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Resilient Computing on ROS using Adaptive Fault Tolerance



Computer‐based systems are now expected to evolve during their service life to cope with changes of various nature, ranging from evolution of user needs, eg, additional features requested by users, to system configuration changes, eg, modifications in available hardware resources. When considering resilient embedded systems that must comply with stringent dependability requirements, the challenge is even greater, as evolution must not impair dependability attributes. Maintaining dependability properties when facing changes is, indeed, the exact definition of resilient computing. In this paper, we consider the evolution of systems with respect to their dependability mechanisms and show how such mechanisms can evolve with the system evolution, in the case of ROS, the robot operating system. We provide a synthesis of the concepts required for resilient computing using a component‐based approach. We particularly emphasize the process and the techniques needed to implement an adaptation layer for fault tolerance mechanisms. In the light of this analysis, we address the implementation of adaptive fault tolerance on ROS in 2 steps: Firstly, we provide an architecture to implement fault tolerance mechanisms in ROS, and secondly, we describe the actual adaptation of fault tolerance mechanisms in ROS. Beyond the implementation details given in the paper, we draw the lessons learned from this work and discuss the limits of this run‐time support to implement adaptive fault tolerance features in embedded systems.
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Resilient Computing on ROS using Adaptive Fault
Michaël Lauer, Matthieu Amy, Jean-Charles Fabre, Matthieu Roy, William
Excoon, Miruna Stoicescu
To cite this version:
Michaël Lauer, Matthieu Amy, Jean-Charles Fabre, Matthieu Roy, William Excoon, et al.. Resilient
Computing on ROS using Adaptive Fault Tolerance. Journal of Software: Evolution and Process,
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2018, 30 (3), pp.e1917. �10.1002/smr.1917�. �hal-01703968�
2012; 00:118
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/smr
Resilient Computing on ROS using Adaptive Fault Tolerance
el Lauer1, Matthieu Amy, Jean-Charles Fabre2, Matthieu Roy, William Excoffon
and Miruna Stoicescu3
LAAS-CNRS, Universit´
e de Toulouse, CNRS, 1UPS, 2INP, Toulouse, France
3EUMETSAT, Darmstadt, Germany
Computer-based systems are now expected to evolve during their service life in order to cope with changes of
various nature, ranging from evolution of user needs, e.g., additional features requested by users, to system
configuration changes, e.g., modifications in available hardware resources. When considering resilient
embedded systems that must comply with stringent dependability requirements, the challenge is even greater,
as evolution must not impair dependability attributes. Maintaining dependability properties when facing
changes is, indeed, the exact definition of resilient computing.
In this paper, we consider the evolution of systems with respect to their dependability mechanisms, and
show how such mechanisms can evolve with the system evolution, in the case of ROS, the Robot Operating
System. We provide a synthesis of the concepts required for resilient computing using a component-based
approach. We particularly emphasize the process and the techniques needed in order to implement an
adaptation layer for fault tolerance mechanisms. In the light of this analysis, we address the implementation
of Adaptive Fault Tolerance (AFT) on ROS (Robot Operating System) in two steps: firstly, we provide
an architecture to implement fault tolerance mechanisms in ROS, and secondly, we describe the actual
adaptation of fault tolerance mechanisms in ROS. Beyond the implementation details given in the paper, we
draw the lessons learned from this work and discuss the limits of this run-time support to implement AFT
features in embedded systems.
Copyright c
2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Received ...
KEY WORDS: Adaptive fault tolerance; ROS; Resilience
Evolution during service life is very frequent in many systems nowadays, including dependable
systems. Such an evolution leads to modifications of the system software and hardware
configuration. A challenge for the dependability community is to develop systems that remain
dependable when facing changes (new threats, change in failures modes, application updates). The
persistence of dependability when facing changes —defining the resilience of the system [1]—
encompasses several aspects, among which evolvability is a key concept. Handling evolution
involves new development processes, such as agile development methods, but also run-time supports
that enable modifications at run-time.
At run-time, dependability relies on fault-tolerant computing, i.e., a collection of Fault Tolerance
Mechanisms (FTMs) attached to the application according to its criticality level . In this context,
Correspondence to: LAAS-CNRS 7, avenue du Colonel Roche BP 54200, 31031 Toulouse cedex 4, France
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2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Prepared using smrauth.cls [Version: 2012/07/12 v2.10]
one of the key challenges of resilient computing is the capacity to adapt the FTMs attached to an
application during its operational life.
In resilient systems, faults lead to failure modes that may violate dependability properties. The
role of the safety analysis (e.g., using FTA, Fault Tree Analysis, or FMECA, Failure Modes, Effects
and Criticality Analysis) is to identify the failure mode, the fault model and then define the safety
mechanisms to prevent the violation of safety properties. Such safety mechanisms rely on basic
error detection and recovery mechanisms, namely fault tolerance techniques, that are based on Fault
Tolerance Design Patterns (FTDP) that can be combined together.
During the operational life of the system, several situations may occur. For example, new
threats may lead to revise the fault model (electromagnetic perturbations, obsolescence of hardware
components, software aging, etc.). A revision of the fault model has of course an impact on the
fault tolerance mechanisms. In other words, the validity of the fault tolerance mechanisms or the
safety mechanisms depends on the representativeness of the fault model. In a certain sense, a bad
identification of the fault model may lead first, to pay for useless mechanisms in normal operation
and, second to observe a very low coverage of erroneous situations. This has an obvious side effect
on the dependability measures (reliability, dependability). A change in the definition of the fault
model often implies a change in the fault tolerance mechanisms.
Beyond the fault model, there are other sources of changes. Resources changes may also impair
some safety mechanisms that rely on hardware resources. A typical example is the loss of processing
units, but simply a loss in network bandwidth may invalidate some fault tolerance mechanisms from
a timing viewpoint.
Application changes are more and more frequent during the operational lifetime of a system.
This is obvious for conventional applications (e.g., mobile phones) but it is becoming also needed
for more critical embedded systems. Today, it is the case for long living systems like space
or avionics systems, but also in the automotive domain, not only for maintenance purposes but
also for commercial reasons. The notion of versioning (updates) or the loading of additional
features (upgrades) may lead to change the assumptions on top of which the implementation
of FT mechanisms rely. Such change implies revisiting the FMECA spreadsheets but also the
implementation of the FT mechanisms. Some FT mechanisms rely on strong assumptions on the
lower level behavior, and the importance of assumptions coverage [2] is known for decades in the
dependability community. Whatever the system’s evolution during its whole lifetime, the safety
mechanisms must remain consistent with all assumptions and operational conditions in terms of
fault model, resources availability and application characteristics. Thus, the FT mechanisms must
be adapted accordingly, leading to the notion of Adaptive Fault Tolerance (AFT).
Contributions: This work provides the following three contributions: i)we describe a concise
synthesis of concepts required by any Adaptive Fault Tolerant system. This synthesis is oriented to
derive the required support from the underlying operating system or middle-ware, ii)we propose
an architectural model to implement generic and composable FT mechanisms on ROS, in a way
that their integration is transparent to application, a prerequisite to their dynamic adaptation iii)we
analyze in details to what extent the adaptation at run-time of FT mechanisms in ROS is feasible,
and discuss the cost involved by this adaptation.
In a first part, we summarize our approach to implement Adaptive Fault Tolerance, enabling
partial updates of FTMs to be carried out on-line. We take advantage of Component Based
Software Engineering technologies for implementing the adaptation of fault tolerance mechanisms.
The minimal run-time support for implementing adaptive fault tolerance must provide one-to-one
mapping of components to run-time units, segregation between components, and dynamic binding
between components.
