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Occurrence of endoparasites in heifers imported to Poland from the Netherlands (Short Communication)



Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites was studied in 106 heifers imported to Poland from the Netherlands. Prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes and Eimeria protozoans was determined from coproscopic examinations using Willis-Schlaf flotation. The species composition of coccidia was determined from morphological characters and the time of oocyst sporulation. Fluke liver eggs were detected by decantation. The study showed the mean prevalence of Eimeria protozoans in the heifers imported from the Netherlands to Poland to be 17.92 %; the mean prevalences of Cryptosporidium sp. (11.32 %), gastrointestinal nematodes (55.66 %) and Fasciola hepatica (32.08 %), respectively. The following 6 coccidia species were isolated from faecal samples: E. bovis, E. aubernensis, E. ellipsoidalis, E. subspherica, E. zürni, and E. brasiliensis. The prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in the cattle imported from the Netherlands to Poland was very high, therefore it is purposeful to mandatorily examine the imported cattle for the presence of those parasites.
Archiv Tierzucht 52 (2009) 3, 265-271, ISSN 0003-9438
Research Institute for the Biology of Farm Animals (FBN) Dummerstorf, Germany
Occurrence of endoparasites in heifers
imported to Poland from the Netherlands
(Short Communication)
Department of Animal Hygiene and Prophylaxis, Agricultural University Szczecin, Poland
Prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites was studied in 106 heifers imported to Poland
from the Netherlands. Prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes and Eimeria protozoans
was determined from coproscopic examinations using Willis-Schlaf flotation. The species
composition of coccidia was determined from morphological characters and the time of
oocyst sporulation. Fluke liver eggs were detected by decantation. The study showed the
mean prevalence of Eimeria protozoans in the heifers imported from the Netherlands to
Poland to be 17.92
%; the mean prevalences of Cryptosporidium sp. (11.32
%), gastrointestinal
nematodes (55.66
%) and Fasciola hepatica (32.08
%), respectively. The following 6
coccidia species were isolated from faecal samples: E. bovis, E. aubernensis, E. ellipsoidalis,
E. subspherica, E. zürni, and E. brasiliensis. The prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in the
cattle imported from the Netherlands to Poland was very high, therefore it is purposeful to
mandatorily examine the imported cattle for the presence of those parasites.
Keywords: heifers, Cryptosporidium sp., Eimeria, gastrointestinal nematodes, Fasciola
Prävalenz des Innenparasitenbefalls bei nach Polen
importierten niederländischen Färsen (Kurzmitteilung)
Die Untersuchungen über den Innenparasitenbefall des Verdauungskanals mit Nematoden
und Kokzidien erfolgten bei 106 nach Polen importierten niederländischen Färsen mit Hilfe
der Willis-Schlaf-Methode. Die Differezierungskriterien der Eimeriaarten wurden auf Grund
der Oozystenform und der Sporulationszeit festgestellt. Die Leberegeleier wurden mit der
Sedimentationsmethode ermittelt. Die Prävalenz von Eimeria betrug 17,92 %,
Cryptosporidium sp. fanden sich bei 11,37 %, gastrointestinal Nematoden bei 55,66 % und
Fasciola hepatica bei 32,32 % der Probanden. Sechs Kokzidienarten wurden im Kot der
holländischen Färsen nachgewiesen. (E. bovis, E. aubernensis, E. ellipoidalis, E. subspherica,
E. zürni und E. brasiliensis). Die Prävalenz von Parasiten des Verdauungskanals der aus den
Niederlanden importierten Tiere war sehr hoch weshalb eine Untersuchung auf
Parasitenbefall importierter Tiere dringend empfohlen wird.
Schlüsselwörter: Färsen, Cryptosporidium sp., Eimeria, Nematoden, Fasciola hepatica
PILARCZYK et al.: Occurrence of endoparasites in heifers imported to Poland from the Netherlands
Parasitoses belong to the most common diseases of ungulates (DISTL 2001, GÓRSKI et al.
2004a, 2004b, AGNEESSENS et al. 2000, BORGSTEEDE et al. 1998, 2000, MEKROUD et al.
