
The impact of a university teaching development programme on student approaches to studying and learning experience: evidence from Chile

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In this paper, we analyse the impact of teacher participation in a University Teaching Diploma on student approaches to studying and learning experience. A quasi-experimental and multilevel design was employed. University teachers answered the Approaches to Teaching Inventory and students completed the Course Experience Questionnaire and the Study Process Questionnaire. In addition, contextual variables were included for both teachers and students. The total sample included 44 teachers and 686 students. Of these, 25 university teachers had completed the University Teaching Diploma and 19 had not; 373 students were in courses with a diploma teacher and 313 in courses were not. Results show that those university teachers who have completed the programme have, in their courses, students who were more likely to declare having adopted a deep approach to studying than those teachers who have not participated in the diploma. At the same time, no significant impact was found on the student learning experience. For practical purposes, this investigation provides evidence for the value of teaching development programmes in promoting deeper approaches to studying. For research purposes, it proposes the use of multilevel models to evaluate the impact of university teaching diplomas.

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... Studying learning approaches today stems from the lack of strategies, inflexible styles without a future perspective, and inadequate environments (Abreu et al., 2018); deficiencies in knowledge organization ; and low academic performance (Freiberg-Hoffmann, Fernández-Liporace & Uriel, 2022). These Huaire-Inacio, Edson Jorge; Dolorier Zapata, Rosa Guillermina; Alfaro Saavedra, Maura Natalia (Marchant, González & Fauré, 2018;Natoli et al., 2022), prioritizing the progress of the academic cycle over learning Mercado-Guerra, Calderón-Carvajal & Palominos-Urquieta, 2022), and rigid teaching and assessment styles (Yin, Wang & Han, 2016). All these concerns lead to thinking about learning from a different, more flexible perspective that considers both the individual and the context. ...
... Some studies (Diseth et al., 2006;Marchant et al., 2018;Mercado-Guerra et al., 2022) report how students' lived experiences shape learning approaches, which are further strengthened, even with greater emphasis, in the final stages of their studies. ...
... Furthermore, this positive association could be related to good teaching by the instructor, as their role is to promote various strategies for students to learn (Natoli et al., 2022); to undergo continuous training (Marchant et al., 2018); to provide good evaluation to students (Yin et al., 2016); and also to provide satisfaction for the achievements attained . Therefore, it is necessary to continue creating research lines on this topic to further deepen our understanding. ...
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Learning approaches and academic experiences are constructs of utmost relevance in the student's educational process. With the purpose of building a solid theoretical corpus, this study is carried out, the objective of which is to analyze the association that exists between these variables to understand the difficulties in learning in the university environment. The design was a basic associative type, collecting data from 472 university students of both sexes, using two instruments: the revised study processes questionnaire (R-CPE-2F), and the academic experiences questionnaire (QVA-R). The results show that these variables have a direct relationship (r=0.486) with a significance level of 0.000. It has also been shown that the deep approach has a greater relationship with attitudes towards study and the professional project, while the superficial approach has a greater relationship with personal well-being and interpersonal relationships. It is concluded that the experiences experienced by students as part of their process of adaptation to academic life are complex, but at the same time, they are important predictors in the adoption of preferences, ways and personal perspectives to learn, constituting an important finding. to promote deep learning approaches and improve the academic quality of future professionals.
... Students' active involvement in the higher educational process is promoted as a quality assurance measure (ENQA, 2015). In this regard, student-centered instruction is preferred to the detriment of teacher-centered teaching because it is more probable to result in students embracing deep learning approaches (Marchant et al., 2017;Trigwell et al., 1999;Uiboleht et al., 2018). Student-centered teaching describes an instruction that addresses students' individual needs, stimulates imaginative reconstruction, reflection, and independent thinking, and engages students in meaningful learning (Postareff & Lindblom-Ylänne, 2008;Prosser & Trigwell, 2014). ...
... Regarding intrinsic teaching motivation, personal resources generally have a motivational function that directs to more elevated levels of work engagement when job demands get higher (Vîrgă et al., 2015). In regard to the impact assessment at the student level, given the strong positive association between academics' student-centered approaches to teaching and their student's deep learning approaches (Marchant et al., 2017;Uiboleht et al., 2018), improvements in students from the EG learning approaches and perceptions of teaching quality were also expected. ...
... In this sense, future studies should also compare students' grades at the end of the semester or academic year. The literature offers evidence that both support (Brauchle & Jerich, 1998;Ebrahimi & Kojuri, 2012;Meizlish et al., 2018) and deny this impact (Marchant et al., 2017;Nurrenbern et al., 1999;Stes et al., 2013). ...
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A didactic grant competition for academics is organized annually at the West University of Timişoara (WUT), offering a grant to the winners of a public student-centered activity project competition. The teaching grant winners later take part in a program to develop their pedagogical skills in student-centered teaching based on the WUT's reflexive-collaborative (i.e., RCL) instructional model. Next, during one academic semester, grant winners must implement the RCL instructional model in one specific subject matter. Based on a quantitative quasi-experimental design, this study examined the impact of a pedagogical program offered to the beneficiaries of the 2020 grant competition at both teachers' and student levels. At the teachers' level, we measured their conceptions of teaching, teaching approaches, and psychological resources. At the students' level, we investigated their evaluation of their teachers' teaching behavior and their learning approaches. Analyses such as Two-way mixed ANOVA, Quade's ANCOVA, and Mann-Whitney U were conducted to investigate the gathered data. Academics in the EG reported statistically significant improvements in their conceptions of promoting active learning. According to their students, teachers in the experimental group employed more student-centered assessment methods and teaching behaviors that encouraged active learning. Our results also showed that academics in the control group reported higher resilience levels at the end of the academic semester, and according to their students, their more traditional teaching approaches seemed more effective in stimulating their students' understanding of fundamental concepts. The results could have been more significant regarding the students' learning approaches. Because of the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, we encountered several obstacles in the impact assessment process (e.g., high values at the pretest, the impossibility of matching students' answers). Although our findings have some limitations, the present article has noteworthy implications for stakeholders involved in in-service teacher training programs, in particular, conducted in higher education institutions. Practical implications of the findings for both academic developers and future research are discussed.
