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Wegmarken zur Transformation - Nationales Monitoring von Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung in Deutschland



Vor dem Hintergrund globaler Nachhaltigkeitsherausforderungen gewinnt auch Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) zunehmend an Bedeutung im deutschen Bildungssystem. Ein systematischer und bildungsbereichsspezifischer Blick auf den Grad der Verankerung von BNE fehlt jedoch bislang. Die vorliegende Publikation bietet eine Baseline zur Erfassung der Implementierung von BNE in zentralen Dokumenten von unterschiedlichen Bereichen des deutschen Bildungssystems: in der Frühkindlichen Bildung, im Bildungsbereich Schule, in der dualen beruflichen Ausbildung, im Bildungsbereich Hochschule, im Bildungsbereich Kommunen sowie in den Nachhaltigkeitsstrategien der Bundesländer.
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... To gain an initial overview of the status quo of formal ESD implementation in Germany, in 2017, the monitoring team conducted a baseline document analysis with a key focus on documents published between 2012 and 2017 [34,35]. While the results indicated that the goal of broad ESD anchoring in formal documents had not been achieved at this point, considerable differences were identified among federal states and areas of education. ...
... The set of nationally specific indicators designed for the first document analysis in 2017 (for details, see [34] (pp. 3-6) and [35] (pp. [25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34]) was derived from literature on both education monitoring in general [37,38] and the national and international implementation of ESD (inter alia [20,[39][40][41]). ...
... Where uncertainty prevailed (e.g., use of the German 'sustainable' ("nachhaltig") in the sense of durable, not sustainable), a peer debriefing [46,47] was held to decide whether these text passages were to be coded or not. Due to the changes in the list of keywords, all data from the first analysis [34,35] were lexically searched again with the new keywords. All codings were quantitatively counted and qualitatively contextualized. ...
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Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) contributes to a holistic transformation of education systems, fostering deeply rooted learning processes required to co-create a sustainable future for all. The independent project National Monitoring on ESD in Germany traces the status and progress of formal ESD implementation via repeated large-scale indicator-based document analysis. Including over 4500 documents from early childhood education, school education, higher education, and vocational education and training, this study shows that the process of ESD implementation gained momentum over the period of the Global Action Programme (2015–2019). At the same time, large discrepancies remain between the areas of education, different types of documents, federal states, and with regard to the depth and quality of the contextualization of ESD and related concepts. While considerable developments are identifiable within all four formal areas of education, strong additional efforts are required for a comprehensive structural implementation of ESD in Germany. Although the results of the study focus on the status and progress of ESD within the German education system, the methodological framework may also serve as groundwork for other independent, comprehensive, and supportive monitoring programs.
... In four research phases, the project monitored the national implementation of the GAP and issued recommendations on ESD and its development (see Figure 1). In the first phase, desk research on the extent of ESD-implementation in central documents of the German educational system was carried out, for the results see [41]. To illustrate development, this desk research was to some extent repeated after one and a half years in phase four. ...
... Between May and August 2017, 66 expert interviews with 8-10 people in each educational area were conducted [42]. Most of the respondents were active stakeholders in the committee structure of In the first phase, desk research on the extent of ESD-implementation in central documents of the German educational system was carried out, for the results see [41]. To illustrate development, this desk research was to some extent repeated after one and a half years in phase four. ...
... This reinforces the insights from early diffusion theory [24], which emphasized that innovations should be seen as advantageous and compatible with existing experiences, attitudes and values instead of complex and ambiguous. In all educational areas, ESD not only includes a substantive examination of sustainability issues [41] and fosters key-competencies [14,15], but also needs a transformative pedagogy [1,79] which has an impact on the transformation of the respective educational institutions. The orientation of the learning organizations in the sense of the Whole Institution Approach plays a crucial role in every area of education. ...
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While Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is increasingly being implemented in educational systems, monitoring projects which capture the status and diffusion processes of ESD are also gaining relevance. The article presents part of the national monitoring of ESD in Germany - a qualitative expert interview study - which aims to analyze the diffusion process of ESD in different educational areas (early childhood education, school education, vocational education and training, higher education, non-formal learning organizations, and local authorities). Its goal is to gain a systematic understanding of the diffusion process of ESD in the different areas of the German educational system. For the analysis of the 66 expert interviews, a qualitative content analysis was used. The overarching result of the study is that there is no single transformation path of ESD diffusion that fits all educational areas. Instead, characteristics of ESD as well as prevailing structural conditions, systemic goals, and the understanding of education within the respective educational area have an impact on the diffusion of ESD. The diffusion process of ESD evolves within this circular interplay of innovation and innovation system. A deeper understanding of it therefore has great potential for practitioners' (self-) reflections and for further research projects.
