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A large chikungunya outbreak is ongoing in Italy, with a main cluster in the Anzio coastal municipality. With preliminary epidemiological data, and a transmission model using mosquito abundance and biting rates, we estimated the basic reproduction number R0 at 2.07 (95% credible interval: 1.47–2.59) and the first case importation between 21 May and 18 June 2017. Outbreak risk was higher in coastal/rural sites than urban ones. Novel transmission foci could occur up to mid-November.
R 
Transmission dynamics of the ongoing chikungunya
outbreak in Central Italy: from coastal areas to the
metropolitan city of Rome, summer 2017
Mattia Manica1,2,3 , Giorgio Guzzetta3,4, Piero Poletti3,4, Federico Filipponi², Angelo Solimini², Beniamino Caputo², Alessandra
della Torre², Roberto Rosà¹, Stefano Merler
1. Dipartimento di Biodiversità ed Ecologia Molecolare/Centro Ricerca e Innovazione, Fondazione Edmund Mach, San Michele
all’Adige, Italy
2. Dipartimento di Sanitá Pubblica e Malattie Infettive, Sapienza University of Rome, Laboratory aliated to Istituto Pasteur
Italia – Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti
3. These authors contributed equally to the work
4. Center for Information Technology, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy
Correspondence: Stefano Merler (
Citation style for this article:
Manica Mattia, Guzzet ta Giorgio, Poletti Piero, Fil ipponi Federico, Solimini A ngelo, Caputo Beniamino, della Torre Alessandr a, Rosà Roberto, Merler S tefano.
Transmission dynamics of the ong oing chikungunya outbreak in Central I taly: from coastal area s to the metropolitan cit y of Rome, summer 2017. Euro Surveill.
Article submit ted on 11 Oct 2017 / accepted on 31 Oc t 2017 / published on 02 No v 2017
A large chikungunya outbreak is ongoing in Italy, with
a main cluster in the Anzio coastal municipality. With
preliminary epidemiological data, and a transmission
model using mosquito abundance and biting rates,
we estimated the basic reproduction number R0 at
2.07 (95% credible interval: 1.47–2.59) and the first
case importation between 21 May and 18 June 2017.
Outbreak risk was higher in coastal/rural sites than
urban ones. Novel transmission foci could occur up to
On 7 September 2017, Italian public health authorities
reported three autochthonous cases of chikungunya
in Anzio, a coastal city 50 km south of Rome, located
in the Lazio region [1]. However, the symptom onset
for the first cases was retrospectively considered to
have occurred between 26 and 27 June. The outbreak
continued spreading in the Lazio region with the num-
ber of notified cases reaching 297 (of which 170 were
confirmed) on 13 October. Although most cases were
reported from Anzio, a distinct cluster of transmission
was also detected in the metropolitan area of Rome
[2]. The index case has not been identified, but the
mosquito vector implicated in the chikungunya virus
(CHIKV ) transmission was confirmed to beAedesalbop-
ictus, as was the case in a previous Italian CHIKV out-
break, which occurred in the region of Emilia Romagna
in 2007 [1]. In the same period than the Lazio outbreak
in 2017, a fur ther outbreak was detected in Guardavalle
Marina, a small coastal town in the Calabria region [2],
600 km south of Anzio, with 54 additional notified
cases (nine confirmed). It is still unknown whether the
Guardavalle outbreak is epidemiologically linked to the
epidemic occurring in Lazio. Here, we provide a quanti-
tative characterisation of the ongoing outbreak, using
available epidemiological data [2] and a transmission
dynamics model [3-5] informed with data on mosquito
abundance [6] and biting rate on humans [7] from pre-
vious collections in 18 sites within Lazio region.
Reproduction numbers from
epidemiological data
The instantaneous reproduction number Rt [8] was
estimated from the time series of notified cases
in Anzio, Rome and Guardavalle Marina under the
assumption of gamma distributed generation time
(shape = 4.67; scale = 3; mean= 4 days) [9] (Figure
1). By averaging Rt over the first 3 weeks of August
(initial period of exponential growth), we estimated
the basic reproduction number R0 for Anzio at 2.07
(95% credible inter val (CI):1.47–2.59), a value slightly
lower than that estimated for the 2007 outbreak in
Emilia Romagna (i.e. R0 = 3.3; 95% CI: 1.8–6.0) [3].
The decrease in Rt corresponded with the first date
of reactive vector control interventions, namely 7
September [10]. The robustness of this estimate was
confirmed by computing the basic reproduction num-
ber from the exponential growth rate [11] yielding a
very similar result (R0 = 1.88; 95% CI: 1.55–2.27). The
hypothesis of sub-exponential growth in Anzio was
subsequently ruled out [12]. For Rome and Guardavalle
Marina, the number of cases was too small to compute
a reliable estimate of R0; however, peak values of Rtfor
these two outbreaks were smaller compared with the
Anzio outbreak (Figure 1).
Mosquito abundance
We calibrated a mosquito population model [4]
toAe.albopictuscapture data obtained at several time
points throughout the period July to November 2012
F 1
Time series of notified chikungunya cases with estimates of the instantaneous reproductive number Rt over time, averaged
over a moving window of 14 days, Anzio, Rome and Guardavalle Marina, Italy, 2017
Time (days)
Number of daily notified cases and R
Jun 15
Jul 1
Jul 15
Aug 1
Aug 15
Sep 1
Sep 15
Oct 1
Oct 15
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (days)
Notified chikungunya cases Estimated instantaneous reproductive number Rt with 95% CI
Jun 15
Jul 1
Jul 15
Aug 1
Aug 15
Sep 1
Sep 15
Oct 1
Oct 15
0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (days)
Jun 15
Jul 1
Jul 15
Aug 1
Aug 15
Sep 1
Sep 15
Oct 1
Oct 15
0 2 4 6 8 10
Number of daily notified cases and R
Number of daily notified cases and R
Anzio Rome Guardavalle Marina
CI: credible interval; Rt: instantaneous reproduction number.
