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Abstract and Figures

The study aims to measure the relationship between emotional maturity on the stress, and self-confidence of management students. The study was based on the primary data collected from the 349 students pursuing Masters in Business Administration from varies Universities. Researcher has used the regression and correlation method for data analysis. It was found from the study that emotional maturity has a significant and positive relation with the self-confidence while stress has a significant and negative relation with the emotional maturity. Management students who are emotionally mature show high level of self-confidence while management students who are emotionally immature show low level of self-confidence. Stress level of management students will reduce if they will become emotionally mature and the stress will be more among management students who are emotionally immature.Emotional maturity and self-confidence are positively related to each other while there is no significant relation has been found between stress and self-confidence.
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Asia Pacific Journal of Research
ISSN (Print): 2320-5504
ISSN (Online): 2347-4793 Vol: I. Issue LVI, October 2017
Mrs. Rajeshwari R. R
Assistant Professor, Department of MBA
Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bangalore
Near Jnana Bharathi Campus, Mallath halli, Bengaluru-560056,
S. John Mano Raj
Associate Professor,Indian Institute of Plantation Management,
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
The study aims to measure the relationship between emotional maturity on the stress, and self-confidence of management students.
The study was based on the primary data collected from the 349 students pursuing Masters in Business Administration from varies
Universities. Researcher has used the regression and correlation method for data analysis. It was found from the study that emotional
maturity has a significant and positive relation with the self-confidence while stress has a significant and negative relation with the
emotional maturity. Management students who are emotionally mature show high level of self-confidence while management students
who are emotionally immature show low level of self-confidence. Stress level of management students will reduce if they will become
emotionally mature and the stress will be more among management students who are emotionally immature.Emotional maturity and
self-confidence are positively related to each other while there is no significant relation has been found between stress and self-
Keywords: Emotional maturity, Stress, Self-confidence, Management, Anxiety, and Depression.
1. Introduction: Adolescence is the bridge between childhood and adulthood. It is a time of rapid development of growing to sexual
maturity, discovering one’s real-self, defining personal values. Adolescence is a time when psychiatric conditions such as depression
and other mood disorders become apparent, leading to a risk of suicide.Failures, suicidal attempts, poor achievement among students
are serious problems faced by educationists, teachers, parents and administrators in the present time despite the fact that management
students have high general mental ability. These failures are due to high level of stress, anxiety or may be due to lack of emotional
maturity or low self-confidence. These are some of the questions, the answers to which may make this study meaningful. In the
modern age of competition, all parents are worried about future of their children. It is therefore important for the parents, teachers and
administrators to know and understand the level of their child’s mental ability, anxiety, emotional maturity, self-confidence.
Our education aims at all round development of the personality of the child. Education is meant for developing three domains i.e.
cognitive, affective and conative. Our education mainly stresses to develop cognitive aspect which deals with knowledge and to some
extent develop conative aspect which deals with motor skills. The affective aspect which deals with emotions, feelings and sentiments
of the child is totally neglected by our Education. For developing the child emotionally and socially mature, only formal education is
not enough but informal education which the child gets from his family and society is also needed. In the past years, extensive
research has been done on emotional maturity of high schools students, medical students, B.Ed students, engineering students and
even the emotional maturity of teachers also. But no one attempted to explore the emotional maturity of management students.
Asia Pacific Journal of Research
ISSN (Print): 2320-5504
ISSN (Online): 2347-4793 Vol: I. Issue LVI, October 2017
Although very few studies have been conducted, yet study on the variables stress and self-confidence on management students have
not been conducted so far in India as well as abroad. Therefore, there is an urgent need to explore this field further. In view of the
above facts, the investigator will study the factors which influence the in developing the self-confidence of adults and ability to
manage the stress. Psychologically & emotionally balanced, self-confident students would contribute more towards the actualization
of their abilities. Consequently, to make it more effective and productive, the present study is focused on studying the impact of
emotional maturity on stress and self-confidence of Management Students. This study helps to explore reasons for such stress among
the students especially in management students and ways to build the confidence among students.
