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Abstract and Figures

Bananas and plantains are one of the most important crops in the world, yet very few hybrids are cultivated. Bananas face considerable pressure from multiple biotic and abiotic stresses, but its genetic improvement is impeded by constraints on seed set due to multiple physiological and reproductive issues. The triploid nature of almost all commercially important bananas requires a complicated breeding scheme involving cross hybridization across ploidy levels and results in poor seed set that reduces the probability of obtaining favorable recombination. The poor seed set is further complicated by issues of parthenocarpy and partial to complete female and male sterility that are not fully understood. While the introduction of genomic resources of this perennial long cycling crop promises to hasten the development of improved cultivars, there is a need to maintain vigorous and committed long-term international breeding programs.
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219© Springer International Publishing AG 2017
H. Campos, P.D.S. Caligari, Genetic Improvement of Tropical Crops,
Chapter 7
Bananas andPlantains (Musa spp.)
AllanBrown, RobooniTumuhimbise, DelphineAmah, BrigitteUwimana,
MosesNyine, HassanMduma, DavidTalengera, DeborahKaramura,
JeromeKuriba, andRonySwennen
7.1 Introduction
With a production of 145 million metric tons worldwide (worth 26.5 billion Euro),
banana (Musa spp.) is one of the world’s most important staple food crops and argu-
ably the world’s most popular fruit in terms of international trade (FAO 2014).
Banana and plantains (Musa spp.), collectively referred to here as bananas, are
grown in more than 135 countries and found in most tropical and subtropical regions
around the world. While industrialized nations view banana primarily as a dessert
A. Brown (*) • H. Mduma • R. Swennen
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Arusha, Tanzania
R. Tumuhimbise • J. Kuriba
National Agricultural Research Organization, Kampala, Uganda
D. Amah
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria
B. Uwimana • M. Nyine
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Kampala, Uganda
D. Talengera
National Agricultural Research Laboratories, Kampala, Uganda
D. Karamura
Bioversity International, Kampala, Uganda
item, many regions of the developing world consider cooking bananas and plantains
as essential staples that contribute signicantly to the caloric intake of low-income
subsistence farmers. Although sensitivity to photoperiod has been noted in certain
cultivars (Fortescue etal. 2011), banana is an almost nonseasonal crop that reliably
provides a carbohydrate source year-round which makes it vitally important to both
nutrition and food security. Propagation by farmers is commonly through suckers or
side shoots originating from lateral buds at the base of the main plant. Multiple
fungal and bacterial pathogens present serious constraints to production of bananas,
as does the occurrence of insects and nematodes (Jones 1999). Viral diseases caused
by banana streak virus (BSV), cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), banana bract mosaic
virus (BBMV), and the emerging banana bunchy top virus (BBTV) are also receiv-
ing increased attention (Kumar etal. 2015). The predominance of these biotic agents
differs from region to region, but most are found throughout the banana production
regions in Asia, Africa, and the Americas and represent common targets for plant
improvement worldwide. As with all crops, abiotic factors associated with climate
change such as drought and heat stress also present considerable challenges to pro-
duction (van Asten etal. 2011; Wairegi etal. 2010), but arguably the single greatest
constraint to genetic improvement is the narrow genetic basis of most cultivated
bananas (Hippolyte etal. 2012) and the physiological and reproductive barriers of
the plant itself (Ssesuliba etal. 2008; Fortescue and Turner 2004; Dumpe and Ortiz
1996). Reproductive barriers limit sexual recombination in banana and hinder plant
improvement. While all of the seed-bearing progenitors of modern banana cultivars
are diploid in nature, those that have been cultivated for consumption are primarily
seedless triploids. Female fertility of triploids has been described, but seed set is
generally extremely limited which complicates breeding efforts and intensives
resources and time required to develop superior varieties with enhanced resistance
to multiple biotic agents and abiotic agents. Banana improvement is further compli-
cated by parthenocarpy, reduced male fertility in some cultivars, low seed viability,
irregular meiotic behavior, long generation times, and diverse genomic congura-
tions (Ortiz 2013, 2015; Ortiz and Swennen 2014). To date, the limited progress that
has been achieved in banana breeding has occurred through crossbreeding
approaches that involve hybridization followed by phenotypic selection among half
sibs and/or full sib progenies.
7.2 Banana Classication
Banana is a monocotyledon herbaceous plant represented by three genera (Musa,
Ensete, and Musella) within the family Musaceae of the order Zingiberales (De
Langhe etal. 2009). The genus Ensete consists of monocarpic, unbranched herba-
ceous plants that rarely produce suckers and are used for food, ber, and ornamental
purposes. They resemble banana, but their oversized, edible corms and wide-
spreading and immensely long, paddle-shaped leaves with crimson midribs make
them very distinctive. Their fruits are similar in appearance to those of banana, but
A. Brown et al.
are dry, seedy, and inedible (Deckers etal. 2001). The most recognizable member of
this genus is perhaps the false or Abyssinian banana (E. ventricosum) that plays a
signicant role in Ethiopian agriculture and food security (Tsegaye and Struik
The genus Musa consists of cultivated triploid cultivars and clones propagated
through vegetative methods with limited genetic variation beyond what could be
expected through somaclonal variation (and perhaps epigenetics) and the diploid
wild progenitors of these cultivars that are capable of sexual recombination. More
than 60 species within four recognized sections of the genus Musa have been
described, but the taxonomy of Musa and the relationship between wild and culti-
vated bananas are far from settled (De Langhe et al. 2009; Janssens etal. 2016).
Almost all diploid species are native to Southeast Asia, from India and Thailand to
New Guinea and Queensland, Australia (Simmonds 1987). Edible bananas, with the
exception of the Fe’i group of the Australimusa section, are derived almost exclu-
sively from two species, Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana of the section Musa
(Dodds 1945). M. acuminata and M. balbisiana are diploid (2n = 2x = 22) in their
base genomic complements and designated as AA and BB, respectively (Simmonds
and Shepherd 1955). In addition to monospecic cultivars (AA, BB), interspecic
diploid clones (AB) are also recognized. Higher-order combinations of the AA and
BB base genomes arose through chromosome restitution at meiosis, to produce dis-
tinct groupings at the triploid (AAA, AAB, ABB groups) and occasionally tetraploid
levels (Simmonds 1962). Triploids, due to their optimal vigor and seedless charac-
teristic, are the preferred conguration for most consumers throughout the world
(Simmonds 1987). The rare tetraploid cultivars tend to be physically larger but have
relatively small bunches, while most diploid cultivars tend to be weaker plants with
smaller bunches (De Langhe 1986). Edible parthenocarpic diploids are however cul-
tivated in certain regions such as Tanzania (Simmonds 1962) where the Mchare (or
Mshale) diploids are preferred for the unique texture characteristics of the fruit.
Generally, modern classication systems of banana tend to follow Simmonds
and others (Simmonds and Shepherd 1955; Stover and Simmonds 1987) and are
based on ploidy status and the relative contribution of the two genomes. Simmonds
(1962, 1966) suggested that the formal Latin nomenclature should be replaced by a
ploidy-based nomenclature in which the cultivar is referred to by the genus and a
genomic grouping (e.g., Musa, AAA Group, “Gros Michel”). Cultivars are placed
in higher-level groupings based on the number of chromosomes and the species
that contribute to their genetic makeup (AA, BB, AAA, AAB, and ABB) (Karamura
etal. 2012). Simmonds and Shepherd (1955) utilized 15 taxonomic characters spe-
cic to M. balbisiana and M. acuminata to assign cultivars to groups, and this clas-
sication scheme has been periodically updated (Stover and Simmonds 1987).
Below the level of group, cultivars are assigned to clusters of subgroups that
are characterized by a representative member. For example, “Cavendish” and
“Gros Michel” are considered separate subgroups under the AAA grouping along
with several mutants and variants derived from these economically important cul-
tivars. The grouping (AAA) also includes all of the economically important East
African Highland cooking bananas. While this classication system may be
7 Bananas andPlantains (Musa s pp.)
convenient, it appears to lack hierarchical, biological, or economic signicance,
for example, Mysore, Pome, and Plantain are all recognized subgroup clusters
within the AAB group, but they are utilized for different purposes, and subsequent
results of molecular and morphological diversity studies suggest that they are
genetically distinct and likely have arisen from dissimilar parentage (De Langhe
etal. 2010; Christelová etal. 2017).