In the second part, we analyze to what extent AFT can be implemented on ROS. ROS is presently
used in many applications (robotics applications, automotive applications like ADAS Advanced
Driver Assistance Systems, or military applications). We show how ideal components can be mapped
to ROS components and give implementation details of adaptive composable FTM at run-time.
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2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2012)
Prepared using smrauth.cls DOI: 10.1002/smr
We finally draw the lessons learned from our first experiments that rely on a small case study to
identify the limits of ROS as a run-time support for Adaptive Fault Tolerance. We discuss the limits
of the exercise and identify some promising directions for future work.
In Section 2we describe the motivations and the problem statement. We give in Section 3our
definition and understanding of resilient computing. Our Component-Based Software Engineering
(CBSE) approach for adaptive fault tolerance is summarized in Section 4. A full account of this
approach can be found in [3]. The mapping of this approach to ROS is described in Section 5and in
Section 6, with the latter focusing on dynamic adaptation. The lessons learned are given in Section 7
before concluding.
The need for Adaptive Fault Tolerance (AFT) rising from the dynamically changing fault tolerance
requirements and from the inefficiency of allocating a fixed amount of resources to FTMs throughout
the service life of a system was stated in [4]. AFT is gaining more importance with the increasing
concern for lowering the amount of energy consumed by cyber-physical systems and the amount
of heat they generate [5]. For Dependable systems that cannot be stopped for performing off-line
adaptation, on-line adaptation of Fault Tolerance Mechanisms (FTMs) has attracted research efforts
for some time now. However, most of the solutions [6,7,8] tackle adaptation in a preprogrammed
manner: all FTMs necessary during the service life of the system must be known and deployed from
the beginning and adaptation consists in choosing the appropriate execution branch or tuning some
parameters, e.g., the number of replicas or the interval between state checkpoints. Nevertheless,
predicting all events and threats that a system may encounter throughout its service life and making
provisions for them is impossible. The use of FTMs in real operational conditions may lead to slight
updates or unanticipated upgrades, e.g., compositions of FTMs that can tolerate a more complex
fault model than initially expected. This explains why static system configurations with all possible
FTMs and all possible combinations (FTMs composition) are not tractable. A form of differential
FTM updates is proposed in this work to tackle unanticipated dependable systems evolution.
In both aeronautical and automotive systems, the ability to perform remote changes for different
purposes is essential: maintenance but also updates and upgrades of big embedded applications.
The remote changes should be partial as it is unrealistic to reload completely a processing unit
for small updates. This idea is recently promoted by some car manufacturers like Renault, BMW
but also TESLA Motors in the USA stating in its website Model S regularly receives over-the-air
software updates that add new features and functionality”. It is important to mention that performing
remote changes will become very important for economic reasons, for instance selling options a
posteriori since most of the evolution in the next future will rely on software for the same hardware
configuration (sensors and actuators).
Evolvability has long been a prerogative of the application business logic. A rich body of research
exists in the field of software engineering consisting of concepts, tools, methodologies and best
practices for designing and developing adaptive software [8]. Consequently, our approach for
Adaptive Fault Tolerance leverages advancements in this field such as Component-Based Software
Engineering [9], Service Component Architecture [10], and Aspect-Oriented Programming [11].
Functional and configuration changes may have a strong impact on dependability, and fault
tolerance mechanisms must be updated to remain efficient in the presence of faults.
To this aim, our basic idea is the following. Fault Tolerance or Safety Mechanisms are developed
as a composition of elementary mechanisms, e.g., basic design patterns for fault tolerant computing.
Using such concepts and technologies, we design FTMs as Lego-like brick-based assemblies that
can be methodically modified at run-time through fine-grained changes affecting a limited number
of bricks. This is the basic idea of our approach that maximizes reuse and flexibility, contrary to
monolithic replacements of FTMs found in related work, e.g. [6,7,8] .
However, most of software run-time supports used in embedded systems today do not rely
on dynamic CBSE concepts. AUTOSAR, for instance, relies on very static system engineering
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2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2012)
Prepared using smrauth.cls DOI: 10.1002/smr
concepts and does not provide today much flexibility [12]. A new approach enabling remote updates
to be carried out, including for safety mechanisms, is required. To the best of our knowledge,
componentization and dynamic configuration of fault tolerance mechanisms has not been addressed
in previous works.
ROS seems an appealing candidate for the dynamic composition of safety mechanisms. ROS is
described as: [...] an open-source, meta-operating system for your robot. It provides the services
you would expect from an operating system, including hardware abstraction, low-level device
control, implementation of commonly used functionality, message-passing between processes, and
package management. It also provides tools and libraries for obtaining, building, writing, and
running code across multiple computers. ROS can be viewed as a middle-ware running on top
of a Unix-based operating system (typically Linux). ROS is used in robotics applications (e.g.,
Robonaut 2 from NASA within the International Space Station) but also in other industry sectors,
the automotive industry for instance. This open-source middle-ware provides a weak component
approach and means to dynamically manipulate the system configuration.
3.1. Basic principles and definitions
A resilient system architecture is similar to a conventional dependable system architecture, but
exhibits additional services, like an Adaptation Engine and a Monitoring Engine. Due to some
changes in operation, an FTM may have to evolve and its development is carried out off-line. The
Adaptation Engine objective is to update the implementation of the FTM on-line with necessary
and sufficient only modifications to make it adequate. The Monitoring Engine controls that the
running FTMs are consistent with their assumptions according to system state observation. Any
inconsistency detected must trigger an adaptation of the FTM. Monitoring issues are out of the
scope of the work reported in this paper.
In our framework, an application component Cis attached (bounded) to an FTM (possibly a
composition of several FTMs) following the well-known Separation of Concerns (SoC) principle.
The Adaptation Engine is thus responsible for the management of the dynamic link between C
and FTM, but also between components within a composite FTM component. It keeps track of
components assemblies for both the application and the FTM.
Fault Tolerance Design Patterns represent solutions to a given fault tolerant computing problem.
In Figure 1we show an extract of FTDP classification with respect to fault models (F) and
application characteristics (A). The fault model F has to be considered in a first place, distinguishing
hardware and software faults here. Regarding hardware faults, patterns can deal with crash faults,
permanent and transient value faults. In a second step, we refine the selected pattern, a duplex
strategy for our example in Figure 1, with application characteristics regarding determinism and
state issues. Determinism of execution implies that identical input values lead to identical output
results, a key point for active replication. State, if any, also involves the capability to capture the
state, which is required for passive and checkpointing-based applications.
A Fault Tolerance Mechanism (FTM) is then an implementation of a selected pattern. This
classification is obviously very incomplete, but its merit is to show how to select a given FTM.
We rely on such criteria, more precisely assumptions, to illustrate adaptive fault tolerant computing.
In the remainder of this paper, we will consider FTMs dealing with hardware faults only
(permanent or transient). We recognize that software faults are more difficult to handle, both for
detection and recovery, and mainly depend on application semantics. In our case, FTM handling
hardware faults are sufficient to perform our analysis targeting ROS as a run-time support for
adaptive fault tolerant computing.
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2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2012)
Prepared using smrauth.cls DOI: 10.1002/smr
3.2. FTM Selection Criteria
As soon as the fault model is determined, then several solutions can be investigated depending on the
application characteristics that have an impact on the implementation and the validity of the FTM.
Depending on determinism and state issues, one implementation of the FTDP is chosen, leading thus
to a concrete FTM. The resource aspect comes last. Any FTM needs resources to execute. Among
the several FTMs that satisfy F and A assumptions, the selection can be based on local or system
wide criteria. An FTM can be chosen because it requires the smallest set of resources among the
valid FTMs candidates, or a more complex algorithm can be run to check if more resources can be
granted to an FTM in order to improve some other criteria like response time in normal operation,
recovery time, etc.
