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Abstract and Figures

Recently determined atomistic scale structures of near-two dimensional bilayers of vitreous silica (using scanning probe and electron microscopy) allow us to refine the experimentally determined coordinates to incorporate the known local chemistry more precisely. Further refinement is achieved by using classical potentials of varying complexity; one using harmonic potentials and the second employing an electrostatic description incorporating polarization effects. These are benchmarked against density functional calculations. Our main findings are that (a) there is a symmetry plane between the two disordered layers; a nice example of an emergent phenomenon, (b) the layers are slightly tilted so that the Si-O-Si angle between the two layers is not 180180^{\circ} as originally thought but rather 175±2175 \pm 2 ^{\circ} and (c) while interior areas that are not completely imagined can be reliably reconstructed, surface areas are more problematical. It is shown that small crystallites that appear are just as expected statistically in a continuous random network. This provides a good example of the value that can be added to disordered structures imaged at the atomic level by implementing computer refinement.
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Refining Glass Structure in Two Dimensions
Mahdi Sadjadi
Department of Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1604
Bishal Bhattaraiand D.A. Drabold
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701, United States
M.F. Thorpe§
Department of Physics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1604 and
Rudolf Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, 1 Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3NP, U.K
Mark Wilson
Department of Chemistry, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory,
University Of Oxford, South Parks Road,Oxford OX1 3QZ, U.K
Recently determined atomistic scale structures of near-two dimensional bilayers of vitreous silica (using scan-
ning probe and electron microscopy) allow us to refine the experimentally determined coordinates to incorporate
the known local chemistry more precisely. Further refinement is achieved by using classical potentials of varying
complexity; one using harmonic potentials and the second employing an electrostatic description incorporating
polarization effects. These are benchmarked against density functional calculations. Our main findings are that
(a) there is a symmetry plane between the two disordered layers; a nice example of an emergent phenomenon,
(b) the layers are slightly tilted so that the Si-O-Si angle between the two layers is not 180as originally thought
but rather 175 ±2and (c) while interior areas that are not completely imagined can be reliably reconstructed,
surface areas are more problematical. It is shown that small crystallites that appear are just as expected sta-
tistically in a continuous random network. This provides a good example of the value that can be added to
disordered structures imaged at the atomic level by implementing computer refinement.
The atomic structure of covalent network glasses has been
a subject of both experimental and theoretical interest since
the introduction of the Continuous Random Network (CRN)
model by Zachariasen [1]. Almost all of these studies have
focused on the Pair Distribution Function (PDF) which is the
Fourier transform of a diffraction pattern [2]. Experimental
diffraction studies offer useful information, in particular re-
garding pair-wise ordering [3]. However, simulation models
can greatly aid the interpretation of these data as the atom po-
sitions are known unequivocally. As a result, information such
as the ring statistics, which is in many ways a natural language
for discussing network structure [46], is directly accessible.
While this work has been very informative and clearly estab-
lished the correctness of the CRN model for materials like vit-
reous silica, it is not accurate enough to distinguish between
different models with varying ring statistics etc. This situa-
tion has changed recently with the direct imaging of bilayers
of silica [7, 8] that has provided detailed information regard-
ing atomic positions.
Silica, SiO2, represents an archetypal network-forming ma-
terial. At ambient pressure the crystalline and amorphous
structures can be considered as constructed from corner-
sharing SiO4tetrahedral coordination polyhedra (CP) which
link to form a network. The complex linking of the CP may re-
sult in significant ordering on length-scales beyond the short-
range ordering imposed by the system electrostatics (effec-
tively controlled by the relative atom electronegativities) [9–
Recently developed synthetic pathways have allowed thin
films of SiO2to be deposited on either metallic [7, 15, 16] or
graphitic [8] substrates whilst advances in imaging techniques
allow for true atomic resolution of the surface structure. Al-
beit, because the bilayer is a glassy material, it is not com-
mensurate with any substrate, and so we do not include the
substrate here.