Likely, cultivars within the AAA, AAB, and ABB groupings arose from multi-
ple hybridization events followed by subsequent backcrossing to various AA, BB,
and AB progenitors which results in an unequal chromosomal allocation at meiosis
(De Langhe etal. 2010). It has been suggested that this phenomenon could explain
the unequal and nonadditive chromosomal complementation which has been
observed among interspecic hybrids (d’Hont et al. 2000). If indeed cultivars
within groupings arose from multiple hybridization events, it suggests that classi-
cation may be more dependent on specic diploid progenitors than on traditional
groupings based on ploidy. Morphological characteristics and nuclear and cyto-
plasmic molecular markers have been used to differentiate the progenitor M. acu-
minata diploids into several subspecies that correspond to specic geographic
ranges from mainland Asia to the archipelagoes of Indonesia, New Guinea, and the
Philippines (Hippolyte et al. 2012; Carreel et al. 2002; Perrier et al. 2011).
Currently, there are eight recognized diploid AA subspecies that include roughly
from West to East: M. acuminata ssp. burmannica, M. acuminata ssp. siamea, M.
acuminata ssp. truncata, M. acuminata ssp. malaccensis, M. acuminata ssp. zeb-
rina, M. acuminata ssp. microcarpa, M. acuminata ssp. errans, and Musa acumi-
nata ssp. banksii. The subspecies have contributed important diploid parents to
modern breeding programs, but much work remains toward evaluating and pre-
serving germplasm that has not been readily accessed due to logistic or political
reasons in past collecting expeditions.
Considerable efforts have been made over the past few decades to preserve, char-
acterize, and provide access to genetic resources of Musa. Banana germplasm for
use in breeding is distributed through the Biodiversity International Musa
Germplasm Transit Centre which oversees more than 1500 accessions. The center
secures available banana germplasm for long-term conservation and holds the col-
lection in trust for the benet of future generations under the auspices of the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The conserved germplasm is
placed in the Multilateral System of Access and Benet Sharing of the International
Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. All accessions have
been indexed, conserved invitro (Van den houwe etal. 1995), and most stored under
cryopreservation (Panis etal. 2005). Characterization of germplasm occurs in both
eld trials and at the molecular level. Passport and characterization data is freely
available through the Musa Germplasm Information System (MGIS) (https://www.
A. Brown et al.
7.3 Banana Breeding Objectives
The primary objective of most banana breeding programs is the uniform production
of large bunches that meet the regional qualitative and quantitative demands of grow-
ers. These demands include superior fruit quality, high suckering ability, short stat-
ure, and enhanced root systems that provide effective soil anchorage and efcient
uptake of water and minerals. Other agronomic traits such as photosynthetic ef-
ciency and rapid cycling are also important breeding objectives for increased yield.
The relative importance of these objectives varies across geographic regions, among
subgroups of banana, and with the intended nal use of the product. In recent years,
the anticipated and realized threats of pests and diseases have resulted in increased
emphasis placed on identifying and utilizing improved sources of host- plant resis-
tance to pests and diseases, particularly in regard to the Sigatoka complex, multiple
races of Fusarium wilt, bacterial wilt, bunchy top, nematodes, and weevils.
In Uganda, banana breeding focuses largely on the improvement of East African
Highland (cooking) bananas (EAHBs) (AAA). The expected yield and plantation life
of these bananas has signicantly declined, in no small part due to pests (such as
banana weevils and nematodes) and diseases (including black Sigatoka and bacterial
wilt). Some of the key breeding objectives by the National Banana Research Program
of the Uganda National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO), in partnership
with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), have been to identify
and integrate host-plant resistance to the Sigatoka complex, weevils, and nematodes
from wild diploid progenitors into elite EAHB backgrounds. A generalized criterion
for selection of EAHB based on agronomic traits is presented in Table7.1.
Table 7.1 Characteristics of the ideotype of East African Highland cooking bananas
Trait Description
Yield potential >25t/ha/year
Bunch weight >15kg
Plant height <3m
Time of owering 210–270days
Time of bunch maturity 90–120days
Number of hands 8–12/bunch
Number of ngers 100–190/bunch
Fruit nger circumference 10–15cm
Fruit nger length 13–20cm
Suckering ability 75% follower sucker growth at harvest
Root system Vigorous (fast growing, deep, and branched)
Bunch orientation Pendent
Reaction to prevalent diseases Resistant to the black Sigatoka complex and bacterial
Reaction to prevalent pests Resistant to weevils and nematodes
Reaction to drought stress Resistant/tolerant
7 Bananas andPlantains (Musa s pp.)
7.4 Constraints toBanana Breeding
As previously discussed, the greatest constraint to banana genetic improvement is
the limited production of viable seeds due to polyploidy, female sterility, and
other factors affecting seed production in triploid and diploid banana. Female
sterility has been intensied as a consequence of human selection for partheno-
carpy in banana. Simmonds (1962) rst suggested that continuous clonal propaga-
tion of diploids has led to an accumulation of structural chromosomal changes
(translocations, inversions, and other events) that restrict normal meiosis and pol-
len fertility and reduce expected recombination. Specic abnormalities such as
translocations have been noted in the diploids “Pisang Lilin” and “Pisang Jari
Buaya,” but the extent to which this phenomenon occurs throughout Musa is still
not well understood. Adeleke etal. (2004) observed that in general, a higher
incidence of univalent formation was related to low pollen fertility in both diploids
and triploids. Sterility in plantains and EAHB triploid bananas has been associ-
ated with meiotic irregularities and uneven number of chromosomes, as well as to
environmental factors and to inuences of individual genotypes (Swennen and
Vuylsteke 1993; Ssebuliba etal. 2000). Seed yield is inuenced by time of polli-
nation, environmental conditions, genetic variation in female fertility, differences
observed among pollinations made between the basal and distal hand, and variation
associated with the relative contributions of the acuminata and balbisiana
genomes (Simmonds 1962). Sathiamoorthy and Rao (1980) observed increased
seed set with proportional contributions from the balbisiana genome and specu-
lated that the factors for seed sterility have accumulated preferentially in the M.
acuminata genome (Simmonds 1962). The use of embryo rescue has signicantly
improved seed germination with observations of up to 30% increases in viable
embryos (Swennen and Vuylsteke 1993).
A further complication associated with improvement of cultivated bananas is
that the highly heterozygous state of the parents results in extremely variable
progeny that makes predictions of progeny performance on the basis of parental
phenotypes unreliable (Ortiz 2000). The progeny from crosses can include mix-
tures of ploidy levels and sometimes aneuploids. Oselebe etal. (2006) reported
that while progeny of 2×–2× crosses were almost exclusively diploid (99.7%),
those of mixed ploidy crosses tended to include individuals that varied in their
chromosomal compliment. The same study observed that the direction of the
cross impacted results. When the diploid is used as the maternal parent in a 2×–4×
cross, over 96% of progeny are diploids, but when the tetraploid is used as the
maternal parent (4×–2×), the observed progeny is predominately triploid (94%)
with varying degrees of other ploidy levels between the diploid and the pentaploid
observed. While these mixed ploidy progenies provide a mechanism for enhanc-
ing genetic diversity and recombination, they also necessitate the use of early
screening of ploidy levels.
A. Brown et al.
7.5 Breeding Strategies
Plant breeding provides one of the highest returns of investment in agricultural
research, and while banana production has beneted from these investments, few
banana and plantain cultivars acceptable to farmers and consumers were produced
prior to the 1980s (Roux 2001). Triploid bananas are preferred by growers as they
commonly display the most advantageous combination of fruit and vegetative char-
acters (De Langhe 1986; Stover and Simmonds 1987), but it was generally assumed
that these triploid cultivars (such as “Cavendish”) were effectively sterile (Stover
and Buddenhagen 1986). Persistent efforts, however, from multiple breeding pro-
grams including IITA and the Honduran Foundation for Agricultural Research
(FHIA) have demonstrated that viable embryos could be produced from what were
previously considered recalcitrant triploids by making hybridizations with selected
pollen of diploid banana (Aguilar-Moran 2013). FHIA successfully produced 40
viable tetraploid embryos utilizing “Cavendish” as a female, although this effort
required an almost Herculean task that included the pollination of over 20,000
bunches. By the end of the twentieth century, efforts to improve banana focused
primarily on the use of improved diploid and synthesized tetraploid gene pools to
develop secondary triploids of bananas and plantains (Fig.7.1).
