
Prevalence of Childhood Developmental Delay in Child under 5 Years Old Living in Ulaanbaatar

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... Perkembangan anak usia dini sendiri merupakan indikator strategis dalam membentuk modal manusia guna mewujudkan pembangunan berkelanjutan [1,2]. Pada masa ini perkembangan kemampuan berbahasa, kreativitas, kesadaran sosial, emosional dan intelegensia berjalan sangat cepat dan merupakan landasan perkembangan berikutnya. ...
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Upaya peningkatan dan optimalisasi Tumbuh Kembang Balita harus dilakukan sedini dengan perhatian khusus yang diberikan pada masa bayi dan Balita yang merupakan masa emas bagi kelangsungan tumbuh kembang anak. Pembinaan tumbuh kembang anak secara terintegrasi dapat diselenggarakan dalam bentuk kemitraan antara keluarga (orang tua) dan masyarakat (kader kesehatan) dengan tenaga profesional (tenaga kesehatan dan tenaga pendidik) melalui kegiatan Stimulasi, Deteksi dan Intervensi Dini Tumbuh Kembang (SDIDTK). Pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat di Desa Penyengat Olak Tahun 2023 bertujuan untuk penguatan terintegrasi Desa sayang balita serta melakukan pendampingan dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan skrining tumbuh kembang balita. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap kegiatan dengan sasaran tenaga kesehatan, kader kesehatan, Guru PAUD, ibu dan balita di Desa Penyengat Olak Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. Kegiatan yang dilakukan dilakukan antara lain berupa pelatihan, penyuluhan dan pelaksanaan skrining Tumbuh Kembang bagi Balita Desa Penyengat olak. Hasil kegiatan penguatan terintegrasi Desa Sayang Balita adalah peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman nakes tentang SDIDTK, peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman kader tentang skrining Tumbuh kembang, serta peningkatan pengetahuan Guru PAUD dan ibu tentang Tumbuh kembang Balita, serta diketahuinya hasil skrining perkembangan balita sebanyak 81,8% sesuai dengan usianya. Upaya peningkatan kapasitas tenaga Kesehatan dan kader Kesehatan perlu dilakukan secara kontinyu dan konsisten agar semua komponen yang berkaitan dengan Skrining Tumbuh Kembang Balita dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilannya sesuai dengan target optimalisasi Tumbuh kembang Balita secara terintegrasi.
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This study aims to present a structured intervention plan for a 4-5 year old child with slow speech disorder. Improving the verbal communication skills of this child through targeted strategies is the main objective of this study. Specific objectives included an increase in vocabulary and improvements in the expression of the child's basic needs and feelings. The intervention plan involved a variety of strategies, such as speech and language activities, articulation exercises, and interactive games. Evaluation methods involved weekly progress monitoring and checklists to measure improvements in vocabulary and speech intelligibility. Utilization of resources, such as consultation with a speech therapist and age-appropriate speech therapy apps, is crucial. Parental involvement is strongly encouraged by providing guidance to parents to help strengthen communication at home. Program adjustments are made based on monthly evaluations and feedback from parents. The continuation plan involves regular meetings with parents to monitor progress and discuss next steps that may be needed. This research offers a comprehensive and customizable approach, emphasizing strategies that are specific to a child's unique needs and development. The results of this study show deep insight into the experiences of 4-5 year old children with slow speech impairment who received the implementation of the intervention plan and brought significant positive impacts ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan suatu rencana intervensi terstruktur bagi anak usia 4-5 tahun yang mengalami gangguan lambat bicara. Meningkatkan keterampilan komunikasi verbal pada anak ini melalui strategi yang ditargetkan merupakan tujuan utama dalam penelitian ini. Untuk tujuan khusus mencakup peningkatan kosakata dan perbaikan dalam ekspresi kebutuhan dasar dan perasaan anak. Rencana intervensi melibatkan beragam strategi, seperti kegiatan bicara dan bahasa, latihan artikulasi, dan permainan interaktif. Metode evaluasi melibatkan pemantauan kemajuan mingguan dan checklist untuk mengukur peningkatan kosakata dan kejelasan bicara. Pemanfaatan sumber daya, seperti konsultasi dengan terapis bicara dan aplikasi terapi bicara yang sesuai dengan usia, menjadi krusial. Keterlibatan orang tua sangat dianjurkan dengan memberikan panduan kepada orang tua untuk membantu memperkuat komunikasi di rumah. Penyesuaian program dilakukan berdasarkan evaluasi bulanan dan umpan balik dari orang tua. Penelitian ini merupakan pendekatan yang komprehensif dan dapat disesuaikan, menekankan strategi yang spesifik untuk kebutuhan dan perkembangan unik anak. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan wawasan yang mendalam tentang pengalaman anak usia 4-5 tahun dengan gangguan lambat bicara yang menerima implementasi perencanaan intervensi dan membawa dampak positif yang signifikan.
