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Content uploaded by Rohit Rastogi
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Role and efficacy of Positive Thinking on
Stress Management and Creative Problem Solving for Adolescents
Mr. Rohit Rastogi
Asso. Prof. Dept. of Computer Science. And Engg.
ABESEC, Ghaziabad and Research Scholar
Ms. Pankhuri Singh Tawar
Student ,CSE Final year
ABESEC, Ghaziabad
Dr. Navneet Arora
Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Piyush Trivedi
Asso. Professor Center of Scientific Spirituality,
DSVV- Haridwar
Dr. DK Chaturvedi
Professor, Dept. of
Electrical Engineering
Background: This study has
been done to see the positive
effect of positive thinking
and to see that how positive
thinking practice help to
reduce the stress level and
grow the problem solving
capacity of technocrats and
students in daily life.
Spirituality with positive
thinking with creative
attitude is the only way
through which one can get
well soon from all types of
problems by following some
Objective: The present study
aimed at studying the
Statistical Analysis for Effect
of Positive Thinking on
Stress Management and
Creative Problem Solving for
Participants, settings: Sixty
healthy volunteers both male
and female were selected for
the study from Gayatri
Shaktipeeth, Shantikunj-
Hardwar. All participants
were student of ninth class
students. The age range of
the participants was around
of 12 to 14 years. Participant
were divided randomly into
two groups; one was group
A-experimental group
(n=30) and another was
Group B –control group
Measures: The scale used to
measure the stress level and
level of creative problem
solving of the students was
–“Stress Scale and creative
problem solving” Stress
Scale – This is a self-
reporting scale of measuring
stress. The scale consists of
40 items and 3 response
categories as – “always”,
“sometimes” and “never”.
This scale was used to
measure the stress level of
the subject before and after
the intervention of both the
Result: The result of the
study explains that the Effect
of watching Positive thinking
enhancing movie it helps in
stress management and
increase the level of creative
problem solving of students
in all classification areas in
pre and post test data.
Conclusion: This study
concluded that the Effect of
Positive thinking also helps
in stress management and
increase the level of Creative
Problem solving among
students. Because we also
know that the students who
watching this positive
enhancing movie also
perform good in their work
and other students who did
not watching movie have no
difference before their work.
Stress, EEG, Spirituality,
Problem Solving, Thinking
1-The Core Idea of the
Due to high importance
given to Apara
vidya(Science) in recent
decades and due to neglect of
Para Vidya(Spirituality) &
Adhyatma Vidya
(Spirituality supported by
So, Scientific
Vidhya) = Science(Apara
vidya) + Spirituality(Para
vidya). Spirituality covered
with scientific facts and Yoga
have directed bearing on the
integrated growth &
fulfillment of the human at
all level i.e., Physical,
Emotional, Intellectual,
Spiritual. A problem is a
situation in which there is no
immediately apparent,
standard or routine way of
reaching goal. Some
problems, such as those that
arise between parents and
children as they try to get
alone with one another, may
have emotional content; such
as mathematical problems,
are less emotional.
Researches on problem
solving generally make use
of problem that they are less
emotional in nature, but it is
thought that the types of
strategies we use are similar
both emotional and none
emotional problems.
Problem solving is
sometimes associated with
decision–making. There are
two higher mental processes.
Problem solving has been
conceived by psychologists
as discovery of correct
response to a problem or
situation that is new and
difficult to the individual.
