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Questions of educational relevance have surfaced frequently among educators, philosophers, and social scientists for centuries. Recently motivation scientists have reinvigorated such questions and are directing considerable empirical attention to develop interventions to help students make connections between what they do in school and their lives. These intervention efforts have had mixed results, and in response researchers have pointed to the need for increased clarity around the construct of relevance: what it means and how it should theoretically relate to academic motivation and achievement. In this introduction, a brief history of interdisciplinary perspectives on educational relevance and overview of emerging views among researchers in education and psychology.
Relevance for Learning and Motivation in Education
Jeffrey R. Albrecht & Stuart A. Karabenick
1406 School of Education
610 E. University Ave
Ann Arbor, MI, USA 48109-1259
Lead author contact:
Questions of educational relevance have surfaced frequently among educators, philosophers, and
social scientists for centuries. Recently motivation scientists have reinvigorated such questions
and are directing considerable empirical attention to develop interventions to help students make
connections between what they do in school and their lives. These intervention efforts have had
mixed results, and in response researchers have pointed to the need for increased clarity around
the construct of relevance: what it means and how it should theoretically relate to academic
motivation and achievement. This special issue draws together researchers from diverse
theoretical paradigms to address this need. In this introduction, a brief history of interdisciplinary
perspectives on educational relevance and overview of emerging views among researchers in
education and psychology.
We would like to thank Avi Kaplan for his invitation to produce this special issue and to our
contributors for their enduring commitment and effort to addressing the conceptual and
procedural challenges facing the motivation sciences. Further, we thank the many reviewers who
devoted their time and attention to help clarify and strengthen authors’ work and advance the
motivation sciences.
Relevance for Learning and Motivation in Education
“The theoretical problem, with relevance as with virtue, is to say in what it consists and why,
thus specified, it ought to be pursued.”
Israel Scheffler, Reflections on Educational Relevance (p. 764)
Brief History of a Controversial Concept
The issue of educational relevance has surfaced frequently over the past several centuries,
focused on the function or purpose of education for societies and individuals. In keeping with
calls to understand the philosophical roots of educational psychology (Alexander, 2003), we
describe some of the historical issues around educational relevance and relate it to how
researchers in this field discuss it today. Philosophers have long argued that education should
serve both individual and collective purposes, such as preserving cultural knowledge, creating an
ideal state, informing the future citizenry, producing human capital for industry, and promoting
social and emotional development (Ozmon & Craver, 1995). Over time, prominent educational
theorists and social commentators have primarily considered the issue from their vantage point
of authority and influence, with little regard for students’ opinions on the matter, often as part of
a sociopolitical agenda (e.g., Gibbons, 1998). Recent surveys suggest that American adults hold
many diverging viewpoints on the issue (Walker, 2016), and some have argued that everyone has
their own unique beliefs regarding the purpose of education (Sloan, 2012). Still, members of the
education and psychology research communities see it as imperative that education be made
relevant to students’ lives, interests, and cultural backgrounds (National Research Council,
2003). Given this predicament, it isn’t difficult to understand the sentiment of many teachers
who are daunted by the prospect of making education relevant to classes full of increasingly
diverse students (Bridgeland, Dilulio, & Balfanz, 2009). To complicate matters, there is little
consensus on what it even means to make education relevant to students. The purpose of this
special issue is to help clarify the meaning of relevance and to bring together insights from
diverse research programs to aid efforts to promote relevance in education.
Not everyone agrees that education should or even can be made relevant, and such
disagreements often highlight the uncomfortable fact that there are significant disputes, even
among educational administrators, about the purposes of educational institutions. In a recent
article in the Chronicle of Higher Education, for example, Braswell (2017) insisted that
educators “must recognize the broader social affliction that relevance culture has become,”
noting that arguments over the relevance of education are ultimately about selling initiatives
(e.g., offering humanities courses) through appeals to their extrinsic value (e.g., creating human
capital), rather than accepting such initiatives on account of their presumed intrinsic worth (e.g.,
enriching one’s life). He stressed that authorities and social critics often bend and restrict
conversations to promote their own ends by defining what is “relevant” in ways that exclude
other potential sources of value. For instance, Gibbons (1998) argued that relevance should “be
judged primarily in terms of outputs, the contribution that higher education makes to national
economic performance” (pp. 1-2), thereby excluding non-economic sources from considerations
of the value of higher education.
While there is validity to Braswell’s (2017) critique, his suggestion to “pull relevance off
of its pedestal,” contradicts the position of educators and educational researchers who recognize
the educative and motivational potential of making curricula relevant to students’ lives. Problems
arise when educational relevance is framed to focus solely on society’s broader agendas at the
expense of students’ goals and interests. As Gilman and Anderman (2006) noted:
Given the current emphasis in the United States on standards, accountability, and
assessment, a thorough understanding of student motivation and the contextual effects
that influence motivation is essential towards transforming schools from perceived
intellectual prisons, devoid of relevance and personal meaning, to environments that
support exploration, learning, and creativity among all students (p. 326).
As this passage suggests, there is great need to understand educational relevance from students’
perspectives, particularly regarding efforts to promote achievement and motivation. While it’s
not hard to find evidence that many students share a similar (albeit scaled-down) belief with
Gibbons (1998) that education should serve their economic needs (Pryor et al., 2012),
undoubtedly, most teachers who have sought to instill a passion for learning their subject
recognize the need for students and society alike to acknowledge the value of education beyond
merely addressing economic needs. Critically, students are very often highly receptive to such
impassioned and novel visions of what education and disciplinary learning can mean, and they
crave experiences that will broaden their often restricted understanding of the role of education
in their lives (Albrecht, 2012).
