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Abstract and Figures

Nowadays, control over one's partner is easily maintained through social networks, such as Facebook. The aim of this study was to analyze the factors associated with Facebook-jealousy. We examined a total sample of 1144 individuals distributed as follows: data from Spain (n = 393), Colombia (n = 600), and Ecuador (n = 151 individuals), with ages ranging from 14 to 42 years old. All participants held nationality from one of the respective countries, were currently or had been enrolled in a relationship, and both the participant and his/her/their partner also had a Facebook account. Participants completed an online survey with self-reported measures to evaluate: self-esteem, partner conflicts and their strategies to cope with them, romantic jealousy, and Facebook jealousy. Results show that the propensity to experience jealousy in the relationship and low self-esteem are related with more Facebook jealousy across the three countries. For both, Spain and Colombia, strategies to cope with partner conflicts are also associated with Facebook jealousy, in particular lower levels of constructive strategies and higher dominance are associated with greater Facebook jealousy. In short, Facebook jealousy represents another way to manifest jealousy that is influenced by both personal and relationship variables.
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Sexual and Relationship Therapy
ISSN: 1468-1994 (Print) 1468-1749 (Online) Journal homepage:
Factors associated with Facebook jealousy in three
Spanish-Speaking countries
Nieves Moyano, María del Mar Sánchez-Fuentes, Ariana Chiriboga & Jennifer
To cite this article: Nieves Moyano, María del Mar Sánchez-Fuentes, Ariana Chiriboga
& Jennifer Flórez-Donado (2017) Factors associated with Facebook jealousy in three
Spanish-Speaking countries, Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 32:3-4, 309-322, DOI:
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Published online: 20 Nov 2017.
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Factors associated with Facebook jealousy in three
Spanish-Speaking countries
Nieves Moyano
, Mar
ıa del Mar S
, Ariana Chiriboga
Jennifer Fl
Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educaci
on, Departamento de Psicolog
ıa y Sociolog
ıa, Universidad de
Zaragoza, Huesca, Espa~
Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Departamento de Psicolog
ıa del
Individuo, Universidad de la Costa, Barranquilla, Colombia;
School of Psychology, Universidad de
Especialidades Esp
ıritu Santo, Guayaquil, Ecuador
Nowadays, control over ones partner is easily maintained through
social networks, such as Facebook. The aim of this study was to
analyze the factors associated with Facebook-jealousy. We examined
a total sample of 1144 individuals distributed as follows: data from
Spain (n= 393), Colombia (n= 600), and Ecuador (n=151
individuals), with ages ranging from 14 to 42 years old. All
participants held nationality from one of the respective countries,
were currently or had been enrolled in a relationship, and both the
participant and his/her/their partner also had a Facebook account.
Participants completed an online survey with self-reported measures
to evaluate: self-esteem, partner conicts and their strategies to cope
with them, romantic jealousy, and Facebook jealousy. Results show
that the propensity to experience jealousy in the relationship and low
self-esteem are related with more Facebook jealousy across the three
countries. For both, Spain and Colombia, strategies to cope with
partner conicts are also associated with Facebook jealousy, in
particular lower levels of constructive strategies and higher
dominance are associated with greater Facebook jealousy. In short,
Facebook jealousy represents another way to manifest jealousy that
is inuenced by both personal and relationship variables.
Facebook; Facebook jealousy;
jealousy; self-esteem; partner
Currently, Facebook is the most relevant social network with the largest number of
active users, sometimes even surpassing Google (Anderson, Fagan, Woodnutt, &
Chamorro-Premuzic, 2012). At the end of June 2017, Facebook had more than 2 billion
users (Facebook, 2017). Social networks have modiedformsofcommunication,aswell
as the nature of interpersonal relationships (Bergdall et al., 2012; Fox & Warber, 2013;
Wilson, Gosling, & Graham, 2012). Torres-Salazar and Melamed (2016) indicate that
technology in society has generated changes in recent times by reconguring the inter-
action of people in the different scenariosandhaspromotedvariousfacilitiesand
solutions in daily living.
CONTACT Nieves Moyano
© 2017 College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists
VOL. 32, NOS. 34, 309322
Downloaded by [] at 11:00 03 December 2017
The use of Facebook has been linked to positive aspects by satisfying interpersonal
aspects such as intimacy (Sheldon, Abad, & Hinsch, 2011), social integration (Kalpidou,
Costin, & Morris, 2011; Morris, Reese, Beck, & Mattis, 2010), and satisfaction with life
(Seder & Oishi, 2009). Although, Madariaga, Lozano, and Eduardo (2016) found that social
support is greater through face-to-face communication compared to communication medi-
ated by information and communication technology. Facebook has also been associated
with negative factors. In the context of couple relationships, the use of Facebook has been
associated with feelings of jealousy (with women reporting higher levels) (Elphinston &
Noller, 2011;McAndrew&Shah,2013,Morrisetal.,2010; Utz & Beukeboom, 2011), con-
icts, loss of privacy, rupture or divorce, physical abuse, and even crimes of passion (Muise,
Christodes, & Desmarais, 2009). Exposure through photos, videos, etc., through Facebook,
may trigger negative feelings in the relationship, which are expressed through monitoring a
partnersprole (see Hertlein, Dulley, Cloud, Leon, & Chang, this issue, for further infor-
mation regarding partner monitoring in online contexts).
Considering the expression of jealousy in several varying forms in ofine environ-
ments, and that new forms of jealousy are likely emerging in the context of social net-
working, it is important to better understand the factors associated with jealousy,
particularly in online environments. In relation to this, the objective of the present study
was to examine how these factors: self-esteem, romantic jealousy, and coping strategies in
dealing with relational conict, are associated with Facebook jealousy, across three Span-
ish-Speaking countries: Spain, Colombia, and Ecuador.
Literature review
It is important to highlight three characteristics of Facebook. First, Facebook increases the
amount of information people receive from their partners (photos, videos, likes, friends,
etc.). Second, it allows socially accepted control or supervision over the partner. Third,
information that may be relevant to the relationship is openly shown and can improve
the positive aspects, such as closeness in the relationship, or negative ones such as jealousy
(Muise et al., 2009). In a study by Muscanell, Guadagno, Rice, and Murphy (2013), it was
shown that the way in which privacy settings are used in Facebook publications impacts
the relationships, leading to jealousy, among other negative emotions. In short, Facebook
seems to act as reinforcing feelings of jealousy or conict in the couple.
