Content uploaded by Nathan A Toké
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All content in this area was uploaded by Nathan A Toké on Oct 22, 2018
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Preliminary Investigation of the Thousand Lake Fault from
the Mid Miocene to Late Pleistocene:
An Approach for Characterizing Low Slip Rate Normal Faults Using Geomorphology and Paleoseismology
Dr. Nathan A. Toké, Associate Professor of Earth Science, Utah Valley University 2017 GSA Annual Meeting
114-4 in T209 Challenges in Tectonics: Fault Zone Behavior Through Time from Earth’s Surface to upper Mantle Slide 1 of 13
Dr. Nathan A. Toké, Associate Professor of Earth Science, Utah Valley University 2017 GSA Annual Meeting
114-4 in T209 Challenges in Tectonics: Fault Zone Behavior Through Time from Earth’s Surface to upper Mantle Slide 2 of 13
Freemont River Basin
Thousand Lake Fault: TLF
Freemont River:
Thousand Lake Mtn.
Boulder Mtn.
Tectonic and Geomorphic Setting
Dr. Nathan A. Toké, Associate Professor of Earth Science, Utah Valley University 2017 GSA Annual Meeting
114-4 in T209 Challenges in Tectonics: Fault Zone Behavior Through Time from Earth’s Surface to upper Mantle Slide 3 of 13
Quaternary Activity?
•Last Activity since 750 ka (Utah Q Fault Database)
- faulted terraces that formed since start of Mid Quaternary
•Last Active before 125 ka (Marchetti et al., 2007)
- undisturbed landslide deposits covering TLF on Boulder Mtn.
Earthquake Size?
•Fault Length ~ 49 km
Slip Rate?
•< 0.2 mm/yr (Utah Q Fault Database)
From Utah Geological Survey:
What more can we say today?
Prior Information about the Thousand Lake Fault
Methods: Mapping, Paleoseismic Recon, and Spatial Analysis
Dr. Nathan A. Toké, Associate Professor of Earth Science, Utah Valley University 2017 GSA Annual Meeting
114-4 in T209 Challenges in Tectonics: Fault Zone Behavior Through Time from Earth’s Surface to upper Mantle Slide 4 of 13
(Biek, 2016)
UVU Field
What’s the character of faulting
•Fault zone width?
•Seek out Paleoseismic outcrops.
•Displacement per event?
•Most recent activity?
•Slip rate?
-Mapped/Recon. about 5 x 2.5 km
-Used GIS to determine LT Slip Rate
-Documented paleoseismic outcrops
-Measured displacement of surfaces
-Explored Freemont R. terraces in GIS
Total Displacement and Long Term Slip Rate
Dr. Nathan A. Toké, Associate Professor of Earth Science, Utah Valley University 2017 GSA Annual Meeting
114-4 in T209 Challenges in Tectonics: Fault Zone Behavior Through Time from Earth’s Surface to upper Mantle Slide 5 of 13
1500-2500 m
•Age of Displaced Volcanics ~24.5 Mya (e.g., Mattox, 1991)
•Tectonic Initiation 10-16 Mya (e.g., McQuarrie and Warnicke, 2005)
Near Fault Center
Minimum Long Term Slip Rate ~ 0.1 mm/yr
Maximum Long Term Slip Rate ~ 0.25 mm/yr
Earthquake Evidence –Fault Scarps
Dr. Nathan A. Toké, Associate Professor of Earth Science, Utah Valley University 2017 GSA Annual Meeting
114-4 in T209 Challenges in Tectonics: Fault Zone Behavior Through Time from Earth’s Surface to upper Mantle Slide 6 of 13
Fault Scarp Displacement Analysis
Dr. Nathan A. Toké, Associate Professor of Earth Science, Utah Valley University 2017 GSA Annual Meeting
114-4 in T209 Challenges in Tectonics: Fault Zone Behavior Through Time from Earth’s Surface to upper Mantle Slide 7 of 13
25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275
Alluvial Fan Scarp
(2x Vertical Exaggeration)
~ 4 m fault displacement (since fan abandonment)
Earthquake Evidence –Footwall Colluvial Wedge
Dr. Nathan A. Toké, Associate Professor of Earth Science, Utah Valley University 2017 GSA Annual Meeting
114-4 in T209 Challenges in Tectonics: Fault Zone Behavior Through Time from Earth’s Surface to upper Mantle Slide 8 of 13
Footwall Event
Dr. Nathan A. Toké, Associate Professor of Earth Science, Utah Valley University 2017 GSA Annual Meeting
114-4 in T209 Challenges in Tectonics: Fault Zone Behavior Through Time from Earth’s Surface to upper Mantle Slide 9 of 13
Earthquake Evidence –Fault-derived Colluvium
Dr. Nathan A. Toké, Associate Professor of Earth Science, Utah Valley University 2017 GSA Annual Meeting
114-4 in T209 Challenges in Tectonics: Fault Zone Behavior Through Time from Earth’s Surface to upper Mantle Slide 10 of 13
Paleoseismic Reconnaissance Recap
~ 1 m
•Footwall faulting in Terrace 10-12 m above local
base level: Slip-per-event = ~ 1+ m/event
Expected recurrence rate
-1m/0.25 mm/yr = 4,000 yrs
-2m/0.1 mm/yr = 20,000 yrs
•Alluvial Fan surface with 4 m displacement
-Given slip rate, possibly a surface
associated with end of Last Glacial
Maximum (15-25 kya)
-2-4 events since surface abandonment.