Paralleling Braswell’s (2017) position, over a century ago, Dewey (1900) argued that
discussions of relevance must be expanded to pursue a “liberation from narrow utilities,which
other researchers have since echoed (e.g., Brophy, 2009), popularizing efforts to make education
relevant not only to satisfy the priorities of social authorities but also to improve students’
academic achievement, motivation, and continued passion for learning. In My Pedagogic Creed,
Dewey (1897) stated that “Education...must begin with a psychological insight into the child’s
capacities, interests, and habits” (p. 2). Throughout his work, he maintained that such insights
were critical for making education relevant to students’ lives and experiences, later describing
the cognitive processes through which individuals perceive connections between experiences and
use the knowledge gleaned to engage in reflective judgment (Dewey, 1910). He further insisted
that relevance appraisal processes have important implications for academic achievement and
[Curricular content] needs to be psychologized; turned over, translated into the immediate
and individual experiencing within which it has its origin and significance...When the
subject-matter has been psychologized, that is, viewed as an out-growth of present
tendencies and activities, it is easy to locate in the present some obstacle, intellectual,
practical, or ethical, which can be handled more adequately if the truth in question be
mastered. This need supplies motive for the learning. An end which is the child's own
carries him on to possess the means of its accomplishment (Dewey, 1902, pp. 8-9).
Thus, Dewey laid the philosophical foundations for current efforts in educational
psychology to examine relevance as a psychological phenomenon related to academic
achievement and motivation. In this special issue, researchers describe recent conceptual and
empirical advances in the study of relevance. Accordingly, we begin by describing the rise of
relevance as an explicit, psychological construct and some of the challenges to clarifying its
place within the motivation science lexicon. Much of the work has originated in interventions to
facilitate students’ adaptive motivational beliefs.
Recent Popularity of Relevance Interventions
Over the past few decades, the idea that education should be made relevant to students
has been studied and endorsed by motivation researchers in education and psychology. The
National Research Council’s Committee on Increasing High School Students’ Engagement and
Motivation to Learn (NRC, 2003) reported findings from extensive motivation research and
concluded: “The evidence suggests that the instructional program...needs to be relevant to and
build on students’ cultural backgrounds and personal experiences, and provide opportunities for
students to engage in authentic tasks that have meaning in the world outside of school” (p. 94).
Since the NRC published their report, researchers have developed relevance interventions
that seek to promote students’ beliefs that what they do in school connects in meaningful ways to
their lives. Initial findings from such interventions were promising, showing positive effects on
academic achievement and motivation (for reviews, see Karabenick & Urdan, 2014; Lazowski &
Hulleman, 2016); however, some recent attempts to apply these interventions in different
contexts have produced null and even negative results (Albrecht & Karabenick, 2017), even
leading some to categorically state that “Trying to make the [instructional] material relevant to
students’ interests doesn’t work” (Willingham, 2009, p. 63). Such findings have spurred
increased attention to the situational factors and psychological mechanisms that moderate
relevance intervention outcomes, including relevance appraisal processes and individual
differences. Much of that work is reviewed in this special issue, and although such interventions
have resulted in some progress they have yet to resolve central concerns about the meaning of
relevance itself.
As a consequence, motivation researchers now recognize the need to address such issues
as how the concept of relevance is similar to and distinct from other motivation constructs, and
what relevance contributes to understanding motivation, achievement, and learning (Rosenzweig
& Wigfield, 2016). Attempts to improve conceptual clarity and operational definitions of
relevance include a recent symposium — Experiencing Relevance: Clarifying the Definition of a
Vital Motivational Concept — that challenged the educational research community to develop
more explicit conceptualizations of relevance (Hartwell & Kaplan, 2014). However, all but one
presentation in that symposium equated relevance with utility value, the perceived usefulness of
a task for helping facilitate one’s goals (Eccles et al., 1983). In response, a later symposium
(Albrecht & Karabenick, 2016) focused on including researchers who offered a broader array of
perspectives, which prompted an invitation to produce this special issue designed to bring
together common and divergent perspectives on the construct.
To summarize, inquiries into the relevance of education have been pursued by
philosophers, political commentators, and social scientists for millennia. Whether considering
implications for policy, instruction, or individual psychology, each perspective essentially
derives from a common question: “What purposes does and should education serve?” One hope
is that relevance can serve a bridging function that unites a variety of theoretical perspectives in
the motivation sciences (Kaplan, 2016). Accordingly, we challenged contributors from the
education and psychology research communities to describe their perspectives on individual and
social processes involved in relevance-based motivation and achievement interventions and
outcomes. The resultant articles describe a variety of classroom- and student-level interventions,
targeting relevance through diverse instructional approaches, curricular designs, and learning
As the philosopher of education, Israel Scheffler (1969) claimed, “nothing is either
relevant or irrelevant in and of itself. Relevant to what, how, and why? – that is the question” (p.
764). The following briefly explicates the significance of these questions in efforts to clarify the
meaning and implications of relevance for educators and motivation researchers.
Relevant to What?