Romantic jealousy is a common and complex feeling for which it is sometimes difcult to
distinguish between normality and pathology. It can be dened as feelings that are charac-
terized by thoughts, emotions, and actions that are threatening to the stability or quality of a
relationship (Mullen, 1991) or the emotional reaction to a threat to the relationship (Pfeiffer
& Wong, 1989). Jealousy can be considered as one of the most frequent emotions or feelings
in relationships, as well as one of the most destructive factors in a relationship (Buunk &
Bringle, 1987). Jealousy has been associated with low levels of self-esteem. In this sense, sev-
eral studies show that individuals with low self-esteem tend to experience higher jealousy
(Cameron, Holmes, & Vorauer, 2009; DeSteno, Preyss, & Voracek, 2012; Kellett & Totter-
dell, 2013; Malagon, Cuestas, & Reyes, 2014; Murray et al., 2009). In addition, ndings have
also indicated that jealousy is related to the quality of the relationship (Barelds & Barelds-
Dijkstra, 2007). Align with this, jealousy is associated with a greater number of conicts
(Harris & Darby, 2010; Perles, San Mart
ın, & Canto, 2016; Perles, San Mart
ın, Canto, &
Downloaded by [] at 11:00 03 December 2017
Moreno, 2011), and aggressions (Ashton, Graham-Kevan, & Archer, 2008; Harris & Darby,
anchez, Mu~
noz, Nocentini, Ortega-Ru
ız, & Menesini, 2014).
Conicts occur in any intimate relationship, and the way couples manage their relational
conict is associated with aspects of the relationship quality (Brehm, Miller, Perlman, &
Campbell, 2002). Some particular conict strategies may be associated with jealousy. For
example, studies using the Conict Tactic Scale (CTS; Straus, Hamby, Boney-McCoy, &
Sugarman, 1996) show that romantic jealousy is related with psychological tactics (Montes-
Berges, 2008). In Spanish samples, jealousy is highlighted as a variable related to violent
conict resolution strategies in couples (Perles et al., 2011). Although the CTS has been a
widely used measure, other measures such as the Romantic Partner Conict Scale (RPCS)
from Zacchilli, Hendrick, and Hendrick (2009) better represents what Canary (2000)called
routine, normative episodes of relationship conict(p. 475). The six domains that the
RPCS assesses (Compromise, Avoidance, Interactional Reactivity, Separation, Domination,
and Submission) represent either constructive or destructive strategies, which are differently
associated with relationship variables such as love, communication, respect, or relationship
satisfaction, among others. In short, while constructive conict strategies such as compro-
mise are positively related to communication, satisfaction, respect, and love, the destructive
strategies are negatively related to these variables (Zacchilli et al., 2009). Therefore, our
focus of interest, besides the link of jealousy and abusive behaviors, is to better understand
how both romantic conict strategies and Facebook jealousy are linked.
Data from three Spanish-speaking countries were recruited; namely, Spain, Colombia, and
Ecuador. We considered the following inclusion criteria: (1) nationality from Spain, Colom-
bia, or Ecuador; (2) being/or having been enrolled in a relationship, and (3) both the partic-
ipant and his/her/their partner having a Facebook account. From Spain, data from 415
individuals were recruited. However, data from 22 individuals were deleted considering
that the majority of scales were not answered or nationality was other than Spanish. There-
fore, data from 393 men and women were considered in the nal sample. From Colombia,
initially, data from 646 subjects were collected; however, 46 data were deleted, because they
did not provide any answer, or their nationality was from a different Latin American coun-
try. From Ecuador, data from 169 individuals were recruited; however, data from 18 indi-
viduals were discarded considering any of the following reasons: no answers were provided,
they were not enrolled in a relationship (both currently and in the past), and/or not having
a Facebook account. Therefore, the nal sample from Ecuador was composed of 151 indi-
viduals (see Table 1 for sociodemographic characteristics from each country).
Background questionnaire
In the background questionnaire, we gathered information on participantsnationality,
sex, age, sexual orientation, civil status, education, religion, whether they were currently
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enrolled in a relationship (or in the past), and length of their relationship. Also, partici-
pants answered whether they and his/her/their partner have an active Facebook account.
Facebook jealousy scale (FJS; Muise et al., 2009)
This scale is composed of 27 items that assess the experience of jealousy in the specic
context of Facebook. This scale is answered using a 7-point Likert scale, ranging from 1
(very unlikely) to 7 (very likely). Higher scores indicate greater jealousy in the context of
Facebook (e.g. How jealous would you feel if your partner posted pictures of himself/her-
self that are sexually provocative?). We used the global score as previously done by other
authors (Brem, Spiller, & Vandehey, 2015). Higher scores indicate higher Facebook jeal-
ousy. In this study, Cronbachs alpha values for the total score were .95, .96, and .95 for
Spanish, Colombian, and Ecuadorian participants, respectively.
Romantic jealousy scale (RJS; White, 1976)
We administered the Spanish adaptation conducted by Montes-Berges (2008). The scale
consists of six items that assess the feelings of jealousy presented by one of the partners
(e.g. How jealous do you get of your partners relationship with members of the opposite
sex?). This scale is answered using a 7-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (not at all jeal-
ous)to7(very jealous), for items one, two, four, and six; and a 5-point Likert scale, rang-
ing from 1 (never)to5(often) for the remaining items. Higher scores indicate greater
feelings of jealousy. In this study, Cronbachs alpha values for the total score were .86, .86,
and .90 for Spanish, Colombian, and Ecuadorian participants, respectively.
Table 1. Sociodemographic characteristics of data from Spain, Colombia, and Ecuador.
Spain (n= 393) Colombia (n= 600) Ecuador (n= 151)
n(%) n(%) n(%)
Men 137 (34.9) 212 (35.3) 62 (41.1)
Women 256 (65.1) 387 (64.5) 89 (58.9)
Age range 14-42 14-40 15-42
M(SD) 25 (7.44) 24.70 (7.50) 22.30 (3.03)
Sexual orientation
Heterosexual 375 (95.4) 558 (93) 143 (94.7)
Same-sex 8 (2) 9 (1.5) 3 (2)
Bisexual 7(1.8) 14 (2.3) 2 (1.3)
Other 2 (0.5) 11 (1.8) 3 (2)
Civil status
Single 214 (54.5) 329 (54.8) 132 (87.4)
Free union 88 (22.4) 128 (21.3) 11 (7.3)
Married 73 (18.6) 113 (18.8) 8 (5.3)
Divorced 4 (1) 8 (1.3)
No studies/primary 19 (4.8) 16 (2.7)
Secondary 56 (14.2) 158 (26.3) 18 (11.9)
High degree 318 (80.9) 426 (71) 133 (88.1)
Christian/catholic 275 (70) 518 (86.3) 131 (86.8)
None 107 (27.2) 66 (11) 20 (13.2)
Other 7 (2.8) 8 (2.7)
Downloaded by [] at 11:00 03 December 2017
Rosenberg self-esteem scale (RSES; Rosenberg, 1989)
We used the Spanish version (Mart
ın-Albo, N
nez, Navarro, & Grijalvo, 2007). This scale
is composed of 10 items that assess self-esteem (e.g. I feel that I have a number of good
qualities). This scale is answered using a 4-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 (totally
agree) to 4 (totally disagree), higher scores indicate lower self-esteem. The Spanish ques-
tionnaire showed good psychometric properties (Mart
ın-Albo et al., 2007). In this study,
Cronbachs alpha values were .81, .75, and .90 for Spanish, Colombian, and Ecuadorian
participants, respectively.