Some of the thinnest films deposited are bilayers of corner-
FIG. 1. (a) A small piece of silica bilayer in which oxygen atoms
(red) form a tetrahedral network while silicons (blue) are located at
the center of tetrahedra. (b) The top view of the silica bilayer where
O and Si atoms are projected into the plane, with O forming a net-
work of corner-sharing triangles. (c) An alternative view where Si
atoms form a network of edge-sharing polygons (rings), while oxy-
gens are removed for clarity. This view is stressed in Fig. 2.
arXiv:1711.00596v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn] 2 Nov 2017
FIG. 2. The Cornell hnetwork viewed perpendicular to the plane
containing the bilayer with the O atoms removed for clarity, and only
the top layer of Si atoms shown as vertices. The atoms associated
with the blue and magenta bonds were not directly imaged but have
been added in the computer refinement. The blue and magenta bonds
highlight bonds reconstructed within the main body of the sample
and at the surface, respectively. Dashed lines highlight small sec-
tions in which an under-coordinated Si atom was required for filling.
The intensity of the red highlights the difference between the config-
uration relaxed with the spring and PIM potentials. The green circles
show small crystallites.
sharing SiO4CP in which all of the Si and O atoms obtain
their full (four- and two- respectively) coordination numbers.
Amorphous and crystalline films have been grown with both
states characterized by the presence of a mirror plane (which
houses a layer of O atoms which act as bridges between the
two monolayers [17]). Critically, the pseudo-two-dimensional
nature of these systems allows the ring structures to be directly
observed and hence offers a potentially unique insight into the
origin of any ordering on long length-scales. Silica can be
considered as a network of silicon atoms in which the nearest-
neighbor Si-Si pairs are dressed with O atoms. As a result,
the crystalline system can be considered as constructed exclu-
sively from a net of six-membered (Si-Si-Si...) rings, whilst
the amorphous systems are constructed from a distribution of
4- to 10-membered rings (Fig. 1). However, this new ex-
perimental information, whilst ground-breaking, is naturally
imperfect as the location of each atom has associated with it
a natural uncertainty which translates into an uncertainty in
atom-atom separations.
In this Letter, we show how value can be added by com-
bining the experimental image with computer refinement that
builds in the known local chemistry. Whilst no refinement of
the experimental data is required in order to obtain, for ex-
ample, accurate ring statistics, refinement is required in order
to address the geometrical issues associated with the network.
For example, value can be added on the effect of the pres-
ence of significant unimaged regions as well as on the subtle
variations in the structure perpendicular to the resolved plane
containing the bilayer.
In this Letter we focus on a single large sample of a bilayer
of vitreous silica imaged by the Cornell group [8] which we
will refer to as sample h, shown in Fig. 2, to distinguish it
from previous smaller experimental and computer-generated
samples [18]. The sample is 270 ×270 ˚
A2in area con-
taining 19,330 O and 9,492 Si atoms, and is the largest such
sample imaged at the atomic level of which we are aware.
Importantly, we are using the whole experimental sam-
ple, including voids, rather than selecting a more rectangu-
lar shaped section without voids, which would have thrown
out most of the experimental data. This is also significant as
the full configuration shows a number of interesting features.
For example, there are several regions which may be con-
sidered nanocrystalline showing relatively large numbers of
neighbouring six-membered rings (highlighted by green cir-
cles with a diameter of 9 ˚
A). Such regions are to be expected
staistically in a CRN and from previous studies [6] we find
that about 50% of all rings are sixfold and of these about 2%
are surrounded by 6 sixfold rings leading to a little microcrys-
tallite of 7 sixfold rings. The total number of rings in the
Cornell hsample is 1811, where we exclude surface rings that
do not have their full compliment of neigboring rings. Thus
we expect 1811 ×0.5 ×0.02 18 of such regions which
is fortuitously exactly the number of regions shown by green
circles. So this certainly cannot be taken as any evidence for
microcrystallites as has been postulated at various times since
the original ideas of Lebedev and coworkers [19].