2004, PILARCZYK et al. 2002, HILGENSTOCK et al. 2006) and result in high losses caused
mainly by reduced condition, productivity, and resistance of the affected animals.
Parasitic diseases proceed usually subclinically, for which reason they very often go
undetected by breeders and veterinarians alike. The Black-White cattle are the
commonest breed in Poland, improved by admixture of genes of the Holstein-Friesland
cattle imported from Germany and the Netherlands, heifers being most frequently
imported. The absence of control makes it possible to introduce, with the imported cattle,
of new parasites. The problem of parasitic infestations (with protozoans and worms) of
heifers imported to the Czech Republic from Germany, France, Denmark, and the
Netherlands was discussed by PAVLASEK (1995).
At present, the cattle imported to Poland do not have to be examined for the
presence of endoparasites such as coccidia, cryptosporidia, gastrointestinal nematodes,
and liver fluke.
This study was aimed at identification of parasitic fauna in heifers imported to Poland
from the Netherlands.
Material and methods
Coproscopic examination was carried out in 106 Holstein-Friesland heifers imported from
the Netherlands – Overijssel Province to the Porta-Agra farm in Poland. During the
2-week quarantine, the heifers were fed Triticale flakes, corn silage, barley hay silage, and
hay; the heifers had access to water and salt.
The prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes and Eimeria protozoans was estimated
from coproscopic examination, performed with the Willis-Schlaf flotation technique
(ZIOMKO and CENCEK 1995). The samples for study were taken individually from rectum
of each animal. Coccidia were identified to species using the key published by PELLERDI
(1974). Examinations were supplemented by culturing oocysts at 24-26
°C in a humid
chamber, with 2.5
% aqueous solution of potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) to prevent
mould growth.
Nematodes were identified to species based on larval culture carried out as
recommended by Baermann (GUNDŁACH et al. 2004).
Faeces were examined for the presence of Cryptosporidium sp. using a modified Ziehl-
Neelsen staining technique (ANONYMUS 1991) and a commercially available
immunoenzymatic microplate assay (PrpSpecT Cryptosporidium Microplate Assay, Alexon
Inc.). The microplate assay was performed as specified by the manufacturer.
The liver fluke was detected by decantation (ZIOMKO and CENCEK 1995).
The mean prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in the heifers imported to Poland was
% (n=89).
Arch Tierz 52 (2009) 3, 265-271
The mean prevalence of Eimeria infestation of the heifers examined was 17.92
% (n=19).
As shown by coproscopy, the heifers were infested by a mix of coccidia, the following 6
coccidia species being isolated from faecal samples: E. bovis, E. aubernensis, E. ellipsoidalis,
E. subspherica, E. zürni, and E. brasiliensis. The dominant species was E. bovis (Figure 1).
Figure 1
Prevalence of Eimeria species invasion in heifers
Prävalenz der verschiedenen Eimeriaarten bei untersuchten Färsen
In most cases (84.21
%, n=16), the coccidia-infested animals were affected by one- and
two-species invasions. The maximum number of coccidia species found in the heifers was
4 (Figure 2).
Figure 2
One- and multi-species Eimeria invasions in heifers studied
Auftreten eine r bzw. mehrerer Eimeriaarten d er untersuchten Färsen
E. I., %
E. bovis E. aubernensi s E. elli
soidalis E. subs
herica E. zürni E. brasiliensis mean pr evalence
E. I.,
1 species 2 species 3 species 4 species
Invas ion
PILARCZYK et al.: Occurrence of endoparasites in heifers imported to Poland from the Netherlands
The coproscopic examination showed the heifers imported from the Netherlands to
Poland to be infected by Cryptosporidium sp., found in 11.32
% (n=12) of the individuals.
The coproscopic examination showed the prevalence of Fasciola hepatica invasion in the
heifers imported from the Netherlands to be 32.08
% (n=34).