Rt was estimated by Markov chain Monte Carlo applied to the Poisson likelihood associated to the renewal equation Ct=Pois(Rt∑s=1tTgsC(t-s))
[8], where C(t) is the number of new cases at time t and Tg is the generation time distribution [9].
F 2
Location within the Lazio region of sites from which mosquito sampling in 2012 provided data for estimation of mosquito
abundance in 2017, Italy (n = 18 sites)
Site type
Inhabitants / ha
0 10 km
Stars represent locations with ongoing outbreaks in 2017 in Italy.
F 3
Number of Aedes albopictus adult females per hectare over time, as estimated in the absence of interventions for 2017 in the
18 mosquito sampling sites, Lazio region, Italy
1 Fregene
0 2000 4000 6000
0 60 120 180
2 Focene
0 2000 4000 6000
0 60 120 180
3 Fiumicino
0 2000 4000 6000
0 60 120 180
4 Fiumicino Parco
0 2000 4000 6000
0 60 120 180
5 Ponte Galeria
0 2000 4000 6000
0 60 120 180
6 Villa Bonelli
0 2000 4000 6000
0 60 120 180
7 Trastevere
0 2000 4000 6000
0 60 120 180
8 Cornelia
0 2000 4000 6000
0 60 120 180
9 Cipro
0 2000 4000 6000
0 60 120 180
10 Flaminio
0 2000 4000 6000
0 60 120 180
11 Vittorio Emanuele
0 2000 4000 6000
0 60 120 180
12 Arco di Travertino
0 2000 4000 6000
0 60 120 180
13 Nomentano
0 2000 4000 6000
0 60 120 180
14 Nuovo Salario
0 2000 4000 6000
0 60 120 180
15 Monterotondo
0 2000 4000 6000
0 60 120 180
16 Fara Sabina
0 2000 4000 6000
0 60 120 180
17 Poggio Mirteto
0 2000 4000 6000
0 60 120 180
18 Salisano
0 2000 4000 6000
0 60 120 180
Mar 1
May 1
Jul 1
Sep 1
Nov 1
Apr 1
Jun 1
Aug 1
Oct 1
Dec 1
Mar 1
May 1
Jul 1
Sep 1
Nov 1
Apr 1
Jun 1
Aug 1
Oct 1
Dec 1
Mar 1
May 1
Jul 1
Sep 1
Nov 1
Apr 1
Jun 1
Aug 1
Oct 1
Dec 1
Time (weeks) Time (weeks) Time (weeks)
Ae. albopictus
per hectare [2017]
Ae. albopictus
per hectare [2017]
Ae. albopictus
per hectare [2017]
Ae. albopictus
per hectare [2017]
Ae. albopictus
per hectare [2017]
Ae. albopictus
per hectare [2017]
Ae. albopictus
captures [2012]
Ae. albopictus
captures [2012]
Ae. albopictus
captures [2012]
Ae. albopictus
captures [2012]
Ae. albopictus
captures [2012]
Ae. albopictus
captures [2012]
For each study site, the abundance of Aedes albopictus adult females per hectare in 2017 is presented over the March to December period (line: mean number;
shaded are a: 95% credible inter val); the grey colour is use d to depict estimate s based on recorded temperatures [13], while red is use d for estimates from
predicted temperatures based on previously observed trends (scale on the left).
In addition, for each site, the obs erved (blue dots) and estimated (boxplot s) total number of capt ure female adults during 2012, are shown from March to
December (scale on the right). Boxplots represent 2.5%, 25%, 75%, and 97.5% quantile and mean of model estimates.
from 18 sites along a 70 km-transect from the Lazio
coast (four sites) to rural inland areas (5 sites), and
encompassing the metropolitan area of Rome (nine
sites) [6] (Figure 2). Coastal sites have a human density
(5–50 inhabitants/ha) close to that of Anzio (roughly
30 inhabitants/ha, increasing during summer months
due to touristic influx) and similar eco-climatic condi-
tions, and were therefore considered representative
for the analysis of the main outbreak; urban sites (with
human density up to 267 inhabitants/ha) were consid-
ered representative for the Rome outbreak. The model
takes as input daily temperature records obtained from
the closest weather station to each sampling site [13].
The calibrated model was re-run with 2017 tem-
peratures to estimate the mosquito abundance
during the ongoing outbreak (Figure 3). Human land-
ing capture experiments performed in 2014 within
a highly Ae. albopictus infested area in Rome [7]
were used to estimate the mosquito biting rate [14].
Remarkably, the biting rate was found to be nearly
constant over the season and its value (range: 0.08–
0.1, as shown in the Table) complies with the 0.09
(95%CI:0.05–0.16) estimate from the 2007 CHIKV out-
break [3,14].
Transmission dynamics
The probability of a CHIKV outbreak, the number of
symptomatic and asymptomatic cases and the daily
number of notified cases at different sites were com-
puted using a previously published stochastic trans-
mission model [5] (Figure 4) simulated over an area
of radius 300 m (i.e. ca 28ha), according to mosquito
abundance data [6], epidemiological data [10] and
mosquitoes flight range [15]. Potential delays between
symptom onset and notification were also accounted
for (Table). A set of 10,000 model simulations was run
for each site by sampling epidemiological parameters
from known distributions and considering a single
imported case at different times within the 1 May–15
November time window (Table). In order to predict the
time of virus introduction, the symptom onset for the
first notified case was considered to have occurred
between 23 and 29 June in coastal sites (first recorded
symptoms in Anzio: 26 June [2]) and between 12 and 18
July in urban sites (first recorded symptoms in Rome: 15
July [2]). The likely time of virus introduction was iden-
tified by selecting simulations with compliant symptom
According to model estimates, the first CHIK V case is
likely to have been imported in the first week of June in
Anzio (range:21 May–18 June, sites 1–4 inFigure 5) and
in early July in Rome (range:28 May–16 July, sites 7–14
inFigure 5). In early June the probability of occurrence
of an outbreak is estimated to be higher in coastal
sites (11–44%) compared with urban sites (3–34%)
(Figure 6). However, in the latter sites, the probability
of outbreak increases to 22–82% at the predicted time
of arrival of the infection in Rome. The risk of large
outbreaks is estimated to be higher in coastal and
rural sites than in urban sites (Figure 6), despite the
high Ae. albopictus abundance in some urban areas
(Figure 2). This is explained by the higher human den-
sity in urban sites, which reduces the mosquito/human
ratio and thus the risk of infection. Specifically, at the
predicted time of the first case in Anzio, the number
of mosquitoes per person ranged between 1.9 and
7.3 in coastal sites and between 0.4 and 2.6 in urban
areas. The probability of observing additional trans-
mission foci in unaffected areas is estimated to remain
significant up to mid-November. This analysis was not
performed for Guardavalle Marina due to the lack of
entomological data.
