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  • K.M.Patel Institute of Physiotherapy, Karamsad


Background: Back pain is one of the most common problems during post-partum period. In the present scenario, the families are not aware of different delivery methods and their advantages and disadvantages and there is no system to consult them on the matter. Objective: To compare the prevalence of back pain and its impact on quality of life after normal vaginal delivery and after cesarean section. Methods: After obtaining written informed consent from the patient, they were assessed for back pain using Numerical rating scale. For the subjects who complained of back pain, Oswestry Disability Index was taken to assess the disability level. Short Form-36(SF-36) was used to assess the quality of life in patients with back pain. Results: The prevalence of postpartum back pain in women with cesarean section is 56.67% .The prevalence of postpartum back pain in women with normal vaginal delivery is 33.33%. The mean quality of life of women with cesarean delivery with back pain is 37.25 with SD of 4.67.The mean quality of life of women with normal vaginal delivery with back pain is 43.10 with SD of 4.6. Conclusion: The prevalence of low back pain is higher in post-partum women with cesarean section compared to normal vaginal delivery. The quality of life is better in postpartum women with normal vaginal delivery than the women with cesarean section. The disability level is lower in postpartum women with normal vaginal delivery than the women with cesarean section.
*Corresponding author: Joshi S
ISSN: 0976-3031
Research Article
Joshi S*1and Parikh S2
1Department of Physiotherapy, Ashok and Rita Patel Institute of Physiotherapy,
Charotar University of Science and Technology, Changa
2Department of Physiotherapy, K.M.Patel Institute of Physiotherapy,
Sardar Patel University, India
Background: Back pain is one of the most common problems during post-partum period. In the
present scenario, the families are not aware of different delivery methods and their advantages and
disadvantages and there is no system to consult them on the matter.
Objective: To compare the prevalence of back pain and its impact on quality of life after normal
vaginal delivery and after cesarean section.
Methods: After obtaining written informed consent from the patient, they were assessed for back
pain using Numerical rating scale. For the subjects who complained of back pain, Oswestry
Disability Index was taken to assess the disability level. Short Form-36(SF-36) was used to assess
the quality of life in patients with back pain.
Results: The prevalence of postpartum back pain in women with cesarean section is 56.67% .The
prevalence of postpartum back pain in women with normal vaginal delivery is 33.33%. The mean
quality of life of women with cesarean delivery with back pain is 37.25 with SD of 4.67.The mean
quality of life of women with normal vaginal delivery with back pain is 43.10 with SD of 4.6.
Conclusion: The prevalence of low back pain is higher in post-partum women with cesarean section
compared to normal vaginal delivery. The quality of life is better in postpartum women with normal
vaginal delivery than the women with cesarean section. The disability level is lower in postpartum
women with normal vaginal delivery than the women with cesarean section.
The postnatal period defined as the first six weeks after birth
is critical to the health and survival of a mother and her
newborn1(Charolette& Pat,2014). It is the time after childbirth,
lasting approximately 6 weeks, during which the anatomic and
physiologic changes brought about by pregnancy resolve and a
woman adjusts to the new or expanded responsibilities of
motherhood and nonpregnant life. During the postpartum
period, hormone levels fluctuate causing musculoskeletal
issues such as excessive joint mobility, weakness of core
stabilizers, and altered spinal mobility and function.
Common Problems during post partum period are: Backache,
perineal pain, bowel problems, mastitis, psychological
problems, postpartum haemorrhage, thromboembolism,
postnatal anaemia.2(Colin Tidy et al., 2011)
Back pain is one of the most common problem during post
partum period, It is defined as axial or para-sagittal discomfort
or pain in lower lumbar region and is musculoskeletal in nature
due to combination of multiple factors like mechanical,
physiological, hormonal, circulatory, and psychosocial factors.3
(Sarvaiya Bhavisha et al, 2008).
Back pain can affect women of child bearing age whether
pregnant or not. Approximately 70% of women will report low
back pain at some point in their lives.4(American Society of
Regional Anesthesia and Pain medication). According to
F.Turgutet. al, 59.1% pregnant women had low back pain at
time of delivery and 43.2% women had low back pain 6
months post partum. It has been reported that the incidence of
back pain is significantly higher after cesarean section as
compared to normal vaginal delivery.5(Ingrid Mogren et al,
Backache after delivery may last up to one year and above.
While the etiology of low back pain during pregnancy remains
theoretical, three mechanisms regularly are described:
biomechanical, musculoskeletal, hormonal and vascular.
Available Online at
International Journal of
Recent Scientific
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research
Vol. 7, Issue, 11, pp. 14342-14348, November, 2016
Copyright © Joshi S and Parikh S., 2016, this is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
Article History:
Received 17th August, 2016
Received in revised form 21st September,
Accepted 05th October, 2016
Published online 28th November, 2016
Key Words:
Low back pain, Post partum women,
Quality of life, Oswestry Disability index,
Joshi S and Parikh S., Prevalence of Low Back Pain And Its Impact on Quality of
Life In Post Partum Women
14343 | P a g e
The classical hypothesis of low back pain postulates that
weight gain experienced during pregnancy results in postural
changes that produce pain. Due to the anterior displacement of
the center of gravity of the trunk and abdomen, women may
unconsciously shift their head and upper body posteriorly over
their pelvis, inducing hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine. This
shift generates stress on intervertebral disks, facet joints and
ligaments, promoting joint inflammation. Inflammation and
distension of the joint capsule create pain and increase
sensitivity to movement.6(Ostgarad C. et al, 1991).
Other postural changes that contribute to pain in the low back
Joint laxity in the anterior and posterior longitudinal
ligaments of the lumbar spine creates more instability
in the lumbar spine and can predispose to muscle
There is widening and increased mobility of the
sacroiliac joints and pubic symphysis in preparation
for the fetus' passage through the birth canal.
A significant increase in the anterior tilt of the pelvis
occurs, with increased use of hip extensor, abductor,
and ankle plantar flexor muscles.7(Gutke A., 2007)
The overall incidence of back pain 1-2 months post partum was
44%. Greater BMI, younger age, a history of low back pain
during pregnancy, before pregnancy, multiparity and joint hy
permobility have been found to be predisposing factors of low
back pain in women after childbirth.8(Glanzener CMA et al,
Post partum pain remains under evaluated and under managed
while evidence is growing that post partum treatments strongly
influence patients’ outcome. In the present scenario, the
families are not aware of different delivery methods and their
advantages and disadvantages and there is no system to consult
them on the matter. Regarding this, tendency toward caesarian
to prevent labor pain and to save the genital system is
Although regarding the family planning programs in our
country, physical complications of normal vaginal delivery
such as pelvic floor muscles loosening and dissatisfaction of
sexual intercourse would reduce. Not many well-documented
studies have been conducted on this subject in India, especially
in our state. So, this study will help us provide prevention and
early intervention for post-partum back pain.
Aims and Objectives
To study the prevalence of low back pain and its
impact on quality of life after normal vaginal delivery.
To study the prevalence of low back pain and its
impact on the quality of life after cesarean section.
To compare the prevalence of back pain and its impact
on quality of life after normal vaginal delivery and
after cesarean section.