This study showed the mean prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes in heifers
imported to Poland from the Netherlands to be 55.66
% (n=59). The presence of 6
gastrointestinal nematodes of the genera Ostertagia (42,1
%, n=25), Trichostrongylus (21,4
n=12), Cooperia (31,7
%, n=19), Capillaria (1,4
%, n=1), Nematodirus (3,2
%, n=2), and
Oesophagostomum (30,8
%, n=18) was revealed. No lung-infesting nematodes were found.
The heifers imported to the Czech Republic from France, Denmark, the Netherlands, and
Germany showed the parasites to occur at a prevalence ranging from 91.2 to 100
(PAVLASEK 1995).
Among numerous parasites occurring in animals, particularly noteworthy are coccidia
due to their wide distribution, independent of climatic conditions.
The coccidia species composition depends primarily on local environmental and
breeding conditions (DAVIS and BROWMAN 1967). In their study on dairy cattle in the
Netherlands, CORNELISSEN et al. (1995) found Eimeria in 16, 43, and 46
% of the cows,
heifers, and calves, respectively. The authors referred to identified E. bovis, E. aubernensis,
E. ellipsoidalis, E. subspherica, E. zürni, E. alabamensis, E. canadensis, E. cylindrica, E. pellita,
E. wyomingensis, E. bukidnonensis, and E. brasiliensis in the cattle they examined. The
heifers proved to be most frequently supporting E. bovis (34.3
%) and E. aubernensis
%). To date, E. brasiliensis has not been isolated from cattle in Poland, although the
protozoan has been reported from the Netherlands (CORNELISSEN et al. 1995).
PAVLASEK (1995), when studying heifers imported from Denmark and Germany, found
Eimeria in 58. and 92.8
% of the cows, respectively; the protozoans were dominated by
oocytes of E. bovis, E. auburnensis, and E. zuerni.
ERNST et al. (1984) examined meat cattle (cows and calves) grazing in northern
Georgia and isolated 12 and 10 Eimeria species from cows and calves, respectively.
Eimeria bovis was the most frequent species in both calves (72.5
%) and cows (10.2
%). The
study of BEJSOVEC et al. (1982) on cattle revealed the presence of protozoans such as
Eimeria bovis (55.6
%) and E. zuerni (47,0
%), E. auburnensis (43,3
%), E. ellipsoidalis (39,4
E. cylindrica (25.2
%), E. subspherica (13.6
%), E. bukidnonensis (3.1
%), Isospora spp. (1.7
E. brasiliensis (0.4
%), and E. pellita (0.08
The selected Western Pomeranian farms studied by PILARCZYK et al. (2002) showed
coccidia prevalence in 5.5-12.0
% of cows in small-scale farms and in 23.4
% of the cows
kept in a large-scale form. The cows proved to be infested by the following 6 coccidia
species: E. bovis, E. aubernensis, E. zürni, E. elipsoidalis, E. subspherica, and E. cylindrica
(PILARCZYK et al. 1999). CORNELISSEN et al. (1995) found heifers to be affected by
invasions of 6 species.
PAVLASEK (1995) found Cryptosporidium muris in 4.5
% of heifers imported from
France and in 7.9
% of heifers imported from Germany to the Czech Republic. As reported
Arch Tierz 52 (2009) 3, 265-271
by PILARCZYK et al. (2002), calves and cows kept in small private farms in Western
Pomerania were not affected by a Cryptosporidium sp. invasion. On the other hand,
MAJEWSKA et al. (1998) found oocysts of Cryptosporidium sp. in 34.4
% of the cattle in the
region of Wielkopolska (including 39.7
% of calves and 6.6
% of cows). The presence of
Cryptosporidium sp. has been reflected from other countries as well, e.g., in 1.9
% of the
cattle in the US (FAYER et al. 2006), in 5
% in Mexico (MALDONA-CAMARGO et al. 1998), in
% in Canada (OLSON et al. 1997), in 13
% in Sweden (KLINGENBERG 1992), and in
% in Spain (QUILEZ et al. 1996).
The Netherlands is one of those European countries where liver fluke has been known
for many years (MOLL et al. 2000), therefore it should be paid a particular attention when
livestock imports are being carried out. In Poland, too, the liver fluke has been reported –
at various intensities – cows, the extent of infestation being dependent on time and area
of study. In their 2001 study of selected Western Pomeranian cattle farms, PILARCZYK et
al. (2002) showed the absence of a Fasciola hepatica invasion On the other hand, the
prevalence of the parasite in North-Eastern Poland was as high as 11
% (MICHALSKI et al.