Under this breeding scheme, the identication of improved diploids that provide
donor traits of interest and cultivated triploids with superior quality characteristics
takes on a vital role in synthesizing superior secondary triploids. Conventionally, it
was assumed that when crosses were made between male diploids and female trip-
loids to obtain tetraploid progeny, all three sets of maternal chromosomes were trans-
mary hybrids)4x
Improved diploi
ry triploid) 3x
Fig. 7.1 The scheme of the banana breeding process whereby initial crosses are carried out
between triploid landrace (2n=3x) and diploid (2n=2x)
7 Bananas andPlantains (Musa s pp.)
ferred intact to the tetraploid offspring with recombination only occurring as a result
of the contribution of diploid male parent (Dodds 1943). Vuylsteke etal. (1993),
however, noted that tetraploid progeny from such crosses displayed variation in dis-
ease resistance, morphological traits, and growth and yield parameters that were
inconsistent with this hypothesis. It was further suggested that segregation and recom-
bination during modied megasporogenesis leading to the formation of 2n eggs in the
triploid parent perhaps better explained the observed results. With the advent of new
genomic resources and tools, this phenomenon needs to be further investigated in
order to better understand the extent of sexual recombination in banana breeding.
This breeding strategy has been adopted by multiple programs including FHIA
in Honduras which has produced a generation of acceptable tetraploids that are still
currently being used in breeding (Rowe and Rosales 1993). An example includes
FHIA 21, a tetraploid derived from AVP-67 French plantain that is still being uti-
lized in plantain improvement. IITA has also utilized this approach successfully to
introgress alleles for resistance/tolerance to key pest and diseases in high-yielding
hybrids derived from preferred plantain cultivars (Ortiz etal. 1995; Tenkouano and
Swennen 2004; Vuylsteke etal. 1993). Plantain hybrid releases include PITA 14 and
PITA 17 (primary tetraploids) and more recently PITA 21, PITA 23, and PITA 24
(secondary triploids) all derived from three seed-fertile triploid French plantains
Obino L’ewai, Bobby Tannap, and Mbi Egome. Their common attributes include
BLS resistance/tolerance and good bunch characteristics (Tenkouano etal. 2011)
and early suckering (Vuylsteke etal. 1993). These IITA hybrids have currently been
distributed to ten countries in Africa and three countries in Central and South
America for evaluation and adoption.
At NARO, tetraploids (AAAA) were synthesized from EAHBs (AAA) by cross-
ing to the wild-seeded, fertile male parent Calcutta 4 (AA) that is used by many
programs as a source of resistance to multiple pests and diseases. A number of these
tetraploids developed such as 365K-1, 1201K-1, 917K-2, 660K-1, 1438K-1, and
222K-1 25 were fundamental in the development of 27 NARITA triploid banana
hybrids by NARO and IITA (Tushemereirwe etal. 2015). These banana hybrids
were selected from early evaluation trials based largely on resistance to black
Sigatoka and bunch size and subsequently advanced to the preliminary yield trials
in Uganda. NARITAs are currently under evaluation for agronomic, sensory, pest,
and disease resistance traits in multi-environment trials in Uganda and Tanzania.
An alternative breeding scheme has been suggested by Vakili (1968) and involves
the polyploidization of diploid hybrids or cultivars through the use of colchicine or
oryzalin to obtain tetraploids for crossing with 2× lines to generate triploids. This
approach is currently being pursued by multiple breeding programs and shows con-
siderable promise (Bakry etal. 2009). According to Tenkouano etal. (2011), the two
schemes conform to differences in breeding philosophies. The former can be viewed
as evolutionary breeding as it attempts to mimic the developmental pathway of
Musa by crossing female triploid landraces to diploid accessions of M. acuminata
or M. balbisiana, while the latter can be considered reconstitutive breeding as it
utilizes the most likely diploid ancestors or relatives of triploid landraces for chro-
mosome doubling to create improved triploids.
A. Brown et al.
7.5.1 Development ofImproved Diploids
Regardless of the breeding scheme, the narrow genetic variability and limited
fertility among cultivated triploid bananas make diploid bananas vital to genetic
improvement. A number of fertile improved diploids with varying degrees of dis-
ease resistance have been released by IITA and FHIA (Tenkouano etal. 2003; Rowe
and Rosales 1993). Diploid improvement has almost exclusively been through the
use of M. acuminata cultivars such as “Calcutta 4” (M. acuminata), a source of
resistance to the Sigatoka complex, yellow Sigatoka, fusarium wilt, banana weevil,
and burrowing nematodes (Ortiz 2015). Decades of breeding utilizing this material
have resulted in the production of improved diploid lines which combine disease/
pest resistance, short stature, and interesting bunch characteristics (Tenkouano etal.
2003; Krishnamoorthy and Kumar 2005). Developing further improved diploids
that possess multiple sources of resistance, while preserving the quality characteris-
tics of preferred triploid would greatly increase the efciency of breeding efforts
that are hindered by the constraints previously described.
M. balbisiana diploid cultivars have made limited contributions to breeding due to
the presence of endogenous banana streak virus (eBSV) sequences originating from
the B genome that are activated under the appropriate conditions (Iskra- Caruana etal.
2014). Progenies of interspecic acuminata/balbisiana hybridizations have often
been associated with the occurrence of banana streak disease, and this has resulted in
the underutilization of the B genome which could be an important source of drought
tolerance and resistance alleles not found in M. acuminata (Bakry et al. 2009).
Recently, Noumbissie etal. (2016) reported segregation of the eBSV sequences in the
progeny of crosses between the tetraploid hybrid CRBP 39 (+eBSV) and the AA
male parent Pahang (eBSV), from which resulted triploid eBSV-free offspring.
Umber etal. (2016) also documented the successful creation of diploids free of eBSV
alleles from M. balbisiana diploids suggesting that recombination between M. acu-
minata and M. balbisiana can be accomplished for improvement of both cultivated
banana and plantain without concern of introducing banana leaf streak.
7.5.2 Breeding Methodology and Evaluation ofHybrids
Production of viable seed through hybridization is critical for the success of breed-
ing and is dependent on residual fertility of triploid cultivars. Practical aspects of
articial hybridization have been described by Tenkouano et al. (2011).
Hybridizations are made through manual pollinations in the early hours of the
morning when pollen availability is not a limiting factor. It can take up to several
months to obtain seeds from a desired cross, and production of seeds is generally
poor and has been reported in the range of 0.3–21.7 seeds per bunch (Swennen and
Vuylsteke 1993) (Fig.7.2). Seeds obtained from crosses also germinate poorly, and
it is standard practice by most programs to recover hybrids through invitro culture
(Bakry 2008) (Fig.7.3).
7 Bananas andPlantains (Musa s pp.)
Bunches are harvested prior to physiological maturity, generally when the rst
signs of yellow color are observed in the distal ngers. Bunches are left to ripen in
protected sheds, and seeds are extracted and surface-sterilized for embryo culture to
avoid seed/embryo desiccation. Embryos are extracted from dissected seeds under
aseptic conditions and cultured on articial culture media (Bakry etal. 2009; Uma
et al. 2011). Longitudinal excisions are made on the seed to expose the embryo
Fig. 7.2 Male banana owers open in the evening and are ready for pollination early in the
Fig. 7.3 Bract is pulled back and pollen applied directly to the receptive female owers
A. Brown et al.
beneath the micropyle. The embryo is placed on sterile culture medium and incubated
in the dark for germination. Embryos typically germinate between 5 and 20days after
which time they are transferred to an environment with appropriate light and dark
cycles for shoot and root development. Well-developed seedlings can then be cloned
to replicate one to four rooted plantlets or transferred to a screenhouse for condition-
ing prior to eld evaluations. More research on pollen production, pollen tube growth,
and embryo viability is required to better understand issues associated with poor seed
production and to optimize conditions that will lead to better seed yield (Uma etal.
2011). In particular, detailed knowledge of oral biology and seed development is
crucial for recovery of progeny from crosses (Fortescue and Turner 2011).
In the eld, new hybrids are subjected to early evaluation trials (EETs) with lim-
ited replication (one to ve plants). EETs are observed generally for two cycles
during which a few simply inherited traits such as bunch size and orientation,
Sigatoka resistance, seed production, and ploidy level are evaluated. Plants that
show promise in EETs are further evaluated in preliminary yield trials (PYTs)
where replicated clones of selected hybrids are evaluated over two cycles. PYTs
involve more detailed evaluation for additional, complex traits such as yield and
disease resistance. Finally, superior-performing plants from PYTs are cloned in sig-
nicant numbers to allow for multi-locational evaluation trials (MET) that often
include direct input from farmers (Tenkouano etal. 2011). In theory, this process
can take a minimum of 7years to produce a superior banana hybrid, although in
practice this time frame is often exceeded.