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Background Optimal child development is needed for adequate learning. Children, particularly toddlers, require iron for brain development, and consequently, overall development. Objective To analyze for an association between iron status and developmental status in children aged 24–36 months. Methods This explorative cross-sectional study was held in Kampung Melayu, Jakarta. Subjects were recruited using a total population sampling method. Data were collected through interview with parents, anthropometric examinations, and blood tests. Developmental status was determined using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire-3 (ASQ-3) and iron status was based on ferritin, high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and hemoglobin levels. Data analyses included Chi-square/Fisher’s exact, Mann-Whitney, and logistic regression tests. Results Of 80 subjects, 17.5% had developmental delay and 41.3% had deficient iron status. There was no significant association between iron status and developmental status in bivariate analysis, but the logistic regression analysis revealed that iron status (OR=6.9; 95%CI 1.328 to 35.633; P=0.022) and nutritional status (OR=11.75; 95%CI 1.551 to 88.979; P=0.017) contributed to developmental delay. Conclusion Better iron status and nutritional status are associated with better child development of children aged 24–36 months. So efforts are needed to maintain iron status as well as nutritional status.
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Background Optimal child development is needed for adequate learning. Children, particularly toddlers, require iron for brain development, and consequently, overall development. Objective To analyze for an association between iron status and developmental status in children aged 24–36 months. Methods This explorative cross-sectional study was held in Kampung Melayu, Jakarta. Subjects were recruited using a total population sampling method. Data were collected through interview with parents, anthropometric examinations, and blood tests. Developmental status was determined using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire-3 (ASQ-3) and iron status was based on ferritin, high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and hemoglobin levels. Data analyses included Chi-square/Fisher’s exact, Mann-Whitney, and logistic regression tests. Results Of 80 subjects, 17.5% had developmental delay and 41.3% had deficient iron status. There was no significant association between iron status and developmental status in bivariate analysis, but the logistic regression analysis revealed that iron status (OR=6.9; 95%CI 1.328 to 35.633; P=0.022) and nutritional status (OR=11.75; 95%CI 1.551 to 88.979; P=0.017) contributed to developmental delay. Conclusion Better iron status and nutritional status are associated with better child development of children aged 24–36 months. So efforts are needed to maintain iron status as well as nutritional status.
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Zaman S S (Department of Psychology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh), Khan N Z, Islam S, Banu S, Dixit S, Shrout P and Durkin M. Validity of the ‘Ten Questions’ for screening serious childhood disability: results from urban Bangladesh. International Journal of Epidemiology 1990; 19: 613–620. A survey of 2576 children aged two to nine years was carried out in Dhaka, Bangladesh, as part of a collaborative study to test the validity of a questionnaire (the Ten Questions) for screening severe childhood disabilities in community settings. Approximately 7% of the children were positive on the screen and this rate was slightly higher in boys than girls. The sensitivity, specificity and negative predictive value of the Ten Questions were perfect or nearly perfect for severe and moderate (serious) disabilities. The positive predictive value was only 22% for serious disabilities, but 70% of children classified as false positives were found to have mild disabilities or other conditions (such as ear infections) for which early detection and treatment could be beneficial. No major age or gender differences in the validity of the questionnaire were apparent, but this finding needs additional study and confirmation with studies based on larger samples. In general, the results indicate that the Ten Questions is a valid tool for screening serious disabilities in children and can potentially improve the efficiency of health services by reducing the number of children requiring attention from professionals. Future studies using the Ten Questions should foster greater attention to the dimensions of childhood disability as a public health problem in the less developed world.
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There is little data on the burden of neurological impairment (NI) in developing countries, particularly in children of Africa. We conducted a survey of NI in children aged 6-9 years in a rural district of Kenya. First, we screened for neurological disability by administering the Ten Questions Questionnaire (TQQ) to parents/guardians of children in a defined population. In phase two, we performed a comprehensive clinical and psychological assessment on children who tested positive on TQQ and on a similar number of children who tested negative. A total of 10 218 children were screened, of whom 955 (9.3%) were positive on TQQ. Of these, 810 (84.8%) were assessed, and of those who tested negative 766 (8.3%) were assessed. The prevalence for moderate/severe NI was 61/1000 [95% confidence interval (95% CI) 48-74]. The most common domains affected were epilepsy (41/1000), cognition (31/1000), and hearing (14/1000). Motor (5/1000) and vision (2/1000) impairments were less common. Of the neurologically impaired children (n = 251), 56 (22%) had more than one impairment. Neonatal insults were found to have a significant association with moderate/severe NI in both the univariate [odds ratio (OR) = 1.70; 95% CI 1.12-2.47] and multivariate analyses (OR = 1.30; 95% CI 1.09-1.65). There is a considerable burden of moderate/severe NI in this area of rural Kenya, with epilepsy, cognition, and hearing being the most common domains affected. Neonatal insults were identified as an important risk factor.