1993, MICHALSKI and ROMANIUK 2000). Eggs of Fasciola hepatica were also found by
PAVLASEK (1995) in 12 heifers imported from France to the Czech Republic. The
prevalence of Fasciola hepatica in the heifers imported from the Netherlands should be
regarded as high.
In his study on heifers imported to the Czech Republic, PAVLASEK (1995) recorded the
presence of 9 gastrointestinal nematodes. Most frequent were representatives of the
genera Ostertagia, Haemonchus and Trichos trongylus. In the study described by PILARCZYK
et al. (2002) and carried out in selected Western Pomeranian farms, the gastrointestinal
nematode prevalence in cows was found to range within 12.7-32.1
%, 42.6
% prevalence
being revealed in a large-scale farm. The study reported by DÜWEL (1990) from Germany
revealed gastrointestinal nematode eggs to be present in faeces of 60
% of the ungulates,
while ISTASSE et al. (1990) in Belgium recorded a 47.4
% prevalence of infestation in dairy cows.
It was found that prevalence of coccidiosis in imported animals was generally
comparable to that observed in Dutch cattle by CORNELISSEN et al. (1995). The data on
prevalence of coccidiosis in Polish cattle are largely comparable with the level of infection
in Dutch cattle. It is worth noting the high prevalence of fascioliasis (32.08
%) in imported
cattle. In West Pomerania, fascioliasis has occurred sporadically in cattle in recent years. In
imported cattle, the level of infection with gastrointestinal nematodes was high
%). In cattle from West Pomerania, the prevalence of gastrointestinal nematodes
varied between 12.7 and 42.65
% according to farm (PILARCZYK et al. 2002).
Summaring the prevalence of infestation with gastrointestinal parasites in the cattle
imported to Poland from the Netherlands was very high. It is therefore purposeful that
imported animals be subjected to mandatory examination for the presence of those
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Received 5 October 2007, accepted 23 February 2009.
Corresponding author:
Department of Animal Hygiene and Prophylaxis, Agricultural University of Szczecin, ul. Doktora Judyma
6, 71-460 Szczecin, Poland
Full-text available
Information on the occurrence, diversity and economic losses due to Eimeria infection on cattle farms is lacking in Western Iran. The principal aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and diversity of Eimeria species in cattle in Hamedan province, Western Iran. In a cross-sectional study performed from June 2010 to April 2013, 400 faecal samples were collected randomly from animals without clinical signs from different cattle farms of Hamedan province and examined for Eimeria species infection using parasitology methods. The overall infection rate of Eimeria species was 8.25%. Nine species of Eimeria were identified including: E. bovis (23.7%), E. zuernii (19.2%), E. canadensis (12.6%), E. ellipsodalis (11.4%), E. alabamensis (10.4%), E. pellita (9.1%), E. auburnensis (6.8%), E. cylindrica (4.6%) and E. bukidnonensis (2.3%). There were statistically significant differences with respect to Eimeria infection and age group (P < 0.0001, OR = 6), although no statistically significant relationships were found for sex (P = 0.35) or faecal consistency (P = 0.587). In conclusion, this study is the first to report the prevalence and diversity of Eimeria species in cattle in Hamedan province. Infection with pathogenic Eimeria spp. was asymptomatic in all animals; this is the reason for the transmission of infection by carriers in this region. Therefore, integrated strategies should be utilised to prevent and control Eimeria spp. infection on cattle farms.
Full-text available
The aim of the study was to compare a prevalence of infections with protozoa, flukes, tapeworms and nematodes, parasitising gastrointestinal tract and lungs of the small ruminants from various regions of Poland. The study was carried out on 400 sheep and 180 goats. It was found that the prevalence of internal parasitic infections was higher in goats than in sheep. Goats showed ten times higher prevalence Muellerius capillaris (lungworm) infections than sheep. Female goats were more often infected with lungworms and males with the remaining species. The most prevalent gastrointestinal nematode was in both host species Trichostrongylus spp.