Fault Tolerance
Fault model (F) !
value fault
value fault
OS layer
HW faults SW faults
No state
No generic
Application characteristics (A)!
Figure 1. Extract of FTDP classification
The fault model can obviously be very much extended with more detailed types of faults including
undesirable events identified in safety analysis. The mechanisms are identified according to the fault
model, but their implementation depends very much on the application characteristics. The example
given here shows the implication of state and determinism in the selection of a given implementation
of duplex strategy. An extended definition of the fault model, including accidental physical faults
both permanent and transient, programming faults, application undesirable events considered in
safety analysis, may lead to the composition of several FTM. This issue is considered in this paper
and illustrated in Section 5.
The next Section focuses on describing the basic concepts that underly an adaptive fault tolerant
In this Section, we synthesize the essential concepts to address the problem of Adaptive Fault
Tolerant computing. The extensive discussion is out of the scope of this paper and can be found
in [3,13,14,15].
4.1. Basic concepts of AFT
Three software development concepts are, in our view, essential for adaptive fault tolerance [13,14]:
Separation of Concerns: this concept is now well known, it implies a clear separation between
the functional code, i.e. the application, and the non-functional code, i.e. the fault tolerance
Copyright c
2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2012)
Prepared using smrauth.cls DOI: 10.1002/smr
mechanisms in our case. The connection between the application code and the FTM must be
clearly defined as specific connections. This means that the FTMs can be disconnected and
replaced by a new one provided the connectors remains the same.
Componentization: this concept means that any software components can be decomposed into
smaller components. Each component exhibits interfaces (services provided) and receptacles
(services required). This means that any FTMs can be decomposed into smaller pieces, and
conversely that an FTM is the aggregation of smaller ones. The ability to manipulate the
binding between components (off-line but also on-line) is of high interest for AFT.
Design for adaptation: the adaptation of software systems implies that i)the software
itself has been analyzed with adaptation in mind for later evolution using componentization
(although all situations cannot be anticipated), and ii)software systems have been designed
to simplify adaptation including from a programming viewpoint (e.g., using object-oriented,
aspect-oriented programming concepts).
Such basic concepts have been established and validated through various steps of analysis of fault
tolerance design patterns and after several design and implementation loops, as discussed in [3].
The main benefits of AFT with respect to pre-programmed adaptation is that it provides means
to define and update dependability mechanisms later during the lifetime of the system. Pre-
programmed adaptation implies that all possible undesirable situations are defined at design time,
which is difficult to anticipate regarding new threats (attacks), new failure modes (obsolescence of
components), or simply adverse situations that have been ignored or forgotten during the safety
analysis. In short, fine grain adaptation of FTMs improves maintainability of the system from a
non-functional viewpoint.
4.2. Change Model
The choice of an appropriate fault tolerance mechanism (FTM) for a given application depends
on the values of several parameters. We consider three classes of parameters: i)fault tolerance
requirements (F); ii)application characteristics (A); iii)available resources (R). We denote (F, A,
R) as change model. At any point in time, the FTM(s) attached to an application component must
be consistent with the current values of (F, A, R).
The three classes of parameters enable to discriminate FTMs. Among fault tolerance requirements
F, we focus, for the time being, on the fault model that must be tolerated. Our fault model
classification is based on well-known types [2], e.g., crash faults, value faults, development faults.
In this work, we focus on hardware faults but the approach is perfectly reproducible for FTMs that
target development faults.
The application characteristics A that we identified as having an impact on the choice of an FTM
is: application statefulness, state accessibility and determinism. We consider the FTMs are attached
to a black-box application. This means there is no possibility to interfere with its internals, for
tackling non-determinism, for instance, in case an FTM only works for deterministic applications.
Resources R play an important part and represent the last step in the selection process. FTMs require
resources such as bandwidth, CPU, battery life/energy. In case more than one solution exists, given
the values of the parameters F and A, the resource criterion can invalidate some of the solutions. A
cost function can be associated to each solution, based on R.
Any parameter variation during the service life of the system may invalidate the initial FTM, thus
requiring a transition towards a new one. Transitions may be triggered by new threats, resource loss
or the introduction of a new application version that changes the initial application characteristics.
A particularly interesting adaptation trigger is the fault model change. Incomplete or misunderstood
initial fault tolerance requirements, environmental threats such as electromagnetic interference or
hardware aging may change the initial model to a more complex one.
4.3. FT Design Patterns and Assumptions
To illustrate our approach, we consider some fault tolerance design patterns and briefly discuss their
underlying assumptions and resource needs (a full coverage of this point can be found in [15]).
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2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2012)
Prepared using smrauth.cls DOI: 10.1002/smr
Any change that invalidates an assumption or implies an unacceptable resource change calls for an
update of the FTMs.
Duplex protocols tolerate crash faults using passive (e.g., Primary-Backup Replication denoted
PBR), or active replication strategies (e.g., Leader-Follower Replication denoted LFR). In this case,
each replica is considered as a self-checking component, the error detection coverage is perfect. The
fault model includes hardware faults or random operating system faults (no common mode faults).
At least 2 independent processing units are necessary to run this FTM.
Two design patterns tolerating transient value faults are briefly discussed here. Time Redundancy
(TR) tolerates transient physical faults or random run-time support faults using repetition of the
computation and voting. This is a way to improve the self-checking nature of a replica, but it
introduces a timing overhead.
Assertion & Duplex (A&D) tolerates both transient and permanent faults. It’s a combination of a
duplex strategy with the verification using assertions of safety properties that could be violated by
a value fault or by a random run-time support error. Such assertions can be user-defined and used
to parameterize the FTM. In a certain sense it is a hybrid mechanism, since its overall behavior
is customized by application-dependent assertions. Other mechanisms fall in this category, like
Recovery Blocks and N-Version programming.Adjudicators and multiple Versions are examples
of user-defined software blocks used in these generic fault tolerance design patterns.
In the work reported in this paper, we use simple implementations of a sub-set of FTMs (see
Table I). More complex implementations have been proposed in other works, as described in [16].
Assumptions / FTM PBR LFR TR A&D
Fault Model (F) Crash
Application Characteristics (A) Deterministic ()
State Access ()
Resources (R) Bandwidth high low nil (TDB)
# CPU 2 2 1 2
Table I. Assumptions and fault tolerance design patterns characteristics
The underlying characteristics of the considered FTMs, in terms of (F, A, R), are shown in Table I.
For instance, PBR and LFR tolerate the same fault model, but have different A assumptions and R
needs. PBR allows non-determinism of applications execution because only the Primary computes
client requests while LFR only works for deterministic applications as both replicas compute all
requests. LFR could tackle non-determinism if the application was not considered a black-box, as in
our approach. PBR requires state access for checkpoints and higher network bandwidth (in general),
while LFR does not require state access but generally incurs higher CPU costs (and, consequently,
higher energy consumption) as both replicas perform all computations.
During the service life of the system, the values of the parameters enumerated in Figure 1can
change. An application can become non-deterministic because a new version is installed. The fault
model can become more complex, e.g., from crash-only it can become crash and value fault due
to hardware aging or physical perturbations. Available resources can also vary, e.g., bandwidth
drop or constraints in energy consumption. For instance, the PBRLFR transition is triggered by
a change in application characteristics (e.g., inability to access application state) or in resources
(bandwidth drop), while the PBRA&D transition is triggered by a change in the considered fault
model (e.g., safety property verification). Transitions can occur in both directions, according to
parameter variation.
The priority is the fault model, the selection of the solution (i.e., the composition of several
FTMs) depending on the application characteristics and the available resources. The final objective
is always to comply with the dependability properties during the service lifetime.