Estimates of health and economic burden
Based on observed cases that occurred before the
restriction of blood donations in Lazio on 12 September
[1], the estimated time of virus introduction, the notifi-
cation rates (Table), the durations of infection (Table)
and the available estimates on the daily blood donation
rates [16], we estimated the probability that one blood
sample might have been collected from an infected
individual to be ca 0.73% (95% CI:  0.28–1.34%) in
Anzio and 0.15% (95%CI:0.05–0.29%) in Rome. Based
on average costs and Disability Adjusted Life Years
(DALY) lost per observed symptomatic CHIKV case [5],
F 4
Schematic representation of the model used to estimate
chikungunya transmission, Lazio region, Italy, 2017
λm= kcmIh/Nh
= kc
Estimates from observed captures
and entomological model
γh : Intrinsic incubation period
σh : Human infectious period
γm : Extrinsic incubation period
χm : Probability of human-to-vector
: Probability of vector-to-human
k : Mosquito biting rate
transmission per bite
transmission per bite
E: exposed; I: infectious; λ: force of infection, i.e. the probabilit y
per unit of time for a susceptible to become infected; N: total
population; R: recovered; S: susceptibles.
Subscripts h and m refer to humans and mosquitoes respectively.
Human cases are notif ied with probabilit y pspn, which represent
the probability of developing clinical symptoms and the probability
of being detected respectively, with a delay d between symptom
onset and detection. Parameters values are reported in the Table.
the economic burden as at 13 October is estimated at
322,000 EUR (95%CI:222,000–477,000) with a loss of
341 DALYs (95%CI:235–505). These estimates exclude
costs related to the management of blood supplies
after restrictions.
Our modelling estimates are subjected to uncertain-
ties related to the actual mosquito abundance in Anzio
and to the provisional nature of epidemiological data
available up to now, including possible changes in
the detection rates after the outbreak identification.
Furthermore, the model is not suitable to evaluate the
potential geographical spread of the epidemic, as it
provides estimates only at the scale of 30 ha-patches,
with the assumption of homogenous mixing within the
patch. Critically, the high spatial heterogeneity in mos-
quito abundance, especially in urban areas, suggests
the need to rely on information about mosquito popu-
lations at the local scale in order to assess the impact
of current and future outbreaks. As shown by past sur-
veillance records [17,18], the number of impor ted chi-
kungunya cases in Lazio range from zero to seven per
year, therefore suggesting that multiple importations
from abroad in the city of Anzio during the summer of
2017 were unlikely; however, multiple introductions in
Rome (e.g. infected tourists coming back from Anzio)
are possible. This is a further possible limitation to the
interpretation of results related to Rome.
Despite these limitations, the model provides relevant
estimates to characterise the ongoing CHIKV outbreak
in Central Italy. First, the R0 in Anzio is shown to be
lower, but comparable to R0 associated with the 2007
CHIKV outbreak in Emilia Romagna and other outbreaks
worldwide [3]. Second, perhaps counter-intuitively, the
highest transmission potential is predicted in coastal
and rural areas (due to the higher mosquito to human
ratio compared with densely populated metropoli-
tan areas), consistently with the higher incidence of
CHIKV observed in Anzio compared with Rome [2].
Third, the model estimates the health and economic
burden related to the outbreak, which are instrumental
to evaluate cost–benefits of preventive interventions
aimed to reduce mosquito vector densities. In fact,
availability of information on insecticide treatments
carried out after CHIK V notifications would also allow
predicting their effect on mosquito population dynam-
ics. Finally, the model predicts a risk of autochthonous
transmission in Lazio region up to mid-November, as
a consequence of the expected persistence of favour-
able climatic conditions in the area [6]. Although the
F 5
Distributions of the probable time of first chikungunya virus introduction in coastal sites (sites from 1 to 4), which were
considered as representative of Anzio, and in urban sites considered as representative of Rome (sites from 7 to 14), Italy 2017
Jun 1
Jul 1
Aug 1
Sep 1
Oct 1
May 1
Time (weeks)
12 − Arco di Travertino 13 − Nomentano 14 − Nuovo Salario
9 − Cipro 10 − Flaminio 11 − Vittorio Emanuele
4 − Fiumicino Parco 7 − Trastevere 8 − Cornelia
1 − Fregene 2 − Focene 3 − Fiumicino
Probability of importation
Jun 1
Jul 1
Aug 1
Sep 1
Oct 1
May 1
Jun 1
Jul 1
Aug 1
Sep 1
Oct 1
May 1
F 6
Model estimates of the probability of autochthonous transmission of chikungunya virus in 18 mosquito sampling sites in
Lazio region, disaggregated by potential outbreak size, in case of a single imported case at different weeks of the year from 1
May to 15 November, Italy 2017
16 − Fara Sabina 17 − Poggio Mirteto 18 − Salisano
13 − Nomentano 14 − Nuovo Salario 15 − Monterotondo
10 − Flaminio 11 − Vittorio Emanuele 12 − Arco di Travertino
7 − Trastevere 8 − Cornelia 9 − Cipro
4 − Fiumicino Parco 5 − Ponte Galeria 6 − Villa Bonelli
1 − Fregene 2 − Focene 3 − Fiumicino
Jun 1
Jul 1
Aug 1
Sep 1
Oct 1
Nov 1
Time (weeks)
Probability of outbreak
Outbreak size 2−10 11−100 >100
Jun 1
Jul 1
Aug 1
Sep 1
Oct 1
Nov 1
Jun 1
Jul 1
Aug 1
Sep 1
Oct 1
Nov 1
different weeks of the year from 1 May to 15 November, Italy 2017
Figure 6
Click to view
Estimates do not account for the different probabilities of importation (which depend on the absolute number of infected travellers) in urban,
rural and coastal sites.
number of cases is declining [19], with only 23 cases
notified in October 2017, the foci of CHIKV transmission
identified in the city of Latina (22 km east of Anzio) [20]
and in Guardavalle Marina highlight the need to con-
tinue monitoring the outbreaks.