But decision-making refers
to selection of a correct
response, out of several
correct responses already
brought out and had been
found that as people are
getting older and older their
problem solving ability is
reducing. It involves the
study of many other
components. Each one may
have some influence with
age. Therefore, if we accept
that problem solving ability
diminishes with increasing
age we must take into
account the other amount of
information. So we are doing
this study to see the effect of
positive thinking on problem
solving capacity. Positive
thinking style shows a light
at the end of a very dark
tunnel. So, we selected to
this work to observe the
impact of affirmative ideas
on mood states of personality
(Anxiety, Stress, Depression,
Aggression, Fatigue, Guilt,
Extraversion and Arousal on
the students and technocrats
of institute. [ABES
Engineering College
In concise psychological
Dictionary “Anxiety” is
defined as: An emotional
state arising in situations of
impending danger and
manifested in expectation of
unfavorable events. Unlike
fear as a response to a
specific threat, Anxiety
represents generalized,
diffuse or pointless fright. In
man, Anxiety is usually
associated with expectation
of failures in social
interaction, and is often
caused by the fact that the
source of danger is unknown,
functionally Anxiety not
only. The individual of a
possible danger, but also
compels him to seek and
specify that danger and to
actively examine the
environment so as to single
out the threatening of
oneself, lack of sufficient
strength in the face of
external factors and
exaggeration of their potency
and threat. Behaviorally,
Anxiety manifests itself in
generally disorganized
activity. Anxiety may lead to
inadequate conviction that
one is threatened by other
people, his own body, the
results of his own actions,
etc. Empirical studies
distinguish situational
Anxiety, characterizing the
individual’s state at a given
moment, from Anxiety as a
personality trait (worry),
which shows in a strong
tendency to feel anxiety
about real and imaginary
dangers. Anxiety may be
attenuated by defense
mechanisms, e.g., repression,
substitution, rationalization,
projection etc. Anxiety is a
common symptom which is
found in almost every
individual of today.
2-Previous Studies
(Literature Review)
The novel usage arose out of
Style’s 1930 experiments.
He started to use the term to
refer not just to the agent but
just to the state of the
organism as it responded and
adapted to the environment.
Form the later 1960s
academic psychologist
started to adopt Selly’s
concept; they sought to
quantity “life stress” by
scoring “significant life
event”, and a larger amount
of research was undertaken
to examine links between
stress and disease of all
kinds.Types of role stress
present among the
engineering and management
student of India was
explored in a study
conducted by Agarwal &
Chadha (2007).Role
overload, role stagnation and
self-role distance were found
to be the major stress
experienced by the student.
In addition, students may
feel unfamiliar situations like
nervousness, worry,
frustration, abasement,
depression, etc. The
instability of these emotion
easily initiates unusual
behaviour, which then affect
the learning achievements
and adjustment ability of
students if appropriate timely
counselling is not giving by
the institutions, teacher and
parents, or if they cannot
obtain appropriate concern
form their peers or
siblings (Chen et al, 2006) .
Rao K and D K
Subbakrishna (2006) of
National Institute of Mental
Health and Neuron Science
(NIMHANS), conducted an
appraisal of stress and
coping behaviour, on a group
of 258 male and female
undergraduates. Piekarska
(2000) pointed out that the
essential factors for the
formation of stress are
frequent and strong. There is
related connection between
the results of stress and
psychological and
personality characteristics.
College chronic ‘Life Stress
Survey’ constructed by
Towbes and Cohen (1996)
focuses on the frequency of
chronic stress in the lives of
college students. This scale
contains items that persist
across time to create stress,
such as interpersonal
conflicts, self-esteem
problems, and the money
problems. Rocha-Singh
(1994) has examined sources
of stress among
undergraduates through
similar studies.
According to Hirsch and
Ellis (1996), the dynamic
relationship between a
person and the environment,
in stress perception and
reaction, is especially
magnified in college student
may differ from those faced
by their non-student peers.
The most significant
stressors were items that are
time specific or subject
specific which support
contention Carroll’s (1963)
that learning is a function of
time allowed, aptitude,
quality of instruction and
ability to understand
instruction. These core
academic stressors were
found to be relatively
unchanged over time, as
observed by Murphy and
Archer (1996) who
compared and academic
stressors of their previous
study with those experienced
eight years later.(Archer and
Lamnin, 1985).
Past researchers found that
collegiate stressors included:
academics, social
relationship, finances, daily
hassles (for example, parking
and being later) and familiar
relationships (Larson,
2006).Within each domain
conflict, insufficient
resources, time demands, and
new responsibilities had
characterized stress. One of
the most important
techniques is the brain-
storming technique. The
brain-storming group
Comprise of small number of
people who are encouraged
to think many ideas as to
solve problems of creative
nature. It encourages delayed
evaluation, because
evaluation during production
has reducing effect on the
members. The brain-
storming session may have
two or more hours. It is a
free-wheeling affair with
ideas coming very rapidly
from all sources. Checklists
are prepared by researchers
and they must stimulate the
production of ideas.