In order to make their courses relevant, educators must first consider the focal issues
toward which curriculum and instruction should be made relevant. Consistent with Dewey’s
perspective noted above, motivational psychologists contend that focal issues should be
personally meaningful to students, e.g., relating to their cultural experiences, goals, and interests
(NRC, 2003). One of the most common assumptions dating back to Dewey’s time is that
education should be made relevant to career aspirations. Illustrating the pervasiveness of this
view, a recent survey found that education administrators, parents, and students alike in the
United States view preparation for future careers as a very important role for academic
institutions (Langer Research Associates, 2016). However, as unemployment has declined over
the last several years, so have students’ beliefs regarding the relative importance of career
preparation; indeed, students are increasingly endorsing goals of personal and intellectual
development, such as exploring interests and developing appreciation for ideas (Eagan et al.,
2017). Consistent with this perspective, contributors to the present special issue include students’
personal interests, short- and long-term goals, identity targets, intrinsic and extrinsic goals, and
cultural backgrounds.
One of the challenges to making courses relevant is negotiating contextual constraints. As
noted by Hartwell and Kaplan (this issue), the course in which relevance is appraised likely
restricts the plausible connections that can be made to particular focal issues, i.e., topics of
concern or interest to an individual that frame his/her beliefs about relevance. For instance, while
studying the arts is quite obviously relevant to enhancing aesthetic experiences, it is much more
difficult to imagine it contributing directly to one’s goal of attaining job security, which would
be a more plausible outcome of studying business or economics. If self-knowledge is one’s goal,
then it would be more practical to enroll in a psychology or philosophy course than calculus or
Another contextual challenge is diversity. As mentioned above, some have argued that
beliefs regarding the purpose of education are unique, suggesting that attempts to make
education relevant to every student would likely require individualized instruction. Such
requirements can be daunting, perhaps impossible at times, given other demands on teachers and
the challenges of connecting with each student on a level to identify personally meaningful
background experiences, aspirations, and interests. Further, there are several issues that can arise
when educators attempt to make curricula relevant. Dewey (1916) warned that in doing so
teachers may remove an opportunity for students to exercise their own capacities for reflective
judgment, even though they can provide students with pre-constructed connections that serve to
scaffold relevance appraisal processes, claims that have since found support in recent empirical
research (e.g., on facilitating cognitive transfer; National Research Council, 2000). Also worth
considering is that providing students with connections may be less personally meaningful
because of their apparent lack of autonomy when doing so. Teachers may even be insufficiently
knowledgeable about the experiences toward which they try to make the curriculum relevant,
resulting in connections that are superficial or inaccurate.
Several contributions included here address these issues directly, others address them
implicitly. Some interventions use relevance examples that are constructed by teachers or
researchers (e.g., direct communication, goal framing, personalization). Others require students
to construct their own relevance examples (e.g., self-generation, directed reappraisal), or give
students examples of relevance connections from the perspective of researchers or peers (e.g.,
critical reflection). At this point, it is unclear which of these sources will have the greatest effect
on students’ motivation. To complicate matters further, evidence suggests that different sources
will produce different results based upon students’ individual differences (Canning &
Harackiewicz, 2015; Durik et al., 2015; Gaspard et al., 2015).
Relevant How?
Another conceptual issue Scheffler (1969) highlighted is determining the way that
education is considered relevant, i.e., clarifying the nature of the relevance relationship. For
instance, students often differentiate between applied and conceptual relevance, where the
former suggests that knowledge gained can be used in some applied context and the latter that
knowledge fits within or otherwise relates to other knowledge schemas (Albrecht & Karabenick,
2015). A major distinction noted by several contributors to this special issue is the difference
between personal and impersonal relevance. While some provide evidence that students
distinguish between more personal affectively- and impersonal cognitively-oriented relevance
connections (see Hartwell & Kaplan, this issue), and several suggest that impersonal relevance
may uniquely relate to students’ academic achievement and motivational outcomes, all
contributors focused primarily on personal, self-relevance.
Within the broader category of self-relevance, some argue that relevance is best thought
of as comparable to different components of task value, types of extrinsic motivation, or levels of
identification with the purposes of engaging with academic tasks. As noted above, several
researchers over the years have suggested that relevance is synonymous with utility value and,
from a self-determination theoretical perspective, integrated regulation. More recently, however,
theorists have expanded upon those perspectives to include relevance that is more intrinsically
oriented (e.g., Priniski et al., this issue). To illustrate, when asked on a survey what made a
politics course relevant and/or irrelevant, one university student simply said, “I love politics, that
is why it is relevant” (Albrecht, 2013).
Knowing how an activity is relevant should help researchers parse out and predict
different learning and motivation outcomes. For instance, when relevance is cold and impersonal
it may still be integral to learning, whereas warmer, more personal relevance may be most
congenial to affective and motivational outcomes (Albrecht, 2016). Relevance that merely relates
to extrinsic goals may promote motivation that is less adaptive or enduring than relevance to
goals that are more personally central or integral to the activity (Vansteenkiste et al., this issue).
Scaffolding Relevance Construction
As alluded to above with regard to teachers’ roles in promoting relevance, a primary goal
of relevance interventions is to scaffold students’ appraisal processes that connect curricular
activities and valued goals, interests, and personal experiences. In this special issue, five
approaches are described based on original research and reviews of the existing relevance
intervention research: direct communication, personalization, self-generation, critical reflection,
and directed reappraisal (see Table 1).
Direct communication (typically by researchers, instructors, or text) provides students
with information regarding the value of engaging with a task (Durik & Harackiewicz, 2007).
Direct communication is based on assumptions about the topics most students will find relevant,
and requires the least effortful reflection on the student’s part. Like direct communication,
personalization tailors curricular activities to students’ background knowledge and interests,
typically through instructional technologies that give students the opportunity to indicate which
topics they find interesting and presumably relevant (Walkington, 2013). Similar to direct
communication, it does not require much effortful student reflection.