Lena Nilsson- Wikmar et al (2010) found in this descriptive
study that back pain in post-partum period considerably
hampers daily activities and also suggested that it’s important
to pay special attention to them. The women should be
identified early in the post-partum period so that adequate
treatment can be initiated.9(Nilsson -Wikmar L, Pilo C, 2003)
Cheng CY, Li Q et al. in 2008 in their study Integrative
review of research on general health status and prevalence of
common physical health conditions of women after childbirth’
concluded that postpartum mothers experience certain physical
health problems that may affect their quality of life, future
health, and health of their children. Yet, the physical health of
postpartum mothers is relatively neglected in both research and
practice. In this study women after normal vaginal delivery
showed significant higher physical functioning10.(Cheng CY,
Li Q, 2008)
J.C.Fairbanks et al have originally described Oswestry
Disability Questionniare and tested the relibility and internal
consistency for the questionnaire in assessing low back pain
and suggest that the Oswestry tests pain-related disability in
patients with low back pain. 11(Fairbank JC et al,1980).
"An observational, cross-sectional study was conducted among
the women visiting Obstetrics and gynecology department of
Shree Krishna Hospital, Karamsad, Gujarat, India. The study
proposal was prepared and submitted to Human Research
Ethical Committee for its approval. This cross sectional study
was conducted between November -2015 and February- 2016.
Inclusion criteria: Women between age group of 20-35 years ;
All post-partum women upto 6 months after
delivery. Exclusion Criteria (self-reported/observational):
Back pain before pregnancy, Systemic diseases/ known other
gynecological diseases, Known spinal/congenital deformities,
Psychiatric diseases, Any previous lumbar or abdominal
surgery except cesarean section. All the subjects who had
undergone normal vaginal delivery and cesarean section in the
last 6 months; and who visited the Shree Krishna Hospital were
screened for the inclusion and exclusion criteria. For the
subjects who fulfilled the inclusion criteria, written informed
consent was taken and the purpose of study was explained to
the patient beforehand. Back pain was assessed using Proforma
which included demograghic data, gynecological history,
Numerical rating scale, BMI, occupation.
The primary outcome measures were Oswestry Disability
Index and Short Form-36 (SF-36) questionnaire. Patients were
interviewed personally intheir first language and questionnaires
were explained to them. Oswestry disability Index version 2.1
a, which has previously been used to estimate the level of
disability caused by back pain. 12 (Vincent JI,Macdermid JC:
2014). Each section, scores from 0 to 5 points, contains 6
statements that describe an increasing pain severity associated
with a particular activity. Finally, the scores are summated,
multiplied by 2 to provide a percentage of disability.
The score ranges from 0-5- and the lowest score represents
better health status.
The disability score is divided into 5 grades:
0-20%- Minimal disability
20-40%-Moderate disability
40-60%-Severe disability
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 7, Issue, 11, pp. 14342-14348, November, 2016
14344 | P a g e
60-80%- Crippled back pain
80-100%- Bed bound(or exaggerating symptoms)
Short Form-36(SF-36) -a scale for HRQL (health related
quality of life) was also included to assess the quality of
life13 (Kainu JP, Sarvela J, 2010). The SF-36 Health Survey
includes one multi-item scale measuring each of the following
eight health concepts:
1. Physical functioning;
2. Role limitations because of physical health problems;
3. Bodily pain;
4. Social functioning;
5. General mental health (psychological distress and
psychological wellbeing);
6. Role limitations because of emotional problems;
7. Vitality (energy/fatigue); and
8. General health perceptions.14 (E.G.Subcoz,2007)
Higher the value of SF-36, better is the quality of life and lower
value suggests impaired quality of life. The participants who
did not complain of back pain were also asked to fill the
Oswestry Diability Index Questionnaire and SF-36 scale and
scores were interpreted and analysis was done.
After the complete assessment, the subjects were educated
about back ergonomics and if needed, they were referred for
further physiotherapy interventions ."
Study Design
Cross sectional study
Sampling Method
Convenient sampling method
Place of Study
Obstetrics and gynecology department of Shree Krishna
Hospital, Karamsad.
Ethical Approval:Human Resource Ethical Committee, Sardar
Patel University
Subject Recruitment Procedure
All the women who fulfilled the inclusion criteria and who had
signed a written informed consent form were recruited in the
All women in their post-partum period were taken from the
Obstetrics and Gynaecology department of Shree Krishna
Hospital, Karamsad.
Inclusion Criteria
Women between age group of 20-35 years
All post-partum women upto 6 months after delivery
Exclusion Criteria (self-reported/observational)
Back pain before pregnancy
Systemic diseases/ known other gynecological diseases
Known spinal/congenital deformities
Psychiatric diseases
Any previous lumbar or abdominal surgery except cesarean
The study proposal was prepared and submitted to Human
Research Ethical Committee for its approval. This cross
sectional study was conducted between November -2015 to
February- 2016. All the subjects who had undergone normal
vaginal delivery and cesarean section in the last 6 months; and
who visited the Shree Krishna Hospital were screened for the
inclusion and exclusion criteria. For the subjects who met the
inclusion criteria, written informed consent (Annexure 1,2) was
taken and the purpose of study explained to the patient.
Back pain was assessed using Proforma (Annexure 3) which
includeddemograghic data, gynecological history, Numerical
rating scale, BMI, occupation. Patients were interviewed
personally and questionnaires were explained to them. The
proforma includes questions about demographic data, and
number of previous pregnancies.
Following were the outcome measures
Oswestry disability Index version 2.1 a, which has previously
been used to estimate the level of disability caused by back
pain.12 (Annexure 5) (Vincent JI, Macdermid JC: 2014). It
includes 10 sections relating to questions about activities of
daily living and pain. Each section, scores from 0 to 5 points,
contains 6 statements that describe an increasing pain severity
associated with a particular activity. Finally, the scores are
summated, multiplied by 2 to provide a percentage of
The score ranges from 0-5- and the lowest score represents
better health status.
The disability score is divided into 5 grades:
0-20%- Minimal disability
20-40%-Moderate disability
40-60%-Severe disability
60-80%- Crippled back pain
80-100%- Bed bound(or exaggerating symptoms)
Short Form-36(SF-36) -a scale for HRQL (health related
quality of life) was also included. (Annexure 4) to assess the
quality of life13 (Kainu JP, Sarvela J, 2010). The SF-36 Health
Survey includes one multi-item scale measuring eachof the
following eight health concepts:
1. Physical functioning;
2. Role limitations because of physical health problems;
3. Bodily pain;
4. Social functioning;
5. General mental health (psychological distress and
psychological wellbeing);
6. Role limitations because of emotional problems;
7. Vitality (energy/fatigue); and
8. General health perceptions.14 (E.G.Suboz,2007)
Higher the value of SF-36, better is the quality of life and lower
value suggests impaired quality of life. The participants who
did not complain of back pain were also asked to fill the
Oswestry Diability Index Questionnaire and SF-36 scale and
scores were interpreted and analysis was done.
Joshi S and Parikh S., Prevalence of Low Back Pain And Its Impact on Quality of
Life In Post Partum Women
14345 | P a g e
After the complete assessment, the subjects were educated
about back ergonomics and if needed, they were referred for
further physiotherapy interventions.
A frequency table was prepared and prevalence was
Descriptive statistics like mean, SD were calculated for
pain, quality of life and disability scores.
Chi- square test was performed to demonstrate the
correlation between mode of delivery and low back pain.
UnpairedT-test was used to determine whether the
difference in Quality of life in both groups was
statistically significant or not.
Unpaired T-test was also used to determine if the
changes in disability score in both groups was
statistically significant.
Correlation coefficient was calculated for the
relationship between pain and quality of life.
Correlation coefficient was also calculated to determine
the relationship between pain and disability score.