Investigations were carried out on 993 cows in 14 breeding farms in 1998-1999. In 871 cows feces from rectum were collected and examined in the laboratory; eggs of Fasciola hepatica were detected in 36, that is 4.13%. The most extensive invasion of fasciolosis was observed in dairy cows from the Myszyniec area (20%) and in farms in the north-east Olsztyn area (8.7-16.7%); the lowest prevalence was observed in the west of the Olsztyn area (2.2-3.3%). In 6 (42.8%) out of 14 investigated farms liver fluke was not observed. The research showed that the significantly decreased extensive invasion of Fasciola hepatica in dairy cows in North-East Poland was not caused by systematic treatment, but was influenced by environmental indicators, mostly from acidity of water, where miracidiums die and snails - intermediate hosts of Fasciola hepatica - do not develop.
The studies were carried out in two farms - ZZK Kolbacz and SK Bielin, on 60 calves - 30 animals in each farm. The calves ware divided into control and experimental groups - 15 animals per group. The extent and intensity of the Coccidia infection were determined by means of the Willis-Schlaaf's and McMaster's methods, whereas the Coccidia composition in the examined animals was determined according to the morphological features of the oocysts and the sporulation time. The following six Eimeria species were isolated in these commercial farms - E. bovis, E. aubernensis, E. zürni, E. ellipsolidalis, E. subspherica and E. cylindrica. Baycox was administered twice in a 7 - day interval in a dose of 20 mg/kg of body weight. The weight gain and the course of coccidia infection in calves before and after treatment with Baycox were examined. During the period of the study the intensity of the coccidia infection was very high amongst the control group. After administration of Baycox the intensity of coccidia infection decreased and only 0-80 oocysts were found in 1 g of feaces. In SK Bielin the incidence of clinical coccidiosis and mortality was observed in 6.9 % of calves. After Baycox administration only 1.9 % of the animals died. The results were statistically analysed and significant differences of p ≤ 0,01 between the control and experimental group in SK Bielin were observed.
The objective of this study was to analyse systematic environmental and genetic effects on the incidence and number of treatments due to bronchopneumonia and other diseases for five different age groups in German Fleckvieh bulls. The data set contained 1775 male calves kept under identical housing and management conditions from the age of about 25-50 days to 450 days for a stationary progeny test in growth and carcass traits. The age groups distinguished were from day 10-75 (1), 76-100 (2), 101-150 (3), 151-200 (4) and > 200 (5) of age. Fixed environmental effects tested for significance in generalized or general linear models were barn at entry, age at entry, region of origin, season of entry, diagnosis of bronchopneumonia at entry, test group within year of entry and weight at entry. Heritabilities were estimated in linear multivariate animal models using Residual Maximum Likelihood (REML). The multivariately estimated heritabilities for the incidence of bronchopneumonia were between h2 = 0.22 (first age group) and h2 = 0.07 (fourth age group). The DEMPSTER and LERNER (1950) transformation resulted in estimates of h2 = 0.34 for the first and h2 = 0.13 for the fourth age group. The additive genetic correlations varied from rg = -0.76 (2nd-5th age group) to rg = 0.78 (1st-3rd age group). The lowest value of the residual correlation was re = -0.05 (1st-4th age group) and the highest value was re = 0.16 (4th-5th age group). The multivariately estimated heritabilities for the number of treatments due to bronchopneumonia were highest in the first age group with h2 = 0.29 and lowest in the fourth age group with h2 = 0.08. The additive genetic correlations ranged between rg = 0.64 (1st-3rd age group) and rg = -0.33 (2nd-5th age group). The residual correlations were between re = -0.11 (1st-3rd age group) and re = 0.33 (4th-5th age group). Genetic differences among animals in resistance to bronchopneumonia are expressed most clearly in the lifetime period between day 40 and 150.
