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All content in this area was uploaded by Mahendra Pal on Nov 03, 2017
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Prof. Dr.Mahendra Pal
Founder of Narayan Consultancy onVeterinary Public Health and Microbiology,4
Aangan, Jagnath Ganesh Dairy Road,Anand-388001,India
Poultry is one of the fastest growing
segments of the agricultural sector in
many countries of the world includ-
ing India. Currently, India is the
second largest egg producer and third largest
producer of broilers in the world. Adequate
supply of minerals and vitamins in diet is the
key for good poultry production. The feeding
of vitamins and minerals deficient diet can
produce numerous health problems for chicks
including death in some cases. The poultry
farmer should keep a watch on the health of
The Role of
in Poultry Production
poultry farming
chicks every day.Hence,it is emphasized to
develop the practice for feeding a balanced
diet with required minerals and vitamins so
that deficiency diseases can be prevented in
Poultry is defined as live or dressed domestic
birds, which are bred and reared for edible
purpose and it includes chicken, duck, turkey
and also quail, pheasant, geese, ostrich,
guinea fowl, pigeon and dove. The domestic
chicken (Gallus domesticus) has assumed a
greater importance worldwide and accounts
for more than 90% of the world’s poultry
flocks. Ducks and turkeys constitute 5% and
2%, respectively. The remaining species share
about 3 % of the total poultry flocks of the
world. Poultry is one of the most widely
accepted meat foods, which is not subjected
to any restriction like that of beef and pork
. There is a worldwide growth of poultry
industries. Poultry rearing is classified into
intensive and extensive systems. In developed
nations of the world, 95 % of poultry are
reared under intensive conditions. However,
in developing countries, extensive system
of rearing are commonly practiced. Poultry
meat also called as white meat, is easily
digestible, has higher nutritive value, higher
protein, less fat, good source of vitamin B
complex, iron and phosphorus. Like oth-
er food animals such as cattle, buffaloes,
sheep, goat, pig, the poultry also require well
balanced diet to keep good health. The poor
feeding is commonly observed in backyard
poultry.This can result in deficiencies of
numerous vitamins and minerals, which
are essential for the maintenance of poultry
Minerals can be classified as macro-minerals
(calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium,
and magnesium), micro-minerals (copper,
zinc, iron, iodine and manganese) and trace
minerals (cobalt and selenium).The functions
and deficiency of each mineral is presented
in brief.
1. Calcium: This is essential for formation
of bones, clotting of blood, heart func-
tion and egg production.The deficiency
of this mineral can result poor growth,-
soft bones, poor egg shell quality, poor
egg production, poor hatchability and
2. Phosphorus: It is required for utilization
of carbohydrates, bone development and
egg production. The inadequate level of
phosphorus in ration causes rickets, poor
growth, soft bones, poor hatchability and
poor egg shell quality.
3. Magnesium: This macro-mineral is nec-
essary for several vital metabolic func-
Adequate supply of minerals and vitamins in diet
is the key for good poultry production. Poultry meat
is easily digestible, has higher nutritive value, higher
protein, less fat, good source of vitamin B complex,
iron and phosphorus
tions.Its deficiency in birds can lead to
loss of appetite, lethargies, spasms, slow
growth, and sudden death.
4. Sodium and Potassium: Both minerals
are constituents of blood, bile and body
fluids, and needed for growth, digestion
and acid base balance.
5. Iron and Cooper: These are needed for
blood pigment formation. Their deficien-
cy can cause anemia.
6. Cobalt: This trace mineral is a constit-
uent of vitamin B 12 and its deficiency
may result slow growth, reduced hatch-
ability and mortality.
7. Zinc: This is imperative for the activation
of several body enzymes. The deficiency
of zinc results in improper growth, poor
feathering, and shortening of leg bones.
8. Selenium: It is required for muscular
functions,and immunity development
and the deficiency can lead to muscular
dystrophy and poor immune response.
9. Manganese: This micro-mineral is essen-
tial for bone formation and also for utili-
zation of phosphorus. The deficiency is
responsible for poor hatchability, perosis,
enlargement of joints and staggering gait.
10. Iodine: It is a constituent of thyroid and
is necessary for body activity. Its defi-
ciency cause impaired body response,and
lowered activity of body.
The vitamins are of two types, one is fat
soluble (vitamin A,D,E and K) and other is
water soluble (vitamin B complex group).
The functions and deficiency symptoms of
various vitamins are elaborated as follow:
1. Vitamin A: This vitamin is very import-
ant and is needed for growth, health
of eyes and moist surfaces of the body.
The deficiency of this fat soluble vita-
min causes poor growth, weakness and
decrease egg production.
2. Vitamin D:This fat soluble vitamin is
essential for the utilization of calcium
and phosphorus in bone development
and egg shell formation. The deficiency
can lead to retarded growth, thin shelled
eggs, leg weakness, curved legs, rickets
and lowered egg production.
3. Vitamin E: It is required to maintain
brain structure and also act as an anti-
oxidant. Its deficiency is responsible for
enlarged hocks, muscular weakness and
crazy chick disease.
4. Vitamin K: This vitamin is necessary
for blood clotting mechanism and its
absence can result in prolonged blood
clotting and intramuscular bleeding.
5. Vitamin B1 (Thiamin): It is needed to
Balanced diet with essential minerals and vitamins are
imperative for good health of poultry birds.
It is recommended that well balanced feed with
essential vitamins and minerals should be given to
birds to run the poultry farm in profit
poultry farming
maintain appetite and also helps in diges-
tion and preserves the health of nerves.
The deficiency of this water soluble vita-
min is responsible for poor body growth,
loss of appetite and in certain cases lead
to death.
6. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): Its import-
ant function is to promote growth and
its deficiency in feed leads to reduced
growth, poor egg production and curled
toe paralysis.
7. Vitamin B 12: This water soluble
vitamin is required for maintaining
normal growth and good feathering. The
shortage of this can cause anaemia, poor
growth and embryonic mortality.
8. Folic acid: It is essential to promote
good growth and feathering. Howev-
er,the deficiency of this may result in
reduced growth,poor feather develop-
ment, decreased egg production, perosis
and paralysis.
9. Pantothenic acid: This is necessary
to keep skin healthy and also for good
growth. Its shortage in diet is responsible
to cause lesions in mouth and feet, der-
matitis besides fatty liver and kidneys.
10. Pyridoxine: It helps to maintain good
growth. The deficiency can lead to poor
growth and convulsions.
11. Choline: It is needed to maintain good
growth and its shortage in feed can cause
reduced growth, decreased egg produc-
tion and fatty liver.
Balanced diet with essential minerals and
vitamins are imperative for good health of
poultry birds. The deficiency of these nutri-
ents in feed can lead to several health prob-
lems, which can severely affect the poultry
production, causing economic losses to the
farmers. Therefore, farmers should provide
properly formulated diet so that chicks do not
suffer from nutrient deficiency diseases.It is
recommended that well balanced feed with
essential vitamins and minerals should be giv-
en to birds to run the poultry farm in profit.