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Abstract and Figures

Interactive scene walkthroughs have long been an important computer graphics application area. More recently, researchers have developed techniques for constructing photorealistic 3D architectural models from real-world images. We present an image-based rendering system that brings us a step closer to a compelling sense of being there. Whereas many previous systems have used still photography and 3D scene modeling, we avoid explicit 3D reconstruction because it tends to be brittle. Our system is not the first to propose interactive video-based tours. We believe, however, that our system is the first to deliver fully interactive, photorealistic image-based tours on a personal computer at or above broadcast video resolutions and frame rates. Moreover, to our knowledge, no other tour provides the same rich set of interactions or visually complex environments.
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High-quality Image-based Interactive Exploration
of Real-World Environments
Matthew Uyttendaele, Antonio Criminisi, Sing Bing Kang,
Simon Winder, Richard Hartley
, and Richard Szeliski
October, 2003
Technical Report
Microsoft Research
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052
A shorter version of this article has been accepted for publication in IEEE Computer Graphics and
Australian National University
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 1: The system described in this paper enables users to virtually explore large environments from the
comforts of their sofa (a). A standard wireless gamepad (b) allows the user to easily navigate through the
modeled environment which is displayed on a large wall screen (c). This results in a compelling experience
that marries the realism of high quality imagery acquired from real world locations together with the 3D
interactivity typical of computer games.
1 Introduction
Interactive scene walkthroughs have long been an important application area of computer graphics.
Starting with the pioneering work of Fred Brooks
, efficient rendering algorithms have been
Tellerand S´equin,1991,Aliagaetal.,1999
More recently, researchers have developed techniques to construct photorealistic 3D architectural
models from real world images
Debevec et al., 1996, Coorg and Teller, 1999, Koch et al., 2000
number of real-world tours based on panoramic images have also been developed (see the Previous
Work section). What all of these systems have in common is a desire to create a real sense of
being there, i.e., a sense of virtual presence that lets users experience a space or environment in an
exploratory, interactive manner.
In this paper, we present an image-based rendering system that brings us a step closer to a
compellingsenseof beingthere.Whilemanyprevioussystemshavebeenbasedonstill photography
and/or 3D scene modeling, we avoid explicit 3D reconstruction in our work because this process
tends to be brittle. Instead, our approach is based directly on filming (with a set of high-resolution
cameras) an environment we wish to explore, and then using image-based rendering techniques to
In designing this system, our goal is to allow the user to move freely along a set of predefined
tracks (cf. the “river analogy” in
Galyean, 1995
), choose between different directions of motion at
decision points, and look around in any direction. Another requirement is that the displayed views
should have a high resolution and dynamic range. The system is also designed to easily incorporate
Camera pose
Object pose
Data for
Data for interactive
object replacement
Data capture
Figure 2: Simplified block diagram of our video processing and rendering pipelines
multimedia objects such as navigation maps, video textures, audio, and pop-up stills.
Our system is not the first one to propose interactive video-based tours (see the Previous Work
section). We believe, however, that our system is the first to deliver fully interactive photorealistic
image-based tours on a personal computer at or above broadcast video resolutions and frame rates.
Previous image-based tours have generally been of much lower visual quality since they are either
based on a single camera taking spherical images or high-resolution panoramas taken at discrete
locations (Section 3 hasa more detailed comparison). None of the tours, to our knowledge, provides
the same rich set of interactions, e.g., the ability to navigate continuously from room to room with
a natural, game-like controller, or to jump from room to room using map navigation. Compared to
approaches based on 3D reconstruction
Debevec et al., 1996, Coorg and Teller, 1999, Koch et al.,
, our system can deal with environments of much greater visual complexity, e.g., it is capable
of navigating the rich foliage of a botanical garden without any loss in realism. We postpone a full
comparison of our system with previous work to the Discussion section, once we have described
our own system in more detail and shown some of our results.
In order to achieve our goals of providing high-resolution interactive image-based tours, we
designed an integrated acquisition, authoring, and playback system from the ground up (Figure 2).
The novel components we developed as part of this system include:
a multi-camera high-resolution video head connected to a small portable RAID array and
power supply (Section 3);
an acquisition platform to conveniently transport the sensor and capture the space we wish
to explore (Section 4);
a suite of image processing algorithms to de-noise, de-mosaic, un-warp, and de-vignette the
images (Section 5);
a spatial stitching/de-ghosting algorithm designed to minimize visible parallax in overlap
regions (Section 6);
a high dynamic range video stitching algorithm that merges successive frames taken at dif-
ferent exposures while the camera is moving (Section 7);
a feature tracking and pose estimation algorithm designed to stabilize the acquired video and
aid navigation (Section 8);
a video compression scheme designed for selective (partial) decompression and random
access (Section 9);
authoring tools for inserting branch points in the tour, adding sound sources, and augmenting
the video with synthetic and hybrid elements; and (Section 10).
an interactive viewer that allows users to easily navigate and explore the space that has been
captured (Section 11).
Each of these components is described below in its own section. The overall complexity of the
tours of remote locations using a simple game control pad (Figure 1).
2 Previous work (panoramic photography)
Panoramicphotography using mechano-optical means has a long history stretching back to the 19th
Malde, 1983, Benosman and Kang, 2001
. The stitching of photographs using computer
use with the release of Apple’s QuickTime VR system in 1995
Chen, 1995
. Since then, a large
number of improvements have been made to the basic system, including constructing full-view
Szeliski and Shum, 1997, Sawhney and Kumar, 1999
, dealing with moving objects
Davis, 1998
, and using panoramas for image-based rendering
McMillan and Bishop, 1995
and architectural reconstruction
Coorg and Teller, 1999
. (See
Benosman and Kang, 2001
for a
collection of some more recent papers in this area.) Most mid- to high-end digital cameras nowship
with image stitching software in the box, and there are over a dozen commercial stitching products
on the market today ( lists a number of these).
Panoramic (360
) movies were first introduced by Kodak at the World’s Fair in 1964 and are a
by Andrew Lippman in his Movie Maps project, which stored video clips of the streets of Aspen
on an optical videodisc and allowed viewers to interactively navigate through these clips. In mobile
robotics, 360
video cameras based on reflecting curved mirrors (catadioptric systems
Baker and
Nayar, 1999
) have long been used for robot navigation
Ishiguro et al., 1992
. More recently,
such systems have also been used to present virtual tours
Boult, 1998,Aliaga and Carlbom, 2001,
Aliaga et al., 2002
and to build 3D image-based environment models
Coorg and Teller, 1999,
Taylor, 2002
For example, Boult
Boult, 1998
developed a campus tour based on re-projecting catadioptric
spherical images streaming from a camcorder to give the user the ability to look around while
driving through campus. Teller et al.
Coorg and Teller, 1999
have built detailed 3D architectural
models of the MIT campus based on high-resolution still panoramic images taken from a specially
instrumented cart with a pan-tilt head.Aliaga et al.
Aliaga and Carlbom, 2001,Aliaga et al., 2002
have built image-based interactive walkthrough of indoor rooms based on a dense sampling of
omnidirectional images taken from a mobile robot platform. Taylor’s VideoPlus system
uses a similar setup but relies more on a sparse traversal of a set of connected rooms to
explore a larger region of interest. His paper also contains a nice review of previous work in the
area of environment modeling and visualization using catadioptric images.