... It is important to note here that the evaluation of the speed of change is related both to the revision cycles of documents (e.g., curricula are only revised every 10 to 20 years) and the speed of change required to achieve the objective set in SDG 4.7enabling all to contribute to sustainability by 2030. While the current implementation might be considered dynamic compared to (a) past timescales of substantial changes in education systems and (b) the low implementation status reported in in the first analysis in 2017 (Brock et al., 2018;Singer-Brodowski et al., 2019), this dynamic is still too slow given the ambition of SDG 4.7. ...
... Systematic document analysis (quantitative, qualitative)Since 2017, the national monitoring on ESD in Germany has conducted repeated large-scale document analyses, which serve as the data basis for reviewing the status and progress on SDG 4.7.1 at the input level. This current analysis includes a total of 11,061 documents (2017: 2795(Brock et al., 2018;Singer-Brodowski, et al., 2019), 2019: 45078 (1713 new)(Holst et al., 2020(Holst et al., ), 2021 (6553 new)) from all subdomains of the global indicator for 4.7: education policy, curricula, training of educators and student assessment.Table 1provides an overview of the different types of documents included from each of the four areas of formal education (Early Childhood Education, School Education, Vocational Education and Training, Higher Education) for the four sub-indicators (Education Policy, Curricula, Training of Educators, Student Assessment). The choice of document groups is based on (i) international indicators that were operationalized into groups of documents for assessment (Brock et al., 2018; Singer-Brodowski et al., 2019; UNECE, 2005), (ii) groups of documents specifically addressed in the National Action Plan on ESD (National Platform ESD c/o BMBF, 2017) and (iii) a systematic alignment of the document base with the subdomains of SDG 4.7.1 (education policy, curricula, training of educators, student assessment). ...
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Education is viewed as a critical keystone in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Specifically, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is meant to enable everyone to contribute to sustainable development (SDG 4.7). This target is monitored using the global indicator 4.7.1 – mainstreaming of ESD in policies, curricula, training of educators and student assessment. Here, we offer a conceptual and methodological framework for assessments of SDG 4.7.1 (input-level) that addresses both quality and depth of implementation and speed of change. The approach combines document analysis with external expert evaluation and is applied to 10-year data (>11,000 documents) from all formal areas of education in Germany (early childhood education, school education, vocational education and training, higher education). Currently, ESD is mostly implemented in Germany as an “add-on” to the educational system, with all sub-indicators ranging from “isolated mentioning” of ESD and related concepts to “partial integration”. Across most areas of education, the sub-indicator training of educators was evaluated as most deficient. With regard to the speed of change, it was found that the implementation of ESD is dynamic, with all sub-indicators having been evaluated as increasing. The proposed framework can increase the validity, reliability, and comparability of both country reporting and scientific assessments of SDG 4.7.1. We argue for independent and integrative monitoring across input, process, output and outcome to complement self-reporting and to support evidence-informed policymaking on sustainability in education.
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Angesichts zunehmender sozial-ökologischer Krisen werden seit einigen Jahren verstärkt nachhaltigkeitsbezogene Fragestellungen öffentlich diskutiert. Entsprechende Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit den aktuellen Veränderungen der (Um-)Welt sollen auch im Rahmen von Schule und Unterricht adressiert werden. Dies wird seit einigen Jahren unter der Leitlinie ‚Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung‘ (BNE) diskutiert. Nachhaltigkeit soll gezielt zum Gegenstand von Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklung werden, im Rahmen derer insbesondere Lehrkräften – und damit auch der Lehrer:innenbildung – eine zentrale Bedeutung zugeschrieben wird. Wenngleich bildungspolitische Empfehlungen die Thematisierung von BNE bereits für die erste Phase der Lehrer:innenbildung vorsehen, sind entsprechende Inhalte bundesweit bislang nur vereinzelt und wenig systematisch etabliert. Vorliegende empirische Befunde deuten ebenso darauf hin, dass Lehrkräfte im Rahmen ihrer Ausbildung nur wenige Berührungspunkte mit und damit auch nur vereinzelt fundiertes Wissen im Bereich BNE haben. Um weitergehende Erkenntnisse in Bezug auf mögliche Gründe oder notwendige Maßnahmen hinsichtlich der (Nicht-)Etablierung von BNE im Kontext der Schul- und Unterrichtsent-wicklung zu ziehen, wurden in der vorliegenden Untersuchung N=10 Lehrkräfte in Leitfadeninterviews zu ihren Perspektiven auf BNE befragt. In den Interviews deutet sich unter anderem an, dass Lehrkräfte BNE vorwiegend mit klima- und umweltbezogenen Fragestellungen in Verbindung bringen und entsprechende Umsetzungen (noch) weitestgehend individuell und auf Initiative Einzelner erfolgen. Die Ergebnisse werden anschließend vor dem Hintergrund möglicher Implikationen für die Lehrer:innenbildung diskutiert.
