verifies the reliability of the modified mathematical model. The frequency characteristics imply that the unsteady jet with different frequencies might affect different modes. ...
... and 540 Hz are both extremely insensitive to the variation of phase and close to the uncontrolled state. The CFD result of the frequency characteristic basically coincides with what is predicted by Equation (31) and further verifies the reliability of the modified mathematical model. The frequency characteristics imply that the unsteady jet with different frequencies might affect different modes. ...
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The buzz phenomenon of a typical supersonic inlet is analyzed using the unsteady Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (RANS) simulation and proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) method. The dominant flow patterns and characteristics of the buzzed flow are obtained by decoupling the computed pressure field into spatial and temporal sub-parts based on the POD method. The supersonic inlet buzz phenomenon could be approximated as a product of decoupled temporal and spatial terms, and the one-dimensional (1D) mathematical model is therefore proposed. The standard deviations of the unsteady pressure fields from both the numerical simulation and the model prediction are compared. The limited discrepancy can be observed, and the good agreement validates the credibility of the proposed 1D model. The numerical simulation and the 1D model prediction are presented to explore the unsteady-jet control with a small perturbation. The results of the 1D model and the numerical simulation achieve good agreements with each other in terms of the overall trend. Finally, POD modal energy is employed to analyze the buzz suppression mechanism. When the jet frequency is identical to the dominant frequency of the buzz and the jet phase is opposite to the oscillation phase of the captured mass flow, the buzz suppression could be more efficient. The buzz suppression mechanism could be explained in two aspects. For one thing, the complex flow structure is suppressed and the first average modal energy in the inlet is increased. For another, the energy redistribution among each POD mode is achieved and the flow stability is gradually enhanced.
... Although these studies have made some progress and achieved good results, there are still many problems that cannot be solved. For example, the selection of the control location is very specific, whether the flow control is suction type or jet type (Matejka et al, 2008;Yousefi and Saleh, 2015;Chen et al, 2017;Abdolrahim et al, 2019). Now, the general conclusion is that the control position near the separation point is the best choice, but there is no final conclusion on such issues as where or within what range the specific position falls or what effect the change of position will have on the control effect. ...
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A two-dimensional vortex model is introduced in this paper in order to understand the characteristics of the shedding vortex in a blade-divergent passage and to mitigate or suppress it by appropriate methods. The performance of this model under the influence of three typical external factors is studied, namely, the main flow extrusion effect, viscous effect, and transport effect. Based on the analysis, a negative circulation unsteady flow control technique is proposed to compensate for the viscous effect, which is known as NCFC. Numerical simulation is performed to verify the effectiveness of the NCFC method. The results show that the NCFC method is superior to the conventional unsteady flow control for improving the performance of the blade-divergent passage in most cases. In addition, there is an optimum injection to suppress the shedding vortex with NCFC, which is about 0.2% of the main flow mass, and NCFC shows to be more efficient than conventional flow control in weakening the shedding vortex. Furthermore, NCFC can effectively inhibit separation flow and is shown to be insensitive to the injection flow mass. Finally, the NCFC method is highly recommended to adapt to the fact that the working conditions often change in practice.
... In fact, due to the relative motion between static axial slots and the rotating blades, the effect of axial slots is indeed the unsteady excitation on the tip flow field of the compressor. The research showed that the unsteady flow method can delay the flow separation with less momentum exchange compared with a steady flow control method through the unsteady coupling effect between separated flow and excitation [8,9]. Some researchers have already proposed the novel casing treatment structure based on this mechanism. ...
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Axial slot casing treatment is a common method to extend the stall margin of a compressor. Based on the mechanism of unsteady flow control, this paper redesigns axial slots with large circumferential interval and small opening area. To test the effect of this axial slot structure, unsteady numerical simulations were carried out with different slot areas and circumferential intervals. The results show that this novel axial slot casing treatment can significantly improve compressor stall margin. Meanwhile, compared with the traditional axial slot, the efficiency loss is greatly reduced. The flow field analysis shows that the new axial slot structure proposed in this paper can suppress the development of tip leakage vortex and unsteadiness in the tip region at the near stall condition through decreasing the tip loading periodically. Moreover, we find that the slot area is proportional to the improvement of stability margin. Under the same slot area, an excessive number of slots is not conducive to the improvement of the stability margin.
... Novel flow control concepts where energy is extracted from the exterior flow under control have been proposed, e.g., for controlling flow separation from a cascade of compressor blades [21]. In such a case, there will inevitably be some power and efficiency loss due to extracting part of the energy of the ambient flow. ...