Daniilidis’OmnidirectionalVision web page (// lists al-
most 50 different research projects and commercial systems based on omnidirectional cameras. Of
the systems listed on his page, the majority employ curved mirrors and a single camera, while a few
employmultiple cameras.One cleverdesign ( uses mirrors tomake theop-
tical centers coincident, which removes the parallax problems described in this paper (but results in
a slightlybulkiersystem).The system builtby iMove ( is themost similar
3 Omnidirectional camera design
The first step in achieving our goal of rendering full-screen, interactive walkthroughs is to design
a capture system. The system needs to efficiently capture full spherical environments at high res-
olution. One possible approach is to capture many high-resolution stills and to then stitch these
together. This step then has to be repeated at many locations throughout the environment
and Teller, 1999
.While this yields very high resolution panoramas, it can require a long amount of
time, e.g., days instead of the few minutes that it takes us to digitize a home or garden. We decided
instead on omnidirectional capture at video rates.
A common approach to omnidirectional capture is to use catadioptric systems consisting of
mirrors and lenses. There are two major mirror based designs: those using curved mirrors with a
single lens and sensor, and those using multiple planar mirrors each with an associated camera.
These systems have the desirable feature that they capture a large cross section of a spherical
Camera 1
Camera 2
Camera 3
Camera 4
Camera 5
Camera 0
(a) (b)
Figure 3: Our six-sensor omnidirectional camera (a). The six images taken by our camera are arranged
horizontally around a pentagon, with a sixth sensor looking straight up. During processing, the overlapping
fields of view are merged and then re-sampled. During rendering, these images become the texture maps (b)
used in the 3D environment map.
environment and require no complex stitching, since they are designed to have a single optical
center. In order to enable full-screen experiences, our system needs to capture enough pixels to
provide at least a 640× 480 resolution in any given 60
field of view.A curved mirror design would
need at least a 2K × 2K video rate sensor in order to approach these requirements, but the desired
resolution would only be within a fraction of its field of view. This is because these designs have
a non-uniform distribution of image resolution, which drops significantly towards the center of the
image. In addition, these designs have blind spots at the center of the image, where the field of view
is blocked by the camera itself.
Another class of omnidirectional sensors uses multiple individual cameras arranged in such a
way that they fully capture a scene.A disadvantage of this approach is that it is difficult to arrange
the cameras so that they share a common center of projection. The captured data must then be post-
processed with a more complex stitching and parallax compensation step to produce a seamless
panoramas (see our section on Image Stitching). However, parallax can be minimized by packing
the cameras very tightly together. On the plus side, such a system can capture most of a full viewing
design. For these reasons, this was ultimately the design that we selected.
Since there was no commercially available system that met all of our requirements, we designed
our own multi-camera system, and contracted Point Grey Research to build it. The result is the
Ladybug camera ( shown in Figure 3. The acquisition
system is divided into two parts: a head unit containing the cameras and control logic, and a storage
unit tethered to the head via a fiber optic link. The head unit contains six 768 × 1024 video-rate
sensors and associated lenses, with five pointing out along the equator, and one pointing up, giving
complete coverage from the North Pole to 50
below the equator. The lenses were chosen so that
there is a small overlap between adjacent cameras, allowing for stitching of the captured data.
The sensors run at a video rate of 15 frames/second and are synchronized. The storage unit is
a portable RAID array consisting of four 40GB hard drives, which allows us to store up to 20
minutes of uncompressed raw video.All components are powered by a small portable battery, and
the complete system can easily fit in a backpack or on a small robot (Figure 4), giving us a lot of
flexibility in terms of acquisition.
4 Data acquisition
Before we can capture large real-world scenes with our novel camera, we need to design a capture
platform to carry the sensor around, as well as a capture strategy to ensure that all the desirable data
gets collected. In this section we describe these two components.
4.1 Capture platform
To capture omnidirectional videos of scenes, we designed three differentmobile platforms. Because
of the extremely wide field of view of our omnidirectional camera, each of our mobile platforms
wasdesigned to avoid imaging itself and the camera person. (We considered using a steady-cam rig,
since it is capable of producing very smooth camera trajectories. Unfortunately, the person carrying
the steady-cam rig would always be visible to the omnidirectional camera, and so we rejected this
Tripod platform. Our first design was a tripod mounted on a dolly (Figure 4a). This platform is
moved along the planned path by a human crouched next to it. The platform is stable (assuming
flat ground), compact, cheap, and easy to assemble. Unfortunately, in order to avoid being seen,
the operator has to crouch in an uncomfortable position, making it awkward to move. It is also
incapable of handling relatively rough terrain.
Radio-controlled robot cart. Our second design was a radio-controlled robot platform (Fig-
ure 4b).A number of customized changes were made, including adding a monopod stabilized with
tension wires, extending one of the wheels to increase the footprint, and adding another layer of
support for holding the controlling laptop. While this solution is significantly more expensive than
the tripod, it removes the operator from the camera view and it is capable of repeatable paths
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4: Acquisition platforms: (a) Wheeled tripod. (b) Tele-operated robotic cart. (c) Helmet-mounted
acquisition system.
with little jitter. It also has the potential for autonomous exploration and acquisition
Taylor, 2002,
Aliaga and Carlbom, 2001
. However, it cannot handle stairs and rough terrain.
Head-mounted helmet. In order to handle arbitrary terrain, we mounted the camera on a sky-
diving helmet (Figure 4c). This platform can be used practically anywhere (we have even used it
while sky-diving), and the pace taken along the path during acquisition can be reasonably rapid.
Unfortunately, camera jitter becomes a significant issue.
For the results presented in this paper, we used the tripod platform to capture our first tour and
the head-mounted helmet for the later two.
4.2 Trajectory planning
which portions of the scene will be filmed and devising a path (traversal) that will take the camera
through those areas. When available, we use maps or blueprints both to plan the video acquisition
and to help the user navigate the final tour. During the filming, the camera-person walks along
the pre-planned trajectory, and someone else records sounds for incorporation into the authored
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)
Figure 5: Radial distortion and vignetting correction: (a) image of calibration grid, (b) original photograph
of a building showing lens distortion, (c) corrected image, with straight lines converging on a vanishing
point; (d) original image showing vignetting effect, (e) image after vignetting correction.
5 Image pre-processing
The first step of our off-line processing pipeline is to perform some image processing tasks to
convert the raw video values coming from our sensor chip to color images and to correct for radial
distortion and vignetting.
5.1 De-mosaicing
Images are copied directly from the sensors onto the RAID array as raw Bayer color filter array
values (i.e., individual red, green, or blue samples arranged in a checkerboard array consisting of
50% G pixels and 25% R and B pixels)
Chang et al., 1999
. We use the algorithm described in
Chang et al., 1999
to interpolate to full RGB images while preserving edge detail and minimizing
spurious color artifacts. We also undo the camera gamma so that the rest of the processing can be
done in a linear color space.
5.2 Radial distortion
Since the field of view of our cameras is large ( 100
), it introduces significant lens distortion. To
generate seamless mosaic images, the accuracy of the lens calibration is of paramount importance.
In fact, even a small degree of inaccuracy in the correction of the images will affect the quality of
the stitching in the regions where two images overlap.
We found that for our lenses, a parametric radial distortion model does not achieve sufficient
accuracy. We therefore developed a slightly more elaborate two-step correction algorithm.We start
from the standard plumb-line method where a parametric radial model is fitted to the image data
with the purpose of straightening up edges that appear to be curved
Brown, 1971, Devernay and
Faugeras, 1995
. Then, a second step is added to remove the small residual error by first finding
all corners of the image of a grid and mapping them back to their original locations. The output
displacements are then interpolated with a bilinear spline. The final result is a pixel-accurate lens
correction model (Figure 5). This technique is able to produce more accurate results than just fitting
a standard parametric radial distortion model.