7.6 Applied Biotechnology
7.6.1 Molecular-Assisted Breeding
Due to the breeding constraints previously discussed, the use of molecular markers
holds considerable promise in improving the efciency of banana breeding but is
currently not routinely used in most breeding programs. Efforts toward the develop-
ment and use of molecular markers have been greatly facilitated by the recent
release and renement of the draft genomic sequence of the double haploid M.
acuminata cultivar “Pahang” (A genome) (D’Hont etal. 2012; Martin etal. 2016)
and a draft sequence of M. balbisiana “Pisang Klutuk Wulung” (B genome, Davey
etal. 2013). Multiple transcriptome data sets have also been published (Li etal.
2013; Wang etal. 2012), and of these publications, over 45,000 expressed sequence
tags, and 34,000 annotated genes associated with Musa are currently available
through NCBI-EST database. These genomic resources have contributed to the
availability of multiple classes of markers summarized in Tables 7.1 and 7.2.
Molecular markers provide genetic “landmarks” for tagging important traits in plant
breeding, conducting linkage analysis and estimates of genetic diversity, facilitating
gene introgression through marker-assisted studies, providing validation of taxon-
omy and cultivar identication, and estimating evolutionary and speciation events.
7 Bananas andPlantains (Musa s pp.)
Table 7.2 A summary of molecular markers utilized in banana research and their research applications
Marker application Marker type Reference
Molecular systematics Isozymes, SSR, DArTs, RFLP and ITS Perrier et al. (2011), Christelová et al. (2017), and Simmonds (1966)
Genetic diversity studies RAPD, SSR, AFLP and MSAP Karamura et al. (2016), Kitavi et al. (2016), Nyine and Pillay (2011), Opara
et al. (2010) Wang et al. (2007), Noyer et al. (2005), Creste et al. (2004), Ude
et al. (2003), Ude et al. (2002), Pillay et al. (2001), Crouch et al. (2000), and
Crouch et al. (1999)
Genome characterization RAPD, RFLP, ITS, dCAP and IRAP
Cultivar identication and
pedigree tracking
Isozymes, RFLP, SSR, RAPD,
Mbanjo et al. (2012), Hippolyte et al. (2012), and Raboin et al. (2005)
Linkage analysis Isozyme, RAPD, RFLP, AFLP, SSR
AS-PCR and DArTs
Mbanjo et al. (2012), Hippolyte et al. (2010) and Fauré et al. (1993)
Genome-wide association
studies and marker-assisted
Isozymes, dCAP and SNP Sardos et al. (2016), Umber et al. (2016), and Noumbissié et al. (2016)
A. Brown et al.
231 Association ofMolecular Marker withImportant Genes
The tagging of signicant genes contributing to traits of interest with genic or
linked markers allows for screening of plant germplasm at the earliest stages of
development. The association of these markers with important traits can come
through classical linkage or association studies or through candidate gene
approaches that leverage recently available genomic resources. An example of the
candidate gene approach is provided by Emediato et al. (2009) who amplied
homologues of black leaf streak disease resistance genes in Musa through the use
of degenerate primers based on genes from other crops. The study successfully
amplied sequence differences between the diploid M. acuminata cultivars
“Calcutta 4” (resistant) and “Pisang Berlin” (susceptible). This work followed the
earlier identication of 50 distinct tagged nucleotide binding site-leucine-rich
repeat (NBS-LRR) resistance gene analogs in cultivar “Calcutta 4” by Miller etal.
(2008). Wang et al. (2012) used pooled DNA from Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.
cubensis (Foc TR4)-resistant and susceptible cultivars to identify randomly ampli-
ed polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers that could distinguish between resistant
and susceptible cultivars. Two RAPD markers were converted to sequence charac-
terized amplied region (SCAR) markers which could be amplied in Foc TR4-
resistant banana genotypes (“Williams 8818-1” and Goldnger), but not in ve
tested susceptible banana cultivars. Work on this continues at the national banana
program in Brazil (EMBRAPA) and shows great promise in providing an early
screen for resistance to Foc TR4 (Silva etal. 2016).
As previously discussed, endogenous banana streak virus (eBSV) limits the
extensive use of the B genome in banana breeding, but the tagging of this
sequence has opened possibilities of greater utilization in the future. Lheureux
etal. (2003) mapped the eBSV sequence using amplied fragment length poly-
morphism (AFLP) markers, and Noumbissié etal. (2016) used simple sequence
repeat (SSR) markers and eBSV-specic PCR markers to identify hybrids lack-
ing the eBSV sequence. Umber etal. (2016) successfully identied infectious
and noninfectious BSV alleles using derived cleaved amplied polymorphic
sequences (dCAPS). These studies suggest that these markers can be used early
in the breeding process as diagnostic markers for eBSV-free B genome hybrids
that will greatly enhance breeding efforts. While the progress shown by these
early efforts is promising, markers associated with traits of economic importance
need to be validated in broader germplasm pools over multiple years to ensure
that they will prove to be reliable and stable and that genotypic predictions at the
early stages of screening will be highly correlated with plant phenotypes at full
maturity under eld conditions.
7 Bananas andPlantains (Musa s pp.)
232 Linkage, Association Mapping, andGenomic Selection
Genetic linkage maps provide opportunities for gene identication and a mechanism
for understanding the inheritance pattern of both qualitative and quantitative traits.
Mapping requires appropriate plant populations of known structure derived from
parents that differ signicantly in traits of interest, a set of markers segregating in
the given population that provides substantial coverage of all chromosomes, and the
careful collection of phenotypic data from multiple years and preferably locations.
Linkage mapping has not gained signicant practical application in banana breed-
ing. This could be attributed in part to limitations inherent in marker technologies
and analysis (Foolad 2007; Pillay etal. 2012), to previously described chromosomal
abnormalities in banana that inhibit recombination and to contribute ambiguous
assignment of marker location. To date, principally F1 and F2 diploid populations
have been utilized due to difculties associated with developing double haploid or
recombinant inbred lines in banana.
The rst genetic mapping population in banana was reported in 1993 (Fauré
etal. 1993) and consisted of 92 F2 progeny (AA) derived from an F1 hybrid (SFB5)
of the cross “SF265” (CIRAD-IRFA II. × “banksii” (CIRAD-
IRFA II. Seventy-seven loci consisting of RAPDs, isozymes, and
restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were mapped onto 15 linkage
groups spanning 606cM. Segregation distortion was associated with 36% of the
mapped loci and was biased toward the “banksii” parent. Hippolyte etal. (2010)
published a more saturated map using an F1 diploid “AA” population created from
a cross between “Borneo” and “Pisang Lilin.” The map was constructed using 426
markers (SSR and DArT). Separate maps were constructed for markers that segre-
gated from each of the heterozygous parents, and a synthetic map was constructed
that spanned 11 linkage groups and represented 1197cM.Three regions of this
synthetic map were inconsistent between the two parents and were attributed by
the authors to structural rearrangements. Subsequent mapping projects have also
noted such incongruities, and while these suggestions are supported by cytogenetic
evidence such as multivalent pairing (Shepherd 1999), much work needs to be
done to verify this hypothesis and determine the extent that such phenomenon
occurs across Musa spp. Mbanjo etal. (2012) produced the most recent map utiliz-
ing an F1 population consisting of crosses between 6142-1 × 8075-7 and 6142-
1-S × 8075-7. Two maternal (6142-1 and 6142-1-S) and one paternal (8075-7)
maps were generated using diversity array technology (DArT), SSR, and allele-
specic PCR (AS-PCR) markers. As with other maps, considerable (41%)
segregation distortion was observed at marker loci.
Association mapping has been proposed as an alternative to conventional linkage
mapping. In this strategy, a panel of genotypes from unrelated population (or a
population with known genetic substructure) is utilized to identify associations
between molecular markers that are in linkage disequilibrium with genetic loci
affecting phenotypes. Molecular markers that are distributed throughout the genome
such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) are preferred for genome-wide
association studies (GWAS). Sardos et al. (2016) demonstrated the technique
by assembling a GWAS panel of 104 AA accessions using 5544 SNP markers
A. Brown et al.
derived from genotyping by sequencing (GBS) and publicly available phenotypic
data on parthenocarpy. The study identied 13 genomic regions associated with
parthenocarpy, and multiple candidate genes in these regions corresponded with
putative growth regulators and genes associated with gametophyte development and
female sterility in other plant species.
