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Jaw Cancer Detection Using Nano Amperometric Biosensor with Surface Tension Variables

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Symbiosis Group
Jaw Cancer Detection Using Nano Amperometric Biosensor
with Surface Tension Variables
Journal of Biosensors, Biomarkers and Diagnostics Open Access
Research Article
Biosensors are invented by Micheal Clarke in 1962.
They are of mostly electro chemical, these types of Biosensors are
1. Amperometric 2. Voltametric 3. Conductometric Biosensors
is measured in terms of oxygen. Whereas in Voltametric biosensor
          
transducer ligand means biological element and transducer mean
which converts one form of energy to another form of energy
the transducer output is an electrical signal measured either in
Biomedical Engineering in detection of pathogens. Pathogens
mean virus or fungi present in human body. The importance of
          
Engineering because of their accuracy, more sensitivity, less error
When compared to other methods for detection of
cancer like Biopsy, Biomarkers, they are very costly in medical
         
Gold, Silver and platinum, which are very cheap when compared
  
taken and with the chemical method called Direct Current Cyclic
Voltametry (DCCV) which is a direct indication of cancer in terms
of oxygen in turn which is measured in terms of current.
This method is similar to photo synthesis in plants,
where they inhale carbon dioxide and release oxygen. DCCV
method exhales oxygen in Vitro and the release of oxygen is
measured in terms of current (Figure 1).
Jaw cancer is detected by Nano amperometric biosensor with
surface tension variables in this paper. Amperometric biosensor
consists of three terminals namely Working Electrode, Reference
Electrode and Counter Electrode. Jaw Cancer is highly dangerous
disease seen in India. It is seen in people who smoke; eat Gutka,
Khainas and excessive pans. Jaw cancer effects mouth and lungs also. In
this paper JAW cancer symptoms, causes, eradication and prevention,
drug delivery is discussed. Biosensor with Nano technology detects
the jaw cancer with Glucose oxidase in this paper.
Keywords: Jaw Cancer; Biosensor
Received: February 07,2017; Accepted: April 05,2017; Published: April 20,2017
*Corresponding authors: K. Kalyan Babu, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gitam University, Vi-
sakhapatnam, AP, India, Tel: 08497917773;E-mail:
K. Kalyan Babu
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Gitam University, Visakhapatnam, AP, India
Figure 1: The above diagram shows the internal block diagram of a bio-
sensor ligand means biological element and transducer means an in-
strument which converts a biological signal to an electrical signal.
Generally, Biosensors are constructed on glass
substrates it is also called as Cell in technological terms. There are
three colors which illustrate the internal structure of a biosensor
[2]. Green color corresponds to working electrode, red color
corresponds to reference electrode and blue color corresponds
to counter electrode. The working electrode is made of glassy
carbon, reference electrode is made of Ag, AgCl and counter
electrode is made of platinum
Simple experimental procedure
The working electrode is connected in Bare Glassy
carbon and dipped in Ferro ferri solution and it is connected
to Elecctro com software. If the output voltage is 0.01V then
the biosensor is made ready for detection of pathogenes. Next
the biosensor is Pani tested which means Electro Chemical
polymerization of Aniline.
A.Next the biosensor is dipped in GODx chemical. Glucose
oxidase chemical is very costly and very rare to purchase. It takes
minimum six months to purchase this chemical.
B.GODx chemical reacts with oxygen and produces Glucone
Lactone and Hydrogen Peroxide at Anode.
C.Hydrogen Peroxide reduces to H20 and Oxygen gas.
D.Next I would like to intimate the meaning of Analyte.
E.Analyte means the analysis on which the test is performed.
F.This experiment, the analyte is blood sample.
Page 2 of 4
Citation: Pannu AK, Varma SC (2016) Aplastic anemia in systemic lupus erythematosus: A better prognosis acquired aplastic
anemia. Int J Hematol Blo Dis 1(1).
Aplastic anemia in systemic lupus erythematosus: A better
prognosis acquired aplastic anemia
© 2016 Pannu and Varma
© 2017 Kalyan Babu k
G.The detection is done by clicking Load Cell, the deviation in
current is clearly observed.
H.If the current decreases, the blood sample analyte is having
Cancer pathogen, otherwise no cancer.
The above procedure is repeated for all different cancers
Nano Technology
Nano Technology refers to 10 exp (-9). Nano materials
are Graphene, Nanowires. Graphene is best suited for biological
purposes [3]. Graphene Layer is embossed on top most layer of
biosensor, for detection of cancer pathogen.
Final Construction of Cell
The amperometric biosensor which contains 3
in experimental procedure [4]. But in this simulation paper GaAs
MESFETS are used as substrates. So I can use Semi Insulating
GaAS substrate and on it the electrodes of Biosensor are resided
(Figure 2).
Symptoms of Jaw Cancer
Causes of Jaw cancer
1.This mainly causes due to uneven cell division of living cells in
          