Romantic partner conict scale (RPCS; Zacchilli et al., 2009)
This scale has 39 items that assess daily conict in couples. It is divided into six factors:
Compromise (My partner and I collaborate to nd a common ground to solve problems
between us), Avoidance (I avoid disagreements with my partner), Interactional Reac-
tivity (When my partner and I disagree, we argue loudly), Separation (When we dis-
agree, we try to separate for a while so we can consider both sides of the argument),
Domination (I try to take control when we argue), and Submission (I surrender to my
partner when we disagree on an issue). This questionnaire is answered using a 5-point
Likert scale, ranging from 0 (totally disagree)to4(totally agree), higher score indicates a
better way to resolve conicts. For each subscale, Cronbachs alpha values were, respec-
tively, for Spanish, Colombian, and Ecuadorian data as follows: Compromise: .92, .92, .91;
Avoidance: .82, .79, .76; Interactional Reactivity: .73, .81, .75; Separation: .77, .81, .77;
Domination: .81, .77, .77; and Submission: .86, .85, .87.
Prior to data collection, we conducted the translation and adaptation for both, the FJS
(Muise et al., 2009) and the RCPS (Zacchilli et al., 2009), as they had not been validated
into Spanish. Therefore, we rst conducted the translation and adaptation of both self-
reported measures. For this purpose, a forward translation was conducted from English to
Spanish (Mu~
niz, Elosua, & Hambleton, 2013) by two uent English speakers. They then
evaluated the adequacy of the translation and agreed upon a rst draft of the Spanish ver-
sion of the scale. Once, we had a rst adaptation, both scales were sent to three experts in
psychometrics and/or sexuality who evaluated the adequacy of the items based on items
representativeness of the construct and the items comprehension. The experts rated the
items ranging from 1 (nothing at all)to4(very) using the table of specication of the
items. Once a nal version for both scales was created, a pilot study was conducted, and
the scale was administered: 10 individuals from Spain, 12 from Ecuador, and 12 from
Colombia with ages ranging from 16 to 28 years old. Each participant fullled the ques-
tionnaire with suggestions, and after that, the corresponding researchers from each coun-
try discussed to each other the modications and rewording needed for some of the items.
Participants completed the questionnaires online, from October 2016 to May 2017. The
link was distributed in social networks and by the news service of different universities
(namely University of Zaragoza, University de la Costa, and University of Especialidades
ıritu Santo). The rst page of the survey included informed consent, information
about the principal investigator, the overall objective of the study, and the inclusion crite-
ria. Once individuals read the informed consent, they indicated whether they agreed to
Downloaded by [] at 11:00 03 December 2017
take part in the study. If yes, they continued to answer the questionnaires. They were also
informed that their responses were anonymous, condential, and that the data obtained
would be solely and exclusively processed for research purposes. The sample was collected
from the general population of Spain, Colombia, and Ecuador, through an incidental pro-
cedure. All participants were volunteers and no compensation was given.
First, we conducted a multivariate analysis of variance test to compare data from Spain,
Colombia, and Ecuador on each of the analyzed variables. The multivariate tests (Wilks
Lambda) were signicant for all three samples F
(18, 2262)
= 42.01; p= .000, h
= .25. As can
be seen in Table 2, further univariate tests showed that, scores from all variables, except
RPCS-Avoidance, were signicantly different across countries (see Table 2 for descriptive
statistics and signicant differences across data from each country). Bonferroni corrected
post hoc comparisons indicated between which countries signicant differences were
In order to analyze the association between the examined variables, we conducted
Pearson correlations, independently for each country (see Tables 35). Similarly, for
both Spain and Colombia, the variables that were signicantly associated with Face-
book jealousy were the following: romantic partner jealousy, self-esteem, and from
RCPS compromise, interactional reactivity, separation, domination, and submission.
Age, length of the relationship and RCPS-avoidance were not signicantly associated
with Facebook jealousy. Therefore, individuals with a higher tendency to feel roman-
tic jealousy, lower self-esteem, lower collaboration to negotiate solutions in the rela-
tionship (compromise), higher verbal aggression and lack of trust between partners
(interactional reactivity), higher tendency to get separated when there is a conict
(separation), and also higher domination and submission (taking control over the
partner or surrender during conicts respectively) also report more jealousy in the
context of Facebook.
For Ecuador, a lower number of variables were signicantly associated with Facebook
jealousy. In particular, age, that is as the age increases, Facebook jealousy decreases. Also,
romantic partner jealousy, interactional reactivity, domination, and submission were
Table 2. Descriptive statistics and signicant differences across data from Spain, Colombia, and
Spain Colombia Ecuador
Facebook jealousy 60.67 (31.07)
88.10 (39.75)
81.82 (36)
Romantic partner jealousy 12.26 (5.94)
15.49 (6.77)
12.92 (6.71)
Self-esteem 19.86 (5.27)
18.77 (4.84)
27.84 (4.67)
RPCS-Compromise 44.70 (8.74)
43.54 (9.91)
35.90 (8.83)
RPCS-Avoidance 8.46 (2.80) 8.87 (2.66) 8.66 (2.62) 2.70
RPCS-Interactional Reactivity 8.83 (4.44)
10.21 (5.68)
7.38 (4.80)
RPCS-Separation 7.52 (4.18)
9.38 (5.05)
8.86 (4.39)
RPCS-Dominance 9.52 (5.16)
11.25 (5.72)
11.75 (5.11)
RPCS-Submission 7.99 (4.60)
8.80 (5.04)
8.37 (4.78) 3.40*
Note: Similar subscripts indicate signicant differences between groups.
***p<.001; *p<.05.
Downloaded by [] at 11:00 03 December 2017
signicantly associated with Facebook jealousy, in a similar direction to the one previously
described for Spain and Colombia.
Finally, we conducted separated linear regression analyses for data from each country
in order to examine which variables better predicted Facebook jealousy. We considered as
Table 3. Pearson correlations between the examined variables from Spain.
1 2345678 91011
(1) Age .29*** .05 .10* .04 ¡.11* ¡.04 .00 ¡.05 .10* .01
(2) Length of the
¡.04 ¡.10* ¡.03 ¡.04 ¡.05 .01 ¡.00 .05 ¡.06
(3) Facebook jealousy .54*** .15** ¡.24*** ¡.04 .36*** .15** .31*** .21***
(4) Romantic partner
.04 ¡.20*** ¡.10* .31*** .04 .20*** .15**
(5) Self-esteem ¡.06 .07 .16** .11* .16** .18***
(6) RPCS-Compromise .16** ¡.27*** ¡.06 ¡.18*** ¡.17***
(7) RPCS-Avoidance ¡.04 ¡.02 .06 .24***
(8) RPCS-Interactional
.32*** .49*** .37***
(9) RPCS-Separation .35*** .21***
(10) RPCS-Domination .32***
(11) RPCS-Submission
***p<.001; **p<.01; *p<.05.
Table 5. Pearson correlations between the examined variables from Ecuador.