Self-generation instructs students to construct or otherwise independently identify the
value of engaging in academic tasks (Hulleman & Harackiewicz, 2009). In comparison to other
approaches to help students appraise curricular relevance, self-generation requires the most
effortful reflection and creativity from students and may be the most personalized in that students
have complete freedom to identify what they deem authentic relevance connections. As the least
scaffolded approach, self-generation has been found to elicit a range of well to poorly crafted
relevance connections (Albrecht, Rausch, & Karabenick, 2017). Students are likely to vary in
terms of how much time and effort they are willing to expend in the self-generation task and how
much background knowledge they have regarding the course content itself.
Critical reflection requires students to evaluate others’ relevance claims and requires
considerable effortful reflection (Gaspard et al., 2015). Since students are provided with
arguments regarding curricular relevance, the process may also serve as a scaffold and reduce
cognitive load. Finally, directed reappraisal involves extensive instruction on attitudes and
attitude change that guides students through a process of reconsidering their beliefs regarding the
value of their curricular activities (Acee & Weinstein, 2010). Directed reappraisal thus provides
the most elaborate scaffolding but still requires extensive effort as students consider new ideas
and engage in multiple activities that apply those ideas. Research that has combined these
approaches found that directly communicating relevance to students before asking them to self-
generate relevance appears to scaffold the latter process (Canning & Harackiewicz, 2015).
Organization of the Special Issue
Given the variety of perspectives, the issues of relevance conceptualization and
approaches to relevance intervention strongly called for a broader discussion. In response, this
special issue draws upon multidisciplinary perspectives to expand current understandings and
invites a wider audience to the table to inform the development of effective, targeted, and
empirically supported relevance interventions. Content was therefore designed to: (a) help
educators examine the role of relevance in their instruction, (b) provide researchers with broader
explanatory mechanisms for intervention effects, and (c) suggest ways to refine interventions or
identify areas of study needing further development. To facilitate these outcomes, authors were
invited to consider several big-picture questions: (a) How should educators think about
relevance? How much responsibility should an educator realistically accept or relegate to
students for making coursework relevant? (b) Which psychosocial mechanisms seem most
plausible for explaining relevance in education and which can be safely ruled out? (c) Which
aspects of relevance interventions produce consistent results and which require further
For answers to these questions, and more, we selected contributors who were conducting
research in these areas, concerned with conceptual issues regarding the relevance construct, and
would serve to highlight the differences among research paradigms. For example, some
researchers focus heavily on applied questions in education, whereas others focus more heavily
on basic research questions in psychology. Collectively, articles in this special issue address all
three Journal of Experimental Education sections—Cognition and Instruction, Motivation and
Social Processes, and Measurement and Research Methods—with each one placing emphasis on
one of the domains. The following briefly describes the rationale for including each of the
contributions, organized by the respective sections to which they contribute.
For the Cognition and Instruction section, we invited contributions from Taylor Acee and
Candace Walkington, because their research has focused more than others on innovative
instructional approaches to scaffold the development of students’ relevance beliefs, particularly
by considering the cognitive, affective, and self-regulatory mechanisms at work in the relevance
appraisal process. Taylor Acee and Claire Weinstein (2010) developed an approach to improve
students’ attitudes about the value of statistics, using an elaborate, multicomponent writing and
reflection task. The approach highlights the importance of promoting students’ awareness of
their attitudes toward statistics, beliefs they could change those attitudes, and improve their
capacity to regulate their motivation. Based on this prior work they were tasked to further
develop their theoretical model. Sadly, Claire passed away unexpectedly during the summer of
2016, a great loss to the educational research community. In honor of her memory, Acee and
colleagues contributed an article further synthesizing the literatures on attitude change and self-
regulation, providing a more detailed model of the cognitive-affective processes initiated through
task value interventions and strategies that students can use to regulate their own motivation.
Candace Walkington and her colleagues have developed learning technologies to
promote interest development through personalized instruction in high school algebra, which
recognizes the importance of students’ relevance appraisal processes, as well as the vagueness of
the concept of relevance itself (e.g., Walkington, 2013). For this reason, we invited her to
develop prior work, which Walkington and Bernacki have used to provide conceptual
clarification of the relevance construct and detail several key issues for instructors and
researchers seeking to influence students’ relevance perceptions.
For the Motivation and Social Processes section, we invited contributions from Judy
Harackiewicz and Maarten Vansteenkiste who consider relevance from two distinct and highly
influential theoretical perspectives (expectancy-value theory and self-determination theory,
respectively). Two of the most well-known relevance interventions to date emerging from an
expectancy-value framework were designed to enhance students’ utility value beliefs and
situational interest. The process involved helping them identify connections between what they
were required to learn in their respective courses and their goals, either by directly
communicating value claims (e.g., Durik & Harackiewicz, 2007) or by asking students to self-
generate relevance connections (e.g., Hulleman & Harackiewicz, 2009). Having initially viewed
relevance as synonymous with utility value (Durik, Schmidt, Shumow, & Rodenbeck, 2014;
Hulleman & Kosovich, 2014; Harackiewicz, Tibbets, & Canning, 2014), relevance has recently
been expanded to include connections between learning tasks and other life domains or outcomes
than strictly personal goals (see Hulleman, Kosovich, Barron, & Daniel, 2016), which Priniski,
Hecht, and Harackiewicz elaborate in their contribution to this issue.