•Anticipated Mw: 6.8 - 7.2
(30-50 km-long ruptures, 1-2 m displacement, 20 km depth)
15000 35000 55000
Repka, Anderson, and Finkel, 1997:
CRN Terrace Ages downstream
~0.8 mm/yr Incision Rate
Estimated headwaters exhumation of 30m/Ma
Pleistocene Activity Evidence –Terrace Warping
Dr. Nathan A. Toké, Associate Professor of Earth Science, Utah Valley University 2017 GSA Annual Meeting
114-4 in T209 Challenges in Tectonics: Fault Zone Behavior Through Time from Earth’s Surface to upper Mantle Slide 11 of 13
Marchetti and Cerling, 2005:
CRN (He) - ~200 kya
C Terrace
~100 m
JM Terrace
~100 m
Preliminary Findings Thousand Lake Fault
Dr. Nathan A. Toké, Associate Professor of Earth Science, Utah Valley University 2017 GSA Annual Meeting
114-4 in T209 Challenges in Tectonics: Fault Zone Behavior Through Time from Earth’s Surface to upper Mantle Slide 12 of 13
•Geologic Slip Rate 0.1-0.25 mm/year
•Likely Active During the Late Pleistocene
•Recurrence Rate 4,000 –20,000 years per event
•Anticipated Moment Magnitude: 6.8-7.2
Work to come:
-C-14 Ages from Footwall Colluvial Wedge Material
-Possibly trench adjacent displaced terrace or fan.
Dr. Nathan A. Toké, Associate Professor of Earth Science, Utah Valley University 2017 GSA Annual Meeting
114-4 in T209 Challenges in Tectonics: Fault Zone Behavior Through Time from Earth’s Surface to upper Mantle Slide 13 of 13
•Anderson, R.E., and Barnhard, T.P., 1986, Genetic relationship between faults and folds and determination of Laramide and neotectonic paleostress,
western Colorado Plateau-transition zone, central Utah: Tectonics, v. 5, p. 335-357.
•Biek, R.F., 2016, Interim Geologic Map of the Bicknell Quadrangle, Wayne County, Utah, Utah Geological Survey Open-File Report 654.
•Doelling H. and P. Kuehne, 2007, Interim Geologic Map of the East Half of the Loa 30’ x 60’ Quadrangle, Wayne, Garfield, and Emery Counties, Utah,
Utah Geological Survey Open-File Report 489.
•Harty, K.M., 1987, Field reconnaissance of Thousand Lake fault zone: Utah Geological and Mineral Survey, memorandum, 2 p.
•Hecker, S., 1993, Quaternary tectonics of Utah with emphasis on earthquake-hazard characterization: Utah Geological Survey Bulletin 127,
157 p., 6 pls., scale 1:500,000.
•Marchetti, D. and T. Cerling, 2005, Cosmogenic 3He exposure ages of Pleistocene debris flows and desert pavements in Capitol Reef National Park,
Utah, Geomorphology, v. 67, 423-435.
•Marchetti, D., T. Cerling, and E. Lips, 2005, A glacial chronology for the Fish Creek drainage of Boulder Mountain, Utah, USA, Quaternary Research,
v. 64, 264-271.
•Marchetti, D., T. Cerling, J. Dohrenwent, and W. Gallin, 2007, Ages and significance of glacial and mass movement deposits on the west side of Boulder
Mountain, Utah, USA, PALAEO, v. 252, 503-513.
•Mattox, S.R., 1991. Petrology, age, geochemistry, and correlation of the tertiary volcanic rocks of the Awapa Plateau, Garfield, Piute, and Wayne Counties,
Utah. Utah Geol. Surv. Misc. Publ. 91-5,46 pp.
•National Agricultural Imagery Program, 2014, NAIP imagery acquired from Utah AGRC:
•Repka, J., R. Anderson, and R. Finkel, 1997, Cosmogenic dating of fluvial terraces, Freemont River, Utah, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, V. 152, 59-73.
•Smith, J., I. Huff, K. Hinrichs, and R. Luedke, 1957, Preliminary Geologic Map of the Loa 1 SE Quadrangle, Utah, Mineral Investigations
Field Studies Map MF 101.
•State of Utah, 2006, Auto-Correlated 5 meter DEM, Utah AGRC:
•Utah Quaternary Fault and Fold Database:
•Utah Geological Survey Aerial Imagery Collection: 1950 DKT, 1958 EEZ, and 1966 EEZ