More obviously the configuration shows three relatively
large regions which were unable to be imaged (of approxi-
mate dimensions 160×40 ˚
A2, 50×20 ˚
A2and 10×10 ˚
tively) which resist reasonable attempts at computational fill-
ing (see below). A potential implication is that the underlying
surface (on which the bilayer has been grown) in some way
distorts the bilayer thus preventing effective imaging or per-
haps the network was never formed in these regions because
of surface roughness.
To construct the bilayer from the experimental image, O
atoms (which are not imaged) are placed midway between Si
atoms (which are imaged) thus forming a network of corner-
sharing O3triangles (each of which has an Si atom at the cen-
tre). The Si and O atoms planes are then separated, forming
trigonal pyramids with Si atoms at the apices. A mirror image
of these pyramids is joined to the original via O-atom bridges
to form the completed bilayer, resulting in an initial set of
180oSi-O-Si bond angles centered around the O atoms in the
mirror plane (Fig. 1). An important question involves the ex-
perimental length metric to ensure the correct calibration of
the image. We calculated the mean average length of the im-
aged nearest neighbour Si-Si distances as 3.097 ˚
A, which is
close to the expected value of 3.100 ˚
A for glassy silica struc-
tures [20], confirming the overall accuracy of the experiment,
and alleviating the need for any length rescaling. To recon-
struct the unimaged regions, we use mean bond length and
internal angles of rings to find the correct local topology. The
subsequent relaxation of the bilayer will fix the geometry en-
suring the proper bond length and angles.
This relaxation is carried out using model potentials of
increasing complexity. In the simplest case, the nearest-
neighbour O-O bonds are mimicked by harmonic springs with
lengths set as the mean average (2.645 ˚
A). This ensures that
the system does not have any internal degrees of freedom and
is minimally rigid or isostatic [21, 22]. A hardcore poten-
tial is added to prevent overlap of O atoms from different
tetrahedra as well as an RMSD (Root-Mean-Square Devia-
tion) term which penalizes deviation from the experimental
coordinates. This RMSD term involves the sum of squares
of the refined minus the experimental atomic positions and
is important as this maintains the overall area and alleviates
the need for additional boundary conditions to maintain the
sample area. Although proper boundary conditions for finite
pieces of amorphous systems can be designed [23], this sim-
ple potential can account for structural information extracted
in this Letter. Maintaining the configurational area is criti-
cal in avoiding, for example, unphysical overlaps in nearest-
neighbour tetrahedra in the absence of formal (electrostatic)
repulsions. The balance of the surface extension and the inter-
tetrahedral repulsions define an effective flexibility window of
acceptable structural solutions, of the type commonly associ-
ated with zeolites [24]. As a result, samples with irregular
boundary conditions are not a problem.
A second classical model used is a polarizable-ion model
(PIM) [25], specifically the TS potential [26] which utilises
pair potentials to model the Coulomb, short-range (overlap)
and dispersive interactions. The potential employs a combina-
tion of reduced ion charges and anion dipole polarisation (as
described in reference [25]). The results from the harmonic
potential model are used as the input with the PIM further re-
fining the results.
The most sophisticated method applied uses Density
Functional Theory (DFT). However, the method is too
computationally-demanding to apply to the experimental Cor-
nell hconfiguration. Therefore, a relatively small 1200 atom
periodic computer-generated model (with 200 Si atoms in
each monolayer) of a vitreous silica bilayer [27] was used.
Density functional calculations were undertaken with the code
SIESTA [28], with single-zeta basis and the local density ap-
proximation. Relaxation with a variable cell area resulted in
very little change. Stability of the relaxed model was also ver-
ified [29].
The result of the PIM refinement of Cornell his shown in
Fig. 2. The blue (bulk) and magenta (surface) bonds have been
computer-reconstructed, as described earlier. The interior re-
construction was deemed to be successful, as the differences
between the spring and PIM models were minor. These dif-
ferences are shown by the red shading where the darkest red
100 120 140 160 180
θSiOSi [o]
FIG. 3. The Si-O-Si bond angle distributions determined from the
original experimental configuration and from the bilayers obtained
using models of increasing complexity as well as for the bulk glass.