... While the main purpose of peer observation is to support teacher competence development, the literature reveals a number of other initiatives designed to strengthen teaching competences. These are often focussed on competences within a specific area, such as promoting student engagement (Kember 2009;Stes, Coertjens, and van Petegem 2010;Potter et al. 2015;Stains, Pilarz, and Chakraverty 2015;Hilpert and Husman 2017), or deep learning, student reflection and critical thinking (Rutz et al. 2012;Stes et al. 2012;Dekker-Groen, van der Schaaf, and Stokking 2013;Marchant, Gonz alez, and Faur e 2018). ...
... There is less direct focus on learning outcomes in the reviewed literature, though those studies that go beyond learning practices to examine effects on learning outcomes focus on the types of outcomes that are typically linked to active learning. This includes critical thinking abilities (Rutz et al. 2012), reflection (Dekker-Groen, van der Schaaf, and Stokking 2013) and deep learning (Marchant, Gonz alez, and Faur e 2018). ...
... Overall, the results provide indications that focus on student centred learning in development programs translates into increased use of these methods in teaching (Kember 2009;Stes, Coertjens, and van Petegem 2010;Potter et al. 2015;Hilpert and Husman 2017) and greater self-efficacy (Dekker-Groen, van der Schaaf, and Stokking 2013;Potter et al. 2015;Stains, Pilarz, and Chakraverty 2015). Marchant, Gonz alez, and Faur e (2018) finds that students of teachers with teaching diplomas are more likely to engage in deep learning. Rutz et al. (2012) find that student critical thinking scores are higher for faculty with high level of participation in faculty development events. ...
Quality in higher education is – and has been for many years - at the top of the political agenda. The concept of quality has been explored extensively in the literature as has the means to measure and monitor quality. Connected to these two literatures is a widespread and somewhat fragmented literature on what might initially be termed quality work. This article reviews this literature on quality work in higher education. We characterise the work in this field, its main themes, issues and questions, and discuss what this literature has to say on the effects of quality work. Based on a systematic search for the period 2008-2018, we review 68 publications. The review shows that the literature on quality work can be categorised into three major areas: the role of institutional conditions for quality work, types of quality work practices, and notions of quality and quality outcomes. The review demonstrates that there is a need for more inclusive methodologies and longitudinal studies, particularly more rigorous quantitative analysis of the effects of quality work to supplement other methods.
... In relation to teaching, a situation similar to that seen in Chinese universities may be found in Chilean institutions: traditional teaching-centered methods focused on content memorization are the norm, individual rather than collaborative learning is encouraged, students' assessment is based on content reproduction and there is no enthusiasm on the part of university teachers to embrace pedagogical innovations (Marchant, González, & Fauré, 2018;OECD, 2009). The Chilean government has responded through initiatives funded by the Higher Education Quality Improvement (Mejoramiento de la Equidad y Calidad en la Educación Superior, MECESUP) program, including projects for curriculum development, the creation of teaching development centers and remedial programs for underperforming students. ...
... In this respect, Ramsden's (1991) study on the Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) provides a comprehensive framework to investigate university students' perceptions of the learning context. Since its development in the 1980s, the CEQ has been widely used in studies of students' perceptions of the learning context and to evaluate teaching effectiveness in higher education institutions in many countries, including the UK (Richardson, 2005), Canada (Kreber, 2003), Australia (Trigwell & Prosser, 1991;Wilson, Lizzio, & Ramsden, 1997) and Chile (Marchant et al., 2016(Marchant et al., , 2018. Although different views about the item design and psychometric qualities of the CEQ have been reported, the CEQ is in general a reliable, valid instrument for gathering students' perceptions of academic quality (Richardson, 2005). ...
Conference Paper
Based on responses from 2043 Chinese and 1669 Chilean undergraduate students, this study compared Chinese and Chilean students’ approaches to studying and perceptions of the learning context. The results show that Chinese students and male students were generally in a more unfavorable situation in terms of their approaches to studying and course experiences than their Chilean and female counterparts and that students who were pursuing majors in science and engineering performed worse than students who were pursuing majors in the humanities and social sciences. Although the results regarding the relationship between approaches to studying and course experiences were largely consistent with previous findings, we highlight the different roles of good teaching and appropriate workload in the two samples.
... In relation to teaching, a situation similar to that seen in Chinese universities may be found in Chilean institutions: traditional teaching-centered methods focused on content memorization are the norm, individual rather than collaborative learning is encouraged, students' assessment is based on content reproduction and there is no enthusiasm on the part of university teachers to embrace pedagogical innovations (Marchant, González, & Fauré, 2018;OECD, 2009). The Chilean government has responded through initiatives funded by the Higher Education Quality Improvement (Mejoramiento de la Equidad y Calidad en la Educación Superior, MECESUP) program, including projects for curriculum development, the creation of teaching development centers and remedial programs for underperforming students. ...
... In this respect, Ramsden's (1991) study on the Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) provides a comprehensive framework to investigate university students' perceptions of the learning context. Since its development in the 1980s, the CEQ has been widely used in studies of students' perceptions of the learning context and to evaluate teaching effectiveness in higher education institutions in many countries, including the UK (Richardson, 2005), Canada (Kreber, 2003), Australia (Trigwell & Prosser, 1991;Wilson, Lizzio, & Ramsden, 1997) and Chile (Marchant et al., 2016(Marchant et al., , 2018. Although different views about the item design and psychometric qualities of the CEQ have been reported, the CEQ is in general a reliable, valid instrument for gathering students' perceptions of academic quality (Richardson, 2005). ...
Based on responses from 2,043 Chinese and 1,669 Chilean undergraduate students, this study compared Chinese and Chilean students’ approaches to studying and perceptions of the learning context. The results show that Chinese students and male students were generally in a more unfavorable situation in terms of their approaches to studying and course experiences than their Chilean and female counterparts and that students who were pursuing majors in science and engineering performed worse than students who were pursuing majors in the humanities and social sciences. Although the results regarding the relationship between approaches to studying and course experiences were largely consistent with previous findings, we highlight the different roles of good teaching and appropriate workload in the two samples. In our opinion, these findings reflect the characteristics of student learning in these two higher education systems and may relate to the cultural traditions of learning in China and Chile.
... La evidencia sobre si la participación de los profesores en iniciativas de perfeccionamiento tiene un efecto positivo y directo en los enfoques de aprendizaje de los estudiantes es cruzada y asciende a tres trabajos. Al respecto, los estudios de Gibbs y Coffey (2004), y Marchant et al. (2017) apuntan a que el efecto positivo sería más profundo. Esta coincidencia en sus resultados, se aprecia incluso si se considera que el primero de los trabajos utilizó una técnica menos sofisticada de análisis a diferencia del segundo que analiza los datos desde una técnica multinivel. ...
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RESUMEN Este artículo presenta una revisión de la literatura sobre la evaluación de impacto de los Programas de Formación en Docencia en la Educación Superior (PFD). 45 artículos publicados en un plazo de 16 años fueron seleccionados. Los resultados se organizaron utilizando tres niveles de impacto: profesores, institución y estudiantes. Este trabajo aporta con un análisis sobre las características, la evaluación del nivel de impacto y los cambios registrados en distintos tipos de formación pedagógica. Se concluye que los PFD pueden ser un aporte a una mejor docencia en el que se valora el rol del profesor si es que se aplica una perspectiva centrada en el estudiante, pero que no necesariamente esto se traduce la transferencia al aula y en un incremento de los resultados de aprendizaje. Palabras clave: formación docente, universitaria, educación superior, profesionalización docente. ABSTRACT This article reviews the impact evaluation of Teacher Training Programs in higher education (TTPs). Forty-five articles published over 16 years were selected. The results were organised using three levels of impact: faculty, institution, and students. This paper analyzes the characteristics, the evaluation of the level of impact, and the changes in different types of teacher education. It is concluded that PFDs can contribute to better teaching in which the role of the teacher is valued from a student-centered perspective, but that this does not necessarily translate into a transfer to the classroom and increased Learning Outcomes.
... Communication competencies predominated in the frequency of responses to the question of what should be added to the program to provide an even higher quality platform for personal and professional growth and development. Similar positive results, which justify optimism in promoting the significance of programs for developing teaching competencies for university teachers, have been obtained in other studies, in the context of a change in teaching approach among teachers in higher education after only twenty hours of the program on approaches to teaching for university teachers (González-Geraldo and Monroy, 2017), an increase in the proportion of teaching directed towards students (González Geraldo et al. 2021), but also evidence of two-way effects through a perceived deep approach to learning, focus on meaning and understanding of material, among students whose teachers participated in the program to acquire teaching competencies (Marchant et al., 2018). ...
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European countries, in accordance with their higher education policy, regulate in various ways the need for additional professional education of higher education teachers. In the Republic of Croatia, despite the recognized need to improve the process of teaching and learning at the higher education level, efforts and activities in this direction are left to the universities. The main aim of the present study was to examine how the participants of the short course training program on approaches to teaching in higher education in Croatia perceived their own teaching and learning competencies before and after attending the program. University teachers from five higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia participated in the research. The participants assessed agreement with the statements related to various teaching competencies, important for university teachers, on a 5-point Likert-type scale. The results obtained through research quantitative and qualitative methods indicate that the participants of the short course training program on approaches to teaching in higher education evaluate their own teaching competencies better at the end than at the beginning of the program. The obtained results indicate the importance of formal training and improvement of teaching competencies of university teachers and can serve as an assessment of the expediency of the short course training program on approaches to teaching in higher education at the national level and as a basis for comparison with programs implemented at other European universities. Keywords: higher education, short course training program, teacher training, university teachers
... On the side of teaching, criticisms from international agencies-pertaining to traditional teaching methods or the lack of innovation-(OECD, 2009) led to the development of initiatives for teaching development, the most salient being the implementation of Centers for Teaching Development (González, 2015). Although success was achieved in terms of the development of a vision for studentcentered teaching (Marchant et al., 2018), difficulties with respect to implementing studentcentered pedagogies remained (Pey et al., 2013). Not only did COVID-19 affect this system, but since October 2019, massive political unrest occurred. ...
As a result of the Great Online Transition (GOT) that occurred during COVID-19, it is increasingly necessary to understand the digital competencies that are required for online and blended learning in the postpandemic era. Postquarantine, higher education institutions must return to on-campus face-to-face learning, a situation which raises questions concerning how to retain the lessons learned from this period of the forced acquisition and innovation of online teaching competencies. In this article, we present the results of an interview-based study of teachers’ experiences of online teaching during the pandemic. One hundred fifty-one teachers were interviewed over a period of 2 years during the pandemic. We conducted a hybrid thematic analysis to systematize teachers’ experiences. Our results show that despite the problems faced due to the disruption caused by the pandemic, several lessons were learned: teachers employed an array of digital tools to maintain content delivery and promote interaction, deepened their understanding of course design and assessment, and developed an empathic disposition to understand students’ situations. We build upon these experiences to generate recommendations for developing digital competencies following the GOT.
... In 2020, 1,151,727 students are enrolled across these higher education institutions, where 42% are enrolled at TPIs and 58% at universities (SIES, 2020b). Across the Chilean higher education system, teaching follows a traditional approach, focusing on content memorization and evaluation based on content repetition and a general lack of enthusiasm for innovation (Yin et al., 2018;Marchant et al., 2018). ...
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Mathematics is a challenging subject for most students in technical and vocational institutions. The institutions apply great effort towards developing mathematics knowledge and skills, mainly by influencing students' motivations. This study tries: (1) to present evidence for the validity of an instrument for measuring students' motivational beliefs as their beliefs, self-efficacy, and intrinsic-extrinsic goal orientations regarding mathematics; (2) to explore the relationship between institutional context and the instrument’s scores as students’ motivational beliefs. The data collected from 1,239 students from two different Chilean institutions were analyzed. The psychometric analysis provided evidence of the reliability and validity of the instrument. The instrument suggests differences in the level of motivational beliefs associated with students' age and the type of institutions. The instrument allows educators to study the relationships between motivational beliefs and the institutional context of technical and vocational schools. It can also be used for the prediction of student success in their mathematics course by the understanding of their motivational beliefs towards mathematics.
