
Illustrated and online catalog of type specimens of freshwater fishes in the Colección de Peces Dulceacuícolas of Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-P), Colombia

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The catalog of type specimens of freshwater fishes deposited in the Colección de Peces Dulceacuícolas del Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH-P) is presented. This list includes 483 specimens in 65 lots representing 11 holotypes and 472 paratypes of 48 nominal species. Corrections, additions, and updating of information in the original descriptions are included in individual remarks for each catalog number entry and a gallery of pictures of holotypes or paratypes of each nominal species is also presented, which supplements some original descriptions lacking figures of their respective types. An online version of the catalog is available at

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... A greater understanding about how often the BC objects themselves are used in the larger scientific publication enterprise could be obtained only by compiling and analyzing the volume of scientific publications produced using them (Withrow and Winker in litt.). The relationship between scientific publications and collection objects is evident in systematic biology because of the basic necessity of determining where and when a name of a taxon was published (e.g., DoNascimiento et al. 2016;Wen et al. 2015). However, few publications quantify scientific knowledge linked to a particular collection (Winker and Withrow 2013). ...
... The IAvH-CB were initiated with material inherited from the former Instituto Nacional de Recursos Naturales (INDERENA), and currently host around 450 000 cataloged objects, including more than 14,000 species in different specimen collections [i.e., insects (IAvH-E), other invertebrates (IAvH-I), birds (IAvH-A), reptiles (IAvH-R), amphibians (IAvH-Am), fresh water fishes (IAvH-P), mammals (IAvH-M), and herbarium (FMB)], a sound collection (IAvH-BSA), and a tissue collection (IAvH-CT). Strict curatorial methods and special attention to the quality of the information associated with the specimen vouchers, have made IAvH-CB a model for information management in Colombia DoNascimiento et al. 2016;Medina et al. 2016). Most of the IAvH-CB, particularly those with a larger number of specimens, has been well organized using the profiling method as a way to determine the needs and priorities of each collection. ...
Biological collections are sources of knowledge, particularly critical to understand life when they house specimens from megadiverse countries. However, the scientific value of biological collections is usually unknown because the lack of an explicit link between knowledge and specimens. Here we compiled 628 papers from 152 journals that used collection objects from the Colecciones Biológicas del Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, Colombia (IAvH-CB) as sources. The compilation was largely based on expert knowledge. However, to assess the performance of our method we compared our results with results obtained conducting automatic searches in academic databases. We calculated different metrics and depicted geographical, taxonomic, and bibliometric trends. We found that geographic coverage of the IAvH-CB objects used in the studies is largely regional or national. Taxonomically, we found records of 176 families in 61 orders of taxa, but there is large variation among the number of studies in different groups. The bibliometric analyses indicated that there is a growing trend in the number of publications and citations over the years, and that the citation number as well as the H index of this set of papers is comparable to the knowledge produced by major researchers in Colombia and of similar magnitude to that of the production of relatively small or medium sized collections in the USA. The compilation method used performed well, with broad coverage and an omission rate below 8%, compared with automated searches. However, we conclude that both approaches, expert knowledge and automated searches, are complementary. IAvH-CB are a massive source of scientific knowledge about Colombian biodiversity and they are instrumental for documenting basic issues about taxa in the country.
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A new species of troglomorphic catfish is described from de Gedania Cave, located in the middle Suárez River drainage, Magdalena River system, Colombia. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners by the combination of the following characters: reduction or loss of the cornea, reduction of eyes and skin pigmentation, very long nasal and maxillary barbels (maximum of 160% and 135% of HL, respectively), nine branched pectoral-fin rays, first unbranched ray of the pectoral fin prolonged as a long filament, reaching 80% of pectoral-fin length, anterior cranial fontanel connected with the posterior fontanel through an opening of variable length and width, first dorsalfin pterygiophore inserted between neural spines of free vertebra 13-14 and free vertebrae 33-34. The presence of troglomorphisms such as regression of the eyes, reduction of skin pigmentation and long barbels suggest the troglobitic status of this species. A comparative analysis with other species of Trichomycterus from epigean and hypogean environments is presented.