Osborn’s (1957)Parental
beliefs about education and
child’s development and its
relationship with school
performance by taking an
objective to study the
difference in academic
performance of students in
relation to gender,
intelligence and culture by
taking a sample of 200
students selected through
random sampling technique
and found that there was
difference in the total
academic performance of
students as well as in their
scores in language, science,
social science with respect to
culture but not gender,
parents beliefs about
development due to learning
as well as cognitive
processes were relatively
positive to students’
intelligence quotient as well
as to their academic
performance. Basant (2000).
The Gorden technique is a
modified form of brain-
storming technique. Gorden
(1961) has developed a
process called ‘operational
creativity’. In this technique
an abstraction of the problem
is presented to the group
members instead of detailed
specific problems as given in
Osborn’s brain-storming. His
argument is that by
presenting an extreme
abstraction we may get many
ideas that are not ordinarily
brought out.
The creative problem is the
morphological analysis. This
technique originally was
developed by them and was
assigned to fritz wacky of
Aero-Jet Corporation.
Osborn (1957) and Aenold
(1962). Creative problem
solving technique is The
Collective Bulletin Board
Method. This method was
devised by Lefrancois
(1965). He has combined the
brain-storming method and
collective notebook method
and redesigned to suit to the
classroom situation.
In the field of cognitive
psychology, there had been
many research conducted on
various aspects of problem
solving and by various
methods, both behavioural
and brain based.
Investigators have studied
Albert Einstein as they
solved Physics problems
(Wertheimer, 1945),
molecular biologists as they
made solved problems and
discoveries (Dunbar, 2000),
artists such as Picasso as
they paint (Weisbery, 1993),
and participants as they
solved puzzles and problems
in Logic. (Greeno, 1978;
klahr, 2000)
3-Stress and Problem
Fig.1, Stress, is defined as the
response to event that
threatens or challenges a
person. Whether it is a paper
or exam or even a
cumulative series of small
events such as those faced by
people on job etc. Stress as a
word means “to draw tight”
and has been used to
describe hardship, affliction,
force, pressures, strain or
strong effort. It is also
external pressure or pressure
supplied on the individual.
Stress is a feeling of strain
and pressure other symptoms
are overwhelmed insecurity,
nervousness, depression etc.
3.1-Models of stress:
3 Models in practice
Fig 1
Fig 2
Fig 3
Fig 4 Fig
5 Fig 6
1-General Adaptation
Syndrome (Fig.2 and Fig.3)
Stages:-Alarm, Resistance,
Exhaustion 2-Selye Eustress
and Distress (Fig.4) 3-Lazarus:
Cognitive appraisal Model
3.2-Types of stress:
Stress management can be
complicated and confusing,
as there are different types of
stress (1)Acute
stress(Emotional Problem,
Muscular Pressure),
(2)Episodic acute stress, and
(3) Chronic stress, each with
its own characteristics,
symptoms, duration and
treatment approaches.(Fig.5 and
3.3-Causes of stress:
Korchin (1965) have
distinguished some classes of
stressful situations as
1-Uncertainty and under
stimulation, 2-Informative
overload, 3-Danger, 4-Ego
control failure, 5-Ego-
mastery failure, 6-Self-
esteem danger, 7-Other
esteem danger
3.4-Symptoms of Stress:
Stress Warning signs and
Symptoms are as below
(1)-Cognitive Symptoms:-
Memory problem, Inability
to concentrate, Poor
judgment, seeing only the
negative, Anxious or
reaching thoughts, Constant
(2)-Emotional symptoms:-
Moodiness, Irritability or
short temper, Agitation,
inability to relax, Feeling
overwhelmed, Sense of
loneliness and isolation,
Depression or general
(3)-Physical Symptoms:-
Aches and pains, Diarrheal
or constipation, Nausea,
dizziness, Chest pain, rapid
heartbeat, Low of sex drive,
frequent colds
symptoms:- Procrastinating
or Neglecting
responsibilities, Isolating
yourself form others sleeping
too much or too little, Eating
more or less, Nervous habits
(e.g. nail biting, pacing),
Using alcohol, cigarettes, or
drugs to relax
4-Creative Problem
Creative problem solving is
the mental process of
creating a solution to a
problem. It is a special form
of the problem solving in
which the solution is
independently created rather
than learned with assistance.
Creative problem solving
requires more than just
knowledge at the thinking.
Creative problem solving
always involves creativity.
