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Global Energy System Based on 100% Renewable Energy - Power Sector: Introduction to the study



Introduction to the Technical Report ”Global Energy System based on 100% Renewable Energy – Power Sector”, published at the Global Renewable Energy Solutions Showcase event (GRESS), a side event of the COP23, Bonn, November 8, 2017
Global Energy System Based on
100% Renewable Energy -Power Sector:
Global Overview
Study funded by the
German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU) and
Stiftung Mercator GmbH
Manish Ram, Dmitrii Bogdanov, Arman
Aghahosseini, Solomon Oyewo, Ashish Gulagi,
Michael Child, Hans-Josef Fell, Christian Breyer
Nov 2016, COP22, Marrakech:
48 countries (Climate Vulnerable Forum) decided for a
100% RE target
More Countries set 100% targets, e.g.:
Denmark, Sweden, Costa Rica, Iceland, Cape Verde
Cities with 100% RE targets, e.g.:
Barcelona, Masdar City, Munich, Masheireb, Downtown,
Doha, Vancouver, San Francisco, Copenhagen, Sydney, …
Companies with 100% RE targets, e.g.:
Google, Coca-Cola, IKEA, Walmart, …
3Global Energy System Based on 100% Renewable Energy -Power Sector: Global Overview
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1st Modelling of 100% RE Global Power System
§The modelling by the Lappeenranta University of Technology as of 2017 is the only one to run
at full hourly resolution on a global-local scale.
§Real weather data were used for assessing the solar, wind and hydro resources.
§By 2050, the world population is expected to grow from 7.3 to 9.7 billion.
§The global electricity demand for the power sector is set to increase from 24,310 TWh in 2015
to around 48,800 TWh by 2050.
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LUT Energy System Model
§The technologies applied for the energy system optimisation include those for electricity
generation, energy storage and electricity transmission
§The model is applied at full hourly resolution for an entire year
§The LUT model will be expanded to all energy sectors for a follow-up study
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Electricity Generation in 2015 and 2050
§In 2050, solar PV accounts for 69%, wind energy 18%,
hydropower 8% and bioenergy 2% of the total electricity
mix globally.
§Gas generation is only from renewable energy based gas
(bio-methane and power-to-gas)
§Nuclear power still accounts for negligible 0.3% of the
total electricity generation, due to the end of its assumed
technical life, but could be phased out earlier.
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Global Full Load Hours
Key insights for wind energy:
§uneven global distribution
§excellent conditions available in all
major regions in the world
§seasonal variation of availability
Key insights for solar PV:
§most evenly distributed energy
resource around the world
§diurnal variation
§seasonal stability in Sun Belt region
§stronger seasonality in northern
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Regional Variation Solar PV and Wind
§Solar PV is the dominating source of electricity in the Sun Belt
§Wind energy is very important in the North
§In regions of less solar PV and wind energy the contribution of hydropower is excellent
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Major RE Capacities in 2050
§Latitudes of 45N and higher show a strong seasonality effect, i.e. parts of North America, Europe and
Eurasia; this implies a strong wind demand
§The effect of excellent other RE resources can be observed for instance in Russia (excellent wind, and
hydropower in Siberia and Far East), Brazil (excellent hydropower), Laos (excellent hydropower) or
Sumatra in Indonesia (excellent geothermal energy)
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Electricity Storage Output in 2015 and 2050
§Batteries are the key supporting technology for solar PV.
§Storage output covers 31% of the total demand in 2050,
95% of which is covered by batteries alone.
§Battery storage provides mainly diurnal storage, and
renewable energy based gas provides seasonal storage.
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Storage Supply Shares in 2050
§Battery storage mainly plays a role in providing diurnal storage with around 31% of the total supply
§Gas storage mainly plays a role in providing seasonal storage with just 2% of total supply (1% from
synthetic natural gas and 1% from bio-methane both RE-based)
§Prosumers play a significant role and hence a large portion of batteries can be observed in 2050, also
with low costs of solar PV and batteries
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Renewable Electricity is Cost-effective
§Total levelised cost of electricity (LCOE) on a global
average for 100% renewable electricity in 2050 is 52
/MWh compared to 70 /MWh in 2015.
§These costs include generation, curtailment, storage and
some grid costs.
§Stable and secure electricity supply for all hours of a year.
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Electricity System Cost during Transition
§The global power system LCOE remains stable for the
first periods, showing a gradual decline from 70 /MWh to
59 /MWh from 2015 to 2040, including all generation,
storage, curtailment and parts of the grid costs
§Beyond 2040 the LCOE further declines to 52 /MWh by
2050, signifying that larger capacities of RE addition
result in reduction of energy costs
§After an initial increase, the investment requirements
decline after 2030 to stabilise between 2040 to 2050
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100% Renewables drastically reduces Losses
§The total losses in a 100% renewable electricity system are around 26% of the total electricity
demand, compared to the current system in which about 58% of primary energy input is lost.