Genomic selection (GS) is a form of marker-assisted selection that utilizes high-
density molecular markers such as SNPs to provide coverage of the whole genome,
ensuring that all quantitative trait loci (QTL) are in linkage disequilibrium with at
least one marker (Hayes and Goddard 2010). GS estimates the genomic breeding
value of individual genotypes in a large segregating population utilizing one of sev-
eral GS models (Meuwissen etal. 2001). GS is less concerned with the identica-
tion of individual QTL as it is with developing appropriate models to enhance
selection efciency. As the cost of generating marker data becomes increasingly
more affordable, GS has become an attractive alternative to many breeding pro-
grams (Lorenz etal. 2011; Crossa et al. 2010). Currently, efforts are underway to
evaluate GS as a strategy to improve banana by generating appropriate breeding
models for the improvement of EAHB (Nyine etal. 2016). Estimating Genetic Diversity andEvolutionary Events
Estimates of genetic diversity determine to a large extent the potential of plant
improvement that can be anticipated and can also provide guidance to breeders as to
the appropriate parents to use in breeding schemes. Estimates based on phenotypic or
morphological characters have long been used in banana (Karamura 1998), but often
these estimates can be biased by environmental inuences as well as the sometimes
complimentary and polygenic nature of underlying genetic factors. Molecular mark-
ers avoid these issues as they are highly heritable and have supplemented or replaced
the usage of such measurements in most plant species where they are available. In
banana, several classes of molecular markers have been used to estimate diversity
among populations of varying size representing regional collections and breeding
program germplasm. These include RFLPs (Jarret et al. 1993; Bhat et al. 1995),
RAPDs (Bhat etal. 1995; Crouch etal. 2000; Pillay et al. 2001; Ude et al. 2003;
Nyine and Pillay 2011), AFLPs (Ude etal. 2002, 2003; Noyer etal. 2005; Wang etal.
2007; Opara etal. 2010), SSRs (Kaemmer etal. 1997; Crouch etal. 1999; Tenkouano
etal. 1999; Noyer etal. 2005; Creste etal. 2004; Hippolyte etal. 2012; Kitavi etal.
2016; Karamura etal. 2016), sequence-related amplied polymorphisms (SRAPs)
(Wei etal. 2011; Valdez-Ojeda etal. 2014), DArT (Risterucci etal. 2009), and meth-
ylation-sensitive amplication polymorphism (MASP) (Noyer etal. 2005).
Estimates of genetic diversity generated from these studies vary with the class
and number of markers used and with the genotypes selected for inclusion in any
given study, but a few generalized observations can be made: (1) Diversity esti-
mates based on phenotypic measurements are often poorly correlated with molecu-
lar estimates (Crouch et al. 2000); (2) despite considerable phenotypic or
morphological variation among regional Musa landraces, they tend to have limited
genetic variation when assayed with molecular markers. For example, East African
7 Bananas andPlantains (Musa s pp.)
Highland bananas (EAHBs) have been classied into ve clades (clone sets) based
on their end use and morphological distinctiveness (Karamura 1998). Studies
focusing on EAHB using both RAPDs and SSR markers, however, found limited
evidence to support the signicant variation either within or between these clades
(Pillay etal. 2001; Kitavi etal. 2016; Karamura etal. 2016). This led to the sugges-
tion that EAHB arose from a single hybridization event that has subsequently been
acted on by a series of somatic mutations and inuenced by natural and directed
selection leading to many distinct cultivars. Presumably, the nite numbers of
markers used are unable to distinguish among the clades. Utilizing different classes
of molecular markers can sometimes reveal variation in populations where it has
not been previously noted. In plantain landraces of West Africa, RAPD, SSR, and
amplied fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers displayed few polymor-
phisms (Crouch etal. 2000). However, when HpaII and MspI methylation-sensitive
amplied markers were used, polymorphism (MSAP) proles revealed three clus-
ters (Noyer etal. 2005) and a genetically distinct subset of plantains from Cameroon
(Ude etal. 2003).
Molecular markers have played important roles in determining the evolutionary
history of cultivated banana and establishing links to diploid progenitors. Whether
the breeder utilizes an evolutionary or reconstitutive approach to banana improve-
ment (discussed in a previous section) plays a vital role in effectively combining
novel resistance traits with quality characteristics desired by growers. Perrier etal.
(2011) detail the available molecular, archaeology, genetic, and linguistic evidence
for this important aspect of breeding. Of particular interest to the dessert banana
industry has been the observation that East African diploid bananas appear to have
played an important evolutionary role in the development of “Cavendish” and “Gros
Michel,” the most widely used cultivars that have dominated the banana export
industry over the past century (Raboin etal. 2005; Risterucci etal. 2009).
7.7 Conclusions
While progress has been made toward genetic improvement since the rst formal
programs were established almost a hundred years ago, in some aspects the breed-
ing of banana is still in its infancy when compared to the improvement of other
important staple crops. In no small part, this is due to the physical and reproductive
constraints of the plant itself, but there is room for optimism as these constraints
appear to be neither absolute nor prohibitive. Molecular markers, the availability of
additional genomic resources, and ongoing studies elucidating the oral and repro-
ductive biology of banana hold great promise for the next hundred years of banana
Genetic engineering has not been discussed in this chapter, but the early work in
this arena also suggests that it also has the potential to make an important contribu-
tion to Musa improvement through the introduction of genetic factors not found
within cultivated or wild Musa germplasm (Tripathi etal. 2012).
A. Brown et al.
Further work is needed on predicting the performance and combining ability of
male and female parents in Musa improvement. Tenkouano etal. (2012) reported
the signicance of additive genetic effects on expression of bunch weight, fruit
lling time, fruit length, plant height, and number of leaves and nonadditive effects
for suckering behavior and fruit circumference in 3× hybrids obtained from plan-
tain derived 4×–2× crosses. They further suggested that maternal general combin-
ing ability (GCA) accounted for the additive genetic variation for plant height and
number of leaves, while paternal GCA effects accounted for fruit lling time,
bunch weight, and fruit length. On the other hand, specic combining ability
(SCA) effects were observed for all traits, except fruit lling time, suggesting that
additional genetic gain could be achieved through recombinative heterosis for such
traits. They concluded that increased bunch weight and faster cycling are inherited
from the 2× male parent, while plant height, number of leaves, and suckering
behavior are inherited from the 4× female parent which should guide parental
selection for 4×–2× crossbreeding. More of this information is needed to ef-
ciently guide the decision- making efforts of breeders and allow them to allocate
limited resources.
Finally, in the popular press, there has been considerable alarm in recent years as
to the future of banana in the face of an evolving pathogen (Foc TR4) that threatens
the production of much of the world’s dessert banana production. In some ways, the
economic damage that this pathogen will likely cause can be viewed as self-inicted
in nature. The export industry has demonstrated an overdependence on monoculture
and complacency in regard to breeding that has signicantly contributed to creating
an environment conducive to the selection and spread of novel pathogenic races.
This is a lesson that should have been learned more than a half century before when
a similar threat was encountered by a different race of the same pathogen. Banana
breeding efforts to improve the industry standard “Gros Michel” were curtailed or
sidelined when a suitable replacement (“Cavendish”) was selected from existing
stock. Hopefully, the current crises will provide an impetus and serve as a reminder
to all that proactive breeding programs are the most efcient and cost-effective
frontline defense against current and evolving threats to production.
Acknowledgments This research was undertaken with the support of the Belgium Government,
IITA, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and
Banana (RTB), USAID and HarvestPlus, part of the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for
Nutrition and Health (A4NH).
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A. Brown et al.
... Bananas are described as herbaceous plants that can confer the aspect of a tree [1]. The plant has a pseudostem which is formed by the concentric assembly of leaf sheaths, crowned by a rosette of large oblong to elliptic leaves. ...
... The average GC contents for ITS 1 to the cultivar level hence morphological identification was employed to name the local bananas as shown in Table 3. ...