division of DNA which kills the healthy cells around mouth area
and in jaws.
3.Another cause of Jaw Cancer is lack of vitamins.
Figure 2: The above diagram illustrates the Simple diagram of Biosen-
sor Cell gallium Arsenide substrate .Upon the substrate, the three termi-
nals of Biosensor Cell are resided.
Above the substrate and below the terminals of Cell, lies the Graphene
Layer, which is in Sky blue color.
Remedial Measures
1.People should not get addicted to drinking, smoking and eating
harmful pans.
2.People who have bad habits are advised to take the hot drink,
3.It is better to be away from harmful Khainas, Gutkas who are
seen everywhere in India.
4.Especially in North India, almost all youth got addicted to the
above said harmful foods by eating them in casual manner every
day and every minute.
          
should not get addicted to above said consumables.
Medicine delivery
1.People who got jaw cancer are treated by doctors by Bio
2.Mostly the jaw cancer patients are treated by removing the
cancer area through Surgery.
 
4.Even after surgery, people are not completely curable; this
results in death in many cases.
      
         
treatment through Nano Horns.
6.Nano Horns are best method of treating Cancer cases. Delivering
     
7.But by using Nano Horns, the medicine directly enters into
Cancer zone and starts its functioning effectively rather than
using Injections and Tablets.
Surface Tension Variables
of Liquid [6].
2.Examples: Mosquitoes walking on water, water beeding on
Leaves and water leakage in tap in off condition.
           
force and L stands for Length of the assumed surface.
4.In surface tension, contact angles play a key role.
         
surface of the liquid.
Core Theory of the Paper
1. The core theory of the paper in my research is
take the semi insulating GaAs substrate which works very quickly
Jaw Cancer Detection Using Nano Amperometric Biosensor with Surface
Tension Variables
Citation: K. Kalyan Babu (2017) Jaw Cancer Detection Using Nano Amperometric Biosensor with Surface Tension Variables. J of -
Biosens Biomark Diagn 2(1):1-4.
Page 3 of 4
Citation: Pannu AK, Varma SC (2016) Aplastic anemia in systemic lupus erythematosus: A better prognosis acquired aplastic
anemia. Int J Hematol Blo Dis 1(1).
Aplastic anemia in systemic lupus erythematosus: A better
prognosis acquired aplastic anemia
© 2016 Pannu and Varma
© 2017 Kalyan Babu k
as it operates on Velocity of Light.
2.Insert the Graphene plate on the topmost surface of the
Substrate [7].
3.Fix the three terminals of the Biosensor Cell.
4.Complete the experimental set up as discussed in the above
part of the paper.
6.Connect the entire system to Electro com Software.
8.The cohesive force in the living cell is very high per unit length.
But whereas in Cancer cell, the cohesive force is very low per unit
Governing Equations
and P stands for product.
in terms of oxygen gas.
The above equation represents the Governing Equations
with and without Enzymes.
Usage in Home for Detection of Cancer
biosensor with 3 electrodes composed of Gold, Silver and
Platinum calibrated in terms of current which is a direct measure
of oxygen present in human body. It can be calibrated in terms of
milli amperes for Non Cancer blood samples and order of nano
amperes and pico amperes for cancerous blood samples [9].
My goal is to have nano amperometric biosensor in each and every
meeting a physician. It is similar to a thermometer which is used
to detect fever in home and next going to a physician, with my
home and then next meeting the physician for further treatment.
Numerical Simulation
Matlab program is written with the above variables and
the results are tabulated.
      