However, creativity often
does not involve creative
problem solving, especially
in fields such as music,
poetry, and art. Creativity
requires newness or novelty
as a characteristic of what is
created, but creativity does
not necessarily imply that
what is created has value or
is appreciated by other
people. To qualify as creative
problem solving the solution
must either have value,
clearly solve the stated
problem, or be appreciated
by someone for whom the
situation improves.
4.1-CPS Model:-
Creative Problem Solving is
a proven method for
approaching a problem or a
challenge in an imaginative
and innovative way. It’s a
tool that helps people re-
define the problems they
face, come up with
breakthrough ideas and then
take action on these new
ideas. Alex Osborn and
Sidney Parses conducted
extensive research on the
steps that are broken down
into 3 stages are following.-
Objective Finding - Identify
Goal, Wish or Challenge,
Fact Finding - Gather Data
Assess and review, Problem
Finding - Clarify the
Problem, Idea Finding –
Generate Ideas, Solution
Finding – Select and
Strengthen Solutions,
Acceptance Finding– Plan
for Action(Fig.7 and fig.8).
Osborne -Parnes Creative
Problem Solving Process-
CPS model(Fig.9)
Fig 7
Fig 8
Fig 9
4.2-Positive Thinking:
Is your glass half-empty
half-full? How you answer
this age old question?
Positive thinking reflects
your outlook on life, your
attitude toward yourself, and
whether you’re optimistic or
pessimistic – and it may even
effects your health. (Fig.10)
The positive thinking is a
key part of effective stress
management. And effective
stress management is
associated with many health
benefits. Positive thinking
often starts with self-talk is
the endless stream of
unspoken thoughts that run
through head every day.
These automatic thoughts
can be positive or negative.
If the thoughts that run
through your head are mostly
negative. Your outlook on
life is more likely pessimists.
Fig 11
Fig 12
4.3-Optimism and positive
The definition of optimism
comes from the Latin word
optimism, meaning “best”
which describes how an
optimistic person is always
looking for the best in any
situation and expecting good
things to happen. Optimism
is the tendency to believe,
expect or hope that thing will
turn out well. This is nothing
but the power of positive
thinking. The regular
practice of positive thinking
helps to develop optimism in
an individual.
4.4-Optimism Can Improve
Our Immunity-
In recent years, researchers
have found that your mind
can have a powerful effect
on your body. Immunity is
one area where your
thoughts and attitudes can
have a particularly powerful
influence. In one study,
researchers found that
activation in brain areas
associated with negative
emotions led to a weaker
immune response to a flu
vaccine. Researchers
Segerstrom and Sephton
found that people who were
optimistic about a specific
and important part of their
lives, such as how well they
were doing in school,
exhibited a stronger immune
response than those who had
a more negative view of the
4.5-Positive Thinkers Cope
Better With Stress-
When faced with stressful
situations positive thinkers
cope more effectively than
pessimists. In one study,
researchers found that when
optimists encounter a
disappointment they are
more likely to focus on
things they can do to resolve
the situation. Rather than
dwelling on their frustrations
or things that they cannot
change, they will devise a
plan of action and ask others
for assistance and advice.
Pessimists, on the other
hand, simply assume that the
situation is out of their
control and there is nothing
they can do to change it.
4.6-Positive thinking: Stop
negative self-talk to reduce
stress- Positive thinking
helps with stress
management and can even
improve your health.
Practice overcoming
negative self-talk with
examples provided. We also
understand this with the help
of this example. Is your glass
half-empty or half-full? How
you answer this age-old
question about positive
thinking may reflect your
outlook on life, your attitude
toward yourself, and whether
you're optimistic or
pessimistic- and it may even
affect your health. Indeed,
some studies show that
personality traits like
optimism and pessimism can
affect many areas of your
health and well-being. The
positive thinking that
typically comes with
optimism is a key part of
effective stress management.
And effective stress
management is associated
with many health benefits. If
you tend to be pessimistic,
don't despair — you can
learn positive thinking skills.
By Mayo Clinic Staff
4.7-Understanding positive
thinking and self-talk-
Positive thinking doesn't
mean that you keep your
head in the sand and ignore
life's less pleasant situations.
Positive thinking just means
that you approach
unpleasantness in a more
positive and productive way.
You think the best is going to
happen, not the worst.