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Background Banana production is increasingly under threat due to harsh weather conditions as a result of climate change and different diseases. As such there is a need for the preservation and the characterization of the banana cultivar population for the purposes of crop improvement. The identification of collected banana germplasm in Zimbabwe was conducted based on the Inter-transcribed spacer region as well as morphology. The study was conducted with the aim of distinguishing one cultivar from another towards genetic conservation as well as banana improvement. Results ITS 1 and ITS 4 region targeting primers were used to amplify the DNA from twelve cultivars as well as sequence. Blast results identified five Musa groups which are Musa balbisiana (BB), Musa ABB, Musa AB hybrid, Musa acuminata (AAA) , and Musa acuminata subsp. Malaccensis (AA). Phylogenetic analysis was done on the sequences under study and a maximum likelihood tree was generated to determine relationships between the sequences. Further identification was done using the inflorescence, bract, and male bud and fruit characteristics of each cultivar complementing the molecular evaluation. Conclusion Genetic and morphological identification of locally grown bananas was therefore successful. An important step towards identifying pure lines suitable for breeding.
... Achieving precise and effective genome alterations in vegetatively propagated crops, without introducing transgenes is a strenuous challenge. Moreover, sterility, prolonged generation time, and triploidy nature of cultivated banana varieties exacerbate the di culty for improving them via traditional breeding methods ( (Brown et al. 2017; Tripathi et al. 2007). Genetic engineering techniques such as particle bombardment ( The cutting-edge technique called ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex offers an innovative solution for delivering genome editing reagents by transient expression in plant cells/protoplasts. ...
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The advancement in CRISPR/Cas system has significantly streamlined genome editing in plants, rendering it simple, reliable and efficient. However, the development of transgene-free crops is a challenging task for vegetatively propagated plants like banana. In the present study, we established banana protoplasts based versatile and efficient platform for genome editing to overcome this limitation. Herein, a protocol has been optimized for protoplast isolation by considering leaf and embryogenic cell suspension (ECS) of banana cultivar Grand Naine. Freshly prepared ECS was identified as the best source for protoplast isolation. The protoplast viability and competency were checked by transfection with plasmid and RNP complex. Polyethylene glycol-mediated protoplast transfection using pCAMBIA1302 and pJL50TRBO vectors showed GFP expression with 30% and 70% efficiency, respectively, eventually proving the protocol's efficacy. Further, gRNAs targeting banana β-carotene hydroxylase gene are validated by in-vitro cleavage test and subsequently used for RNP complex formation with varied ratios (1:1, 1:2, 1:5 and 1:10) of SpCas9 to gRNA1. Among these, 1:2 molar ratio proved best to generate indel frequency with 7%. Sequencing analysis of the target amplicon revealed mutations upstream of the PAM region, specifically with gRNA1, among the three in-vitro validated gRNAs. This study evaluated the effectiveness of gRNAs in-vitro and in-vivo , yielding inconsistent results that highlight the need for comprehensive in-vivo validation of their functionality. Conclusively, the optimized protocol for banana transfection has the potential to be harnessed for the generation of transgene-free genetically improved banana.
... Identifying resistant cultivars to BBD is crucial for banana breeding and improvement. However, conventional breeding of banana is challenging due to its high heterozygosity, low fertility, long generation time, and polyploidy (Brown et al. 2017). In this direction, finding resistant cultivars stands as a crucial step in strategizing sustainable banana breeding programs (Soares et al. 2021). ...
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This study investigated the resistance of 85 Thai banana germplasm accessions to banana blood disease (BBD), revealing a wide range of resistance levels to Ralstonia syzygii subsp. celebesensis (Rsc) isolates BT4101 and MY4101. Based on Disease Severity Index (DSI) values, the accessions were grouped into five categories: 2 exhibited high resistance (HR), 7 showed resistance (R), 10 were moderately resistant (MR), 43 were susceptible (S), and 23 were highly susceptible (HS). Genetic diversity analysis, utilizing 8,940 SNPs, identified two primary clusters within the germplasm, highlighting both genetic and morphological diversity while pinpointing cultivars with strong breeding potential due to their resistance. The study also explored allele transmission in improved diploid cultivars through crossbreeding, particularly between a fertile wild type and a resistant, low-fertility cultivar. Among the seven F1 progenies evaluated, HB266 displayed significant resistance to BBD, demonstrating effective allele transfer and underscoring its potential for future breeding programs. This research not only enhances our understanding of resistance mechanisms within Thai banana germplasm but also lays a foundation for the development of cultivars capable of withstanding BBD and other diseases, contributing to the sustainability of banana production.
... Genetic variation in fruit quality traits, such as parthenocarpy or nutrient content, can only be accessed through trait introgression from diploid breeding material (Sardos et al., 2016a). Commercially, bananas are sold as triploids, but breeding triploid material is a complicated process that requires crossing fertile diploids to generate tetraploids, crossed again to diploids to produce secondary triploids (Brown et al. 2017;Batte et al. 2019). In addition, many large structural rearrangements have been characterized in banana breeding germplasm, which pose complications for introgressing key traits through recombination (Marin, et al., 2017;Němečková et al., 2018;Martin, et al., 2020a;Martin, et al., 2020b;Šimoníková et al., 2020). ...
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Banana is an important fruit and staple crop, which is vital for food and income security in developing countries. A genomics initiative was undertaken as part of the Global Alliance against TR4 (Tropical Race 4 of Fusarium Wilt of Banana) Alliance, with Bayer Crop Science, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, and University of Queensland to collectively accelerate the breeding efforts in Eastern Africa. The goal of this project is to develop genomics resources to improve banana breeding, productivity, and quality traits amid a changing climate and shifting disease pressures for breeding. Here, we present the PacBio HiFi sequencing, assembly, and comparative analysis of seven genomes of wild and edible diploid banana accessions belonging to subspecies considered important progenitors to cultivated banana varieties and part of breeding programs. This banana genome resource will help power genome editing, a pangenome effort, and conventional breeding programs for germplasm improvement.
... There is a need to develop methods that can effectively classify bananas for the benefit of taxonomists and horticulturists. Today there are over 1000 banana cultivars, spanning more than 50 species and sub-genomic groups (Brown et al., 2017;Srivastava & Hu, 2019). The genomic groups consist of six that occur naturally (AA, AAA, AB, AAB, ABB, and ABBB, with various hybrids genomic groups (El-Khishin et al., 2009;Nyombi, 2020). ...
... Approximately 60% of the banana biomass are wasted after harvest and post-processing accounting to 114.08 million metric tonnes globally (Alzate et al., 2021). Among all the banana species around the world, the main edible species are Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana predominantly for its fruit (Brown et al. 2017;Khoozani, Birch, and Bekhit 2019). However, other morphological parts (blossoms, roots, sap, leaves, and pseudostems) have been proven to contain numerous therapeutic and nutritional benefits (Gupta et al. 2022). ...
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As a tropical fruit, the banana is one of the favorite fruits, and the banana herb only bears fruit once in its lifespan; it is chopped off after harvesting, and only 40% of it is adequately utilized, leaving the remaining 60% as trash rich in cellulose, hemicellulose, and natural fibers. The pseudostem accounts for 75% of the waste, with the rest accounting for 25%. The purpose of this paper is to raise important awareness about the bioactive chemicals found in banana pseudostems hence they can be considered as sustainable foods and their applications as culinary raw materials and in other sectors. Even though bulk waste is biodegradable, it causes many problems in our environment, so sustainable waste usage with proper management and utilization of the residues can not only help in the utilization of the bioactive and nutrient compounds present but also increase the economic and environmental issues associated with the problem. The banana pseudostem is used in various businesses as culinary ingredients, fibers, and hazardous removers. Even when used for heavy metal treatment in wastewater, the fiber in it is strong enough to manufacture cardboard and food packaging materials. Some pseudostem types can even be extracted for pectin and used as food additives. The powdered pseudostem is used to boost the nutritional content of numerous recipes. In summary, the banana pseudostem can be divided into two first the central core part that can be used as food raw material and other outer sheaths in various different industries.
... crops can be negatively affected by many diseases of biological origin, such as viruses, bacteria, and/or fungi. 20 21 are viruses of greatest concern. Moreover, there are viruses of lower infectivity in these plants, such as Abaca Bunchy top, Abaca Mosaic, Banana Mosaic, Banana Mild Mosaic, and Banana Virus X. 22 Among the aforementioned viruses, this review will address those that have the greatest negative impact on Musa sp. ...