The peak at θSiOSi 145arises from the “in-plane” tetrahedral links
whilst the peak at 180arises from the central bridging oxygen
atoms between the two planes. The unrefined experimental result for
the Cornell hsample is shown in black where it was assumed that
the central bridging angle was exactly 180. The DFT calculation is
on a computer-generated periodic sample and acts as the best guide
for what to expect. The other two results are for the refined Cor-
nell hsample using both the harmonic model and the polarizable-ion
model as described in the text. Both show significant tilting as ex-
pected from the results of DFT, while maintaining the central sym-
metry plane.
corresponds to an atomic displacement of 0.5˚
A from the
original (unrefined) coordinates. This strongly suggests that
the network existed in these interior areas but was not imaged
reliably, rather than the networks growing around a pillar or
avoiding surface roughness on the substrate and never exist-
ing. At the surface, the difference between the spring and PIM
models was much greater as the reconstruction was not con-
tained within a small closed exterior perimeter.
In addition to in-plane information, refinement can provide
valuable information in perpendicular direction. As a bench-
mark of our model potentials, we have studied the Si-O-Si
angle, θSiOSi, as this contains important information on how
the tetrahedra are linked. Figure 3 shows the distributions of
θSiOSi for three models. The experimental structure (in which
linear Si-O-Si bridges between the two monolayers are im-
posed) shows a bond angle of θSiOSi 140.3o(with a FWHM
of θ5.2) in the bilayer plane. All of the models generate
bimodal distributions in which the peak at θSiOSi 145omay
be assigned to the Si-O-Si triplets in the bilayer plane whilst
the peaks at θSiOSi >175ocorrespond to the triplets centred
around the bridging O atoms in the mirror plane (i.e. perpen-
dicular to the bilayer plane). There is not much latitude in the
in-plane values of this angle as they must be consistent with
the measured area and the known Si-O bond lengths, which
leads to a single peak in the θSiOSi 145. Fig. 3 shows
that the harmonic model reproduces the important high-angle
peak at θ178.5. The lower-angle peak is at θ140.9
FIG. 4. A section of the Cornell hnetwork shown along the plane
containing the bilayer with O atoms shown in red, and with Si atoms
at the center of the yellow tetrahedra. Note the symmetry plane of
the central O atoms and also the tilting of the tetrahedra away from
the vertical about the central plane.
(θ3.8) and some way below the DFT result.
The figure also shows the analogous distribution obtained
from the bulk glass at ambient pressure using PIM, which is
similar to distributions observed in bulk silicates [30, 31]. The
bulk distribution is significantly broader than those generated
for the bilayer with θ145and θ36. The require-
ment for the relatively obtuse bond angles which characterise
the links between the two layers constrains the in-plane bond
angles to a relatively narrow range. For the intra-layer angles
all of the models show peaks at θ140 142with the
harmonic potential showing a far sharper peak retaining the
symmetry plane.
However the bridging O angle is tilted and reduced to about
175.1. A Si-O-Si angle of 180osits on a local energy max-
imum [32] and, as a result, tilting is inevitable. A tilt in the
inter-layer bond angle is observed in all the models. At the
simplest level (harmonic potential) a relatively small deviation
from linear (θ178.5) is shown. As greater detail is added
to the models these angles become more acute with both the
PIM and DFT results showing peaks at θ175o. Figure 4
shows the configuration perpendicular to the plane contain-
ing the bilayer relaxed using the PIM and clearly showing the
tilted corner-sharing tetrahedra, with a peak at θ174.9.
At first sight this suggests an incompatibility with the ex-
perimental results where only a single layer is seen, with the
second layer of Si tetrahedra being exactly behind and under-
neath the first. However this can be maintained if there is a
symmetry plane involving the central O atoms, such that the
upper and lower tetrahedra tilt and pucker in the same way and
there is not a second image when the bilayer is imaged from
above, as shown in Figure 4. This conclusion is supported by
an entropy argument in which the bilayer with a mirror plane
is able to explore configurational space more effectively than
one without [17]. There are more degrees of freedom with
the symmetry plane present, thus increasing the entropy and
lowering the free energy, and hence leading to this unexpected
emergent phenomena. Thus symmetry is induced in a system
which at first sight seems a canonical example of a system
without symmetry. This argument is confirmed both by de-
tailed atomic computer modeling and by experiment, where
no shadow is seen beside each atom imaged, so that the sec-
ond layer must be exactly behind the first layer.