5.3 Vignetting
Cameraswith wide fieldsof viewalsosufferfrom avignetting effect,i.e.,an intensity drop-off away
from the center. This drop-off is due to both optical (off-axis illumination) and geometric (aperture)
factors. We compensate for these effects by first capturing an image within an integrating sphere
whose internal surface is almost perfectly Lambertian. We then fit a global function that accounts
for this effect. The function we use is of the form I(r)=I
(r)[1 αr]/[1+ (r/f)
, where r is the
radial distance from the principal point (assumed to be the center of the image), I(r) is the sampled
image, I
(r) is the hypothesized un-attenuated intensity image, f is the camera focal length, and α
is the geometric attenuation factor. Details of extracting these parameters can be found in
and Weiss, 2000
5.4 Geometric calibration
Once each camera has been unwarped to fit a linear perspective model, we need to compute the
linear transforms that relate camera pixels to world rays relative to the camera head. One way to
do this would be to track a large number of points while rotating the head and to then perform
a full bundle adjustment (structure from motion reconstruction
Hartley and Zisserman, 2000,
Triggs et al., 1999
. However, we have found that a simpler approach works well enough for our
purposes. We simply take an image of an outdoor scene where there is negligible parallax and use
an image stitching algorithm to compute the camera intrinsic parameters and rotations
Szeliski and
Shum, 1997
. We then estimate the inter-camera translations from the design specifications. While
these are not the exact displacements between the optical centers, they are close enough that we
can compensate for inter-camera parallax using the technique described in the next section.
Figure 6: Our approach of using multiple intermediate virtual viewpoints for stitching images I
and I
(corresponding to cameras C
and C
respectively). Each black rectangle represents a pixel column in the
overlapregion.Forclarity, weshowonlythreeintermediateviewpointscoveringthreedifferentpixelcolumns.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 7: Parallax compensation in image overlap: (a) direct feathering introduces blurring, (b) magnified
version of the region marked in (a), (c) stitching results after MPPS. Notice the much cleaner edges in (c).
6 Image stitching and parallax compensation
Since the camera centers of our omnidirectional capture system are not coincident, the amount of
observed parallax can be significant in the image overlap regions, especially when portions of the
scene are close by. Under such conditions, using simple feathering (blending) to produce a stitched
omnidirectional image is not acceptable, as can be seen in Figure 7a,b.
To handle this problem, we adapted a stereo matching process to recover a multi-perspective
Rademacher and Bishop, 1998
in the overlap region, where each column in the overlap
region is matched using a slightly different virtual viewpoint. This idea is shown in Figure 6, where
each black rectangle represents a pixel column within the overlap region formed between images
and I
. Each intermediate viewpoint (in black) covers a pixel column.
Foragivenintermediateviewpoint,stereo isappliedtofindthe most photoconsistentappearance
.Thisis accomplishedbysearchingalong asetofpredetermined
depths (i.e., plane sweeping) and finding the minimum difference between projected local colors
from the input images at those depths.
We used the shiftable window technique
Kang et al., 2001
in our stereo algorithm to handle
occlusions in the overlap region. The size of the search window is 3 × 3. For a given hypothesized
depth at a pixel in the overlap region, the corresponding windows in the two input images are
first located. The match error is computed as sum-of-squared-differences (SSD) between these
windows. For a given depth, shifted versions of the corresponding windows that contain the central
pixel of interest are used in the computation. The most photoconsistent depth is the depth whose
shifted window pair produces the smallest matching error. Note that this operation is performed on
a per-pixel basis along each column. As a result, the final computed depths can vary along each
inFigure 6), abruptvisual discontinuitiesareeliminated inthestitched image.Wecall thistechnique
Multi-PerspectivePlane Sweep,orMPPS forshort.The resultsof applying thistechnique areshown
in Figure 7c. Details of MPPS can be found in
Kang et al., 2003
7 High dynamic range capture and viewing
The real world contains a lot more brightness variation than can be captured by digital sensors
found in most cameras today. The radiance range of an indoor photograph can contain as many
as six orders of magnitude between the dark areas under a desk to the sunlit views seen through a
window. Typical CCD or CMOS sensors capture only two to three orders of magnitude. The effect
of this limited range is that details cannot be captured in both the dark areas and bright areas at the
same time. This problem has inspired many solutions in recent years.
One method of capturing greater dynamic range of still scenes is to shoot multiple exposures,
which appropriately capture tonal detail in dark and bright regions in turn. These images can then
be combined to create a high dynamic range (HDR) image. Automatically combining such images
requires a knowledge of the camera’s response curve as well as the camera settings used for each
exposure. See, for example,
Mann and Picard, 1995, Debevec and Malik, 1997, Mitsunaga and
Nayar, 1999
for details of techniques to create HDR images from multiple exposures. Each of
these techniques produces an HDR image with at least 16 bits per color component. An alternate
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 8: Generating an HDR image from stills. (a,b,c) Multiple exposures of a scene from short to long,
and (d) the result of combining these exposures and tonemapping. Notice the result contains details found in
the short through long exposures.
method is to combine these images directly in an image editing tool such asAdobe Photoshop.
The following two web sites have tutorials on how to do this:
Viewing ordisplayinghigh dynamicrange imagesis alsoa problem.Atypical computermonitor
an HDR image, its range must be compressed to match that of the display. This operation, known as
tonemapping or tone reproduction, has been explored in
Larson et al., 1997, Durand and Dorsey,
2002, Fattal et al., 2002, Reinhard et al., 2002
. An example of generating an HDR image from
multiple exposures is shown in Figure 8.
7.1 High dynamic range video
In our work, we generate HDR video, i.e., we generate one high dynamic range image at each time
interval.This is a challenging problem, since wecannot captureall thedesired exposuresatthe same
time. Furthermore, different regions in the image may be in motion. Our solution to this problem
is described in
Kang et al., 2003
; here, we provide a very brief overview.
Our camera allows the exposure settings to change at every frame time. We use this feature to
capture a video consisting of alternating long and short exposures. We then must solve the problem
of registering these frames to each other so that we can synthesize the missing long and short
exposure frames at each given instant. The matching task is difficult because frames captured at
Figure9: Example frames from an HDR video sequence.The top row is the alternating exposureinput video.
The bottom row is the HDR video generated from this input.
different exposures are quite dissimilar.We facilitate the matching process by boosting (increasing)
the brightness of the lower exposed images to match the higher exposed ones. Once the registration
is complete, we compute a full radiance map by appropriately combining warped versions of the
original video frames, using only the pixels with the most reliable correspondence and radiance
The radiance map is subsequently tonemapped for viewing. We adapted the technique of Rein-
hard et al.
Reinhard et al., 2002
to operate on HDR video.Their technique is modified customized
to use statistics from neighboring frames in order to produce a tonemapped output without any
temporal artifacts.
An example of HDR video generated from a sequence of alternating exposures is shown in
Figure 9.
8 Camera pose estimation and bifurcation handling
Despite the research efforts of recent years, none of the existing vision algorithms for camera pose
recovery (ego-motion)
Hartleyand Zisserman, 2000
can robustly handle large-scaleenvironments
such as the ones captured by our system. The main problem is that the error accumulation over long
sequences degrades the accuracy of the camera translation.