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Trichomycterus maldonadoi sp. nov. is characterized by its medium size (largest specimen 32.1 mm LE), and it is differenced from others because it has19-23 conic teeth in the pre-maxillary bone distributed in two rows; dental with two rows supporting 16-19 conic teeth; operculum with 12-14 odontods; interoperculum with 17-22 odontods; seven brachiostegals, 35 free vertebrae and color pattern consisting in a pair of horizontal rows (dorsolateral and medialateral) of irregular dots and a dorsomedial row of dots.
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A new speci es of fish, Callichthys aibaensis sp.nov., is describ ed for the Dep artment of Santande r (Co lo mbia), captured near the headwaters of a smallaffluent of the River Oibita (1450 m of alt it ude), which is a tributary of the River Suarez , who in turn e mpt ies into the Sogamoso River, and finally this into th e River Magdalena. This is the first re cord of CaJlichthys for the we st part of the Eastern Andean Co rdille ra of Colombia. The new species differs from oth ers Callichthys, becaus e its larger number of vertebrae, the inter­ ception of th e first pterigiofo re of the anal finthat o ccurs in th e 19th ve rt e brae in males and in the 18th ve rte brae in female s. Th e plates of the poster ior region of th e suprao ccipita lare bare. Th e centre part of th e first predor­ sal plate is not united. The hyomand ibular bone is morphologicall y different from C. Fabriciai. The pa­ rasph enoid , vomer and mesethmoid are compl etly different to allthe known species of CalJichthys. The med ially interdigitated suture of the d eithrum w it h t he caracoid has a different shape of that of C. fabri­ ciol, The pelvic girdle of Callichthys aibaensis has an ischiatic proce ss, a basiptherygium and an intern al and exte rnal pr ocess that differs t o allthe known s pecies. Ca/lichthys a/baensis is the smallest known species of Callichthyinae. Key words: Ca/lichthys oiboensis sp.nov., River Magdalena w ate r syst e m, Colombia. Resumen Se de scribe una nueva especie de pez, Callichthys aibaensis sp.nov., para el Departamento de San­ tander, colectado ce rca del nacimiento de un pequerio aflue nte del RIoOibita (1450 rn.s.n.rn), el cual es afluente del RioSuarez que desemboc a e n el RioSogarnoso , que finalmente vierte sus aguas al RIo Mag­ dalena. Este es el primer registro de Callichthys que se tien e para la parte occide nta l de la Cordillera Oriental de Colombia. La nueva especie se distingue de otros Callichthys por el mayor nurnero de vertebras, la intercep­ ci6n del prim er pterigi6foro de la aleta anal se da en lave rt e bra 19 en los machos yen la verteb ra IBen las hem bras. Las placas de la reg ion posterior del supraoccipital so n desnudas. EIce nt ro de la primera placa pre­ dorsal esta sep arado. EIhueso hiomandibular es morfol6gicamente diferente a C.fabricioi. EIpara esfe­ noldes, el v6 me r y el mesetmoides, son diferentes a todas las especies conocidas de Ca/lichthys. Lasu­ tura inte rdigitada med ia del d eithrum con el coracoides tien e una forma diferente a C. fabrici ai. La caja pelvica de CaJlichthys oiboensis, t iene un proceso isqularico, un basipterigio, un proceso externo e inter­ no diferente a las dern as esp ecies conocidas. CaJlichthys oibaensis es la especie mas pe quefia conocida de la subfamilia. Palabras clave: Calfichthys oibaensis sp.nov., sist e ma Rio Magdalena , Colombia.
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A new species of Neotropical electric fish, Gymnotus ardilai, is described from the Rio de Oro near Bucaramanga in the Rio Magdalena Basin. Gymnotus ardilai is distinguishable from all congeners by the following combination of characters: 1, a clear patch at the caudal end of the anal fin; 2, two laterosensory canal pores (from the preopercular-mandibular series) in the dorso-posterior portion of the preopercle; 3, progressive loss of alternating dark and light pigment bands with the size; 4, a long head (10.2-11.2% total length); 5, many (9-10) scales over anal fin pterygiophores; 6, few (47-48) pored lateral-line scales to first ramus; 7, low (84 n = 1) total number of pored lateral-line scales; and, 8, relatively large eye (orbital diameter 8.5-9.0% HL). Gymnotus ardilai is the first record of the genus from the Magdalena Basin and represents a unique record of Gymnotiformes from over 800 meters above sea level.
