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Abstract and Figures

In this study, the static accuracy performances of the Single Baseline and Network RTK positioning techniques were analysed. Accuracies of the RTK-based positioning were assessed based on field test in City of Çorum district, Turkey. For this purpose, several geodetic points with different distances from Single Baseline RTK base station in City of Çorum were established. The coordinates of these points were calculated with Single Baseline RTK and Network RTK methods. According to the obtained results, it can be stated that the method allows cm to dm level of accuracy in positioning without having the need of an additional user’s own reference station(s) or any other data, thus reduces the field operational costs. The obtained level of accuracy is perceived acceptable for different surveying and mapping applications such as general surveying projects, cadastral surveying, topographic detailed plans, general detailed site plans, as-built maps and GIS applications.
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910 November 2017, Sofia
In this study, the static accuracy performances of the Single Baseline and Network RTK
positioning techniques were analysed. Accuracies of the RTK-based positioning were assessed
based on field test in City of Çorum district, Turkey. For this purpose, several geodetic points
with different distances from Single Baseline RTK base station in City of Çorum were
established. The coordinates of these points were calculated with Single Baseline RTK and
Network RTK methods. According to the obtained results, it can be stated that the method allows
cm to dm level of accuracy in positioning without having the need of an additional user’s own
reference station(s) or any other data, thus reduces the field operational costs. The obtained level
of accuracy is perceived acceptable for different surveying and mapping applications such as
general surveying projects, cadastral surveying, topographic detailed plans, general detailed site
plans, as-built maps and GIS applications.
With origin dating back to the mid-1990s, Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Positioning has become
common practice. RTK is a relative positioning technique that used at least two GNSS receivers;
one is setup on a point as base stations with known coordinates while the other(s) as rover(s).
The usability of this method and attainable accuracy is highly dependent on the distance between
the user receiver and its base station due to distance-dependent biases i.e. orbital, ionospheric
and tropospheric biases that deteriorate the positioning accuracy (El-Mowafy, 2012). Thus, it
works best when short baselines are issued as the precision of RTK measurements decreases
since the baseline length increases. In general, this conventional RTK, i.e. Single Baseline RTK,
has been limited to the distance of 10 to 20 km from the base station and is extended to 50 km
with long-range RTK.
Within a couple of decades, many administrative entities and private organizations have
established and operated Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORSs) Networks for
achieving different purposes not only academic but also professional studies. In early 2000, a
method called as Network RTK Positioning have been started to be commonly used by adding
real-time capability to CORS networks. In this method, the distance-dependent errors mentioned
above are modelled accurately and reliably for long baselines i.e. several tens of kilometres. The
Network RTK provides more convenient, cost-effective and real-time precise positioning. The
most accurate real-time kinematic positioning method makes GNSS a very efficient tool for land,
air, marine and numerous different applications where reliable, accurate and precise real-time
positioning is required. More information can be found in Fotopoulos and Cannon (2001);
Lachapelle and Alves (2002); Rizos (2002); Rizos, (2007); El-Mowafy (2012) and Cina et al.
The main objective of this study is to assess accuracy performances of the Single Baseline RTK
and Network RTK techniques. For this purpose, a number of static experiments were conducted.
In this study, the test procedure and obtained results with some recommendations are given.
In this study, a Single Baseline RTK operated by Çorum Local Municipality and a Network RTK
named as TUSAGA-Aktif operated by Republic of Turkey, the General Directorate of Land
Registry and Cadastre of Turkey were compared to each other in terms of accuracy performance
in static mode. For this purpose, a field test was carried out in City of Çorum district, Turkey on
May 2017 (GPS Day of Year 145 and 147). 9 Groups of points (3 points in each group) were
established at the different distances from the base station of Single Baseline RTK (i.e.
approximately 11 km, 20 km, 30 km, 41 km, 45 km, 50 km, 62 km, 75 km and 89 km) from Çorum
City centre (Figure 1).
Figure 1. The Location of Measured Points
As the first step, the coordinates of these points were determined with TUSAGA-Aktif network
by using Network RTK technique. The coordinates of the same points were then determined
again with Single Baseline RTK. In order to determine the known coordinates of established
points, static measurements were also occupied lasting 45 minutes to 1 hour time period (Figure
Figure 2. Field Test Measurement
During the test measurements, multi-frequency and multi-constellation Trimble R10 GNSS
receivers were used. The provided accuracy level for the receiver is given in Table 1.