Fortunately, in our case, full motion estimation is not necessary. In fact, accurate rotations are
sufficient to obtain compelling 3D walkthroughs. Moreover, while in traditional camera systems
small translations can be mistaken for small rotations, this ambiguity disappears in an omnidirec-
tional acquisition system such as the one used in our work.
As discussed later, the accurate estimation of the viewer’s orientation is useful for: (i) removing
high-frequencycamerajitter fromthe inputdata, and(ii) achievingsmooth transitionswhen moving
across path intersections (i.e., bifurcation points).
8.1 Point tracking
Our approach to orientation estimation starts with robust, omni-directional feature tracking. Our
algorithm follows a standard vision approach in terms of corner detection and robust matching
Hartley and Zisserman, 2000, Beardsley et al., 1996
(see also
Aliaga et al., 2003
for a system
that shares some characteristics with ours). However, unlike previous approaches, our tracker is
capable of following feature points that move from one camera viewpoint to an adjacent viewpoint.
The algorithm that we have designed proceeds as follow:
1. Featurepointsaredetectedtosub-pixelprecisioninallsixviewsusingaHarriscornerdetector
et al., 1998
2. Since the calibration parameters are known, 2D corner positions are converted into 3D ray vectors
with respect to a unique coordinate frame at the center of the camera head (Figure 10a).
3. For each 3D ray, points of intersections with all the cameras are computed.The image image in which
the point of intersection is closest to the image center is chosen, along with a 5 × 5 window of pixels
centered on the point. This is done to minimize the distortion of sampled local appearance.
4. Pairs of 3D rays are then matched based on cross-correlation. The matched pairs are used to initialize
Fischler and Bolles, 1981
process for the robust estimation of the essential matrix and
the removal of outliers
Hartley and Zisserman, 2000
. Once the essential matrix between two camera
positions (i.e., two frames) is known, we use it to guide the matching of unmatched corners, which
increases the number of good point matches without decreasing the quality of the estimated essential
5. Finally, the set of robust point matches obtained are concatenated along the time axis to produce sets
of long point tracks.
Using 3D rays instead of 2D corner features directly (step 2 above) allows matching of features
across different cameras. This, in turn, facilitates the construction of long feature tracks across time
Camera center
Camera 1
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 10: (a) A plan view of the photo-bubble (omnidirectional image) model. A point a in camera 1
corresponds to a 3D ray r
through the camera center. The two points p and q on the overlap between two
cameras correspond to the same feature in space. (b,c) Feature points are detected and tracked across time
and across adjacent cameras. The differently colored curves show the position of tracked points at different
time instances, while the larger circles show the position of the tracked point in the current frame.
and different cameras. As can be seen in Figure 10b,c, the red track corresponding to a point on the
table is an example of tracking across different cameras (from camera 1 to camera 2).
Notice that the rays r
and r
(defined by the points p and q respectively, in Figure 10a),
would coincide only if the optical centers of the six cameras coincide and the camera calibration
parameters were known exactly. In practice, the six optical centers do not coincide. As a result,
slight discrepancies between corresponding 3D rays need to be taken into account when matching
rays that project onto regions of camera visual overlap.
The large number of frames in a complete sequence (almost 10,000 frames in the smallest of
our demos) and the enormous number of matched points (over 2 million tracked points) make the
and Zisserman, 2000, Triggs et al., 1999
. Moreover, applying bundle-adjustment directly on the
tracks alone would not solve the drift problem completely. However, the estimation of the rotation
component only suffices for our application.
8.2 Orientation estimation and data stabilization
The robust essential matrices produced in step 4 of the point tracking algorithm described earlier are
used to estimate pair-wiseinter-frame rotations
Hartleyand Zisserman, 2000
. In this step, rotation
estimates for all pairs of images that share an adequate number of point matches are computed.
After initializing the orientation estimates by chaining together the inter-frame rotation estimates,
we optimize the objective function
N (q
, where q
are the absolute orientation
are the inter-frame rotation estimates, w
are weights based on the confidence in
each rotation estimate, and N is the norm of the vector component of the product quaternion (which
should be close to 0 when all frames are aligned). The resulting non-linear least squares problem is
solved using the standard Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm
Hartley and Zisserman, 2000
Because of accumulated errors, rotation estimates will inevitably drift from their correct values.
Wereducethiseffectby: (i) correctingthedriftatframeswherethepath self-intersects,and (ii)using
vanishing points, when possible, as constraints on the absolute orientation of each frame
itzky and Zisserman, 2000,Antone and Teller, 2002
The estimated absolute orientations are used to reduce the jitter introduced at acquisition time.
This is achieved by applying a low-pass filter to the camera rotations to obtain a smoother trajectory
(dampedstabilization)andsubtractingthe originalorientations(usingquaterniondivision)to obtain
per-frame correction. The stabilization can be either performed at authoring time by resampling the
omni-cameramosaics ontoa newset of viewing planes (which canpotentially increasecompression
efficiency), or at run-time, by simply modifying the 3D viewing transformation in the viewer. We
use the latter approach in our current system, since it results in less resampling of the imagery.
We have found that, with our current setup, compensating for only the rotational component
is enough to achieve satisfactory video stabilization, although a small amount of lower-frequency
up-and-down nodding (from the walking motion) remains. (Note that translational motion cannot
be compensated for without estimating 3D scene structure.) Furthermore, we decided not to use
additionalhardwarecomponentsforthedetection andremoval of jitter(e.g. accelerometers)in order
to keep the system simpler. A related technique for stabilizing regular, monocular video sequences
may be found in
Buehler et al., 2001
9 Compression and selective decompression
During the playback of our video tour content, it is essential for the experience to be interactive.
Image data must therefore be fetched from the storage medium and rendered rapidly. For this
reason, we need a compression scheme that minimizes disk bandwidth while allowing for fast
decompression. There are two important requirements for such a scheme. First, it must allow for
temporal random access, i.e., it must be possible to play the content forward, backward, and to
jump to arbitrary frames with minimal delay. Second, it must support spatial random access so
that sub-regions of each frame can be decompressed independently. This is important because we
have six high resolution images and transferring this whole set at high frame rates over AGP to a
Disk Control
YUV Cache
RGB Cache
XML Data
Data Cache
Cached Reference
Cache and Data Prefetch Control
Figure 11: Block diagram of playback engine showing decoder and caching configuration.
graphics card is impossible. Our solution was to develop our own compression scheme that allows
for selectivedecompression ofonly the currently viewedregion anduses caching tosupport optimal
When rendering the interactive tour, we set up a six-plane Direct3D environment map that
matchesthe camera configuration(Figure 3b) andtreat the processedvideo streams as texturemaps.
Toallowforspatialrandomaccess,wedivideeachviewinto256×256 pixeltilesandcompressthese
independently. This choice of tile size is based on a compromise between compression efficiency (a
large tile allows for good spatiotemporal prediction) and granularity of random access. Our codec
to MPEG’s B-frames. These tiles get their predictions from nearby past and future intra-coded
frames, where predictions can come from anywhere in a camera view, not just from the co-located
and, with appropriate caching of intra coded tiles, it does not significantly affect performance. Our
use of B-tiles has some similarity to
Zhang and Li, 2003
Tilesaredividedinto16×16 macroblocks.ForI-tiles,weuseDCTcodingwithspatialprediction
or bidirectionally predicted. There are also two “skipped” modes which indicate that either the
forward or backward co-located macroblock is to be copied without requiring the transmission of
any motion vector or DCT information. Additionally, forward and backward motion vectors are
independently spatially predicted.