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Several specimens of a new Sternopygidae.Japigny kirschbaum (Gymnotiformes), were caught in three rivers of French Guiana (Approuague, Mana, Maroni). This species, characterized by alternating large wide dark and vertical bands on the whole body and a scapular foramen, is considered as belonging to a new genus in the Eigenmanninae subfamily. As the other genus of this subfamily (Archolaemus, Distocyclus, Eigenmannia and Rhabdolichops) it has three radials, the third resulting from the fusion of radials 3 and 4; but it differs from the other in having 14-15 precaudal vertebrae versus 11-14, and a lower number of anal fin rays (132-164 versus 160-260). This new species also have a short snout with a subterminal mouth.
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We describe a new species, Apistogramma megaptera (Perciformes: Cichlidae) that occurs in the upper Orinoco River Basin, in the Inírida, Atabapo and Mavaca rivers of Venezuela and Colombia. This species is characterized by a deep body and a sexual dimorphism expressed in the different shape of the dorsal and caudal fins of males and females, as well as color pattern. Other diagnostic features that differentiate it from other species from Orinoco with crossbars on the caudal fin (Apistogramma iniridae, A. velifera and A. inornata) are: anal fin with marginal black stripe; dorsal fin with a thin marginal black line; infraorbital band wide, its width equal to the pupil; these characters are not present in the above mentioned species. The males reach a larger size (58.7 mm LS) than females (39 mm LS). The pigmentation in the form of crossbars on the tail fin is the character that distinguishes it from other species in the Orinoco River Basin that have immaculate caudal fin (Apistogramma alacrina, A. hoignei, A. hongsloi, A. guttata, A. macmasteri and A. viejita).
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The Panaque nigrolineatus group (subgenus Panaque) is revised; three nominal species—P. cochliodon, P. nigrolineatus, and P. suttonorum—are redescribed and three new species are described. Panaque armbrusteri, new species, is widespread in the Tapajo´s River and its tributaries in Brazil and is distinguished by having a supraoccipital hump, higher numbers of jaw teeth and an ontogenetic increase in interpremaxillary and intermandibular tooth-row angles, relatively short paired-fin spines, and dorsal margin of infraorbital six flared laterally. Panaque schaeferi, new species, is widespread in main-channel habitats of the upper Amazon (Solimo˜es) River basin in Brazil and Peru; it is distinguished by having a coloration consisting of dark or faded black spots evenly distributed on a pale gray to brown base, and by its large adult body size (.570 mm SL). Panaque titan, new species, is distributed in larger, lowland to piedmont rivers of the Napo River basin in Ecuador, and is distinguished by having a postorbital pterotic region bulged beyond the ventral pterotic margin, coloration consisting of irregular and widely spaced dark gray to brown stripes on light brown to tan base, and large adult body size (.390 mm SL). A relatively large pterotic, indicative of an enlarged gas bladder and gas bladder capsule, and allometric increases in tooth number are hypothesized to be synapomorphies uniting members of the subgenus Panaque.
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Four new rivulid species are described: Rivulus (Cynodonichthys) azurescens, Rivulus (Cynodonichthys) pivijay, Rivulus (Cynodonichthys) ribesrubrum, and Rivulus (Cynodonichthys) xi. Rivulus azurescens and R. ribesrubrum belong to the R. elegans species-group. Rivulus pivijay and R. xi are closely related to the R. elegans species-group, but differ by: 1) a unique reticulate brown color pattern on the body (versus a pattern of red longitudinal stripes); 2) males with the caudal-fin without a yellow/orange posterior border (versus males with a yellow/orange posterior border); and 3) the presence of an ocellus (faint or weak in adult males) on the caudal peduncle in both sexes (versus absence of an ocellus in both sexes, except in females of R. magdalenae and R. boehlkei. Huber & Fels 1985. Some notes concerning R. (Cynodonichthys) elegans Steindachner, 1880 are included for comparison.