2. Review of Literature:
Ansari (2015)conducted a study to measure the relationship between stress and emotional maturity among under graduates’ students.
It was found from the study that emotional maturity has a significant impact over stress level of students. An emotionally mature
person knows how to adjust in a social environment, how to tackle the different situations effectively with positive attitude and thus
emotional maturity leads to low level of stress among undergraduates students.
Allred et al. (2013) conducted a study to measure the relationship between stress, personality traits and various streams of academics
such as; science, humanities and social sciences. It was found from the study that the level of stress among college students from
different academic majors were same. Thus academic majors do not have any affect over stress of the college students. Study also
highlights the fact that stress and personality traits are not related to each other. No significant relationship has been found between
personality traits with academic majors and stress level of college students.
Rosa and Preethi (2012) made a comparative study of emotional maturity and academic stress among higher secondary students on
the basis of working status of mother. It was found from the study that students who have working mothers are emotionally mature
and more stressful than the students who have non-working mothers. Thus it can be concluded that emotional maturity and academic
stress are related to each other. The researcher suggested in the study that curriculum activities should be planned in such a way that
can help in reducing stress among students because in the late stage of adolescence the stress level is generally high. There should be
proper hours fixed in the daily schedule of the school, for fine arts, physical exercises and creativity so that the stress can be reduced
and emotional maturity can be increased among adolescents.
Lather Manisha (2009) conducted a study to measure the relationship between emotional intelligence and psychological distress
among high school students. It was found from the study that majority of the high school students are suffering from psychological
distress. At this stage of adolescence, parents’ expectations increase from the children and due to extreme pressure from parents and
teachers, students suffers from distress. It was also found from the study that emotional intelligence and psychological distress are
negatively related to each other. The researcher also highlighted the fact that emotional intelligence can help in reducing the
psychological distress among students.
Mahajan Neeta & Sharma Shweta (2008) made a comparative study of stress among male and female adolescents in the four
selected areas namely; educational, emotional, social and physical. It was found from the study that there is a significant difference in
the area of stress among adolescents due to gender differences. Stress among girls was related to education such as marks, percentage.
Girls were found to be more emotionally unstable than boys. Boys were found to be more stressed related to physical area and boys
were found to be more stressed and mentally tensed due to unknown reasons. It was also found from the study that stress among is
social factor. Both girls and boys found to be self-conscious and feel anxiety towards the attitude of society towards them. Due to
stress related to social area, adolescents easily get embarrassed when face any type of criticism from the society.
Pastey and Aminbhavi (2006) have measured the relationship between emotional maturity, stress and self-confidence. It was found
from the study that high level of emotional maturity leads to high level of stress and high level of self-confidence among adolescents.
Thus it can be said that stress and self-confidence gets affected by the emotional maturity of the adolescents. It was found from the
study that stress among adolescents does not get affected due to the number of siblings, order of birth, gender differences and family
income while the father’s education level significantly affects the stress among adolescents. Self confidence among adolescen ts get
affected by the number of siblings while order of birth, gender differences, father’s education level and family income does not affect
the self-confidence of adolescents.
3. Objectives: The study is based on the following objectives:
1. To measure the relationship between the emotional maturity & the stress among management students.
2. To measure the relationship between emotional maturity& the self-confidence among management students.
3. To measure the correlation between emotional maturity, stress and self-confidence.
4. Research Methodology: Research is based on the primary data collected from the management students of various Universities.
The sample size of the study was 349. Data has been collected using a structured questionnaire which was prepared by the researcher
on the basis of extensive literature review. Questionnaire has been found reliable and content validity of the questionnaire has been
checked from the experts in the field of psychology. Researcher has personally served total of 400 questionnaires to the target
Asia Pacific Journal of Research
ISSN (Print): 2320-5504
ISSN (Online): 2347-4793 Vol: I. Issue LVI, October 2017
respondents out of which only 349 questionnaires were found reliable has been used for data analysis. The period of the data
collection was January to May 2017. Following hypothesis have been framed and tested during the study:
H0: There is no significant relationship between emotional maturity and stress of management students.
H0: There is no significant relationship between emotional maturity and self-confidence of management students.