Copyright c
2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2012)
Prepared using smrauth.cls DOI: 10.1002/smr
4.4. Design for adaptation of FTMs
Our design for adaptation aims at producing reusable elementary components that can be combined
to implement a given fault tolerance or safety mechanism. Any FTM follows the generic Before-
Proceed-After meta-model. Many FTMs can be mapped and combined using this model, as shown
in Table II.
FTM Before Proceed After
PBR primary Compute Checkpointing
backup State update
LFR leader Forward request Compute Notify
follower Handle request Compute Handle Notification
TR Save/Restore state Compute Compare
A&D Before Compute Assert
Table II. Generic execution scheme for FT design patterns
Composition implies nesting the Before-Proceed-After meta-model. This approach improves
flexibility, reusability, composability and reduces development time. Updates are minimized since
just few components have to be changed.
4.5. Run-time support
The software run-time support must provide key features to manipulate the component graph. Any
application or an FTM is perceived as a graph of components. From previous experiments reported
in [13], the following primitives are required.
Dynamic creation, deletion of components;
Suspension, activation of components;
Control over interactions between components for the creation and the removal of connections
Our first implementation was done on a reflective component-based middle-ware, FRAS-
CATI [17], which features a scripting language to manipulate the component graph, FScript [18].
In the following section, we describe how fault tolerance mechanisms can be implemented in
ROS [19] in a way that is transparent to applications. Then, in Section 6, we implement the above-
described concepts in ROS.
Said it concisely, ROS has not been designed to run safety critical systems, despite the fact that
robots may be safety critical. Rather, the main goal of ROS is to allow the design of modular
applications: a ROS application is a collection of programs, called nodes, interacting only through
message passing. Developing an application in ROS involves describing an assembly of nodes, a
process that is in line with the component-based architecture we described in the previous section.
Such an assembly is referred to as the computation graph of the application.
5.1. Component model and reconfiguration
Two communication models are available in ROS: a publisher/subscriber model and a client/server
one. The publisher/subscriber model defines one-way, many-to-many, and asynchronous
communications through the concept of topics. When a node publishes a message on a topic, it
is delivered to every node that has subscribed to this topic. A publisher is not aware of the list
of subscribers to its topics and does not know other publishers. The client/server model defines
bidirectional transactions (one request/one reply) implemented as synchronous communications
Copyright c
2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2012)
Prepared using smrauth.cls DOI: 10.1002/smr
through the concept of service. A node providing a service is not aware of the client nodes that may
use its service. These high-level communication models ease the addition, substitution, or deletion
of nodes in a transparent manner, be it offline or online.
To provide this level of abstraction, each ROS application has to include a special node called
the ROS Master. It provides registration and lookup services to the other nodes. All nodes register
services and topics to the ROS Master. The master is the sole node that has a comprehensive view of
the computation graph. When another node issues a service call, it queries the master for the address
of the node providing the service, and then sends its request to this address.
In order to be able to add fault tolerance mechanisms to an existing ROS application in the most
transparent manner, we need to implement interceptors. An interceptor provides a means to insert
a functionality, such as a monitoring node, in the invocation path between two ROS nodes. To this
end, a relevant ROS feature is its remapping capability. At launch time, it is possible to reconfigure
the name of any service or topic used by a node. Thus, requests and replies between nodes can be
rerouted to interceptor nodes.
5.2. Implementing a componentized FT design pattern
In this section, we first present the generic computation graph we use for FTMs on ROS ; then the
full implementation on ROS of a duplex FT design pattern, a Primary Backup Replication (PBR)
combined with a Time-Redundancy (TR) design pattern is developed.
5.2.1. Generic Computation Graph We have identified a generic pattern for the computation graph
of a FTM. Figure 2shows its application in the context of ROS. Node Client uses a service provided
by Server. The FTM computation graph is inserted between the two thanks to the ROS remapping
feature. Since Client and Server must be re-launched for the remapping to take effect, the insertion
is done offline.
Adaptive Fault-Tolerance: from a Component-Based
Approach to ROS
Michael Shell
School of Electrical and
Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Atlanta, Georgia 30332–0250
Homer Simpson
Twentieth Century Fox
Springfield, USA
James Kirk
and Montgomery Scott
Starfleet Academy
San Francisco, California 96678-2391
Telephone: (800) 555–1212
Fax: (888) 555–1212
Abstract—The abstract goes here.
A. Introduction to ROS
ROS can be viewed as a middleware running on top of
a Unix-based operating system (typically Linux). The main
goal of ROS is to allow the design of modular applications :
a ROS application is a collection of programs, called nodes,
interacting only through message passing. Developing an ap-
plication involve the assembly of nodes, which is akin to
component-based approaches. Such an assembly is referred to
as the computation graph of the application.
B. Component model and reconfiguration
Two communication models are available in ROS: a pub-
lisher/subscriber model and a client/server one. The pub-
lisher/subscriber model defines one-way, many-to-many, asyn-
chronous communications through the concept of topic. When
a node publishes a message on a topic, it is delivered to every
nodes subscribing to this topic. Note that a publisher is not
aware of the subscriber to its topic nor the other publishers.
The client/server model defines bidirectional transaction (one
request/one reply) synchronous communications through the
concept of service. A node providing a service is not aware
of the client nodes that may use its service. These high-level
communication models allows to add, replace or delete nodes
in a transparent manner, either offline or online.
To provide this level of abstraction, each ROS application
includes a special node called the ROS Master. It provides
registration and lookup services to the other nodes. All nodes
register there services and topics to the ROS master. It is the
only node which has a comprehensive view of the computation
graph. When a node issues a service call, it queries the master
for the address of the node providing the service and then it
sends its request to this address.
In order to be able to add fault-tolerance mechanisms to
an existing ROS application in the most transparent manner,
we need to implement interceptors. An interceptor provides
a means to insert functionality, such as safety or monitoring
nodes, into the invocation path between two ROS nodes. To
this end, a relevant ROS feature is its remapping capability.
At launch time, it is possible to reconfigure the name of any
clt2pxy prd2srv
pro2pxy service
Fig. 1. Generic computation graph for FTM
services or topics used by a node. Thus, requests and replies
between nodes can be rerouted easily to interceptor nodes.
C. Implementing a componentized FT design pattern
1) Generic Computation Graph: We identified a generic
pattern for the computation graph of a FTM. Figure 1 shows
its application in the context of ROS. Node Client uses a
service provided by Server. The FTM computation graph is
inserted between the two thanks to the ROS remapping feature.
The FTM nodes, topics, and services are generic for every
FTM discussed in section II. Implementing a FTM consist
in specializing the before,proceed, and after nodes with its
corresponding behavior (see table X).
We illustrate the approach, through a Primary-Backup
Replication (PBR) mechanism added to the Client/Server
application in order to tolerate a crash fault of the Server.
Figure 2 shows the architecture. Three machines are involved
: the CLIENT which is also hosting the ROS master, the
MASTER hosting the primary replica and the SLAVE hosting
the backup replica. For the sake of clarity, the symmetric
topics and services between MASTER and SLAVE are not
represented. Elements of the slave are suffixed with S”
We present the behavior of each nodes, the topics/services
used through a request/reply exchange between a node Client
and node Server.
Client sends a request to Proxy (service clt2pxy);
Figure 2. Generic computation graph for FTM
The FTM nodes, topics, and services are generic for every FTM discussed in section II.
Implementing a FTM consists in specializing the Before,Proceed, and After nodes with the adequate
behavior in the FTM.
5.2.2. Implementing PBR We illustrate the approach, through a Primary-Backup Replication (PBR)
mechanism added to a Client/Server application in order to tolerate a crash fault of the Server.