... La validación del mismo se ha realizado en diversos contextos, tales como África (Rolleston et al., 2019), Medio Oriente (McLaughlin y Durrant, 2017), Oceanía (Vaughan, 2018), Asia (Gan et al., 2019) y Europa (Zakariya, 2019). En Latinoamérica, se han realizado validaciones recientes del R-SPQ-2F en Colombia (Vergara-Hernandez et al., 2019) y Chile (Marchant et al., 2016;Marchant et al., 2017). En este último contexto, también se ha utilizado el R-SPQ-2F para comprobar si dicho instrumento es sensible a las innovaciones metodológica en la docencia universitaria (Pezoa y Mercado, 2020). ...
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The main aim of this research study is to determine whether practical training influences deep learning in teacher education students at a Chilean university. The methodological design is quasi-experimental and quantitative. The sample consists of 71 undergraduate students enrolled in two different pedagogy degree programs. The instrument applied to assess learning approaches is an updated and adjusted two-factor version of the Study Process Questionnaire. The results show a predominance of the deep learning approach in all cohorts. However, this approach is more developed in students in their final years of their degree programs than in first year students, as there are more upper-level courses with a practical focus than lower-level courses. In conclusion, the results support the need to deepen the development of practical training strategies for the education of future teachers.
... At an individual level, benefits for teaching academics include development of reflective practice, enhanced collegiate relationships and increased teaching effectiveness (Bowen, 2009;Suri & Clarke, 2009;White et al., 2013). At an institutional level, PRT processes can promote a shift in teaching approach from teacher-focused to student-focused (Baik et al., 2018) improved student leaning outcomes (Marchant et al., 2018) and a focus on teaching quality (Bell & Thomson, 2018). ...
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Over recent decades, peer review of teaching has become an important mechanism for improving the quality of teaching in higher education. While there is considerable international research on peer review of teaching outcomes, these are not widely reported within Australian universities. This paper reports on a systematic review of published studies examining peer review of teaching characteristics that contribute to teaching development in Australian higher education. Following a search of peer reviewed literature published over three decades, 19 studies were included in the qualitative synthesis. A thematic synthesis revealed teaching development outcomes gained through peer review of teaching span factors at organisational (N = 16), program (N = 13) and individual (N = 4) levels. Organisational factors included disciplinary context, program sustainability, collegiality and leadership. Program factors included framework, program design, basis of participation, observation, feedback and reflective practice. Factors at the individual level included prior experience and participants’ perceived development requirements. In addition to reporting on teaching development outcomes, some studies reported on enhanced student learning outcomes (N = 5). Improved reporting of program design in addition to validated tools to assess outcomes are required to better understand how peer review of teaching supports teaching development. The growth of peer review of teaching within Australian higher education presents an important opportunity to advance our understanding of practices influencing academic teaching development.
... Si bien las variables implicadas y sus correlaciones permiten obtener una explicación más completa sobre las formas en que se producen los aprendizajes de calidad en la educación superior, en este trabajo se aplicó únicamente el segmento relacionado con el R-SPQ-2 (SPQ versión revisada de dos factores) validado para el contexto universitario chileno (Marchant et al., 2016), con el objetivo de evidenciar cómo pueden incidir las metodologías activas en el desarrollo de un enfoque profundo. Cabe señalar que el R-SPQ-2 es un instrumento que cuenta con muchas evidencias recientes de confiabilidad y validez, entregadas a partir de las diversas adaptaciones realizadas en diferentes contextos culturales, tales como Asia (Gan et al, 2019;Malik et al., 2019), África (Rolleston et al, 2019), Oceanía (Vaughan, 2016(Vaughan, , 2018 Europa (Zakariya, 2019, Fernández-Polvillo y Arquero, 2015, Medio Oriente (McLaughlin y Durrant, 2017;Shaik et al., 2017) y Latinoamérica (Marchant et al., 2016(Marchant et al., , 2017Vergara-Hernández, et al., 2019). ...
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This research aims to analyze the incidence of methodological innovation in the learning approaches of students enrolled in the commercial engineering degree at the Universidad Católica del Norte (Antofagasta, Chile). The study uses a quasi-experimental methodological design without a pre-test and with a quasi-control group. A design and implementation of the active methodologies in the administration subject is first generated in two consecutive cohorts. Then, an evaluation is performed using an adapted and validated R-SPQ-2 (Study Questionnaire Process). The results showed a significant increase in the adoption of a deep learning approach between the second cohort students. These students benefited from the planning of active methodologies that were adjusted using the diagnosis from their first experiences. It is concluded that the significant increase observed occurs in the subscale of deep strategy.
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Keywords: Course experience, Learning environment, Approaches to learning, Accounting education, China, Australia. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate whether learning approaches are impacted by the learning environment across two countries and three accounting student cohorts. This paper utilises a logistic regression based on responses from 1,381 students across five higher education (HE) institutions from China and Australia. The findings provide original empirical evidence of the Chinese accounting students’ expectations of deep learning and show that student perceptions of good teaching is a key determinant to a deep approach to learning for all three student cohorts. In addition, clear goals and standards were significant for Chinese accounting students studying both in China and Australia, while appropriate workload was significant for deep learning for the Australian domestic student cohort. There are practical implications for instructors as the results show that instructors need to adjust their teaching accordingly along with adjusting expectations regarding student workload and assessments.