Conflict of interest
None declared.
Authors’ contributions
Conceived of the study: MM, GG, PP, RR, SM; Provided/col-
lected the data: MM, FF, AS, BC, AdT; Performed the analy-
sis: MM, GG, PP, SM; Interpreted the results: MM, GG, PP,
FF, AS, BC, AdT, RR, SM; Wrote the manuscript: GG, PP, AdT,
SM; Revised/approved the manuscript: MM, GG, PP, FF, AS,
BC, AdT, RR, SM.
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Med Hyg. 2010;82(3):508-11.
ajtmh.2010.09-0322 PMID: 20207883
26. Sochacki T, Jourdain F, Perrin Y, Noel H, Pat y MC, de Valk H, et
al. Impor ted chikungunya cases in an area newly colonised by
Aedes albopictus: mathematical assessment of the best public
health strategy. Euro Surveill. 2016;21(18):30221. https://doi.
org/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2016.21.18.30221 PMID: 27172607
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... 7 Local outbreaks of chikungunya in the Americas and in temperate areas of Europe have also occurred in the last two decades. [8][9][10][11] Spatial patterns and temporal trends in vector-borne diseases have been investigated through various modelling approaches. 12 A widely used approach relies on the simulation of detailed population models, which mimic the biological processes driving the entire developmental cycle of the vectors. ...
... 12 A widely used approach relies on the simulation of detailed population models, which mimic the biological processes driving the entire developmental cycle of the vectors. 8,9,13,14 However, such mechanistic models are usually tailored to local entomological 8,9,14 or epidemiological data 9 and might be computationally intensive when applied at a large, but high-resolution, spatial scale. Complementary to mechanistic approaches, correlative models (ranging from simple regressions to advanced machine learning methods) have been trained on large and heterogeneous datasets of mosquito or disease occurrences to provide spatial esti mates of the habitat suitability and distributional patterns for different mosquito species [15][16][17][18] and to identify areas at a higher risk of vector-borne diseases. ...
... 12 A widely used approach relies on the simulation of detailed population models, which mimic the biological processes driving the entire developmental cycle of the vectors. 8,9,13,14 However, such mechanistic models are usually tailored to local entomological 8,9,14 or epidemiological data 9 and might be computationally intensive when applied at a large, but high-resolution, spatial scale. Complementary to mechanistic approaches, correlative models (ranging from simple regressions to advanced machine learning methods) have been trained on large and heterogeneous datasets of mosquito or disease occurrences to provide spatial esti mates of the habitat suitability and distributional patterns for different mosquito species [15][16][17][18] and to identify areas at a higher risk of vector-borne diseases. ...
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Background Estimates of the spatiotemporal distribution of different mosquito vector species and the associated risk of transmission of arboviruses are key to design adequate policies for preventing local outbreaks and reducing the number of human infections in endemic areas. In this study, we quantified the abundance of Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti and the local transmission potential for three arboviral infections at an unprecedented spatiotemporal resolution in areas where no entomological surveillance is available. Methods We developed a computational model to quantify the daily abundance of Aedes mosquitoes, leveraging temperature and precipitation records. The model was calibrated on mosquito surveillance data collected in 115 locations in Europe and the Americas between 2007 and 2018. Model estimates were used to quantify the reproduction number of dengue virus, Zika virus, and chikungunya in Europe and the Americas, at a high spatial resolution. Findings In areas colonised by both Aedes species, A aegypti was estimated to be the main vector for the transmission of dengue virus, Zika virus, and chikungunya, being associated with a higher estimate of R0 when compared with A albopictus. Our estimates highlighted that these arboviruses were endemic in tropical and subtropical countries, with the highest risks of transmission found in central America, Venezuela, Colombia, and central-east Brazil. A non-negligible potential risk of transmission was also estimated for Florida, Texas, and Arizona (USA). The broader ecological niche of A albopictus could contribute to the emergence of chikungunya outbreaks and clusters of dengue autochthonous cases in temperate areas of the Americas, as well as in mediterranean Europe (in particular, in Italy, southern France, and Spain).
... The vector-host ratio refers to the number of mosquitoes (vectors) that are present per human (host). Furthermore, the vector-host ratio for Rome needs to be lower than the ratio for Anzio as vector-host ratios tend to decrease with population density [42]. ...
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Background Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) outbreaks, driven by the expanding habitat of the Aedes albopictus mosquito and global climate change, pose a significant threat to public health. Our study evaluates the effectiveness of emergency vaccination using a dynamic disease transmission model for a potential large-scale outbreak in Rome, Italy. Methods The model incorporates a susceptible-exposed-infected-recovered (SEIR) framework for human and mosquito populations, taking into account temperature-dependent mosquito lifecycle dynamics, human-mosquito interactions, and various vaccination scenarios. Findings Results indicate that emergency vaccination could significantly mitigate the impact of a CHIKV outbreak. Without vaccination, an outbreak is estimated to infect up to 6.21% of Rome’s population, equating to approximately 170,762 individuals. Implementing rapid vaccination after detecting the virus in ten individuals and achieving 40% coverage could reduce infection rates by 82%, preventing 139,805 cases. Scenario and sensitivity analyses confirm that even with lower vaccination coverage rates, significant benefits are observed: at 10% coverage, the number of infections drops to 115,231, and at 20% coverage, it further reduces to 76,031. These scenarios indicate prevention of approximately 33% and 55% of infections, respectively. Conclusions The findings highlight the critical role of timely vaccination interventions in outbreak settings, demonstrating that even modest coverage levels can markedly decrease the spread of CHIKV. This study underscores the importance of preparedness, early detection and adaptive response capabilities to manage emerging infectious diseases in urban centres, advocating for strategic vaccine stockpiling and rapid deployment mechanisms to enhance public health outcomes.