One of the major criticisms of relevance framed within expectancy-value theory comes
from researchers in self-determination theory (SDT), who have conducted relevance
interventions for well over a decade. In particular, Maarten Vansteenkiste and his colleagues
have criticized the fact that the utility value construct glosses over critical qualitative differences
in goals that have different implications for achievement and motivation (for a review, see
Vansteenkiste et al., 2009). In this special issue, Vansteenkiste and colleagues develop their
conceptualization of relevance and clarify its place in the process of internalization of self-
regulation. Further, they offer recommendations for educators seeking to intervene on students’
relevance perceptions to promote self-determined motivation.
For the Measurement and Research Methods section, we invited contributions from Matt
Hartwell and researchers from the University of Tübingen. Hartwell and Kaplan (2014) describe
a task value intervention conducted in 9th grade science classes, which used an inductive, highly
situated, mixed-methods approach to examine relevance as a phenomenological experience,
whereas other researchers typically approach relevance deductively, i.e., as a preconceived
construct grounded in theory. Further, Hartwell and Kaplan considered relevance using person-
centered analyses in contrast to other relevance research that has relied exclusively on variable-
centered analytic approaches. Among the novel features of research from the Tübingen group is
their focus on fine-grained sub-facets of task value components (Gaspard et al., 2014; Trautwein
et al., 2013), which implicitly links relevance to different aspects of task value rather than, as
describe previously, restricting relevance to utility value. Drawing upon data from that line of
research, Nagengast and colleagues describe methodological advances to help researchers clarify
the effects of motivational interventions and demonstrate the procedure using their findings from
a recent relevance intervention trial.
Finally, we invited Patricia Alexander to comment on contributions to this special issue
on relevance conceptualization and interventions. Her broad and deep familiarity with research
in educational psychology and engagement with researchers provides the unique vantage point of
someone with such extensive and intellectually rigorous contributions to the field. Importantly,
Alexander encourages educational psychologists to confront critical conceptual challenges in the
field (Alexander, Schallert, & Hare, 1991; Dinsmore, Alexander, & Loughlin, 2008; Murphy &
Alexander, 2000). In her commentary, she highlights several areas in which the contributions
provide clarity regarding relevance as a psychological construct and offers timely critiques and
insights for future research efforts in this area.
As a long-standing issue of debate among social commentators and educators, questions
regarding the relevance of education have reemerged as a topic of concern and some contention
among motivation researchers. In particular, motivation scientists have focused attention on the
individual psychology of relevance appraisal processes and beliefs, rather than upon educational
policy and curricular content. Among motivation scientists, there is a general consensus that
helping students comprehend meaningful connections between what they do and learn in school
and the issues that concern them in their everyday lives should promote academic motivation and
achievement. However, the field has struggled to find consensus regarding the meaning of
relevance as a psychological construct, which is likely due to the implicit assumption that people
know what it means for schooling to be relevant to students’ lives. This special issue confronts
the challenge of explicitly conceptualizing relevance to facilitate conceptual deliberation and
consensus and ultimately to help instructors promote relevance appraisals and perceptions in
their instructional practice. In so doing, we hope this special issue provides a much-needed
reflection on the potentials and limitations of current intervention practices and contributes to
promoting coherence and dialogue in the field of relevance intervention research and theory.
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... In this process, learners perceive, reflect, create, and act within specific circumstances. Engaging in experiential learning is believed to enhance learners' interest, motivation, and engagement by offering various situational selections or pathways [45][46][47]. Therefore, experiential learning increases learning relevance by making stronger connections between learners' involvement, practises, and applications [48][49][50][51]. ...
... A preliminary formulation of the situation using the SCOR [46] model to map the current SME's supply chain configuration (as is) and collect data (using a questionnaire) on the existing waste generation at each company; ii. ...
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This work integrates the circular economy (CE) into experiential learning in higher education, focusing on industrial and systems engineering. It addresses the need for suitable learning experiences and pedagogical strategies to enhance CE and sustainability education in active learning research. Accordingly, this study proposes integrating Kolb’s experiential learning cycle with the ADDIE model into an instructional design framework for reflective and active engagement in learning activities within realistic circular supply chain scenarios. The methodology demonstrates this framework through a case study of an undergraduate module for CE problem-solving, focusing on waste reduction within small and medium enterprises in Mexico City. Based on student surveys and achievement metrics, results show positive student feedback and evaluation results, meeting module targets. This work’s main contribution offers a framework for creating novel experiential learning cases and cultivating sustainability-related and disciplinary learning outcomes. It also recognises valuable links for citizenship commitment, problem-solving, community engagement, and CE education. However, this work acknowledges limitations in complex problem-solving difficulties, a resource-demanding nature, restricted transferability, and the limited evaluation of learning effectiveness. Future research will explore this work’s relevance across Kolb’s learning styles and diverse industries, focusing on student interest and motivation, and evaluating its impact on student outcomes in various educational contexts.
... They highlight that motivation serves as a critical driver of learning outcomes. Furthermore, Albrecht and Karabenick [31] examined how motivation influences academic achievement through appraisal processes, crucial for fostering motivation in educational and psychological context. Similarly, Hartnett [32] discussed the significance of learning motivation in the context of knowledge construction and the integration of digital technologies in higher education. ...
