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A review of OpenStreetMap data



While there is now a considerable variety of sources of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) available, discussion of this domain is often exemplified by and focused around OpenStreetMap (OSM). In a little over a decade OSM has become the leading example of VGI on the Internet. OSM is not just a crowdsourced spatial database of VGI; rather, it has grown to become a vast ecosystem of data, software systems and applications, tools, and Web-based information stores such as wikis. An increasing number of developers, industry actors, researchers and other end users are making use of OSM in their applications. OSM has been shown to compare favourably with other sources of spatial data in terms of data quality. In addition to this, a very large OSM community updates data within OSM on a regular basis. This chapter provides an introduction to and review of OSM and the ecosystem which has grown to support the mission of creating a free, editable map of the whole world. The chapter is especially meant for readers who have no or little knowledge about the range, maturity and complexity of the tools, services, applications and organisations working with OSM data. We provide examples of tools and services to access, edit, visualise and make quality assessments of OSM data. We also provide a number of examples of applications, such as some of those used in navigation and routing, that use OSM data directly. The chapter finishes with an indication of where OSM will be discussed in the other chapters in this book, and we provide a brief speculative outlook on what the future holds for the OSM project.
A Review of OpenStreetMap Data
Peter Mooney* and Marco Minghini
*Department of Computer Science, Maynooth University,
Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland,
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano,
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano, Italy
While there is now a considerable variety of sources of Volunteered Geo-
graphic Information (VGI) available, discussion of this domain is oen exem-
plied by and focused around OpenStreetMap (OSM). In a little over a decade
OSM has become the leading example of VGI on the Internet. OSM is not just
a crowdsourced spatial database of VGI; rather, it has grown to become a vast
ecosystem of data, soware systems and applications, tools, and Web-based
information stores such as wikis. An increasing number of developers, indus-
try actors, researchers and other end users are making use of OSM in their
applications. OSM has been shown to compare favourably with other sources
of spatial data in terms of data quality. In addition to this, a very large OSM
community updates data within OSM on a regular basis. is chapter provides
an introduction to and review of OSM and the ecosystem which has grown
to support the mission of creating a free, editable map of the whole world.
e chapter is especially meant for readers who have no or little knowledge
about the range, maturity and complexity of the tools, services, applications
and organisations working with OSM data. We provide examples of tools and
services to access, edit, visualise and make quality assessments of OSM data.
We also provide a number of examples of applications, such as some of those
How to cite this book chapter:
Mooney, P and Minghini, M. 2017. A Review of OpenStreetMap Data. In: Foody, G,
See, L, Fritz, S, Mooney, P, Olteanu-Raimond, A-M, Fonte, C C and Antoniou, V.
(eds.) Mapping and the CitizenSensor. Pp. 37–59. London: Ubiquity Press. DOI: License: CC-BY 4.0
38 Mapping and the CitizenSensor
used in navigation and routing, that use OSM data directly. e chapter n-
ishes with an indication of where OSM will be discussed in the other chapters
in this book, and we provide a brief speculative outlook on what the future
holds for the OSM project.
OpenStreetMap, geodata, open data, Volunteered Geographic Information
1 Introduction
e OpenStreetMap (OSM) project was founded in 2004 and has now posi-
tioned itself as the most famous example of Volunteered Geographic Informa-
tion (VGI) on the Internet (Jokar Arsanjani et al., 2015). While OSM is only
one of many well established and well known VGI projects (See et al., 2016),
it holds a dominant position in the VGI landscape. Chapter 2 of this book, by
See et al. (2017), gives an overview of dierent sources of VGI in the context of
its usage and characteristics. In recent years OSM has attracted very signicant
research attention (Mooney, 2015) and could almost be considered a eld of
research in its own right (Jokar Arsanjani et al., 2015); given the inuence of
OSM on the VGI and citizen sensor research landscape, this chapter will pro-
vide an introduction to and overview of the OSM project.
OSM was founded in 2004 by then MSc student Steve Coast, who created the
idea as part of a thesis dissertation. Around that time the concept of crowd-
sourcing, collaboration and Web-based co-production or creation of knowl-
edge was beginning to gain momentum. Coasts idea was simple: if I collect
geographic data about my area – where I have local knowledge – and you
collect geographic data about your area– where you have local knowledge–
then these can be combined, and we can begin to build a spatial database of
a region. If this scales up to a larger crowd of people, then it is very possible
to crowdsource the mapping of the entire world. e OSM mission statement
grew out of this simple idea, which was to be a collaborative project that cre-
ated a free editable map of the world. Rather than the focus being on outputs
in the form of cartographic products and maps, the core of OSM is a spatial
database, which contains geographic data and information from all over the
world. Many authors and commentators have speculated on the ingredients
for the rapid and sustained success of OSM since 2004. A number of factors are
seen as having been inuential in OSM’s development. In the rst instance one
of these factors is Web 2.0, or the interactive web (O’Reilly, 2007), which facili-
tates the development of large scale collaborative projects that can see hun-
dreds or thousands of people contributing simultaneously– the most famous
A Review of OpenStreetMap Data 39
example of this is Wikipedia. Secondly the availability of low-cost, high-quality
and high-accuracy Global Positioning System (GPS) means that consumers
or citizens can now collect geographic information using smart devices such
as their smartphones or dedicated GPS units; these geographic data can then
be uploaded and contributed to OSM. e third factor is related to the citizen
contributors: the OSM project welcomes anyone to register and take part as
a contributor. Contributors can span the entire spectrum of geographic and
Information Technology expertise: from beginner or newcomer to expert level
geographer or soware developer.
1.1 How Does One Contribute to OSM?
e OSM data model is very straightforward to understand. ere are three
primitive data types or objects: nodes, ways (polygons and polylines) and rela-
tions (logical collections of ways and nodes). A way is made up of at least two
nodes (for polylines) or three nodes (for closed polygons). A node represents
a geographic point feature and its coordinate is usually expressed as latitude
and longitude. Within OSM, every object must have at least one attribute or tag
(a key/value pair) assigned to it to describe its characteristics. ere are many
guides and tutorial documents on how one begins to map with OSM; recently
the company Mapbox provided an updated set of documentation for this1. e
OSM Map Features pages on the OSM wiki (OpenStreetMap, 2016) represent
the reference document describing the ocially adopted OSM tags. ese
tags have been agreed upon over the years and there are wiki pages written to
describe the likely usage and use case scenarios of each tag. OSM follows a folk-
sonomy approach to tagging, and, in theory, any tag can be associated with any
object (Ballatore and Mooney, 2015). Contributors are free to create their own
tags. As several authors have shown (Ballatore and Mooney, 2015; Ballatore
and Zipf, 2015), this can lead to disagreements amongst contributors or confu-
sion on how to use specic tags in certain geographic scenarios (for example
tagging an object representing an unpaved pedestrian footpath). Services such
as taginfo2 allow exploration and visualisation of the most frequently used tags
and their keys for the entire OSM database. e taginfo service is particularly
useful for understanding the style or structure of tags used on specic object
types, conceptualising the very wide range of values some keys are assigned in
tags and the spatial distribution of tags. Taginfo is constantly updated in near
real-time and stores the tags from every object in the global OSM database.
ere is no theoretical limit on the number of tags that can be assigned to any
object. Nodes that have a tag with a key name are usually called Points of Inter-
est (POI) and usually represent the position of some object or structure of gen-
eral interest. Keys in OSM can be internationalised to accommodate languages
other than English, which, due to OSM’s origins, has established itself as the
lingua franca of the project (Ballatore and Mooney, 2015).