Table 1. Accuracy Specifications of Trimble R10 GNSS Receiver (URL 1)
Static GNSS surveying
High-Precision Static
Horizontal ............................................... 3 mm + 0.1 ppm RMS
Vertical ................................................ 3.5 mm + 0.4 ppm RMS
Real Time Kinematic
Single Baseline <30 km
Horizontal .................................................. 8 mm + 1 ppm RMS
Vertical .................................................... 15 mm + 1 ppm RMS
Network RTK
Horizontal ............................................... 8 mm + 0.5 ppm RMS
Vertical .................................................. 15 mm + 0.5 ppm RMS
Trimble CenterPoint RTX
Horizontal ............................................................... 4 cm
Vertical ................................................................... 9 cm
More information about the receivers used in this study can be found in URL 1.
During the post-processing stage, TUSAGA-Aktif stations which are the closest to the study area
were used as reference stations. The static data of these reference stations were downloaded from
TUSAGA-Aktif website ( The coordinates of the points were
calculated with differential method by using observations of reference stations and newly
established points within a few cm accuracies with Leica Geo Office integrated office processing
software. Then, the RTK-derived coordinates were compared to their known values and
differences in 2D position and ellipsoidal height components were calculated. The differences
between the known and RTK-derived coordinates are given in Figure 3.
Figure 3. Differences between Differential and RTK Positioning
The obtained results showed that cm to dm level accurate point positioning for both 2D positions
and height components is possible via Single Baseline and Network RTK approaches performing
very short (typically few minutes or even shorter) real-time measurements. Both of the systems
do not require conventional GNSS measurement as well as post-processing of the collected data.
The result implies that, both RTK users can determine their position fast, easily, and cost-
effectively at any time and all year round in real-time within a few cm-level of accuracy.
However, after the results from Single Baseline RTK were examined, it was realized that the
accuracy slightly decreased compared to Network RTK by getting distant from the reference
point. This provides slightly worse results than the Network RTK. This case was not observed
for the results of Network-RTK. Unlike Single Baseline RTK, the distance-dependent errors (e.g.
atmospheric and orbit) were modelled more conveniently in Network RTK and depending on
this fact, this technique provides more homogenous accuracy and in general, better positioning.
Generally, the obtained accuracies from the both Single Baseline RTK and Network RTK
approaches are good enough for many surveying applications while reducing the surveying costs
and labour.
Cina, A., Dabove, P., Manzino, A. M. & Piras, M. (2015). Network real time kinematic (NRTK)
positioningdescription, architectures and performances. In: Prof. Shuanggen Jin (Editor).
Satellite Positioning-Methods, Models and Applications, InTech Publishing, 23-45.
El-Mowafy, A. (2012). Precise real-time positioning using network RTK. In: Prof. Shuanggen
Jin (Editor). Global navigation satellite systems: signal, theory and applications. InTech
Publishing, 161-188.
Fotopoulos, G. & Cannon, M. E. (2001). An overview of multi-reference station methods for
cm-level positioning. GPS Solutions, 4(3), 1-10.
Lachapelle, G. & Alves, P. (2002). Multiple reference station approach: overview and current
research. Journal of Global Positioning Systems, 1(2), 133-136.
Rizos, C. (2002). Network RTK research and implementation - A geodetic perspective. Journal
of Global Positioning Systems, 1(2), 144-150.
Rizos, C. (2007). Alternatives to current GPS-RTK services and some implications for CORS
infrastructure and operations. GPS Solutions, 11(3), 151-158.
URL 1: Trimble R10 GNSS System.
Available from:
544H_TrimbleR10_DS_A4_0517_LR.pdf [accessed 29/07/2017].