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A new catfish species belonging to genus Trichomycterus Valenciennes (Trichomycteridae) is described. Trichomycterus sketi n. sp. was collected in Cueva del Indio located in the upper río Opón basin, Magdalena river system, in the Andean Cordillera, Santander department, Colombia. The new species differs from other species of the genus by having posterior fontanel divided into two widely separated portions; head wider than body; body thin, nearly as deep as wide. The new species is compared with cave species of the genus having restricted distributions in South America and with epigean species from Colombia. Resumen Una nueva especie de bagre perteneciente al género Trichomycterus Valenciennes (Trichomycteridae) es descrita. Trichomycterus sketi n. sp. fue colectada en la Cueva del Indio localizada en la cuenca superior del río Opón, sistema del río Magdalena, en el departamento de Santander, cordillera de los Andes de Colombia. La nueva especie se diferencia de otras especies del género por tener la fontanela posterior dividida en dos porciones ampliamente separadas; cabeza más ancha que el cuerpo; cuerpo delgado, casi tan alto como ancho. La especie nueva es comparada con especies cavernícolas del género que tienen distribución restringida en Suramérica y con especies epigeas de Colombia.
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Nemadoras cristinae is described from the upper Amazonas/Solimões and Madeira basins in Brazil, Colombia and Peru, with additional specimens from the upper Meta (Orinoco basin), Colombia, tentatively treated as conspecific. Nemadoras cristinae is distinguished from congeners by having 3–9 premaxillary teeth in approximately two rows in juveniles and adults, outermost teeth weakly spatulate and innermost more acicular (vs. premaxillary edentulous in adults of all congeners and limited to 1–6 acicular teeth in juveniles of N. elongatus, N. humeralis, N. leporhinus and N. ternetzi); and mental barbels with extremely elongate (filiform) papillae, length of longest papillae about 4–7 times its width at base (vs. papillae shorter, length of longest <3 times its width at base). Nemadoras cristinae most closely resembles N. leporhinus, but is further distinguished from that species by having shaft and primary fimbriae of maxillary barbel smooth (vs. outer margin of shaft and margins of primary fimbriae with distinct secondary fimbriae). Nuptial specimens of N. cristinae exhibit sexual dimorphism; in males the pungent dorsal spine is greatly prolonged by a soft, flexible tip approximately 19.8–23.9% of the total dorsal spine length (vs. 5.3–9.4% in females). The sturdy, spatulate teeth in the upper and lower jaws of N. cristinae are evidently effective tools for raking caddisfly larvae from their attached substrates, as gut contents were dominated by cases and larval remnants of Nectopsyche (Leptoceridae). The six other species of Nemadoras are redescribed, the monophyly of the genus is discussed, and an identification key is provided. Detailed observations on the mesethmoid and infraorbital bones and associated sensory canal are reported for Nemadoras and compared to other species of fimbriate-barbel doradids.
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Apteronotus eschmeyeri n. sp. is described here from the Magdalena Basin in Colombia and distinguished from congeners by the following combination of features: blotchy coloration on body, clear band from chin to the beginning of dorsal mid-saggital electroreceptororgan, two clear bands surrounding the caudal peduncle in specimens up to 165 mm TL, mouth rictus passing the posterior margin of orbit. The present work demonstrates that the Trans-Andean apteronotids may be more diverse than previously supposed.
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Two new species of Imparfinis are described from the trans-Andean region of Colombia. Imparfinis timana is diagnosed by having longer anal fin base (12.4-15.5% in SL), in combination with long adipose fin (24.6-31.3% in SL), 5-6 gill rakers on the first ceratobranchial, 42-43 vertebrae and additional measurements. Imparfinis usmai is distinguished by the combination of first ray of dorsal fin longest, but not projected as a long filament, long adipose fin (21.1-27.0% in SL), maxillary barbel exceeding pelvic-fin base, 39-40 vertebrae, upper caudal-fin lobe pointed and longer than lower lobe, lower lobe rounded, 7- 8 gill rakers on the first ceratobranchial, as well as additional measurements. Imparfinis timana is only known from río Guarapas, a small tributary of the upper course of the río Magdalena. Imparfinis usmai is broadly distributed in the upper basin of ríos Cauca and Magdalena, and in the lower Patía river basin. The restricted distribution of I. nemacheir to trans- Andean drainages (Atrato, Magdalena, and Lago de Maracaibo) is also discussed.