Figure 3presents the associated architecture. Three machines are involved: the CLIENT site, which
is hosting the Client node and the ROS Master, the MASTER site hosting the primary replica and
the SLAVE site hosting the backup replica. For the sake of clarity, the symmetric topics and services
between MASTER and SLAVE are not represented. Elements of the SLAVE are suffixed with S”.
We present the behavior of each node, and the topics and services used through a request/reply
exchange between a node Client and node Server (see Figure 3):
Client sends a request to Proxy (service clt2pxy);
Proxy adds an identifier to the request and transfers it to Protocol (topics pxy2pro);
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10 M. LAUER & AL.
Protocol checks whether it is a duplicate request: if so, it sends directly the stored reply to
Proxy (topics pro2pxy). Otherwise, it sends the request to Before (service pro2bfr);
Before transfers the request for processing to Proceed (topics bfr2prd); no action is associated
in the PBR case, but for other duplex protocol, Before may synchronize with the other replicas;
Proceed calls the actual service provided by Server (service prd2srv) and forwards the result
to After (topics prd2aft);
After gets the last result from Proceed, captures Server state by calling the state management
service provided by the Server (service aft2srv), and builds a checkpoint based on this
information which it sends to node After S of the other replica (topics aft2aft S);
Protocol gets the result (topics aft2pro) and sends it to Proxy (topics pro2pxy);
On the backup replica, After S transfers the last result to its protocol node Proto S (topics
aft2pr S) and sets the state of its server to match the primary.
In parallel with request processing, the node crash detector on the MASTER (noted CD)
periodically gives a proof of life to the crash detector (CD S) on the SLAVE to assert its
liveliness (topics CD2CD S). If a crash is detected, then the crash detector of the slave notifies
the recovery node (topics CD S2rcy). This node has two purposes: (i) in order to enforce the fail-
silent assumption, it must ensure that every node of the MASTER are removed; (ii) it switches the
binding between the Client Proxy and the MASTER Protocol to the SLAVE Protocol. Thus, the
SLAVE will receive the Client’s requests and will act as the Primary, changing its operating mode.
clt2pxy prd2srv
pro2pxy aft2srv
Figure 3. Computation graph of a PBR mechanism
ROS does not provide a command to change bindings between nodes after their initialization.
The node developer must implement the transition logic. The SLAVE Protocol spins waiting for a
notification from Recovery (topic rcy2pro S). This is done using the ROS API: background threads,
within a node, check for messages independently of the nodes main functionality. Upon reception
of this topic, the SLAVE Protocol subscribes to topic pxy2pro and publishes to topic pro2pxy. After
this transition, the proxy forwards the Clients requests to the SLAVE Protocol.
5.2.3. Impact on existing application From the designer viewpoint, there are two changes required
to integrate a FTM computation graph to its application. First, Client will have to be remapped
offline to call the proxy nodes service instead of directly the Server. Second, state management
services, to get and set the state of the node, must be integrated to the Server. From an object-
oriented viewpoint any server inherits from an abstract class stateManager providing two virtual
methods, getState and setState, overridden during the server development.
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2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2012)
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5.3. Composition of FT mechanisms
The generic computation graph for FTM is designed for composability. In this section, the
composition scenario is two-fold. We first illustrate the composition of two FTMs, PBR for crash
faults and TR for transient value faults. Initially the application was installed with PBR. From an
operational standpoint, at a given point in time, transient faults impacting numerical calculations
appeared due to hardware components aging or sudden increase of environmental radiations. In a
second step, later on, we consider that the communication channel between client and server can
be the target for intrusions. Cryptographic protocols, based for instance on a simple Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI), can be used to cipher communications and add cryptographic signatures.
With respect to request processing, a Protocol node and a Proceed node present the same
interfaces: a request as input, a reply as output. Hence, a way to compose mechanisms is to substitute
the Proceed node of a mechanism by a Protocol and its associated Before/Proceed/After nodes, as
shown in Figure 4. Our approach enables developing a new mechanism on the foundation of several
existing ones. This improves the development time and the assurance in the overall system, since all
mechanisms have been validated off-line by test and fault injection techniques.
Figure 4. Principle of composition for FT mechanisms
5.3.1. Composition of PBR and TR The composition of PBR with TR can be triggered by a change
in the fault model F. Lets suppose that, at a given point in time during the system lifetime, transient
faults need to be tolerated because of hardware aging or due to some changes in the run-time
environment, like electromagnetic perturbations.
The architecture of the composite FTM made of PBR and TR is given in Figure 5. This figure is
an extension of Figure 3where the Proceed node of the PBR has been replaced with the Protocol
node of the TR implementation.
5.3.2. Composing FTMs with Cryptographic protocols Suppose now that some passive attacks are
considered in the fault model F, requiring thus the inclusion of some ciphering mechanisms, in
addition to the crash and transient fault tolerance mechanisms. The generic computation graph
presented in Figure 2enables cryptographic protocols to be seamlessly added to an application,
already equipped with accidental fault tolerance mechanisms, PBR and TR in our example. The
cryptographic mechanism (called SEC for security) is located at both the client (SEC C) and the
server side (SEC S) as shown in Figure 6. On the server side, SEC operates before PBR and TR.
In this example, we only deal with possible intrusions between the client and the server.
We assume that a node implements the Certification Authority (CA). Three topics are used to
communicate with the CA, namely Cli2CA for the Client,Master2CA for the Master and Slave2CA
for the Slave. The topic Cli2CA enables the Before node of the Client to collect the certificate of the
Server. Similarly, the topic Master2CA and Slave2CA enable Before of the Master, respectively the
Slave, to collect the certificate of the Client. We assume that all parties know CA’s public key. We
assume that, for each participant, Client or Server,Before and After of the SEC mechanism share
the pair of private and public keys they received when initialized.
Before of the Client can cipher the request with KS
pub, the Server’s public key, and adds a
signature, using KC
priv the Client’s private key;
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12 M. LAUER & AL.
Figure 5. Composition of PBR and TR mechanisms on ROS
Figure 6. Principle of composition of SEC with other FT mechanisms
Using the generic scheme given in Figure 6, a message is sent by the client to the server
side through a new topic (called Client 2 Server) connecting Before of SEC C to Protocol of
Before of the Master deciphers the request with KS
priv, the Server’s private key, and checks the
signature, using KC
pub, the Client’s public key;
The Server can then proceed with a valid deciphered request through PBR and TR.
Conversely, After of the Master ciphers the reply and computes a signature. After of the Client
deciphers the reply, checks the signature, and finally delivers the reply to the Client.
The communication between Master and Slave can also be secured using a similar security
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2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2012)
Prepared using smrauth.cls DOI: 10.1002/smr
6.1. FTM Adaptation principles and ROS
Dynamic adaptation requires remote loading and removal of individual elements of a software
component architecture, and dynamic binding facilities to reorganize a graph of components. It
also requires control features to suspend and activate individual components. To what extent ROS
provides such features to safely adapt an FTM at runtime?
We have considered three types of adaptations : i)updating the current FTM, for instance
updating the inter-replica synchronization protocol, ii)switching from one FTM to another because
some dramatic change occurred in the fault model, or because an application update leads to new
application characteristics, and iii)composing two FTM, for instance because the fault model has
been extended to consider other types of faults.
We recall that the design, development, and validation of a new FTM configuration is performed
off-line. The first type of adaptation implies a revision of the design or the implementation of the
FTM. The other two are used to comply with parameters evolution (F, A or R). In all cases, the
same features are required. Some are provided by ROS or by the underlying OS and some have
been developed in-house.
A set of minimal API required to guarantee the consistency of the transition between two different
FTMs has been established in previous work [13]:
Control over components life cycle at runtime (add, remove, start, stop).
Control over interactions between components at runtime, for creating or removing bindings.