40 Mapping and the CitizenSensor
ere are many soware tools available to automate the process of contrib-
uting data or editing existing data. e most widely used and popular is the
JOSM (Java for OSM) tool3, followed by the Web-based iD editor4; JOSM is
acknowledged as being a soware tool more suited to more experienced OSM
contributors while the iD editor is very straightforward to use and is integrated
into the OSM map homepage. New data submitted to OSM or existing data
edited within the OSM database are available for access almost immediately,
and the OSM map on the OSM homepage will render changes quickly (within
30 minutes). As we shall discuss in Section 2, there are many ways in which
one can access and download OSM data for other uses. On a more technical
level, every object within the OSM database (nodes, ways or relations) has sev-
eral data attributes including: a globally unique ID; a version number, which
indicates how many times the object has been edited; a timestamp of the most
recent edit; and the user ID and the username of the contributor who created
(or last edited) the object.
Anyone can sign up and register for free as a contributor to OSM. In July
2016, there were over 2.7M registered contributors, as outlined on the OSM
wiki5; upon sign-up, a contributor can begin contributing or mapping new
data in OSM or editing existing data stored in the OSM spatial database. How-
ever, it is not easy to automatically access attribute or demographic information
about these user contributors from the OSM database or associated services.
Several researchers (Neis et al., 2013 and references therein) have attempted to
classify and understand who the contributors are to OSM through analysis of
their editing and contribution patterns over a long period of time.
ere are multiple ways users can contribute data to OSM. e simplest one
is through the digitisation of objects (such as buildings, roads and rivers) that
are visible on openly licensed satellite imagery. e most used imagery, avail-
able by default in the OSM iD editor, is the one provided under a compatible
licence by Microso (Coast, 2010). While this way of contributing data allows
volunteers to map places even when remote from the mapped place, other
instruments, such as GPS receivers and paper-based tools like Field Papers6,
allow users to physically survey an area and then upload or insert the informa-
tion into the OSM database. One of the more controversial methods of contrib-
uting data to the OSM database is through the bulk import of suitably licensed
geographic data. e pros and cons of taking a geographic dataset produced
outside of OSM and importing it into the OSM database have been discussed
by many authors (Zielstra et al., 2013), and the issue remains a contentious one
amongst the OSM community. One of the most powerful arguments against
this bulk import is that it goes against the very ethos of OSM that data be col-
lected or mapped by OSM contributors based on an ability to verify the quality
of the data, ability itself founded on local knowledge, physical collection of the
data or geographic expertise. Many examples of bulk import are available on
the OSM wiki website7, with the TIGER data import of roads and highways
A Review of OpenStreetMap Data 41
into OSM United States and the CORINE LandCover map import into OSM
France amongst the most well known and controversial.
e remainder of this chapter is organised as follows: in the next section, we
provide an overview of how OSM is accessed, visualised and used in research,
soware development and other applications. In the nal section of the chapter,
we provide some concluding remarks and points for discussion on OSM; we
also outline where the reader will nd more discussion of and information on
OSM in the proceeding chapters of this volume. e overall purpose of this
chapter is to introduce readers unfamiliar with OSM to the project and the
types of applications it is currently used for. We let other chapters in this volume
to describe specic aspects of OSM (data quality, visualisation of OSM, motiva-
tions of contributors, etc.) in more technical detail.
2 Applications Using OSM Data
In the introductory section of this chapter, we mentioned that, while much
of the focus of OSM is on the maps and cartographic products derived from
the OSM data, the core product of OSM is the spatial database. is second
section will provide a comprehensive list of a number of projects, organisa-
tions, services, soware and applications that make direct use of OSM data,
with references and links provided at the end of the chapter. A number of such
lists and descriptions are available on the Internet (e.g. on the OSM wiki8), but,
to the authors’ knowledge, this is the rst list provided in an academic paper.
Due to the free and open availability of OSM data and the increasing popular-
ity of OSM worldwide, it would be impossible to list all of the existing projects
and applications. Making use of OSM data has become so easy and immediate
that new tools are created almost every day. Some of these applications become
very popular and well known while other applications are limited to single
languages or user groups. erefore we limit the items on this list to what we
consider from our knowledge of OSM to be the most popular, up-to-date and
successful applications based on OSM data. e description of each item on
the list serves as a reference and starting point for readers having no or limited
experience in OSM.
We understand that links to online services and websites change over time
and can become obsolete or broken. However, with this in mind, the list itself
serves as a commentary on the diversity of application areas where OSM is
used. We organise the list under the following headings: Data Download
Applications and Services, Education and Research Use of OSM, Disaster and
Humanitarian OSM, Government and Industry Usage, Visualisation of OSM
Data, Soware (OSM Editors, Routing Services, Vector Rendering, other ser-
vices), Quality Assurance for OSM, and Games and Leisure. For more applica-
tions and services, a very extensive list is maintained on the OSM wiki9.
42 Mapping and the CitizenSensor
2.1 Data Download Applications and Services
Regardless of the types of applications and visualisations that can be produced
with OSM, the applications and services that provide access to the data within
the OSM database are arguably the most important part of the OSM’s data
architecture. Geofabrik is one of the best known providers of access to OSM
data and provides access to continental-, national- and regional-sized data
extracts10; the data are uploaded very frequently (at least hourly) and are pro-
vided in a number of dierent formats. e OSM wiki provides access to the
so-called Planet.osm le11, which is the entire OSM database contained in one
very large XML or compressed format le. is le is updated every few days.
e wiki page lists many mirror servers providing access to the Planet.osm
le, with many of these servers providing the le updated on an hourly basis.
OSM also provides an API12 that allows extracting and saving raw data from/to
the OSM database. ere are API calls to create, read, update and delete map
data for OSM, and this provides soware developers and applications with
the most up-to-date data available. However, queries for very large amounts
of data (such as city- or country-sized) are discouraged and disallowed. e
Overpass API service13, with its popular frontend Overpass Turbo14, is a read-
only API that allows access to selected parts of the OSM map database; clients
send queries using a special API query language or using the graphical inter-
face provided by Overpass Turbo. e Overpass API also allows programmatic
calls for data extracts of arbitrary geographic size. e commercial company
Mapzen provides OSM data for download in city- or region-based extract sizes
from their Metro Extracts15 service: a number of data formats are provided
and their data extracts are updated on a weekly basis. A simple and popular
way to download small amounts of OSM data is provided on the OSM home-
page and consists in using its ‘export’ feature16. is allows users to browse
the OSM map and select small regions using a bounding rectangle, which can
then download OSM data to the calling device. All of the services mentioned
so far provide, as standard, OSM data in the default OSM XML data format17.
As most types of XML, OSM XML requires special soware tools in order to
be processed, and there are many options available for this task18. Data pro-
viders such as Geofabrik19 and Mapzen20 also provide OSM data in common
formats, such as SHP les: this allows users to process and visualise the data
using desktop GIS tools.
2.2 Education and Research Use of OSM
e ability to access the entire OSM spatial database on an hourly basis or even
more frequently has proved a great attraction for the research community over
the past number of years (Jokar Arsanjani et al., 2015). ere has been a steady
increase year-on-year of the number of papers being produced by the academic
A Review of OpenStreetMap Data 43
community in the domain of VGI, and OSM forms a major component of this
work. In 2015, one of the rst edited volumes on OSM as a research topic was
published (Jokar Arsanjani et al., 2015); the volume considered OSMs role in
GIScience and contained a very wide range of research topics, from navigation
and routing to data quality and visualisation. Similarly, two EU COST Actions
focused on VGI that ran from 2012 to 2016, TD1202 ‘Mapping and the Citi-
zen Sensor’ (from where this volume comes)21 and IC1203 ‘ENERGIC’22, have
produced some excellent research around OSM. In other educational settings,
a repository such as TeachOSM23 provides a set of community- contributed
resources for teachers, trainers, educators and instructors who want to bring
OSM into their classrooms. e classroom can be a very important setting for
educating the next generation of OSM mappers or contributors. ere are many
examples, including ‘a world-record humanitarian mapathon that took place at
the Politecnico di Milano in northern Italy in March 2016’24: is mapathon
event involved over two hundred children from six elementary schools in the
Milan province. is mapathon resulted in the mapping of over 5000 buildings
in Swaziland (Ebrahim et al., 2016). More information can also be found in
Chapter 5 of this book, by Fritz et al. (2017).