Our caching strategy (Figure 11) minimizes the amount of repeated decompression necessary
during typical viewing. Tiles are only decoded for the current viewpoint and are cached in case the
user is panning around. In additionYUV tiles from reference (intra) frames are cached because they
are repeatedly used during the decoding of consecutive predicted frames.When a B-tile is decoded,
0 100 200 300
Compression Ratio
SNR (dB)
Intra only
1 B frame
2 B frames
3 B frames
Figure12: Rate-distortion curves comparing our codec with JPEG compression.We used a 500 frame home-
tour sequence and varied the number of B-frames between each I-frame. Compression ratio is the ratio of
the total bitstream size to the total number of bits in the sequence when using the uncompressed RGB format.
the decompressor determines which I-tiles are needed for motion compensation and requests these
from the cache. If they are not available, the cache may call upon the decoder to decompress
additional I-tiles.
In addition to the compression scheme described above, we have also implemented a tile-based
method that uses JPEG compression with no temporal prediction. This has a greater decoding speed
but a much lower compression efficiency than our new scheme. The rate-distortion curves for our
codec are plotted in Figure 12, showing the signal to noise ratio against the compression factor.
The JPEG compressed sequence has the worst performance as indicated by the fact that its curve is
lowest on the graph. Our intra codec performs quite well, but its performance is improved by adding
predicted B-frames, with two Bs for every intra frame being about optimal for this sequence. Using
bidirectional coding, we are able to obtain compression ratios of 60:1 with high visual quality.
With regard to performance, we are working to optimize our decoder so that the system can reach
a rate of thirty 768 × 1024 frames per second to support the required smoothness of interactivity.
Currently we maintain about ten frames per second with our new codec but can achieve the 30
fps target with the less space efficient JPEG compression. Since our codec enables playback from
media with lower data bandwidths, we are investigating the possibility of playing back our datasets
from standard DVD media.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure13:The useofmaps toenhance thenavigationexperience:(a)Mapof thebotanical gardeninBellevue
(one of the demos shown in the results section). (b) The approximate camera path has been drawn in red.
(c) Some key frame numbers mapped to positions on the path. (d) Some audio sources captured in situ have
been placed on the map. The current viewer position and orientation is marked in green.
10 Multimedia experience authoring
using simple semi-automatic authoring tools.
10.1 Bifurcation selection and map control
Whenever maps of the visited site are available, we incorporate them into our viewer to enhance
the user experience. For instance, to help the user navigate the space being visited, we display the
current location and orientation on a map (Figure 13).
, f
Figure 14: Bifurcation handling: Given a self-intersecting path we want to find the best bifurcation, i.e., the
best pair of frames f
corresponding to the same map location.
To enable the location display feature, we first plot an approximate acquisition path on the
map (red lines in Figure 13a) during the authoring stage. Frame numbers are then associated with
different key locations along this path (Figure 13a). At viewing time, given the current view (with
knownframe number),the2Dposition oftheobserveronthe map canthenbe estimated andupdated
using simple linear interpolation.
In places where two branches of the acquisition path intersect (e.g., the red and the green paths
in Figure 14), we first manually select two ranges of corresponding frames for the transition (e.g.,
] and [f
] in Figure 14).Our systemthenautomatically estimatesthebest intersection,i.e.,
the bestpair of corresponding frames (f
in Figure14). Thisis achieved without explicitposition
information. Instead, we seek the pair of frames with the minimum “visual distance” between them.
Our algorithm constructs a matrix of such distances between each omnidirectional image (which
we also call “photo-bubble”) in the range [f
] and everyother photo-bubble in the range [f
The best pair f
has the smallest distance d(f
The visual distance between two photo-bubbles is defined as follows:
Given two frames f
and f
, we first run a point matching algorithm, estimate the rotation between the
two corresponding photo-bubbles, and register them by rotating one of the two images into the other;
We compute the residual optical flow (angles between corresponding 3D rays after rotation).
The distance d(f
) is defined as the median length of the residual flows.
The above distance measure is related to the parallax between the two photo-bubbles and is zero
if the two photo-bubbles were taken from exactly the same location in the map (assuming a static
scene). The median filter is used because of its robustness with respect to outliers (bad matches).
Inour currentimplementation, the usermust traversea bifurcationnode ((f
) in Figure14) to
views, which would allow the user to move from one path to another using a synthesized path (the
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure15:Augmentedreality in our surround models: (a,b)Different snapshots of our surround walkthrough
showing the living room being augmented with a video-textured fireplace and theTV set showing the program
of our choice. (c) A photograph of the TV set with the blue grid attached. (d) Another snapshot of our viewer
showing a different view of the living room. Notice how the occlusion of the TV set by the left wall is correctly
handled by our technique.
dotted blue path in Figure 14) and could result in a more seamless transition. (View interpolation
could also be used to compensate for the fact that paths may not exactly intersect in 3D.) However,
because it is difficult to avoid artifacts due to occlusions and non-rigid motions such as specularities
and transparency in new view synthesis, we have not yet investigated this alternative.
10.2 Object tracking and replacement
We have found that the richness and realism of real-world environment visualizations can be greatly
enhanced using interactive and dynamic elements. To support the insertion of such elements, during
the data capture process, a planar blue grid can be placed in strategic places, e.g., in front of
a TV screen or inside a fireplace (Figure 15c). During post-processing, our tracking algorithm
automatically estimates the position of the target together with an occlusion mask, and this data is
stored along with the video (in a separate alpha channel). During visualization, this allows us to
replace the selected object with other still images, streaming video, or video-textures (for repetitive
elements such as fire or waterfalls
Sch¨odl et al., 2000
) while dealing correctly with possible
occlusion events. For example, we can replace the paintings in a room, or change the channel and
display live video on the television set (Figures 15a-b). Note that the blue grid is only necessary if
the surface may be partially occluded in some views (Figure 15d). In easier cases, we can track and
replace regular geometric objects such as picture frames, without the need for any special targets
in the scene.
10.3 Audio placement and mixing
The tour can also be made richer by adding spatialized sound.
Audio data is acquired in situ with a directional microphone, cleaned up using a standard audio
editingapplication, andthenplaced onthe map toachieve a desiredeffect(Figure13d).At rendering
time, the audio files are attenuated based on the inverse square distance rule and mixed together by
the audio card.
This simple technique increases the realism of the whole experience by conveying the feeling
of moving closer or farther away from objects such as waterfalls, swaying trees, or pianos. In future
work, we would like to investigate the use of true acoustic modeling for more realistic auralization
Funkhouser et al., 1999
11 Scene specification and rendering
The final component of our system is the interactive viewing software (viewer). This component
handles user input, the graphical user interface (visual overlays) and the rendering of video data.
For each walkthrough, the authoring stage outputs a file in our XML-based scene description
language (SDL). This file contains sound positions, stabilization information, bifurcation points,
object locations, map information, and object tracking data. The SDL was developed as a flexible
way of overlaying a user interface onto the raw video data. It allows us to rapidly prototype new
user interfaces as the project evolves.
The viewer takes user input from a mouse or gamepad as shown in Figure 1. The gamepad
controls are mapped in a similar way to driving games. The left joystick allows the user to pan
left/right/up/down, whiletheleft andright triggerbuttonmoveforwards and backwardsrespectively
of capture. This causes the user to follow the original path backwards, but since we film only static
environments, it appears to be a valid forward direction.