Positive thinking often starts
with self-talk. Self-talk is the
endless stream of unspoken
thoughts that run through
your head. Some of your
self-talk comes from logic
and reason. Other self-talk
may arise from
misconceptions that you
create because of lack of
information. If the thoughts
that run through your head
are mostly negative, your
outlook on life is more likely
pessimistic. If your thoughts
are mostly positive, you're
likely an optimist -someone
who practices positive
4.8-The Health benefits of
positive thinking-
Researchers continue to
explore the effects of
positive thinking and
optimism on health. Health
benefits that positive
thinking may provide
Increased life span, Lower
rates of depression, Lower
levels of distress, Greater
resistance to the common
cold, better psychological
and physical well-being,
reduced risk of death from
cardiovascular disease, better
coping skills during
hardships and times of stress.
It's unclear why people who
engage in positive thinking
experience these health
benefits. One theory is that
having a positive outlook
enables you to cope better
with stressful situations,
which reduces the harmful
health effects of stress on
your body.
4.9-Positive thinking and
Negative thinking-
Negative thinking appears to
be more prevalent than
positive thinking. Positive
thinking requires some
effort, whereas negative
thinking comes easily and
uninvited. This has much to
do with education and the
environment one had been in
living.(Fig.11). The mind is
neutral energy. The way you
think determines whether the
results are positive and
beneficial, or negative and
harmful. It is the same
energy acing in different
4.10-Stress Management
Courseware by Printable,
customizable, training
Positive and negative stress
is a constant influence on all
of our lives. The trick is to
maximize the positive stress
and to minimize the negative
stress. Your participants will
be shown how stress can be
positive and negative, and
look at the Triple an
approach that will form the
basis of this workshop. The
Stress Management
workshop and other
technique in which yoga and
meditation also involves will
give participants a three-
option method for addressing
any stressful situation, as
well as a toolbox of personal
skills, including using
routines, relaxation
techniques, and a stress log
system. They will also
understand what lifestyle
elements they can change to
reduce stress.
5-Experiment and
Hypothesis:-There is a
significant effect of positive
thinking on stress
There is a significant
increase in the level of
creative problem
Solving by positive thinking
Independent Variable-
Positive thinking, Spiritual
Dependent Variable - Stress
Management, Problem
5.1-Dependent Variable
In this study used
questionnaire (stress scale)
constructed by DR. M.
Singh, 2002. Stress can
originate in physiological,
psychological and social
conditions and threaten the
integrity of the body, the
personality or the social
system. Threat can disturb
psychological wellbeing and
psychological functioning.
Social institutions produce
psychological stress. The
university which emphasis
achievement and evaluation
perhaps growth keeps
students in more intensive
stress state that does a more
relaxing setting.
Physiological stress are as
much responsive to
psychological threats, such
as infection, injury ,physical
exertion and other
physiological tremors
response to anxiety and other
psychological conditions.
The stress – scale is self-
reporting scale of measuring
stress. Possible reasons may
be Continuous long journeys,
Change in job, Transfer,
Retirement, Loss of business,
Un-fulfilment of
commitment, Trouble in
neighbourhood, Not being
married, Examination or
interviews, Death of dear
one, Break up with spouse,
Family conflict, Large Loan
5.3-Sample Size-
Sixty healthy volunteers
both male and female were
selected for the study from
Gayatri Shaktipeeth,
Shantikunj-Hardwar. All
participants were student of
ninth class students. The age
range of the participants was
around of 12 to 14 years.
Participant were divided
randomly into two groups;
one was group A-
experimental group (n=30)
and another was Group B –
control group (n=30). The
selection of participants was
based on:
5.4- Inclusion criteria-
Healthy both male and
female volunteers, ages
around of 12 to 14 years, not
on medication.
Exclusion criteria-
Participants with any of
following was excluded-
History of smoking,
intoxicants, or
Chronic illness and
chronic use of
The signed
informed consent
was obtained from
all participants
before they
participated in the
6-Design of the study:
The participants were
assessed before and after the
session. The intervention was
held in four sessions, which
was being conducted twice
in a week. There are two
groups- Group a
(Experimental group) and
group B (control group).
This intervention was held to
compare between group A
and group B as well as with
the aim of showing the effect
of positive thinking on group
A (Experimental group). All
the participants took part in
the study voluntarily. Along
with their interest these
session were being
successful in completing this
whole study with
intervention. The study had
the approval of department
of psychology of DSVV-
Many scales have been
developed and designed to
measure the stress level and
creative problem solving of
an individual, of different
age group. In the current
study the scale used to
measure the stress level and
level of creative problem
solving of the students was
–“Stress Scale and creative
problem solving” Stress
Scale – This is a self-
reporting scale of measuring
stress. The scale consists of
40 items and 3 response
categories as – “always”,
“sometimes” and “never”.
This scale was used to
measure the stress level of
the subject before and after
the intervention of both the
Reliability coefficient of the
scale was estimated by Split
half method and Test – retest
method and correlation was
found 0.82 and 0.79
respectively. The reliability
of the creative problem
solving test was estimated by
test – retest method is 0.85
and also significant on 0.01.
Validity coefficient was
computed with Bits Battery
of Stress Scale (Abha Rani
Bits) and correlation was
found 0.6, Correlation
coefficient for c =1.
Allot 2 marks on “always”,
1 mark on “sometimes” and
0 marks on “never”. Sum up
all marks and interpret in
term of state of stress.
6.5-Statically Values:
Table -3
Table4- Interpretation of row
scores as stress state
There were two Group A
(experimental group) and
Group B (control group).
The intervention was given
only to the experimental
group. The intervention was
held in four sessions, which
was being conducted twice
in a week. The sessions were
taken with the during of 30
min. In one of the session a
film was shown to group B
(on positive thinking) that
how positive thinking helps
to reduce stress and increase
the level of creative problem
solving. Lecture was also
given during these sessions
to the subjects, making them
to realize the importance of
positive thinking. Later,
reading materials were also
provided to the participants
about “the power of positive
thinking”, “importance of
self-analysis”, power of
mind” etc. (Table3 and
7-Data Analysis-
Data was analysed using
PASW version 18.0
(formerly SPSS). T-test
measures significance
between pre and post data of
the study. The value of mean,
SD and t-test of both Group
A and Group B are given
below in Table 1 and Table 2
Hypothesis I-
There is a significant effect
of watching Positive thinking
on stress management.
Null Hypothesis II
There is a significant
increase in the level of
creative problem solving due
to the effect of watching
positive thinking enhancing
Table 02
8-Discussion and
The aim of the study was to
saw the Effect of watching
Positive thinking enhancing
movie on stress management
and creative problem
solving. Compare the stress
level and capacity of creative
problem solving among the
students of experimental and
control group and low. The
two hypotheses was
constructed accordance with
the different class groups of
stress manage scale and
creative problem solving test
apply on class students.
Hypothesis was tested
statistically by using t-test
method. In t-test is any
statistical hypothesis test in
which the test statistic
follows a student’s
distribution if the hypothesis
is supported. It can be used
to determine if two data are
significantly different from
each other, and is most
commonly applied when the
test statistic follow a normal
distribution if the value of a
scaling term in the test
statistic were known. When
the scaling term is unknown
and is replaced by an
estimate based on the data,
the test statistic (under
certain conditions). The
result of the study explains
that the Effect of watching
Positive thinking enhancing
movie it helps in stress
management and increase the
level of creative problem
solving of students in all
classification areas in pre and
post test data. Stress is
physical response to a
situation. Some level of
stress is essential for
response but continuous and
high level of stress is
harmful for the human
manifest as physical and
mental. A person’s response
towards stress depends on
whether an event is
appraised as a challenge or a
threat (Lazarus and Folk
man, 1984). Challenging
stimulus can lead to positive
outcomes such as motivation
and improved task
performance while
threatening once or distress
can result in anxiety,
depression, social
dysfunction and even
suicidal intention. Often,
ninth students perceive that
faculty exert great over their
lives and feel that they live in
a state of substantial
powerlessness (Altbach,
1970). Ninth class students
tend to lack the time and the
opportunity to develop
interpersonal relationship
(Hartshorne, 1976). Fear of
academic failure related to
these tasks is a definite
stressor (Kolko, 1984). It is
proved that high level of
stress reduces academic
performance in the students.
And the present study
interpreted that the positive
thinking helps to manage
stress and had a good
copping capacity. This study
also shows about the
problem solving capacity.