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In low- and middle-income countries, methods for clinicians to address difficulties in language, social-emotional, cognitive, behavioral, or neuromotor development during early childhood are lacking. To fill this gap, we designed, in Turkey, the Guide for Monitoring Child Development, which aims to aid clinicians in monitoring and supporting child development and the early detection and management of developmental difficulties. The Guide for Monitoring Child Development monitoring component is a practical, open-ended interview that catalyzes communication between clinicians and caregivers and obtains a portrayal of the child's development. We report on the development and psychometric properties of the Guide for Monitoring Child Development monitoring component for children aged 0 to 24 months. We examined the ages of attainment of Guide for Monitoring Child Development milestones and internal consistency in a cross-sectional study of healthy children receiving well-child care (study 1). In 2 clinical samples, we studied the interrater reliability between medical students and a child development specialist administering the guide (study 2), as well as the concurrent validity of the guide administered during a health visit and a comprehensive developmental assessment (study 3). In study 1 (N = 510), item-total scale correlations ranged from 0.28 to 0.91. An age-dependent attainment pattern was seen in all of the milestones. In study 2 (N = 92), interrater reliability between medical-student pairs and between the child development specialist and students was high (kappa scores were 0.83-0.88). In study 3 (N = 79), the sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values were 0.88, 0.93, 0.84, and 0.94, respectively. The Guide for Monitoring Child Development is an innovative method for monitoring child development that is designed specifically for use by health care providers in low- and middle-income countries. Studies in Turkey provide preliminary evidence for its reliability and validity.
This is the first in a series of papers that report the testing of two instruments for the identification and assessment of childhood disability by community workers (CWs) in Third World countries. It is part of the International Epidemiologic Study on Childhood Disability. The Ten Question Screen (TQ) was used as the main instrument to identify disability in a two stage population-based survey of 5478 children aged 2-9 years in Clarendon, Jamaica. In the second stage, TQ positive and 8% of the screen negative controls were professionally assessed by a doctor and a psychologist using standard criteria based on the main classification system of the ICIDH. Sensitivity of the TQ as a whole varied in different strata of the group and amongst different disabilities, from perfect in girls under 6 years, fits and motor disabilities and for serious disability in all group except boys over 5 years with cognitive disability. Specificity was good but the false positive rate was unacceptably high at 74%. It was concluded, firstly, that the validation of a simple questionnaire of perceptions of behaviour against objective measurements of impairments was perhaps not fair to the TQ. In spite of this, the TQ would be a very useful instrument in collecting disability data or for identifying people in need of rehabilitation help, if a way of reducing false positives could be found.
We investigated the service needs of children attending a medical assessment as part of a two stage survey of 2 to 9-year-old children in mid and south Clarendon, Jamaica. Parents were asked about symptoms relating to six different disabilities: visual, hearing, speech, motor, cognitive and fits. Following medical and psychological assessment, a diagnosis of mild, moderate, severe or no disability was made. For children with disabilities, the frequencies of five possible types of intervention recommended by the physician were analysed and related to the prevalence of the six disabilities in the parish. To estimate the needs of the Jamaican child population the figures were extrapolated based on an estimate of 1 million children under the age of 15 years. These needs were then compared with places in existing services. Of the disabled children, 62% needed special education, 29.5% needed community-based services, 21% needed spectacles, 21% needed specialist referral, and 6% required medical treatment. Although the vast majority of these needs are not met, many more could be met in the community if existing health and education personnel are trained in basic techniques of screening and assessment.
The development of developmentally delayed young children is similar to that of normal children in sequence and organization. The hypothesis of this research was that delayed children do differ from the norm when tasks involve discerning nuances, balancing competing stimuli, or acquiring and retaining selected information. Using a videotaped free-play situation, we examined attention deployment behaviors of 3 groups: normally developing (ND), Down syndrome (DS), and developmentally delayed with uncertain etiology (UE). Gesell DQ scores ranged from 50 to 75 in the latter 2 samples. In Study 1, infants had developmental ages of 12-24 months. The UE subjects spent less time engaged with toys than ND or DS subjects, and both delayed groups had less simultaneous appraisal of the environment, more time unoccupied in any way, and more throwing behavior than the ND group. In Study 2, at the 22-30-month developmental age range, DS and UE subjects had patterns of play that included many primitive activities such as banging and mouthing. Taken together, the results show reductions in ongoing acquisition and elaboration of information during play; these in turn may have significant developmental ramifications.
The Well-Being Of Children With Disabilities In The Asia Pacific Region: an Analysis of Unicef Mics 3 Survey Data from Bangladesh
  • G Llewellyn
  • Emerson Ros Madden
  • E Honey
Llewellyn G, Emerson Ros Madden E, Honey A. The Well-Being Of Children With Disabilities In The Asia Pacific Region: an Analysis of Unicef Mics 3 Survey Data from Bangladesh, Lao Pdr, Mongolia and Thailand.