... Autochthonous transmission of dengue and chikungunya viruses related to Ae. albopictus has been recently reported in Europe. Chikungunya outbreaks occurred in France in 2010, 2014, and 2017, as well as in Italy in 2007 and 2017 [6][7][8][9][10]. From 2010 until the present time, dengue autochthonous cases have also occurred in Croatia (2010), France (2010,(2013)(2014)(2015)(2018)(2019)(2020)(2021)(2022)(2023), Spain (2018Spain ( , 2019Spain ( , 2022Spain ( , 2023, and Italy (2020, 2023) [11]. ...
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Aedes albopictus is considered one of the major invasive species in the world and can transmit viruses such as dengue, Zika, or chikungunya. The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) can be used to suppress the native populations of Ae. albopictus. Mark–release–recapture (MRR) studies are crucial to support the development of the release strategy during the SIT application. Meanwhile, weather conditions can affect the MRR trial’s results and it is critical to understand the influence of climatic factors on the results. In October 2022, 84,000 irradiated sterile males were released for three consecutive weeks in Faro, Southern Portugal. Mosquitoes were recaptured by human landing collection (HLC) one, two, four, and six days after release. Generalized linear models with a negative binomial family and log function were used to estimate the factors associated with the number of recaptured mosquitoes, prevalence ratios, and the 95% confidence intervals (CIs). A total of 84,000 sterile male mosquitoes were released, with 528 recaptured (0.8%) by HLC. The prevalence of recaptured mosquitoes was 23% lower when the wind intensity was moderate. Marked sterile males had an average median distance travelled of 88.7 m. The median probability of daily survival and the average life expectancy were 61.6% and 2.1 days, respectively. The wild male population estimate was 443.33 males/ha. Despite no statistically significant association being found with humidity, temperature, and precipitation, it is important to consider weather conditions during MRR trial analyses to obtain the best determinant estimation and a more efficient application of the SIT in an integrated vector management program.
... Autochthonous transmission of dengue and chikungunya viruses related to Ae. albopictus has been recently reported in Europe. Chikungunya outbreaks occurred in France in 2010, 2014, and 2017, as well as in Italy in 2007 and 2017 [6][7][8][9][10]. From 2010 until the present time, dengue autochthonous cases have also occurred in Croatia (2010), France (2010,(2013)(2014)(2015)(2018)(2019)(2020)(2021)(2022)(2023), Spain (2018Spain ( , 2019Spain ( , 2022Spain ( , 2023 and Italy (2020, 2023) [11]. ...
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Aedes albopictus is considered one of the major invasive species in the world and can transmit viruses such as dengue, Zika, or chikungunya. The Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) can be used to suppress the native populations of Ae. albopictus. To support the development of the release strategy during the SIT application, Mark-Release-Recapture (MRR) studies are crucial. Mean-while, weather conditions can affect the MRR trial’s results and it is critical to understand the influence of climatic factors on the results. In October 2022 in Faro, Southern Portugal, 84,000 ir-radiated sterile males were released for three consecutive weeks and mosquitoes were recapture by Human Landing Collections (HLC) one, two, four and six days after. Generalised linear models with a negative binomial family and log function were used to estimate the factors asso-ciated with the number of recaptured mosquitoes, prevalence ratios, and the 95% confidence in-tervals (CI). A total of 84,000 sterile male mosquitoes were released, with 528 recaptured (0.8%) by HLC. The prevalence of recaptured mosquitoes was 23% lower when the wind intensity was moderate. Sterile-marked males had an average median distance travelled of 88.7 m. Median probability of daily survival and the average life expectancy were 61.6% and 2.1, respectively. Wild male population estimates was 443.33 males/ ha. Despite no statistically significant asso-ciation was found with humidity, temperature and precipitation, it is crucial to consider weather conditions during MRR trials analyses to obtain the best determinants estimation and a more ef-ficient application of SIT in an integrated vector management program.
... Since then, it has rapidly expanded its distribution throughout southern Europe, including countries like Italy where it was introduced at the end of the 1980s, and is now the most abundant species in Italian urban areas [1] and a major threat to public health; indeed, it has been responsible for several arbovirus outbreaks in Europe: in France, an increasing number of autochthonous transmissions of dengue virus (DENV), chikungunya virus (CHIKV), and Zika virus (ZIKV) have been detected since 2010 [2], and in Italy, the species has caused two CHIKV epidemic events, in 2007 (Emilia-Romagna region) and 2017 (Lazio and Calabria regions) [3,4]. In Italy, the tiger mosquito causes a significant biting nuisance [5] and a constant risk of the spread of arboviruses introduced by infected travelers. ...
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Background: Aedes albopictus, the Asian tiger mosquito, has become a prevalent pest in Italy, causing severe nuisance and posing a threat of transmission of arboviruses introduced by infected travelers. In this study, we investigated the influence of weather parameters on the seasonal population density of Aedes albopictus. Methods: A Bayesian approach was employed to identify the best meteorological predictors of species trend, using the eggs collected monthly from 2010 to 2022 by the Emilia-Romagna regional monitoring network. Results: The findings show that the winter-spring period (January to May) plays a crucial role in the size of the first generation and seasonal development of the species. Conclusions: A temperate winter and a dry and cold March, followed by a rainy and hot spring and a rainy July, seem to favor the seasonal development of Ae. albopictus.