(1) Age .49*** ¡.19* ¡.06 .07 .19* ¡.00 ¡.09 ¡.09 ¡.21** ¡.18*
(2) Length of the
.00 ¡.06 .03 .11 ¡.04 .07 ¡.08 ¡.12 ¡.17*
(3) Facebook jealousy .39*** .13 ¡.08 ¡.15 .25** .11 .23** .16*
(4) Romantic partner
¡.07 .11 .26** .26** .02 .22** .08
(5) Self-esteem ¡.03 .10 .09 .10 ¡.05 .01
(6) RPCS-Compromise .40*** ¡.31*** .06 ¡.26** ¡.12
(7) RPCS-Avoidance ¡.17* .02 ¡.24** .03
(8) RPCS-Interactional
.23** .60*** .36***
(9) RPCS-Separation .28** .19*
(10) RPCS-Domination .50***
(11) RPCS-Submission
***p<.001; **p<.01; *p<.05.
Table 4. Pearson correlations between the examined variables from Colombia.
(1) Age .33*** .01 .03 .00 .09* .07 ¡.04 ¡.03 .00 .03
(2) Length of the
¡.07 ¡.12** ¡04 ¡.02 .02 ¡.07 ¡.00 ¡.02 ¡.02
(3) Facebook jealousy .51*** .15*** ¡.10* ¡.00 .37*** .17*** .35*** .22***
(4) Romantic partner
.05 ¡.09 ¡.06 .39*** .13** .31*** .14***
(5) Self-esteem ¡.06 .08 .13** .11** .17*** .23***
(6) RPCS-Compromise .49*** ¡.07 .06 .00 .04
(7) RPCS-Avoidance ¡.05 .13** .01 .12**
(8) RPCS-Interactional
.43*** .56*** .39***
(9) RPCS-Separation .38*** .28***
(10) RPCS-Domination .45***
(11) RPCS-Submission
*** p<.001; **p<.01; * p<.05.
Downloaded by [] at 11:00 03 December 2017
predictor variables those that were previously signicant. For Spain and Colombia, the
variables that better predicted Facebook jealousy were greater romantic partner jealousy,
lower self-esteem, lower compromise for negotiating conicts, and higher dominance dur-
ing conicts. They explained 38% and 32% of the variance for Spanish and Colombian
scores, respectively (see Tables 6 and 7).
For Ecuador, greater romantic partner jealousy and lower self-esteem were the best
predictors of Facebook jealousy. They explained 21% of variance (see Table 8).
Taken together, the strongest predictor of Facebook jealousy was the individuals ten-
dency to feel jealous, combined with lower self-esteem. Conict strategies were only
important to predict Facebook jealousy for Spanish and Colombian data.
The goal of the present study was to examine the factors associated with Facebook jeal-
ousy in three Spanish-Speaking countries Spain, Colombia, and Ecuador. Our ndings
indicate that the propensity to experience romantic jealousy and low self-esteem are the
most important factors associated with Facebook jealousy across the three evaluated
countries. Strategies related to coping with the relationship conicts are important only
for Spanish and Colombian couples. Particularly low ability to negotiate and nd a solu-
tion during conicts and being more dominant are predictors of Facebook jealousy. How-
ever, no signicant association between partner conicts and Facebook jealousy is
evidenced for the Ecuadorian sample.
Our study shows that men and women from Spain report lower levels of Facebook
jealousy, while Colombias participants reported the highest levels of Facebook
Table 6. Linear regression analysis in order to predict Facebook jealousy
in the Spanish sample.
Predictors RR
FBeta t
Romantic partner jealousy .61 .38 22.60*** .47 10.70***
Self-esteem .08 1.99*
RPCS-Compromise ¡.09 ¡2.18*
RPCS-Domination .12 2.47*
***p<.001; *p<.05.
Table 7. Linear regression analysis in order to predict Facebook jealousy
in the Colombian sample.
Predictors RR
FBeta t
Romantic partner jealousy .57 .32 28.63*** .41 11.16***
Self-esteem .08 2.25*
RPCS-Compromise ¡.08 ¡2.05*
RPCS-Domination .12 2.91**
*** p<.001; **p<.01; * p<.05.
Table 8. Linear regression analysis in order to predict Facebook jealousy
in the Ecuadorian sample.
Predictors RR
FBeta t
Romantic partner jealousy .46 .21 12.75*** .34 4.48***
Self-esteem .19 2.55*
***p<.001; * *p<.05.
Downloaded by [] at 11:00 03 December 2017
jealousy and also romantic partner jealousy in comparison to Spain and Ecuador. Cer-
tain sexual behaviors or emotions are guided by cultural scripts (see Byers, 1996;
Emmers-Sommer et al., 2010). In this regard, Latin American countries are a special
case, as they often endorse relatively more rigid gender roles (Guti
ıa, & Sierra, 2010). In Spain, although sexual double standards still persists
(Sierra, Moyano, Vallejo-Medina, & G
omez-Berrocal, 2017), a study showed that 70%
of men and women report not to endorse jealousy romantic myths (P
erez, Fiol,
an, & Basurto, 2010).
Although publications regarding jealousy are scarce in Colombia and Ecuador, some
knowledge regarding this phenomenon may emerge by focusing on the link between jeal-
ousy and violence. In Colombia, data from the National Institute of Legal Medicine and
Forensic Sciences in 2014 showed that pathological jealousy is often underneath some
expressions of violence (2014). Particularly, about 27% of victims of partner violence
reported that this violence was due to intolerance and jealousy. Aligned with this, a study
conducted in Ecuador (Boira, Carbajosa, & M
endez, 2016) indicated that jealousy is one
of the main causes of partner violence (together with machismo, alcohol and indelity).
Finally, a study regarding online jealousy in Spain showed that online intrusiveness
(dened as the lack of respect to invade the privacy of ones partner) inuences individu-
alsinvolvement in physical and psychological dating aggression (S
anchez et al., 2014).
Little research has examined the factors associated with Facebook jealousy, as
Muise et al. (2009) have been pioneers in conducting research and providing a self-
reported measure. Some previous ndings from these authors indicate that Facebook
jealousy is associated with the quality of the relationship. Similar to our ndings, Utz
and Beukeboom (2011) highlighted that Facebook jealousy is linked to low self-
esteem, jealousy as a trait, and surveillance behaviors in the relationships. Also, low
self-esteem, independent of age, is associated with greater levels of jealousy (Kellett &
Totterdell, 2013).
Regarding the association between Facebook jealousy and romantic partner conicts,
it is of interest that, especially for Spain and Colombia, the strategies to cope with con-
icts are associated with Facebook jealousy. In particular, couples that employ more
positive strategies to solve their conicts (such as compromise) feel less Facebook jeal-
ousy, while those who use more destructive strategies, such as being more verbally
aggressive or tend to be more focused on winning the conicts over the partner (inter-
actional reactivity and domination respectively) experience more Facebook jealousy.