Purpose This study aims to explore Chilean students’ digital technology usage patterns and approaches to learning. Design/Approach/Methods We conducted this study in two stages. We worked with one semester learning management systems (LMS), library, and students’ records data in the first one. We performed a k-means cluster analysis to identify groups with similar usage patterns. In the second stage, we invited students from emerging clusters to participate in group interviews. Thematic analysis was employed to analyze them. Findings Three groups were identified: 1) Digital library users/high performers, who adopted deeper approaches to learning, obtained higher marks, and used learning resources to integrate materials and expand understanding; 2) LMS and physical library users/mid-performers, who adopted mainly strategic approaches, obtained marks close to average, and used learning resources for studying in an organized manner to get good marks; and 3) Lower users of LMS and library/mid-low performers, who adopted mainly a surface approach, obtained mid-to-lower-than-average marks, and used learning resources for minimum content understanding. Originality/Value We demonstrated the importance of combining learning analytics data with qualitative methods to make sense of digital technology usage patterns: approaches to learning are associated with learning resources use. Practical recommendations are presented.
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Abstrakt: Přehledová studie si klade za cíl představit jeden z celosvětově nejvyuží-vanějších dotazníků k hodnocení výuky studenty, Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ). V úvodním oddíle studie seznamuje s teoretickým zázemím vzniku a úprav dotazníku. Na základě analýzy 103 empirických a přehledových studií popisujících zkušenosti s tvorbou, ověřováním i využíváním dotazníku v různých vzdělávacích kontextech a ve více než 20 zemích světa přináší doklady o jeho psychometrických vlastnostech a možnostech využití. Diskutován je potenciální přínos dotazníku pro studentské evaluace v aktuálních podmínkách českého vysokého školství.
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El siguiente documento corresponde al informe de la educación superior en Chile, preparado en el contexto de la elaboración del ‘Informe de la Educación Superior en Iberoamérica 2016’ del Centro Interuniversitario de Desarrollo, CINDA. Recoge y describe las principales tendencias del último quinquenio en cuanto a matrícula, oferta académica, instituciones, personal académico, financiamiento, aseguramiento de la calidad, investigación y desarrollo, gobierno y gestión de la educación superior en el país. La organización del documento sigue los términos de referencia para los reportes nacionales del Informe de la Educación Superior en Iberoamérica de CINDA, presentando un conjunto de estadísticas, figuras y descripciones asociadas a varias dimensiones de la educación superior para cada uno de los países. Se abordan los temas asociados a acceso y estudiantes, instituciones de educación superior, académicos y personal docente, aseguramiento de la calidad, resultados y graduados, financiamiento, entre los más importantes. El documento proporciona un panorama general de la evolución reciente del sistema nacional, circunscribiendo el análisis particularmente a los últimos cinco años (2010-2015). Se ha procurado entregar de algunos antecedentes de contexto, que permitan comprender algunas de las especificidades más características de la educación superior Chilena. Asimismo, justo con describir la evolución y desarrollo del sistema, este informe especifica las principales continuidades y discontinuidades en comparación con el quinquenio inmediatamente anterior. Cabe destacar que en este informe se describen algunos de los componentes más importantes de la reforma de la educación superior que la actual administración ha recientemente iniciado. Se trata de una reforma de gran profundidad, que se propone modificar de modo importante la estructura de la educación superior en el país y la relación entre las instituciones y actores. Aunque se avanzado en algunas materias, parte importante de la reforma permanece como anuncios por parte de la autoridad. Lo reciente de algunas de las transformaciones, aunque relevantes, difícilmente se ven aún reflejados en las estadísticas y descripciones que se realizan. Sin perjuicio que varias de las transformaciones recientemente introducidas sugieren que en los próximos años seremos protagonistas de cambios de gran velocidad, se hace muy difícil aún anticipar la magnitud y dirección de las discontinuidades en las tendencias de nuestra educación superior. Se ha procurado recoger y sistematizar información lo más actual posible, para lo cual se ha utilizado el Sistema de Información de la Educación Superior (SIES), del Ministerio de Educación en Chile, como fuente preferente de referencia de la información. En algunos casos, se ha debido recurrir a otras fuentes, tales como las estadísticas publicadas por la OECD en “Education at a Glance”, o la encuesta CASEN, del Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, razón por la que no siempre coinciden los datos a nivel agregado.
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The aim of this study was to adapt the Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) and the Study Process Questionnaire (SPQ) and to provide preliminary evidence of their validity in the context of university teaching developmental programs. Content validity evidence was analyzed by 6 expert raters, internal structure was checked via confirmatory factor analysis, and internal consistency and correlation between the instruments were examined via alpha and omega coefficients. The convenience sample was composed of 686 students from a university located in the Metropolitan Region of Chile. Revised and linguistically adapted versions of the instruments were obtained. A high degree of agreement among the raters was observed regarding the contents of the instruments. The evidence obtained supported the 2-factor structure of the SPQ and the 4-factor structure of the CEQ. Also, theoretically consistent correlations were found according to the 3P model. For example, students with a deep learning approach perceived good teaching and clear objectives and goals. The possibility to develop arguments for the use of the CEQ and the SPQ based on other types of evidence is discussed.
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The current paper investigates the extent to which teachers’ approaches to teaching (the Information Transmission/Teacher-Focused (ITTF) approach, and the Conceptual Change/Student-Focused (CCSF) approach) can be explained by contextual variables (class size, perceived control of the teaching process, relationship with the students) and teacher variables (gender, teaching experience and pedagogical training). The hypothesized structural equation model (SEM) has been tested with two different samples (calibration and validation ones). Seven hundred ninety five teachers from high school science department enrolled in the study. Data suggest that teachers are most likely to use a teaching approach targeting knowledge building specially when they a. have experienced a longer pedagogical training, b. have more control over the teaching process, c. have been teaching for more years, d. develop a personal relationship with their students and, e) have a smaller number of students to teach.
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This article provides the outcomes from a research about the association between ways to address the learning of undergraduate students and the teaching from their teachers. Results show that those who deeply address their learning tend to have positive perceptions of the learning situation and to participate in courses where the teachers focus on their students and the conceptual change. It proposes practices for undergraduate teaching and promotes researches in the feld. In relation to practical proposals, it suggests to promote a teaching academic development in line with the research results. With regard to future researches, it proposes to replicate this study in different contexts, to investigate on how students address the learning processes in specific careers or courses and to evaluate in which ways the teaching development may change the teachers' practices.