... Travel-related infectious diseases are a major concern in the modern era [1], due to the increase in international travel, which is predicted to return to pre-pandemic levels [2] and is estimated to reach 1.8 billion by 2030 [3]. This increase in travel has contributed to the amplification of infectious diseases [4][5][6], with global outbreaks recently documented [7][8][9][10][11]. Recently, over 250 million individuals have experienced a travel-related infection worldwide, with a death toll of over 650,000 [12][13][14]. ...
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The rise in international travel has led to an increase in travel-related infectious diseases. It is predicted that by 2030, the number of international travelers will reach 1.8 billion, with over 250 million people affected globally. This issue also has an economic impact, as the eradication of travel-related infectious diseases leads to a loss of USD 12 billion in tourism. To understand the association between demographic variables and knowledge, attitude, and behaviors related to travel-related infectious diseases, a cross-sectional survey-based study was conducted among 1191 individuals in the metropolitan city of Naples, Italy. Multiple linear regression was performed over three models. The results revealed that knowledge about travel-related infectious diseases was positively associated with age, female gender, non-smoking habits, being single, and higher education attainment. The attitude towards travel-related infectious diseases was positively associated with being female, non-smoking habits, being single, higher education attainment, and a higher level of knowledge. A statistically significant association was observed between behaviors and non-smoking habits and between higher levels of knowledge and attitudes. To address this issue, public health programs could be implemented to improve behaviors in the general population. Overall, this study provides valuable information about the determinants of knowledge, attitude, and behaviors related to travel-related infectious diseases in the general population.
Les confinements durant la pandémie de Covid-19 ont rouvert des discussions sur l’habitat urbain en révélant certains de ses manquements à la fois en termes de qualité de vie et de prévention des maladies infectieuses. Le SARS-CoV-2 n’est pas le seul virus qui menace les vies humaines en ville. En France les maladies vectorielles, comme la dengue, le chikungunya et Zika, transmises par les moustiques tigres Aedes albopictus et Aedes aegypti soulèvent également des questions relatives à l’urbain et au bâti, son rapport à la nature et les tensions qui existent entre des objectifs de plus en plus pressants concernant la conception de ville à la fois agréable à vivre, saine et durable. En effet, ces deux espèces, Aedes albopictus en particulier, ont trouvé dans les environnements urbains un habitat parfaitement adapté à leur prolifération, ce qui accroit les nuisances et les risques sanitaires liés à leurs piqûres. Face à cette situation et à l’épidémie de Covid-19, des stratégies de lutte et de prévention ont été mises en place, dont beaucoup basées sur la mobilisation sociale des habitants.
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Background: Climate change significantly influences the distribution and severity of tropical diseases. Rising temperatures, changing precipitation patterns, and extreme weather events are transforming the habitats of vectors like mosquitoes and ticks, promoting their proliferation and geographic spread. These changes have facilitated the resurgence of diseases such as malaria, dengue, and chikungunya fever in previously unaffected areas, including parts of Europe and Italy. Objective and methods: This review aims to explore the relationship between climate change and the spread of vector- borne and tropical parasitic diseases across Europe, with a particular focus on Italy. Recent studies are analyzed to identify emerging trends in disease transmission influenced by shifting climates. Genome-based monitoring and predictive models incorporating climatic and ecological data are highlighted as methods to enhance disease surveillance and preparedness. Results: The analysis reveals a clear link between climate change and altered disease patterns. The proliferation of vectors into new territories is associated with increased incidence of diseases. Genome-based tools demonstrate their utility in tracking the evolution of pathogens, particularly regarding changes in virulence, drug resistance, and adaptability to new climates. Predictive models have proven effective in anticipating outbreaks and supporting timely public health interventions. Conclusions: To mitigate the risks posed by climate-induced changes in disease dynamics, continuous monitoring and international collaboration are essential. Strengthening health systems’ resilience through mitigation and adaptation strategies is crucial for preventing future epidemics. These insights contribute to the development of sustainable long-term policies for managing tropical diseases in the context of climate change, ensuring timely responses to public health emergencies.
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Between August and 28 October 2024, 199 autochthonous cases of dengue virus serotype 2 were notified in the city of Fano, central Italy. We describe the ongoing epidemiological and microbiological investigation and public health measures implemented to contain the outbreak. The high transmissibility and the extension of the outbreak suggest that dengue should be expected in temperate regions during favourable seasons, highlighting the need for heightened awareness among healthcare providers and the public to ensure timely detection and response.
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Background Outbreaks of Aedes-borne diseases in temperate areas are not frequent, and limited in number of cases. We investigate the associations between habitat factors and temperature on individuals’ risk of chikungunya (CHIKV) in a non-endemic area by spatially analyzing the data from the 2017 Italian outbreak. Methodology/Principal findings We adopted a case-control study design to analyze the association between land-cover variables, temperature, and human population density with CHIKV cases. The observational unit was the area, at different scales, surrounding the residence of each CHIKV notified case. The statistical analysis was conducted considering the whole dataset and separately for the resort town of Anzio and the metropolitan city of Rome, which were the two main foci of the outbreak. In Rome, a higher probability for the occurrence of CHIKV cases is associated with lower temperature (OR = 0.72; 95% CI: 0.61–0.85) and with cells with higher vegetation coverage and human population density (OR = 1.03; 95% CI: 1.00–1.05). In Anzio, CHIKV case occurrence was positively associated with human population density (OR = 1.03; 95% CI: 1.00–1.06) but not with habitat factors or temperature. Conclusion/Significance Using temperature, human population density and vegetation coverage data as drives for CHIKV transmission, our estimates could be instrumental in assessing spatial heterogeneity in the risk of experiencing arboviral diseases in non-endemic temperate areas.