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Actuators play an important role in modern active flow control technology. Dielectric barrier discharge plasma can be used to induce localized velocity perturbations in air, so as to accomplish modifications to the global flow field. This paper presents a selective review of applications from the published literature with emphasis on interactions between plasma-induced perturbations and original unsteady fields of bluff-body flows. First, dielectric barrier discharge (DBD)-plasma actuator characteristics, and the local disturbance fields these actuators induce into the exterior flow, are described. Then, instabilities found in separated flows around bluff bodies that controlled actuation should target at are briefly presented. Key parameters for effective control are introduced using the nominally two-dimensional flow around a circular cylinder as a paradigm. The effects of the actuator configuration and location, amplitude and frequency of excitation, input waveform, as well as the phase difference between individual actuators are illustrated through examples classified based on symmetry properties. In general, symmetric excitation at frequencies higher than approximately five times the uncontrolled frequency of vortex shedding acts destructively on regular vortex shedding and can be safely employed for reducing the mean drag and lift fluctuations. Antisymmetric and symmetric excitation at low frequencies of the order of the natural frequency can amplify the wake instability and increase the mean and fluctuating aerodynamic forces, respectively, due to vortex locking-on to the excitation frequency or its subharmonics. Results from several studies show that the geometry and arrangement of the electrodes is of utmost significance. Power consumption is typically very low, but the electromechanical efficiency can be optimized by input waveform modulation.
This study presents a new concept of self-driven pulsed jet flow control on a compressor stator blade. This passive unsteady flow control method has the advantage that neither external flow nor electrical source is needed. This study’s preliminary proof-of-concept study on a low-speed compressor stator blade is performed using numerical simulation. When the pulsed jet frequency is 100 Hz, the optimum control performance and control efficiency are reached, and the total pressure loss coefficient is reduced by 8.9%. As the valve’s rotational speed increases, the pulsed jet’s momentum coefficient decreases gradually. The analysis of the unsteady characteristics of the self-driven pulsed jet shows that the jet velocity is close to a periodic square wave signal, and the typical reduced jet velocity ranges from approximately 0.15 to 0.8. Moreover, the time-averaged driving torque on the valve depends on the rotational speed and is relevant to the self-starting and self-driven characteristics of this passive flow control method. Under different bearing resistance torque, the self-driven valve behaves differently in three cases that can self-start and be self-driven, cannot self-start but can be self-driven, and cannot self-start nor be self-driven.
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Fluvial terraces in the source of the Yellow River suggest that Ruoergai Basin was connected with the lower reach after ∼10 ka, much younger than the uplift chronology of the Tibetan Plateau. In this study, the geomorphology and sedimentation of the Cairima–Ningmute River at the exit of the Ruoergai Basin were investigated. Combined with the optically stimulated luminescence dating of the sediments, the reconstructed fluvial geomorphology processes are as follows: During ∼50–20 ka, coarse debris such as moraines and glacial mudflows from the Anyemaqen Shan and Xiqing Shan were unloaded to the Maqu valley in the bottleneck reach of the Ruoergai Basin outflow, causing river blockage and lake formation in the upper Ruoergai Basin; during ∼20–12 ka, the headward erosion of the river accelerated from the downstream to the upstream and the barrier dam eroded, forming terraces; since ∼12 ka, the Yellow River has cut through the Ruoergai Basin and has developed two levels of terraces based on lacustrine sediments. Our results suggest that glacial debris flow from the Anyemaqen Shan extensively accumulated at the basin-canyon bottleneck during the last glacial period, and when the amount of sediment accumulation exceeded the amount of river erosion, damming events occurred. The glacial-interglacial cycles during the Quaternary might generate repeated damming and cut-through of the Ruoergai Basin. The Ruoergai Basin should be connected with the lower reach before ∼50 ka.
This paper presents a new concept of self-excited unsteady flow control technique on a compressor blade using a passive fluidic oscillator. This concept, as an unsteady flow control method, has the advantages that no additional air source or power supply needs to be introduced and no complex actuators or movable parts are included. Numerical simulations show that the passive fluidic oscillator will reduce the total pressure loss coefficient of the compressor cascade by 4.2% to 2.8% when the inlet Mach number of the compressor blade ranges from 0.28 to 0.39. The time domain and frequency spectrum analysis prove the unsteadiness of the jet produced by the passive fluidic oscillator. Within the Mach number scope, the reduced jet velocity equals approximately 0.68 to 0.7 and the reduced jet frequency equals nearly 1.1 to 1.2. This finding agrees with the order-of-magnitude study result that the jet parameters are compatible with the compressor (the reduced jet velocity and frequency are in the order of magnitude of 1) at the design point, and it conforms to the self-adaptivity of the passive fluidic oscillator in a certain degree (the reduced jet velocity and frequency are nearly invariant) at off-design points (providing small changes in angles of attack), which most passive flow control methods do not share.