The rendering process is completely done on the PC’s 3D graphics hardware. As shown in
Figure 3b, the environment model is a set of six texture-mapped planes corresponding to the six
camera focal planes. The positions of these six planes are specified through the SDL. This model
works well for our particular camera geometry; for other camera designs, a sphere or parabaloid
could be specified via the SDL. The virtual camera is placed at the center of this geometry and its
rotation is controlled via the joystick.
As the user navigatesthe environment, the viewercomputes the appropriate data to request from
the selective decompressor. The input video is often traversed non-sequentially. In the case of fast
motion, the stride through the input frames can be greater than one. In the case of a bifurcation, the
nextframe requested can be in a totally different section of the originalvideo. To accommodate this,
we use a two stage pipeline. During a given display time, the next frame to display is computed and
requestedfromdisk whiletheviewerdecompressesand renders theframealready inthecompressed
cache. The system loads all the compressed bits for a given surround frame into the compressed
cache. However, only a subset of these bits actually need to be decompressed and rendered for any
given view. Based on the user’s viewing direction, the viewer intersects the view frustum with the
environment geometry and computes the appropriate subset. Once the appropriate decompressed
tiles are in the RGB cache, the visible planes are texture mapped with those tiles.
At every frame, the viewer also applies the stabilization information in the SDL file. This is
accomplished through a simple transformation of the current view matrix. This could have been
done as a pre-process and doing so might improve compression efficiency. However, deferring this
to render time,where it is a veryinexpensive operation,allowedus to fine tune the stabilizer without
re-processing the entire sequence.
The SDL also specifies additional user interface elements to display. The viewer monitors the
bifurcation points and displays the appropriate overlay as a user approaches one of these. Figure 16
is a screen shot of the UI for a home tour. Notice the navigation bar at the top indicating a branch
point: navigating to the left leads to the dining room and to the right leads to the living room.
Figure 17d shows an alternative UI in which arrows are overlaid on the environment. Figure 16
also shows an information bar at the bottom of the screen. Certain segments of the environment
(“hotspots”) get tagged as containing additional information. Here, the art case is in view, so icons
are displayed on the bottom bar indicating additional information about these art pieces. Selecting
one of the icons via the gamepad pops up a high resolution still image and an audio annotation.
This user interface also contains a map, indicating the current position within the tour.The gamepad
can be used to select a different room and the user is quickly transported to this new position. The
position and style of all these elements are easily specified via the SDL.
12 Results
This section describes the interactive visual tours that we created with our system. We captured
three different environments and built interactive experiences around each of these.
Figure 16: A screen shot of a home tour. The navigation bar at the top indicates available directions to
maneuver. The information bar at bottom indicates additional available multimedia items. The map view
shows the current viewer position.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
Figure 17: Some snapshots of our demos: (a,b) The first home tour. (a) A snapshot of a section of the dining
area. Notice that the TV set has been augmented with a program of our choice and the occlusion of the stairs
hand rail has been dealt with correctly. (b) A view of the living room, showing why high dynamic range
imaging is desirable. (c,d) A tour of the Bellevue botanical gardens. (c) A snapshot from our garden model
with the superimposed map. The map shows the current position and orientation of the observer together
with the acquired navigation path. (d)When at a bifurcation, multiple arrows (in blue) appear on the ground
to show the allowed directions. (e,f) An enhanced home tour. (e) In the final demo (also characterized by a
complex, self-intersecting acquisition path) the available choices at a given bifurcation are shown in the top
bar. The map still shows the current location and orientation of the observer. (f) A view of the living room
with the indoor and outdoor details simultaneously visible thanks to our HDR video technique.
A simple indoor environment. Our first demo was a basic home tour (Figure 17a,b). The data
was acquired along a single loop through the ground floor of the house. The final experience
contains some dynamic elements such as video playing on the TV and flames in the fireplace. To
do this, we placed blue grids in the environment at those locations. These were later tracked by our
authoring software. Once tracked, the renderer projects video onto these surfaces. Figure 15 shows
the resulting insertion. The setup process took approximately 45 minutes for path planning and
grid placement. The acquisition was done using our omnidirectional camera mounted on a rolling
tripod, as seen in Figure 4a. The entire capture process was done in one pass that took 80 seconds.
The processing time from raw data to the final compressed format took several hours.
For all demos described in this section, our interactive viewer was used to allow users to ex-
perience captured environments. The viewer was run on a 2GHz Pentium PC with an NVIDIA
GeForce2 graphics card in full-screen 1280 × 1024 mode with a horizontal field of view of about
, and the compressed video data was streamed from the hard drive. Under these conditions,
we are able to maintain a rendering speed of 20 frames/sec during translation and 60 frames/sec if
rotating only.The differencein frame rates occurs because during translation, the system is fetching
frames from disk, while during rotation, the compressed frame is already in memory.
In this first demo, we observed that users did not need to arbitrarily navigate the environment
(away from the acquired path) to get a sense of the three-dimensional space. We did observe,
however, that users wanted to branch at obvious locations in the house, for example up the stairs or
down a hallway. Also, in this demo, many image areas are saturated. To enhance the realism of the
experience, we decided that high dynamic range imaging was essential.
A more complex outdoor environment. The next environment we captured was an outdoor
botanical garden (Figure 17c,d). Because of the more rugged nature of this location, we mounted
the camera on a helmet. This allowed us to navigate staircases as well as uneven paths. In this
case, we did more advanced planning and captured a large portion of the gardens. The planned path
crossed itself in several locations.At these positions, we placed small markers on the ground so that
the camera person could walk through these desired intersection points. The capture process was
again done in a single pass that took about 15 minutes.Audio data was also collected from various
locations in the garden.
Unfortunately, the helmet mount introduced much more jitter in the video. Therefore, in order
to remove much of this unwantedmotion, we developed the stabilization technique described in this
paper. This increased the video processing time somewhat, which in this case took about 24 hours
unattended. There was also some manual authoring involved: video frames needed to be coarsely
registered to locations on the map and the position of audio sources needed to be indicated relative
to the same map (Figure 13).Another step of the authoring phase was to roughly indicate the branch
points. Our automated bifurcation selection system then computed the best branch near the user
selected point.
In order to indicate bifurcations to the user, arrows were rendered into the scene indicating the
available directions of travel (Figure 17d). Unfortunately, we found that this method of indicating
also rendered a blend of distance-modulated sound sources. The addition of sound considerably
enhanced the feeling of presence in this virtual environment.
Anenhancedhometour. Our finaldemo wasatour ofa high-endhome (Figure17e,f).To capture
staircasesandoutsideareas, we againusedahead-mountedcamera.Thepreparationtime took about
45 minutes, which consisted mainly of planning the capture route and again placing small markers.
The capture was done in a single 15 minute pass.
For this tour, we also addressed the dynamic range issue by shooting with the omnidirectional
camera in HDR video mode as described in Section 7. Throughout the tour, the user can simulta-
neously see details inside and outside the home. The resulting imagery is much more pleasing than
the first demo where all the window regions were saturated.
In this tour, in order to alleviate the confusion around available branch points, we adopted a
heads up display user interface. As shown in Figure 17e, branch points are now indicated in a
separate area at the top of the display. We observed that users had an easier time navigating the
environment using this UI.
13 Discussion
Now that we have described our system in detail, let us discuss some of its advantages and disad-
vantages compared to other alternatives, as exemplified by previous work in this area.
Our system can be viewed as an extension of the idea first proposed inAndrew Lippman’s sem-
inal MovieMaps project
Lippman, 1980
. Because of the technology available at the time, viewers
of MovieMaps had to branch between a fixed number of video clips filmed in the streets of Aspen.