The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS
Version 16. All tests were performed at 95% level of
In the present study 60 participants were recruited as per
inclusion criteria, out of which 30 participants had undergone
cesarean section and 30 had undergone normal vaginal
delivery. Out of the 30 participants who had undergone
cesarean section, 17(56.67%) participants were having low
back pain and 13(43.33%) participants were not having low
back pain. Out of 30 participants who had undergone normal
vaginal delivery, 10 (33.33%) participants were having low
back pain and 20 (66.67%) participants were not having low
back pain.
The prevalence of postpartum back pain in cesarean
The prevalence of postpartum back pain in normal vaginal
The average NRS of women with cesarean section is 4.82
with SD of 1.5.
The average NRS of women with normal vaginal delivery is
4.1 with SD of 0.99.
The mean quality of life of women with cesarean delivery
without back pain is 50.95 with an SD of 3.15.
The mean quality of life of women with cesarean delivery
with back pain is 37.25 with SD of 4.67.
The mean quality of life of women with normal vaginal
delivery without back pain is 51.18 with SD of 2.69.
The mean quality of life of women with normal vaginal
delivery with back pain is 43.10 with SD of 4.6.
The mean disability score of women with cesarean delivery
without back pain is 20% with SD of 0.03.
The mean disability score of women with cesarean delivery
with back pain is 51% with an SD of 0.09.
The mean disability score of women with normal vaginal
delivery without back pain is 21% with SD of 4.
The mean disability score of women with normal vaginal
delivery with back pain is 38% with SD of 0.063.
Prevalence of Back Pain
The prevalence of post partum back pain is significantly higher
in women who have undergone cesarean section than women
with normal vaginal delivery. ( P value<0.05)
Association between Mode of Delivery and Back Pain
The Chi square value is 4.96 at 5% level of significance, thus
there is an association between low back pain and mode of
Association between Back Pain and Parity
The Chi square value is 2.3 at 5% level of significance, thus
there is no association between low back pain and parity.
SF-36 Scale (Quality of Life)
CHI Square
With back pain
Without back pain
CHI Square Table
With Back Pain
Without Back Pain
Joshi S and Parikh S., Prevalence of Low Back Pain And Its Impact on Quality of
Life In Post Partum Women
14345 | P a g e
After the complete assessment, the subjects were educated
about back ergonomics and if needed, they were referred for
further physiotherapy interventions.
A frequency table was prepared and prevalence was
Descriptive statistics like mean, SD were calculated for
pain, quality of life and disability scores.
Chi- square test was performed to demonstrate the
correlation between mode of delivery and low back pain.
UnpairedT-test was used to determine whether the
difference in Quality of life in both groups was
statistically significant or not.
Unpaired T-test was also used to determine if the
changes in disability score in both groups was
statistically significant.
Correlation coefficient was calculated for the
relationship between pain and quality of life.
Correlation coefficient was also calculated to determine
the relationship between pain and disability score.
The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS
Version 16. All tests were performed at 95% level of
In the present study 60 participants were recruited as per
inclusion criteria, out of which 30 participants had undergone
cesarean section and 30 had undergone normal vaginal
delivery. Out of the 30 participants who had undergone
cesarean section, 17(56.67%) participants were having low
back pain and 13(43.33%) participants were not having low
back pain. Out of 30 participants who had undergone normal
vaginal delivery, 10 (33.33%) participants were having low
back pain and 20 (66.67%) participants were not having low
back pain.
The prevalence of postpartum back pain in cesarean
The prevalence of postpartum back pain in normal vaginal
The average NRS of women with cesarean section is 4.82
with SD of 1.5.
The average NRS of women with normal vaginal delivery is
4.1 with SD of 0.99.
The mean quality of life of women with cesarean delivery
without back pain is 50.95 with an SD of 3.15.
The mean quality of life of women with cesarean delivery
with back pain is 37.25 with SD of 4.67.
The mean quality of life of women with normal vaginal
delivery without back pain is 51.18 with SD of 2.69.
The mean quality of life of women with normal vaginal
delivery with back pain is 43.10 with SD of 4.6.
The mean disability score of women with cesarean delivery
without back pain is 20% with SD of 0.03.
The mean disability score of women with cesarean delivery
with back pain is 51% with an SD of 0.09.
The mean disability score of women with normal vaginal
delivery without back pain is 21% with SD of 4.
The mean disability score of women with normal vaginal
delivery with back pain is 38% with SD of 0.063.
Prevalence of Back Pain
The prevalence of post partum back pain is significantly higher
in women who have undergone cesarean section than women
with normal vaginal delivery. ( P value<0.05)
Association between Mode of Delivery and Back Pain
The Chi square value is 4.96 at 5% level of significance, thus
there is an association between low back pain and mode of
Association between Back Pain and Parity
The Chi square value is 2.3 at 5% level of significance, thus
there is no association between low back pain and parity.
SF-36 Scale (Quality of Life)
CHI Square
With back pain
Without back pain
CHI Square Table
With Back Pain
Without Back Pain
Joshi S and Parikh S., Prevalence of Low Back Pain And Its Impact on Quality of
Life In Post Partum Women
14345 | P a g e
After the complete assessment, the subjects were educated
about back ergonomics and if needed, they were referred for
further physiotherapy interventions.
A frequency table was prepared and prevalence was
Descriptive statistics like mean, SD were calculated for
pain, quality of life and disability scores.
Chi- square test was performed to demonstrate the
correlation between mode of delivery and low back pain.
UnpairedT-test was used to determine whether the
difference in Quality of life in both groups was
statistically significant or not.
Unpaired T-test was also used to determine if the
changes in disability score in both groups was
statistically significant.
Correlation coefficient was calculated for the
relationship between pain and quality of life.
Correlation coefficient was also calculated to determine
the relationship between pain and disability score.
The statistical analysis was performed using SPSS
Version 16. All tests were performed at 95% level of
In the present study 60 participants were recruited as per
inclusion criteria, out of which 30 participants had undergone
cesarean section and 30 had undergone normal vaginal
delivery. Out of the 30 participants who had undergone
cesarean section, 17(56.67%) participants were having low
back pain and 13(43.33%) participants were not having low
back pain. Out of 30 participants who had undergone normal
vaginal delivery, 10 (33.33%) participants were having low
back pain and 20 (66.67%) participants were not having low
back pain.
The prevalence of postpartum back pain in cesarean
The prevalence of postpartum back pain in normal vaginal
The average NRS of women with cesarean section is 4.82
with SD of 1.5.
The average NRS of women with normal vaginal delivery is
4.1 with SD of 0.99.
The mean quality of life of women with cesarean delivery
without back pain is 50.95 with an SD of 3.15.
The mean quality of life of women with cesarean delivery
with back pain is 37.25 with SD of 4.67.
The mean quality of life of women with normal vaginal
delivery without back pain is 51.18 with SD of 2.69.
The mean quality of life of women with normal vaginal
delivery with back pain is 43.10 with SD of 4.6.
The mean disability score of women with cesarean delivery
without back pain is 20% with SD of 0.03.
The mean disability score of women with cesarean delivery
with back pain is 51% with an SD of 0.09.
The mean disability score of women with normal vaginal
delivery without back pain is 21% with SD of 4.
The mean disability score of women with normal vaginal
delivery with back pain is 38% with SD of 0.063.
Prevalence of Back Pain
The prevalence of post partum back pain is significantly higher
in women who have undergone cesarean section than women
with normal vaginal delivery. ( P value<0.05)
Association between Mode of Delivery and Back Pain
The Chi square value is 4.96 at 5% level of significance, thus
there is an association between low back pain and mode of
Association between Back Pain and Parity
The Chi square value is 2.3 at 5% level of significance, thus
there is no association between low back pain and parity.
