ArticlePDF AvailableLiterature Review

Sexual Media and Childhood Well-being and Health



Sexual content is highly prevalent in traditional media, and portrayals rarely depict the responsibilities and risks (eg, condom use, pregnancy) associated with sexual activity. Exposure to such content is linked with shifts in attitudes about sex and gender, earlier progression to sexual activity, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infection among adolescents. However, little information is available about moderators and mediators of these effects. We also know little about digital media, their sex-related content, and their potential influence on youth. Data from a few studies of older youth indicate that sexual displays on social media sites are related to problematic beliefs and behaviors among those who post this content and among viewers. Online pornography appears to be more problematic for youth than off-line sources. Given the vast and increasing amount of time youth spend online and their developmental openness to influence, more research attention to digital sexual media is needed. Those who undertake this work should identify potential negative consequences of use and opportunities to improve adolescent sexual health through digital media. Studies of on- and off-line media in which researchers examine younger media audiences, identify processes explaining sexual media effects on behavior, and moderators of effects are needed. Such studies could be used to inform interventions to reduce negative outcomes and increase positive media effects. Policy makers should stimulate the development of such interventions, including tools to help parents identify and manage negative media influences on their children's sexual well-being and development and dissemination of innovative media literacy programs related to sexual health.
PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number s2, November 2017:e20161758
Supplement Article
Sexual Media and Childhood
Well-being and Health
Rebecca L . Collins, PhD,
a Victor C. Strasburger, MD,
b Jane D. Brown, PhD,
c Edward
Donnerstein, PhD,
d Amanda Lenhart, MA,
e L. Monique War d, PhDf
aRAND Corporation, Santa Monica, California; bDepartment of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico; cSchool of Media and Journalism,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina; dDepartment of Communication, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona; eData & Society Research Institute, New York,
New York; and fDepartment of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Drs Collins and Strasburger provided an outline for the manuscript, drafted sections of the manuscript, and assembled, reviewed, and revised the manuscript; Drs
Brown, Donnerstein, Lenhart, and Ward drafted sections of the manuscript and reviewed and revised the manuscript; and all authors approved the final manuscript
as submitted.
The analysis, conclusions, and recommendations contained in each article are solely a product of the individual workgroup and are not the policy or opinions of, nor
do they represent an endorsement by Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development or the American Academy of Pediatrics.
DOI: https:// doi. org/ 10. 1542/ peds. 2016- 1758X
Accepted for publication Apr 19, 2017
Address correspondence to Rebecca L. Collins, PhD, RAND Corporation, 1776 Main St, Santa Monica, CA 90407. E-mail:
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275).
Copyright © 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
Sexual socialization is part of adolescent development, and the emergence of sexual interest and
activity is normative during this period. But sex can involve significant risks. Negative outcomes
are more likely with earlier sexual debut. High rates of teen-aged pregnancy and sexually
transmitted infections suggest that many youth initiate intercourse before they are prepared for
the responsibilities involved.
Sexual content is highly prevalent in traditional media, and portrayals rarely depict the
responsibilities and risks (eg, condom use, pregnancy) associated with sexual activity.
Exposure to such content is linked with shifts in attitudes about sex and gender, earlier
progression to sexual activity, pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infection among
adolescents. However, little information is available about moderators and mediators of
these effects. We also know little about digital media, their sex-related content, and their
potential inf luence on youth. Data from a few studies of older youth indicate that sexual
displays on social media sites are related to problematic beliefs and behaviors among
those who post this content and among viewers. Online pornography appears to be more
problematic for youth than off-line sources. Given the vast and increasing amount of time
youth spend online and their developmental openness to influence, more research at tention
to digital sexual media is needed. Those who undertake this work should identify potential
negative consequences of use and opportunities to improve adolescent sexual health
through digital media. Studies of on- and off-line media in which researchers examine
younger media audiences, identify processes explaining sexual media effects on behavior,
and moderators of effects are needed. Such studies could be used to inform interventions
to reduce negative outcomes and increase positive media effects. Policy makers should
stimulate the development of such interventions, including tools to help parents identify and
manage negative media inf luences on their childrens sexual well-being and development
and dissemination of innovative media literacy programs related to sexual health.
by 124915 on November 3, 2017 from
PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number s2, November 2017 S163
Many things contribute to developing
sexual attitudes, beliefs, and
behavior, including early sexual
debut. One is media.