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Musa spp. (banana and plantain) is the most widely consumed and exported fruit globally, and it plays a crucial role in the diets of billions of people worldwide. Over the years, many diseases have threatened this crop, including the recent emergence of Fusarium wilt, caused by Fusarium oxysporum race 4. Puerto Rico is home to numerous economically significant variants of Musa spp. Due to the crop's importance in the island's economy and nutrition, research on maintaining existing varieties and developing new ones has been initiated. Although Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense race 4 has not been detected in Puerto Rico, it has been detected in the Caribbean region. Therefore, it is essential to know both the plant and the pathogen to prevent and fight this disease. This review summarizes information about Musa spp, including its plant description, morphology, and genetic characteristics. Furthermore, it covers information about Fusarium sp., its pathogenicity, detection methods, and prevention of its spread. We also reviewed the few articles published for the island of Puerto Rico about Musa and Fusarium, and the guidelines suggested regarding the threat of the Fusarium wilt race 4 for the island. Finally, we underline Puerto Rico's opportunities to develop disease-resistant Musa cultivars.
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The majority of cultivated bananas originated from inter- and intra(sub)specific crosses between two wild diploid species, Musa acuminata and Musa balbisiana. Hybridization and polyploidization events during the evolution of bananas led to the formation of clonally propagated cultivars characterized by a high level of genome heterozygosity and reduced fertility. The combination of low fertility in edible clones and differences in the chromosome structure among M. acuminata subspecies greatly hampers the breeding of improved banana cultivars. Using comparative oligo-painting, we investigated large chromosomal rearrangements in a set of wild M. acuminata subspecies and cultivars that originated from natural and human-made crosses. Additionally, we analyzed the chromosome structure of F1 progeny that resulted from crosses between Mchare bananas and the wild M. acuminata ‘Calcutta 4’ genotype. Analysis of chromosome structure within M. acuminata revealed the presence of a large number of chromosomal rearrangements showing a correlation with banana speciation. Chromosome painting of F1 hybrids was complemented by Illumina resequencing to identify the contribution of parental subgenomes to the diploid hybrid clones. The balanced presence of both parental genomes was revealed in all F1 hybrids, with the exception of one clone, which contained only Mchare-specific SNPs and thus most probably originated from an unreduced diploid gamete of Mchare.
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Banana (Musa spp.), an evergreen perennial crop belonging to the Musaceae family, is one of the world's most important tropical and subtropical fruits. It is characterized by a wide variation in production, composition, and usefulness due largely to the cultivar, planting method, climate, as well as the availability of nutrients. Bananas are a rich source of essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus, vitamins such as vitamins A, B6, B12, and C, and phytochemicals such as phenolic acids, flavonoids, tetrapenoids and catecholamines. The Cavendish group including cultivars like Grand Nain, Williams, Chinese, and Valery, is preferred over other cultivars due to a high yield potential and marketability both in the domestic and international markets. However, incomplete identification of cultivars used in producing flour, developing innovative products as well as postharvest losses, are key issues hindering the expansion of banana production. Identification of suitable cultivars and determining the applicable maturity stage of unripe banana is thus crucial for various food and industrial applications. This review therefore provides information on the taxonomy of bananas, their diverse cultivars, and elaborates on the composition of unripe banana flour required in various food applications.
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Bananas (Musa spp.) are an indispensable part of life in Eastern Africa providing up to one fifth of total calorie consumption per capita. Unlike many staple crops, bananas deliver food throughout the year, making them an ideal crop for household incomes, food and nutrition security. However, banana yields are low due to several factors amongst others pests and diseases: weevils and nematodes, Fusarium wilt, bacterial wilt and black Sigatoka. There are many potential technology-based interventions for increasing banana yields but host plant resistance is the most appropriate and cost effective intervention given the current stage of development of banana systems in the region. Host-plant resistance also offers significant spill over benefits for human health and positive environmental impacts. Therefore, the Ugandan National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO) and the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) jointly breed bananas largely for host-plant resistance to improve banana yields. One of the most important current products of their joint banana breeding efforts is secondary triploid hybrids for food and juice herein referred to as NARITA hybrids. This name specifies the contribution of NARO and IITA. An earlier report (NARITA report 1) presented the results of 25 NARITA hybrids for cycles 1 and 2 combined. The current report presents and discusses the results of the same 25 NARITA hybrids (18 for food and seven for juice) evaluated for three crop cycles at Sendusu in central Uganda and analyzed in combined and separate forms. Results of individual NARITA hybrids within cycles showed high degree of variation for the traits assessed, implying a high potential for selection among the NARITA hybrids evaluated. For example, the bunch weight (BWT) of the individual NARITA hybrids ranged from as low as 5 kg for NARITA 19 to as high as 45 kg for NARITA 24 with a mean of 17.8 kg. Averaged across three cycles, BWT ranged from as low as 8.7 kg for NARITA 19 to as a high as 30.4 kg for NARITA 24. Ninety six per cent of the hybrids had a mean BWT greater than the mean of the local check (Mbwazirume) (11.0 kg). Similarly, NARITA hybrids were better than Mbwazirume for most of the other traits assessed. Eighty four per cent of the NARITA hybrids evaluated were better than the best founder parent (NFUUKA) for bunch yield (t ha-1), indicative of the significant breeding progress made by NARO and IITA in this breeding program. This could be confirmed by the positive better founder parent heterosis for BWT recorded by all NARITA hybrids, with NARITA 17, NARITA 18, NARITA 7 (M9), NARITA 21 and NARITA 14 (all food type) exhibiting highest heterosis. Results of combined analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed significant differences among the NARITA hybrids for all the 14 traits assessed including BWT. This indicated the potential for further selection and improvement of the NARITA hybrids for all the 14 traits. Additionally, results of combined ANOVA showed significant differences among three crop cycles for all the traits assessed except days to bunch maturity (DTM) and number of functional leaves at flowering (NFLF), indicating that the selection of banana hybrids could best be done at certain cycle numbers. The performance of NARITA hybrids for most traits was much higher at cycles 2 and 3 than at cycle 1 with the highest performance observed at cycle 3. However, the difference between cycle 2 and cycle 3 was not significantly different for most traits including BWT. The clear implication of this is that selection for banana hybrids should be done at cycle 2 to reduce costs involved in the management of trials since banana trials are always huge considering the size of bananas as well as spacing of 3 x 3 m or 2 x 3 m commonly used. Also, banana performance data analysis should not be based on a combined evaluation of cycle 1 and 2, as was previously done for NARITA report 1, but on an analysis of individual cycles, preferably cycle 2. The limitation of single site and single line plots is acknowledged. Hence, NARITA hybrids will be evaluated in larger and replicated multi-location trials to ascertain their actual performance, adaptability and stability in comparison with the local EAHB cultivars. Nevertheless, based on these preliminary results, potential high yielding banana hybrids combining resistance to black Sigatoka and farmer-preferred quality traits exist within this NARITA population.
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Bananas (Musa spp.) are one of the main fruit crops grown worldwide. With the annual production reaching 144 million tons, their production represents an important contribution to the economies of many countries in Asia, Africa, Latin-America and Pacific Islands. Most importantly, bananas are a staple food for millions of people living in the tropics. Unfortunately, sustainable banana production is endangered by various diseases and pests, and the breeding for resistant cultivars relies on a far too small base of genetic variation. Greater diversity needs to be incorporated in breeding, especially of wild species. Such work requires a large and thoroughly characterized germplasm collection, which also is a safe depository of genetic diversity. The largest ex situ Musa germplasm collection is kept at the International Transit Centre (ITC) in Leuven (Belgium) and currently comprisesover 1500 accessions. This report summarizes the results of systematic cytological and molecular characterization of the Musa ITC collection. By December 2015, 630 accessions have been genotyped. The SSR markers confirmed the previous morphological based classification for 84% of ITC accessions analyzed. The remaining 16% of the genotyped entries may need field verification by taxonomist to decide if the unexpected classification by SSR genotyping was correct. The ploidy level estimation complements the molecular data. The genotyping continues for the entire ITC collection, including newly introduced accessions, to assure that the genotype of each accession is known in the largest global Musa gene bank.