§Thermal power plants (coal, gas, oil, nuclear, biomass) lose much of the primary energy input.
§Curtailment is a low-cost flexibility option in future.
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Job Opportunities
§The global energy transition to a 100% renewable electricity system creates 36 million jobs by
2050 in comparison to 19 million jobs by 2015.
§Governments should start programmes to convert coal jobs to jobs for renewable energy.
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Job Opportunities
§Fossil and nuclear energy-related jobs can be easily substituted by RE-related ones
§Solar PV and battery storage will be prime job creators 2030 onwards
§More stable jobs will be available in operation and maintenance
§The total jobs per generated electricity will first increase due to strong investment needs and will
stabilise towards 2050 comparable to the current level
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100% Renewables reduce GHG Emissions to zero
§Global greenhouse gas emissions significantly reduce from about 11 GtCO2eq in 2015 to zero
emissions by 2050 or earlier, as the total LCOE of the power system declines.
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Policy Recommendations
§Instruments, enabling direct private investments in renewable energy and other zero-
emission technologies
Fixed feed-in-tariffs, such as the German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG)
Hybrid renewable power plant renumeration
Tenders only for capacities above 40 MW
§Phasing-out all state subsidies to fossil fuel and nuclear energy generation
§Tax exemptions for investments in renewable energy
§Replacement of emission trading systems with carbon & radioactivity taxes
§Research and education
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Key Findings
§Global electricity system based on 100% renewables is technically feasible and cost-effective
§Existing RE potential and technologies can generate sufficient and secure power to cover the
entire global electricity demand by 2050
§Total LCOE on a global average for 100% RE is 52 /MWh in 2050, vs. 70 /MWh in 2015
§Electricity generation will be mainly based on solar PV, plus wind energy, hydropower and
some bioenergy
§Substantial regional variations: solar PV dominance in the Sun Belt, more wind in the North
§Electricity storage mainly provided by battery storage plus RE gas for seasonal balancing
§The future electricity system is significantly more efficient than the present one
§Many new stable jobs will be created, which enables the substitution of lost coal jobs
§GHG emissions can be reduced to zero by 2050, even by 2040 is a possibility
§Political action that is pro renewables is the need of the hour
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Further Findings
Results for the world and all major regions are available
(subsequent links to 92 countries/ regions are provided in the slides below):
§Global Overview
§Sub-Saharan Africa
§Northeast Asia
§Southeast Asia/ Pacific
§North America
§South America
Financing of Stiftung Mercator GmbH and Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt
is gratefully acknowledged.
Further information and all publications at:
... From the output, the installed RE capacity will touch in 2030 by almost 14,000 GW and greater than in 2050 is 28,000 GW. A supply of 100% electricity from RE leads to almost 23,600 GW of capacities of installed geothermal power, bioenergy, hydropower, wind energy, and solar PV generation by 2050 as given in [489], [490]. The segment of RE in the whole electricity will reach 99.65% worldwide in 2050. ...
... The LCOE for the global power network decreases from 70 €/MWh in 2015 and it will decline in 2050 to 52 €/MWh. Furthermore, outcomes of the regional energy transition in the world [489], [490]. ...
Full-text available
To limit the impacts of climate change, the carbon dioxide CO2 emissions (CE) correlated with the energy sector must be decreased. Reduction of CE will have a positive effect on the atmosphere by avoiding the adverse impact of global warming. To attain an eco-environment, the initial energy resource needs to move from traditional fossil fuels to unpolluted renewable energy (RE). Thus, enhancing the utilization of RE actively decreases air pollution and adds secure sustainable energy allocation to ensure future energy needs. Integrating sources of RE not only drops CE but also decreases fuel consumption, leading to significant economic savings. This paper presents the transition of global energy that will have a largely positive impact on the growth and future stability of economies with cost-effective and more sustainable all over the world. Significant reductions can be accomplished by using applicable policies and technologies. In the context of current discussions about climate change and the reduction of CE, this paper critically analyses some policies, technologies, and commonly discussed solutions. Technologies like digital twin (DT), transfer learning (TL), Edge Computing (EC), Distributed Computing (DC), and some other technologies with their work for the reduction of CE are discussed thoroughly in this paper. The given techniques in this survey paper present the best optimal solutions for CE reduction.
... Energy Systems Simulations (ESS) play an important role in influencing public opinion and the opinion of decision makers [1]. An impression of this attempt give [2][3][4]. A prominent example for ESSs with the goal to impact policy decisions on the German national level is [2]. ...