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Cruciglanis pacifici, gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Dagua and Anchicaya Rivers on the Pacific slope of Colombia. The new genus is differentiated from the other genera in the family by the presence of an ossified crucifix-shaped second basibranchial; ectopterygoid bone shaped as an inverted comma, with its distal end narrow and directed medially towards the mesopterygoid; anterior fontanel elongated, reaching a transverse line at sensory canal opening of the sphenotic bone; caudal fin emarginated with rounded edges and ventral lobe more developed than the dorsal lobe; caudal fin with a dark spot from its base and fused with the peduncular spot, covering the anterior three quarters of its length, distal rim totally hyaline. Coloration of the species is described in vivo, and the shared diagnostic characters with the other genera within the Pseudopimelodidae are discussed. The phylogenetic position of the new genus is proposed and new insights in the family interrelationships are presented.
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Baryoncistrus beggini, new species, Is described from the upper Rio Orinoco and lower portions of its tributaries, the Rio Guaviare In Colombia and Rio Ventuari in Venezuela. Baryancistrus beggini Is unique within Hypostominae in having a uniformly dark black to brown base color with a blue sheen in life, and the first three to five plates of the midventral series strongly bent, forming a distinctive keel above the pectoral fins along each side of the body. It is further distinguished by having a naked abdomen, two to three symmetrical and ordered predorsal plate rows Including the nuchal plate, and the last dorsal-fin ray adnate with adipose fin via a posterior membrane that extends beyond the preadipose plate up to half the length of the adipose-fin spine.
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A revised diagnosis of the pimelodid catfish genus Megalonema is given based on synapomorphic features of the Weberian complex and gas bladder. Megalonema xanthum from the Magdalena River is redescribed. Two new cis-Andean species of Megalonema are described, M. oniaxanthum n. sp. from the Amazon River basin, and M. orixanthum n. sp. from the Orinoco River basin. These three species are differentially diagnosed by shape and size of the supraoccipital posterior process, adipose-fin shape, vertebral Counts, eye size, premaxillary bone shape and dentition, length of the anal-fin base, width between the posterior nostrils and presence/absence of dentations on the pectoral spine. Eretmomegalonema new subgenus is established for M. xanthum, M. amaxanthum and M. orixanthum and Supported by the uniquely synapomorphic paddle-like structure of its pelvic fin and hypertrophied basipterygium. Unambiguous synapomorphies indicate a sister-group relationship between M. amaxanthum and M. orixanthum, with M. xanthum basal to this pair. This topology is congruent with the Neogene origins of separate Magdalena, Amazon and Orinoco basins Suggesting vicariant control of diversification of Eretnomegalonema.
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Hypostomus rhantos is described for a uniquely pigmented species of loricariid catfish from the upper Río Orinoco of Amazonas, Venezuela. Hypostomus rhantos can be separated from all other Hypostomus except H. micromaculatus by having its head and dorsal and lateral surfaces of body densely covered in very small spots (greater than 15 spots on the first plate in the dorsal series of specimens less than 100 mm SL vs. less than 10; greater than 30 spots in specimens greater than 100 mm SL vs. less than 15). The new species is distinguished from H. micromaculatus by having round spots (vs. longitudinally oval) that are unordered (vs. in longitudinal lines), by having well-developed keels on the lateral plates (vs. keels weak), by the presence of a ridge on the pterotic that is contiguous with the supraorbital ridge (vs. pterotic ridge absent), and by having the abdomen fully plated (vs. partially plated or naked).