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Breeding new interspecific banana hybrid varieties relies on the use of Musa acuminata and M. balbisiana parents. Unfortunately, infectious alleles of endogenous Banana streak virus (eBSV) sequences are present in the genome of Musa balbisiana genitors. Upon activation by biotic and abiotic stresses, these infectious eBSVs lead to spontaneous infections by several species of Banana streak virus in interspecific hybrids harboring both Musa acuminata and M. balbisiana genomes. Here we provide evidence that seedy M. balbisiana diploids display diverse eBSV allelic combinations and that some eBSVs differ structurally from those previously reported. We also show that segregation of infectious and non-infectious eBSV alleles can be achieved in seedy M. balbisiana diploids through self-pollination or chromosome doubling of haploid lines. We report on the successful breeding of M. balbisiana diploid genitors devoid of all infectious eBSV alleles following self-pollination and on the potential of breeding additional M. balbisiana diploid genitors free of infectious eBSVs by crossing parents displaying complementary eBSV patterns. Our work paves the way to the safe use of M. balbisiana genitors for breeding banana interspecific hybrid varieties with no risk of activation of infectious eBSVs.
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Banana (Musa sp.) is a vegetatively propagated, low fertility, potentially hybrid and polyploid crop. These qualities make the breeding and targeted genetic improvement of this crop a difficult and long process. The Genome-Wide Association Study (GWAS) approach is becoming widely used in crop plants and has proven efficient to detecting candidate genes for traits of interest, especially in cereals. GWAS has not been applied yet to a vegetatively propagated crop. However, successful GWAS in banana would considerably help unravel the genomic basis of traits of interest and therefore speed up this crop improvement. We present here a dedicated panel of 105 accessions of banana, freely available upon request, and their corresponding GBS data. A set of 5,544 highly reliable markers revealed high levels of admixture in most accessions, except for a subset of 33 individuals from Papua. A GWAS on the seedless phenotype was then successfully applied to the panel. By applying the Mixed Linear Model corrected for both kinship and structure as implemented in TASSEL, we detected 13 candidate genomic regions in which we found a number of genes potentially linked with the seedless phenotype (i.e. parthenocarpy combined with female sterility). An additional GWAS performed on the unstructured Papuan subset composed of 33 accessions confirmed six of these regions as candidate. Out of both sets of analyses, one strong candidate gene for female sterility, a putative orthologous gene to Histidine Kinase CKI1, was identified. The results presented here confirmed the feasibility and potential of GWAS when applied to small sets of banana accessions, at least for traits underpinned by a few loci. As phenotyping in banana is extremely space and time-consuming, this latest finding is of particular importance in the context of banana improvement.
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Crop landraces (largely resulting from adaptation and continuous selection by farmers) are more diverse within field populations than modern cultivars (produced by deliberate crossing), yet their distribution has continued to shrink in the past decades. The temporal dynamics of this shrinking is little known. The analysis of genetic variation within and between landraces is essential for making efficient breeding and conservation decisions with the available variability. Seven diploid landraces originally from Tanzania, 37 triploid landraces (24 East African highland bananas (EAHB); 5 'Ilalyi' (AAA genome), and 8 ill-defined types from Tanzania), 6 exotic triploids, and 3 exotic diploids originally from the International Transit Center were genotyped with simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. This study sought to understand the genetic relationship between the EAHB and the diploid landraces and other banana groups (local triploid landraces, and introduced (exotic) cultivars) so as to decide whether to include the diploids in the breeding scheme of EAHB. Results showed the highest average genetic distance (degree of genomic difference by proportion) within the diploids (0.5666), followed by the hybrid triploids (0.4568) and the lowest within the 'Ilalyi' (0.0748) and the EAHB (0.0827) landraces. The variation within each clone set of EAHB was higher in 'Nakitembe' (0.0948) and 'Musakala' (0.1052). These two are commercial clone sets whose variation may be due to high and long-term selection pressure. In contrast, between the banana groups, the diploid landraces were more distant (highest average genetic distance) from the triploid landraces (0.4351-0.4430) and could thus provide useful breeding traits. On the other side, the triploid landraces had a narrow genetic base which should be broadened. Results did not identify those local east African diploids closest to the EAHB or other local triploids, although local diploids show breeding potential. This could widen the genetic base and probably improve performance of the triploid
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Many banana cultivars (including the Plantain type) are triploid interspecific hybrids between Musa acuminata (A genome) and Musa balbisiana (B genome). M. balbisiana contains endogeneous Banana streak virus sequences (eBSVs) that can, in interspecific genome context, spontaneously release infectious viral genomes. We analyzed, a triploid progeny of 184 individuals from a cross between a tetraploid AAAB breeding accession (CRBP39) and the diploid AA accession (Pahang) with 38 SSR and eBSV-specific PCR markers. The results showed that (1) most of the alleles are found/transmitted in the expected frequency to the progeny with only 10 % biased; (2) 70 % of the loci displayed a tetrasomic allele segregation and (3) interspecific intrachromosomal recombinations occurred for all the chromosome segments surveyed. However, half of the offspring obtained resulted from maternal unbalanced gametes transmission. Analysis of gamete composition and marker association suggested the presence of a large translocation between A and B genome involving chromosome 1 and 3. The two infectious eBSVs present in the maternal parent CRBP39 are located on chromosome 1B and appeared in a higher proportion than expected in the progeny. Interestingly, we showed that both eBSVs were absent from 24 offspring that represent promising material for breeding.
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Background Recent advances in genomics indicate functional significance of a majority of genome sequences and their long range interactions. As a detailed examination of genome organization and function requires very high quality genome sequence, the objective of this study was to improve reference genome assembly of banana (Musa acuminata). Results We have developed a modular bioinformatics pipeline to improve genome sequence assemblies, which can handle various types of data. The pipeline comprises several semi-automated tools. However, unlike classical automated tools that are based on global parameters, the semi-automated tools proposed an expert mode for a user who can decide on suggested improvements through local compromises. The pipeline was used to improve the draft genome sequence of Musa acuminata. Genotyping by sequencing (GBS) of a segregating population and paired-end sequencing were used to detect and correct scaffold misassemblies. Long insert size paired-end reads identified scaffold junctions and fusions missed by automated assembly methods. GBS markers were used to anchor scaffolds to pseudo-molecules with a new bioinformatics approach that avoids the tedious step of marker ordering during genetic map construction. Furthermore, a genome map was constructed and used to assemble scaffolds into super scaffolds. Finally, a consensus gene annotation was projected on the new assembly from two pre-existing annotations. This approach reduced the total Musa scaffold number from 7513 to 1532 (i.e. by 80 %), with an N50 that increased from 1.3 Mb (65 scaffolds) to 3.0 Mb (26 scaffolds). 89.5 % of the assembly was anchored to the 11 Musa chromosomes compared to the previous 70 %. Unknown sites (N) were reduced from 17.3 to 10.0 %. Conclusion The release of the Musa acuminata reference genome version 2 provides a platform for detailed analysis of banana genome variation, function and evolution. Bioinformatics tools developed in this work can be used to improve genome sequence assemblies in other species. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-016-2579-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
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Bananas are one of the most consumed fruits worldwide, but are affected by many pests and diseases. One of the most devastating diseases is Fusarium wilt, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp cubense (Foc). Recently, Fusarium tropical race 4 (Foc TR4) has been causing irreparable damage, especially in Asia and Africa where it has devastated entire plantations, including areas with Cavendish, which is known to be resistant to Foc race 1. Although this race is not yet present in Brazil, results obtained by Embrapa in partnership with the University of Wageningen, The Netherlands, indicate that 100% of the cultivars used by Brazilian growers are susceptible to Foc TR 4. In our study, 276 banana accessions were screened with sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers that have been linked to the resistance of Foc TR 4. Two SCAR primers were tested and the results revealed that SCAR ScaU1001 was efficient at discriminating accessions with possible resistance in 36.6% of the evaluated accessions. This is the first attempt to develop a thematic collection of possible Foc TR 4 resistant banana accessions in Brazil, which could be tested in Asian or African countries to validate marker-assisted selection (MAS), and for use in the preventive breeding of the crop to safeguard our banana plantations against Foc TR 4. We believe that this is an important step towards the prevention of this devastating disease, especially considering that our banana plantations are at risk.
The triploid plantain landrace Obino l’Ewai (Musa spp., AAB genome) has been crossed with a wild diploid banana (M. acuminata subsp. burmannica var. ‘Calcutta 4’, AA genome) to generate full-sib diploid and tetraploid hybrids combining good agronomic performance and disease resistance. Microsatellite marker analysis of the parental genotypes confirmed the highly heterozygous nature of both parental genotypes. Comparative analysis of 2x and 4x full-sib hybrids with their parental genotypes indicated that tetraploid hybrids are generally more closely related to Obino l’Ewai than their diploid full-sibs. Based on VNTR analysis it is possible to identify those hybrids, which may be most useful in subsequent breeding of secondary triploid hybrids. There was a significant (P