SF-36 Scale (Quality of Life)
CHI Square
With back pain
Without back pain
CHI Square Table
With Back Pain
Without Back Pain
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 7, Issue, 11, pp. 14342-14348, November, 2016
14346 | P a g e
The quality of life with back pain is higher in women with
normal vaginal delivery than in women who have undergone
cesarean delivery. (P value<0.05).
Oswestry Disability Rating
The mean disability level due to back pain is higher in women
with cesarean section than women with normal vaginal
delivery. (P value<0.05).
Correlation Between Pain and Quality of Life
The higher the NRS (pain), the lower is the quality of life. Thus
level of pain is significantly higher and quality of life
significantly lower in women with cesarean section(correlation
Correlation between Pain and Oswestry Disability Score
The higher the pain intensity, i.e. NRS; the higher is the
disability level. Thus the pain intensity and consequently the
disability level is significantly higher in women with cesarean
section.(correlation coefficient 0.919).
Disability Score in Women with and Without Back Pain
The mean disability level is higher in women with back pain as
compared to those without back pain, irrespective of cesarean
section or normal vaginal delivery. However, women with
LSCS show a higher diability level, compared to those with
normal vaginal delivery.
Quality of Life in Women With and Without Back Pain
The quality of life is higher in women without back pain as
compared to those with back pain, irrespective of cesarean
section or normal vaginal delivery. However, women
undergoing LSCS show a lesser quality of life compared to
those with normal vaginal delivery.
Our study aims at estimating the difference in the prevalence of
postpartum back pain and the resultant disability and affection
in quality of life. In industrialised countries medical attention is
usually high during and after pregnancy, but still some
problems like low back pain are ignored and left untreated. All
these problems cause considerable disability in their daily
life.15 (Jennifer Sabino, Jonathan N.2008). A knowledge
regarding the incidence of back pain can promote prior
education during pregnancy to minimize severity of pain. Also,
timely intervention can reduce the affection on quality of life.
In previous studies the prevalence of postpartum back pain in
normal vaginal delivery was found to be 27%16 (N. Dooley, T.
Tan: 2013) and in this study the prevalence of disability due to
back pain in postpartum women was found to be 33.33%.Also
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 7, Issue, 11, pp. 14342-14348, November, 2016
14346 | P a g e
The quality of life with back pain is higher in women with
normal vaginal delivery than in women who have undergone
cesarean delivery. (P value<0.05).
Oswestry Disability Rating
The mean disability level due to back pain is higher in women
with cesarean section than women with normal vaginal
delivery. (P value<0.05).
Correlation Between Pain and Quality of Life
The higher the NRS (pain), the lower is the quality of life. Thus
level of pain is significantly higher and quality of life
significantly lower in women with cesarean section(correlation
Correlation between Pain and Oswestry Disability Score
The higher the pain intensity, i.e. NRS; the higher is the
disability level. Thus the pain intensity and consequently the
disability level is significantly higher in women with cesarean
section.(correlation coefficient 0.919).
Disability Score in Women with and Without Back Pain
The mean disability level is higher in women with back pain as
compared to those without back pain, irrespective of cesarean
section or normal vaginal delivery. However, women with
LSCS show a higher diability level, compared to those with
normal vaginal delivery.
Quality of Life in Women With and Without Back Pain
The quality of life is higher in women without back pain as
compared to those with back pain, irrespective of cesarean
section or normal vaginal delivery. However, women
undergoing LSCS show a lesser quality of life compared to
those with normal vaginal delivery.
Our study aims at estimating the difference in the prevalence of
postpartum back pain and the resultant disability and affection
in quality of life. In industrialised countries medical attention is
usually high during and after pregnancy, but still some
problems like low back pain are ignored and left untreated. All
these problems cause considerable disability in their daily
life.15 (Jennifer Sabino, Jonathan N.2008). A knowledge
regarding the incidence of back pain can promote prior
education during pregnancy to minimize severity of pain. Also,
timely intervention can reduce the affection on quality of life.
In previous studies the prevalence of postpartum back pain in
normal vaginal delivery was found to be 27%16 (N. Dooley, T.
Tan: 2013) and in this study the prevalence of disability due to
back pain in postpartum women was found to be 33.33%.Also
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 7, Issue, 11, pp. 14342-14348, November, 2016
14346 | P a g e
The quality of life with back pain is higher in women with
normal vaginal delivery than in women who have undergone
cesarean delivery. (P value<0.05).
Oswestry Disability Rating
The mean disability level due to back pain is higher in women
with cesarean section than women with normal vaginal
delivery. (P value<0.05).
Correlation Between Pain and Quality of Life
The higher the NRS (pain), the lower is the quality of life. Thus
level of pain is significantly higher and quality of life
significantly lower in women with cesarean section(correlation
Correlation between Pain and Oswestry Disability Score
The higher the pain intensity, i.e. NRS; the higher is the
disability level. Thus the pain intensity and consequently the
disability level is significantly higher in women with cesarean
section.(correlation coefficient 0.919).
Disability Score in Women with and Without Back Pain
The mean disability level is higher in women with back pain as
compared to those without back pain, irrespective of cesarean
section or normal vaginal delivery. However, women with
LSCS show a higher diability level, compared to those with
normal vaginal delivery.
Quality of Life in Women With and Without Back Pain
The quality of life is higher in women without back pain as
compared to those with back pain, irrespective of cesarean
section or normal vaginal delivery. However, women
undergoing LSCS show a lesser quality of life compared to
those with normal vaginal delivery.
Our study aims at estimating the difference in the prevalence of
postpartum back pain and the resultant disability and affection
in quality of life. In industrialised countries medical attention is
usually high during and after pregnancy, but still some
problems like low back pain are ignored and left untreated. All
these problems cause considerable disability in their daily
life.15 (Jennifer Sabino, Jonathan N.2008). A knowledge
regarding the incidence of back pain can promote prior
education during pregnancy to minimize severity of pain. Also,
timely intervention can reduce the affection on quality of life.
In previous studies the prevalence of postpartum back pain in
normal vaginal delivery was found to be 27%16 (N. Dooley, T.
Tan: 2013) and in this study the prevalence of disability due to
back pain in postpartum women was found to be 33.33%.Also
Joshi S and Parikh S., Prevalence of Low Back Pain And Its Impact on Quality of
Life In Post Partum Women
14347 | P a g e
the prevalence of postpartum back pain in cesarean section was
found to be 45-54% and in this study it was found to be
56.67%17(ShuttLE, Valentine SJ:1992).
The possible causes of back pain after normal vaginal delivery
are hormonal changes, sudden lifting or twisting from the back,
weakened abdominal musclesand incorrect posture.
But apart from the above mentioned causes, in cesarean
section, there is also local inflammation of skin and the tissues
through which needle was inserted, causing trauma to skin,
muscles, ligaments or nerves of back. This might be lead to
higher prevalence of back pain in LSCS than NVD. 18(Breen
TW, Ransil BJ, 1994)
The results comply with previous study which states that there
is increased incidence of back pain in patients who had
undergone cesarean section, than in patients with normal
vaginal delivery.19 (De BritoCançado TO, Omais M, 2012)
In the study conducted by Kehlet H, Pavlin D J, et al. in 2011,
it was concluded that persistent pain is more common after
cesarean section that vaginal birth.20(Kehlet H, Pavlin D
There was no significant difference seen in low back pain
between primigravida and multigravida, which is in agreement
with literature that previous pregnancy is not the risk factor for
low back pain after pregnancy.
In many studies NRS has been used for understanding pain
intensity. In this study, the average NRS was 4.82 in women
with cesarean section, while 4.1 in women with normal vaginal
delivery. This complies with previous findings that the average
NRS is about 5 in postpartum women.21(Nilsson-Wikmar L,
Pilo C, 2003)
Oswestry Index questionnaire was used to understand the
limitation of activity and to find the disability scores. The
maximum disability score in postpartum women with cesarean
section was 51% i.e. severe disability; while the maximum
disability score in postpartum women with normal vaginal
delivery was found to be 38%,i.e. moderate disability. Thus we
infer that the disability level is lower in postpartum women
with normal vaginal delivery than the women with cesarean
In this study the quality of life was found to be higher in
women with normal vaginal delivery than cesarean section.
This is in accordance with the study which states that overall
mothers in normal delivery group reported a better health
related quality of life and slightly scored higher (better) on the
SF-36 questionnare.22(Seyed Abbas Mousavi, Forough
A significant effect of pain intensity on disability was found.
Pain intensity can affect disability, but the episodic nature of
low back pain also affects the ability to function in both work
and personal life. Intermittent increases in pain can markedly
alter disability.23 (McGorry RW, Webster BS: 2000)
The prevalence of low back pain in postpartum women with
cesarean section is 56.67%. The prevalence of low back pain in
postpartum women with normal vaginal delivery is 33.33%.
The quality of life is higher in postpartum women with normal
vaginal delivery than the women with cesarean section. The
disability level is lower in postpartum women with normal
vaginal delivery than the women with cesarean section.
Limitations and Recommendations
The questionnaire used to assess disability was not
specifically designed for Indian population.
Only one aspect of musculoskeletal problems of
pregnancy is compared, i.e. low back pain.
The BMI of the postpartum women was not taken into
Interventional study can be carried out for
management of low back pain during postpartum
Disability caused due to other musculoskeletal
problems like diastasis recti, pelvic girdle pain etc.
and also the severity of these problems can be known.
Prevalence of depression or other psychosocial
changes and its influence on back pain and quality of
life can be assessed.
We are thankful to Human Research and Ethics
Committee (HREC) for their kind favour of granting
permission for the study.
Also we are thankful to all the staff members of
KMPIP and our colleagues for their support. We are
thankful to all our subjects who participated in our
study, without whom this study would have not been
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How to cite this article:
Joshi S and Parikh S., Prevalence of Low Back Pain and Its Impact on Quality of Life in Post Partum Women. Int J Recent Sci
Res. 7(11), pp. 14342-14348.
... Musculoskeletal back pain is discomfort in the lower lumbar area. It has mechanical, physiological, hormonal, circulatory, and psychological causes [5]. At younger mothers age, rigorous employment, a higher number of prior pregnancies, previous lower back pain (LBP), and LBP and pelvic girdle pain (PGP) during an earlier pregnancy have been linked to postpartum pain [6]. ...
... The sample size was determined by using the following formula n=z 2 pq/d 2 Here, n = sample size, z= 1.96 at 95% confidence level, p= 0.33 (Joshi & Parikh, 2016); q= 1-p = 0.67, d = Acceptable error 10%= 0.1, So, n= [(1.96) 2 (0.33)(0.67)]/(0.1) 2 = 84.9. Considering 10% non-response rate, the final sample came to 93.3. ...
... Pereira, et al. [34] stated that cesarean section births had higher pain intensity during movement compared to vaginal delivery births. Several other studies also reported similar findings [5,11,21,29]. However, Khansari, et al. [12] found no significant difference between CS and NVD. ...
Objective: The study assesses how low back pain affects postpartum women's function in standard and cesarian cases. Methodology: This cross-sectional study selected 93 women with low back pain after delivery within six months. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect sociodemographic, obstetric, low back pain status, and functional data in face-to-face interviews. The Visual Analogue Scale and Oswestry Disability Index assessed pain and function. Results: For the study, patients' average age was 25.6 (± 4.5) years, most patients (65.6%) were primiparous, and 66.7% had Cesarean sections. 49.5% suffered delivery-related pain, and 59.1% had constant low back pain. Low back pain hindered daily activities in 66 individuals (71.0%). In addition, 19 patients (20.4%) suffered sleep interruption due to low back pain. 86.0% of 80 patients had pain reduction with rest. Medications were given to 62 individuals (66.7%). Massage was used by 38 patients (40.9%). Sitting worsened pain in 79 individuals (84.9%). Daily activities also raised pain in 58 individuals (68.4%). However, standing for long durations increased discomfort in 29 individuals (31.2%). Patients reported an average VAS score of 5.1 (± 1.8), with 63 (67.8%) experiencing moderate pain and 15 (16.1%) reporting severe pain. Patients had an average ODI score of 26.1 (± 9.9), with 58 (62.4%) suffering moderate impairment and 6 (6.5%) reporting severe disability. Pain was significantly higher in older women (P=0.005), higher-income women (P=0.016), first-time mothers (P=0.008), and Cesarean-section mothers (P<0.001). There was a greater prevalence of impairment among primiparous women (P=0.007) and Cesarean section mothers (P<0.001). Conclusion: Among the postpartum women, the pain was significantly higher in patients in higher age groups, wealthier, multiparous, and who had caesarian sections. Multiparous mothers and women with cesarean sections had more functional disability.
... Additional factors include increased maternal obesity and obstetricians' tendency to manage their time, because an uncomplicated CB can be performed in a relatively brief period compared to a normal birth [9]. Although CB is considered a safe procedure that reduces maternal mortality and morbidity [10], many mother-related complications have been reported following CB such as incisional pain, gastrointestinal problems, deep venous thrombosis, low back pain (LBP), and difficulty during forthcoming pregnancies [11][12][13]. The prevalence of LBP in mothers who had a CB was 56.67%, which was greater than the 33.33% in those who had a vaginal birth [12]. ...
... Although CB is considered a safe procedure that reduces maternal mortality and morbidity [10], many mother-related complications have been reported following CB such as incisional pain, gastrointestinal problems, deep venous thrombosis, low back pain (LBP), and difficulty during forthcoming pregnancies [11][12][13]. The prevalence of LBP in mothers who had a CB was 56.67%, which was greater than the 33.33% in those who had a vaginal birth [12]. The underlying mechanisms of LBP following CB may be linked to uncomfortable positions during childbirth and lactation [14], as well as post-CB postural maladaptation due to fascial defects in the anterior oblique sling caused by the surgical incision [15]. ...
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Background/Objectives: Cesarean birth (CB) is linked to nonspecific low back pain (NSLBP). Different properties of the muscular tissue, including contractile, biomechanical, and viscous properties, may reflect its physiological or pathological condition. This study aimed to measure these properties of lumbar paravertebral muscles (LPVMs) and their relationship with post-CB mothers with moderate-severity NSLBP and match their measurements to those of the controls. Methods: Sixty women were included in this case–control research. They were divided into two equal groups: Group (A) representing cases, consisted of 30 females who experienced CB and complained of moderate-severity NSLBP, and Group (B) representing controls, consisted of 30 healthy females who had never experienced pregnancy with no or mild-severity NSLBP. Results: The statistical analysis between the two groups yielded significant differences in the right and left LPVMs’ tone (p = 0.002 and 0.015), relaxation time (p = 0.002 and 0.022), and creep (p = 0.013 and 0.008), respectively. On the other side, there were non-significant differences in the right and left LPVMs’ stiffness (p = 0.055 and 0.367) and elasticity (p = 0.115 and 0.231), respectively. The regression analysis’s final model indicated a strong overall performance (Nagelkerke: 1.00). Conclusions: The LPVMs of post-CB mothers with moderate-severity NSLBP showed remarkable changes in both contractile and viscous properties: muscle tone notably decreased, while viscosity increased. However, biomechanical properties like stiffness and elasticity showed negligible changes. This fitted regression analysis illustrated the holistic strong effect of LPVMs’ properties as risk factors contributing to post-CB NSLBP, emphasizing their consideration in diagnosis and intervention strategies for such cases.