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As espécies recentes de Doras são diagnosticas, no presente estudo, entre os Doradidae pela exclusiva combinação de barbilhão maxilar longos e fimbriados; mesetmóide com margens anteriores convergindo em uma ponta afilada; fontanela craniana única, contida entre os frontais e anteriormente no mesetmóide (fontanela posterior fechada); placa nucal anterior larga, pentagonal ou quase hexagonal, suturada lateralmente ao epioccipital, e isolando o supraoccipital da placa nucal mediana; forame nucal ausente; processo posterior do coracóide curto, extremidade posterior anterior à extremidade do processo pós-cleitral; dentário com dentes aciculares. Uma espécie fóssil, †D. dioneae, e duas espécies nominais recentes, D. carinatus e D. micropoeus, são reconhecidas como válidas e redescritas. Além destas, três espécies recentes, D. phlyzakion, D. higuchii e D. zuanoni, são descritas como novas do médio rio Amazonas e tributários, baixo rio Amazonas e tributários e do rio Araguaia (drenagem do rio Tocantins), respectivamente. Doras phlyzakion e D. zuanoni formam um grupo monofilético encontrado em terras baixas, ambientes lênticos, e caracterizado pelos múltiplos poros na pele do peito e abdômen, um caráter exclusivo entre doradídeos e raro, se não único entre todos os siluriformes. As demais espécies recentes, D. carinatus, D. higuchii e D. micropoeus, de relações incertas, são encontradas em terras altas, e ambientes lóticos. A ocorrência de D. carinatus na bacia do rio Orinoco sugere uma ligação histórica entre os tributários da margem direita do baixo rio Orinoco (e.g., Caroni) que drenam o oeste do Escudo Guianense e rios mais a leste (e.g., Cuyuni-Essequibo) que drenam os Escudo diretamente para o oceano Atlânico. Uma chave de identificação para as espécies recentes de Doras é fornecida, um neótipo para Silurus cariantus Linnaeus, 1766 é designado, e Mormyopsis Miranda Ribeiro, 1911 é considerado sinônimo júnior de Doras Lacepède, 1803.
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Trichomycterus uisae, a new species of hypogean catfish, is described from Cueva El Misterio located in the upper Sogamoso river basin of the Departamento de Santander in the northeastern portion of the Andean range of Colombia. The new species has a characteristic dark bluish-gray band from the head to the origin of the dorsal fin, five to nine opercular odontodes, and the anterior and posterior fontanels separated but connected by a narrow channel. A comparative analysis with epigean species from Colombia and troglobitic Trichomycterus from South America is presented. Trichomycterus uisae, uma nova espécie de bagre hipógeo, é descrita da Caverna El Misterio, localizada na parte alta da bacia do rio Sogamoso, no Departamento de Santander na parte nordeste dos Andes da Colômbia. A nova espécie tem uma banda cinza-azulada caraterística que vai desde a cabeça até a origem da nadadeira dorsal; cinco a nove odontódeos operculares; e fontanelas anterior e posterior separadas, mas conectadas por um canal estreito. Uma análise comparativa com espécies epígeas da Colômbia e Trichomycterus troglóbios da América do Sul é apresentada.
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Rhinodoras is newly diagnosed within Doradidae by its unique combination of coloration (sides darkly mottled, usually with wide dark bars, light midlateral stripe absent) and lip morphology (labial tissue thick, fleshy, considerably expanded at corners of mouth forming rounded flap-like extensions with entire margins, all surfaces rugose with low, rounded, and tightly spaced papillae, and distal margin of lower lip draped over bases of outer and inner jaw barbels, at times nearly encircling the latter). Three previously described species are considered valid, R. thomersoni (Lake Maracaibo basin), R. hoehlkei (Amazonas), and R. dorbignyi (Paraguay-Parana), and two new species are described. Rhinodoras armbrusteri from the Branco/Essequibo basins is diagnosed by having ventral surfaces with dark pigment, anterior midlateral plates moderately deep with dorsal and ventral wings subequal in depth, sum of midlateral plates 57-60, midlateral plates anterior to vertical through pelvic-fin origin usually five, tympanal portion of lateral-line canal moderately ossified with three distinct plates, postcleithral process moderately short and broad, adipose eyelid moderate to large, pectoral-fin rays usually eight, and one-part gas bladder. Rhinodoras gallagheri from the Orinoco basin is diagnosed by having ventral surfaces pale, anterior midlateral plates shallow to moderately deep with dorsal and ventral wings about equal in depth, midlateral plates anterior to vertical through pelvic-fin origin usually five, tympanal portion of lateral-line canal weakly ossified with two to three emergent plates, postcleithral process moderately long and narrow, adipose eyelid moderate to large, pectoral-fin rays usually eight, and one-part gas bladder. Rhinodoras is the only doradid genus with extant species in both trans- and cis-Andean drainages.
Trichomycterus tetuanensis, new species, is described from the río Tetuan, upper río Magdalena basin in Colombia. The new species is distinguished by its margin of caudal fin conspicuously emarginate, in combination with a high number of opercular odontodes (21–39), reflected externally in the large size of the opercular patch of odontodes, 3 irregular rows of conic teeth in the upper jaw, 42–52 interopercular odontodes, 8 branchiostegal rays, 37 post Weberian vertebrae, 7 branched pectoral-fin rays, hypural 3 separated from hypural plate 4+5, and background coloration light brown with darker dots uniformly sparse on dorsum and sides of trunk. Some apomorphic characters informative for the phylogenetic affinities of the new species within Trichomycterus are discussed.