This research aims to examine the relationship among students' beliefs about grammar, teaching methods, learning strategies, and learning motivation with grammar competence in EFL learners within the context of Chinese higher education. The study involved a sample of 192 first-year non-English majors at Sichuan Minzu College, utilizing Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis to evaluate the predictive effect of these parameters on students’ grammar competence. Research instruments included tests for grammar competence and questionnaires for evaluating hybrid teaching method engagement. Data collection was conducted through pretests and posttests over a 10-week period, followed by thorough statistical analysis using t-tests to assess the teaching intervention. The research results revealed that a substantial positive connection exists between the four factors and grammar competence, highlighting the critical role of teaching methods. The incorporation of digital teaching platforms, particularly Chaoxing Apps, demonstrated beneficial effects on grammar competence due to their flexibility and engagement. Furthermore, these findings emphasize the necessity for a comprehensive teaching strategy that combines beliefs in the significance of grammar instruction enhancement, more efficient learning strategies, and the use of digital resources to facilitate better grammar understanding while improving students' learning interest.
... The emphasis on the practical application of teaching and learning theories also emerged as a recommendation by some education graduates in the report of Ratri et al. (2019). Such a recommendation is in place and is clearly understood since course relevance is an important determinant of learner motivation (Albrecht & Karabenick, 2018). Learners need to see the practical application and the values derived from their day-to-day lessons. ...
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Alumni feedback has emerged as one of the central pillars of the quality process due to the valuable insights from the alumni in evaluating the academic programs and services of higher education institutions. This study determined the Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSED) alumni's retrospective evaluation of their undergraduate teacher training as to the adequacy and relevance of acquired 21st-century skills. It also sought their satisfaction and recommendations for curricular and service improvements. A survey procedure was used to collect data from 602 BSED graduates from a Philippine State University from 2013 to 2017. Results indicate that overall, the traced BSED alumni were highly satisfied with the pre-service training-both in terms of curriculum and services offered. The 21st century skills they acquired were claimed to be highly relevant to their current jobs. They, however, call for greater exposure with authentic pedagogical preparations and research, and for improved facilities. Moreover, they recommended a regular curriculum review to check on the courses' relevance, arrangement, and "balance". Meanwhile, variety, relevance, and practicality were among the discipline-specific recommendations forwarded. In conclusion, the satisfaction of the alumni with their undergraduate training was evident, but there are areas of improvement that the institution must consider.
... Our studies revealed that such educational programmes should be made relevant to career aspirations of future teachers. This is in line with Albrecht and Karabenick's (2018) study in which connections need to be made to "focal issues-that is topics of concern or interest to an individual that frame his/her beliefs about relevance" (p. 4). ...
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In the academic year 2020-2021, preschool and early-school pedagogy M.A. students entered a three-semester course of Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL) which was incorporated for the first time into a regular ministerial programme in the Pedagogy Department in Legnica, Poland. Similarly, preschool and early-school pedagogy students in Kraków took courses on teaching English to children as part of their study programme. These experiences offered an opportunity for the trainers to design specialised courses, implement them, and conduct research on the impact they had on the beliefs of M.A. students in relation to language learning and teaching. Additionally, the beliefs of pre-service teacher trainees were revealed on the education of young learners and the extent to which the course meets the challenges faced by the Pedagogy students in teaching a foreign language. The study exploited Lightbown and Spada's framework (2011), verbal reports, and anecdotal records, which provided insight into the process of educating M.A. students of Pedagogy in teaching a foreign language to children aged 3-10 and informed the trainers on what the needs of this group of teacher trainees were in developing their teaching skills not only in foreign language instruction. The initial findings from the research indicate the significance of modifying the beliefs of M.A. students in the realm of language education and revisiting their preconceptions of a pre-primary and lower-primary teacher.
... Развитие коммуникативных компетенций педагогов-исследователей является одной из ключевых задач современного образования в условиях цифровой трансформации и изменения образовательных парадигм [1,2]. Нейросетевые системы поддержки принятия решений (СППР), основанные на анализе мультимодальных данных и адаптивных алгоритмах машинного обучения, открывают новые возможности для персонализированного совершенствования навыков педагогического общения [3]. ...
The article presents the results of a study of the potential of using neural network decision support systems (DSS) to develop pedagogical communication skills among research teachers. Based on the analysis of scientific literature, the key principles and methodological approaches to the development and implementation of neural network DSS in the context of modern educational paradigms are identified. A conceptual model of neural network DSS functioning is proposed, taking into account the specifics of teachers’ communicative competencies and the multimodal nature of the data. An empirical study involving 120 teachers from various subject areas demonstrated the effectiveness of using neural network DSS for analyzing and improving pedagogical communication skills. The developed system of assessment metrics, including quantitative (student engagement level, reaction time) and qualitative (expert assessment) indicators, allowed us to validate the results of using neural network DSS in real educational conditions. The article discusses ethical and socio-cultural aspects of responsible implementation of neural network technologies in the practice of developing the communicative competencies of research teachers. The prospects of integrating neural network DSS with adaptive learning systems and virtual reality technologies to create complex solutions in the field of improving pedagogical communication skills are outlined.
... One of the frequently mentioned advantages of gamification is the positive impact it can have on engagement and learning motivation (Buckley & Doyle, 2016). However, learner engagement and motivation are intrinsically linked, with each serving as a critical factor in boosting students' academic performance and deeper commitment (Albrecht & Karabenick, 2018). Motivation is characterized as a collection of interwoven ideas and emotions that drive students' learning behaviors (Martin & Dowson, 2009). ...