A feature to notice from Fig. 2 is that the polygons with
silicon atoms at the corners appear regular, having areas close
to that of regular polygons as has been previously noted [18].
This feature has been absent in computer generated models of
vitreous silica bilayer as the Si-O-Si angle of around 145in
the plane is hard to achieve in models while maintaining the
maximal convexity of Si polygons. Nature has found a way
and we need to understand better how this is achieved. Note
there is no difficulty in achieving regular polygons in samples
of amorphous As [27] where there are no bridging atoms to
contend with.
In this Letter we have described how computer-refinement
can add value to experimental images of disordered structures
at the atomic level. Although this is the first time this has
been attempted with an amorphous structure, with advances
in imaging, many more such systems are expected to be im-
aged in the near future. This somewhat parallels the proce-
dures employed to rationalise protein structure where the lo-
cal chemistry, via bond lengths etc is included to produce the
best possible structure [33]. We have shown that simple po-
tentials are adequate here, and as well as producing refined
coordinates for the bilayer (available upon request), we have
shown that the two layers are tilted while maintaining a flat
central symmetry plane of O atoms between the upper and
lower parts of the bilayer. It is remarkable that such symme-
try can exist in disordered system and this can be viewed as a
nice clean example of an emergent phenomena.
Future work will help determine how ubiquitous bilayer
structures of this type may be. It is possible, for example,
that forming such structures for systems such as GeO2may
be more problematic as a significantly larger tilt (θ180)
would have to be accommodated [32].
We should like to thank Berlin and Cornell groups for the
coordinates of their networks and for useful discussions. This
work used the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery
Environment (XSEDE), which is supported by National Sci-
ence Foundation grant number ACI-1548562 [34]. Support
through NSF grants # DMS 1564468 (MFT) and # DMR
1506836 (DAD) is gratefully acknowledged.
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... Glasses like silica (SiO 2 ) and germenia (GeO 2 ) are considered as a network of corner-sharing tetrahedra. Recently, silica bilayers have been synthesized [19,20] which are effectively a two-dimensional network of corner-sharing triangles [25]. These triangles are formed with oxygens at their corners. ...
... dimensional but it can be seen as two mirroring layers of 1atom thick of Oxygens connected through bridging atoms to complete the chemical bonds [25]. ...
Full-text available
This article studies the set of equivalent realizations of isostatic frameworks and algorithms for finding all such realizations. It is shown that an isostatic framework has an even number of equivalent realizations that preserve edge lengths and connectivity. The complete set of equivalent realizations for a toy framework with pinned boundary in two dimensions is enumerated and the impact of boundary length on the emergence of these realizations is studied. To ameliorate the computational complexity of finding a solution to a large multivariate quadratic system corresponding to the constraints, alternative methods—based on constraint reduction and distance‐based covering map or Cayley parameterization of the search space—are presented. The application of these methods is studied on atomic clusters, a model of 2D glasses and jamming. In a multidisciplinary collaboration, the authors show that an isostatic framework has an even number of equivalent realizations that preserve edge lengths and connectivity. New methods, based on constraint reduction and distance‐based covering, are presented and applied to atomic clusters, a model of 2D glasses and jamming.
... Glasses like silica (SiO 2 ) and germenia (GeO 2 ) are considered as a network of corner-sharing tetrahedra. Recently, silica bilayers have been synthesized [19,20] which are effectively a two-dimensional network of corner-sharing triangles [25]. These triangles are formed with oxygens at their corners. ...
... dimensional but it can be seen as two mirroring layers of 1atom thick of Oxygens connected through bridging atoms to complete the chemical bonds [25]. ...