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En este artículo se presentan los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio de una versión en español del cuestionario “Enfoques de docencia universitaria” (Approaches to Teaching Inventory, ATI-R). La traducción se realizó usando la técnica del back translation y se aplicó a una muestra multidisciplinaria de 249 profesores universitarios. Los resultados del análisis factorial confirmatorio mostraron que un modelo de 4 factores es el más robusto para la muestra levantada. Este modelo considera las escalas: transmisión de información, énfasis en la evaluación, cambio conceptual y énfasis en discusiones grupales. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones prácticas y para futuras investigaciones. Con relación a las implicaciones prácticas, se establece que su uso puede apoyar procesos de desarrollo académico docente. Respecto de las implicaciones para futuras investigaciones, un instrumento como el que se presenta permitiría realizar investigaciones sobre docencia universitaria y cómo esta se relaciona con el aprendizaje de los estudiantes, en un contexto donde no ha habido mucha investigación en esta área.
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Although instructional development has become an important topic in higher education, little is known about the impact on teaching practice. In this study we investigate the impact of instructional development on teachers’ teaching behaviour as perceived by students. Quantitative student data were assembled for 15 experimental and 12 control teachers. 45 experimental students and 27 control students were interviewed. Repeated measures analyses of variance and analyses of covariance showed no statistically significant impact of instructional development on teaching behaviour. The analysis of the qualitative data sustained this result. Several interpretations and perspectives for further research as well as for the planning of instructional development are discussed.
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Four different indicators are used to assess the impact of a year‐long university teaching development programme in an Australian research‐led university. All four indicators show small positive outcomes. Teachers who complete the programme have higher rates of receipt of teaching awards and teaching development grants than their colleagues who do not participate in the programme. Students in the classes of teachers who complete the programme report, on average, higher satisfaction scores than students in the classes of the same teacher before she/he completed the programme. Students in the faculties where the programme is completed by a higher proportion of academic staff report greater change to levels of satisfaction in the quality of their degree over the seven‐year period of the study. The methodology adopted involves several new approaches to evaluation and confirms the need for the use of an evaluation framework and multi‐indicator strategy.
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This mixed methods study used a survey with programme completers from 32 UK higher education institutions, and interviews and focus groups with programme completers, programme leaders, heads of department and pro‐vice‐chancellors, to explore the perceived impact of UK‐accredited teaching development programmes upon participants and departments. The perceived relation between the programmes and institutional missions and strategies was also explored, as well as areas for further development and improvement of the programmes. It was found that participants perceived themselves to be significantly more student‐focused in their teaching after attending a programme, with those from newer institutions and health sciences disciplines experiencing the greatest conceptual change and rating the programmes most positively. There were some positive examples of departmental impacts, and the programmes were seen to align more closely with institutional teaching and learning strategies than mission statements. Areas for further development and improvement of the programmes are discussed in relation to reducing programme workload, and improving the balance between generic and discipline‐specific aspects.
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Two related studies are reported in this article. The first aimed to analyse how academic discipline is related to university teachers' approaches to teaching. The second explored the effects of teaching context on approaches to teaching. The participants of the first study were 204 teachers from the University of Helsinki and the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration and 136 teachers from the University of Oxford and Oxford Brookes University who returned university teaching inventories. Thus, altogether there were 340 teachers from a variety of disciplines in Finland and the UK. The second study involved only the Finnish sample. The results showed that there was systematic variation in both student-and teacher-focused dimensions of approaches to teaching across disciplines and across teaching contexts. These results confirm the relational nature of teach-ers' approaches to teaching and illustrate the need, in using inventories such as the Approaches to Teaching Inventory, to be explicit about the context.
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This paper reports a study ofthe effectiveness of an innovative approach tostaff development, the conceptual changeapproach, which attempts to change teachers'frameworks for conceptualising teaching andlearning. The evaluation investigated theprogramme at three levels: the impact on theconceptions of teaching of the participants,the resultant impact on teaching practices, andthe consequential effect on student learning.Encouraging results were obtained. Theprogramme brought about detectable conceptualchange or conceptual development in two-thirdsof the sample group. Subsequently, all the`changed' teachers received better ratings ontheir teaching practices from their students inthe following academic year while none of thosewho did not change their conceptions showedsimilar gains in student rating scores. Aresultant positive impact on their students'studying approaches was observed for half ofthe teachers who changed their conceptions.
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This article examines the construct validity of the Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) in Hong Kong and investigates the similarities and differences in the process of learning among students in different disciplinary studies. It is based on a survey of 1,563 undergraduate students in two disciplines, humanities and sciences, and of principally Chinese ethnicity. Findings from exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses support the scale structure of the four subscales of a modified version of the CEQ (good teaching, clear goals and standards, appropriate work, and appropriate assessment) in a non-Western context and could provide a basis for cross cultural research and international benchmarking. While there was variation across subgroups, there was a genuine pattern of relationships between the perceptions of learning environment and learning strategies shown by structural modeling. This information could be used to inform the design of discipline-specific programs in the new curriculum.
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This paper reports on an empirical study which shows that qualitatively different approaches to teaching are associated with qualitatively different approaches to learning. More specifically, the results indicate that in the classes where teachers describe their approach to teaching as having a focus on what they do and on transmitting knowledge, students are more likely to report that they adopt a surface approach to the learning of that subject. Conversely, but less strongly, in the classes where students report adopting significantly deeper approaches to learning, teaching staff report adopting approaches to teaching that are more oriented towards students and to changing the students conceptions. The study made use of a teaching approach inventory derived from interviews with academic staff, and a modified approach to learning questionnaire. These conclusions are derived from a factor and cluster analysis of 48 classes (involving 46 science teachers and 3956 science students) in Australian universities. The results complete a chain of relations from teacher thinking to the outcomes of student learning. Previous studies have shown relations between teachers' conceptions of teaching and learning and their approaches to teaching. Numerous studies have shown correlations between students' deeper approaches to learning and higher quality learning outcomes. The results reported here link these two sets of studies. They also highlight the importance, in attempts to improve the quality of student learning, of discouraging teacher-focused transmission teaching and encouraging higher quality, conceptual change/student-focused approaches to teaching.