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In recent years, gamification has appeared to be an enjoyable and appealing instructional approach in educational settings. This paper reports the implementation and evaluation of gamified instruction to support learners of English as a foreign language in a linguistics course. Several gamification elements, such as experience points, badges, leaderboard and competition, were deployed on a Moodle course management system. A comparison of the results of the survey on learning motivation revealed that the experimental group had greater learning motivation than did the control group after the instruction, particularly in the dimensions of relevance and satisfaction, suggesting that gamification can increase learners’ interest and satisfaction. To illustrate learning engagement, the data of online activities in the course management system were analyzed and compared between groups. The outcomes were encouraging, showing that students in the gamified group were more likely to submit quizzes and posts on discussion forums than were those in the nongamified group. The analysis of the relationships between gamified learning activities and motivation revealed that learning motivation was significantly correlated with discussion forums, WordWall games and badges. The findings indicate that gamification elements can effectively promote students’ motivation and engagement in learning English as a foreign language context.
Purpose This study aims to examine the effects on student motivation and perception of technological interventions within undergraduate mechanical engineering and product design and manufacture programs at a Sino-foreign international university. The authors use an augmented reality game application within a class on Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DfMA) that was developed using the approaches of microlearning and digital game-based learning (DGBL). Design/methodology/approach Structured as design-based research, the study reports on developing innovative educational interventions and provides an empirical investigation of their effectiveness. Data were collected using a mixed methods approach, using pre- and post-tests and questionnaires, together with researcher observations and participant interviews. Findings Through two rounds of playtests, the game positively affected intrinsic motivation and encouraged higher-order cognitive learning, critical thinking, communication and collaboration. Collaborative learning plays a significant role, DGBL is preferred over traditional methods and microlearning reduces information density and cognitive overload. Originality/value The study contributes to our understanding of digital game-based interventions on students’ intrinsic motivation and provides insights into effective ways to design instructional materials in similar teaching and learning settings.
Статья посвящена проблеме развития и поддержания мотивации овладения профессионально ориентированным иностранным языком в неязыковом вузе. Опросы студентов показывают, что, с одной стороны, необходимость владения иностранным языком специалистом не вызывает сомнений, с другой стороны, при овладении профессионально ориентированным языком мотивационный компонент обучения сокращается, что обуславливает недостаточно высокое качество иноязычной подготовки в вузе. Анализ исследований мотивации, внешних и внутренних мотивов учения, корреляции мотивов и академических достижений говорит о том, что при обучении иностранному языку следует создавать определенные условия, при которых внешние мотивы преобразуются во внутренние и образуются личностные смыслы и образовательные ценности. Педагогические исследования, проведенные в русле культурологического подхода, демонстрируют значительный потенциал при наличии разнообразия идей, способов постижения культур, осуществлении диалога культур, обуславливающие наличие многообразия и разнообразия образовательных задач и способов их реализации. Идея обучения иностранному языку в соответствии с индивидуальными особенностями и потребностями обучающихся находится в центре вариативного образования. Вариативное иноязычное образование включает разнообразные образовательные варианты: обязательные, реализующие минимально необходимое содержание дисциплины иностранного языка для выполнения требований образовательных стандартов, и дополнительные варианты, предназначенные для организации самостоятельной работы обучающихся и направленные на индивидуальное развитие навыков и умений иноязычной речевой деятельности. Свобода выбора дополнительного варианта, на основе собственных потребностей, выступает способом развития мотивов вовлекает в активную образовательную деятельность, придает личностное значения, актуализирует творческие способности. Методическая поддержка освоения дополнительных вариантов служит действенным инструментом, помогающим осознать результат и способы его достижения, планировать, организовывать и контролировать самообразовательную деятельность The article is devoted to the problem of developing and maintaining motivation for mastering a professionally oriented foreign language at a non-linguistic University. Surveys of students showthat, on the one hand, the need for a foreign language proficiency by a specialist is not in doubt, on the other hand, the motivational component of professionally oriented foreign language training is reduced, which determines the quality of training at the University. Analysis of motivation studies, external and internal motives of learning, correlation of motives and academic achievements suggests that certain conditions of educational process should be created to transform external motives into internal ones and to form personal meanings and educational values. Pedagogical research of the cultural approach shows a significant potential of ideas variety, understanding cultures ways, dialogue of cultures implementation, which determines variety and diversity of educational tasks and their implementation ways. The idea of foreign language teaching in accordance with the individual characteristics and needs of students is at the center of variative education. Variative foreign language education includes a variety of educational variants: mandatory, implementing the minimum necessary content of the foreign language discipline to meet the requirements of educational standards, and additional variants designed for the organization of students self-work and aimed at individual foreign language speech activity skills and abilities development. The freedom to choose an additional variant based on own needs, is a way to develop motives, because it involves in educational activities, gives personal significance, and actualizes students creative abilities. Methodological support for the development of additional variants serves as an effective tool that helps to understand the result, plan, organize and control self-educational work
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We replicated and extended prior research investigating a theoretically-guided intervention based on expectancy-value theory designed to enhance student learning outcomes (e.g., Hulleman & Harackiewicz, 2009). First, we replicated prior work by demonstrating that the utility value intervention, which manipulated whether students made connections between the course material and their lives, increased both interest and performance of low-performing students in a college general education course. Second, we extended prior research by both measuring and manipulating one possible pathway of intervention effects: the frequency with which students make connections between the material and their lives. In Study 1, we measured connection frequency and found that making more connections was positively related to expecting to do well in the course, valuing the course material, and continuing interest. In Study 2, we manipulated connection frequency by developing an enhanced utility value intervention designed to increase the frequency with which students made connections. The results indicated that students randomly assigned to either utility value intervention, compared to the control condition, subsequently became more confident that they could learn the material, which led to increased course performance. The utility value interventions were particularly effective for the lowest-performing students. Compared to those in the control condition who showed a steady decline in performance across the semester, low-performing male students randomly assigned to the utility value conditions increased their performance across the semester. The difference between the utility value and control conditions for low-performing male students was strongest on the final exam (d =.76).