Prof. Dr. Reha Metin ALKAN
Hitit Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü
Kuzey Kampüsü, 19030 Çorum / TÜRKİYE
Telephone : +90 364 219 1926
E-mail :
... These stations were surveyed using a Trimble R10 RTK receiver, with locations determined in reference to the GNSS station mentioned above ( Figure 3b). The RTK receiver guarantees horizontal and vertical accuracies of 8 mm + 0.5 ppm and 15 mm + 0.5 ppm, respectively, in the RTK mode, according to the manufacturer [28]. Considering that the maximum distance from the roving sites to the reference site ( Figure 1) is~8 km, the horizontal and vertical accuracy should be less than 12 mm and 19 mm, respectively. ...
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Real-Time/Post-Processing Kinematic (RTK/PPK) technology has been widely applied in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) photogrammetry in glaciological research. Considering that ground control points (GCPs) cannot be set on glaciers, evaluating the impacts of one-sided distribution is essential. In this study, 8571 images were captured at Sermeq Avannarleq glacier in western Greenland from 4 August 2021 to the 6th, covering approximately 85 km², with the furthest distance being 13.22 km away from the coastline. Benefited by the meandering coastline, 11 roving stations roughly uniformly distributed on bare rock were surveyed with the RTK technique. PPK-geotagged images were processed in Agisoft Metashape Professional to derive the DSMs, utilizing eight different configurations of GCP distributions that gradually extended longitudinally (along the glacier flow direction) to the upper part of the glacier. The accuracy of DSMs was evaluated by referring to the validation points (VPs) that were not employed in the Bundle Block Adjustment (BBA). The results indicated that the RMSE values of the easting, northing, and height of the reconstruction model georeferenced by only PPK geotagging (no GCPs applied) were 0.038 m, 0.031 m, and 0.146 m, respectively. Applying four GCPs located at one side of the region but with both longitudinal and lateral distribution improved the RMSE values in easting, northing, and vertical to 0.037 m, 0.031 m, and 0.081 m, respectively, and these values were stable even when distributing four GCPs evenly or when increasing the number of GCPs to eleven. Moreover, the cross-validation with ICESat-2 and ArcticDEM performed only at an off-glacier region also suggested that vertical accuracy shows significant improvements for every configuration of GCPs compared to the reconstruction model optimized only by PPK, but such improvements were not obvious if the number of GCPs exceeded four. Moreover, no elevation ramps appeared in the UAV DSM, even for the GCP configuration with only two GCPs distributed at the terminus. Therefore, combining PPK with only a few GCPs but distributing in both directions of the surveying region can offer a viable solution for obtaining glacier DSMs at the coastline with decimeter-level accuracy.
... CORS send various kind of correction data needed in GNSS measurement using a specific data transfer system, such as RTCM (Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services). CORS can provide a position with an accuracy of ± 20 mm, however, it should be noted that the optimum distance between CORS station and rover is about 15-20 km [5][6]. This is due to various types of errors that will increase with increasing baseline distance. ...
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As the modernized Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) method, Real Time Kinematic (RTK) ensures high accuracy of position (within several centimeters). This method uses Ultra High Frequency (UHF) radio to transmit the correction data, however, due to gain and power issues, Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (RTCM) is used to transmit the correction data for a longer baseline. This Research aims to investigate the performance of short to long-range single baseline RTK GNSS (Up to 80 KM) by applying modified LAMBDA method to resolve the ambiguity in carrier phase. The RTK solution then compared with the differential GNSS network solution. The results indicate that the differences are within RTK accuracy up to 80 km are several centimeter for horizontal solution and three times higher for vertical solution.
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Simulating floods and creating vulnerability maps are essential in urban watershed management systems. The present research aimed to simulate floods and assess floodplain risk in the Khalkai watershed located in Gilan Province, Iran. This river is characterized by extensive agricultural areas and urban areas that become flooded during most rainy seasons. Hence, an accurate assessment of flood extent and behavior is necessary. This study employs HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, and MIKE 21 for advanced hydrodynamic modeling, focusing on two-dimensional (2D) capabilities essential for urban areas and flood is simulated with probability return periods of 50, 100, and 500 years. The research objectives include comparing HEC-RAS and MIKE 21 to identify the most effective flood simulation model, evaluating the impact of hydrological and hydraulic factors, the influence of GPS topographic mapping compared with DEMs extracted from satellite images and assessing land-use changes on flood behavior. Model accuracy is validated against historical flood data, revealing that MIKE 21 effectively addresses challenges related to grid resolution and flood delineation. Results indicate that while HEC-RAS provides a broader extent of flooding, both models offer critical insights into flood depth and flow characteristics. This research contributes to enhanced flood risk management by illustrating the implications of land-use changes on flood events, offering valuable insights for policymakers in mitigating future flood impacts and developing sustainable urban strategies.
Building products designed at each level of detail provide single window solutions for Smart City applications. In view of this, the current study uses the tools and techniques to generate second level of detailed buildings that include building shape and height parameters. The extrusion from 2D has been performed altogether in multiple platforms and 3D data handling software. The basic inputs considered for extracting the polygon shapefiles are obtained from high-resolution stereo pair satellite images acquired using Cartosat-I imagery. Eight ground control points are collected using high precision Differential Global Positioning System having millimeters of accuracy. The image adjustments and Digital Surface Model are generated by using the process and concepts of Photogrammetry such as block creation using Rational Polynomial Coefficient text files, internal geometry set up such as interior and exterior orientation, Tie point generation and control point adjustments, and Automated Terrain Extraction. The thus obtained terrain model is overlaid on ortho photograph and the building heights are extracted and compared by using spatial profile graph as well as stereoscopic visualization methods. The height-derived attribute tables are attached to corresponding building footprints and are visualized in different GIS platforms.
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Ketersediaan layanan dan cakupan Continuously Operating Reference Station (CORS) sangat penting untuk kegiatan yang membutuhkan ketelitian level sentimeter atau lebih baik. Penelitian ini menganalisis ketersediaan layanan CORS Indonesia berdasar data web scraping server InaCORS pada Desember 2018. Cakupan CORS diestimasi dengan asumsi performansi Real Time Kinematic (RTK) single base hingga radius 30 kilometer dan untuk RTK network base hingga 50 kilometer dari masing-masing stasiun yang kemudian dipadukan dengan data cakupan jaringan komunikasi selular Telkomsel, Indosat dan 3 dari Hasil web scraping menunjukkan terdapat 51 stasiun CORS dengan ketersediaan layanan di atas 80%, empat dengan ketersediaan layanan di bawah 80%, dua dengan ketersediaan layanan di bawah 50%, dan 14 yang tidak memiliki ketersediaan layanan. Cakupan CORS untuk metode RTK single base dan network base masing-masing adalah 72,942% dan 98,299%. Luas cakupan CORS terbesar diperoleh provider Telkomsel baik untuk metode RTK single base maupun network base yaitu masing-masing sebesar 34,622% dan 45,180%. Cakupan riil dari estimasi tersebut mungkin lebih besar karena hasil uji lapangan membuktikan bahwa tingkat ketepatan data dari OpenSignal hanya sebesar 69,444% dan masih banyak area tanpa data sinyal. Hasil analisis tingkat duplikasi cakupan CORS menunjukkan bahwa luas duplikasi cakupan CORS untuk metode RTK single base dan network base masing-masing sebesar 37,076% dan 82,382% dari luas total cakupan CORS. Hasil dari penelitian juga menunjukkan setidaknya ada 20 stasiun CORS yang perlu ditingkatkan ketersediaan datanya.
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The differential positioning has got a great development in recent years, thanks to the appearence of GNSS CORSs (Continuous Operating Reference Stations) networks. One of the main goals of these networks is to give the possibility to the users to extend the differential positioning (whether in real time or post-processing) up to 25-50 km, allowing a positioning useful for applications such as surveying, monitoring and precise navigation. It is possible to find in bibliography some studies that shown the performances of this type of positioning, with their limitations and peculiarities, also in function of the network size (Dabove et al., 2011). The Network Real Time Kinematic (NRTK) positioning is a very common practice not only in academia but also in the professional world. Since its appearance, over 10 years ago, a growing number of people use this type of positioning not only for topographic applications, but also for the control of vehicles fleets, precision agriculture, land monitoring, etc. This chapter wants try to focus the attention on the methods and characteristics of NRTK positioning and to summarize principles and peculiarities of this type of GNSS positioning: the goal is to show how networks for NRTK positioning work and also to show the differential corrections that are available today, with their performances in order to obtain acceptable results, always considering the accuracy required by the purposes described above. So, first of all the GNSS network positioning will be discussed, starting from the network biases estimation to the rover positioning with particular attention to the differential GNSS corrections such as the Master Auxiliary Concept (MAC), Virtual Reference Station (VRS) and Flächen Korrektur Parameter (FKP). Particular attention will be also devoted both to the transmission of the differential corrections and their problems, such as the GSM coverage, and to the analysis of the RTCM protocol. A theoretical description of the network calculation and biases interpolation will be made and brief results for each correction will be shown, in order to give a practical example.