In this study, three-dimensional (3D) effects were created by adjusting the structure of traditional 2D pulsed jets and investigated experimentally and numerically. Experiments with a compressor blade controlled by the pulsed jets with 3D effects showed that the control performance could be optimized when the reduced frequency equals one and the space angle equals zero. In addition, the optimal control performance of 3D pulsed jets is better than that of 2D pulsed jets. Numerical simulations of compressor cascades controlled by 2D and 3D pulsed jets were also performed to reveal the mechanism of the space angle effect and explain the advantage of 3D pulsed jets. The simulations indicated that costing the same momentum coefficient, 3D pulsed jets could reduce the total pressure loss coefficient by 50% compared with that of the 2D pulsed jet. Further analysis of the numerical results showed that 2D and 3D pulsed jets share the same mechanism of utilizing flow instability and spanwise separation vortices. However, 3D pulsed jets have the ability to generate additional streamwise vortices (like vortex generators), which contribute to more momentum transfer to the separation zone and better control performance than 2D pulsed jets.
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In the last decades synthetic jet actuators have gained much interest among the flow control techniques due to their short response time, high jet velocity and absence of traditional piping, that matches the requirements of reduced size and low weight. A synthetic jet is generated by the diaphragm oscillation (generally driven by a piezoelectric element) in a relatively small cavity, producing periodic cavity pressure variations associated with cavity volume changes. The pressured air exhausts through an orifice, converting diaphragm electrodynamic energy into jet kinetic energy. This review paper faces the development of various lumped-element models (LEMs) as practical tools to design and manufacture the actuators. LEMs can quickly predict device performances such as the frequency response in terms of diaphragm displacement, cavity pressure and jet velocity, as well as the efficiency of energy conversion of input Joule power into useful kinetic power of air jet. The actuator performance is analyzed also by varying typical geometric parameters such as cavity height and orifice diameter and length, through a suited dimensionless form of the governing equations. A comprehensive and detailed physical modeling aimed to evaluate the device efficiency is introduced, shedding light on the different stages involved in the process. Overall, the influence of the coupling degree of the two oscillators, the diaphragm and the Helmholtz’s one, on the device performance is discussed throughout the paper.
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In the last decades, Synthetic jet actuators have gained much interest among the flow control techniques due to their short response time, high jet velocity and absence of traditional piping, which matches the requirements of reduced size and low weight. A synthetic jet is generated by the diaphragm oscillation (generally driven by a piezoelectric element) in a relatively small cavity, producing periodic cavity pressure variations associated with cavity volume changes. The pressured air exhausts through an orifice, converting diaphragm electrodynamic energy into jet kinetic energy. This review paper considers the development of various Lumped-Element Models (LEMs) as practical tools to design and manufacture the actuators. LEMs can quickly predict device performances such as the frequency response in terms of diaphragm displacement, cavity pressure and jet velocity, as well as the efficiency of energy conversion of input Joule power into useful kinetic power of air jet. The actuator performance is also analyzed by varying typical geometric parameters such as cavity height and orifice diameter and length, through a suited dimensionless form of the governing equations. A comprehensive and detailed physical modeling aimed to evaluate the device efficiency is introduced, shedding light on the different stages involved in the process. Overall, the influence of the coupling degree of the two oscillators, the diaphragm and the Helmholtz frequency, on the device performance is discussed throughout the paper.
In the analysis of the interaction between external periodic excitation and unsteady separated flow in controlling the flow separation, a new nonlinear approximate model has been established. This model is used to describe the typical chaotic and coherent characteristics of a separated flow such as small- or large-scale vortices, the injection, and the dissipation of the kinetic energy based on a simulation of a simplified cross-direction motion of free shear flows. This study presents an appropriate treatment to simulate the external periodic excitation and uses the maximum Lyapunov exponent to evaluate the degree of flow ordering in the different control states. The results of the nonlinear model are compared with experimental and numerical results, showing that the nonlinear model could be used to effectively explain the behaviours of chaotic flows and investigate the rules for controlling separated flows. In addition, as shown in the nonlinear approximate model, the self-synchronization of unsteady flow separation and periodic excitation has been analysed. Initially, the research provided an explanation of the self-synchronization mechanism, which cites that the effects of the separated flow control are independent of the phase difference between the periodic excitation and the unsteady flow. The characteristics of unsteady separated flow control have also been presented in this model, where the corresponding large eddy simulation (LES) was used for separated flows in a curved diffuser. The proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) method was used to analyse the difference between separated vortical structures with or without periodic excitation. The results showed that the model and the simulation had the same mechanism of flow control as for the separated flows. The periodic excitation transforms the original chaotic flow into a relatively ordered flow and decreases the magnitude of the chaotic unstable vortices, rather than completely eliminating the vortices, while flow mixing is reduced, inducing less energy loss.