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This meta-analysis provides an extensive and organized summary of intervention studies in education that are grounded in motivation theory. We identified 74 published and unpublished papers that experimentally manipulated an independent variable and measured an authentic educational outcome within an ecologically valid educational context. Our analyses included 92 independent effect sizes with 38,377 participants. Our results indicated that interventions were generally effective, with an average mean effect size of d = 0.49 (95% confidence interval = [0.43, 0.56]). Although there were descriptive differences in the effect sizes across several moderator variables considered in our analyses, the only significant difference found was for the type of experimental design, with randomized designs having smaller effect sizes than quasi-experimental designs. This work illustrates the extent to which interventions and accompanying theories have been tested via experimental methods and provides information about appropriate next steps in developing and testing effective motivation interventions in education.
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Social-psychological interventions in education have used a variety of "self-persuasion" or "saying-is-believing" techniques to encourage students to articulate key intervention messages. These techniques are used in combination with more overt strategies, such as the direct communication of messages in order to promote attitude change. However, these different strategies have rarely been systematically compared, particularly in controlled laboratory settings. We focus on one intervention based in expectancy-value theory designed to promote perceptions of utility value in the classroom and test different intervention techniques to promote interest and performance. Across three laboratory studies, we used a mental math learning paradigm in which we varied whether students wrote about utility value for themselves or received different forms of directly-communicated information about the utility value of a novel mental math technique. In Study 1, we examined the difference between directly-communicated and self-generated utility-value information and found that directly-communicated utility-value information undermined performance and interest for individuals who lacked confidence, but that self-generated utility had positive effects. However, Study 2 suggests that these negative effects of directly-communicated utility value can be ameliorated when participants are also given the chance to generate their own examples of utility value, revealing a synergistic effect of directly-communicated and self-generated utility value. In Study 3, we found that individuals who lacked confidence benefited more when everyday examples of utility value were communicated, rather than career and school examples.
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Interventions targeting students' perceived relevance of the learning content have been shown to effectively promote student motivation within science classes (e.g., Hulleman & Harackiewicz, 2009). Yet, further research is warranted to understand better how such interventions should be designed in order to be successfully implemented in the classroom setting. A cluster randomized controlled study was conducted to test whether ninth-grade students' value beliefs for mathematics (i.e., intrinsic value, attainment value, utility value, and cost) could be fostered with relevance interventions in the classroom. Eighty-two classrooms were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 experimental conditions or a waiting control condition. Both experimental groups received a 90-min intervention within the classroom on the relevance of mathematics, consisting of a psychoeducational presentation and relevance-inducing tasks (either writing a text or evaluating interview quotations). Intervention effects were evaluated via self-reports of 1,916 participating students 6 weeks and 5 months after the intervention in the classroom. Both intervention conditions fostered more positive value beliefs among students at both time points. Compared with the control condition, classes in the quotations condition reported higher utility value, attainment value, and intrinsic value, and classes in the text condition reported higher utility value. Thus, stronger effects on students' value beliefs were found for the quotations condition than for the text condition. When assessing intervention effects separately for females and males, some evidence for stronger effects for females than for males was found. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).
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Expectancy-value theory (Eccles et al., 1983) is a prominent approach to explaining gender differences in math-related academic choices, with value beliefs acting as an important explanatory factor. Expectancy-value theory defines 4 value components: intrinsic value, attainment value, utility value, and cost. The present study followed up on inconsistencies in research findings on gender differences in math values that might partially be due to differences in the operationalization of the value construct. To this end, we examined if subfacets of the 4 value components could be established empirically and if gender differences could be found on these facets. A total of 1,868 9th-grade students completed a set of 37 items assessing their value beliefs in mathematics. Confirmatory factor analyses supported the conceptual differentiation of value beliefs into a total of 11 value facets. Whereas the factor structure was invariant across gender, there were considerable differences in mean levels favoring boys on some but not all value facets. These gender differences depended not only on the value component but also on the specific facet under consideration.
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Two studies tested how the effects of a utility value manipulation on interest and performance were moderated by expectations for success. College students learned a new technique for mentally solving multiplication problems with instructions containing task utility information or not. In Study 1 (N = 62), the effect of the utility value information was positive for individuals with high success expectancies, but negative for individuals with low success expectancies. Study 2 (N = 148) examined the causal role of success expectancies by manipulating whether participants received an expectancy boost before receiving the utility manipulation. The results showed further support for the importance of success expectancies in moderating the effect of directly-communicated utility value. The results are discussed in relation to other research on utility value, interest, and expectancy–value models of achievement behavior.
One way to increase students’ participation in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields is to target their motivation. Researchers have conducted a growing number of interventions addressing students’ motivation in STEM; however, this body of work has not been adequately reviewed. We systematically reviewed experimental and quasi-experimental studies (n D 53) targeting adolescent students’ motivation for STEM subjects. While some interventions showed positive effects on a variety of motivational constructs and academic outcomes, others showed mixed or non-significant effects. We recommend that researchers more frequently examine moderating variables that might limit interventions’ results, including individual-level variables such as gender, contextual-level variables such as the subject in which an intervention was conducted, and design-level variables such as intervention length. Additionally, researchers might better align their interventions with motivation theory. Future research should address these limitations so that the results of successful interventions can better inform educational policy and practice.