... The publication is based on several studies regarding energy systems that have been performed during the last years with the goal to extract the necessary information to clarify which steps have to be taken in order to defossilize the energy system over the next decades. An example for a relevant ESS on the international level is the LUTs Energy model, which is the bases for [3], a report that uses the results of many studies performed with the LUT Energy model. Results of the model are made available to the public also via a webpage where the energy supply at each hour of the year can be visualized [5]. ...
Conference Paper
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Decisions in energy policy are influenced by the results from energy systems optimizations. Uncertainties regarding the input parameters of optimization problems, e.g. cost developments of technologies and resources in the future, may influence the optimization results in such a way, that an easy interpretation of results is not possible. The methodology presented herein aims to overcome the problem of uncertainties and to allow taking into account probability distributions (pd) for all input parameters while limiting the number of necessary optimizations to a minimum. This is achieved using design of experiment (DoE) to select the appropriate input parameter combinations to train an artificial neural network (ANN). The resulting ANN is then used to predict the optimization result for all possible input parameter combinations, which are then weighted with a pd according to user preferences. In this contribution, an explanation of the new methodology OPANN (optimization considering probabilities with artificial neural networks) and its application are presented. The information gained from a number of random or selected (e.g. scenario based) simulations is compared with the results following the DoE approach and the application of ANN and pds. The number of necessary simulations with the new methodology is then evaluated with regard to the applicability of the Monte Carlo method and stochastic optimization and the cost-benefit ratio for the considered methods at different numbers of runs of the original optimization problem is compared.
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A transition of the Bolivian power sector towards a renewable energy dominated system has been inhibited by a series of laws and policies including heavy subsidies for power generation using domestic natural gas. Within this context, alternative techno-economic scenarios are designed based on key characteristics of the system, and a series of six policy levers are used to analyze impacts on the development of the power sector. The energy-system optimization modeling framework OSeMOSYS is utilized to analyze power sector transition pathways. Techno-economic characteristics and policies are combined to develop bracketing scenarios for the future energy system, contrasting business-as-usual with an ambitious renewable energy policy scenario. Results from the analyzed scenarios show that achieving significant reductions of GHG emissions in the Bolivian electric system will heavily depend on:1) reducing the artificial competitiveness of thermal power plants through subsidies, but also a price on carbon emissions; 2) banning high impact power plants (mainly very large hydropower plants); and 3) defining clear long-term objectives for the participation of renewables in the system, starting with objectives in current short-term plans. By examining several scenarios, relative system costs as a function of emissions reductions are determined as well. For high penetration of variable renewable energy, addition of storage will eventually be needed as dispatchable renewable resources are limited.
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Under the Paris Climate Agreement, sustainable energy supply will largely be achieved through renewable energies. Each country will have its own unique optimal pathway to transition to a fully sustainable system. This study demonstrates two such pathways for Bolivia that are both technically feasible and cost-competitive to a scenario without proper renewable energy targets, and significantly more cost-efficient than the current system. This transition for Bolivia would be driven by solar PV based electricity and high electrification across all energy sectors. Simulations performed using the LUT Energy System Transition model comprising 108 technology components show that electricity demand in Bolivia would rise from the present 12 TWh to 230 TWh in 2050, and electricity would comprise 82% of primary energy demand. The remaining 18% would then be covered by renewable heat and sustainable biomass resources. Solar PV sees massive increases in capacity from 0.13 GW in 2020 to a maximum of 113 GW in 2050, corresponding to 93% of electricity generation in 2050. In a high transmission scenario, levelised cost of energy reduces 27% during the transition. All scenarios studied see significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, with two scenarios demonstrating a Bolivian energy system with no greenhouse gas emissions in 2050. Further, such scenarios outline a sustainable and import-free supply of energy for Bolivia that will provide additional social benefits for the people of Bolivia.
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The main energy losses in solar cells are related to spectral losses where high energy photons are not used efficiently, and energy is lost via thermalization which reduces the solar cell’s overall efficiency. A way to tackle this is to introduce a luminescent down-shifting layer (LDS) to convert these high energy photons into a lower energy bracket helping the solar cell to absorb them and thus generating a greater power output. In this paper, lumogen dye Violet 570 has been used as LDS coated films of 10μm and 60μm placed on top of Si solar cells. The dye was incorporated into polymer films of Polyvinyl Butyral (PVB) and Polymethyl Methacrylate (PMMA) after which they were tested for their absorption, transmission and emission properties. Once optimised layers had been determined, they were deposited directly onto silicon solar cells and the external quantum efficiency (EQE) of the Si solar cells were measured with and without the LDS layers. The resulting graphs have shown an increase of up to 2.9% in the overall EQE efficiency after the lumogen films had been applied.
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