Advances in experimental techniques and the ever-increasing fidelity of numerical simulations have led to an abundance of data describing fluid flows. This review discusses a range of techniques for analyzing such data, with the aim of extracting simplified models that capture the essential features of these flows, in order to gain insight into the flow physics, and potentially identify mechanisms for controlling these flows. We review well-developed techniques, such as proper orthogonal decomposition and Galerkin projection, and discuss more recent techniques developed for linear systems, such as balanced truncation and dynamic mode decomposition (DMD). We then discuss some of the methods available for nonlinear systems, with particular attention to the Koopman operator, an infinite-dimensional linear operator that completely characterizes the dynamics of a nonlinear system and provides an extension of DMD to nonlinear systems. Expected final online publication date for the Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics Volume 49 is January 03, 2017. Please see for revised estimates.
Conference Paper
The performance of compressors can be improved in two ways by judicious removal from the flow path of the viscous flow in the boundary layers. First, removal of the boundary layer fluid just prior to or in a region of rapid pressure rise, either at shock incidence or more generally at the point of rapid pressure rise on the suction surface of the airfoil, can enable significant increases in the diffusion, hence in the work done by a stage for any given blade speed. Second, removal of the high entropy fluid in the boundary layer minimizes the required compression work in subsequent stages of compression, thereby raising the compression efficiency. Analysis has shown that the latter effect can result in approximately one half point increase in efficiency for each percent of (high entropy) fluid removal. Design studies have been carried out for two different stages to assess the increase in pressure ratio that may be achieved. One stage that has been designed would produce a pressure ratio of 2 at a tip speed of 1000 ft/sec, and may be very attractive for the fan stage of high-bypass turbofan engines. The other stage would produce a pressure ratio of 3 at a tip speed of 1500 ft/sec, and should be attractive as the first stage of a core compressor or the fan stage of a low-bypass ratio engine. An experiment has been completed, to examine the effect of boundary layer removal just prior to shock impingement on the suction surface of blades in a transonic rotor. The suction was implemented on 5 of the 23 blades of the rotor, providing a direct comparison of the flow behavior with and without suction. Analysis of the data has shown that the blades with suction have increased mass flow and that the flow more closely followed the suction surface near the trailing edge. The differences between aspirated and normal blades were most pronounced when the rotor was very close to stall. The third and fourth of the blades in the group with suction appear to be representative of the behavior to be expected of a rotor with suction on all blades. They exhibited improved efficiency and increased mass flow. The rotor as a whole with suction showed different stall behavior than its counterpart without boundary layer control. Future plans include the fabrication and experimental evaluation in the MIT Blowdown Compressor, of one of the two stages discussed above. In this experiment suction will be applied to all the blades in both rotor and stator, so that the increased work enabled by suction can be realized. This research was supported by AFOSR, Dr. James McMichael, and by AlliedSignal Aircraft Engines, Dr. Arun Sehra. Copyright © 1997 by ASME Country-Specific Mortality and Growth Failure in Infancy and Yound Children and Association With Material Stature Use interactive graphics and maps to view and sort country-specific infant and early dhildhood mortality and growth failure data and their association with maternal
Conference Paper
A series of flow control experiments were carried out in order to reconcile some of the observations made about enhancement of lift by periodic excitation. The relative merits of flow control were assessed in comparison with conventional design techniques to establish the best strategy to utilize flow control. The frequency of choice, its effect on the pressure distribution, and the optimum location of the actuation and its amplitudes are specifically discussed. The results of periodic excitation were also compared to results generated using steady blowing or suction
Conference Paper
A fan stage designed by means of a MISES-based quasi-3D approach (Youngren and Drela, 1991), for a pressure ratio of 1.6 at a tip Mach number of 0.7, has been analyzed by viscous 3D CFD, fabricated and tested in the MIT Blowdown Compressor. The design incorporates a rotor tip shroud and boundary layer removal on the suction surfaces of the rotor and stator and at other critical locations. The fully viscous 3D analysis enabled final detailing of the design. In tests, the stage has met its design objectives, producing the design pressure ratio of 1.6 at design speed. The mass flow removed totaled 4.7%, approximately 1.0% through slots on the suction surface of the rotor and stator, and the remainder distributed over the rotor shroud and stator hub. The measured adiabatic efficiency of the rotor for the throughflow was 96% at the design point and that for the stage was 90%. This paper presents the design, the results of the analysis and the experimental stage performance both at design and at some off-design conditions.
Conference Paper
This paper deals with active methods of flow control, especially synthetic jet flow control. A synthetic jet was used for flow control in the compressor blade cascade to reduce the vortex structure and reduce the value of the loss coefficients. The output slot of the synthetic jet actuator was situated on the side wall on the connecting line of the leading edges of the blades. The direction of the synthetic jet was perpendicular to the main flow. The synthetic jet excitation is more effective and more efficient than a steady blowing or suction, and its great advantage is zero mass flux supplied to, or taken from the main flow. A positive influence of the synthetic jet on the flow field was proved. The flow field was also visualized.