between the Non Cancer and Cancer outputs. The without cancer
LOW order of exp (-9). This paragraph illustrates the numerical
simulation of the surface tension variable vs time. The without
has high surface tension variable because the force acting on
on cancer cell is literally zero newtons (order of 10exp (-9)).This
is proved numerically in Matlab program.
Advantages of DCCV over Conventional Methods
of Detecting Cancer
1.This method of DCCV is more accurate than Biopsy, Biomarkers
etc [10].
2.This method gives rise to formation of an instrument to detect
cancer in house itself like a thermometer which is used to
detect fever.
3.My future scope of work is to fabricate biosensor to have in each
and every home which is used for detecting cancer at early stage
and then meeting a physician [11].
In this paper, I have discussed the Cancer of Jaw being
detected with Surface tension variables in Simulation. I have also
referred to Medicine delivery through Nano horns and remedial
         
Cure. It is always better to be away from smoking and drinking.
This method is comparatively better than conventional methods
like Biomarkers, Biopsy tests for detection of cancer. They are
very costly whereas this method requires a small blood sample to
Jaw Cancer Detection Using Nano Amperometric Biosensor with Surface Tension
Citation: K. Kalyan Babu (2017) Jaw Cancer Detection Using Nano Amperometric Biosensor with Surface Tension Variables. J of -
Biosens Biomark Diagn 2(1):1-4.
Page 4 of 4
Citation: Pannu AK, Varma SC (2016) Aplastic anemia in systemic lupus erythematosus: A better prognosis acquired aplastic
anemia. Int J Hematol Blo Dis 1(1).
Aplastic anemia in systemic lupus erythematosus: A better
prognosis acquired aplastic anemia
© 2016 Pannu and Varma
© 2017 Kalyan Babu k
Preparation of Biocompatible Palladium-Fe3O4 Nanoparticles/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes
Composite and its Electrocatalytic Activity towards Determination of Cholesterol on Screen
Printed Electrode
Preparation of Biocompatible Palladium-Fe3O4 Nanoparticles/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes
Composite and its Electrocatalytic Activity towards Determination of Cholesterol on Screen
Printed Electrode
detect the cancer at initial stage.
I would thank my Ph.D guide Professor Prof. D. V.
Rama Koti Reddy HoD, Dept. of Instrument Technology, for his
continuous support and Encouragement.
1. Romas Baronas, Ivanauskas Feliksas, Juozas Kulys. Modeling
biosensors at steady state and internal diffusion limitations.
2. Winnie WY Chow, Yanli Qu, Wen J Li. Carbon-Nanotube-Based Fluidic
3. Andre P. Garcia, Dipanjan Sen, Markus J. Buehler. Nature’s Flexible
and Tough Amour: Geometric and Size Effects on Diatom-Inspired
4. Lianxi Zheng, B.C. Satishkumar. Carbon-Nanotube-Based Sensors.
 
6. Wikipedia-Surface Tension
7. Romas Baronas, Ivanauskas Feliksas, Juozas Kulys. Modeling biosensors
at steady state and external diffusion limitations. Mathematical
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8. Romas Baronas, Ivanauskas Feliksas, Juozas Kulys. Modeling non
stationary state of biosensors. Mathematical Modeling of Biosensors.
9. Kilho Eom, Taeyun Kwon. Nanomechanical in Vitro Molecular
Recognitions: Mechanical Resonance–Based Detections. 2011;331–
10. Romas Baronas, Ivanauskas Feliksas, Juozas Kulys. Modeling
biosensors utilizing microbial cells. Mathematical Modeling of
11. Shoumen Palit, Austin Datta. Future Healthcare: Bioinformatics, Nano-
      