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The present follow-up study examines the effect of university teachers’ pedagogical training on approaches to teaching and self-efficacy beliefs measured by Approaches to Teaching Inventory and an additional part measuring motivational strategies. The effect of pedagogical training on teaching is analysed among 35 teachers who had not participated in pedagogical courses after the first measurement in 2004 as well as among 45 teachers who had acquired more pedagogical training after the first measurement. The results showed that there were more positive changes in the measured scales among teachers who had acquired more credits of pedagogical courses since the year 2004 than among teachers who had not acquired more credits. The results of the first and second measurements are compared.
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In this article we give a systematic review of the nature and design of earlier research into the impact of instructional development in higher education. Studies are clustered on the basis of the level of outcome that was measured, meaning that another synthesis technique is used than in prior reviews related to the same topic. In addition, we address some questions related to the differential impact of initiatives with varied duration, format, or target group, because these questions were left unanswered in earlier reviews. The results of our review provide a guide to improve studies of instructional development in order to get more insight into the real impact at different levels (teachers’ learning, teachers’ behavior, the institution, and the students). Some evidence is found of the influence of the duration and nature of instructional development on its impact.
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This article reports a study on the impact of university teachers’ pedagogical training on approaches to teaching and self-efficacy beliefs (measured by Approaches to Teaching Inventory and an additional part measuring motivational strategies). The participants were 200 teachers of the University of Helsinki, who were divided into four groups depending on the amount of pedagogical training they had. The results indicated that pedagogical training had an effect on scales measuring conceptual change/student-focused approach and self-efficacy beliefs. Even when the effect of teaching experience was held constant, in order to find out the unique effect of pedagogical training, the results remained the same. In addition, twenty-three interview transcripts were analysed. The teachers mentioned only positive effects of pedagogical training on teaching.
Universities face an almost certain future of relentless variation in a more austere climate. Changes in the environment — mass higher education, knowledge growth, reduced public funding, increased emphasis on employment skills, pressures for more accountability have been reflected in fundamental internal changes. One result has been a growing sense of disillusionment among academic staff. At the same time, standards of research and teaching have come under increasingly close examination, while inter‐university competition has never been greater. Evidence from several investigations points to the crucial role of academic leadership in maintaining morale, enhancing productivity, and helping staff to welcome momentous change. Tomorrow's effective universities will require academic managers whose leadership qualities resemble those of good teachers in higher education.
Part 1: Learning and Teaching in Higher Education 1.Introduction 2.Ways if Understanding Teaching 3.What Students Learn 4.Approaches to Learning 5.Learning form the Student's Perspective 6.The Nature of Good Teaching in Higher Education 7.Theories of Teaching in Higher Education Part 2: Design for Learning 8.The Goals and Structure of a Course 9.Tecahing Strategies for Effective Learning 10.Assessing for Understanding Part 3: Evaluating and Improving the Quality of Teaching and Learning 11.Evaluating the Quality of Higher Education 12.What Does it Take to Improve Teaching?
This article reports a study on the effectiveness of university teachers’ training involving 22 universities in 8 countries. A training group of teachers and their students were studied at the start of their training and one year later. A control group of new teachers received no training and both they and their students were studied in the same way. Evidence is reported of changes over time relating to three measures: (i) student ratings of their teachers using six scales from the Student Evaluation of Educational Quality questionnaire (SEEQ) and the ‘Good Teaching’ scale of the Module Experience Questionnaire (MEQ); (ii) the extent to which teachers described themselves as teacher-focused and student-focused in their approach to teaching, using two scales from the Approaches to Teaching Inventory (ATI); and (iii) the extent to which these teachers’ students take a surface approach and a deep approach to learning, using two scales from the MEQ. The article reports evidence of a range of positive changes in teachers in the training group, and in their students, and a contrasting lack of change, or negative changes, in untrained teachers from the control group.
Background. In separate studies and research from different perspectives, five factors are found to be among those related to higher quality outcomes of student learning (academic achievement). Those factors are higher self-efficacy, deeper approaches to learning, higher quality teaching, students’ perceptions that their workload is appropriate, and greater learning motivation. University learning improvement strategies have been built on these research results. Aim. To investigate how students’ evoked prior experience, perceptions of their learning environment, and their approaches to learning collectively contribute to academic achievement. This is the first study to investigate motivation and self-efficacy in the same educational context as conceptions of learning, approaches to learning and perceptions of the learning environment. Sample. Undergraduate students (773) from the full range of disciplines were part of a group of over 2,300 students who volunteered to complete a survey of their learning experience. On completing their degrees 6 and 18 months later, their academic achievement was matched with their learning experience survey data. Method. A 77-item questionnaire was used to gather students’ self-report of their evoked prior experience (self-efficacy, learning motivation, and conceptions of learning), perceptions of learning context (teaching quality and appropriate workload), and approaches to learning (deep and surface). Academic achievement was measured using the English honours degree classification system. Analyses were conducted using correlational and multi-variable (structural equation modelling) methods. Results. The results from the correlation methods confirmed those found in numerous earlier studies. The results from the multi-variable analyses indicated that surface approach to learning was the strongest predictor of academic achievement, with self-efficacy and motivation also found to be directly related. In contrast to the correlation results, a deep approach to learning was not related to academic achievement, and teaching quality and conceptions of learning were only indirectly related to achievement. Conclusions. Research aimed at understanding how students experience their learning environment and how that experience relates to the quality of their learning needs to be conducted using a wider range of variables and more sophisticated analytical methods. In this study of one context, some of the relations found in earlier bivariate studies, and on which learning intervention strategies have been built, are not confirmed when more holistic teaching–learning contexts are analysed using multi-variable methods.