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Early estimates of the transmission potential of emerging and re-emerging infections are increasingly used to inform public health authorities on the level of risk posed by outbreaks. Existing methods to estimate the reproduction number generally assume exponential growth in case incidence in the first few disease generations, before susceptible depletion sets in. In reality, outbreaks can display subexponential (i.e. polynomial) growth in the first few disease generations, owing to clustering in contact patterns, spatial effects, inhomogeneous mixing, reactive behaviour changes or other mechanisms. Here, we introduce the generalized growth model to characterize the early growth profile of outbreaks and estimate the effective reproduction number, with no need for explicit assumptions about the shape of epidemic growth. We demonstrate this phenomenological approach using analytical results and simulations from mechanistic models, and provide validation against a range of empirical disease datasets. Our results suggest that subexponential growth in the early phase of an epidemic is the rule rather the exception. Mechanistic simulations show that slight modifications to the classical susceptible-infectious-removed model result in subexponential growth, and in turn a rapid decline in the reproduction number within three to five disease generations. For empirical outbreaks, the generalized-growth model consistently outperforms the exponential model for a variety of directly and indirectly transmitted diseases datasets (pandemic influenza, measles, smallpox, bubonic plague, cholera, foot-and-mouth disease, HIV/AIDS and Ebola) with model estimates supporting subexponential growth dynamics. The rapid decline in effective reproduction number predicted by analytical results and observed in real and synthetic datasets within three to five disease generations contrasts with the expectation of invariant reproduction number in epidemics obeying exponential growth. The generalized-growth concept also provides us a compelling argument for the unexpected extinction of certain emerging disease outbreaks during the early ascending phase. Overall, our approach promotes a more reliable and data-driven characterization of the early epidemic phase, which is important for accurate estimation of the reproduction number and prediction of disease impact.
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An autochthonous chikungunya outbreak is ongoing near Anzio, a coastal town in the province of Rome. The virus isolated from one patient and mosquitoes lacks the A226V mutation and belongs to an East Central South African strain. As of 20 September, 86 cases are laboratory-confirmed. The outbreak proximity to the capital, its late summer occurrence, and diagnostic delays, are favouring transmission. Vector control, enhanced surveillance and restricted blood donations are being implemented in affected areas.
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In the last decades, several European countries where arboviral infections are not endemic have faced outbreaks of diseases such as chikungunya and dengue, initially introduced by infectious travellers from tropical endemic areas and then spread locally via mosquito bites. To keep in check the epidemiological risk, interventions targeted to control vector abundance can be implemented by local authorities. We assessed the epidemiological effectiveness and economic costs and benefits of routine larviciding in European towns with temperate climate, using a mathematical model of Aedes albopictus populations and viral transmission, calibrated on entomological surveillance data collected from ten municipalities in Northern Italy during 2014 and 2015.We found that routine larviciding of public catch basins can limit both the risk of autochthonous transmission and the size of potential epidemics. Ideal larvicide interventions should be timed in such a way to cover the month of July. Optimally timed larviciding can reduce locally transmitted cases of chikungunya by 20% - 33% for a single application (dengue: 18–22%) and up to 43% - 65% if treatment is repeated four times throughout the season (dengue: 31–51%). In larger municipalities (>35,000 inhabitants), the cost of comprehensive larviciding over the whole urban area overcomes potential health benefits related to preventing cases of disease, suggesting the adoption of more localized interventions. Small/medium sized towns with high mosquito abundance will likely have a positive cost-benefit balance. Involvement of private citizens in routine larviciding activities further reduces transmission risks but with disproportionate costs of intervention. International travels and the incidence of mosquito-borne diseases are increasing worldwide, exposing a growing number of European citizens to higher risks of potential outbreaks. Results from this study may support the planning and timing of interventions aimed to reduce the probability of autochthonous transmission as well as the nuisance for local populations living in temperate areas of Europe.
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Background Aedes albopictus is an aggressive invasive mosquito species that represents a serious health concern not only in tropical areas, but also in temperate regions due to its role as vector of arboviruses. Estimates of mosquito biting rates are essential to account for vector-human contact in models aimed to predict the risk of arbovirus autochthonous transmission and outbreaks, as well as nuisance thresholds useful for correct planning of mosquito control interventions. Methods targeting daytime and outdoor biting Ae. albopictus females (e.g., Human Landing Collection, HLC) are expensive and difficult to implement in large scale schemes. Instead, egg-collections by ovitraps are the most widely used routine approach for large-scale monitoring of the species. The aim of this work was to assess whether ovitrap data can be exploited to estimate numbers of adult biting Ae. albopictus females and whether the resulting relationship could be used to build risk models helpful for decision-makers in charge of planning of mosquito-control activities in infested areas. Method Ovitrap collections and HLCs were carried out in hot-spots of Ae. albopictus abundance in Rome (Italy) along a whole reproductive season. The relationship between the two sets of data was assessed by generalized least square analysis, taking into account meteorological parameters. Result The mean number of mosquito females/person collected by HLC in 15′ (i.e., females/HLC) and the mean number of eggs/day were 18.9 ± 0.7 and 39.0 ± 2.0, respectively. The regression models found a significant positive relationship between the two sets of data and estimated an increase of one biting female/person every five additional eggs found in ovitraps. Both observed and fitted values indicated presence of adults in the absence of eggs in ovitraps. Notably, wide confidence intervals of estimates of biting females based on eggs were observed. The patterns of exotic arbovirus outbreak probability obtained by introducing these estimates in risk models were similar to those based on females/HLC (R0 > 1 in 86% and 40% of sampling dates for Chikungunya and Zika, respectively; R0 < 1 along the entire season for Dengue). Moreover, the model predicted that in this case-study scenario an R0 > 1 for Chikungunya is also to be expected when few/no eggs/day are collected by ovitraps. Discussion This work provides the first evidence of the possibility to predict mean number of adult biting Ae. albopictus females based on mean number of eggs and to compute the threshold of eggs/ovitrap associated to epidemiological risk of arbovirus transmission in the study area. Overall, however, the large confidence intervals in the model predictions represent a caveat regarding the reliability of monitoring schemes based exclusively on ovitrap collections to estimate numbers of biting females and plan control interventions.