Furthermore, ensuring consistency before, during and after reconfiguration, requires that no
requests or replies are lost:
Components have to be stopped in a quiescent state, i.e. when all internal processing has
Incoming requests on stopped components must be buffered.
ROS provides means to add and remove nodes, to buffer messages, and to control binding when
a node is launched (using ROS remapping capability as presented in section 5). There is no ROS
command to start or stop a node. Also ROS does not provide API to control the bindings of a node
at runtime.
However, the good news is that these APIs can be emulated with dedicated logic added to some
nodes. For instance, this is what we use to control the bindings in the Primary-Backup Replication
to switch to the Backup when the primary fails.
To analyse to what extend run-time adaptation is possible with ROS, we need to describe in more
details how topics work. Topics are the central concept in the publish/subscribe communication
model used in ROS. A Topic is defined by:
Aname: ports are connected through a named Topic.
Sending ports: used by publishers to send messages.
Receiving ports: used by subscribers to receive messages.
Adata type: a unique data type is assigned to a topic for messages.
In ROS, when a node wants to publish or subscribe to a topic, it uses methods provided by the
NodeHandle. The NodeHandle is an object instantiated in each ROS node and serves as the main
interface to interact with the ROS master from within a node. The NodeHandle manages the start
and the shutdown of the node. It also manages the instantiation of the sending and receiving ports.
Creating a publisher or a subscriber is done in the following manner:
The NodeHandle instantiation:
ros::NodeHandle nh
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14 M. LAUER & AL.
Publisher instantiation:
ros::Publisher pub =
nh.advertise<Data_type>("topic_name", queue_size)
Subscriber instantiation:
ros::Subscriber sub =
nh.subscribe("topic_name", queue_size, callback_function)
Publishers and Subscribers are ROS objects. The callback function is triggered by the reception
of a message and includes the data type as an argument.
ROS allows to remap the names of Topics a node uses, by substituting the name of the Topics
hard coded in the node by new names provided as parameters of the command launching the node.
Therefore, when a new node is launched, we are able to reconfigure the Topics of this node to
communicate through any Topic matching the data type of its initial topic. Remapping arguments
can be passed to any node and use the syntax topic_name:=newname. For example, a Protocol
node which subscribed to a Topic named ”pxy2pro” can be remapped at initialization to subscribe
to an existing Topic ”bfr2prd” by using two methods:
either using an XML script:
<node pkg="package name" type="node type" name="node name">
<remap from="initial topic name" to="final topic name"/>
or, with the user command line:
rosrun package node initialTopicName:=finalTopicName
With this ROS features we can launch and link nodes to the graph of component so we can adapt or
compose FTMs.
We illustrate adaptation through a composition example. Our FTMs architecture is designed for
composability. With respect to request processing, a Protocol node and a Proceed node present the
same interfaces: a request as input, a reply as output. Hence, a way to compose mechanisms is to
substitute the Proceed node of a mechanism by a Protocol and its associated Before/Proceed/After
nodes, as shown in Fig. 2and Fig. 6.
Since ROS does not provide services to manipulate a component graph at runtime, we have
developed an Adaptation Engine node. Its purpose is to run a script controlling the adaptation of
an FTM. For instance, the composition of a PBR with a TR mechanism goes through the following
The Primary Protocol is suspended using the Unix signal SIGSTOP;
The Proceed node is killed using a ROS command:
rosnode kill Primary/Proceed
The TR nodes (Protocol-B-P-A) are launched (on each replicas) using a script in XML and a
ROS command: roslaunch TR TR.launch;
The TR Protocol links itself to the PBR Before topic and the PBR After one using the Topic
names parameters provided in the TR.launch script;
The Primary Protocol is restarted using the Unix signal SIGCONT.
Note that ROS ensures that messages are not lost during adaptation. A publisher node buffers
all on-going messages until all its subscriber nodes read them. Thus stopping a node is safe with
respect to communication. The other types of adaptation are based on a similar sequence of steps:
suspend, substitute, link, and restart. For an update, only one node may be replaced. For a transition
between two mechanisms only the Before and After nodes need to be changed.
With the above described ROS/Unix features, we are able to compose or adapt our FTMs.
However, we cannot dynamically adapt the communication between two nodes at run-time. The
following section describes how we overcome this limitation.
6.2. Implementing Dynamic Binding on ROS
Dynamic binding is the ability to configure on-line the communications between two nodes. It is an
important feature for AFT in order to manipulate the graph of components. Indeed, we need to be
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2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2012)
Prepared using smrauth.cls DOI: 10.1002/smr
able to manage the nodes but also the communications between them. Thus, the dynamic binding
consists in being able to manage the communication of nodes.
Dynamic binding is crucial to the proposed architecture of FTMs. A good example of dynamic
binding usage is the transfer of the connection linking the Client to the Primary to the Backup
when the Primary crashes (see section 5.2.2 Implementing PBR). We cannot kill and relaunch the
Backup nodes (loss of its internal state) therefore we cannot use the remapping at initialization. The
Topic on which the Client publishes still exists after the crash of the Primary. We need to instantiate
the communication ports of the Backup to communicate on this existing Topic.
We have added to the node a function in order to control the instantiation of the communication
ports. New data types for topics cannot be defined at run-time, however new topics based on pre-
defined data types can be instantiated. For example, we have implemented a service (simplified in
Fig. 7) to activate or deactivate the communication between the Backup and the Client at runtime.
bool r e c o v e r ( R e qu e s t &r eq , R es p o ns e &r e s ) {
/ / d e a c t i v a t i o n o f t he p o r ts
i f ( r e q . a c t i v a t i o n = =0 ){
pub . shutdow n ( ) ;
sub . s hu td own ( ) ;
/ / i n s t a n t i a t i o n o f th e po r ts t o re co nn ec t th e node
e l s e i f ( r e q . a c t i v a t i o n = =1 ){
pub = n h . a d v e r t i s e <Data type >( r e q . t o p i c p u b , r e q . q u e u e s i z e ) ;
s ub = n h . s u b s c r i b e ( r e q . t o p i c s u b , r e q . q u e u e s i z e , c a l l b a c k ) ;
ret urn t ru e
Figure 7. Example of a dynamic binding service
This service is triggered by an external node, in this example the Recovery Node. The input
request must contain multiple parameters such as Topic name, publish or subscribe, activation or
deactivation. We choose to use a service (synchronous message) to have an acknowledgment of the
correct service execution. When the crash of the Primary is detected, the Recovery Node call the
service implemented in the Backup and thus the connection to the Client is dynamically established,
without using remapping at initialization.
In Fig. 7the function recover reinitializes the publisher or the subscriber to manage the
dynamic binding with an external node. The function has two objectives: i)to shutdown a port (this
function will use ROS API pub.shutdown() or sub.shutdown()) and ii)to initialize the
port (this function will use ROS API advertise or subscribe presented in 6.1). In any case,
an external node is mandatory to trigger the function and to pass to the node the various parameters
it needs.
In our example, we chose to use an existing Topic to bind the Client and the Backup. Thanks to
this approach it is possible to create a totally new Topic between them.
In summary our dynamic binding approach enables solving two situations:
1. Activation/shutdown of a Topic in an existing node (switch Primary/Back-Up)
2. The insertion of a node between two communicating ones (insertion of the FTM)
In our prototype, AFT is realized through a combination of ROS features, Unix features, and
some custom services. In particular, a nodes life cycle (stop, start) is controlled directly through
UNIX signals. Dynamic binding is achieved through implementation of custom methods in the
nodes and through external nodes, here the Adaptation Engine or the Recovery node, to orchestrate
the adaptation. In conclusion, even if ROS lacks some essential features, AFT is possible with ROS.
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16 M. LAUER & AL.