According, Boy raj G, high
levels of positive motivation
to the life. Positive thinking
and mind strengthening
speeches develops the mind
and body to face any
threatening situation, which
reduces the stress level.
Positive thinking often starts
with self-talk is the endless
stream of unspoken thoughts
that run through an
individual’s head every day.
These automatic thoughts
can be positive or negative.
If the thought that run
through an individual’s head
are mostly negative, your
outlook on life is more likely
pessimistic. If the thoughts
are mostly positive, is likely
an optimist- someone who
practices positive thinking.
Findings from this study are
consistent with those of
others (Deary et al., 2003)
Wendy and Johnson (2007)
Mulhern (1995) Habibollah,
et. al (2008). The present
study challenges strong
statements by several
researchers and
psychologists. Adrian and
Buchanan (2005) noted that
there is role of intelligence
on academic performance.
9-Novelty in this paper
In the present study the
effect of positive thinking to
manage daily life stress and
increase the capacity of
problem solving. Stress is a
most command term which
we use in daily life without
any reason. That means we
use this term commonly but
stress is not so easy to
explain. Stress as a word
means “to draw tight” and
has been used to describe
hardship, affliction, force,
pressures, strain or strong
effort. It is also external
pressure or pressure supplied
on the individual. We all
experience episodic stress,
like, getting ready for an
way of life. Stress is
generally term applied to
various mental and
physiological pressures
experienced by people in
their lives. Problem solving
is sometimes associated with
decision–making. There are
two higher mental processes.
Problem solving has been
conceived by psychologists
as discovery of correct
response to a problem or
situation that is new and
difficult to the individual.
But decision-making refers
to selection of a correct
response, out of several
correct responses already
brought out and had been
found that as people are
getting older and their
problem solving ability is
10-Future Scope,
Limitations and
This is an endeavour of a
student to study the effect of
watching positive thinking
enhancing movie on stress
management and creative
problem solving. Due to
these limitations this study
was conducted in the
university premises with
small size of sample, similar
studies can be done in
different parts of the country
on large samples for better
scope of generalization. For
the further researches it
should kept in mind that
environment also play a vital
role in increment and
decrement of mental health
so, it should also include, it
can be done on the sample of
different age groups, gender
differences, socio economic
status, parents education,
academic environment . This
research is done in a very
short time period due to
limitation of some aspect left
by the researcher. They
should also build in further
-Study the physiological,
psychological and
therapeutic effect of positive
thinking and mindful
-Control group and long
duration study suggested.
-Study of its effect on
exclusion and inclusion
-Effect of this practice can be
studied on other dependent
variables ie BP(Blood
pressure),HR(Heart Rate),
(Total lymphocyte
Leucocytes count),Sugar
Level, Lipid Profile and
different lung functions.
-Study the effect of
meditation at microscopic
-Study its effect not only on
mental and physical but at
consciousness level too.
This study concluded that the
Effect of watching Positive
thinking enhancing movie
also helps in stress
management and increase the
level of Creative Problem
solving among students.
Because we also know that
the students who watching
this positive enhancing
movie also perform good in
their work and other students
who did not watching movie
have no difference before
their work. And we know
that, Stress is physical
response to a situation. Some
level of stress is essential for
response but continuous and
high level of stress is
harmful for the human,
manifest as physical and
mental. A person’s response
towards stress depends on
whether an event is
appraised as a challenge or a
threat (Lazarus and
Folkman,1984). So it’s play
an important role in our life.
Students had now a good
copping capacity to manage
stress and also done their
work very well, i.e. had a
good problem capacity. This
higher level of intelligence is
the best indicator c. Student
characteristics like
intelligence level are
significant predictors for
students’ performance at
school besides the other
school factors, peer factors
and family factors. Higher
intelligence levels lead to
higher performance of
students in studies, and low
intelligence levels lead to
lower performance (Hanes,
2008). In this study, the
experimental group showed
significant reduction in the
level of stress. Hence it can
be concluded that continuous
positive thinking has the
capacity to reduce stress
among students and increase
their working performance.
Authors convey their esteem
gratitude to Management of
Dev Sanskriti
Vishwavidyalaya haridwar
and Shantikunj where the
BioFeedback experiments
and study were conducted.
Also the infrastructure, staff
support and students of
ABESEC, Gzb. Are specially
thanked for their time
contribution to be part of this
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