H0: There is no significant relationship between emotional maturity, stress and self-confidence of management students.
5. Analysis and Discussions: This section comprises the detailed analysis of primary data using regression analysis.
5.1 Emotional Maturity and Stress: Researcher has used the regression analysis to measure the relationship between the emotional
maturity and the stress of management students. Results of regression analysis have been given in detail in table 5.1 and 5.2.
Table 5.1: ANOVA
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Stress
b. Independent: (Constant), Emotional Maturity
R = 0.349 and R Square = 0.122
Interpretation: It can be interpreted from the table 5.1 that the value of F is 48.025 at a p-value of 0.000, which shows that a
significant model has emerged from the study. Null hypothesis which states that there is no significant relationship between emotional
maturity and stress tends to be rejected based on the p-value. Further, it can be seen from the results that the value of R is 0.349 which
is significant and the value of R-square is 0.122 which shows that the 12 percent of the total variation in the value of stress is caused
by the emotional maturity and rest of the 88 percent is caused due to some other factors. Thus, it can be said that emotional maturity
and stress are related to each other significantly.
Table 5.2: Regression Coefficients
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Emotional Maturity
Interpretation: Table 5.2 shows the value of regression coefficient. The t value of regression coefficient for emotional maturity is
found to be -6.930 at a p-value of 0.000, which is significant at 99 percent confidence level. The value of regression coefficients is -
0.521, which shows that there is a negative but significant relationship between emotional maturity and stress.
Negative relationship indicates that stress is high if the person is emotionally immature and stress low if a person is emotionally
matured. Stress level of management students will decrease if they become emotionally mature and the stress will be high among
management students who are emotionally immature. Thus, stress can be reduced by the management students if they learn how to
manage their emotions, ability to show their right emotions at right time, and ability to manage the adverse situations in best positive
Asia Pacific Journal of Research
ISSN (Print): 2320-5504
ISSN (Online): 2347-4793 Vol: I. Issue LVI, October 2017
5.2 Emotional Maturity and Self Confidence: Researcher has used the regression analysis to measure the relationship between
emotional maturity & the self-confidence of management students. Results of regression analysis have been given in detail in table 5.3
and 5.4.
Table 5.3: ANOVA
Sum of Squares
Mean Square
a. Dependent Variable: Self-confidence
b. Independent: (Constant), Emotional Maturity
R = 0.341 and R Square = 0.116
Interpretation: It can be interpreted from the table 5.3 that the value of F is 45.710 at a p-value of 0.000, which shows that a
significant model has emerged from the study. Null hypothesis which states that there is no significant relationship between emotional
maturity and self-confidence tends to be rejected based on the p-value. Further, it can be seen from the results that the value of R is
0.341 which is significant and the value of R-square is 0.116 which shows that the 12 percent of the total variation in the value of self-
confidence is caused by the emotional maturity and rest of the 88 percent is caused due to some other factors. Thus, it can be said that
emotional maturity and self-confidence are related to each other significantly.
Table 5.4: Coefficients
Unstandardized Coefficients
Std. Error
Emotional Maturity
Interpretation: Table 5.4 shows the value of regression coefficient. The t value of regression coefficient for emotional maturity is
found to be 2.282 at a p-value of 0.023, which is significant at 95 percent confidence level. The value of regression coefficients is
0.660, which shows that there is a positive and significant relationship between emotional maturity and self-confidence. Positive
relationship indicates that self-confidence is high if the person is emotionally matured s and self-confidence low if the person is
emotionally immature. Self-confidence of management students will increase if they become emotionally mature and the self-
confidence will be low among management students who are emotionally immature. Thus, self-confidence can be increased by the
management students if they learn how to manage their emotions, ability to show their right emotions at right time, and ability to
manage the adverse situations in best positive manner.