The general requirements for an executive support suitable for implementing AFT we have
exhibited in former work relies on the following features: i)control over component’s life cycle
at run-time (add, remove, start, stop), ii)control over interactions at run-time for creating or
removing bindings. In addition to separation of concerns, these features are related to the degree
of observability and control the software platform provides over the component-based architecture
of applications (including FTM) at run-time. Furthermore, to ensure consistency before, during and
after reconfiguration of the component-based software architecture, several issues must be carefully
considered: i)components must be stopped in a quiescent state, i.e., when all internal processing
has finished, ii)incoming requests on stopped component must be buffered.
This specification is our frame of reference to discuss the adequacy of ROS as a run-time support
for AFT.
In our experiments, a component was mapped to a node at run-time providing memory space
segregation. The binding between components relied on topics managed by the ROS Master.
Dynamic binding was possible but ROS does not provide a specific API to manage such connection
between components. As we have seen in the previous section, additional code is required to manage
dynamic bindings, using facilities provided by the underlying Linux operating system.
Control over component’s life cycle:
ROS provides commands to delete and create nodes
Thanks to UNIX commands nodes can be stopped and restarted
Control over interactions at run-time:
ROS enables nodes to connect or disconnect to/from topics
A specific service must be added to all nodes to trigger these connections/disconnections
The topics a node can connect or disconnect to/from is defined at the initialization of the node
ROS enables new topics to be created
Topics store outgoing messages when subscribers are not available
Regarding the features of ROS for implementing AFT, we consider them not entirely satisfactory,
as ROS does not provide dynamic binding between nodes, and the API to control components
lifecycle at run-time is too weak. However, although imperfect, resilient computing using AFT
can be implemented on ROS. Dynamic binding is possible on existing topics by adding some
specific services in the nodes. For new topics, a customized solution was proposed in this work.
ROS provides separation of concerns, since components can be mapped to nodes (Unix processes)
that have their own address space. The model of communication used in ROS is also a benefit to
design and implement resilient distributed application.
It is worth noting that, as soon as some change is identified, the adaptation of the FTM attached to
the application is carried out off-line and by the way validated according to the development process
standard in the domain (automotive/ISO26262, aerospace/DO178C, IEC61508, etc.). The dynamic
adaptation of the mechanisms is a service to avoid complete reload of the system.
Using ROS in a dependable and resilient system is hindered by the fact that the ROS master is a
single point of failure in the architecture. The ROS Master must be operational when installing an
application and during its execution. When the ROS master fails, the whole software architecture
must be restarted. We are currently investigating a replicated implementation of the ROS master
using the DMTCP (Distributed MultiThreaded Checkpointing) library developed at NorthEastern
University Boston [20]. This is however very complex and having multiple ROS masters running
in parallel is currently not possible. For the time being our software architecture, as any ROS
application, is linked to a unique ROS Master. This problem should be solved by the ROS
community and this is something that should be addressed in ROS 2. Indeed, the next major revision
of ROS (ROS2) is based on a DDS (Data Distribution Service) communication system that should
help solving this problem by distributing the ROS master functionalities among the nodes of the
system. This approach would however require reliable multicast protocols properly implemented
and validated.
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2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2012)
Prepared using smrauth.cls DOI: 10.1002/smr
The adaptation of embedded application requires an adequate run-time support. Beyond design for
adaptation issues that relate more to the development process, the run-time support must fulfill 5
requirements: (i) separation of concerns, (ii) componentization, (iii) component mapping to tasks.
The last 2 criteria relate to the dynamic adaptation of the software on-line: (iv) dynamic binding and
(v) control over components.
ROS enables the 3 first requirements to be satisfied, but fails to provides efficient solution for the
last two. On-line adaptation is possible as demonstrated in this paper. We have been able to overcome
the limitations of ROS thanks to underlying OS features and some additional logic implemented into
the nodes.
As a run-time support for resilient computing, ROS is an interesting development platform to test
concepts for Adaptive Fault Tolerance. The mapping of components to ROS is simple (component
node) and on-line modification of FTMs during the lifetime of the system is possible. The
insights gained with this work should help to develop a suitable run-time support for Adaptive
Fault Tolerance in the context of safety critical real-time systems.
Our current work is done in collaboration with Renault-Nissan Group, especially targeting
remote updates for ADAS. The basic principles of our approach are consistent with the framework
proposed in Adaptive AUTOSAR. The basic operating system is based on Posix and several
services are defined to master adaptation, like the Software Configuration Management service
and the Platform Health Management, which can be related to our Adaptation Engine. We believe
that a run-time support like Linux or any Posix-based OS is not dynamic enough to implement
fine-grained adaptation. ROS is providing an additional layer to this aim as a middle-ware, but
the granularity remains coarse and the dynamic binding is still difficult to handle. We hope that
ROS2 will provide a more powerful and reliable platform, using DDS (Data Distribution Service)
for industrial applications. Solving the dynamic binding problem implies revisiting the publish-
subscribe implementation to manipulate communication channels at run-time. Finally, the middle-
ware should provide additional features to suspend, activate run-time entities, save/restore internal
state and buffer inter-entities communications. In the next future, we plan to address those issues,
taking advantage of the development of the Adaptive AUTOSAR Platform.
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2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. (2012)
Prepared using smrauth.cls DOI: 10.1002/smr
... have been a number of studies to support the fault-resilient feature in the ROS platform [5]- [7]. As a representative instance, M. Lauer et al. [5] have proposed the general model of the fault tolerance mechanism (FTM) and the FTM adaptation to the ROS framework. Although this proposed a well-defined model, it lacks of considerations of practical requirements of real-world ROS applications, for instance, real-time requirements for fault recovery. ...
... When the fault detector detects a node failure, the node restore manager immediately restores the faulty node to work normally. To do this, there are two promising recovery mechanisms: re-execution and replication based approaches [5]. The former one is easy to implement and has low overhead, but it may take a long recovery delay to re-initialize the faulty node. ...
This paper proposes a fault-resilient ROS platform supporting rapid fault detection and recovery. The platform employs heartbeat-based fault detection and node replication-based recovery. Our prototype implementation on top of the ROS Melodic shows a great performance in evaluations with a Nvidia development board and an inverted pendulum device.
... ROS-compatible software packages have also been downloaded over 15 million times and are used in numerous safety-critical advanced robotic systems, making ROS a de facto standard in the robotics community. As a result, quality assurance is a critical issue within the ROS community, and developed software packages must be thoroughly tested for resilience [6][7]. ...
... The SR metric involves applying different test scenarios to the system using mutation-based tests. To evaluate the system's performance against the SR metric, i defined a threshold value (tV) for the mutation score (mS), which would indicate robust software, as shown in equation (7). For this study, i selected a threshold value of 80% for Python-based codes and 50% for ROS-based codes. ...
... Many existing systems use static methods for state evaluation, although the state changes and can be different at different times. This happens because many components change their internal state as the system continues to operate (Lauer et al., 2018). Some have very complex states, and some Proceedings of the 2022 IAJC International Conference ISBN 978-1-60643-379-9 ...
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The environment in which cyber-physical systems (CPS) operate can vary in complexity and experiences change constantly. These systems work mostly autonomously, with- out supervision, and with little or no maintenance. They continuously interact with the environment and with other systems. The expectation is for them to last for long periods, sometimes years or even decades. Their operation is under constantly evolving threats, which present new challenges to designers. The ability to replace software components on the fly can be an effective way to improve software security. Techniques such as redundancy and diversification become feasible, if a general mechanism for software component update is available during run-time. These goals can become possible if issues such as compo- nent interfaces, state, authentication, and dynamic manage- ment can be handled practically. In this current study, the authors focused on the feasibility, mechanisms, and limita- tions of dynamic management of software components to improve security. The focus of the experiments was on soft- ware architectures, such as the PX4 autopilot. Still, they can be applied to various CPSs, such as edge devices, smart sensors, and even autonomous robots. The use case explores the approach’s feasibility for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)s. From this study, the authors present an analysis of the effects of such techniques on the overall mission of the system.