Traditional Media and Sexual
Behavior, Attitudes, and Outcomes
Television, movies, music, and
magazines contain a great deal of
sexual content and little discussion
of emotions, responsibilities, or risks
associated with sexual activity (eg,
pregnancy, sexually transmitted
infections, birth control, and condom
use). Sex is portrayed in both word
and deed, with characters discussing
sex they have had or want to have,
myriad jokes and innuendo, advice
from magazines about techniques
to drive your partner wild, and
scenes portraying activities from
making out to intercourse. In 2005,
more than two-thirds of television
programs contained sexual content,
but portrayals of safer sex were rare.1
A variety of evidence links exposure
to sex in traditional media with
shifts in sexual attitudes, behavior,
and outcomes. In 21 studies,
researchers used longitudinal
data to find a potential cause-
and-effect relationship between
exposure to sexual content and
earlier sexual intercourse.2 The
best and most compelling from
a public health perspective are 3
longitudinal surveys of adolescents
in which researchers found that
youth whose media diets contained
greater amounts of sexual content
when initially surveyed were
more likely to initiate intercourse
by follow-up (12 years later).3
These relationships held after
accounting for a dozen other factors
that are associated with both media
habits and sexual behavior, such as
religiosity and parents monitoring
of their childrens activities and
whereabouts. In 1 of these studies,
researchers found associations
between exposure to sexual content
and later pregnancy.6 These findings
suggest not only that media promote
sexual activity but also that the
activity promoted is riskier.
Many researchers have also
documented associations between
sexual media exposure and
sexual attitudes and beliefs. In a
comprehensive review of 32 studies,
Ward7 concluded that sexual media
consumption is associated with
greater acceptance of casual sex
and perceptions that sex is more
frequent or prevalent. In another
8 researchers found that a
media diet high in sexual content
predicted adolescents safe sex
self-efficacy, sex-related outcome
expectancies, and perceived peer
norms. Conversely, it appears that
sexual media can promote healthy
sexual beliefs and attitudes. Youth
who reported seeing a television
episode discussing condom
efficacy changed their beliefs about
whether condoms usually prevent
pregnancy.9 In an additional study,
researchers randomly assigned
college students to view television
episodes that included portrayals of
guilt or regret over sexual activity
or similar episodes without these
consequences. Viewers of the
negative consequences reported
more negative views of premarital
sex.10 Researchers conducting
interventions have capitalized on
such effects as a method of improving
sexual behavior related to public
Traditional Media, Gendered Sexual
Scripts, and Sexual Objectification
Traditional media also appear to
influence youths sexual scripts,
or shared societal-level beliefs
about how people should act in
sexual situations. These scripts are
important in themselves and may
also influence sexual health, pleasure,
risk-taking, and dysfunction. Within
North American media, the dominant
sexual script expects men to pursue
sexual relationships, prioritize sex
and pleasure over emotion, treat
women as sexual objects, and reject
homosexual feelings or feminine
behavior. Women are expected to set
sexual limits, act sexually passive, use
their bodies and looks to attract men,
prioritize emotion and commitments
over sex, and minimize their own
desire.11 More frequent exposure
to traditional media is associated
with support of these notions and
misogynistic attitudes toward
Sexually objectifying portrayals of
women appear in 52% of magazine
advertisements, 59% of music videos,
and 32% of the music lyrics of male
artists.7 More than 100 studies
have revealed links between young
peoples exposure to objectifying
content and their objectification of
women or self-objectification.7 Those
exposed to objectifying portrayals
are more tolerant of or in agreement
with sexual harassment, adversarial
sexual beliefs, rape myths, child
sex abuse myths, and interpersonal
violence than participants without
this exposure and experience greater
body dissatisfaction, appearance
anxiety, and disordered eating