2.3 Disaster and Humanitarian OSM
OSM data and mapping has been used extensively in recent disaster and
humanitarian emergencies and operations all over the world. e Humanitar-
ian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT)25 is a nonprot organisation leading the inter-
national eorts in community mapping projects. rough its open source Task-
ing Manager26, HOT coordinates online collaborative mapping based on OSM
when major disaster strikes anywhere in the world, such as during the Nepal
earthquake in 2015 and the Japan and Ecuador earthquakes in 2016; in regions
such as Nepal, OSM very oen is the only available source of mapping data and
cartography that rescuers and aid agencies can use. e Missing Maps project27
is an open, collaborative humanitarian project aiming to map the most vulner-
able places in the developing world. Missing Maps founders and members are
mainly humanitarian organisations (e.g. the American Red Cross and Doctors
Without Borders) and NGOs; the project’s volunteered mapping is again based
on OSM data and the HOT Tasking Manager. e University of Heidelberg
hosts the disastermappers project28, which aims to educate and train university
students about mapping in OSM for humanitarian purposes. Reaction time is
oen very quick and successful with OSM. Examples include a 5-day period
of mapping where the Humanitarian OSM Team and volunteers mapped over
100,000 buildings and hundreds of miles of roads in Guinea when Ebola broke
out in 201429. e eorts of the OSM community in times of humanitarian cri-
sis are easy to visualise, as snapshots of OSM data can be extracted to show the
eects of mapping before and aer a particular event. HOT shows the changes30
44 Mapping and the CitizenSensor
in the OSM map that occurred aer the city of Tacloban in the Philippines was
devastated by the super typhoon Haiyan in 2013.
2.4 Government and Industry Usage
OSM is being used in industry and by government agencies around the world.
Indeed there is a large number of companies listed on the OSM wiki31 who
provide consultancy based on OSM data. is consultancy has a wide range of
applications, including Web-based mapping, Web GIS, data analysis, routing
and navigation, and data extraction. ere are several leading companies in
this domain including: Mapbox32, MapQuest33, Stamen34, Mapzen35, CampTo-
Camp36 and Geofabrik18. Most of these companies also provide OSM services
back to the OSM user community, including OSM data extracts, web-map lay-
ers for online mapping and specialist visualisation.
Government usage of OSM is more dicult to track unless it is advertised
and highlighted by the government agencies involved. From the opposite direc-
tion, there has been signicant use of government data in OSM, with several
high-prole data imports having been performed over the years. ese imports
are based on the imported data having an acceptable open data licence allowing
the corresponding geodata to be inserted into the OSM database. e imports
include: the TIGER (the Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and
Referencing system) data, produced by the US Census Bureau, in the USA; in Austria; GeoBase as a complete map of Canada; and the CORINE
Land Cover map in France.
In 2013, New York City opened up many ‘high-value datasets to the pub-
lic, making it possible to use these data to improve OSM’37, facilitated and
assisted by Mapbox30. ‘In return, New York City’s GIS team is informed of
changes made in OSM related to their datasets, which helps keep their map
data current.’ is eectively made the New York City municipality a partici-
pant and contributor to OSM in the United States. MapGive38 is an initiative
of the US Department of State’s Humanitarian Information Unit, ‘mak[ing]
it easy for new volunteers to learn to map and get involved in online tasks’.
Portland’s TriMet trac authority uses OSM to power their multi-modal traf-
c planner39. e Gendarmerie Nationale (one of the national police forces in
France) uses OSM maps inside their police cars40. e CROWDGOV report
by Haklay et al. (2014) has a number of examples of governmental use of
OSM around the world. ere is still some reluctance by government agen-
cies to use VGI and OSM as a complement to their own sources of spatial
data (Olteanu-Raimond et al., 2017b); however, examples do exist, such as
the French National Address Database (BAN), which ‘associates each address
listed on the French territory (25 million addresses) with its geographic
coordinates’ (the database ‘does not contain any nominative data’). BAN is
the result of ‘an innovative collaboration model between public authorities
A Review of OpenStreetMap Data 45
in France and OSM France ‘to build an essential reference for the economy,
society and public services’41.
2.5 Visualisation of OSM Data
From anecdotal evidence, visualisation of OSM data is certainly one of the
most popular applications of OSM data. Visualisation of OSM data is facili-
tated by the exible availability of the OSM data (see Section 2.1) and the very
wide range of visualisation tools available, which can natively process OSM
data directly or from a spatial database. ere is a vast number of examples, and
we provide a small selection here for the purposes of illustrating the breadth of
OpenTopoMap42 provides a topographic visualisation of OSM data com-
bined with SRTM elevation data. e map tiles in OpenTopoMap are avail-
able for use as a web-map layer in other applications. OpenCycleMap43 is an
OSM rendering ‘primarily aimed at showing information useful to cyclists’. e
OpenCycleMap global cycling map is based on data from OSM and is updated
frequently. e OpenCycleMap website indicates that ‘at low zoom levels, it is
intended for overviews of national cycling networks; at higher zoom levels, it
should help with planning which streets to cycle on, where cyclists can park
their bikes, etc.’ It is also available for use as a web-map layer in other applica-
tions. In a similar fashion, the Hike & Bike Map44 visualisation of OSM data
highlights hiking and biking routes by using a specic cartographic style to
highlight these routes. e OpenSnowMap45 is an OSM-based map rendering
of ski slopes and lis. It integrates OSM data, MODIS/Terra Snow Cover 8-Day
Global data46 and SRTM 90m Digital Elevation data. As of December 2016,
over 100,000 km of skiing trails have already been mapped. OsmHydrant47 is a
special map showing the position of hydrants, water tanks and suction points,
with the purpose of assisting local authorities and re departments. While
there is an emphasis on visualisation, it allows OSM contributors to map new
hydrants and edit the existing ones. As of July 2016, almost 45000 hydrants had
been added. OpenFireMap48 is an OSM rendering, highlighting ‘re stations,
hydrants, water tanks, and ponds used for reghting (suction points)’. It does
not provide editing facilities directly. e Stamen company in the United States
provides several cartographic variations on the standard OSM map representa-
tions. ese are available for use as web-map layers in other applications. ree
of the most popular web-maps provided by Stamen are the terrain represen-
tation49, the black and white representation50 and the very artistic watercolor
representation51. ere is also a good deal of visualisation of OSM in 3D: one
of the best examples is the OSM Buildings52 JavaScript library for visualising
OpenStreetMap building geometry on 2D and 3D maps. F4map53 is a French
company providing cartography and visualisation services: one of its products
is a 3D visualisation of the world using OSM data. In other types of visualisa-
46 Mapping and the CitizenSensor
tion, Kothic JS54 is an in-development new technology that renders OSM data
on the y’ using HTML5 without the need for raster tile images. Mapbox Stu-
dio55 is a suite of free and paid-for tools to produce ‘vector tiles’, which can be
rendered either server-side or client-side, with many dierent customisations
available according to the OSM data being used.
2.6 OSM-based Soware
As mentioned above, the OSM community has created a vast ecosystem of so-
ware tools and services. As is the case with the visualisation of OSM data, it is
not possible to give an in-depth list of soware. We have organised this sec-
tion into three subsections: OSM data editors, OSM-based routing services and
other services.