... They are strongly related to how an interface can be described and used in our interface formulation in the next section. These interfaces can be used to achieve dynamic component exchange during runtime as part of the pursuit of fault-tolerant systems and systems that can adapt to changing conditions [7]. ...
... Approaches targeting to provide reliability develop patterns to identify host or network failures, or in general, violations of safety properties [23] and apply specific recovery strategies to provide fault tolerance in distributed systems [15] [14]. Others aim to establish resilience for stateful IoT applications [16] by enabling the recovery of their states. ...
Future embedded systems and services will be seamlessly connected and will interact on all levels with the infrastructure and cloud. For safety-critical applications this means that it is not sufficient to ensure dependability in a single embedded system, but it is necessary to cover the complete service chain including all involved embedded systems as well as involved services running in the edge or the cloud. However, for the development of such Cyber-Physical Systems-of-Systems (CPSoS) engineers must consider all kinds of dependability requirements. For example, it is not an option to ensure safety by impeding reliability or availability requirements. In fact, it is the engineers’ task to optimize the CPSoS’ performance without violating any safety goals.
Software rejuvenation, which was originally introduced to deal with performance degradation due to software aging, has recently been proposed as a mechanism to provide protection against run-time cyber attacks in cyber-physical systems (CPSs). Experiments have demonstrated that CPSs can be protected from attacks that corrupt run-time code and data by periodically restoring the run-time system with an uncorrupted image. Control theoretic and empirical methods have been developed to determine the timing and mode-switching conditions for CPS software rejuvenation (CPS SR) that will guarantee system safety. This paper presents the requirements that need to be met by the run-time system to support CPS SR. It also presents an implementation and demonstration of the run-time system for the PX4 autopilot system for autonomous vehicles.
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Cyber-physical systems (CPS) frequently have to use massive redundancy to meet application requirements for high reliability. While such redundancy is required, it can be activated adaptively, based on the current state of the controlled plant. Most of the time, the plant is in a state that allows for a lower level of fault tolerance. Avoiding the continuous deployment of massive fault tolerance will greatly reduce the workload of the CPS, and lower the operating temperature of the cyber sub-system, thus increasing its reliability. In this article, we extend our prior research by demonstrating a software simulation framework Adaptive Fault Tolerance (AdaFT) that can automatically generate the sub-spaces within which our adaptive fault tolerance can be applied. We also show the theoretical benefits of AdaFT and its actual implementation in several real-world CPSs.
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Evolution of systems during their operational life is mandatory and both updates and upgrades should not impair their dependability properties. Dependable systems must evolve to accommodate changes, such as new threats and undesirable events, application updates or variations in available resources. A system that remains dependable when facing changes is called resilient. In this paper, we present an innovative approach taking advantage of component-based software engineering technologies for tackling the on-line adaptation of fault tolerance mechanisms. We propose a development process that relies on two key factors: designing fault tolerance mechanisms for adaptation and leveraging a reflective component-based middleware enabling fine-grained control and modification of the software architecture at runtime. We thoroughly describe the methodology, the development of adaptive fault tolerance mechanisms and evaluate the approach in terms of performance and agility.
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Evolution during service life is mandatory, particularly for long-lived systems. Dependable systems, which continuously deliver trustworthy services, must evolve to accommodate changes e.g., new fault tolerance requirements or variations in available resources. The addition of this evolutionary dimension to dependability leads to the notion of resilient computing. Among the various aspects of resilience, we focus on adaptivity. Dependability relies on fault-tolerant computing at runtime, applications being augmented with fault tolerance mechanisms (FTMs). As such, on-line adaptation of FTMs is a key challenge towards resilience. In related work, on-line adaption of FTMs is most often performed in a preprogrammed manner or consists in tuning some parameters. Besides, FTMs are replaced monolithically. All the envisaged FTMs must be known at design time and deployed from the beginning. However, dynamics occurs along multiple dimensions and developing a system for the worst-case scenario is impossible. According to runtime observations, new FTMs can be developed off-line but integrated on-line. We denote this ability as agile adaption, as opposed to the preprogrammed one. In this thesis, we present an approach for developing flexible fault-tolerant systems in which FTMs can be adapted at runtime in an agile manner through fine-grained modifications for minimizing impact on the initial architecture. We first propose a classification of a set of existing FTMs based on criteria such as fault model, application characteristics and necessary resources. Next, we analyze these FTMs and extract a generic execution scheme which pinpoints the common parts and the variable features between them. Then, we demonstrate the use of state-of-the-art tools and concepts from the field of software engineering, such as component-based software engineering and reflective component-based middleware, for developing a library of fine-grained adaptive FTMs. We evaluate the agility of the approach and illustrate its usability throughout two examples of integration of the library: first, in a design-driven development process for applications in pervasive computing and, second, in a toolkit for developing applications for WSNs.
Conference Paper
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Resilient computing is defined as the ability of a system to stay dependable when facing changes. To mitigate faults at runtime, dependable systems are augmented with fault tolerance mechanisms such as replication techniques. These mechanisms have to be systematically and rigorously applied in order to guarantee the conformance between the application runtime behavior and its dependability requirements. The main contribution of this paper is to propose a design-driven development methodology for resilient computing systems. Our approach consists of refining the design with specifications dedicated to the dependability concerns. This design is then leveraged to support the development of the application while ensuring the traceability of the dependability requirements along the application life-cycle, including runtime adaptation.
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The evolution of systems during their operational lifetime is becoming ineluctable. Dependable systems, which continuously deliver trustworthy services, must evolve in order to comply with changes having different origins, e.g. new fault tolerance requirements, or changes in available resources. These evolutions must not violate their dependability properties, which leads to the notion of resilient computing. This paper presents a methodology for developing adaptive fault tolerance mechanisms, from the design to the actual runtime reconfiguration, leveraging component-based middleware which enable fine-grained manipulation of software architectures.
Replication is an area of interest to both distributed systems and databases. The solutions developed from these two perspectives are conceptually similar but differ in many aspects: model, assumptions, mechanisms, guarantees provided, and implementation. In this paper, we provide an abstract and ``neutral'' framework to compare replication techniques from both communities in spite of the many subtle differences. The framework has been designed to emphasize the role played by different mechanisms and to facilitate comparisons. With this, it is possible to get a functional comparison of many ideas that is valuable for both didactic and practical purposes. The paper describes the replication techniques used in both communities, compares them, and points out ways in which they can be integrated to arrive to better, more robust replication protocols.
Replication is an area of interest to both distributed systems and databases. The solutions developed from these two perspectives are conceptually similar but differ in many aspects: model, assumptions, mechanisms, guarantees provided, and implementation. In this paper, we provide an abstract and ``neutral'' framework to compare replication techniques from both communities. The framework has been designed to emphasize the role played by different mechanisms and to facilitate comparisons. The paper describes the replication techniques used in both communities, compares them, and points out ways in which they can be integrated to arrive to better, more robust replication protocols.
Conference Paper
Cyber-physical systems are increasingly used in life-critical applications, where the probability of catastrophic failure has to be kept below very low levels. Massive fault-tolerance has been used to mask failure to achieve such low levels. However, fault-tolerance is expensive. We argue here that the fault-tolerance needs of an application change depending on its current position in its state space and the range of control inputs that can be applied. We illustrate the applicability of such an approach using the inverted pendulum as a case-study, and discuss its potential benefits.