Twenty-seven percent of Teen-rated
video games contain sexual themes.12
Exposure to this content is linked to
increased odds of ever having had
sex, sexual assault, and attempted or
completed rape among youth 14 to
Women are underrepresented in
video games, and when present, they
are much more likely than men to be
shown with a sexualized appearance
or in sexually revealing clothing.7
Persons exposed to sexualized
women in video games express
greater acceptance of rape myths and
tolerance of sexual harassment than
others.7 Playing a video game as a
sexualized female character appears
to result in lower self-efficacy and
less favorable attitudes toward
womens cognitive capabilities.14
by 124915 on November 3, 2017 from
COLLINS et alS164
Social Media: A New Source of
Sexual and Relationship Content
Compared with traditional sexual
media, we know little about social
media, their sex-related content,
and how they might influence
youth.2 Facebook remains the
most commonly used social media
platform in the United States, with
71% of adolescents ages 13 to 17
using the site.15 Since 2012, use
of social media by young people
has been marked by an increasing
diversification of platforms visited,
with more adolescents assembling
an archipelago of different sites
and applications that they frequent,
including Facebook, Instagram,
Snapchat, Twitter, and others, which
makes researching the impact of
social networking sites that much
more difficult.16
Researchers are just beginning
to explore whether some of the
above-noted research revealing
a relationship between exposure
to sexual media and progression
in sexual activity generalizes to
adolescents use of sexual social
media. One study revealed that
sex-related self-disclosure on social
media was associated with off-line
sexual risk behaviors (including
casual sex).17 Recent longitudinal
research with Dutch adolescents
revealed that being exposed to sexy
self-presentations on social media
and sharing ones own sexy images
or materials were both positively
related to adolescents beliefs that
it was important to be sexually
outgoing (flirty, wild, seductive,
and giving the impression that one
is sexually available).18 The authors
of the same study established that
exposure to sexy-self presentations
indirectly related to a willingness to
engage in casual sexual behaviors
because it increased youths positive
sense of peers who engaged in such
Social media use also appears to
be related to self-objectification,
body shame, and decreased sexual
assertiveness.7 One study suggests
that social media influence teenagers
involved in dysfunctional or violent
romantic relationships by redefining
the boundaries between dating
partners. Social media were used for
monitoring or controlling a partner,
being verbally aggressive with a
partner, limiting access to oneself,
and for reconnecting after a violent
episode or breakup.19
Although most of the researchers
studying sexual media have focused
on the negative effects of media use,
the unique ability of social media to
reach large numbers of adolescents
with information to improve
sexual health has not been lost on
organizations with this goal. The
authors of a recent study found that
10% of teenagers get a lot of health
information from social media and
23% get at least some from social
media; 18% have researched sexually
transmitted diseases online.20
Sexting involves the exchange of
sexual content (text or images) via
cellular phones or the Internet.
Rates of sexting among youth vary
across study methodologies, sample
characteristics, and definitions of the
term.21 In nationally representative
samples of youth, the rate of sending
sexual images of oneself is 5% to
23 Approximately 7% to 15%
have received a sext.22, 24 Sexting may
be an emerging aspect of natural
adolescent sexual exploration
and experimentation.23 It is often
part of an existing or developing
romantic relationship. Sexting is
also associated with some risks. It is
sometimes pressured or coerced.25
Sexts are sometimes passed to a
third party as a method of bullying or
revenge.26 Youth senders of sexts are
sometimes prosecuted under child
pornography laws.26 Finally, sexting
is correlated with a constellation of
adolescent risk behaviors, including
sexual activity, sexual risk taking, and
substance use,
23 suggesting a need
for risk-reduction intervention with
sexting youth.