5.5 Emotional Maturity, Stress and Self-confidence: Researcher has measured the relationship between all the three variables used
in the study namely; emotional maturity, stress and self-confidence. The results of the correlation have been given in table 5.5 in
Table 5.5: Correlations
Self Confidence
Emotional Maturity
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Self Confidence
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Asia Pacific Journal of Research
ISSN (Print): 2320-5504
ISSN (Online): 2347-4793 Vol: I. Issue LVI, October 2017
Interpretation: It can be interpreted from the table 5.5 that emotional maturity has a significant and positive correlation with the self-
confidence while stress has a significant and negative correlation with the emotional maturity. The value of R shows that there is very
low degree of correlation between emotional maturity, stress and self-confidence. Further, it was found from the analysis that there is
no significant correlation between stress and self-confidence.
6. Future research Scope: Similar study can be done in other universities. The study can also be extended to school children and can be
extended to other streams like engineering students, B.Ed students, arts, commerce & M.Sc students. Emotional maturity & stress
level can also tested for of defense employees, academicians, corporate employees.
6. Conclusion: Overall, it can be concluded from the study that emotional maturity is significantly related to stress and self-
confidence among management students. Research has not attempted to study the level of impact f emotional maturity on stress. But
researcher has proved that emotional maturity of management students has a significant impact on their stress level. Management
students who are emotionally mature generally have low anxiety, low level of stress and they easily cope up with the stress arises due
to studies, peer groups, personal life or stress of placements or career. Students who are emotionally immature easily get depressed
due to educational stress and show lesser adjustment with the social/institutional environment or lower flexibility to external
environment. Similarly, Research has not attempted to study the level of impact of emotional maturity on self confidence. But
emotional maturity has a significant impact on the self-confidence of management students. Management students who are
emotionally mature show high level of self-confidence while the Management students who are emotionally immature show low level
of self-confidence. Emotional maturity and self-confidence are positively related to each other while there is no significant relation has
been found between stress and self-confidence.
1. Ansari Masaud (2015). Role of Emotional Maturity on Stress among Undergraduate Students. The International Journal of
Indian Psychology, 2(2), 19-25.
2. Allred Amanda, Megan Granger, & Tyler Hogstrom (2013). The Relationship between Academic Major, Personality Type,
and Stress in College Students. Lake Forest College Primary Article, Eukaryon, 9, 1-4.
3. Manisha, Lathar (2009). Effect of emotional intelligence on psychological distress of high school students, MERI Journal of
Education, 4(1), 82-89.
4. Mahajan Neeta and Sharma Shweta (2008). Stress and storm in adolescence, Indian Journal of Psychometry and Education,
39(2), 204-207.
5. Magar Ashok Amrutha (2014). A comparative study of emotional maturity among the medical and engineering students.
Review of research Journal, 3(10),1-3.
6. Pastry, Geeta S. And Aminbhavi Vijayalaxmi, A. (2006). An impact of emotional maturity on stress and Self-confidence of
adolescents. Journal of Indian Academic of Applied Psychology, 32(1), 66-70.
7. Rosa M.C and Preethi C (2012). Academic Stress and Emotional Maturity among Higher Secondary School Students of
Working and Non-Working Mothers.International Journal of Basic and Advanced Research, 1(3), 40-43.
8. Subbarayan k. Visvanathan G (2011). Comparative study of emotional Maturity and self concept among Doctors and
Managers. The international Journal of Indian Psychology, 2 (3), 131-135.
... This view of equality showed that the emotional aspects of students were mature. It is supported by the opinions of Joy & Mayhew (2018) and Rajeshwari & Raj (2017), which stated that the emotional aspect of maturity is characterized by the easy flow of love and affection, the ability to judge things positively, and the ability to determine the right behavior towards things that are incompatible with or different from oneself or the environment. These students' emotional maturity was driven by the Morning Promise as a habit that was always done so that every day, they felt that they had an emotional task to do as a form of their responsibility. ...