Full-text available
This paper studies the set of equivalent realizations of isostatic frameworks in two dimensions, and algorithms for finding all such realizations. We show that an isostatic framework has an even number of equivalent realizations that preserve edge lengths and connectivity. We enumerate the complete set of equivalent realizations for a toy framework with pinned boundary in two dimensions and study the impact of boundary length on the emergence of these realizations. To ameliorate the computational complexity of finding a solution to a large multivariate quadratic system corresponding to the constraints; alternative methods - based on constraint reduction and distance-based covering map or Cayley parameterization of the search space - are presented. The application of these methods is studied on atomic clusters, a model two-dimensional glasses, and jamming.
... These new results on 2D glasses have opened up numerous opportunities to study the structure of glasses using actual atomic coordinates. Recent work on 2D glasses includes modeling of silica bilayers [13,14], ring distribution [15], medium-range order [16], suitable boundary conditions to recover missing constraints in the surface [17] and the refinement of experimental samples [18]. Rigidity theory has also uncovered a connection between 2D glasses and jammed disk packings [19,20]. ...
We examine the correlations between rings in random network glasses in two dimensions as a function of their separation. Initially, we use the topological separation (measured by the number of intervening rings), but this leads to pseudo-long-range correlations due to a lack of topological charge neutrality in the shells surrounding a central ring. This effect is associated with the non-circular nature of the shells. It is, therefore, necessary to use the geometrical distance between ring centers. Hence we find a generalization of the Aboav-Weaire law out to larger distances, with the correlations between rings decaying away when two rings are more than about 3 rings apart.
... Our observations indicate that, despite the lack of strictly long-range order [67], there is much more order in wellannealed 2d silica than expected from previous experimental and computational studies [68]. Experimental samples of silica bilayers often show a coexistence of amorphous and crystalline patches. ...
We reassess the modeling of amorphous silica bilayers as a two-dimensional classical system whose particles interact with an effective pairwise potential. We show that it is possible to reparameterize the potential developed by Roy, Heyde, and Heuer to quantitatively match the structural details of the experimental samples. We then study the glassy dynamics of the reparameterized model at low temperatures. Using appropriate cage-relative correlation functions, which suppress the effect of Mermin-Wagner fluctuations, we highlight the presence of two well-defined Arrhenius regimes separated by a narrow crossover region, which we connect to the thermodynamic anomalies and the changes in the local structure. We find that the bond-orientational order grows steadily below the crossover temperature and is associated to transient crystalline domains of nanometric size. These findings raise fundamental questions about the nature of glass structure in two dimensions and provide guidelines to interpret the experimental data.
... Some of the thinnest films deposited are interpreted as having structures based on bilayers of corner-sharing SiO 4 CP in which all of the Si and O atoms obtain their full (four-and two-respectively) coordination numbers. Amorphous and crystalline films have been grown with both states characterised by the presence of a mirror plane (which houses a layer of O atoms which act as bridges between the two monolayers [18,19]). Critically, the pseudo-two dimensional nature of these systems allows the ring structures to be directly observed and hence offers a potentially unique insight into the origin of any ordering on different length-scales. ...
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The static structural and energetic properties of thin crystalline films (\simtwo dimensional bilayers) of silica, SiO2_2, are model led. Two potential models are considered in which the key interactions are described by purely harmonic terms and more complex electrostatic terms, respectively. The relative energetic stability of two potential crystalline forms, which represent alternative ways of tiling two dimensional space, is discussed. Coherent and incoherent distortions are introduced to the simulated crystals and their effects considered in terms of the ring structure formed by the Si atoms. The spatial relationship between distorted rings is analysed. An experimentally-observed single crystalline configuration is considered for comparison throughout.&#13.