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Significance Although the determinants of infectious disease transmission have been extensively investigated in small social structures such as households or schools, the impact of the wider environment (e.g., neighborhood) on transmission has received less attention. Here we use an outbreak of chikungunya as a case study where detailed epidemiological data were collected and combine it with statistical approaches to characterize the multiple factors that influence the risk of infectious disease transmission and may depend on characteristics of the individual (e.g., age, sex), of his or her close relatives (e.g., household members), or of the wider neighborhood. Our findings highlight the role that integrating statistical approaches with in-depth information on the at-risk population can have on understanding pathogen spread.
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Background Among the three countries most affected by the Ebola virus disease outbreak in 2014–2015, Guinea presents an unusual spatiotemporal epidemic pattern, with several waves and a long tail in the decay of the epidemic incidence. Methods Here, we develop a stochastic agent-based model at the level of a single household that integrates detailed data on Guinean demography, hospitals, Ebola treatment units, contact tracing, and safe burial interventions. The microsimulation-based model is used to assess the effect of each control strategy and the probability of elimination of the epidemic according to different intervention scenarios, including ring vaccination with the recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus-vectored vaccine. ResultsThe numerical results indicate that the dynamics of the Ebola epidemic in Guinea can be quantitatively explained by the timeline of the implemented interventions. In particular, the early availability of Ebola treatment units and the associated isolation of cases and safe burials helped to limit the number of Ebola cases experienced by Guinea. We provide quantitative evidence of a strong negative correlation between the time series of cases and the number of traced contacts. This result is confirmed by the computational model that suggests that contact tracing effort is a key determinant in the control and elimination of the disease. In data-driven microsimulations, we find that tracing at least 5–10 contacts per case is crucial in preventing epidemic resurgence during the epidemic elimination phase. The computational model is used to provide an analysis of the ring vaccination trial highlighting its potential effect on disease elimination. Conclusions We identify contact tracing as one of the key determinants of the epidemic’s behavior in Guinea, and we show that the early availability of Ebola treatment unit beds helped to limit the number of Ebola cases in Guinea.
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Aedes albopictus is a tropical invasive species which in the last decades spread worldwide, also colonizing temperate regions of Europe and US, where it has become a public health concern due to its ability to transmit exotic arboviruses, as well as severe nuisance problems due to its aggressive daytime outdoor biting behaviour. While several studies have been carried out in order to predict the potential limits of the species expansions based on eco-climatic parameters, few studies have so far focused on the specific effects of these variables in shaping its micro-geographic abundance and dynamics. The present study investigated eco-climatic factors affecting Ae. albopictus abundance and dynamics in metropolitan and sub-urban/rural sites in Rome (Italy), which was colonized in 1997 and is nowadays one of the most infested metropolitan areas in Southern Europe. To this aim, longitudinal adult monitoring was carried out along a 70 km-transect across and beyond the most urbanized and densely populated metropolitan area. Two fine scale spatiotemporal datasets (one with reference to a 20m circular buffer around sticky traps used to collect mosquitoes and the second to a 300m circular buffer within each sampling site) were exploited to analyze the effect of climatic and socio-environmental variables on Ae. albopictus abundance and dynamics along the transect. Results showed an association between highly anthropized habitats and high adult abundance both in metropolitan and sub-urban/rural areas, with “small green islands” corresponding to hot spots of abundance in the metropolitan areas only, and a bimodal seasonal dynamics with a second peak of abundance in autumn, due to heavy rains occurring in the preceding weeks in association with permissive temperatures. The results provide useful indications to prioritize public mosquito control measures in temperate urban areas where nuisance, human-mosquito contact and risk of local arbovirus transmission are likely higher, and highlight potential public health risks also after the summer months typically associated with high mosquito densities
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The rapid invasion and spread of Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1894) within new continents and climatic ranges has created favorable conditions for the emergence of tropical arboviral diseases in the invaded areas. We used mosquito abundance data from 2014 collected across ten sites in northern Italy to calibrate a population model for Aedes albopictus and estimate the potential of imported human cases of chikungunya or dengue to generate the condition for their autochthonous transmission in the absence of control interventions. The model captured intra-year seasonality and heterogeneity across sites in mosquito abundance, based on local temperature patterns and the estimated site-specific mosquito habitat suitability. A robust negative correlation was found between the latter and local late spring precipitations, indicating a possible washout effect on larval breeding sites. The model predicts a significant risk of chikungunya outbreaks in most sites if a case is imported between the beginning of summer and up to mid-November, with an average outbreak probability between 4.9% and 25%, depending on the site. A lower risk is predicted for dengue, with an average probability between 4.2% and 10.8% for cases imported between mid-July and mid-September. This study shows the importance of an integrated entomological and medical surveillance for the evaluation of arboviral disease risk, which is a precondition for designing cost-effective vector control programs.
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We aimed to identify the optimal strategy that should be used by public health authorities against transmission of chikungunya virus in mainland France. The theoretical model we developed, which mimics the current surveillance system, predicted that without vector control (VC), the probability of local transmission after introduction of viraemic patients was around 2%, and the number of autochthonous cases between five and 15 persons per hectare, depending on the number of imported cases. Compared with this baseline, we considered different strategies (VC after clinical suspicion of a case or after laboratory confirmation, for imported or autochthonous cases): Awaiting laboratory confirmation for suspected imported cases to implement VC had no significant impact on the epidemiological outcomes analysed, mainly because of the delay before entering into the surveillance system. However, waiting for laboratory confirmation of autochthonous cases before implementing VC resulted in more frequent outbreaks. After analysing the economic cost of such strategies, our study suggested implementing VC immediately after the notification of a suspected autochthonous case as the most efficient strategy in settings where local transmission has been proven. Nevertheless, we identified that decreasing reporting time for imported cases should remain a priority.
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Based on 2015 abundance of Aedes albopictus in nine northern Italian municipalities with temperate continental/oceanic climate, we estimated the basic reproductive number R0 for Zika virus (ZIKV) to be systematically below the epidemic threshold in most scenarios. Results were sensitive to the value of the probability of mosquito infection after biting a viraemic host. Therefore, further studies are required to improve models and predictions, namely evaluating vector competence and potential non-vector transmissions.