Laimosemion leticia is described from the Rio Tacana drainage, upper Rio Amazonas basin, Southern Colombia. The new species was found in a shallow swamp within a tropical rainforest in the vicinity of Leticia, capital of the department of Amazonas and southernmost municipality of Colombia. This miniature species is considered to be a member of the Owiyeye subgenus, which is diagnosed by a unique frontal squamation. Laimosemion leticia can be distinguished from all other species of the genus by the unique colour pattern on the unpaired fins. The new species appears related to L. jauaperi, L. uatuman and L. ubim due to the similar flank colour pattern in males, but is easy distinguished by coloration of the unpaired fins and morphological characters.
Aperonotus milesi, new species, is described from the Quebrada Cristales, Rio Chanco and Rio La Vieja, tributaries of the upper Cauca River Basin, in Colombia. It can be distinguished from its congeners in the trans-Andean region by a light brown body coloration, with fine black pigment spots distributed over the integument; low number of anal-fin rays; and presence of secondary sexual dimorphism. The description of this new species brings the number of the trans-Andean apteronotids to nine. A dichotomous key to Apteronotidae from the Magdalena-Cauca hydrographic region is provided.
Apteronotus galvisi, a new species belonging to the A. leptorhynchus species-group, is described from the Río Meta basin at locations 305-424 meters above mean sea level in the piedmont of the Cordillera Oriental, Colombia. It is diagnosed by a combination of characters related to osteology, external morphology, and pigmentation.
5 mm SL). Colombia, Meta, Puerto López, Orinoco River Basin, río Meta drainage, caño Emma, Finca El Viento, ca. 33.5 km NE Puerto López, 04°08'N 72°39'W
  • Paratypes
Paratypes (Fig. 8). IAvH-P 10563 (2, 50.5-52.5 mm SL). Colombia, Meta, Puerto López, Orinoco River Basin, río Meta drainage, caño Emma, Finca El Viento, ca. 33.5 km NE Puerto López, 04°08'N 72°39'W; J. E. Böhlke & N. R. Foster, 18 Mar 1973. Remarks: received from M. Sabaj Pérez, formerly ANSP 139149, in part.
1 mm SL). Colombia, Meta, Puerto López, Orinoco River Basin, río Meta drainage, Rancho El Viento (second stream after entering ranch), across Meta from Puerto López ca
  • P Iavh
IAvH-P 10564 (2, 44.7-50.1 mm SL). Colombia, Meta, Puerto López, Orinoco River Basin, río Meta drainage, Rancho El Viento (second stream after entering ranch), across Meta from Puerto López ca. 35.5 km, 04°08'N 72°39'W;
1 mm SL). Colombia, Putumayo, Puerto Leguizamo, Amazon River Basin, caño Amaron, tributary of río Putumayo, 00°11'02"S 74°53'14"W; C. Román-Valencia
  • Paratypes
Paratypes (Fig. 9). IAvH-P 11239 (7, 22.3-26.1 mm SL). Colombia, Putumayo, Puerto Leguizamo, Amazon River Basin, caño Amaron, tributary of río Putumayo, 00°11'02"S 74°53'14"W; C. Román-Valencia, 30 Mar 2008. Remarks: collected with holotype; description published in 2010, but year on cover appears as 2008.
Remarks: lot missing, not found during this study
  • A Ortega-Lara
A. Ortega-Lara, 24 Feb 2005. Remarks: lot missing, not found during this study.
5 mm SL). Colombia, Vichada, Cumaribo, Orinoco River basin, río Orinoco at the mouth of caño Mataven, 04°32'30.3"N; 67°51
  • Paratypes
Paratypes (Fig. 23). IAvH-P 7045 (4, 41.6-66.5 mm SL). Colombia, Vichada, Cumaribo, Orinoco River basin, río Orinoco at the mouth of caño Mataven, 04°32'30.3"N; 67°51'47.7"W; J. Maldonado, 1 Feb 2004. Remarks: geographic coordinates were cited in original description as 04°32'30"N; 67°51'48"W.