Genetic improvement of health and fertility traits has gained major importance in dairy cattle breeding. Despite many physiological, immunological and biochemical traits proposed, the epidemiological approach provides an efficient tool to achieve genetic progress. Using datasets from Bavaria, Israel and Sweden heritabilities for liability of disease resistance were estimated. These estimates mainly were in the range of h2 = 1 to 4%. Reaction norm to fertility diseases estimated by using insemination parameters showed much higher heritability estimates of h2 = 10 to 19%. These analyses demonstrate the large genetic variability in disease resistance, and that the genetic variance within breeds can be efficiently used for breeding highly resistant breeds. In order to make use of the genetic variance for disease resistance, a databank for health traits should be built up for German cattle breeds.
Over a period of 1 year, from November 1997 to October 1998, the abomasa, blood and faecal samples of 121 dairy cows in Belgium were collected and examined for nematode infections. Nematodes were present in the abomasa of 110 animals. Ostertagia was found in all 110, Trichostrongylus was seen in 65 and Haemonchus in 14 abomasa. Overall, 91% of all trichostrongyles recovered were Ostertagia. The geometric mean total number of Ostertagia was 2750, with an average of 74% inhibited early fourth stage larvae (EL4). Between November and February >90% of the Ostertagia worm burden were EL4 stages. The majority of the animals (56%) harboured a low Ostertagia burden (100–5000) and 15% had a high burden (>10,000). Sixty-four percent of the coprocultures were positive and the genera recovered were Ostertagia sp. (100%), Trichostrongylus sp. (42%), Oesophagostomum (32%), Haemonchus sp. (29%) and Cooperia sp. (16%). A seasonal pattern was evident for serum Ostertagia-specific antibodies and for serum pepsinogen concentration, with the highest levels during the summer, and low values during the winter. Dictyocaulus viviparus specific antibodies were detected in the serum of eight (7%) animals.
The prevalence and abundance of coccidian oocysts were determined in a herd of beef cows and calves on fescue pastures in the Piedmont area of Georgia during 4-consecutive grazing seasons. Twelve species of Eimeria were found in the feces of the calves and 10 species were found in the feces of the cows. Eimeria bovis was the most prevalent species found in both the calves and cows. It occurred in 72.5% of 1090 samples from the calves and 10.2% of 719 samples from cows. Eimeria bovis also comprised the majority of oocysts present in the fecal samples from the calves and cows. The greatest number of E. bovis in a sample was 45 800 oocysts per gram of feces (OPG) from a calf and 1900 OPG from a cow. No cases of clinical coccidiosis were seen in any of the animals sampled during the survey.
In the specialised rearing house for young cattle of all age groups the occurrence of endoparasites was followed. In the age group of 21 to 90 days, 56% of calves aged about 30 days eliminated oocysts of coccidia. On the whole, 49.3% of calves were infested by coccidia, 3% by enterohelminths. 90.3% of calves aged from three to six months were parasitised by coccidia, 7.4% by enterohelminths. Young cattle, aged from 6 to 12 months, were parasitised in 94.6% by coccidia and in 14.1% by enterohelminths. 86.6% of pregnant heifers at the age of 14 to 19 months had coccidia, 7.7% enterohelminths. The total farm capacity was about 950 animals. Throughout the year the number of examined animals amounted to 1,195, out of this number 958 animals, i. e. 80.2%, were infested by coccidia, 55.6% of animals by the species Eimeria bovis, 47.0% by E. zuernii, 43.3% by E. auburnensis, 39.4% by E. ellipsoidalis, 25.2% by E. cylindrica, 13.6% by E. subspherica, 3.1% by E. bukidnonensis, 1.7% by Isospora spp., 0.4% by E. brasiliensis, 0.08% by E. pellita. Enterohelminths were observed only in 96 animals, i. e. in 8.03%. Trichocephalus was found in 3.9% of animals, Cooperia in 2.4%, Ostertagia in 0.6%, Chabertia in 0.4%, Nematodirus in 0.3%, Capillaria in 0.2%, Oesophagostomum in 0.2%, Bunostomum in 0.1% and Trichostrongylus in 0.1%. The highest elimination of oocysts of coccidia was observed in August, January and February, of eggs of enterohelminths from August to October. In all age groups the most frequent was the occurrence of pathogenic species of coccidia.