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Dr. Gerard Lachapelle, holds a CRC/iCORE Chair in Wireless Location in the Department of Geomatics Engineering. He has been involved with GPS developments and applications since 1980 and has authored/co-authored numerous related publications and software. More information is available at Paul Alves, is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Geomatics Engineering of the University of Calgary. He has been involved in ambiguity resolution and Network RTK research within the field of positioning and navigation for the past two years.
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The justification for the establishment of CORS networks was initially in support of geodesy and other geoscientific applications at the global and regional level. However, increasingly GPS CORS network operators have sought ways of making their network infrastructure the basis of a profitable business. This has arisen with the introduction of real-time centimeter-level accuracy services, carrier phase-based modes of operation generally referred to as GPS-RTK (real-time kinematic). One approach is to try to recruit a core group of users who are prepared to pay for the GPS-RTK services. But this is only feasible if the number of users, and the fees that are charged, are sufficient to generate a reasonable return-on-investment (ROI). This ROI (or at the very least “cost-recovery”) is important for many network operators in order that they may provide for the maintenance and upgrade of the CORS infrastructure. On the other hand, there are those who advocate that there is no need to recoup CORS investment, that the installed GPS receivers should be seen as public infrastructure in a similar manner to roads, bridges, etc. This paper discusses some new business and operational models for GPS-RTK services. These include models for the establishment and operation of CORS infrastructure, service provision, business cases, and options for value-added services beyond the standard GPS-RTK service. One concept is based on a “client–server” model. Currently GPS-RTK service providers have no control over the quality of the results computed by users. This makes it difficult for them to justify charging for their services. What if instead of broadcasting RTK corrections and placing the onus of obtaining a final solution on the user and his equipment, the user’s coordinates are determined by the service provider? Putting the computational effort on the server side will justify more easily the charging of users for a value-added product: an accurate and quality assured coordinate in the local reference frame. This paper describes the client–server concept as well as possible business models that may underpin such a service model. These models include some derived from mobile telephony and service/hospitality businesses. Furthermore, with the projected proliferation of independent, competitive GPS-RTK services, the concept of a GPS data or service “broker” is worth exploring.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) was once the only operational global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and it was used all over the world to access location-based services (LBS). With the Russian GLONASS navigation system and the future deployment of China's Compass and Europe's Galileo navigation, there will be increased focus on the capabilities and applications of such systems. This article gives an overview of the different navigation systems, explains the navigation channel and generic approach used by a commercial standard receiver to calculate a user position and generally describes channel acquisition and tracking. GNSS applications such as differential GNSS (D GNSS) and multiple frequency-band navigation, their complexity and benefits are also presented.
Over the past few years, a significant amount of research has been conducted on the formulation of carrier phase corrections in order to enhance ambiguity resolution and to increase the distances over which precise positioning can be achieved. Recently the use of a network of multiple GPS reference stations for generating carrier phase-based corrections has emerged with great promise for use in real-time environments. However, little research has been conducted on the distribution of these corrections to potential GPS users located within, and surrounding, the network coverage area. This is an integral part of real-time kinematic DGPS, and it must be adequately addressed before a practical realization of the multireference station concept is implemented. The focus of this paper is to present a comprehensive summary of some of the multiple reference station methods, with specific attention directed toward the correction generation and dissemination processes. More specifically, the various multi-reference station methodologies have been categorized according to their underlying correction generation framework, but will be discussed in terms of the correction dissemination options presented by the various authors. The for main categories of methods investigated in this paper are: (a) partial derivative algorithms, (b) linear interpolation algorithms, (c) condition adjustment algorithms, and (d) virtual reference station methodologies. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.