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Eco-literacy play a crucial role in instilling awareness in children about the importance of protecting the environment. The purpose of this study was to describe the profile of nature school students’ eco-literacy. The research method used qualitative research with a case study approach. The research subjects were selected through the purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this study were questionnaires, observation, interviews, tests, and document study. The data analysis technique employed in this study was the interactive data analysis technique. The results revealed that: (1) cognitive aspects were quite good, indicated by a systematic understanding of nature; (2) emotional aspects were good, shown by high caring and empathy; (3) spiritual aspects were good, indicated by the attitude of respecting nature; (4) high activity aspects, shown by ability to apply ecological knowledge into life practices. This research concludes that the profile of eco-literacy in nature school was quite good. Keywords: Eco-literacy, nature school, primary school
... There is relationship between emotional maturity on the stress, and self-confidence too c. Adolescents are said to reach emotional maturity, if they have characteristics such as, (1) Teenagers do not blow up or blow up their emotions before other people but wait when the right conditions and situations to express their emotions with a cold head, (2) Able to judge something critically before acting emotionally and not reacting without thinking like children, (3) Adolescents who have emotional maturity provide a stable emotional reaction, emotionally unstable or unstable [4]. ...
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The study aims to measure the relationship between emotional maturity on the stress, and self-confidence of arts and science students. The study was based on the primary data collected from the art and science students from varies Universities. Researcher has used the regression and chi square method for data analysis. It was found from the study that compare the emotional maturity and self-confidence, stress and emotional maturity. Arts and science students who are emotionally mature show high level of self-confidence while arts and science students who are emotionally immature show low level of self-confidence. Stress level of arts and science students will reduce if they will become emotionally mature and the stress will be more among arts and science students who are emotionally examines how these variables interplay with academic success, personal growth and psychological well-being, shedding light on the unique challenges and experience faced by students in these diverse fields of study.
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Emotional maturity means right decision taken in a right time in a right manner. In our present circumstances this emotional maturity is very essential to all people for living with peace and harmony in life. Adolescents are our wealth of future. They have to develop in a right way to preserve our society as well as to lead a better, successful life of their own. And a successful, better life can be achieve through a stable emotional maturity. An emotionally mature person can adjust in any situation, handle every complications in a peaceful way with suitable decision needed. So adolescents have to guide in a right way for developing a strong emotionally mature person with a balanced personality in life. This paper aims to show that whether the students of class IX are emotionally mature in Asansol area and also compare the emotional maturity of class IX students of Asansol on the basis of School type & gender.200 students of class IX are taken in the Asansol as sample, emotional maturity scale were used to collect data, mean-median & t-test were used for data analysis & finally the findings revealed that regarding the school type, Government schools of class IX students are more emotionally mature than private schools & regarding the gender, girls of class IX are more emotionally mature than boys.
Internet trend is growing day by day and the education system is going to be online sooner or later. In developing countries, like India, technological changes are rapidly taking place irrespective of age and gender. We have witnessed COVID 19, which brought technological adaptations in the education system. There was a clear shift of teaching-learning process from traditional to online. Technology is spreading out in 360 degree angle without which one cannot survive even. When it comes to the higher secondary education, how internet and other technologies can be utilized in an effective way? It is often observed adolescents are getting emotional when they watch online brutal advertisements. It is very difficult to balance their emotions once they are trolled or embarrassed in social networking sites. Such adolescents often isolate themselves from online or stop using social networking cites for some time. If we see the availability of internet, there are huge demographic differences. The students who have availability of internet are likely to access and visit online frequently compare to others. Thisstudy will help teachers to identify students with internet addiction and their emotional stability in class. The present study has gone in this direction in order to explore the relationship between availability of internet usage and emotional maturity in the students of higher secondary. A survey was conducted on 200 participants randomly and correlation was established. The findings were interesting and results were discussed.