Online Pornography: A Special Case
New technologies have expanded
adolescents access to pornography.
Online pornography differs from
the pornography of the past in
some critically important ways.27
Online content is always on and is
portable, allowing access at any time
and in any place. It can be interactive
and more engaging, so there is
potentially increased learning and
exposure time. Extreme forms of
violent or sexual content are more
prevalent on the Internet than in
other popular media.27 Participation
is private and anonymous, which
allows children and adolescents
to search for materials they could
not search for in traditional media.
Finally, online media exposure is
much more difficult for parents to
monitor than media exposure in
traditional venues. National and
international studies reveal that
exposure to online pornography
is common among boys and not
uncommon among girls. Within the
United States, 42% of 10 to 17 year
olds have seen pornography online,
with 27% saying they intentionally
viewed such materials.27 An
examination of 15 to 18 year olds
found 54% of boys and 17% of girls
admitted to intentional viewing.27
Studies in which researchers look
at younger media audiences, focus
on the processes that might explain
sexual media effects on behavior, and
look at social media are needed.
Researchers should identify
reliable moderators of effects
that might be used to design or
target interventions, including
characteristics of youth such as
developmental stage, race, and
characteristics of sexual content.
All media users will not approach
sexual media content with the same
by 124915 on November 3, 2017 from
PEDIATRICS Volume 140, number s2, November 2017 S165
cognitive capabilities or interest
as others. Developmental factors
should be taken into account and
tested as effect-moderators as we
assess the extent to which media
use and content affects childrens
and adolescents sexual beliefs and
behaviors. We know that young
children (<78 years old) have
trouble distinguishing between what
is happening on the screen and what
could happen in real life. Taking
cognitive processing capabilities
into account will be important as we
understand more about what and
how children learn about sexuality
from the media. Similarly, physical,
socioemotional, and cognitive
maturity can affect both the salience
and processing of sexual media
28 as can developing sexual
self-concepts. Incomplete brain
development pushes adolescents to
engage in risky behaviors and may
affect the extent to which sexual
media content is sought and acted on.
Minority youth may be less affected
by some media portrayals.29 More
study of racial and ethnic differences
may help identify methods to
promote resilience to negative media
influences across all youth.
Media influences on sexual
development and health can be
positive, and more research is needed
to identify (1) ways to draw youth
to (and get youth to create) positive
content and (2) aspects of portrayals
that most reduce risk or enhance
health and well-being.
It is important that the authors of
future studies balance concerns
over ecological validity with
concerns over causal inference,
either by using a variety of methods
(eg, both laboratory experiments
and cross-sectional surveys) or
by using designs that include this
balance inherently (eg, natural
experiments, quasi-experimental
studies of momentary responses to
exposure, or longitudinal surveys of
representative samples).
Clinicians and Providers
Clinicians should follow the
recommendations in the
American Academy of Pediatrics
policy statement on sexuality,
contraception, and the media.30
Policy Makers
Policy makers should do the
educate parents about the power of
sexual media;
provide tools to help parents
recognize problematic sexual
content, empower them to limit
their childrens exposure to and
creation of such content, and help
them discuss its potential influence
with their children;
facilitate partnerships between
media producers or platforms
and media researchers or health
experts to limit problematic
portrayals and increase healthy
messages about sex and sexuality;
promote the development of
innovative, evidence-based
interventions that take media
literacy beyond the classroom; and
stimulate research in which newer
forms of sexual media, including
social media and their influence on
adolescents health and well-being,
are examined.
Policy Makers and Educators
Policy makers and educators should
do the following:
invest in the continuing
development and dissemination of
media literacy curricula and
make the discussion of sexual
media and its influence an integral
part of health and sex education in
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FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: The authors have indicated they have no financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
FUNDING: This special supplement, Children, Adolescents, and Screens: What We Know and What We Need to Learn, was made possible through the financial
support of Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development.
POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: The authors have indicated they have no potential conflicts of interest to disclose.
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by 124915 on November 3, 2017 from
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2016-1758X
Amanda Lenhart and L. Monique Ward
Rebecca L. Collins, Victor C. Strasburger, Jane D. Brown, Edward Donnerstein,
Sexual Media and Childhood Well-being and Health
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... komercjalizacja intymności), generując w przyszłości problemy ze zdrowiem psychicznym i samooceną (Górka, 2017). W tym miejscu należy też uwzględnić problemy wynikające ze wczesnej inicjacji seksualnej, nikłej wiedzy o jej następstwach społecznych i zdrowotnych, zaniżonego poczucia wartości wskutek porównywania własnego ciała z oglądanymi w sieci postaciami granymi przez aktorów porno, a także wiele innych trudności w tej sferze życia będących bardziej konsekwencją poddania się opinii innych niż korzystania z własnego rozsądku (Collins i in., 2017). Badania prowadzone wśród młodzieży wykazują, że wiek inicjacji seksualnej ulega obniżeniu, młodzi podejmują aktywność seksualną często z mało dojrzałych pobudek, a kontaktom z kolejnymi partnerami przypisywane jest coraz mniejsze znaczenie (Rojewska, 2018). ...
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Mianem wpływu społecznego można określić wszystko, co sprawia, że u adresata oddziaływań występują początkowo zmiany w myśleniu, następnie w emocjach, a na koniec w podejmowanych decyzjach. Niedostateczne monitorowanie przez rodziców poczynań dzieci koreluje pozytywnie ze wzrostem zachowań niepożądanych. Natomiast u tych młodych, których opiekunowie sprawują nad nimi niezaborczy nadzór, niewłaściwe aktywności występują znacznie rzadziej. Jeśli wzory zachowań przejmowane od nowych modeli są spójne z utrwalanymi przez rodziców, proces wchodzenia w dorosłość nie wywołuje rewolucyjnych zmian u jednostki.
... Adults are more likely to agree with and follow sexual opinions on social media the more they are exposed to it (Bull et al., 2012;Guse et al., 2012;Martino et al., 2005). STI prevention messages delivered via Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are efficacious in providing information on risky sexual behavior (Bull et al., 2012;Collins et al., 2017;Gabarron & Wynn, 2016;Veale et al., 2015); adults practice more protected sex when their social media networks view posts on the issue (Bull et al., 2012;Gabarron & Wynn, 2016;O'Donnell & Willoughby, 2017). Furthermore, research indicates that exposure to positive sexual health messages on social media actively increases safe sex attitudes and behaviors such as condoms and contraceptive use (Gold et al., 2010;Guse et al., 2012); in contrast, sexual health information provided by parents, schools, and traditional media (billboards, posters, television, movies, and music) were not as strongly associated with such behaviors (Stevens et al., 2017). ...
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Introduction In recent years, social media has become an important platform for sexual health information. Among the most followed stakeholders of sexual information on social media are pornography performers. To date, their influence on the dialogue around sexual health has yet to be measured. Methods In this descriptive study, we compared the three most frequently used social media sites: Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter, for the top 30 Pornhub pornography performers ranked by views. The data was collected from January 2020 to June 2021. Results Over the data collection period, there were 3407 posts on Instagram, 25 videos published on YouTube, and 31,630 tweets sent on Twitter. The study found that when pornography performers provided sexual health information (sexual health education or related global/social issues), their likes did not decrease compared to their regular brand posts. On YouTube, posts that provided education on sex had more likes (M = 3091, SD = 1031) than posts that did not (M = 1538, SD = 800) (t(18) = −4.06, p = < 0.001). Conclusions The findings suggest that sexual health education has a significant reach and positive reception when pornography performers explain these health concepts on social media. Policy Implications Despite their influence, pornography performers have not been widely included in online sexual health education efforts. Future research and sexual health education campaigns should recognize and utilize the social media of pornography performers to better promote sexual health to a larger and more receptive audience.