2.6.1 OSM Data Editors
OSM is an openly accessible spatial database which any contributor can supply
geodata to and whose existing data any contributor can also edit. It is therefore
very important that soware tools be available to support this editing work
for contributors. e OSM wiki contains an extensive list of OSM data editing
tools56 and a comparison of their characteristics. In this section we outline ve
of the most famous and well known OSM editors. e iD editor57 is a Web-based
editor for OSM and is the editor that is integrated into the OSM homepage. e
JOSM editor3 is a Java editor for OSM and is considered an editor for skilled
OSM contributors. It ‘supports loading GPX tracks, background imagery and
OSM data from local sources as well as from online sources and allows’ direct
editing of the OSM data; a number of plugins provide other advanced func-
tions. Potlatch58 is a ash-based web editor for OSM. Vespucci59 is the rst
OSM editor specically developed for small and large Android-based devices;
it provides a reasonably extensive set of editing functionalities, which makes it
usable on the eld by novice and experienced OSM contributors. Merkaartor60
is a desktop-based soware editor for OSM that is available for installation and
use on most operating systems; similarly to JOSM and Vespucci, Merkaartor
provides a wide range of functionalities.
2.6.2 OSM-based Routing Services
OSM-based routing services are soware-based solutions that use the data
in the OSM database for the purposes of generating routing and navigation
solutions. Routing and navigation is possible when objects in OSM have
attributes (tags) that are helpful in solving these problems. e ability to
apply attributes from dierent thematic areas on the same object (such as
A Review of OpenStreetMap Data 47
a road or a street) means that dierent routing applications can be easily
e Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM)61 is a C++ routing engine for
nding ‘shortest paths in road networks. It supports car, bicycle and walk modes
and is ‘easily customized through proles. GraphHopper62 is a company based
in Germany focused on delivering the ‘fastest possible routing algorithms’ and
‘privacy protection’ using open source soware for their customers. eir open
source routing library and server includes elevation data and allows routing
for several dicult vehicle types. e MapQuest Directions API63 is oered
by the US company MapQuest and calculates ‘point-to-point, multipoint, and
optimized routes. e API can be used by any application, and the directions
are based on OSM data. OpenRouteService64 is a routing service developed by
the GIScience Research Group at Heidelberg University (Germany); it provides
routing capabilities for dierent categories (including wheelchairs users), fea-
tures an advanced graphic interface and is also available in a mobile version.
Kurviger65 is a specialised routing service for motorcyclists, which computes
optimal paths considering the topography of the terrain. It is only available in
German. Cruiser for Android66 is an Android-based mapping and navigation
application. Wheelmap.org67 is an open and free online map of wheelchair-
accessible places. While it is not actually a routing application per se, it provides
information on the wheelchair-accessibility of public places, which is very use-
ful for wheelchair users, by allowing contributors to directly edit OSM to pro-
vide accessibility information. ViaMichelin68 is a ‘wholly owned subsidiary of
the Michelin Group69; it ‘designs, develops and markets digital travel assistance
products and services for road users in Europe, and the German version of
their route planner uses an OSM Outdoor Layer visualisation70. INRIX Trac71
is a commercial product for navigation and trac information that uses OSM
data; the application learns the preferences and daily routines of the user, and,
based on the learned activities, makes a daily personalised itinerary with the
anticipated tours and frequently used routes.
2.6.3 Other Services
In this section, we provide some links to other services that use OSM but do not
necessarily t neatly inside our classications. In OSM, nodes that have spe-
cic tags are oen called POI amongst contributors and users of OSM. ere
is no absolute set of tags that qualify as indicating a POI, but usually a POI will
have tags related to amenities, such as buildings, shopping, education or build-
ings with cultural and historical signicance. e OpenPoiMap72 provides a
map-based visualisation of all POI in OSM for any part of the world: POI are
presented as individual layers, which can be turned on or o, and, based on
what visualisation information the map provides, contributors can then edit
the POI data directly in OSM using the links provided on the interface. e
48 Mapping and the CitizenSensor
Places! service73 attempts to present a visualisation of the analysis of patterns
in place names within given countries based on the OSM database for those
countries. For example, Places! tries to nd patterns in the spatial distribution
of places in Switzerland containing the term ‘berg’ or places in the United King-
dom containing the term ‘hill’ in their name. e analysis is performed oine
and updated regularly.
e OSM Analytics74 application recently launched by HOT provides inter-
active functionality to analyse how specic OSM features are mapped in a spe-
cic region. is tool allows the user to select the geographic region of interest
and shows a graph of the mapping activity in that region. It is possible to select
a specic time interval to view the number of newly mapped or edited features
in that period; the map will highlight the matching buildings, as related to this
time interval. is tool is a very useful way to obtain a high-level view of how
OSM developed in a particular region. Finally, the Show-Me-e-Way applica-
tion75 is an interactive web application that displays near real-time edits per-
formed by contributors to OSM. e application loads recent edits and displays
them by jumping to the particular region where the edit was made. is type
of visualisation is possible owing to the fact that very recent edits submitted to
OSM by contributors are immediately available for access by anyone who con-
nects to the OSM API or other services listed in Section 2.6.
2.7 Quality Assurance for OSM
e quality of OSM data is under constant scrutiny by the scientic commu-
nity. e quality of data in OSM is one of the major concerns that industry and
authoritative agencies such as National Mapping Agencies (NMAs), Land and
Cadastral Agencies and other types of government agencies have about OSM
(Olteanu-Raimond et al., 2017b). In practice, there is no single set of metrics
or criteria against which OSM can be measured that will satisfy all users for the
myriad of possible end applications. e quality of the OSM data and suitability
for a particular application, purpose or use case is very much dependent on the
characteristics of the problem being tackled. e OSM community recognises
the importance of data quality, and a very wide range of tools and applications
have been developed to tackle this issue. In this section, we provide some intro-
duction to a small number of these. A comprehensive list is maintained on the
OSM wiki76.
BBBike and Geofabrik deliver the OSM Map Compare tool77, which allows
visual comparison of OSM map layers with other popular mapping systems
such as Google, Bing, HERE, ESRI, etc. e web map interface allows users to
visually compare any region in OSM with the corresponding mapping in the
other popular systems. IGN France (French National Institute of Geographic
and Forest Information) provides a very similar system to Map Compare with
A Review of OpenStreetMap Data 49
their Ma Visionneuse78 application, which allows OSM to be compared with
IGN layers, amongst others; this is particularly useful for comparison between
French web map layers. e OSM Inspector79, also by Geofabrik, provides an
overlay of potential errors or data quality problems onto an OSM map. ese
problems include: very long ways (polylines); self-intersecting ways, polygons
or polylines, which are represented by only one node; and polygons or pol-
ylines that have duplicate nodes contained within them.
Taginfo2 is a very popular Web-based application that displays up-to-date
statistics about the tags used in the OSM database, e.g. which tags are used, how
many times they are used, where a certain tag occurs, etc. Taginfo is particu-
larly useful for nding problems with the keys or values in tags, the popularity
of tags, where specic tags are used and which other tags are used in combina-
tion with them. e use of taginfo to nd problems with tagging relates to its
very comprehensive listing of the ranking of popularity/application of values to
specic keys in tags. is can quickly allow an OSM expert to identify instances
of an incorrect assignment of values in tags that has an overall eect on tag
data quality. Taginfo does not provide any information on errors relating to
geometry or topology. Osmose80, an acronym for OpenStreetMap Oversight
Search Engine, is a quality assurance tool available to detect issues in OSM data;
it is also useful for integrating third-party datasets. It tries to detect anomalies
in the data and then display them on an OSM map, from which contributors
can x or update them. Keep Right81 is one of the oldest quality assurance tools
in OSM. It displays automatically detected errors on the OSM map or in a list
format, and it detects a very wide set of error types, including geometry errors,
topological errors, attribution errors and other general OSM errors.