Previous research shows that individuals who tend to show more aggressiveness or with
lower abilities to manage conicts tend to express more jealousy in their relationships
an et al., 2010).
Interpretations regarding our ndings should consider the following limitations: First,
samples from each country are mostly young and hold higher degrees of education. Also,
participants were recruited through an incidental sampling procedure. Therefore, general-
ization of our ndings to samples with other characteristics remains unknown. However,
this research can encourage others to emphasize how technology reects our
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Research implications
Facebook jealousy is linked to both individual characteristics and relationship variables, in
which the individual proneness to experience romantic jealousy is highlighted as the main
predictive variable. In addition, although romantic jealousy was the most important vari-
able for the prediction of Facebook jealousy, culture is of relevance, as the partner conict
strategies were differently associated with this phenomenon for each country. Therefore,
some relationship variables may or may not emerge as important related factors depend-
ing on other contextual aspects. Finally, this study may open up new horizons for research
regarding some emerging technology-related constructs. In particular, our ndings indi-
cate a strong link between romantic jealousy and Facebook jealousy, which makes us won-
der whether this or other technology-related variables are actually a new phenomenon or
a classic phenomenon, which nds a new format of expression.
Future research should expand our knowledge regarding the parallelism between mani-
festations of sexuality in a realrelationship context in comparison to a virtualcontext.
Does the virtual world represent our sexuality? What is similar? What is different? Why?
These questions may become more complex as the technology, whose development is
faster than our thoughts, reaches and goes beyond what are now unforeseen boundaries
and limitations (see McArthur & Twist; and Peterson & Twist, this issue, for a look at
future forms of technology and their potential impact on romantic relationships).
Technology provides new forms of expression of sexual and partner-related issues. In par-
ticular, social networking such as Facebook opens up the window to communicate with a
wide range of people (known, unknown, family, friends, ex-partners, etc.). Therefore, jeal-
ousy, and in particular Facebook jealousy, is likely to emerge as another manifestation of
jealousy associated with use. Our study, conducted in three Spanish-speaking countries,
Colombia, Spain, and Ecuador, show that the proneness to feel romantic jealousy is the
most relevant factor to predict Facebook jealousy, together, although with a most modest
association, with low self-esteem. Thus, individual characteristics are important in elicit-
ing the feeling of jealousy, which is then directed towards the partner.
The way partner conicts are sorted out is also of relevance, in particular both con-
structive and destructive strategies (compromise and dominance, respectively), only in
the cases of Spain and Colombia. Therefore, trying to nd a solution and to resolve con-
icts in a specic way is negatively associated with Facebook jealousy, while trying to take
control over the partner and to winarguments is directly associated, as a way of being
abusive and taking control. Further research considering other dyadic variables, as well as
contextual issues that could improve our knowledge regarding cultural inuence, should
be conducted.
The authors would like to extend their appreciation to Taylor Oliver for her work with translation,
and colleagues who provided their revision and suggestions during the adaptation process of the
measures. Also, the authors and editor(s) extend further thanks to Ryan B. Peterson for his
Downloaded by [] at 11:00 03 December 2017
additional technical edits to this paper prior to publication. Finally, we want to give thanks to all the
participants who took part in this study.
Disclosure statement
The authors declare no potential conicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/
or publication of this article.
Notes on contributors
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... Furthermore, previous findings have evidenced that a higher level of Facebook jealousy is linked with low self-esteem, offline propensity to experience jealousy, surveillance behaviors in relationships (Moyano et al., 2017;Utz & Beukeboom, 2011), and intimate partner violence perpetration (Daspe et al., 2018). Similarly, recent results have highlighted that different strategies to cope with conflict are closely related to the level of experiencing Facebook jealousy, especially in Colombian participants compared to people from other Spanish-speaking countries (Moyano et al., 2017). ...
... Furthermore, previous findings have evidenced that a higher level of Facebook jealousy is linked with low self-esteem, offline propensity to experience jealousy, surveillance behaviors in relationships (Moyano et al., 2017;Utz & Beukeboom, 2011), and intimate partner violence perpetration (Daspe et al., 2018). Similarly, recent results have highlighted that different strategies to cope with conflict are closely related to the level of experiencing Facebook jealousy, especially in Colombian participants compared to people from other Spanish-speaking countries (Moyano et al., 2017). Couples who employ more positive strategies to solve their conflicts feel less jealousy via Facebook than those who use more destructive strategies (Moyano et al., 2017). ...
... Similarly, recent results have highlighted that different strategies to cope with conflict are closely related to the level of experiencing Facebook jealousy, especially in Colombian participants compared to people from other Spanish-speaking countries (Moyano et al., 2017). Couples who employ more positive strategies to solve their conflicts feel less jealousy via Facebook than those who use more destructive strategies (Moyano et al., 2017). These initial results highlighted the need to increase our knowledge of this phenomenon about the related variables. ...
Full-text available
Las redes sociales, particularmente Facebook, influyen en las relaciones sentimentales, ya que pueden generar celos y conflictos entre los miembros de la pareja. La Escala de Celos de Facebook (FJS) es un instrumento que evalúa los celos por el usode Facebook, y no hay ningún instrumento similar disponible en Colombia. El objetivo principal fue examinar las propiedadespsicométricas del FJS en una muestra colombiana de 485 hombres y 727 mujeres. Los participantes completaron un cuestionario sociodemográfico, la adaptación de la Escala de Celos de Facebook, la Escala de Conflicto de Pareja Romántica, laEscala de Autoestima de Rosenberg y la Escala de Celos Románticos. La versión final de la FJS estuvo conformada por 15ítems que, a su vez, conformaron tres dimensiones: Actividad de la pareja, Vigilancia de la pareja, Relación romántica y sexualde la pareja. Los valores de alfa ordinal de los tres factores oscilaron entre .90 y .95. También se demostró validez concurrentecon otras dimensiones relacionadas con conflicto en la pareja, autoestima y celos románticos. El análisis de invarianza segúngénero resultó en un nivel de invarianza métrica. El FJS es una medida que puede ser útil para la práctica clínica y los investigadores que trabajan en temas relacionados con las relaciones románticas. La investigación que analice los celos asociadosal Facebook ofrecerá un interesante indicador de la supervisión en el contexto de pareja y las conductas de control, elementosclave del abuso psicológico, un subtipo de la violencia de pareja
... Las redes sociales en línea modifican los procesos de comunicación debido a sus características, entre las que se pueden encontrar: permitir la interacción inmediata con usuarios que están geográficamente lejanos, aumentar la cantidad de información que se recibe de los otros, permitir controlar o vigilar las actividades de los demás en una manera socialmente aceptada y regular fácilmente los niveles de privacidad con los que se comparte información personal (Moyano, Sánchez-Fuentes, Chiriboga & Flórez-Donado, 2017). Por tanto, los cambios en el proceso de comunicación modifican la naturaleza de las relaciones interpersonales (Fox & Warber, 2013). ...