IAvH-P 11256 (54.4 mm SL). Colombia, Caldas, San Miguel, small clear water creek, tributary of right bank of upper río La Miel, 05°36'28"N 74°99'35"W, elevation 290 m
  • Holotype
Holotype (Fig. 46). IAvH-P 11256 (54.4 mm SL). Colombia, Caldas, San Miguel, small clear water creek, tributary of right bank of upper río La Miel, 05°36'28"N 74°99'35"W, elevation 290 m; F. B. M. Vermeulen & F. A. Correa-Polo, 20 Feb 2008.
  • Rivulus
Rivulus (Cynodonichthys) xi Vermeulen, 2013: unnumbered fifteenth page, figs. 8-9.
IAvH-P 11258 (55.6 mm SL). Colombia
  • Holotype
Holotype (Fig. 47). IAvH-P 11258 (55.6 mm SL). Colombia, Santander, Magdalena River Basin, quebrada
Phylogenetic classification of bony fishes
  • R Betancur
  • R Wiley
  • E Bailly
  • N Miya
  • M Lecointre
  • G Ortí
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A new species of the genus Leporinus Spix from the Rio Meta
  • J C Garavello
Garavello, J.C. (1988) A new species of the genus Leporinus Spix from the Rio Meta, Colombia, South America (Pisces, Ostariophysi, Anostomidae). Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 140, 143-149.
Two new species of Hyphessobrycon (Pisces: Characiformes: Characidae) from Putumayo River, with keys to the Colombian Hyphessobrycon heterorhabdus-group species
  • C A García-Alzate
  • C Román-Valencia
  • D C Taphorn
García-Alzate, C.A., Román-Valencia, C. & Taphorn, D.C. (2010) "2008" Two new species of Hyphessobrycon (Pisces: Characiformes: Characidae) from Putumayo River, with keys to the Colombian Hyphessobrycon heterorhabdus-group species. Brenesia, 70, 33-46.
A revision of the South American cichlid genus Cichlasoma (Teleostei: Cichlidae). Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm. I-IV + 1-296, Pls
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Kullander, S.O. (1983) A revision of the South American cichlid genus Cichlasoma (Teleostei: Cichlidae). Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm. I-IV + 1-296, Pls. 1-14.
A new species of South American ghost knifefish (Apteronotidae: Adontosternarchus) from the Amazon Basin
  • J G Lundberg
  • C Cox Fernandes
Lundberg, J.G. & Cox Fernandes, C. (2007) A new species of South American ghost knifefish (Apteronotidae: Adontosternarchus) from the Amazon Basin. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 156, 27-37.
III. Revisión del género Apistogramma Regan, 1913 (Perciformes, Cichlidae) en la cuenca del río Orinoco. Serie Editorial Recursos Hidrobiológicas y Pesqueros Continentales de Colombia
  • Mesa Salazar
  • L M Lasso
Mesa Salazar, L.M. & Lasso, C.A. (2011) III. Revisión del género Apistogramma Regan, 1913 (Perciformes, Cichlidae) en la cuenca del río Orinoco. Serie Editorial Recursos Hidrobiológicas y Pesqueros Continentales de Colombia, Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt. Bogotá, D. C., Colombia, 192 pp.
Systematic review of Apionichthys (Pleuronectiformes: Achiridae), with description of four new species
  • R T C Ramos
Ramos, R.T.C. (2003) Systematic review of Apionichthys (Pleuronectiformes: Achiridae), with description of four new species. Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters, 14, 97-126.
Standard symbolic codes for institutional resource collections in herpetology and ichthyology: an online reference. Version 6.5
  • M H Sabaj Pérez
Sabaj Pérez, M.H. [Ed.] (2016) Standard symbolic codes for institutional resource collections in herpetology and ichthyology: an online reference. Version 6.5. Available from: (accessed 7 September 2016)
Cinco nuevas especies de peces astroblépidos para los Andes Colombianos
  • C A Ardila Rodríguez
Ardila Rodríguez, C.A. (2015) Cinco nuevas especies de peces astroblépidos para los Andes Colombianos. Revista de la Asociación Colombiana de Ciencias Biológicas, 27, 124-135.