This review provides an introduction to the role of statistical modelling of complex social situations, in particular considering the application of advanced methodologies to an educational context. By building an overview of techniques such as cross classified multi-level modelling and multiple membership structures and through a comprehensive review of the application of these techniques the review should inform advances in educational research. The application of these advanced statistical techniques which allow for hierarchically structured data will assist the Department in accurately identifying the individual and independent effects of various factors on attainment and in particular the simultaneous effects of area of residence effects and school effects in educational production functions. Explanatory models using standard multiple regression The aim of many statistical models is to try and account for the variation in some response variable by a set of one or more explanatory variables or effects. The most basic of these is the familiar multiple regression model. Explanatory variables are introduced both in their own right, since there is substantive interest in them, but also as control variables. The latter often adjust for indirect effects so that one can look at the individual and independent effects of variables of interest. Thus, for example, in studies of educational outcomes of children one might be interested in the predictive influence of prior measures of ability. For the reasons stated, also included in a regression model might be other individual characteristics such as gender or measures of social circumstances. The use of such regression models, assumptions required and limitations in many contexts are widely reported in the literature.
Evidence regarding the impact of teachers' instructional development on student learning in higher education is scarce. In this study, we investigate the impact of an instructional development program for beginning university teachers on students’ learning outcomes. We also explore whether this impact is dependent on class size and student level. Quantitative data were gathered from more than 1000 students at pre- and post-tests, using a quasi-experimental design. A multi-level analysis was conducted in which five models were estimated. The results show limited effects of teachers’ instructional development. Several interpretations and perspectives for further research are discussed.
Although instructional development for teachers has become an important topic in higher education, little is known about its actual impact. In particular, evidence regarding the impact of teachers' instructional development on students' perceptions of the teaching-learning environment is scarce. The impact of an instructional development programme for beginning university teachers on students' perceptions of the teaching and learning environment was investigated. We also explored whether this impact is dependent on class size and student level (first years vs. non-first years). Quantitative data were gathered from more than 1,000 students at pre- and post-tests, using a quasi-experimental design. A multi-level analysis was conducted in which five models were estimated. A basic model made clear that teachers did differ from each other with respect to the dependent variables concerned; however, differences in scale scores also resulted to a large extent from differences between students. A second model, in which the moderating impact by way of teacher characteristics, context, and student characteristics was not taken into account, reported no significant effect of training. A third model, examining the net impact of instructional development revealed some impact, which was, remarkably, negative. A first interaction model proved a differential impact of instructional development for teachers teaching first years and those teaching non-first years. A second one showed that the impact of training depended on the number of students one teaches. Instructional development for teachers in higher education does not easily result in effects on students' perceptions of the teaching and learning environment. Perspectives for further research into instructional development are discussed.
Incl. bibl., index
Recent research on student learning in higher education has identified clear associations between variations in students' perceptions of their academic environment and variations in their study behaviour. This research investigated a general theoretical model linking students' demographic characteristics, perceptions and study behaviour with measures of outcome and in particular compared four accounts of the casual relationship between perceptions and study behaviour. Study 1 employed data from 1,123 students taking six courses by distance learning; Study 2 employed data from 2,049 students taking seven courses by distance learning. Path analysis was used to assess the causal relationships among the students' age, gender and prior qualifications, their scores on the Course Experience Questionnaire, their scores on a short version of the Approaches to Studying Inventory or the Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory, their overall marks and their ratings of general satisfaction. Both studies yielded evidence for the causal efficacy of all the paths identified in the general theoretical model. There exists a bi-directional causal relationship between variations in students' perceptions of their academic environment and variations in their study behaviour.
(Doctoral dissertation) Leiden University, Netherland. Retrieved from https
  • J Marchant
Doctoral dissertation)
  • J Marchant
Promoting Deep Learning through Teaching and Assessment: Conceptual Frameworks and Educational Contexts
  • N Entwistle
Entwistle, N. 2000. Promoting Deep Learning through Teaching and Assessment: Conceptual Frameworks and Educational Contexts. In Conference dictated on TLRP, University of Leicester, England.
Evaluación de una innovación docente a través de un diseño estadístico cuasi-experimental: aplicación al aprendizaje de la recursividad
  • C Lacave
  • A Molina
  • E Castillo
Lacave, C., A. Molina, and E. del Castillo. 2014. "Evaluación de una innovación docente a través de un diseño estadístico cuasi-experimental: aplicación al aprendizaje de la recursividad. " Calidad y evaluación de la docencia 20 (3): 159-166.
La formación en docencia universitaria en Chile y su impacto en profesores y estudiantes (Doctoral dissertation)
  • J Marchant
Marchant, J. 2017. La formación en docencia universitaria en Chile y su impacto en profesores y estudiantes (Doctoral dissertation). Leiden University, Netherland. Retrieved from
Análisis factorial confirmatorio del cuestionario
  • H Montenegro
  • C González
Montenegro, H., and C. González. 2013. "Análisis factorial confirmatorio del cuestionario "Enfoques de Docencia Universitaria" (Approaches to Teaching Inventory, ATI-R). " Estudios Pedagógicos 39 (2): 213-230. doi:10.4067/S0718-07052013000200014.
Assessing the Impact of a University Teaching Development Programme
  • K Trigwell
  • K Caballero Rodríguez
  • F Han
Trigwell, K., K. Caballero Rodríguez, and F. Han. 2012. "Assessing the Impact of a University Teaching Development Programme. " Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 37 (4): 499-511. doi:10.1080/02602938.2010.547929.
Evolución de la matrícula de Educación Superior 1994-2011: Departamento de Investigación e Información Pública [Evolution of enrolment in Higher Education
  • Cned
CNED. 2011. Evolución de la matrícula de Educación Superior 1994-2011: Departamento de Investigación e Información Pública [Evolution of enrolment in Higher Education 1994-2011. Department of Research and Public Information]. Santiago: Consejo Nacional de Educación.
Índices: Estadísticas y Bases de Datos
  • Cned
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La Educación Superior en Chile. París: Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico
  • Oecd
OECD. 2009. La Educación Superior en Chile. París: Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico.
Revisión de Políticas Nacionales de Educación: El Aseguramiento de la Calidad en la Educación Superior en Chile
  • Oecd
OECD. 2013. Revisión de Políticas Nacionales de Educación: El Aseguramiento de la Calidad en la Educación Superior en Chile 2013. Santiago: OECD Publishing.