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As important as physical, mental, or social health is sexual health. Teenage pregnancy, STDs/STIs, and unsafe abortions are just a few of the population health issues that can arise from the absence of adequate sex education for young people. The purpose of this study is to investigate the process of sexual decision-making as influenced by media intervention among couples. Entertainment education (EE) is an approach that uses storytell-ing to influence large-scale behaviour change. EE has been used as a potent tool to educate , enlighten, and influence society and individual behaviour change worldwide. Through entertainment education, people have been taught about themes like HIV, family planning, pregnancy and child health, violence against women, and other subjects. Web series or movies that are accessible on the online subscription service, Netflix was taken into consideration for this study. Although there is a great deal of research on adolescent sexual-ity, studies of sexual decision-making have traditionally been gendered, meaning that men and women have been examined separately. This study is designed for a qualitative investigation using a phenomenological approach. Thematic analysis was employed to analyse semi-structured interviews of couples in a heterosexual romantic relationship. The findings will reveal the influence of entertainment education on young couples' choices in their intimate relationships.
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Objectives: This study aims to determine the association between parental competence (warmth, demandingness, and parental education in fortitude and in privacy) and pornography use. Methods: This study presents cross-sectional data from an ongoing international study (YOURLIFE Project) about the opinions and lifestyles of adolescents with respect to affectivity, love, and sexuality. Adolescents (N = 2516) aged 12–15 from Chile, Mexico, Peru, and Spain were included. Multiple logistic regressions were performed to analyze the association between family assets (parental demandingness, warmth, and parental fortitude and privacy education) and pornography use. Results: The results indicated an association between parental warmth and pornography use among boys and girls. Furthermore, privacy education was highly associated with less pornography use only in girls. Parental demandingness and parental fortitude education were not associated with pornography use. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that new educational perspectives including privacy issues should be considered within programs for pornography use prevention among adolescents. Parents should incorporate these variables when discussing pornography with their adolescents and not only focus on filters or demandingness.
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As important as physical, mental, or social health is sexual health. Teenage pregnancy, STDs/STIs, and unsafe abortions are just a few of the population health issues that can arise from the absence of adequate sex education for young people. The purpose of this study is to investigate the process of sexual decision-making as influenced by media intervention among couples. Entertainment education (EE) is an approach that uses storytelling to influence large-scale behaviour change. EE has been used as a potent tool to educate, enlighten, and influence society and individual behaviour change worldwide. Through entertainment education, people have been taught about themes like HIV, family planning, pregnancy and child health, violence against women, and other subjects. Web series or movies that are accessible on the online subscription service, Netflix was taken into consideration for this study. Although there is a great deal of research on adolescent sexuality, studies of sexual decision-making have traditionally been gendered, meaning that men and women have been examined separately. This study is designed for a qualitative investigation using a phenomenological approach. Thematic analysis was employed to analyse semi-structured interviews of couples in a heterosexual romantic relationship. The findings will reveal the influence of entertainment education on young couples’ choices in their intimate relationships.
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INTRODUCCIÓN. La pornografía es cada vez más fácilmente accesible a través de Internet, lo cual ha producido una creciente preocupación con respecto a los efectos negativos que este contenido puede tener. De acuerdo con la teoría de los guiones sexuales y el modelo 3AM, la adquisición de guiones sexuales a partir de la pornografía en los adolescentes podría formar patrones de conductas sexuales de riesgo que se activarían y aplicarían a lo largo de su desarrollo sexual. El objetivo general del presente estudio es revisar en la literatura actual cómo el consumo recurrente de pornografía se puede relacionar con las conductas sexuales de riesgo de los adolescentes y jóvenes. MÉTODO. A partir de la búsqueda bibliográfica sistemática llevada a cabo a través PsycINFO, PsycArticles, ERIC, MEDLINE, PSICODOC y Web of Science (WOS) en marzo de 2022, se analizaron los resultados publicados a partir de 2012 hasta la fecha. RESULTADOS. De acuerdo con las publicaciones seleccionadas (n = 22), existe una asociación entre el consumo de pornografía y la toma de riesgos sexuales en adolescentes y jóvenes. Además, esta relación está mediada por otros factores que influyen a ambos constructos indicando una relación entre ellos, como la permisividad sexual, la búsqueda de sensaciones sexuales y la supervisión parental. El género también puede moderar esta relación, aunque existen resultados contradictorios al respecto. DISCUSIÓN. El impacto de la pornografía en la salud sexual de los jóvenes parece ser relevante, por lo que es necesaria la implementación de programas de educación sexual comprehensivos y continuos a lo largo de los años de escolaridad. Estos ayudarían a que los adolescentes desarrollen habilidades de pensamiento crítico sobre la pornografía y sexualidad.
Problematic sexual behavior (PSB) in children and adolescents is a significant public health problem. PSB is defined as harmful or developmentally inappropriate behaviors involving sexual organs or regions of the body exhibited by children or adolescents. PSB may be harmful to self or others or be abusive toward another child, adolescent, or adult. Adolescents, typically defined as children 12 years old or older, engaging in PSB can be vulnerable to formal court adjudication as their behaviors may be considered a sexual offense. PSB can result in significant negative consequences for all children and adolescents involved as well as their families. This article will describe sexual behavior in children, normative and problematic, and explore implications for forensic nursing practice.
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Background: Emerging research suggests sexual media affects sexual behavior, but most studies are based on regional samples and few include measures of newer mediums. Furthermore, little is known about how sexual media relates to sexual violence victimization. Methods: Data are from 1058 youth 14 to 21 years of age in the national, online Growing up with Media study. Results: Forty-seven percent reported that many or almost all/all of at least one type of media they consumed depicted sexual situations. Exposure to sexual media in television and movies, and music was greater than online and in games. All other things equal, more frequent exposure to sexual media was related to ever having had sex, coercive sex victimization, and attempted/completed rape but not risky sexual behavior. Conclusions: Longer standing mediums such as television and movies appear to be associated with greater amounts of sexual media consumption than newer ones, such as the Internet. A nuanced view of how sexual media content may and may not be affecting today's youth is needed.
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The present study utilized an experimental design to investigate the short term effects of exposure to sexualized female video game characters on gender stereotyping and female self-concept in emerging adults. Bussey and Bandura’s (1999) social cognitive theory of gender development and differentiation was used to explicate this relationship. Undergraduate students (N = 328) at a large U.S. Southwestern university participated in the study. Students were randomly assigned to play a “sexualized” heroine, a “non-sexualized” heroine, or no video game; then completed an online questionnaire. Female self-efficacy was negatively affected by game play with the sexualized female character. Results cautiously suggest that playing a sexualized video game heroine unfavorably influenced people’s beliefs about women in the real world.
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To examine characteristics of youth sexting cases handled by police and their outcomes in response to clinical and other concerns about the risks of sexting behavior. Mail surveys were sent to a stratified national sample of 2712 law enforcement agencies followed by detailed telephone interviews with investigators about a nationally representative sample of sexting cases handled by police during 2008 and 2009 (n = 675). The cases involved "youth-produced sexual images" that constituted child pornography under relevant statutes according to respondents. US law enforcement agencies handled an estimated 3477 cases of youth-produced sexual images during 2008 and 2009 (95% confidence interval: 3282-3672). Two-thirds of the cases involved an "aggravating" circumstance beyond the creation and/or dissemination of a sexual image. In these aggravated cases, either an adult was involved (36% of cases) or a minor engaged in malicious, non-consensual, or abusive behavior (31% of cases). An arrest occurred in 62% of cases with an adult involved, in 36% of the aggravated youth-only cases, and in 18% of the "experimental" cases (youth-only and no aggravating elements). Most of the images (63%) were distributed by cell phone only and did not reach the Internet. Sex offender registration applied in only a few unusual cases. Many of the youth sexting cases that come to the attention of police include aggravating circumstances that raise concerns about health and risky sexual behavior, although some cases were relatively benign. Overall, arrest is not typical in cases with no adults involved.
AM:STARs is the official publication of the AAP Section on Adolescent Health. Published 2 times per year, it offers adolescent specialists and primary care physicians timely information on matters relating to adolescent health and wellness.
Sexually objectifying portrayals of women are a frequent occurrence in mainstream media, raising questions about the potential impact of exposure to this content on others’ impressions of women and on women’s views of themselves. The goal of this review was to synthesize empirical investigations testing effects of media sexualization. The focus was on research published in peer-reviewed, English-language journals between 1995 and 2015. A total of 109 publications that contained 135 studies were reviewed. The findings provided consistent evidence that both laboratory exposure and regular, everyday exposure to this content are directly associated with a range of consequences, including higher levels of body dissatisfaction, greater self-objectification, greater support of sexist beliefs and of adversarial sexual beliefs, and greater tolerance of sexual violence toward women. Moreover, experimental exposure to this content leads both women and men to have a diminished view of women’s competence, morality, and humanity. Limitations with the existing research approaches and measures are discussed, and suggestions for future research directions are provided.
In this study, we examined the relationships between sexting coercion, physical sex coercion, intimate partner violence, and mental health and trauma symptoms within a sample of 480 young adult undergraduates (160 men and 320 women). Approximately one fifth of the sample indicated that they had engaged in sexting when they did not want to. Those who had been coerced into sexting had usually been coerced by subtler tactics (e.g., repeated asking and being made to feel obligated) than more severe forms of coercion (e.g., physical threats). Nevertheless, the trauma related to these acts of coercion both at the time they occurred and now (looking back) were greater for sexting coercion than for physical sex coercion. Moreover, women noted significantly more trauma now (looking back) than at the time the events occurred for sexting coercion. Additionally, those who experienced more instances of sexting coercion also endorsed more symptoms of anxiety, depression, and generalized trauma. Finally, sexting coercion was related to both physical sex coercion and intimate partner violence, which suggests that sexting coercion may be a form of intimate partner violence, providing perpetrators with a new, digital route for physical and sexual covictimization.
Purpose: To examine the relation between "sexting" (sending and sharing sexual photos online, via text messaging, and in person) with sexual risk behaviors and psychosocial challenge in adolescence. Methods: Data were collected online between 2010 and 2011 with 3,715 randomly selected 13- to 18-year-old youth across the United States. Results: Seven percent of youth reported sending or showing someone sexual pictures of themselves, in which they were nude or nearly nude, online, via text messaging, or in person, during the past year. Although females and older youth were more likely to share sexual photos than males and younger youth, the profile of psychosocial challenge and sexual behavior was similar for all youth. After adjusting for demographic characteristics, sharing sexual photos was associated with all types of sexual behaviors assessed (e.g., oral sex, vaginal sex) as well as some of the risky sexual behaviors examined-particularly having concurrent sexual partners and having more past-year sexual partners. Adolescents who shared sexual photos also were more likely to use substances and less likely to have high self-esteem than their demographically similar peers. Conclusions: Although the media has portrayed sexting as a problem caused by new technology, health professionals may be more effective by approaching it as an aspect of adolescent sexual development and exploration and, in some cases, risk-taking and psychosocial challenge.
This study tests the effects of exposure to sexual television content on emerging adults' sexual attitudes and moral judgments. One hundred and ten college freshmen were randomly assigned to view shows that portrayed either positive or negative consequences of sexual intercourse. Results indicate that exposure to shows that portray negative consequences of sex leads to more negative attitudes toward premarital intercourse and to more negative moral judgments of characters engaged in this behavior. Results were observed immediately after the viewing and persisted 2 weeks later. Findings are discussed in light of social cognitive theory and previous media effects research.