A fundamental understanding of the elastic properties of 2D network structures is highly beneficial for research and applications of 2D materials. In this context, Poisson’s ratio has been studied elaborately for different crystallographic structures of crystalline phases of bilayer silica structures. This paper focuses on the elastic structure–property relationship of crystalline and vitreous polymorphs of plane network materials. We generate defective crystalline network states and seven sets of disordered states, each with a different level of network heterogeneity, using a dual Monte Carlo bond switching algorithm. Firstly, uniaxial tensile deformation is applied to a model material in a two-dimensional framework, concentrating only on the in-plane network topologies. Secondly, uniaxial tensile deformation is applied to bilayer silica structures, considering the out-of-plane morphology of the material. Mechanical testing is performed using the athermal quasistatic deformation protocol, which allows one to study the influence of the network topology exclusively without any thermal disturbances. We show that manipulating the network heterogeneity allows one to directly tune the Poisson’s ratio of the material, creating possibilities for novel mechanical applications.
In this paper, we investigate the response of a two-dimensional silica model glass under shear and pressure. The glass network is generated based on statistical data extracted from real two-dimensional silica. We present an amended dual bond-switching algorithm, which enables us to control both the level of heterogeneity as well as physically meaningful ring neighborhood statistics. The two-dimensionality of the model glass allows us to directly track all atoms during deformation and overcome the imaging problem of bulk silica glass. Firstly, we subject different sets of pressure-free samples to athermal quasistatic simple shear deformation. We observe a serrated flow for all levels of heterogeneity, where the stress drop statistics is described by a power law. Using the divergence theorem, it is shown that the outward flow of the local rearrangements associated with the stress drops is always higher than the inward flow, resulting in density fluctuations and nano-voids, the latter of which are detected using the shortest path criterion. However, the difference in the out-to-inward flow decreases with increasing heterogeneity. Secondly, we subject a set of one level of heterogeneity to various levels of compression, followed by athermal quasistatic shear deformation. After comparing the stress–strain results to those in bulk silica, we show that the statistics of the occurring stress drops of the densified material follow a power law. We identify an initial decrease of the out-to-inward flow with increasing pressure until a level of 10% densification followed by a slight increase up to a densification level of 15%.
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The study of the structure and dynamics of network-forming materials is reviewed. Experimental techniques used to extract key structural information are briefly considered. Strategies for building simulation models, based on both targeting key (experimentally-accessible) materials and on systematically controlling key model parameters, are discussed. As an example of the first class of materials, a key target system, SiO2, is used to highlight how the changing structure with applied pressure can be effectively modelled (in three dimensions) and used to link to both experimental results and simple structural models. As an example of the second class the topology of networks of tetrahedra in the MX2 stoichiometry are controlled using a single model parameter linked to the M-X-M bond angles. The evolution of ordering on multiple length-scales is observed as are the links between the static structure and key dynamical properties. The isomorphous relationship between the structures of amorphous Si and SiO2 is discussed as are the similarities and differences in the phase diagrams, the latter linked to potential polyamorphic and 'anomalous' (e.g. density maxima) behaviour. Links to both two-dimensional structures for C, Si and Ge and near-two-dimensional bilayers of SiO2 are discussed. Emerging low-dimensional structures in low temperature molten carbonates are also uncovered.
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We examine the correlations between rings in random network glasses in two dimensions as a function of their separation. Initially, we use the topological separation (measured by the number of intervening rings), but this lead to pseudo-long-range correlations due to a lack of topological charge neutrality in the shells surrounding a central ring. This effect is associated with the non-circular nature of the shells. It is ,therefore, necessary to use the geometrical distance between ring centers. Hence we find a generalization of the Aboav-Weaire law out to larger distances, with the correlations between rings decaying away when two rings are more than about 3 rings apart.
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Finite pieces of locally isostatic networks have a large number of floppy modes because of missing constraints at the surface. Here we show that by imposing suitable boundary conditions at the surface, the network can be rendered effectively isostatic. We refer to these as anchored boundary conditions. An important example is formed by a two-dimensional network of corner sharing triangles, which is the focus of this paper. Another way of rendering such networks isostatic, is by adding an external wire along which all unpinned vertices can slide (sliding boundary conditions). This ap- proach also allows for the incorporation of boundaries associated with internal holes and complex sample geometries, which are illustrated with examples. The recent synthesis of bilayers of vitreous silica has provided impetus for this work. Experimental results from the imaging of finite pieces at the atomic level needs such boundary conditions, if the observed structure is to be computer-refined so that the interior atoms have the perception of being in an infinite isostatic environment.