Jaw Cancer Detection Using Nano Amperometric Biosensor with Surface Tension
Citation: K. Kalyan Babu (2017) Jaw Cancer Detection Using Nano Amperometric Biosensor with Surface Tension Variables. J of -
Biosens Biomark Diagn 2(1):1-4.
ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.
The biocatalytical system of microbial cells can be used as biocatalyzers for the biosensor preparation [127, 130]. They can show very high specificity for some substrates. For example, yeast cells Hansenula anomala grown in lactate reach breeding media induce cytochrome b 2, and shows high specificity to L-lactate [125]. The scheme of substrates distribution in a microbial biosensor is depicted in Fig. 1. The peculiarity of the modeling of the microbial biosensors is a slow substrate and product transport through the microbial cell wall. If the substrate transport is slower than the diffusion through the bulk solution and the semipermeable membrane the substrate and the product concentration change in the cell can be written: {rcl} & & \frac{\mathrm{d}{S}_{c}} {\mathrm{d}t} = k({S}_{0} - {S}_{c}) - {V }_{c}\,, \\ & & \frac{\mathrm{d}{P}_{c}} {\mathrm{d}t} = {V }_{c} - k'{P}_{c}\,, \begin{array}{rcl} & & \frac{\mathrm{d}{S}_{c}} {\mathrm{d}t} = k({S}_{0} - {S}_{c}) - {V }_{c}\,, \\ & & \frac{\mathrm{d}{P}_{c}} {\mathrm{d}t} = {V }_{c} - k'{P}_{c}\,, \end{array} (1) where S c and P c are the concentrations of the substrate and the product in the cell, respectively, k and k′ are constants of substrate transport into the cell and the product transport from the cell, respectively, and V c is the rate of the enzymatic process in the cell. The constants k and k′ are related to permeability (h) of the cell wall, that can be expressed as {rcl} & & k = {h}_{s}/l\,, \\ & & k' = {h}_{p}{\mathit{sur}}_{c}/{\mathit{vol}}_{c}\begin{array}{rcl} & & k = {h}_{s}/l\,, \\ & & k' = {h}_{p}{\mathit{sur}}_{c}/{\mathit{vol}}_{c}\end{array} (2) where sur c and vol c are the surface and the volume of the microbial cell, respectively.
The modeling of the biosensors action at an external diffusion limitation is much easer due to the linear gradient of the substrates concentration in a stagnant layer. The analysis of such systems, however, did not receive a lot of attention since the internal diffusion problems are intrinsic for the catalytical biosensors. For a biosensor acting at the external diffusion limitation and at the steady state conditions the flux of the substrate through a stagnant layer is equal to the enzyme reaction rate on the surface of the transducer: D0S0Ssδ=Vmax,sSsKM+Ss,{D}_{0}\frac{{S}_{0} - {S}_{s}} {\delta } = \frac{{V }_{max,s}{S}_{s}} {{K}_{M} + {S}_{s}}\,, (1) where V max, s corresponds to the maximal enzyme rate on the surface expressed as mol∕cm2s.
The biosensors response at a transition state can be modeled solving partial differential equations (PDE) of the substrates diffusion and the biocatalytical conversion with the initial and the boundary conditions. The analytical solutions, however, exist at very limited cases. The Laplace transformation that is typically used for solving the diffusion equations is no longer applicable for the solution of such problems. Therefore, for the modeling of the diffusion and enzymatic reactions the other methods of PDE solving are used. Carr [61] used the Fourier method to solve (Chapter 1, eq. 7) at S ≪ K M and S ≫ K M with the initial and the boundary conditions: S = P = 0 at 0 < x < d and t = 0; ∂S ∕ ∂x = ∂P ∕ ∂x = 0 at x = 0; S = S 0, P = 0 at x = d.
The most popular glucose biosensor is based on glucose oxidase (GO) that catalyzes β-D-glucose oxidation with oxygen [261, 273], b\text -D-glucose + O2[( \text D-glucose oxidase) || (® )] \text D-glucono-d\text -lactone + H2\text O2\beta \text{ -D-glucose} +{ \mathrm{O}}_{2}{ \text{ D-glucose oxidase} \atop \rightarrow } \text{ D-glucono-}\delta \text{ -lactone} +{ \mathrm{H}}_{2}{\text{ O}}_{2} (1) The hydrogen peroxide produced is oxidized on platinum electrode acting as a transducer. One of the first tasks of modeling of this type of the biosensors was devoted to evaluate the dependence of biosensors response on enzymatic parameters [128]. The action of the biosensors was analyzed at the internal diffusion limiting conditions and at the steady state conditions. The biosensor response (the current density) was calculated as i(t) = neDeF\frac¶P ¶x |x=0,i(t) = {n}_{e}{D}_{e}F\,\frac{\partial P} {\partial x}{ \bigg\vert}_{x=0}, (2) where n e – the number of electrons (for hydrogen peroxide n = 2), F – the Faraday number, D e – the diffusion coefficient of the substrate and the product in the biocatalytical membrane.
  • Shoumen Palit
  • Austin Datta
Shoumen Palit, Austin Datta. Future Healthcare: Bioinformatics, NanoSensors, and Emerging Innovations. 2010;247-312. doi: 10.1201/ b10450-9
Nanomechanical in Vitro Molecular Recognitions: Mechanical Resonance-Based Detections
  • Kilho Eom
  • Taeyun Kwon
Kilho Eom, Taeyun Kwon. Nanomechanical in Vitro Molecular Recognitions: Mechanical Resonance-Based Detections. 2011;331-370. doi: 10.1201/b11384-13