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Seit Jahren wird in der Hochschullandschaft eine übergreifende und flächendeckende Integration von Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) und Digitalisierung gefordert. Die Covid-19-Pandemie hat der zunehmenden Digitalisierung in die Hände gespielt: Präsenzlehre war kaum mehr möglich, stattdessen mussten Lehrveranstaltungen innerhalb kurzer Zeit in den virtuellen Raum verlegt werden. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die Konzeption und Umsetzung eines universitären BNE-Kurses vor, der pandemiebedingt zur Gänze im digitalen Raum durchgeführt wird. Im Zuge der Evaluation und Reflexion wird danach gefragt, welche Herausforderungen und Potenziale sich durch die Digitalisierung der Lehr-Lern-Umgebung für die Umsetzung von BNE-Lernsettings zeigen. Aus der Zusammenführung von Studierenden- und Lehrendenperspektiven lassen sich Empfehlungen für die Entwicklung von zukunftsfähigen, BNE und Digitalisierung integrierenden Lernszenarien ableiten, die die Vorteile des Digitalen mit jenen des Analogen verbinden.
Technical Report
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Kurzbericht zur Dokumentenanalyse des Nationalen BNE-Monitorings zu Beginn des UNESCO Programms „ESD for 2030“
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Higher education institutions (HEIs) are increasingly confronted with societal needs beyond research and teaching. These include sustainable development and technology transfer as well as the practical application of knowledge and ideas. Several HEIs already put sustainable development and transfer into practice. These practitioner–university partnerships comprise a broad range of actors, disciplines, topics, and formats. However, transfer activities that contribute to sustainable development in society still make up only a very small part of HEIs’ activities. In response to calls from society as a whole, HEIs could combine transfer and sustainable development more systematically. In this article, we suggest a concept of transfer for sustainable development. The focus is on sustainability transfer in teaching. We used mixed methods for this conceptual work: exploratory workshops, expert interviews, and a case study of transfer in teaching. One of the results presented in this article is a working definition of sustainability transfer at HEIs. In addition, six characteristics for describing sustainability transfer in its various forms are formulated. This conceptualization makes it possible to analyze the diversity of HEIs’ sustainability transfer activities, it helps to identify and encourage potential transfer actors at HEIs as well as practitioners, and, thus, tap the full potential of sustainability transfer.
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Nachhaltige Entwicklung wird als epochaltypisches Schlüsselproblem (Klafki, 2007) vorgestellt. Dies begründet die Notwendigkeit der Implementierung einer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung beispielsweise in Schule und Hochschule. Eingebettet in das Gesamtvorhaben ‚BNE-Implementierung‘ wird eine Dokumentenanalyse von Studiengangsunterlagen unterschiedlicher Standorte der Lehrer:innenbildung am Beispiel der arbeitsorientierten Integrativfächer vorgestellt. Es wird gezeigt, dass Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung standortspezifisch in unterschiedlichem Ausprägungsgrad bereits institutionell verankert ist.
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Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a core element of UNESCO's Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) Target 4.7, which seeks to ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development through education for sustainable development. The German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) followed suit in 2015 and launched a high scale national monitoring of the current state of ESD implementation. In this context, suitable ESD indicators should be analyzed to inform policy and research agendas. The present project is part of the national monitoring within Germany's Global Action Program (GAP) actions. The research team at the University of Education in Freiburg conducted a study to evaluate the accessibility of data and the measurability of ESD-relevant teacher training (TT). During the two-step procedure for data collection on ESD-relevant TTs in Germany, an extensive list of ESD related search terms first captured 66,935 TTs with possible ESD relevance in the evaluation period. Second, the collected data was analyzed using Mayring's qualitative content analysis. The 66,935 TTs were thereby reduced to 3818 TTs with different degrees of ESD relevance. The results of the evaluation study show that suitable ESD indicators, the FESD (formula for the ESD-indicator for TTs) (basic), FESD (basic, rated) and FESD (pro), could be developed and calculated for 15 of 16 federal states in Germany. The gathered insights show a path towards ESD monitoring in TT to clarify the needs and achievements of ESD implementation in the field of continuing education of teachers. However, the presented indicators only show a possible path for ESD indicator development. A comprehensive set of ESD indicators should also focus on the micro or output (e.g., ESD competencies) level. These insights for the future seem worth striving for not only in Germany or on the national level but also internationally to foster ESD, Target 4.7 of the SDGs and the SDGs in general.
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