... Pain in the low back region, a prevalent problem in the postnatal period, can be characterized as pain in the lower lumbar region resulting from a combination of mechanical, physiological, hormonal, circulatory, and psychological factors. Hormone levels fluctuate during the postpartum period, resulting in musculoskeletal difficulties such as increased joint motion, core stabilizer weakness, and altered spinal mobility and function [1]. Around 70% of females will experience low back pain at some stage in their lives [1]. ...
... Hormone levels fluctuate during the postpartum period, resulting in musculoskeletal difficulties such as increased joint motion, core stabilizer weakness, and altered spinal mobility and function [1]. Around 70% of females will experience low back pain at some stage in their lives [1]. F. Turgutet reported that 59.1% of females have experienced pain in the lower back during delivery, and 43.2% of women had pain in the lower back around six months after delivery. ...
Background. Postpartum low back pain is a common discomfort reported by women, which has a multifactorial etiology. Physical therapy during and after pregnancy helps to resolve various pregnancy-related and postpartum discomforts, impacting the daily activities of the mother. Objective. The objective of this study is to compare the effectiveness of laser therapy with pelvic floor strengthening exercises and interferential therapy in reducing postpartum low back pain. Methodology. This study involved 30 individuals selected based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria, and they were randomly allotted to two groups receiving the two physiotherapy interventions. Application of hot packs was advised to both groups. NPRS and Oswestry Disability Index were used to analyse the effect of the interventions by comparing the severity of the symptoms associated with postpartum low back pain before and after receiving the allotted treatment for 4 weeks. Results. Significant differences in NPRS and ODI were noted in both groups, indicating the efficiency of both laser therapy with exercises and IFT. However, laser therapy with exercises was more effective in reducing the pain and preventing further pain in comparison to IFT. Conclusion. The conclusion of this study states that both laser with exercises and IFT reduced the severity of pain, among which laser therapy with pelvic floor strengthening was comparatively more effective than IFT.
... Research shows that 80% of adults experience a minimum of one episode of back pain throughout their lives. 1 In 2018, 31.6% of women aged ≥18 years had lower back pain. Low back pain usually involves muscle spasm of the supportive muscles along with the spine. ...
... Back pain is one of the most common problems during the postpartum period. 1 Analyzing the reasons, spinal anesthesia can be one of the reasons for low back pain due to the type of needle used and the duration of the surgery. 2 The main purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of back pain among postnatal mothers who underwent caesarean section. 3 The findings of this study can be the basis for formulating policy regarding the prevention and treatment of LBP in a large part of the global population. ...
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Back pain following a caesarean section is a typical complaint. It has been statistically proven that more than 70% of cases, or 7 out of 10 women who give birth, endure back pain. If it is not treated at the appropriate time and with adequate measurement, the back pain may worsen in the future. A systematic literature search was performed to determine the prevalence and factors associated with back pain among patients undergoing spinal anesthesia. Many studies have attempted to determine risk factors for back pain after birth in different populations, using different methods and outcome variables. Data were collected from PubMed, Google scholar and the medicine and nursing database. Back pain that persists after a caesarean delivery is brought on by a number of circumstances. Post-partum back pain is linked to a history involving pre- and post-pregnancy back pain, obesity, bad posture while nursing, sitting, walking, and standing are the contributing factors. The study results show that by maintaining posture correction, yoga, meditation, lumbar support, rest and massage helps to alleviate post anesthetic back pain. This study confirms that the overall incidence of back pain is high in comparison to the majority of studies. The severity of back pain caused by spinal anesthesia is highly connected to the size of the spinal needle, body mass index, and number of attempts, body posture and number of bone contacts.
... Page 2 of 10 Kingau and Dagala Bulletin of Faculty of Physical Therapy (2023) 28:46 Low back pain (LBP) is the most common cause of sick leave after delivery and affects women's lives dramatically. Low back pain (LBP) negatively impacts on quality of life and significantly affect productivity [3,4]. ...
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Background Many women may not be aware of physiotherapy in pregnancy. The objective of this study was to assess the level of awareness of physiotherapy in pregnancy among pregnant women in the Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital (KTRH), Kenya. Methods A mixed study was conducted on ANC mothers, ANC nurses, and physiotherapists. Consecutive sampling was employed for the quantitative study (101 participants) and a purposive sample of 15 participants for the qualitative study. Questionnaire and interview guides were utilized for data collection. SPSS version 27 was applied for quantitative data analysis, while thematic content approach analyzed qualitative data. Results One hundred one ANC mothers participated in the study; the mean age was 27.3 year. Forty percent ( n = 40) had attained high school education; 54% ( n = 55) lived in the urban area. Seventy-five percent ( n = 76) were knowledgeable on the significance of antenatal care; however, only 27% ( n = 27) attended the first ANC visit, and the numbers tapered with subsequent visits to 2% ( n = 2) for the 6th visit. Eighty-five percent ( n = 86) did not know about physiotherapy during pregnancy, while a meager 15% ( n = 15) pregnant women had knowledge regarding physiotherapy in pregnancy. Fifty-three percent of pregnant women had no source of knowledge about physiotherapy; 22% experienced LBP as a complication during the pregnancy that would be managed by physiotherapy. Interviews elicited three themes which highlighted low knowledge of physiotherapy in pregnancy, low uptake of ANC, and the challenges facing physiotherapy education program in ANC. Conclusion There was low knowledge on physiotherapy among ANC mothers despite the need for this service. Low education levels and staff shortage came out strongly as the main challenges. Programs should be instituted to empower women with lower educational status to seek for apt knowledge on all relevant services during ANC. Likewise, the government should improve staff establishment in public hospitals to facilitate ANC educational programs for healthcare providers and mothers.
... Women who had severe back pain in the index pregnancy and those who had difficulty in reducing weight in pre pregnancy suffered from persistent back pain even after 24 months 5 . The prevalence of postpartum back pain in women *Author for correspondence with caesarean section is 56.67% whereas with normal vaginal delivery is 33% 6 . In majority of women pregnancy related changes in musculoskeletal system persists after delivery which causes the muscles to ache. ...
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Background: Post-partum period brings joy as well as pain for women. It is period after delivery till 42 days. In most of women, problems like leg pain, back pain, floppiness of abdominal muscles, edema and extremities, spinal problems, problems in breast feeding arise. Postnatal back pain including lumbosacral region, pelvic girdle and sacroiliac pain is very common presentation. Evidences show that post natal low back pain is very common. Various studies show that in first year after delivery it ranges from 21% to 82%. It also has on and off period. Re-occurrence of pain is seen in first 6 months. In caesarean section, 51% of women noticed pain back by 1 month and 78% by 6 months. In vaginal delivery it reoccurred in 55% women at 1 month and 85% in 6th month. Conventional physiotherapy interventions are worldwide accepted one and practiced on large scales in various circumstances. Conventional approaches for back pain which includes core muscle exercises, yogic postures, walks, runs, hydrotherapy exercises and cardiorespiratory fitness training. Role of physiotherapy for women’s health is an upcoming area in developing country like India. It needs to be evaluated in both rural and urban set ups. Method: 494 subjects fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria were included. Conventional training was given for 6 weeks. Outcome measures used were focusing on Pain (Visual Analogue Scale), Range of motion (Modified Schober Test), abdominal muscle strength (Manual Muscle Testing) and quality of life (Oswestry Low Back Disability). Result: Student t-test was used for statistical analysis. The results showed significant changes in all the outcome measures but was time consuming lacked in establishing confirm evidences. Conclusion: Conventional therapy reduced back pain and improved quality of life but was time constrained. Further evaluation needs to be done for better results. Keywords: Back Pain, Conventional Training, Physiotherapy, Post Natal
... Women who had severe back pain in the index pregnancy and those who had difficulty in reducing weight in pre pregnancy suffered from persistent back pain even after 24 months 5 . The prevalence of postpartum back pain in women *Author for correspondence with caesarean section is 56.67% whereas with normal vaginal delivery is 33% 6 . In majority of women pregnancy related changes in musculoskeletal system persists after delivery which causes the muscles to ache. ...
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Background: Post-partum period brings joy as well as pain for women. It is period after delivery till 42 days. In most of women, problems like leg pain, back pain, floppiness of abdominal muscles, edema and extremities, spinal problems, problems in breast feeding arise. Postnatal back pain including lumbosacral region, pelvic girdle and sacroiliac pain is very common presentation. Evidences show that post natal low back pain is very common. Various studies show that in first year after delivery it ranges from 21% to 82%. It also has on and off period. Re-occurrence of pain is seen in first 6 months. In caesarean section, 51% of women noticed pain back by 1 month and 78% by 6 months. In vaginal delivery it reoccurred in 55% women at 1 month and 85% in 6th month. Conventional physiotherapy interventions are worldwide accepted one and practiced on large scales in various circumstances. Conventional approaches for back pain which includes core muscle exercises, yogic postures, walks, runs, hydrotherapy exercises and cardiorespiratory fitness training. Role of physiotherapy for women’s health is an upcoming area in developing country like India. It needs to be evaluated in both rural and urban set ups. Method: 494 subjects fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria were included. Conventional training was given for 6 weeks. Outcome measures used were focusing on Pain (Visual Analogue Scale), Range of motion (Modified Schober Test), abdominal muscle strength (Manual Muscle Testing) and quality of life (Oswestry Low Back Disability). Result: Student t-test was used for statistical analysis. The results showed significant changes in all the outcome measures but was time consuming lacked in establishing confirm evidences. Conclusion: Conventional therapy reduced back pain and improved quality of life but was time constrained. Further evaluation needs to be done for better results.
... When comparing post-partum women who had a caesarean section to those who had a normal vaginal delivery, the prevalence of lower backache is higher [14] .This study is the first study that assess and compare the intensity of subacute low back pain in women who underwent cesarean delivery after the 6 th week to the 12 th week postnatal with different anaesthetic types and compare it to the control group who did not have any previous pregnancy or any type of anaesthesia to investigate the difference in subacute low back pain intensity among different anaesthetic types. Our findings showed significant differences between the mean values of VAS that reflect the intensity of subacute low back pain in all women underwent cesarean delivery whatever the type of anaesthesia (Epidural, Spinal and General) compared to the control group who did not have any previous pregnancy or any type of anaesthesia and these finding sthat revealed that there was a significance in the mean difference of VAS between the group of cesarean delivery with epidural anaesthesia and the control group comes in agreement with Chia et al., [15] who concluded that cesarean section with epidural anaesthesia might raise the risk of subsequent low backache compared to normal labor. ...
Background: Low back pain is a common complaint after cesarean delivery, different causes may be involved however they are poorly understood due to many confounders. Methodology: We performed this retrospective cohort study to assess the intensity of low back pain among 38 women (26 of them underwent cesarean delivery, assessed after 6 to 12 weeks from delivery date, they were classified into: epidural anaesthetic group (Group A) n.=6, spinal anaesthetic group (Group B) n.=13, general anaesthetic group (Group C) n.=7 and they were either primiparous or multiparous who did not receive any type of anaesthesia for at least one year prior to the last obstetric anaesthesia while the other 12 women were the control group (Group D) who didn’t experience any pregnancy or anaesthesia. Results: The mean values of visual analogue scale (VAS) in Group A, Group B, Group C, and Group D were 5.00 ±1.67, 4.62 ±1.12, 5.14 ±1.21, and 2.17 ±0.71, respectively. The ANOVA test revealed a significant difference in VAS among groups A, B, C, and D. Despite, the post-hoc test revealed a significant difference in VAS between group A versus group D, group B versus group D, and group C versus group D, but there were no significant differences between group A versus group B, group A versus group C, and group B versus group C. Conclusion: Cesarean delivery with different anaesthetic types as: epidural, spinal and general anaesthesia was associated with subacute low back pain without significant differences in pain intensity between these anaesthetic types. Key words: Neuraxial Anaesthesia, General Anaesthesia,Cesarean Delivery, Subacute Period, Low Back Pain.
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Background: Back pain is one of the most common problems during postpartum period. The physical and mental changes and demands in postpartum period challenge the quality of life of postnatal mothers. Approximately 70% of women report back pain at some point in their postnatal period. This study aimed to analyze the effect of postnatal exercises and education on functional outcomes of low back pain in early postnatal mothers. Methodology: Experimental group was treated with core stabilization exercises along with education on postural care and back care while control group were on conventional postnatal exercises and education. Follow up sessions were conducted once in two weeks for experimental group and both the groups were followed up by phone calls. Results: There is a significant reduction in disability from baseline (p<0.05*) in the study group and both the group had shown significant reduction in VAS from baseline (p<0.05*). Conclusion: Core stability exercises along with postural care and education will increase the strength of lumbo-pelvic muscles, improve posture, physical activity level, decrease the pain intensity, and improve the functional disability in postpartum period.
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Prospective longitudinal validation study. To translate and cross-culturally adapt the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) to the Tamil language (ODI-T), and to evaluate its reliability and construct validity. ODI is widely used as a disease specific questionnaire in back pain patients to evaluate pain and disability. A thorough literature search revealed that the Tamil version of the ODI has not been previously published. The ODI was translated and cross-culturally adapted to the Tamil language according to established guidelines. 30 subjects (16 women and 14 men) with a mean age of 42.7 years (S.D. 13.6; Range 22 - 69) with low back pain were recruited to assess the psychometric properties of the ODI-T Questionnaire. Patients completed the ODI-T, Roland-Morris disability questionnaire (RMDQ), VAS-pain and VAS-disability at baseline and 24-72 hours from the baseline visit. The ODI-T displayed a high degree of internal consistency, with a Cronbach's alpha of 0.92. The test-retest reliability was high (n=30) with an ICC of 0.92 (95% CI, 0.84 to 0.96) and a mean re-test difference of 2.6 points lower on re-test. The ODI-T scores exhibited a strong correlation with the RMDQ scores (r = 0.82) p<0.01, VAS-P (r = 0.78) p<0.01 and VAS-D (r = 0.81) p<0.01. Moderate to low correlations were observed between the ODI-T and lumbar ROM (r = -0.27 to -0.53). All the hypotheses that were constructed apriori were supported. The Tamil version of the ODI Questionnaire is a valid and reliable tool that can be used to measure subjective outcomes of pain and disability in Tamil speaking patients with low back pain.