p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh antara kontrol diri terhadap agresivitas pada remaja pemain game online . Populasi dalam penelitian ini pemain pro game online yang terdapat di kota X dengan total 103 subjek melalui incidental sampling. Alat ukur yang digunakan terdiri dari 2 skala yaitu skala agresivitas yang terdiri 32 aitem dan skala kontrol diri yang terdiri atas 48 aitem. Koefisien reliabilitas alpha cronbach pada variabel agresivitas sebesar α=0.775, sedangkan koefisien reliabilitas nilai alpha cronbach pada variabel kontrol diri sebesar α=0.900. Analisis data menggunakan PLS (Partial least square). Hasil uji korelasi menunjukkan ada pengaruh kontrol diri terhadap agresivitas, Koefisien Regresi (β)= -0.60 dan p- value = <0.01. Hal ini menunjukkan pengaruh yang signifikan antara kontrol diri terhadap agresivitas.</p
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Emotional maturity means right decision taken in a right time in a right manner. In our present circumstances this emotional maturity is very essential to all people for living with peace and harmony in life. Adolescents are our wealth of future. They have to develop in a right way to preserve our society as well as to lead a better, successful life of their own. And a successful, better life can be achieve through a stable emotional maturity. An emotionally mature person can adjust in any situation, handle every complications in a peaceful way with suitable decision needed. So adolescents have to guide in a right way for developing a strong emotionally mature person with a balanced personality in life. This paper aims to show that whether the students of class IX are emotionally mature in Asansol area and also compare the emotional maturity of class IX students of Asansol on the basis of School type & gender.200 students of class IX are taken in the Asansol as sample, emotional maturity scale were used to collect data, mean-median & t-test were used for data analysis & finally the findings revealed that regarding the school type, Government schools of class IX students are more emotionally mature than private schools & regarding the gender, girls of class IX are more emotionally mature than boys.
An attempt was made to study impact of Emotional Maturity on Stress among Undergraduate students. The sample of the study was selected by using the purposive sampling technique. The sample consisted of 150; participant’s age range was 18 to 20 years. Emotional Maturity Scale constructed by Yashvir Singh and Mahesh Bhargava (2005) and Stress questionnaire developed by Latha and Satish (1997), was used for data collection. The Simple Linear Regression was used to determine the Correlation as well as Coefficient between Emotional Maturity and Stress among undergraduate students. The findings of the study revealed that a significant impact of Emotional Maturity was found on Stress among undergraduate students. There was also found significant negative correlation between Emotional Maturity and Stress. The result revealed that, when emotional maturity increases stress decreases and when emotional maturity decreases stress increases.
The Relationship between Academic Major, Personality Type, and Stress in College Students. Lake Forest College Primary Article
  • Allred Amanda
  • Megan Granger
  • Tyler Hogstrom
Allred Amanda, Megan Granger, & Tyler Hogstrom (2013). The Relationship between Academic Major, Personality Type, and Stress in College Students. Lake Forest College Primary Article, Eukaryon, 9, 1-4.
Effect of emotional intelligence on psychological distress of high school students
  • Lathar Manisha
Manisha, Lathar (2009). Effect of emotional intelligence on psychological distress of high school students, MERI Journal of Education, 4(1), 82-89.
Stress and storm in adolescence
  • Mahajan Neeta
  • Sharma Shweta
Mahajan Neeta and Sharma Shweta (2008). Stress and storm in adolescence, Indian Journal of Psychometry and Education, 39(2), 204-207.
A comparative study of emotional maturity among the medical and engineering students
  • Amrutha Magar Ashok
Magar Ashok Amrutha (2014). A comparative study of emotional maturity among the medical and engineering students. Review of research Journal, 3(10),1-3.
An impact of emotional maturity on stress and Self-confidence of adolescents
  • Geeta S Pastry
  • A Vijayalaxmi
Pastry, Geeta S. And Aminbhavi Vijayalaxmi, A. (2006). An impact of emotional maturity on stress and Self-confidence of adolescents. Journal of Indian Academic of Applied Psychology, 32(1), 66-70.
Academic Stress and Emotional Maturity among Higher Secondary School Students of Working and Non-Working Mothers
  • M Rosa
  • C Preethi
Rosa M.C and Preethi C (2012). Academic Stress and Emotional Maturity among Higher Secondary School Students of Working and Non-Working Mothers.International Journal of Basic and Advanced Research, 1(3), 40-43.
Comparative study of emotional Maturity and self concept among Doctors and Managers
  • G Subbarayan K. Visvanathan
Subbarayan k. Visvanathan G (2011). Comparative study of emotional Maturity and self concept among Doctors and Managers. The international Journal of Indian Psychology, 2 (3), 131-135.