In our system, users have continuous control over both position and viewpoint, and the system is
lightweight and portable enough so that new content can be filmed in almost any location. Inter-
active tours based on catadioptric and multi-camera sensors similar to ours have previously been
.However,theuniquedesignofour capture andprocessing
steps makes our system the first to provide interactive video tours of sufficiently high resolution and
fidelity on a personal computer to make the experience truly compelling, i.e., to be comparable or
better than broadcast video. The capture system designed by iMove ( has
a similar multi-camera design, but at a slightly lower resolution. Systems using multiple cameras
and planar reflectors, such as the one built by FullView ( have no parallax
between the cameras, which is an advantage over our system, but result in bulkier (and hence less
portable) systems. We believe that our complete acquisition, post-processing, authoring, compres-
sion, and viewing system goes well beyond what has been demonstrated with such commercial
systems to date, especially in the areas of high dynamic range, ease of navigation, and interactivity.
sampling of viewpoints combined with new view interpolation to give the user greater freedom of
motion.While this is an advantage of their system, their approach requires fairlyaccurate geometric
impostors as well as beacons to locate the camera, and still sometimes leads to visible artifacts.
Moreover, the time required to scan a single room can be quite long. While our system constrains
the user to follow the original camera’s path, we believe this is a reasonable tradeoff, since a much
larger environment can be filmed (and therefore explored) in the same amount of time.
Another competing approach is to build full 3D models of the environment (see, for example
Debevec et al., 1996, Koch et al., 2000, Coorg and Teller, 1999
and the articles in the IEEE
Scale Environments, November/December 2003). The most ambitious of these efforts is Teller et
al.s City Scanning Project at MIT (//
Teller et al., 2003
, in which dozens
of buildings have been reconstructed from high-resolution, high dynamic range omnidirectional
scene, they fail to capture beautiful visual effects such as reflections in windows, specularities, and
finely detailed geometry such as foliage. Our approach in this project has been to retain the best
possible visual quality, rather than trying to build more compact geometric models. In the nextstage
of our project, we plan to reconstruct 3D surfaces and layered models wherever it is possible to do
so reliably and without the loss of visual fidelity, and to use these models to enable more general
movement, more sophisticated kinds of interactions, and to increase compression efficiency.
14 Conclusion
Compared to previous work in image-based visual tours, we believe that our system occupies a
unique design point, which makes it particularly suitable to delivering interactive high-quality visu-
alization of large real-world environments. Because our sensors combine high spatial and dynamic
range resolution (through the use of multiple exposures and temporal high dynamic range stitch-
ing), we can achieve visualization of remarkably high fidelity, while at the same time maintaining a
continuity of motion. Because we do not build 3D models or attempt to interpolate novel views by
merging pixels from different viewpoints, our rendered views are free from the artifacts that plague
geometric modeling and image-based rendering techniques whenever the geometry (or camera po-
sition) is inaccurately estimated. Our lightweight camera design makes it easy to film in locations
(such as gardens and complex architecture) that would be awkward for cart or mobile-robot based
systems. We compensate for the possible lack of smooth motion using stabilization techniques,
which also enable us to automatically jump among differentvideo tracks without visual discontinu-
ities. To deal with the large amounts of visual data collected, we have developed novel compression
and selective decompression techniques that enable us to only decompress the information that the
user wants to see. Our flexible authoring system makes it easy to plan a tour, integrate the captured
video with map-based navigation, and add localized sounds to give a compelling sense of presence
to theinteractive experience.Finally, our3D graphics based renderingsystem, combined with a rich
and intuitive user interface for navigation, makes the exploration of large-scale visual environments
a practical reality on today’s personal computers.
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... In recent years, industrial communities began to manufacture economic spherical cameras for panoramic image capture and virtual reality headsets for panoramic image display. Thus, these images are more and more easily obtained and are widely used in computer graphics [1], virtual navigation [2][3][4], cultural heritage and the entertainment industry. For example, mainstream web map service providers feature street view services which provide panoramic images from positions along streets in the world. ...
... Compared with traditional images, panoramas provide a 360 • field of view and are widely used in virtual navigation systems. Uyttendaele et al. [3] filmed a tour of an environment with panoramic videos and designed a system that let users move freely along a set of predefined tracks and choose between different directions of motion at decision points. Chen et al. [25] presented a system that integrates a map with a video automatically constructed from panoramic imagery captured at close intervals along the route. ...
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By providing a 360° field of view, spherical panoramas can convey vivid visual impressions. Thus, they are widely used in virtual reality systems and street view services. However, due to bandwidth or storage limitations, existing systems only provide sparsely captured panoramas and have limited interaction modes. Although there are methods that can synthesize novel views based on captured panoramas, the generated novel views all lie on the lines connecting existing views. Therefore these methods do not support free-viewpoint navigation. In this paper, we propose a new panoramic image-based rendering method for novel view generation. Our method represents each input panorama with a set of spherical superpixels and warps each superpixel individually so the method can deal with the occlusion and disocclusion problem. The warping is dominated by a two-term constraint, which can preserve the shape of the superpixel and ensure it is warped to the correct position determined by the 3D reconstruction of the scene. Our method can generate novel views that are far from input camera positions. Thus, it supports freely exploring the scene with a 360° field of view. We compare our method with three previous methods on datasets captured by ourselves and by others. Experiments show that our method can obtain better results.
... Until now, minimal research in this field has been conducted -they are summarized in [10]. There are limited examples of movie maps such as [11] and [9]. [11] replay captured route movies without any route synthesis. ...
... [11] replay captured route movies without any route synthesis. [9] required whole manual operation of video segmentation and bifurcation. Thus, they cannot be efficiently generalized for a Movie Map to cover a given particular area. ...
This paper introduces our work on a Movie Map, which will enable users to explore a given city area using 360° videos. Visual exploration of a city is always needed. Nowadays, we are familiar with Google Street View (GSV) that is an interactive visual map. Despite the wide use of GSV, it provides sparse images of streets, which often confuses users and lowers user satisfaction. Forty years ago, a video-based interactive map was created - it is well-known as Aspen Movie Map. Movie Map uses videos instead of sparse images and seems to improve the user experience dramatically. However, Aspen Movie Map was based on analog technology with a huge effort and never built again. Thus, we renovate the Movie Map using state-of-the-art technology. We build a new Movie Map system with an interface for exploring cities. The system consists of four stages; acquisition, analysis, management, and interaction. After acquiring 360° videos along streets in target areas, the analysis of videos is almost automatic. Frames of the video are localized on the map, intersections are detected, and videos are segmented. Turning views at intersections are synthesized. By connecting the video segments following the specified movement in an area, we can watch a walking view along a street. The interface allows for easy exploration of a target area. It can also show virtual billboards in the view.
... In previous works, analysis of the spatial relationship among data, and intuitive transitions between sources enable users to experience a virtual tour in the target area [22] [27] [13] [28]. Photo tourism [22] calculates the relative camera poses of collected images by using structure from motion (SfM) [8]. ...
We propose a new Movie Map system, with an interface for exploring cities. The system consists of four stages; acquisition, analysis, management, and interaction. In the acquisition stage, omnidirectional videos are taken along streets in target areas. Frames of the video are localized on the map, intersections are detected, and videos are segmented. Turning views at intersections are subsequently generated. By connecting the video segments following the specified movement in an area, we can view the streets better. The interface allows for easy exploration of a target area, and it can show virtual billboards of stores in the view. We conducted user studies to compare our system to the GSV in a scenario where users could freely move and explore to find a landmark. The experiment showed that our system had a better user experience than GSV.