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Cesarean rates in recent decades have been increasing and a number of studies have shown that cesarean increases maternal morbidities. The aim of this study is to compare the quality of life after cesarean and vaginal delivery. This prospective study was carried out on 356 pregnant women visiting urban health centers in Shahroud City, Northeast Iran, in 2011. The subjects completed the quality of life questionnaire in the third trimester of pregnancy and at 8 weeks postpartum. In primiparas, the mean global QOL scores for the cesarean and vaginal delivery groups were 67.65±12.7 and 72.12±11.8, respectively. Also, the scores for the physical, psychological and social domains of QOL as well as the global score of QOL were higher in the vaginal delivery group than the cesarean group (p<0.05). In the case of primiparas, multiple regression analysis revealed that after adjusting for education, desirability of pregnancy and the General Health Questionnaire score, the delivery type remained as a predictor of the scores for the physical (R(2)=1.7%; B=-3.826; p=0.031; CI [-7.301, -.350]) and social (R(2)=2.5%; B=-5.708; p=0.017; CI [-10.392, -1.023]) domains of QOL and the global QOL score (R(2)=2.6%; B=-4.065; p=0.006; CI [-6.964, -1.164]). While multiparas, there was no relationship between QOL and type of delivery. In this sample of low-risk women, cesarean negatively affected the QOL of primiparas. More studies with larger sample sizes should be conducted to examine the effects of cesarean on QOL in both primiparas and multiparas within a shorter period after delivery.
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Brazil ranks second among countries with the highest rates of cesarean section in the world. Little is known about the future consequences of this procedure on maternal health. This study investigated the influence of anesthetic/surgical technique and postoperative analgesia on the onset of chronic pain after three months of cesarean section. This is a prospective randomized study of 443 patients undergoing cesarean section (elective and emergency), with different doses of hyperbaric bupivacaine 0.5% and opioids in spinal anesthesia. Patients were alocated into five groups as follow: G1 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (8mg), sufentanil (2.5μg), and morphine (100μg); G2 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (10mg), sufentanil (2.5μg), and morphine (100μg); G3 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (12.5mg) and morphine (100μg); G4 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (15mg) and morphine (100μg); G5 received hyperbaric bupivacaine (12.5mg) and morphine (100μg), without perioperative anti-inflammatory. Pain at rest and in movement were evaluated in the immediate postoperative period. Phone contact was made after three months of surgery for identification of patients with chronic pain. The incidence of chronic pain in the groups was G1=20%; G2=13%; G3=7.1%; G4=2.2%, and G5=20.3%. Patients who reported higher pain scores in the postoperative period had a higher incidence of chronic pain (p<0.05). The incidence of chronic pain decreases with higher doses of local anesthetics and use of anti-inflammatory drugs. The higher pain scores in the postoperative period were associated with chronic pain development after three months of cesarean section.
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Although persistent pain has been described to occur after various types of surgery, little is known about this entity following caesarean section or vaginal birth. We sought to examine the association between mode of delivery and development of persistent pain, as well as the nature and intensity of the pain. A questionnaire was sent to 600 consecutive Finnish-speaking women within one year of their giving birth. The survey recorded the women's health history, obstetric history, previous pain, details of the caesarean section or vaginal birth, and a description of their pain, if present. Persistent pain one year after delivery was significantly more common after caesarean section (42/229, 18%) than after vaginal birth (20/209, 10%: P=0.011, OR 2.1 with 95% CI 1.2-3.7). The persistent pain was mild in 55% of the patients in both groups, and intense or unbearable for four caesarean sections and six vaginal births. Persistent pain was significantly more common in women with previous pain (P=0.013), previous back pain (P=0.016), and any chronic disease (P=0.016). The women with persistent pain recalled significantly more pain on the day after caesarean section (P=0.004) and vaginal birth (P=0.001) than those who did not report persistent pain. Persistent pain is more common one year after a caesarean section than after vaginal birth. A history of previous pain and pain on the day after delivery correlated with persistent pain.
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Back pain is ubiquitous in today's society and is particularly common during pregnancy. There are multiple factors contributing to these symptoms during pregnancy including pelvic changes as well as alterations to loading. Potential imaging modalities are limited during pregnancy due to the desire to limit ionizing radiation exposure to the fetus. Treatments are generally conservative, exercise-based interventions and alternative modalities may also be considered. Low back pain associated with pregnancy does generally resolve postpartum.
Purpose of review: Labor pain remains under evaluated and under managed while evidence is growing that post partum treatments strongly influence patients' outcome. The present review examines the recent developments in mechanisms underlying labor and delivery pain and questions current understanding of post-partum pain features observed in patients. Recent findings: Different strategies to approach acute labor pain have been developed. Chronic pain after labor and delivery has not been studied so extensively. Prevalence rates of chronic pain after cesarean section are between 6 and 18% and after vaginal delivery they are between 4 and 10%. Predictors for chronic pain after cesarean section and delivery are previous chronic pain, general anesthesia and higher post delivery pain. As labor pain is rated as one of the most serious kinds of acute pain we speculate that effective treatment of this pain with peripartum epidural analgesia could prevent the development of chronic pain. Conclusion: Treatment of acute pain during labor and delivery is necessary to prevent chronic pain. Effective perioperative block of nociceptive inputs from the wound as well as use of antihyperalgesic and analgesic drugs in combination seem the best way to control postoperative pain and specifically to prevent central sensitization. Future studies should focus on the long-term effects of different analgesic regimens on the development of chronic pain after labor and delivery.
Introduction Pain that has lasted for 2 months is considered to be persistent, as defined by The International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP). To date, there is no data on the incidence of persistent pain after vaginal delivery available for Ireland. The aim of this pilot study is to determine the incidence of persistent pain in women post-vaginal delivery at 8 weeks postpartum in the Coombe Women’s & Infants University Hospital, Dublin (CWIUH). Methods 50 women post-vaginal delivery at the CWIUH were recruited over a 2-month period. At 8 weeks after delivery, the patients were contacted by telephone interview to assess the presence of pain, if any, using a modified painDETECT Questionnaire. Results The incidence of persistent pain at 8 weeks from our pilot study is 28 %.
We have studied 150 women undergoing elective Caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia. They were allocated randomly to have a 22-gauge Whitacre, a 25-gauge Whitacre or a 26-gauge Quincke needle inserted into the lumbar sub-arachnoid space. The groups were compared for ease of insertion, number of attempted needle insertions before identification of cerebrospinal fluid, quality of subsequent analgesia and incidence of postoperative complications. There were differences between groups, but they did not reach statistical significance. Postdural puncture headache (PDPH) was experienced by one mother in the 22-gauge Whitacre group, none in the 25-gauge Whitacre group and five in the 26-gauge Quincke group. Five of the six PDPH occurred after a single successful needle insertion. Seven of the 15 mothers in whom more than two needle insertions were made experienced backache, compared with 12 of the 129 receiving two or less (P < 0.001). We conclude that the use of 22- and 25-gauge Whitacre needles in elective Caesarean section patients is associated with a low incidence of PDPH and that postoperative backache is more likely when more than two attempts are made to insert a spinal needle.
The questionnaire is divided into ten sections selected from a series of experimental questionnaires designed to assess limitations of various activities of daily living. The chosen sections were those found to be most relevant to the problems suffered by people with low back pain. Each section contains six statements. A study of 25 patients with primary low back pain has already been mentioned. Their symptoms tended to resolve quickly and changes in their mean disability score can be seen over the first three weeks after referral to the spinal disorders department. The disability score was also used to demonstrate that there was no difference in the severity of symptoms in two sub-groups of patients in the same study. All new patients referred to the department complete the questionnaire when they first attend. The disability score is used as a guide to a patient's treatment programme. It cannot be used in isolation since it makes no allowance for the demands of a patient's job, his age or psychological make-up. However, it does ensure that important aspects of disability which are often forgotten are recorded in the patient's notes. Later, changes in the score may be used in monitoring the subsequent progress of the patient through treatment.