... Por consiguiente, el uso de las redes sociales en línea impacta las relaciones interpersonales de manera positiva al promover la intimidad (Sheldon, Abad & Hinsch, 2011), la integración social (Kalpidou, Costin & Morris, 2011) y una percepción positiva de apoyo social (Lei, Ashwin, Brosnan & Russell, 2019;Manago & Greenfield, 2012); y de forma negativa al permitir pérdidas de la privacidad (Srivastava & Geethakumari, 2013), conflictos de pareja, ruptura o divorcio (Muise, Christofides & Desmarais, 2009), violencia (Jaen-Cortés, Rivera-Aragón, Reidl-Martínez & García-Méndez, 2017), ciberacoso (O'Shea, Julian, Prichard & Kelty, 2019, agresión física (Brem, Spiller, & Vandehey, 2015); y la experiencia de emociones negativas como celos (Moyano et al., 2017). ...
... Por esa razón, son uno de los factores más destructivos de la relación y es difícil distinguir entre celos normales y patológicos (Moyano et al., 2017), a pesar de que es una de las emociones más frecuentes que se pueden experimentar en la pareja (Buunk & Bringle, 1987). Los celos románticos se relacionan con una variedad de aspectos negativos como depresión, ansiedad, enojo, agresión, conflictos, insatisfacción en la relación y baja autoestima (Moyano et al., 2017;Zandbergen & Brown, 2015). ...
Full-text available
El objetivo del presente estudio fue explorar las características de la aplicación Facebook que generan celos románticos en adultos. Participaron cien personas, seleccionadas de forma no probabilística accidental, de entre dieciocho a treinta años (50% mujeres y 50% hombres). Se aplicó la Técnica de Redes Semánticas Naturales Modificadas de Reyes-Lagunes (1993), se obtuvo el Tamaño de la Red (TR), Peso Semántico (PS), Núcleo de la Red (NR), Distancia Semántica Cuantitativa (DSC), tanto para hombres como para mujeres; posteriormente se calculó el Índice de Consenso Grupal (ICG), así como una χ2 de Pearson para determinar la asociación entre los grupos en las definidoras repetidas en los núcleos de la red. Los resultados encontrados ayudan a caracterizar las distintas situaciones que generan celos en Facebook con información que emerge de manera natural de los participantes; asimismo, aportan el significado y lenguaje necesarios para desarrollar instrumentos de medición del constructo desde la perspectiva de la Etnopsicometría
... To date, the most frequently used jealousy questionnaire is the Multidimensional Jealousy Scale (MJS; Pfeiffer & Wong, 1989), which captures emotional (being upset), cognitive (being worried and suspicious), and behavioral (engaging in surveillance activities) aspects of jealousy and has been translated into many different languages (Brassard et al., 2020;Elphinston & Noller, 2011;Tošić-Radev & Hedrih, 2017). The Facebook Jealousy Scale shows medium-to-high correlations with the mean MJS score (Moyano et al., 2017). As the DJS items reflect emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of jealousy, we expect high correlations between the DJS and all three subscales of the MJS and the Facebook Jealousy Scale as evidence for strict convergent validity (Campbell & Fiske, 1959;Ziegler, 2020). ...
... Therefore, it can be expected that lower self-esteem is associated with higher jealousy. However, previous results have been mixed, some showing the expected negative correlation in both women and men, with small-effect sizes (e.g., Moyano et al., 2017), and others showing this association only in women (e.g., Buunk, 1997) or only in men (e.g., Stieger et al., 2012). One reason could be that self-esteem is a broad trait referring not only to interpersonal relationships but also to other life domains such as work or physical appearance (Orth & Robins, 2019). ...
... The high overlap between the DJS and the romantic jealousy scale is further underlined by the correlative findings with other personality constructs, as the DJS shows similar associations with self-esteem, attachment styles, and the Big Five personality dimensions as the more general romantic jealousy scale. These findings align with studies reporting that individuals with low self-esteem (Moyano et al., 2017), a more anxious and less close attachment style (Fleuriet et al., 2014;Marshall et al., 2013), and with more neuroticism (Seidman, 2019) also report more SoMJ. Furthermore, except for the small correlation with the openness to experience dimension, which is consistent with the report by Richter et al. (2022), the DJS exhibited no association with the other Big Five personality dimensions. ...
Full-text available
Romantic jealousy describes a feeling when individuals suspect losing their romantic partner to a potential rival. Social media has a high potential to trigger romantic jealousy as it offers almost unlimited opportunities to build social relationships. Thus, it is unsurprising that many studies are now examining social media-induced jealousy (SoMJ). However, there has been a lack of standardized instruments that can capture SoMJ independently of a specific social media platform. In the present two studies, we developed the 9-item Digital Jealousy Scale (DJS) in German and English and examined its psychometric properties using three heterogeneous samples from Germany and the United Kingdom. The postulated one-factor structure fitted the data very well. Additionally, construct validity was established by showing the expected correlations between the DJS and personality variables such as other jealousy measures, attachment dimensions, self-esteem, and the Big Five dimensions. The DJS is thus a valuable instrument to assess SoMJ.
... In fact, it appears with various reactions due to different causes. For example, whether the relationship is stable and of high quality may be influenced by violence and thoughts and actions [7,8]. ...
... This study found that for attachment anxiety people, neither conscious expression nor unconscious expression suppression strategies had a significant effect on their friendship jealousy mood [7]. Some foreign studies have found that expression suppression strategy has no effect on reducing negative emotional experience, but also increase negative emotional experience. ...
... (Moyano et al., 2017), isolasi sosial(Hajek & König, 2019), kesepian dan depresi(Uzuncakmak, 2022). Menurut American Psychiatric Assosiation [APA] (2014) kecanduan media sosial dapat menimbulkan distress, keasyikan, perubahan suasana hati, tolerance, penarikan diri, serta gangguan fungsi sosial, kinerja pekerjaan dan akademik. ...
Full-text available
Penggunaan media sosial yang berlebihan setelah masa pandemik covid-19 oleh mahasiswa keperawatan dapat menyebabkan kecanduan yang berdampak terhadap masalah kesehatan fisik maupun psikologis. Sejauh ini belum diketahui bagaimana tingkatan kecanduan mahasiswa keperawatan setelah pandemic covid-19. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi tingkatan kecanduan media sosial pada mahasiswa keperawatan setelah masa pandemi. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif. Mahasiswa aktif sarjana keperawatan yang memiliki gadget sebanyak 279 orang diambil sebagai sampel melalui teknik propotionate stratified random sampling. Kuesioner Intensitas Kecanduan Penggunaan Media Sosial digunakan dalam pengumpulan data. Data kemudian dianalisis dengan prosentase.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkatan kecanduan media sosial mahasiswa keperawatan paling banyak pada tingkat sedang yaitu sebanyak 140 mahasiswa (50,2%). Disusul dengan tingkat kecanduan ringan sebanyak 70 (25,1%) dan berat sebanyak 69 (24,7%). Simpulan penelitian yaitu sebagian dari mahasiswa keperawatan mengalami kecanduan media sosial pada tingkat sedang. Hanya sebagian kecil mahasiswa yang mengalami kecanduan media sosial pada tingkat ringan dan tingkat berat dengan jumlah yang tidak jauh berbeda. Perawat pendidik disarankan memberikan edukasi bahaya kecanduan media sosial serta memberikan konseling dan rujukan bagi yang mengalami kecanduan ringan dan berat.
... Colombia was included only in a study conducted by Kuppens et al. (2006), which included 48 nations and explored the frequency of emotional experience was assessed among different emotions, including jealousy. Moyano et al. (2017) studied the factors associated with Facebook jealousy in Spain, Colombia, and Ecuador, and the results show that the propensity to experience jealousy in the relationship and low self-esteem are associated with more Facebook jealousy in all three countries. Buunk et al. (2011) conducted a comparative analysis between Spain and Argentina. ...
... For example, the bidirectional positive associations between social media jealousy and IPV could be explained by a third variable driving both, such as conflict resolution skills. This would be consistent with studies showing that poorer conflicts resolution skills in the romantic relationship is associated with higher IPV perpetration (e.g., Capaldi et al., 2012) and higher levels of social media jealousy (e.g., Moyano et al., 2017). Therefore, it might be relevant for future studies to examine alternative models that would include other pertinent variables such as conflicts resolution skills. ...
Social media have profoundly transformed young adults’ social interactions, especially within their romantic relationships. For instance, jealousy induced by the partner's activity on social media can cause conflicts that can escalate into controlling and aggressive behaviors. Previous cross-sectional studies show significant links between social media jealousy and intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration. However, the directionality of these associations has not yet been examined using longitudinal designs. This study investigated the associations between social media jealousy and IPV perpetration in young adults’ romantic relationships over a year. Two samples, one composed of 112 couples (n = 224) and one composed of 286 individuals involved in a romantic relationship, completed online questionnaires at two time points over one year. Results of cross-lagged panel analyses were replicated across samples and suggested that the intra-individual association between social media jealousy and IPV perpetration is bidirectional and positive over time. Results also indicated a negative association between a person’s IPV perpetration at Time 1 and their partner’s online jealousy at Time 2. These findings highlight the reciprocal and dyadic influences of social media jealousy and IPV and provide a better understanding of the potential risks associated with social media use in young adults’ romantic relationships.
... Finally, Moyano et al. (2017) reported that Facebook jealousy might be positively associated with romantic jealousy, lower levels of self-esteem, lower levels of constructive strategies for coping with partner conflicts, and high levels of domination. However, Demirtaş-Madran (2018) reported no significant gender differences in levels of Facebook jealousy. ...
The present study investigated the associations between social media use integration and Technological Intimate Partner Violence (TIPV) while also exploring the mediating role of the three dimensions of jealousy and the moderating role of moral absolutism. Our sample consisted of 404 adults aged 18 to 59. The results indicated a significant positive effect of social media use integration on cognitive jealousy and TIPV. Social media use integration was correlated with behavioral jealousy and TIPV, while TIPV was positively associated with all three dimensions of jealousy. The moderated mediation analysis suggested that behavioral jealousy fully mediated the effect of social media use integration toward TIPV at all levels of moral absolutism, while cognitive jealousy had a partial mediating effect only at medium and high levels of moral absolutism. We discuss our findings by pointing out that (a) various dimensions of jealousy might be influenced differently by social media use integration, and (b) individuals with high levels of moral absolutism might be more prone to cognitive jealousy after being exposed to prolonged social media use. We acknowledge that our results may have limited generalizability as our sample was primarily female. Research involving larger portions of male participants would be important to pursue.
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As social media continues to grow rapidly throughout the world, researchers and mental health professionals have been keenly observing and recording some of its detrimental effects on the mental and emotional health of its users. In this regard, one of the constructs that has been gaining interest is social media jealousy. However, there is a paucity of standardised tools that accurately measure this construct. To fill this gap, the present research was undertaken as a part of a larger study examining the possible negative effects of social media. The present research has resulted in the development of the 15-item Social Media Jealousy Scale (SMJS-15). It is a single-dimensional scale that has shown strong reliability, convergent validity, as well as evidence of construct validity. The scale has been developed using both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and can be used to test social media jealousy experienced by users across multiple social media platforms.
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Bu çalışma, romantik ilişkisi olan üniversite öğrencilerinin bu ilişkilerini sosyal ağ siteleri aracılığıyla nasıl deneyimlediklerine ve kullanıcı davranışlarını nasıl algıladıklarına odaklanmıştır. Türkiye’de yürütülen çalışmalarda sosyal ağ sitesi kullanımının, romantik ilişkileri deneyimleme şeklini nasıl etkilediğine yönelik nitel çalışmaların bulunmaması bu araştırmanın çıkış noktasıdır. Çalışma, bir devlet üniversitesinin lisans bölümlerinde öğrenim gören ve romantik ilişkisi bulunan 20-28 yaş arasındaki 12 (6 kız, 6 erkek) katılımcıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Çalışma fenomenolojik desende yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada, yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formuyla elde edilen veriler tematik analiz yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular, sosyal ağ sitelerinin kullanım şeklinin romantik kıskançlığı tetiklediğini göstermektedir. Sosyal ağ sitelerinin potansiyel eş hakkında bilgi toplamak için önemli bir kaynak olduğu, aynı zamanda diğer kullanıcılardan gelen çeşitli beğeni, mesaj, yorum ve isteklerin romantik ilişkiyi tehdit eden unsurlar olarak algılandığı belirlenmiştir. Katılımcıların romantik ilişkilerine yönelik tehdit olarak algıladıkları davranışları önlemek amacıyla; romantik ilişkilerinin görünürlüğünü ve bilinirliğini arttırmaya yönelik ortak hesap açtıkları ve ilişki durumunu belirten çeşitli paylaşımlarda bulundukları belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca romantik kıskançlığın bir sonucu olarak, katılımcıların romantik eşlerini izleme davranışını sergiledikleri belirlenmiştir.
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El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido analizar la relación entre la inteligencia emocional, los celos y la tendencia al abuso sobre las estrategias violentas de resolución de conflictos en la pareja; así como analizar la capacidad predictiva de dichas variables en una muestra de hombres y mujeres de población general compuesta por 294 personas. Los resultados muestran que todas las variables evaluadas tienen una relación significativa con las estrategias propias de resolución de conflictos en la pareja; siendo la relación positiva con los celos y la tendencia al abuso y negativa con la inteligencia emocional. Asimismo, se encontró que todas las variables analizadas tenían capacidad predictivas sobre las estrategias propias de resolución de conflicto en la pareja; destacando la percepción sobre las estrategias de resolución de conflicto de la pareja. Estos resultados muestran la importancia de estas variables en la predicción de la violencia en la pareja y dirigen la atención hacia actuaciones para su prevención.
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Background/Objective Sexual double standard (SDS) has long been associated to several dimensions of sexual health. Therefore the assessment of SDS is relevant and requires self-reported measures with adequate psychometric properties. This study aims to adapt the Sexual Double Standard Scale (SDSS) into heterosexual Spanish population and examine its psychometric properties. Method: Using quota incidental sampling, we recruited a sample of 1,206 individuals (50% women), distributed across three groups based on their age (18-34, 35-49 and 50 years old and older). Results: We performed both, Exploratory Factor Analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. An abridged version was yielded, consisting of 16 items distributed into two factors (Acceptance for sexual freedom and Acceptance for sexual shyness). A second-order factor structure was also adequate, which facilitates the use of a global index for SDS. Reliability, based on internal consistency and temporal stability was good for the factors. Evidence of validity is also shown and reported. Conclusions: This adapted version of the SDSS is reliable and valid. The importance for its use to estimate the prevalence of both traditional and modern forms of this phenomenon is discussed.
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La educación superior ofertada por las universidades ha sufrido un proce-so de cambio, producto de transformaciones sociales que ha generado la inclusión tecnológica en el diario vivir de las personas, ante este esce-nario, el objetivo de este documento se orienta a analizar cómo la tec-nología enlazada con la pedagogía y los contenidos curriculares pueden contribuir a dinamizar la forma de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la academia. Para ello se recurrió a examinar la esencia conceptual de la educación y cómo ha evolucionado en el tiempo hasta la inserción de la tecnología en las aulas de clase, puntualizando el caso de las universidades. De igual forma, se conceptualiza sobre la estrategia T-PACK y sus aplicaciones en la academia como una modalidad diferencial de transferencia de los co-nocimientos dispuestos en los contenidos curriculares de diferentes dis-ciplinas, con la finalidad de conocer el fundamento de esta metodología, así como las aplicaciones que se han dado en diferentes contextos; de tal forma que se evidencia esta técnica como una herramienta que ge-nera un escenario de aprendizaje distinto y estimula a los estudiantes a apropiar los instrumentos tecnológicos del diario vivir y extrapolarlo a su formación profesional, propiciando mayor didáctica en el aprendizaje, in-teractividad en la socialización de los conocimientos, así como el desarro-llo de competencias en uso de la tecnología, todo ello bajo el horizonte de la formación integral y profesional en la vida universitaria.
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Previous research has pointed to the need to address the study of violence in teen couples. However, research has not delved into the study of the variables related to the different types of violence employed by boys and girls. The purpose of this study was to test whether gender, jealousy, and dependency predict specific strategies for conflict resolution (psychological aggression and mild physical aggression). Another objective of the study was to test gender differences in the conflict resolution strategies used by Spanish teen couples and to test the association between these variables and jealousy and emotional dependency. A sample of 296 adolescent high school students between 14 and 19 years of age of both genders from the south of Spain participated in this study. Hierarchical regression models were used to estimate the relationship between psychological aggression and mild physical aggression, and jealousy, and dependency. Results showed that jealousy correlated with psychological aggression and mild physical aggression in girls but not in boys. Psychological aggression and mild physical aggression were associated with dependency in boys. Girls scored higher in psychological aggression and jealousy than did boys. Finally, the interaction between jealousy and dependency predicted psychological aggression only in girls. These results highlight the need to address the role of the interaction between dependence and jealousy in the types of violence employed in teen dating. However, it is necessary to delve into the gender differences and similarities to develop appropriate prevention programs.
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Partiendo de que el apoyo social es provisto tanto en comunicaciones cara a cara como en aquellas mediadas por las TIC; el presente artículo analiza la forma en que desde ambos modelos de comunicación este se da en un grupo de estudiantes universitarios. La información se recolectó con la escala Assis. Los apoyos material y emocional se recibieron mayoritariamente por la comunicación cara a cara, lo que sugiere que es la modalidad predominante tanto en hombres como mujeres (60,1 %) para su provisión social. Sin embargo, que el apoyo informativo sea más recibido por la comunicación mediada por las TIC, pone de relieve su alto nivel de penetración social y su impacto en las formas de interactuar. Se estableció que la existencia de una relación entre el apoyo emocional y el sexo es mayor en mujeres. Lo mismo ocurre entre su provisión y la edad, especialmente en personas más jóvenes, y aunque se esperaba hallar una relación entre la edad y las modalidades de comunicación, al final no se estableció. Para los universitarios ambos modelos de comunicación son complementarios y facilitan la provisión de apoyo de manera integral, en un continuo. Abstract Given that social support is provided in face-to-face communications and ICT mediated communication, this article discusses the types of social support from both communication models in a group of college students. The information was collected with Assis scale. The material and emotional support is mainly given by the face-to-face communication, suggesting that is the predominant form, both men and women (60.1%) for the provision of social support. However, the informational support is more received by mediated communication ICT, demonstrating its high level of social penetration and its impact on ways of interacting. The existence of a relationship between emotional support and sex was established, being higher in women. Similarly between its provision and age, being higher in younger people and, finally, although was expected to find a relationship between age and modes of communication, this was not established. For university students both communication models are complementary and facilitate the provision of support holistically, in a continuum.
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La situación de la violencia dentro de la pareja en Latinoamérica es un problema complejo que provoca graves consecuencias para miles de mujeres. En este estudio se analizan los factores y dinámicas involucradas en este tipo de violencia en un contexto de pequeñas comunidades rurales. Para ello, a partir de un marco ecológico de análisis se ha desarrollado un estudio cualitativo en comunidades rurales de la provincia de Imbabura, en Ecuador. Se realizaron 7 grupos focales en los que participaron un total de 63 personas. Los resultados muestran: a)la importancia del entorno comunitario y de las interacciones de víctima y agresor con la familia, vecindario y agentes de intervención; b)la influencia de la estructura del territorio y la actuación del Estado en el manejo de las situaciones de violencia dentro de la pareja, y c)los efectos que la presión ejercida por los distintos miembros de la comunidad pueden tener para la víctima y sus opciones de denunciar la situación. Finalmente, se apunta la posibilidad de que los factores identificados puedan ser elementos explicativos y esclarecedores de las dinámicas de violencia en contextos similares al caso estudiado.
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The current study aims to analyze the impact of online and conventional couple quality on the explanation of dating aggression in Spain and Italy. 312 Italian and 430 Spanish university students participated in the study. Logistic regression analysis showed that conflicts increased the likelihood to be involved in psychological and physical aggression in both countries. Transgressive behavior increased the odds of being involved in physical and psychological aggression in Spain and in psychological aggression in Italy. Online intrusiveness influenced Spanish participants' involvement in physical and psychological dating aggression while online jealousy was the main predictor of both types of aggression in Italy. Results are discussed in terms of the insecurity that seems to characterize dating aggression in young adulthood.