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A combination of in situ high-pressure neutron diffraction at pressures up to 17.5(5) GPa and molecular dynamics simulations employing a many-body interatomic potential model is used to investigate the structure of cold-compressed silica glass. The simulations give a good account of the neutron diffraction results and of existing x-ray diffraction results at pressures up to ∼60 GPa. On the basis of the molecular dynamics results, an atomistic model for densification is proposed in which rings are "zipped" by a pairing of five-and/or sixfold coordinated Si sites. The model gives an accurate description for the dependence of the mean primitive ring size hni on the mean Si-O coordination number, thereby linking a parameter that is sensitive to ordering on multiple length scales to a readily measurable parameter that describes the local coordination environment.
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The recent synthesis and characterization of bilayers of vitreous silica has produced valuable new information on ring sizes and distributions. In this paper, we compare the ring statistics of experimental samples with computer generated samples. The average ring size is fixed at six by topology, but the width, skewness and other moments of the distribution of ring edges are characteristics of particular samples. We examine the Aboav-Weaire law that quantifies the propensity of smaller rings to be adjacent to larger rings, and find similar results for available experimental samples which however differ somewhat from computer-generated bilayers currently. We introduce a new law for the areas of rings of various sizes.
We reveal significant qualitative differences in the rigidity transition of three types of disordered network materials: randomly diluted spring networks, jammed sphere packings, and random spring networks (called stress-relieved networks) that are diluted using a protocol that specifically avoids the appearance of floppy regions. We probe the fractions of isostatic and stressed bonds and the mechanical response. The marginal state of jammed and stress-relieved networks are exactly and precisely isostatic everywhere, in contrast to the marginal state in randomly diluted networks which shows both redundant (over-constrained) bonds and local floppy modes (under-constrained regions). Nevertheless, when a single bond is added to or removed from these isostatic clusters, stress-relieved and jammed networks are qualitatively different; jammed networks becoming globally over-constrained or floppy, respectively, whereas the effect on stress-relieved networks is more local and limited. These differences are also reflected in the linear elastic properties and point to the highly effective and unusual role of global self-organization in jammed sphere packings.
Computing in science and engineering is now ubiquitous: digital technologies underpin, accelerate, and enable new, even transformational, research in all domains. Access to an array of integrated and well-supported high-end digital services is critical for the advancement of knowledge. Driven by community needs, the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) project substantially enhances the productivity of a growing community of scholars, researchers, and engineers (collectively referred to as "scientists"' throughout this article) through access to advanced digital services that support open research. XSEDE's integrated, comprehensive suite of advanced digital services federates with other high-end facilities and with campus-based resources, serving as the foundation for a national e-science infrastructure ecosystem. XSEDE's e-science infrastructure has tremendous potential for enabling new advancements in research and education. XSEDE's vision is a world of digitally enabled scholars, researchers, and engineers participating in multidisciplinary collaborations to tackle society's grand challenges.
Cristobalite is the only corner-sharing tetrahedral framework that can maintain perfectly regular SiO4 tetrahedra throughout the entire 180° range of Si–O–Si angles. It is, thus, the ideal system for a study of the energy dependence of the Si–O–Si angle in a crystalline framework. Using the VASP first principles density functional code, we have derived energy versus Si–O–Si angle curves for pure silica and versus Ge–O–Ge angles for pure germania models of cristobalite. In addition, the frameworks of quartz, tridymite, and the zeolites sodalite (SOD) and metavariscite (BCT) were studied. The range of angles with low energies is larger for silica, though the lowest-energy Ge–O–Ge angle is always lower than the corresponding lowest-energy Si–O–Si angle in the same framework type. We discuss which framework types are possible for pure-silica and pure-germania based on a rigid tetrahedron model.