MapRoulette82 is a Web-based application that proposes challenges to x
errors in OSM. Each challenge represents a set of tasks, and OSM contributors
can x the errors by performing edits in OSM in the usual way. e challenges
vary in diculty, allowing contributors to choose the types of errors that they
feel condent about xing. e xing is very heavily focused on the contribu-
tors’ interpretation of information from aerial imagery. DeepOSM83 attempts
to detect problems in OSM road networks using neural networks. e system
downloads satellite imagery and the corresponding OSM data that show roads/
features for that area. is allows DeepOSM to generate training and evalu-
ation data for the neural networks, which then calculate predictions of mis-
registered roads in OSM.
e Grass&Green project (Ali et al., 2016) asks OSM contributors to cor-
rect tagging or classication of land use features involving grass or green areas.
is application provides a two-screen interface, where an OSM feature is
highlighted on the standard OSM web-map layer and in aerial imagery. e
user (who needs to have an OSM account) must then provide an appropriate
classication for this entity by choosing what he/she believes is correct from
the list of classications: grass, park, garden, forest and meadow. e JOSM
50 Mapping and the CitizenSensor
Validator84 ‘is a core feature of JOSM which checks and xes invalid data’ that
have been contributed to OSM or are being contributed for the rst time. e
validator checks and xes a wide variety of problems, including topological
errors, unclosed polygons and overlapping areas.
Academic research has produced a wide range of quality assessment and
comparison tools for OSM (Ostermann and Granell, 2017). One of the most
recently published is that of Brovelli et al. (2017): this open source soware tool
provides an automated comparison of street network data in OSM with that in
an authoritative dataset. Users of the tool must provide the authoritative dataset
for comparison.
2.8 Games, Leisure and General Public Information
In this nal section of applications for OSM, we describe a mixture of appli-
cations that use OSM for the purposes of games, leisure or general public
‘Collapse– e Division Game85 is a simulation game based on open data-
sets (including OSM data), created by Ubiso to introduce the environment
upon which the new online action game ‘TomClancy’s e Division’ (for
Windows, Playstation and Xbox)86 is based. e user is the rst person in the
world infected with a virus, and the game realistically simulates the diusion
of the virus until the collapse of society; OSM data relating to health facili-
ties, societal infrastructure and transportation are used in the simulation. e
OSM game Kort87 is very similar to MapRoulette79, with the exception that Kort
drives a gamication approach to OSM error xing. Kort was developed for
usage mainly on mobile devices but also works well on most browsers. For both
solving tasks and checking existing solutions, points (so-called Koins) can be
earned. e goal is to continually rise through the ranks of the high-score list.
Additionally, players are also awarded medals for their eorts. At the time of
writing, there are over 2,000 active players having solved almost 50,000 tasks.
e solutions to tasks must be evaluated and accepted by other users before
they are submitted to the OSM database.
In a YouTube video88, an OSM contributor provides a video-based visualisa-
tion of the contribution of nodes to OSM over the period 2004–2016. Nodes
in OSM that have had more editing activity on them are coloured using a heat-
map approach. is timelapse video and many others listed on the OSM wiki89
provide a very good high-level overview of how OSM has developed since its
inception. e node density map by tyrasd90 provides a static visual overview
of how many nodes are mapped within any OSM region. Lukas Martinelli91
produced a Global Noise Pollution map based on the urban infrastructure
data in OSM for cities and urban areas. GoodCityLife is a group of freelance
researchers in urban dynamics who use OSM to produce visualisations. One
such visualisation is their Smelly Maps92, which uses the underlying OSM data
A Review of OpenStreetMap Data 51
for a city or region to calculate if there is likely to be nasty odours or smells in
a locality. Bahnhof.de93 is the website providing information about railway sta-
tions in Germany; OSM is used as the base layer for the mapping on this infor-
mation website. e ight simulation soware World2XPlane by X-Plane94,95
is also worth mentioning; this soware takes OSM data and converts the data
into scenery for X-Plane. It uses as much information as possible to generate
highly realistic scenery.
3 Conclusions and Discussion
In this chapter, we have provided an overview of the OSM project. As men-
tioned in the introduction, OSM is probably the most famous example of VGI
on the Internet today. Even at the time of writing (during the summer of 2016),
the project continued to grow and expand, with over 2.7M registered contribu-
tors/users and almost 3.4B nodes of data, which made up almost 350M poly-
gons and polylines. Around 37,000 contributors are active in OSM during a
typical month. OSM can certainly claim to be the largest freely and openly
accessible database of geographic data in the world. Indeed its rate of growth
in terms of geographic data and frequency of contributions and editing brings
OSM into the realm of geographic big data (Leonelli, 2014). When one consid-
ers the extended OSM ecosystem of open source soware, data download ser-
vices, data visualisation services, wiki help systems, mailing lists and forums,
OSM serves as a very suitable starting point for any discussion on VGI. Indeed
one could speculate on how VGI would have developed if OSM had been absent
from this space. is chapter has attempted to give the reader who is new to
OSM an introduction to the OSM ecosystem while providing the reader famil-
iar with OSM an overview of where OSM currently stands in the world of VGI.
In the remaining chapters of this book, OSM will be mentioned and dis-
cussed in many dierent ways. In Chapter 4, Touya et al. (2017) address the
challenges of automated mapmaking using VGI as the input data, and the
authors consider OSM as a key source, but not the only source, of this VGI data.
Chapter 2, See et al. (2017) has already indicated that there are many sources of
VGI available today. While OSM is open data and is licensed under the Open
Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL), there are privacy and ethical
issues around the reuse of OSM data. In OSM, one is free to copy, distribute,
transmit and adapt OSM data, as long as credit is provided to OSM and its con-
tributors. If one alters or builds upon the data, then the resultant data must also
be distributed under the same licence. Chapter 6 tackles some of these issues
for OSM and VGI in general (Mooney et al., 2017). In Chapter 8, Antoniou
and Skopeliti (2017) consider how the concept of quality has evolved in OSM
over time through the analysis of the evolution of OSM data specications and
of OSM editors. e very evolution and changes over time to the OSM ecosys-
tem can inuence the quality of OSM data. Related to this theme, Chapter 9,
52 Mapping and the CitizenSensor
by Skopeliti et al. (2017), considers how quality in VGI can be visualised and
communicated eectively, with signicant research work having already been
carried out on this topic using OSM as the case-study. As discussed earlier in
this chapter, OSM has a very exible and easy-to-understand approach to the
contribution of new geographic data or editing of existing data in the OSM
database. Chapter 10 considers best practices for VGI data collection, and Min-
ghini et al. (2017) propose in that chapter that the lack of protocols and the
exibility of contribution is not necessarily a good thing in terms of produc-
ing consistently high-quality VGI data. Chapter 11 (Bastin et al., 2017) consid-
ers VGI data management and suggests ways in which OSM can be integrated
into the so-called Semantic Web, where all OSM’s data would be converted
to Linked Data. Finally, Chapter 13 (Olteanu-Raimond et al., 2017a) discusses
VGI and the role of NMAs, with OSM oen seen as a rival or competitor to the
geographic data services provided by these agencies. As is obvious from this
overview of the remaining chapters of the book, a deep scientic discussion of
VGI is impossible without reecting on and considering the impact and inu-
ence of OSM. is is certainly very likely to continue for many years to come.
3.1 e Future of OSM
OSM’s greatest strength will always be its huge pool of contributors. ousands
of these contributors have collected and generated some of the world’s best
street and topographic data without expensive teams of professional surveyors
or world-class equipment. As the world and the urban and natural environment
change every day, OSM contributors have the ability to depict this changing
world in a map and a database that belong to them. OSM may not yet have the
advanced types of features that Google Maps has– street-view images, multi-
modal navigation, social recommendations, etc.– but it may soon have. Mapil-
lary96,97, which is a service for crowdsourcing street-level photographs using
smartphones and computer vision, has almost 70 million geotagged street-level
photographs at the time of writing. Mapillary shares the open data ethos of
OSM and they can work well together (Juhász and Hochmair, 2016). Very simi-
larly, eorts are in place to link OSM elements with their corresponding Wiki-
pedia pages and Wikidata items. As an example, the WTOSM98 (Wikipedia To
OSM) service developed by the Italian OSM community automatically identi-
es Wikipedia pages that can be linked (by means of tags) to OSM elements.
Mature services such as OpenRouteService provide navigation services based
wholly on OSM’s database. One of the factors in the evolution of OSM over
the past decade or so has been the ability of the project to adapt and expand in
the face of technological advancements in other areas of ICT and Open Source
Soware. Web service access to the OSM database or its mirrors has improved
and is very stable, allowing developers to build an array of applications using
the data directly from the database.
A Review of OpenStreetMap Data 53
ere are some challenges for OSM going forward. ese challenges are
a mixture of factors based on the social and technological aspects of VGI
(Mooney, 2015). Contributors can make edits to the OSM global database with-
out any real controls or moderation at the point of contribution. Despite the
fact that there are many applications available for an a posteriori quality check
(see Section 2.7), as long as edits can be made without initial controls the issue
of OSM data quality will remain a contentious one. Relatively unknown con-
tributors from an unknown crowd supplying geospatial data is a concern to end
users and stakeholders such as NMAs, government agencies and commercial
companies. ere have been many instances in the past where large amounts
of OSM data have been deleted by new or inexperienced contributors. Some
authors have considered the problem of automated detection of instances of
vandalism and of the purposeful deletion of data in OSM (Neis et al., 2012).
Many local OSM communities have long debated the wish and need to imple-
ment tools for checking and approving contributions (e.g. by more experienced
contributors or by the community itself). However, such an implementation
would be clearly against the very same nature of the OSM project, and no for-
mal actions are yet in place in this regard.
Several academic studies have shown that for specic regions of the world,
OSM has reached a very high and mature level of completeness and spatial
accuracy compared to data from sources such as NMAs (Dorn et al., 2015).
One of the major challenges will be to sustain the contributor motivation for
editing and maintaining the OSM database into the future (Budhathoki and
Haythornthwaite, 2012). Every day sees less white space or empty places on
the OSM map. Similar scenarios are being observed in Wikipedia (Jankowski-
Lorek et al., 2016). e task of being an OSM contributor is changing from that
of being the contributor of brand new geodata to OSM to that of map garden-
ing (McConchie, 2016; Sinton, 2016); in this latter case, contributors are not
necessarily involved in contributing new material to OSM but are attending to
the upkeep and update of the existing geometry and attribute data (tags) in the
As geolocation is further embedded into social media, user-generated con-
tent on the Internet, etc., issues of privacy and ethics can be raised (Blatt, 2015),
and the work outlined in Chapter 6 of this book (Mooney et al., 2017), high-
lighting these problems in relation to VGI, will become critical; currently, very
little work has been undertaken by the research community into privacy and
ethics in VGI. In the nal chapter of one of the rst edited volumes dedicated
to OSM, Mooney (2015) advises that the academic community has a signicant
role to play in the future of OSM; through scientic research and investigation,
the academic community is encouraged to feed its results and experiences back
directly into the OSM community and become more closely involved in the
day-to-day workings of the OSM ecosystem. is model has been very success-
ful in the open source soware community, and this can extend to the OSM
54 Mapping and the CitizenSensor
6 http://
A Review of OpenStreetMap Data 55
48 http://open
56 Mapping and the CitizenSensor
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... OSM's success is due to its Wikipedia-like production model. This collaborative model attracts a huge pool of contributors, which now number over eight million unique contributors according to the official website, and allows them to collect and generate topographic data without professional surveyors and equipment (Mooney and Minghini, 2017). This trend, also known as VGI or geographic citizen science, was made possible by the emergence of Web 2.0 and the availability of low-cost, high-quality, and high-accuracy location-based features in smartphones (Brovelli and Zamboni, 2018). ...
... This trend, also known as VGI or geographic citizen science, was made possible by the emergence of Web 2.0 and the availability of low-cost, high-quality, and high-accuracy location-based features in smartphones (Brovelli and Zamboni, 2018). Contributors are free to create their own tags for places, making OSM more responsive and flexible compared to authoritative professional datasets, especially in many parts of the world where official authoritative datasets are missing (Girres and Touya, 2010;Minghini and Frassinelli, 2019;Mooney and Minghini, 2017). ...
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In the United Kingdom, town centres face significant economic and social challenges, with amenities playing a crucial role in their vitality. However, no existing study has thoroughly investigated the relationship between amenities and footfall, a key measure of place vitality. This research addresses this gap by examining which amenities drive footfall in UK town centres. The study employs the random forest modelling, to analyse data from OpenStreetMap (OSM) and footfall data from 960 counters across the United Kingdom. Our findings reveal that OSM data can effectively predict footfall, highlighting the importance of diverse amenities. Key amenities identified include hotels, pedestrian ways, and retail establishments. Furthermore, the study identifies critical inflection points where the presence of certain amenities significantly boosts urban vitality. These insights offer valuable guidance for urban planning and development, suggesting that a mix of diverse amenities at appropriate levels can enhance the attractiveness and vitality of town centres.
... To acquire the addresses and nearby places, we employ reverse geocoding using the function/tool Nominatim (Serere, Resch, & Havas, 2023) and extract place names and locations through the Overpass API, which is an open-source API that allows querying OpenStreetMap data to obtain detailed place information efficiently (Mooney & Minghini, 2017), Street view images corresponding to the sampling points are obtained using the Google Street View API (Anguelov et al., 2010). ...
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Geospatial predictions are crucial for diverse fields such as disaster management, urban planning, and public health. Traditional machine learning methods often face limitations when handling unstructured or multi-modal data like street view imagery. To address these challenges, we propose StreetViewLLM, a novel framework that integrates a large language model with the chain-of-thought reasoning and multimodal data sources. By combining street view imagery with geographic coordinates and textual data, StreetViewLLM improves the precision and granularity of geospatial predictions. Using retrieval-augmented generation techniques, our approach enhances geographic information extraction, enabling a detailed analysis of urban environments. The model has been applied to seven global cities, including Hong Kong, Tokyo, Singapore, Los Angeles, New York, London, and Paris, demonstrating superior performance in predicting urban indicators, including population density, accessibility to healthcare, normalized difference vegetation index, building height, and impervious surface. The results show that StreetViewLLM consistently outperforms baseline models, offering improved predictive accuracy and deeper insights into the built environment. This research opens new opportunities for integrating the large language model into urban analytics, decision-making in urban planning, infrastructure management, and environmental monitoring.
... It is a free and editable map database and is maintained by a community of volunteers via open collaboration. OSM is a very successful Volunteered Graphical Information (VGI) project that has been frequently utilized as a free mapping resource to support digital maps, humanitarian work, navigation, simulations, and data visualization (Mooney and Minghini 2017;Neis and Zielstra 2014). For the road network, all categories of streets are included, from lowest (living street) to highest (motorway) hierarchy, when downloading OSM files as input to create networks. ...
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Urban settings require a thorough understanding of traffic patterns to best manage traffic, be prepared for emergency scenarios and to guide future infrastructure investments. In addition to analyzing collected traffic data, traffic modeling is an important tool that often requires detailed simulations that can be computationally intensive and time-consuming. A well-known comprehensive simulation framework is MATSim. On the other hand, simpler shortest-path routing systems that compute trips on an individual basis promise faster computations. The primary focus of this study is to assess the viability of a fast shortest path routing system as a method of traffic simulation. This study compares the MATSim with the Graphhopper routing system. Key metrics include travel time accuracy, congestion levels, route similarity, vehicle miles traveled, and average travel time. By analyzing these metrics, this study shows that a shortest-path routing system can serve as an effective and expedient approximation of more resource intensive simulation frameworks. This has significant implications for authorities and planners, as it offers a quick and efficient tool for traffic management and decision-making during critical events, enhancing their ability to respond quickly and effectively to dynamic traffic conditions.
... In our study, we choose OpenStreetMap (OSM) as the mapping resource for analysis and implementation. OSM stands as the prominent map for many end-users, including industrial actors and researchers, providing a collaborative, freely accessible, and extensive map of the world [6]. This platform encompasses an array of geographical information crucial for map-matching, encompassing features such as longitude, latitude, and road types. ...
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To promote urban sustainability, many cities are adopting bicycle‐friendly policies, leveraging GPS trajectories as a vital data source. However, the inherent errors in GPS data necessitate a critical preprocessing step known as map‐matching. Due to GPS device malfunction, road network ambiguity for cyclists, and inaccuracies in publicly accessible streetmaps, existing map‐matching methods face challenges in accurately selecting the best‐mapped route. In urban settings, these challenges are exacerbated by high buildings, which tend to attenuate GPS accuracy, and by the increased complexity of the road network. To resolve this issue, this work introduces a map‐matching method tailored for cycling travel data in urban areas. The approach introduces two main innovations: a reliable classification of road availability for cyclists, with a particular focus on the main road network, and an extended multi‐objective map‐matching scoring system. This system integrates penalty, geometric, topology, and temporal scores to optimize the selection of mapped road segments, collectively forming a complete route. Rotterdam, the second‐largest city in the Netherlands, is selected as the case study city, and real‐world data is used for method implementation and evaluation. Hundred trajectories were manually labelled to assess the model performance and its sensitivity to parameter settings, GPS sampling interval, and travel time. The method is able to unveil variations in cyclist travel behavior, providing municipalities with insights to optimize cycling infrastructure and improve traffic management, such as by identifying high‐traffic areas for targeted infrastructure upgrades and optimizing traffic light settings based on cyclist waiting times.
... The drivable area labels are obtained from HD map data such as nuScenes [31]. As a complementary source, building and PoI labels are derived from the navigation map, such as OSM [32]. ...
Robust localization is the cornerstone of autonomous driving, especially in challenging urban environments where GPS signals suffer from multipath errors. Traditional localization approaches rely on high-definition (HD) maps, which consist of precisely annotated landmarks. However, building HD map is expensive and challenging to scale up. Given these limitations, leveraging navigation maps has emerged as a promising low-cost alternative for localization. Current approaches based on navigation maps can achieve highly accurate localization, but their complex matching strategies lead to unacceptable inference latency that fails to meet the real-time demands. To address these limitations, we propose a novel transformer-based neural re-localization method. Inspired by image registration, our approach performs a coarse-to-fine neural feature registration between navigation map and visual bird's-eye view features. Our method significantly outperforms the current state-of-the-art OrienterNet on both the nuScenes and Argoverse datasets, which is nearly 10%/20% localization accuracy and 30/16 FPS improvement on single-view and surround-view input settings, separately. We highlight that our research presents an HD-map-free localization method for autonomous driving, offering cost-effective, reliable, and scalable performance in challenging driving environments.
... Models based on a network of lines have recently gained popularity due to the availability of open-source spatial databases (e.g. OpenStreetMap contributors, 2017) for analysing street networks at a very detailed level (see Barua et al., 2014;Barrington-Leigh & Millard-Ball, 2017;Mooney & Minghini, 2017;Briz-Redon et al., 2019, Gilardi et al., 2022. In this context, many approaches have employed spatial smoothing to simplify the estimation process. ...
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This paper addresses the critical issue of road safety and accident prevention by integrating road features, network theory, and advanced statistical models. It emphasises the importance of understanding the relationship between road infrastructure and accident risk, which impacts on various administrative stakeholders and on citizens’ safety. While existing literature focuses on road features and engineering solutions, this paper highlights the need to consider implicit spatial constraints as well. Our study builds on prior research by proposing a novel approach that merges conditional autoregressive modelling with a two-stage mixed Geographically weighted Poisson regression. This integrated methodology allows us to consider both the effect of risk factors at a global level and at a local road level. By leveraging the strengths of these two methods, we aim to capture both overarching trends and local variations of risk factors, thereby offering a comprehensive understanding of accident risk factors. Using data from the Open Street Map database, which covers the wide province of Milan in Italy, our models identify influential street characteristics, providing valuable insights for informed decision-making regarding road safety measures. Our method can be applied to any region in the world. The paper describes the models used, the dataset employed, and presents a detailed numerical analysis demonstrating the effectiveness of the approach in identifying and understanding accident risk factors within road networks. This information can help guide investments for the benefit of society.
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Currently, 1 billion residents inhabit informal settlements characterized by a lack of urban services, inadequate housing, insecure land tenure, and heightened vulnerability to climate-related hazards. With minimal governmental support, these communities bear the burden of managing climate risks. This systematic review utilized Scopus and Web of Science databases to identify and synthesize peer-reviewed literature investigating global climate-related hazards in informal settlements over the past 23 years. Search terms included "Informal Settlements OR Slums" AND "Landslide" OR "Heat Stress" OR "Heatwaves " OR "Urban Heat Island" OR "Flooding" OR "Water Scarcity". The review reveals a rising trend in published articles on climate-related hazards in informal settlements, particularly in the last six years. Of the 415 papers identified, the majority (approximately 70 %) focus on flood risk impacts and adaptation measures. We identified six emerging trends, including 1) gender analysis, 2) scaling demographies, 3) adaption actions, 4) transferability, 5) GIS and remote sensing, and 6) building climate resilience. Despite the prevalence of high temperatures in informal settlement areas, studies addressing heat-related hazards, such as heat stress or Urban Heat Island, are underdeveloped. Individuals or households predominantly carry out risk reduction and adaptation efforts, with few transformative, multi-stakeholder initiatives observed. Developing a transferable, community-based climate risk assessment model could significantly enhance resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and disaster risks in informal settlements, emphasizing the need for collaborative, multi-scale strategies.
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Zusammenfassung Mikromobile, insbesondere Lastenräder, haben sich als vielversprechende Lösung für die städtische Mobilität und Logistik etabliert. Um jedoch langfristig relevant und effektiv zu bleiben, müssen sie sich den ständig wandelnden Anforderungen einer zukunftsorientierten Stadtlogistik anpassen. Dieses Kapitel beleuchtet, wie die Integration von Automatisierung und Brennstoffzellentechnologie in Lastenräder nicht nur deren Effizienz und Umweltfreundlichkeit steigert, sondern sie auch als nachhaltige Alternative im städtischen Lieferverkehr positioniert. Es werden sowohl technische als auch praktische Aspekte dieser Innovationen untersucht, um ein umfassendes Bild der nächsten Generation von Mikromobilen in urbanen Räumen zu zeichnen.
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Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) has become a rich and well established source of geospatial data. From the popular OpenStreetMap (OSM) to many citizen science projects and social network platforms, the amount of geographically referenced information that is constantly being generated by citizens is burgeoning. The main issue that continues to hamper the full exploitation of VGI lies in its quality, which is by its nature typically undocumented and can range from very high quality to very poor. A crucial step towards improving VGI quality, which impacts on VGI usability, is the development and adoption of protocols, guidelines and best practices to assist users when collecting VGI. This chapter proposes a generic and flexible protocol for VGI data collection , which can be applied to new as well as to existing projects regardless of the specific type of geospatial information collected. The protocol is meant to balance the contrasting needs of providing VGI contributors with precise and detailed instructions while maintaining and growing the enthusiasm and motivation of contributors. Two real-world applications of the protocol are presented , which guide the collection of VGI in respectively the generation and updating of thematic information in a topographic building database; and the uploading of geotagged photographs for the improvement of land use and land cover maps. Technology is highlighted as a key factor in determining the success of the protocol implementation.
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The flourishing of VGI projects has transformed the average web user into an eager geographic data user and contributor. As it is difficult for the crowd to perceive VGI quality, visualisation can play a critical role in communicating data quality. At the same time, although VGI quality has been a prominent research topic for scientists, quality visualisation has not been exploited to its full potential. Since the crowd encompasses a diverse pool of users, VGI quality visualisation caters for different needs and exhibits variable functionality, operating as an awareness tool for the novice user as well as an exploration tool for the expert user / scientist. The scope of this chapter is to present a framework for VGI quality visualisation that takes into account factors such as methods for quality visualisation of spatial data, the nature of VGI data quality, user profiles and the visualisation environment. In addition, a review of the available methods for data quality visualisation, which have emerged from cartography, 198 Mapping and the Citizen Sensor is presented, and a number of guidelines for VGI quality visualisation are proposed , taking into account user characteristics.
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The most common way to use geographic information is to make maps. With the ever growing amount of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), we have the opportunity to make many maps, but only automatic cartography (generalisation, stylisation, text placement) can handle such an amount of data with very frequent updates. This chapter reviews the recent proposals to adapt the current techniques for automatic cartography to VGI as the source data, focusing on the production of topographic base maps. The review includes methods to assess quality and the level of detail, which is necessary to handle data heterogeneity. The paper also describes automatic techniques to general-ise, harmonise and render VGI.
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This report is based on a six-month study of the use of volunteered geographic information (VGI) by government. It focuses on government use of information relating to a location, which was produced through what is known as “crowdsourcing”, the process of obtaining information from many contributors amongst the general public, regardless of their background and skill level. The aim of this report is to provide a guide for the successful implementation of VGI in government.
Conference Paper
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This paper presents the learning experience and outcomes of “MiniMapathon”, a cooperative humanitarian mapping event tried out for the first time with almost 250 children from primary school. The paper consists of an introduction on humanitarian mapathons, a description of the educational experiment held at Politecnico di Milano (Italy) and, finally, an analysis of the emerging data. Humanitarian mapathons or mapping parties consist of coordinated mapping events which convene volunteers to create digital maps of vulnerable places through the OpenStreetMap (OSM) platform. The experience was adapted to children by the researchers of two labs of Politecnico di Milano, GEOlab (Geomatics and Earth Observation laboratory), having a considerable know-how in mapping, and HOC-Lab (Hypermedia Open Center Laboratory), with a remarkable expertise in the field of educational technology, and in cooperation with HOT (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team) and Missing Maps, two NGOs coordinating humanitarian mapping projects worldwide. The MiniMapathon was designed according to pedagogical theories, with the motivation to improve - while enjoying mapping - the students’ knowledge of the places they were mapping, their attitude towards Geography and, finally, their technological skills. The evaluation of the initiative was carried out by interviewing teachers and by collecting the students’ feedback using a survey. In conclusion, the paper points out the will to propose the “MiniMapathon” as an educational model within the study curriculum of primary schools, in order to investigate and deepen its learning potential and turn the experience into an easily exportable and repeatable activity in Italy and even abroad.
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The increased development of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and its potential role in GIScience studies raises questions about the resulting data quality. Several studies address VGI quality from various perspectives like completeness, positional accuracy, consistency, etc. They mostly have consensus on the heterogeneity of data quality. The problem may be due to the lack of standard procedures for data collection and absence of quality control feedback for voluntary participants. In our research, we are concerned with data quality from the classification perspective. Particularly in VGI-mapping projects, the limited expertise of participants and the non-strict definition of geographic features lead to conceptual overlapping classes, where an entity could plausibly belong to multiple classes, e.g., lake or pond, park or garden, marsh or swamp, etc. Usually, quantitative and/or qualitative characteristics exist that distinguish between classes. Nevertheless, these characteristics might not be recognizable for non-expert participants. In previous work, we developed the rule-guided classification approach that guides participants to the most appropriate classes. As exemplification, we tackle the conceptual overlapping of some grass-related classes. For a given data set, our approach presents the most highly recommended classes for each entity. In this paper, we present the validation of our approach. We implement a web-based application called Grass&Green that presents recommendations for crowdsourcing validation. The findings show the applicability of the proposed approach. In four months, the application attracted 212 participants from more than 35 countries who checked 2,865 entities. The results indicate that 89% of the contributions fully/partially agree with our recommendations. We then carried out a detailed analysis that demonstrates the potential of this enhanced data classification. This research encourages the development of customized applications that target a particular geographic feature.
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Recent years have seen new ways of collecting geographic information via the crowd rather than organizations. OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a prime example of this approach and has brought free access to a wealth of geographic information—for many parts of the world, for the first time. The strong growth in the last few years made more and more people consider it as a potential alternative to commercial or authoritative data. The increasing availability of ever-richer data sets of freely available geographic information led to strong interest of researchers and practitioners in the usability of this data—both its limitations and potential. Both the unconventional way the data is being produced as well as its richness and heterogeneity have led to a range of different research questions on how we can assess, mine, enrich, or just use this data in different domains and for a wide range of applications. While this book cannot present all types of research around OpenStreetMap or even the broader category of User Generated Content (UGC) or Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), it attempts to provide an overview of the current state of the art by presenting some typical and recent examples of work in GIScience on OSM. This chapter provides an introduction to the scholarly work on OpenStreetMap and its current state and summarizes the contributions to this book.
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Citizens are increasingly becoming an important source of geographic information, sometimes entering domains that had until recently been the exclusive realm of authoritative agencies. This activity has a very diverse character as it can, amongst other things, be active or passive, involve spatial or aspatial data and the data provided can be variable in terms of key attributes such as format, description and quality. Unsurprisingly, therefore, there are a variety of terms used to describe data arising from citizens. In this article, the expressions used to describe citizen sensing of geographic information are reviewed and their use over time explored, prior to categorizing them and highlighting key issues in the current state of the subject. The latter involved a review of ~100 Internet sites with particular focus on their thematic topic, the nature of the data and issues such as incentives for contributors. This review suggests that most sites involve active rather than passive contribution, with citizens typically motivated by the desire to aid a worthy cause, often receiving little training. As such, this article provides a snapshot of the role of citizens in crowdsourcing geographic information and a guide to the current status of this rapidly emerging and evolving subject.
The rapid expansion of citizen science projects and crowdsourcing applications is yielding a huge and varied pool of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) on a wide variety of themes. This VGI may be of huge value for institutions, individuals and decision-makers, but only if it can be discovered, evaluated for quality and fitness-for-purpose and combined with data from other sources. If VGI data are to be discovered, used and reused to their full potential, they must be actively managed. In this chapter we assess the current state of the art regarding data management practices in VGI, identify some challenges, obstacles and best-practice examples, and review a range of developing and established open source technologies which can underpin robust and sustainable data management for VGI. We conclude that VGI is likely to remain patchy and heterogeneous and that existing standards may not be exploited to their full potential. Nevertheless, automated support for documenting the generation and use of VGI, as well as annotations following the Linked Data paradigm, can help to improve interoperability and reuse. We were able to identify good practices within different existing systems, but more research and development work is needed in order to support their joint application for the benefit of VGI. New data management methodologies can only succeed if their benefits (for example, simplifying administration or lowering the entry barrier to data publication) exceed the implementation costs.
There is great potential for volunteered geographic information (VGI) to augment data used for public health disease surveillance, in areas such as mass gatherings and qualitative GIS. The goal of this chapter is to explore these important issues of patient privacy, ethics, and liability, as they pertain to the use of VGI to augment health information exchanges (HIEs) in providing data for public health research programs. The current attention on health reform and HIEs provide professional geographers with an excellent opportunity to explore the contributions of VGI to this field. The chapter begins by briefly describing the legislation of patient privacy and protection in the United States, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. It also discuss the appropriate and inappropriate disclosures of protected health information (PHI). Next, it examines the ethical and legal issues surrounding the use of VGI in disease surveillance. Finally, the chapter will demonstrate that VGI yields tremendous value in providing sensitive and timely surveillance data when reliable and consistent communications between health care providers and regional health authorities are not possible.