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Underwater environment is complex and changeable. In order to obtain more underwater environment information. The larger the field of view of underwater images collected by ROV, the more information is contained. Effective methods to obtain large field of view include fish-eye lens and image stitching. In order to obtain larger field information, we combine the two methods and propose a splicing algorithm that can be applied to fish-eye lenses. This algorithm includes two parts, the first part is correction the fish-eye images, on the basis of the traditional chessboard correction method to improve, this paper put forward a new adaptive gray level method, this method can keep more angular point features, can be more accurate extraction of checkerboard angular point, will be further accurate correction result. In order to achieve real-time underwater patchwork effect. For stitching the corrected images, this paper proposes a fast stitching algorithm (FASTITCH), in the process of image stitching, the algorithm can preserve image feature points and transposed matrix of image matching, so as to calculate the new coordinates, joining together the original feature points in the image. Using this coordinate to match the feature points of another image can save the time of finding feature points in the stitching image, and finally speed up the stitching and complete the task of real-time stitching. The experiment proves that: The error obtained by the new correction method is smaller. Compared with the traditional feature point stitching algorithm, the fast stitching algorithm (FASTITCN) proposed in this paper can shorten the stitching time by about 20%.
Image stitching is a well-studied problem and has many applications in a variety of fields. Traditional feature based methods rely heavily on accurate localization or even distribution of hand-crafted features, and may fail for some difficult cases. Although there are robust deep learning based homography estimation or semantic alignment methods, their accuracies are not high enough for image stitching problem. In this paper, we present a deep neural network that estimates homography accurately enough for image stitching of images with small parallax. The key components of our network are feature maps with progressively increased resolution and matching cost volumes constructed in hybrid manner. Both of these designs are illustrated to be helpful for performance improvement. We also propose a new stitching oriented loss function that takes image contents into consideration. To train our network, we prepare a synthesized training dataset, the image pairs in which are more nature and similar to those of real world image stitching problem. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms existing deep learning based methods and traditional feature based method in term of quantitative evaluation, visual stitching result and robustness.
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The very rapid progress in sensor research, applications and technologies are continuing during the last decade. Sensors have become one of the most important and widely used components in various applications. According to Allied Market Research (AMR), the global market of sensors and main types of transducers is poised to grow with a compound annual growth rate of 11.3 % until 2022 when the market will reach US$ 241 billion. The increasing utilization and penetration of Internet of Things (IoT), coupled with increasing automation in vehicles and smart wearable systems for health monitoring, is expected to augment the growth of the sensor market over the forecast period. Today, more and more sensor manufacturers are using machine learning to sensors and signal data for analyses. The machine learning and signal data analyses are becoming easier than ever: hardware is becoming smaller and sensors are getting cheaper, making Internet of things devices widely available for a variety of applications ranging from predictive maintenance to user behavior monitoring. To guarantee the steady progress in sensor manufacturing and development, the strong connection of sensor industry with the academy is necessary. The ‘Advances in Sensors: Reviews’ Book Series is a significant tool for such relationship. The 7th volume entitled ‘Physical and Chemical Sensors: Design, Applications & Networks’ contains 12 chapters with sensor related state-of-the-art reviews and descriptions of latest achievements written by 34 authors-experts from academia and industry from 12 countries: Germany, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Senegal, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine and USA. The coverage includes current developments in physical sensors (MEMS flow sensors, load sensors and gyroscopes); chemical sensors for humidity in gases and anti-cancer agents; readout circuitry for various PWM output sensors and transducers; and autoconfigurable wireless sensor networks.
Designing a fully integrated 360° video camera supporting 6DoF head motion parallax requires overcoming many technical hurdles, including camera placement, optical design, sensor resolution, system calibration, real-time video capture, depth reconstruction, and real-time novel view synthesis. While there is a large body of work describing various system components, such as multi-view depth estimation, our paper is the first to describe a complete, reproducible system that considers the challenges arising when designing, building, and deploying a full end-to-end 6DoF video camera and playback environment. Our system includes a computational imaging software pipeline supporting online markerless calibration, high-quality reconstruction, and real-time streaming and rendering. Most of our exposition is based on a professional 16-camera configuration, which will be commercially available to film producers. However, our software pipeline is generic and can handle a variety of camera geometries and configurations. The entire calibration and reconstruction software pipeline along with example datasets is open sourced to encourage follow-up research in high-quality 6DoF video reconstruction and rendering ¹.
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A major problem in stitching a partially overlapping set of images taken from different viewpoints is the presence of parallax, which causes ghosting. We propose a new technique, Multi-Perspective Plane Sweep (MPPS), to handle this problem. Given a pair of images to stitch, we rectify them, find their area of intersection, and estimate a disparity map by plane sweeping different columns referenced at different virtual camera positions. This minimizes object distortion across the stitched area while producing a seamless composite. We show experimental results which validate our technique. We also introduce a variant, Stretching Stereo, that works almost as well, but is significantly faster.
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0.1 Abstract As part of our graphics research into virtual worlds, we are building a tool for
We describe a linear-time algorithm that recovers absolute camera orientations and positions, along with uncertainty estimates, for networks of terrestrial image nodes spanning hundreds of meters in outdoor urban scenes. The algorithm produces pose estimates globally consistent to roughly 0:1 (2 milliradians) and 5 centimeters on average, or about four pixels of epipolar alignment. We assume that adjacent nodes observe overlapping portions of the scene, and that at least two distinct vanishing points are observed by each node. The algorithm decouples registration into pure rotation and translation stages. The rotation stage aligns nodes to commonly observed scene line direc- tions; the translation stage assigns node positions consistent with locally estimated motion directions, then registers the resulting network to absolute (Earth) coordinates. The paper's principal contributions include: extension of classic registration methods to large scale and dimensional extent; a consistent probabilistic framework for modeling projective uncertainty; and a new hybrid of Hough transform and expectation maximization algorithms. We assess the algorithm's performance on synthetic and real data, and draw several conclusions. First, by fusing thousands of observations the algorithm achieves accurate registration even in the face of signican t lighting variations, low-level feature noise, and error in initial pose estimates. Second, the algorithm's robustness and accuracy increase with image eld of view. Third, the algorithm surmounts the usual tradeo between speed and accuracy; it is both faster and more accurate than manual bundle adjustment.
The increase in the popularity of digital cameras over the past few years has provided motivation to improve all elements of the digital photography signal chain. As a contribution towards this common goal, we present a new CFA recovery algorithm, which recovers full-color images from single-detector digital color cameras more accurately than previously published techniques. This CFA recovery algorithm uses a threshold-based variable number of gradients. In order to recover missing color information at each pixel, we measure the gradient in eight directions based on a 5 X 5 neighborhood surrounding that pixel. Each gradient value is defined as a linear combination of the absolute differences of the like-colored pixels in this neighborhood. We then consider the entire set of eight gradients to determine a threshold of acceptable gradients. For all of the gradients that pass the threshold test, we use color components from the corresponding areas of the 5 X 5 neighborhoods to determine the missing color values. We test our CFA recovery algorithm against bilinear interpolation and a single- gradient method. Using a set of standard test images, we show that our CFA recovery algorithm reduces the MSE by over 50 percent compared to conventional color recovery algorithms. In addition, the resolution test we developed also show that the new CFA recovery algorithm increases the resolution by over 15 percent. The subjective qualities of test images recovered using the new algorithm also show noticeable improvement. Full text of the article is available here: